Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 17, 1862, Image 3

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-"l, J"ytd " "i.TIiJ . JjTTff T7..Ma.T.lKIfpWyif JJAAaMtlfftiBlWJWg,MWgww
MAY 47, 180.
s as i i
low cltUxns on the momentous qustloiii of the
day, at the Mlostlng timcri bihI place:
On WwlnwUvtrvnliitf, Muy 2tl, at To-
.,.. u.kJ. IL,.
mail a Bthpol IKKHC.
ThiirsxUjr terming, May 21, at lc Ply.
etale School House.
Friday evening, Muy 9l. at Kvansvlllc.
Saturday evciilns;, May 24th, at Sterling
omunMj.ynirBij j
Any gwrtHiwn. Wfcvliig illfltmil from
nurwlf will tic heard in reply and treated with
the coifrltyy doc an honorable opponent.
w. '.. ti.'.'i . M,mU .ill l.i tkMn .tw
mlntmcnta bo extensively known, to that all
may have a chance, to hear' for themselves.
Moit of the last week )n lK-i month wc shut!
ppend in Josephine county, and n HI send our
Mend there, word In due time.
Axdt JoMNHftsV .SrrKrii AVe call the at-1
tentton of our readers to the speech of thin
gentleman, lately delivered at Nashville, Tin
He".," It Is'o clear and manly itnlemenl or
Uie great Issue of the day, and completely ex
plodes the doctrlnet of Oregon's little Jiidlclul
1,'ompromlW., .Head it. and let your Bcccn-
f Ion sympathising neighbor have the benrflt
110 Oenclll i
orynnr kriowlnlge. It howi how the
litnlrn Coinprnmlrc wai defeatcil and who
done the work. It. Mate (lie cinphatle and
lonclunlre truth, that Roiithern Setmtnra
treated It with tcorn and contemt. And rtlll
their treaton. according to the doctrine of n
certain judicial Doctor, it lo bo transformed
Into virtue, by It filtrating envrgirt. What
glorloui world thin 11
Pmykii Oct It linn been laid that excne
nre a very uur tubitltute fur gctilur, and
Me are (lightly Inclined to believe that they
nre a poor coinpcuulhiii fur exicctcd favora.
We hae been apologltlug for lialf-rhceti mid
email flicclr, but we nre not going to do it any
more tlnl'a fairly played out. Suffice it tn
any that wc will naiiuie our uuul rlw as soon
m our paper Arrives.
,. . - --. - - .
hAii AivniKNT.-liie Utile ii.inai.ter '
William Naucke, of kirbybllle, between '" I imwh of wrlnl lalerrit lo C.ilif.iriila. ll Is tel
and lhreejearsofiige.fi II Into n well, about 'egraph-il that the IVIflc It.illioud lllll tin
2 oVIotk p. . on Tucnby IHili InM., and was J l"'" '' S,iUnt House or lb prrsvnW s.
diowmil. rib, hud U,n nilrslng a.Kiut a hall. f( unJiV
hour wlien discovend, and all efturls to nutore C((Unl 0, ,,e u0 nf Viam,,Hr(; s
life proved unavailing. 8he was an Interest-1 The batlli! of Monduy was n niot wnrmty
tn .1.11.1 mul l.rp ti.rrnU luivo (tin YmiM. . COIItt tl ll elieuBI III. III. OwlllS 10 lllfl rillljll.
,hlrtor,hee,,,nmul.y in lldr .reaven,e,,.
lnuics.-u have len shown n IctfirJ llrjKtlJo t;cn, 11(,t,(.r-H l,vW Uire the
from the Superintendent ir Indian Agencies ,rMII f n. hatile. bihI fought niont vnll.iiilly
lor Oregon, rtntiug that he had giten K'rmts- iliriiuliniil. though grcnify ouliniiiiUriil by
alon lo Ift or 20 llngne Itlier liidlsut to re ll "''y. ' ''' ''"J siia-rior iwslllini.
.... ,, .... , ... I he niitirinichia lo their eiirlhanrk were
mm lo lhis,sllon. and to spend the summer wri ,, n Kk 10 ,
at llielr old .liaunls. "Hie Hiiperlntendeiit re- f,.j torrents throiialiout the day. The men
commends them fnr their friendly illpponlllnu hml aUo Ihiii l leg on their arms nil the pre-
and pweiful Iwblls. Ho don't be nlarmid. v'','!! ,",",l! nl"! ""J" "hnl with ran and
ichllliil with cold. I he lialtle ruiinl from
K., nv'li-.Tinv 'I1, lnr.nl.at tirnlwrlv
SAi.r. tiv Ainm-n pwu J pwiw'J
l.mgliig lo the estate of A. U. llklns, de-
reaMil, will la? sum, on hoots I'm, Monday
2 t . Tlie pniiwriy conlls of liorses, cos,
I.. s. Up, farming Implements, h.mwhold fur-,
, ' ' , . , , , . ., ,
tiiiurr, eie.
BivAiln trutors notice III '
u.uvr t.Huiuii. I
PoTATn,-rMr, Kber Kmry, of Ashland,
laid on our table some tfino ng... some wry
, , ,i , .. i in
line speclnKiis or the huge Peaeh llW.m
iKitato. I hey arc vi ry fine. 'I he best iioliili.
wc ever ate. Tliere are but few nflhiin in
the country. Mr. Kmry has asm.ill iinanlily
:. . ... '
iors,ie. r.veryianiierniigMiogeiaiew.
" .."" "-" .."".. . . ..
llrnra tiik Iloson. lendul riuUicrlln,
iwmlnalcil on tne seeesli ticket in UnugUs senilis, wlil pnp.iriug lo mutu .ti me in
uiunly r.r memlier or tho IsgUalure.nrusiii tmy's works. The scouts kjii nlurmil and
.. iJ ; . Mii.i.i r. ...ii. ,...! ir. reported tlut the rilscls hid iilmIii taken lo
, , Vr"m,,,,a,u, (,r,'C'' rr,"wd- "l iHifl.t during the l.Igl.t. mid their o.ks mid
thinks Malloryand Wutiou ore the proper. Williiiuisburg were linn occupied by the n.i-
men for Kepri-M-ntatives.
Tuii M s iik kt. There ha bet n but a slight
change in the inaiket since our lu.t. Wc
note thrm here: ihoulders hog, advanced
from 12.'.. to 1A els.; fresh bullir, Ml els.:
rnlTre. 40 cli. 't'licn! an. no Iktim In tin-
-. . .
llRAi.rrv. On Tuesduv or this week. Ntik
lloniw look from his claim on ll.e right hand
, i ., i i , ,i u.icn ..
fork of Jackson enik, u slug wurtli 92f0 DO.
The result jif the whole day's woik
9300 00. (luess ll.it claim will pay.
IIidkrma. We l.uo receled
nit, Hibcrula. but we trgrel to s.iy that it Is
iicccsiiarUy crvdcd out this wiik. It will
upiiear in our next.
Da. It. H. llm.T.i.v. This geiiileman has
Urn appointed AssUtunt Surgeon to the Ore
gon Cavalry Itcghncut. This will gratify Ids
many Mends iu Soulhent Oregon.
OikT.Mii i.i.h. Ahrumi Mr. Jul. 1M.ii?.'
B.gel.asreturnl ftou, Ualifonibi. The uJ1 lJ: W,!,!!,!'",!!!:
. . . . . ,. i iiivwuum luii tin iii'HHii; uion iiuii
tfwxe iipjH-ars to hae ugrud with him, for m, be,,, Kurd up the river since Ihclr depur
lie U .locking jouug, htnrly, and huudomer lure. They will cut off ll.e river eoiiimuulcu
thsa ever. l'on 0I 'I10 lt'U1'1' ,01"'' "r ,'"J Ohiukuhumluy,
- . .
Joiix V. Mim-kii's I.i:ttwi. We repriut fiom Norhilk, runovcr to Nenjwl News to
Ihi. cilebrale.1 letter this k. Tho demand H'idl ,.-.. , ,-..,.
for ll baa been very great, and u ealprcu to
inc puune lasie, wc ore domiki 10 suppy im
U'lnnn.l W'j ll. il innu r.f i.nr Clir..r. !
,,.. Mh. are Ine.M to make fun of. 'JM ll
III'" IHIer, Hut llu-y dqii't kimw much down .Mitcie'ri forcw were advancing Ir.ini tJun
Iherg, m hqw, Quo epistolary dash of this ler's loindiug on Home, (Scorgia. At this
gilhcrpalnrUI asplraqt would kuoek the whole I'h'ee the rebels havu extenslvo saltpetre woiks
face of Callfprpla scribblers into "pi." l,nk . UI,J nln'rlu of "''
.. nn..H.nu,ni ininnws, Aiay 4 in.
r .i'.i , ' " l,c1 Intell'gfnfO from llio llvhl or ImI-
I he governor or Qrcgqii U tt njl'teia Siiicr- tlo says I McClplsn came up w ilh llio rebo's
inlendent ol Public Induction, or itfiurse, eight nilli-a beynnd WHIIamsUurg. Alter u
herrieiKlaPrluctloBwillvoteJ.r..Millir, m'lrmU with the rear uusrd he put
.. ' h.,i,i . . . , ., 'iliem lii flight Aorniu the Ulilikuhauriny. A
ngardk-as of the niamentous " isue : ' ur,,0 01titiolw nuiK.r ltf dew-ncrs, vtlm had
AMiTV.May i'slli RCI had nothing to cat lor lorly-eiuhl lioms but u
pdjlpr Senlliiel f w hurd biscuit, wbeu brought iu Ml down
Sir I. Imvo Irtin a subniUor cxhm wl.
lo the pregw; Sentinel li'iH j's (irst l.uo up to I jiw,vy eaimonading was lieanl at ail early
the presant time, and have been idcawd with mv ,,, morning by boat coining down the
Is politic, up lo the presant time. Hut from i riv.,f Ti 0 .. 6UjJ u..., Llmwn 'iu.. i ,lu
ll.eprs.ant tone or the pawr I. think It huiiW ' Voubt llat tta whofa mm lilJi h In a
Ml t soiao free Kegro In MassacliUHtls boiler "," tt,Ul V it i ,i m i i ' u
ii;ai.MyrVirSurVuare.C'mgio rl.k bin. : ' Hwnn'wiw under tlie pursuit o
lor the iwv j on en do jou pleaM) about MeClillan, and fleeing with great prcclpltu.
Sending il lo Mm, but do not Scud it to me "". without any intentions or making a stand
ufiur, i any where. Unlcs they can I each Kiehmoud
- Yours in hast ' by boulr, via .liimis ritcr.-they will certainly
( John I' JIii.i.ki; Le ilitui'ipkd by furvu lauded at Weat Point.
r tvnm Sscraincnln Union, May 7.1
Tho Continental Telegraph flashed lilllirr
irtit win l't evening. Thu dispatches reach
to May Citi. I lie enemy, ono luiiiurcii limns-
M(.'. CVllcl( Yoiktown, and trier sustain-
liwi einntmratlvcly brief bombardment, lenv-
l"g behind Itx-m u larga number of gum ami
i Immense quantities of storte ol all kinds. On
' the morning of May 4lh, McClcllan occupied
,hc fl,rmU,to WOf. 0f ,IC r,my t York-
I town and Gloucester, and promptly took men-
tun s lo follow np Ida glorious success. Ucii-
. ""I lo"vl". .. powerful foreo or cue,
i ary ajN horse artillery, was scut to pursue nnd
,,;,. ri.(rr,ig'fcbli., h!l Iho gun-
mu an, trnnoimrlf, loaded with troop, were
i rent up York river lo Wist Point, from which
there Ir direct -rtillronil cnmniutilcutlon w tli
Itlchtr.uiM. I'liu cauits of the evacuation nre
titul'crs df speculation, but there seems to be
Strong evidence that tho rebel army was d.
mornl'icd and inulliiou, mid the steady ap
proaches ol McOlcllsti's Inmciid.ms" bill r'.c
tend.il to Increase their dcsKindency mid con.
I urn idem nf the ecrlalntv of difcat. A por-
lion of the retreating army, under Jo. John
, ... tl'illl I ..I.I..I,
,,, h.,, ,,,. lt,nd at Williamsburg, which
pneo hail wen previously lorunm. mien
last liraril from, McClillan war before tlml
position, nn I In the meanwhile wai directing
the advance upon lllchmond by ajf of Writ
Poln', which mnr went would throw n heavy
force In Julinmiii' rear, unhai tlat (lenria'
hoiild eniitlnue l.U r. trial. L'uiirldrrable
klrinlihliig and iminii harp c uibutt mnybe
, ., lrt .,nr- .,in(-rtiiriil U nnlVI.
Crl'-.i,,,!,,!. Within a frw dava. McUlrllan will
imvp trone " on In ll'l ll noii'l."
Front llulleck'a drpartinrnt the tnlrlltgenee
It chetrlng though not o dceirlve. Tl e 'utct
dlrliiileh minnuiicea a srcncrul fornrnr.l inntc-
-tmnt iikii Corinth. In the mrantlmt) lien.
I'ii e lm intii rrieailiur inc iirairpyoi it
land No. 10, and ruccrrded In ' ngglng thrir
nlmtc reglmriitt r libilr. In another nfT.iir
at Fiirm'ngtxn. near C'uriiith, a brlgnde of oiii
forcca routid an einal miinlitr nf ivIkN. tin
the cnaM, the vrrn-lt or the bluekndlng iq'lnd
run have Imn renmtkably active, and have
cantnml the llritlih ilinni-r Ih-.mula mul
other vcMtlt that have Innir Uvn In phiycd In
running the blncknde. The libel (.'nmtimiider
at Savannah luu deeldril to tirrendcr the ell
A battery hai bcili eapturrd by lluntrrV
fnrcer wiililn Iwriitytwo uillm nf t'liarlirtnu
In convenience of thin general Irnhcl of me
riM, the State llrnarlniint lio li'iml circu
lar to Hircltfii MinUtnr, aniiniineliig thut nul
enmmiiiili'iillon iiuv lie rcrnnx-d with New
'thlransaml iithiT .Suiillirn norlr, ami thai
0 1,1,,,-kude will be mndfl.il. As a iilreo of
- T(C -
""'y " the mnrillllg Until IhnV (t'clnvk f. X..
w, MHIMIan anite.1 with rie.lilrooj-.and
r,.cv Hiker's division. Ih. were nearly
priwliute f.imi fUllene. The'llilrd lla'Iimiit
' f 8'cklea llrlgndj had their ranks ti rrilily
,w"lwI 'K ' """ J I Vjr me
rcprcrtii'cd us huviiu height Willi such
l.mrirv tlmt not hss limn ln huii.lrid of
nil III wen- l.i. " .1 unu nin.i.iiii. n
rival of MeClclluii ll.e enemy w.
chargul iimii by Hancock's llrigai
,lf,Vl,n wlll,lll' "".ir 1w,,rK ulte .
nearly scvin liun.lriil nf tin Ir dc.nl
,J fleld, with many w ..hil.ll
limn were lilllid and wotiinhd. Afur the ar
rival of MeClclluii ll.e enemy were fierce y
' I liiiicock s llrii;aili', mid wete
ire uliMiirall
c.id liclng hit
, lllllllL'll muM
nl ik-lultcr were curried luio Will'iim-I.tirtr.
Our lis was neatly thrif himlml killid and
-unl.un.lriilwo.in.liM. . iki.i iuv ng eoine
iHi.iiurlnrivs lav im tlulr arms nn the liuttle
ni.H w, -0 ,, U wo,u , ,,a.
I iii.irnlii'i.
o Tues.l.iy inornlne, McCVIIjii sent out
llmiat IriMiiis. l-'nrl Mavrudcr was a mo 1 1 x
Liulve wink. caiubtc nf lirnloi.v'ul ikr.is.'
Thu i winy were reported, by the few n-.rrncs
and wnmeii round In the limn, lo have tl d In
tireut confusion. Ijrco numbers or mukoiis
mul uiuiillliius, and a cniul.hrablo store or
nr.iWi.ii.iiH were round In the town. I hu road
in the vleiidiy was slrewen with arm and nv
I coiilcrnicnis. A iiumUr or deserters uho
'made lheirreuieiind eumu within our liiu-s,
who stated that they hu.l InlilliiriuiD (( a
l.irgei.u...b.r ol F.ilerul Ir.ps landing on
tin shore or i ork Itlvcr, aliuvu ijiiitlurg,
, i,t nu.n,
, Wakiiixoton. May tll..
TIs? Navy IK'parlnient has rcccfu-d ills
iMtches rroni Commodore lluiimit at Port
K.i)ul,dalid May :U. On the 'J'Jlli if April
lieuuiiuoul lluie inl on un exiMiiiiinu in
mnr toe jtinciloii oi
1UJ au,U( Pawpnw am
uml nuutl. Ivlil.i rlMTS
The enemy nciicd flru on the ll.ilu when
within 1,600 yards, mid continued it as shv
wnuii.i hit wav iu uiium Hi iiu-v .....inns.
When the Hale reached the eat bend of the
river, wiililn u short dUlimeo nf the buttery.
ll.e nucis lieu in naite. A puny mmim umi
destroyed the work. Tin Hutu riluinal with
out huvivg a limn Injureil.
Foiiths'ks Momkik. May fllli.
Hie Iron clad vessel dalcna. ond the eun-
I Tlie reU-l tug J. II. Wldle, with a crew
Monitor oid several gunbeuts have left for
luat point,
ClIlrA'iO, MaV fill,
vs.i in ilmn iihu .iPimcrs arc cii.iir.il In
Iruiispottliig the balance of the army to that
V tl I . , i . .i - i- i. ,. i
On Mnndav last the enemy took one Penn-
sylvunlu battery, having flrsl kille; all Hie
hurara. Tim Imtlirv liml lint n sum II ll.fl.nlrV i
support, who were nvcrpnwcrcd and eompellnl
to surrender. Ilelort the clone of the day this
battery, Willi one ol ll.e enemy s, was recap-
luml. '
We have lust learned that the em my have
dcslroTeit all the briges nero the Chlckahnm-
lay. AleLlellan Is resting ins army tins sine
of the river. Tho Chlckahnntiny runs parnl-
lei wllli ll.e James river, Into which it Hows,
OilU'Aoo. May I Ulli. I
The rile of Norfolk and Porlsmo.il
nioulli Navy
Yuni arc 'ours. The steamer Mirrlmac win
blown up by the rebels. 'A nival engage nicnl
lusting one hour and n half, to tk p'aiv ill Fort
Wrl.il.K l)n HaturiliiT one remi imai wa
sunk and two blown up, only two of our boat
were engaged. .
Fortius MonRo. May loih.
Norfolk Is ours, also Ports noiilh and the
Navy Yard .Constitution, execute mo laws ami preserve.
' tl.-n. Wool with a force of fi.onn men. went I the Unlnn-nnd llmt In accordance with these
tn Wlllnimliby Point, opposite mid south or, rcsolutloin. we p'lilge outselies to support the
Fortress Munrne, Friday night, and i-metcd n nominees of this Convention,
landing this mrnlug. He coniiniiirnl Ids' Sinlt Krctulivt Cainmltttc IlKxnv F.iit.
miireh In Norfolk live inil.i from the laiidiug. .ivci. It. F. Haiii.imi, IIiium Smith, t!i:oi;ur.
A rnliel buttery was stallonnl on ll.e nppn- . Williams and S. IIki'I.kt,
site sl.li' ir I.uder's creek. After a Tiw shots' -
the rebels reircntnl. nfttr Imrninz the bridge. Every Housekeeper experiences how dir
which compelled our troops In mircli around ftctilt It Is to make good brend, and nc there
i) mllrt f.irlhor. At ft r. M.. Iliey were within J fore luk.i pleasure Iu calling atlentlnn In the
a short distance ofNnrlolk nnd were met by fad llmt, In ln.irc unironnly light, mot ami mi
elllans who form illy siirrcndercl the city, trilkm brnJ. II Is only necessary to use I.Ktm.f
Our troops mnrchul Into, nnd now hold po-es- tvn if tb's . irf '.Wr. wh cli. In every respect,
.Inn of I. Oen. Ilugnr. enninnriding the ff?;'V,Vri,nhrart&
reU-l hrees, withdrew wllho. I n fight. Oen. '" f I' '; Scv Ihea.hetllsemenl Iu anothir
Vlrl enmniands ns Military llnvernnr, mid s""1""1-
iicllhcr clly or Navy Yard were burned.
Foiitiikss MnxunK, May I lib.
The Merrlmie was blown up bv the rebels
at live o'clock ihls ninrntnr. The Mnnltor
mid the Nnngaiituck gunboat have gone to
t'Ainn. May Ulli.
V.-wsfrni.i Pltlsbiirir nn to Saturday noon.
recelvnl, sny ii rrmnidsumv or l.mr cmnpaiilcs j
Illinois euv.ilrv Till Into u rrlK-l muiiU'cail.- no
Thursday, but cut their way through, Lining
a MnJ.ir'kllhil nnd six wn.ind.il. A thwrler
since arrived says the rebels lo-t .10 klllnl and
On Friday a superior f..rce attacked tint.
I'u) lie's dlvisli.il nn the hit wl ig mid ll.e en
.,i (.....il liklil ii.., I.n.ir. whl Ihi rebels re-
eelvlng rcliiforcemenls, (!eu. Payne rilrculeil cession mid Alxlltlonlm.
In Fnrmli.glnn. Our liws ll l.'iO killed,1 Yours. In haste, J. IlltOSS. .
wouudedund missing. J.r.tV;.vi.- libel me, and I'll not only
Momtliikv, Tuin.. May loth. , ., ,, c ,. ,... .i.r... i......
Deserters from l,.ulsl....a reilm.nl. in ,,, shorten I.r ron. I., j- in... Ilh er ll rre In ,n
flglitmi Friday Just nrrlv.il state Hint ihe'dml nnd lllly mlhs. but I will vole for lhels.M
rebel lrcis making the ullack on ll.e left man In Jackson euuiily for t lilted Stales
wing Friday li'ghli was HO (lllll. w lib. '10 plenn Senator. J "
nl nrllllcry, ua.hr (litis. Van Until. I larding i --- - - i"Tw
uml Prlee, Ihelr nbj-cl being tn nvirwhehn WARREN LODGE No. 10, A. F. & A. M.
and drive our krt wing Into the river. Their a IIOI.II their regular eoiiiiiiiinlcallons
loss In idtiecrs and men was vcrv lienvy nur. sVlh' Wnlnesilay Kivnliigs on or pricidlug
so far as neerlalnrd, Is -111 l.lllol and ill
wouiul.il. All ipilct iu front.
l!i.nitii.rs TnuyriL At the h-ellon liehl
In this p'acdon Mmidiy, h.r City OlIl.Trs Inr
the tiisiiing ymr,lhe Smsh wue most beaull-
r.illy eliimiil out, liy u iiMjorliy ranging im.n
flfle.ll In twii.ly.ni.e. ll.e IJoInn men went
Into the worn wiiii great win, nun niu rcsi....M n.r u (He'Cully sllicaicr iiiiiuing),ni
ol llielr lalmrs nsii-nisliiil ll.e ui.mi sanguine
On ll.a Saturday evening previous, the
Unli.il men held a meeting ut theCouit House,
and unanimously nominated the following
ticket, on the p'litforni ' The I'nloti Fun-vi r !" 1
(Jrcat eiithiislasiii was manlfodnl. mid Stirling
patrlnlleskvelus were made by Ju. ll. I..-
eey. Hr. Siivleand Oen. l.v.-J-.y. 1
Fnr Miyor A. II. Hinlej U.-cir.l.r J.
K. Iliirrnnl; I'oiiuril W. n. liniK, l. 11.
II. m.I. II. P. Thompson. A. I, l.'iii'J-iy. Jnhn
II. He t. F. llarclay ami I-. i,liarmaiin
TrvuMin-r K. Milwnliu Assessor mil t'..l-
helor ,1, K. 1 1 isrforsl I t'ity Altntni.V W.
0. Juhnson : Him t PU?;-Wm. '
Ihiwuiau; Marshall C. M. kiler hihwd
nnpt P. Ilatchiy,
M-i.i. if.i .. 1 1.. ........1..1 ..
I.I.I ., r,,Nlnt. nl wh.ll ll..' I. 1.I1V Will M.-lt!e
next .lui.e, that disallieilon mid thu e.xpn-s-,
and shouh. da,n..he ma,, who holds suchl'
id. 11., 10 oiHciirny nii-l conic . pi. 1 i.e i-
mav virv riiidily be neognlze.1 by the polite
.Hill,..! lit' lllil IIJ1IIIIS-
ren.uik i.r nn old ssveth who sIimmI taur the
pulls, when 11 iuturi.lir.nl cltUvn, uud 11 qu'ct
genlh manly man, fame lo exercise 11 frevinan'a
prlvllegu by e isllng his vote. Seeing lilnr
.Iron. 1 ml.nr Uulnii ticket. miTshcrlnl nut luu
lii.ul lime In some one across the slrcel," l.'ome
over here mid kill (Ills d- d Jrir, he's Voting
the uboll-hei.li ticket !" The same Inipu'su
tliat leu .inc. line Willi ins innro iirisiiicruiic,
or more presuming WTeslnn friends, to vote
ngulntt fnv homestead bills, and thus In ills
couragu tic em'grallon nfun Industrious elus
nf forelgiiers, who, fl t-Ing rroni oppression nnd
Intnl. rc.ic.i in mercrowihil Kurnpe, wou'd
find homis and liidi'pendi-i.ce thrniighnut ni'.r
prairies and phaalil vallijs, is strikingly II
hist ruled, mid Is shown tn be ninully shared
by the onehorse nristnerals id Ihu peace M-.
cession party in tiregnn. irgi".
Tiik IlirTi.Koi1 Snit-nui. S.hui after the
battle of SI. II. .ah. the telcgrujili aunniincul the
losses i.r llm la-lllgerenl armies us lA.OOi) on
Ihe I". il.rul side uud UA.ODO on the 1de ol the
reliels. The exact loss ol the Federal army,
us sliitrd In the official report, was l3Ji"A
nf which number marly .1,0(111 were made prls-,
oners, This is a el.e nppini.ch to tho flrsl
rnugh estimate. Hut thu nU-ls certainly did
not lose .'I.VOOO men. A correspond. nt who
was mule prisnnrr bj tin' enemy, but subse
quently liberated, reports thai 1 1 icy itliuatcl
their I'iss nl -l.liliu Kllli'il nnn I'.'.nnii wou1111.11
or IC.HOn In till. As nearly a.dOO of Ihcm
wrio fnuml dead nnlho fl.ld, this enrresiond-
mi's statement must be mi approximation Iu
the truth. The forces engagul nu I10II1 siiles.
. I.. t fj SA dsAA .. ... l.Bf .. la. -kI itala
ii.iiniscrrii i-in.unii men. r.i-..i.Ti: in i-
oneis, Iho aggrfgule loss in klllM ami wnumleil
was nut .o.nou incii or mure inuii one sixiu
Mii.t.nm inn I.....; i..hwii .. u,v 1 "'.'"ilioail.gcm.ral del.llllv. elu. tie! rlil nf !t al
of Iho number engaged. llrlght Moms I, 'J
"7. ' " ...i , . Curtis (Jrundcrioii
I tiK Pkaik DKMocuiev.' Ihechnructer tJliapuill Suml
of the peace pirly Is well llliistratiil iu atf In-, (:jui,, ym
flih-nt that is said lo Imvo occurred lately ut I isuu.(wn j0hu
Kiigenc City. An old whiskey nukeil disci- Oulrn ljwls
pie or Ji If. Davis, who lives on lwig Tom, UuUce j,1Iin ,,
was putting into his wugou at F.ugcnc City a i;r0jt.r Simon
keg ol wlibkey. n large lot or lead, ami u ke! . (;urj y,
of powder, wl'en u bystander usKed him what, l),mcall oimilci -he
intrnde.) tn do wlih so much miimuulilon. (,, yM
S.cesh replied, " Owlnc In fake It lomr-fiiii ' sHuntUIe Juinea
what I'm a uwlne tn do with hit : and if any n,,,,,..!,. w,,.
01 inesc .111 ii'iiKiniics c.iiii.ii rouini mar. 1 1;
show '1111 what I'll do with. powder nnd leuil,
I'm a pace lUmmijttat-X m"Argut,
... r ...... 1 1 .,. ... 1.1
At Lynn, the ruber day, it Sundav School
teacher iisked u little gill who ll.e llrrt man
A kll... .I..U.AI...I ik.t I.A .11.1..' I.t.l.t
The question was then put loan lilsh ohlld,
Who answered, "Adam. sir." wills apparent
satisfaction. "Iji!" said the first scholar,
' you needn't feci so grand about It-bo wasu't
hu Irihlurwin "
Hi-NKvKHy Houv.-lt is wM one company
on iSalninn river look out thrte pmli nf golil
wim. -nuc piirwritii irisia uv inm nituiT.
liutl m one Ai tf. and it wos uol a very good
day for mining cither,
PowiiKH It1vr.11 Some inins.'s have re
turned from Powdc liicr cursin; Ihu whole
ai u humbug, ao wy the Northern papus.
Platform of the Union Party of Oregon.
T1C rtstlowlnir resolutions were adopted by
the Union Slate Convention, held at Mugciic
'. . .. ...
t pr in,..0....
lltsnlveih I hat WC W ever SIIPDOrt the I
State Governments in nil their rights, ns the '
met competent administrators or their doina
tic concerns, ana tne suresi uuiwarKs sganm
nntl-republlenn tendencies, and preserio the
Ocneral Oovcrnment in Its wlmlo eoi.stltu-
tloiml vigor, as the sheet anchor of our peace
at home mm saieiy aoronu.
J(tolitil, Tliat wclirc In favor of llio sup-
prersinn ortlic present wicked rebellion t or
vigorous prosecunun ni me war, to luim ui.
necessary 10 irusirmc ino scnemes oi nrmcu
Itt'olrttl, That wc nro opposed to any peace
other llian the honorable uml sure one lo conic
. ul.cn rebels and Ihclr svmnathlncrs submit lollli" branch or his prorwlnn iiimuglioiit the
siKaxte or .he i:fl trn,indf
t till It Mf. I ..... ..!...( l......1 Tl..
l,ul,J c- . . ,, , ,. . ... ,...,,.
Wir-f, I hat the General Unwnment
should exert its utmost inergy to id-lend llic
To the VoUn of Jackson Connty, Ogn.
liKNTl.Kvii'.N'i I am licfnre you nsnnlndc-
iicndenl candidate tor Htui: Sin unu. fur Jack-
. ..,,,,,1.-. iirri'nn.nt ll.e coming June elcc
,j)w ' (j. ; (iUIUMt.
Jncksnnvllle. Oregon, May "Hi. lsfii
I Mloir-Citiitni if Mm I'muty: I am the
' I'lil.iu Candidate (or Stitk S'Nwnn. M
plairurm ; " the Consllliithm and the Kuforce-
mentor the l.iws,"nnd I am npioscd loSe-
ll.e roll iiiooii, iu
JirkHnMM.t.K. ."IV.
. II. W. UUKKIt, W. M.
Hi.ihiu, Sic'i.
, ' . , , . ,,
, J i.ks.mii....; "-."". "' " ' '':J "I
'ar Hirelings every .Y.ltv.n.l I ' "'''"1,j nvW
71 ,, cineK,
llrtilhers in good standing ate cor.iinuy in
ritidlo at lend. . ,
Hkniiv Ih.M.tMIKR, N.O.
J. M.SiTroi. H.Sec'y.
J.lClx'SUX rt.I.K, OUKtiV.V,
... ., I
Will hold Us regular eouiiiiuiileallou on the'
1-1,1 Hulimla)' Kin. lug urKvrr)' .1.lli.
All ...Jonrnlng Companions In good standing '
..' .., t... it.t 1 ...iimi.I
... ,1 u iivni.' 11
-11. rs. 111 ir.. 11
si AS. l.lil.KXN, no J.
D Hoitotter'i Stomach Bitten.
e,.s. ho fon,,,a,,hea,,i, scores nfd...
- ' InrV- I ho In, nous s . Mto
,,,,.. m,,,,,,.., r,.r,B( ,.nlptlnllsrt i.r
. - . .m
once, then, by going through a enura or
A palatable mid refre'lilng preparation, which 1
us riircly relieves all coinplalnls or the stomach
uud Its ilep ndeiiolts. as ll.e sunshine nulls the ;
iiow-. A courso of the iiuiliclm may mil. r
li.ipa. Ih necessary. One bottle rreo,ueiilly ne-
........ll.ti... n i-i.i..i.lrl.. ii.r... Si.t.l liv lr.lV!il(a
m,. 'l.alirs everywhere,
.iilll'lr.nn . w ,...... w.t... .. -- n...n..
I. I
TyyoTICi: Is hereby piien Unit llio KAOI.K
'ii Mll.l aroitguin in running nm.r, ami
that we are again ready lo furnWIi our uuiuei-
ous customers wills Ihu I
Sost riour 1m tho Oouatry.
Ill cry sack ground and lacked at tho Mill
wan anted to lie Onod Kl.mr.
Per JiisM'ii J.u-orw, Agent.
Ashland, May l.", lei:'. Isli
List of Letters
It ut Jacksonville, Muy I lib, 16C'.' :
Applegute Ivnn 11
a!.' -a aaa
McUuvno Nicholas
Murphy Hugh I,'.1
Anill Cupl Win
Ura.llcy Oil
liver Hardin Mnr ron Joseph
Ll... 11... it.. l... ir
, iiriMlnox Win
.iiuil.u 11 1.1 11
Neal Orlm
Primes Win
Kiilmrt John
It'igirs Oeorgu It
Sheldon (ieorgu
Strung ll
Smiili Sand
Strnup A Ii
Subln Ambroko
Sehebeliii Anlhnny
Shermuii llyron It
Trimble James
Thornton Jumes
Tuiman Saml
Wallers Ik-rnhaid
Wylio All a
Wells Justus Kii
.... .....
Hulberl Henry
llumberl Kugcno
Keys K J U
Miller Jjihii II H
Moore Richard M
I'crsoiiK calling for any of those letters will
lm'"u ,u "" "S" "Villi vi--i l
' '" ''"'' -
M1T1U''I.11 )& IKm
tl U IU KsIV J? EslCK 1
' -r.-...- -na-..
qijn; llll(icrbgwd herehy notllle. Ihe public
X 1L1I hu has a goo.1 Ferry at his place en
.. .1..." .r. it
. Ucr.wi.tiit lio will always U tmind
mi It .mil i-.-iiili in Ir.ittoiinrt n n.4iinifd mul
VII ! a .- i j.-ii is-aviii, WSI
tock out this rushiug Juidaii.
Timm lers can Iw supplleil will, thebolne
coim.lHlalloiis. I'll my of feed lor animals.
(iiu Inui a cull,
. Tiik Mki.ic.i
,';,,;,! , ,i!.cwn m
nlnvu Urn nulU of ch
... ii t.. ..... u-. ..(
fl,f Bf0 ofcn BnRB,j, ,
,.t. .I,,,,..,,,,.,.! r,f l,iVrl i
occupy with others an niunlly lot
the prufesston. ltlcord Is nu I1I
ous ex
.,!.. .. .I.lnliifr llrrlit nttmllff lllU DtlllOSOUb!
stars of his ago In Kurope, and l)r. Cfckay ha
rully eiiualteil him In this country, ns a proof
of which, the Philadelphia College or Medicine
complimented him with a diploma mid the hon
orary aJ itiniltm. Selecting this as bl field or
operation, although ipmllflnl ns a graduate or
the Uulverslty or leth, and IslcClili-rSiirg.-on
or tho Hungarian Heiol.illonary Army, for
more extended labors, I)r. I.. J. Cratikr.y lin
Is-nt his earnc"! attenllon lo lliectireofclireiilc
dla-ascs. In which ho has In-come so great an
eipert that ho Is now regarded bi the leader In
'reud. - rs In the most exclusive Journal'. The
,ctr' oftlce. are at his Mdlcal and Surgle.il
Insiltute. on Saerainenlo st corner of l.liiles-
dortr. nearly opposite the buildings or Ihu Pa
cific Mall Stentiulilp Company,
We ak the particular attention or our lend
ers lo the sw urn certificates of remark iMc cutis,
in another column of this pa,xr. Ibein
Tlic l-uiKi"l Ntnck of
(iooiIs, mul lliu riiint
Assortment ordcntli
iiiii'a Wi-Hrlng Ai
imrrls tn tlu Sttilf of
CHllfornlu, cim In
Iinrl nt all llnifa at
the Store nl
&' CO.,
Who haie J.tl nwim tin lurrest store In fan
I'iiiiicI-c... In l.hk's 11-w Ihi Id'ng, criiir nl
,igm.ry and Sullir. uud In the .m bl.K-k
Sf Send vour orders and measure, and
'when you visit r'an Fruiiclsco, we shall In
! glad lo mi- you.
April 'JO, IM'.'J. UW'
Adininistrator's sSalo.
MMIIlIti: Wll.l, its-: SOI.II AT ITIII.IC
I AfCTION. al ll.ejlris.l.ui:i. nf A. (i.
'1VIICIS ,li.M ..1, If KITS riSIM K.Jjfk-
run county, Oregon, nu
.M011.I11), May "iOlli, ISIl-i,
ill the personal pmimiv l-lmigliig to ll.- -
lain nf A. (1. WII.KI.N.S. ilie.l.c
coiisMIiig. Iu
I purl, or tho following, to wit i
.a j ai t . I. .
;in head or Hoists, Marcs uud Cnll !
VU llctf Steers.
11 Cnws;
S jnkeof Work ilxciit
I l'lin- Stnl.lii II.MK-, " l.uiiuuax" lk i
IU Iliad or Hogs;
to head i.r ihi p ;
I large, heavy Ox Wagniii
1 large Tour-horse Wagon;
'.' small Iwo-lmrKV Wagons;
i jou bushils of llarlev;
Together with nil kinds i.r
fahmino impi.i:.mi:nts,
IIOUSKIIOI.I) FI'ltNITL'lti:. lite., Ktc.
Sale lo eui.ii.iiiice ut 10 o'clnik 1. M. of said
Jacksniiulle.May IU1I1, liiVi. ,',,
Dissolution of Partnership
riIS HA 1 by mutual I'nseut. the lurl-
'l mrs-lilp nf ANHKIlON .V til.K.N'N,'
Jack won We, Oregon, l iintl.y dlssolud.
I All who havu elali.'ji ngaliisl Iho tame will
pleasu prcM-ut the same nnd leceliu their pay.
and nil those kt'.ow lug Iheiiiselrra llidebtid to
cltluror bot'.i ol Ihu jMirllis, l.y nolo nr en
account, Will mic iwt l.y calling at llielr
oltlcc, nuxt door l. ll.e C'ily Drug, flnrc, imd
pay u,i, u clieuiiistaiices in.iilio thai Ihe dcl.ts
uiiit be lulil at 1111 curly l..v. i.iuiri pall)
1 ivill be ullnwiil Iu sign In Ihiuld illou.
I J AS. T. lll.KNN.
' Jaeksonilllc, April ili, Itjii.'. I Hull
Administrator's Notice
j VTOTICIliihcribygliintliiitlheuii.lilslgiKd
Li has lied, uppolutid Admliit-tiutor ut the
, .klitle of Jo.t.l'll Dll.s, (Uci'ii-til, lata ol' Jack-
I sou county, Oregon. All (K-rrniis ti.u lug claims
against Ihu otalu me iciiulnd to preriut limit,
wllh Ihu lieu-willy louciieis, within one year
j from dale of this not'ee, for ulllniient ; and
.111 persons i.i.ici.iiii nru required 10 iinniv n..1
, nudlate paiiuriil.
c5. P.TAYI.OII. Administrator.
I I'h.enli. Jackson coiiuly, Oregon, I
, Aprll!inih. IMS.'. t li'd
Wl! lull e Ihls day sold nui- stork nf mer
elunrtise t.i Mcsrs, ll.tiiuitur A Wu.i:,
1 All H-rsoiik ludebted to us nre hereby uotllled
lo seme imiuciiaieiy unu sine e.i.
rbui.U, April IT, ltU..
fi"r rum, our friends and pilrum we would
Millelt fuc iho new linn a ioi.lliniai.ee uf their
libeial ii.iIioii.iko.
ItKOI.ICII .v (iQLDSMiril.
rimiiU. April IT, Mi Itmu
fi'rur nf " sVctt- State Saloon," on Third St.
S HAVING, llalrculllng, Shamiwolng Cur
ling and Hair Dyeing.
Ali. a genuine in llete ol I'W.'s IIuuHm
niiuivi:,uin Crist..dia's A'ki.i.t llur y lor
1 ale. Jaeksumlllc Jim, :j, '.'.j
iy po.
Without Reserve !
Hi- arc tlftrriiiincil aiiil Csim-"
pel I nl to place nil our llook
Aii-otiiits uml Note In
Hit'. IihihIs of our At- '
torury, for action .
At tin roiulug tirin of thc'DIa
Ii let Court, If not iinlrl on -or
before tho
iillil DAY Or' .lA.NL'AllY, I88.
fiilTAtu: inn
In llnlo.s llnM. Ill lik llnllrtlnc,
'cm li found Ihe choicest n-id most comiK,ls
collection evi r nlteml In Jncksoni Die, or
XlonTXtifillly Houuct AND
XXnuclisoiuoly XUus
trntocl GrXtt J3ooU,
.&.1 toximsaj, nud aco
otlonl "XXra-1x.m.
-A L S 0 -
CAniNETS.miel DOXE8.
til llir Lulrsl Kit;llsli ai.it Amrrlran rt
Inilnls. .MaKni In'1 ni U .rtvsiasrn
roi.slai.il' 0.1 l.a.xl.at llir
inr VAiiiiriv .sToiii;
ill. A. bkkxtXmo,"
oi'oeon atroot,
Is now r i'c Icing a regular weekly supply or
TPi'c&lz. Frulti
iipplou, Toars and VoackM, '
iul .ill othirs In season. In inMllluu to hit Vsrgs
and uirhd stock or
Candies nnd Nuts,
U'hlih will be 1 old on HUnil terms, tn suit th
linn's, lie also oirirs to ll.e public Ids wull
knunii .ii-oi Imont ot the
Scleral hundred
PipoH, 7orfomorjr, Toys,
And ninny ollur
.larksi.nillle.Ancnst. Id. 11)1. . 'iOM
Xli'lolK. X3iilcllsms.
L'oiiicr of Front anil t' Streets,
ll.l,alliinl Iu the Urcehing and forward'
I lug of all OooiU euliustcd Iu their care,
Willi piOll.plllC'S Ull.l illrp.ltcll.
Coiislh'iuiienls lolieltid. Mcichandisc rs-
eeliidoii storage.
Crescent Clly, April 19, Wi. 15
N. II,- No pood' delivered until Iho rrvlgbt
ami chaiires nre paid. I. A V
Iu thu Trices of
Hoard and Lodging!
-AT Till.-
Hoard uud Lodging, per week . ,$0 00
Hoard, per week- 7 00
Hoard and Losing, per day, with pri
vate loom, best style ., 2 25
Lodging per night. In prliute room 74
Lodging, per night, Iu double room . SO
single Meal 40
Ueilucllon In price, but un icducllon or
tUosulii l.ilile. My lahle shall i.ol Ihj ssr
paisid hy uuy Iu Iho blale i.r Origoi),
JarkHiiii llio April 21. IM. 1.1
RISKS taken upon Mills, Hotels, Stores,
Dwellings, rlc.. on Ihe mol favorable
leims, In llaillmd, I'h.eulx, (Jlnil.t. fioodbne,
ami nthci well knuwn,tind reipouriblc comp
uies. j:'.'l I; J. ShdlU.N, Agent.
W "w i. ' '
TSfafy "'''