MmnMnr THE OREGON H 'WfymtmmiiirfmSaAtmrfjitfmaaJvmm 4h'ViiH.SiWTiimJhMwm jh ftur Mrmait-i&ti-ttS -WAMCffil. irtmjaafioLy&JM'tfiiraa.ji.TUJO( csVmj J llliJiL. $4 IN ADVANCE. ' THE OREGON SENTINEL. lir.NIlY DKNI.INUKlt. 1'nb'r unit Pron'r. Offite over Cfogngt If Drum's Stalltt. Snucninnix One year. In advance, Four Italian : otherwise. Klvu Uollnr. Six months, Two Ioiltrn ami Firty cents. No paper dl toiillnued until arrearages are paid, uihcm nt Ihc option of the proprietor. Aovkiitmimi One tiiunre (12 line or les). firit Inwrtlon, Three Dollar i each sulwqiicnl insertion. One Dollar. A iIIkouiiI or fifty per tint will bo made to those who advertise by tlic year. ADVERTISERS. Ity application to Postmasters mid Mall Car rlcn, nu can learn Itml the Oiikuox Skntinki. hiii l.y far larger circulation In the couutleK i,f Jncknm, Josephine mid 'Uotigla, Oregon, and Del Norte, California, than any other pa per. Till Tact should commend the Skntinki. to you a n niperlor medium for advertising. List of Agcnta for tho Oregon Bontlncl, who arc authorized to tranwet any business concerning till paper, In the n.imc or the pule ll.hcrs : I '. Fisher San V rancVcu. adnorlli k ltiiynes .u'n J. M. JlcCall A1iI.iih1. J C. Davenport Gnsburg W. V. Fowler Applcgnto It. 3. Duuhip llllutmburg John I' I'rludle. Kerlmllle A. II. Melanin .;--.""!!0 V. Illnihart Kcrbvv lie II, J. l-oi be , V ,,l,, ''i. M. ivan Alllnmsc Joel Thorn Cnnyonvlllc lMfu. Mallory lti'scbtirg It Moon ' V, M Klli-worlli l-.ugcnc Uly. Ch.trmaii Oregon City. H.W.WakeiINd Albany. Il-iijamlu Cook Corviilli J II Smith Crescent Uly ursiNESs OAims. . y. cueeh, & Physician aud Snrgoon, OFFK'F., CITY DUUG STOKK, .InrUmnvlllr, OrtK'iH. CIUS. II, BlIIMIKli. II. II I- . TIIOHIWX, . II. mtOOKS .V. THOMPSON, PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS ACCOrCHlSllS, JTooli.isioJta.-xri.U.o, OroGoa. XiiTtmU-r 2iLDii I. 1 OUANCi: .IACOHS, ATTOllNEY AT XAAV, Jneluoiitlltr, OitRnn. "lTII.lj utlriiil to business In the Courts ol I the First Judicial llUtiiet.iind in the boprtmc Court. Oel.'JOill j imm . rvu: , w malumiy. l'VLE & niALLOUV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, lto.clilirf;. UoK,n f"'ily. Ui "'rII.I. attend to nny hii'Ines confldnl to 1 1 them, in the M-verul Court of (lie First Judicial District or Oregon, and In the Su preme Court. OctiiU-r '.'foil WAR SCRIP, WAR SCRIP. D. F. DO WELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice In all the Court or tho Third JudL-lal District, the Supremo Court or Ore gon, and In YreU, Cnl. He ha an ngcnl at Washington, and expect" t Wsitlhatcliy and the Atlantic tliU Suiinner sn.l rail. and any butlue will receive prompt tleiitlon. wyUiVJ c. V. sniAfJUE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Kkuhvviixi:, JfWKniixB Coi-ntv, Oiiv., Will imnclually attend to burfiiCMCnlruMcd to hi. cap-. ' Airll l:uyni-l:itr W. G. T'VAULT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "Wll'l aMnd lo liiulncM In Iho wvenil V Court In thf I'ir.t Judicial l)Ilrlct or Oregon, and In the Kiipreme Court, Oltlce on I'alUbrnln SI., opHle "Sciilintl" Office. J.I(.K0.VII.1.K, OlIfcUiAi. May -Will, 'HI. l:fim P E T E It BRITT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST ,lacu" 'He. rrK"li. I prerwnil to lalio I'lptw Ui every lylc of be Art, Hith all tlic at luiproveiiienl.. l t q not bIvo charged will bo mlc lall at I'unk Cigar Store, or at the Culler)' the Hill, aud ew hl l'icturoi. utr lltar tf A'rtf Staff $10071," on 7Vnn Si, QIIAVIXO, llalr-cuttTnjr, Bhampoplng Cur O ling and Hair Dyeing. AIm. a genuine artlcla pi Flli'- Hi" Ibh T'HTivi:,mid CrUt'dora'n KwUyn hit lhw falc. Jucknouvllle, Jan. M, :b L. H. DEWEY HAS opened a hon fipl10'10 AllileronA (ili-iin'. on Ciilirorilia lrcet, In lf. L. tlaniiiig. drug ilorc, for repairing VATPU,0W0KBiiU3WK'V'KTC. All work warranted to hIvo uatlilactlon. J4ckouvlllv, Dec. rtllliU. ajy lAUK-SAHpLS coiwimilly on lwiil "I 1 my Uw& HI"! Saddlery rilnlilUlmipnl, J "oil PltlNTINU of all ileeiiplloiw neatly uccutd ut tlic SKNTIN1!'.!. OFFICK Tho Parting Hour. The San Fmncltco GiM ay Iho "folloulng cxipiUtt poem wa written by the late Ed mini I'ollnck, the gllted California poet, on Iho Cth of January. 1W7, and ban never liecn publl,hcd liefure." It n glen by tliu poet to n Wend ho wa about lo depart on a tlcamcr (or Ore gon, Pollock faying: "Take Hit. You may perhapi, read and appreciate tho cutlmcnt long after 1 have cemed to bo among the living:" "There1 fomctlilng In tho ' parting hour' Will chill the Mrnrmcfl heart Yet kindred, coiurode, luver, rrlcnd", Are ratul nil to part : Hut till I've een and many a pang lla prensed It on my mind The one who goe 1 happier Than those he leave behind. No matter what the Journey, Advenlurnti. dangerous far, To the wild deep or bleak frontier, To tolltudo or war SHU jomcllilng elioen tho heart that dint, In all nfhiimin kind, And they who go are happier Hun Ihotc tliey tenvu behind. Tlic bride gnc lo the bridegroom' home Willi iloubtlug and with lean. Hut doe not Hope her nitubow rprrad Acro hr cloudy fear! All. 1 the mother who ninalnr, What comfort pan he dud Hut lid tin gone I happier Thau one the leave bvhiudt Have you n friend -n comrade doart An old mid vnluid friend! He mi re your term of uneet cducouiyo At leuglli will have an emit And when you part n part you will (, lake It not unkind If ho who gni I happier Thau you Uv leavv liehlud I (ml will It n and o It l : The pilgrim on their wny, Tim' worn and nmk, more nliecrfut are Than all Hie reil who May. And when, nt la.t. poor Man Hibdued, Mm down to deuth rM4gnnl, May ho nut Mill be happier far Than Iho.e lie leuvw Ulilmlt" Choose Between Loynlty nntl Treason. Tli fo!Iowtpf I mi extract from Hie pcccli of Daniel K. Dicl.liiion, the n'd Diiuocrutic wnrdiorK-.tlellurd ut Cooper Iu.lllute. New Yoik : You who aM this rebellion In nny form, or In niifmiTniTer; illftct'or Imilrcct; rvmote or tmnicdiate, nre n pulliy n tie who It In utu ugalnM the (Joveinimnt. You nru the wov men In a hivul Sliilc, unit nre tucournging one ol the uiMt wiekeil, one of the m4t cuu.ele most il.imtuUc rebelliouj that ever cxi'tul among mm. for It! when you have wn jour (oMur mirth forward to It ikTvnieor the Cnpltnl. You liaie seen them burivd in lilooly grave 5 you liuve een them munlerid und stricken down, und Hill you would npolngize for them, and yuu arc oppuMil to the war. Yw, I urn oppo. d to the war : to mucli oppotul to It Itml I would bring out, if It wire ponlble, llio nil nrlillery of Itnneii to ctuili tliU rebellion. Yonder U u uiotlwr ulio.c son went a fuw il.ij. since m.d was sluln upon the luttlo-fleld. 1'oice men, look upon her while the blood o her on U dripping fiom her fingers. Why was tar son slain! llecnu? you were en couraging on Irtntun uml rebellion. And but yesterday u young bride was callnl upon to nenve with wiiluw'n wettts Ihc bridal wreuth. und you were tl.o causo of that, nn.d why? Hvruusc you were liolding out uld ai.d vu ciiungvinciit to 1I1U ucciirsnl rebellion j your hands urest.ilmd with the blond of her hu. band. Ixk ut that little group of children iirromiding a widowed inolhvr. At she looks; ut Ihvc she treiublis ; uml the little children full back ugliast, K-st the murderer of the luubaiid sliull be the inurdirvrs of the children nlo. llulw your b'ooily hands to heuven, if you can, and aid on this ribcliion further, you lufumons wretch. 'I'hero Is u great mid Imputable gulf ns wide and as deep between lidility oud treason, ns that wliieli Kiiraiol the rich man from Lazarus, und the tune will soon come when there will be no pacing through Irum one ,Ideto the oilier. You gentleimn who ure rpilverlng in your shoe, whoever you ure yuu H,'acv men fly from the b'odoui mid CV morruh of irmson wlivii iu liave n chance. TI10 storm of popular indignation is a go-nl ileal nearer than ynn Imagine, and the fiiv und brimstone tlut will drtcend upon you is not far iu the distance. Then up with you don't jtaud there faltering. The ilny of khiu pro positions is our it is treason now j you uie maiktd out as nn objict of scorn ; you run no longer be in favor of the Union, will) u dag ger in your hund.alimd ut its vitals you can pp longir be In favor of prosecuting tho war and throwing iuerulous objections in Ihc (ace of tho Administration, beset wilh every diffi culty. f you mean lo uld it along, come on with yon and IiqiIivt yoor muskets 5 If you do noi, shoulder yfmr musket and go Into the apposition rnul.s, K.url will givoyon 11 goRil riddance, uml play yoq out rflth the itogue's March. lu.t none of your lising upon both sides not being in favor o ypur country and ogninst it .In fayor of the Uiilou and lignlusl llln fayor of prosecuting Iho wur pod ngajnst to Admlnlstrullon, Willi every einbarrnsnint yon Ciin bring uruuml it N. Ihc great hall is opened t chooso your partner and lake your position on the floor, and we will wo whether you can keep step lo the music of the ,UnIou ?r not, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1862. Tho Storming1 of Fort TJoneLion, The X. Y. U'orlJ't nrmy correspondent nt Fort Donclion gives the following graphic description of tlic storming of that fort : , " The task of accomplishing Ihc delicate nnd dangerous enterprise of taking Fort Donelson by Btorm, was accorded to Gen. Smith. Ocn. McClcrnand liad tried it thrice nnd fulled, not for want of pluck or men, but tho position of the enemy was better delendcd nnd less easily approached, although more easily seen. Tlic tatk fell into able handt. Homo impntalons have before now been thrown upon Ucncrul Smith' loyally by malicious rivals, but yes terday did the general not only Indicate his loyalty, but tils ability nnd skill to wield uu nrmy of soldiersto wlcldtlicm easily and to wield Hum well. His division was divldid for the titiaek Into two brigades one under Col. Cook, Including the 7th lllimiin, 12th Iowa. 13th Missouri, fiOth Illinois, und fi'Jd Indintm; the other under Col, Laumuu with the 2d, Till unit 1-lth Iuwo, 'J5th ludiuun uml Klili Mioiirl. Col. Cook trok the right or the attack, mmuchig the centre of the enemy's position. Opposed tolhein wire six Tennewee regiments, eoinmiinditl by Cols. Saggs, llally, Head, Qtintlcs, Ilrowuund Coomb', with the 'Jd Ken tucky Ileglment. Col. Cook took tils men straight up the side siT the hill nt the highest portion or the formications uml Ihc far.lusi removed from tlic river. The rcghmnts went up the stdrs of the hill, nnd then encountered the barricade or fclleit limber and brudiwond. 'I'ke enemy's Infantry kept a ruin of fire upon them. A 111 pound gun in battery poured down gmpc and shell upon them, not, how ever, with very fatal tfu.ct. The men stood it without flinching, tlic line remaining unbro ken. In accordance wilh the plan of attack. It was drcided that the brigade of Col. Cook should ingago the ciwiny on Ihc right, while I.iuman's brigade should make the entree into the works further on the left. lie kept up uu IikvsmiiI fire or iiifuulry. engaging the Ten nivstcuns, who were loTvly fiiscoucid behind the earthworks. Uu the right, however, lay an open spaa, up which climbed the brigade id Uiuman. The 2d Iowu leil the charge, fol lowed by tlic rest In llieir order. The sight wus sublime. Onward they sped, hccdltM of the b'illtls nnd balls of the em my above. The hill was so steep, Ihc limber clcuriil, lluil the rebels had kit 11 gap In their line or lille pits on thin crcU or hill. Through this gap they were bound lo go. Itight up they went. CltlUlltllg lip Oil nll-fimtivlicll Uiie.ur lllh- blue elutliing udvuueliig regularly forward, (he while line or tiuoku fn-m the top of the winks oppn.ed by 11 line from our troop. They truth the tup ! Nnmlier full. The siisjH-irte Is lirenlhlissi Siv, tliey 0II111I1 over the works! They fall tliey ure hat! Another group, and still another mid unollier, clive up llicgnp! All is coven d with smoke! The Imlgciiunl Is made the troop iwnrm up the hillside, their bright bayonets glittering in the sun. The firing slackens. Wlml is more wnmlirfiil Is, that Copt. Stone's battery ol rlll'il 10-pounilers, cloo behind the brigade, b lugging up the hill, the horses plunging nnd rider whipping. Upward they go, wheiv never vehicle went belorc, up the precipitous uml clogged sides or thu hill. No sooner on the crest thuu the guns ure unlimbert-d, the men nt their posts. JYrcibiou shells 11 ml canister ore shot spitefully Irom tho J'.irrot guns at the flying enemy. The day is gained u piultiun Is tuken the troops surround the guns, nnd the enemy 1ms deserted his post. The .'ll.pnuniKr which had caused so much luvoo Is silenced by Col. Cook's llrigade, and the rebels fly to tlic main fort in uluiin. The day is gaintd ! The foo is running ! Cheers upon cheers rend the air, aud iu u few minutes all is limited. In the m.dU of nil this warm woilt there rod tliu while haired (Jen. Smith, his suowy mustaches standing out like bustles, his hand wuvlug miji-slieally, Ids Inuring erect proud undaunted by thu deadly hull, und uiimovid nt llio biilliaul success. Sure of Ini point, his batteries placed, the enemy's guns ure turned upon lliun, und he ordered his reserve Into line wilh nil the coolness uf u Hannibal. An oillr conns lo him of more troops. Thank you gentlemen; I think we havu already more tlmn enough,' 1a inly re plies the (Jinerul, and Iu fiftein minutes the lines wus deposed or nir Ihc night. 'I'lie lo 1 1 our farces wus small compand to Ilia uniout of tiring. Our lord in thu storming of the wotks will not e.eed g()u hilkdnml tvoundid. That or the iiieiny must have Ufn qt least that number, notwithstanding that they wen' entrenched behind breast works. Wliut follownl may bo told in n few words. Tim enemy seeing that we had guinul one or his strongest positions, tuccwsfully nputsui him in Ids iiitut daring pltemplii to rube the siege, took advnntngo or the darkness, call.d a council ol war, in which it was deter mined to surrender. With ull the basic ios- sible some 7.000 troops wpro dispatched up the river by night. The rebel Hens. Floyd and I'illow made their c.cupe. The fort, with all its contents, Ml Into our hnml. More than l'J.000 prisoners, two Ilrlgudicr-Ucus. (luck nernnd It. IC. Johnson, with 20 culoiifls aud other officers in proportion; C5 etiniifin, -16 fleld. nml 17 siege, Si ,500,(IU0 in stores, pro vljious and t?i(lliutjptii-p glorious irsnlt, pur-phasc-d. t a comparatively sumH loss.'1 An editor says when lie wus in prison for libeling u justice of the pence, he was politely requested by the Jailor "to gie the prison u U-n-T," Almost Cut to Pieces. FottT DnNRMOX, Twin., Feb. 17, 18C2. My Dear Fttther : Sad, lonely, ond down hearted, I nltcmp't to write you a few line, to let you know that I nm unhurt. We have had n most bloody fight ; there must hnvc been fire thousand to seven thousand men killed and wounded on both tides. Hut tho enemy surrendered on Snlurdny evening, wi having taken thirteen thousand prisoners. Hut, dear rather, the hardest part of ihcstwy is, that out ofilghty-nvc men In my compmiy, only seven cunic out tlic most wholrtulc slaughter that was evir heard of. .Nly company wrw tlic color company, nt which tlic rebels took particular nlm ; ns fast ns ono man who carrlrd'lt would be shot nn other would lake his place, but the Uug was brought through. Only one hundred nnd six teen men remain In the 11th lligimciil unin jured. Do not wonder, dear fattier, Hint I nm down-heartdl. My bnys nil loved me, and need I say that, in looking at the poor rem u.iUt of my company the men that 1 have tnkiu so much pains to drill ; the men that 1 thought so much or, now nearly all Iu their u'mvcs I feel nulauclioly. Hut I do not com plain ; Und spartd my life, und for what, the future must tell. 1 will write you rnnn nguln. Thu Ktcvcutli HeglnKiit'wIII, I think, (what is rviiiiilntng), Lc left lo guard Ihc prUnurrs nt Cairo or Alton, whilst they recruit.1 Whether t shall attempt to mine another company. I do mi, know nt present. Uood.byc U-t the folks nt home know 1 11111 sule. Yours, ufiectlouaiely, I.. I). Wadiikm., Cnpl. Comp. K, Kleventh lleg. HI. Vol. (Wlmtls'leltoflt.) Win. C. II. Wml.tell, Fsq., N. Y. Cot not Cocntkii. That excellent paper, tho lied llluir Iiiiltptnihiil, In commenting up on the edicts nf the recent glorious I-derul victories, thus uloses 1111 article : One by one, their strongholds have fallen, and the Union Imsts an' In the heart of Sieessin. Hut what a change iu the tone or the rebel journals. Despair is written over their doors and breathed in their columns, und the nut unit result or despulr Is nckletsness, and they fuoliflily talk of fighilug until the last man ex pires, und, says one journal : " If this country (.Southern Cuufitleraey) Is to escape the ml. irlisofu protractul wur which may render the Confederacy it hell on earth, this wnr should be made one or cxtcrndn,',,"-" T,,r hive mrsercral iiecnlnns tailed thebtack'llag, but thu while has euch tlmu soon after fol low 11I it. The tenders of tho rcliclHon vainly flatter themselves that the South cannot be eonipicrul Just us If iuulhern men were nu exception to ull general rules ; just as If they were not iinslbte beings, and gnVcrned by the same circumslniicrs us any other people. When liny dud thilr cause is gone, like any other ieople of common seme, they will grace fully submit to tho (iovcrmueut they vainly thought lo overthrow, notwithstanding the in sane ravings of ttieir lenders who co visions of the halkr looming up but n littlu wny in tin dlsiancc. 'I'heir paM-rs tell u thut ahrudy traitors and lories" (Union men) till their sin-cts uml invite the hinder to their rivers and coasts. 'I'htsc same " truitors and lories" (Union men) will increase nnd uceumulute, and maku liieiiisi Ives known as fust as the oppres sivo ami grinding nuarciiy wliieli keeps them down is broken, by Hie presence of Federal troops. Thu tdeu thut rebels cannot bo con quered, and that llio Federal Government can never again extend Its authority over South tm soil, Is ull u lurec. The people or the North und South will know each other better uflir the close of the war ; they will roped each other more, for the Smith will leurn tl ni the true chivalrous spirit Is not confined to the territory south nf Mason nnl Dixon's line, und that llio great North is not composed of a race of flunkeys, but rattier ir n ieople n chivalrous uml bravo as tiny on the face ol the earth. Tun Daiik D.w at Hiciimonh. If the sol emn farce of the inauguration ut Hiehmond, which desecrated thu blrthil iy of Wusliington, had been suddenly urrested by the appearance of a Xutlomil army, we doubt whether the dismay und gritf of the cliief participants would huvo liven greater than they really werc.nn the pwi'inu, by the bursting nf llio storm in nuother qn irtcr. It seems altogether proba ble tlut at tlic very hour nppslutcd lor (he ceremonies, t'10 Fresi.lent elected wus apprised liy Ulegrapli or the occupation or the Cnpltnl Tennessee by Gen. Htitll's furces, and tho ill banding uf tliu rebel troops thrnughout that ilepnrlinent or tho so-called Confederacy, Ills giinio fur u permanent government wus up be fore it was fairly entered npnn. Ills control, ills power and ull but the empty shadow nf authority, were struck down Ihc day before thev were to throw off their provisional char acter, tfven the lllclimond press could not be kept longer iu subjection, for this single day, if only for the trnf or tho thing. TI10 sublimity of tho bursting itorm was lost upon the scene, because of Iho indecoious taunts or tho Richmond Wing Hit) whole pagcuut of tlm morrow was to bo a bitter niwljery nnd a miserable compensation fur Iho ruin of a free people." " An old man with a young wife u child with a bauble." (udds that disenthrall! d and disenchanted J'" 'aro parllgl illus irutlons of the deplornblo folly." The rnneral bakid meats coldly furnished forth the mar riage feast, nnd nfter this mockery camo the impious proclamation ofifdsting and prayer! iV'. -1'. 7Vt. " Tim followlmi letter appears in the lllcli mond Examiner t Tt) tlit Etlitorqllic Richmond 'xnrni'nsr, The, independent conduct or your journal em boldens mo to venture n crilichin upon the late reverses at Fort Henry and lloanoko Is html, which may be grating to cars polite, but Is rcmhrcd nrccfsnry by the condition or the coutitry. It Is high time that these surrrmkrs should cease, Tor, considering the churacUr ol the wur In Its consequences to ns, they hare been truly amazing, commencing with that ol the cavalry at Alexandria, down through Hint or Col, I'egram, nt Ilteh Mountain, that of Commodore llarron, at llatteras, etc., etc., to tho present lamentable Instances. At Fort Henry, a Ilrigadicr-Ocncral, nn wounded, having a garrison nlmost intuct, lowers Ids flag over n dozen guns of tho lar gest calibre, nnd with n hackneyed compli ment, yields up Ills bloodless sword. How withering and humiliating lo our Southern manhood was the sorrowful reply ol the Yan kee Commodore. That the general should have neglected to mako preparations fur pre venting the enemy from ascending the river nnd burning the railroad britlgc, mny be pased over, because no commission ran make n man n commander unless it be given by nature 1 but If the statement ns to his surren dering be true, Is he to bo retained upon the rolls of the Kmillicrn nrmy ns nn ofiecr ? The ltonnokc uflalr is pcrfu-lly incompre hensible, The newspapers ure filled with ex truvngant laudation! ufour valor tlic annals ol (I recce and Home uS'r no parullil whole regiments were defeated by companies, and we yieldid only to death. Our men finally sur rendered " with no blood on their buyonels," and what is the loss? Hiehmond Dines, 2 killed ami 0 wounded ; MeCullough Hungers, 1 klllid und 2 wounded ; the other four com panies lost In all 2 killed nnd 11 wounded! Comment is needless. The whole army had Utter surrender nt once, for It" will eventually come to it. 1 nm, sir, etc., An Orriccn. Hi'hkian Disuii' Having found a tier man rriend In the head physician of thu mili tary lioipltal nt Itign, I accompanied him one morning on his visit thither. On the way he told me how difiieult it wus to elicit from the men the real seat of their complaints, us every ailing In thu upn.r purl of thu body, whether In thu lieiid, back, or stomach, tliey call pnlu in thu heart ; und those in tho lower part of tlic body, pain In tho leg. Hav ing nrnvcil nt the uospitni, nil ttie pallcuts Hint were ublc to do su, urrujed tlieiunlvi-s in u row, dumb nnd still', ns Ifon military pantile. " How do you Icel to day old man V uskul the Doctor of lite first. " My liiurt pains,' was the expected, timid reply. " Tongue out," suld the Doctor, nnd out it was. Turning to the next, the hiiiiq question, tlic same unswer, und same tonguo operation. More tlmu thirty iu tlic row underwent the rumu medical in quiries nnd proces: 1 wus about leaving, when my friend told mc to look around. 'o my utter astonishment 1 saw tho whole lot still stuuding in mllitury altitude, wilh llieir tongues wide out. Wu looked on for a while, when the Doctor loudly gave the word. 'Tongues in," and ull the urliculallng organs vunishul in nn instant. My risible fueultlw nae so excited by tin- Nlicrous scene, lliut it wus some momvnts alter vc wcroin the open street ere I could, ralher rcproachlngly, oik my Iriviiu how he could play such a trick on the poor fellows. ' You must uot judge," said he, " by excep tions. I merely wanted to niiow you to what extent the blind spirit of discipline prcvai's umoiig the Itussluu troops, Nor ure tho fel lows worse for the joke ; on the contrary, ihey behevo that tho cure is greully promoted by keeping the tonguo out iu the presence of the doctur, tho longer the belter." (Jure a Week, 'I'm; Yoixti Man' Cai-jtau It is a con solution for all right-minded young ineu in this country, thnt though tliey may not be ublc to command ns much pecunluiy copitul us they would wish, lo commence business themselves, jet there is a moral capitul which they can havo thut will weigh us much a money with those people whoso opinion is worth having. And does not take a great while to accumulate a rcspeclublu umouiit of this capitul. it consists Iu truth, iiouesiy aim integrity; to which they nmy mltj iKpision, firmnets, courage and icrscveraucc. Willi thetc qualities, there pre few obstacles which cannot be overcome. ! rands spring up nuu surround such a young man nlmost as if by magic. leuce flows out to him, mid buiiitcss accumulates on his hands fasleritjjsii he can nsk it ; and in a few short yearsTsucIi u young man is far in advance of many who slurlcd with him, having equal talents, aud larger pecuniary mepns; ere bug our young friend stands foremost, the pouomj. trusted uml loved. Wuulu thut we pould induce every youthful render to commence life on the principal that moral capital is tho thing after ull! . . .ii m An Kufi 1! A Uotti.18. To accomplish this teeming Incredible aH requires tl.o following preparation : You must tuo pn egg nnd soak it io vinegar, ond, in process or time, its shell will become nuile soft, so that it nmy be extended lengthwise without breaking; then insert it into Hie neck or n bottle, ami, on pouring wuter upon It, it will pwumo its for. liter figure nnd baldness, This is really n curiosity, ond baffles those who are not iu the secret to Hud out how it is accomplished. .. pi-hii'I' wi mam mm k the father of words. A Khnu'ckiax Srjtf-Tlic lion. Mr. WndsKorlli, or Kentwly7i a late speech In the House of Representatives at Washington, said: " Let the friends of the Union callicr round its standard, nnd do what It becomes brave and patient men to do let them do ns the greatness of the causo calls upon them to do and will teach the lenders of this rebellion a bloody lesson. Overthrown in battle, tliey shall wonder, melancholy ond degrndid. cxjlcs in a foreign land, or Ihey sbull deliver up their accursed lives to the judgment of the courts of tho country. It can be done, ond it shall be done ; the fortune of the republic, aud the bravery of her eons, nnd Iho wisdom of btr Government wills it. There are freemen cnongh In the West, who nre determined to preserve this Union, to. do it 5 and they will do it. The States or the Mlssiatppi cutinot part. God, wlfcn lip formed this country in geological scasjdtcreeil I's pcrpctuul amity und union." Af Six things ure requisite lo create n " harpy home." Integrity must be the nrchltcc, and tidiness the upholster. It must bewnrmed by nlUdion, nnd lighted up with cheerfulness, and industry must bo tlic ventilator, renewing the nlmosjihcrc und bringing In fresh salubrity ilav by day 1 while over ull, ns a protecting canopy nnd glory, nothing will suffice except a blessing irom nuovc Some weeks ago a cltnp was Indiscreet enough to advertise for a better hair. A lileaslnc young lady of Mansfield, Ohio, thinks the will " sutu" blm, and gives the following remarkable description of her pcrsonnl charms : "Inm lwcnty-1 years old, cood nachuni, have a tolerable good education, nm a millinir by trade, lito hair, lite blue eyes, Tawl, well proportioned, and of a respectable -amity. ItATiir.n Low Neckkii. The following out side touch l related by Mrs. I'iozzi.ln n letter rroci Hath, in IBlS.whcn the jatldon (if Indies' dimes exposed '' considerable" of the nude. She writes ; ' A genteel young clergyman In our upper crescint, told bis mama, about ten days ogo, that lie hud lost his la-urt lo pretty Miss J'rideatix, nnd thut ho must absolutely murry lier or die. The mo'.her gravely re plied, ' My have not lieenncqualnttd with tho lady above u fortnight ; let mo re commend you see more of her.' ' More of her ! exclaimed llio lad, 'why I've wen down to the lirili rib on each sido already ! I ho letter writer odds n Joke of her own. that our bitles ouMnp those or nny other nation. Haitixksk. Now let me lell you a secret a secret worth hearing. This looking for ward for enjoyment don't pay. Fur whit I know of It, I would ns soon chase bulterflir for a llvlnir. or bottle nn moonshine for cloudy nights. The only true linppyim-i is to luke the drops ns Oud gives them lo us every day ol our lives. The boy must leard to bo happy when ho Is nloddlng over his lesoni tho op prentice while he is learning Ids trade; thf mcrchunt while he is making ids foituue. It ho foils to learn this art, lie will be sure to miss liis enjoyment when he gains what lie sighs for. . - Co.nsiiikhkii DuaiiACKrt'i- To coll a man u secessionist In tho Sluto of New Voik Is considered rather u heinous oflvnec. The New- York J'wt lias rtcrntly been mulcted to the tune or 81.000 for culling one David Smith n secessionist. To hold sympathy with seccs ion there disqualifies a man from liolding a position in decent society such Is lliejmig ntent ol the court. They ore considered in n worse light tlmn the old lories or the Itevolu lion. It is n stigma that Is unendurable something they do not desire lo transmit to their children, to be reprouched with iu uflei years, 1 Unir-Ai. ucr l'HQi-ASK. That queer duck. Major Ucncral llolines, or Iho Mariposa 6'u zeile snys: 1'rJeeession papers, or which, thank God, lltcre nre In Ibis Slate but few. aie or luto harping about tho reorganUutiun ol tho Democratic parly. Tliey ure tho paper llmt sing " Fence ! Fence !" " Our distracted country rent with wor" " lllualif wur" Lincoln and his minions"" Subjugation of the South." Why, don't ti.e d-n fools know that no war was mode by Hie North, and at though South Curoiina set-ecded iu D.cember CO, and fired on the Slur of the ll'fl, Cover ment took no notice of it until the bombard, mcut of Sumter, mouths afterwards!" A CocKtKV at Ska " I soy, Mr. Pilot. ain't you going to start soon?" said a Cockney 011 board a steamer lying to during n fog L" As soou os tho fog clears up," replied the captain. " Well, it s starlight oicrheail now." said the Cockney, "Oh, yes," replied the Captain," but wo are not going llmt way." A Goon Hint. Send joqr child to bed happy. Whatever cares press, give it a worm good-iiiglit kiss us it goes to its pillow. Thc meinory of this, in the stormy years which fate may have In store for tho little one, will be like Uclblvheni's star to the bewildered shep herds. Turn; seems to be n fatality nbout the of fice or the Vice President of the Uullcd States. Aaron Hurr, the third Vice President, was p rank traitor find conspirator ; John 0, Cal houn, llio sixth Yico President, wus Another virulent conspirator against our nallouu) life) John Tyler, niuth Vice President, and, by an accident, President, was n zealous rebel ; oud John J. llrcckinridgc, thirteenth Vice Prcsi elvut. dares uot show himself iu WwMngti'U, VOL. VII NO. 13, A COXSIDKUATK LtTTKR TO TZ r.t,l The Frankfort (Ky.) Cotnnonvtdlth, of tho 19ih, contains the following! touching letter to the enemy : My Dear Reh 1 I now take my pen in hand, for the purpose or hoWing communication with yoq through tho silent rncdjum, o pen, and paper. I have just learned that the lines, nre now open ns fa,r ns Fort Donctson, In Tcni netseo, nnd I nvnll myself with alacrity of the opportunity now presented of resuming our correspondence, Your many (ricnils in, this section would like to ho Ipformcd 011 variouj topics for instance. How arc yon, any how f How does ''dying in llio last ditch "ngro with your general health ! How Is the constitution " down your wnji How Is "King Rolling !" When will UucUucr take his Christmas dim iter In Louisville? Is Floyd still " rifting " cannon, and other small arms? How is Pillow's 'i last Melt," nnd when will ho gratify his numerous Mends by " dying hi th same ? How is tho " Southern Heart ?'' Arc you still ublc to whip fire to ono ? Did the recognition or thu S. Con fed. by Ktiglmid nnd France benefit you mucli I Where is the" Provisional Government of Kentucky," nnd w hut's it kept In ? Where is tlic Louisville-Nashville-Howling Green Courier now published ? Say I And lastly, what do you think oryourscirrs, any how T ours, in a horn, A Lu-poiA Max. United Stales, Feb. 18, 16C2. " What n censorious liar !" exclaimed old Mrs. Partington, ns she read in q certain pt per nn account of n new counterfeit which wim said lo contain three women and a bust or Washington on each end. ' Wlint ?" said .he, "Gen. Washington on a bust? 'tis not sn !" and the old ludy lifted her specks and de clared she had known the old gentleman for the last thirty years, nnd never heard of Ids on a but much lev with lime iromM, In China they bake Ices ! An lee is cnrcl rnd In n crust or delicate pastry, and Intro .lured Into the oven. The paste is quiikly buked. ond thu Ice unmclted, having Urn pit) tided from the heat by its envelope t ond thus the epicure has Iho delight of biting through a burning crust, and then immediately cool ng his pulato wlih lite grateful contents. Not every man who dives Into tho sea of mniriumny brings up a pcnrl. Many persons have a particular ambition 10 seem exactly what tliey aru not. We know .1 rich man who bought a splendid library, and signed the contract with his murki Polite Oamudatu. Mudam, is your hut. band about? Lady. Yes, sir. He lias gone to haul awny a de-ad dog, and will bo back directly. CuudIdalc.-.Shcep killing dog, I reckon, madam? Fierce-spoken Urchin. No, sir-just barked. hlsself to death at candidates so pup said. S) ! I-- Goon Fou Hnt.Mtf.-The Visalia Wusaysi The Marvsvllle Uiprtu hniiestosee-oll Dem ocrats fighting together urnhr one banner, nut election. If he calls his stripe Democrats, thu others w III fuse with them about the lime u.a apostto Paul nnd old Owlu play ioUt to. gclher nt t-vo bits ante." Asa cood reason for discontinuing a paper, a Western printer thus gocth It J "We strlkn Hie nnmes of two ol our suiwcriix-rs irom u books this week, who have recently boe-u bun: iu Texas. Wo do this because we ure nr.t udi vised ns yet, of llieir present locality." cry good reason to be sure. Don't let your children learn good, nml bad tilings indiscriminately. To bo sure Hie ba. misfit be eradicated in after yrurs, but it Is eatier to sow clean seed llian to cleanse dirty wheat. Wixti vou cot a sister 1 Then h'Vo ond her with a holy friendship.--M'rrloek If you have no tlsltr of your own, we woeiM adviu you lo love somebody else's. I ll I I H "That's a h'nu tlruin," said one gentleman to another, alluding lo tlie tones or a singer nt a concert, tho other evening. " That's so," raid n countryman, who sut near, "but if In) strains much more he'll burst 1" A M11.1.10 is Gold. The weight of 81. 1 000,000 United States coined gold, Is 53.75U, Trov ounces. This makes 4,470 iiounds 2 ounces, or nearly two Ions and a quarter, reck,' oniug 2,000 pounds to too ton, ... 1 " Ax bom st man Is thu uubU-st work nf (lift l.ord J" cnlbui-Ioillcidly cxclu.lin.ed, a lianLVI) Hapti.t, and then, srtor n rmiso, atVK-d " bu,$ the Ijrd hasn't hud, A Job for fifty years." Mr. Jenkins U about to gut married. lb says, that to live single is not only singular, but "agio natur, law, gospel, common ..tcps and, and fuu generally," Jenkins ispbout rigid, It is uiTOirt 1:0 that at a prayer mt-cllng ou Iho Potomac recently an old negro spoke, and re ferring to the war, sold J ' Mto 1 halnl got no religion, but I tauk do Lord for dis mlgbiyblg fuss. " Tins Jug is like the humau heart. No mortal can ever look into its recesses, and ymi can judge only of Its purity by what comes i -v M kt It 10