Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 24, 1862, Image 2

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MAY 24,1802.
' " " ' T
um ... . .. . .... ........
t n tjik 1:1 nciCT An rr.n inbm-v ur 1 in h
Uitov, a OovimvMK.VT ion Tin: wnou: is tstus
rxxsARLK.'' )ViuSinjn.
ron GoviiuNon,
ron SKcmrrAiiY of ptati:,
roi: stati: tukasuki:!:,
or nnsT jfntrt.t. ntsnurr.
? . 1 11 1 11 1 iiiihm
Tor Sta'.c Senator,
Tor Representatives,
1. D. 1IAINKS.
Vat County Judge,
.1. C. TOLLMAN".
Tor Countv Clrk,
I'or SlicrifT,
I'or Treasurer,
Tor Assosior,
1'. II. LYNCH.
Por Sureyor,
For Supcrinlrndcnt of Common School,
Tor Coroner,
Public Admlnbtrntor,
1;. 1:. uoki:.
.101 IN S. LOVK.
I'or lteprc.cnlativsf,
I'or County Judge,
I'or Superintendent of Common School,
For Couuly Clerk,
For Shcrlir.
I'or Treaiurer,
For County CommWiioner,
s. 11. lmioGs,
A. A. MtGHK.
For Astwtor,
-- 1 1 in
Tor Representative,
J. V. H. wrrr.
I-'or County Judge,
For SherifT,
For Treasurer,
For Assessor,
For County Comnilisioncrs,
For Coroner,
For Superintendent of Common S1I100U,
Fuu tiik Umom. Newell, of the Dulles
fllounlainttr, who altcuded the Convention at
Corvallis, called in the name of lK'tuocrucy,
repudiates the whole Secession ticket there
nominated, by hoisting the names and advoca
ting the election of tlu entire Union ticket.
lie U a true Democrat, and checrfu'ly work
Tilth loyal men to kill Svccuiun.
Honry Clay.
I "If nny one Slate, or nny portion or tlic
" people or a State, choo-c to plasc themselves In
array nputnsl the Gov eminent ..r llie Vnlon, 1
nmfor trying the strength or this Government;
. I nm for nccrtnlnli)i: whether wehnvc n Gov-
ernmcnl or nol-prnctlcnMe, eniole.it, cnpuMe
..r .. 1..it..t.. li. .....I...-!... -...i ....l...l.it.. n..
nml rndonvur to urojtrute llio 0 overtime tit.
Ami, lr, when Hint lnlonc,o long n It plcnci
Hod to filvo me a tolce 'to acprcn my wnll.
'mcnlvornn nn nrm, enk and rnfifbhil as It
may lie by uRc, that olce nml that arm will be
i ,. ,, . . . , , ,
nn me fine 01 my cnumry, lor mc ciippnri nr
.. . . - . . . . . .
" . ".....,..,...., imvis is ih-hllnir in n good cnuv, umi u win . y - : --.,....... .,-, ,.. ..K.... ,,. ,w . f . . , . . , . . k
mm its mill liiteren tth'oli licliiiif to n Rovprn. In. In.i.nj-n.l,. i., ,1r....i l.lm ' 'I'luil rfiiTwiirilq. II liriluln cliurnMir i-t,n HI Piiliicrl for imlill. ulm lini-o triflir-t -! II will ilimlillp rmrrnt. . . .. . . .. . . .
menu Nur.rfr.nm I tok-nlnrmeilor ilkumk.l 'upon nnotlier occnIon, ..ninnl lirnnl mUI lltu-1 cul llculon,nc nrc ln,ulo. "Iiy on.Muc An Interview lth Col. Mnrlln, nt Mutle7 . P. . ' i r T r, .
from nny mk), em.re by intimation, r the Jmiiln Slnrk mnke iim of tlic following Inn-1 ., f i c fc .,,! ,T 1,!, l,ce " He I "'""V "lm 'T, , ' . . . .'
-pllUns of bloo.1. U bloo.1 h to b, ,,,111, by I f'C S ," ,r,,c l ,,,,c,, VW '""' n?'' ' 1 1 7LZ flour ml 1 unnl or h lo r ' "",l ,,,C " VtA" I)imocrncy ,m,'1
n 1,0.1' mult U It to 1 M,lli J in lih mppo. I,e 1aol,, ' fn:m "!,c c!rf of ,lu:,.r B0""'1" The Dixie Danoerats. '' ' , ' , "" "J"; T ""rp:P f"r t,", , mken tl.c liberty or .urn? my name ns tl., Ir
,,,,., i. mi .i r i V to tlic other, but it will nmoiint to noijiliig ; . neemtomed worker clcctionecnnj:. Inmtolili ... , ,.,,, q,.'n . wi,i.011i ,nr
,1 Ion, 1 maintain It ll be he fault of tbne icy , e,;, lip bl.llitl(, ,, ,, .y Wc cj ,,,,. fu)0 fr0II lllC Sllcrnmctllo ,, he rnrril out the opirit of the nvownl fand' ,J fr Coi,n " , ' '"i "f
.utinctiootc to rnipo llio Mrtmhnl of cIImiiiIoii, not be coiuiiioifiI. Tie Smith in tjiflttiiitr In n r.. r i. ... i .. i t ., , .... . , , .. . ... ' , .. . . rt. , . ' KnowkMpc or consent, iScm.ni J lintc ni-
I I lift niMiAml till I ItritMi nti tt ft illint 11 nliilfinminai'il. ..( t .. I tfii. 1 I 1 t t -t.
1 v r.-"" j ...v '""
1 or the ooncrs or the, rnlon."
Such is the Innungo of this rloqurnt end
! patriotic man. Such the result nt which he
1 i..i.t ..r 11 1
'"'. "" '' '"" H "'"M""-
imimi imesnpiiioii ni mc c-oimiiniioii 111 ms
. ..,.,.....,., ..'.. . . ' . . .....-. . . . : .
icoiiiiiry. oucn ie inir,"iii' iii'ierininniiiMi "'v ,,', ip,ij mm h" iiiia i,ae I'trcu men 01 on nges 1,1 liner inc.nniu " iimi-iumiu , ,iiHiiiiy unci Kirniirur
I this noble nmn. when he contcmpl.itcd the,8""1!" '1Mi"?rk W'0 .V'0 .", ", r?"n" ,K',',,'11 nrmlrs-willinply rr tmwll ing'ly ; II Ii.K lis ir.isreprrsintntion nnd pulp.ib!c f.itR-,
1 ,iii-. r .1 t . 1 . 'could not find n 'black who had monry )(... vo unlcirr, . A.vll : iT'lliev did uol.tnv 1 , n v t 11
I probable disasters or the future. U-t us mm- CMm,,. ,0 Lll ,,,, ,,... . ..., --,.... r.irlll ' ' "" '" Jf " ,.,)' " "li'.jL l' ' . "' " "l,11 Ull,c,,w: ' " I '" '- I
1 . 1 ii. .1 1.1 r.... 1..- v . . . . .... . . : : 1 ,...t... . ,. , . . . 1 .i,i. 1 .1...
i.TOinif mngn.iHi-n iiiur. un,i iirnw n in in. ,s,is 11c uns nenru tlio sain MnrK suy lie was n who riTusril '-re Inwrcprulitl in prison nml """' r,,""r "" '.' '"" """ '" "" "" ' lt.imn. f.,tnn nreiiniinllon ulil.h ie
sonorwidam rrum it noble ami patriotic wewlonist. nnd nil liis symputhies were with ihcir prnpirly spIzihI for the rcliefi!.-. Willi- I lhimSht they must havo lud the best ol " IIIM, , ,, . .. ,,..-r.-.llrr
rnunclutloni. ituc south. , nut u s1,h,1ow or Inw. pmpi-rty or L. t.ion m -n Cafnm whlrky. lie spoke, in substance, ili " '".' i""t 7, """ "' " - V , ' '
1. Ilevs."ifnnv one Slntc. or nnr por ' , J'" M-Tlrrrfc d.o,l llwtJ.l nf.cr ha. I'ii .! by MhI .nlbtary power. ,! A 0 lllt ,,,. .. Jnl Ioi,k M ..npporliiij; the Oomnincii In it. iffcrti to
, ,.1 ' 1 , ' c. . 1 . 1 'he recent on of the iiewsofthe n-virse of I he tip plll to the tine i.J tlu rebel nrmy, (Mb ...... , .. ., ... , . ., . . . ., put down the puwnl relvillmn.
llonorilicKoP!cnr,nySlnlr.ol.mwioita- i..-,fcrn,pnrmr , Umi, 10 ..fiUnct Ih-Iiw i Ii ln -hol-li. numerous lmluIIICIcl 'nby (,b1!ot what lhcnli.li'-...n, p t , of ,,, s,BlPt w fneh
I thenwlves In nrrny njjuinst tlic (lovernment mt the time timdlni; in the door (,r the D.iul. hunjr for no othir crime limn rrinniniiip , MnKln (Jovcrnment Is duui nt iishinton. . . 1 .t,n rrh-c Ju nm.li.liiiw for
l..f ilml'nlnn. f . fi.i lv,..n il. .i,.,.r,. i" , Kvpbniw.i. In ll,.. plivi.f I'.irllniul. i-niinlv mid ' lnnl to the tJliVcmmfllt mill, r whldi IlieVi 11.- C I..1..1 1 if inn v,ml 1,1 t. II n ,.,.tii.n l,n... n orpnni&uion, 1 sunn hm. n mil 11 1 y
.. ,, ; , , ., sintp i.ntrniii iIhI'iIipm nml tlu n. ituifiipiU were born. The lixnl iHirlicii uf tho Soiiili . . . " tin. 1 I, both Stute nnd I'liunly officirs my tonlial sup- .
iA CmnimtHt,' etc. I Iture is none of the ?""c "' ;rewiu, cmi men nun ui, re iimhiucii; "l,',""' ,...;".'..' i"V 1 yvi ve cot tu pay I.lnktii ten dollars. If von . ,. , .1 . it..i
ihite-botiisjiupHthy lor trrnsoti in this, which
exhibits Itrolf In the nwrrllon Hint the tlovern-1.
I nirnl or the l niteil btutrc bus no right ' In
enertc a Slnte 5" none nf thnt mack hnmnnlty
Hmt presents troltors n tlic only objcclc for
tin? excreta of our kcnevolcnec niidieJeinsncy ;
1ml tlrtre k n ctonr nml cmphiitie enuiiemtlon
of Ihe rlcht nl the Government to repress re-,
i-.nin 1 r.v. i ,.,1-p ,L.l- i.r
til fvirp!-W nf ll nittllnri iwmir. Hi'iirv
" -. .... ........... .......
1 fjlny w no npolop 1st for lrtnonno simjin
l'lr ' tlic mad dislgn of tmltnrs.
1 never proMitutul his cIiKpienre to gild the
r.itr.1 InMibnilt tn Its l.nrs. nnd nnnmilcd f.nm
black malignity of treason, or to wbltenncl. "., rrsmmuy ne.p.,., ,.,.. .. n, .-....,. nf ,!. (ioiernmuit of jho Uolt.il Slnlw.,
the hcnioui wicktd, of traitors. If they ? "K. f"? ' " . Z , 'Z " I'r the snir-rlng, opp.csseil mul ruined lojnl be
.... ... .. .-,.. .... ir ,i .. .. 1 11 , 1 .."-. . mru 01 tne rt-ttei bttiK. tbev imvc not n wont 1,
rebelll psbIiisI the Governmenlir lltev re-. ihls from ncrsnn.il rnnrarmthiu with soul ..r......... . .. .1 "
the .IccWoiH or It. coiillnllim.illynppo!nle.l'Pf,l,rf Jloroui as J ever heard any
. , . ., 1 ,. . , .1 1 "t uller, and w t hout condiliim.
tribunal to the nrbltrnmcnt of the sword ' . 1 . , , , , , , ., ,
, ..... .1 . .1 . .1 .
in n 1.1 iri'iiw 1 iui in.i.niii ibi nu. inxr- 1
Nor, snyi Ire. " am 1 to le nlnrm d m
dtaauded rrnm nnvsneh course by InilnrntW ' nie eimversntlon with sokl Smrk In P-r-
, ,, ,',, , ,. .,. . .1 1. 'twice tn the right or secession T tl South-
.rf the .pilling of blood." How dimwit !. Slll. M, lC ,,,, Slnrk r?lwd ,,
laitfiMjr Trnm Oretn'i' little jmliekd enmpro
W jmltcmt enmjiro
mi limn el.Miuent
itiitr! Ilest in iwer, tlmn nmn clmpienl
wlrnsc clarion notes stirred
n mihii jwittlot
1 ii. ni 1.
mire! ell Is It
Mm: I by reiHitulmn t secure
Tor Ilwiry Clny's reputation tlmt Ire new
nine in centnrt with our wondetfo! exjudgp;
tlmt he never listened lo bis honor's mournful
description of lire fenrful wlcktdtwM of spill
ing human blood. He would Imve Iktii
nlurtned ;" he muit liavo been" illwiia.ini,"
nird he must lto c gone down lo tire gruxc "un-'
wept, nnlionored and utMutig." rested n a trnltnr mid n spy n non ns lie
3. " If blood it lo be spill, l xil.oo fault readied Wellington City. UtiUiitlnn ho
k it to 1m spill ?" He nnswer. " by the fault prnfottml !
of thoc who uUoojr to rnlno the slnn.h.rd nf I It certainly mint be of llwl kind descrllied
ilkmnlnn. nml endeavor to rotrate the Gov by l.ls e. Honor, which I lost nmkl the slum
ernment." Who can goiimv tb(s renHHiitw!lT ol the uial.l!! Wlwl n ptolific nlplt
It commend ltclf lo every Intelligent man n '
1 put awl correct. If Imt'tle-rWkU, then, nrr ,
envereil with Iirnjut of skiin. Ihe mutiwlul mid j
.... .Inln. .!.. ...l.al mAI I... .1...! ..WltltuI
( ..IV .l.ll.p,. .l, IIIUI. III.V. ll. ....Ml. l.T.lwr
blllly? who is neeoutitiib'c for till murdfroui
waste ol liuman life? Clay Iim given the un
swer. He lms jih.cvd Ihe responsibility when
it belnug. Traitor nml their nliellnr nrc
' the guilty authors. Malcontents in the South
rnlitd lliotniKlardofreli'llion, nnd compelli.l ,
i a starving garrIon wliiiln l!ie wall of Fort
Sumter to lower the sacred ensign or the He
public. They Imve inaugurated the rebellion,
nnd on their guilty head will the reverend
clironic'crs of the dvnd affix the brand of Infa
my, to remain forever. In xlcw of our pntcnt
difficulties, how heroic the eloquent language
or Ihe great orator of America : " So long ns
it pleases God to gixc mc n voice to express
my sentiments, or on arm, wruk and (ufebtcd
as It may be by nge, tlmt voice and that arm
will be on the side of my country, for the sup
port of the general authority, and for the
maintenance of the power of the Union."
There is no hope of compromise for traitors
with arms in their hands in tlmt noble .Kulum
tlon; no whining seiiliiiventulily, no sickly
benetoWncc throwing its mantle over bloody
crimes, but the glowing utterance of Mtriot
i;m looking lo the. cuforiemeut nriuw, nnd the
vindication of the prtnoiplea of cniijUlutiona'
government, in opposition to tl c dictate of a
lawless military dpotism. and llio bluo.U
horrors of disunion and disintegration.
- -
Tho Evidence.
We present Mow a summary of the testi
mony showing the disloyalty of Scnntor Stark,
the patron saint of Ihe Dixie-Democracy of the
Slate of Oregon. Stark is their Senator :
they cluim him n theirs nnd lie repretenls
their principle in tlic Scnato of the United
Stales. Knowing or the evidence, ngulnst
him, tliey clamored for his admission, and stood
forth as his champions and defenders. They
justify and applaud him now, ami claim tlmt
he Is a good Union Democrat, standing fairlv I
and squarely on their State platform. He.
will be their candidate bcloro the next Lccls
luture for election lo the U. S. Senate, ur.d
nothing is more certain than tlmt, if tho nom
inees of the Dixie-Democracy in this county
are elected, they will support him. Ynters ol
Southern Oregon, read the subjoined evidence.
nnd then answer ut the bidfotbox whether I
ou want such a man to icprescnt you in the)
Senate of the United Slates. What do jou!
expect to gain by sending such a man to rep
resent you in tlic Congress of the nation!
Will he havo any influence I here? Will he
not ho n steneli in the nostrils of the loynl and
patriotic 7 What gooel is lie doing lor us
now 7 what can lie do ? branded u he is, n
Secessionist, before the grand inquest of lie
Wesley 0. Hull testifies, that ' in the month
pf February, lbCl, he lieu id eaid Ucnjumiu
lmn we rwwi pmbp wr
Slnrk nmhe ne nf the follow-In,! langungi Iti
MlbstllllCC Ot till' I'lMllllTlLtl 111 lIlC tll.V llf Poll-
land t Inhere be nnv wnr between ihe North
und South ill my ,"rory ii for p" Ic ,U nflj'
rem on ilicilnllnr. nml I will ( nml liclp tlw
I s,,l'h light- Tlio Palmetto ll.ip Is my flag,
'i'lic Southern Confederacy is tlic only Irgnl
L " "' l, 1 1,.1..., I.n ' H...I l.tl
.. .....:. . ' f
co(m! ruun1, fur cocriimpnt nmi order, utid
iw.v cnniml be ronquernl
i.i . . ..
Hrory Uw d.posed thnt " He lo personally
i npilmrd with llenjaniln Slurk, ol the city
!,f ll. wuniy nml Sl.ile ..lorenld, um
hn been for five u-nrs.nnd Imshcnrd the aid
Hiiinn iih iiiiinuim iimh laoiu . -..
i,nt nitiT ln.e Itnnr.l I lin 'Iti I
stnrl. nn H.p fnllmnmr Inn.MinPf ! Thai on
uic i;iu ni ifeermutr, jcui, 1 nenru oinfn
ny he il.cl not f;a one cent on the stars nnd
strlies: thnt the Palmetto ling wns bli Jlng j
hj"' 'r"" ? '7""' 1 No'
lund South, ho would sell all his property nnd
coSonl 1. nm nasiiisrtiiieiitcniiversalinn
mc imicr part or April, imil.i hskcil until
,,f lllU ,.. .,, ' f., ' rrtM ' ,r .1,,. 'roiiM
Simes, drink n loii.t in coniHitiy with n well
known seceMioiilst. to the followlne inVvt.
vlis: Itmurreunl. or-Uenu Ibg.H.V"
i.... 4 . . .
A. Ji.Mnrr tnnile (mill Hint lie nn. nenru
-niil Stnrk Itlim the l.it two wirlis ni.t:- I" 'lv I" ' ' ih nre mis rem
my that there was no United Stales Govern- l'i '"I"' ' " hn 'Hiry i-T.-r rwi
meiil ; that ho henrd suit! hlurk my .it tin mH, '" ,'"'d'"'' woeli. bi Jhwr Hlvie jud.T-
Hnie the Piusident first enllnl for M-luntms
"ml the United Slnh. G.n.'rnm nt eould not
antttuirt hh nciitt nt ttiiftt flu
, field for six months J thnt tlio people ,r llx-
Ill lilt. ST till 1 til I IB I 111. I II II I Utf III1I1 III I 111
i"vnt Mutes woiil.l not t.acK up tlic auiiiiuis
trution in trying to put down this rvb.-lliun."
Slurk. Utid that his hilizuiiee Is foil nnd ex
j eier oiii.iii, iwinc limy swiirn. nn nt 1
.. . -...-
n .;.i t .1. ........... r..i ..n T.r.,.-.u
nml Hint he Is permimlfy neipmlntiil with the I
uhl jleidMm'n Slnrk: nnd tlmt i,(li.,iit lia '
" . t.i ... .. 1
nmlmwinMl tlmt nny ftntr Imd tlie rieht to s
'erde from tlic rest f the Union, nml IIniI h
iimintnined tlmt nnv tnlr Imd tlie rieht to s '
erde from llie rest of the Union, nml llt
1 nmnty or j.reeliwt or town Imd the ihjht to ,
,scMK'; t imI Hiete wete no 1 .Hstiiutlo'mi
Mml n ,,,,, ,cm. nml mi Cni-tlm-
ilnil rLbi in r,k-r. il-'.n ii.i.i ...lnntali.n : '
umi nffintit fortlrer sajh not."
It. addition tn the ulmvc, thirty of Static
A. W. Sweet. Wing duly sworn, wb tlmt ..,. Blut rnt. ,, .......i,-,.
nelgltbom testify that he is well known nMlli.it Indefinite rpmulily ol "Bcessloo simwlhy.nml the othrr, drher i (by the by, the foci
srwrully reputed to I nn avowed Mend nf .
the Kuttthern ('onfetrcfticy ns ngninst the
Union i nnd they womrifiidcd thnt le b nr-
for Irnliun ! Hut tk births In Oregon seem
to Imve been the other way ! but eipmlly ns
wiklen ! Tlnw whkkwwl Imliiei seem lo be
but ill (tilted lo the ntmoiplwro ns yet. They
are nursed by " Know Nothing" gruntii in
the Smith and ure said lo Ire doing well.
To have perinm.l nlterenlioni with any our
if cxcwdlnrly diogrcenble to in. We never
court them-wc always shun them. Still, we,
... . .. I
lo not haxc that kind of virtue tl.nt enulih-i j
its poswssnr to i-IuikI tnmoly nnd silently by I political standing. On thi topic, you may
while his persona! reputation is being struck j ulrcudy lie informed ; and ll is not iinprolmbii
down by the vile xltupcrntion of men lost to that I khull tc.ll jou HQlhing new. 1 must,
every cic of truth nnd honor. I how eter, evince Ihe slnntrlty with which 1
Jud0'C Walt, In ids answer to it nt IMieuulx. f pUilcU my word ; nnd nhunhl I be so uufor
in this county, told the nuitiiiiie tlml we were lumilcuito cutertuin you but xcry ind ITa
publicly known n an Abolitionl.l in Marion Cntly, I am confident, fir, that jou will mr
comity. HisiKsiIgn win manifest it was to ,0 mc: umi. nl hust.ncirexllt'iuc fur lion-
direct ngnlnU us tl.c Just resentment foil hi
the patriotic ngnliMt licit character, nud thus
to destroy wlmlcur rffvet our remark thea1
might lune hud. After hu log oll'vied to prove
by grnllemen inent who were well nequuinleil
with us in Morion couuly, and genllimrn, too,
who will vote for hi ex honor at the coming
election, tlmt the elmrge wa mice, wc told the
lymphatic old grunny to 1.1 face that he wns
n " wise eitiumuiaiornirii n iiimii. nmi, in au
dition, thnt he nuinn"iufumoui liur ;" nix he
took tl.c language with ull Ihe eowt.rdly iudif
fernncc lliatilmrneleilz so man when1 he knows
he utter an untruth. Driun to the wull in
nrgumrut, and frantic with the desperation of
liis circumstances, judieiul stupidity luggenlid
no mode of extrication but n personal calum
niation nf us. From the air of pcrional defi
ance with which lie made the charge, we mis
took him for a " chiv." Had we known what
wo now know about ids plastic benevolence,
we should have simply told him, yon mc mm-
fnteii, tn; for, while wc make no bout of per
. . .'
soual courage, wc desire to w in nu notoriety
by snubbing a non-resistant.
Wc did not ullude to this dHacrccnblc oc-
currence nt oil in our subsequent iuc. nnd J
w0l"u not (lt) 80 n(w "a' wo ll0t Mn n "'J"'
b,u" lu " '" "K """" "' ' l"e-.. i no .
bluudiring editor of thnt paper suys, nflcr ' ilu he can write Ids name foat rule ( I've peed
stating tho charge of Judge Walt, that he him do it darned well s and he helped keep
docs "not profess to know nnylhlng-nbout the Lam! Oflicc. Aaron nomernated JIurtly
this matter," but, sajs ths erudite man. "we in the County Convention, and ho' 'lection
do know that nny statement made by Judge jcerin for him rito smart. When Aaron's
w,,'t cnu rc''11''1 uPon'" Wc hardly know
whether this loo-cpcrlod man intends to father
,lic charge or not. Suffice it to say, nt this
lime, umi wc not onty court luvesttgution, but
we clmllcngo It. Marion county Is not over a
thousand mile from this place ; gel jour proof
I nml produce it, or stand libelled before the
public ns culumnlators of prlvntc chaructcr.
Now, one word to tho editor or the Civil
mn. Ho you deny that you were Conductor
in French Rar Wigwam of Know Nothing,
Siskiyou county, in 1855? Do. jou Invite,
(fo'f you challenge, iuvcsllgatiou on that rub
ww wmm wwmwjmi mwb hium wiimiaw srr
jccl? Wercjnu put fnlo'ilie ciMlorinl clmlr
In li-n n ,m,,,r tn Mr. Vli.tnl.'j llr.liin. nl ll.tl
. ', .... , . ,,. . . , I . ., ' . , , . , ;
I'1""; BR",' '' ot"l : ) ll0re ,0, '""c '''. "'' Ills "? ,0 PlU on
Hlo "glit thrown on l.ji subject In the ( Sceemii tledect-n strategic mensnre to ol
j next Issue of jour pnpvr.jrjhc records oT, tnin tlic votes of llio German", If nny of them
tlic tmBl nre to bo searched, we tiro In. Wc'citr. he IiiwIsrTctl Into ilisToynlir. Al Yokum's
nrc '",l aUM of ours, nnd. hope Ihul others
renders lor its ncivoin nml ocutlilncrxiiikiliun
i n.ni i.-r.i.-i .i." r..i-..i r
' Hw tiypncrlny or the Inta-born L'lilonlfin or
thwo l)i.le Dcmoernts:
, H Is honcvir, norlhy
ivinputliiscrt tlio IbK
... tl.t.n. .!. It . I-
r t III I Ml IIUL'I 111!) 11 A4LI
n.'r n 1 nt ,..i .i
. .. .
coiiSUIilllonnl nml nulrn
Umii coinmltlril bv their rein I uieiid dotvn in
,o hind of Dixie." Vlmlcrr they do is si-j
Jently If not openly npi.tftw.1. "The rebel
I loaders hnve played the tli-not to tin ovlHil
nliinl,ir.1.,l.ri,,.pilP,t,...ril,n Vr. I, rm-n.
....-....... ,...,H ......... ..v.. .. ..-
Imion. Tb,y lune pacil lni under which
.mm - Ihoii nliimlrnil'ln the iHmii'i.f ihe rebel
lion. hitiHln-rls or pit' tisilrmti Into exllr, who
rtlnl to sweur nlleginuee tu then bol govern-
meiil. inMlHMihN.llrnirmrhniviiiMiNjii
.'tin rilitk IllKiftifU niul lirniuvlf ttl lit shZmilli
,' " ..""".: ".?' t ..' . i ' V '. . " . .
mei,..jusui; uhiii 11 neeuMiiir w 1 reuieiii
' ,' " ,v "''l'", he Coiifliliiilim
-- -... . -. - .... . .. ...... . 1 in.lll . .
iiiK-is. ..Miiiinig wiueii.iiic I'rfsulent iIikjs
suits tlrrm i
...... - . . ..
1 "n I
Hon of their otmressors. nnd in nmnv In. ,
.-..iiiMriiii-.n, ,11 11 rrnirmr .1. i.i'.iii.ii .u-
sinnces, llieir tnurdererj.
All right, Mr. tumi. 'JliN clnw of ' I).-in
.. . .
locrnw - in wrcKnu I'miin'iww 10 n nre.e
cellent Unlim men. 'llM-jMrerc rsplurot o.-r
ihe ik-fcst or I lie l'ldernls nt tln bntlk-s f
Hull Ittin. Hull's ItlnfT, m,il Il'r IMhol. but
iliWr Bhfor lms eoohil a Utile now. A I first
'1 '"tlh wn lUjhl, sixl the North nil wrmir ;
but these iwoffrnwlres have now come to the
etw.li tlmt " it Is nlF wwmr." Itnl
,. , , , . , . . , .
Lnhmlsm h loo tr.M,H,..t lo .h-cn
Dnt tlrrir
Imdy. It comes nt loo lute nn hour. It U n '
'grNiiililiniitfuiilt - Rmlhig tmrrulwii klml. 'Iln're
isn gl ,UI oriuttnt lmte in it. ltcmluKlkw
umi neod but llic.fTict of rpiflts, or nf Cm
fwleralc ictnrki to iVu-1jp its titi - colots.
-r:' Ti
Letter Front. Douglas. County.
OAKUAn. MylH,180-.
7.V. SmitHtl : On my way to the Suliunn
Itiver mines, I lme progreetl as fur ns lhi
ldeoiM.it villnie. Tl interest, wbiih, In com
iium with ull Uhcr li'Viii iik'iu I tske in llw
iM.riiujiipiu nf nnr VnKiiiuit (.mpriiM-tit. bn.
remh-ml men doU oWcr of the jkiMHoii!
tilnt lux tiltlrv In IfWiU xi tlmii-a tillli ..! tit nnsm T. T flnt.la- . l..lt ilLr...A .. 1.1. J. !.
i rinui vi it ntu uoii-i iiiiiii VLiiiniiviiu it n ion iHL.;i nr iiu iiuiiiiuuiiv iimiuu iniii mii. lf'.tvi t
1 .in.' ncrm. .. ...... ... .............
ilti. n.i,diiinitiiii..1 i..l.i ..r .. t.f.n. 4 xv
' in.
...motu.twnd me.whe.ever 1 nm i nnd sev , ' . M ,,r, , un. u-v
or..! nllloriul frletKKnwa.e of this, Imve n;!1 ,l,lm n ' lual 1"",,'
.incM.lrsnnniunbjali.HM. The pmn.be iindr ' V'n' l 1lo-v,a,1 ie. by U ready ,.
Iiiynu w.s. Hint 1 would give xou the result I'""1! ' 'rw ,k,,u nq renienW-lu
of oWernillon in mmIiis Ibmasb ,1USas I
1 Imd traveled thin road before, and having
lud sonic know lislgo of thtwi who were llwt
regarded us tl.c leading ineti here. 1 Imve Ml
" I
onllvratile ruriwity to Jeani their present
1,iv of Intuition
Al Cow Creek, I met a man, with whom I
hail conversation", u few minutes, and found
him to be u Scuicsiuuist. Wishing to leurn
the prosjiects of hi party, I ashed," Are these
ubomltiable, Lincoln, llla'ck Hej.ubllcuti liU-h
to carry th' ootinty in the next eleolion?"
" No sir, e ! they W do it j" nplleil he i
nnd (suiting the action to the word), brought
I duw u hi fist w ith a veiigfanse ; (circumstances
preventing him from slapjiin,' two fists to
gotlrer). " Goo.1 !"suid 1 ; " which nro jour
slronget preolucl ?"' Ho aiwwimi, " Wull
I reckon tlmt Uncle Hilly, nt Myrtle Credc,
umi Aaron, ut Hapcb,irglfwlll make sure ol
them pluccn." To my inquiry relative lo a
aim1 Iiiiiup nl uliti-t. In sm ml .Im iilolit l.t.
i.. .... .... ....-5. i..ir n....'i ,..
IVIIMJ yill'llffU 410l i (IV Mill 1'UI4 IIUI1M.
nt this in.) or tho Canon. Hurdy Elllir will
tuLc good kevr ol jour boss, nud jou. Whin
he heerd how that old Llukiu's men got whip
pit! nt Hull' Run, jou may bet he give nn
nmIg,ty loud hurrah for JelT. Davis. HeV
gwlno to be 'leclitl to the LegUulur. I Vpecl
hu'l take his family rite- down to Salem and
board the Dimmeerntic members. He mvs
he'l nomernate nt.d "kct Col. Martin for Sn
"alor in Congriss." Uncle Hilly must be n
man or some talents and uruins." " Tm snr-
I 'mong our sort o' men, jou ort to hear him
' cuss old Linkin for stoppio onr newspapers,
the Albany Dimmtaal end Juch.onvlllc (la-
idle, ale soys we slmll be 'lowed none but
Abolition papers." My trnv cling compnplon,
who had been for a short time jn the reur, came
up, and wo went onward. I -mentioned the
" Jell. Davis houfc," but, not liking the name,
.,.,, i1af.fal.vl Ir. trulirp n. rmmi. 1I.I..1 .ul.l, I.
I take pleasure iu rccommeuding as worthy of
' public- patronage.
Mwl or the road through the Cufiou was in
muih bcttir couditiou tliaj) we lad presumed
, .... V.,..U .w .-.. H, .UV.VMO I.VXI , 1, II.WI
twi i ww
it tr-ta. At Cufinnville, I whs informed llmt
Vnmlnnll.Mi-li liml n f,.i- fulnlnilinl luititlpnt
Wry, I l.rnrd n elillil called l-y tlic tin me of
Is Ids President ; thnt he heartily wishes him
i ...,'
mrccw ! that the Mnlements about victories
' mount ut lloclmri1
While wuiling he
.ere for my how to lhriio.l.
1 nl lo growr, . ntH, ,icro saw n ,,,
' .. . ... ,.'.' .. , ,,. .'
""'" "J""""'" l"""' "" "
. . ....,...,.., .......
1 ieeuirinj on pomics, iisiiip; uio uorvoins 1 ,
nl m give jtmr ncijrhlmr n note for five dI
Mrs, by ljutiil. xnu'ic got to buy n ntninpt
note of some Abnli-leo ttimist nhflieer. bv
,,,,, JVIIir Dim.m-ruls, xoti muu nil vote1
fur ll.ir.1v : nnd wu'I Imic lls cnp.l wul.r
-- - ,..,,...., ,,,
.Vul.pt ; nnd ..old I.mk.n nuilnl.l.y (.uhd !
I ,nc 11 111.111 of tunic talons (linn I.inl.iii."
,..,,, , , . ..... ... . nny connection iwivrc my ininnyio uic un
or note that the rebel I mut be brier: with the mere rnsiinr men, . . .. .. 1.1.. . i.t- 1..
k;iiiiii ii uic; 1 iicitii iitio. 11 u in if". jiii-i .t 1 . . 1 .. I... . ii . 11. ..
lbnmcruls-linve .!.... r n... 11... w is v. ,u.i. vmimm or conniry iingm re-..U -
or the nn. ,., V """"""""i ' """" ""'""ilonbliils rDrntfuch a time n thls.no nun
1. r ,i,h., 1 Ww "oik, 1 hwlrn onward ; and next dis-1 ... nr ,..., , . , frtn, Bpl,, .,, .., .
A Voiee Mruek tip " Dixie." but 1 did nol.'OiVCH i't-fi lr,Ur$, which. In every respect,
,, . . . .. ... .,. . ... ImcvI ull I.nllnr i,reHirtlo..s ever offer..! to
score or resncctnblo witnesses. whose lestlmonv
would im vltnbty preicnl Itose from obtaining
. putin. for the hind which he cl.iim, nnJ the
hix mrnl of bis war bonds; that it may not
nmis for tho.-'c who hnvu bought laud of
im to know this ; that he would not prob.i
............. .. .. . .. .
w e pumi.ie.no iut.c me oati. or nllegi
nt.ee, nnd were he lo Hike it, the additional
'ehnrgc or jKrjtiry would rife ngalwt lilm ;
1 .....1 1 l.l .1... .....1. ... 11.1 i . A....... T.. I ...
m i.h..ivi-w. .,.,.,..ie n,r ou,.,i. ...i.icr
whs giving nn who lo the mlsrcpriMtitallnns
which How tiwlifg n biwiniM of cltcttlatlng.
ltenetcr be finds n verMiri Ignownl enough
'0 give rise to the priwmpiiou tlmt the. lvp
. . .
imn mny be successfully practiced on him.
Mr. Hose lms rendired the piditionl rrputnth't.
of this village Mlbir uninviting to loial jictr-
CMnt'l",' Severn! lending turn or his parly wen
mn!iHti lf me j nnd I lue n cuitfuseil re
onlleotlon of tin tuitnes. of Hulsc and Vim
Duieti; oncoftlHm.l think, was stage agent,
that u f'uge ngi nt should be a prominent he
oesslnnist, nlhcts no ciedit on the Culif.iruii.
Stage C'ompiiiiy) ; but which of the two bud
Ikjiiii nomluatixl for sheriff, I l.uvo forgotten ;
yut DuM! Is roustuully on the ulcrt, and no
doubt the services of a few turn of education
will b: saunil to fee th.it tl.kcts, liav'u the
upiHOii'd m.mrs on thctn, arc iik-U ut tin
' polk
I The tMeudn urgumeiils tn show thnt the
,,",!u Imi l"'"1"1 '"''' "''
,f''I '' ' i' una t.mre wu. tng ol ...stun.
cull irti'.vd'xl its npproluting Icgialutlte ne
lion, umi continued eiionurngoment ulTirdul
to the xignrotii prosecution of the war hu
?i,vtn,a "",cliou ,l,c 00,"!uc, 'j1 'Mr;
I IlLlfklll II. til.. ,...n l.l ih,i...,..Iai.I..I llllll
Lincoln in the ease of uuiirm-ilcntcd and
most, tno.i.rntoui necessity ; and its I here nre
among us trultor who would rejoice to set
Da U or Ilcuurcgard apply tl.c torcli to our
National Cupitnl, I prefer that they slum d
publicly censure thu President for preventing
the demluron, especially when self-conceit or
do-lie for office, will nut allow the guilt of their
heart to be veiled iu coiiccultncut, but dl
closes the clcncn foot,
I'evling muoh ehagrined, in cou;ejuencc of
having trespassed o largely on your patltncv.
I nl u.idou the idea of connected narrallre, at d
add but few word mure. When near the
form of Gen. Line, who ii now political);
ih folic!, I could not avoid nfl'-cling on his u
H-rtion that he would ruiM ten thouml
troos, to fight iu belull or the cause of Se
cession. l'l"ul had already lukin care to
send out limn for them. Narrow, iudeed, Imr
been our ctei.e from the horrors of civil war.
Yet Rose nnd other Seas!onistd tnukc tie
men who would gladly have brought this ruin
upon us, their olitkal bosom friuids, nud
seek to jduce them over us ns rulers. Thcii
lasting rciord will be (xlremely unwelcome to
I their descendants.
'J 'he large estate of Feudal
Suthirliu i suggeKtiw or for ditlkretit thougts.
He wisely spurns the disgrace or receiving on
office al the hands of truitors. My iinpriv
sioni of the villugc uf Oakland, arc favorub!, .
,' ''V , ,"' ,rU T . lVtVtn " ,
! I,aI.iI 1 Im fc'n I. .ii Ii. I In l.i i ..nvl. in, .. ...I l
I IIUllVlf A IIUll. IVJUU14 iU UV ll'UillVU4 UUU UI
Yours, with much resect nud friendship,
Tiik Civilian. This is the title of anew
paper printed in tlds town, in the oflicc uf lie
ticiunct unzcuc n. ji. j inner is puoitsner,
und D. Wm. Douthitt temporary editor. It
hohts the Dixie-Democratic tiiket, and will
give il a lecbtc support. Judging from the
manner in which the editor forms his sentences,
we come to tho conclusion thut lie Is on the
looic-communlon principle. Mr. Jenuer is a
Union man, of count, for lie was u delegate
to tho Dixie Convention, In this county, nnd
hussuvernl times eiuce been heard hurrahing
for JetT. Davis. The publisher or this paper
knows that Mr. Jcnner, previous lo tlio ossein
bllog of the Chicago Convention, was an " ir
reprersiblc" Sewardlte believes lie voted for
I.intqla for Prctddcpt, nnd would not be sur
prised, in a year hence, to lie-ur him hurrah
ing for Wendell Phillips, the most notorious
of A'oolitionUtg.
Mn. F.niTon: Ple-usc icrm1t mc through
yonr columns to dot myself nrlght before the ,
people of ili'tt county, ni tlicic has been n
great mistake mnde somewhere In rrgunl to'
my political sentiment.
Having iktu busily engaged nwny from
t. .. MtJ.l mi f..1T llnNn I.Alrr n I ri.tnllt.llll
,, ,' ' ,,' . . ' . i , .ir..:,, '
"''" "". " Pxlrcmcly morllfjlng to
fl j ,,. Jnro(lllw, ,0 ie 'Mk ln
t.A inu.t elfin,! unnitttiitfilitr nn nop sldi or
1 i0 0hor . nldi , necor,btlcc wi,, ,he nbovc
I " ",""a"" "' ,1?.,
1 consideration', I take this first opportunity
v lo
.1..M,n.i.t it. nl mi. iinmp Ik rurlbutlli cprntrbiil
.. . , so-callwl ' Union Duuocrntlc
Tlii I no time for parlies, and every loynl
cHImii will not hwllutc to nnllo hlmscir with
Javks y. Howard.
.Inekwnvilk', May 2M, l?r,2.
Every Housekeeper experiences bow dir
cull It Is to mnku koimI lireml, nml we Iher '
, re lake ideiwire I calling n tenllou lolho,
,,,;, 1,i,,ll(iHII,1i,orinl;MW,BMrfIIM.
,, r.fJ,;, t 0iy necertary to ii-hj 1M3-
the public.
See Ihendvi-rtUement In another
Ni:vr ai)Vi:utisi:.mi:nts.
Opening Display !
TCESDAY, the 271U or Mny,
-AT -
Sachs Bros9
Cheap Cash Store,
-o:-' Tin: -Largest
nmlJIost Fnsh.onnblc
Goods !
Ever brought to this XVSarkot.
V respectfully solicit Iho patronage or tin'
public, nnd cuuniutee ratl.factluu to all who
tony lavvr us with a cull.
Jacksonville, May 23, lfcC'.'. 19
IS now prepared with ntnplo Hospital arrange
men In to iiccommmlatu Ihe rick nnd nRlct.d,
' enecially more luiK)rlnK uuKr unronic i)ls-
, c."c u,cl' ar Coinuniptlou. Hhcuin.tlsro, Dlsr
cliin i 'vnEMiin t lin ntnl tliu iurlr.na lifipi'n.ii
rh.ca, Constipation, nnd tlio various nervous
dUeates, toc'l. r with tl.o chrome reiulli at
unjxrfatly cured; Gonorthica aud Syphilis, so
prevalent iu our country.
witlnleo receive vrpiciul cure'.
The most ample meau fur BATHING at
tach. '1.
COLD, nml
Withcrciy couveulence to tall the luostfo-.
Terms reasonable.
Javktoui Hie, Oregon, .May n, ISCZ. )9
,.,....... w..... ... .- .,
riMIJ cnpirtncrhlp heretofore exbllnj; Uj.
.1. I w it'll lh" limlcHinii-il. under tlic i,m.
! umi Myle of WAIIH, M iIUJAX A CO., 1. 15,
,hy illiilvul by mutual coiiieut. I'.llhrrririt
will hIkd to liquidation. All pvpon. U.
ilvhtii! in llielinu'c nre hereby n-spiclfullTtt!
qiitftid to Ptltlo their necounts. cither bt cs
or note, nt the rhortert p.lile Jn(, ,.
debtors or lotiff ftrvnilinp nre nrjjrd to hilt
m;,iifiu, at mc uiipiiiern niil'l ln elOml ul
Critlllors will iilenc prcri'iil thilr elalmi ftt
niuiiMinviii hi iiirir niruiTi cunTrnirncf.
JncV.onllle, Oga., April 12th, IKU. Id,
rpiin nibcrlber hereby lorm nconnpctlnnls
i thu (Seuernl Mercbamlie IIhIm,-., t
.InckiMitnlllc nnil I'IkciiIv. Jackrun eminir
Orecon. under the liniuu nud rlvlu or IlltVb!
HUUV .v waiii:
They ni-fume nil the liabilities nf thclit
nrm of WAMJ. MOIHSAN .V. CO.. nud nre .
thorlx tl In collect nil ib inau,l ilur llmt liou.r.
Di'bltirs will pleii'C tako due notice mid Htll
up without dilny.
.lAMUrfll. WADK.
April Wlh, lPti.'.
Mediietioii !
For C.isli or Produce
Very Small Profits,
To Correspond with the Times
HAVING boiiRht the Stocks and M.rcinM
llu.b.erJ, of )oMr. KKDMe'll A OOLI)
SMITH nnd V. V. McMANU.S. K- , a W
point, nnd Ka.l thu llrlek lluilU.ug Wl
occupied by the first named parties, vie M
oinr Inducements to the Public to favor
will, their patronajee, .
W'u pkilgu ourevlvcs to Veep GOOD AM'"
CMS. und to sell them ut tlu I.OWIST JA
SOXVJI.Li: CHICKS, which ore lust cecil;
down to Summer rate. Call und ne. .
can be deposed of without a low.
PWHNIX, April 25, 1S62.
IJiMis i. nnAimoiv,
8jh t'miiciifo.
orncr; with
Messrs. JAXSOaf, 0.D & W
OKOKItfS for Good nnd cowlgowp'r1
Oregon Produce solicited.