Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 17, 1862, Image 1

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. l w r "
nSAv '
.' i j .
4 .'
ntt-TjrMrC J.
II - - " mm fc.
,H..HhkAL. Jtlftfc.-
in a
HENRY DKlfMRUKH, Pnh'r an 9wu?w.
Office over Clugng If Drum'i Stabltt.
SriMcitirriiiV One year, In advance, Four
ilolUri Six inftntlii; Two Dollar and Fifty
cent,., thrcp irtonllu.Onc Dollar and Fifty
cent' Hides renewed, paper will be discon
tinued at Die expiration or lb lime for which
liny Jnyic been- paid.
.Awkktis'imi One tniure' (Inline orltw),
tint lascrllnn, Tlircc Dollars j each subsequent
Insertion, One-Dollar; A discount or Iftjf per
' tent will bo made to Ilium who advertise by Ikt
JKt. '
lly application to Postmaster and Mall Car
riers, you con learn that tlio Oattuox SairriiKt.
lias liy fur o larger circulation In Iht eountlei
in" Jackson, Jocplilno and Douglas, Oregon,
nnd Del Norte, California, than any other pa
per. Till fact should commend the Hkxtimci.
lo you n superior medium for advertising.
lilt of Agents for the Oregon SentUel,
who re authorized to tranract any bustnes
concerning thl paper, In too name of the pub
lisher :
I;. I. Fisher San Francisco
JValwortli A Kuync..
J. M. McCall
,J. 0. Davenport
,W. W. Fowler
rlt. H. Duulap
Jnhti I". I'rlndli
A.II. MclUnlu
W. V. Itln-hxrt
H.J. Foibe
V r.. M. ivnii
Jot'l Thorn
. Itufti Mallury
Gas burg
, Applegate
, Salem
lano II. Monrc
'P. M. I'llswnrtl
F, Chartnau
D. W. Wakellild
Ili'iijuinlii Cook
J. Il.ginlll
Kugcne City.
Oregon City.
....Crescent City
Advertising Agency
Ko. WW JVn.lilnsjtim aintt,
' Nearly oppolto Magntra'a Opera Houar,
Advcrtlemcntn and uli-crlplloni Mjllcltcd
(or Ilio OiiMiov Hkntisk.i, nnd lor Die principal
imperii mi the I'aclHc cimt. Advrrllarmenta
inrminliil In pnp n pulillrlicd In any portion of
.. 1JUSINKSS OAitns.
Physician and Snrgton,
fnekMmvlllr, IhrRtm.
Jn liwiiiTlllr, lrrg.
711.1. nll(ii. In l.iuinrn In Hie Courliol
f Ilio I'irrt Jmlklul llUlrkt.anil In the
HiiiiriiiK't'iinit. . Oct.2o;4l
' ixvrji h. 1-ii.k rvH mimmt.
IluubuiK. UoiigUa CaMtrUgwt
Wll.I,ltcixl to any butlne eonUad to
iIkiii. In the Nvcrul Court of the First
ImllcUl Diftrlel of Oregon, ami In theHu
preme Court. Oclobcr ttiil
Will practice In ull tha Court of the Third
,juMI:lul DUIrlcl, Ilio Supreme Court of Ore
gon, nnd In Vrrku, C'hI.
llolnKaii ugent at Waolitngton, and eipeeU
latUlt that city and the Allantle tbla Summer
and Fall, ami uny liurlncM will receive prampt
Itrnllnn. iryWsl i
' C. I. SlIlAOUE,
Kkiiiivvii.i.k, Jihkiiiim! Ciavrr, Oun.,
Will punctually attend to builne entrusted to
lil care. April i.i. inni.-ijii
JrkHin llle, Urvnn.
I prrpanil to tnko 1'Icturea In every lyleof
1110 Ail, nliu Ull luu lwi iinwuvvHiiiuw.
do not pIvoMitirttctlon.nochargvawlll be made
Call at I'mikV Clgnr Store, or at the Gallery on
tholllll. ami are bin ricturea. Illf
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Foreign and Domtotio
- AT TUK -
iarWr ar t'allfttrtiU Tklml MntU,
Kent door to Ikckmaa'a Bffraa
. jFTa" ftr,,or yromptiy . Mtf
ajAfUL K. MAY,
Jatkainllf, OragMi
t Dioiutioii ofrtairBhVt.
Till'; Coparlucri-hlp here (of ore cxUtlng be
tnrcn the undertlgiied, by mutual conicnt
la (hi day dlworid.
JnckFonvllle. Mnv 3d. IWi II
'1011 1'HIT1N(J nr all ilewlptlon neatly
t) im-ukUtttllicSKNTlNKI, OFFICK
Stoves ft Tinware.
Hat now opened t.
Bm and Tinwaru Shop
0 Tkiri Mmt, Mur tke Port OflM,
Jackaont llle, Oregon,
Where he will keep on band the beat pattern
I A limit 8TOVK8.
Am) every-kind of
Til, Iran and Coppcrwnre,
tluilde a treat variety of Culluary artlclci
too nnmeroui to mention.
Peraon wishing anything In my lino are re-rpt-ctnilly
Invited to call and examine bciml
Ity and price of my warm.
. a. I a all It4 kill .1..ma In nhlna
nvery aura oi .iuii ninin uni; " !"
Mr tWN Wan Rwlrnt Wlllinol !Unr R
Jacksonville Not. 9. 1811. M
TUB nndertgneil would respectfully Inform
Ike cltltena of Jnckran and UI"''K
eountlei that be baa on baud and villi iiMUUfac-
lure to order
All KlNeU tr Hnddlery A, Harnea
HI'lll AH
Heavy Draught Hornem (long and rlioit tug)
Concern linrnr, nuggy imnwi
.liml.ti mi.1 aliii.lt.)
Spanlth Sadillc. tree ami rigulng rnmplctc
jAilUra naoiiie, tiovM-y nmnmi,
Haddle bag, llrl.lli,
tiiircliiglni, llaller,
'l.liw VVIiln-tnilm.
And all other article usually found in a
firtt-clait tock or
A 11 WOHK W A H II A X T K I) .
8tore In " Sentinel " JIulMIn", Cullfomlii
J&lwonvilW, Dec. 21, 1861. -I'Jtf
Are now Closing Out
their entire stock of
Goods, Groceries &
Liquors, at the Very
Lowest Rates,
V. Olve im a call, at the Toat Office llulld
ln, eoraer of California and Oregon irtvt.
April It. IW. l
rpilR undenlgned beg l-vr to lnfrm the
X traveling punnc mat --kj "' "
ckarg af the
CMyMTiito, Dofl Cointy, Oregon,
Where they will be personally prennt to attend
m- L ... nf lv.v..t..p. ami luianliTflulirri
a aauar " mtal can Ise furnished, and partic
ular attention paid to the comfort of guest at
all time. The patronage of the public I re
,pectfullyllclu.d. Canyonrllle, March 10, I82. 9
Wanted in Bxchang!
HaraeM, Bridles and Saddles,
Of all kludr, and ull kind of Saddle rigging.
pf Mta ana Shoe mode and re
paired to order In a neat and workmaullkv
mum,. Mulreor y y
rbanli, Feb. H.
Oregon War Scrip.
I HAVE made arrangement wllb a reponlhlo
llanklng Home 10 attend to tbo collection of
War Scrip In Washington Oily. Having occu-
riled the post I Ion of Chief Clerk In one of tint
reparimeul during the war, scrip-bolder will
d nie prepared to give all necessary luforum
lion relatlto to their claims.
I will l give my attention to pouting and
arranging l"k and account.
(flHco III the frnliitrl hulhllng.
ri,m HA.MUIII. K. MAY.
Jacksoni llle. June (I.IHiil. 24tl
Olbolia I
A GOOD aworlmcnt ol Clock nl the Jacn
onllle Hook mid Variety more, corner
California and Oregon .trwle. 1
AddreM of Oovernor Andy Johnson.
Drllv.ml In the llalTof h:0",r,.,0,P"
rntllvt, In5livlll, Mnnli'4'4, 10
Indies nnd fellow cltlisen : I am hens lo-
day under exirnoruinnry circunuiuniTs. -
not my habit to mnko long cxonlmin, nor
will 1 maKC n long one in-unj. i inigoi ;("'
u. 111.,., mi. ilitntlnti In wlmt I Mill lollll
ago, when I made my vnlollclory In llili hull,
when retiring from the dutkn you bad in-
poscil upon me. nna pisscti mem iu min
hand. When 1 made that mlilrrs, I hrl
. rMni.t.U,nnt will lillfv to tllC trillll
sine iiij .,..-.. ....... j - --
that the affair of the gubernatorial ofuce had
been raiimuny aiiminiaicriii, ami mm i juimu
Id honnn when all wni In n alatc of iindu
turbed repose on the bmoni o( iciicc. 1'caeo,
with all it attendant liapnlnci, pervndeil the
Oommonwcaltli then. How 1 it now?
What condition do we find the country In
now f Ixik out, nnd ro wlmt ii lo Iks found.
When you extend ynnr vision ocr the vi
boundary of lb' beloveil country, what do
you find? Yon re men armed In nil the np
IhIm.hIi nf ipiif tnnrrlilnis rotnmn of in
fantry, caviilrv nnd urllllery yon look upon
Irattlvlli'lil, nnil sec leiiow-cininirjiiieii mnw
Ing. ny nil nil J ami mny i mu iwihih
whal It Im been for ? Why do we behold
wi-enliiL- father. dlcoinnlnte lstcr nnd liro-
ken hearted mother? Why I the matron
clothed In black nnd Imlheil In tear? hy
I lhldlsatcr brnught upon n contented ami
i...,K iinll Vlivtiiiir liranllfiil land
the nsylum nf the npprwuil of every clime
IMtluil III liiiman moon i i ii"n- ;i"i ""'
kerii up the Iniiiilry. why nil lhl? Four
...V. nn I l..fl mv IwlnvMl Hlnlo unlet mill
uppyi her free nn nnd lovely ilnnghier
hint nol a urrain oi insnmcr. i remm iihj
ii the inlitst of civil war uml Ihu enmpt in
tl..i .n.i.t.1 nl ilu. rittihnti rnnr nnil In the lew
orgllltirlngbiijonel. Agnln I mk. why nil
,1111. t lirllllliur ..,.
u m.U f.ui snttii-ilitn. nnd pull noon von to
i.i. ulia.1 ,rtiii.i.r. nti.i iniiiprs. i itiii'mi
hold the gullly rwiKUislblc for ilinMIng Inno
cent blond. You know Hint It Im ictn
said ami aid tn me Hint till I nil unjun
war) that tlio Unlleil Mian i unjiuiiiianiv
ti.nMillInrv write tlLrnlllftt the Soillh. It I
said the Smith I carrying on the war for
-t..l... l?....il..... I.il.t W'l.fi avi.. snllrttil
rif;iiipi7"tnivn, iimnr. ...... .... r--..P...
tn nlirhlgo their rignir uie uovcnimeiii
ha never on'dl tn resicet nnd fiwtcr It na
tlonal ttiietun. Thl. nur molhcr. know no
Uil, mi West, tin North, no South It I
iwrv'y inllomil In It rlmracler. 'I ho Impilry
run nliitiL'. nnd what U the oirlii'Imi
....l,..lt ML.. i. nitniil.iltl nf tint rlvht. n'ld
say they have lain deprived nflheir jnt nnd
iiinilliltlonul rlglil Hi me lerriiorie. nr
mil me In make nn Inquiry In in nTtilvi
Mine, but iniidv that 1 limy ho under t '-
nnotlur Inquiry. What riulil ha Iwtii d nlml,
what privrrgia wlthlicld, what iirrrnzami"
lni, under Ilio ('oimtltullon nnd law of tlio
Un. till H Intra, by nny clllrj-n tlnTiiif.nnd par
ticularly n i-llixiii or Tcnnwo ? What one ?
Can you tell ? ("nn jon polul It out ? Can
von take up the Constitution nnd call atten
tion lo nny tigbl there guaranteed which you
have lol I Can you seo It fnicll it taste it
'eel it ? Yt mv lax nil your farilllle.niid
mniiot till what rigid liu Ixtn Imt. What
ixcnuo, thin, I Ihrro for ull lhl turmoil i-l
war? What ha the Hmilli h"t under tin'
Comtltullon, that palladium ( nur liln-rtlc.
frninril bv the .il riot falher nf ini"tliir reiii
lury? '".Slavery," I Ihu nply. Where has
llii- Institution urslnvety Ihi ii Invndiil ? Can
uny nne till? Here lliivirimr .Milium nl
liideil to Ihc Tiiel that be nnd olher. who had
ditcrmlned lo sliuul firm by the prlnclpki nf
eirgovcrnnieiil. had Uvn deiioinlnnli-il Irul
tor, and rcml the conslllulIou.il dillullioii nf
treason.) II. continued he.lt 1k treason to
stand by one' counlry, I nm here to-day n
Irulior In your prm-nct. I wa making lh"
Inquiry, why ull Ihi? I dinct ymir inten
tion to pome fact in nur history. In the fall
or I8C0. you miii'inhrr the inemorablo ron
lrt for "the Pri-sldeney. Three nuidldali1
were pul liefore the ieoplt Hull, lln-rkln-ridge
and Douulas. A fourlb wn tinmiualiil
Mr. Lincoln j but he had un ticket in Iht
.Stale. I in or Mr. IMIV friend. Whit pn
1llou did you Like? 'Tim Union, Ilio Con
lltutlnn nnd the riiRirrcmcnt or the lnw."
Wl.al did Ilio lbmisla men propoc for your
...... .vnl t 'I'lm lTitlnn. Ilit ITunxtitiilloil nnd
tliiM-nforicnunt of the law. Ilow did llrerk-
Inrldgit rliind! Ilio ame. 1 vnieil for
Hrecklnridge becnutc 1 thought him a lieller
ITiitmi man and n stronecr caiididatc than
either Dougla or Hell. And here let me ask
those Hell. Ilongla or llreclilnrnlge men pre
ent If Ihev did not cost their vote under the
imnrrtilon ihut Iht-y were trying lo elect Hie
MrongcM t'nlon candidate. My Ullef was
lhat llrrckinridgu wa a more eligible man
Dion lien , tnai irom in wen mi'iwii jmnuhih
In Ilio eye of the nution he could defeat and
put ilnw'n .Seei1on. lie wa a stronger man
in the South than Houglu, whl'e It wu
ndiulitril lhat Pmiglu wa rtrnugrr at He
Nnrih. We had retison to hope lhat by n
eombliitttlnn of their itrenelb l.'nroln might
Im defeulrd. If nil were iKIenlul but I.lnroln.
ho wnu'd give him u trial. If ho iidiiiluUtrird
the nfTalr of State wlsi lynnd rnnstltutlonilly,
ho womld lx) thankfufi If not If hu at
temptril tn rnrnuruge fccllnnal hgMatlon and
udmlnlaterd nir.ilr illsnaraglugly in nny pari
ol the country, turn Inm nut. I wa no) for
breaking up this Government, ln-cau for.
sooth, Ihenimiof nny set of p illtlci.ni 1ml
miscarried. If wo arc lo haven n volution
upon such n pitiful pretext, what stability nf
government do we po?es ? To y'e'd to the
d'upleiisure nf n certain ct or r"yi far n
lo partition a political atrncluri! nr inch gran
deur a our, would bo tn follow In the Mi
ner or distracted Mexico. I told my conn-
i it. i nitA I tnnnln a fittr rlimieo. If lit
sought to Invade llulr r1irhtorconipie Iheir
rrecilom. c'i ct nnniner inc naiioi.uiix.nmiii"!
the rword, wna tlio instiiiment In wield. In
tho support of Hrecklnridge for the PrcaMcnry.
I had labored through a futlgulne canvass, e.v
poalng myself In all tlio unpicasanlnefj of
travel nr.d the ixlmtisllnn nf declamation. I
wa enlisted in hi fortune for the ako of my
counlry. I believed him to be tho safest for
the crisi and I can prnduca evidence Irom
many source tn Justify I lie liclief. Threat
were boldly mndo lo destroy the country If
Hrecktiirldire should not be circled. To avoid
thl calamity. I would mako the sacrifice of
my henlih nay, mv life, my nil. Hell men.
liAu- nn run Inulirv voiirielve for tho mill
you have cniclcd in this blootly drama ? 11
me nsK, liougtas siippouer. now rouiii von go
off Into the disunion camp? I was n witness
of tho reign of terror which followed the de
lent of Hell, Hreiklnrldgc nnd Ilongla. nnd
w hen the election wai nvi r 1 rcpali cd to Wash
ington. It w-n Ihcro that Hrcclilnrldge showed
the cloven foot, South. Carolina wa there
hn"ly and udroitlr nttempllng to dissolve Hip
Uuiou. I saw Urcckiurldc uud conversed
.... . .. . i ., i ... ..II .11. mm
wl Ii ii m-.oi,. mm .no pcopm - - - ' .
ie u.. r : r b "z "' ux,:
Wlmt win it rrnvT " L'hii wc coerce n
.r" . ...i . .. - -
Statu ?" I remiirked, " It I our duly to w.vc
" " - -r - . .
the Onvrrnmcnt." "Will yon cmri-e I lie
again dciniimhd. I tnld him not In denl In
tecbtilculltle Hie inns niusi ire upito t
one man In Suulli Carolina would rob the
mint, cnimterrclt money, or commit nny other
crime against the law of Ihu United btnle,
ho would bo punished ; nnd it mattered not
whether tho law was uroKcn ny one man, ir
twrnty, or n hundred, or even by the State t
self, the Government mul be vindicated. . I he
oul of liberty Is the love or law. II Ihi bo
a i, and you have no nuthority to enforce It,
you have no law in prmeci mc ra n
the strung. My Interview wiili llreekinriilgc
nn. Ill-n nil 111 lieri? Ill 111V bosom. I Wn lie-
cclveil In him. nnd illscoveicd Hint llieekln
ridge had no hope of being elected no hope
but for Kinliickv nnd the Simlliirn Slates.
okul hlmlr he was willing lo disunite the
Slate iHTniisoof Mr. I.lncoln' mcce, nnd
lifcauc iliseonlenlwl South Carolina nullnte
the subject? To this question Hrecklnridge
rrpllnl In oil mifumitm slang about subjiigu
I.,,, nn.t ilm hnrrnr of a evil rnnllict. con
vincing me Hint he had gone Into the arms of
diiunhiii. A he could not bo President ol nil
Ihc Slates, he was willing to divide tin m ami
become. Presliknl nl part of Hunt. We cni
rni.il. I luriinl in v back to him nnd said:
" You di reived mc then i that wn our faults
but when yon dicilve me ncnln ll will Ik
mine." Let mc nsk Hill, Hreiklnrldgc nnd
Ih.iwlns mm, what duly 1 lelt you to p.r
r.i.in v (l.ilv nun. If vnu eniinnl find out
.. I - -,..!.. - ...... I.....M l.ut A.i.i.n fi.P.vnr.t lifct
nlini riullis Jint ini.u h'ci, v.-iii ii. ........ ....
.. I I ..I l.,l.... ll.n. nr.i.,,,.1 ll.n iiUnr nf1
ii iiitiiu tit ,h .,....,... . .i ,
ynnr conn ry, aim say urn ;onsiiunion man
L ............I. Ii. rSinniln? tn mv native
State. I nlTi r the olive branch In me I nnd
mil tin. tlonslltullnii ill the iitlnr. With uud
lor ll I have emni In crl-1i. If iimiI lie Hi
pour nut my blood n fire libation for Its pre
rrviit'on. The Pislernl Gnvcrntnent Is undo
responsible for Ihi war by the men who haw
cnliilhd ll horror np'ui ilm country, by cry
ing out their prcti tided right tiro gone, l'i
us forget nil parlle nnd former iissoclatloni
nnil feu the question n It I. I lell jon, the
nvirv qiitstlnii bus licrn made the pieiext for
hreiiknii; up Hit Govcriimeul. In IM'J nn
iittrmpl wa made to breuk up Ilm Gnverii
iiKMit.urd I well reiiMiilicr In have heard
read, by n man named lliwell. while etilul on
my shop hoard In lhat im mortal Jear, the
ptocliini.iHoii of Pirnldcitt .lueksnii, nnd fell
linn, us I now il", Hint It i-oiilaiueil Ihc only
d i.-lrinu to promto the preservation of the
(iovtiliiuciit. It will siiiiiiiiiisi ny ume urns,
ler slatesmen. Wilwlcr. Clay nnd .Iaeknii, I
xtiii.il now ns Ihev stood In I lie llr-t stoiui ot
Sfnli- j ninl for this I nm pcrsceutnl. IM not
blame mc, nut jmurtivi who unvu gone
wrong, ewno up, show your minhond, tie
kunwkslge the error of your piirpn-e, mid rt
miHc in support the L'nlinl Sialm Govern
tiicnl the greatest and bvl r.ibrlcutlon or
God and man.
UilWJ theycnrofiiiillifirnllon luckion
wrole n teller to Craw lord, or Georgia. I In
vile your nlliiitlon In ll. What il.d he ray 1
Then- cx'sti.l mi ileut to brink up thfl Gov.
i riuri it." It Is now Iwi nly nine yi nr since i
fi w idin nil with .liicksnn Hun. u to Ihe pre
ervallou or the Union t iinno run d h" r now
Were It pnwibto lor Old lllikory to nliirn In
in ninl mi! wlmt I going tin. what would Im
ihe trentmi't t nf Huullu rn tmilor I H'lulnili il
'ii Ihe numer nf nn old man who km w nnd
loved him will. He came In me n short linn
ago, mid In reply In my question, lr any bid
been Impious iinuili tn plant the Slurs and
ll.us ovi r Ihc old Iiiiii'h crave, l.u said : " Yc ;
mid I'll lied d If I didn't c.icct tow llr
i Id man Jump from his grnvo nnd order the
'at traitor to bo lj:iioiiitiilmily hanged 1" ll
It were pnnlble for Ihedetul In know what I.
pacing here iimii rnrlli, ami leave their lonely
tiiU'rikielu In mingle ngulu In Ilio busy scene
of Ufa, I would long since cvlul in hm. lark
son nl Hie si-.it of Government, nnd heard htm
exclaim, with that extraordinary linger elevn
tnl" y the Kterual, thu Union iuii.it nnd
sliall be preserved !''
TurliTwu tho pretext for disunion In leil'J,
and the slavery or negro qut-Mlnn Is tho pn
text now, Ilow do the fuel stand when we
i-oinc tn exatiilne Iheui ? l.-t u go back In
thu proee Hog of the Inst Congnss. What
wn the true phase of Ihe lluifa? A compro
mise vim renumber tho Crillrnilen propoil
lion wa Inlrndueisl. The Soiillern .Nun
tor, Including Henjamln, TooihIh, lirrmn
and n host ol olheri, prelendcd that If Hit
iiicusutu p.ised Ihe South would be s.itlifled :
but Ihev desired cerylhlng tl.e but roinprn
mlse. 'Senator Clatk nib nil nn niiu-iiiloienl
which he Mlvrd wo'ild be ntispliible to the
riotilli. I had critically kept pnv with lhie
pretender. Their Mtrt win o.ly lo ills
guise their real Inlinlliui. Wheu the vote
was pul on ('lark's iiiniiidineiitmurk will--only
lll'ly-llvo li.illots win- ricnul.d. Tin
iimeiidituiit wus ndopicd by two viite-thii
il fcallng the original coiiipriimlM. Who l
ic'pomib'o for thl w. rk ol ihfciructloii ? Six
Southern Si imlors s landing Ihrro uud refits
ing in record I heir vote. If Ihu ( Villi nden
coinprnml-o had iNeiiudoptisI they would have
Ihtii deprlieil of a pretext for their treason.
.IiiiIjIi Henj.im'n u sin.ikliiglhUI and perjurer,
and nn uneoineiou.ilile traitor, wa seated near
nm while ihe vote was doing InKeil. I told
him It was hi duly Income In Ihe rtliif nf
Ihe country W toting upon mi iinpnriiiui
nrniuisltloo. lie fiiierluglv tiiiswered Hint
when he wauled my advice he would make
in, innivu .
the rupiesl." I said, you are a Sumtor. in tl
1 demaiid lhat jour vote be recorded. With
six other he conlrlMsl lo deft-tit the measure
In- ulliinlii.' out. Thev wnntiil no coniiirt).
misc. This. then, hiiscnu-til tlio prw nt tlif
ficnltle. These slv Siiiatnr destrnjul the
conipiombe, upon which they ba'cd renin
ii m. let u examine ournlves, gentlemen,
uml fuiiales, ton, lhat we may arraign the
gullly ones tit tbo shrlno of public suircritie.
Did Lincoln or I hi Itepublicans ilissoliu the
Union? No. Who, then, tire lo b'nmo?
Men who in themselves were capnble of inert
Ing Ihe itorm. and yet cried Hiiro wn no hope
for tho South nn rscape from separation
You know Ihe clamor hu been rnbed that
the nnii-slaveliolding Stales would nniend Ihe
Coiislilullon sons lo legMatc nn the subject
nl slavery. On the JOlh of Diccinher Soulh
Carolina pasid on Ordinance of Scmslon,
took Port Moultrie, mid Ihu revolution com
menced. Soon ofur South Carolina went
nut, seven other States followed. Their argu
ment wns lhat Ilio free Slates would Interfere
wllb their peculiar Institution by legUlut'on.
lly tho wlllidinwul of these State, Ihe Nnilh
had over lluco-iouiths of the vote In Con
gress, n"d eonseqiienlly had Ihe power to leg
islate. Having the power, did I boy so amend
the Conslitutluii ? No they did not. They
17, 1862.
'came forward with nn amendment to tlio cirot
Iflninrt tnrwnrt
jr ,; """ ,.... ,11W ,m ,ve
w h . !tf.
.i..f..j " i
ilnvcry." Ihe uinciulinctit wn pasiu ny n
VOte Of IWO-llllriM. Illirilliljiniwi ni-n-n
It, Insteiul or being governed by n petty tryanl ?
1 will now pav my respect In nunc genlle-
men who bate b'crn iletinvid of their riglils In
Dm 'iVrrlinrle. Wu have had nunc cl.imnr-
on harangue about Southern tlglils. The
most nr litem nave procccucii inmi ihum nin
lilllonlst. who nevir o-iiid u negro j tiny how
been terribly disturbcil. i, myself, owned n
few only seven nun I cspcci inej run nie
more labor than those who owned u hundred.
I luring the last session of CongrcM three Ter
ritorial bill were pnil. nnd nflcrnurd' the
ninciidincnt was ndoptiil taking the powir
away from Congress lo legislate upon Ihe sub-
ti.i-1 nl .titvt rl.
TIip Ihne fillt orgaiilr.lug the Terrltorie of
llacotah. Nevada nnil uolotiiuo, riiinracing
vtri-tiifh of tcrrllorv owned by the I'nlllil
Ki.ni. imivMe that the l.-ulilulurc ilmll havu
t.n powir to luti-rli.ru with private procrty of
Ihu citizens i ilrllnw uml iliclnrei si.ne lo im
prlvule prnH'rly that no tax shall lie laid on
him (the clilzen) to drive him nut of the Ttr
rliiiries. How mue h of the nuestio.l H lell
for .Secessionist ? Their Senators defcttcd n
iirniin4itliiii. nirered III u snlrlt of tirmnes ami
conVnlily. mid whieh. If e.vciptnl, won d haio
restored "the (lovernmcnl, nnd no blood would
liave Ilow nl on nur consecrated loll. Win re,
then, Is jor Soulhern rlghl? Whence the
iiniHMil Ihi rebellion? What right have
linn in. in nwnv? Mho want to tnl.
groe Into the Tirrltorle mid Is tillable to
. ml Who hae lnt uny right iimlir the
Coiislilullon ? There arc two p.irllc in cms
- . .
lei CO W III Wllllt llif Ulllltloll. hlnMrV llllll II
ml ...I...... .... f. .1.1.1... U llin luililir. SiitntiiT
.-rt'iimviii .i......j - y- -
waul lo break up il,e Gmcrnminl, nnd so tin
ihe Abolilloiiisl generally. Tiny hold lhat
irslaiiry fiirviui ihc Union cannot etidure.
Secessionists nrguc lli.il lr the Cnloii snrvin
shivery is lost. Abolitionist want ihi com
pmmlc; but they regaid peaceable sieission
ns n humbug. The two occupy the same
ground. Why? Abolition It dissolution: ill
solutlnn I ftiiiisloii j one Is the olhir. Ihilb
me striving to nccomidisb Ihe same ol.jiei,
Ouu thlak ll will destroy, the nlhrr save,
slavery. If the Southern Senator were rin
cere, nil Hair iipprelieinlom nbntit Lineoln
showtil n wondirlul lack of sagacity. Whin
Mr. Lincoln came Into power on tint -lib o!
March we hnd six or it majority In Hio Sin
ate ncn'i'Sl him. He was imwirlcs for iil.
lie could not form his Cabinet without our
approval j heci'iild not send a mlnbttr to n
lonlgn court j we had the power to njecl
Irentle intcrrd Into by envoy he could not
send n Consul nbroad. Lincoln could not
win draw Ids S'J.'i.OtMl n Jiiir wllb which to
bav bread nnd limit Tor the While Ilium,
without our co opt ration. Where w.it He
danger, then? Why not remain nnd rnnlnd
hlsuclion? Hence, till tho pretext Inr the
crime nr sin filon is iiureasiMiable. In Ihi
coniuclliui I must le ieriiiltl(sl in repeal, Hut
nflcr cslabllslilng the Irulli that negroes hive
been the (xcuc for nil the scenes of domntic
t.nli-litrt- nnil the CC!i(u3Ctl jccncjof war whiib
luwila'ikeiuil llrt Iilnry or If-r.I-tVJ. tl c nit
Ihorsnf this commolioii had lit vtiw rouii
Inrtling rnnsplr.iey. Semelhlng midi'rlin
ilK'Irciiudiict.Kliiiwing slavery to be imlliliig
more lh.ni u ptctext. I was lunghl hi in.i
nirlitil day In Iclwe Hie pvopV of Hn
Unltid Slate c.ipalile of filf-goM'inm' nt i but
u nrlaln portion of the Nnrlh Hid South it
pin l.iU Hint doctrine. The great boast or tb
S.io-slnnlst wns that If the Oomiitmiit
would not rrnilt them to separate prrc ubly.
alttr Ihe priMlriillou. iltinoralir-ition uud mm
b'mtl horror nf n vlgoroui war, Ihe couutiy
wnuld submit, and Id them rcicl in the t-lv
gi'uvnr llulr slnlin Irensuiis. 1 will not
ihiliornto nny fttrlhvr, but will repeat that llu
n gin I oii'y n ircte.M now, us Hie tarill' wa.
In 18.TJ. When worn out by toil ami IiNmhI.
i In peop'o or Ihi gicat country will cii pt
my opinion or government. Who Is -It IV. I -vi?
When u boy ho wns laktli iindir Ihe
histt ring care tf the Government of the I Villi d
Stale and educated nt West Point. All bN
honor nnd repumtloii were obtiilneil nl Hi'
e.H use (r the Unltid Slate. Now you liud
lilin wllb wnrd in huml nnd iirm iiphfiid,
irndy In pluiigo the deadly weapon Into Ihe
Imisoiii ol hi iiiiither-lhe Unlleil Slutw. Are
you ready lo bow the knee to him u traitor
to hi country nnd (imermniiit, a Government
nf thepioplc. and consequently ol God tho
wisest uml most Ik rillli cut which was ever
devised or will wir cxl.l ? What kind nl
gnvrriiimnt were theso concoctor ol treason
ulmut In cslablii.li? Head the lt'climonl
U'Iiii;. It public Iv in d boMly rxpn n' u prt n r
ir.ee to (Juwn Victoria over Ihe 1'nlml Slalf
Co-'criiunnt. (Jueill Victoria is ilouhller n
good woni.tn, but do yon ileslni her In rule
over you 1 All our women tire equal to (Juecn
Victoria. The liiammtr snj n illelnloi
should Iw bad. 'Ihu Cliromilt ami Stulml.
ol Aiituti. Georgia, and many nth rs advo
cate similar nlunrdilit. Tie Memphis Am
ImuliC waul Hair' for king, and Hu Major
ol Memphis ii ili-spot. Lham G. Harris to he
a tllelator! 1 know tbo man! Mi.uu G
Harris to Im king! Mi.nn G. Hurr's-who
tied Mom thocipltul wllb such il.tslnrdlv iie
clpilulion. We ore In bo his ilavcsl lie
shotld not be my lave much leu my mai
ler! A we trawl along, what more ran we
find? The ProvMonal Government of the
p-iiiilosoc.illeil ('(iiiffdfMlc State prnhihli
the slavo Hade, while tho leufcri declare Hint
a si ie republic Is Ihu only n public fir tin
wiili. Nn wtiitc nun siuuiiii no niiowiu in
- - , ,.,..., .. c-i
oie nincw nc minui hum, ....u..-u .... .,...
! can enter tho Confederacy imlw jyltb sl.cr .
In Soulh Carolina no man Is rliglbto lo a sat
in the lirlslatnri unless ha own leu negroes
nnd n proportionate amount of land. 'Hi ir
irineip'e, nf representation mid lasntlnn I
nvst iitiju'l to the poor nun. tin tn South
Carolina to git your rights ! 1 couM not
drop Into tho UgUlnturo there licence I
own only seven negroes three les than Ihe
rrqu'rid iiiiiiiIkt. 1 bedi vo man lo bo ciipib.e
ofu'lf-govcnini. nl. What makes goven m nl?
Not properly, but men. An liiKiluntlon n
delirium Minn lo hava swept over tho lard
ll sci ins like n dream. What has it till he. n
Tor? Look nt the bailie IU Id. covered w.ib
bleeding and mangled corpses, hear Ilio cries
nl tho wounded uml ill ing. Then 1 no euu--e
fur Ihi war, this bhediiig or blood, this meii
flee of live.
Wlmt Is Secession? A demon tjranl n
serpint In I Men. The wily serpent flint hl.
pcrcd Secession into our graiiilninlliir's ear. In
the garden of Kdcn. and nur limt pnrent se
cedinl nnd hid lhemclve. Snillli Carolina
went out of the Union, nnd ran up thep.il.
niello, Initcnd of iheclorloii stars nnd sliljies,
Louisiana elevated the pelican, a bin) notori
ous, mainly on account of Its capacity lo sual
iowtuud the minis, fulls, etc., wue vm
VOL. VII NO. 18.
swallow itl by Secession. Alabama fas soon
h pri'KcntMl tiy IHC Sllliue ll gomi Cllinnni ior
the VenoniniH Secc!onl-l of that region.
Who comnunced this war? South I'urolinn
wenl nut on Hie Tl or Pelini.try. lint n
mislorliitie to the country that Andic.v .link
oii wus nut in thu Presidential chair In place
nfi'iitm Hiichan.iii, wl.osatsllll uud nlluwel
the Irallors lo go on coii'itiiuniting their uu-k
holy schemes. What did Smith Carotin i next
do? Attacked Port Moullrli nnd l'utlu
Piucknry, drovn Ihe gnlhiiit Aiidersmi inln
Port Sumter, nnd thin, under the direction of
Ihutiregurd. who Is rnmeliiw Slyknl Non
giird, ciiiiimomcd erecting ll.clr long line or
battirles ninl lirt. Iteiuregiird continued
erecting hi fort until, mi tho 1 1 Hi of April,
he had u eonrcieiicj wllb ibeg.ill.ini Anikrnii,
wlm tuld him be would be out of provisions
on Ihu Killi, and would then, nnte relief was
iiit, bo conielliil to mirreiider. Pry.ir of
Virginia (that then loyal St ibO w.n In I 'leir.t-.
ton nt the time, and iiiiliilnlncd that n b'nw
niii't be struck, nr Virginia won'd n lol. An
iiiiirmeil Vessel, liu'en wllb provision, wnM
In the rellif nf Port Sumter, lint wns llrd
upon bv ihe rebels and turned luck. (M the
P.'tb, Ituiiiregird followed theiidvlivof Pryor.
In order lo help Virginia out or the Polo i. I
need not till you or the many long nnd wmrv
hour of snllerliii endured wiltiio Ihe wall nl'
Sumter, by Ihe brave ninl pilriniic Anui-smi
mid his llit'e luiil of riilHiful so'd'ers jon
have nil doubtless rend them. Here, Tor Ihu
first time hi llu' Nuiloii' history, was the in
I'ouil Hug of the Polled Slates dl-grnrjil.
Soon nfter the fall of Sumter, St eretary Wn'-I.r-r
pnblle'v boaHiil lhat nn the 1st nr May
the t'liiifiil'mte Hag should llo.il nicr the Cup
Hot nt Wiislilngliui. ninl prenralliiiwnnindj
by Ihe iVovisloii.il (.vernment nflhe t'onrnl.
irate State to rabe mi nrmy nf 1(111 (1(1(1 mer.
All thl wasilono before the proe'nunlioii of
IVisldcnt l.nco!iinpKnnii. Itaviscoinin-nifil
ihe war, mid you were nillnl up n lo nlt
iheSoiilhern I'niifiiliniey. lo join tin m and
take buck Washington, w Mill nlrciidv belong s
to you. You nro rolled upon In Join n bind
of robber and ilisiiulenlsl. to get luck wlml
nlrciidv U'lm g to you I The North Is rnrry
lig on tin war In maintain He l.iwr
and Ihu Com l lutloii. Wli-n iilluii ss'nt
conn, the war i n Is. When 1 hv1 nroiuil
mid see those gentlemen clothed In lliennlfiini
of their counlry, my licurl Icils, nml I wet
come the sohllir n the prolictor ni.il savior or
hi country. They nre iml jo ir i m mli s, but
friends, ixl'm come In re In pn tell Ihosi sirrid
rights im I privileges gtiiraiilisd by llu Ci
stilulinu, ninl lo restor'Hiiiil""ilrd'liiictiil
eoiiiilrv. There nte more Abolliionlils In
your own Slnto thmi In ll t nrmv ul Hu Pn
tnl Stale all ibny any liolllliy ilil.ertn
ymi or in yi ur prnpi rly or IiisiIiuiImis. 'I In
in erlioti Hint they hte nny n her mnilvi Is
only n coiilrliui w In delude nnd ditelie.
Whin jour own Miip!cwvlhtit Iheynieiiboui
lo he punbhed- whin liny ft el tliornpoiibniit
thrlr in i'k they w-tnt ymi In d sliny jnnr
c'l v, while ihcy Imrn mur brhlgi md rob j on
nf'joiir nibslJinci I hi. I liny umy lesaifil.
Wi'll yon tin It ? 'I ho bravo soldier who tin
now among you nre your friend iliiyrnnii
In raw. lu.t'tn ileslroy. I hfiiillly wvleoiro
Ihcni, elllecr nnd private, i nn Imrcalnnd
in in my. but there are leglot more whin
mi ltd. 'Those who huu Imsii diludid i nl
d.ic vul into a filling nl hostility lo tin Guv
iiiinietit limll be Ireatnl u hiiiililly us pnssl
hi., but coiiieious. Inti-H'igi-nt lriiin:i must bo
punished mid win it lb 1 ihin', ymir Gov-
rtniii tit will be strong! r limit ever, ll Is u
tioiernmeiit made nnd sustain. il by the wdui
nf Ihe Miple, wh'ch I the nieonf Gm him
eir. 1 luvi lo hear nor nilhui.il air, which
hue no doubt sent a thrill f Joy In many u
hem I, nfter Mug so long riibjulid In u relm
of ttrrnr " Hail Cnluiiibai." Yaliktsi Doo
dle," Sttr-Sptligled llaniier," cle. Again 1
n.k, what Is thl wur fur? Can jou not seu
lhat thev nre In the wrong, nnd inint Ime.
while we" nre right, nnd must triumph ? Then
can be no prolicllmi for ilawiy but In ihu
Pulled Slates.
Governor .Minimi bore spoke lu Mint:
lertns or tl oio who had lain slain In halite nr
died from fatigue' nnd rwimiuri'. mid s ild Se
cession wus rcpoinib'c for Hnir tin line'y
death, nnd imilher and I.U her were te n-
hie. Ixt us I nve no mine of ild."ii'iiilu
imt he j ' cnll back jour sons, and let Ilm
ginliy lender In piinbhid Inr their trtnson."
lie then rtfimd lo tin iiioiiiitnln opV. uud
ilecrilicilnineirilo bidigii'lie nnd ih-iiccii-lion
they had Ihhii iildectul In by the Con
r dcrnto iroops, and mid he liu-tid ll i limo
would mon collie wli'ii the glorim a old ll.ig
wo ild be Hying over Ihe bight st enk hi Uu-t
Tennesfce-, nnd the people rreed from the n;--piis'or."
lie ulliuleil In Ihe h Her from Ilm
Soutlutn Coniintsstnnir to liril.lohu Ku.-ell,
nnd to tho proportion iiiuIj lo tin' Pre neb
Geiicrnucnt, uud said, "Will jon not iimbr
.imii.I l hie quest Ions? ltd ns como fmniinl
and siaml by the Star mid Siri'H -l.ii- r y
ami Pul n.nno nnd lii'eiuruhl i.nw and I'oi
rver. Oar citor will be li.ill.stl In lire nnd
liioml, until llii'tinvernm.litaudlhc Cniiitilil
tlon lire iimlnlnlnid."
The Governor now relnrnt lit thanks lo
the ladle, who, he said, nro pilrlnllu ns In
former times, when lley s'rlpil ilnin-eliiM
n( their Jiwib, nndgiuc llum up n n mcrl.
Ilec for liitdnm. 1 npHitl lo Hun In preinil
upon their liii.biinds md son to take up nilin
In d.feiie of fienlnin." Al'ir nil en'niry on
patriotic women, he said : " l'l u h"k for
ward to llim wl en nil will In well. I i mitt!
hTro lo restore Tennesies to ilio position H or
ciipled when I rilinqubhid Ihe reins of (.'nl
ernmenl, four year ngo, having done whieh, I
will leiirc nnd have it in such band, ns vim
may sc'tct." Alter nlln ling lo the Port Don
ebon prisoners, and to Ihe snffcrirg of mmv
ramllie here In Nnhilli. he said : "Ymi
hate got to understand lhat yon who have In
augurated Hit war inmt bo innd. lo luke earn
of ihe widow and children s uud If llm-e ma
rnndlii'.' nnd guerrilla parlhs nje imt Hopped,
jnuwillbe held responsibk lor the ileslriie
lion nf bridges) and oilier properly In tin iietgl
iinrhoad." Again he relnimd Ihunk Tor Hm
ntliutlou pilil tn h!ni. uml sat down at lillccii
m'n'i'oi past Iwn n'c'uk.
An (xelnnjc paer tells ns of the sa 1 ea o
of it limn who wns sh'pwriikid nnd c.nt upon
iiniin'nliatiltiil bland, without n milling In his
IsitTiiii lhecnmp'e nfn locomotive. Ho
nun along, whistles over his wmk, and Ml Im
never lakes tinythlng but wutcr lo wet hi
whittle with. .. . .
If you and your sweel-heai t vole upon tho
mairmge quittliui, jo" f"r ' "l"' i,v "-"'usl
It, don't Hitter yourself us to it being a lie.
WllKNKVKtt n golden wedding is going on.
nlmost every jnitng lady would like to bo in
the l'ng i or i.etliir lmc a finger In it.