THE OREGON SENTINEL. s.mui.vr,. MAY 10, 1302. P""" 77 OirTk-kkt. e publish Iniliis kue the tiAet nominated bv lite Union Convention of - . ..". .... . .. '.. iiMul' II. HM nnw liiirlt In fl.n u" . ; , ... .. S-H. uurimmiaiu ovurcrs iimc occii iwy H-k., Imrir. Wiilnwd.iv, .Mnv SSili ; Mvrtlc tfceen by n convention of honorable nndihh'l Creek. Thttrdny, May 2uih ; Canyonvlllc, I(igent men, nscmbled for lliat purpose, Friday, r 30th; tia'lcsvillc, Saturday. May from tlic difierrnt prcclncta In Hie Counly. ' w arc good men they art strong men. ,,U1U rSnunlnVte Union n'nd Seer v,,know ofno one on Hie ticket a luxe Inter- ,,on MmIl,,aU, rr y,, n, mlllrws 1C nil are not niciiinicti wiiu tuo micros or jKV.on county, Ktery one can sec, at a glance, it i!(no utisamc I lie must be eiiimietl. jrxl that thoroughly. No time mut lie Inst, ro stone left unturned, (io to work. 11111 rnr eeuc vour cxerthms, unlit .luikn ruanty i rnfcvmnl. Ibpend ih.I too niueh iatl snundne of your principles, or the de leorulziition oryour opMiiK'iit. In dilical Bitten it is loicibly true, that ' llff eon. (sers" Hvery nominee niipht to be iJrrint. , . llur nllt n-l.riHrl.l llu Litiit lirltu.iiil, .1m. ,Maw and fculity to the Government or the uhj: llw convention bv which tl.? ticket wns . ruminated. w nn'-eut nwl" a ITair. 1 eontinueil and mnirnilieent blund.rins. Ikv f.e It cot ralr'v iuhLt hnidway. sutnek-ntlv Wni it rrom any neli sii'pieUm It adiptnl tlie platf.wm of tlrt Slnto C.mi Tfi t.on ami superudilnl joiik1 resolutbilf f tiin-np to our own affairs mid lire ii.ten-u ol Stliern trrpnn. The tiMt'H.n n--oainr" a pa'iinp noilee. It mnt e premneil. riter. that the whole platform was adopted. I!ere any cui.didales wt'te voted far in the retention. This resolution requires thai rrrv icrnn reeeivinjr voi fur nnj ntHiv. noe'liT nomiunteil or not. shall vleo-rims' snnport tin; tukit iii.mitmttd. Wltrn any ft'iin silffenil his tmnte to pn IwfiKe th retention, under iIh- eireumtuiKV. he was beacd by every eonsilratiw of htmor to sth t.vt the ticket. Can lie us uli honorable tisrnian reme t may l compelled to call attention to ti i again. Irtv HiKrirn.Tirj Ni.r.t. The !' l'wns statement, from .Iweph II. CbnflW, 11 r 1j1' man, has U-en laiiuhd fr mbliea t,, Ou tin: 2:d of April. A. 1. 1&C2. Mr 1 uS e put in a f rry on the KlamHlh r.m ' M-Rinnev's. finir mllrt hIhivc llie III" I at-' ami eHitnii mite wt of the O-r-on l fir ;wi. Went frum tkese iininnlkitel .ml of It- KH,ma,i, .-.r u.....ii uiirij ininv iiwiuni iium in- ursi ttitx, and put in u ferry three. Il.-fnre I dune c hoacu-r, 1 beughl I lie ripht nf wav of the Iidians. w)iug 1 1 win one hundred iluJlars for Imc same, bvinp "II tliey asked. I ero.( t-v tatevi; men aial twnii) i-iien hiiiihu's, tl.e Ii r ii umi neetvmc iy fr U k'Di- t it.- iinH.Tiiiit''. exiiplluig litem t aytlKir ict. I stud nt the ferry lau ,r wla-n the Italian drove ine away. Th l-ilur compel every htsii p.i.iiigthrou:h I - cooiitry tu (my miv ilullar n r mrht for i WU-n I Ik- lurlv i .H.nll i.t.,1 UeSeiwe- i ' ut ml. tUin ot wIhiI iIh Iwve. ii Indian nrc well atiiktt, ha nig. in nmit Initjt v, two nnlvet Hiee. plenty of riflw. a .1 a S"l siipp'y of uinniuniisftii. "II Is- ..jr.iMV'nj'O tu Ibis srmlc are the Klnmth'. 1'airt, Mwkiv and M.mI.m. 'IVy aaser. thif in rae of diObolit, they will l -h. poeted by ull thvH-diffi-reul Iriln ol Indian. - A llotToKl!.fa.t: Kivrk Vaixict. Dr. Kyse the agent of o large German cdonWng . 1. 1 ,, . iai 1011, VHll.d our tunc miii wi Wednw ...1.. 'it 1. . 1 , 1. 1 . ay last Hie Doctor lius vWkil our tniiUii- Ii Val. -y, st-Lii' t.r a sttttHbk' hvnthKi for a Rlf-iotiatiiing colony ot two tlwosnial jMr- nt Me hIh u locoth.n pos-vsing n good ia'ara!w3terr-wrT.mlsurroui.Iir.varMh scan,, of agricultural utal ,.utoriut larnk It IW .Vln, .im J. ru-l.iAl. ... iti.... I. in. jaT.. ..r..f. a it purcluiM.1 Ik coucerueil, heeoiihi mil lmte t,'.tluur Vullevot a muee onmirtuue liu.e. Nuthute ronM eo us L-reatw' 4..Ur llain a. enlerprisfn? tiunuretoring ami go.ul.cad cony of IftTiiun loculul in tbh ultey They would soon inake it " blos'om us the rose Vy wnuld iiwuken Into life Ihcdmd eord energies' of Southern Oiesim. aial tin itin far the country in mie year limn fitly Xnrlhri J liradoe. We hni- that tl- imturul ud- itniiges nf this Vallcv w itl be imiperlr point rdeutioHr Kyle, ai'dthat every indueement ' ''"ffrwl. if hti-ait find a ligation tuiliu-him. Lsotlvhw. Il'rrpvu We cull the attention of every patriotic Irishman to lire letter of llibernia I. .1 r .. , . , 1. ""- ,"""'"" sw that the parly whieli now cluiiiM to nb- ba"of the Deiiincruev of the hnsd, were. sut SQimner. f.a- the ConWeralc Slate v (A- '' a o! this coming summer tlav are Tor tl.e I ailed Matt inlU a bill. Truth' every word fit Tkir is a .em or Irish humor mihI sar- iitm running tUoush il entire urlwJc, il.ur- liU .. , .. at. .. I:. .. I 1 II : ixii inn piiir 1.1 ! sMsniiniu null sti 11 1 1 a -..'!, ... inrn-s i.ii.iv iw, i.u- aai'u mure noble it is to sec Irishmen eouimg !." '- -l'.-t of ... only ;..vw,u,,a Ml ever cue thtm ItUriv ui-d ioIih-.iI Joski-iiim: Coi'stt L'mos TnKT.-.The M and true men of Josephine met iu LW t.t.. . i- 1 -ii , ij ...1 .. 1. . -.,.1 'ration at kerb) ..tie, 00 Saturday lu.t. and wntnated an entire County Ticket, which ill be foand iu our columns to-day. Kwy freinet was n-pnxnieil in ifce utmost luiruionyandcoiKl reeling Prevailed. tt ticket nominated is a popular and n strong w. Jhe noroioeef are cujwtlile, lailhrul unit "test, and ought uial will be electnl. 'i'lte laioo men of that counly go bio the contest Hh unbroken front, with hopes ami con- -sknlexpeeiutii.ns. In fact, JuKphineiUrinl ffriri from tl first ; ond, although her I won force have been weakened by enlist- wnt and by the Northern mines, she is ull "gt.ance Wifideut iNnn-Kx I'r tirecr and John K. Hois have announced IUnule. n ii..lpnpn.l.... f..rfitute K..L.t, '11- .....L.n.n l...v.. Hum. HHt to run. uud liae cointiUccntly nccej" W invitation. Union men. aland ! .v,'ur 'no. and support tlic tcgjilarV-apinhwtctl I tibMiiMi. t.,rr no lli'L.Vi.t liVI'sutlT. ttfliMwn ticket. ot one or that interest- unnetito for a do-o of coninromie "Trml nwt nrc rnnninp with troops, stores ennMitutiunally elected aiithoritica of the He- l niled St4tc. and M portrait and biopmpliy Umcc received a nnniltmtioti at the hands ot U.h.w"l V...K -Uiic to, me lw nc lee wl nrslinnnre to Mamhwl. after which we pnWlc. are put. LIuM as matter oT taierct Jo tbnr Seonvention. It Is cntlally n pcpW lumrn. Abol t oln o.M .m ! selmi. Ir they will be l.ur.w.1. 'IV Yankee fleet ' .Wre,. Tlt the General Government -. J nm- exel "j'"; i,t. linp .tn.o.1 entirelv made up of tn.r- I''"" free .,. , ehMi. up w'i.h lurlnB again to .Ipjsla ml . hou , eert its u most u.erpy to delend . he inUuSe.eMmeaVt'l tanK farmer, and m.xhnnic. Th s Is as it the satls'aetorv n.s.ranev that the kcturer k- vL M.Mr d r" oris V r in '! ? ?! "" '""f "' ST7rl Anrtr' nratl-v "M101"" ,1,c ""Jlng' of the l'a- kJudlw The ruUHMif ihe Union is e-..n. hing to the iWiulon rnoc. , An nrrhul rrom ew Madr id, r.-poris the I ninn-ni.d thai In accordance with these cie MaU Conipanv. r ilean oNhe i.i.W n 1m " -- - hvy nnd wmtl.mmi. nr.n? heard In the .11- resohitlnna. we pledge onrsclvM to support the We a-k the pan.ealar attention of our read- K ,r,l ir S '.I rim.. i li ?n . IVw ii 5..,. ll;,vn TI,e Union and ece. n'cthn ot V1rl Wr,c,,, n11 .Mn,.",n-V. "i,:,,, ."'" "f" ' Com ent on. ers to the .worn crrt.rleate. ir remark ible cures. W jatirc and Iwiiifiw iw shall cnmni ml it in I un.t. an. he I ninn and t-eces- TlWlir n ran- rmm lle fleet has urriml o,,.,, Pm,.,, .... Ilrvnv 'In another column of this pn.vr. ICem lKlnret,o.t.d,Wtr.(.ti...i or its eilnrns.ll si.m wndidates for fonprr-. Governor, cm.. ,mi. nn.h,v noon. The damn an to prop , H'.? V.'"'''' 0tT,7'"",M,.l1" ' - ' i hre. proudly nndtruiinphunily live will a.Mrev. the people of Southern Oregon ut er.y and sioek In the vieinliy of New Mndnd irWiimJ"ml s' HnVm nVnmT,n tt.M7-ItV iBonkrtoMVuretlieelrctMnorihutvhtt. . . .. . ' ' . . . " bv the HinnU are l.n.nenv. lluudre.l of " " "''am """ - Hhlct. nc IDIT) HIsIl C PION l.h I n.Morvr. tn.0.1 nun to labor thtioliowu tin and places . ; -- - -- In the Price of i. 11,1. linn, nn till ..I.H-tlnn itjv In tin.iwiri (inrullii. I-ridav. Mnv 21 ! Oakland. Sat- , ., .1 .. . .... .1 ...i ' ""' " ' '-! " . ri . .. ... . . .. . ...... nirrptni. nn.i mmi'iiiuM 01 cum.-, mrro nnu hAau .1. ... .1 .... ...I :..! 1.. ..T X..... Illu..... u nu Hnmi l L..T..,.. ... IliC I , nun iu see litem ine wiiiiin.g uihhu- -n ..v.. .......- -...- . ..-.v ...... ... .... , . , ... .lulnKnn iiI.ImI be lip lil.-b J4U or treason, and tl.e symtutheiie u,- rebel camp on tho 27th. On thy!8lh. two ' J ; ! ' a "r ,, ".din Imn in-mer rlenorareliellinu lll wouhfitrii.llieiiii'.r Uuslotm Vegimenls mho time'htd expired. J V" ".ft'X." In debtee ief of . f J fT iblbeir political right and chui lutiu with but who were required by the "KfcVSei-lm.rc K tie mndiillf of.oc.e.y. .Act to serve two jeors longer, bid down tl e.r '' ' . "TB l '' K 'D ir ner renieniiH-r iiihi - r.n ma. norm m pn-vvni tier lut.iog nnu mc ii.uku i-i biuroy, i.uro nsicii yiomanrj in utiitou ore the same will bo luken for confessed, and lie nave unltormiy goou oreail, U the price of lllwrly,' uud we ate ike incni)t" crowd. ng Into nur ranks nud will give u good prayer thereof granted bv the Court. Manufactured and sold ly sue nas iiuiiiiii 10 teur. ll.iRRlsurr.(i. Vu . Anrll -Bill. aeonnni 1.1 ineinvnts ou eiccitvt. y. miiwmi uuii. .. u. joijijin, juoko oi saia if i.-iii vri'r . . ' . ... ., 1 , .. r ... ,. r.... r-f..ii i....ui ,. i..LLn..u.ti.. ... o.t. e., ihjUi.iu t dkvt Caxiiioatkii fob bir.SAJOH. .1.. ...,:..,.( V, r.i;,.. ... ......i i 4Cin v M. Iiurr J1AA. t; eric. " li Bin- Si-mwxo in- Dott.i.vM Cointv - The Union candidates for County OITicrs w It nddrcw the cltisens of Demons Comity upon the important issues nfllie tiny, nt tlio follow- His places, vbt ; Mr. Scott. Wednrduv, Mnv 2lt ; Oukl.iud, Thurxlay, May 22d ;" Win- Chester, Friday. Mnv 23d"; Cole' Valley, Sat- llriluC. Mar 'Jill!. 'I'.h. .,.;l f .,.!.... Mn.- . - -- --, .v . .(iiiiuiii ...... 2fith: Looklnc-gln. Tuejdav. M..v 2Tlh Iwnlc of tl.U nlucc on .Miind.iv next. Tlic candidates for Governor will not bo here. 0lCr faf peuU mav lie recn,. ... urduv, Mav .'1.1 : lt'ilmrL'. Monday. May nth Cunyonville. Tuesday. May fith ; Kerl-yville. Thut-MUy, May Sth ; Suilor liicginps, Friday. May Oth : .laeksonvllle, Monday, May 12th; I'LiL-iiix, Tuesday. May Kith. ,. ... ,, . Chrwkst City xoo ItnAi..-.Mr. A all. 01 ine urm ni inipau ,v uu, was in our town this week und he Informs us tlwt thk- r w.l I pauble for wnpnns in n very iMirt lime. In f.ict same teuuxters intend to crw the Crirvnt City nintitilulu next week. '' l1!' r rionllsern Urrpi.n are suir.rinc. wnew hut. rrom the protructwl suow blockade "f thh road. Ilr. Il.iikwm.u It Is our tiumri.fiil dnty to announce the ileaTh of lr. Ilarkwell Mi diiil on Wednesday, nt the residvnec ol Mud ame Ie Hnlwnm. in this town. Me Imd Iktii slek ftir me lime, lie felt a victim to tlml Ivrribie drae tht usthma. At.t. rtniitr. TI Union candidatei In IljorJas county, are coinc to wwk in uururat. f-if ilie saee of ti tMtet In that catmiy We ure iMMiUdtfiit that victory will ptreh ujhu. their banner, snerre to tlwm. (Ji'.vimifii.v Mkictiu. 'I'he third ifaarteth inntiog "f H'c M. It Churoh, fi- thin oircuil will tt M at I'IhmiIx hh to day. i'rcwchlitt at the utl iMtHrs. Kvv. Mr. "tMlrd t m I'rmtding Ivbler fur tliw district, will preside. I'xtn Vn.MMi The Mtberipth'n of lite a nttHibt-r ..f imr wtroos expire In No. le. aihl in. ,4 Vd. VII. Iouk out U the , notice ntlaeU-d to tmlHTS nml renew - VWMr aucr,ll",,','"v '" (""per wmh-moj'ii. . aV l 'vtter front our corres,,, 111 I'uugm- r....n.v. Illlio. -John 1. Whit", nf this alh-y. dkd at Virginia City. Territory, Aill SM. BY 0VZHLAND TELEGRAPH. Washimiton. April 2Jih. A dlalclt from General 1 1 a Heck soys It 1 the UHuuiiiMHts oi.iii.nn .thut General U. T Sl-rnwii suvtil the f.if tunes of ll day Mi Mnreh Clli. hihI contributed largely to the vie i Ion oh tin-7Hi. Me was iu the thivkpt ol ftgl.l. hud three Immms rhot timhr him. mat w hnn-elf waiteil uv ce. 1 1 HIM K reirt fntlv reeomniewl that Iw be nia.le Major Gen nm. .Smiiiiht and llaukt. Anulhrr lri eraf of "..;iiiiliew. i, i.. mhw,," Poet Munm. ih. 'IV IV-Mnl nrttt a mempe to the Senate wk eml of Itoene Itattks. o.miman.l.1.1: in tiay. wying Uwt he enl tbe urre.1 ol ,11 ( J,al.wt. CaNdnw. wis (Sen. ril.ioe 00 sulHcMriit gumiaK am) wo .ttrrrH,(rrtl H our fiK on Ihe2.ilhif Apr.l, b-iir.-.p.Hildefrtlm'. The stnied afM. LwnUnlmctit of ten and u half lmr. f' tbe euHlinwl ilalay in Mot trail was .j,,, w,rh seven men were hilieil oral dgln ' ,l,, ,;,.H't ' ,,e? '"'? ",iei .nil.-.l. Torts iWell nnl .loh.wp, ' eoHstitule n I onrt are now in frHit w the en ,,. W.lni.i.rlnn ne the nnlv works ir itn- in... -n. 1'rts.l.irni nut. ih. t Stoiw wilt iimmc'on. ie m "" " " "" T J" . . rt'"r"1 ",U,V .. V. PMianee within IturwMea ih-parlm nt thai have a trial as soon as it U wiinpultble will. ,., in ,. mRl, r ,1 ,,0. Wi'niiusi 'lie rwliin: Intervals- ., j, roiiy necilde by land from Nenliern, Advice front the Department of Slienni- hih1 can lie" taken win-never il suits tin- conn. ' 'lh. re,.e,I K-'l-y. ; that Gem-ial IA..ks ulvnw uf the Gmerul eou.nm.mi.c thai de- o'withsniHlu the Im.I roads. ciutnn-l) p,nm...t. 'llie Mrreinhrr oT Cu-well and P"","P "'"" "'u '"'. hemp Johnson Is m.rely a ,u.tkm ol time. wheilier Inrksnu will make a stnud ut lint ..tiAllu.. .InpL'.ni. u-lll niuL n " .-. ..-... .. .... . . .- " ,,nr. "T "? ,w"htu v co,u,,m lrBm vu Wl Ite-Wimeiil, l'ottTiiKM Movnniu April 29lh. Our rarlliaoeks befure Vorklowti In-gin In present n very f.niaUb'e oppeorunee. All itsli-iday nial'lust niclit the eueiiiy kepi up a tiruk lire, trying io draw m nut. The work was tHit liiterf. rd with yesterday. Urn. Ilun wsyk, with a Mw?iivn ol his brtgude. wii.t to drive tl.e releh. irom tl thick w.tmls u,ar nur works. Our troops 1Mnen.1l a well din eled lire, causing Ihe relW to re- treat, having tlwir dead and wmimled. Srxf Oai.r,.s-. April 2M. special ilisiaileli to the Ml, from Fort eaiim nutlung more unr !- than their hale :k.u vestiftUv. sars ; Tlw enemv'a fin- seiHlenee. ami that the line sltall la: the Ohio .lucks. has mueli siuekeniil. Deltas nml. up to this lime, ST.IMIO iuhimU irf wiler iiisd over a thttaauistl Iuij i.f iiou. This I o-ubardmeiit is uuKM!lcntvJ in tuuhfii warfuic 'llie mor- tar 'Csla nro Uhiinl IVint Wood, nut nf 'B", w c a,,k two iwtcrday, niaj dwablvd m,c ''' Pirraiii'iin. Tenn.. Aj.rll 2!iih 11 f M. Our uihnncc, afUr a alight skirmish lhl 1 n.ftrl.ilti. M-llt. flu. ...Itul. I. ,I1,. IL .. In,lf lirw.1 . . . .nru nriftniM-r. iM?c.i.Lefi j id Dim several prisninrs. .b ,.r, ............ ., ; Ai M or foiirtewi mile front Corinth. .1 . arm end muscil to light, 'iiicy were uuder arrest. A deserter saw it in not known In the rebel comiw that llalleek commands here. I be J, ,m un,nj, tl(J Oo.d . -.,.,, Hus ,(,,, our urn,y. nai rctreating to Xuihrilie. FnnTRV Muxunr, April 30th. 'nie Charleston Mertury say that nine schooner left tlut city ou Sunday week, to jiu. ru ine blockade. Four of thun wero cop-lCnere-' a Stnte, ele,,.etc." l'pon II Milter turMJ altl (ufcn t0 l'ort Itnyul. aVillei). ond his ffieadj. looked ai thauli thry 'rj,p Uhniiutd ()ii.icJ. of ytwlcrday says 1 nolt umtih-ng. ' "When tl.e enemy a fktt orritcd opite Jimmy O'Mmro dtvol by making u m- Xew Orleans, and demanded il: l-'t3l" mr speech two-thirds, If not time-fourths, 1 Jenerul Wtvell refused and Ml t-ack )o Oiinpt ffr the l.ou-o. Tlte I'nlon bnya are nil right Moore. allr destroying nil the cotton and now in Ib-nlon we had aorne fenra till now. ores. 'IV iri.n-cluil e-ol Mississippi wm Qtir pathway U with lljrl.l. und the - 'Iliroign st-cvssion we lenru Itiai rouiuiui dimtt. mu . w .., -',v" "-"""" 'V. ""A c'"-oui- ,w. ,,...1 nur.'.. nmj imprisoned ut Hichmund two weeks ogoi on nceit hw Union kentiincnlr. Mon.K. April 27th. ' Tnc Spnlhcrn papera sTik M llllt , . nial atraiii 01 ine or New Orle.tiu. 'Jhe Norfolk Ujij Mmj. .t u 1C 1(wt ;wtlljU - .. - -'I'KiiU I'jiun privation mr all cW.nnd ilircatcns our kiiiiii!L- "i7.lowlr.gnre the latest .ILpalehea In it.n liifliinml tniiwrn riwivnl In' Villninni OV.nera,CVI.rVrn,Uenera.I,vel.: Ctvtr Mooar.. April 28th. Tort Jackson and St. Philip are Mill In CihxI e.inditinn and In our hands. The steam- crs uiuisiann nnu .iiciuic are sate. 1 nc enc- J my's ll-cl is ut the city, but they hae not e force enough to occupy it. The Inhabitants nrc staunchlv lovnl M..nit.r. April 28th. 1 he forls on Ijikc roneliartrain were n i.nKC riineimrirnin were n 11 Wc have su.tuine.1 a in fiipplic. mid In dismount- .stroying, the puns nt l'ort evncualeil on the 2ftli considerable loss itn. but not in il Tike. All the biiihlm erc burned. Iiiclu- d m the lih-caph I'ffioe. All the ennsbna't in the lake have been burnnl by our own pev ,,P. 11w MoWh. bout Whitman Drown ami mercnl.ond thoii'aiuU nf cattle, sheep hops have been ulicd nuny nhmg the river. 'Ilure U verv prent suff.-ritur In rniictpii nee of the unpreciiienled flood. The whole ol Colutn I.U4 lip to the loot of tlw forlifleutions Is over Unwed. Th town of II irk in in Is nlo suffer- inc. The Tort ideation of lelnnd No. 1(1 nrc st ttl,ovc Kan vst 1)k. mKt battery. LA.TE3. We lake the follow lug clear 9 r sumnwrv of Tvleernphle new s from the Sneramcnlo I'hwh. of Ma) Alh. M'e have tint room for the some what eonfu"d and un'miMirtant delatU: We have teleeraphle a.h ices from the Hut Io Mnv M. The IntrlHeeiiee from New Or leans. 'thoiieh entirely derhed from rvlxd ourees, l IiIkI.Iv atWaetory. It npKrs that the vecl tlwt onrnpi-etl the erplitla wer" prepaml w Ith eMnionllnary care f. r tl illltl cult work Won tin-in. Thry wi-re prolroleil bv eltaln enbK- nt.d bale nf wet hay.niid umitnr tliMr wrapnns of di-triietlou w.-re not imlv thirteen liwh shell, tml rarrolt r.tin. ! h Meel tHilnlid -Ih.1. whieli I Mlerrd wiwM w. elrnli-the fide of any I. While the mortar Umto threw tbi-ir shell Into l'ort Jack .Mi. the cuubimt' llntl Mel iul il rlml into the n I'l ennlmat Iml-mlm. which entrlnl t gia. and miik l-r. Tl r-M ncknowl-m1'-1 Ibal ll.'y eHill not make ni.tch lmpr--loa on lie ri vt. Th c'ly Hirremler -d to Crm inndare Fararjfnt. ami was oetid. d by a Ultwl ion of maritH-s until the nrriial of G.-ihthI llHlhr with hW diti4on. wl.'el. Im. apnekl the rllv b wav of l.akc 1'i.neharlmlH. A nnmlw of lite P-M IhiiI uiu.e np tl 1 river ami b.lrtM IlollihV MVt nt l.rtt Wriitht. CV.miiHM.ire l'mtte. at the l.i-t aeeiHial. e p ctrtl an atlKck. and pn-ril Io ni"t lh -n'mv. Tin- Ul'-l di'patvlHNi lrm I'ltiprj; I.aiiil.HC ar. hiVWU-iiI to eve t iHletw tnirbo ay. Th rel ! r. irt ttml Ititnrsnrd ha lp--. In eiaenale l'rliilb and me In Ik' S.Hiihwaid. (S.-nrral Wnlhtee had iH-Mptil I'aiilr. on 1 he Mi.luk nn.1 Uhiu Itnilitwd. ami ibu-cwl on nnoili.1 rt-ii iiim- m cnrnwuiicn- I'M... HW-r l I.,. ,it ti-i n .I"1.iwt-iti-.i .. . .. r !.... I... .. t ..r .1... 1. 1.. I . Xl I-'.raHloi; 1. 7S!Z , - ll)U ,.. i,,,),, tlt, oeeurreiwe of an I .Ml.rr errut ImIIK or tl.e CAitihrinsthm of tl eiarimthm irt Corinlfa. lite idHclnl r'Htrl ot our b Ih the Imttle of .-hil.ih nmki-s a t rr'hl. , total of .vrr IS 0mi mi-n : )et Ibf lo- tf th. nM- . known tu bavr Ii--h ttr-lfr -till. (J-n Mitehsll iM.ekaml all thai wrt nt AlaUimal WH'lii lh Twwe rinr. ami l'bl p-enri-lv the jrrmt line of tin .MemphW md CharfntoH llailrwl. The trtir!e adiun-lui.-v are In tbv band. iT ltlhvk. uud w van await lh' lue wllb ctinlidvtr. IS n McCMIan lw ln treHtit; the n-M. nt Vnrktnun ami (Slmiees'ir to name ItlO- P'Miml sbnt from I'arnit bhii. mini a lailii-rt tlneed within two mile d"ihe nnmj's w.k . LVu I....... .... i.u . rr-.m tlu. i-nlil.ul, iiT 1.. The Canvass at Corvallis Seccsh Worsted., April 2fi. If f.2. Mil Minion. We have I mil a high o'd time here I'Mhiy. Tlie riHim where we nsseinbhil was p.tekr full. Mr. Wuit ulnio-t shed loirs uver the vulanuliea of his country. This wus well t-FHHigli. but hi hi Id it not be quite us well fur him to rnuc the man if he bus un 111 liim in witlieriiitr scorn, and mp. uihI hate towards tlw seounureU who lull eled nil the: tolrtries npnt. mr country? Me (irMh- scored the ohl iriiiimer to the ml on b l.iiiiiirniic--Loniproiiiif wi.tie the nvr. lie lumen upon unit nnu wiin iern- uernipiul-M asa 11 - 11 me ihwiwio v .us u .pm- IIh- buX'iig 1 1 Kih to tire huuie wlncli H.iHintil vour wife and little ones, would )ou tu'k of L'tuiipHmif 1 X'i, no, jon would strike witlt ob the power Oik! Iia given von !" Cheer, ukiii clietr greeted this aigiitwtMntw ad homino. Miller tn'ked ubnut Abblitionlstt. as lflhat w.ts iwt 11'avfd out. He was rcmualed by ,.,.,. ,.,,, ,,,.,, .,.. !. . n . ... ZSZ "LTtaTu 1. . i .- 1. ...... 1 i. 11.!. ..:-. u.,.1i.Hir - o tilu-PM M.l!--r woiilil luii- Ii ,-n. hnil nry son! Uero Miller Hew Into a apasm sad Iik loyally wan unquestioned tnlked Cl.1. r thniandiil". the proof. L'pon whieli ts'tblis cotdv look' certain iiMduviu from his poiket. made by K V. Nichols. County Clerk of i'olk co.. and lien. Kunrunn. staling thut they had heurd Miller iwv. " That on no rniui.letution .hlrtntion S'nuthern '' "., "e ? ta would ho bear nntw agam-t the Conu - d - raey 1 thut he wus op-fijeil War i that the United Slates had no fiiK X. V. World learns that Dr Russell. the Tw,t-, Own. Is not about to Intra. He will continue in America to prophecy. Wamiimitox and I'rinee AllK-rl died in the sjme iiioiiHi. nnd about the same Lour ,v mug, tilth D.mnher). 1700 and iu tbe lGI ILl. is J . r fJll-'US COIUVfl'UlV P atfonn of the Union Party of OrcfjOU. .... r n i .1 1.11 ' ? 0,lo,f Mi '' the. L nion Slate Convention, held at hugcr.c Ci.y, April 0,h,19C2. 1 .Winf, 1 lint wo will ever support the Slate Government In all their right, as the moat competent administrators of their dome nc concerns, and ine surcsl ou wark ienn antt-rcputilicnn tendencies, and preserc the General Government In its whole constltu- tional vigor, as tlic slieet nncbor or our poiec nt home and safely abroad. .... .... . . i;cotrttl. I hat we nrc in favor or tlic sniv prws.on o' the present wicked rebellion ; of a viporons proceutlon or the war, so long as necessary to Inutratc the scheme of armed .Com. I hat e arc in favor 0 tl.e inp- necessary to Inutratc tlic fclicmc or armed traitors. .Viy, That we rri oppojol to nny peace other thnn the honorable and sure one to come when reiel and their svmnathizcrs submit to FAKRIEn. Near I'liu'tilt, Jnekson eountv. Or'con. Mav Ith. lnr.2, by llev.C. C. Strattnn. Mr. IIiaja' mix I.. to Mr. Swiaii Gmiiuxv. In I'lini'ilv. on the Ut lntant, bv Kev. Geo. W. Ilrnwn. Mr. J. C. I'tsciui. to Mi IUnii Kmiiiit. all or Ore-cent City, California. .IBIWIBIIPIWIIMWIB WWI I SPKCIATj notices." To the Votcri of Jackson County, Ogn. Giatm.uin: I am before )ou asnnlndi pendent candidate lor Smi: Sia.vtoi:, for Jack son county. Oregon, at the coming June elec tion, g. w.oitrat. Jueksonilllr. Oregaii, May 7th. l6;'. 17 Notice. Jftttfn Cvmtfi : 1 am the I'nttm Candidate far Statu Siixatob. My (datform Is ' the Con-tltntlon and the Fiiiforev ntvnl of tl.e Laws," ami 1 am opjed to i?e-ceii-kin and Alwlltlonbm. Yours, tu bo-tc, J. K. KOSS. VfsW(ViMM.- r.leet tae. and I'll not onl) horten the rood to almii Itlter three linn .lev J ami Hfty miles. Mil I wilt vote for Ihtlwt man In J . county for I'nltwl Statis Stwtivr. J. U. II. I. 0. 0. F. jACKitavvit.1.1: I.mimii: No. lfi. hwhli-ltsregu-! tar itlngs eiery SATl'ttOM' .'IV.'.NV.W. at their Hull (Me'Cully's 1 heater lmlldlng), at' 7 o'elk. Uruihers In rxxd standing ate cordially In-' vitt-d to attend. II i:rv liKM.iNOKn, X. G. .1. M.S:tton, U.S-cy. OltKCOXCIIAPTKU .). 1, OF-- ROYAL AH.CH MASOZMS, J.ICKSOX VII.I.K. QKEUO.V, Will hold Its regular cumuiuuleatluns on the I'll.l -.alnnlii) i:ri.tiii nf K ry Jlm.lli. All -doMrnliiB In pkmI standing an cordially Invited In attend. W. U.S. IIVDK. II. V. .Iai.T. Glenn. Sec'y. decb:7 Every Housekeeper c.privuo huw.dlf llault It Is Ih make pood bread, and we tin rt -fore lake pli-nre In ealllni; attention to the fact that, to 1 11 -are uniformly IfU. m- ami mm-Inli-if 1niJ. it is only necMary tu ll J.'niiHy ! V C'm's J Vjs V-nlm. w bich. lu e ery rtsMfi, e4 all siui'hir prvMrntims ever oitrred to tbeHldic. M"e the uduTiiM-mriit In another duinH. Dr. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters-TI e tt.mach l the fnnntalii-hearl of scores of dls- wh-s wltleh lnfel lb human system. Intllgvs. tb.a. Iwd entHijth r t. generates d arrlwen, lysenliry. fabilinw. vrtl;o. pulpltullon of ih- hwirt. general ih-Ullly. de. 7el rid or it at o ee. then, by colng Uiroueh a course of iiosTm-Kirs si-OMACM iiiTrKM. V iMlatatile and rolre-ltiiis preparation, winch a. urelr ivlhne. all oo.nptalnts'of .he stomach .Iti.l.tK.I.bllMfi.fl.. ... II... ,iin.hinM 1I.H ... - ... 1..... ..V" ., 9mm .... r..M.M... ....... ... 'now. A course of tl.e medicine mav not. tr- haw. I necesmry. One bottle frcijuently ac onnipllshe. a emnnW cure. Sold by druggists and Jl. .1. r. e . ryw lure. 'l s m:v avi:utisi:jij:.nts. Administrator's Sale. 'TIIKKC WILL J Al'CTlON at HE SOLI) AT mine tl.e late r.-sldeuee i A. (!, WII.KLNS. deed ou FOOT'S I'ltLL'K, JavL- suu county, Oregon, ou .llouitiiy, .tin)- 20th, I8U2, Ml the TMinal iirots?rt heluuging to tlic es- tute ur A. Ii. H.KI.ns. iUc u, cvuaisttug. lu htrt, of the following, to-wil; W head of Horses, Marvt and Colts ; so Jlt-rf e-teers. 1 Cons; 2 vokuof Work Oxen; 1 V'ittc Suble llur, Lummat"' stock ; 411 load of Hogs; 4tt bead of .liven ; 1 larce heavy Ox Wagon; 1 large four-horse Wugon; 1 small tuo-liofso Wugotit; juu uushuu 01 uarley; A lot nf Oats and Wheat; Together w lib all kinds of ' FAHMl-Mi IMFLKMBNTH, I I-THN.TUIIH. Ktc., Btc.' Toi'mm 'Onsli. Sale to coimuiiice at IU o'cloik a. it. of laid K. 11. MAGni'DKR.AdmV. Jacksonville, May 10th, 1802. "b In the County Court of Jackson County, j AXDItKtt STUMI ) JOHN rf.' SMITH. Action at Law to Recover Honey. TT .ntM.arn .0 tbo satisfaction of tbe Court ' JT,, .'f in thU cause? that the": ! rendinllsa non-realdent of this HUte j that ' the pUinftr has a cause of action agalutt tbe iKTeudaut arisinc ou contract : that tho dc feinl.uil has i.rorKrty In this Slate, and that llie t.'ourl has jurirdietlnn of iho subject of the ucllon ; tktnfort. lu the uuiue of I lie jieonle of the State of Oregon, you, the said John S. Smith, arc required to appear iu said Court, 11.1 Ikf t.l Anil lt J I. ICF.-. and answer tl.e corDuUInl flled'.ninlt .,,', t:.i..s.s i-r. I Tf.f.v..""a ?.1 yui' i-aBrsmp. rPIIK Copartnership heretofore existing l 1 tweeu the undtirslgiud, by mutual consent is this day dissolrid. L R HAVDK.V. J C JlltOAUWLLf J.Lou II M) jJ IK'.;' 17 Tur;M.:niciLANiSvuoieAi. Ivmtititi. of Pr I.. J. CVrKA la already teemed In a position which rJaccMt. p.; wclf a, It, ,-ropmtnr. for nboic the. aau1ls ofenty and profcw.onal SiXn ii.t. AMMT, nf t..i r.i ...Wo nml iw occupy with others an cuuallr lony portion iii ! the profession. It Icon! 1 an illuMr.ous cam- j nte. n itn nc lltrlit amnne 1 he ti 1 no-onti.oi staw of hl ate In Kurope, and lr. CrapVay Iim fully equalled him In this country, as a proof "' ""'"i. me ru'iniicipnia v.o.nRi- uit.t I complimented him v th a dhdoma and the lion- nritrr ..t .,!-.. Cn1. tinn iMa ni lata Rul.l nt '.," 'T,, r. .J.T, ed..a S ;",, '"."Vr t rCTVTiVl'Tp of the llunearlan more extended lab .1... I-.. I t. . r. '.I J 1..- ni. ..r o..H.nH rteolutlunnrv Annv. for more extended labors. Dr. t- J. CaapVajr h I licnt his enrnet atlentlon to thecur ofehrvnlc dluan. In wb!eh he has In-come so jrrat an evpert that he i now reiiariUil ns the lender In ' nrnnch of hU thnmshont the Board and Liodsinjr ! - at nil: - FRANOO.AMBRIOAN RESTAURANT. Hoard aikl I.fMlIng, per week $9 00 7 00 lloanl, per week Hoard and Lodging, per day, with prl vate room, ik-i si) le , . 2 25 7fi Lodging per night Inprhaiorown Unlglng. per night. In doulda room 50 .Single Meal 50 THE TABLE. Keductlon In priee, but mi teduclloi or ehattpe lu table. My table shall not be stir p.ifsed by any in tl.c'State of Origin. -tlADA.MK DP. UOIiOAM. Jack-onvillr April 21. Isr.J. 1.1 DUGAX & AVALL. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, XSx-lclc 23-ixilcllxrs, Corner of Trout nml V Street, CHESCENT CITY, T'XT'II.T. attend to tho n.'cclilng ami forward- i lug r ail Uinm. vuiiii-IihI lu tbvir care, with prtmiptneM aal dl-mth. Ctnliiin'iit nd.clud. Mervhandi-e re cvlietluu ftornp. Crescent City, April 1. 1S2. 13 X. II. No poHlsdtllered unl.I the freight and charges are jmid. 1. W. Dissolutiou of PartnerBhip 'PHIS HAV. by mutual consent, th patt- L larsliip of ANIIKUSUN A- IS I.K.N , JaekM.nili. Oreirou, I. hen by di-rohid. All who hate claim against the fui" wilt pla-e prett llie same ami nvrlie tln-ir y, ami all thoe knowing theniwhes Indcblrd to illSiu at tu.tla r tliik tuilln. liW lllild SkO liSlliH weouu,,l save oo.U by 'calling at tlieir ',.ni, .,t .lm.p m it,.- ran- Dm-:tur. m d My up, n clreumstamnrs rviiilre that tl.e debts "" r - "- -. -"- -.--: . .. mui tw Mm ai an cany usy. r. mer rt will be allonid to si-n In ll.ii.Utl-Mi. JOHN ANDKHSOX, JAjS. T. ISI.I.XX. Jaeksnnvllle. April If.. IHG.. llm8 Iri hereby phfH. that lite cowrtner-hiphn Uh fare existing Utaeeu J js. IhirjHW and l. I. inn. under the name ami st) ot IlnrK-cA Lbin. I this dav diohiil hy mutual onu-vnt. Tbe dvbts of Ibv llrm wtll U- settled bv I) Linn. All tho'c knnwlup tlem-eles Indelted to tbe firm, are l.vrehy nuUtk-d tu come forward and nttbi lmmlltefy, or Ibvlr neeouuu will lie ;jH en to uu attorney fur collection, " J. d. Ul'lU'l.'i:, 1). LINN, ! Jaekoiillle. April .'.lit. 1M2. lilf - AdminUtratoV7"2ATtkoT . ,, . . , , . . ,, . . I A "; r'Z 1 . vi .. ..........t.m. -"-. "Vt .w. -'. W..VM sun count), Ori'Kiu. are birvby nulilied to pre sent the miuu. aaooinnauled with the neot's.n ' ' ?'." ,0'hr, u'l,'r;,,K"' AUJi!i,r",or; ,J .' ,Ji ,.' ufiwKi'it, miiii. 11 iniqmi nun. iik u.iv nr tliev will U. barred ; and all ) ri-uns .ndvhted tosa'd estate will make limit' dmte parm.-i.t ol such trwelmilness. a.Hl llo-renv me cs-ts. K. II. MAiiltUDBIt. Adraiui-trutor of the estate of A. (j., deceased. April Mill. lfcCi - lftd Administrator's Wotico. N'OTIC'i: is hereby alien that the umUrsipned has hooi api-olnti-d Admlt.l-lnitur ot the estate of Uiu, dieeto-ail, lute of J nek s jn eoutity. On ;uu. All persotin hat '..ig uImIhi-n(.-uliit the estate are n quired tn t ,est tie m. w 101 toe necessary oueuers. v ii'.iu one )ear frum date of this not.oe, for saiiluuent; mid ull persons Indoblvd are ixquirtd to maU iu 1 undiute wvtueiit. rj. T. TAYLOR. Adnnulstrutor. 1 I'bii-nlx. Jackson mihU . tiregou, I v Ajst-H StJth. 1 ..'. ( JiM XAToa M ' 'Tilu..o this day sold our stock of rner- I iliindlse to Messrs. IUiaihhiu i Walk Alt persons Indebted to us ure brby uutin.d . to matin iiuinwllMtely and save ool. ItKDLfCll & (JOLUSMITH. I l'Lumlx, April 17, Ml. nif From our friends nr.d iMtron we would solicit for the utw lirm a couiitiuaucv of ibvir HUrul patrotmyu. UhOLICIl & OOLDsMITH. I I'lii.nlt. April 17. lGl 14ir.c REDINGTON & CO.'S r3TJIEriIOn I YEAST POWDERS "MrAHKANTKIl to make ltKhl, swtet and ,W 'Tit "'.Jr. MTVi U.avM', . buckwheat aiuf othvr wke of B" klud'' GrTiiirnntoocl SPvaJly IZlcxxxfvl to nny lxa. tlao xavvls.ot. t Ask for IIKUDIXOTO V & COS VKAKT I'OWDKIIS. and lake no other, lf)ou would ON K CO., out at., a. i''. i' by alt respectable grocers ctery. April MM. Wi. 15mc "i I)AUKSADDLK.S constantly ou hand at my Haruesi uud Saddlery estublishmeuL 51 1IKXHV Jl'DtiK. J Oil I'iilN'IlMi nrulldeMnptionsncatl) CAuuUJat tin -LM1M.I, W 1 1 J nro i.on uitu -BOCMD FOR SALMON KlVIMt H "Within Sixty Daya! GOODS SELLING - AT TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE Without JRenervc ! -AT JJ. BBUHHER & BRQ'S. We nrc (lcti'iinliiril nmt Com nctlcil to nincc nil our Hook Arcotiuta nml Notes lit tliu linnili of our At tn r no v, for notion At the coining term of tlir I)h ti lot Court, If not iMiiil on or before the asii day or j.vxi'Aiiv, lsa-i. J. A. BRUNNER tS: BRO. JACKFOX VII.I.K, Jan. 11. 62 H0LIDAYJIIFT8! n: rint ron CHMISTMAS AND NEW YEARS AT TUB VARIETY STOttE In Halites Itios. Uileh tlultitlng, can Ire found the choicest and mnt complete collection ivir oSirvd in Jacksonville, of XtonixtiTully XXoxxxxcX AN3 ZZnu.cluoJU.oly Ulixsa- trntod O-irt XJooJtM, U.1?in, and X'o otlonl Worltn. -a I. . 0 - CHILDREN'S TOY8, JEWELRY FANOY ARTIOLES, 3HCLL CABINETS, '! BOXES. All It.r I.Mt.t;lil nml Ainiilm.i I'lc- I n Int., ."!n(;nll.ies i it . .inKl tnnitniill)' on llm l?if VAItlKIV STORK. ill. A. I5KK.TAXOa X'OSOM. Stroot, Is' now reeilving a ngular weekly of Apples, Pears nnd Peaches, And all others In season, lu addition to hU large and tarivd stovk of Candies and Nuts, Which will be told on liberal tirms, to suit tho time, ileul-o olbrs to tbe public bis well kuuwn as-ortiu nt o( tbu l'l.VKST IJItANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO Beveral hundred iiaskj:ts, Pipes, Perfumery, Toys, And many other FANCY ARTICLES. Jackkbtitlllc. Aucuit 3.1. 1KC1. .OAt 7js:ai LIYEIIY AM) SAIK STABIES. Corner ol t'atiruii.U nod fomlli Ntri4t. II V CJ.UtiAGi: w DItU.1I. ...- c. . ... n-. j itiijii, .-i.m.u3 arecen-yu jMtl trally looattd, ooin 'iilcut tTh iOllto the Luiou Hotel. Horses JOL nnd inubs will U. kept by the day or ttukiOU moderate charges. The proprietors hare a uusnbtr cf fine BUGGIES &. CARRIAGES, For one or tw o horses, to let on modaratc term. ATio, Good Saddle laorscs &. Mules which they will ivl iugo to any part of Ihe coun try, on reasonable lenus. Animals Bought and Sold, and horses broke to tbe saddle or harness. Tbe proprietors pledge theimeh it to jrh e sat Ufaetiou tu all who may laor them with a call, JftCksomllte, Ogn. Aug 31. Ifclf Cl'lT "mMvery ! (Oa tic Hill) O'aa.olK.ssoxa.xrlllo, Orogon. fPHK I'rnprlitcrs hating taken pos?Ini. L of tbe t.tty isrenrn, latdy toutroiieij oy Mr. Filx. are prepared to furnish I-axer Bctr to tsxipie or litis vicinity by the keg, bottlo or on druughl. An experience of many years lu brewing JL.ei&Q'i? 33eoir Gics them an adtanlcgeoicrult cmnpelllors ami warrants them in promising A JJKTTKlt AUTIOLK THAN 'AN UK FOUND KlisKWHKKK io o'outheru Oregon. I6t lie sure In tend w.ur orders to thu Cl'l'V UHKWKUV. if )ou wisli tlas UKSV HKKU. KIIKUKH & MATTKg. Jutksonville.Sept. lO.lfiCI. a.Mf J USTICES UtANKS for sale at nr li ' wsja"-'