,: THE OREGON SENTINEL. (I. .tAt'OIIH, llllllltr. "Til TUK UHlUl'V AMI I'KriM INKM'V 1)1' Yntll lWln. V (JoVKnVIKVr roilTllKWIIOI.CMt.MiM- p -v-nlil.K." Wiuhinytoii. MMHMBiMMmnmnwiMznMmnni JACKSON VILLUS. mil m i i SATURDAY, - - APIUK 5, 1802. Loyalty of tho South. Hvery message llaslnsJ ncrosa the Contl-1 m nt not only announces io us irrsu union - " ,"" ., ". , Special dupatches lo New York papers sny i victories, but farnlilin renewed cvidoncc orjlcficof paying their debts to I'cMh.os wl acni Tolcll l0ll ni,WMll lliur,Iou 0r the loyally of a great portion or the Sojthcm cll ns securing their rlghls. of whkh K' , lc S7000000 up,)r0I,raled this wlun for! people. The grtMl rebellion Is not the work .M much, and may the P.lotc under 'auul ,,,., ,0 1C c01ialtll(..,i0tl uf iro chid , ,.f the southern maun. It never had their leader.' heads bo as adders and scorpions III , sympathies and It never will receive their tt.cy pay the Vr.cc of trea.on and their rebel, Tlie ,Cnmcr ',..., Ml.lch Was nmlln car active tuppnrt. It Is the act of soulhcrn carwiw be Wi-cd Into their Ualtoroui, , o ff0m CombM hl tU demagogues driven rrom power by the il.it or . , i ,. ... ...I. I lie American people. .o longer nu.o io ru,c Hie whole nation, they iktermlncil lo i.C " . ' .. ,., ' 8Il0 ,BI, on bonril 200 Urgi 0r powder, con princes of n dhmembend portion of n once reedo.u s f oldie r n d lmve been manurnclur- MmWc flflur nm) o(cr OTon'fc glorious and triumphant commonwealth. The In llwm Into knlfo linn, l pipes and spurs ,( (C & n Mo,non m , p,acrul lojal.y of the South sleep, and ll U, IMIrtlwiiio npcrallon I ond.r I nny of,,,,,, w ComnUcc on Tcrrloric, ,, ,. , not dead: ll m.ybc scotched, bill It Is not "ir keccsilon sympaihlsers have received nny l,11,n!,11,0,liecSIllIiclll.voril,lerlllff .,,,, killed. It will hear the heavy tread of the n mementoes or the prowess of their sonlhern jw ()f Kmm,tt0 M 0 icIlI(. C Imlliui advancing Fulcr.il columns nnd the vletcrlou brethren ? o will venture that there have ! (frriorv A Jo,nl ,,., nnl,l0rWl . tlll. .honliof the Union fore, and will spring iw .Prs received, for they are n very ,, , , . f , Into life again. Were the southern prop impion . .t unit In the support or Ihe blade oon.plraey or the dmngogues, we might despair or the nlti in Ue restoration of the American Union llutftsltls.lhcrulurelsfiilliirhopetiius.rullof dread to traitors in nrni. and full or horror to f lreaon sympathisers In buckram. 11 us look nl the well. 1st. The mllllarv dcsnollini. drnomliuldl the Soulhcrn Confmhraey. was never submit-1 Ud to n vote or the pcophj. And u,y?, Can nny sciwible mm nnlgn any other reu n thiiti that Ihe conspirators were fearful of the rtsull ? Full well they knew lira tremendous moral power that anything like unanimity wo ild h.iva given them. Acquainted ns they were with the popular reeling In Ihe South. the conviction forces Ittelf on tho mind Willi .... . ...,. .,. .. .,..,. .i i I mi ine energy oi iruiu, mm mvir ureau hum i n - ......,, iiDu.A, .viurcn mm. will roundel, livery consideration or intlonnl mid talk about burning Ilic pollnlcl city. A ,10rl tim0 ,IllcCi Uiit!c pullu;; nbc jM.lley. every impulse or national honor, ever , Our renders will seo that Ih-aufort, North j !niovinicnti In Texas county, Mo., dm. Ilul motive or expediency, and every inspiration of i Carolina lint hern captured h; Ilurnildc. H ! lCk oriluul five cumpnnlrs or troops nnd two1 American history, spoko tn them with will be cssrntlul to remember that there arcm,,,,, r,.pounders, under Col. WuikI, to repnir ' trumpet longucdi'lo.Ucncv.nndiugidthimli "vo places or this irnme. one In North Car.)-! , t,.lt tidily, rii.ding no enemy, Col. submit the inoininlousqnenlon to llM?enp!i'; Nt Ihry hesltnteil, hailed, an.l finally refund, Why dM thty nfose? Tlie ren.on Is Ion maniresl lo be misunderstood -iiikv uxkw tiii. UK't'l.T, I. Many of ll.c rotilhcrn Slates were pre- i-lpllaliil nut or the Union light on the Imls ' f il.r- most emnluillc nnd overwhelmuliw vote of the H'opIc to the contrary. Such was end- i.cnlly Iho rase with North Carolina, Ten I ncsjcc and Vlrglnla.nnd came very near being j the case In Mis,onrl. Kentucky und Maryland.' .Many of Ihe more Intelligent sectwlnn ynim- Ihlsers red Ihe force or this truth, nml ntlrmpt lo parry It with the unsiipporltil assertion, that there was n Hidden revolution in the i pinions ami feelings or Hie mosws In those States, lu rogard to the Fuleral tlovernnient. It Isinough for us to say In umwer to this assertion, that earnest, confclentloui nnd can did men are not subject to 8 cli sudden rcvo lutinns In their opinions and scntlmeu's. 3d. The Union forces have mt no serious ipKisItlou from the great msw of tlsc southern jicoplc. Tho revolted States have been In v tiled by comparative small bodies of men, nml there was no uprising of the people, to drive them from the much talkid or sacred soil. If the South had been n unit In this nliellion, powerful armies could not have sus lalncd themselves In anysouthern Stale. The , iriith Is, that tho southern urmy his ubsorbod nil of Iho secession delimit, and has even to luminous nnd iiuexceptlnunble, that wc turpentine, Intending to tow lliuu down nnd ' .forced Into its ranks many men vvhoo nlftc jcauic very near falling in love with Ihe dear burn Iho gunboats. They, however, got stuek ' "lions still linger around tho Conitllulioii of bantling. Wo had heard that thcro were u , i the river. Tho bouts then shellul llio do thu Fathers. How long do you suppose Hut a lew lnco Union. Democratic papers "of pot and track, but our troops having crossed, rebv-I urmy of 25,000 men could sustain Itself young Oregon," und we have a faint recollvc- tho white flag was ralml. Our navy did not in one or tho northern Stales T Kvery mm' lion, that two of them had been denied mail i lose n man. nf nny intelligence knows that they would bi facHilievs, but wo did not know that nny Dcm- The operations on land were briefly as fol iiuiucdhtcly captured or summarily driven ucrallc pipers had been suppressed. Dear , lows : Troops landed 12 miles below New Irom the roll. Yel Sherman and llurnmle Mr. .lUerlaer, is there not some mislnht ' bcrn, Hcno's llrlgudu In ndvanre. Most of with even less bodies of men, are gradually uh ut this milter! Arc you perfectly ccr-, the troops were so anxious to laud llml uenrlv overrunning Stales that have made Ihe world rlns uilli boa.ls of their prowess and mllilarj Invincibility. Why Is this? The answer U i vldi nt: thegrciil heart of the South still Wals. Irregularly it may lie, hut still beats lor Ihe Union and the Constitution ns our Jalhers nude Ihcm. .HI. Tin l'nlmi r.irAC nt tlil- fteliolr.llf. the rebellious States, are received by the great ' mass or the sonlhern people with eluiioiistra-' lions nl Jy and welcome. 'Ihey look upon i them as deliverers from the fast closing grasp that the past history of tho Government isj Mussacliutctts, nut ?scw u,rk, 01st Inusl or a disMtUm, moro intolerable than thin I replete with examples of the esereiso or lids vaniu and Dili New Jersey regiments, engaged ' which shrouds tho frozen regions or dci-pr.tie ' r.ghl even by Sub-Fostal Agents, nnd that it them on Ihe right. Gen. Dark's Third llrlg-' Kussia. We neeil udduce no particular facts has received tho sanction or ihe Dunocratlcudc look position In the center. The First i in proof of this. Kvery dispatch that (I if Ins parly In the palmiest da vs of Its Influence und llrigade bore the brunt o( the battle. The' uvross the continent is full uf proof. He who power. Arc you a Democrat uml do jou, 2 1th Massachusetts lost bcuvily ; MuJ. Slev-, rum may read. lil.-ny the right? lenson nnd Lieut. Horten wero wounded, nnd i Olh. Al Iho battle or Somerset over a Ihotu iinilnlmU l.iM il.iwn llii-lr nrnu. unit inil-rlit .... ..... .... -. .. . .---0... , protection ii) the ranks or the Union forces, Alter mo lerriuie nun Muguiuury umiie oi Dombon, Ihreo lliousand prkoners uiLeil the i.rlvik-gc or joining tho Union urmy and light- ! i ,i. u, . c , i n... .. r ,i . ing under the Slur hpang.ed 1 hmu-r of Iho ltvpublle. General Gianl.nt lu.t accounts, wus fait augmenting his ranks by enlistments in 'iViuies.ee. Who so blind nt to mistake i Ihu signifleaut Import of U1C.--0 imporlant facts. ' They uro full or hoio to Union men, uud re-1 plcluwllh terrillei diciid to kcce-uivii sjuipa-, tliisers. 0th and lust. No fact i-i better nuthent ratul lb in that tho rebellious SlJles uro lull o biuret luiou elu1 Military joncr Ina silenced llio public utterance of their loyal men, unn maim mem cmics 1.1 iiic.r own nmu, but It tins not nbatcd their te-rvent attachment lor (be Union wllli nil Its security nml publ'c lrnmiillliy. 'I'licro li u pent-up c.trtliqnnko of smothered patriotism In the South, that will ere long brenk Its bonds, nml All Ihnt be nlglilnl region with n halo ol patriotic glory. Bummary of News. The novvi from the States continues to be ')f tin' inot favorable rharnctcr, presaging the spicily reilorutlnti of tho American Unlnn nml thi' downfall of the (treat rebilllon I'lilmi foicw are victorious in every engage-'nrmc'1 I'nloi .mint. The noble ensign of the ltepubllc U , mating proudly and triumphanlly onward. Wo have no more Hull Itaw. Hull Illulb ami ISitf llothcl nirtlr-. We have fortunately got loiter down In the alphabet, and now more completely understand the strength and . source-, or the gnat rebellion. The sonlhern " Confulcracy may now be A.ly represented by n dl-unlvlnir view. Or ns the lulmltnblc , I'rentlcc sns: "Having now obtained n (Wr-hold in Tennessee, we expect to send our loty or our ,, with n mewage to our iocw'M. ,. , , . I Tlin rlili-.iTff. trt fnlitilll-.i lln.lll VH' niti! . ... ..-..,.-.. --r- i f .ntiillil ,itli,'.i hi II. , i.,waiiI ,if.t nf iilTiIi- "-;"- " i"' "'"" " -"- nc uovernnrni .s very w, e,y .nrn.ng us , otlmtloti lo the construction of iron clad men- of'ar. Adversity very often leaches Ihe most imporiaiu nssntu tn nations ns will as l' Individuals. The cxplolls or the Mcrrlnmc Mtonlshrd the nation, nnd nroiwl our rulen '" fl l,r,lPcr cnnnideratlou or this subject. Tlionbel nrmy Is completely .lemorallzl. (Ja,)- SlileliN, lh.it noble lril.nnn. wllli 6,000 men. found no d fllcully In totally roiithtK lii.inm rinei sonncM. ino "iiiiny oiicru-, tives." "small flslcl rarmers" and "grensy metlnnlcj" or Ihe North, hnvo prlckiil Ihe, bladder Inlhlcil with southern braggadochi, and It has inglorlouily cullupscd. 1 he guilty citizens of Memphis. In whore ' unhallowed ground lies buried the ensign of! llio Uptiiittlir. Itty-Iii In Irrtnliti, In lliptp tlnw.. 'inn. ll.e oilier In houlli Uirulina. l.encrul merman cnpmrcii u.e mucr some nine ago., ,1"' ,,ow "' I'irmer has been tuken by General niIilc. The North Curohna lleunfort. Is n I pori oi entry, ni mo mourn oi Newport river, i n ftfW '"" 'irot '"J ". The harbor is the ' ,M!" '" "1C Sla,c- a,M' ,s "fwsslble by steam ,,M,i fr("" Albemarle Sound. The lawn hai n comldi'r.ib'e trade In turpentine, resin and , other products ol Iho pine. The chivalry go. crco"Wl nl,cn "K col1 l,rcl ,nie nl " j It I reported Hut Now Or.'uim has been ,akt'"' '" ll "u" " rvinvnilierol that this j " " "K ""'""re. oun.ie.i uu me i(uow;cngc oi mo laci iu.it llio morlar bouts liad nil arrived at their place of dostlualion nml were shelling Fort IMce, ut tho entrance or Like l'oncharlralii. Commordorc I'ooto Is giving tho rclwls the nenciii oi a pyroiccnic cxliililllon nt Island No. 10, In the Mis.isslppl river. Wonder Imw they like It i The Commodore nnd his 1'A.rsld nrn nlmmt fMilIrntt aiiI nf rnn1i i ll... ""- - i " " rebel guns while the shells from his mortur strike thick nnd fast In the enemies' works. A Ci.i.NCiiKn ! We tnko the following del Iwto piece or Information from that truth' loving sheet tho Oregon MietUitr: " Keep this before Iho people. Two Demo emtio uvwmipvrs of young Oregon, have been suppressed by the Itvpublieau parly." The grammar nnd rhetoric or Iho above, Is lain that Ihe Kepubllcan parly has suppressed uny papers? I Hut Iho lire ruer triumphantly asks for the ' clause In tho Constitution or tho United States i nuthorizlng the procceilurc. Well we are com I pclled lo confess that there Is no clause in the Constitution authorizing one parly to ni iirp.ti llif ttittf-r-i nf llm nmirwttn imrlv Hut ' wc think we could easily show jou, sir, thut the Government hud tho right lo exclude from i the malls obiccne nnd treasonable publications) Hut again. Is your cause so hopelessly rotten that VOU UrU COlnnelh-d to resort to n --.., -- - . mlstulcmcnl of facts? ou kuow full wcll.e - mai u,u iiriuuiieun puny nus uv tupprctseu uny pilK-u in Oregon, uud you nko know that -- I-"hw have Uvn wpjire--.!. Tho ulinosi exliiil or the inihlary order was lo e.xeuoo tho rtilIollllUo siulg ftl)m 10 lwiu, ls ,to nippre-sslon t ll' jou wished to send jour wure in my eutriugc, uud I refusal, would --l -Jenuppiwsion r -j no proprietors oi uec Ircuson-re-ckiuir sheds can publish them to tin ir hearts content, bul must furnish their own iiK-aiH or distribution uud couvcyunco. If the- order of Ihu Govcimneut oiteraieil in if vi, or on tho puK.rs thvm-clvcs, could thev puliliih them nflerwurd-ir 'o pity Hie log! i e-al acumen or tlie man mat coniuunus uisiiue- - . ... .'"mi . lions ns broad uud as well marked as this, bo en lh' looN may not be all U ad )el. BY OVERLAND TELEQ11APH. , ...... . . . .... ffn(11i iww..l iioi.ii(.iicaiwv,, vv4 wij .i.i'i, v. ...... - . Ciiu'aho, March 17th. At a Motion 12 mllei south or Jlnnavas, n train or M cars, rrelghtid with cominlsury Mores valued nt 820,000. was found. The re- litis had kindled a Arc under them, but they fallrd to burn. Special dispatches to the New York pa pew ' of the 15th stale that a cavalry rccnnnols'uncc , under (Jen. Slonihum wni iiiiiiK'. A thorough I'.xainlnatlnn of tho country for a distance of' , 23 miles, In a strnffrht line, wan made, and no I tMi could -c sec... Important nml wncm-nvc .mor.nu.ion ..us ucc.. rcix-m. . .u mmn " rcucs n" " """" """". ,rovlllc- ,l ,8 "crUi1 ,llnl "' ,0 h'M ttrek ",c ,fM fotK 'u ff0m m0,,, '" mf 000 j 2f,.000 between Mnnaw. and Aii,..I.i Cwk, and 22.000 nt inciter and ! ,U,P' Al could be coneenlrn e at .Maiiasw I.. ...... .1 .... u..lI.A 'PI... ...I.j.la till sta lltntltfltl , '"',;; ' V,- orevncuullng Munossas until the Tall of Don ilson. Kkw YunK, Mnrcli IClli. The Steamer And, which left Asplnwullon .,orrhcdhere today. th" tvncuallon, was tc-ggnl, nml tank nenr pn ' Iltekmau i 7ft rebel soldiers were drowned in tic field tuonietrs w illhnul regard lo nml;, Wfl n.it) ni(, o (ii(i(m jf Mf NwniUii ie ,, as rec0Illlil,Ud 0 lt. .Military ;ommjUrp. The I'ustofllcc Approprlntlnn bill was tnl.cn up. Mr. Idlliiinnili.Tiiliiuuuiendinent.to the illl-cl that Ihe I'uilm.iitcr lieuciul be uulhor Iznl to establish n null, lint loss than cml inuntly, between Hun Francisco und Crwicnt City, iniluding iulermidiute point, which wus .,.! t0. ,ii,..,! f,.ri, mil, A letter In Ihe lllon Joim.nt, dated Key -wt, March 1, partially confirms the reported evacuation of 1'ensaenln by tho rebels. Mum KUI)1 nro ,, , lrtVl. i,,, rt.l)U.,i rri ,K. JII( ucrw iid Fort MclUc und luken to uuii..a t . , . I yy00,, ,iuj ,, n, Sulem, Fullon cmiuiy. Ark., wi,trc he cn-ountend n Intgely (iiK-rior r.irco or rebels j nller a sharp light he nicni, tnx luo nml Inking ninny pr ruuliil prisoners, ,.. tAm tltw c'olonils, Our lots is about l:iUi Cilii'.viin, Munh 19th Tvlegrams from Gin. Cm lis slulu lliut his M , l.ioo klllul nnd woiimk-il nl IVn ltidgc. TIC Cll(mj. nrc Mill rcuealing. There urc no rebel Iroops in Northern Arkansas, ixcepl ' marauders and l'iku Indians, who kill nnd ,,uJi-r frkixU and foes imli.iriuiinutily. j x:tt v,IKi ,Murc, j9,,. -urtlicr dctnlls rrom Newbern have been n eel veil. Cmnmodcro ltnwun was hi com mand of the lied. On Sunday he hud sunken visulf, torpedoes, nnd other rebel obstructions lo overcome, hut he surmounted nil with slight i.janwgo - tohlsvwsils. 2 brigs, 3 barks nnd 18 ,ooiich were sunk by the rebels ubove two jf their baitcrlw. Tho latter wero sllencid 1 .i t ami inc suiiKen vessels pussiu. nils vvusi Saturday afternoon. On Sunday morning nl heavy fog set In, but shortly after lifted, when the boats passed up nnd silenced Fort Tlmmp. on, mounting two heavy columblads, Furl Kills, mounting 9 guns, vvns cuptuicd nller brisk fighting. At Fort I.ovc, Ihe only re maining fort, the rebels made but little oppo sillon. Alter leaving Ihe latter, they fired n largo number of scows filled with rosin nnd every regiment jumped into the water und! waded ashore. Tho whole division was ushorc I" hs than two hours. Aflcr marching two hours, Ihey found the deserted rebel camp fires burning nnd bieakfast unlusted. Kurly in the1 morning tho First Urlgiidc, composed of the I 23d, -'Hh,2dlh und 2(iih Mo'sachusctts, cn- rr:it'nl n 50 I'lin l,.llll-rv ,if llii rnlinl. mi ll.n' left, which showered grnc, cnnlsler nnd shell on them ; nlso, heavy musketry from Infantry, 'Iho Second llrigade, comprising the 21st .teut..Col. Mirritt and 23 others killed. Tho , .-. . 'Phlril llrlirmln. Ini'nllirr wllli llm K-ni-i1 nv. I .,..,......,,-..., ..n...... ...... ...v ..w,..., .- utcd Iho llmk inovcnieut.aud when the or- der to churgu Layonets was given, u hand-to- hand Unlit ensued of the most desjicruto clinr- ncier, in which our troops drove tic rebels out at the point of the bayonet. The rebels look possession or tho railroad train ami fled , rrom Newbern, burulng tho bridges, some' buillngs, nnd a number or whisky and turpcu-1 line distillates. The sluves had commenced pillaging, but wero stopped. A number or Unionists were found in the city. Gen. 1 lur ml do, In u congratulatory nddress Ill 111(1 irilllllX. H1VN II 11 IIIUT II If'lIIIlll-t lllliri'M. -." '. '. - " ; - ; Drugging tueir linwiircrs ny Imiul tlirougli swamp uud thkkvts, aflcr thcplc.j n'ghls passed In drenching rain, thi-y met tho enemy and nno'licr danmged. They have Ixcu com-1 cutur, Ala, and Cornlth, Mlsi. It was cull In his chosen position, protected by strong p'ctcly hemmed In, and can only escape by ' mated thut the forces ut those places num-rnrlh-vvorks mounting heavy gun, and In open lighting their wny out. I bored -10,000. On Friday lut they destroyed IK Id tin m-vlves, they co.up.crcd. He directs l'liiuriKf.t-iiu, Mnrcli 22. Tho crew of, (he track or the Charleston and Memphis rail that each regiment engaged shall Inscribe on the privateer Ileum tganl, 17 men, have been rond, IJetwcen Kastport nnd Florence, their banners the memorable name, Newbern. brought hire, and will bo sent to Fort War- Federal transports, to the nnmbcr of 80. WWPiiw.TitB.Va., March 10th. 1. have been collected nt Savannah, Indicating Slrnsbnnrli was oecupiid by our troop, last Vrm Ym.k, March 17.-The steamer lion-! that the country about the IVniwrcc river. S.indnv evening daemon's nrmv retreating on "-, from Havana on the 12th, brings Vera near the Alabama line, would be the theater rn.mimh. The Mtcbhrnn I'nvnlrv lid the mlninct-, nnd Gen. Shield's division follnwid Aidiely's Cnvalry prnteelrd the retreat or the n beln. nml gun- considerable unnoynnce. The bridges wire burned by the rdnln, causing do- v .mhii.sotos, .March 20tli. An i,mchildiiipntchrroniCoinmodnrrF(ioti'rnop., holds the road from Van Cruz to wus received Inst night from Cairo. He says Mexico. that Wand Nn.10 was harder lo conquer An Amertcnn citizen, bearer of ill-patches than Columbus, ns the Island short have land from the Wusl.lnglnn Oovernnient tn Minister forts, each one conimunded by one ubove. It I Cnrwln, was murdered between Vera Cruz . . t . i .. i ..!.-!.... .1... .. I...I.. i unit Mnvlrn. mlil, we nrc uring nay ami iiiiiiuu uiu mn:,, and gain on lliiin. Mortar shills huvc done grrnt execution i one shell luniled on their limiting tiatlery, and clenrul out the concern In short metre. Fiiutiifss MosnoK, March, 20lh, The Btrnnicr Hhwk hlmul, rroiu ICey Wrst, has arrived. The nbel Commisloncr, Yancey, was cupturiil on board n sehootur while try ing lo run the blockade. Yancey wu die gulseil aa n sailor, but was recogntrvd. St. Mary, Florida, has been occupied by pir troops, Caiiio, March 20th. A gentlemen from Memphis who arrived here last evening, reports thut Gov. IlurrU disappeared on the sicond day ufler Ihe one to which the U-gishiture mljnurni'il. ll ix siipposi.il he has gone to Corinlh. The leg islature has uiljniirnid mid gone no one Luiin when. ':" 1 "ri;i:;.:,; !... ...l.i ..r !......!... il., lt.. !. mm... ,. ','.,. 1 , ... 11. :..., Ill,,i,. discussed. Since uov. Ilurriss prnelamallnul nfur the fill r Furl Di.ik-'sipu, Impressments have been genirnl ; liiiudinl have been plckul up In the slncls and tul.i-n from the stores nnd divelllugs, nml drlvui ul ihe point of tin bayonet to the camp of lii'truclioit. Tin 1'nlon men nre leaving Memphis lu large nunibiM. delivering np their properly In cniillscutiou, und glad to esrn with their lives. Street qunrnls between Union men nnd re- belli were m quoit occurrences, hliot an hourly cxelningid. I Accounts have been received here from I. land No 10, lo noon to-day. The firing from tlie gunboats continued ul Intervals or fifteen minuleii eneh, Ihe orret bilug to riducc the upper lultiry. Only Iwn gum out or seven tiro lift, from which the rebels dm nu occa sional shot, some of which reach within n short distance or our bo.il. The works plan lid on Ihe main laud arc fir lunre extensive ,'.' , ., , . , ... I Kuus. mnny nD him nr he largest sl.e. n lh , ,, . ,.,. n several rlllol, nnd 20,000 troops. limn nt fir.it xuninscil. There nrc ut lensl Ml Ou 'I'lie-dny night Ihe gunboat Monnil City kept up u steady fire on the upH.T fort, which prevented Ihe ribvl making their usual nightly repalis. The result wus, that in the curie morning Ihey commenced rcmuvliig the dead and wounded fioin the cnsemntils of the fori Lugo numbers wire enrriul nut nml taken bark Into the woods. On Monday Iho gun boats find 90 times', mostly shell, nnd the mor tar boats fired 300 shells. On Tuesday tin ComuiMlore direeled the fu-vs lo be wet down, with n view lo destroy ihe works, m.d dis mount the guns. Tlie n suit was most wlis factory. As vet but cue- muu has bee-u killed by Ihe enemy. Caiiio, Mnrcli 21st. Theiffu'lnf the cniinmi.ulc nf Monday, on Island Nu. 10, from the gunboats nml morlars was terrific. The rebels could be seen carry ing offllic ikml nnd wnunded. Our pkkt-U cou'd plainly hear their groans nt midnight A niodernte fire wus kipt ni on Tuesday and Wednisday. Ye'Slcrihiy. the gunlwat Mm ne'ola dismounled thu 128 pounder on the en cmy's upper battery. Tho nbel guuhnnl--Irlid to furec tlieir way up nguln je-sterday, but fulled to mcevtd. Gen. l'op has 22 guns innnnlid on l'olni I'leasunt, below New Madrid, lie nlso erected u new battery four miles below Island No. 10. The rebel regiments wero distinctly seen on driss parade nt one tlino on Wednes day, out or reach or Ihe mnrlnrs. Information has bein received fioin (,'eu, Grant, from Savnunah, on thu Tennessee river, that the troops arc in fine health and spirits, lliauregard commands 1.1,000 troop-i from Fiusacola, at Corinth. Cliealhnin und Ilrngg nlso commnnd divisions near that point. The Federal forces In that vicinity nrc divided into fivu divisions. COO hundred volunteers huvr enlisted lu Suvununh in the Union army. On the night of the Kith a skirmish took pluee between n division or the Firih Ohio Cavalry nnd part or Chctvthuui'ti fuiei-s, wero runtvil. The rebels FniiTiiKus Mo.niiok, March 21 Nothing has been seen or heard of the Maritime. The Momlat remains near the ll.it. Site has re ceived soinu ulterutlon nnd addillous, which materially improve lur. W.vsiii.suto.s, Murcli 2Jth.---llids for the mall service of tho Western Slates, and the Pacific const, will bo ojieuid until nfler tin 3Ut. A large numlier of proposals have ul icady been received. Tho Navy Department has ordered, of the builders of thu Monitor, six uioro lion-clud iiweli of similar construction, but moro for midable. They ure to bo 200 feet Ioiik instead or 175, and to carry two Ift-Iucli instead ornrrived from Fortress .Monroe last night, re- Id-Inch Dahlgreus. f... III...I l.-l ..ll uen. nieiiKiT una ueen bucuuui, on ac- count of unbecoming conduct. Orders were sent to-day lo Gens. Ilnlleck and Wright, to send Iroops to protect tho en-1 Dispatches from Com. Dupont announce tire overland route, mails, cmlgrunls uud Irens- thnt the Federal fag flouts over Fort Marion ure, which tho Government is nu.ious shall bcjnt St. Augustine. 1'latown siirrouinkd with carried on our own toll ai.d not tlirougli for- outfighting. The rebels evueuated tho night clgn countries. before the gunboats arrived. St. Louis, Mnrcli 22,--Gcn. Hallcck has Jacksonville, Fla., has surrendered, telegraphed to Secretary Stuntou that thol Tho Governor ol Florida recommends the cnemy'ts tlntilla, heiuined lu between Com. earliest evacuation or Kast Florida. Foole and Gen. Dodo, niaila nnnllifr nllr-mnl ! O.nno. Murcli 20.--An arrival rrom I'liln. In mu .Wn ll... rl,,... ,.,, ,. .1.1 baek with scveic lor One gunboat wus suuk Cruz dales to Ihe-lth InMnnt. The Stmnlsh troops tire rclurnlnc from the Interior. The KuglNh forces were to leave the country. The French Torccs wtro on the way to Tihuaenn. Their reinforcements hud not arrived. The Spanish forces hud slnrtid on foot fur Oriz.iba. Juarez, with 0,000 -- Xegutlatlons between the Mexican flovcrn- incut nnd the Allies were commenced on the 1st March, From Havana. It Is staled that tho Spanish bark Twcm, captured by one or Ihe United Slntc squadron, has been declared an Illcgnl prize. I WASiiiNflmv, March 17ih. Special dls 1 Hatches to the Xcw York twiners say : The Department tn which Clin. Hunter has been assigned, Is cumposid or the Slates or South Carolina, Ceorgln nnd Florida. Uen. Sher man will be retained lu the Drpnrtmcut under (Jen. Hunter. The Clothing Inspection Hoard concluded their luboM today. Over 82,000,000 worth or clothing Is condemned. The testimony tnl.cn has revealed gross frauds, consequent upon the collusion of contractors uiid hwpec t. M. Waruimitos, May 18. Kvnggenilrdstntc ("'cuts having ben .mule a. .0 the mor.,ll.y of the nrniy lure, ll has Ihtii nseululned from .... ' , ., . , 'filclal souros thnt Ihe lotiil deaths iqi lo and lueludliig the quarter ending Diciiuber Is H illmm Mullari, wllli W. 1.. Yancey on n,!l!MI, of whkh 100 were from wounds. The , board. Against this It is stolid Yunci-y nr above deaths were lu IS" regiments, Including rive at New Orleans nml made n speech, iIm- army ol the I'oliiiimc. I avowing thnt no help could be rapt-ctcd fmm Nmv Voiik, March 18th. ICey West nil-, l-'uglaud nnd France, nnd urge retaliation by vlerH of Ihe loth report the sulllng of 1'orterV 'stuprv-'iig cultivation of cotton, mortar licet. New Yiiiik, Mnrcli 21. lturnslde hns cap- A Nassau letter of the Oils slntes that lured Itenuforl, N. C. The rebels blew up the KteutuiT .7i U'mtty, wllli 1.000 bates nl ' Fort Musou, and burnid tho steamer iVWi rutlnn, nnd the Knle, from Firiuiiidlni, had nr- vile. rived there. The cargo ol the former wus iruusfirud In tho ship Uhsn Ihmiitll. The fill or Newbern leaves Hcaulort cud the pirate Sumter nt our mercy. Wahiumito.n, March 18th. Special dis patches lo the Nivv York papers say the Na val Commltte huve DirimJIy vuteil in fnvor nl an uiirnprlatlon suflicient to complete Ste vens' tmtlery, und 1.1,(100,000 for Ihe construc tion (r iron-chid steamers. The Supreme Court has decldul that a rrg Ister und ricelver on the public lands cntinol . , , ., .' , . . retan fees on in ill nty bounly Innd vvurrants, ' ' beyond u comiicnntIoti of 83.0110 per annum, lo which he ii llmileil by the Act o! 1P18. W vMi.nTii.v. March 23. This evening This decision or n long contested question ihcre Is nu Impris-lon nmoung imv.il nnd mil nett Guvcrnnieni t?l,000,(iOII. I .Inry k.tsoiis lliut New Orleans has bit a ta- Itiiriislde, to-day, 'ttu cnullrmed Major ken. The mortnr tflrt having ntiui-ki-il the tletiernl. j rort nt "The Higolets " on the-1 Lib. L-tlers Thu AVirr, IhN evening, sbjh that part of , from Shlji hhind eonfiini this. The fort re General Hunk's urmy had rinehnl Manassas, ferrul lo Is Fort I'iki-, rnuiniumliiig the en The bill to provide for ihe purchase nf coin, trance to lathe I'nnchnrtruln. and other puiposes, having passed both , " . , Ilousis, has bet n slgueil by thu I'rcs'dent. Th'i old Deiuund Notes, thcrefoie, becouiCk k 3'iil lender. Caiiio, March I Blh. A messenger Just from Island No. 10, says our bouts kept nu Incessant lire on Ihe e-utmy's wotks all ihiv )isterday. The ribels have six distinct bat terles on the Tenucsi-c shore". One shot from n rebel batii ry struck the llenUm no mate rial damage done. A rill.-d guu on the St Uun bur.tl, killing 2, mortally wounding 2 and K'vt-Kly wounding 10. The .MI wus struck by the enemy' shot several Hiiicm Thu enemy nre strongly forllllul, nnd have u large number of troops ou the main lund. Shells (mm our morturs full into tho enemy V itilrcuihuicnts every time. 1ji-isviu.v:, Murch lflth. A tra'n from Howling Green to Nashville was iutcrccptul isterday by a purly of cnvulry, who run the train off tho truck, and took prisoners thirty bridge-burners, en route to Nashville. Nkvv Yiiiik, Mnrcli 18th. Advices from Nii'mu ttuto that thu llrillsh bchooner liolert Peel arrived from Charleston, nnd tho schooner Ceeelia from Dnngton Creek, Ga. The crw nf the latter th-serled. It wus reported that Ihe AVu U'mttij run Ihu blockade on theiilghi of lVbiiuiiy 2"tli, crossing Itultksnuko Shoal, where there wus but 2'.. falhoms ul vvutu, the ship drawing 13 fu't. Provisions ot Churleslon wero very high llutter and cutTec were ut 81 a pound. Wamiiootov, March 10.--A speelul ills patch to the New York papers my t It is positively mv-crted rrom Munasas (hat e ! resnn. Au pre onllvo or various dangerous number or grave of Fideruls, killed nt Dull J -lUoi-cb In whkh the gulilscrker i liable, It lus Run, were opened by the rebels to obtain tin , no superior. While it Is ijnllc palalnblu even boms lo manufacture Into knife-haudli-s, piu ' a bertrngc, it Is speidy and jKiwerful In lis und spurs. It wus suhl that hundreds of rebeh-1 'Iticls upon the syti in. In all caws of Dhir sent skulls home, Ihey being the best of Iro rhiev, Dynlery, nd Ihe pervading fciers con plitc.j, ! neipieul upo.i e-(iure, the- Hitters "III be round (!iiiii-in. Mnn.1, l oil, in,n.,inn r. it,.., Stanton fecrctnry or War declim-s Linn I'uint ul nny prke, nnd will substitute lur il nnother Monitor. The Custom-house salaries nre drcrcnt-cd to an average or 8 per ecu I. below lust jcurs sal arien. Waiii.sotos-, March lOth.Tlietug Leslie port thut when she- pu'.-ed Acipiia the- build I .11 r . ings ami wnnri were uuruing. ll was sup- potcd that the rebels had vucuted after firing the plucc. !,.,. l.,.,i,lln- nn llin 'I'.-iinrxnn rlvn, t... thut the rebel knees aro concentrating nt K of exlcnIvc tnllllary operations. WtscitKsrKR, V., March 20. Official re- 'ports or the occupation of Slrasburg snys that j (Jen. Shields encountered the renr guard of Jackson's force jut beyond Middtetnn, with U field pieces, who disputed Shield's approach, fool by foot, slopping nt nil strung points, then returning, after crossing Cedar crcik, they dcstrnjid the tnnpnrnry bridge which (Jen. Shields built, nnd ufler another tklrmlsh entered the (Own. The los of the (iiemy Is not stated. Xkv York, March 20. A special dispatch to the New York pajiers soy : JelT. Davis Is sued n proclamation on the lGlh, calling nil the mnlc population, lietween the nge or 1C and CO, to form themselves Into oompnniw. and report immediately nt head quarters C'Atitn, March 20ih. It Is reported this morning that J iff. Thomp'on Is marching on Cape Glrnrdcnu, pressing Tennessc horses Into the Confederate service. An encounter hav ing tuken place between the Federals nnd his advance, reinforcements had been sent to Cupe nirardenu. Wasimnoto.v, March 21. -The Senate Is In Kxecatlvc Session to-day, and continued Ma-jor-CUucrals Ituell, Curtis, Vom; Slgel nnd McClernnrd. Wallncc and Smith, the Colo nels Vho commanded brlgndts tit Furl Doml on, were confirmed llrlgiidier-Geiurnls. St. 1fvi, March 21 Ili-bel dispatches from Fort Smith to Memphis priors, ncknowl- ...!,. ,l,n ,ln. n M..I-..M... t I M-I..I...I. : l , l.V M.V llUIII f, tllVL (llilflll U1IU .,ktllllll III the ballla of I'ea itldgc, A letter from the engineer of Iho HWsi- iritili guubnnl, cnufirms the capture of the At Wlmhestcr, on the 23d, a battle took place nu the Strusburg road, between Federals, 8.000, uiidir SIiIlIiIs, and rebels, l.'i,000, under (lencrul Juekson, Smllh nnd lngstmt. The ribels wire roulnl wllh n large nuiulxr of prisoners takiii, 100 hlllnl nnd .'100 woumh-d They nre In lull retreat the gronnJ being lre wul wllli nuns thrown nwny. 'llhe buttle lusted from 111 a. m. till durk. Wahiim-tiix, Murch 21. Dr. John Fvans, ul Chlcugo, has bi-cn confirmid Uuviruur of ,uf tiilnriido lerrllory. I , . ,,,.. . ., . i A part of Ciin. Dunks' i' nrmy has- rcuclud i Manusiis NPKCIAL. NOT1CKS. m t WARREN LODOE No. 10. A. F. & A. M. A 1IOI.I) tln-lr regular eniuuiiinlciitlun ss-flhe W' ducMtiiy V. enlugn ou or preceding rthe full moon, in j.ievHiisvii.i.K. i ii iv. (i. W. GKKKU, W. M. II. llLOftM, Stc'u. I. 0. 0. 1 " Jacksonvii.i.i: I.uimik Nu. Ill, hold its regit- lop illnis; crjr -S.irw&.l V KVK.KIXU, ht Mr IJMI (Mo'C,iU,VTht.rlwliai..B),at 71 o'clock. llrolhers In good standing uro coidhvlly in vited to attend. Hk.nrv Dim.imikk, N. G. J. M. SfTTiis. It. Sec'y. OUKUO.N CIIAPTJUl NO. 1, O P ROYiiJL ARCZ MASONS, J A CKSOX VII. 1. E, 0 11 KIIOX, ' Will hold Its regular communications on the l-'lr.l hntuitln' KtrnliiRorKsrr-,' ?lontli. All Mijuurnlug Companions In good stundlng are cordially Invited to ntti-ml. W. U.S. HYDK.II. 1'. Jas. T. Gi.kxx. Sce'y. dectf : 17 Sand's Saraaparilln. under ihenduilnkira. lion of di.tinulsiieil ph) lclaui, has K-in trstid for twculy years In I In- publlo ho,ltals,n well as In their privnlu prnellci', will) rucli cmnpkle iiecp-i u In Ii.iil- ueunlriil llm iiiiiiuiilllli-il ni- I pi oval of llio ui' (Ileal (acuity, nnd Ik now hi Id j n the highest o tit-iu, mvl U uulver,ally used. i t, -trn,.Hfr'. cinmnoh Itlttnrs hould M ,lv, ,,MUkon or everybody In the mining i uivauiiiuii' m n corrcciivc. iu man mourn eu ler upon tho Mpow d camp life of n miner with out being provld'-d with Hotelier's preventive uf stoninch Uiicu,c, nor should uny of those who nre now engngrd In (he occupation full to have recourse to thu Hitters. For sale at the Express Saloon," Jacksonville, nnd by drug gists and dealers everywhere. 9 POWDER AKD SALMON BIlrBR Road Expedition! Attention! Subscribers! ALL or those who sub'-cribed Flneon, Flour, etc., for Ihu 1'iiwder and Salmon 1th tr lluud .pidilloii, ort;aulzcd ut IliU jilaco, urc liurrliy nollltid In biiny in the mine us soon us puullilc ut fiullifM l-croio tho Kith or thu coin'ii niontli nml leave It ut Ihu store or ilenuun lllooin. 'iho iinrly design xiartluu- ou HlO 13lll of April. il.V orUtT llf tin) Jail, jnvlll" Mai'h .". Uic. "' nil FRESH GOODS! TO TIIKIIt AI.IIKADY LARCK ANI "WKLI.SKLKCTED STOCK OF MERCHANDISE, TIIK UNDKItSIGNKD ARK NOW RKCK1V1NU aj'X'OSll C3--OOC1S FROM SAN FRANCISCO, WHICH ARF. OFFKRKD AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH To correspond with the hard tttvvcs. QUICK SALES AT SMALL PROFITS. Will IllCADY PAY, 13 IIK3T FOR ALU Kury Attictr Wnrrantrd it Rtrrentnltil I'lentc give us a call. W1BR, SOBOJS & CO. .7ackonville, .Tn. 1 18RS. SV4I -AMI- TDK uiulcndgiioil Wbuld rnolfully Inforw the eltleus of Juekmut nnd udjninlst counties Hint he la ou hand and will uimufu ture In iirtlcr AH Kind f SaUaierj & Harness. KVe-n e.i Henry IVnnght ilarnrss (lone and short loj) Concord llnrurss, lluggy Harness fdmihlu nnd siuuh-) Spuilsh Ssddli-s. trees and rigtfing cnniplilij Hjsdies' Saddles, Jockey Ssddlts, Saddlebags, Kridlts, Surcingles, lUItcu, Spurs, Currvmnilis Whips. Whip-lashes, And all other articles itMiuity found in t. flrst-clnst stock nf oADiarjmmr. ALL WOllIC WAIlllANTUl). Stora In u Smtinsl '" iUiJIJing, Callforsle slrrrt. IIIZNHY Jl'DCK.. JarkNiiivllk Drc.21,1601. -1911 BOUND FOXt SAOioiv kivkk:: "Within Sixty Daysl GOODS SELLING AT TREMENDOUS SAGEIHCE XPodt OetstL 2 Without Reserve! AT J.A. BRUHHER & BROS. Wc arc ilrtcrmhiot and t'osa- IMlle-a tu iilucr ull our Hook Account uud Notrt lu thu liniiilA uf our At torney, for nclluu At thu cuiuluc term of the Dis trict Court, If siot imltl on or before tho 2th! DAY OF JANUAKY, IBO'2. J. A. BRUNNER & BRO, JACKSON VIM.K, Jan. II. 2 DKomj-m iu:i )itctioN In the 1'rlcvs of Board and Lodging! ATTHK- FRANCO-AMERICAN RESTAURANT. Hoard and T.otlgtng, per wvk $9 00 Hoard, per week . .. 7W Hoard and Lodging, erdy, wilhprl- . ate room, Ut stylo , ... 2" Lodgiug H-r night, in prlvulu room 7$ Lodging, per night, lu double room - W Sluglu Meul (50 THE "TABLE. Induction in price, l,ut no reduetl-i cr chnugo lu table. My table shul) not t "' pamcU by any lu Ihu State ot Orcgun, MADAiHH I)K ItOHOAJl. Jiiek o.ivMe Jr,n, 1 10 Ito.', iraJ