" V v. OS THE OREGON SENTINEL. x O. .lAC'dtll, Killlor. JACKSONVILLE. 1 . v iu day, - - - - .tnr j, isoa. " To tiik miacr and rKnu.vxK.Ncr or Tocn Unmos', a GovcnNXKNT ron tiik wiiui.k is inms rr.vs tnLB.1' liiAifi.n. Rmzcvant Itc-nrcitui.ttiiitii. Kot long since n lew members of CongrtM organized thcniKlvM Into n Resurrection Committee, ncceiry stein funct organhniti Democrncy, iiV Hllll ll t lit fact .',,.. -. ' iiavcgucn c Coogre-, rejpcnjc from Ilic pntriotlc maittf. the leading mtmbcni of that party it 1 ho cold MiMiuIr.iicii.tMIr. '1 lid ( nnirrM. nun who Imvc made IhemsdrM cowplcuow In i.i. .. - U...I-.. -n-.-i ... i ....i... .1 t . . i i .1 '. . their slaloim.iMl.lp so nine!., as by their nolo. nous sympathy for the rebels now lu arms a. I., mn. ngiilnst tltc best nnd most llber.il Government In the world. Xo wonder, then, that when the lifelfH corpse was struck by the magic wand of these Infamous secession sympathisers that It gave very fecbte symptoms of returning life. Democracy, nursed by Dixie doctor, won't lenpt to thrive much before tltc Millenium, nnd tltc projiccts of Its e.xblence nftcr that bliMhil time sets In, arc not very Ikitterlng. Xfbody lidonging to lliis coast agrees with Vallandingham's murrecllon views but the Hon. Mr. Shlcl, nnd lie nt the latest dales was the last nlny cnught. He k nt I lie lull end, wlmre lit properly belocgi. If the honor nblc gntlman did not now mid then perpe trate such a joke upon the chlvs we should for get that he was In Congress. The constelkv tion of great names alumil to that tlocunwnt , ....... . ... nrrnnt liprwvrltr nr tlip nrotimilil Ktntn rlt.lit mill the ImtlerV Willi IU cauin was llicrebv ner. , nnti toon wuai tuey iieriueii ine .,.-.- l,n,ij,i in Imvo .Monuay morniiig, uie enemy oeing in inn re- to pnlvnnlM Into Hfc the ihs "Kn- vnuichy Toieti mricc, wmi nn over- ., y , , ., , treat on fort I epuu e. uur ndvnnce lountl to gnunuize imo nit uic tic- Cnntt re of rebel steamers continue to be i.i - S .i. .i..... -.i n. nn i-nnwn m n.n itti.k'iiiriitiTrt wiwiiiimg mnjornv cncii time, in avor oi smy- ,,u .... K"," "Ulv' .,''. . "1"""" ""- on i.nown ns me lirecMiirnigc .;..,.. ,. . .. . ' i m1" . . . . . .. . . briao btiniimr. Diirliir the forenoon cannon- Ti.t. ,rr.,.i. l..... .i .iii. ..n ' ing in uic t. nlon. inn ns soon ns uic oiaic Fnti.vT IIovat.. n.. . June 1 nili. T be rwui t ...n,... ..... i,Ar.i .,i.i.3. i i. i.n., .o.. ticcls but tlicndditlon of the chivalrous Stark, or n Kt01 "efro-ioving Abiiiiiionisisi tie and tln the "galuxv" would be full. pwuehed cletuently about the neeewliy of Think of Uic Dixie softs nml Hie sterling Im,v,i ft hvt lw1 t0 IWP l"ion "" Union Democrncy or Oregon In the some 1e.l. f,nm "'"' negroes-thc dir man ! We conversing sweetly touether. nml vou can form llft" Mnw "'" or four 'W ''' some corrKt notion of the re-c-rgantee.1 unltv i counlr. whom " lxtter hnlm" are a little proposed br YalkmlinsjlMni .t Co. It wtmld laky only n little. They generally busy l a bkmctl sight, farcxoectllng In miraculous "! ' P"clilnf to UepublicniH about , won.lrs tlw .Millenium signal of tlie Lloii." ,hntT "'"o'nifltlon, and frcptently nml Lamb, shit bv shle In 1.11-fnl n!. I Hut let us tee wlwit tarn of tl.i. nt.l n.l ' " " -"" I ---- trletl leaders of tin Dsmooricv think of thU mnrfranlzntfan m.ivimni H.m r. ivl.il it.. I clltor of tlie Lynn lfoy SMt, wlw Iws betn nmong the lead.rs of the Democracy In the poou o,u v.omn,wea..h, lays of tuts fine scheme: nMS)l t m H.A laA Iha.I H.f m .l.ul.. a w li.tVH Irmt ,lk.rhl i. .... .-m lu..' . situ was aaa iiiT iittiti iiikwii. niin iih irinsriv h?ite?:.fil"."vlr"r"7ta7,er,!rM ;;i7.I.,7. Vh A" 1 :: .'. V."v. ",.",.V". " I ilad obiI lxirled. na rwurreelion. It was more than wounded, It was kllld in tii hwi nfilsfrienili. The uwtMln'sbnndi were rtilKl' nsalHit It at Charhni.m ; It rclvl Ibo fatal or the trailer nl Italliniore. ami at Iks) lust 1 rwtdmthtl electltHi It brwilhtd lu last. One nr.... v cwiki mm niimt it irom me iicsm. amlHM.AlBilltly.iBhlwlr.I.i.Mrltt..lakei blm 1.1 hlHwelf. H.tir.e or the recraiiu who nltletl In tlw murder, now Mfk lo lirliig It to life ngaln. V will not loin with Ibvm. wren ir they crxikl rub tin Lhrwly ttalti hem lltelr hands." TbciekMlUtv very eneoraff; nMhinfi llary ,1 in ifc. Kkimatl, b.kt country will uce'of to taEtV'' "'" luittatr very complimentary in that, but still It Iws I made wlpnble, by the blood of many of! lumj t. ' ' j ' the JIlssMlppI will be iiudu In this way. the severity of truth in It. There Is no meaj- our fellow-oltlzens. I Wasiii.soto.v, June lf.lh Dispatches from N,,V Yi'iiV '"Jmie 1 1 Tho IHcbmond ! urlng the selMmportance of some politicians. " iGen. Ilalkck. or this dale, have been rewlved f of i,07tls. I ill'scniirageU. It remarks Think of the brawn effronterv or the man who T": Hr.AY Uvr. Thli law, judging from ' nt the ur D.-jiortiiient. llenuregurd s nrmy vditurlalljr Hint the IV.l.ral design Is not to en truck down tte Ttat-LonoS tonnerTf S i " complaints we hear or the man-' ' PPpl lo bo In the n loin ty of gago the tonWerate. In battle-but to starve sirucK uown the time-honored banner or that 1,11.1 .1 1 n... Okalnno on tlie Mobile nnd Ohio railroad ihein tmt a plan which tho writer considers powerful and triumphant old parly-slabbc.l 1 ncr In wl,ich " " MCfulc''' " tt mk tnore , and Columbus Iwmles county , net l.npo.slble. 1. iiin 11.. 1...... .r t.. r.t....i. - .1.1 tlnkcrlntr. We believe that It has been GincAtio. June ttlh. The Churleslon .Vr. A letter from the nrmv or tho Potomac, dated 1. , .,.. ,...;' ,.. ". ' WHitl llsV HWHSlKfM ilct.1! Will they patrlotlim and rnanhoot! nt the humiliating bat one man left, nun, t.rai I? tuo rtetirrecuonary power.': and that man was Stkimibx A. Dou.1r.1s. i ,,.,.' latiire It seen to be the roe!- unon whirl. ' I'nsiideul Davis H nn incubus to our cnuie. ""I'luomiy a worK throwing up n.ltlllional do It? Kvery clement ofla'"-. Kn to lie t he rock up on which , fm )0t mlljt , n(houi:h ,,-. I works round ho city. They haven so ting rlllo proposition. Thirc wos ,,al no P1 'rP0M- present mw w 11111c enough has necn tiiiciwcd i.y siern realities to j relwl, orc kupt oll ,,rt ruti0s. dally, the sup- after the Presidsntiul eleo. ICHIla" license o cai. 11 wc were tic- "" .i .. ..'ii".'wvj lugunni mu ut- ,,y lo each soldier being a pound and a Lair miiKmmi cieo ,, of ,t) con(ej?racy. ! J,,',,,,,,,. nI1)1 .,01I)U of lttCnn Had he survived the fearful convulsions of his I PMrP- So- nt Iwl- rne apparently think, country, he coutd have sken. and the serried . If ,l,e Prwnt ,aw u tLc sum of mman wIs legions of the Democracy would have answered !dom " ,hb J."e! to eatlle raltcrs. to Uh call. Hut no other man possesses the I We lrt,',e ,I,Q nMl 8',,,ro wl" Bivo UJ power, much less a bankrupt association 0,inotl.I..g a little better suited to this climate, scccsiloo sympathizers. ( at least. Hut the most unfortunate rmt of this whole , WlIAT 7IK rosnoN Vlim N Tl.NI!S. afTair 1, that the Oregon Dislellw cannot ac- Xol ,0Dg 5lr)CC ie Uwon Tmu uM 0 crv cept this Invitation to reorganize. -The Union , down lic Unitcd SlnU8( MJ.inj. ,iat it e01lI;j 11 Ta, auu ine conilliuuon -as Our la lliera mn,i it i, n,n ....,.io.i ft,...i.,i .i " '. , . i"-"""' ---' ' Congressional wisacres. Nay, verily, say the compromizing, secession sympathizing soils of 1 Oregon, wo don't go a continental on tho Con-1 den's m-flnaW n.n,im.n.. .,.. i t - ' ' f.u . amcn:Jmen,, j""1 n'iw-, tctl witliin the provisions or tho old Constitu- tion before it can rcccivo our adoration. (Is niiiiinn n nit iiilam .& im ... f 1.111. that not so. Judge?) The caudle star In the t ,... . . .. s,oDKrcioii consieuaton may uccuon mem',UU t0Oi ,D I0"m0 furm or 0lWi ,llC ia; on, but poor Dixleltes, they cannot go. got enough to allow of n present expenditure J Xo parly can succeed hereafter whoso lead-1 of 80.000 a day. As to sending litem men, crs have been sympathizers with the rebels in "" ",e elective men now serving in Kuglnnd ..... .i'- J-. . ,. . . . ' might be landed at New York without cans-! r.Tr r. 1 , , "iupiani .... .-..v iiW ..Uu.v.jr in uppwuiuu iu ne present unwarrantable rebellion, ir it wishes the support of the loyal men of this Govern. ment. The efforts of the little squad of Con gressional sympathizers will prove to be n most abortive failure. The peoplo have felt the benlficenco of this Government, and they have sworn in their majesty that it shall live on In all Ils Integrity and power I In conclusion, read what the Oregon Stata man says of this fioo scheme of re-organization : " Tho icbeme of re-organizing the Democratic party by uniting the Douglas men and Ihoso nrctlestinetl traitors who, wilbllrickinrldgoaod Lane at their head, slranglrd the Democratic party. In 1660, will never bo icriomly attempted again on this coatt. Tho action resulting from that scheme Is as dead as tho oldest Kgyptlitn mummy, nud the tiump or judgment will nol raise.cveu its shadow. It was the child of sc- cs!on, ttic tirolJicr aiul nlly oT trcnton. and now Mis the blackened grnvo or lummy. Its memory will Ikj kept ullvc, (lint the curee tine n parrucltlc shall rcnmln iir..jicnt." Speech of Col. itlctcnlfo. I Wo publish rn tlic outside or our paper to tint, n speech delivered by Col. Mclcnirc to n convention of Union men In Kentucky. Col. Mctcntfu Is fierce nntl bitter in I1I9 denunciation of the contract of the Stnte rights' men nntl the Secessionists In tlmt State. Wc of course . , . , , ,, ,, , nrc not prepared to Indorse nil the liercc tie - minclatlons nnd ndvicc or the Colonel, but It 1.....1 .1... ' . ... m.9i . nmu luuiu u uiu rungs mm out. rages suffered by the I nlon men of the llor - tier States nrc great, nnd If thrv nwoken n fecllm of revenze In the minds of the sulTer - . , . , rcdnt. llicirliousra ., t i.t 1 It fii i - J crs. u is not to nc vfonticreti nt. i neir itoujcs linri liriti tttifnfsil iTnwn llmtr Itttfrt nnna lintrn been driven from home, nnd their fields to lcn tlesnlntctl by the vandal demon of S.'crs-' Ion No wonder then that ns tliev vlcwul ' son. xo womicr.tlicn.tiiai ns llieyvicwui the desolation which lias vfcltcd them, they should rnlc their clenched fists to licuvcn nnd ; swear that they would be revenged. , ,. ,' , .1 , ... . I 'I he speech shows the feeling existing In1 the llonler Stales, nnd forcibly exposes the I ''n''x Secessionists saw that she could not be votetl out of the Union, they organism! nn ' ",,,,,, n,,". l0 .forec .l,cr. fr?m ' cf . wti ulonal nioorlngs Into the fearful whirlpool of Sect slon nntl disunion. Defrntcd thrice bv the 'neonlcnl the bnllot-bot. tliev no lunger had ' , W nl e ''0 ' " '0,,- '" , "? ": 'r iik ii j iiucnucai cum oi ointci rights, Head Col. Metcalfe's speech; It Is full of, burning energy and bitter sarcasm. I p' .M.nninK Uvriwnnmxtnv.-Mnrried. on the ! 1st of June, A. I). ItfiW. by I.. 0. Perkins. Khi., i of Jo plilne county. Uahkv IIaii.v and Jcu- .. rf- . . . ... axa Jtiii.vsTO.v, all of Josephine county. Mr. ll.,lly belongs to the Caucasian race , , .Tn'lllltt ' linlr ll n lllll.i L-lttlv nml l,.r r.il.ir i. . . . , r-V"' ''" f"'",r a little dark. Mr. ll.illy is the most loud- mouthed nntl blutnnt secessionist In nil Ore-1 ... ,i ..,.,,,1 ,i, nut,, ii-b.t tviii.nnt .tntin gon, and obrd tlw Dixie ticket without dot ng ( u.l I ur l.uss.llg .1 I. lie nui .linU;n run; u.. tlie Itepubliwn ptirly were In favor of pulling , tlie neuro on nn cipmllty with tltc while man. -i n.. iu .. i r..... t i,-..ii. ' n 'I tlmt Itorrid thing. He was perfectly certain ,,,al ,l,c l'nIon P0'1 Oton was made up wwrb' """ l10"? w" """""S w " "(euci.ing ... . ..i m Praw'' M c apiH4 "7 a I im,r oommtseiomu by the Dlxleltes to preach tllC lieW Illllll ll,ua fliers pleaH! copy. A ru n ,,..,., 1)rt Jfoun- talHr,.sl irt..j: ".Imlni wo were , ,..,., gmug to pre a report canto imo inn piaci . . - . . lurotiis in I'nutler river, ' " tv '" m en,1! ".B,rMar,,, "' ImllaM in ,,ic h-nwin tjnte cmin country. 1 he party wns mi- uerstirftti to iw from .Tackwmvllk'." This re-' jvort Im created a goo.! (Will of nn.xic ty In this ..j,. i..,. i, .. -ritf .iimrMiiii!.! ,v nnr ', ' UulJ ', ,H B"1"" rwtw by our eittaerrS. Col. lteV iwrty was iindersttwtl to be two liumlrtd 1 1 rone, am! well nrmetl. It ' . , . ,-iull.W. lluil h oamM " l ,0 w !" that he caiild ban been tuken In by tlie Indians, although they nrc known to be hostile. We have no dtxtlit however, tlmt, if not now, yet before ...l uiutm Ml, ! iml ..I u a.irK , amendetl nt nearlv everv seHion of the lycis. . " ' " , , I .. 7" . I law ,vm,IU nlIur" nn n''"1"""" Pal t"r the nnt obt..ln soldiers, mouev uor credit. It now . .7 ' I .umioatcs thus : , vot if 01 H,c resources of this conntry were nt tiiC disposal of Mr. Ilright and his friends, and nil iir power were thrown into the j ' -- 1 ,.. . .A Aiiii rt ilia siSAitiaiii 1 or bc chances of iho Fcu'jrols in this singular contest. Ve might send then. ihla. but they havo got as many os they want. They have already cot possession of the seas, anJ the , iirini'rii stilus rnn.ti tr uwu in hit; aiicimin wl,0,e ,,ri,ish mv? ""M Blve ,l,cm nothti.?' more. Wo iniirht lend them nionet-. but of log any perceptible increase in tho fabulous number ot orthern armies. We might scud them three times as many soldiers ns wc sent to Canada, without adding nbovc five per cent, to their forces in the field, ho ruler in the) world, not even the first Napoleon, ever dis- Kwd of so many men or so much money ns Abraham Lincoln. Ho has now 050,000, incn'in the field, nnd it Is boasttd that he could double that number. His finances may rest ' on a stable foundation, but he has, nt any rate, enou'diand tosnaro for the time In no nn! 1 mca or mllllasy operallons have tho lederuls , been hampered by the want or men or money. . nnd ir they had to spend some time in turning citizens inlo soldiers, their enemies were under the same obligation. Intervention, therefore, In behalf the North would be simply it nullity, for no alliance could odd to Its power nr pro mote lis ends." 1'oiimc DocujiBJfTtoWc nrc under obliga tion to Hon. J. W. Nesuiilb, fur valuuble public documents. In tUlrnature revolt. , -'" M.on. nave n.woys p it, nml flly cnvcrcd ovcr with secrecy by Congress. I CrrTrJrZXratJr BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. 1V,ssmNnTO!,JHno 13th The slcnmcr Mas sachusetts from Fort Itovnl has nrrivcil. Site stopped several hour nt Htono Inlet nntl there picket! i Islands. etl up rumors concerning tilings on James uls, where Gen. Hunter hail muldciilv fonntl hlmscir confrontetl by nn unc.ipcctcdlv lnrgc rebel force. It was reported by some , took the center of the enemy's position nntl en tlmt Ilcattrcgnrd himself was there. Not less camped there to-night. Our force was oiitnum thnn 'Jfi.000 rebel were opposite to General here ' nt nil points, but hajo occupied the reliel IfnninM .... tl... tln.i.t u... nl.t..... i. -. i ' linns nnd fnrord them In rfttrpnt. Tim low on ' token ptnee Several butteries hail been car- , ried by storm. A gc.ion.1 engagement was ii,i, , i . i i ,.., 1. .. f .. i i i , '""Sht to bo Imminent. It wns understood lm 0,!.r ror,cc?;Lwl,1lcl' ,vcrc "V1"',' "T0 .r bHirinilesof Charleston, were to bo the nt- , tacking party, liight vessels were blockading . Clmrleston. Firing In the direction of the Is - 'n,u' w Iiennl by the passengers ns the ! 8,c"incr M"tncliaiciU loy offllic city. i New loiiK, June Mlh. New Orlei Mrs of the fith have been received. Tl, :v im s tit .innn i.iiii -v nf iii.iii mm I " wiiniMunj -i tii( ii;ii VSIIVUM9 IHl' ,, nr ,i.. ij.i. lnvp lppll ..--i..-,! n, nil,., nitnuli .hi.nnt.nAJ Cnulm. ...1 ..4.....t. r?- j 'fth.t ' nrolpRrdf,T "', .n,rl .,, .on c?"on ,?&g' """ ,l,c;f"" "."'.o JUt.wc lenrn hntlort Morgm)i bt,loW MublCi 8,,,, ,0 otlr mnrliir llrct on Thursday. The same pnper e'ves the following In regard to the nffair nt " 0,,If : Wlillc the forces under Genernl illlnms were tleeeiiillng tho river, Iher were nrrd tnm.i when off Grand Gulf bi-n lUd l,i. ' tcrv. A ciinboat then opened on tho town. i...' .... r . - , -.----.-.- of the i'ort Republic battle, so fur ns nicer- ''. f " y''lo1ttJ Mnny thought missing arc tloubllessly bndly wouiidcd. mid nccea- r kh m ic'ndi, ,,; w Nlnal Mon ' riur uiitiibers. Tfie fiirpp rntrnirpd wn mrMtlv thrice by thc'Xcw F.ngluiiders. They funglit liruvely nil enemy or more than five times their n lour our. uml ,llfn rctrfncil in onlo- number, r. rxet'iil ' nnn np tlvn riv.ltMi.till tvlilrl, rnirn eitrriinn.1i it , . ,.., , I-"- "; - ........ ..... ................. who took to the mnuntnins. I lie ah Iiitlimin, which lelt Frcilerlekburg 800 strone. num- !r;rT,!,V,,,Il ,l! ",".r ,"'c C"1'1' 'Jl,c -9l1' nml ! .'IClli Ohio nho lost lirnvlly. .. .snixiiTox. .nine lsnit. a ttispnieii rrom .Mcl.'lellan roys that lite movemenls of the en emy lo day have been extensive, but ns yet in- . t .t i . ! vidvetl In l,i,., nnnn ,.'.i.i -. i. i-r. i;..t. ...... i ... . tidl A nniltiliiiiiil titjBl lV.Vn '2.: , L. ' T ,," Z ' ",' i i ' m.i ""i i "-""" " "- ncksburp. 'I he rebels opcn.tl a sharp art I lery , fire this morning In front of Sumner s division, lasting nbmit three hours. ?! YonK, June 10th. A correspondent of (B ,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,M wrU,ljr ,j ,)n(iri, ,0 gpmer inNlklyn. OlT IlatOII KDUgC, MllV .linh, says that Fort Morgan had surrendered"; nho, that tieiicmi iiiaimj liatl ciiciiunterwl n lursc uotiy oi renew uiiisiiiu uio ciiy m na ,ii iFitiire.i A Irtrritli (iurrirrfrtiinl fpfiititiirwsl the result tif which was unknown. ii ( v t ' r"P nival i.-"iiii Gen. Hut- ler tmd sent relnfiucemeiits. TIlC Hartford nntl Iticlimnm! Iiml llred inlo Ihiton Itouge. , killing nnd wniimlinc severnl persons. Itlsi supposctl that (lie intention of the llset wus to run by Yicksburg and tiltack the rebel Heel, eimsistiug in lour wm, tintierkiooti to ue in tlrf vlclniiv or tlw Ynnoo rh-er. ' Wasui.sotox, .June lfith. A dispatch from , cClellan-s nrmy tin riulunhv night say that reliek .vc.ter.lay. nftcr ilnvinr our pickets McCl tlie rvitcis yctileriiay. utter driving our I from Old Church. (Ilnnnvcr county), went to Garrick's binding, mi the P.iir.uiumlicy river, four miles above While House, where they IJIIIIIVU I "If burned two schooners nnd some wagons, mid tlncf lltev lirneetftletl In Tuiwlall's Station. (nn the Itichmoml nml West Point Itullrnail), I with the view or biirnlne the railroad bridire. A train which wus Kissing nt the time was r,,i.l It.tn nl,.n u.vrul ,v.i.. un. IIU...1 .,,,.1 .. ..I. . ... l-lh.slnles that Ceil. Wright had landed nt 'ciu..;; 1,171"." davhu.laskir mUlt with the relieH. drove them nero tlie river nml took poseoslon nl tlie bridge. On the :itlt two L-nmnaiiive nr In eta . rt-L'imoiiU i n-iiuiitli-.l. Alter tlMtrovine the telM?ranIi line '"v,." Ilu. r..l..r.,.l tn lll..m'n...r " " lallH 111 UregOll. l l J Nw YonK. .Tnne 17.hTI.c Port Ilol ' JnVt,heKTllf cunraiiuiiiiiiii u, uiu j iirin, niiii.iu uu inr i rr.mi II. n i,.ci,t nr lit on .tunies Island iienelrntetl the enemy's line! ,u ho 6th. Male that f;v. Itwior, the and IkiiI their relrent cut oir. Tky were, how-' "'' il.atf u,r,,,r' ' 'orinft ,,vttV"" n!!,, ?rxU ''! . . .il...i i. .i.n oil. m.i.i.. ... ipin olilaiii rulnftiiwiiipnls. Many r-cru Is from ull ever. rcllel by the fill M.chW I he r S , k J , , , ,'inf""1" &lun Wah.iimit.in. Juno 18.- Dispalohei from Ihc 2. Ih Peninylvotiia nwl t.lli .New wk Com. 1'nrregiit. dated New Orleans. June 2. reelments were ntlHcketl, but aftor two hours' mTe ln rici-ivnl. Ho went to Vick.burg. I fighting, the reikis were repulsed, with the ! but rlurned without attacking the plao hnv- of fovftitet-n kllk.l nnd 110 woiiudetl. The lug -fi n ntinilM-r or both the blockading npiad . I'lilmtl im was 1,1 killed nnd nouudrd. On , runs llierf ; and tli- town Is within iwiclt ol' our lutwl liiformution was to Saluril.iv. June 7th the Hlili. the 8lh Michigan mid 70th New --.." ., " --".' I" ; " --, tarij ol May 2M, In a long wlitorinl, says that Wasiiinotox, June 25th Tho fullowinc has jtlit bevn received : IIkiioit, No. 3. .Tunc 2fiih. 1 :J10 v. t. jfb Stirttarif (if U'nr: Wo have advanced our pickets 011 the lelt considerbly to-day, un der n sharp resistance. The men behuved hanthnmely. Some firing still continues. 3:1.1 p. t.. The enemy are making desper ate ri-SMiunco to the advance. Our picket Hues Kearney nnd one-lmlf of Hookers men are where I want tliem. I havo this mo ment reinforced Hooker's right with a brig ado and a coujilo of guns. 1 hope in a few uunuiva in uiiisii tuu wurK iniciiueii lorin-uay. the men nro uenavmg ipicnuiuiy. tuc en cmy , fighting well, alio. This is not n battle merely nn nffalr of Heinlzelman's corps, supported by ICeyesj and thus far ull goes well. Wc hold every foot dertnken, it will be a very Important ndvan- tagc gained, The loss thus far Is not large. The fighting up to this time has been done by Hooker's d.- uuiiikii w duwwii sis stisub isu liutu usi itn.nuii sin ninitf.ji ill iimiht tun imirn . vision. lie has sucnecu tho enemy s battery o.: his front. '' i 5 p. .Tho nffiilr Is over. We have gained our point fully, with but little loss. Xotwilhstauciiuj the strong opposition, our men did nil that could bo desired. The uffulr was partially decided by two guns which Capt. Decmy brought Into action under very ilimcult circumstnuct stances. The enemy wos driven 1 from his camp In front of this. All is now tpiict. McCi.klw.v. jlAnnisoxitcno, Va., Juno 8. Jackson made a stand six miles from hero to-day, nnd we nt- tacked him this morning. Gen Staples on the 1 left was first engaged ; Milroy in tho center, and Schenk on the right, soon nftcr found the enemy, nnd the battle was almost Immediately grncral- )tWr th r1cbcI,!I,'!M, V??, ,,iJl,ed Ge'' ' hbiplos advanced tho 8II1 nnd 1th Ohio rcgl-, ,,l0 olljCr ,f;let T)l0 8,h ndvauced gallantly. I und(.r ft j,cnvy fire frora u,0 W00.U, but being largely outnumbered, wcro forced to retreat, the , whole regiment being badly cut up and losing I not less lliaii 300, more than half its strength. Tho enemy followed, but were checked by the artillery. Gen. Staples Anally withdrew to march to a stronger podtion, repulsing a Hank movement and holding his wing. Finally, Gen. .Milroy adtancetl upon the center, nnd with his nrtillery compelled the enemy to give ground. Gen. Scheuck, 011 Ihe right, alo drove back llio rebel, who had attempted to turn his position. I ASiit.soTox, June 25th. Tho following Nnw Yiiiik. June 13. Tho llrltlsh Queen Along the whole line, llio nrtillery was served with great vigor, nntl the position for flnnl suc cess wns largely tine to ltd effects. Tho enemy suffered severely i one rebel regiment lost two thirds or It number, In attempting to capture one oT our batteries, tthtcli cut them to plccei nt n tllitnncc of only filly vnrd. Tho rebel batteries were frequently silenced nntl forced to abandon their position. Col. i lowscrrs urigniiu l"3"1 ','('8 '8 henvr. the enemy suffering espcel- "I'Fnn muT nl boo it lied, wounded nnu missing, i tic rebels f , ,,,,' l)Ucr eoWf wll cnr , were forced to advance through open fields. Skuiijuik. Vn.. Juno IB. -Gen. Shields ad- vnnced with 1,01)0 men, under Col. Carroll, nntl ' reached Port Republic on Sunday, The next morning they were opened upon by twenty pieces or nrtillery, which tne renew nnii pinccti In position during the ulght. Our olllccrs tried to liuru the bridge over which the rebels must come to nllnck them, but were driven olf by n "a'"o opposing them every step. After driving them ')oktnn enemy bolng'i.enrly live to ono-ll ttMIHp0WWl, (0 hold our poltion. nnd nrter fulling back Ibrecor four miles, n body of rebel ' envnlry were sent to nttack us ngnln i but they were compelled to rutlre. nnd the engagement ended, having lasted. five liours. Wahiiisumn, Juno 12.-A dispatch for the v,ir ''''parlmi'iit, from Fremont, d.ted Port ....... ...u . .. 11 .. &.. .l ..h ......... .... ..VII'.IIW. ri.Q. I.W ,l...,.l. !... ..IH.b.. v.. lining nug mi tntucd was Jit loss. In tho b, was PJ.i killed ,oM , nol Ur Jackson's jtttack on Shields. Our ntttio or oro.s Keys, on buntiny, nnd fiUO tvoundrd. The cnemv's known, ns ther were cnrrvlns olf some 1 1 rail ami wounncn tniring tne nigiit. c counted ou our march 200 rebels dead on the Held." Ciurwii), June 1 1. The lVnhlngton Star of the lltli, siuaklng of Jacksuti'a nttack on Shields, on Monday, says : ' Immediately niter It, he resumed liN retreat by the road to Statin- . i . -. .. . .-. "... ton. 'I" stop The rorl Iieiiubllc lirltljc In his rear was destroyed, thus fur n time putting nn ellVcliml i to pursuit, nc is cvitientiy rt'ircniing nn- mrtliatclr on CLnrlotlevlllo. where he will prob- ntdy make n stind for the purpose uf having 0 "eniinrg, i . en niucwm. u itiitvurnv .In in II In (in .Stnnln Air. I.ntlinm olforcittl nrrsnliitlon that Mum. Cnntinu !'-I"T- -l"'!R I-Senator, from Flah, htf mill. Itetl It) UIU lloor. WlliOll Was laid OVer. Ciiit-Atio, June 12.-Trom New Orlmns. via. .Memphis, we have IiiMtlxence In the i'Ulh. I'ierru Smile has len nrrcstca by General Iltil- lor, unit Iilgl political chnrge, nnd would be ,', Nl,rlll ft x 'fuw daJ. Vory little huitness wn lielne tlooe In'thecltv, Kasiivh.i.i:, Junu 12. The reliel lmttcrles nt Chattanooga wcru silenced on the Tth, utter n heavy oauuunailing of three hour. Our forces oiHncnd fire the nwt day on the town, nnd on the rlllt-pll, driving tho enemy out of their mu.I. h.i.I r...(ilt.f ll...,,. ti. ...... minti. flu. nlftf Tl...v I,....,.,! nil ll, l.rl.l.v. In urnrunl tuimtlft. Tim cnnunnadliig UHtd hIx hours. v..... yuiik. Jiiio 12. The TrAunt snvs: " Our (vernlilmlni,'sniierl(irlly In the battle of Fair Oaks was ful'y proved by a p.irllnl list of iiniiiini puuiisiini mv im-iiMiu.m ,..i.;..ir.. the ui lias naiiuii oi woiiihhhi in Mxiy regi ""'"' nll'l '-' lnd"pndent corps. I.'nsvn.i.B. .Inn. 12.-Tlie ledera! tni ''",,B.?t ? c teS' W reps at ilsuu's Gnu. to Oft IVnnetsec. on Saturday tVAHlliMiTOX. June 12. A tliimtch from Gov. Jnhiitnn says that the rebels huve fallen Ixtok front Uumlivrhnd flap. DiMKilehes to tlio War Department, from Gen. McClulUn. state that n rt'Ciiiiiinlittiuce was made this morning as far ns Meadow llridge Tho cinmiy were quiet, but lu Turco i sume sklnnllili had taken place. W AKIIIXtlTOX. JllllO 13. TllC rreslllflnt llO nlTuM.1 l.w .irjiMl-.n...tt.,n i..,rl.. JIIA llflfl i.i-m4 nT v,r... ........... ....... ;j -............- .. inline suie, 111 uciouvr. lit In moveil an nuit'liil bill, providing n mule o superior to J'uget Sound. AluxiMir.t. Jm. It l)r c rr'i.iinnlfnnrf.mnili ilown the river tw.-nlr intlps. beavv butteries wuro round, nnd the flotilla Is now lying here to receive wiling nrdors. "r. -" w.-hiib i.i. .iiiic mm. imimtmc, Kvn. ami will I onpluretl Iwrore ninny days. u .... ... r,f .... .... lnll,Wlt.. Ir'.im ll,.. J""? 8. saysi A deserUr iorU the rebels Nnw Y.iiik. Juno 13Tho llrltlsh 0 rrom Havana, Willi dates to the 7(h, bus nr , rttcil. The news from Mexico fully confirms 1 the .lefi-at or the l-'rencli troops, by the Mexl 1 cans, COO or tho furmer lwing killed, und 700 . taken prisoners. Citv Point, Vu.. June C Tho Petersburg 'Hrprttaot tliollli, stales that n dispatch 1 rom I MuIiIIh inrurms thtmi that tho Unlou Uect had paiM.il tho lower bnttcrlc. Wasiiimitox, Juno 6. Dispatches from Com. I Diipont stntu tlmt our gunboat have po?c&iun I or mono Inlet, near Charleston. Dispatches to the War Department, rrom Gen. I Mitchell, dated lluntsvllle. Junu C, stata tlmt an expedition under lien, ftugb-e tlrote llio en 1 emy from Wiiiclictter, through JtuiK.T,and back I to Chattanooga, utterly defeating nnd routing and supplies weru capturul. and htill more Im portant results nro nnliolpated from this move. iiicm nt inui point, gtiantllles or ninmunltion iiii'iii. WasnixtiTOX, Juno 0. McClellan gives the following losses at tho battle of Fair Oaks: Killed, b90; wounded. .G27 ; niUalug, 1,217. lUiiniKOMii-nn, Va-, June 9. Tho ndvanco cuard Of l-'n-inoiit's nrmv rrachoil liorc vestur. ---. day arteriioou, Jnekson having left In the morn ing, a riconnotKs.itice itniU-r Loi. wvinllmin. came up on a largo rebel cavalry force, and the Federals were beaten back, loning thirty-live killed, wounded and mining. ISviuforccments wcro scut forward and drove the enemy Irom their position, capturing their camp. One company from a Muluo regiment, becoming sep- P" ' " LV' '"'J WW were tianked by a '".'.K. " .. r , " "" SJ"Z ."JZ V.ZV" kllul( woudcd nnd missing. ' The enemy con- tinned retreating. Nnw Yoiik. June 9. A prlvnto letter gives tho number of tho Confederate nrmy at 200,000 men, well d'ulrlbiitul. aud determined to make a desperate fight. Wasiii.soto.v, Juno 0.-In tho House. Mr. "rj,"1012-1 Pr"nVl ,ha Uo",',,itlt"1 r C'nh, with ft memorial asking permission to enter Into States, relerred to Committee on Territories, Nkw Yoiik, Juno O.-Tho Itichmond Vuwtch of tho ails, states the rebel loss In the late battlo at 8,000, including live generals, twcnty-tliree colonels, ten majors and llltr-suven captains. Louwvn,i.K, Juno 0 A dispatch from Gen. llalleck's headquarters slates that Ihe Federals now occupy (he Ituldwln Junction ol' the Jock son and llollvar railroad. Tho repairs are pro gressing rapidly. The enemy passed through Guntown last night. It Is stated that they have lost 20,000 ( men by, desertion sluce they left Corinth, mostly I from Tennessee. Kentucky, and Arkansas regb ments. All tho regiments from those States pftpjed down closely guarded by .Mississippi nod Alabama regiments. IVasiiixotox, June 10. T)ipntclies from Harrisonburg, dated the 7th Inst., say thai tho attack on the enemy's renr tcMcrday, precipita ted his retreat. Their los In killed nnd woundi'd was very severe. In their retreat they left many wagons loaded with blankets, clothing nnd other equipment. Paring the enemy's retreat, many ol them were killed by l...fl n..1 A.l.t.M .. I. -A..nK1 .1... mmhmm'm shells. Col, Ashliy, who covered the enemy e retreat wltli Ills wiiole envnlry force, is nmong tho slain. l'liitAtiKU'iiM, Juno 10. Our troops have been within three miles or Richmond, on a re connolwanetf. V -nm. T..m In TI.A C. ... I... M ImI. 1 .11... 1 Ulll. .1 II1IV .... 1 III! AtMl'TTZI I1..S II II.- was the concurrent testimony ol spies nntl tic- scrtcrs that not less than a hundred nnd fifty to two hundred thousand were behind Ilenurc gard's entrenchments, but upon the occupa tion of Corinth it wns proved beyond n ques tion that he never had more limn twenty-five thousand. He laughs at llio report or llcau regard having rcinrorccd the Richmond nrmy to the extent even of one soldier. He conshl- crs tho war nt the West virtually ended. Tho only thing yet to be done being to possess and hold the Immense breiidtli ol country nlrcntly rtnllv connucrcd. In answer to n rinistion concerning the number of prisoners token by him. he says he took .10.000 men. They could hardly be ended soldiers, ns they had onlv 2. '.'00 stand of nrms. Having no menus to feed the enptives, and believing there was little Umptittinu for them to join tho rebel rout) he released them on parole. Many ol litem were from Kentucky nml Tennessee. nnManHHai0MnMi Jnckoonvillc mid Snlmnii JUvcr AViigoii-Houil Kxpcilltltiii. Report of Col. John E. Ross. Dcs Ciil'ttrs HiVKK.Janc Gilt, 18C2. To the CitisentoJadipn Count y: Ilcing Intrusted by you with the command nl the iTnckxuiivilla and Salmon Itivcr Wngon Komi Kxpcdillon, I submit the following brief report of our progress tip to this dale : iVIIcr spending one week In breaking a trail tlirmml. tf.i ttimt' nti tlin mnttnlntna i.nrll. rtf M,...r.t Mf,,,mt.tin Mr 'M.i. i.f . ...-........- .h..... ,...-, ..... ,"-". ........ nnti mnvcu 1111 10 tuc snow, nnu campeu on a bald ridge j distance from Kanchcric Prairie, ten nines. c my mere until next morning. May 25th We stnrtcd ovcr the mountains nt -1 o'clock a. v., and reached n camp, with good grass, five miles east of the snow, nt 12 o'clock m. The distance across the snow was ten miles. Cnmiicil on n Hat near I-nhc To-1 qua (commonly called " Klamath Lake"). The snow nn the summit of the mountain was from fifteen to eighteen feet deep. Mny 2Cili. Moved on nlong the shore of the Iike eight miles, nnd camped on a gra velly prairie three or four miles from the Lake. Found good grass. Two miles from this ramp wc built n bridge across a small stream and over n mirery swutc. May 27lh. Cloudy nnd cool ; snowed dur ing the forenoon. May 28th. Moved camp from Gravelly Pralnc. Wc could not travel the old trail, on nccoiint of its being mlrrry, and much or the way for severnl miles under water. Tho Lake .. ll.f.a i!... M..ta .. l.tI. ll.Kt Is I.A.I ,.... It. ....l tcr dated New Ifrldge, filh Inst., which says (hat not thinu it advisable lor tricm to smrt lor ni all the troops except Porter's nnd Franklin's . 'oast fivo or six weeks. I think tlmt, Inter In dlvliilonsantl reserves crossetl the Chlcknliomlny. the season, cnttlo can bo driven by wny of Nkw YonK, June L'Ctli. Dispatches to the J Klamath Lake lo the emigrant trail. A com Xcw York papers sny that General Pope be" pany of Callforninns passctl here yesterday, lives tho force nt Richmond to be overrated j only seven days out (rom Yrcka. Wc nrc ns were llcnurejjord's forces nt Corinth. It camped eighteen miles nbovo Union Falls, nnd z:rrM on,,ao, l0 dmac0 or on the west side of the Lake. Wc passed "'" along the base or the mountain for four miles, making a new trail, through dt-nsa timber, nnd ovcr several rocky points. Four miles from Gravelly Prairie we came down on the prairie forming a part of the I .ukc Yulley. The pra irie for two miles wns mostly tinder watrr mu te two feet in depth. Ono mile from the mountain the troll crosses Wood's Itivcr. This strrnm wc bridged. At this point the river is forty feet wide uml ten or twelve feet deep. After crossing llic river, we found the prnlrie mirery. Camped on Woods Itivcr, eight miles rrom Gravelly Prairie. May 20th. Moved on to ColTee Itivcr dUtunt from Woods Diver, by route we were compelled lo travel, eight miles. Iluill n ruft on CnfiVc Itivcr, nr.d by four o'clock hod the (rnln on the opposite bank, where wc camped, with good grass. Tlie rjver, when within ils pmicr banks, is seventy or eighty feet wide and twelve to fifteen feet deep. At this time it was out of ils batiks, nnd extended ovcr n surfiicc ono hundred yards in width. May .lOih. Moved four miles to Spring Creek. This stream wc were compelled to bridge, nnd had also lo brush the trail fifty pnils tn id A noil mIiIa 'I'Iia aIIah Avif n.1!.. 1 juiucj smi iiiv S.U-SI runs iiw vuiivji r.Miiiuiii); Irom Wood's Itivcr to Spring Creek, is a beau- llful prnlrlo of good soil, and contains at least one hundred i-nd fifty sections of good land. June 1st. Left ennip on bpririg Lrtclc. Ono mile from tho Creek the trail leaves the . alley, and passes over n low divide lelween I Totma and Klamath Lake. Six miles from I Spring Creek the Jacksonville trail passes into the Yrtka trail. Eight miles from Spring (Jrcck Use trull strikes Williams lUver. This Is tlie outlet of Khunalh Lake, and connects it with Totiun. Wo attempted to pass up ' which, tho Philadelphia College or Medicine ncur the ricr, but were unable to do so uyi complimented him with a diploma and the hop reason or the mlrerr nnluro i,t ilm mlln,l oraryairuioii degree, helectlng this as Ids Held iX"ln lhoirnrJihona!raTl nloS tK r . ?EAA.B2! and lake can b. travclied and grass undoubt - idly foand. I welyo miles from tho point i.m.u ..w uml tun uiu u,i.-i la u cnmii miuiii nnd good grass. The country is a level, pum - ice stone bed, covered with a thick growth or small spruce limber. The trull, earlier in the seaion, had been very mirery. The Culifor - nianshave encountered much difficulty from tlmt cause. We have seen fifty or sixty dead !heirWcanni,nUlra "' t.. .Pi xii 1 .. . . June -M.-Modc several attempts to get down to Klamnlh Uke alley, but wiis pre- vented by marshes and mirerv nnd snrinev ground. After fording a swale, finally found ' a point irom wmeii wc made the volley with out difficulty. Found a large prairie and cood grass not more than live miles from last camp, in straight line. Juno 3d. Explored tho ronto across the Yulley, wilh ihe view of crossing a rango or ills east or Klamath Lake Valley. Found inij.t'.-aiuiu iu mnu UIU iru.ll UlTUM) III JIIT8- cut. We were informed by the Indians that if we could get across the level country, we would Cud plenty of grass to the emigrant road, the distance of which, from the trail, is not more than five or six miles. June 4th. Left camp for the Dcs Chuttes. Found the country level, covered with pumice stone nnd n light growth of timber. Fifteen miles from Klamath Prairlo Is the first water; a small creek ; no grass. Ten miles further is another small creek ; no grass. Uupacked nnd rested the nnlmals here two hours. From this stream to tho Dcs Chuttes tho country Is n litllo rolling otherwise ils natural features are unchanged. We reached n small stream, emp tying Into Des Chuttes, nt ten o'clock r. Al ien miles from last creek : no grass : camped for the night. ' Juno 5th. Left camp early. Eight miles from the last camp is tho Dcs Chuttes. Hut little grass on the cast side at the point where we first reached the stream. On the west side I think crass can be found. At this time- the stream was spread out over a surface oue hun dred yards In width. Wo here left tho river. nnd eight miles further on found a swale and la r grass, having driven the animals over fifty tulles without feed. Kmf nine tii. six miles irom the swnlc we renchctl the Dcs CliottM. From this point uown mo river llio grass is poou. e trav eled down the river seven miles, then tnrncd op n small stream, nnd thrcc-fonrlhs I n mile rrom the river found n fine prnlrlo, on wliieli several companies of Calilornlans were tn camped. c shall lay here nntll June 9th. W c hare encountered some difficulties, but hnvc not lost nn nnlmal. Wc have met with I no rcriotis nccident. 'Hie character of the ' MI.M I. .1 1 It.- 1 .. 1 cuuiurj is viiuiijjiii inc puniiev-tunc una ncorly disapprnml nnd sand Is found. Iter in the fenson tho trail can be shortened very much. I tlo not think it advisable for parties driving slock north to follow our troll from Klamath Lnko I'rniric to Pes Ciinttra. I tlo ....... a . . .. nrc one. imntircti nntl ten miles Irom the Dulles. Wo intend to leave tho west fork nt the falls, and strike for tho east fork, with n view ol traveling nround the southeast side of the Illue Mountnlns. Jon.v K. Koss. SPECTAti NOTICES. WAHHEN LODGE No. 10, A. F. & A. M. Ai HOLD their regular communications Ihc Wednesday Evenings on or preceding the full moon, in JACKKOXVII.I.K, mix. G. W. ailKKIl, W. M. II. Ili.oov, Src'j. I. 0. 0. F. Jacksoxttm.e l.ono k Ko. 10, holds Its regit ,lar meetings every SATURDAY KVLWJXO, nt their Hnll (Mc'Cully's Theater building), nt 7J o'clock. iiroiiicrs in goou stanutoc nrc coruinuy in vited to attend. 5-. nF.xnr DENtVotn, N. 0. J. M. StTTON. It. Sec'y. "- ohi:c.ox CIIAPTK royaza aucii ivias j a ok's o x vn. i. ;:, o it Eats Will hold Its regular communications on the first Mnlni-itiiy Its ruing of nsrinMonfli. All sojourning Companions In iml stanaing are cordially luvited to attend ' yd):, ii. r. " ' - J Tas.T. Gi.ex.v, Scc'y. dec8:17 Strengthens the-SxsUm. The best means of Imparling vigor to tlic''l-okcn-down frame nnd shattered constitution, Tjluch tins yet been Invented or discovered, Is proffered to the feeble of troth sexes nnd all ages, In HOSTUTTKIl'S STOMACH. IHTTF.IIS. Debility, from whatever causo arising, may be cured ; strengthen whatever manner it may have Wen wasted, may be restored by tho use of this powerful nntl healthful Imlgorant. For Indigestion nnd nil Its painful effects, bodily nud mental, they nrc a posttlvo specific. Sold by Druggists nnd dealers everywhere. 2."d ST IOOO--X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. They purify, strengthen and Invigorate. They create a hcnllky apjietlte. water and They overcome cflicts or dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent mlaimle und Intermittent fevers. They purity thu btcatU nuil ooldllj- .cf the stomach. They cure dyspepsia and constlpallrn. They cure diarrhea, cholera aud cholera morbus. They core liver complaint and nervous head ache. , They nre the best bitters In tho world. They make the weak man strung, antl arttxUuitnl mi turc't yriat rttorcr. They nro made of pure St. Croix Cum, Iho celebrated Callsnya Dark, roots nud herbs, and nre takeu with the pleasure or a beierage. without regard to age or time of day. Particularly recommviidtd to delicate K-rMu requiring u gviitlo rtimulsnt. Hold by all Gro cers, Drugglnti, Hotels and Saloons. P. II Duake&Cu., New York. 25y Smith .t Davis, of Portland, Agents. The Mkuicai. axu SittuicAt. I.nstitvtb of Dr. L. J. Cui'kay Is already secured In a po.ltton which places It, as well os Its proprietor, far Lio the assaults or cuvy and proreulonal Ina,lc Tn t10 gchools or France, tho ldL-hest prizes nre ofteu awarded to practitioners in this department or Medical science, and tlicy occupy with others an uiually lofty position lu the profession. Itlco pic, a rhlnlng light stum of his age in I'm tticord is on illustrious exam- nmong the philosophical urope. aud Dr. CzankaY has ful'y iijualled him In this country, ns a proof , tf SZV&Mjff 1 mora extended labors, Dr. L. J. Czapkny has ik-ih his earnest uitenuou to the cure ot chroalc , diseases. In which he has become so great nn expert that lie Is now regarded as the leader In 1 "'Is brunch or Ids profr-wlou throughout the , Culled States, nud his portrait nnd biography nre published as matter or Interest to thefr .tSJ'inw. ?!". nClu1 'if Joun1ft',, TU I KitW I dorir. nearly opposite the buildings or the Pa- clnc Mall Stenimhlp Company. We aik the particular attention or our read- 'crs totliusworncertlflcatcsof remarkai.inri.ri In another column or this paper. ICciu NKW ADVKUTJSKMKNTS. In the matter of the Estate of SILAS If. FKNN, Dcc'U. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, Coc.NTV of Dei. Noiitk. 1 NOTICR Is hereby glvcu by tho undersigned, Administrator of tho abovo named estate, to tho creditors or, and all persons having claims agnlitbt fold deceased, to exhibit the same, with Iho necessary vouchers, within four months from Iho publication of this notice, to the undersigned, at bis residence In Crescent City, Del Norte County, Slate or California. JOHN MALONE. Administrator. Crescent City, June 26, 1802. First publication, July 4, 1SC2. 25d Anniversary Ball ! - AT TUB - UNITED STATES HOTEL, JACKSONVILLE. LOUIS HOKNE announces to the nubile that ho will give a HAM, at his Hotel, in this place, on the evening or the FOUUTII OF J VIA'. A general invitation Is extended. No Invitation caries ulll bo Issued. Good Music will be provided. Tickets, Six Dollars. 21b LOUIS HOKNE, Proprietor. iftMMM ?i, .1 js . zjt JR3V NJ2W A17VEUT1SEMENXS7 BRADBDRY & WADEl Dissolution. THR copartncnhlp heretofore cxtttlns bs. tween the undersigned, under the n. and style of WADE. MOKOAN ACO.ilsiM! day dissolved by mnlnal consent. Kilhtr rtt. will sign in liquidation. AH person, ". debled to the houc nre hereby respectrullr r quested lo settle their ncconnis, either litta,, or note, nt the shortest possible dati and debtors or long standing nrc urged to nsitta payment, as the business must lie elosej nr, Creditors will please present their elaimi for adjustment nt tdetr earliest convenience JAMK3 It. WADIi KDWARI) S. MOIIOAX. I.KW13 U lIUAnuunr Jacksonville, Ogn., April 12th, 1802. M Copartnorsliip. ''pun subscribers hereby form n connection hv JL the Geneml Merchandise Dullness it Jacksonville and Phtcnlx, Jaekson county Oregon, under the nsmo nud slylo of llllAli! 1IU11Y k WADIi They nsiimo nil the liabilities of the lilt firm or WADB, MORGAN .t CO., and r . thorlzed to collect all demands due that houe. Debtors wilt please toko duo notlco and ti!i up without delay. LEWIS L. IIUADUURY. JAMES It. WADE. April 23th, 1662. GcJ?GSL-t "T". HetluviUm I Nb MISTAKE TO MAKE ROOM FOR Spring Arrivals, WE WILL SELL STAPLE GOODS AT - KEDUCED RATES! For Cash or Produce DRY GOODS, OJLiOTJEXTJSTGc, BOOTS AND SHOES AT Very Small Profits, To Correspond with the Times IilUDMM & WJDfc TO TIIK CITJZKA'S OP PIUENIX AXD VICIMTY. HAVING bought the Stocks and Mtrctnlil IliulueM of Messrs. UKIJLICII A COLD- SMITH and P. V McMANUS. Esfi., st IsU point, and leased the Ilrick lluildiog U"V occupied by the first named parties, vie o oUer inducements to tho Public to fsror U with their patronage, Wu t)lp(k' fiili-Mlvm In Venn ftHOD Alt'I1 CLKS.und to sell them at tte LOWEST JACK- SUNVll.l.KJ'JlirjlvS, which are fast ceav'l down to Summer rates. Call and tee. We will take all descriptions of Produce m can be disposed of without a loss. BIUDBURY & Willi:. riKISNIX, April 25, 1862. lewis i. imiDiienr, San Francuco, Jackwuilit. BRADBURY. WADE, OWCK WJTU Messrs. JANSOIY, IMD & CO., SAN FRANCISCO. ORDERS for Goods and cocslgnmcotJ i . Oregon Troduce solicited. ' km