Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 05, 1862, Image 1

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    , c . ct ra w - '- uttnmmamwmimmmmmtmmaMmimmmmmMmmmmmmmmwnmminitMmammmammmmmmmmmmttitnim My SB lul a p JBu
liili UiiJliiiUli uJlili lllMiLi J
Zjfmzw- maatii uy iJMryjfrfcsffitesrTasTs iww ia;
;V-4k 3rtJ.
!aiwAi:yprjrft"w.jpwg tws4r.sswiyjy wtwt?tir'raTKelwii(rH.;
r3tUti H wJJ l"MWrt"
VOL. VII NO, 14,
lll'.Ml IHINI.I.MJIJH, Piilt'i- nml I'lOJi'r.
(juirr CVugoge !f Drum's Sialics.
S'iiiriiirrinN--fHii' yiiir. In advance. Four
IMIim ; nil" ruin1. Hie Dollars. Six months,
Ti. Pulhiri nml Filly cents. No inpfr die-
tiiiHimi.il until arrearage mo paid, unless ill
, lt option of tin' proprietor.
ii.iiiiiimi Dm' sipinn." 1'2 1Iiip or Il).
lattliiMtlliiii. Tliit'C Hollar ; each nib-npicnl
liMttion. tin- Dollar. A discount ol lltlt per
nut lll I"' made lo those mIi advertise by the
; sr.
II) application lo rotlimistersiiiid Mull Cur
riers, yen ran learn Hint the Oiihion Skniivki.
I.ur f.r iv Inrucr titiciilatluii In the coiinile.
r Juckum, Jocihtit und llniitl.. Oit'iton,
M..1 Del Nullo, California, limn uny other pa
,tr TltlK fact should I'omuii-lid lhi'Sn.vri:i.
to tou a n superior medium fur utltcitMng,
lilt of Afjcnts for the Oregon Sentinel,
nlio arc authorized to tr.ttipact any business
concerning l,ll piwr, lu the uaute of tin- pub
lWirrs ;
I P Fisher Smii rranclscn.
Winl-uoilli A Itnyues..
J M MiOall
).V p.ivi-nnort
V W Fowler
It. rt Dunl.tp
Mill' I'rludle
. . .Appli'triiie
. . . Merhvvlllo
, . . Kcrbvvllle
... . Waldo
.. . Alliums'
. .Cauyonilllc
, .. .ltotchurg
.Oregon City.
i . . . ... i
A II, Mellinln ,
V ItltHiart..
K J s'ol'ics . . ,
n t. M ivuns...
jurl Tlmrii
llufii Mtllort ..
ui It Moons.,
t M lawnorth
i W Vt ukcllcld
ltcnlamlii Cook.
J. II, Mnltli
c:. w, (shi:i:u,
Physician and Surgeon,
.lirMiiMil lllr, OriKiin.
I1US. II, MUIUS, V. It . .1- S. TIIOMIuN, l. II.
ffaoltiuonvillo, OroRoa.
NutuiiliT '.M, U'lll. t
Jnrli'niil lllr, Oirgiin.
II.I. .illntil to business In Ihe Courts ol
II tin' First .luiliciul Dihliiit. nml In the.
hsfiniir I'miri. Oi-t.'.'fisll
iv i rvi.t. iitus Mii.Muir.
PVLi: Ai .MAM.OltV, J
Hii.rliuiK. Dougln. Coiinl), 4n I
1VII.I. allciul to nny 'jiilnrM ennfliliil lii
It llit in, In die KiVml (.'otirl of lliu I'irct ;
.tii.litil lliklrlff tt OriNffin. nml ill tin Mil. I
-villi .ri. w.0--. ......
rrm' tVnrl. Oclolirr '.'I'ull
Will pracllci' In nil tlio CourU of tin- Tlilnl
JuJI.mI DIMrlft, t lit Siiiuviiio Court of Uio
irou.atiit in Yrvku, Oil.
Ili'li.i. uu nciit nl U'loJiIiiRton. nml Pxpii'lH
t"tlMllli:(t city mxt tlio Atluntlc HiIh Summer
tiiil TjII, ami any Ijiirlui'ki. will rrcvltf ironiil
titiniiuu, iiiy'.'il'J
V, P. KI'HAtil'i:,
Willpiiiiciually ulleml In iii.liie.pcnlrntiil to
bi.r.,rr April i:i IMII.-Iilir
"'ll.l. allpnd to burlni'i"! in the mvirnl
il (imri. In lh l'lrl Judicial Ulrlrlct of
l'ri'K"ii.inid Ih the Suprvine Court. Office un
fillfornlii Sl i)puile "Xciitiiifl" llffiff,
jAl'kMAVILl.t;, OlIMiON.
M.i) s.Mh, 'ill. lflrfiu
PKTJ-iJl UlUT'i, "
.lactoomllli'.OirK"!!. I
I' prf pinil lo Inko I'loliircK in every ilyloof!
li Art, Milh nil Iho lalc.t iuipi'ovemi'liU. II'
.B"JtttST3'"JSL"'JTBHt.jai3SPai J
jloiiot kIvo patll'ucllon.ltn cluirfi will liviiiniln1
"ll at Kunk'h Clear Store, or ut thu Ualliry on
' lllll. nml poo liUl'Ictnn-, lilf i
A'wi of " .Vcir Slate Sulwn," on 'Hind Si,
fJIIAVINO. Hnlr-ciilllng, .Slmmpoolnp Cur
n lnik'aml llulr Dyvliij,',
AImi. a Iteiiuliio artlolo ol l'lh' Hii JIkm
7"riVKIaml Criktuilor.l'H Rmhwr llnr fjie(ur
a'''. Jiigkponvllle, Jun. '23. .2i
. I.I AS openid n fhon oppokllo AmlerroiitV
-1 1 (ilennV. on Callinrnin Midi, in J)r. I.
'iimii)l'iiiriig loie, for I'l'pnlriiiK
watuiiks, fi.ouK,.njvi:r.uv,i;T(j.
All work warrmiti'd lo plve nilblaclliiu.
Jackfouvllle, lic. 22il. IJICO. I'Jily
)Al'KSAlll.i;.S couitiiiiTly on huml ut
' '"' lUriiviK Pll'l .Snildlery fulnlilifhiuont.
51 lUJNitv jimmh:.
IOII I'ltlNTlNtrnfmilesi'riptimirm'ntly
Editorial Life.
0 for n ftcii ttllli llngmlli'ii Rfiiltn rife
To imltil lliu rci'iii'n of I'Mllorlut life.
The lull', 1 know, h rnllicr Irltn nml oM,
Ami yi't, prrclnuici', It limy U' fu-shly loM,
A ionic jilnln ilifh, n iinilv rmin or ulcw,
Tnkcs n new llnvor In n I'rcucli uyout,
Si'knt.u tlilnl Ftory lu n illnniil court,
Wlivrc wwiy iilnlvr Jnil nt lx recoil
A illii;y iloor will) riilllo Miuts;
lleiipiof 'Kclmiij:e' much mlortu-ilwllli 'iMli'
Pcn. pnte nml jupcr, on tlio tnlilc Miuwi-il i
lloukM'lii'ri'iulttlirii llu'i li.ivc Iktii ioliwuli
l'tiiiiphli'l nml luieK to iry dull. Imleiil.
Tlmt only they who wrote Hum villi o'er reml ;
Nine IvIli'U, tuticbliiK theme of every nort,
Ami one vvilh inonpy Jnl a hllllnt, khnri
l.lu ncntU'iiil rouiiil upon n common Uiiel.
l'mi)Ns the Ildlior; cnlir, now, lln- lievll :-
I'lran'. Sir, Ini'i! thin 'ere article wnnVMnte,
I'hireV Inlir urwn pirlmp.vou'il like to ipiolu :
The Kul'mN ftoriiilii); vvilh pioillnlous fuice,
Uou'lion U iliivvn I' ' .et It up. or course.'
Ami. Sir, Hint murder' iloHclhero'i only Ufl
One l.irceny.' 'l'rny.ilon'l omit the thclt.'
'Ami. Sir. nljonl the mob the mnttei V fnt '
Thcinnlr-llMl' vvroui;-privy jutt ilitrllmli
And, Sir, licrcV mi nrtlcle Ian come lo htvi.il,
A rVft'Lvr. 'rlK'n.il p.vckiiKe'. 'Let Hint t.uid!'
lUit lliu Imp iif Fiunl. mid enter now
A lluco Milforllivr. vvilh n rcnivlliiK brow
Sir, ciiim? your p.iperl cud the thltiK to'
The plnce he ii.iup were impolite to tell
Kuoiixli 'o l.tiiiiv the hern r the l'roi
l.'i Ir. 1 lii'MiuM'liiiii(f Iho Rfiill. m ui'h aililii'i.!
We'll find the piper, If Hie pot Mill Ut It,
Wluru Iho ttib-criltvr ivill be mhc to get It'.'
Who would U mi lilllor? To wrllo
The m.iglf 'lie.' or tucli inoimotii mlftlit ;
To In; to ?ut brjmiil the common fKin,
It lukii- the pluinl to c.xpicr the mvn ;
Ami. yit, nln, It hnppvii Dllviitlini'N
A unit nrves to iiiiiiiIkt nil lil illiml
Hut don't di'p'M' hltn i Hiere m.iy clmucc to bo
An enrlUpmkc luikhiR In bin pimple 'ivr!'
lu the cle.i' prvcluct of n duply ruum
That iiwu few Iiiph-h to Hie hiy broom,
Tliciv Hp Iho tii.ut i you don't know hi mine.
Ilrown, Joni' or Jolillon It l nil Hie riimc--ScrlbblliiB
uwny ul vvh.vl m.iy cluiuce lo miiii
An hllcr'n iiiii'liiit. or iiilieuincr'n ilii-mu ;
lib. pen riui' nimbllu;, lll.u nUmiliij! hiwil ;
The 'e' he willi'i k-viiip very 'wee' ImliTil ;
l!ut mark the change, lnhold Iho vviimlriiii.
Wrought by the IVrw In one cvrntful hour ;
To nljtht 'li Imrmleii n n milden'K i hymen j
To-iiioriow, lliunder In the ltxhn Tiimt !
The MluUlry i1moIii Hint In Id lor year.
Her Iiihci', I lie DiicIicm, IkiIImoUuI In litirn ;
llulli IbilliM'lilliU ipmll ; the church, Ihe iirmi
ipi.ikvH ;
The vniy Miiib'tn to lli center hnkw
The Ciuii Iih fall ; thu price ol' brnud oumen
lli.llll -
Than!., lo ihvwe'of Johnion.Jouw or IlroHii!
I'llin In I lie lltflil. the dully I'retc should Ihj
TIiu l,vmiilV I'm-, the vhmiipioii of the fien
i'lilllihil mid eomlai'.t toitt ruvriil IruM ;
Culm lu II. iitlirmiei' ; In ltajul;iiieuli,jutl
Wire lu Up (em-hiit), ; tiucorrupt, mid Hioii;;
To pHcd Iho illil. und lo deuutitico Iho mioii'.
Snd will it bo when cimlor uiiMl coiiIum
On l''reitlum'it i.iore i wenk mid venal l'iep.
Con- Lin: a Tomc An i-mIiiiio
rpeuks ( tho ullentl huliitp of our youu;; vol
uuU-ir.", m-ipiiri'il by rouliln it nmM the
iKinlihips of tho cum). .Muuy of them nro
bttilir in licnllli than over Uloro, oml when
liny nilurn on furlou'li, tlinvv n in inly ililmito
for i'h'i'0 imiiii, soft In ili, o'liborutu cookery,
nml olh'r ciirrruliti liiMirU-s uriiumc. 'I'luru
U no iloiibt lh.it they iu.iyuuiiiru uioie vior
oiiH iluniiiia, phpii"j iiml imnUl, (or the
simple uii'l hufily rt-fiincn lo vvliitli they are
ri.irlciul. Our Hie yili riibilivliliil by n Jliou
kuml InlirciU until it U bvlilllu!. Il U not
much of nny one thin;,', bill u gtncrul liuihmul
clinuil.rufull. 1.1 fc In vamp U inarvelonsly
piuiplc. Il liu.ii few nitiiliiiliif.n fewcuoblii','
impiiU'e, n lew rt"ularly pci'iirr'.nj; ocenpa
lion, n i id iliver.lniif. 'I'lie Iiupri'iuilili) niilniv,
flowing vvilh ciilhusiurin, h pound iutou war
like mould and huiiluii Into innnliue.u. 'I'Ihim'
who shun idlvni'M und low iit-fociatiotif. tlniri
who k'i lliv liwirt warm by rricpicnt K-tteri
from home, nml Hie licad biny vvilh vvelbclm
nui reuiliii);, con verbal ion nml thought, will
line no c.i UK! to K'fct that they pufsid a
purl of ll.vir youth beiiealli the iiiuplcua of
" Hie nil pUiiii'i .Mum." No ililicnle caipct
kul,'hlji will they piovu lii'iiccforlh, nml lliouyli
Ihi'v imiy not iclurii cillur vvilh the elilclil or
on it. Ihey will lirlnj; bark u will of iron und
mufclvii of Hi-el, bcllvr protection limn any
brazen buckles. In the stern rcliool of urms
lliey may, if liicy choose, acquire Hie chivnlrio
virlui-9 of iiiaj,'iiaiiiinlly ami courage, nud fit
ihi'iiiK'n lo be guanliuiH of tho difnele."S
ami elimupiuiiiof theriijiit. Ami they will re
member for yearn how simple uro tho nc-cciiru-rlt'8
of life, and what henrty enjoyincnt nny
in! found in the ubfenco of luxury unit folly.
Spi iitufiM llcjiutilictm.
Cni'iiii, in his "W'vH Indiii H.unbleJ," tells
of u plainer in one or Iho iilamlj, wliu had u
sluve tlmt had bei'ii on Hie groumli for Ihirly
yeurs. When on IiIj iUmiIi-U-iI, lie kcnl for hN
negro, and paid lo him : "Tom, youv'o lioen n
faillirul Bcrvuni j 1 have given you your fnv.
luii) in my will, and ordeied that when you
die, you be laid brylde nw In my lonib."
Tank ye, maMi," mid Turn, ' Tor ilu fieuloni j
but for tie tomb, rudder no." " Why , Tom?''
'( You su tie ilcbll come, iir i nil ilaik, you
knovv-rthe may make mistake, iiml lake Tom
iutteuil o' imi!:j."
Speech of Andrew Johnson. Bonator from
The follow lot; CNlrui'lHuru from iho fpcceli
of .Senator .lulnmm, dellvtiril in Hie Ucmile
recently, on thu resolution to expel Scnntor
llrlfjht, of liidiunni
1 mn ii Di'inoernt nowj I Imve been one nil
my life t 1 e.xpicl lo live und die one s and the
cornrr-slonu of my Denmcruey rests upon Hie
etidiirlu liusis of the Union. Ocmocruls may
come und jo, but they pIihII never divert me
from the polar slur by which 1 have eur beiu
Kuldid from early life Ihe (jruil piluciplw ol
Heinoeniey upon vvhleli this Oovcrnmcnt ml.
nml which cannot be curried out without Hie !
picserv-iillon of the Uulim of these Slates. '
The pretense liltlitrto tmployed by many who j
ute now in the trullom' camp ban been, "wu
me for thu Union j we are not for dl-solullou ; i
I. nl tv.. urn nmiMcp.1 In pitrrptiili." Ilnw lull. 1
Ktimlorp. huve you luuiil that syren oun
wiiik ? Where now ok those who hiiij; tlm'u
yrrn lunes lo us? bmk bail, ul the Inst ses
pit ii, nml enquire where tire now the nun who
Hun Vicie sliuriiur Hint son in our rnrp?
Where U Trulcn I'olk, who then slood heie
n ently, cinviiij; for pence? Iloliiii Hit'
nbel lump. Where is !. C. Ilriek:nrule?
u until for whii'i'promiillmi to Ihe I'resideney I
did what 1 could phjsliiilly.iiiuitully.uial pe
cuniarily : but when he siitlsuVtl me that he
wai for hrrokluK up this (lovernmrul, und
would no Ioiil' be n Irnltor lu his couutrv. 1
ilroppcil him as I would the Senator Irom In ,
dl.ir.n. lie win here nt lliu lat pvion or
Conirpn; nml everybody could eo then Hull
he whs on the rood lo the Irultors' ctimp. ln
IimiI of MMtuiiiiii;,' tho (lovcrmnrnt, lie, too, I
was crying out lor peace j but he vvns blltir j
iiruiut eocieioii. J
Alluding to Ihe drfiiit of the (.'ritteinleii
Compromise, nml the ccmi in the Senate ut i
Ihe time, Ihe Sinulor m!d :
I Hit ri)ht bthind .Mr. IKnJnmln, nml 1 mn
not sure Hint my worthy friend vvns not close
by, when he refused lo vote, nml I .iM lo him
" .Mr. Ilriijuniii, why do you mil vote? Why
not save IhN promsiiion, und He If vtc eannnt
IjiIiil' tlio country in it!" lle;uvume rather
un ubiupl miiwir. nml said he wouM control
his own action without cmmilliiie; nw or nny
l.oilv i.l.i". Said I mle. ami ihnw viinrkilfl
mi honest man." As simiii iu the votu wus
l.ikru, he and others telerapheil .South, "We
cannot (a I any eompiomlH-." Ileiu were six
.Soiilhrrn men refuIn: to vole, whin Ihe
ami'iidoienl would have betn rijerlul by four
majority IT they hud votul. Who, then, has
bronchi tlit e evils on the country? Was it
.Mr. ('Intk? lie wiiinclin out UU own pol
icy ; but with Ihe help we hud from Iho oilier
side o( the Chamber, if all thoc on this side
had bei-n true to thu CotMtilutlon, und r.tltliful
to ilieir coiulitmnts, uml haductul vvilh lidel.
Iiy to the eotiutir. the uimiidimut of the .Sen
ator from New llmmhire eouhl have been
voted down. Ihe defeat of which ihe h'enalor
Irom Pi'liivvute, pays wnuhl have sauil Ihe
I'ounlry. Who.o fault win it .' Who is re
bpnmdblo lor it? I think that is nut only fit
lliiK the null through, but clineliln, il on llie
other side, uml tho whole staple commodity is
taken out of the pccch. Who did il?
Southern irultois, ns was raid in Ihe phvcIi
of the .Senator from (.'iillloruiu. They d.d il.
They wniiiul no compromiie. They necom.
plitheil Iheir obji-el by wiihhoMin;,' their
votes ami liencu Ihe cmmliy lins been in
volved in Iho present difficulty.
When we had it in our poner lo vole down
Iho nmeudmeiit of the Senator from New
llamhiri', nud inlopl the Ciiltendeu loolu
lions, eerliau .Southern Sena I or. prevtnlcd il ;
and jet, even nt u Into day of the rvp.io), ul
tir Ihey hud pceiilnl, Ihe Crilliiiden proposi
tion was only lost by one vote. IT rebellion
uml blooil.hed mid itmnhr have tollowul, In
whose skirts does the reponibllily attack ?
I summed up nil these facts myself in n speech
during Ihe last sers.lon ; but I huve preterm
to rend Irom Ihe speech of Iho Kenntor from
California, he Ik-Iiij; better nuthorliy, ami hav
ing.' preH'iitid the fuels belter than I could.
Wli.il cite vvns done nl tho very same ses I
shin? The lloiiK'of Hepretenlutives p.isMil,
und fent to this bwly.n proposition lo a mend
thu Constitution of tho United Slules, to ns
to prohibit Conros from ever hcrcullir in
tcrfirin' with tlm insliiullon nl tlavcry in the
Staliy, inakinc that restriction a part of Hie
organic law- of the laud. That constitutional
iimcodmcnt came heie ulter the Senators from
seven Slates hud K-ecdul; and yet it was
pasfed by n two-ihiid vote in the Semite.
Have you ever heard ol any one of the .Slalts
which had Ihen needed, or which has since
seceded, taking up that amendment to the1
Coustilulion, and saying they would ratify It,
and make il n pari of that inslrunuiit ? No,'
Does not the whole history of this n hellion;
tell you that it wus revolution that Hie lead- j
era wauled, that Ihey started lor, that they ln-i
Undid lo have ? The facts to which 1 have.!
rvfeircil show how the Crittenden proposition
might havo been carriul ; ami when the Hen-,
alors fiom Ihe slave Hlatcs were ledueed loj
ono-fiiurtli ol tho members of this body, Hie'
two Houses patseil u proposition lo nnieml tho
Constitution, so us to guurunleeto thu States
perfect security in regaid lo the Institution ol
sluveiy in ull future time, uml prohibiting
Cungrias from legislnling upon Hie subject.
lint what iuuio wus done? After Southern
Senators hud Ircucheiously abandoned the
Constitution, nud deterled their posts here,
L'otigiess pusseil bills for tho orgunlz-ition of
three new terrilorles, Ducolah, Nevada, and
Colorado t mid in tho sixth bcetiou of each ol
tho.e bill", ulliT cotil'erriiig. iiHinualively.
power on the Territorial Legislature, It went
on to exclude cerlulu powers, by using n nrgm
tlve form of exprcpilon j niid It provided,
nmong other IlilngS, Hint the leglsUt are should
have un right In legNIatc so as lo Impair the
rlglit lo private properly I that It should lay
no tax iliscrimiiiulliig nguiiil one desrrlptlon
of property iu fuvor or unother lenviug the
power nn nil these qncsllons not In Hie Terri
torial U'glsliilure, but in the pmp!c when they
shoiiM come lo mrm u Slu'.e Consllluthm.
Now, 1 nk, Inking Ihe nnicndments lo the
Cnnstltullnn, and taking the three lerrllorial
bills, embracing every square Inch of lerrliory
in the United .Slates, how much of tho slavery i
question was left? What better compromise I
eouhl have been made? Sllll, we urc loM ,
Hint mutters might huve been compromised,
uml Iiml, if wo had agreed to compromise
blondly rebellion would not be nbronil In the
land. .Sir. .Suiilliern Senulors arc tesponslble!
for It. They stood here with power lo necom-1
plish the result, and jet treacherously, nml 1
tuny my. tuuiitlngiy, Ihey left this Clinmbct
lid minounreil Iiml Ihey hud dissolved Iheir
coniirclion with the Government. Tlictiwr
were left In Ihe linmU of those whom we had
been taught lo believe would cncroneli upon '
our rights, they gave us, In i the cotnliluliooal
nmeiidment und in the thice territorial bllN,
ull Hint had ever been asked j nml jet penile-
men tulle nbout coinpronilse. Why wus not
this tuken and ncovpled ? No It win not
compromise Hint the lenders wonted ; they (
wmileil power they wanted In destroy tins1
(internment, so thai Ihey might hutu place
nml einohimcnt for lhemelv(s. They had lost
coiilldcncu iu the intelligemu uml virtue and
Integrity ol the people, and their eupaeliy lo
govern iheni'elves t and Ihey InleiuUd to sep
arate and form a giiveiiiment, Ihe chief corner
stone of which should be slavery, iliifrunehising
ihegrval mass of the pcnple. of which we have
seen eotnluiil evidence, and metging the powers
of government in Hie hands of the few. 1
know wlt.it I say. I kirfljljtlieir IcellngH und
llseir tcnliinciils. I served willi then in Ihe
Semite. I know they were n close corpora
Hon, that hud no more confidence in, or topcci
for the people, than has lite Dey of Algiers.
I fought Hint close corporation here. I knew
thai they weru no friends of Ihe people. 1
knew that .Slldell, nml .Mason, ami Ilenjumln,
iveinoii uml Toombs were the cnimies of fiee
giivernmeul, uml I Know so now. I con.,
uu net d Ihe war upon Hum before it State se
ct tied ; uml I ink ml to lacp on lighting this
grent Little before Ihe country for thu perpe
tuity of free government. They mk to over
throw it, iiml to eslublith u ilispotlsm iu Its
place. Thill is Ihe greut buttle which is upon
our liiiuds. 'I'lii great Intercsls of civil liberty
mill free government cull upon every lover of
popular tights lo eume forward mid diichurj-c
his duty.
Stiumik Aitmitiun in a Cow. The Silver
Igc, published iu Carson City, relates the
following instance of u strange uttuchment ol
a cow i
A boy, some twelve yetirs of nge, has. foi
three mouth pint, hud Ihe euro of u cow
Ihe properly of Millou Korsyihe milking and
fruling Ikt dully. For some caue, to us in
explicable, Ihe cow has foimetl un ntluehmeiil
(or lliu boy so strong that it sums to pnrluke
more of a pnstiuu. She is never (ullillcd un
less Ihe boy is willi her, nml Ids only wiry ol
escaping liom her uiieoiilh tluuonslutious of,
love is to conliuu her, which he frequently
does iu oulcr lo engage In Ihe various plays
uml amuiemenls lo vvliitli boys urc nddiclcd.
Il some time happens thai the cow Is turned
Ioomj whilst young Ciift I Is engaged nt n pmne
of ball. She Imimtliati'ly hunts him up uml
n speedily ilbpcrn's the crowd. No boy i
nllowul to come iieur her pel, uml woe to the
dog or man that should olfi-r vloluiee to Hilly,
fin singular lire Ihe actions of Ihisniilmnl Hint
almost cveiy day n public exhibition is cullul
fur in snllsly rome slrunger tlmt Iho stories
told nre cornel, Tho day biforo yesterday
Hilly brought out his cow to tulh-fy some
doubters, uml iu Ihe course of his e.eriiiKiiU
utiimplcd to hide hitutclf from his self-eonsll-tittetl
guardian by running into n crowd of
tome two huudml people; but the natiini)
fears of Ihe animal were overcome by the love
she boro her young master. Shu followul him
wherever he chose lo lend unhesitatingly go
ing up stairs, into buildings or anywhere else
the boy went at the request ofbystniidir.
Anvtiiino fiom a Foreign Mission down to
on old pair of breeches :
AVIien Tom Corvvin was Secretary of Ihe
Trrusury, a lloosicr enme to him one day and
asked for nn oflicc. " What kind of u place
will cult you?" inqiiireil Convin. '(), I'm
not particular ; hut il you could make me n
kind o' minister, not ouo or lliem that preaches,
but them kind as goes to forin'parts." " I re
gret to say that nil the niliiUli-r'g oiltees nre
tilled." replied Corvvin. " 0. it's no innttcr
vott can put me in ono of the Departments
mako me Controller, or Auditor, or some tueli
thing," " I'm very sorry," said CorwIn,"that
there's no present vacancy In Ihu Depart
ments." " Well, then, jou can make me Col
lector, Sui vtyor, or Nuvul Ollieer, can't you ?"
" I'm sorry to say Hint I have no place of that
kind vacant ut pnxyil." Finally tho fellow
cuino down to ekrk-shlp, n tide-waiter's place,
ami even that of u mutcnger. Finding he
could get nothing, ho said," Well, .Mr. Cor.
win, us you ami I are about of a size, couldn't
you give me some of j our old clothes ?"
... ..Ill ii ,. i i -M
Tiik worst of ull kinds of eye-wulcr Is a eo
quMU's (cuts
Tho Stone Fleet Blockado,
The Iindon Timet is clamorous mid bitter
ngnlnsl tho blockade of Charleston harbor,
nml pronounces it one of the grcnlrst crimes
of u civilized Oovcrnmeiit. An Kustern writer ,
thus refers to the record of Unglatul herself for
prrccdenls :
.-.ngiau nus repeaieoiy n.nue vTnr in '
same usl.lon. Several nitnmxt. huve already
been clttd in my lormor letters. Anothercue
occurred nt Alexandria, in 1807. In that I
year, when the lltitisli troops evneuated the
city nml port, five vessels, laden with stone,
were sunk lu Iho narrow pussngc by which
Admiral Lewis nml his siptudron hud emend
uml drpiirlcd. Another Instmiec Is tlmt of the
closing of Ihu harbor of Ilologne, lu 1801, un
der the officlul letter of instructions from Lord
lloLird to Sir . S. Hammond, Controller of
litis Tiitt t
,.. . ...'...... ,. n. ..., i ,on,
Vii niniLi; linn ii,u nil i.i. , lu, l', icvt.
Sir-It being thoughl ndvltnble. under the
lire-sent elreiimilni.ee of the vvr, tlmt ... nt-' '". "' " " ' ""
tempt should be made (or carrying ln.ocxreu.!0,,"l,,r,,1'' ' ", "W "
,, ' , . . . i i a i i nml men, Is n military combination Hint never
lion lliu project suggested In the enclosed pu- , , ,,. ,, ,,...,,
r ; ., ,i . ,.iii 'fa lei. We may well rejoice nt recei.t viclo
per for choking up Hie entrance to the hnrbor i , , ., . , .,.,.., . i
, ,, , , ,, r i . ' r es, for they teach us that batllcs ore to be
of Ilologne; nml the success of such un entci-. J . . . . , .
prise deprmlittg In u gieul measure upon the
sec.eey und dispatch with which the prepara
tions limy be made, I huve the King's com
mands to signify lo you that you take these
preparations under your Immediate control,
uml Hint you communicate coulldeuiiutly with
.Mr. , supplying him with such fumls, und
giving him suih ortk is for the purchase ol
vessels, and ptuvhling htm ll.c mutiriaU which
you may Judge mcvMury for uceoinpllihlng
the object lu view. As soon as '.ho vis.-els
shull be sufllcltiitly luileti, you will give in
structions thnt ihey should proceed, with ull
expedition, lo the Down., where further orders
wlllprocud from I.otd Kleti."
Again: Iird Diindonuhl. during the war
willi Frnnce, iu IKU',1. iu diseussliig thu means
of hiiriiMliig the enemy, wrote tifliclally :
" Ships filled with stoi.es would ruin forever
the unchomgc of Aix. and some old vessels ol
the line, well loaded, would be cxcclhint fur
thnt purpoic."
Admiral Xuptcr, during the lute wnr In Hie
Crimea, urged the destruction of lliu water ap
proaches to Ciiiistru.lt In tho piimo way, und
us uu nvullalile mode of walling In the ltus
sinn lie-el nml preventing It from participating
in the Ilusiinn defense. Not u tvonl of holy
indignation win ever menllontl iiguinst uuy ol
theou ucts or iropoiltious ; nor did the Uuilid
Slutis ever for a moment tlilnl; of interfering
in bihiiirorouriiiicienl frieml the Cair because'
of the " Lubiirily" of tlmt suggested mode of
making wnr itpiin liiin. II 1'uhncrstoii, vvlih
ull his double (lading nud ubseucu of tcruphs
on. cunviuce the ('uwu thnt Imgluutl was nil
vviong, nml must punhli. nt uuy cost, whoever
follows her example, he will lie apt lo Iiml
Hint Louis Nupulion Is not In ulliauce willi
him, but prefers lo nvnll himself of Iho oppor
iiiiilty to extend the empire of Fruiico to the
Itliine, prrpnintory to giving F.iigland the
drubbing which he considers Indian usable lo
re'.rieve Ihe Held of Wutcrlno.
Pownim HivKit. .Mr.l). S. J.ittlefioid.vvlio
arrived from Powder river on the 1 Dili ultimo,
culled upon us nml furnished us some informa
tion from this locality. 1 (e Is one uf the parly
Hint left Portland lust Augnsi, Induced by one
Adams, re-gurditig the discovery or gold on the
.Mulheur river, to undertake a projecting trip
in that ficllon. Fulling to find paying dig
glngs on the Mnlhenr, Ihe parly continued
Iheir search nnd finally struck it on Powder
river, lie showed us u specimen of the gold
obtained there ; it 1. coarse, nnd oppeors to
be of a line quality. The mines mu situated
on (ii illiu'i gulch near Ponder river. Then-
nre eleven men belonging to Mr. I.itllifieldb
party, who will reniuln during the winter, and
Ihey are the only miner on tlmt gulch. He
reports the digging! as jet in an embryo con
dilion, noi.c laving worked sufficiently to de
termine tthnt Ihey will yield. More or less
prospecting is being dune on gulches und
small slreunis putting Into Powder river. A
puriy of Oro Finn miners ure prosK-cliug In
that section. They report good prospects,
but are looking for rich diggings, I.lltlefield
states Hint there nre not to exceed twenty men
in the Uinnd Hondo vallev. und a laruu pro -
pot Hon of these are men engaged in Ihe pro-1 watch furtively, felinely; a mouili whoso ex-
spectivc route to Salmon river und in build-1 presslon Is hidden by mahogany whiskers nnd
ing n mill- There nro only two families settled pinustaehes. 1 should think he would feel ill
in this valley. Mr. Sli'phcn C'otllnV mill isjntcnseln Hukcr't. place. I should think the
progressing, nnd will probably be completed i ghost of tho dead patriot, niurdend by the
in ubout three months. Stiileunun, IF. 7". treuion thut Stark hns smiled upon, would
rr " ' T, t i I rise before him mid di.cumfort him. He Is
Hon tviiKii nv CitKosorr..--Dr. Lynch, I nM- uv, ,,,,,, , .,. ,i f
,.,..,,,, it i . .i i not to be envied hi Ids honor. J he tool of a
(in tie Uectric Mid en Journal), n treatins""1 ' ,,, ., , ,.!.,r
J ,, . ... , , . . ".'disaffected Governor, the mlsrrprcsenlativc of
bo Is ns n k in red disease to erysipelas, says ; """ J""" . . .
,, , n- . 1 1 I the honest sent inent oi Ins Stutc--iuesucces-
" ul cases creosote Is an enectua local rem- j , , be
ly. It produwsn blister, over whlel. forms, or ..Unav.m.d Ids amide
nn eschar, or scab, when the sore readily heals
And I havo neter known a single failure
where Iho remedy bus been applied prior lo
the formation of u core, or the dealh of n por
tion of the nreolur tissue. 1 have broken up
wholo crops of bolls with this agent, without
nny other treatment. How it nels, or lis mo
dus niwraudi, in these cases, let pathologists
determine. Hut when the tumor bus come to
n head, us n certain stugo of Its development,
lu common parlance, is termed, creosote will
ull'ord no service j and then supurntlon should
bo favored by emollient applications, such as
poultices, fomentations, fee, till the core is
disengaged, when tho ulcer rapidly heals uuder
simple dressing,"
m . "i m N "
O.nkoftiik Womu.ih, Tho body of n man
picked up lu Iho buy, name unknown, .S'ic
SmmrT.vnv Stastq1 on Vii7oni;s. Sec
rctury Stanton has addressed, the following
letter to the New Yoib Ti ikwc. on the re
cent victories In Tt'igcsn-c nml Js'orlh Unro
lln.i s
" 1 cannot silver undue merit to be nscrlbcd
to my olHt'lnl action. The glory of our recent
, victories belong lo the gulluut ollleers nnd sol
licr8 mt fought the buttles--no share or It
M , me Muc, m bH. ,, ,,,,
. , ,,,,- ,.i,.
. ,' , ., ' ,., ,. ,.
lory, I henr such phrases vvilh apprehensions.
They commenced In Infidel Frnnce tilth the
Iinllan cnmpnlgn, nnd resulted In Wuterloo.
Who am organize n victory ? Who can com
bine elements of success fou the battle field ?
Wo owe our recent victories to the spirit that
moved our soldiers to rub luto bntllc, ami
filled lite hearts of our enemies with terror nnd
dismay. The
nsplrnllou Dial conqucrcu in
...... . .
bailie wns In the hearts of soldieis uml from
. . , , , ,
"" "8,nm, f"' ll,crt: h l,,c"mo "'P
won now, uml bv u, iu the same nud only
muniicr that Ihey were ever won by uuy ieo
pie, or in nny nge, since the days of Joshua,
by boldly pursuing pnd striking the foe. W'hut
under the blessing of Providence, 1 conceive
to be the true organization of victory und mil
itary combination to cud this war, wus tie
elarnl In ufew words by Gen. Grout's message
lo Gen. Huukiicr, ' I propose to move immedi
ately on your works.'
" Yours truly, Knvvsnt) 51 . Stanton."
Tin: Most Povnuirct. Gr.v is Tin: Wtuii.n
We urc sure thut none of our n inters will full
to read (ho neconnt, lately published, of the
trial of the grcut Union gun. There have
been guns madu iu Uurojioof much larger rail
lire than this, but none ol them of suflieieiit
strength to give nny considerable velocity to
the shot. This gun is twelve Inches iud
u meter, nnd, being rilled, curries an elongated
shut weighing 't'JIl pounds nearly, Ihe same
weight ns the round ball uf Itudmun's fiflecn
inch gun, which is I'J.'i puuntk
The Ijinduu Hugmtcr, in speaking of ll.c
recent exiierhnenls at ,Shoeburjnei, calls Arm
strong's two hundred pounder the most power
ful.oidinance in Ihe world; but the shot ol
the big gun at Fortress Monroe Is more ihnn
twice ns large, und thu gun Is consequently
more than twiecus powerful. Thec two guns
the twelve Inch tilled, nnd the fine-en inch
smooth bore, ure the most power lid pieces o
ordinance thai hate eter yet been made.
Thu introduction of Iron plated shljs has
made it very desirable Tor sen-coast delcnie lo
have enormous cannon, Ihe shuts from which
would breuk the Iron p'utes lo pieces. Hut.
until Hodman's Imnrove-d mode of casting was
invented, it was impOMilble to mako cunimu
strong enough to bcur thu charges it-qulad to
give ellectlvu velocity to ball weighing -IUO
pounds. Tluse circumstance cuuse peculiar
Interest lo nltuch lo the trlul of the twelve
innli rilled cunnon, and we are much pleased
nl being able to present so good n description
of this trial. mil's Mcidiunlt' Magasiiic,
A Sknatoii. The Washington correspond
ence of the St. Imis ii'uWffiiii wjs :
The Governor of Oregon, luking un Infa
mous udvunluge of the decree of God, which
left the sent of Hal.er varolii, has dared to
pollute It by forcing Into Its occupancy a semi
secessionist named Slurk. This would havo
so -mid impitoslblu out of Oregon. When
every heart from Ihe' Penobscot to Iho gold
suiiiliil FniH'r's river was boned Iu sorrow,
ennobled by pride, for the deuth and the glory
ol ll.iker. did it not sevui Impossible that nny
man could bo found to gratify a cherished
in dice by the nw-fiil opportunity of the hour,
nnd to take n hideous veiutcnce on tho haled
name of the glorious dead by dishonoring the
place his genius had illumined, by the presence
of his nnd the country's detractor? Il Is too
tml for ridicule.
II the new Senator Irom Oifgnn is a true
man, he should sue his (ace lor libel. He has
a long, evasive countenance; shiny, sandy
hair i narrow fonhetid j while ijcbrowsi
1 colorless, mile eves, nearly closed, which
mileage. Perhaps ho is sutilii-d with that.
IM....H.V- --V - J"-- .
Nr.w Ori.ra.n8 in a H.tu Wav The city
ol New Orleans mu?t be in a dreadful woy,
when ll is reported that ull the gambling
houses have been closed. When n profllgule
comes to thut pass that he has to leave oil
his vices, it is well accounted a sign of break
ing up. New Orleuns without gumbllng-hells ?
Preposterous I One might us well think of
Loudon without cockneys, Cologne without
stinks, or New York without Aldermauic
thieves! It is announced, however, thut the
"sports" nre holding indignation-meetings
over this iinlranhof raid on the profession.
Well they may! If this measure docs not
make the Creacent City long to get buck to
tho good old Union times, pray, whnt will ?
foil'i i I'uptf
A Co.vriRMF.n Case. A Gentleman of ex
cellent habits mid very nmlablo disposition,
wns go unfortunate ns to hntc n wife of veiy
diUcri'M character ! in short, -one that wnuM
get beastly drunk. .)jfe it) company tviili
a few Intimates one ivculiig, one of thnn re
marked jo him, thnt if she was his wlfe-slqcc
ull other hlng hud fulled-he would frighten
her In some ttuy, so that she wpuld quit, her
evil Libit, nnd proposed the follmvlnj; ntvthpd:
that sonc lime when dead diunk, she should
be laid In n box shfljicil like a coffin, nnd left
in Hint situation until her lit should be over,
and consciousness restored.
A few evenings nfter, 1111? dome kuVg In h
proper stole, the plan was put Into execution ;
nnd after Ihe box lid was properly wciiri-d.
the party before nlludcd to wnlcheil, eafli In
turn, to witness the result. About d.ijllght
....... 1 1.- -.-!. I ,
" '""""'s e im neoru a movenieui,
into iiimseii Mown ny ti.c oox, when liir lutle
ship, after bumping her head it few timet, ttus
heard to say ;
" Hies me ( where nm I ?'' The outsider
answered, lo n sepulchral tone : " MndnribjiiU
are tjend und In the other world.'' A paw
i-nsiteil, niter which Iho Ipdy Inqulrei) tigalr. :
" Where nre you ?" " Oh 1 1 mn dead, too,"
snld he. " Cun you tell me how long 1 hotx
been dead ?" "About three weeks." " I low
long have you been dead ?" " Four months."
" Well, you hate lecn here so much longir
than I huve, can't jou tell mc vvhirc 1 can
get a little gin?"
Now and Tiik.v. The Secession ncwipn
pcrs have n great deal to say about the sup
pression of sundry treasonable sheets by tho
United Slutes Governitieni, crentlng us ihey
have n spirit of disloyally In Iho northern
Stales, irmllng lo paralyze the hands of the
Government in the effort to cubdui rebc'
lion, nnd thus uiding, In effect, the rebels them
selves. Hut they se-em lo lorget Hint ler tm
pust twenty yeurs, newspapers, books nml
pamphlets have been excluded from the malts
at the mere iru ol Democratic postmaster
theiiiiclvcs, and that a Democratic Adminis
tration countenanced such things by refusing
to reprimand or remove the actors of thu out,
rage. One of Huelmuau's postmasters wrote
tints In lS.ID i
Post Oitii. Lynchburg, Vu., Dec 2. W,
Mr. Horace Griely Sit : I hereby inform
you thai 1 shull not in future deliver Irom this
ofi'uc iho copies (jf the Tnlauc which coma
heie, because 1 believe Hum to Us of that -incendiary
chuructcr which tire forbidden circu
lation alike by (he laws of the laud, uml n
proper rivurd lor the safely of society. You
will, the. clorc, discontinue them,
llespectrully, It. II. Glass, P. M.
The simple difference between now und then
is, that now papers arc excluded from the
mails by tho Government which bus the right
under the Constitution to do so, Then, they
tveie suppressed by the mere cieuturcs ol the
Oiiiqinai, AxxruuTKur Hi'uss. Ai I-otd
Crawford and Lotd iloul were one tiny tvulk
lug over the hinds in Ayrshire, ihey saw Hums
plowing In u field hard by. !.md Ciuvvforel
said to Ind Uoyd, "Dojou sec that rough,
looking fellow across there with the plough?
I'll lay you u tvnge-r jou cannot my anything
to him thut he will not make n rjhmu ol."
"Pone," said the other; und immediately
going up to thu hedge, Lord Hojd cried out
" lliiugh .'" Hums stopped ut once, leant
uguiusl the plow, and surveying Ids nssailuut
from Iieud to foot, he quietly uusvveretl,
It's not Lord Crawford, but Lord Until,
Of grace nud manner. h Is told
Jui like u bull unionif the rye,
Cries ' baugb !' ut lulks ns he goes by.'1
The wager was of course won.
Tut: Philadelphia Lifuitr says that, ii
conformity with tho usage, uflcr theilectiouof
11. shop Stephens to the usslstaut bishopric of
Pi imsj Ivunla, a notice to that edict was sent,
via Forlrest. Monroe, to the various bishops of
the Southern Slutes, lequestlng their acquies
cence. Hut otic reply was received, that from
Hishop Atkinson of North Carolina, who,
without any political remark or allusion to the
divided state of the country, gave u ready
content. This may be looked upou ns u lucit
aekuowledgemeut of Union fee-hug, and u de
nial of the divided conditlou of thu Kplscepl
Chu.eh lu Ihe United Slutew,
A Tkiuiiule Path roil J :. At n festival
on some oeeusion among the soldiers Iu MU
souil, mm ol t hem from Adrian otlerred the)
following cxliuvagnnt sentiment, which is
printed in a Missouri paper, Irom which wu
copy i
Jefl. Davis May he be set ulloat In nil
open boat, without compass or rudder; may
the bout and its contents be swallowed by u
shark, unu the shark by a whale, the whale In
Ihe devil's Lclly and the devil iu hell, the eloor
locked and the key lost ; und further, may lw
be e-hulned iu the southwest corner of hell, and
a northeast wind blow ashes luto his eyes to
all eternity !"
Iteligiou A key which opens wide thu
gates of Heaven.
Death A knife by which the ties of earth
nre riven.
Karlh A desert through which pilgrims
wend their woy.
Grate A home of rest which euds life'.s
weary way,
Itcsurreetlon A 6udJeu wuklng from u
quiet dream.
Heaven A luud of joy, light nud love su
preme. Faith A u anchor dropped bowud Hiu
vole of death. ilS,
Uope--A lone slnr uvu,mlng o'er awrici.