THE OBEGON SENTINEL, FIUDAY, JU1A" 4. 1802. 2K Tub Patiifisdkrs. Wchnvc, at last, some-' thtng reliable from our pathfinders. Twenty-' fire letters were brought to thts place, on Wednesday last, from different persons In the company. The messenger was n Klamath Lake Indian. He left the company on one of, the banks of the Dos Chutes rirer. Ila re- J fused to go with them further for fear of the Snake Indians. The Intest date only reaches to the Cth or June. The Indian must hare traveled very .slow or the " Road" must have been fright 'Jully bad. There were something over one hundred men In the company and over three hundred animals. The party, no doubt, In tend the parsngc of the mountains In the Crooked Ilivcr Pass. The people of this val ley have bad fear In regard to the safety ol the comnanv. u nas noi uccn rvmovci uy " ' ",., if t it the report of the tncuccgcr. "W e nrc of the opinion inni incir icnrs arc noi wen iouuucu, 1 Tub AVeatheh. The weather for some considerable time past has been delightsome. Not so warm ns Is usual at this season of the w, but charmingly cool nnd bracing. The rice vendors will II ml but little talc for their iluid rcfrigorator, unless old Sol warms up this western world a little more. Hut wc can well afford to forgo the pleasure of ice decoc tions If the mercury will only keep below .fever heat. July .Id. Cold, rainy, disagreeable and foggv. From the number thnt wc sec emigre- .,i., I nmiiiiil niir frlnii l.vnchV itn mine In nro in a similar sink ill the mountnius to those 1. i...i..n iimf ii.mM ni!.fn..mntlM are lii Florence City. The gold Is said to be very l'c . . , , I , .,", t. ...t.i coarse and the diggings far richer than nl Sal- i. In demand. An ounce of preventative Is said ., (Vluhton thinks that over 4 nntl 1 l to be worth n pound of cure. Don t believe pcfi .Salmon for the new diggings In less It i but, how many drams make an ounce? 'ifcOfurly-tlght hours after the facts btcumc We can lufcly say thnt friend Lynch knows ' 'Vl'y known.' how to compound the best of Fourth of July Tif ' ,. """ ... . , ,.,,,; 1 rftsTr;n jnmsu. Gov. Pierpont has " cocklai jujj jUrring uj,fwg t0 ibe jwople or Vir ginia, in which he sivs : Uosds. Nearly every stage or ex- After oVc year's rebellion, all the mnterial . - 1 . -r l.- l....l i -..1.1. ..t .i.c...... 1. - 1 ...H. .I....u prrH uriugn a Mrge auiuum ui innu iiuuua iu the citizens of this valley. littler later tlun never. Uncle Sam's promises arc good. We tec thnt the bonds are worth their face In the city of New York. They arc selling for nliKty cents per dollar here. It U rather n flattering compliment to the credit of the, (lovcrnment that, when it Is spending millions ' diily In the suppression of the rebellion, her promise to pay arc worth tliclr face. Who , yi the Government is about bankrupt. Cxue Mcetinq. Tbk meeting, held under 1 the auspices of the M. E. Church, after an in teresting sewlon of six days, adjourned on Tuesday last. Wc have been informed that quite a number joined the church. Wc arc sorry to say that some of the " baser sort of fellows" createtl lorao disturbance on the ground on Sunday night. Ixt them feel the effect of the law in such cases made aud pro vided. Tiik Lost is Focsd Wc learn from a re liable source that Joseph Dies, whom our readers will remember was supposed to be lost io the Dead Indian country, last jummcr, was seen in San Francisco, about ten days after lu mysterious disappearance. He toM n friend that he was going to Mexico. A Iarg num ber of iiis friends hunted for Iilra over two Tretks, with untiring energy, And wc had the lionor of writing Lis funeral oration. -Vk (remit gloria muiuli. STBAwnr.nmw. Wo nrc under cvcrlastiug obligations to Mr. Elder, of Joscpliino county, for a large box of the moat delicious straw berries. In size and flavor we doubt whether they could Iw beat. It is nwlfesi to say that we " glu out" thU time before tlic strawber ries did. Mr. Elder, we are Informed, raiacs this delicious fruit In large quantities. Tklmrafiiic. We give our readers a large amount of telegraphic news this wcik, without cote or comment, as the Christians give the Ilible to tbc world being assured that it will be about as solacing to the Dixicite as that leaven-inspired volume b to llie abandoned sinner. Saik or Pontic Land. It will 1ms noticed tn our telegraphic dispatches, that the Presi den', has authorized the salu of -100.000 acres of public land In Oregon. Wonder If the surveyed land lu the Klamath Lake Valley is Included ? IIsuLTii. There Is no sickness tn this val ley now, nor has there been for the last three months. The doctors all secern to be starving, lave ono judging from appearances, we should say he was doing well. Ilisnor Simmon. This reverend and hon ored dignitary of the M. K. Church arrived at Han Francisco ou the 2Gth ult. It Is under stood that he will pass through this place, on his way to the Oregon Conference. IlnssTJiNO. Ilrentnno has any quantity of Fire Works for eale everything from fire crackers up to columblads. Hixioiqcs. llcv Mr. Slratton will preach at tbc M. K. Church, nt the usual Lour oo Suudav next. Ixstamjitio.v. The officers elect, of Jack sonville Lodge, No. 10, J. 0. 0. F. will be Installed on Saturday evening, July 5th. No change In the market since last week's quotations. - Oregon Cavalry Oneaox Cuv, June 27, 18G2. Ed. Sentinel Company "A," left Camp Clackamas for the Dalles yesterday morning ; i " D," left this morning, and " V" will leave i to-morrow morning. The boat can only take one company at a time. When we get to the Dalles, I may learn when wo will start for Walla Wnlla nrobably very soon. Com rhy0"will return to Camp Raker or to'tcarlU of July, (this day,) to remain "! the Kbmath Lste country. C- Is Canto . Jj res jf t.,c d y , Kelly's and part of Captain Cowies II mi.lR09 , H. Rw)om, I Company, merged. The health and CJcd. spirits of the boys areU. Fisiikh. Uko., VonryTEEB. ' Hitsta k Duo., News from tJnst or lie Mouii-1 tnlns. Tiic following h from tbc ilounfainrir .' Jims Iliv 3tvraA Mlnr frnni TT ill Co.. dated Oruftd Rondo Indinr?. Jane 21st. lins tlic following : " Wc have some customers here from the John Day Mines, They number seven, nntl Imve with them twenty mules, nil of which they will pack back, except enough to ride. They repw t very mvorobly. They nro oil Wnshocltcs, nnj Intend remaining there nil summer, 'J'hey nro making from 310 loS'JO per day to the hand." Coi.vii.i.kMinm. Oultc n number ol ccr- sons hail returned from Salmon river, nnd hud f mmnmuxA mhlntf ou ,1C Columbia nnd the I Pen i 'Ore e. 'J- in m lies were nav lua we . mm n large nmount ot trenjuse will Uc taken out this season. There had been n great influx of Chinamen from Hrltlsh Columbia. PownKn HtVF.u Minks. A correspondent of the Mniiiiliimetr. wrltini? Jiinn Ifiih. nv. ! f!lnlm line nlmlll n fiil'mra nml ntlrunillier In the mines there arc nbout BOO men : Griffin's Gulch, IS men, SG to 5" : Elk Creek, "fi men, not yet open ; Wilson's Gulch nnd Illch Plat, 30 men, 80 to Stfi. nnd claims opening ; Wll- hud Creek, .10 men, opening nnd prospects goodi rreewout Gulch, 100 men many tojunmble.i - - , - - ,,; (, openyet, some openedSo to 8G; Illue Can - ym) ft nictli gf, ', g;,,, nm upwnnjt nmi nol nn open yei. rinenu utilcti, 10 men, si to Srt: Gold Flat. .Ti men. Sin to S2i with rockers ; Deer Creek, !25 men, good prospects opening s Hear Creek, or South Fork of l'ow - der river, lflo men good prospects opening j Union Flat, -10 men, S3 to SlU ; Sundy Flat and gulches, -100 men, 85 nnd upwards." A town has been laid out on Frcozeoiit Gulch, called Auburn, and Mr- Kirkpatrick elected recorder. 1 Nr.w Misim Discovrnnn The Timet ha the following: "Mr. John Creighlon arrived lust evening from Florence City. lie brings the news of new nnd rich diggings having been struck fifty miles from that tilaec. Three other men enme down with Mr. Creighlon, corroborating this statement. The new mines i-lfliiiiii ni-umi ui iiiv a.uic 19 luinuiitiiiti'Atvjii bhi.i-3. Now, ns the rebtl army Is being driven out, it is burning nnd destroying everything in its re treat. 'Hie planters have linil llieir meeting to burn their crops ; they will tnke tlielr slaves South with the ribel army, nnd till perish with famine together; or they will leave them be-' hind, without control, without food, suddenly released from bondage nnd restraint, starving for the necTMarieii of live. leaders will rise up among tlwm ; all their snvage nature will be arouHil ; plunder, murder, and every crime will murK tiMir )kiiii ; nml 11 is not inmroim ble that a wrt of tlic Union forces will Imve to turn llieir arms on the slaves thus nlwn doited, to protect liclplfM Innocence. A jiut God only knows the retribution he has In store for tliMrv who plunged our State aud country into this terrible calamity. Mom: Iliu.uitK Matciim. A four-ball cirom pume, fill!) points up, was played yester- djy afternoon by 1'helan uud JumUon. The former ran nut when Ins adversary had made butlTJ. The latter It k said was unwell., In the evening l'hehin and Dan Lynch pluved the some irame, nnd the frrmsr won by 1-IU points. I-'olIon lug- are the counts on this lust 1 L'anie : I 'Af.'rtr.-10. 0. S. 22. fi. 20. fir.. 0, fi. fi, 0. , no, it. 1.1. :io, in. -t. 2. :w. t, i;, 2, 0, no, 28, 8, 10, fl. 7. 25, 12. Total. fillO. Lipxth 7,4, fi. 0. 10. 12. 1-t. 0, 0, fi3, 1. 2, 7. l!i. It. 20. 1C, 11, 5. 2. fi, 8. 12. 2. CI. 12, 3, 3, 3, 1C, 2. Tula!, 351. Ilttald t( Mirror. How to Km n tub Waii. The New Voik HiTold't Vorktown correspondent relates the following : A good joke occurred about Conj;rrsmen this afternoon. A Michigan Colonel was in command of the guard. Citizens were iiroldii. ited admittance. Several came up ami oskrd tbc corporal to pu them, saying that they the' V V"'(jlH )MHI (WW tWM'VIHI HIMtVtl case in Hie colonel nieynrc Congressmen, are thry?" nskcil the Colonel. " So they say." ' Well, let tliem pass and go where they please," said the Colonel. Let them tramp on torpedoes, go (uto tlw magazines and wliere there U any prospect of their being blown to the devil, for that Is the quickest way to end the war." l'rwv. Ilr.iKT, the distinguished tavan, and head of the Smithsonian Institute. Washington, I testified that he knows but one among the rcioitifi-: men of the United States who is an infidel. This fact speaks volumes, nnd show conclusively that tire lights of science have any other tendency than to nuke men skepti cal or unbelievers. It is usually your pre-; tenders to scientific kuowledge, or men wholely destitule of scientific attainments, who disbe- ( lievc or effect to do so. As a general remark, wc think that it will be found that a vast ' majority of them belong to the latter class, being wholly Ignorant, or, what is still worse, mere smattercrs Every Housekeeper experiences how dif ficult It Is to make good bread, aud wo there fore take pleasure In calling ullentlon tn the fact that, to Insare uniformly 1-iM. imtt and nu- hriliom hraui. It is only neceswary to uw Rating ton n un j vut i-oviitn. wincn, in avery rejci, excel all simitar prvarollons "ever offered to' the public. Sue the advertisement In another column. HL'ei.. mciuic jegidiaiiiro ui .auiuniiu , , , , , . . i passed nn net requiring every person desiring. r. ,i.i - , .- r -- .. . r-l!l- ?.. I io euier into inc mairimntiiat siaie, io ouiain a license from the county clerk Suppose the clerk' should die, or their should lie a terrcgnum In the office, what then ? long In-' i 1'ntNTiCK fayn thero Is but one Hull Run ; but the Itebcts bavo made many bully runs. Mutcorologlcnl. Abitract obscrveil by Natiiasiei. Mvkr, nt Mount Vernon Hange, twelvo miles soutb-cajt of Jacksonville, nt sunrise ond U r. v., for the .fcr t..nA !!(!. -,,U,..U u. -"..v. .-. ' Thermometer mean, C1.0C thermomclcr ex-, treincs, -II, 83. Kaln In Inches, 2.54. Coldest day at sunrlte, the 1st, and warmest, 91,1. r,.i,i..i ,ini-nt l .i iMf.. luih. nnd warm- .... t.i. ti. .i i- in,i .n.ii-Wr. l thunder, ctoudy, rain nnd clear, 2 j cloudy, rain nad Cwri ,0 cloudy and cli-ar, 8 ; clear, 9 fni.,JTf,i,.r n.iuiiw.,. iroimoH Closing of oiir JliiHiucsa Houses, , i , I m i fTj..nn - e the nnderslgned, Merchants or Jackson- vllle, hereby ngree to close oar respective nlact or biulnesi at 10 o cIock a. ii., on tne TyiVK .1- HlMlKIl. M. A. HnK.-'TA.'io, Gko. U. Donnis, EotTARD IIlMPE. List of Letters REMAINING IN THE POST OFFICE at Jacksonville, June HOth, 18C2 : Hrachmnn Henry Jice t Mllllcr Mrs B A More W F McGrcw T Maetln M McConncll J NordikcU J Osborn J O'Neal XV J'eubody S Pougc I. A Pusons T Powers II Kltchy Mrs M F Ititehey Mrs G ltotrie G XV Itoblnson J Itobings P II Ithnads J Ii ltobison J Ilogers J A ltusicll J Ilcdlc N Sebert II Ii Sweet 0 Swiudin J Smith It M Stanly S Sullins L XV Stout Mr Shelton II Sherman G Smith MtsL Trip 0 TlnkcrS Todd Cnpl S II TliroslicrJT Taylor E Van Wyek II D Wvlie A II WuWi II Williams Mrs I Wheeler J U Wlllurd G O Whltten A F Hogarth Mrs 1' A i "rjnnt W F 2 ' Duller "W 0 Rnrns Jemima ' Jt " m G "ronton T L Dams Michael Rurbnnks Mrs M Howman Russsell i Churchill U Clullin Win P t.rnll u Counts J Callisnn II Crawford K Dennett J nr J II Davidson U P ' Doillicllv II j Downing It I IVH J Hickorson J J;nlf,", U rreidenberg II nmnp 'George ill- Gillespie It P Gardner W 1 Gardner J II I Hurry J ' Hnyw HE Johnson I, rocKson 11 ICnukacl S Knight Ilniinnli Kincadc Mrs A J Kinny P Kostcrlng 0 Knfader 0 I.iscoml) A M Lincoln J A I.uze M lioncmlre J Monder S A Matthews XV J rwns calling for any of thco letters will lae to say they ore advertised. S. E. HAINES, P, M. Sachs Bros' Wholesale ami Retail Dealers In Domostic, Foreign and Staplo Dry Goods, c;jcac3iM:"jCa-r7; . ., TTjifc T? n fi t l AT SllrtP! J-,ll!5 ,-JULJ:, CV 0W!s Hosiery, Millinery, and Fancy Goods ; Gents, ladies' and Misses' Furnishing Goods ! Embroideries, LllCCS, HlbUOIlS, An3 a complete assortment of Dress Trimmings ! Are constantly receiving large additions to their now extensive stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GrOOCsLS i We rtHctfulty solicit the patronage of the i public, uud guaranWt! satisfaction to alt who I way Imor us with a call. nvutia uiiua. Jacksonville, May 23, 16W. lu " . ., , , ... ,., ., ,, . In tne Cirtiut Court ofthe.StnU of Ore, or lht CouHly of j,,,,. S" cinie 0r )rt...0n 1 County of Jackson. ( SS. John 8. Love and John illlger, partners, Ax. . i Thomas I'. I lew, David 0. Stone, V. W. ' Kuwk-r and Ills wire temperance oler, I John Anderson, James T. Glenn and K. G. i I arris. ItILL IN CIIANCEIlV. "TCJIIKUKAS the complainants In the above V I entitle) cause have filed llieir bill in equity in the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for tho County of Jackson, to foreclose a certain mortgage set ortn increin upon u.e lonowing uctsciiku iu.iw b." M'T"" " ,uv,.,i '" .tn...a! L..1 liml nnjl ininpnlrmnll Ii nroAn tn Wt TLe lots ot land in Jacksonville. Oregon, concye( t0 ,ilC defendants, JIcss k Stone, by 'lemperance Fowler by drtd bearing date the qh, of January, A- D. 1801. Also the Kust fractional halfof the Southeast -Inuarter of m-clion 32. Township 3T, South I of Range 2 West, containing 59 08-100 acres, in Juckson County Oregon, und the said com plainants having tiled their affidavit setting frt' I bat the said defendants, J nomas P Um oiJ navjJ 0 g(onc m 0On.rwideoU of 'the titutc or Oregon. Therefore In tbo name of Jie p fc of he 8ue of 0ref,ot)i J00 ll(J fuj(i 'p,oma p. Hess and David C. Stone ore notiGetl to bo and appear in said Court on The FitMond in 0ctobor AiJJi 18C2 will be taken ns conri-ssed and the prayer il.itrnf irranted bv the Conrt. WM. HOFFMAN, Clerk. Jacksonville, April 12lh. 12b I Oregon TVPfn. rplin undcrslgneil having leased the ""b X Ington Mill," tlvo mllet from Jacksonville, has thoroughly repaired It, nnd creeled New nnrt Improved Mncliincrj-j which, from my experience In constructing the sntnc, as well ns In manufacturing Hour, war rants ma In snytng that the Oregon Mill can nnd will do better work than any other Mill In the Volley. Every Sack of my Flour War ranted to bo "A TSo. 1." I Imvs opened a Flour & Feed Store IN JACKSONVILLE, Ou California street, opposite V. Hynn's new building "SVM. J. ALLEN. Jacksonville, June 1 1, 1EC2. 22:lf FEMALE SCHOOL! Opening Day of Term Monday, 23d Jane, 1BG2. TERM-SIXTY DAYS. jV HiS. J. XV. McCI'LLY takes plenure In VL nunnunclng to the public that she will open n school on the 2.1.1 liilnnt, for the In struction of females In the different branches of Hngllrh education. In nnnlhcr iK'jmrlnicnt, i?ons will lie given In Diiawinii nnd Misio, nnd lsons ou the! and 1'uno. Ttrmt jr Quatltr Knglish Course, $8.00 Drawing and .Music, extra. Jacksonville, June 21, 18C2. 23tf PRIVATE HOSPITAL, n. g.V. c.itr.nn 15 now prepared with ample Hospital arrange ment to accommodate the sick and nlllclt-d. espeetaiiy ttioo luliorlng under Chronic l) cn, r licit ns Con'umptlon, Ithcum.llsm, DIar rhira, Conitlmtlon. and the various nervous dlswiw, together with the rAnwiie rtutli of impttftdly curnt; Rotlorrhcoa aud Syphilis, so prcwilcut In our country. Uo SURGICAL DEPARTMENT will alio recoive cpolul care. The most ample means for BATHING at tached. U'AIIM, nor. STEAM, COLD, and snow eu :jre.-j3p:MKrj, With every convenience to suit the most fas tldlinin. Terms reasonable. OFFICE AT CITY DRUG STORE. Jacksonville, Oregon, May 23, lbt!2. 10 ALi:XAM)i:il HI'S WELL, rnAua- Bools.-'RI in der, l'AI'intHCI.Ki:, and BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURER, nl Chy and fill Commercial street, Miweu .MoniKoinery una suoine, SAX FIIAXCISCO. Vta- Dlndlne of ertrv description nentlr c.- 1 eeiiivi Illiuik Hooks ruled and Hound to any dwlrnl iKtttHrn. 2J! NEW BOARDING HOUSE. 4 MOS I!. ROOKIW has taken Mrs. J. XV. A. McCullyV new dwelling, on California street, for the above purpoie. Ills table will n furnMiid with tiik iikht llio market ullbrds, and gotten up in "apple pie order." If any one Is dl'poml to doubt the corrrctiiws of the aUive statements, ideate do him the honor of culling, and the whole thing cou at once be touted, it will only coit S7 to try 11 a week, oi lUlyoontu fur n sliiglu cull. Jacbonvllk-. Tub. ii. IV) I-T Ji.i;t. T a7E have this day nld .ur stoek of mcr - V chandle to .ler. lIUAimi'iir & Waii All proiH Indebted to us nru hereby uotltlvd to K-ltlu immrtliatuly uud wive eontx. IIKDI.ICII k UOLUSMITI1. 1'h.cntx, April 17, lbfli. 3I& From our frlvuds und patrons we would snfleit for the new firm a coutlnuanee of their liberal patronage. ItKDLICII k GOLDSMITH. Nia-ulx, April 17, 1802 llmo 'I H hereby given, thnt the copartnership hereto- X fore cxiiting oemcen j. a. iiuriivo nna P. I.lnn, under the name and style of HuriKM? k Linn, I this day illsolud by mutual coiuent. 'Ml irw v Inn, Is Hits ilay uismiimu ny mutual cu The debts of Ibo firm will bo settled 0 iiy i). I I. inn. All won." kiiumioz locniri-ivca inuuuieu , . .,..1 i.. .1 , ,-..!.- Io the firm, are hereby notified to come forwurd ami setllu Iminvdlatuly, or their nccouuts Kill be given to an attorney fur collection. J. S. IIL'M'KE, 1). LINN. JaektonOtle, April 5th, 1861. I2lf T HAVE authorized B. I). FOUOIIAY, of L I'ha-nlx, u my agent, during my absence, Io trnnkust IhuIiiom for me In my name, lerins knowlns tbvmwlvv indebted to me by note or aeooitnt. are notiUvd to call on hi in ' l,iitii.llnt.ili. nml lull lln I Immediately and uy up. M. WAIT. IS Juoktonvllle, April 23, 1863, TOSnt'II JACOII5 is hereby appointed my J agent, to taku charge of the Knglo Mill pwp-irly, in Jackson county, and Is authorized to transact nit huilne connected Ihurewlth, and to collect and receipt for all debts duo me nn account of any builnvss conntcted with said Kaglo .Mill properly. Dated at Itonutmrg. Ogo., ,,.. Zl- Muy 101b, 180-'. JESSK KOIIINSON For SCiOnt. A NEAT COTTAGE HOUSE, fur nlilieil orunfiirnUhed.toasultablo tenant. Kiiilrc at this otllce. 'HA JOU PRINTING of all descriptions neatly executed ot the SKNTINKL OFFICK Agricultural Implements. I LARGE and varied assortment or rgri- ii. cultural Implements, or all kinds, on hand ' and constantly arriving, for tale on the most favorable terms and at the lowest city prices, , J. D. ARTHUR & SON, Importoi'a j ZSoalors, Corner ol Washington and Davis Streets, SAN FRANCISCO. -11 Administrator's Notice. I Nonet: is hereby given that the undersigned , please prweniwe same : ami rcccnc ineir nay. has been appointed administratrix or tho ""J those knowlog themselves Indebted to estate of Jahkm. JoiiMno.x dcocased, lato 0r.1,u,:ror b" h of lue ,,ar lc' b?..nole orPn Douglas couuty. Oregon. All persons having adcouut, wll eave cos U by calling at Iht-lr claims against said estate are requested to pre- "ce nMt ''00r t0 6 City Drug Store, and sent Ibo same, with, the necessary vouchers, Par "Pi as c rcunuUnees reciulro that the debts within one year, for settlsment ? nnd those In- mustt paid nt au early dy. KUher party debted ore requested to make immediate pay. will be allowed to slurt In liquidation, ment. JOHN ANDERSON, MARY K. JOHNSTON, AdminUtrotrix. JA8. T. GIJ-INN. Rosobiirg, Otegoni'Juae 18, 186?, J3g. JakionYllle, April 16, 1862. HtnS The Largest StocU of Goods, nnd the Finest Assortment of Gentle men's Wen rl nt; Ap parel) in the State of California) can lie lind nt nil times nt the Store ot IIEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO., FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS & TAILORS OF XCW YORK H. SAOIlAaiKXTO, Who have Just opened the largest store In Sin Francisco, In Lick's new building, corner of Montgomery aud Sutter, and In tbc same block ns the new MASONIC TEMPLE. CaT Pend your orders nnd mcasnre, nntl when you visit San Francisco, wc shall be glad to sec you. 1IKUSTOX, HASTINGS .v. CO. April 20, 180".!. 15uic LOVE & BILGElt, California Street, Jackson; Me, DEALERS AND WORKER9.IN TIN. SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, HATH just received from the Atlantic side and San Krmicl'co, a complete stock of 1 everything In their Hue, and will keep constant- lyou hand on assortment of the best Tiii, Sheet Iron & Copper Ware, ,, ,,,. iirfraniu Kowlcs. Forco 1'umps, Chains, Lead 1'lpe, Hose, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, And Nails allSizos; liar, Plate and assorted Iron; Faints. Oils, rilxus and Glass: All (puillUe of Fonder; Shot of all nuuiUrt llruhes of every variety,ctc, etc. Stoves. Aim. always on baud, a large lot of stoves of asforletl sizes. IIL'CK'3 PATENT COOKING STOVK, TIIK NKW WOULD STOVK, The two very bst aud approved patterns In tbc world. I'urlor. Offle and Cabin Stoves, fancy nnd 1 plain, oonslruetMl on lutnt ruei javing plans. Hollers. Uetllss. Pots. Pans, und everyiblog oounvoltHl wiiu iumo siuvu wurrauieu uuruuii ?id perfcOt All articles sold by them or manufactured. WAUIIANTKD. Tlntlr work Is made of thi Ust material and of choicest patterns. .r rnli-r nttcuded to with (lulekcst dls- nnlnli nml ltll.l nnninlln? to tllrf-ctloilf. In creryllijng, their stock Is the lamest and complcterl ever urougiu io jncssouriiiv, nuu they arc determined to sell OnBAP 330X1. C3A.&1X.. Call aud examine their stock before purchas ing clscwkert. June 23, 1800.-23. . . . - . . ,. w I ) I Q A l .Vt- All, jy vviiii . ii xvajw ' FORWARDING AND COMMISSION jSJ.EROI-IA.iSrTS, X Xx-lolx. X3.iXcliu.K, Corner of Front nnd F Strvvis, CRESCENT CITV, WILL attend to the Ilccelvlng and forward ing of all Goods entrusted to their care, wtll promptness and dWpalcb. -. - ' . . ...t. i . uoiiiiguiueiiiR euiicueu, McrclianUlte re- ceivid ou storage. Creeceut Cltv, April 10, 1802, 15 , N. II. No goods delivered until tho freight and charges are paid. D. it W, CITY BREWERY I (On the Hill) OTAOlcaioxx-xrlllo, Oi'oson. rnJK Proprietors having taken possession I X of the City Hrewery, lately controlled by Mr, Fitt, are prepared to furnish Ijagcr Ik-cr to people of this vicinity by the keg, bottle or on draught, An experience of many years In brewing Lager Beer Gives tliem nn ndvontogo over nil competitors and warrants them in promising A BhTTKIt ARTICLK THAN CAN BE FOUND KI.SKWllEltE In Southern Oreiron. B3r He sure to send your ordere to the CITV DREWERY. If you wish the REST DEER. KREIMER k MATTK8. Jacksonville, Sept. 10, 16C1. 3Stf Dissolution of Partnersliip 1MIIS DAY, by mutual consent, the part , ntrship of ANDERSON ULENN, Jacksonville, Oregon, Is hereby dissolved. All who have culms against tile same will RKDICTIOX OF TRICES Stoves & Tinware. G. It. DOKK1S lias now opened a Stovo and Tinware Shop On Third Street, near the Post Office, Jacksonville, Oregon, Where he will keep on hand the best patterns -or-COOK1NO STOVKS. FAKLOK STOVKS, SALOON STOVES, And every kind of Tin, Iron nml Conncrwnre, Ilcsldes n great variety of Culinary orticlcs too numerous to mention Persons wltblng nnylhtng In my line nrc re spectfully invited to call and examine the qual ity nnd prices of my wares. Kvcry kind of J Oil WOHK done to order. My own 1Vr Itrtmlreil Wlllionl CIiai-r GF.OHGK D. D0R1US. Jacksonville, Nov. 9, 1801. 43 acM :- .nr j c "hs j5 -AND- Tlin undersigned wonld respectfully Inform the cltlrens of Jackson nnd adjoining counties he has or, hand nnd wilt manufac ture to order a!u Kinds of Snildlery . llnrncss sven a. Heavy Prnnght Harness (long nnd short tug) Concord Harness, 1 loppy Harness (double and single) Spanish Saddle, trees and rigging complete j Ladies' Saddles, Jockey Saddles, Saddlebags, ltrldles, Surcingles, Halters, spurs, Cnrrvcombs Whips, Whlp-lashcs, And all other articles usually found In a first-clast stock of A1A WOK IC W A It It A N T 12 D . Store street. In " Sentinel " Ilullding, California IIIiNItY Jacksonville, Dec. Sl.lbOl. .iric.K. AM I.D.IIA1WES&BKO. Are now Closing Out llieir entire stoek of Goods, Groceries & Liquors, at the Very Lowest Rates, FOR CASH ! fco- Give us n call, at the Post Ofltce Ilulld ing. oorm-r or California aud Oregon streets. April 1, lftC'i. ' Wanted in Echango! - AT THE JK. JCJJ3VCJX"JE W m -ANO- HOOT & SHOE BiSDWBWRV J OATS, WHEAT & BACOxV ion - Harness, Urldles and Saddles, Or all kinds, and all kinds or Saddle rigging. sir Hoots and fjlioud made and re paired to order lu a muuiivr. Inquire of ueat ond workmanlike E. E. CI1APIN. Pbirnljc, Feb. 1 1. 5., J CANYON HOUSE! in--i i -n-ni OllnnEocl IXxLci. miiM ,,n,i,.inr,i iff Wrn in inf.Tin tlm J. traveling public that they bavo taken charge or the CANYON I-TOUSE, Canyonvilloi Douglas County, Oregon, Whero they will bo personally present to attend to the wauls of traveler nod Loardeis where a '- square " nual can be furnUhi-d, and irllc ular attention paid to the comfort of guerts al alt times. The patronage of the public Is re spectfully solicited. HOWMAN k llOYLE. Canyonvllle, March 10, lbCK. qJ NEW STOCK! J. HEUBSX TTAS recently received a large and dlvorsl- XX lieu ossorlmenl oi SPRINU AND WEIGHT CLOCKS, L SILVER WATCHES, DIAMOND JEWELRY. PEARL, EMERALD, and CAMEO SETS, Together with a splendid lot of other Dreast-l'ins, Uroocliee, Ear-Rings, Firmer Rings, Lockets, liucklcs, Clasps, Uracclets, Sleeve buttons, Necklaces, Watch-Chains, Chat'violos nnd Seals, All or w lilch will be sold at low rits and warranted. . I WAICilES. JKWELRY and CLOCKS. ' ""-- V . 4 i . - lii.AlArAu In .n l manrla (in I U'ltli rliL. a lt.tUSVSf III tIJU . UIUISISVI HUM "IIM u patch. All ai tides In bis line wniiaiaclurw promptly and with neatness. Call and tee bis stock at the old stand, corner o( Third and California streets, Jacksonville. 44 If. OloolC-fisl A GOOD assortment ot Clocks at . sonvllle Dook and Variety gtoi the Jack- store, corner uautornta and uregon mrecis, 4 EXPRESS SALOON BY P. IIIiYNOI-r. Opposite the Unittil Slates Hotel, next door to Jleelman't Exprtts Ufflce, Corner or California unit Thlnt Silrrtts. IAVOCI.D repeelf"lly Inform my old friends nnd the public generally that I hare just returned from San Francisco with one of tho lirst Selected Stocks of both FOREIGN 8c DOMESTIC IIC?XJ03FLS , Fine Mines, Cordials, Syrups, ETC., ETC., That has ever been offered for sale In this part of tbc country, which I will sell, WHOLESALE, Or In any desired quantity, at a moderate ad vance on cost. Thankful for the mtronage I have received for the past year, I nope It wilt continue, ns I wilt snare no natni In w-nltlngupon my custom ers. I wilt nil orders from the town or country, so send them along nnd keep cool. THE BAR Will positively Iks supplied with none but tho i-ery Wnunlltlcs of Llcpiors nnd the nott rJWs brands of Segars. Kcraember the EXPRESS SALOON, P. II. I.VNCII, l'rop'r. Jacksonville, Sept 14. Xitf Reduction in Prices! BEST WORK DONE AT LOWEST HATES. BLAOKSMITIIING rpHE undersigned announce to present pa X. Irons and the public that he has re- 4 duccd the price Tor alt kinds or work l"C,J) tils tine, to conrorm to the times. jf HIQ SHOP is In the buttding formerly occupied t-y Wm. tlurke, on Qdifornia Strut, dtrertbj Jliit if ting. gape If Drum's SlMei. Every species ol work done In the best manner nnd with quick dispatch. Plough Irons iiinilc nml repaired lUCUJi. hkriagi: ,n magi: uurk Executed In the neatest nnd strongest manner. Mining Tools, Picks, Ilnrs, fee, made to order, of the very btsl materials, In the most approved styles. Particular attention given to s-r v iioitsn-siioniXG, sJ) for which the price Is reduced to 811 nnd $ t tiikhl'tt. Plates made aud fitted exactly to order. Ills stock of Iron and Steel Is of first quality, nnd alt work done nt his shop WArttuvn.n. AI.KXANDKU MAItTlN. Jacksonville, March U, lull. mbU&tr TRACY & GO'S OREGON EXPRESS, CONNECTING1 WITH WELLS, FARGO 8& CO. TO CALIFORNIA, ATLANTIC AND EUROPE! STATES, Treasure, Parcels and Packages forwarded In charge of MotH-ngvrs. Goods Purchased and Commissions filled with Piomptnvss. Holes, Drafts, Dills or Accounts Collected. Wells, Fargo k Co's cheeks on San Francisco and llieir Drafts on lnidon, Paris, Dublin or the cities In the Alluutlo States, Cau be obtained at any or our 0 dices. bfHcos and Agents. Portland Well, Fargo k Co, Cuwade Ilradfurd A Co. Dalles Stocking A Co. Walla WulU Baldwin k Whitman. Oregon City N. It. lugalls. Chumpoeg ...J. D Crawford. illuttcvllle F. X. Mathews. uay ion. . , iiuatns k i.imivncoii Sali-in ...i J. Jluelat. O'orvttllls..,,.,, -Stoek k Kuufiuau, Albany SlmlbyALo. v e cll w A.Atlee. I Oakland. , Lord. IVU-rs A Co, iiuseuuij;.,..,.. ,., Canyonvllle .11. A. Ilarton, Perry, Wado k (. . lit:i'kniiiii' I-i' , XV. TRACT k CO. .InCUkOIIVllM' 1 April it Cm EAGLE MILLS ! JVJOTICH Is hereby given that lb IUOI.I! 1 MILIi are again In running order, and that I um spam roady to furnlilt oar numer ous customurs with the Scst -"lour in tho Country. Kvtry sack ground and sacked at the Mill warranted to be Good Flour. JESSE ROItlNSON, ... ... Per Jacow, Agent. Ashland, May 13, UC2. 1th Bibles and Tostamcnts. A SUPPLY of Illblicsand Teslaraiuls, In va rlous styles, recently received and for talo at ccst and charges, at the depository or tho Jackson County lilble Kociety. Win. HOFFMAN, Deposits tory. Oregon War Scrip. I HAVE made arrangements with srftponslblo Hanking Houw loaltend to tbe collection of war henp in ukbinieion liny, juving occu- Wo.-Z-i. ,i..jn . tc iri.r.i,is.a. tn n.J t.h ..... lln.. .r .'1.1... ..Ij.vb CISI ailllWt UUItllK MV nH,MiruviUllin v i .. f II " find too urepared to idve all neeemarv inforiaa- tlon relative to their clalios. I will alo give wy attentton to posting and arranging books and accounts. msr Office to the Sentmtl building. , , SAMUEI. E. MAY. Jacksonvlli;, yuoe j, ifipi, 2Ut 1 USTICES DLANKS(6r )e u this omev.