Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 05, 1862, Image 3

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SAH'u"v - - at ivni , iou.
Publisher! Notico.
Wc .lfilgn to cn.se from our book, the,1
11 ,l ,
..mri of every person who bag owed us for
1T con!derable length of time, unless tl,.y ,
7 !,,u. ,nul us their arrearages Wc are '
promptly cim u uitir nrrcaruges. ic ore
Ucrinimil to mlopt the ready pay lyitcm. In
,.,, Uoh.it Issues or our paper we have pasted
ilx irnmnli of those owing uuki the ouliiile
cf their papers. There mayl mistakes ,
,me Pf these accounts, made In tho hurry of
business but they shall be rectllkil whenever
roiiitcd out to us. If wc thus should unfor-'
mnitely dun a man who does not owe us, wc
u,Mt mietrtly ask his pardon.
'I litre are demands against the office which ,
we rc compelled to pay, and that speedily.
If we liatl one-half of what is justly due u, we '
would have no difficulty in meeting our obliga
tion, A great many littles tn.ikc n mlckle. ll
tou lli to sec us succeed, send iu the amounts
ton owe US.
The accounts of all those who have been
owing ui for a year or more, will be put Into
the hands of Attorneys for collodion after the
J'.'ili of this month. Wc dislike to do ll, but
whst else can wc do ?
You will be notified whni your subscription )
Mpirrs, and If you fall to renew jour sub-
icrlpllou the puwr will Inj diictintluued, for
we Intend to adopt the system of udvnnce pay J
II you knew our wants, wc have no doubt,
tat that jour tense of juititv, your gcncriiully.
would pardon the pMiihfM of our duns.
Union Club.
Wo earnctlly hope that the youug men of
JnrVnonville will sec to ll, that an tncrgctie,
wcrking Union Club Is Immediately lorinul.
'lie fsver.iblc deci.ion of the momentum
(jufitiom Involved iu the fust uppruaching
State election, Is tn bo desired by all Union
men, wlitlhcr old or J'ouug, but of the gravis!
. . ..
; The old will soon depart from
if sction, leaving the f I, Jrnment will, all h, I
loners, a. well a, all It. l.nnl.M upon Ih. ,
iknnMrn of tkc voung mm of this age. !
Wc hare alwav. been of the opinion that -
msmsri hii.1 jii mn iiikiiuii r in Tria w if l i-nii us i
Truing men were not allowed to exert that iu
i . i.... ...
flmrrr in the mlillcs of Oregon, lint liny
onftit to exert. Hut thtir want of Inllunici
snJ power in tne poiiueoi ijsiem, na otnjU.e Conxrntlou
mostly owiog to tU'Ir want or uclivlly ami' on motion, a Cnmtulttie, consitllug of I.lnd.
tecrcy. Ixt this be corrcclul. , .Sy Applegate, J. 0. l)avenort. hw Constnnl,
Again, wc arc one of those who bi-llrvc. t.'lwiiiic-y Nye. William Knhler, William Hun
Ibatyouog men arc too often neglwlcil In the it r. Dr. 1.. S. Thompson, V.. ll. linker and
sfltcllonol candid.les for the'vurlous cflicif , M. II. Drake, wire npH"'"l by the President
inlheglftof the people. Young mm full of 1 1 rrpur! name, to Ihe Convention for Dilegalef
l.aJ.ble ambltloo. with u long life before tnatKiut I lie Klnlo Convenllou, to Im held ft
tbsm,Mnl honorable reputation lo win Eugene City on the Dili day of April, Dfi:.
would ccrt.lnly nuke more .tick-fit office. , "' ""to,n' " ''; ,,,,,kl0"' Km- wa" 1"vlU1,
thsn thoK who arc in Ihe decline or life, and "'. addn ihemc.tlng
. , . . 1 1 .1 1 Mr. Prtwm (k the staml, and dellvend n
h.rr no lic.con slar to hfikou lU'm nnwan', ,, . . , . ,. ,, ....
Ut o honor our young men. Young men
erranite, and show your union by your ffi
eitrer. that tou srp ururthv of their L'Oiill.h 111 ei
nixl support.
si smong tin
4, 4 .... --..4 1
nJnml. Knrull lourlieion Ihe r.t-or.l.'
si smong ihosc who are fur the Union oimI lln '
C'onilitutlon. one and lu.t-pamble. uohau!
I Idioms Cui-.ntv. We publUli in to 1jv'h
sprr a full report of the resolutions mhqilnl ,
o.l k noiihutlons niiuje ut lh l)tuglas
connty U11U11 (ronviiitliii. The rrsolulioiis
hrtathc the right spirit, and the nominations I
nmmistiy t iccim. e arc n.gn.y pieasoi ,
ftftsiichaswiru (It ami proper to be mude. Uaj.Ien, u. Jacoos ami jos.,.i. .-,. ih.-c.
Wc are certain that the sterling lnl. mm I I'l.mK- J. C. Iiui-.rl. S Va.-ljl..-; Ash
rfllPU,).. county will sec to ll that the ticket I Ua-J;.Uu ilOJal 5 Applega le-S . I . low
,,,,,,.,,. ,, 1 . i ! ir: Table Uoek J. 11. Wihdey , Maiulncta
rt into the CM by the .Wintl.ii,! tri ,r lH. , ,Ji ,.,
wllicnameofour oM frliiKl. Hufus 'a"0llli,.,r,,),jf
Kq , on tie rcprcicnlttlire lieket. J s VjIiI ke mA J. M. McCi.ll declining. Un
Don't I.ikr it. Wc undirsland lint a few
inse-ns, rcsiuni.. o. ..... . .....- ''i'
mounts of war scrip, have beui. rui-iircd. a-
condition president to wiyment, to lake
Ike oath of alWgisncc 'to the tjuvirnmcnt.
U00J. That suiUour notion or things. They
fojlt to be paid ill Confederate wur boiuU,
Why not 1 Their sympjthle ore ull in that
lirrciion. and they ought to bo willing to rv
. ...11 .... -I .11 I I...II:... !....
rrireiti fuisl.alnar. Wc have captured a I
Jm,I, A Unmni, ft II Inln ,1,Vn n n.Inlnir
lure amount of thtsc lioiM..iik Hm-vcouM iiw i;mwrmninn. . wi...r, i.o.,o, , ,
U raid riu-ht .-(T. It's runny, ain't ll . I J"ck-U "V. ?MM ' ' " r''.J1"' Th-v ha. not boon ..nick ul. A. 1 have.ald Woiik Oxks.-OockI ,
l.... . t ,...,. - ....... 'ill.1 JlU'illl 11 HIMI..I-. . . '
r .hi, AiTiuir.--i man uy uw im.i.c v. , y . ""''"" .. . . u irrt there one that w ll net ncl.ilui Ih.U
., near Slcrliug. in ll.U counly. ou the eve-1 ,e Plnc of (hi. mestlng Ik- ,sib
mngorthc 2411. of March ult. He was .hero "' '" ,e 0;"",' "!- .
foonddeudonKumlaythe 3t..h. TheCoro-! On molton, .1 mec.K niljounu.
Wilnqueit elicitul the nbove rt.cs. Mr.Tho jjougiaj County Union Convention
Himour Is suppoicd to hare a brothir i"' met a, jnH.I(llrgonSMurday,Marclrifllh,1862,
Clackamas county. j at 1 o'clock f. m. Tho meeting was duly or-
mj day In this town. Thew w. phn.y or l".cl.ry, following
fia.sml any amount of rolliiklng relaxation w.llKHliAH()ljrfiov,r)III,cl,tUu,re,n(lUii1
Ureal tights ttra M-tii and many wonders .l.-Mruellnn byn portion or our peuplo now In
rre oncxhibition. Kxlrannllnary dispatches open rebellion against It ; And. whereus. In thl.
... i ir .i q..,.. ,.U .....,.,, Jv extraordinary .;oud!t!ou or our National artalrs,
rre rccelveil from the Slates, ami generously , ( u nwn (ijay ,m1Qrlall, for cury .u.
Ji.lribulrd through the towo. Our XK-vil i (rtotlo clll.fii U. rally around the banner or his
vu In all his glory.
Osiwi.V. David Dunlsp, of Hotte Creek,
ed.y bit week kilh.1 a r 'y Uar In the
icinily of the Hullc Cieek mill, that weighed
KW pounds. He brought bruin down at the
first shot. Well, David, that's a good deal or
,. , , , , , ,;, ,,...
DiMt for one charire of powder. Ivlitors dou 1
t bear meat it make Hum too rerocious.
. - . . ....
Di-sr, There is very large amount of1
com dust in the market, but no coin to pur
ibas tho same. Has the business became un
profitable T Wa want tn sec some of this dust
1 Ihe shape of almighty dollar rolling around
Vilibcrj. pfi( it out on its inspiiiug mis
lion, nd let it work its manic changes.
NoTiCK.If you wish to know where to
purchase goods pbtPP. nt' wliero to obtain u
jno.1 article, eoniult our odycrlsp?,columi
fid you will not be mistaken, Times qrc
rd and money scarce, therefore save tho
limes by purchasing as cheap us you emit
Attxmion Yot-.iij Mkn. All those desirt
'JC to form a young men'i Union Club in Hits
'""".will p!esc to meet at .Mr. Humphrey's
Kiliool House on Wednesday cu-nin; ucxl,
' SM0f Rtvim-Oooi. Nnw Ovmt tiik,
.n. iwuu uic ninr lit iiioiuii una mi-iv
I'rou Maik Walking, or Doc. Walklm - coti -
c,.rnng 1C Nortlicrn Mine. Mr. Walking
Is Wfll Itnnnrn ntnnnir ilu minora tn llita err.
(tlon of country j ami lib representations wllljpoet ourself.nud never having rpclrntl a
re,w UP' ll wI11 l''1'o tl.lekly
i.i . -.. . .
P"puraicu spot wi.m liity thousand mlnen oc,
fPi' wt " two or three miles square." This
h a werIJ ",i,lc,c wltl' humbug, but to be
u'uf B ' '" "' "
lv lee os goo.1 n clmnco nt a monta Imvk,
,00,l, l0 M n Bood ,Icul ,IKo a " ,k''u, Pcn aml
't" ngrtlnit him.
Go m 1,'fntlemeii nnd see the Klcphant.
Mm-nsm, on Joyful, Which! An In
dian by the name of Jim that himself
April 3d, near town, lie had a navy revol
ver, with which he attempted to shoot hlmscll
In the head, but another standing by knocked
the muzzle of tho pistol down, and the ball
sruik"our luro" In the lower part of the
abdomen. Halt pet ro wont cave him.
Jnckion County Mais Union Convention.
In pursuance of a call for a Union Mats Cote
cntlon,n large and eutlmstnstlo meeting of the
Inters of the Union ncmbtc.l at the Court
House, In Jacksonville, Jackson county, on
.".ttutdny. 2'Jlh March, at 1 o'clock v. m.
Tin- mi-etlnir ua called to order bv J. It.
WrMcy, Kmi., who nominated U. S. llavdcn,
K.ifor l'rcildcut. ThoinOttoiinnisccuiwlul,
and Mr. Hajden unanlmouly rlccli-d.
On motion, Mi-sms. Mudsey Applegsle and
W. IV. rowlrrnere chosen Ice rrtshlenls.
On motion, K. F. Iliifsell wi elect 11I Sicre
liry, and Max Miller and J. Allen ek-ctid
A'tlsl-int Krcrctnrles.
On motion, the President appointed W. C.
Myer, W. J. Allen and James Kllgorc.ni a Com
! mlltco to ii'cerlaln If all the I'nclncti wire I
lully represented.
Alter making nu Invcitlgatlon.lhey rcportitl
as fulluus: t'liiiiIi. Manzdiicta, AiIiIai-.J, TabU
Hock and JMcLnor.vlllc Precincts, fully repre
sented; Dardanelles, Pirklmllle, StarCulch.
Applegnte, and Korcst (,roe, partly repri-
iiitcil : Unite Cm k. Sterl list lie. rleiiNint
'.I I I !- ..-. I ., . ....I ........ II I
-I--- '
Un motion, the report wa. acciptid and tin
Co - nml.ti. dijclurged.
li-J"; V ' T"1 ' ",'"' ,,, T ,
"""" T '" a,,,',I ,a," ,''" ro'l,,'' '":,,t T '
"'l'1 " ' ,,,c ref.,l,c, ,n. "B "PJ"'"','1' ' '
t. ri r k miu iiti i kii i nvt it iiivtviiikii i
ii..iniii.iiiimi .up in., it mi1! rm itisiLiiirisii
rid '
"" """ " - -
Motion agreid lu.
i i .. .r II. 111. .. II.m Z1.... ..t.lln..
Ull nioiion ui .nr. niiKi.i-, mv -""""""
. . .. . ., - 1. t . . .1 i
proculul to Hie election of Dili-gate, to the
TCry Ul.ir null ,.lllllll.v iKliuvrn ,uim iinimri
4tle audttnee, amtdrt rounds of npplaue.
A communication from Hon, J. C. Tolman
...... .. .1... . .1 ... r 11... i'..t.... i,..
iiirrcii.i iu 110 4.II.IH iiit.ii ... ,.iv hiiiwii .....r
.. , 1....1.- ..,.1.,..
tm j4 Atmi-nc toi not attrlbutuldu to auj
want uf d-lr on liU put, but nntlcri oici
..... . 1 1 1 . . ..i n.r . '
nhtcl.be balm, control had prru-ut.d hi. af.
ti - ndsnce
at thu ratue lime, whatever action
,lr. v.'nlou lrty mli:ht tuUn, would meet will.
, npproli-Ujn. Applausr.
The CommllUo npHInlul lo nnmo propn
wrnmi for Deli gales lo the .Slate Coimutlun.
rfH)rlrd the following
Jacksonville- P. 8
, . u ik ,,..., nlu, ,uu.lui,. .-. ji.
name, of C. S. Moriran uud b.muil Uidllch
iwcrusi.listilultd.and the nport as umeudid
' mmulsais-ly twU.pUtU
j on uiotluii.D.leg4Uc.fll wlwaromuUetu
Ltivnt u,u stato Uontciillon aru nlluniU tb
.,rh,.KOor appointing proxies.
I On uiollou, Ihe I'rvsMenl was empowered to
appoint Cmtral Coinmlllee,coiilllng of Iho
I pvrKins, to name n duy for the holding Precinct
1 meetings, niu lo call a County Con cutlon for
the nomination of County tltk.t,
Oil Hl0tU.il Of r. KoWllfOll, It was OHICIKl
country; luirciorc,
L'tiJitil. That lu this hour of our Nation's
1 per I. we N in It to bo our duty to diclare.
' JT Xwuu' ""' "l,w"r,,,g RMUy
j (W Tiali rJng 01r orKaiMuon upon
our patriotism, wo will Ignore former political
I alliance, and appeal to all true palrloti In unite
Iw ll. uilu sustaining tho President In hi. ellort.
1 , -,. ...i, ri.K.ilon. nnnnu the Union.
.. ,.,...-. v..v .,....... ,
uud to defend Iho Couttltilliun,
After which the following uoinlimtloni wcro
lor Heprescnulivcs Jturus Jiaitory ami
. . .. - .......
James Wulson
l'or Counly Ju.lgoWm. It. Willis.
For SuiK.-riiilciident of Common Schools
IM. I.nlhrop.
For County Clerk It. II. Dearborn,
ForSUcilfr Leonard Howe.
I'or.Cuunty Commlssiouers S, U. Hrlggs, Af
A. McCH-p,
For Assessor I.eouard Iluell,
Vof Delegates to tho Stato Convention, to bo
hcM a Hugene City on Wednesday, hoth day
or April next-F, V. King, 0, A.Uthrop, John
Kelly. Wm. F. Hnker, James Watson, S. II,
Hrlggs, H. Heed, F. It, ilUI.
Ou motion, Iho Delegates were allnwoJ to
lolc by proxy In the Slate Contention.
MATT NFJ'.VKS Sccrcary
,4. .1. ...V- ...- ..... .
-. .. . m ti.tiisn kMKMii t.Ln iiiu..).kn.iui.u .-. viaxu i
I Mlgore, o juoi.1, . hauler, n . u. a. , ' S200 ko , ,.,
To ContiMroNDKSTC Wo Imvo quite a
ouiiiuir ui miiiniuiinu.ii.1.0 .. ......,..-...-
, them well written, but upon subjects wc lo
not wish to discuss now. Wo nro completely
I ilolntrril ullli nraitln cfTiiIons. Not bclni? a
verso of Jlnglo In our life, wc arc sublimely
I t. ....1 III. !. .. t.trt .t..M1.t..ltnn nt lliu
i. .... ., h.... . -
W !., wno wroic 1
I Not every every man enn lw ft poet,
No more thau every a'iccp can ba gi
every sheep can bo goat.
We Imvo on hand an acrostic on.hlT, l)nvls
by n ldy. As n general thing It h well
wrltttn and has n good deal of poetic fire
about It I but It strikes ui that there ore n
few lines In ll, that mar the beauty of the
whole. We wish our correspondents would
observe tho following rules :
1st. Wrlto with Ink that Is cither blnck or
blue, and not with n compound of dirt nod
water, which Immediately becomes so indi
tlnet that wo cannot muko It " come out."
Wo have nil article on band now so Indistinct
ly wrltttn that It has completely balked the
I'Mltor, the Printer nod the Devil. Wc hnve
0 in fully hi Id nwnyour frlcnd'tt communication
In a file of Corvallls Uiuoni, and huvc no
doubt but what the Ink will gather blackness
enough by our next Issue to muko It readable.
'Jil. Always give u jour real names.
:id. If vou send u any riddles, conundrums
or any thing of Hut kind, please to send u
the answen. wo uon'i want to guess the
answer out, nor do wc like to io sold.
Ono Chnnco in Fifty !
Mr. Samuel 11. Taylor, of this plneo. lus
nllowcd us lo publish the following Idler, re
eclvid by htm from hit friend, Doc. Wntktns.
r, Wmklns hai been lu the Nra rcrcesslnce
he early purl of last Summer. Ills statements
will be relied upon by nil who know him :
Ouo Kio Citv, March 7th, 1862.
;..; .c,,.vor. r li.r. ill, ,! J. vitl.
"' "
c.imu to hand this evening, by the (lit express
fiom Portland since Iho tntildlo of DtCi'mber
l,.t. Wehavehada ery hard Winter here.
I..I 11'..I..ia1.a.1m n
. .. . .. i
J J , CSrT V W
Titoto "II
-ln Ih.U time we have been fioxe np-hau'
not done a lick of work luce, except get woo,).
i, 1M ,n mi cold, and the snow .o d-ep. that
. . . i
Hie mouth, wo had alKiul live feet of snow j
ill Ihe ktirck between here and the Dalle bus
perhlud. Heiral men Imvo been fror.-n In
.,... . 1.1. ..i. I ,1... 11..11... 1
ill Hill in. n Vdil iih uiuiiv nitM tin- a'liiii iiiiu i
1 " . -
will looM.-lhelr Iocs nod fiet, and rome their
hand'. I heard of one that had lo have bulb
fliau.Nnmputntid. There lui been and l-yi
'a in.t amount of mflerlng In this Norlheru
country nt Wulla Wall.i. Wood Is iM n cord
ill the stores and eating I.uukh clofed j two
thouMind broke mm are camped around the
town. I.iwl.lon Is about diserlid whal Tew
' men are there, .re engngid lu running o(T Hie
ludlnuo ; tin re Is no grub lhercK At Sttmon,
j things uru near about i t.id; llfteeu huiidrid
hroke men i not two wuks grub Tor ull hniid ;
, liny Are linvlng la dioes for Walla Wulla.
! -.oino come to IliN place. Kilinluii prices pre-
I . ..II il.. .... I.1...I. ..! Jtl t . ..!..- .. I.I.I...
1 iiu un rc ihii luimivi itu n imuui niuv
.,. .., ., i. 1 1 ,. ...
' Irlnfc Ihat s 11 clincher 1. axhn.l,-s l.,
l"'' "
j 5;;u cucii ; Hour una uacoii,)uur
. .
jnti nrlcc
u 1 ....... t -..1 if.... -. 1
oirni mvii mill uiu ptmio nine hum nun.
siiii s'iiiv "m V ' v iwirvr Mini (i im ui'
mIHiIii tweho mile, of this pluce. They p.Id
I 13 cviil. a pound for haling Ihelr whbky mid
I tolK.cc.) paeke.1 out lo their horns. Tlo-y are (
j trying to get to Kalinou. Ihe llr.l putk train. ,
Hut get Into Salmon will make Turluncs. The
I flv.t llixt iitl f Mill. 1.1 t.t.t lilll ttl 17.1 I1A Iktll
llirb tl4t Jbl IU ! IIIHWU tll UHSM-' I.w
,1,1,,,, Cou'Miiii HivKit. I'hii rlier isnnw 0H-n
They have struck nothing new ut Salmon. I I" Uo "'" I'P to the 21it or Mnrcli-oiir
talk with men rrnin Ikero almost every day. 1 latest date, It was Icv-locked nbove. Tin
They all ngreo In saying, far ui Ihey knuw, i weulher, however, wai n-nrui and there wn
that Ihe mine, aru coullued to two or three miles 'every indication that boats would soon run to
M.u.rc that it lis Ix-tn prospected far twenty j Wulla Wulla.
miles round. Uil nolhlug found that will p.y. KfIU AT ITi,,er Mr rmne,0r tic. Ad
fh,y are .ltlg up u.i exc Icinent there about am, M Qf , ,
the CsrrlUo mines. sent Ton, Ord . ,U tt-r ,
,01110 days since, In which j 011 can llnd my. inn- " ' '
Ion of .1.1. Norther., country. Don't come up I lwuU l ou,'w ll" "'
I hue with Ihe calculation of mining, for (.odV
sakol If jouluiiugfllthrioor four hundred
dollars that jou want In spend Iosco tho coiin-
try, why count tip hero; but don't como wlih
any c-ileul illon of making money nt the mines.
w intulil liiit Urirtai oiuf i tlutw at a uionUUink,
Saw; I suppose you will rco accounts In Ihe pn-
will piy.lhrre will be arty will not get n thing.
Claim that ulll pay eight dollars a day uru
not worth a cent, for the reason that Ihe work
ing scarans aru so short, and every article .
dear, thai It would not grub a fellow. Now, 1
don't want you lo understand that eight-dollar
claims cm be taken up any place around here ;
they are very scarce, and lYa man has go! one,
he will ask you Sl'.'OO or $1300 tor ll. Now, I
biiniMiiK vou will Ihlnk I am "down In tho
mouth." So I am: but those that como up'
I here this Spring will find to their cost Ihat I
havo told the truth.
Half the men hero havo gol the scurvy, some
so bad Ihat they cannot walk. I am troubled
with ll slightly i ono ankle lame f h.re to eat
Ilr brush, and such other cures and preventa-
lives .11 loan get. D -n the fir brush. I have!
got plenty or grub, such ai It Is, AVe havo had 1
no fresh beef fur four mouths. I
Mrs. Douglas has persistently refused lo en
tertain the proKitioii, forwarded by spteial
messenaer and Hag ol truce from Oov. Heed.
n .orlli Carolina, in ll ins two sous 01 Ilia
.. .t .. .. ... .. ....
me Senator Doughw bo sent Houlli lo save .
- . : .
1 . . ,i..t..t 1 ....... ,. n....in. .1...'.
their Mlssisslnnl estates, Mrs. Dnualas, the ,
ni.nrnl and lfifal L'uurdinn of HlQ b,S. Hat
thai they belong to Illinois, uou niuii riuum
. ... i ... I
ul the North.
It Is estimated ihut over ouo huudred thou-
.ii....i .... ,.i,ii,ir..,, i.uo i-n
font. lya. nu.. nu.m.i -..Mv......... ..-. -v,..
driven from their homes In Missouri by thu
w-ccs.ionist8, and taken rcrugc elwnrlnrre
gome nt St. fuis and Ihe north eastern PHi
. T . .' . .," fl ..'
Go.SK 1 ki.ow.-D. buchs, or the Arm of.
Sachs llrollicrs, lias gone to San Francisco
fjr Ihe purposoof purchasing Ihelr 8prloijna
Bummer goods.
ion Creek will Kiumc opcrallQt'UMt week.
I navai niL.iiii iiah. iinsfl.niii nnvi I I miiin s.rii.'k nil
Jackson County
A County Convention will bo held at the
Court Hoiuo lu, Jacksonville, on SATUR
DAY, the 3d day of MAY. 18C2 at 1 o.clock
I M, For tho purpose of selecting Candi
dates for the various county offices, to present
to the support of tho Union men of Jncksoo
county nt the June election, and for the trans
action of other business.
It Is recommended that meetings be held In
tho various prcclnts, on SATURDAY,
At'IUIi'iGth, A. U. 1802. '
Tho prtclnots will be entitled to Delegates
as follows :
Jacksonville, .
Athliiml. ...
Talilu lloek.
. :i
titar liiilch,
Applegnte... 2
rieamnt Creek I
l'orest Orovc,
Hteamboat Cltv.
Sterllugvlllu, ,
equaw urerK I
lly order of tho Central Commlttvo,
Northorn Items.
HitRKr. A large number of sheep have
periihwl this wlltcr, both iu the Dalles region
and In tho great Willamette. Mr. Joseph
Watt, of .Salem, had n Uncle of 1,1C0 Kuit of
!hc Cascades mountains, which, ut last nc
co,mt., were ,1,1 ,t niml ir,o, nd It
Vas iloubtful If any would survive, lie had
1,100 In Yiimhlll cnuulj, very many of
them of fine blood IU0 or f(J0 of them have
jnlicndy ditd, and they arc still dying. Mr.
I.ucivu Hcnlh, Secretary of Slate, at the com
mencement of winter had u Hock of CUQ casI
of 1,IC t''utalns. They are nil, or nearly all
C'amiit. Wc learn by private letter from
Salem, that Hover, whom our renders will re
munbir, flint Perry lClmesnl Willow Springs,
! not long since, ins brcu arrested at that place
nl"' l"ljed In j ill, there nwalllng a requisition
trim tho nulhurltlcs of ll.!. cotinlv. U'l.i-i.
1,, v,
.aricntcil, first he ilcuit.il that ho wa the nun.
lie nficrwurds acknowtcdgctl that lie wnstlc,
' nmll. .ut dcnle.1 Hut he fired the .hot ilMt
77" U , " T
, S'hcn, iZZZT '
,Mi C," "" 8 m0rC'
' " " ''""Inc. writing from Salmon ltlvcr
, ' """ uroler .laic of February 8th,
llM ,., ,,.,.' '
Is.iys, six miles tqunro will cover Iho rich
.Salmon river mines ; outside of thai, prospects
have been found Ihat will pny to work, but
nrc not rich ; however, but little prospecting
hut been done except lu the Immediate vlclnl
ty of the rich claims now occupied. Mr. Pin
j vine ridicules the exlnnfgant itorlcs told by
K-ttcr writers of Hint region,
' Wtmmna. I here wni n meeting or Hie
(lr'Prtn Teli-gmph Comjuny nt Portland, ou
tlc 2Cll. of last month. Tho shares hove nil
bi-en taken. Mr. Strong, the contractor nr.d
builder of the Hue, stolid Ihat he had nlreadj
ordered from the Must, ull the wire, insulutcrs,
mid nil other stock necessary o complclo Ihe
Hoe. lie bad uls. contracted for the cutting
um ,cvtry of the polls ulong the whole line.
t ,,
m.u.i. Pox I his Urcmllul iliicafc prcval a
n I'liiisiiit'riiiiiiT I'vii'iii 111 1 iirii.mii. im
.. - - .1.1 ll . .........i i I ..! ... I V..
MHMiiu ii 111 111111 iiirrcuuii lviuinui urn
U'Iiil' viiL'cinateJ. Vu Imnallcnt i?nM linntrri
r - - - - -"
Nkw .Miuik Tho .Suilttmmi toy that one
0r Ike PorlUiid billchers tnclls tallow mill n
,,v t ,,, ,lltt ,Tp nli ww ,rlltu Clirca,g
,,.,,. , ,,,, urkel fllUu,IB ticm i
u , ,, Mottt
PwiiK IIivkii. yuitcn quantity of Pow-
dcr ruer gold has lound lu way to Portland,
It U cvarrc, beuvy gold, und of dark color,
will, but lillle quurtz. It is the moil valua
ble gold In the eusleru mines.
Oes:x. March 27lh-Tlio Columbia rivtr
is now open from tho DcchuKi to Walla
vork oxec arc worlli
Anot'T a jear ago, says tho Nevada Dcwo.
rr.if, Mr. Alex. Hurchlield put n couple of
horned tnaiU into an ojster can, fastemil down
Ihe lid, and put tho can In liU wood ihed.
witli tho Intention or putting them In ulcohol
to preserve them, aud neglected it until a few
days ngo, when ho opened the can, and tho
loads hopped ofT as lively, ami apparently In
us good condition, as though they had not
been subjecl.il to a prolruclitl rait.
Jacksonville Price Current.
iUortturor H.eSMiet forrecttilntcUly
JT", . ,.
JxsosvilXK, Saturday, April 5. 1802.
Wheat, per bushel iO a 75
, ' V.V.'.V.'.V.V.'. . . . AO
i.'iaur. In qr. sacks, per 100 lbs. . 3 00
Chickens, perdoz 43 00 n 5 00
Com Meal, per 100 lb u 00JJ Issuil out of thu Counly Court for tho
4 ou
to $10
I lay, per ton ., ,. 5.W to 510, lyoun.y 01 iouki.is nun oia.e o. iiriKuu, 1 uuio
llacou, sides, clear, per lb 20 levied upon and will proceed to sell lo Ihe
do do with bono is'lilRhcst bidder, for cash, 011 tho premises of
do hams 20 1 Aaron Tiller, lu Douglas county, Oregou, ou
,,0 hog round.: ::::::::::;;: i ,
lln.r M..II l..P II,
8 a 12
'-v., ....,.. .
i...l- .... ,lr
-.- -
Uutlon. do
Lard, leaf In tins, per lb.
. 1
do in keitk do .
l i
uut.cr, .resi.ua.ry, ..u uuuu
.In in IfL'L'v. do
I do in ki-KS,
I Cheese, ci- o,
KK, fresh, per doji 23to 371
Potatoes, per lb , 400
n. ,iQ ja
!'. J ; ; ; ; ; ; J J
oSbWae. do .!.!.! .. 3 a
iiCaru,.wultodo 10 a
firocn Annies, per lb 10 a
Dried Apples, per lb . , , . ,
..,.,,,.. '
25 '
jitloo .'.'.. '.'!...'.'.'. ..'.'.,
Vinegar . ... ...
10 a
25 a
20 a
10 a
30 a
150 a
In Sam' Creek Valley, Jackson county, on
March 2:M. 1862, by Kev. Dr. Hlddle, Mr. Jouv
Gai.n.v to Miss Anov K. Wii.ks.
Departed this life on tho 4th Indent, after nn
lllnci of nine months of pulmonary pouiunir
tlon. Sarah E., wife of Auurew U. Overbed, In
tho 33d year of her age.
Her friends nod frl"cnds of the family qro In
vited to attend tho funeral, ou Sunday, April
(itli, at 2 o'clock, r. v., nt the residence of Fred
erick llebcr. pVcstan, .(o., paprs please copy.
On Kanaka Flat, April tlh, Oeorce Ifaakun,
2C years of mje, a unlive of the liawullan l
Circuit Judge . I I Prim
Counly Judge I. C. Tolnum
County Clerk Win. I lolTinuii
Prosecuting Attorney Hufus Mallnry
Sherlir W. U.S. Ilydi
Deputy SherlfT I. M. Sutton
I'roasurcr , , . David Linn
Assessor , . , Win. Knhler
Public Administrator , .Q. D. Iluxli
County durveyur Sewall Trims
Coroner.. .,..,, .Samuel K. May
Commissioners D. K. IIIrtleyv, I'.,Heber
.Superintendent Com. Schools, ,S. Ilumphrvy
1'tmn of Courts Circuit Court, flmt Mon
days In February, June ninl Uutuber.
(?ounty Court, First Monday of cupti month.
Probate Court, first Moudny of each month.
4Ar(.'"01V!l.i.K iMirciNnr.
Juitlco of the Deuce, .,.,., ,11 S. Ilnyden
Constable , ,M. W. Davis
Itond Supervisor C. C. Hickman
Ilosuo ni-o-or.
Till: undersigned herchy nntlllps the public
Hint he has n good 1 crrv ut Ids place on
ItoL'iie rltcr. nml that ha will nluuvs U fniiinl
' Ihat he has n good I crrv ut Ids place on
i ""K."8 IUcr- nl"' .. ho will always U found
,on iiaini, reaitv in imnpnrt
Mock over this rifhlni! Jordan.
,on hand, ready In Iran-port pawengers niuj
Tmveli rs can lw suppllul with the bet ae
5?.,"J?.li,,"?r. 1M(,,,JP of fa'1 fur 0,,,mu1''
iivu iitui n cuu
t A
A LI, ner'uus Indebtid to P. C. WOOD nrt
hvreby nntllltil to make liniui illatc p lyiuetit
lo Ihe uiideMguid. "he cnilllors of thu said
P. C. Wood uru uotllti'il to pn'M'iil their clulms.
Algiif)' of P. C, Wood.
Wllllani'liiirg, Jnneplilue counly, Oregon,
Match 'Jtilii, Ihiix. l.'o
List of Lottor
at Jucksonville, April 1st, W1 :
AriiMtroni! Deo L
Iivcll Wurrcn
Addison Hubert
Aiulrus Nelson
Abbott Samuel
Alexander dairies
Hover lien T 2
Uradlev W II
I.ukrsin ,101111
McCniumous N'allmn.1
MeKowlcy I'has 2
Mi-I-'urhinil A U
Miller A bin r
Miller Mason
Miller Daniel
.Moore US
Mc Donull Jus
M idler Miner II
M or ford it II
Mnrilu Win If
Mcllnwne Nicholas
Moss Joseph
O'Xeil Win
O'Neill John
Oglcvhy Miss Cynthia
Powell John L
Pulmcrslnn (leorgo
Plaster Chits i:
(ualii ltobt M .1
Kichnrds John W 2
lt.ind.-ls Iriek 11
Ititeliie Sum or Ceo
lUmscy li'eo V
Itiehur'ilioii W S
Hash W A
Hoc Jorepli
Itobins Dr
Shninwav 0 W 2
Bler'lng K U
Stotlderd HulK-rt
Stow John
Sills II It
Smith Huison D
Small II U
Si-ebert II , r
Seurs John W
Keyferlh J1I111 12
Hireili John
i llaMivin Vincent
Hymn Dr I) I)
Karnes -wis 1!
Iljcnn Levin W 2
(lull IKnJimlii
llridgfuimer D McD
llenhiim John X
Harms Ad.im
ll.irr .Samuel
llio'C Wm A 1 1
Hritlou Daniel
Caldnell (reruiil II
Curls Andrew
Cudeii I'wis
Coirey John A
Chapin II M
Cussidu Patrick
Cross John
Colwcll U
Ciiinstnck (iiiilford
CumnifT Denis
(.'oales Jerome
D.irr Josi'ph 2
Dewey Daniel
Davenport II It
Duffy Thomas
Deal tJeoigo
Dunlap Mrs K'ecla
l-'urgo Iifiivettc 2
l-'oxb-o 2
Fair Win II 2
Finning ('lias A
Fosler Mrs Mury
Fugute U
Fry or Farriih Jni
(iruliam David 2
(,'arrison Jnph
Suvuge Jumcii
tJales Mrs Harvey M Tasle Mixes
lire Joseph II 'luylor 1; A
(iibbi A- lloft'nmn Wm TriKn (lldeon
Harrison Alexander 2 Y.ilkmer J i
Hurst John 2
Hurst Murtln F
I It-ndcrsnn Juekson
Howell l'lfimant
llullet Uben F
lleiilherby J.u
Hnye Thomas
Hyhmd ltev P I-:
Hires Henry
Isaacs 0 W 2
Juekson Jos II
Keating John -t
Killebrew 0 W 2
Kcrby Cam
K'ybcr Mrs IJ A
Lneelaud G H
Kimball Ira
Kellison Hen
Iiw Iyonnrd
Yulluagli J.h
Wnlbrldgc J O
Wiilline O S
Wnlker Tullmnn
Wood worth John
WiUon Win
Wriubt John
Wllliums John
Willis Win C
Wolcott Wm
Wells (Jiles 2
York Henry
Tiveph Hiisel nau
(l.orge Nt-opt
K O Kytsey
11 Schrmler
Kdwurd SkifflngtoQ
! I;wls David
Llndley John Cofford
J'ersous calling for any or theso letters will
please to say tht-y nrc adcrtied.
8hcrifT'e 9alo.
TJV virtue of an Execution to mc directed.
24th day 0r APrn, a. d. un,
between tho hours or to a. M- nnil 2 r. u tbo
north half of tho Donation Claim of Aaron
Tiller aforesaid, nml described as fulluws : He
ginning nt a point 1UJM) clmlus south and G,2!t
chains west of corner tu Sictlons )l), 2-1, 25 and
30, Township ao, south ranges 5 mid II, west i
thence south twenty (20) chains, east forty (0)
chulus, ton Hi sixty (Ml) chains, cut thirty (30)
chains, north eighty (SO) chains, went seventy
(70) chains, to place of beginning, containing
three hundred unt twenty acres, more or less.
Tbo south half of said claim belongs to tbo wife
of Auiou Tiller, and will not bo sold.
Said property Is taken to satisfy nu execution
James T. Glenn, Administrator of the estate of
iw um u, rum v...,.... uuuii, in imui ui
William 11. Tinaluy. droeased. for the sum of
Two Hundred and Twenty ono and flfly-nlno
one-hundredth Dollars (Si21 SSilOO), and In
terest at two aud one-half per cent, per month,
and against the said Aaron Tiller, defeudent,
Sheriff of Douglas county. Qrvonn.
March 8 Mi, ISt.:. lid
uy telegraph;
Good News
Silks and Shawls,
jfM? Cost.
Remcmhcr, Gents,
JbL.-t Oost,
Saclis Bros5
Cheap Cash Store.
.TACIv'S0XVII.U-:,Jnn, lfi. 1
(On the Hill)
3"volts.ox.-crillo, OreRon.
fpiIK Proprietors having taken pnstession
X ol" the City llrettcry, lalely controlled by
Mr. Fllz, nre prepared to ruriiish bluer Ileer
to K-oplc or tills vicinity by the keg, bottle
or on draught,
An experience or many yean In brewing
3Ltg;e:r Beer
(lives them nn ndraiitugeineriill cnmm-tllnrs
.mil wnrniiiU them In promising A Jll.TI'IHl
KLSKWIIKItK iu SiMitliern Oregon.
fciy He sure tn send jour order to tho
CITV lmKWKltV.ir vou wish the IIKtJT
IIKKlt. IC UI'.lV.Kit k M A'lTKS.
Jneksnnvillc, .Sept. It), lHf.l. U.tlf
Fur Iuiluincil Ji) c-lhls.
Thl Ilalsnm wn usid for ninny years In tin
private pruullce or n celebrated uculUt, with
thu i;rt-ulest success.
Iu eases t.hire Ihe eyelids arc InUamed, or Ihe
lull . if the yo thickly emend will, blood, ll
tcls nliiin.l like magic, and it-iuovi-s all uppi-ar-auces
uf Inllamiuallon ufter lo or lime appli
cations. There Is a numerous cIum or perrons
that are peculiarly ckport-d lo aculdcutn or dU
u.ih's that tt-akeii uud lutlamo tho eyes, und
perhaps destiny the sluht such as miners, me
eliitnlcH und oilier workers lu luutal who, from
thu nature of their employments, are compelled
to work lu n eliiiid of dust uud grit, lleud the
ItlMIIIAMTON', Jun. 7, 1851.
itturt.A. It. it l.SiiuU. Vour Human C)u
ll.tbam, which 1 was recommended tn iimi tor
my daughter's eyes, has uctetl on tin in liken
ehiiriu. IIi-rejes.Mhlch had Tor svu-ml mouths
been very muck studied uud liill.unid, ufter a
few weeks' uo of the Dalmiu. were ixrfectly
cured und will us evir. Vours truly,
M. foixr.
jut)' l'rlce, Twcniy-flvc cents per Jar.
Prepared by A. II. k O. Sano,.' Druggists.
100 l-'nlton street, corner ol William. N. V.
l'or sale by UKDINUTON & CO.,
Him i-'runcisco.
It..vH. MrDONAI.D k CO.,
7 Ini Jacksonville.
Phajnix Works
Jonathan Kittrodgo, Frop'r.
70s. llnl.rr' '-, Mtsir Pnclfle, 8n Frnnclxo.
MANUKACTL'IIKU or Kire-proor Doors,
.Shutters, Hank Vaults. I'rlnin cells. Kail
lugs, Gratings, llalconie. Holts, Urldgo Work,
A large assortment or second-hand nooiu. and
riiims.iii conttautly on hand and for sale at
low rates.
All orders promptly attended to. 1 ltCin
Wholesale aud Retail DcaUr In
Foreign and Domestic
- AT T.IK -
Comer of California .il Third blrtsls,
Next door to Reekmau's Kxprssj,
jj-AH orders promptly tilled. 35tf
TIIK undcrslgntd beg leave to Inform the
traveling pujolic that ihcy have taken
charge f the
Canyonville, Douglaa County, Oregon,
Where they will bo personally present to attend
to the wants of travelers and boarders theo
a ' wjuftrc " iniai can oe lunusuea, ana pa,i;iic.
ular nltciitlou paid to the comfort of KeU at,
all llmos. The alronagc of the- public la ret
spcptfully (ollciud.
Canyonillle, Marth lu b)l t"t
Stos & Tinware,
Has now opened a " ' "
Stoyo nd Tinware Shop
Qn Third Street, near tho Foil Q&co
Jocksonrille, Oregon,
Yhc;a ho w.111 keep on hand the best pattern
I'Altl.Olt STOYl-.
And every kind of
Tin, Iron a.d. Coppcrwnrcf
nmldes a great vntlety pf Culinary nrtlslis
too numerous to meiitlou,
Pcton wishing iii)tWig n my line are re-riK-ctrully
lnvlt.il to call and, eAamlne llieipml
ttv .tin prices of mv wares.
Cve'v kind or Jolt WOItK iVnc lo order.
.11)' own Ware Itrpnlrr.l 'Vl.nut t'r(;o
GKOltOK llOItltlS.
Jacksonville, Nov. , 1801. -13
j. weber
HAS recently received a large and diversi
fied assortment of CJC
clocks, t- 3a
Together with n splendid lot of other
Urcnst.l'ins, Ilronclics,
Kar-Itlngs, I-'ingcr lllng,
lockets, lUiekles. Clit'pR.
llriicekti;. Slcce Huttoni,
nml Senls,
All of which will be sold at uhy rjuciM und
.1, NKCIIKU still continues Rni'AlH
ns heretornrc, In tin? best jniinncr and with ill"
patch. All nrtiolw In his line manufacturi-d
promptly nnd will, neutuess. Cull nml tee his
slock nt the 'old slninl, cormr or Third and
California streets, Jucksonville. tltf.
IS lierebv given that the copartnership her"
tofore'i-vlstlui! iK'twecu 11. II, MOIMIIS and
Al'GUSTt'S TAYLOR, under Ih.t usnie nnd
slyle or MKltUIS .V TAYLOR, Is this day dl
solvid by muluul consent.
The busliii-s' will herenrtcr bo cnnduclid by
Augustus Taylur, who proposes tu
ssXj i. i onA.a?
As n.i)- utl.tr IIuum Id Die (.'omit)-.
The debts ol the firm will lio settled by either,
and those knowini; themselves ImUbted tn us
nrc hereby untlfled to come foruurd nnd tettln
with either of us Immediately, or ll.tir uccouuts
will be ulvvu lo an attorney for collection.
I Kr.iiiirvtM.K, Dec. 17lli. lbCI. -tyiiill
AMOS K. ROGKRS hns tuken Mrs. J. W.
McCully's new dwelling, on Calirurnht
sire.'t. for Ihe ulKve purpose. Ills table will
be furnlshetl with til: ii.st the market nf1iril,
uud gotten up In "niiple plo order," If any
iiiiu is disposed lo doubt Ihn correotmss or tho
ithovu sluteinents, pleuse do him the honor of
calling, mid the whole Ihlni; can ut oic I.
tested. It will only cost $7 lo try It a week,
oi nriTcents for a single cull.
JneksoiiilH... Vvh.Ti. Ik)
ASORRKL MARK COLT, ubout oiiili.
(ecu moutlis old, with a buhl face, and i.
little white un Its lei; (no othir murk or brand)
enmo in with my horu to OverUuk llancli,
ubout thu middle of December lut. The owuir
Is retueted to come forward, proie proR-rt.
and lake the animal away, or ll will be illspostd
or according to law, I.upilru at UtJ Oterbeck
Hunch, near Jucksoui lllc.
i'. ri:m:i.v.
March l W,2. 7.1
Administrator's Wotico.
TIIK undersigned, I'ubllo Adinlulstrntor ou
t!io estate ol l'.rry Klines, dtciased, hereby
gives notico to all whom It may cone rn. All
p-rsous holding claims against the estate art
icqulrcd to preteut tin in, with the proper
vouchers, to mc, nt my residence ou Uvar Creek,
six miles cast of Jncksonilllc. within one year
from this date, or they will Ut foiew-r barred ;
and ull those knowing lliein-lte ludebttd to
t iu said entitle aru H-tpilri-d to m.iku Immediate
pauuriit to the said Administrator.
O. D. IIOXIK. Public Administrator.
Msre.1. 2M. A l 1802. KM
Oregon War Scrip.
I ll.VVl' made arrangements with a res ponslblo
Hanking Houso tout lend to Ibe colkvllun of
War Scrip In Washington City. IL.vlug occu
pied Ihe position of Chief C'krk iu une of tlm
bcparlments during tho war, scrlp-holdi-rs will
llnd me prepared to glvu all uccewary iuforuia
lion relative lo their claims.
I will also give my utteutlou to posting aud
arruncluK liooks uud oconunU.
JJT OOlcu lu thu SuiUul bulldlne.
Jacksonville. June ?D. IbCl. jtM
Farm For Sflo
six miles from Jacksonville, will be so',1
nt private sale. Also, A FARM TO I.KT.
Particulars cun be bad or theguhscrlhtr, nt his
rurm on Rear Creek. O. D. HO.MK.
OctolerC.185I. 3H;tl
"SSoto 2Jost.
AI'UOMISSOItY NOTE'glvcnbyJ.ohu f A",
in favor of John Cuiomlmrs, i FlbTY
DOLLARS, Ayable on deinan. ullwt luV'4
est, dnled January 21st. IBfi. kas U,u ll.
The, payment of said nolo to any other wron
tiUt 11, llloom Is from tbu Aay stopped,
. iiAWV.
Jacksonville, Murch 21, 1802.
AduuiUtr?i,tor' Jffotico.
A Jotlci tj torebv given that tko vnilrn-lgard
X liai I
hai !cu appointed Administrator of thecs
i of 4WX VoTV.NBieeoiisd, late of Doug
Cwnty Orcpon. A) r'KiinsJiavIng elalms
Into i
las CcuuitY I
against said eiitate are reulrid to present Ibcin,
witlv lhueccarjrousliers, wiltiLu one. year.
foisvttkmei.t ; aniltbosu Indebledjap.retpJestcd
tu iua3e limmttiati- payment. '5 f
(- Roicburg, Doug'as Co., Feb. 4, 18fl.t MV
JUSTrOKS'WANKS for saient '