Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 12, 1862, Image 2

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w.n nitfiiuinwr mirim" n i "i r
(. .1AC01M, IMIIitr.
raxMUi.t:."-- H'mAms.
iiiim 11 111 11 11 1 111 1 nil 1 1 11 "
JACKSON v j ili:.
SATURDAY,-- AIMUh li, l(ia.
Tito UnlonTho Confcdorntlon.
When our present Ctwtlliillwi eame from
Hip liiin.li of lit, nnlrlnlie sliiteniui who
f..i . .,i m. ii- ir-. r ,
their own immortality. Thcv .Jwlpiol It M n
iritual government. They ntr not so fool-
1.1. m in nisnt in Its wv btutt the h ofi
Mi iw in plsnt 111 Its vrr.; wort ine set w
dissolution. Kvtry conUmiwwneoiM fact ami
rverv mtlwml Iiriin! vm eknpwtit with 11 ' lhllt j,, UllLlu in t- MMtcr.. 1 ri"' Mm, l(m- J ' r'"1 l'"'
I '..I s..,npe,l nlth the l.igot of Inimor. SS TX " ' ? 'to gf
t,.lity. They had esperlenee.1 the nbsu.dily Lbcrf M tbc ,, nflnn-llklnson. Ilht,"" wml- Co1- Murrn r " MtU I
.fa ('MiMrmliM of sovtrebrn Slnt.i. IVj ,h(1tr. C, Itachamw, llaltot. Ugn. Ilmdy. l'"ywiiMi. mis klltail. The rncmy rell.l (
l.ud learned that they rarikda UortniMfiit. ami o'Connev, Holt. Juhuson. Stanton and others, lon,.vi urinhliMT the gnn to lnr nt every op :
ilat lilrty. public tranquility awl prospethy.
rould never Iteenj-wnlnnd 'secured under a
iwniiwct existiJf between distinct and Ih-
ivwlent eownvmwfaltlw. To tllostnite this
itoir.t let u note the dlncreiwa lietween lliv '
d (,'onfviler.it'iou sod tho present Const itu
f. n :
lt. Tl arlieVs of Confederalimi were
n h'ptitl by the States acting as disttnel and
i.nl pewit nt political eofpontlioaf. On tin
i-nntrnrv. thv C.mstliutlwi otl-rtaaletl with the
.. t.. ...t ..... t.u .1. ci.i rt.M c.1.. I
II uikv. uihi rnii "3 iw cmic. ma .j.miw
nre mentioocil in tho Constitution enly to !
reecive a command or n prohibition. The
language of the Conciliation is " we, the peo
I ile or the Cnl ted States, do onLttn. &c" 'IV
I mgiMge of the articles of Confederation wa.
we the .States. &o" 'IIhj dlnVrcuco In the
I itigua-e of the two InstrumenU was twt the (
-nit or accident, bnl or choleoaod of porpoe.
had suffered Ihj ccnse.penees or S'ale
1'ef.Sute compacts ami But. Conf
.. , .1 . .1 i.
ut.ous.aiKl four..! that ll. y were no security,
ijr iiwttj viuftvt w twviHthitiP ur invir xskt
C . llLBlkt olil.jka I ll.ataha. luai a lLails kuulaa I
Hcnee thay rranud a (ioremment ahl.h
s.'tou'd oriyinute from tin; people ami not from
the State, ll is t toe tlw voting wasdaew in
tho Stntes. but where else eou.'d It Intro been
il'MH' ? Many of the people In Sottlli-'f n Ore
gon votiil for the adoption of the Suite Cjii
siltulhw In Jackson county, but was the Con
HittuiHui nitopttit Dyimrpemsyur uw tii
to Uxly known a Jackson Cinnty 7 'I u ask
suvii intlloM k) to answer them, fitill m
ii.--.tr many seccsciou rympaih'r arguing that
Ueause v.iliug on Iho adoptlou of tlw Piitrra'
CoMlitution was done in the R tales, Ibni,
ilierefore, snul Consliintion was adopted by
lite Stales acllog as diatiuct polithral uwlics
corporate. Noihing cau be more absurd thai,
meh a propo;!t!oo.
?.l. '11 c Coasress artlnff attder the oM Con
I lieraCen reesoW.-d more a diet of enTorai" ewntyare phiye.1 out
Iroin sovereign Hlales. than an afsnnbly of
low makers. They could only ael on the
h' tales us corporate bodies, ami that only by
i4wmhmmi.Ia1Imi nmt rMititill ion. I'lik warn
,1- ,,.ni .1.1 r iW. rVnMtnilr.,. tl- .
OnvcrnmrBt of the Coostiluiioti acts apon In-1 "ill Wod can again be maie to pay nOson
.iivMonts in nil lu legislative, exeeatlv ai d I ly- Th Apph-gate Quarl kd.t will ta
judicial departments.
ll can conflsente hi,
irrfiy awl take his III for caascs or which
It Is Ike sokt J-ulge. 'litis Constitution ereottd
n government in every sense of the term. It
is not a cflmpact.brcauso there k) but one con
wasting, parly. Tbu States as politieul cor
Hinithn Ud nothhts; to do In Its snaetMcnts.
It originated with the people, was forroeil by
iwirgutrs fvhrtttd by the people, and was
uilaptnl by tlw people, ami not by the Hlatea.
Under lU uenhjn I.IWac oT this Cunsti !
iiilion, the Cnlted Slates have mxome a great
tiroHWouj ami pontTfal nation. Mhull she
,'o ilon 11 amid Iho lUvobtlloiu u( a luerajful '
.1 hi 1.-1 1 .... 1.. . ........i .. . 1 i
Ii.w.wi. rn..i.nNi.inrTiHU m mi wn
liilecrltr, as lb wesuler awl aJuey of Hk.
Financo South.
.lift. Pavk Iii his last message to tlw Con
fnUrale Congress, wjs :
Tlw Onsuefal system propostd by the wkv
dom ol oar prnkvesMni. has prov.d iriBute
10 supplying nil tku wants of Ike (iuvemmenl,
Lotwlihstumliftg Iho utw.xe(eii and very large
iiicuu-c of ei-iHiulitua' refilling Irom ti g
iiu-'iinu'iilutiwi iii tbc necessary lacasures of
ik-lriMv. 'i'be report of the brcreiary of Ihe
Treuiury will exhibit He gratifying fact I hut
we Imvu no floating ikbl, thut tlw credit of
the (Jovemment is i.nlmpairl. that I)m tolal I
I'Spcmlltiire ol the Goveruinenl for Ihe year. I
Iim Imo. iii round numbers. 8170.000.000.
Ies limn onc-lhitd of the sum waited by the ,
iiieinyinlils vain cwk-nvor to co(tiitr us ; ;
leu lliaii Ita value of 0 single article or ex-
norlllw cotton eron or tlw war.
The obove agree admirably with Ihe follow I Ikl-g Ht they could do to discourage enlist
ins " gratifying" tab' of ennency. carded , ' !,t Iwm nwl i ""
.rnMable.umberorihoXer.Or'Jn.Wa.- Sblw? Tlwy nro byJotoBl ff.i
... '! . "r, rJTf LK ,"" SO. !
mw dollar" Is played out. A dime or a ifol-
l.ir in Iwrd spelter. Is 11 sight good for diseased
'plies, nwl five mlnulM suriy or Im doharaj
lU'HtU UI1IJW VVii'i tM itine asteer t'srV tn nnitr,
'ulbow cunut taii rXTSl of
turrencv. and is tmbli.hullwre rue or charge,
ll lirw ihihv Ul ,
for Iho Un. Ill of iltnse who chowo lo out It ,
onl and pailo it up fur tikrti:oe 1
10 oiunlbui llkcls make a half n dllnr.
r Hclwlk's beer tickets iiukeadtuats It in
votftwl in lii'.er.
10 Krwt's beenjlckcls makei)D0 cily stiin- sonlnllen siKwch, Uovernor Curlin spoke in gence friim Htrajburg Is to Hie 27tlt. 'the
plaster. .,.,,, ,, I high terms of commendation or Col. .Murrny.wuc furCei rolllwl and occupy a strong posl-
1 SVmn'lSnSn'J i'b rvicc during the war wllh Mexico. w wrSlnuburg. Another fight is .mini,
worn ou J wakes u man cow. I ....... I .
lOlialfilolhirsmnkon Mnrn poor man. Tracy & Co, have disposed or their interest . otnt.
in hcr llelrel?, 10 oiuuIIhk liekts. 1 huad-)t jic F.xprssjbuiIuvM in Oregon to Well?, Advices received from Fortress Monroe nre
ful or!.lnpkHers awl uarv bur ,UUt iMJ:J(kirMj. '(; i... WwWI jj Ijjjslstts will lietc'tiiilleeontluilvo that the Mtrrhnat is out or
b'io" whnTwJ "' Ju'"'"1'1""1 abcemld . ' ll dry ft " lI ' " l wI'
From Josophino County.
Kki.hyvii.mi, April 8, isci.
JM, Stntmrt: The tfccci-licrs litul ipillo a jubl -
, iceJiicro on buttmtay la.i. ihey get untitle at tlc .,27,1, 0f Murcli, mid stales (lint tho gun
ning culled FrcwtnnUlsslnco (ns one of their ,),,, nml ,, were stilt bombarding the
I Inuttr. n your town mid) they are " riding Ilia wW fe ,, ,, l,UinountClj MWrn B,lllf
.Union ;'"; '' Aelj,lr the Qn , k- tJ
I parly virtually ndmll It In 11 public speech, 1 , ... . , 1 1 ,.
I think we ..my mfOt ml Ihem down ns Stoe.1.. ' wcrc niuil on account of the high wnler.
I J. 1). Kay, In hi speech on Saturday, mid : "We I Snlunloy's dispatches were occupied will, the
1 ore nnt ScccmIoiiMs. We nro opposed to Ore-!,U,l,i,J of ll,c nP!,t l ''. ' " "'
I iron arccdlmr. Wo nro oniiowd l.i nnv nllirr I wl'Ich force of f.00 cavalry nr.il two guns,
... - - - . . . ... .
glule seceding jf m Kf fair Owi'MfenW
njAn." Now, when we InUo Into consideration
lunewo lake Into consideration
aSRhnve argued from Ihn
the fact that III
bcelmilng or ttiiRpl
T.iSSSM 1. 1. t ... .
en i national (iiiittunte,
Unit (ho Southern Sinlcs WJ net gtl lUnr riplM,
that tha .r vn forenl on the S'milli liy ttie
AdmliiUtnitlon, Ihit the North had Wucn the
1 ronlllnllo. and fa.-fi' the South ImiT n right ( ,1B W00)ls nml xxw n0,,0 Wulls. The
to wx .h. We are 1 omul to come to the con-1 rtCTy r ,lC rci,,.s mis h1m1 on cintncf.cw
eliKtnn thut tho frenll.li.Hn tin his M,ty are In , j)(Il M ((f it,,r vfl ,yM( r
I niror of .cee-lou hmne J' "' Sln,w; mtlthln of C00 A.hIVs cavalry, C.0U0 Inf....
I'M Mn m, etui not got their (.'onilltutuuml . , , , ., . V. . .t
I right. I thliifc iIiaI any rrawahle ierou will
cmnc lo tlw toneluteii thut this lsu fair coti-
ilnreliroi of the Imigimjre.
f .Mr. Vinlng tWIIvend quits n long spttch,
j but I mn nut hrmvut until hs had nearly con-
obulnl. lie seemed lo ipiotu a groit ikl from
, lonW sicha im gixxl aulhurlly. Two
yur a) Ihrnilns was no authority at nil for ,
geHtltwan and hi. lhimK now hh spmhit
r. 'j"' '? ,Bkftw "T1 ?" .I'01
l0 ,1"oU' ftt,m Mr- ,)0"bUw nftw "IC ,HT:,,'1",t
relsjllton. They n laUrhig ery
. . .,. , Mir.Mm ,mMU.nmt ...,-i1,iu.
and they reply nhollllonUts. Ak them or.
what the Democratic parly In Iho IJmlern '
Slates Is coinposed. ' the greul h-adcrs of the ,
HreeWnrMe wing, nor tlw Uougkn wing, who
f l"e wr V"fT r "w Ailmlnlsirntlon are .
not iJemoemts. "Oh,"Kiy they,"lheoontwou
m. 1. II.M I.iImvI.. hI.. nrsi Ilia lk,titiurattf '
a.id then tit. y will nstvrt right on top of tlih
that " twvfarJt of the men In Iho army arc
Democrats Hint the ltentihllcans won't ttjlit."
The Stars hihI Sir) pes were rnlsul by thm
wllh creut ceremony. After tho ting rcaehtit
tbu lop of the staff three eherrt were given for
tt, wbvn an IwilvMunUlamliiig by mid : ' Ma-
bc ware over Tort Sampter mi Iho 11th ilay of
April. ISC J. as she tl'd nn thv tllh ihiy or April,
IMI." At which Dm rcaee-lKmoeraoy give
three iroaas, which protwlity was a better in
4lcattou of thitr fevllii than the aforesaid
ehef rs.
WiuUr hasnol drl.dup"yet. The monn
tala. arooi.,1 ut are covercl al.hM.ow.ad ls
" V" T T ik,T
la Wot dwp. A great ruanv ai larlng for
. ""TV. ' v.....
Im. mmm fr itull Wn wrro ilulv noUdod .
lwU WW KeKUIl)g g,,.
lat. Uit m-bouy seeimil IneUiwd lo alfad after i
the polhM exeltcmcut ami the tali. The
iieeaehvr went to the plaoo amMlnteil and after !
walUntcHMW lime f. an audhmw. wrote ll e !
fcllAwlna mittec awl left It en the talto : If
anpeanuieos are comet, the Imrll has a bftl
rr b. tiM,Mt. r trrUreUW." I we-
am be will eceaie afUr that. Uosm Axon.
Salmon Placers Jaeksw Qnsjcts.
Tim Yr.-kn Jonrral says "the Banu n
mines retalmU them or tho eidtbratul inait
lead nt .Tacksenrllie, some two years slnee,
whleh mid so rk-h onlr in one spol." ltrfrr
j '.-nee is evidently made lo the Uuld Hill haul,
iad the inference wonhl be drawn from tie Ilia bill, ami tlte artillery was mosiwi on emt
finotaticn. that with uuarts ksuss la Jark aoueee on buth skks of tlarfr leU wing. Oar
i .-.n vn.ir an uLivmI ant. 'ITils is a mistake.
- ..... . . I
(lo'd Hiil, la alHNit six months, yhrUtil all o!
S125.W10 ; bm, as seen as the iuariic MM to
pay more than t ir ton, work on the lie
hi ilUaofllhttml. jlane nre of the oiiliilon
thai wllh Ike renewal of operations, tho Uold
-.w- .. .
reraemUemJ, m Jiaren, iooi, ywanu inu
ounces to ten tons of rock ; another clean-up
or CO tons avcragul $3i0 per Ion ; In July last
n M pocket" wasslmek, from which was taki.
840 ounce ; ami every cleun-up mwhi during
the (tost year has been saliaietory to thv share-
holder'. 'IV .uwelt had, on Uogtie Ititcr
will amloubledly rkhly repay ll ciiterprlslog
shareholders. A week or two since, we acre
informed by Mr. Jewell Hint they had ready
tor omrfiing M0 t.ms of roek. on every fmr
meat of which could lie plainly teen tlw gill
icrluir nro. Tlie numerous (inurlz claims
the right-hand rwk r Jaekson cretk will yel
utvc n ikmuI ureouiit of tbemsclres.
We IH'ubl
""- .. ,, ,,, .-
meniion many wner waus, irom wnwri vbibb-
IMC SMCCimetw ivn prwtawu, am
are r.s yet uaatxiw-l ; but we have ciud
stMwgb, Mr. Jourml, to show that your com-1
HArlson'un poor one. The ijimrU inlaw of
JaekHii cwmly will bring forth more money'
ikon the fsbnlous Nee
lercaatlwy will be
workvil with profit wken SoIiihsii will
ipoksn of as Ihe fmow huwt of '02.
How tiikv Aiirkk. Mr. Foster, n rabkl
julwlilwiikt of llosion, meiw rrf the lollow-
lug language In a into speech : " I woua) not
fupnost tlw UovxrHment in its present pmi
. I eiaJrovored to dhwisde every
young man I could rrom enlisting, telling tlwm
iKnt ilur ww "niiu.' to fiirht fur skivrv.''
I)im.t minA )ilje ,w U ofantiieor ou-!
,. .:., n.mneraU' Do tlwv tun-1
Oregon eees.'. DemiMra U . Jio lla J su
port too war; nave ttwy not uune overy - .
UU with the nbolillonUt.but still they try out '
In the toy ol llwlr amorous embrace, b.lwld j
. ... . . 1
an nboiition war!" I'oor fellows; we nope
ibcy will not ncriih In a paroxysm of ccjtacy.
- w,Win ,h0 ,,ernP," ro' I
- .1 . - -, i
rU u lavtng Int-n Kiilni ai me im.iio o.iiuuiuiey ioi imnan, u.i a.......
Wliwlwster, was 0 reiluVnt or Ihe borough of .
llollldajsljurg, Ilktlr county, Fennsylvnnia.
His regiment ww presented wllh tho State
colon, in llarriiburg, Dec. 21st. In the pre-1
trmtMM.jfjfcaiypaogmnnrTVuV:raa mnnamatr.ir r I
Omaha, March 10tli.
, The latest neves' Tom Island No. 10 Is to i
' 'ct liy tho rebel leader Jackson, to ic-take
" inchester, (supposing It uescriiiii, nan noci:
rcpu!std, Men. Shields, In command of the Fed
I Winchester, (supposing it descrtid), linil been
ITIll, OCing WUHIHini 111 Illi: Ullil
I. V .1 .... 1...1 .. ll... !.....
IVvxt niornlnc .luthon, relnfurcnl, nttnck
Shields nmr ICerr Town, thrco mlln) from
Wlndiwlrr. , Tho ciifmy wcrr ftranply htrd j
try and 0 nicecs of artillery, with a. restrvtj.
The light continued till uoeu, vhen 11 cluitge
wns mndo by the Ohio lufautry, Iho Mlehlgun
1st nml tlw 1st Virginia cavalry, on tho rlgli:
ol ILc ctKtny, driving tliem tuck half n mile
when they (the eutiuy) got their gnus In posi
tion again in & dtcse wood flunked by their
Infuiitr?. Thto cauel our force to retire. A
'l,wt ur,!ery engagsnict.t pnsmil, when
dhleM or.kml Tolon,! Tyler to turn their left
"l- Hero the i1lpolch, wl.lel. had bien
, . lln.lliril. . ,- '. m1 ..... ... ,,.,
",,ruPJ 1,roI" ,lr' rejiuiics Mi.hl. Ho Hid
porliitilty. uar men runeii wrwuni nun n
yell, whui n panic ctwutd amonj the enemy,
which our IroniM toolc ndvniilago of nml fol
lowed Ikin up, driving the enemy before them
until itark. eapturlng three gun, three c.iw
,,, wj,, niu.kts, epi!pmcnU, e. Our
troops bironaccd on the fk-M.
Col. VillInm. of the COih Now Y'ork reg
iment, rvlurorei.l Oencral Shiehls, (lenernl
thinks, who was on the way to Washington,
mi Sunday returned and assumed tlw com
mand. In the iiHiiiitlme, Gen. Sjh'.iM's ilivk
Ion pursneil the enemy Iwyond Newton, flell
Ing them tl whole or tlw way. f!cn. .lack
ion' men were perfi-elly demara'jud ntal le
yond omitrol. 'I'hey threw overboard tlw drrnl
i ml wnnmleil to lighten their wtiaonf.
It is noticeable that nearly all the rebels
TOUSikd were shut In the head nml breast'
Wstifylug tlte snperiorlty of onr innrhsmen.
The iwoviesl loos on iair shh; was chiefly
among the IVnusylrauin and Ohhi tn.
Ooorl jmlges soy tlmt tho cmtny's low is over
4fMt LllUt r.r.li .imL) a m.1 :ilin lakvii mliMV
5 am-H-g tlw la-icr n sn kk ,. . a
"" "" " "'"" "" """"' "- """"'"J
On Monday morning the relwls received
ttwforcvm'nU nmler Men. ( Jam-t. amoHutlng
to alnt a.lWOi while (lie I'nlon rorew did
not csicil 10.000. who, with the fKceitloii
fjnf aboat 600, wtre of lien. Bbkmls dlcMon
At 10'j the enemy moJe n li-int nn our
left, whi.-h commenced by Autlug Ilrljrudiec
."jniiirnn opening a henry Are uJ artlllwy.
while lie real anaex ims uireciw agams-
mir rhtht, with t'.w object of miiflauking It.
0. KcmbW eonimawhal on the right, where
the l.envbt fightinjt was doue. The enemy
wtie strongly watMl in the woods and Uhlml
. I 1 ..!....
wuuW arttihry lorre was eirijrni. cunaunnp
,tf four batteries of 21 pieces In all.
'Jlte mrht rased furiously until 3. r. v. 'IV
lighting was du.e eliktly by ike artillery nml
Htasketry a' a range of not more I bun 300 or
.100 yards, often mueb has. The rsliel in
fantry oppisiu us now cmergiil from tin
woods, nml attempted lo capture I iMHii'a bat
tery by a charge. The first ellbrt was iwurl
sneoissful. but n Issavy dbehurga of grape
cnmpeitrd them to retire In eonfurUiu.
A second aial weaker attempt likewise
foiled, nml the enemy were drWs.ii back with
iireut loss, Wlilml the parapets.
sJtn. Tyler now onkreil bis lirtjfsula to
etmrgr tl enemy's Imtlories on the left, ami a
mwt iksully enenuiilvr followed. Twit our
men reenk-d onoVr the stnsm. but In tlw third
vll'iwl they rtmtwl the enemy with gitut slaugh
ter. Our loss In the struggles wo heavy. O.'
jTOil men In tiw 8llh rennsylmnhi. 2tt were
KHMI ami Oil wminuwi. moy uiiwn wit
,..,.., .,i -twill, nml Ril.MI.ln
- . .,.-... ....... -
- - - - - --
v nn. j
Tlw enemy's killwl and wonmleil now strewed
ike ground in promiscuous heaps. 'I'lwlr leftj
wing was ittlwiy lu-oKen ami tiwirceiiirewa.
eeing. u" '' ir sine, iuc uu nu hk. i
reviments sunvrtd most. The fornwr wus tcr
ribly decimated. S-ivcrpl otlempU to nilly
tlw right wing ullvd, and to udd to the con
fiHWi), 1111 IrWi iMtlnlioiiif U0 men was
brought I'urward ami onlereil to lire upon the
L'niori troojai. 'IVy refustd, nml a rbl reg
bnnt drove this gallant little Iwiid forward,
but ciHilil not oi.iti el tlwm to 11 ro tiwn us.
Forty corjwj or tha l.)0 ulteriMirils stromal
Iho i'whl. Meanwhile. Ihe rubeli gave wny ou
,,0'r lcfl nn,, n,r' wl, " loM cl "J00 I!"lc,,
wl woniakd. nisi 2110 taken prisoner lie-
Innna s-itlftoti tiliifiltln Irmilitrssi. Our 1nV3 iliwv
- -,..-...- ....... .... . .. ...
III IMJ tfwe imM" nimwn .... .- ..,.
not exceed ISO killed nml 300 wouuded.
Yl'l'llHRllRt Vu., March 25 p. m Our
columns nro now five miles beyond Strasburg
-still in pursuit or the Hying rebels.
WAiuiMiiox, March 27th. Ucn. Shields
telegraphs tlmt our victory nl Winchester is
mure fatal to tho rebels than at first suppos.il.
TI,C ''! lliat hVwl ! l:,,(i LL !
.. ,. . , ,,,,, ..., 1
killed and wounded. 1 lie victory lias sin
terror to the heart or tho hhenamloati alley.
'Ucn. Shields was wounded In the arm.
Qm.mia, March 30lh. The latest intclll-
n winmu:, j.t a j u i-ixw ' p 'isi
slip can do o. The ilA)n.'i U 011 huiiil.
ti:.. i,..i...i .. ..t 1... .1... 1.....1......
nilecii hundred rebels lied r.t our nnproncb.
The rebel force Is cmicenlrutliig nt Corlnilu
Ml. reported 70,000 bIious. Deaiircgitrd
Is commanding,
St. Loi'is, Mnrch 27tb.
i)iK nuiuei M neciipieu ii iuu r ir ivi u.r,
1'orlnr'B tnortnr llect sailed from Ship Is-' from Mr. Chlldi or riilhidilphhi, publisher, Kuslrrn .Suites, and nuke them a d.illy allow
hind, on tho 1-ttb, for the Southwest l'u, und at the 1'nrson retncst,u copy of his book iimee efpiiil to what it wo'ild co.-t to "support
(mouth of tho Miwippl.) On the 17th It
stopped nt tho l'ass, whero the llect reiule -
voused, and proceeded up tho river to nltaik
tho fortlded iipprouches to New Orleans.
fortified iipprouches to New Orleans.
T I.oi:is March ''Bib
orinth, Miss., , been s.n.nsly totlfcl
n battle will soon tuke place. Our scouts
have mado extensive, rccuiiuolssatices It) the
Officers who have Just reported nt Fortress
Monroe from the Oulf fleet, state that the re
duction of the torts below New Orleans com
nienwil several tluxs since. There Is every
prosirct tlmt the mortar lU-ct will succeed.
Orders nre understood to have been received
fly Col. Connor lo proceed with bis regiment,
'tho Third Infantry, Cullfornia Volunteers, to
Mi I-kc Three 'cavalry companies arc' to
..tnnn.n...... Il.x nv.,1:ilnn 'I'linif fllinl llnili
"y 1 ' "!'" -
nntiun is thought to be still further cast. Tin
fiireo will leave as soot, us It can be m.ulc!
, . ,,
"""Si ll
a. They li.ul
i i..n' i. i
A terrible Uiaslcr hud occurrci
Me.v enn biirrneks nmr Orlzutm. T hev had
..1 ...1 .1.1....... 1 1....1 i..n ' 1... 1
been found among the ruins.
The steamer Natliviltt w
riiCBlromcr XnJivilk was not ileal roved
when lienuforl ivus evacuated, but mado her
lltlf ISSltllrt lift.
. .
CJCllpe. Neither Was Iorl -AlllOOIl blown Up
pe. Nelllrtr was Tort Muoou bl
the rebels us heretofore aiiuomi
. . .- - . .
, :, iii., i .
bv tliu rebels its herotororo aiinoiinced. It
, . , . guard, under Col. Henry. Ashiiy was corn-
was merely evacuated. ,, . ' ..,. i i
' 'pelleil to retreat, having sulured some loa.
ClttrAno. April .1.1. ' .ShioUl) was nt Strasburg, recovering rapidly
Inlelllgcnco from hland No. 10, slates that. rrnm ,jg wound In the arm. Cou!dcruble
no Injury whatever occurred lo the mortar .rmildng has occurred Imlwccn the lines or
guu'jouu by the tunuul.). Two transports ,l0 10MC forcM "Whllo MeClelhin Is nd-
eotMldcmbly damage.1, had returned to Cairo vur.cing upon the line or tho Itnppuhaneock.
for rcmlri. The rebel trantporti weremore j it npnenrs that n powerful nrmy uiidir the com-
cxposed'lhan ours, nml It Is llionght-fcavc smf-,
frrril savnvlv dutiiur tl.u slCr'iii which tire-
rnib.il nn iim tlit nf il... lit
Si 1 . in pi 11 1 r ..
Col. Uolierts with fifty plekeil men or the
t2d Illinois, went on nil expedition lo the up
ler reUI battery, nml ou nrrivlng were fired
on by tho sviillnels who imnwdiately II il.
Our men then lataW nml spiked till tho gum.
of tlw buttery. Among the iiuinler were 0-1
nml U2'wumleri. The expetlltiun returnid
snMy, no man iiaing reoelvwl n scratch.
Wasiiixotiix, April .'hi.
Mujor IftarnariUui. from New Mexico, ar
rived to-day. iiik! sus Die rebel hold every
IMMitun of vulue except 1'orU Crnlg nml
Cniou, tlw In.ter Is thought to l the mos.
important In tlw West, containing mlllloiM ol
iiuiHim nuriu ui utitiTiiiiiviik niun?. iv 10 .iucn"uu uuiiiiiii-nvwi uu me -nui 111 -Hiiruu. i,
mw saw beyond ieriidventure, nml gurrlsfliieii1 the riwilt has bei'ii fiivorubla lo the l(lcrul
by l,.1l)0 sohllvrs. It lias wuler lushle ol the Intnu, wo sl.ull probably have to wait Tor a
fortifications utal provisions nlmmt uiillniiUd j wnk, nt lnut, for tho news, uiilavi the rebels
furaseige. arc iiiiustiully cundld. Sacramento L'ltiim.
Cairo, April 1st. i - "-
Onwersoflho C'ont..gu who left Mind j From Powder PJwr.Kow Dtocowrici.
No. 10 nt noon to day, ..lute that a relwl t -Mr. -,. J INlWf wl0 nrrivfl , xhu cv 0l
irniwmirt niieinr .,. ---.-- -.-..- i- .iu,)t,Hy l0,t( fr01ll rowih-r rivir.glrwi us the
night from the rort.a.idw,.,slwlIe4 by sonw of ri(1)v! , , rt,ill(m 0 ,c luR(,w
..urmoflrlM.ts,nn4em.leilt ..ton.luwn! f,w m Mr ,, kft , Nliwmbl.r
tlw river without having eeon.,.!l.h 1 liejr , llHt( , ,,,,.!, Mrs. llm, Cnghran
object. 'I ho I'olnr Star eunw tip from Hick. ,, l8 , ct wl c or ,
nmn to-day with four liumlrnl iwasheu.bj i-r ., lirrim , pv f(U1(, ,lB Huw
sugar. awUlx liulidml nml fitly Iwrwls r ,, ,,, , llimm,B,w lIlal lt wag ,,inlell,
molasses Iwlonglng lo pthute jirlks,n.ki will ; . lW,KOlt ru.y l0Wver. sK-nt co.lderu.
be taken to St. I-nuis. C h, 11, ul0Ul t. vomtyi m,j
Further netouuU of the nlTalr nt Union t ll( wr w.utli as llurnt river, o'u this
Cny, Ttunesstfc, represent tlw retreat ol tie' ireum ihey round Indications of the prewna
relu-U. a In-big very preoipltulc. 'I'hey were 0r Indians, and did not ikwin it fxadiwil to
brwakhMliiMT uiMirtpotlnT 1111 nttneli. wlwn our mmtU there. Tlwy sunk imo hole, (in winch
f'Hees uttaekia) nml ojK'iid tiMin llwni with ' ,H.v did not reach ihe bed rock.) nml louiid
artillery. Tholr bicakfuit wit left upon tin
U.i.TinnnK, April, I'd.
The following inlelligenee is Hrum a sjHwrnl
wrwpowhHit nt Fortress .Monroe to the Ihd -
timnre Amtritt 1
Tlw number of rebel In Fort Pu!okI was
rcpaeleil by drler, nt S00 two U1r111.u1
eiimKinles had revoltul nml were in irons.
Tlw rebels have enlwil their troops from the
cotiilaml ulmmliMHtl tlmir breuslv.utris pr
vloiw lo moving their cunuoii to Savonunli.
'Ihe city or Savannah, however, Is under
stood to be very strongly r.trlified, nml nil h
approaches to it. A great despondency e.-
Iiteil nmoug trooM and peojile al Charleston
The Tall or Ncabvrn created tho greatest
ooiulernulkin. 'Jlie flre-cnters rldieuled the
North C'uroiiiia troopj, charging them with
oowardiee, there boing Iwo North Curnllim
rrginienU there nt the time, revolt was the
conseriwncc. 'I'heso regiments n fined to
servo any longer, and wcro allowed to return.
All nllribulo bravery to O. J. Wlie, but his
rather has so fallen in publia estimation that
he was proclaimed nt Norfolk as a coward.
Cnii'Ano, April 1st,
A spe!al lo tbCg,7Vfii'if,-from Curio -contain
the following extracts from Memphis pa
wr :
Tlw Chatleston Mcttunj ot March 22.1 says
that I'rosldciit Davis, In secret scmiou, odvUeil
ihe Conrederule Congre.3 that prlsouers ol wur
released by tho Yankee Oovcriimcnt upon pa
role, be absolved rrom their oath, and be nl
lowed lo tnku part In Iho struggle or Imle
pemltucc, and urges as n reason for this in
famous rcchlcsoieri, u breach of faith exhibi
ted by Mr. Sinclair lu tho exekauge or pris
oners. Attempts arc being mado to raise troops
by conscript. Kditon and compositors rc
i nt enrolled except lor loyul duly.
Tho Memphis Appeal says the recent vie -
tory 01 me uonuueraie army is nerving Hum
for new nets, and is confident there Is no
doubt or tho ultimata success or their cause.
Jiff. Thompion is concentrating a largo
force at Focuhontas. preparatory for un ullnck
on tho Federals at New Madrid, when (Jen.
Fopc will bo compelled to evacuate tho place,
(the rebels say this.) Filloiv has gone to
A dispulch dated New Orleans, Mnrch 2filh,
giys tho Federal steamer Vnnderbllt lias found
ered at sen with all ou board.
A rebel Mall wn3 captured recently at
Union City, Tennessee. It contained letters
from Iho Confederate troops nt Islund No. 10,
which represent hc troops disheartened onJ
lgfCK.W!trftiUW irJMJU-njWB
I d.stippoltitwl. Tour or live nohlicM have como
Mnln ItifUmmi. kp.. clvlnir un their nrma nid.
! 1lrlng to return to their nllcfilnnco nml join
the Il-rnl nnny. They report n large num-
btr or the rebel troops disbanded.
A telegram Irom Uincfnnatl wys that Tar-
son Itrownlow has accepted n liberal ufar
-- -o a i -
will be forwarded to the editor of every paper
1 in the Country, so thut they can
in seo ulmt it
lco?l to be loyal In seccssia
Indications point lo Corinth, Miss., for the
I nest greul battle of Union mid Confederate
, 'roopa !u that vie.nl.y con.ls.ln ofalut ,1
"'"re western slrcmjlb. I Us light, no doubt,
will be long ntul desperate, with more troops
ingageil than were In the bulllo or Waterloo.
Commodore Footo Is wnllli.g Tor somelbinff.
,,,,.,,, ... , i 1
which Is tolerably certain to occur, nml would
seem to render the reduction of Island No. 10
comparatively easy, or compcll Its mpltuhi-
Hon by n ll.u.k movemont of land forces.
..,.,., 11 , 1.1.1
At Corinth, Iho rebels havo concent rated
their liest mllltiiry tnlcnt, and it Is presumed
ihatif thee can find n ditch nnv where conve-.
j nfcut, n good many Confederate, wll. die In ll
... . . , ,, F. .1 .
, U c ! WWphlo nilriea from tho scat
1 01 wnr 10 .April inn. 1 11c iiiieingeiice innii
Hnstrrn Ylrtrluln Is nnrllcnlarlv Imnorlniit.
i in war 10 .April inn. j uc iiiii'ingeiieu innii
. Kastern Virginia Is particularly Important.
i (,e"' "''I' '' J"' '"J0"'1 Woodstock.
,. , , .,, , , ' . , , .
' clItnl of Hlieiinudoah county, and about
' . ..."
' wi'I"' "' HhcnuiLlonli eounly, ami nboul
I twenty miles south of Strasburg. Here the
, . - . . mm. .11.. . . . "..
' ' .. ..- i. i. Vn...
t iinsl' nC tiittnlsIiii ttiri 1ttti1in At'rtu ClAnf lt.'
i wuj ui'iiu i. iitrn u iluui lurii'. until r jluuv.
. "
appeared nml a sliurp r.rtlllcry skirmish en-
r id iiiii i ami uiirii v ii
", ' , , ,
"sneii ueuvrcii me ciiciny ami our nivuuceu
, ' ...
nm 0r (cn McDowel, has been quietly trun
!.... ,..i , i.-.,... M.....nn ,n .,..,i ....
i 1 r.t . ' , 1
' ,llB """' otllvmemt' "nlssni.c I-ave
)Ccn Mliuic frin ul0 fort n,l7j Newport News.
, uinded with skirmishing which resulted In
i ,mr rftVor. The advnncc or a pnwcrrul corp
I j the direction of Vnrklown will dlslruct the
. lUletllIotl ,lf ll(l. ,- ,, greatly contribute
"lllUi; IV IVM ISIFUMi VHI lt ! ' n f "
to tho sueccss of MeClullan's operation In j tliry nro nt least TfiO mile from Yrikn, be
rront of the new line occupied by the rebel , voml the Idn. working their way nTosa the
army. Korl Iiwry, on the ttappnlmnnock, Is Hlno Mimnialiw. Iftlu-y yrpro not. some one
a!,! to have been ba.,dom,l. leaving that ' ' 'rt wouU liavc rt,urnttl ,0
, , , , i . r . ! '",Vn " Vf"
rlreiHoleur of rebels for nbout forty miles. . ,
The report llutl Porter's tnnrliir lltet had en- Coxnii.vrios. The Oirgnn .-frrin ay
. tcred tlw Southwest Pan of the Mliieei pi
1 1, ooi.fir.iioJ. The Churleston ,H.,wrslmvedi-
, patelwa stating that the bombardment ofl'ort
, ,t fm (Mimititive. Itettirnlug. ihev
pruspected tho gulelies on Fonder river, nml
j found gold everywhere they prospieted in
' mDj. j,,1Cl.H paying diggings. They went up
' I'nwder rher nbcut twenty miles above Urlf.
1 Uulcli, In which Mr. I.itlklielJ nml party
me inii.lnc.) nml round surfiicc d'i!:eiiiirs ou a
Hat, or bench on tho inuuntuln, nbout a mile
back from the river, whero they obtained
prospects which they think will ptiy from glG
in 8-0 er day. This lint is some two milt
in length, und proswcta nbout the same
throughout. The gold is coarse, resembling
very much that obtained in Juckson county,
Oregon, and Is supposed to be worth from S17
' . 818 per oui.oe. We were shown specimens
or the gold taken rrom the growl nei.r tin
surfiicc, mid it may ulso bo classed us coarrc
I The miners on (Jriffir.'s gulch hud done
nttieh better than they owctol to do last fall,
making ns high as 30 per dny wllh 11 rocker,
and had found some very coarse gold picas
weighing from 810 to 818. Mr. Falnc ex
lilliltul us one piece worth 93 SO whleh he
obtained rrom them. The gold In the dig
ulngd discovered by Mr. F. mid his party is
not co coarse ns (hot obtained liete.
The parly were compelled to do most or
t!.ir prospecting In rrom three to five feet of
snow yet Ihey euiv sufficient ol tho country
10 convince them that it is lu every respect b
. yola bearing region.
In the mountains, the snow was Irom three
to five feet deep when tho parly left j but in
the Fowder river valley there was very Utile,
aim 11 nail uui ueeu over six iiivucs uicp ai
any time during the winter, and then it did
not lie on tho ground but a few days. The
horses belonging to the parly were kept In
use most or the winter uud continued in good
J condition.
The party will return to Fowder river ns
: goon us the snow leuws tho niouwtulns.sothat
,1,. co cr(wa with pack animals. They give
it as their opinion that the mines will prove
extensive j yet they leave others to net upon ,,i.,intMs havo n caue or notion ng.ibist tho du
their own judgment in relation to gain;; there. ' fei.dant arising on contrr.ct : and that Iho de
Stutaman Walla Walla W T I Miwi ,'as proprly In this Stale, and tlmt Iho
Wo(ma, HHHo ll, ilia, U.J. Cu(lrt iias 'juraictlou of Iho ml.ject or tho
,. ' ," ' , 7. """. ' notion :
Gov. Curtlv, of Fcimsylvaiiia, in the couno i Therefore, In tho name or tho people or the
or a speech, preceding the presentation or a I State, of 'Oregon, you the said Riixv Uiur, are
flag to Col. Win. Murroy, 81th Itegltncnt,
who was since killed in tho engagement nt
Winchester, said t
In this contest Fennsylvnnia hns already a
hundred thousand men, und if lucessury, will
send a hundred thousand mote, for on tho sub
ject of crujhlng tha rebellion, nml imilulniulnir
tho Union, tlitre is LU one fffiifi rti(f all
tlit piuiiet of Iht AVuff,"
'J'iib Hkiim. riiiHosEti.-The X. Y. W
cnya : e do not know whnt the Oovcrninent
. -
proposes to da with the 18.000 prisoners tf
wnr who nave cnpuuiaicti to wenernis nun.
sd.', tiiant nml AtcU'cniaml j but we nro
convinced that tho wisest and probably tho
most economical plan that could bo adopted,
In rejrard to tlic jirivntc soldiers, wou'd bo to
d'smumn 1111111 iiirouun 111c iMMuiini 111111
tiiem tn prison, ami set uicm at Jiuwy wiinti
"" "'". V" "7" ' ' . .'" .: "
. 1 lieu fee lor uieineivea 111c ui'inii'o "iin.11
freedom hns brought in. Tliey would find to
their surpil"c thut the laborer Is valued nml
, respected line, as prcnllv ns he N di-p'wl In
' Silr
fortnlily than ninny of the slave-owners m d
planters of the South. They wou'd s.e the
' b nefil of free shnola and n free pns ; won it
' '.'. 'w respected the more bccniKC m. n
niav discuss thi-m without danger of tar and
f a;im , wnU ,(, n) . nm ll)lcn.
'grace, because all doors i.re open 10 honet
energy. They would see society here to be
Jnm,,',1,n;r very iMfcrrnt from the mlMiira i!
infidelity, neriinnnisin, turbulence and lanlers
,,.,,, JlM. ,....1. .,.,,. ., ni.n,v 1...... t,.
., .v..w.-..- - ...
. Um j0 t)fni, And hisilv. they wou'd fii d
' no where thut hatred of Suutliirn men. r of
Jjo South, WcJmjj, Mtfte
!' ............
pwe an.niaics us.
Sonmii-ji Svbit A former .n the C.Juin.
inn inver mnuc seveniyuvc guuum m rni'
ghlllil syrup Inst fall. Tho Seed of his sor
inn itiver inuuc sevi
gl"'i symp Inst fall.
, K1'""' T,Tl?r L.
.Sorghum or Chine
, wlCrPVer corn can b
horuhum or Chinese sucar cane will crow
, ,vlCrpv..r corn cun be crown. Warm land
I suits it. That which Inclines to bi sandy Is
! V nre rnllrelv stire filmt tliln enno can he
! . . ' y . .
I MllflAi
rnlscil east or the mountain s and wo have
.. . .. r.. i -..! ... .r in,t !. it ii i inrn
ccn pruci speciineiu ui iuu nii .. "
crown ill lis vuey,
b .. .!'. -:-. .
This ca'rtt 1ms become n stnn'c crop In the
Western Stales. J. II. Sni'lb. fr Quiney.
sjjs he con make sorghum snear at Tour cents
u jioiunl und syrup nt -! cents n gallon.
A runner with sonic knowlidge or the cul
tivation of this plant, and the nmnuuielnri' or
its juices Into sugar and syrup. In Iho valley
or Vullu Wnlln, would be on tho high row!
to fori nnc.
Mr. ll.dirns, the sninr mill imnnfucturer of
(Jlnelnnnil, Is going Into the sorghum lnislness
nt Duvlfiii.nn nn extensive senle. llohnsl
' estttl' 88.000 iii suirnr in'iuhinniy, ami en-
, m ,,,, ,,,, ,lor , work
M0Xl full. Oregon Vrmer April Ul.
Wb have henrd various rumors nbont tic
rnnd expedition, coiicrmlng Ihelr mlrlncdowp,
'"n5. " r'?;i " T ' " '! , 1 . w
Secessionists nt Orepon (..tv.cjuwile lliem
lVw tlmT (Jo'SmoiTSH X to
I mrd the- ptisonrrs.
OBfhmimu 'Ujj nunni!
Mvyiy? n?rK j
AI I In. itl.li.nri' ..rtho lir'il'" l'nlhi'r. on the
tnh Insiaul. be llev. J. W. IthMla. Mr. Wji. T.
On April Isi.brlbT. A(. A. William, Mr.
JAUfKi. i'iians to Mls Maur Jank Joii.vov, all
or llil rounty.
tmtm ! 1. 1 m'i n 1 1 iinwir. iiwiiiin m n ! ''. 1 1 ' i
On Hi" tub Inst., the wife or Judge Tulumti,
of n daughter.
-V il'filUk.
Thiw miles tint i.t I'liii'iilv. April 3d, Mr.
Wm. Xatuax, nged CI yuin, 5 limulU. ut.d .1
CWfT'amC1C&VVUnsavJlL!Aff IttJSrWtJll.lJirfl'CS'lllsBflaW
'I S herel.v iilvcn. tlmt Hid rni.irtiii,rhlnherio.
1 furv I'Xi'tlnir Iwiweim J. S. Iliirpci nml I'.
! I.I1111, imtkr Hie naimi mid shlc ot Hiirp-eA
Linn, s this day dlsrutvt-d by tuuttial eouwnt
Tlw debts of tliu firm will bo cull led lir i.
Mini. All those knowing thetnrotvo Indohted
to Hie firm, ore h'-Miy nutllld lo ooiueforwaid
and kettle Immidiatvly. or tliHr nooouuts will
be given to an attorney for colli ut nn
1). LINN.
Jacksonville. April .1th, 1802. ltf
fu tht Circuit Cimit cftke Statt of Oicjoii.
or tlit Cvwili ' JmLmiiu
Pinto or On-Kon eg
County ir Jackou. (
John S. Love and John Illlgr, partners. Ac. 1.
Thomas 1". llus. David (J. Stone, W. W.
l-'owler and lib) wlfu 'IVmimrimco Ton In.
Johu Audersou, James T. Olvnii and 1-', (J.
WIIHUKAS Ihecomphiliiautsln thenbore
eutilhd ewiHfl haw filed their bill in equity
in tin' Circuit Court of the Siute of On g-m :n"r
fie County of .l.ickson. to forccluse 11 ocrluiu
mortgage set forth therein upon the following
.IrcerilM-d hind and Imppivi-ui-iiis theieou. In
wit : The lots ol land in Jiichmvl!lo, Oregoi.,
enuveyed to the defendants, lies k Stone, by
Tumivriincc Fowler by deed hearing dutc the
Slh of January, A. D. 18(11.
Also the lvist rructlomil I nlf of Ihe Soulhen t
(juarti-r ol wet ion .'12. Towindiip '-'". South
of llangc 2 West, rmiialnlng SO 08 100 acres,
in Juekson County Orcircn, uud the said com
plainants having liied their affidavit setlinx
fur 111 that Hie said drfemlants, 'J'hntnas F.
Hess onl David (.!. Slnno nre non-residents ol
Ihe State of Oregon. Therefore in tho name
or the Feoplo or the Stuto or Oregon, you lit"
sad Thomas F. lliNt and David O. Slnno are
notified to bo and appear In said Court on
Tho Tint Monday in October, A.D. 18C2
Und answer the complnlnnnts bill or the fame
will bo taken ns ioiif.s. d oi.d tho prayer
uiereoi crauteu uy tne court.
Jacksonville. April 12lh. 12h
lu i!ie CouutyGotirt of JucUsou
Anderson i Glcun, 1 ActIon at Iaw to rccovcr
Riley Gray.
It appearing lo tho satisfaction or tho Court
by ullldavit filed In this cause, that tha defend-
nut tc n itrin.rnttTiljtsit rf I life fitiitn i1m tlir
reijulrcd to appear lu said Court on
Tho First Honday in August, A.D. 1062
and answer (ho complaint fllnl against you by
tha plulutitft. or the nunc will bu taken for con-fuKi-d,
nml Iho prayer thereof bo granted by
the Court.
WllneM Iho Hon. J, C.-Toi.Miy, Judgo o said
Court. v
Dated Jacksonville, April 12th, 1802.
llju "" WM. UQFFMAN Oivrli.
37"lJSall 3-ooc
To c.-rrcspond with tlie hard times.
wm liu.tnv i'ay,
L'trry Artlrlc Unrraultd ns Rrrmtnlrf,
Flcatc give ns a call.
wm, uorojs & n
Jnekonvllle, Jan. 1 1P02.
SBL-rac.cSx.'Er eLxx fszz ssss
Tlinunderrlgued would respestfullytcfDnJ
the eltiz'-lK of Jnehon nml mljnia; I
fiiuiiiiei. mm nc na uifuniiu aim mil nu:t
llltv lo olilur
All Kinds of Sntlillcry &. Ilnraa
crni AH
Heavy Drnnght Ilnrnrss (long nnd W
'Concord Harness, ltuggy Ilarneii
Moublo and Hiiigle)
Spnuih Ssd.lles. trees and rigging eainr'A,
I ..1I.W- C.l.tl. T...1,,,. C.l.llJ
fr yd.u.' wgs, ltiijjes,
jsereiugies, rinuers.
Whins, iVIilivlashes,
Am) a'J otlu r artistes usually founl is
first-el list stock of
Store In u Sentinel " Udldiag, Califona
JiickMiiivl1U.Iec.2l,ltCl. Ui
3JOUN11 FOlt
177itliin Sixty Days!
Ioar Osl1i!
Without Reserve!
J. .'. Blltl & SI'S.
We are ilcti'iinlncil and Cosv
IH'lli-il to iiluco till our Hook
Accouiita ami Notes In
tlio Iuiiiilii of our At
torney, for aclluu
At tho coming term of the Dh
ttlct Court, if not iiald ou
or uuforo tl.u
251(1 BAY OF JANr.YKY, ISC'-
In tho 1'ilces of
Board and Lodging
Hoard and Lodging, per week .
Hoard, tier week
Hoard and Lodging, iit-rUay, vlthpri
vnte room, U-t sty lo ...... ,
Lodging per idjjM, l.u prlvuto room '
...1..l.. ...1.l.t I. A..i.l.ln rnnirl "
SInrio Weal.,,..., "
Keductiwi Iii price, but no reo,lJ'
chaugo in table. My table all w,w
passed by any lu tliu Slule or Oregon.
Jagkeoiivllk, J ui. lO.leCi. p