ill EGON SENTINEL. , ai.M.ffl.X!tt-'nv2nrvk4arr Jt- I .-!::- 84 IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 1S6-2. VOL. VH-.NO. 21. ill THE OR WWJImgJT1 THE OREGON SENTINEL. Till: OltlJdOX SliNTIMJl,. III'.MIV, I'iiIi'i- mill Pinii'r. Ojlitc owr Cugnge V l)ntm Shililti. Siii'imiiitiiin Onu your. In mlvnuci. Four IMInrsi Six 1111111111", Tun Dollar mid I'M) nut. thin' tuonllis. due lliillur niul l-'Ilty irlllli. I llll'!' It'llCllt'll, pllpcf Will ItC lll-COII- linim! at tin' expliutloti d Hit' time lor which till' lllll' llCl'tl Kllll. ,uinittlMi One miiiihc (ID line or ri), lrt lui'tllitn. Time Iluiliii. ; inch iubriUt'iil (iiTilinii. line Dollar. A dhcouut nt lll'ly p.-f mil HI be III.I1I0 lU lllOH' who udicithc by lilt1 jur. ADVERtTsERS. Iti application In I'iMiii.isleik niul Mull Cut tier.-. mi run Kiirn that llio Oiikiion Si:vn.i:i. ,j lijr n larger oltcnlulluii In the rntiiil ! i,f Jiickmii. .ficphluc mid l)uiigla, Oregon. onl l'l Nmli . ('ulllnrnliii Hum iiny nllici hi- r Till tllOl khnllhl CulllllU'llll tlieSKMINM. to vuit Af u superior medium I ur itilurtl-liig. List of Afjcnta for tlio Oregon Sontinul, hImi are iiullnirlrol In Ininmct miy hii'liit'? ceiiecriiltig Hi' lmper, In lliu mime uf the pub lishers . J. I' l-Vhcr S.m I-'raiicVcn. Itailiwortli A li.iim- Viekn J.M M 'all lihiinl. J.I IMtiiilnirl (Ju.lnirg IV. I'llllUT .pplfffUlc V. S Wllll.tiii'lmrg Mil 1'. I'riidle Ucibvillle A II M llviilllt Wilhlii ..Kcil.yillle Waldo KEDUCTIOX OF PRICES wbvi mm mfKin kwii niuii v m S - Stoves & Tinware. O. IS. DORKLS I Ins now opened u Stovo and Tinware Shop On Third Stroot, nenr tho Post Ollico, .tucUnniillc, Oregon, Wlicri! lie will keep nn liaml the beat patterns I3CHTNJ) FOR iii'- COOKINI! KTOYIIS. I'AIH.Ult SSTOVKS. SALOON And every kind of .salmon kiyhk : "Within Sixty Day! GOODS SELLING AT- Tlio Kui-Rc! Stock of (iooils, and tlio Fluent Ahh(iiIiiu'ii( orCcnllc iiicii'h Vciii1hb Ap puiH, in (lie Stale of STI ovih'TEEIENDOHS SACRIFICE Tin, Iron and CopponvaiT, W. V llm-liiirt.... I:. J. l-Div 'Vf. M "Jimis.... JiHlll.i'rn It'iTti M illnry n. j M.mivrf. . . . . M l.'llU)tlli... F Cliirni.iii . . . . i IV U .ik'lli'lil . . II' hi u in Took. . . , J II .-in 'Hi AllllOUM' .. . .Cmivoiulllc IfiiM'Imru Sultin . . . Tugcm' l'll. .. .Oregon Clly. MImiiv. CnrvulbV , . .(.'ri'H'i ut Clly Mwiilr n grnil variety of Cnllimry nrllcles loo niiiiartiiH to nicniiuii IVlnil mMiIiibiiiivIIiIii!! In tnv llnr nn n- Mieclfiilly liivllnl tu will niul vvimjiiu thciptul liy niul price nr mv wat-v. Ku-y Idml ur .lull V(H!K ilniii Id nnler. Sly mm Winr Itipilinl Wliliinii l'mr( (iKOIKiK II. IKIItltlS.' .lurkMiiivllli'. Nnv. u. ihiil. ci ,. -.IMi- L. P. FISHER'S Advertising Agency ii. W WnliliiKlnn Ntml, NVarly iiihi.i Miinln'ii ()ku Hoiik', .SAN I'UAN CISCO. .lirrlti'iiipnl mill Milwrlillnn miIIcIU'iI i't iIk- iii.iin iati.nki., nml Ihi I lie prliinlml r nn tin I'licllic eiii'l. AilivrlUumi'iiU Ii.ih.iiiIiiI tn iiH'iiiilillliiil In any portion nl il .Ml.iiil.i .-l.iti'ii. Ma WIUJMI.UIU VJiHLJHIItBraiRW. J I S I N I5SS CA 1 5 1 )S. c. v. citi:i:it, Physician and Surgeon, nrnci:, crrv Ditn; sroitK, JiHlnti Illr Uiriiii okaxci: .IACOIIS, AT'J'OltNJiY A'l' LAW, Jnrli. inn llti', tlirmi. rll.(. ulluiiltn lnwliir In llu ConrU nl II lliti I-ir-t DMriil. nml in lliv Sjtwk' Ciiitii. Oel.'.'iiMI rPlli: iiiiiliTltiiul onM iviwlfully liirnrm .1. tin' I'lll.iii" uf .IihIimiii unit Hiljiiliun cimiilli'K Unit lie lint mi luiul unit will iiuiiiiiliiu I ill tv lo imltrr All ICIiiiIh of Sitilillcry v. Harness Hfl'll AH llwivy )rmi)tlil lliiriniM (lunjr nml flioit tn) Cuiiconl HnriKW, IIiikiO' IIiimivm (iloiiUk iiihI Hlintli') SikiiiMi SiiiIiII. trim mul titfvinir complete : I . .!,. .V..l.ll... I.. .1 ... J. I II llllllf .nilllllT. .HH'lll'V .7HIHIIIS0, Sinlilli' lni!i, lltiil.'iv, Sitrciiiitliii. Ilullvm, Spur. (,'iirrvrnniln WIlIjH. 'lllp'lll(llN. Atul nil ntlitr nrlluliv ii'iinlly foiinil In n llnlcliut ihnk u( MAj WOKIv H'AltIIAiTI!l). In ' .Suilliiol " llnlMinu, C.ilirornlu Willi on I Mcserue! -AT Slnro Unit. IllCkMUIvllll J. A. BRUHHEB &S BO'S. 'i art; ilctt'i itiliitil iiikI C'oiii- pi'Ilotl tn place all our Hook Accounts mul Note in the IiiiiiiIn of our At torncy, for action At the coining term of the Dis trict Court, ll" not paid on of ht'l'ore the :::itl DAY OF .lAMAItV, IHd-i. J. A. BRUNNBR &. BRO. .TA(!KSOVVIM.K. .Inn. II. fi2 HOLIDAY GIFTS! GrlELJ&.lSrjD Opening' Display ! ux TUESHAY, Hie 27th of May, -AT- Ssiclis Bros5 Cheap Cash Store, California had ran at nil tiuit'H the Store of lie at A Diuvk Momto.v Ilov. Tlio Detent AYim or April HOIli relates llio following nc count of a conibnt between n Mormon boy ami n wlM cat, or California tiger, ns it is enlled In tills Slntc : A few days dncc, n young Ind, son of Clmrlca Lttmbcrt, of tlili city, while riding over tlio prulric west of Jonlon. ennic in con- titct witli a Inrgc wl!d cat, tr Calllorn a tlgor, ns tliey arc frequently calliil In tlili country, wlilcli immediately sliowed "fight," nnd nt tnelfeil ii large ting wlileh was with the boy, nml wns in a fair way to use him tip, when the lad, who Unn adept with tho lariat, nnd had one with Mm, lmt wns not armed with gun, pistol, nr knife, succeeded In Inking n " hllcli" on tho ferocious beast, but not nrouml his neck, the rope nt the sutnc time pawing around n sngc bush, so that in drawing it tip In the usual wny, the nnlmnl, which still held fast to the ilny, become fastened somewhat lo the bush. The liny then got down from ids horse nnd applied the heel of one of ids heavy boots to the wild cat's head, until It re leased Us hold upon the dog, but subsequently got disentangled front the buth nnd made fight wlllt the lad, when he sprang into the saddle mid stattcd off tinder whip ami spur, the wild benet making efforts to seize bint, jumping higher limn tho horse several times. Just miss ing him, ui they were moving swiftly over the prulric, tho horse gradually gaining ground (Hid lllO I'.'IM mil fillllllff lu.lilii.1 tmlft ll. In-. I " ' '""""'I M..1.. .MV M- .Vi:W YOKIC & SACKAMKNTO. ton'rfl'ighl him tip nnd he was dragged by It IJEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO., FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS & TAILORS OF - If the rest wish to know why wc dun them, this Is our answ r not that wc care nboitt ourselves, but our creditors do. Would yon that wo went to j ill, nnd you go free, than you pay yonr debts nnd keep in moving ? As wc agreed, wo have worked for you ; as wc contracted, wc linvc furnUliiil our paper lo yon, but ns you don't pay we dun you. llcronrc agreements for job-work, com tracts for subscriptions, promises for lq.i,r credit, nnd duns for deferred, payment. Who le there so green that ho doti'l take n paper? If any, ho need not spenk, for wo don't mean him. Who Is their so msnn thai he tlont ndverttse? If nny.let him slide, hu nln't tho chap neither. Who Is there so mean llrnt he dont pay the printer? If attj, let li'iti shout j for he Is the mart we're nfter, Hie name Is legion, and he's owing us for one, two, three, four, live, six years long enough to make us poor nnd him rich, nt our expense. iii'.nky .hdci:. iiif. ai. im;i. .i!nr CHRISTMA I'HMMIil Hilt J AND NEW AT Till-: YEARS, or tiii:. Largest and .Host Fashionable - JJIIIL'K or- SPRING m SUW G-OOds 2 Uvor brought to this IVSarkot. Who have Just opened tho hireost flnrf In S.tu l-'imislren. In l.luKV new liullil'mr. cnnitT ul .MiiiilKniiii'ry mul Suiter, mid In tlio mine bluvk us the new MASONIC TEMPLE. m ns Mii.umr. illALLOUY, JlUM . PVI.K. pvm: a; ATTOUNEYS AT I. AAV, llnliurK, l)iiiiKtn fiiinilj, lln., "UrIUnllciid tn iiny 'jiuli:ri confidrd In 1 1 limn, in tho K-vrnil ('iiiirl (if Ihe First District of Oitgoii, nnd In the Kit pHiiK' Cmirl. Oeliilwr '.'11:11 WAR SCRIP, VVAR SCRIP. D. F. DO W E LL, ATTO.UNKY AT LAW, (VIII iimclkc In nil tin' Coiirlx nf tin- Tlilnl Jii'li'bl lll.lrli'l, tin' Siiprinie Cuurt ol'Oru pHi.Mnil In Vitkii. t'nl. Ili'li.i mi ajji'iil nt WinJiliialnn. and 'h'clf I" iill clly iiimI lliu Allintlii llil. KniniMii' s4 Frfll, Jiiiliiny Imtlnr.H will nciiic muiit iivv.'.-islli C. I. HP It A a V 11, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kkuiiviii.i.k, Jihki'iii.m: Cci.ntv, Ohv., VTill iMiiielitulty attend tn l.uvluci-'eiilriulcil tn tj.fari'. April l:. Ht. i:ilf PKTKJt JJ III TT,' PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST .lnIiilll Illi'.Orrilll. I'rrepirnl lii i.iUo I'lcliiiin In every lyl'f l Arl. with all llio lalo.t linpt-iivi'iiii'iilx. II fannl s.'Iioiutir.icllnii.iiiichnrgu will liemiiib t'll t Fimk'i- Ulnar Hlore, or ut Hie (Jullci-.i un ty lllll. mid UU l'lcliiti'K. I Itr ! II." hrNVM9 ' Whole.ale and Itelnll Dealer In Foreign and Domeatic 21,XC?TDrODEL , YAKIETY STOKE In llitlm lliu.. llili K llullillliK. mil Im- fiiiinil tho cli'iliol ii d tniwt eoiunleli ! eiilh otloil i' r nil' I'lil III J'lckMjnvilli1, ill' :i3owi.tJ.r.T.lly XSo-LXXicl AND txwvtocl O-irt Booliu, V.Xt3xxxxxM. naxcl Xo- otlorvl Vi'oi'kia. -. I.HO- OHIt-DREN'S TOYS, JEWELRY FANCY ARTICLES. SHELL CADINET3. mul BOXES. All Hie I.nli-.l ISnulUli nml Ann rlimi I'll- luiliil., .1Iii(.-ii(ln. ,Vi lluiiii. (iii.Kuill)- mi Hit' Ifllf VAIMIVI'V stoiii:. KB. A. IfilSJWiTAiO, Orogon Stvoot, In iiiav reci'lvliig a regular weekly supply of 27033L 3Fr,TLTLltl3 : ilpplus, 3?oare mul 7cnchos, And all ullicrM In oitnii. In iidillllnii lo hU' mul arlul iloek nf Candies and Nuts, Which will Ik- sold on llboiul term', tn mlt tin llmi'ii. Hi' hImi iiDi'IM In lliu lull, II.' liU ui.ll. OATS. W2ZBAS 5t EACOSG ! kuuwn niMirliiK-nl o( llio " 1 FINK.ST IIUANIIS OF Arc nowCIosiiiirOut their entire stock of Goods, Groceries & Liquors, at the Yuvy Lowest Rates, FOR CASH ! i. (live n. u cull, ut Iho 1'ii't (ink' llulld' In, cmiii'i' nf C'nllloi nlit mul Orvgou tliit-tc. April l!. M!. lli Wanted in Esccliango! - it tiii: IKB'SiV JUG. JSZSUltt -AMI- BOOT & faiOB df AKDFACTORV Wo Kwp'olfiilly Hilltilt llio iMlronagc or the puMlu. nml kuiiiwiIm' Mitl-riiullnii lo nil wliu iiuiy tutor us wllli u vail. .SAOIIK IlItOM. Jaukioiullle, May U4, I tiii'.'. )y W2f SbimI ynur nrdew nnd inensuro. nnd Inn you villi gun FrniiuUiO, wu tli.ill be glad tu hi' you. IIIICSTO.V, IIASTINUS & CO. Aprll'.'O, IHtr.'. Ifnnc DUGAN & WALL FORWAIIDING AND C0WWISS10N XXi-Iolc lOxxilcllsj.B, Curncr uf Tiont ami F HtrvvtH, CinSSCKN'T CITY, TTlflM. attend lo the Itrcclvlni; mul forward l lllg nf ll NEW BOARDING HOUSE, ,4 MOR K. UOfillUS has Inken Mrs. .1. W. J MeCullyV new dwelling, nn Culiforiila Irvet. lor tlio iilmii) purpoH1. His Inlili' will be I'liinUliiil with tiik inwr ih" uiHiki't hiriiut. niul hiiIIuii up in "mipb pie urilur. If any nue U illpiiM'd In doulit Hie cnrri'titui nf tin iiluivu Uili'iiii'iils. iiiii tin lilm tln liiinnr nt imIIIiik. niul llio ulmlo llitui; can ut nueu be Imled. It nlll nulr votl 17 In try It u uvk, in lirivtiuuti fur ii kIiikIu call, JaukMiiivllle, Feb. Tl. Tm) ubout n cpwrler of n tulle, when tho boy, sup, piwlng him dend, held up his horse. On dis mounting, however, he round that the animal was yet nllve, nnd having no other ttinins of disiutohing him took off one of the Mlrrupf front liU fcuMlo, nnd b'nt him thcrewiih until life became extinct. Tho uimiml was of the largest yhte, the lwdy over tlneo fi-et In length, iiihI wns talktr than n grrihouixl. From the boy's stuteiiwnt, It funght most desiierBtely, iiimI It win ctrlHiuly lucky for the lad tlmt It did not get u hoM of him, for if It had the boy wmth not huve been nb! lo disengage tiiiii'elf fnmi his Krusji, nnd would have bi-cn lililul. swswrmiswwsEWTLiruiw Aro Thoy All Abolitionists. The Clnelnniill Comhicijiiil, In nn article re- - mil - Harness, liiiillcs and Saddles, Or all kind', mid till kinds of SaiMlo ilgglng. - limits anil Hlincs made nnd re- p.ilnd tn onlvr In a neat ami workujiinllki m- lw,,,,,"or K.K.CM1.VWN. 1'liii'ill.V. IVb. 1 1. l WINES, SYRUPS & CORDIALS, - AT TU J - tiXPKUSS SALOON, lurni-r of Ciiltliiniln inil 'I'liliil Hlmi'ls, ,Vott ilnor In lleekmaii' Impress. ( ?iii" ,VI iinlerx promptly llllnl. .'Wlf HAUT.Ii i:. iIAY, JxtotjOlXi-st acxraaxsxo, OPPICEIN "3ENTINeU" DUILDINO, Fiii-li.iinilllr. IIiikoii, Xtiblos and Testaments. AHlfl'I'I.V of IllliU'smiil Testninenls. In in. rioii'tljIpK.rivvlllly relnlnd lot' nl' Uii.tii.iil cliuiw. nt lliu i'iolloiy ut Iho "A -oil County lllblu .Society. Wut llurr.MA.N,l)ipo.IUry. CAWYOW HOUSE! OliasiEocl ZiXtxxxcXm. Hit: lcHlimid bea lenvo In lufoiin Ihi Ira char I imwIiiiL' intuitu llut they have taken Ul IM till' CvVNYON KOITSK, Canyonvlllc, Doutjloa County, Oregon, Wlicio they will le p I'Miiiully iirweut loalli'tid In IIiowuiiH of Imwlii'iiiul iMi.inliis-wlii-re a uiitaro" niial O.HI bo furnUlii-il, nml panic iilnr ullenllon inld tn Hie ciiiiifiill nf kuiwIh ut all 11111111". 'I'lm p.ilioii.isour Iho puiJllo is ic epicltully folleltul. a 1HM1.1.. IV HWIIll" Caiiionvlllc, Match 10, Ibi 't'J CIGARS AND TOBACCO Ki'Vi-rul hundnd T.AI)Ii:S' liASIvUTS, 3?ipcs, j?orfnmory, Toys, And man) nlhi't' FANCY ARTIC'JKS. Jnuki,uiio. Aimu.t :ti. (Mil. -j:i;tr Dl-ZCI I )KU UKl n TCTJ ON III the I'rleus of Board and .Lodging ! - AT Till!- FRANCO-AMERICAN RESTAURANT. War Scrip. HAVUmailiinrraiiireiiieiitsivlllinraspniiBlble Oregon lUiiklni,' llulld loiitteml to Iheeollcclioit or War Sotlp in Wmbliijiton Uity. It.tvlus oecu hhil Iho polllon ol Chlcr Clerk In one ot lie leimi I incuts ilui lu Iho war, Klip liulilvr will Hud mu prepiiid In kIvoiiII necewary luiounu. linn ivhilliu In Iheli ol.ilm. , . I nlll iilm l'Ivo mv uttiiiHou to polling and nil, mul"? book mul aecounU. J1U' OHIci) In the V".',',,i,,,ll,,,,,J?' m i v tiA.ML I'll, ri, .'I A i JnflL.oilTlll0. .lime VJ. Util. 'illf JOM I'UINTINO nfiilliliverlptinnsiieiitly V.xee.iUd at the Si;. riXKI. OFFICK Hoard and I.odj,'lng, jk.t week il. per neck , , lloaul mul l.mlgliiK, pcnlay, nlthpi). vale loom, bu t tylu , , Lodging per nlyht n private mom l.oilulnjj, per night, In iloublu ruom j-Juglo Meal $0 00 , 7 00 ' 2 25 75 50 50 THE TABLE. Iti'ducllo'i In prion, but no leduclloii or cli.iugi' In l.iblo. .My tublo,thall not Uo tur p.iitiil by any in Hie Sl.iln of Oicgnii. iMADAAin JMMtOHOAM. .Inokvonvlllu April .'I. lt-n; .i :aijsk-ia.T9ii Hear of " XtK Slute Saloon," on Thud St. Shampooing Uttr- Mio. n ae'i"'"8 iUolu ol FMi's lltu Ilfd- I I'.ll'k Wrrtlintr II ' tlr lii?ir lie. QHAVINli. llnli--eiilllngl .) ling ami lluir Dyeing, II (iimhI I'litiii'liii tu their ciuo. ivitli piouiptiuiKi mul dliatch. Coii'lgnnu'iils tobellul. Merehandho io chiil on Murage, Ciwecnt City, April 10. IW. la N. II. Nn gniMl. dcllured ittilll Ihofioluhl ind ehatgi's um p.ilil. i, ,v PRIVATE HOSPITAL, wit. cj. v7 chi:i:u TS now prepared with nniplii Iloip1lalnrrmigo L ini'iiU to iiceoiniiiodato tho Mck nml .illk'tnl. oielally llioo luLorlilL' tn.iKi- Chronic III.., Ulcll an Cnuruiuptliiil, Ithciiuutblil, lil.ll' r'nt'i, CoiitIutln. mid llio uiiiinu iiiivoiiii illH'UWf, lo.'cllni' iillb Ilui eiroiuf reulU or imiufnllij turnl (iiinorrlnua nnd Syphilis, to incwilciil In our country. Tin. SURGICAL DEPARTMENT tillluWn iicuiii! i'pto,al cmv. Tim muit umplu uieuiis lor BATHINQ ut- iicum. WAHM, HUT. SWAM, COM), awl suuwnii With oveiy convitilcuce to tult the most fm. tiduiiiK, Tcuiiii iciiHomlile. OFFICE AT CITY DRUG STORE. u. w. (jhi;i:i1.m.i). Jackmnvllle, On-gon, May :i. bti2. io ... . . . . ... i... a . f .. lnillllUVlliu LIIl,uioiii Mttunr llnr yior'OUilltc, jau. to. m Wot.tce. WE Inn n this il.iy mi our tlock or mer elm iiIIh. to Mosj-is. Hi: um. ruv .t W.uin. All pursinik ludtthlcil tn u iiro hereby nutillcd lo K'ltlo Iiiiiii illntuly mul f.uu ciit". ItKDI.lCII ttiOI.Urf.MITIl. riiiinh. April 17, Ihh.'. i Kmni our friends and natroui no iioulil milluit for the new llrm ii coutiiiuaiico of their liuvi.ll ii.iuoil'iKi', 1CKIM.IUII .t OOMWMITII. I'lircnlx. pr!M7. IwiJ Hino Dissolution of Copartnership. rilllM Cniui'tiicmlilii hoiL'tnCim. ovUlln,. i,n. I liieen llio iindei'.litiKd. bv mutual oouecul U tills day dUolved. T.f. IIAYDIJN'. J V- HKOADWIJf.I.. Jaektuuiille, .May 3d, UG,'. 17 fitting the churgo that rrciddi'iit Lincoln is eoudiiullng the war ns un ubolllion conflict. iv : I'ho great miii nf Northern lK'iiiocrals ennic henrlly up to the support nHlied'overi) iiient, when, in spile of Its conciliatory policy. II was torce I into tlio war for llio prwervn (Ion nf (ho Union, mid lliu President has not failed to recognize their patriotism nnd their Important services in our Legislatures and on tho biittlC'IIchK Duiincruts nro now repre sented In the Cabinet, the most Important po sition nt the I 'resilient V Coituull Hoard that of Secretary nf W'nr being fllled by llie linn. I'Mwln M. Slnnlnn, u life-long Demnetiit. Tito majority of Iho great military depart ments nre commanded bv men who have been of the Democratic pirly, mid havo no syniw thy with null slavety politicians. (Jemrnls Fremont and Hanks nro Iho only welbkuown liefiiblleans who cniuiimud departments. (lencritU I'upe nnd Hunter nte believed lo symputhrzo with tho I'epubllcun view or our pollllec, but they havo never been partisans, mid wo nre not certain Umt even their politi cal tendencies nro not mtsreportcd. OVnernls .MuClellan, llullccknnd llucll nro Democrats. Oenernli Dix nnd Duller nro well-known Democratic politicians. Wc havo never heard Uti. (! mill's polities mcntiouid, but he has certainly never shown n symptom of unit sluicryiein. (ieti. C. F. rsniilh is n Demoetnt, nnd rutlier pro-slnvery thnii otherwise. CJi-n. McClernmid, of Illinois, nnd Oen. Wallace, of Indiana, made Major (Jciicrals for good con duct ut Fort Doneleor;, arc Democratic politi cian or note. Tho commanders of Divisions In (icn. lluell's army, Oenernls Mitchell, .Me Cook, Kelson, Thomas and Crittenden, have nil b.en opposed to tho licpubllcnn party. The commanders of Division? In (Jen. (limit's army, with n slnglo exception, havo been against the It publicans in politic. Ucn Curtis is n Itfpuhlicaii. (Jen. Itnseeruns Is n Democrat, Ucn. Shields Is n Democrat. We have never heard anything nbout the po litical opinions nt (Jen. Humslde. Wc are not sullieiently familiar with tho history of the Coiumiudcis ur the Diviabiis mid Coryu ile Annie ot Iho Potomac to c-I.usify them o litic.illy. The President, ns Is cUduit from his record, has not attempted in the army ap pointments to f.ivor his political fi lends. In deed, It might bo seriously nrgued that his partiality, if ihero Is any, has been the other way, A I'lliMwirincu, D.iii;kv. I notluoil iiH)n the hurricane deck In day mi elderly datkej with u very philosophical nnd retro sjieotlvo cast of cotiutenutirr, f(itatteil iivii Ids bundle, toniting his thlm nguiiut the iih'tnuey, nnd nppnreiitly plungiil Into u stule of profound meditation. Finding upon In quiry, that he btlnugiil to II Ninth Illinois. nue of the most gallantly behaved ami heuvllv liHwIug regiment ut the Fort Dunelson battle, nml mrt of wlil.ih was aboard, J begun to In tcrrogutc hhn iijmn the subject. Ills ihilno phy wns so much In the Fiilstulllaii vulu tlmt I nlll give his vieus In his own words as nenr in my memory serves mo i " Were you In the fyht 7" II.ulu little tmle or Ii.m " "Stood your grouml, did you ?" " Xo, sti, 1 run." ' Hun nt the Ilrst, dhl wu !" " us, m, nnd would hub run soona Imd I knowil it war oomln." u ny, inai wasu i very crcuituuic to your courage." Dat isn't In my lino oookln's my pop 'eshnii." " Will, but hav you no regard for your reputation ?" " Heputatiou's iititTiu to mc lo tic sldo ob life." " Do you cniiiidi-r your life wortit more than other iwplw V ' U's worth more to me, f." ' Then you must value It very highly ?" " Yes, mi, I does more dsn all de world- more dan a million ob dollars, sa fur what would dat bo wnrf to a nun with do href out ob him ? iiiflfpreeutbasuuii mu do fust law wid tne," "Hut why should you act upon a difl'itreiil rule from other men ?' ' JImmiim iLlf-reiit mn Hi dllereut vahtef upon dar lives mine Is not In d market." " Hut if you lol it, you would Imvo the sot islaetlon of knowing tliut loudied for youi oountry. " Whut satisfaction would lis to mi when de power of fuslln was gone?" " Tlieu patriotism and honor are nojlilng to you:" "Xuflin whatever, sa I regard dent o among de vanities." 11 II our soldiers were like you, traitor might have broken up the O'uveruincnt with out resistance.'' ' Yes. &i, dar would have bsen no holp fur it. I wouldn't put my life in d mm la 'gainst any uuucrmuciH dai ever existed, ror no Uuberuinent oould rcplaoe de loss to inc." " Do you think any or your company would have missed you If you had been killed?" " .May bo not, fa -u drad whlto man ain't much to dcsc sogers, let ulonc a dead iilggn but I'd mltsvl mjseir, mid dat was de pint wld mc." It Is safe to roy that Iho dusky corpse of Afrit-mi will never darkwi the field of carnuge. Lutit,toiiinet CtnnuUi tituet e, W. C. ll.utnt, a lieulenanl in Uakers Cal. Ifornla Itegintent, hns iublis1tril a narrative nf hi experience ns n prisoner nfter the imttlo nf Hall's HhilT. The follo!ng describes un inci. dent on the route to lllchmotid, nml gives usu ncluntltig glimpjc uf chlvntrlc life : ' On a very small mule nn imnietijo raw. honed wgro sol, whoso broad grin nnd grnt glariag ryes notually Illuminated the inuiu Hinted ooii nt ens nee of his master, by whoo side lie rode, 'llie metier possessed n grty liome-spun suit, large slouch hnt,grrat Iron spurs, roie bridk', and a gigantic while lnrie, the lllllputlun form or whose rider npjicnrcd in fad.) Into nlr as he stit enliiil open the it . meiite niiiinnl, A ludy rode by his side, o i u small horse, with kkek limbs, nml stylish gait. Tlte lady her.cir pnscnteil a strong conlrnit with tlio bract, nml her figure was large, nml lier raiment gaudy, nnd Iht general npieiirnnee coarse mid msseullnc. On ml big llie front of our line tliey hulled j the negro's eyes popped, llie mnstir's face froh' WKd slightly, nml llie lady broke ror 1 1 1 in u slrnlorlati voice, ' Is them the Yanks V Without wnlllii mr a reply, she cniitlntieil, her loud voice reHchlng the entire hngth of the Hue, Oh, if I hud my way, 1 I.I I ynn.y it blood-thlrdy villains, you! Ymi enmo down liero lo niunlrr us, did you? What nrryon doing In tlmt wagon, ymi siieiik'ng YunkifS ? Can't you walk? And so she contlnwd mi ni no nan mnvrii i.pymxi u.o rrmii or n r voire. We were subjected throe limes durii g (lie day lo ubuslve hmguage on two rcra slons from oM womrn, mxl oioe fr m nn elderly gentlemsn, when a request was Hindu by llie tihTeer in eliarge of ns fur the loan of n wagon to convey ll sick and woumleil pu vales. 'I'll nhl fuw not only refined, but shoiiered a tirade of abuse on lliu rllleers for making the request, winding up by thutukr. lug out, 'JaiI them walk nml d.'u!'" I.MH.IN Cutis' lliiKAt). Tlie ulllor of ,o Amtritttn Agritutiwiti (nTiriil throe pri, of 310, 8.'), oikI :', ror the thne but fnc'. meiw ot ourn bread. Jliere wetc tno bun dml uod nineteen competitors. The Ilrst, seennd nml third irbte loaves were ns follows i 1'inl J'rhe Take '2 quarts or writ meiil, about a pint or (thin) bread "sponge," uud water enough tn wet il. Mix In )t pint of heat flour, and n liiblcspooiifiil or mil. lt it rise ami then kiiewd well seoend time, H.ileli hours. StttHul J'ritc Mix 2 quarls of new corn meul with ft pints nf warm water. Add I lablrspnnnful or salt, 2 tublfspoo.-iruls or su gar, ami 1 large tnlh'wo)fnl of Imp jeiift. lii It stand in u warm plstee .' hour to rU.-. Ilien nihl ", pint (nr 1 4 liueofiil) or whent Hour, and 4 pint or warm water. Ut it rio again 1 'j liours t then HMir it Into n pan well grenieil with sweet lard, ami let rise n few minutes. 'Ilien buko In n moderately hot oven 1 ', hours. Il is Uti when hot. Wnl I'ns ''nk 2 qusrts of iihile com meul, 1 tHblespoMirnl of lard, 1 pint of lint water. Mix the lurd in water ; stir it well, t'mt it may t heateil tl.oroujh'y. and mid 'v pint of oold wiilcr. When the tulxlurb is eoul enough, add 2 well lx'alen eggs, ami 2 ta b's pawilul of honieiiisiU) yea. I. IlukD 1 hoar In a moderately lieated oven. If fur brciikfail, niako over night. Ot.n Auk. As Man as il ? known among the Wnshlnlmi imiIIiU'Irim thai ln coin Imd nppobilrd I'livlii M. Hluntnn Set-re. lory or War, a tremendous dulrgaliwi mlliil tiwn him and protest! in tho f Irwigi-st terms giilint the apoInlincut or a DemoerHt to so important a position. " Okl Abe " lili urd lo n tli-ir nrftimoits in stteneo, and, niter tti y wire through, terminated the Interview uiili the fallowing : ' (ientlemcn, I Imie bun considering the question fur soma lime, whether I would have four Democrats and flic Itepub lieans in my Cabinet, or five Democrats nml four Kepublicaus. If I could find four more Democrats Just like Stanton, I would appoint them. Good day, gentlemen," This buyout t ohargo of" Old Abe" cleared Iho coast. When the war commenced there,, was but one Democratic liovcrnor in Iho Xorth ern Ktutes, and ho (Sprngue of It. I.) hns won iinmnrln! honor by his itjul, courngo nml, ubility (u the cause of sustaining the Govern! ment. ! A.v KniTfliJt.u. Hiu'Ti'8. An editor out West talks thus to hlsiinu-puyiugsubicrlbers: Hear us for our debts, nnd get ready that you tuny pay j trust us, wo nro in mid, nnd havo regard fur nur need, ns you havo been long trusted ; itcknon lodge ytmr indebtedness, mid dlvo into your pofiKct thuj you may promptly foik over. If thero 1)0 any amoiif you, quo single patron, that don't quo tis aoinf thing, then wo my lo hint step aiide, oon- iidci yotiiself a gciitlcmall. John 0. lleenan, the pugilist, oroompanln) by his brother, dumes Italian, ui rived In Liv erpool April 3,1. He was warmly girdled on I Hiding by a large number or friends who uero wailing his arrival. The object or Hrenan's seoond visit to Kuglaud is to ineniinUr Muaa Tor the bull and clminpionhii. 1 lo will prob. ably visit tho Ititernaliouul Inhibition a( I-giidyn. SwwnTAitv St.i.nto.v Ims ordered that any pmnn cooglit jBUltiiig tho telegraph wiiei nil by i he army, siwIT bj thut do nil on Ihu stint. One ioo mp deU-eled In tilth uu act in I Yieiiuia tiusiOMivul. m .(