Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 21, 1862, Image 3

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HATl'ltDAV, - - Jl'M:ui, 1SU!
Jicmianuuwuju anm cX'.'q jmvecBtxmniamtmmmmvmjuuyvwMm mi
IlK.ti. I lie Oregon , am iorniui Auckland bland j In Aila, Illndoitan, Cey- succeed rach other, or the suu lo rise lo-mor-' Takk Xotick. you waul to purchase T rbVTT' Vr Y?IT sT1!?!?
Jtlvetttr liuve both dcpurled this life. The Ion, renting, Malacca, Singapore, Jxibuun, row. In Slur Spangled. Ilaiincr, tlio coble ensign of - V T -M -liAlvJXJ-I.
cicciion Kiiicti iiiem. umy one heceMi paper Hongkong, Alien nml the lennsscrlen prov-1 Aguln a cheer went up, lliis time louder and ' the model llepublic, nnd the snered pcreonifl
remains, nnd (hut Is Iho litgnter. Thut Is, luces ; und In Afrlcu, Gambia, Sierra Iione. I.irgernud longer; nnd there was no mlstnk- cation nf a freeman's ilcht nnd n freeman'
. VI n Hireling held nt the Court llonse.on .mi.r, nnd ho noiloubt will keep the litghtir ' .Mnurll
S.turdny lust, for the purpn.o of Inking Into nbovcr.r u-attr ,i long l,mtl Wc notice, ' Hun, w
prcshliil over by our old fi lend Jimmy O'.Mcnra. the Gold Coast, Icrnundo To, Ascension, St. lug the sentiments or sympathies of the crowd. home, the place to get litem Is, at ltrudbury
Jimmy is cnnshierci by hi frundi a Jnt Helena, tliu Capo or Uooil Hope, mtnl, The Colonel perceived this, and uuletly walked & ndci
luirltlus una I.ej chvllr. Mmt other nn- uwnv.
lint other race, what oilier tniimtn run Thla nnnvnt-cnttnn nT IVnntiaa lna l.,. ,mt.
... . . .1 . - O '' - ....., r , q- - - ...... ..u,. . ...,.... V. IVIMIU .Ml J Ukll III'"
r..ii.nurnii.m measures .nr me ceiei.rnllon or however, the following melancholy confession hope to ubtuln pofHwInm like Haw? resented ns n speech, nnd nt first I so under-
ce ngn., . r, , AHienenn in- lll0 mlm,,r , .. i, U n ,, ,,. - 8uoj lt . b, 00 of ie ruglvci ft0 ,vu9
,,,.m., -. ... .,..,.,, ,..,,., .w cuneu oifumnY fact Hint the greater portion of our I "'""'"'",T" iwimi-ct. i ..coiiiming nrc
i ll.e Chair, and 1!. II. lluluis nppotnteil Democratic friends I Dixie ho im-un-l ilu , !'ciilciitn In t!.o batllc of l'ittsburtj :
not at nil support their party organs, while of '""al (,'rnt '" "" Wusliutlon of thu for-
osc that do, not moru thnu one-lmlf twv tin'"1"0 lll""lul " " " recent liller, Iliroiign
A Commit trc of five person T Snelis,
M.ller. John 8. Drum. JaiwsT. Glenn ,mo ,09nve the printer ftoin Insolvency nnd ' wl,ll!' ,0 nic"' '" "'
John MeLiughlln-iun nppoluted lo lh ,,mr fr01 su.pcmlou and .innnfl-..""!."!"- wenpe.
the thickest shower of
paper from npcinlou and atmititiirL." I "'"" " ,,"vu5a "Pnpe. "v nn-s piiriicipaieu
, Wc presume the nbove U true, everv word of '" ,wo IiirmijllM "' lourlecn pitched but
It Is hardly necessary to say that If you
wunt a lliig-KtufT made neatly and with tin
patch, on whleh to Qiug the banner to the
breeze. Harvey Allen Is the man lo urin'v to.
present ussnres me the General' remarks were , ta tt jiorn.1
in Buusimicc as i nave given inem.
Callfornln Sttttl, Jntkwtnlllf,
HAVRJnsl received from the Atlantic llde
nnd S.n rranelrco, n complete Mock of
uvcrviiMMK iii incir line, nn'i hiii Kccpconsmni-
Powder Klvcr IMlitcs.
The following is n letter directed to iw bv
A, l)av!don, who Is well known In thi. county
Tun Worn; Com Hn.iVKi.Y Ox. Over ly on baud an nsorlmo'nt of the bct
r.il.-e funds for the celebration.
i: May. II. S. II)de and K. ('. S. ' ,t. ,, nn ,,,, mi,llc of' ,,.. tb. and U universally pronounced, by tho.e ll u' fr0' ,"J Klr, nnd ghos
u rre ueiumu to net ns a L'omniltleu on peculiar tn Dlxlelles. And ng our financial ' wll "nvc Kvn Mm "" ,,IU lil'I,,' UlU,"tf cu'" ' ' "" "i "i "- nvmien ami
Imltiiiioiu, and to procure nu Orator and:lCr0 U ommcd in ' suonrowlm. l, .n.i. . ,0 ruiliiu-M; but he has never iccvlvtil
I'rirtinlttofl of Arrangements J. S
hero Is nppocd to " suppresloii," ho sends
them hid cOHiplimtnl" in the above style.
rashness; but he 1ms
sorateh. At four o'clock on Piiiulny evening
he was silting upon his horse lust in the renr
n.ivd Mini, lt. It. Haines, Herman IMIni. IVmau: Sniooi.. Noilee lhendvrrllwmiit of our line of b.itlerlci. when Cnntnin Carson
C. C Itickiimii, I II. Lynch, W. T. 0rn,of Mrs. J. V. MeCully. The p.irciils of ,''0 'tout who had reported to him a moment , brc" T,ll(; n number or rich gulches wlriuk
0 .Jacobs. N. UiikcI. II. Uioom nnd IK-nrv. Mlwes In this vlelnllv Imvo Ihvii vorv n.rtii. before, had fallen back mid wuii huldimr his lnti-ly the nearest of them nrc twenly-flve mllcn
w . ... . . .... . . "
(la motion the tllflcrrnt Commltlres
Mptftn! to ineit nt the Court
Jackonvtuc. on Miiuuia.v.'Jtmi iuini '.' i. i
At n meeting of the Committee of Arrange'
two hundred dollars have already been sub-
I scribed towards having a glorious old-ruthloncd
' Fourth of July celebration, nt this place. Let
the ball roll on.
Im We lenrn that lion. Harvey 0 onion,
extent of the Powder ltlver mines : I Lite chostn by the people of Oregon for Slute '
I'uwnr.n Itivr.n, June 9, 19C2. Pilntir, lies dangcroiuly ill nt Youcalla In
I Imvo seen thunder, lightning nnd blink j this S nte. Hon. A. C. Gibbs, (Joviruortlcct,
mud since 1 left Jacksonville. There hnve ' "lo dangerously III.
Mirti.ktoiw In oir journrvlngs Ihroush
; the southern portiotu ol this Slate, we iiotiotd
'natotnp.evalllng po Mrs. MeCully io open "or by the bridle, nboul seven feet bJ.lml " mr-ll.py ore called ( W Unleh, mi. ZZZn I Z?, ..!,
lees wn. l,ool for their girls. ,,! Is an experienced ! 1-Im. A C pound shot which Hew very near .u'l's Unleh, Howl Ouleh, Hall Storm Oulel.. ''" . ' "' l ? "''l '.'. nW,,S
Hon. In and accomplished teacher. ' Ucerul Clriiut. earrhd awny all Carson's "" nHc number the names of which 1 do ,l."1 f ' ' "' .co ,l,,r' ttcr0 K111 b'
... !...!.. '. . .. .'mil nminmlinr. Mnil nf ll .U SCUTily Of lUSt WilltOr.
Cotii.mo.v I'.xiitv Mr. I'.
Iiead. miiciiL n iinrilno ofilii. it, In. iliwi! (n.i ' "ot remember. Most of these ruIcIics were
hlow, ly , Itclitnd Lleuteimut Groves, volunteer aid lo f,ml"' '",l nin",- ll Ia no1 J'1-'1 hnown how
il.lfi.plIci.ni.iMf I.iIIj II ,. Hi. I.L.II...'.." .. .f .1 .1 ... .....
i. on Thursday cveiilng.lt was dechhd '. ,., ' , "" ', "lu,,"- Ucncrul Wilson, tearing away the cuiitlu nl rKM ""-y nre-uui me prospeeis are good.
the grove j.rar John lllgham's residence. ' T". B . . ' p.y nl ! tMIe. cutting his clothing but not Injur- Mr- Howell, wl.o formerly redded in Jackson
. the most suitable plaeo for congregating. T ,T"""'"'' " "" c ;rw".'"'o -s-"'. ah ing him, und then took oft" Iho h-gsofa soldier uitiy. tnrormcil me ll.al l.c bad got ns high
.t.i.i.K. Iveuai mn.l.i'1'rn..i.m.r ..r . "" win tiiiiiouiitciiiy nave n nappy 0I10 llf M.MK.r.. v..,..-,. fli,p,,t,. ui,t,., as seven dollars to the pan. The mines nrc
nt. i .... - it. it .1
. were Just usoendlns Ilie lilull'. About the tame 'luw,"" "mrr u,u" "'
nnliee of Arrangements, nml was instruetcd
ti all Iho Tiro Depiirtment In decorating
t'er nude. IMvul i.inu was ileluiletl to nr
rarge a sjwil.ei's stand, seals, etc ; N. Liu
n to procure music ; W. T. Owen to pro
rare w.dters. etc.; Herman llvHm to prneuij
Cullloruin mines
Indian.!. Ity H'ruiivton of the Indian
Agent, nlmul si.Meen of the llogue lllver In
Every Housekeeper oxpeitoncc how dif
ficult It Is to make good bread, mid wc there
fore take pleasure In enlling ntttiloii lo the
fact that, to luuiru unlfoimly liht, itrrrt urn! nu
Int'umt Itniil, It N only neetry to uj Utihmi-
Ion if l t rf I'utrdtr. w lilcll, III every Vesiwi-t,
excel all similar prviumtlms over ollvrM to I
Tin, Sheet Iron K Copper Ware,
JJrn l'lpcs, Hydraulic Noilc, Force
l'ump, Chains, Lend I'lpc, Hose,
And Wails all Sics ;
Har, Plate and assorted Iron ;
Taints. Oils, Sizes mid G!as:
All qualities of l'owdvr ;
Shot of nil number :
JJruiliccor!cry variety, etc., etc.
AIo,nlwns on hand, a large lut of stoves ol
assorted sizes.
The two very bentaud approved patterns lo the
l'arlor, Oftlee and Cabin Slovc, fancy and
plain, conilrueted on latest fuel SAVing plans.
Hollers. Kctll.-x, Pots, l'ans. and everyllilnc
connected with these stoes nairnuted tliiral1
aud perfect.
Alt nrttbles sold by them or manufactured
Tliu Spruiul or (lit! I'ugllih I.nn-
diiins are now on Sum Creek, Iii this oouniy. ! M"i,)r Unnimoml, his ChUT of Stuff, was hold- '"." "I1,t ,,lfrc a -.000 men on the other
People in tint vicinity report ihcm otdvrly. '"" l,!" '"'':c. Kinounteil. lly the prancing Wo of Snake liver, trying to crow over to
1 01 urn uorse.us na niouiucii, ucnerul Shermans , ,,HHC "11l
reins were thrown over his neek, and he wngj" wcw Kcl provisions here. Thero is not
luilug forwaid lu the saddle, with his head 1 .000 pounds of grub for rale In the whole
loweied. white Major Hammond was bringing ' """'t- Not pound of flour here now for
them back over his head, when n rlllo ball 8a'L' ",u' n (-'rc,u' mnnJ" lnVL' l"11 a few pounds
ill nek the line In Major Hammond's hand, " '"""' I'h'tir U nno ounce per rock j
severing it within two Inehrti of his finger, ' ". :H ' r pound j beef, from 2."i to .'10
and wHtl tlirough the top nml buck of (b n. ' c'' P01" Pnuml ami, everything else In propor
Sherumn'i Int. Had he btcn wtting upright, I""- I'lease let the settlers of Jackson county
It would have struck his hend. At another i ,!,m"' our sliuullou. All right, Andy. Kn.
lime a IniII struck lieiienil .Sherniuii on the Sks- Teamsters, packers ami farmers are lu
ilioiihler, but his motullio shoulder strap ! crU demand here. There Is grrnt demand
large ""'"" '" ,. ,' """"""" "" " wr ' wai.le.Ut off. With a third he was lew for- for Hour, bacon nnd everything else In that
ri... -I..II '""E'"- '" vi.r..ni..n.iiii, wiui ll popumuo.i . ,. , . t., t I, .,.., . ..,..!. I ,
" " v,,,f f t.l t e ti .. -,,.,, it i'""""""! I imnii lllllIIKH 1119 IIHIMI ( Mill "" " ni ruin. iiiui in liw IIIIO IIUI
w old chronic '"f "'' " 'C., ," . " ' ' ' ' Tm',y' ' '' ' ' "verwl from the wound. B"l mowy Glorlo.M country ! K,,. Skx.1 lo
... .... . rt. . . line .lit in'iniuiliuil ill 1 nil TC 111 ll Vit'llllJllv r. ... .... . . . . I r . ,. , . ...
i irevry cjfci lire sun nn uu; us a nuei.iu iur , . , ., ,, , , . ' uenerni aneriiuiii nun mice horses sliot nuilvr l1" "lr r-rl1"- i unva nueiy ennvcrsta Willi
t lers The mot important cure for tin term
i). 'list of"i;iiJah Clwuey. ivt. the lliyiie
j.i r .liming mimum. t hw tiifo (kvu
hour, farlhir to the rlnht. General Sherman. uvcr ""' ' here are nbout 1,000 men liere i the public. See tliu advurtlieinent In aiiotlier W'ARHAXTKI). Their work Is made of tin
who had been standing lor n moment, w hie '" n'"' more coining c cry day. Ileporl "'"" , ',,n?UnM0M!o!ST'JiIUr,',t".,i...i n
W.ixrmi, An Inllnitelv grent nttmbtr of l'"'01". and filled nocordlng to dlrtwtlons,
i I.. ....uil.lM sl..f iaI I. !... 1.k.u
ii'ik rucks i U. II. Haines to the artillery de
riarlmiut: and Henry Judge to procure u
) r. ul of the Day.
It was resolved that ti.i public: dinner would
I given, but that the Committee on lnvltu
Mi.' l- InMruclnl tn nik the ellizeiw to bring
Iii'.vli with llicin for a general picknlek, or
lik t d oner.
Co hit Cocnr The Circuit Court
Lik-rii county, adj.
tlib-riM itv.ion
iimriat of htulrw wm doiir.
I'nikil was cleared: but a fe
J'rom the Alia California.
OTrnuiiilay morning lat we spoke of th
poMllih future of the KnglUh as the tmlvcmil
tongue of humaully. Whether it is to be
universal or not U uueertaln, but that It is
now, und for revernl centuries more will be. ,
l.n .....J !.l..ut..t. I.. ......... ..t ,1... ...f.1 1..
f ii.v iiivii iitirvTiuiii miiiuv hi tin; ..iMtii m
uuu uuu
otlwtr i
IJ.nir.Ksl on vrs.crday .'.f.er "MmX beyiud doubt. Will, 70.01
of three wks. A linsr w',,,a (:'" ?. wnV "I. !lm" nn
suiKCriberl fur iIil'Skntixi:! nilvnnn. i riven.
'I'here Is plenty of room for nil, r C0llre
I'oiu tli of .Inly.
Tiik residents of Jnckson County nre hereby
invltid to Join wllh the cltir. ns of Jackson
ville, lu celebrating the coming anniversary
of American Independence, nt Hlghum's grove.
lt hat been deemed advisable not to have a
public dinner ; pers-i;) desiring, will Imve the '
pleasure of dlcuNlu any refreshments tliei '
may cIiook to bring.
W. U.S. Ilvtii:.) Commillec
S. I-:. M.w, - or
M. C. Skmiomi, J Invitation.
In cvervtlilne. tholr stock Is the Unrest and
completed ever brailght to Jucksouvlllc, and
they nre determined to sell
CHEA3? icon. OASH.
Call and examine their stock before purchas
ing vlscnlieri. June a, 1S(,U.-2:I.
..I cne week in Its trial. The Jury dlsagrw,!. "'"l !7''-v ",!,l1'0 ,I,,IM' ,,1W j1'"1 "I11''
r I tl.tl lllll.k( bill 111 II. j. (u.I...i.Im mil .III. ..
i-m.uii.Mi in i-raiive nun ueriiuny , ur, u,,., ,,., .,... ,... t ,,.. r11P ,.rlli, i i,n.,
is at a siihmi-iiiii; Willi iiimmiant room lur .... . ,. ... , .... ... ..,, MllPlrl, ,, ,..,, i..i. ..r.i
J0U.nmMli:o InlMbltuuU mnre. wblh Praiwe .,', ,,, u iC nJwJiI , ,lllt ' llemen have im, our Iho route f.om Kl,.
nnd Germany Imu- no vneuut ruam nt all; , ., ,., ,...,, , .. . ...i. i..i,,. . .i.i, i.,.. .i ,i... i
, III- HIHIITll.Vmi 1.1 UIHIIIM II. 1.1. inil.lv, UUU 1IIUI M,,, .-"" tl' ,"H- I'l.'.v n-.viil. IIIIIIT, Ul.ll ..luv
till, I . ...
11 itsz,
aviso nnst'Mi:n tiii:
:tS2 2EC 33? M9L JS3 .B3 StS
A X !
IlonOSty.- I'm lies indebted to me fur the at Ills old stand. In Jnokoui llle,cnntlnu(d dur-
Cainr:, who nre hone.t enoush to wl.h lopiy nS l.lal.etiecat the Kust, by Wu. Hor.v.v,
me for It can .lu to Lv oallln mi Mr C.u... ''"I- W,H Miiduot the builmw a lefore.
mi, lor ii, can uo so ii eaiiuig uu .Mr. uminiji. T,,., iv,.,, i,m..,. jU.Li,iniiiii, n. n..!!.
The Litrgrst Stock or
Goods, nml (lio Finest
Assortment of Gentle
men's Wearing Ap
parel, n tlfc State or
Cnlirornln, enn bq
linil nt nil times nt
the Sorc or
& CO.,
Who l.a.c Ju.t oiximl the brirwt Moir In i?ni.
Fmnel-oo, In Lick's new IhiIHImr. oarnrr nf
Monlgomery and Sutlvr, nud lu tt rame U(Kk
as the iicv
rS" Send vonr ordsrs nml measure, nml
when you visit San l-'ratiekeo, we tliull bo
glut) lo see you.
A pi It 20, 1802. IKiko
It. Doiiiih,
Jaokiouvllle. June "1
1 fO'.'.
c I a change of venue was takui to Line
c"My If Judge Klmtlou tlnoii not lofe liis
Ihe highest skill lu the tnevlHinlc urti ; willi a
large portion of the besi luml in the world.
he i the hero of the buttle. His iiomiunllou , "' l',vrc w' ,IC " trouble in coming through
to the MiiJ.ir Genvroldiip. of which the tekh, with teams now. Jaek'onville Is Iho nearest
graph bring intelligence today, is n lie rwd j ! to get our supplies Irom, 1 think, with-1
tribute to one of Hhj Ih-sI tMvun in our .rvuv. I out doubt, there will he live Ihousiiud miner i WA11REN LODGE No. 10, A. F. Si A. M.
General Iliirlbut hud u ri-ponml shot hih be- in ,l,tw lllillM ,l0Xl "Inter. I
twvvii hk horde's head and his nnu ; n bullel
can get too much flour und ha
kut ; for men are going lo lie so thick here in a
short time thai you nu stir them with n stick.
orth eleven dollars
three huiidrul miles '
Lieutenant Tulllmi, of General fr, '""' Seventy.llve men started fiom ' Jaoksoxvim.i:
I llfkl ll tliuln aumnliiH .tiiiiiiiiiinlAiiHAiik.
i.m t Hi Ink you AVlhe Weilnosstay I.'vSnlng. ou ur preceding h'tato-uud Kuic.
wm hi mis inur. VMlie full moon. In
(L W. GItKKK, W. M.
II. Ili.iinu. Set'ij.
I. 0. 0. F.
Loi.uk No. 10, holds llf regu-
Ur ,ni.lli,. .,i'..rv .e I 77V.' It I 1' .'I'.'.VAV.
-". -- :..... ....
"1 iiVIik!- wuiimiiiiiiB inaiiv, niui everyiiiuig appertain'
'.. ... .... ..... In to the IJprH Ininlin. pminiitly ollendiil lo.
had his cap cut by two bullets, und his boots W " twu.lyllve miles south or the cm!- V,,V.V m .r B ; J'art oular a leullon ,i .1 to I Ming Order of
1 I l 11LU 111 III I Villi ut'ttrt litkjrltitltit til A f.,1 n ti1 m !! 1
grant route. I'.iriuers.put every liorte, luulo1 Hkniiv Dkxi.isukii. X. G. fu'.' ' ' ; i.u
1 tl... ......... i.. .1... ... .......1. .... ... ..
tmpcr Uflre he gcls-ll.rmi-knritlrtbhrcnKT " '"! ', " , , V
hc mil think I is a iM rna.kal,!e nun.. . ne" ' ' w,!,,1 "" WHl r" P7"'1 r
all u.ition ; with the Ht-slnn of tliutv ports
.. . . .. .. .. .. t,i..i. ..!... iu.a.. ii.am.i.. .r .... ..
fui hsliir of (he kit " H.mlliciii Ornrnn Gj. ' ' "'eh'. hnglWi is alrmdy innler of thu ... ., . ...,., , ... . ,
' ,i . , . t . ' M'n ""if iur iikii 1 1 m vi iiiiti jm iiiviiiMiiP I " "
Ml,."l,aV,.tm.,ovlg fion, .air tnwn to u.aiu elumnts of sueee-In u struggle again.! lirclfllir ,, , ,r ,U ,,; ,, ,w(l I'lour ul the Dalks is w
0.tnl City. Mr. I'ou.eroy is , genllunai, " forms of sx-h. If. during the next wm ,,,,, ,, wwi nf ,,K, fr:j. .,, per s,.ek-ihe Hall, 1. t
iin wnni wc can only uwugreo ax iHIh'""'',""""","" ""' "" v" " '" eloll.ing.
nM-ecrpn-servfngthel'nlon. Ileli-avwour ".vr ......... ht, a,., weu.u. an , ,H, - Alcrj(4,riu)lll,v Ktun Imil I.U elolh. ng peiforal,,!' I-p l k for the forks ol the Malheur
"nantllc the worker! for UU ihmvsim o. r; "'""' " "" ""' "'"' "" "" by five lulls, wiih.mt n wiving u wound. river ; Mr. Ilenuet, oneof tho rty, told u.e t thlr Hall (Me'Cully's Theater Imlldlngj.ot
. .it. anon, nut vriinoiu owing ,, no (.,r lu tic ..-.-....." w ... " " . ... MllJr uulllmf)niI( 0f General Kher.min'. stall, ' ! In- jrnl good inK-cU there last fall.
lure, ii me most lou.ny.iiiuitiiig " Looiti- "" '" ,,,v "lu'n v ""' uij i"" "' "'l.u.lhl
. . t ... ...... I.I .. !..... ..l...l.. I....... r.... ftiM... ..t i...
..4, 1-n.iwrH.. n-imiu s.uaro nwiiiitif, y - - "'- -" - - ,y ,Vo, und two licrsw kliot under him. bul grant route, runners, put every horMMuulo1 Hkniiv Dknusukr, X. G.
- . in., w wnii,u proiMbiy ie two ii.oumii.1 ,''" ""' ". ' 'hoccaH unlnjund. A privata in the Hev. ' wI ox Inlo ., team nud bring us provisions
C ! U,,t" ftT ! ,ISn"' !c;,l,nl,,;1 ' "'K uP" '"' " ! Cn,w,, Illi..U , tw ,. his front livil, ' IW h the place In gel the .,, for It.
l',U.MK,:m,,.-mr';'wlllb;n,mp'S d ongl, I, n OnTuenhiy las,, Mr.(lord.,n,nd his son
.ln.lK.mlKlc Grove, lo MDntn.c I H " rrr 1 t ',,M,,,I, m""'' ,,,,, Mm " f,,r"'ur '"J-V-. ' 7" nM- -'. "t lure, five hun-
.1 -cr.il. of this mould. ' Jr Zm , wTfSw I ' A ri"" UM "",el ,,, ,n,,,,,e f m,0,,wr ,,rI-' ' """"' " ' ' " '" " Ci""1' "C"r
IWhh from a dUtanre re rcp.es.,1 .o.JEih ih oT . und iStl wl "' l,U ' Wr' I""1 ,I'r0",, h" n', "' T ,'"?. "J. ?l
bin- as far as noiilbk tl.Ir ou iirurfslofis! i i i ii i t .? l1'1 u'"' " ,ml ,,y"r ' ' ' but , 'lrs H,r d,.y for the last th.ee weeks. A
. r. is ur ai poiiiiiM., uivtr own prmliloiw K0Ol reusnn why situ lur cu cubit on iiniv no t1. . . ,, , ,., , L,mi mme Ptmi in inmn. iwn . ,
ii.JlwM.iw. i? i i.i i if . ...... ',n ' ricovcrlnK. Lmilnwut (.lurlv. .ferv"1 "mxi wpct to nierage two ounces per
" l nw.Ie with n.ua If not greuter tmitivorlhl ., .., ,,.,,.,, v- i i i . '.l.v n soon na iimi- ,-nn ,.oi w,,i..r .. ... n..i,
AlKMrdn.gtrnlwllllkcptoull.egr.mmrilPMlonwrlllI( ,,re , of l8 Aiwln . T ,l ' ' ' '"l Nv'l'r,","' tvv(!M ';" M n l.ol wnlcroii to their
f r ll,.. accommodation of such as JLh n. c i .. ? A"fc" ! b.ilht In thook..p of l.li swonbbelt. nud wn. Mm- l'inn mllw from Imp o creek has
sJ.UmsXroV , fa-xonrad.,ri.H..hene.Ntwnury. l,,f,er,va,dJ,noekuI down by the windage of a i crn shuek. o.,!!,,! Iwr Crwk. 1 saw ,,,
I's.tura".. for Imrm ron bo lu.,1 f.. It,- t-l ' "" ,U ,0' 'MCk' " ""' ,,U,0ry f "W ' wnu,IM '''ll' ,'"1 w,, ",,t Ittf"tJwl. ' ,,f ,,lr wll " "1C r''' "1 ' lM five
cdVjuLu,sS woihl, we find that no tongue lu, ever Ik.I L .- (lollars. Mining country has Ik-ci. found
.. ' ... ' , sueh ndvjiiluges ns tlnwo posKw.1 l.y the Ukcki-tion cii- X.vrmv.it. I'iimoxcur at already to accommodate 5.000 men. I think
StXiPr.K Xlno men who laid startnl from ' l',,11'1' l'"m'- Aleiumlcr liociitul lluil he hud MKvrinc lltntnil I'reutlss, wllh ull the ofil- Iho oomwny from Jacksonville liuvo struck
tl'Sntn. for CjrllMio, whllo in Sail Kran-' C0,ITI1"1 u" lullou worth ciwjiuriiig. nl . ceni and private wiptured ut Khlloh, arrive.) i diggings or they would have been here lieforo
t th4i.gf.l tluir minds, and came to Jack-' f!,Ctl wa f,,r " ,i,1,e "' 'ori',,0l or ,u"- nt Memphl, two days inbmpieiit to the Iwltlu. iww. On the IlOih of May. we met. organized
They are now prospecting In our u 'w' ",u " "" lKyr J,II"K'" "' ,c" uwww I by lb .Memphis ami Charleston IIalli.ud,.ind county, nml nominated county uluoers.
" ..f Iklulllt.l nll.l ll.AI UAH .lllul l.t .. f.il.lll ilA.ll.tll .. . ll . A t M X.... .
i ours, a, I'.vvMoio.s',
Ifurubi Stage Co.. coaches for
and connecting with
j. jxtbIFbezv
TTAS recently received u large und dlvcirl.
(led nttorlmiMit of
iiiAvrivn .n.-u'i.'i ,.v
i:T.re. to nil parts of California, Iho Atlantic ' p,? . ,,, i.-M iii a mi. m.J f.'A t Ml) Kl-riV.
Together with a splendid lut of other
nrocureil iuvltu lu aii)-oftbc Atlantic cltlur, j
Sight Bills of Exchange
procured from any Kxprei or i'unt Offlce In
- - j ... 1-.-. ' -i -m - ( i . . j.
ifViran.1 ,. i,.,- i ,,,. t ii1Bjr.,,'l'"w.n,l wnicoiifiuul lo a tumll portion wCrc t,,ken twenlyfour hours ufierwurds I.
' . j able to strike goo.rpavIng cblnn. "f ,Iw tlMV ttml ,lttl"U r ,,w i,lJiu,ra' ! Tiiittikwsu, Alubjuin. where they will remain
Sincr rntlhi" llKTnlMVc"linvpe ivo Iwm ' """' Ko" u(M "' ,,M,,, of ,l10 i,"ai10, ' n"1 prisoner until exchanged or otherwl.u rr-
"U rx-rwns Ikivc referred to found a "Io" conT,"",'r' Uni" I,,J,,1C ,,,c hiIiIivm nl . wnl. Grwl curiosity was felt lo see the
Mm to wh.ch bo nunfc eleven dolLini Use first "1C w"fM a",, lAlM wa 'lKul "' '-"'wrs , first imllonal Genernl the rebels hud cnptuml.
anu souiK-rs irom u.e aimmic to iiic r.u- ami iiiimirtils or persons crowuul nronnil the
phrutw, but aiwuut civilltrttion was uiuup-'depot to obtain n view of him. Prentiss was
r"'ntiwn"nniK.x. We aro IndebKd In Mr. portcI by ll o mechanic urts.nud when the in good spirits and exceeding polite, and m.ik
IL!' of ikis pliep, for spicluien of delicious ' political and military powtror Iho givut nn- ing n ery favorable impression, ns did Ids
HrMherri. Ik fiMt of the reuroii.lhc l.irsrwt P'rv was overthrown, lutelkx'lu.il d.irkuus brother oflieers, iiimio Uk crowd, nml answering
J. M. Sn-ros, lt. Kcc'y.
jackso.v vu.i.iu o una ox,
Will hold Its regular communications on the
I'li.l Nntuntnt' r.vc.il.if; iil'J-vrr)- Mmilli.
All M.loiirulni; Compaulon In good staudlni;
arc cordially Invited to iitleu.l.
w. ii.s. iivdi:. ii. p.
J.VS.T. Gi.knx, See'y. deoftil"
Tho natronuzonf the i.uLltc tsrixnorlfullvio.
Jnckonvle, December .11, 183D.-M.
TK Imvo this day sold our stock of mcr
l cl.iiudlre lo Messrs. lliuuuiiiv A Wauk.
All pfrtous indebted to us nre bvruby notillij
to kvttlu luim.'dlnt.'ly and save corls.
I'li.enlx, April 17, Ib(.'.
Mil' From our friends and jntrons wewonld
mlloll for tliu new llrm u coiitliiuauoe or tbvir
llbeial Hilrnmi;e.
I'lucnlx, April 17, 1M32 lluic
Tiik Sriiooi.u.isTKu Aiiiioaii. This phrase
ffigiuutcd wllh Lord llrougbam, whoso elo'
rpieuco Is as notorious as his eccentricity, In
n speech on the olovutlon of Wellington, "a
mere military chieftain," lo the Premiership,
uflcr Iho deutli of Canning, llioughum said :
Field Marsh.il, ll.e Duke of Wellington,
may taketlho nrmy he may tuko tho navy
'f vliKlimeamrctl n littVs over four inches 'lrtMd oer IJuro', and Dm IaIIii language in n courteous but dignified nnd decided limn
Tun Jlmucit. AMiSiKiiie.il. Ixntiti'tk of Dr
I.. J. Cicvi'K v is already seouied in a polllon
Will yon inform me, General, for what jou slllution, und Iho Huglish people will not only , wl!o1' I'kioo it, as well as lis pioprletor, far
nc nwy luiic tne iiutrc. I niai.e loin n pns-
' r rruni'. renee. Tlw were riIscm! in his i was corrupts! into lk vuriiRis tonguw of Uo-' ,nr all Ihe .roper nuwtloiw that weie oskid. cut nf them nil. Ut him coiuo on with his
P'tty ssnlen. in town. The oulv ubliclliu mai.ee now rpokeH lu the couutih'S which A Secession Colonel lunulrid nf PrenlU: whole force, swoid in hand.ngiilust ll.o Con-
Im1 in tlicin war. tlul lliey" glu out " lie- wwe oine provinws of Itome. After HimIii
Soothlncr and Braclnij."Thf re is no pre-
imratlnn lu exltlunce which has suvh u toothing i
envoi lu eaes of uen ous uxeitemmit us Dissolution of Copartnership.
llCSTiriTKU'S STOMACH IH'ITKIIS, ,rpili: Copartnership herolofore ejiblliig U
Althuugl, the fame of this renowned tnilgoru.it ' ut di,lcuI","n,,, bjr '"U,Ual C"U'Ul
rest, mainly on Its ustonlshlng cures of Urprp i " ' L'. S. HAVIlKN'.
In, Liver Compluliit, und lutntlual dboidtrs. j J. C. IIUOAIJW'i'.r.L.
It is eipially ellloaolous In nervous complaint. Jacksonville, Moj WfJM. H
TlioumiuU of IcuIIm retort to II us a remedy for
hysteria, llultcrlng of thu I eart, nervous head PTTV U 1? V I?l? V '
ache, vertigo, general debility, nud all peculiar V, J X L XJX VI J IT XJ 1 X
iliturunnes nml ilerangemeuls to whleh, as n (On the Ililll
o.x, they are Mihjt-ct. It cheer nud llghieni.
the ib'preoH'd mental powcrs.nbwellnr strength- TaoUaonvlUo, Ox'ojcorx
ens tho Ixxly, und lis nte Is never follgiud by I .
any unpimua.it reaction, hoia ny nil iiruguu
and ilvuK'rs everywhere, SO
'3l3r J(33Cs JI5 SC
llrvost-Pins, Urooclir.
Ear-Kings, Finger Ring,
Lockets, Duckies. Clusps,
Urueelets, akx'ie liuttoiks,
und Sen's,
All ol which will be sold at i.ow .ujc.. uiul
J. M:L'II1:K still continues REPAIR
as heretofore. In tho best manner and with (lie-
puteh. All articles in his Hue manufuclureil
jiromptly und with neatns. Cull and sir I.m
stock at the old stand, cornrr of Third nnd
California street!, Jacksonville. -11 If.
California Stage Company
Are now running regularly between
Jacksonville and Portland,
Tho place uf departure fur Salmon river nu.l
Hvl l'ercvt Miuvs.
23Toxy Mox-u, -a o'olools,
O. C. IIKKKMAX, Agent.
J.iek'oni Hie. IVb. 22. I'q
"IWRE wi: . rr i Km i
,. . t .1! 1 i t.. i I....I ..I 1 I....1 i .1... v-.ii. n..i..i.... ., I..-.I I.I... I....I. I.... 1 1. ... l.t, ..-......
Iiuti iifecuw.i'i iiuirricii. iiuii .mil j.hiiiiiu nr. . nun nit .iirui uru ui.i.ii; i ui-ui imih iww, nut ihuii ui iu attaium. in
eokuik-s from the Hlo GruiHlo to Iho Straits " We fought ut first." w.is tho reply, " for other tlnus Ihe country may have heard with
Ol'lt nm.lHI llATHAI ' nf M,..,ILui nml li.ul fntiimiiiiit nr f l.c, kill', r tli.i t Tnl.if,' iu It ucii Wo nm fl,,1i. tin. m.i.. ilLtii'iv llml I tin KfiMif.l une ulirnail ' It tvl.l
'-0.1 Hioiltcrs of courfc; ,w. nml our 1 mjIIC8 0; .M..XIC0 ntitl 1'cru. nml had tho best for wlwl luhull nnd will be. Hut hi ouv not be so now. Lot thetoMiei beubroadlf he
do nothing in I I.U nge. There Is
raoiiiiL'e obioail a ticrfiiiiiirrn h-m
"lJ(orc nri" ulwilVS receiving SUell btmill ,1... H,.,,,... r ,,rt (!., l.',nlro lw.MlllO llil''.1,.llnr nml ll,n hut mini llmll lu. nlln nt1 If IlOllcullI!? Ill the OVeS of knnif. 1MtIi.hu. IiwIi.
"- "' " --.. ..j...- .... ,,,.,.., ...... ...- ..... , Q...... ...... ,. , a - -- - - i - . n
''' Vt ."" """ '"" "" j mines o! .Mi-.xlco ami rem, nml hail the iiesi ;ror wiwl ll shall nml will he. Ilul in any mil lie so now
V,' '' Wv "0,lw ""' ,u,liw "" lltp l0 ' soldiers and the greatest number of mllors in went, and at ull lws.iids, we ure delermliKil t'n will i he can i
t Sob llrother-. They have such n ; .;llr(,1M. Illl(j ,y Q Ovation of Charli V. to, put down the rebellion. To that end Iho last , another perso
II r linn I !t.... 1.1 1 ' ' . . ' .... . . " .
j uliovu Ihe asxtults of envy nud profeloual
inullee. In Hie schools of Kraue, the lilgljet
prbuis nre often nwnrdvd to praotitioucis in
this department of Medical svlcooc, nnd t'jey
occupy with others nn upially lofiy position lu
Iho protection. Itleord is on Illustrious exam
ple, ii shilling light among the philosophical
Kmojinb Oir. 'lids
'M S1h Iiiim hi.i'.r tli.'in mil iklli.it nil ninv
" v
It I especially recommended ft-r it-
""'in!o, erpulitles, und from the fuel thai
l fnv from u unhlenMnt smells. Il burns
"' clear bright uiid brilliaut flame, fc'co
To Whom It May Conckii.x. The deepest
winter Is in our purse, nud our creditors nrc
knocking ut the door. Tlioso who nre In
debted to iu aro npclfully inviled to pay
up. e much nu.l the money iiuo us, nn J we Hi
After ii rciisonulihs t iinr- Ii.ik l
, eoiniillmunli'il him uitli u (linln.ua nud ll.e lion
nnu u.fKKiwiilupiie. tjeloutiug Ibis n his field
, of oiiiiratlou.allhouxli rpiallliiil ns a ariiiluat' ol
the L'ulvurally or l'ttl.t and Lite Chliif r5, .geon
!of the HuiiiinrUn Iteiolutlouary Armv. for
i.inru e.Meu.ieu Moors, nr. I.. J. Lzoi.kfiv hat.
ii.... . .".'..
iivwioi ni-iv goods, unit re so gcnileinani; sjj,i,.f power of Kurope, It H-vniul ns if ll.e , we should be unsuccessful In this generation, nllleunt. The tuhnolmaster is ubrond ; und 1 ; fully npialled him lu thU country, as a nioof
-" uVtUinillMI.IUll'. I tat M SO. W-......I.I. ....... I... ,.l,..,ro.,l II ,, I.,,. .r,. .. l,, .... ,.l ,., I.., 1 1,. lm, ,,, ,..,t ..II. Inwl In liini nrnilil lv I I liU lirtnipr ,i .li.vl Ol W II lull, 11.0 riltlilllulllllln I.llllUUU Ol .MOOIOIIIC
" tn ..VI iu w. ..r ,v ..... ,v v ..,.,. ,nA. b..n, ..- -I " -0-,.. ,.,.,., ,.,..,11,1,,, ..I,,.,, ,,,!,. .,,.1 , !,!..
. ' ooiild be ; but the glory of tt.e nation und the begin wheic we knvo oil', und continue the fa-! the soldier in full military array."
I ' Inimn,. nml ilmvn Ifiiri-llicr. The Sli;lillIl ir ii war. npipr In l rmVil until ivn Imi-n ro. -
,-.-..- ..,.. -...... . .-- , ----.. ..,.-.-. .- - .... ..
mtuiurchs, for the sake of bigotry, cxi'id the winblUhed our national existence upon n ba
' imluttrious .MoriHOW, the bost part ol their sis that the future will not disturb,"
I population, drove the Xcthci lands Into rcvo-1 As he tald this, many fjcs looked the sym
jlutloni waged war with France and Ivnglaial , palhy ihey did fml express, nnd not u few
I mid Tm key, and on every side wuiUd the, persons criul" Good," and cheered.
..,.,., ,1 ..,,,,,...! il,. r..i.n.lii!niii it tin. ii lint .In rnii snntirur." iitl.'rtl I !,- r'nlnnrl nuisL luivn it. After 11 rri.dftiinliti. llnin Iiic
. ! ... '.'... ... .....'. .. ... ,. .. ... l ...i ... , , .. .. .!Ure lUllilUhed US mutter t,r Intnrr.t In lliuir
s. Xo leevmniln noivi lis -.vttk. now cr which accident mi irnwn Inlo their yon can suniugnio u.e csouinr e.xpireu, we iiiieon io tuo every unpam nccount rMli:. . ,i, ..: 'V " . i.' ,' ,."'i: i .
, -n i ' il .1- ., . 1........ .......,h ..... ui!.. -.,... u juitriiiiii.. . iiv
r. .urn,. .. t... t- i . i ii .,...., i i. x..i,i...H f;A..t. T..H.. r Ki,',.iitti, . 'ri.,,1 is v.iiip niirntfi nm. nni nni-a " mi. nn nnr nnnifv. nun iin-n stnn inn rniiu liiwinnLa ' n. u nr'u nriAM. ...., 1. 1.. ti..n..ri i o..
. .., nlre is uonn or liimiu iigl.ll.i.ig
' Hoik. () ' for one of those letters lli.il
'" "ixie friends used to rceelvo nl.eu.lof the
IS hereby ulun, that the coparlnrrhli ltieto
ruruexlating betweeu J. si. lturivv uuJ D,
I. Inn, under ll.e name und My Is of Uurpee li
Linn, is this day dlmihril l.y mulunl ewuf'iit.
The debts of the firm will Iw sttlllwl Ity I.
Linn. All II.OH' know lug lhciuliN Iik1VI4
to the firm, are hi'ieliy nollHwl to ooinsfurunl.
aud settlw Iminedlolefy, or IhWr noutH wilt
be given to uu attorney fur collvullou.
J. S. iichi'ui;,
ll. LI.VN.
Jacksonville, April filh, 1SU2. lilf
T 1IAYK nulboried 11 p. iOUIIJAV. r,f
L l'huinlx, ui my ngciit. ilurfoj mj alMMcv.
lo trsn.uot Ui.Iih'm for in In my who.
l'eroM knilug thiiinta.'liiM luilslrfwl to in
by not or nraoutit. arc uutltlid to ull on Inni
luiuiidiately nnd ruy tip.
; JiKonilll.. April 23. IMt2. .1
I Farm l?or Salo
mei.ts lo neoommodatc the ick and ulllcU d. ' Ll lv mil. fn.in .Iait....,i,ll ulMU. ..LI
bent his onn.e.1 attention to thiicoro Hironic WP""". 1"" laboring ur.der Chronic Dis-, n, privnle sole. Alw. AFAIIM'IO LliT.
dlHast. in wlilch ho hni boe-,no so great an ! f?' W"..'!!? Ti ,1.. irio". .. l'" w ! of crilr. nl .ls
e.xpcit that he Is now recur :,u a. the l?adur lu r."eJ.' '' W ?"'. . '.l, i?f " ,,.,.'f.,0?Sl furm on Dear Cretk. O. 1). 110X11!
Ml. 3S.ll
stiirti of his a jo in Kurope, nud Dr. Capkay hai
'IMIK Proi.rietnrs liuring taken possession
1. of the City Drewery, lately controlled by
Mr. Fiiz, are prvpuud to funn.li Mger Ileer
to Kile uf thU licinity by the keg, bottle
or on draught.
An experience of many years In brewing
Lager Beei
Gives them nn ndvsntoge over all compflltort.
and warrants litem In proiuiiing A ImlT'KIt
KlKWIIKKK in Soutliwn Oiegon.
r lie sure to tend your orders lo the
CTTV JJULWKHV, if y.m wish Hw HI-U5T
iiKKii. KiiKuzmt & M.vi'ri:.s.
Jacksonville, Sept. 10. lbd, Sfltf
Dii. g. w. giu:i:h
TS now prepared with ample Hospital arrange-
lundj. Neither Greek, latin or hpanisli 'llmt Is your phrase, nml not ours," rc
.Hr iinnrojehid Iho udvonluirw of Iho Knir. spou.lid tho General, "chnv
Istatos. in which i hai l,oerino ,0 Kr,,ftt an ! "' i va "? upiioii. Haeum-ii.tn, liiar- j.uiouar, c.ut) b,
?c,t that he Is now repaid a, ,ho ladur lu jves'tt'oU lT the 2'rU.Z fur,n ' ,5rtr CV'
ifshranol, or his pr,Mlon Ihroughout the I " l0 j' f 'conorrlitSS avnWIU so 0einU'r 6-1M
nlted tilates, nnd his ooilull and biozraohi , '"J??".1' ,'"T'A,.?.?..r"'aia a" '"M""'. t0
-.. nut, ll ,o,l .:. ..r ." ,...f. IHHIUHMI III Ulll lUllllllT. I - ..... . . ,
surgical department, Bcmxurai xnipiejueiits.
liili even remotely, so thuir failure i; uo nrgu of subjuguling the South, thou
wfriipli, ,,l0 terrible ilikastcr bus no'inent ngalust the probablo succcw uf our shaping, wc may be forced to such u courie.
'!t beftll the I'nion nrmy, nud ihe Govern-, tongue. , Ifyu "'"" by the expression, conrpicring the
't dcipots won't let us know It, Whew! j The present area of tho United States is spirit and leaders of the revolt, wc will ns surely
!2.0:iO,l(!C square miles, and tho population do it ns thcro is n Gud In Heaven. Wo claim
Hr'diQi . Hev. Mr, fiteurns will preach ;ln nnrnnn , wi,tt n.n n,m nr tlif llilil.li Km- and believe that the ercat inulorily of the peo
'"0 M(i(i,It Church to-morrow, ol 'llC plr'0 is 6.350.781 fquare miles, with a popula-1 pie of the South nre loyal thuflheynro finding
nnt nni " n. nn our hooks, nud then sloti the credit liminon I f),p.nr'u nn.u ., .. .. i l.io m..ii...i .. ...1 q.!..i..i will alto ri'Ouliu iMiialnl oaru.
vc never talked forever I Institute, on Sacramonto st.. corner of l.rides 'i he mo.t umple uieaus for BATHING at- A LARGh nud variuj HHorlmrnt of Agri-
. , 1 ,n, . Idorlf. nciily opposite tho Imlldlogs of the l'a- Inched. I il. cultural Jmpleinvnti, of all kinds, on liaml
ill as events are j , clllo Mall Steamship Company. 'AltM, luml constantly arriving, for sole on the moH
i.m-kiiitiii.'s .. iiiu -uui 01 U131 1 U'ensk Iho turlloular nllonlton nf nur rpflil- HOT. favorable terms ami ut ll.e Ii.up.i i-itv nrl.a...
"I hour, iii the place of Itev. Mr. Slruiton
is uliicjil on urcount of the sickness of I.U
wr-iulaw, Harvey Gordon, Hlato Printer
A Ni-noKT KkliT A- Johnson have n cood
'Voi on dm rluht hand fork of Jackson
i On Saturday last they found u chia
Idling twenty ounces, wliioli would have un
ptidly ttc,ai.ttj moro jf it hail btcn found
''Mlinonor ('urrllimit
MUKKi in unr,'li nl illimtlii'S. mlllllt flu.
'I'HUy njnt lu Ihe vlelnllv of Phtt'ilix.
month, C.iptulu lloss und his company of jcrs to tho sworn ocrtm&iies of remarkable eures,
lutliflndvis sturled over tho mountains, and I '" n"('"'(,f CQ""'" of "''' ''a'H'f' Kem
were lust heard from iu tho K'umath Iikc
Vnlley on the 25lh ult. Wc presumo they nrc
like the soul of old John Drown, " marching
lion of 20S.88 1,331, of whom three-fourths n.o out even day how greatly they haie been de-
iihuhins. Toffdher. tlie two AnuloSuxon ceivid by your politicians, and two mouths
lullons have dominion over 11.000,000 srpiare hence, if not sooner, thosu who nre now n , never say 'full."
miles, and '.'35,000,000 people. Tho Untih nrms against our cauw will ue wllh us. 'two
Finplrc comprises in Kurope, The Jlrilish Is- thirds of tho men around you, Colonel, arc
lauds, Ireland, Gibraltar. Malta and the Ion-, Unionists. Iseound know It, You cannot
iun Islands j in tho New World, all America ' overturn the principles of free government or
north of Iho United Klalcs, (save n littlo strip violate right and justico with Impunity.
bclonuiiwto lluula), Iho Ilcrmudai, the llu-.Seventy-die years of wiong nro fighting ntj
our slue, nun you can no more resin mc tor
rent you have tet iu motion than you can turn
back tho cataract of the Niagara. Our cause
on." A 0 know, if anybody ever goes through.
Ihey will j for they arc the klud of men who
hamas, .Lunuica nnd other West India Islands,
Newfoundland, llrlli.h Guiana and lulklnu.l
Inlands 1 In Auilral.ili. all Australia, 'las
uuula, Nov 'A-ahmd, NoiMb hlaul and , Is a certain lo triumph us the .eusvns arc to,
lliuiinipKR Youn FntB.NDS. The steamers
are now running regularly from San Fronelsco
to New York, semi-monthly. Anybody wish
ing to send n paper to tho States, can have
the Sf.mi.ski. for one year by paying us the
small sum of lour dollars. It will speed ou its
mission a constant memento of a still cherished
friendship. Send semi-monthly gratings
tho dear ouqs at home.
COLD, ami
Dissolution of Partnership! rMBiSL.CBT'JiJCW,
''PHIS DAY, bv mutual consent, tho part- Willi every convenience to tult tlio raoit fas-
1 ncr.hlp of ANDB11SON A- OLIJNX, ,iU'0l-
JiicKso.ivllle, Uregon, Is Itereoy dissolved.
All who havo claims against tho tome iv
pluaso pivsvut tho ntnio nnd receive their pay,
and nil thosa knowing thcnnelvcs Indebted to
either or both of thu parties, by note or open
account, will savo costs by calling nt their,
ollicc. next door to the City Drug Store, nnd
pay un, as olrciimslances require that tho debts '
musi ue nam in an csly il.iy. J-.itucr parly
will be allowed to sign In llnulilntlnn.
Jacksonville, April 16, 18C2. Um3
Teiins reasonable.
G. W. GHKKU, M. I).
Jacksonville, Oregon, May TJ. IbtiZ. 13
Xzuportors cAj Xonloi-,
Corner of Washington and Davis Street,
Phcunix Works
Hear of .Yew State Sjooii," on 77iiid ft.
." PAOK-SADDLKS constantly on bond at A "
Ss to 1 my Huroow uud Saddle, y establishment. I T: I
j &1 HIiNUY JL'DGK. ?, aJJ1,u
SHAVING, Halr-culllng, Shampooing Cur
ling and Hair Dyeing.
a eeuulno article ot Pith's II.vib rte.s
Mia UrlitsdoraV liKtUutr I lur nut ti r low rules,
JacU-oui 11W, Jau, ti. . ii All onlers protDpily atlciflwl Us.
Jonathan ICittJ'edgo, a?rop'r,
10 Halter)' ., ttr foclllc, bun FrauclKo,
MANUFAOTL'RKlTTf Flrc.proor Doors,
.ShuUm, Dank Vu1ts. 1'ri.nn C-.U-, lal.
lugs, Grating, Jialeonien. Dolls, UriilguW'ork,
A large nfo.tmentofH'Cond-h.ind ooniu uud
biiottkks conituutly ou band aud forioljat.