Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 31, 1862, Image 3

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HI AY ill,
,lnc!toii Cmnily Dixie Ticket.
Immediately nflcr the nomination of the
ticket for county onlcers by the Irrepressible On tho morning or Hint day (ho Federal but
IteFffloii nominating Convention, the a.tultt icrlwon Soitlo llow Uluml, loRCllrer with llio
ch.iltcugc.l criticism In point out objection to ,,, ,.,,., ulll.,u , n,,.. .vr
nnv one uf-lliein. Wo necept the chullrnui',
.,,,, ill 1 , .
..! ttlll iMi'ilrlv tlum- ul.v Inviil ttii.ii ttut,l 11. .1
nnd will clearly show uhyhiynl men should not
. ..
support tin-in.
In the lb,, place, Ihey were placed In nnml-
Mllnul.y9tcenlo.ilMh Ily tho wonl "Seccs-
loiiM." wu menu those who have fnvnnil n
H0111.1. u .iiiHii .Hurt mi nml in,nmi
treoL'ii I onorthcSou hiriiUnnriilcraev! lhoo
r L. r.. t.n- ....... . ...'.'. .....
Ut ui v 11 11 1 iituvii km nii I'tmc, iiiuru it iiu winns i'ii iiiu iuiiu itt i.iv iiiiwii is iiiililu til
luve Mid tint Ihe utar nnd (Iilpu.wcrep1nyn the direction In which the rebel liml gone,
niit.ntiil Ihore who have njotced nl rebel vlclo-1 The Memphis papers contain ilelullid nc
1 1m nnd rWww. Jiiie0,.Mern,Sylvwlw II. ,.,, r the nnviil eiigageinent of Saturday,
Jenmr, Juliti lllllmaii mid TIioiium Hntllli wtre,!,,,,, Alllj., T,j. wUm , neimuM-o ,a.
dcMlM lo llmt Coimnllou. No one v"l ! ,(1,s 0rimv nf, heir bna., but conle lhat the
,,cny llmt ll.o lr,t namul ha, mlvocat,,! the a.t w ,, ,, d , ,
rrcufti.1 ln of the reK-1 S la . The ncoii. I ,,,,, n
lUiimi nf, "jr limp, 111 uiir cmzciir, oven mnviii
... Illm Tiir J I'll" Duvlil. .tnlill lltllliinn I. mi
:.....i . .,v.it,r.i SrrPtttniiWi . ,, i..v,.i ..ut,....
,tr would bo entitled In 11 pension Vor Injiirli '
rrcclriil In the Oregon War, but he has refused '
In upply (or n pcuilon, becnne, as he bin told,
,ln? I.IucoIu'h Ciiwrument wa.iiiodovirumcut
of hlr, mid he did not with to ho under nnv
jiMlgnllon to It. TlionmHnillh in one or Ihe j
...uitiives Tor Itcprefenl.illvei'. Ho relumed ;
thin county, rrom Texas, nftcr the Fecetnion '
f Hint Hlale. Fhorlly after his arrival, n te-1
p.n K-came current thai, on purpose to secure j
Itom eonlt'Cillou two tlioiimud acres of land In I
-. 1 1 1 , 1 . 11 H r n 1 .1
Te.n. lie had liiKFii the oath or ill esi auce In
the .Smlbem Conri.len.cy. This .eport Is be-'
licud by Mime i.r his nelghbois, but we d.. "" '"''""'K VM' nennregiml lias p'nce.l
mil ouch Tor Its tiutliuilucss. This much. '" li'ipernllvc cmb.irgo on letter writing Troiii
Lnneicr, wo can ray of Mr. Smllli : At one ' camps. Holdiers nro not even nllowed In coin
time, while spouting secession 011 .1 street cor- j nmiilciilo with ihclr frlcndj. The whole conn
mr In JackMinvllle, he was genlly iviuliulrd try, for n bundled miles nrim.ul Corlulli, has
tli.il he was standing iinibr the American ll.ig.
nml tliiiuM K' mure gaunled In hlr expressions,
he n piled, " Ily ! Ihe Hlurs nml Slrlix-s are
..irnl out !" Hut It Is tiselem lo ilinclly k
r ify furllier. II Is enough In sny lhal 11 in.i
J.itlty oT tlio Convention wire sueli men at wv
luiv di scribed.
II, I'. Howell hnideil tl.elr ticket. lie d
f-limnl Mill ililllliirnl lmil.lt-. tl .1.1 liillill.liil 11 mill
wl.M. conveyid the li.ipn-s.lon lo U. puMir
i!iaI WtvnnsInii riiliil Ilii L'imvrntliiii. Tin-'
I.. .. II llitri llllllllt lll( ' ltl.Tl-l tllltH lit le '
lo .Mr.'
Ihimll. dhcovcreil since his icruwl In lu-sitl ,
(WIr ticket. As n hut chance, limy have sl j Ibnt city. They have been expected for some
sp, lobe knocked down, John H. Miller fur : lime. nnd. In anlleipnllon of lln-ir nrrivul. pso-!
HHv S-Vualnr. Ho Is an luli'iin-ly Soulhirn , plo have been emboldened In the utlt-rniice or
sjmMlhlMr. nnd In every my unlit for ll.e Union sentiments, nnd have got Ukiim'Ivi
idw fur uliMi l...Uin.i.iiiiiii 1'ii.iaii.uiiiuiv I. 1 .11 - . .
efll,. ror which n , 1 , i.i.MiH.1 l,e .... iw iMoKrin.,. Iroubb. 'I bey assert most MMi.
' , ' , ,,' 1 ,, '"' J""w1ll,oll,-,f.vely Unit ll.ere will be 110 obtlela niter hisv-
nominees r.ir Ilrpresenl.illve. , lug Fort Wright nnd the rebel licet. The
I M urn1. ii'.,ii1,l.l.i ( itiiiilv .Tiiilwr. ...... ... ... '
, ,, ' , .. ' ,.,,,,
very nmiaiili- in..... It would wi.unil Ills fm-llugs
dm.in.lly lo nail;., a ihplstou ugaln.t ..nvl,.,lv. I
JIeiii.iki-siii ndmlrablu coinproi.ilso prnn, mid '
we have no doubt be leu
chw Ihnl ' noble nnd I
ehlldren, ns wo have '
I r . I .w It ... . I
iillil.l..c"ditrluu til Ids
hrai.l iinn nf ll.i-.ii lnirnili fin' Jill. D.ivl anil
tin- olhcr Tor Al I.Iiici.Iii, J
Win, Hnll'mnii, 1ii lting n Fiilnii mai.ili-
(hnid a iiiiuiiuathm mi lln-ir tloUI. Tln-iiamt-
i-rJiilu. .Slfi-rs mis nl-llliilu. AMv fioml
momiiglliittl.el.iVMttJ..Ue,iiionmyiiolli - l
iiipuwm in' iu..iiimuioi.i or puuucui .villi-
II H. I'ondi'.y, nominee foe Shcrllf, wo opine
t Mlher ushamul -f the coin) any he Is In.
Ti'' nominee (or County Trwrurer wbluss to
H.' Jjines T. (ilemi cleclul aside filll Unit,
u-duisunlo.ire which side wIiIjh. Ilolskmmn
In U-(ipKiMil to voting lor nny nun. who Us
ui' tioilh of Ihe C.tl.ipuutn .Miiiiutains. !
U'w. Ilyln-e, ct.iidldalu fur Awesror, Is .Soulh
irn man wllb i-'oiilh(ii symKitlilM, llu Mill
(M-rsr make an Assessor, I
Jtiiii" llnwaiil, placed nn Iho Hike! for the )
(tin or Assessor by Ihe Central C.iiii.uIiIih'. !,ns. whocxpnsM tho lnillrilmt it was to ex
oliluml U knonUdgo or consent. Is a Inn" ilnguuli slavery In nil Ihe border rllalM
rnlnn iimii, mid has ilun.imlul Hint Ids muiic ierhaM, Ihrouahuut the rioulh.
Ifurlhwlth scralchid oil. Ho .low not wish Caiiio, Mny tiOlli.
Ibe pl..ei.l In a po.lllnn whic Ids loynlly lo j McnlllU rcfllY3 My illlt 't10 ".rov.0it
' iiiim llllllHll filllU nttruiititiY iu iiuuiiKi
.,-,. ,i. .,. niiiiuiii-i i-i.in.nii in -; ui" v..,.-1
dsUieor the Union narly Tor .oh...l .Superb.-
l!iv M. A. Wllllui.n ll.niiiin In lm llmoiin. I
d-ad'-nt. Ills name was put mi tin' Dixie lltiUl
ttttLo.it Ills know Iwlgo or consent
il. It npiNars '
,.,. i.i't
jrnwd their uu-
i i J
sl.llli- strange that they should crnw
Mileuino favors on Mr. Williams, uhvn II l
jVuosui that he very iU-cIdtdlyind emphatically
r'J ctul the protl'ered nomination, ut the li.iiid,
it llielr Convcnlloii, for Slain Senator. Hut
Hirn.wo tuppoK'. pt-iions (piallflid for School ,
Slllurt hIjui.L.ii t i.t-.k a.iv..k In lli.tls vnliL-d '
'T","-"llv'"" "y.r'V m ,MV .
i-.llclicriiiiflJ. II. Willo am iiomlncn ror!
' i , . i . I
, '
IuU..J0,,k; he feels i.mi.sy In Ihe M..llion In '
Ulneh l. 1. ..1..-..I. 11.. iim.M .1 Jlloe. If he
vuinii,iiiiierrf. .iie.fiiL-iu.-r in u man ui iiuhubi
Asm 1.1 .1.. ... .. Ill I I. ...If.... ..!. ...I.... r....iln.
' ' - " 1
.v... .,., ,.,.,, ,i,Si..v.-.-,., , ,,...,r. .
IvV risullni-F. i
Mi. white, In our opinion, may be ela.ml ns n
Taken logcther, will. Iho exception ol the
luIomiK'ii uinn-il, Ihey stand upon Ihe plat-
form which diclares that the Itepubllwinimrly.ienis pmcianiniion, rcp.unaiing me "''" coim,.. f m,r L-is'iitms do not ; The Iwl
Iv wholly rrrp.insll.lo Tor our present ...itlonal j Ihorlail conduct or tie... Hunter. It was "; i u(,0 or ,he SlauCnuUido of Ihe mining luti
IrouM,,, and which falls lo my ono twml In .WsIoimI yesterday thnt Ihe President " MliiBire ,l(lhlng for thsse matters. except to
tvwji'iiiiiaiiuii in inu iiiiiioiuii iiiiviupi ""
Isiiiis made In deslrnv our (lovtriinient a plat
form which declares lhal " tho Administration
ficuiuliR'tlug ibis wur not only for Ihu llburn.
.i . . . . . .... ..
i ken.
lion, urn rorll.oeiilianeiiiK-niciuoi ino negio. -
Vuliri. .if n.n'iin It In fur von lo iluk-rmllie !
on MomlaviiL-xi u lieiiier von will endorse this I
cpltilon or not. lo you will, your Irlwid i
llie army ..r ll.o Union lo uiider.laud it ns your i u" "', u"h ' "" '"' """ "'"" ,, ' ' ' Twang may have been n resident or Oregon ut or more preceding the day of election. In uc
"pinion that they mo engaged lu n wur, Iho;"1"1 W' prnchimallon of the I nsldeiil' )0 Um of , n,0)l0 r ,1C Constitution; 'cordancc with the laws i.r iialurnlbMllon.
o dy oljict or which Is to liberate and ciifiuu- l" ,,a-v' w" 'i,lvillill '" "udertako Iho olboo j(C( umkr (iC ,aWi UWl p(1y n ,1S of $,, )er i A vo(M8 mJl ,ii(VC r(gl(Jw, ,n (J c0ny
chlsc tho negro! usilgnwl him In North Carolina. niontli j ho may Import u ship-loud or Cliiiiu-1 in which the vole is nllucd, fillecn days, ex-
llowinucliniQrongreoabloltwoiiMbolnlhoM! Wasiiixotox, May ,01b I men. mitl set them to work on his claims, yet j cept the vole be for u Stutc officer or a Mem-
flid tho noble iU-cl.iratlon : Hi-solved, that Kdward Slnnly today received his eoniniU- ,mt s,p.0.ui 0f Oclctitiiils ennnot lawfully be ' ber of Congress.
carc In favor or a vigorous prosecution orjsion as Mllilury (lovernor or South Carolina, llX(( 0C lolnri j AM ,ma-ltij e!Cctnr must vole In Iho pre-
ll.e war. so long ns necessary lo fiintralu Iho He will soon lenvo for the si-eno of Ids duties, ,,.(J ,.()ion j.a,,,!!,),,! il10 l-sIsfatnro- clnct In which they may reshlo fur nil county
designs or armed traitors." That Is o decbirn-; jo Is Invested with nil functions pertaining to .iwrs. ,t. Wniincr, S. 1). Vandyke, Apple- 1mi prcolnct olllccrs A'otcs for Stale (inkers
Hon worthy or freemen, nnd It will undoubtedly ,. 0,Uv neutng the power to eitablijlt all gale nml LP. I laynes--i.ro i.ledged to put Ihe . ' c " b , .
1., ...iA...i i... .1. ,i.. r cr...i n.i Mini, .,...? ..:. i .- i 0 inn ax back lo our do bars iter mouth, nl i "r -,ll'"tr " "dia may uu nmu ... any
j 7 "' '"" ,""' e I
" ' ntv'
Tub Minks From various sources wcioriuc I'resuient, unui loyni inuuuiiunis sunn oilier .vise iii-.'age.l.simii come iin.ier lis opera
, ' j ' . , ,.., ,fti10 organize a Slate Ooverninent in accordance-, tion. And rurlhcr, that Iho money collected
leatii that Ihousands who have gone to 'Ihe ,?,.,,..,,- ! Ihcrcfroin. instead of a per eiuluge going lo tho
v..i n......m.i,i in, llnnnoliiiiiiciit. ' ' ''. .. .... ,,......, Sinle. shall nil be nnpropi ialed lodefiuy llos-
.ivni.i.iu...iiivau.wu....v- --ti
nd In a few mouths wo may expect n large i
inilgrallon ol miners Into Boulltcrn Oregon ,
from that icplion. Already they havo com-,
mn-ccl coming ; nud ..uile a number of those
- . i
Mbo lift Cullfomla for Iho Norlh Imvo con
fkidvil lo remain here, most of whom, have to
cured good claims. Ills not ncectsary to re
peat tho wcll-kuown fuel, that this is tlio best
mining section on the Pacific Coast, nml only
Uida labor lo dciclop Us hidden tlchucw.
11 !'
Curio, Mny 18lh.
A largo number of refugees from .Memphis
' nrrlved hero yesicnl.iy. They bring Memphis
1 papers oi me i vim.
I From I heir
tchgruphlu columns wo team
Hint I'cnsncoln wild i-vitciinlcd on the
1.1,1 .11 hi. i i
short but vigorous I r ng, which iiroiliicul 110
n tj l
, . ... ,r .
1 n4tirincf. n Uitfr m I rtuii tvn unit in iitntrliiiit
I , ' f 11 v . , V . 1
'' 7'c 'H "'" m,;j
,! a soil nry Mi, or, who reported hut I
c gnrri.ou lelt 011 tho previous day. Hie
I j
bcilcriil troopt .were to lake poicsslon of the '
I .t.. .. .... ...... v r 1
The neeounU of the inirrcn.lcr of Norfolk
"' l'o I'viic-iiiil ton of Vurklowii have
,M'CI1 ri'cclvul. nnd me pronouneid strategical
movements, by no menu Indicating rebel de-
fen I it
Hefiigecs say that rebel military nfilcors
from Corinth, who were frequently In Mem-
phl, complain bitterly of the hwi the rebel
cm,. suin!ns by Ihe delny iirtlcn. I lulleek in
llm.llg ,ltllll.Ii rtuircgnril has been
mu)v rr ovcr wwlf Kvcry tM lK,,1)v
WMkcM ,,,, ,h. ,, cw , n- , , ;.
, . ,. , . . , ,
lorecmen s possible tor him to procure, except
' ' .. ' '
n,w uV,P!' W",B Um r"ra ' ' c,,mI' !
been swrpt for supplies to subsist the rebel
nrmy. Thy roiiiom of supply nre now nenrly '
iwhnnstid. RerioiM eiiib.irras.Mneiit U nnllel-1
.. .I...1 r... 1 1.1 ......... till. ........ .nt. I
p.ile.1 iron, tins cnui 'Hie nrmy nlllcers'
necly admit Ihe impossibility of siitxwlng n
largo ntmy fur i.ny lenglh nf time, toulli of , iiorti-d I hi. I llie n-bels nre livtetmined to
Corinth 1 and Ihcrcfuro tho ncewslly of in.ik.i1Jf1.ll,l" ('1"- IhiriMo liiKnds Unit nil
1, , . , ,,. , ,, ir 1 p 1 1 lio ( ouiiiiMM Ihikth shall swing In cum Ihe
inga desperutu slnud then-. If ilefwile.l.n ;,,,.,,,,.,,.,,..,..,,.... ,, b
Bnwrllmrurfarc on n gmeral Kale will bo Ihu
Tbo Cnlnn people of Memphis nro sorely
illrfrltnl ut H10 ilwl.iy ol our Hwt in reaching '
Pinvn-t Mnrsliiil of .Memphis lias received in-
.. . ,, ... .. ...
"r ,c,,,"1" frn,m ,,w 'Hry tilhorJtio-i In n
'I'""5 n" ,'"m,"' '" MKt"x' Cnrwlemto Nobs
n c,,rr"y """ ,,rri'1 "" ,vn" .el,w "' c
eelve Ihein In ordinary business, tranwcllons.
Hi lllililllll I
ns ilis'oi'iil,
Thnv ww or yellow fever nccurcd nt Now
Oilcans hut wovk.
CitiiMiio, Mav llllh
..,. it i r,. v,l,i,u, i,
prhiib dlsMlel, rr... 1 l liMjlon. lull
- j,t,WyStlH,' Pneirie llullrmil bill will be
,(I(CI1 ., .inrlng Ihu morning hours on Tues
day. Its friends say II will undoubtidly p.iw.
Noscsi were counliil h.t WVilncsday.
IjiIu ndvlcrs fiom Texns stale thnt thero Is
n strung nml growing Union sentiment (hire,
pir iciilarly In tho Western portion of the
Hlnte. iSiucu the dcnlh of MoCulloch, llie
Ti'Miiwi nre U'eoniing ckimnrmii for icc.
(ieuenil llousloi', It Is mid, Is not n sicrurclmi
'st. Prudence compells him In keep ipilct.
Mneoln's emaueiiMlinn mrsgo is regnided
favorably bv mauv I'nloii smvchoMIng cill
11 irs hi iui rsfuiiiiiv iiiiriinn iniii i::iiiii 111 i
,. I , i,., ,ii,,. r .,,, ,
wllon, nml vmplln u large qn.i ll j of '!'
. . ' . .
, I nnd mula.'.-w lulu Ihe river,
.Ml iionps, wiin
",c Ml'l" n1 ",rf0 ompank or Home
fluards eomiio:ed of Union men. had left for
uu.inis.injuipo.ui ui wniun iin.il, imii mi iui
rs.H-tiiiii f.
Cut llll h,
Wasiiixotox. Mny lfilh. '
In the Semite. King of New oik pioK-nUil
ollicrs ofi
,,w. Vork, usking n speedy puwogo ol
. trt K t 1 (11
iMcmc uiiiiruati mil.
,.,. Sl.lwtft i.rt!mi.i, M 0I1 i..Uiu TimiU.
"' w " ""
memorial from inerolinnls nnd olhers on,,,.. 1tim, i,iv , ,.,,,1 .... ...i, -..
. . , ...
..nl.u I.III .lntli.lllWf UM II I
. .. m . .. ..
" . . ' . . ' , 7 "
1, -n iii nvnri- sin. ii liml nrnv i iw n i.o ii'u
n.irli-.il.iiii, or ..lechnnlea,
: ,, , .
, , V T. ' J". .."
A 'P'1;1 "'Me" '" "l0 ",lf """
pnjs i . no iiinmm. ip.o . iu i.i"-,
nail lor uu oiuciai cop,v ; uui iu-u.. i,
loo obvious that tho mUclilcf would be irie-
parnuieuni(iaini.ne.ii.iieuciiousuo.in u ...-,
.. . . ... ..,,.. i ii i... ... , -
Tlio i fleet In WutliliiBlon has b !
. . , .-..,.,'
.... ..... ., . . ..... .. i.i..,...i
. '- "'" tis's.tti.ii .. i "'"""",
' . .'. S , ' , , ,
"""" " """ ,n"" la"; H"' ,,u 7'1 !
"'" writ of habeas corpus during ll.o pleasure
.KM- 1 onK, .1 ay ...I. !
'0 nro Infovtiieil llmt n hundrcl nnd tweuly
Americans from Texas attacked lira town of
Piodras de Urns, in ll.o Sla.e of Ni-uva Ion.
They sacked ll.o low., nnd burned tho Co,
. . I . .11 I!
loin llouwaud vailuus buildings,
Caiiio, Muy 21lh.
A gunboat rccoiiolssuiico.froin tho licet yes
tcrday (llscoycrcd tlio rebel licet nt Fulton,
about two miles beluw. There Is no doubt
Ihut they still hold llie fori.
ii iui.... i.iusiy ri'i.orie.1 ii mil iioihiiimk ,huu . . . . .,, ,,M ,.,., .., .,,.
,., ,.r ,,.,. - ' . KIK.,or or is,.,!,,,,,,.. ' lmvu ' "ftKlkMl I"'''"W ' Clilnamcn
" "rl.ll..l lor Will hflMllor or IUprwClln.,ff ,,U cmv ,0 ,(nmv w,,0 of ,iem nrt.
tJH MWA1 "
maraMmjn'GULnmilmH.wniliw il'ln
, I-'uiitiikrs Monro, Mny 2 Mi.
It la estimated ttuit there nre one Ihcmtiim
deserters ut Portsmouth nml Norfolk from the
force with which (Icncml J tiller lift Norfolk.
I A large number iliiln t succeed In escuplng tin
' ... . , 8 ...
..in.. 1,..i!.i. xli.t, i.rtntllllmi.
ill ..ft... .,,... .1.1.,,. I.ilndlittrir
They me in 11
A. party who nunc
... ... ,
lii lod iy lopresent that nearly n thousand
more were scattered tlitnugli ilia woods. It Is
bellrveil they nre remly to lake the outh of nl-
"" '
' The Mlncsota will proceed In Norfolk to.
morrow, nml then the whole lleet will have
abandoned Old Point n.,,1 lake.. position ut
.1 . 1 t .1 hi 1 1 i 1
,mt ,u.re Rnll. tlL, ),) lur,or tiinl river bv
,, . , , . . . ,, . ... , ... ;
'' v'i'l l",,) "movul forlhwllh.lr.elud.
lug the wreck oi Ihe Merrinmc.
W .alllviiTiiir Afnv 01,1
Tl. m.I.,04 nin.l,. .l.l, ". iL,,,,! ,.,,...
, line nt Front Itoyul (W'nrrui cnunly, Vu.)f
litis ufieruoou, 11ml ntlempled to burn the
I railroad bridge, recently rebuilt by tho Fed
icmls, over the Hhenaudoati. I'arlteulars n
I I lie utlni'k have not been luccrtntucd. Noll.-
I Ir.g of liiH're.4 from the other departments up
10 llll OUIUCK IO-lllglll.
W'ASiitMiTo.v. May 2-1 Hi.
The repnrlK In regard lo nr.olher cull for
voluuteen. nre conllictlng. Tho following nre
thefaels: The calls Irsuid nro directed to
the dim-rent Slate Covcriiom for volnnlcersi'1"'1'" "","'i! " '""" , "'V'1 , V
lo llll up their respective regiments that have ! Iml ",1,l;rHl mnre JowInjr. who I....1 read Ihe
fallen below Ihe lawful quulu through , iw". k"w iw well nml l.o.1 been long 1.
uinnl easualllles i.r war. .Some additional e.. - l,cc,l" IM !,,l,0-v 1nc;v wc c C,,,r"",!" vo'
tlr nvln.M.1. Imvo ..Is., been n ..iihU.1. wl.ieh. 1 nnbcm con,,nS ,0 m",ip S00'1 '": 'Car
Ire reglmenls Imve nlso been n iptestcd, which.
when raised, will lorni n ticecs.ury nservc
corps. The Inlttcr muy t-onslst of llfiy regi
ments, Nhw Yoni;, Muy 2 lib.
A Gentleman Just nrrlved from North Car
olina gives tin- folloglng very luteietlng Items
of news 1
" (lenerul Hurnsldehns seized nil Ihe Com
missioners of Ihe town of IMeiitoii, nnd taken
.., , ... .,, ,,..., , v.v,,rll. .V,P11.
(Ii n UM n ,wlnw fl)r ,1C wru rolmll
, ttti I'nloii nllut who was n-1.iI by tin-
rvlsctn wlitlc 011 a vi.-tlt lit his wife. It is re -
Nr.w YmiK, Mny Kith.
(iov. Clark, i.r No. lb Carolina, has rrluscd
In Inrnisli Jill. H.ivU with nny mom troops.
" .' "w "') 7 ........ ,".'.. ",.".."
,H.,lt.j,j, w,i,., pronounee ugnlint rnrnUli -
il)K ruttln-r nidi., the rebellion, thus virtually
returning to Ihe I'nloii. In n-ply lo 11 di-
nnnd Iroiu .Ti-n". D.ivmi Tor uddillomil lnMi
i iim-mim of riUHporliillou for Ihe nrmy
, ,, ,,. ,, 'siuto. th.v. Chi.k will
IIVUIi.iI ncivnl nil Ihe aid from North
Carolina that I eiiiild ( xna-t. llrmfltT 1111
. ...I. I I... ..I...... .1 i.. t........ il...
more Irimnt would lie ullowiil to
in irau- me
.hlule. I.nv. t;l.iil nl-o liilnrniril llie a-iiuls
I hiy 0,ml, m. 1? riIrimi) ,,, rulrnilillir
,ViuiU; but Ihey oould run their own risk
.Sink', (iov. Clink iil-o
informed ll.o rvk-b.
m iK'ii.g niicrn-p.Ki "
""J' l'l " "' Sl1'"'
. ..'
by the Union fiuon In
ASIIIMtTOV, .M:iy linn,
I'hc rrct.ll of din. Hunter Is fully . litter-
mined on. l'.IT.irls mo Ih-Iii inside to have
tit ii. Ili-iiliiim miet..til 1st til
Pi.ib.iblv IiviimIIit iirmr
(.niccrs of nil
gnt.i'S w I iM-nipilrnl In nlli-nil cmjIii.IwIv
; ,lllrv .miim nnd l.-nvo Ihe nmnaUeu.e..l
i-nd i'.i:li."Uvlv
of poliliiitl ulliiiiK lo llie (invcrnuu-nt.
( iMMHHsrrl'n.
NtM'ill'lt hcgiKltlllO.i,
.Mit. KiiiTiini 1 desire to rail iillciillou to
It,.. ivlilln-' uI.iIiiIk Piitlllnl ' All Art In tiiv
the existing sin . le, cntlll.d An Atl In lux
nnd prolet't Chliiainrii mining In Oregon.'
TJiutOMio.i tu iH.in-i nrsi iKisH-ti ii uiiii.i ,
nf IH.ir.-i flrst kish-.I ii thin.. (
ix wns Hk'ii pktetil nt four dollars
r ti.K-ii diiltars m-r nil irler In
tweho dollars r ii Mrlr. In
llrst rtgtilar session nf ll.e bl.ile
bill. Tbetux
per month, or
18(10. nt the II
U-gUlulure, the tux wns reduced In Iwodnl-
bus tier tuniith i nml cthii V'J of the Acl
Iheii iK.wi.1 prnrblM Unit " 'Hita law shall not
. ' ,', , .. , ,
nlU't iiny Clilimnicn, only those who were i" '
the Hlalc til the tliuu of Ihu udoptlon or Ihu .
Constitution." (leor;
rgo T, A'liilug, present promptly iijcrli.l by said body :
.Secretary or yinlc. hnd ''W'. '"'oj ' ine.ubeni f Ibis Vg.
t .i i i in , v ii wnm will not patronize nny lorelguvr In any
lug tliis 1.111. .l.iN. I.tty ,vlllluVer by purchi.slng their wnrw.
Dixie candidate for
.. ... .
llll) Honor Of IlllrilllilC
" i
Mllkr,pr.t b'glslutlvc con.llJ.tlo on Ihe ,
... , ., i , r .ii. -,,... ,..,. ii0 - mcli)C,. '
r tliu IsUlaturo nt Ihe tlmo of the passage
, ,, , , ,,, ,. , , , .i i '
f ,1, jjji jow, wc tvunt lo know the ob-
. . ..-. . .
' lil-l .if tldl chnlllFC. t'llillilllU'll lire n lllli.unil- '
,(1 nMn Cl)mmmilV( ns cvcry lulicr ,v
. .,r ,,.. .,. or ,io they !
, .. ,i .,.!..!.... !., . .,,i i... ii.ia rt.
""Invsmml,,,, i. nnrltnn of them. It Is rendered ,
' si. iv itiiit'i iiitiii ii iiiiiiiiii? iii.v i tiini sit nun iilii
Ilin 11BV U1(, ln tMllMlfclii.!., iIlwrulU rnlli-ct
" ' '
V .. .. .. .- . :.. ....'
nnv stun front iii.iin. I nu n inv riiiit'ciur
I'm. ..-.in -...,. .tt ..... I
ibublo In lio taxed,
.... . .
, and who not, under this
I kiw ?
No, he unuiiut illsurlmlualc, mid if he
c-slhats nt u'l, ho must take tho cbaucw of
doing it lawfully or iiiiluwfiilly.
W,Q w,, (t(,1(J ,0 ,0 lllcrM., nf nur
:ct their lit I tu old ten per cent, llmt goes lo !
1m U.nl.i 'I'lonsusv III lliiil law. It livnllii .
... . . Coiiititilllon movldw
- - - - "--- -- ,- -v -
,mt no Clilixiuinii. not u letidtnt nt the lime I
of lis mloplioii, shall hold no real estate or
work mining olaliiu. Tin to Is nollilng to pro-,
vent Ihclr being cn.ploytd by allien. Hun. ;
least. And thoy nro r.irlher ple.lgul lo so fix
U h, ml (l chlminieu. whether mining nr
:.., ...... i. . ,l.-c.-...,l ...,., n. ,.ir. ..!.
IIIIUI v.it..ava in luv rut, iui .niiiii, iiii,wi,u
,v the law. This Is lust. Tho pauper tux
or tlio ...In .iff counties is more Ibiin treble
J o niy ol I.r i. ho S le 1 i j wh
7 I
'" . ' .... . i ( ii t I
purposes, Hint is ini'co uoiiiiib tor noil uu.i
(toipltnl lux. Tho cxpenso or keeping Iho
paupers or Ihis comity is not less than six
thoiHiind dollara per uniiiim i It, ono year,
reached seven thousand. The China lux raised
to the proper nmoiint, will defray ull the pau
per cxjkujcs ol this county.
Oregon Cnmli'Vi
O.vmi' Ci.ArKAM.iii, nenr Oregon Oily, )
Mny lBlil f
tot. Sentintl : Lleiil.-Col. II. V. Maury's
coininmul nrrlvrd tit On-iron ClIV Oil IliO TM
ll3t nl.,i WCM, .... ........ nl .ilQ x.',,p Clroitml
near the mouth of Clncknnms Itivcr; where
Major lUnenrwjii was uwnltlng 113 with com
mifsary supplies nnd forage. Col. Cornelius
met in nt Camp Harlow, 12 miles nbovo Ore
gon City, on I tic 'J 1st; he remntned but n
hort tlinuln camp and relumed to Portland
the same evening. Two company's of this
canmnitt.nl (Cnplj'. Harding nnd Curry V)
had already Blurted for the Dalle) 111 route for
Walla Wtilln.nnd ho de.'lgned ilnrllng the
ne.t morning to join llieni on Ihe way.
As near ns 1 ran lucerlnin, the whole nnitv
'''"r troops rai,l for our llegl.nent In thN
vim oi 1 1 iv maic, is nvo nuniireii , nun ui lensi
twenty nl this number nre not yet mounted.
.Southern Oregon has turned nut two hint-
Idrcd nnd nlncly-two men, every one of whom
has n horse.
1 have been much amused on Ihe wav to
henr the Inquiries or the astonished natives.
Many of them thought us miners going north,
which made us Inutile, of course, ns we
thought our suhlittty toning should have
(might (hem better. Others thought ns horse-
1.1....1.... ...Li. 1 1 ... .1 .
iilli-gliiuce nt the June election. On "Long
Thomas'' wo wcro rnggei! Abolltloutsls and
they knew wo would Knit. Few, Indeed, seem
lo appreciate ti. Tho Argus did notice us by
saying " Heverul companies of tho Oregon
Cavalry passed through town tho other day.
on tl cr way nnrlh", which 1 lake ns very
oompllmenlnry. I think those people up here,
have not felt the need of the Oregon Cuvnlrv.
I imilemlnnd wc nre under orders to report nt
j hiiuhptarlers, nt Wulla Wnllo, lininiHllnlely,
I -...1 ...ttt ..!.. 1.. .1..1..I 1 I ! 1 utt
m"' wi" 0Mi' l,l'iP here n few I.ijm,
, Ciolhlng has nrrlved nt Portland,
An Apostle of "Union Democracy."
! Win. Doulhllt Is tho eliimp nrnler nnd
iwlltor or the" inoutli-nli-cu " of the mlsnnnied
.. Union Ilvim
inuomllo" party, lie grows elo-
- l'ieut over the gloriw of tho good olJ Dein...
: (-'mtiu Nirty,uti.l thnsi cmlenvani to convey the
1 libit lhal he wns u iminln-r ol lhal honored
M,iv jl0 (jy f tH respeel ability. In 11
- ,, , f c'V7wi. he sold : To
, . ' , 1 . "'"'"' ,"u "" .
,'" 'lm ll.iuk or deMtrtlng the oM banner
l Dcmocrjeyl. twenuse.ni Ihvy supiiwe, our
TO.iw Is wnulug, we would my. lo bilmy cop.
n -
,t.i i .i , ...., ... .... ,,
, ., , , , ......
I ..r distil, is Ihe most dcsplcublu or crimes."
II npiwnra fitmi the rullowli.jr llmt helms bn
'"" j.r .....-..,... t.. u...e
Igulliy or the very ' rrlmo" vrlilvli he now con-
demo ;
trilt'XTV Ot'd ACKM.N,
On Ibis twenly-wvciiili day of Muy, A. 11.
I fill''. I if Hiri- me. K. F. Hiimi-1I.ii N'ntiirv I'nli
, He in
, nc III nun mr s.ilil. counlj
dlnlii nftinml.1, nersoimlly
mr tain, eminiy .a iinciisnu uliil
t.ild. lH-rsuunlly tincuid W. It.
Iluisl. wlin beliiadulv sworn, mvs that he is
ii resldviil ol said .Inclunn county, llmt ho
wus ii rwldeulur Keiitt llivcr, Siskiyou county,
Slnic or (.'nllforiiiii, in the summer nf the vciir
IW.'ri, nnd that ut said time there was u Wig
nil m of Know Nothings on wild .Scott ltivi-r,
.1 ul ... ..... ,-......!. I,.- ,1-1 1
''" ' iviikii i,ir i ignniii. mill
, mt w W(, n 1KlH,r n. (J fum, Al((, (f
, l0K,t rtlrtwr ,,,.. that he was nciiunliiled
wiiu line 1 1. iii. iiuuiiiiii. who resiueil on
willi one ii. Win, I luutlutt, who resided on
":'l nH IJ'cr during the imnnier ol IS.'if..
"' '' ,,,lU ,,tf' ll,c wi" ',' " '" '"Hllitt Was II
mm)W () W(, ,,rench 1nf w ( (,
,vuj onc r ,w (iriiti nllll n10 (lf ,,. ,,,, ucVtff
iimiubers thereof, occupving tho posilion ol
Piwldent in said Igwnm, or did nt till
im" w,!?!!, l ,"'?' in nl'n,,,an l)TVVr'
iher says llmt iluring Ihe inix'llngsnrsahl Wig-
,Vl,m tho said H. Wm. Houihllt Inlroduad u
resolution in sulwlaneo ns follows, which wus
nny wiiuiuri-r oy p.ircuiisiug uieir wurt
m,-?chni.di.e, clc if it can possU.ly beuvoide
nnd that we will ns far ns practicable. iKilrni
h V1'1)" H'omcntltfrs of Ihlsorgnnl
lo Ihe exclusion oi thoso who style I
!,.ni.,.u v u
iJiiuoiruis. n . .
i orguiirAiiion even
Kn!n,., Il .1 nml nvnrn In li.if.ii'il in,, ll.lj 7ili
day of May, A. II HIC2,
'" UCa.SKIJ,, Nolnry Public.
llesldw tho above, we hnve In our puwowiau
''1!ur niilavil from Yrcku lllld Scotts Har.
.t:r. ... iv,,, r,... '..... t. D!.......i ...!
w.i.i.uili.ii. ,,iiw niiin unit i. .luiilil liuu
jworii lo bv (lllbcrt Ijimntiirr. C'hv .MutJiul.
I Ficleriuk Adams, nnd Win. It. Fisher, Om
" '
.. . --.
rrom Kcotl ll.ir, siibicrlbed mid sworn to by
ICngeno Maliby nnd Win. II. Fink, sels Torlli
llmt Dr. II. Win. Doulhitlwns mi ncllve mem
bee of Freneb Har Lodge In Iho fall of 1B."5
Qualification of Voters.
Tho legal fpi.ilinealloiu of voters In this
State nre us follows i
The voter must lie twenty-one years of age i
must Imvo resided lu the .Slate lor six mouths
novt invpprill.ii. tin, iliil nf nli'i-llnn 1,1-prv
,,... ,... 0 .... ...v ... ..., , ....
r..r..I.'n born ncrson iimst have raided in the
I'lilted Stales nt least one yen r, and In Iho
State six months next proceeding tlio election,
UUi must have declared his Intention lo be
eomo n cltlwn of Iho I'lilted Slutes, ono year
county in Iho Slate.
A icsldenco is not gntnt.1
il or lost by reason
of being present or ubsent In tho service of
'.lie United Slates or or this Stole j or in llie
navigation r Hie high seas, or tho waters of
.1.1. C!.i. .... l,iu . .I...1...., r .l
una ni.llv i nui mini,- u aiuui;.u Ul Ullj &VUII
...... nr ,.rnW. nr whlln ,-nnnnni ..t n.n .,,.1..
,o ,n u,n.,10 , or is)0n
Uwmr 1Ictpi.xi.-Wo bono our friends
llisnitirlinlil tlin Ctnii mI ncl IsMthiwIis 4l,nn
' 1 limn trlt nut I tin Clntn nml tme I Inlfirtv lm:n
llll"fl'l"" fV t-I III ll, tllltf I'ltl IIVU'MIS tuv,u
in litis nnd adjoining couuttcf, will furnish
their precinct returns at tho curliest possible
moment, on Iho rccolpt or which Kxtras will
bo iwncd from time to time autiouociug (ho
I)iATiNiuiitit-ii Auiiivai.s. Among the
passengers by the steamer Oregon came two
cvlubrnttil Imllviduols, both well known lo Ihe
citizens of Oregon Skooukm John nnd his
ton Adam, chief of Ihe Itogno Hlvcr tribe or
t. i! . ,. in 1 1 1 .1 . . 1
Indinns. It will be remembered thnl John1
was n bitter foe of tho whites during the
ltogue lllver war j nnd nflcr his i-uptu,re he
tried to Instigate n revolt nmnng his warrior
nt the (Jriiud Itomle ltcscrvation in 18.rS--Toi
w'.Ich he nnd his son were arrested nnd
put on board the steamship Columbia, bound
lor San Frtu'Cisco. Oil ilia passngc down,
John nnd his son hi.'de" n desperate ntleinpt lo
luko the Vessel, nnd nearly succeeded j ihey
ussaullcd the ofiiecrs wllh hjiive?, but were
finnlly overpowered, nnd heavily Ironed. Dur.
iig the liglit, Adam had one of his UV ctl'
oil by n deliver, In the hniids of one of Irn.
crew. Wiite that lime they have been held as
prisoners of war nt Fort Flint, .San Fran
cisco; but In considcrfttlnii of llielr good
behavior (luring their confinement, nnd the pe
titions of Adam's daughters to the Superln
lendenl of ludlun Affairs, they have been per
mitted In return to Ihclr fanillirs. They ex
press themselves perfectly satisfied with the
power of the " Ilostou man," nnd promise to
live lit pence with them hcrrnller. Ottgonian,
IIoai. Kxi'iiniTiox. This Important expedi
tion under command nT Col. ltoss his suc
ceeded, without nny serious difficulty, In cross
ing the Cusoude Mounliilns, nnd nre now on
their wny to the gold beurlug regions or the
Tlinso who design going from this section
nnd Cnlironila with unlmals, would do well lo
follow in their track ns they will take the
nearest nnd most practicable, route, nnd thus
snve several hundred miles travel besides be
ing nmply supplied with gruss nnd water
Sn plies of nil Muds can be purcl.nscJ In
this muhclnt fair pijoeo.
Hv wnv or Acnputco, wc Imvo Intelligence
llmt the French were npproaehlng Ihe city of
Mi-xleo, idler liuvlng foii'iht two bailies with
the Mcxicniis. Aenpulco wus to be Barren-
iliMtil to the I-reiicli. Hv the sumo steamer
we have Rome InteiCMlhig ilemi ol news from!0' which, the IMdlndelphln College of. MiJielnc
.South Amer en. The rlt i nnd I-'renc i an
...ail., ii il.-.,in.id nil irmonai- Air tin, unt-nicnt
,r ai miitniin i.. . V-L r .t .. .' . . ,
of l.llill .01)0 In redn-M of crlvriincs-ii. mid
inrni.e len n joiiiuiwii .iouievi, eo. unronic
revolution still iir.-vuiU in Ihe .Sintri uf the
Argentine Cnnfeilenitliin -S'lie. I 'man.
- - - - - -
t .... iiu. ., .., -.,... tn., r
Lm-Ai. Dbhociiat. Ihe rnmmmilcntlnn of
ll.k gfiitleman, publlslwd In our last Istnc,
has crentiil eotwklernblc exellement.
... , . ., ,., ... , ,.
u had n converfutlon wllh u Uixle-Dcnm-
ernt on this subk'el.nml he Informs us that
our correspondent Is mU$n m to Ihe nldecl ,,ll!,r"'rM,rt! Ml"o tlio buildings or the Pa
,.r,i. ' " ti. ,i. i..,.. I ollMul h eainsh Ii. tou.Kiny.
wi iin. i.iv. Hiri 1.1'.n. iiwnin ,nv I'm, iiv-
ji-cl hail III view " wus to raise money lo enr-
ble certain persons lo Icuvc lids place to Join
tho Confederate iirmv."
f tiik Voixii Mi:n-of Onwiox! (lovernor
djiniguc, nl Itliodu Isluiid, rea-utly said :
TI.e glorious privilege now exists of doing )
some mil good lor turn's country. A llle-liim. .
may never present inch miotiivr occasion,"
Voniig men or Oregon ! recollect this patri
otic H'lilcnee, when you tire called to the polls
ut the coming election !
.iKimxt: 11. (Jiiiimt. The Reeostjlnn cnndl
d.ito Tor Stnto 'I'rwisuror (mblloly declnred bis
wish llmt " lvi.yl.iml nnd Franco would Inter,
fore lo break up the blockade." And thus
assist tho rebellion.
Yiitkiis, remember Unit iiolui I'. Miller, Iho
secession cfliidid.tto for ijovernnr, declared
last Summer that on no nconunt would he
b.-nr nnns ngnlmt JefT. Davis nnd tho Sou I.
cm Coiiuilei'iiey.
I'iiiuman'm Muktimi. A regular meeting
nf Jacksonville llool: nnd Ijidder Coinpnu,'',
will be held nt Iho llceorder's oflieo on Tuw
day evening, June .'Id, nt 8 o'clock.
lttiMiiiiii-H. lt.iv. C. C. Strnlton w'll
preach nt the M. Ii. Church lo-inorrow morn
ing ul 1 1 o'clock-,
JnifiKu or F.i.kctioxn will Ibid In this paper
tho law governing the ipinlincition of voters,
ICiep It berore you c: Monday next.
I't'iu.ii' Si'sUHiNd. Theie will ha public
speaking id the Court House, this ufliruoou,
ut 2 o'uluck.
Copt. W. U. Haley, Into editor or the Ore
gon lUmoiivt, died on Tuctday tho 20th Inst.,
nt Albany, in Linn county.
Pfiu.H! Do.i'Mti,NTii.- Wo tire unler ob' .
gutimi to Senator Ncsiuith Tor valuable docu
ments. No telegraphic news lust night.
ItKAU " The Ilceon! " on the first page.
MAURI 3313.
On Iho 2 lib In.!.. I.v Hav. J. (.. Itiddlu. Mr.
II. V. JiMoelyn lu .MiM Joh'IiIiIiiu A. Illedoe,
both ol Table Kuvk Valley.
Platform of Uiq Union Party of Oregon.
Tho following resolutions were adopted by
llie Union .Stale Convention, held ut L'ugr,nc
City, April Dili. ISO'.'.
UttolitJ, That we will ever surport the
Stutc (Jovcrnmeuts in all their rtiis, us (In
most competent ndmliiistrators rl their domw
lie concerns, nud the surest bulwarks ngainst
iiiiti-rcpublicnii tendencies, nnd preserve the
Ccneral l.ovcrmnent in Its wliolo cor.stilu
lional vigor, ns the slijt unchor of our peace
ut home nud safety r'orond.
lle'olved. Thai .vc ore In favor of tho sup
pression of tlio present wicked rebellion j of u
vigorous provculiou of the wur, m long us
necessary tu frustrate tho schemes of armed
JicujvtiJ. Thnt wc nro opposed to nnv pence
other than the honorable mid suro one to come
wl.cn rebels mid their sympathisers submit lo
voiutiiutlonally elected authorities of tho He-
lltsoleeJ. That tlio General Government
should exert lis utmost energy to dcerul the
uonstiiutloii.cxeculo tlio laws nud nrescrvc
tlio Union and that in uceordauco with these
resolutions, wo plcikc ourselves to tunnort the
nominees or this Convention,
Stale Htccutive Commltltt-tiUpsnY l-'.ur.-
i.v.i. IJ. F. H,miiiixo, Hiimh Sitnii, Uuor.uK
II. Williams and S. ilui'Lur.
WAEREN LODGE No. 10, A. F. & A. M.
JR HOLD their regular communications'
Vllio Wnlnwitejf Evenlug on or preceding
rlhe full moon, in
jiccsowii.t..: oiix.
O. V. OllKKH, W. M.
IL llt.noM. Stc'i.
I. 0. 0. F.
.Tjyppos'Vtt..K Lodjik Ko. 10. hold Its regu
lar (nestings every SATWtDA t KV-KXLW,
nt their Hall iMo'CuHyts Theater building), nt
7J o'clopk,
Hrollicrs In, 50,0 slnrpng nre cprdlally In
vited to nttend.
llK.vr.y llxxLiiraiiR, N. 0.
J. M. Sittox, It. b'ec'y.
jACiYsox villi:, on kg ox,
Will hold lis rfntilar communications on the
Flr. Hntiinln)- nvrnlng Of Krrry Jtoiilli.
All sntoiirntng Companions In ood standing
aw cordially Invited to titlcml.
W. U.S. 1IVDK.IL I'.
J.is.T. (Ji.KN-x, Scc'y. dcc8:l"
Dr. Hostottcr'fl Stomach Bitters The
stomach Is the fountnln-hnid of scores or dls
rascs wliteh Infest tho hnmnn system. Indtges
llnii. bud enough f tt, geuerales dlnri'lufn,
dysentery, rabilnp-. votilgo, pnlpltatioti or ttt
heart, eeiienil debillly, cle. (let rid or U til
once, then, l.y going through a course or
A palatable and n-rrcshlng preparation, which
ns surely relieves all complaints or the stomach
mid Us dvptlidenoles, us the sunshine molls the
now. A course or the medicine mny not. per
lmts, bo necessary. One bottle frequently ac
complishes n complete cure. Sold by drugclsts
and dealers every where. VI
Tut: Miiiiifw. AxnSiuuicu. 1xhtctb of Dr
I,. J. CVat'K.ii Is already secured In a position
which places It, ns well as Its proprietor, far
ubovo tho assaults ol' envy nnd pioresslonnl
malice. In Ihe school of l'rnnpo, the highest
prizes nre often uiriiriU-d lo lirnolltlouer 1 1
ilils; department or Medical sclsnec, and t'e
occupy wltli others nu inuiilly li.riy tinsltio.i In
Ihe profr-wlnn. itlcurd Is mi lllutlile.qscxnu
Plo. m shliilii!; lisbt nmosiff Ihe tiliibMinhlcal
si.irs or his n en In Hnrnpe, and Dr. Csupkay has
muy eipuiiiui nun m mis coiitury, ns n i.ruoi
-"i""'". " ' .... ..,.,...,...,. ...y ......
; n.ry (( iirgnc. re ecu ngimsas us ici.i
ul oi'L-rni.oii, niiin ugii qi.aiiiii-n as n gmuuaic or
.. V-Vfn.ltv c.r 1'Ss.ll. mid lntc ClifcrSurir-on
: r n,c Hungsrlan levolullonnry Army, for
ninro oxtinuid labors,' Dr. L. J, CxnpUy has
iwnt Ids earnest ntii-nllou to the cure ol' chronic
diseases. In which ho has ltocnmu so great nu
i ,,xjfl II"' be Is now rcasrd'd ns the leader In
I , ,,,,, of ,,, ,iri,ri,0ll throughout ll.e
' I'ultiil .Slates, and Ids portrait mid hloRmphv
are publlslied ns inatti-r or Interest lo t..-fr
midurs in the mot exclusive JoiiriiaU. The
,lH.orv otllcos, nro nt his Medloal md Sun-lcnl
i (ualltutu. oii.Sueraiiiuntosl., cornvr of I.eTdn
Wv u-k the mirlluulor iilti-iitlou or our rend
vrs to Ihe sworn Of rtillwitus ir rental kalh cures,
In number column or this imi,mt. llieni
uasumiwiiiwMgw. gimawBawi
TOTICr.tn hereby given that Hie tiACI.K
IN .MlLlnri'iignbi In riiii'ilng order, ntd
that we nro iignlu teudy lu I'uniWi our iiiimvt,
ous customer with Ihu
Best 2Tlour in the Country.
Mvery snek ground nnd secked at the Mill
ivuriautinl to be (.nod Flour.
" l'er J.M;ni J.U'oiu, Agent.
Ashland, May J."., lKii. IMi
Tho I.itrgcs-t Slock of
Goods, nnd (lie Finest
Assortment ol'Oi'iitlf
iii e tt'ii 'NVcnriiig Ap
jiaiel, in lltu State ol
itt till I lines
lliu .Store of
& CO.,
Who Imvo Ji.it opeiiHl Ihe largoit sture lu Sail
Finm-itcn, lu Lick's new ljiiiiiing, corner ol
.Mr.itjjoimry ami Sutter, unit lu tic sumo block
nj the new
JK5S Send your orders nnd measure, and
when yuit visit San Francisco, wc tiiull be
glud to ceo vou.
April 20, 18C'. 18mc
. Tr- bavo thU day ull our sUick of njer.
I V chandiso to Jlutsj-s. JJu.idm.iiv .t Wah:.
A" P"."" Indebted to us nro heioby iiotillc.;
to be tile, imuieillntety and save co.ts.
1'hfcnlx, April 11, mi.
ad From our friends and palroiu we would
solicit for thu new tlrin a coutluuauco of their
liberal natronngc ,1.
I'kcnlx, Apill IT, IW2 lJmc
"Witlin 3,ixty. Dayal
goods seuig
Without Mcwwc !
UlillEB &BRQ1
Wc nre lU-torttiliic.l nnd C'om-
lirllcil to iilticc nil out' Itoolt
Accounts nml Ioti'! lit
tlio hnii.lH of oiiy A(-
lortu'V) for ncllnit
Ai lltu coiuIiie: term of Iho 13 Is-
lilcl Cottt'l, If not lmlil oi)
or Itcfotr llto
2!M DAY OP .TAXr.YKV, 18(12.
.TACKP0NVILL12, Jnn. 11. r.2
1'tiKrAiu: nui
In llnlm. Iliti.. II.UV I'l'"'!''.
cm. bo round Ihe ch"le-st nml Wt rimplvla
collection evi r oll'Tnl lu Jaikixiuvllie, ol
Ot3on.xxtirt.xlly Xloxxaxct Ar-iq
XnsvriclsMOXixoly Illxxra
tr-n-tocl OrlJTt lOpolcsa.
V.l'l3xxxxxsHt n.xxcl 3T3-
otioal "VVr?j.'ls.&.
All il.M l.nii-1 V1ii4lli pml Ames It (in I'lf-
irnl, JInynnli.Kni.il ViiipnKi
iai.ti.i.ll- nu lianit.nl lite
isur VAium'v sTditi-:.
Orogou Qlroot,
Is now reoelvlug n regular iveukly supply i.r
ilpplcs, L'carp and Peaches,
And all others In season. In addition to bis largo
and lulled stock of
Candies and Nuts,
Which will I sold on llbvrnl term', to soil ll.o
limns, lie ulso olli-rs lo the public hi will
known asrorluietit of Iho
Heverul hundrt-d
Pipes, Perfumery, Toys,
And many oilier
Jacksonville. Auuust 'M. lmil. tAm
33xaolc XSxxllclixxf;,
Coiitt'i' ol' l'toiit nnd V Streets,
; TtA, jttond lo tl Itcoalring mid furnanl
t V ing v( ull Goodi enlitnled tu their csie,
with piomptiieHi uii.l disiicb.
Cuiiiiimui.U tollclud. Msirbaudlsy re
oelivulou slnrsgw,
fiiwjiit City, Apill 19, 180'.'. I,.
X. 11. No goods ilnlivurwl until UwfrclKl.l
nnd charges art- jwld. )x ,V v.
biiciDKii jusiTi 'OTiox
lu the l'rlcvs of
Board and Lodging
at rut: -
Board and Lodging, tier wctk St) 01
Hoard, per week 7 OQ
Hoard and Lodging, per day, wllh pit-
into room, bit stle 2 25
Lodging per night. In urUulc room 75
I.odglug, per night, In double room ... fi()
Single Jltul..., , fig
Itcductlon In irioo. but no ;cIjjell)ii ,ir
chsngo lu lablo. My tahlu shall not lo s.ur;
iiatul by uuy In tlifi Slslo of Oregon.
Jacksonville April 2L )hfi?.. j,-,
OisQlution of Copartnership.
TnitB Cojiartncrshlp hcrutoforc c.xiHIng !
J. tivecn tho undersigmd, by mutual cousmt
Is tbls day dissolved.
J, ft llUOAliU'lif.l..
JacktonvlllcMay 81, 18M. 17
JOIJ IMtlNTlNCi of ttH3Mcr1p"nonswaiv
tculJ'ut the !5lJKTINliL OFFICIC
'MWiii j-.-Txt-n'.