Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 29, 1862, Image 2

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(), .1 U'CIIIS, Klllllll.
t,M0,.. A (JoVr'JIWIr-NT I Oil Till: Wlltll.K Is IM.Is
.AN'SlOU!," - lllilH,7u.
HJ1J1I..IMWW Plll.l. , I II Willi II. Illl ! I
KVITRDAV, AlAltCIl 'it), IHH'i.
I , ,U.II Hlll MI...II'.MI1.IIIM Illl ll.lllll
Important Fact.
Wo often lic.ir nisn who ileeply tympnltiixc
wlih the Soiillirrn traitor rcmuiking, that If
I ho North liiul given llio South nny guarantees
on Ihe milijecl of shivery, there would have
Ik-cii no recession nml no iclu'lllon. Our
limner Is that the North hnsgivrn llieni every
guarantee tlmt rennomilM) iihii could itfk. iiikI
nvuo eu"i llmu they have demanded. The
h.intli ileiinmliil n stringent fugitive slave
luw. mid the North grunted It. The .South
nViI for the rtpfiil of llic .Missouri Compro"
mire, nml the North coiieiiksl ll. It will
not bo prctmdeil tlmt the old Democratic
jiarly w . hostile to llio Inlctests or oblivious
of the rights of the South. It only inrmln
to he shown thou, what wits nml Is the peril
lion of llio Uopublio.ii) puly on tlili subject.
In order to ascertain the doctrlno of any
itnrllenliir Church, we jto to their Conlcwion
or I'ullli. So In order to ncertnin the princi
ple of nny political parly, vc imut ) to
tlulr plntforui, for tlmt U an luilliorntivccmin
rialion of their piluclplex. No IihIUIiIuhI
Member of n parly linn n right to penk fur
Hut party In oppoollion to ilg plalform, lie
cr.uc Ihe jnirly fjioiiks itx prineipleo through
It platform, nml In no other wny.
Jlnilng premlwil thus intieh, we roll your
nltcntion to the till refoliillflti of Hie Repub
lican platform, adopted nt Chicago, IHOO. It
rendii tlitu :
Tlmt Ihe mnintrnance Inviolate of tin- light',
nml opi-clttll.i or llio rlplit of itwli litnle In
imlir nml eoutiol ll onu iliiinenllu lnlllulloui
ncei Ming to Hi imu jihIuhimiI u.ieliitliely, l
luonllul lo I lint kUmico or mihi' on which I In
inrrcctloii nml eihlurnnoe of our Hllllcnl fnbilc
No language couM hm-e lteeti uwl lo lum
exprcfKil more pointedly nml more forcibly
the doctrine of uou-lulerferoneo with the d.
iiicilic iuMilnltomi of Hie youth. The princl
ph: rtcl in, Hint tliey not only have no
lihtto irilcrferc, but Hint mcii Interrcretiee
would be Hk ikntrnoilnti o His (lovirmnciit
Slavery exlits In tic : iitlicru Htalw, nml ii
exiMs there by virtue of local law. 'i'lut law
I just as biii.linB' upon the c!tlzns of mid
tatitcA m any other enactment of their t
Utitrw. So far at Hk citlttin of oilier Suii-
nre conccriml, tliey arc not rftpouillik: for th"
cnactiiKMit of wch Inwj, and lliey hnve not tin
i-hndnw of an excuw to juitify any inlcrfcrcuei .
Such it the doctrine of the Republican 1'uit
loi in wlih refinnco torinvfry in the Slulef.
Hut further: I lie lmt Concern a-.loj.tol the
following resolution with earvo a diifcnliiig
vote, nwrly every K-pnbllean voting for it.
Hvcu I.QVeJoy voted in Hw nfflrRMtive :
A'nx'iW, lliAt iii'itlier the I'wlerul (iovciu
ineut, ii'ir thu mU or (!oimmi-iil of tin-tioU'iliiv-lioMiuir
Siaief. Imvon MirMMie, or u
Conitlliillouiil rlirlit. (o li-tiilulv uiMHi.or loin-
U-rfero wllb liuvry In Ibu Sutilltern Kinte of
mo Liiion.
Hero i. n cltnr nml ettijilinHo legWatlve
enunciation of the wnw iloctriiw in llwt em-liodii-tl
in Hie tth resolution of Hm Itepiihliwn
rlatforni, Hut soys an objector, thin is nil
lallifactury enough to Tar as Hw Conititullon
us It now ftau.li i iviu-eriveil, but Hw Itcpub
licant, once fairly in jiower, will amend lite
Conitilutioii K) iu to give Hw ilglit to
We have two muwere to thl obji'oliiHi.
The 111 it if, tlmt it ixpiin two-lliiidii of both
lloure of CootjiTW, or Iwo-lliirdi of tk
.Siutoi to proow umenilmeiiU to Hie Coiull.
tutlon, and tliec amtmhoenU before they Ito
come n art of the Couititntioii limit icwive
ihe vancliou of llinv-fourlln of the Siutr.
ThU, In llio lery iwlure of thlnyt, would U
impoilile, if in opposition lo Hw Intermti ol
the .South.
Thcecroiid'unswer ll.-it we give In Hil ob.
jccliou U thin : The Houw of Itiprwntativi'
did, before llio Southern Slutra M'iediil, mh n
propoeltlon to amend the Coiwtiliilion ol Hie
Tutted StntN, f an lo prohibit Congnxg
from ever itroafter inteifering with Hie iintl
tutlon of olmery iu tlio Slnlw, imiMng tint
restriction u part of the fuMkinientiil law of
thu land. Thin proHiitioii rcoclvcsl u two
third majority in Hw Senate nfier many of the
Southern Senator Imd wltlidruwn.
So much for Ihe Stall. lit u lum our
uttvntion to the Torilorle. nml Bee if lime
wcro nny grievuneeu there tlmt Congrnw
ought In h.ic rrdrtrl, but did not.
Alter the election of Lincoln, the fongreu
of thu Unite! Stales organic! Ihree Tuiilo-
liee, Uacotuh, Nevada nml Colorado, leui lug
to Iho people, when they came to form 11 Sl.He
Constitution, uml not before, tlio right to ills
poso of tlio vexed subject of slavery, q'he
Glh section of nil theso Teirilori.il acts, among
other thing, prohibited tlio Tcrrltoil.il U;ii
Ictuic from patting nny law lo linp.iir Iho
light to piivate property. What moie could
h-' tikl.nl ?
Again, the following resolution was ollirisl
iu Ihe .Senate of H.o Cnilcd Stub by Mr.
Drown, of 5li.ti'ippi, n few mouth prior to
Mr. L.ucolu'k citation. It ie.nl thus :
Iktolitil, That oiptiioiico lining already
flioiiu that thu Conrlilutioii ami thu Common
Liu, uuililed by rtatulory pinvirhm, do not
nlloiil mlivjuaUt ami tolueicjit oroti'ct'ou lu
hlnio properly. nuihhiI Ihu Tcirltoiiuc h-iviug
lalliil, oihrr luting ulunvl. In u ruch on
iictuient., it has become the duly ol (i.grvM to
Interpose ami in meh Ian. ns will ulUu to
Mate piupcrly In (lie 'IVrriciltr: tlut piutcvtloii
wmeu it yii'-ii 10 uiuei hi. vis iji piupiriy
The yea and 11 . hrlivj ijujjjmjiij on tb'j
icin lil')wt'MWM frm.T.-nnn
I adoption or llila usolntioii, It un-- lUcldnl III
, the negative by llio following vole : Venn, I
Mertr. Drown, .Iulinnn of Arkansas nml '
.Military !l. livery oilier Hsutlicrit Senator
, !"1 ,r
voled in llio negative, llifitby mvlwrtut
that down to that day, nt least, there was no1.,
Tirillori.il(!ricvnnccreipitringreil.eH. Much
fact us the above arc worth volume of reck-
less n-.scilluii.-t nml vnplil ilcclninnllnii.
1.1 fit..... ll... (J...tll. 1..tt rt 1.1.1 ftfMllltl.l.tSA.1
' ,m - "'"l""'i "'
of nny hostile action on Ihe part of that por-
Honor the nM Deinnernllc pm ty located In
lhcNorlli.no fur in ilaveryln the Slnln i
2.1, The Republican party, In their platform,
rtionwerleil iu the most pHltiie manner, ,,,- pirllllk iMCl; with Involnntnrv 'Hie chief engineer of the Monitor wys three
wir umit or dlMwlt!m nml their want of (lrnul . rcnMltrig ,mrm.ir. however, we rnletcd bnlta from ili.it wl iid Ihiough the .Mcr
ourrlolnterfrrcwIllnJaveryli) Ihe States. nm, fm,wl wlrH.r rr lw. dnt time in our lire rlumc. Tim Monitor was htruck thirty-three
. ..... V..
pointed ilvelnrnlion or their ibttfiitiii, by Ihe
mmt Kokmu loRlnlalivo emineliillon, tlmt Iney '
hiw nclllmr the pnrpon- nor the ConMltu.
(i, mey nave imcKiir up uic cimr mm
linmti ri'jlil to intirtere wiin wnvery in iuo
Ilh, 'Hie entire North. InelmTinjf nil purtlw,
hnix' tendered lo the South the iiioposllton. fo
lo nmend Ihe Contllutlon. Ibu I In nil time
to come there hould Ir no right lo Inlerfcie.
otli, As to the Territories Soulhcrn Sen-
loir,Jii4l pievlom lo the election or Mr. I.ln-
coli. by their mien on the IteiHilullou inbmlt
trd by Senator llrnwn of Miwilwlppl, ulinwcl
in the mini rmplwltc nmnwr, llmt there were
no Tcrritminl grlevnn nailing the logl.l,i-
live Interference of Congrc.
nth, A ltipuhlkn... (ongrrw.M.lip.fnllo
edcclionori.incc.lu.org.u.lw.ltliree lerrl-
torlr, nml in Hie sixth feci ion of etich one of
Iho organic net, ravc.1 lu in elenresi imnner
Wl.,le. U the light clalme.1 by Iho South wMdi n Mf , ,mi, ,()
In regard to slave properlyjn Hw Undone. ,w oJjijl(, nm8)ff (wt, nen TU rmlm
llrrrrnn Hir!sMii...aist Comtnuiioi "utll quite n number or genulno h.nt nml n
Urcrjon KoBi-iwuSix UmpaniM. gm q Mm
Ohwios Ca v.vi.r.v. Col. Cornelin. Colonel, KrftlMlCr convoention r dead men, to beheld
rrJ.,H Vt,!rr-v!r.C1Lr'e,r o" ih or Ap.il next. There wire oim o.
rrom I be nwretary or Ynr lliiongn iicneml . '. . . . , . '
Wright, tnudirvlug previous onler: that I .two 1.U that, from their ncllvlty, jnrllcii. ,
hon!,lenlit only fix bill eomnanle for ervleelary nrrcMed our nltcntion. There wa r
iiHlend or Irn which number, wo knrn, Is Don thing ghost who mciikiI lo l resile", i
iar "r ru'rther1 Si fT l
Wrights UrtgoiiHin.
We arc verv wrry to learn that inch It tlic
eiucbnt we Mill Iwpo llmt Gnieml Wilglit,
In who military knowlcilge. ability ami pa-
,.i..,i... ..... 1...J 11... ....! .,.,i.,.i, .1 ruu.ii.
.1 ..in 1 u i:.. r
iu i., .1 .tr.1- m ii,.. rll lu.ileB I. ,
dano to all portion of our threatened Stale.
livery ron nl nil acquainted with lite I nil-
an In Southern Oregon, i fully convinced
that ire nre on Hm eve of nnotkr Indian war.
This iK-lIef I ImiwiI not only on Hie osHlvc
aerlln of I lie IihIIaus tliemwlvff, but nlo
on their nctloiM their growing insolence.
That tlio four comsiiiie, originally
lo lc
ruUeil south ol tiro Cal.ipo.vla mountain, nml
luiwniMMil full, will lw neiemrv tlie comiiittl
yenr to protect the Hoplo or Sonllwrn Origoi. , Vnn '"tL ' t t 1 u 'r Z - V ? . ..'.
i , ' , , , , . , ,i . In o her word, law r or ito avail If Urielly I
from lialmii ilepmaiikMH. b too palpable lor'clriiHftu, nny twivm rr tK-rsotM. relt ni ,
aiwiment. Wo b.lie-o thai (lenernl Wright '
will eorne to Hkjwumj coneluslou when he I
In rail iwMNlen or nil Hie r..ct. Il Is thl
, ,' , ,,,.,.. , . ...
a'most universal Uller that lias lrailcne.1 llio
orgnn'Mllon or the coitinnlc in tbcHmtli.
If ibu Iwo eotniunlM mtsnl In Hm North.
oniof IheMx companies which wire to he
iniwternl there, mu suflkknt, In connection nnt rnsontlluliumi1. Tlwy Murder ourtol-i fu'r ,l WH,twl of "ir0 ,,0.v we Im,v''
wild iW California voliinlecr a I ready in tkdier, but thl I not uiieonsiltutlorul. 'IVy bealen Hie enemy at Sugar Creek llul'ow.
field, lo prolccl the Halle country ami the drlvtiufron our oau lerrllory, but lliii ls'Their furee eorwlsled of Van l)ii't Prlee'e.
Norlhcrit mine, we have not a woi.l to ,av.',wt. u.coii.titmio.iaUWVyijval-ur (r'frhK .McCiillooliV n.l J'rof eommm. !. 'IVy
,. . , . . . , '. ami convert the stolen vetrel Inlo plratlenl , ,, . . , ... , . ..:
I!at we do most roipeelfully proletl agaiutt vn i,u ,1,1, ( ,mt ut,constl'utlon.il. They ' w ont tn wtrenl In wild cwirnelim, will.
Iho wltlidruwn I of men enliicil iu Sontliern tleslroy our nnny. mini nnl nivy yards, but lias lo of a corwidcrable number of canmi.
Uiejrmi. and wlio are ulwolutelv nccenry for Hd' I not uneoi.slliultannl. They tear down , nMir. inukel ami ammunition. Their Paw
il pmtcetkMi ml sfely-to go'U Nottliern 0,u,r ""S ,"M, ,'3"i " A.wrlwn name, but ( ,g yntimmy wJiMWtrtI nl IVihu 'J.l.tHMl to !0.-
, ' 1 .1 1 , . lid I not micoiwlitulion-il. lliey rme nn , .. ,,;,, . . . . , . . ,.
Oregon, whin lliey Unc mote men ami greater Brmy mr n,0 Voweil purpose of taking tlie 0,)0, MUW awlalneil to lie iimr
resoureei tin. 11 we huw, ami ought lo lime as eapiliit mill iK-siroylng the rowrty of IIk 1 Inlly wounded. Mclnlh ami lUelur, tU
muel.palrlotlr.il. (government Itrdf, full this i not uuonnstilu-' Imter eon of Ihe (lovermn- nl A rknitrm, Me
la eonc ition. we Iww lo av lo our North-
ern friend, that ll is n pity welasd not known , (- mlvmW nf lWitrv,ng UtuX, It I Uely
the trua itnte or thl nutter n little iromicr. ' unconstitutional. 'iwy mu'tnpt to traiwa-r
Tlie peoil of Souilieri) Oregon ure not only n ' 11 soldier rrom one fort to another, It I villain
patriotic, but n geuerou eple. Had lliey oiiily uncwistltiitlnmil. if they nttempt to
ln (ally eonvlueesl that I, w.. iK-cearary for
litem In rnlto five or ix hundrid iih-ii fur tlai
protect cm of thu northern frontier, their iinlrl-
otiiui ami generolly would liuve U-en espial
- , j. r ,,wM
ihuu wo wl. A citlacn ol thl valley eanmit
leuie It ami go twenty five mllca (YKtward
without exposing hi life among Inutile) In
dian. Thu fertile plilns nml Hw Illimitable
poitoi.il reouree rat nt 11 ure shut out fnuu
Ihe riijoj meat of the Hsip!e of SouIIk-iii Ore
gon, Hut it is nil well, we upKe.
taring HsitJc joking, ll.u reuee of thl
in titer U simple litis : TlaH.oplc or Southern
Oregon keenly Mt Hie neeelty or rnltlug ut
kMt lour gowpanhsi for their own defense and
)irotictlou, nml every man lent u lielplag Incite.
Tlie ieople of tLe Willanwlle, although a pev
trletlcnml loyal m any jieoplu lu Hw workl,
felt no rueh nceeetity ; l.cueo Ihey railed to raise
their quota.
Gkxmii. Slum ThU noble nnd patriotic
German hat bud iiuotlcer signal opiorlunity
aflbiilid him lo sliow his deeotlon to lit
nil..n.ri1 i.niilvv 1.iIvn nc n lAfiirvmi fiAtti I
1 j " - (
the Old World, reeehul ami honored by
America, eiery pulnillon of hie heart is Tor
the l'lilon with nil ilh civil right nml political
hlerslng. Itislhscliiely hating tyranny nml
oppression, and loving liberty and Constitu
tional freedom, his hcurt l In Iho druggie. I
Ho Uoueof tlioso men whose intellectual
perceptions e'eur up nmld the roar or cannon
j mi the Finoko or battlo. Xo dangers uppal
hint, nud no difllcultiee balk the intuitive cer
tainly of hi judgement.
At the bailie of Sugar Hollow, on the first
u. y. oe w .. , co uu.au., o, tie.acun.e ni o,
8U0 men detulled lo guard a baggage Imln.l
, , ..... . .
hitt in the ,rrorm.e or that duly he wa
nttiukcd by twice hi number. Ho succor.
fully fought them all d iv and safely brought
Hie train up to the main uimy. Taicc lliey
had hint and hi littlo Spartan band entirely
"T . . .' 7
airoumle.1. but he cut his w,.y Ihrough.
wlce.we pn-.n...tl.o UnMerule omcen
thought, now old Fo wo have you, but they
weic disappointed of their game. Whgru i
there ft German whoo heart dee not glow
witl, patriotic lire ut ,., mcnlion of 8,;-,;-, W"
.. traitors from their hiding place. Ut them
hut -uicrcuroquiiu u uumuer 01 cra.y
wrwn,uvirt wjcvrtrrmtM
A OJJtvccaUon of Doad Men.
I nit Saturday win Iho day nppoiiilol by n
tnithlntl iicrsonotru formerly known in these
pari tin llio Democratic Coinily Committee,
for l)l0 10,KOf Precinct Convocation. On
... ... ... ..... -..,.... ... .,.
'nnwno0M re(V ,nonlR.oly ghost were soon
wc,n, ,H.fr wn. V(.ri1ii ll.c Court House.
Xo, , , , w (,r t)K,r(, wmM bt; n flUm.
i.,ilnn .l...rn.-l.i. urtufcpilmir int. nml nti
,,,..,,, 'i ,.,! n-neiiril the nil
cm ,1Wf Wc wcie nceoftc.l nt the door by
.,,,,.,., .iti, Bmi ei0 weleovncd wllh.i
teeming tnille, but there wn to much t,r
... , , ml r , , ,, iat wc
illn conioculiou or ileni
fr(pm nnw) ,0 twen. ,,,-
M w ntfnnK
TOrt tWllh!. FoP
. pnl..nr1mi ,.r .....i ,.,. .,cro ,.cre
rltn vlwblc tu mortal
Hint nil Iho gliotli-
fplrlls In the other
world entertaining the opinion U-hl by Hicb
disid men ore exceedingly ruro uud only oecu
py the loner fphcrec If nny forlnllous com
ibliinllnns nf elrcunistnnees houldi'ier raise
them lo thoiphcre In which Andrew .Inclitnn
inovn, there would lie n row iu gliroMaml
t M. 11.1. 1.. At It. I n .rnn.1 Innl'tn nli.l
' " f . ... ..... .
topritldo c-er the couvoenlloiu One J. W.,
nM mm ()
m ,( nm vtn (),
. ,,'., ,, . ,,., nr .,, w,
m,0 ,,, ,, MU. ,aVM m ,,ml ,,,,' Wahlngton, ami rfrli the Merriumc l.lly
,,, lHmllW ,,,, nmong 'injured in the two day light. Shvluwuhole
morUil. Tlwn conimcnecd Ihe ikligtitmniu I
ttivi...r. ti v...i.i.... ......
,iwr,.nll . ..... ,.,., ,. ,, .... ,.., ....
7J ' "-7. ? " J W I-
jilutonlan n-glon llmt liocckii n iuv of oil-
elul ret. While on earth lio dwelt with tl
dUwiplei of Sam," In their tcnli nml tltvh
M - Hlw I depnrlod thl lir, lw Imm re-
tmillateil " Sam" nml till his doctrine. After
nil Hie solemn dntie of Hw convocation hn-1
lcn duly dieeJmrgMl, tl pmkllnguhcsit gav.
"l 1" the table. We lienril 11 dima
nwwwf or .try ihhic. leu n rutii in mm nir.
' ' 81'01 lwl dUnppcnrol from uwrlnl
- - i
How Thoy Miuine.
We ollp Ike following from Ike. OngtHMu
of March l.llh, und emnineml It lo the cowl! I
lulioiial howler out thl way.
Witness rnie of llielr logic, "'lids Tulai
I .1 I... .1.. !"... ..t , 1
eiiroreeiiK-nt of law we imisl vietd to tlmt re-
istnnee. Ixtiwmakeu mow sjieeille nppll-
wtimi oIHil subject. The J.rv.i-Ieiw
crvliw out mnilii't the Amuilstnitlon do-
c.rnjf ,lwl iMr mt nro mieoiwtltulhuHil.
A I Hie mum lime no word of fault I foi.i.l
W III tnitur. Tl UV Oil arms nml niiiuiun
Jlon. Imt nneousiliuiloniil Thev
,0,ml' u" '"' "" " " "7 " ' wmw'
f j;7K ntritHiv "nml
1,1, unconstitutional. If we attempt to
iuieontitiitionul. If we attempt to
. .'..V ....w... ... I
esuleet revenue In one of our own ivorU, ll
revenue In one ol eair own iwU, ll
diabolically unemnliluttoiiul. If we at- ,l0red nn udvum-e or cavalry ami light urlll-
sjiM'St ' - r y-r :,iU;,mw wm,' o,,1;t ,,u
tiiiieHtu) ; hihI If we wish to uikw money f. r,nliU(-''i nl,d break wlait I riipHiiil wouhl be
iHiyinir the patriot soldier who lime vnliin-' the reluforeed lino of Hie enemy' center. The
tcvriil their liuv in defeiue of their country
ll I borrlitiy uiieoiuilltiitliHiiil.
Any ..ml uwryll.lng tlmt .felT. H.ivl ,V Co. I
nmy do I nil right ; but Lincoln ! Uncoil) ! ! 1
ami then Iosco I lie jwor fellow wllh Ireinii
lou voice and dilluscd eye melt iiivny in n '
piro.li.i ol agony 1 It' awful. 'Itnilr melting
fervor of iigonizlng sitriotin:i rem'nih us ol
" l'k, ,of ,,') 1'1 80r'a'
cutlomtd to sit eveiy morning with hi ipro
tucle on hit nose nod Iho llible lu 1.1 huial
while 11 look of heavenly piety mantled hlel
, , , .... , , ,, , , I
..kfe...,. ...u.,. i.r,, "viik, ii. .n,n ,11111.
into breakfast, the plou old man would nsk
him : " John, have yon watered the molasie V
" V." "Sanded .the ,uar!" " Ve."
'Dampened Hw wIlT" " Vw." " Well, ..
Iri iu attiiul fmnjffi."
Hattlo of l?ort Donelson,
Wo publish on ll.e onUide of our paper nl
today, 11 graphic drrcriplioi of this terrible
Kittle, l-cl every one who ha hail nny iloubu
In regard lo Northern valor, lead it, and have !
, Ids doubt removed. Wo don't ask tlio five -
to-ono fanatic to believe ite itateme-nt. or to'
heesl it tlguillcaut teaching. Tlio I'nloi
men engaged weio not only inferior in number.
to lha Confederate, but were llglilinglheui on'ud light wings foiwurd, aur light turning
ground especially selected by tlio traitor for ' 'ft '' "' '" "! fro llrlng on his
1 that purpose, Hut still they obtained n (jlorl- l,lcr. This final position enclosed the enemy
1..1..., In Hie iiir nf n elrele. Tlio ebnri'n of I lie In.
""' ..viutj.
Hmmn nHmf h , aro
.,,. nl, ,.., ,,. .,. .,,, .,
, ,,. of Mm b. nc ,,,,, or ,
Northern men iu nuncio, fur lit iul nml energy
Hence, whenever the cold steel has been u,ol
by the emb.iiilul and oiiwurd moving Icslonc
of Ihe North, Southern traitor have quailed
(, M(cl (0 Mr myc
, f , 0 . , ,. of ,;un.
bayonet clairgo of Gun -
cral Smith, Thu Coiiredei nice had been lor li
fylng theniselvea for month, but Iho brave
liiill.ttirt 1 tul Illiiiftitt liitittA n nl stum. 1 1.,,!.. 1..
iry inosamc inmg on Tvortlinn ttoopa uud
eee how llay will tuie-td.
rw ! r dm .?
Dispatches received by Aii.i. I n-.unr.il llulliiw.
March lOlli ltrunswiik, In Georgia, nnd
Feriinndliio, In 1'lorMa. nrc In puiwuslon of the
Federal, also l'ort Cllnili ul the hitter place.
"prtclvo Inrirc nuns fell lulu our bunds, toi-elher
, will, one Inim1n.il nml twenty rilW camion,
I Our force also captured tho rebel steamer
l).g0, oa'i!e.l wl(h wagons unit timmuiil-
'. !
JottTnwH .Moxttot:, .Mitrcti loin.
The Monitor ll piejwreil for nnulher con
flict. Iter performance on Sunday was per-1
ftclly wilructory. The olllocrs upenU or her
Ua ,w Mlietl ,crnMi
timeK, but.not Injurwl. Only the opportune
arrival ir the Monitor linuiicil the muely of
thu MlnuoMta nml the other 1'ederul veel
Sho tlhiubleil the .Mi-rilm.ic, wldcli, prevlotu
lo her nrrivnl, wns proof uguititt ivoryiiiing.
A Hag or trine (nt to Crnney Island to day,
Males that rebel ofllcerj fay the Mcrrimac wus
il.innged, but not wrioiwly.
The rebel gunboat Yorktown recoivid n
shot In her boiler during the engagement.
Tlio Norfolk Mil Hook ml mils (lint tome or,
Ihe Cumberland' oliotis enlcrtd ihe Merrlnmc
Oiw Mull killed eventeen men. mid woiiim1.iI
Commodore. Hucliunnn, wlio litis ulneo Hint.
,.,.,. MoUof ,, ,,,,, ,0 )jt (otnMMt ,
. .,, j
Ahliiiit Secretary Fin hns rcturneil to ,
'x""' '" llcr ,iul1 bl" ,I,C MnHor. und was
,1,1,- i.a.lly when lw tit Imek. Tins Cum
,,,,,-, briM(Wl,, llrtl llliy ri1K ,ight
lllJ(,ml lm w ,,. ml ,, p,,M nol llok
tin Mlnmaota nml Itoanhe, ul.hough both
wro njrrmil(i u l!ll)k lh, MllllfMB roII
now liaudlu the Merrlnmc, oho being si low
-'l ""wieldy. lie nimMcm It utterly Impo
.h.l. r.. i. 1,. ... 1.1 ... .lu. ivmitil tinnis.
HIsi r.r Ikt logo to mi. tlio would linnif
"Hntely rounder in nn onllnary gule.
Ciiu-nm, .March Uth.
.Miinaiwis has ln iweiiibly uceupknl by
the Federal trooM.
CKXTntn'u.i.x. Mnrtli lllli.
Thl stronghold nr Hm rell pmwil n
oonc ir ilulullon rarely wltncMed. Tin n
iMtl emunienwdevacuuniig 011 SutunUiy ktM.
d wmllmwl until MmuUy night. They'
Ilien blew up Iho 11.1. lore up Hie rnllr.Ki.l
truck, iMinwil their tent, fonnte and jirovl
low, ami. In fact, destroy ing evtrylhing ibey
could nut rvmuve. i
The eurlbwofk ut Ctulrevlllo nre greull.i '
nilrepietiieil. They wenkimt of iw fornild
iibk' I'lmmatir ns mis suppofcd. The enemy
,'ww wiivliig. bad WHnewkut Injunil thuiu
"rwKing wuunwuro. ms. ......
W.iiiiNini)i, Mnreli 11th.
There lw lieeu u light ut Jjmiuler Siiilimi,
..... . .. ...
mMU ,,r " ' ""'m"e' "IWWI H',Kri" M"
,.,..,. , , .......i. ..r ,,,1,.
" 'r,K" ' . . T .
' latter were ciriven imeti, ami iiiiriwn prr-
irncri aipltireil. Ssv.ntl werekllkd on iiiel.
Tin- llnllli-nl .Silent- C'rrtll, Aili.ui.ni.
St. I.oi'i. Mnreli 1 1 lh.
A special dispatch from Suar Creek, wliere
ll(01,rm.. oI- nj SouthwwHs .biltoned. ay
Hie nml n iiuihIkt c-r uther proiulnri.t nwn
are prisoner, U-iik 11 large number of lU
rank nnd llle.
Cneml Curtli' ofuVilal dbiwleli to C.encrul
M'lui iiiinik bv Hm ooemv onmmeuovd Mniol.
. . . ...... I
fill., on my right, unci eonllmrrcl until mur
o'oloek on tlai morning or .Mureu tu. 1 or-
o'oloek on Hie morning of .Mureli 1H1. I or
1 moi'eitKiit w.u Iu pro.'rea wk-n the enemy, ut
I eleven o'uloek lu thu morning, renewed Iho nt
lnek on my right. Tlie tight continued nmluly
at thetc MinU during tlie duy, tle ewmy hav
ing gained the ioliit hotly eontwled by Colo
net Curr nt Cro Timber Hollow, lint wa
entirely iepulac.1 with the Tall of thulr coin
maiilvr nnd (ieneml MoCulloelt, ly our force
under Colonel D.ivl. The jdaii of the nttuek
011 tlweiK'iuy' tvuter win gulkiutly es.rrkd
' ' riLKU'.ir.l l.t. (..!aiu,I Cl.l,u.ltiill. Ulu. IV. Ullt.
. . ,. .. . . ,. 1 - 1
por to I by Gin. Ouvb entire iliwsiiiii,iilllioiigh
that of Gen. Sigel'a oommaml, which lind ro
mnlned till near Hw cloo or day, left before1
Hie day oloetd. I was conviuevd the enemy
hud ooacentrulcd tlwlr main farce on my right.
I tliercfure coiumeuecd n change of ft out for
ward, so a to face Has enemy when he de
ployed on my right Hank in Mrnng Kition.
Tlio change had been only mrllully (ILcled,
but wiui fully iu prngrca. when, nl umUe, the
attack on my right nml center w a renewed,
thero being firing ulniig Hie whole line. My
1 'eft. under Slgcl, moved close lo the place 00
copied by Iho enemy, driving him fiom the
1 liti.lilj nttil mli-nnntiwr clnmlil, Inu'.iril I Imiil
....,.,..... ,...,s ...,. , ..
Hollow. I imnicilintcly ordered Iho center
- "-- - -- -.--'- . -- o- w- --" --
,, oMcn(11,,, irolIg,,out 10 wIloIc ,InC(
Uminlotilv routed tl.o whole rebel force, which
lfllr8nUll , lwt confllsion ,,,, ,1w1 nlll,
Impaablu defiles ami cross timber. Our Iom
was heavy. Tho enemy's In cannot he as
certained fiom the de.ul scatleied over a large
' Md. Tho encmy'a force sjc.1llvn.1l in n
. bl)t , ,,,. ,,,',, fmco reU
, t Itoston Monntnin. Gen. Sigul hi
nil ill
, to Huston Mountains, Gen. Sigol fullows
them towards Kelt Irvillc, and my cavalry Is
, puwuliig 1.1m toward tho mountain, tcour-
, iiw tlm 'Ainilri nml lirlmrllK' III lil'limniu.
A Messenger arrived at th.ee o'clock this
niorulng.nndieport8iiat our lora on Sugar
( iia), Aihaii.a vv.i lour huudicU uud 111 s.
the rebel lut- one thousand Mllcil nml woum!i.il
nml one thousand prisoner,
further nf the llntllr In Arlniins.
In uiillelpntiaii. or nu ntlnek on the mitli,lii tarcc, with n buttery or fix pieces nml two
(lencrnl CurtW ordered the trains to be drnwn howltrcw, miller tupt. .venae, lownnu
up on the north side, but nn unexpected nl'eicnlng, most of the enemy's) guns were si
trick commenced on the renr, north of our ' lenccd j they, however, mnilo n desperate
nnny, by l.flOO or 2,000. rebel oovulry. (''o". charge on the howitzer battery, wlikh was dc
Slgcl, with ?00 men, prelected the Irnln Tor rendeil by dipt, l'lumptnn's Compnny of rcg
sevcml hnuw, nlterniitely retiring und stopping ' uhirn nud n portion of Col. Plfw'a Heglment
lo bold Iha rebel lu iheck. while the Irnln , of .Mexican Volunteer?. 'I he 'JV.nn, COO
pushed backward to the main b idy or the
army.. Mwnwhllo the rebels engaged SIgel
nihi'trirpn HitiM iirMiniil..il him. but he cut hie
way througti every time.
Ourl-xfils cutimitcil from 800 to 1,000
killed. The ribel hv not known opposed
to be 2.0U0 or .'1,000. l'robably l,.r00 prlsn
iipm were tukeii, nml more ure coiwtnnlly
lulng brought In. Hi lee, with nbout 10,000
men, retreated northward nml then took nn
easterly direction. Ueiicnil JiOvrnn C. Ha
vis is nflcr him. The rebels hud In tlwlriirmy
2,000 Indians, supposed to bounder the com-1
maud of Mclntwh. l-'eilcrul foldier were
found cnlKil, nml some were otherwise tnutl.
lated by these ravage. On the morning ol
the Otli Vim Horn rent n Hag of truce with h
rrrpict that ho be nllo.reil to collect the bodies'
of onioirs and men v.lm fell lu the rngngnncM.
I lenertd Curtis gave Ids consent, but mldeil
an pxprnwlun of rtgrut nt such nutrnges cm
Hw buttle Held, n living contrary lo clvllissed
wnifsre. Mnny of tlie Federnla had been
tomahawked nml sculpeil. Curtis 1110 c.v
piewed th hope llwt tills Important Mruggk
wtitiM not lU-genernto into winge wnrrure.
i;itul t'nolr nl Jti ni)lil.
UiVtvn.t.K, Miireh lOlli.
Heliublo Information from Memphis, under
date of Wednesday, ny that the clllxeiw nre
grently alarmed, but relying on Fort Pillow
Tor uVfeinc. Hut few troop tire nt Memphis.
MrnilfCt of the Ililature have oentteiul, nT
tcr iHiverul imireelual nttempt lo Iratumci
biwlticn. iiov. Hurls is Hying from one
outlieru )Hiiut to another, with little pro
pcet of uemdlitg- in hi tlturt to rally the
ienilt to tile nhl.
lI.MTnK.Mari.il 11 III.
Umrnl llHekner ami Tllghnmn item put
.. ....
iu olote eoiiflneuifiit nt Fort Wnrmi yester
day. TIk i-n.tru is not itxtrd.
3!ur Kniinlliiii nr itf 'iiLTlie I,.l Kdirl
MimiMliiilil In JIIiuil.
'I'Imi itdiel iVHeotiteil Niw Mmlriil. Mo.,
last night, kni Ing n qimntlly or guiw, nmunl.
Hon. Icul ami storr. which lliey were tumble
lo curry uway. hoim.' nghting IihiK place
ywlerduy between their pm nnd nlege Imt -
lery. In which our Iom ivus tw-ruty kllksl ami
wiHimleil. A shot from one of their gun din-
m.iunted one of our y-t-Hiumler. hilling four
nml wounding lv. 'IV In of ili cim-hiv was
not areertalnetl. ns lliey curried off their 1lu.1l
ami wrumkil. Col. Cnrr of the Tenth lllluol
wo kllksl Wedmtday uiiehl, while pluuing
picket. The mt my was uppoed to number
1'him1 No. 10 I reported to lw evacuated.
Cietirm: l'oHV CiHcliil Ilriiint of tlie .l.u
Jlnil.l I Ifullli.
St. Ijnvm, March lAth.
General Pom-' nfllebtl report to Gen. Hal
k ek w llml Hie vJclwy nt New Madrid wa
gieater tlwn nt llmt ts-jHrrU-sl. Twcni.fle
plect of artillery, eonlliog of twnity.lmir
ami thirty-two oiiih! rllUI eauiinn; two lct-
terk of Heal urllhVry, n:. Iiiiiih-imk- quantity of
liked amunltiou, several thou mud (mall arm.
ten Iwxe. of miuket earhidgea. three huudiol
lionee and mole., tent fia- on army or 12.000
K....a,Hla.,l.n,WmqH.nll.yl otlnr prc.i-
WI?P.,t,,l..,,W'. lh"'1 " '".""'T t,r.,J!l,,,", 'n .,T
had falkn Into mir latnd. 'Mai rwniy left
0 hurriedly us to ksne nlileer' Uggugenial
Hoi men' kiwMi.-k, the dead uuburkd, ami
4iipieriHi the table. A Morm whleh raged
during li.e night enabled them lo inukv u cir
cuit (rom the river umllK-cuvted. Haling the
whole day on Thurad iv our line whip drawn
In oIomi nrdr to tlielr wih-I.. Umk-r 11 furlnii
(lie or sixty jileew of nrlitkiry, uud the fear
.. ...1. .,..! .. 1. . ,.....!.,. ,...!.,...
n n... . H tun . , iVh 1 . ,. .nu..; .
naiuwu iwnnu mm prvvipiiuicn; ....run nn
iikfht. .Many prkwner wore taken, uUo.
'Ilrere were taken, nktn, colors of mend Ar
kniisw reghntnl. Ilolllu was in commaml
of Hatir Hoot of gunboat. General Piqie hn
Iweniy-Hve gun in t Ite enemy' work, com
uuiuling every t of Hm river.
Wahiiimito.v, Mureli IMIi.
Tlut rekilloit iHtweci the United Slultanuil
fiirtlgn piovers ure now mild to le en
tirely free Ironi npprvhe'iiMoii or dll urbane
vvluitever. The tone or nil coricjodtncu id
conciliatory. It is oontiderotl that the Hrlt
lili.uswell a Hie Pieueli MlnUtiy, 1 evi
dently gaining Mrtmgtli, owing to it disooun
tenuuclug any yniKtiliy wlih Scccionil3.
C.lllllllt .lIcOlilliiu Allilieoi'j. IIU Alloy.
Gencnil MoOiellnu inlilrewcsl the Midlers or
.i. 1. i .i,..i. . m 1. ,1.1. i....
uiv rf.iioy 01 iiiv 1 uiuioiii; .uiiien j-iiii. x in
, .,,,,.., , ., , ,
a mug nine oe mis i.epi iiie-m inactive in timer
that they might be ilk-clpllned. nrimtl ami In-
......,...i 11.. i.,.i.i ti...... i,i.. 1.. ..!. ii...,
.....wv... ..u v,. ...... u..v. .,.., ...,.
uiey niigut give n tieutii enow 10 1110 leucuion.
'I'lieir patience nnd constancy in general were
worth 11 dozen vlutorlee. Tlie moment for fic
tion had now arrived. I will now bring you
f.ieo to fuoe wllh the rebels.
l'ui'.oo llioit nluvv hllll T.ltis.
Xasiivk.u:, March l.'itli.
Parson Ilrownlow arrived lioro today.
St. Loci, March 13th.
'I'hc llcpuUuan Im3 n letter from Albu
. out rnue. dated Feb. !Wd. clvlnu nn nccoutit or
a fight nnd skirmish between tho 'IV.vn lebcls
,.. ,, , ,.,, .,
and tho I nlon men under Col. Cnnby, on tho
morning of tho 21st. Two hundred Texan
mnh, with wagon master were cnpt.ncd.
l he 'I csniis were on the heights opposite Itlo
Giuiidc fiom tho Fort, which was dealilutc of
water. Col. Cunby had to puM to tho water
guarded by hi bnltciy. Ho hnd 2,000 men,
nnd nil other outlet vvcro gua.dcd in force.
The Te.nii3 must either surrender, or cut their
way through. When Iho e. press closed on
1 on the morning nl tho 21st, booming of can
was heard, announcing .hat battle 'd
filler ii.roi niatlon stales Hint n military
cpro3 had Just n.rivcd from 1-ort Craig
The bittlc co.nniciieed nt 0 o'clock 011 the
inotnin0 I tlu 21. betwi) u oium of our
troop-, under Col. Huberts, nml llio enemy,
"cross the Hlo Grnndc, with nlIcl success,
until noon. Col. Cunby then crofscd the river,
strong, nrmcil with carbines nml revolver, nml ,
a ecn poiiml liowilzer, cimtgni iciTniey
nml furlniwlv. After iH'elinricing thtir our-
bines nt dine distance they drew their revol -
vers nml lushed on the battery nmid n slorm
orgrnpc nml cnmiMrr. The Mexican volun-
leer, panic Flrlcken. Ikd. dipt, rlumplon
eompnny ftooil their ground mull one hull
were killed,
C'npt. Mellne rcftiKil lo lenic his guns nml
was killed nt Ids post. Kit Cnron, in coin-
( mand of n roglmeiit of votunlccr.s deployed ns
skirmishers, did good fervleo during the nc
Hon. Our los Is 200 killed and wounded, and
tho enemy' Ixlicvcd to lc much more,
i Knntnivs II i:.vnv, March IStli.
bnltnllinn of the 1st Xehrnskn lleglmcnt
ntlntkcd nml routed the icbcls, numbering
rjno, at I'nrlf, Tcnn., to-dny.
'I he special dipntehr lo the N'ew Yorh
pliers tutc Hint the Scnnto Naval Commit.
lee, to-.lny,ngrced to rcjiort n bill npprojviut.
lug ?1, 1,000.000 for Iroii.cluil veel.
Awlftunt Secretary of the Xnvy, Fox, now
nt Fortiw Monroe, tctagrnplts that Ihirc 11
no dmiUt but that the Monitor will did; tlici
.Mcrrimac in the next engagement.
Ornm.ANii HMiiiiiATiov.-We fird the follow.
Ing In the Salmmil Inlrilipcuftv of Jan. 2"th
ll justice und linmiiiilly will le npprcciatid
by the loyal elliden or Oregon nml California :
lit il rmietnl At. That for Ihe protection or
emigrant on Hie tuerland rnnle beiwrin the
Atlnnllc Slnte nml Ciilirornln.Oreirnii.iind
Washington Territory, tin- mm of 2.'i,000 I
10 lo expended under the ilinetlun ofllic Sit.
r,.irv of W..r. If, In hi judgement, Hie nine
ifxiy lie nreeamrr,
- -
Ficomptlsu ltantfl licroived r,t the
T....1 HHlnn nf Diii,lmnr
Lautl Office nt Kcsuburg
I.vxn Omen, 1'iMKiHim. Mnrrh ID. l.t',2.
Thl ontco Ims rwlvi-d Pre-emption Patent
r the following iiphtwI wttlir. The Patent
nro rernly for dcllirrjr. iim,h Ihe sHrreniter of
the corltttenle lfrr,l from
thl olHevnt the llmo
In nn oath lo Mipimrt
n! entry, and Milirlli'ng I
Iho Cotwliiutltm nni) Onveniiiic.il of the t illicit
tlmmitm fUm'itVMnv Ann Mil Ikrn. Allierl
leap. .Ih. M. I'nrillee. Slephell P. .InllU'OU.
I."wl Prtcsli'l. .riifin 51. Ihtrk-r, Tho. Nurrlfr
Ciirrell Crockett.
Jm1.ii Pavls. Minimi ("nil
Ciiririi, lliifjli Heap, (!io.
I'elit, rerdlnuud I
I'mKftrt (iMnlft Alev. 51. Applegwle, C
raoia Mulkey. 'Hinmas llneliHiniii.
hint CumhIh 5lnriln lleiiuett.
.limn 'intf l.'llslm Appleimte.
CUw CuHHift Cli.l.tliiii Liliulicrr, NvUon
.Tons Km v. ISrglfter.
iToscphino County
I A County Convention will lie held at the I
Court llmi-e. lu Keitij vllle.on Saturday, tho
; W dy of Way, iHiix. at I o'clock f. m r..r
' ' P,,r,,H, of wleellng eHiMlhluti Tor the vu-1
rin c"m,r " P""" i-l".M"-l ,
"r l "" ,n,,n, li,v CT"iy .M' " "","
-c'ta"', mid lor the transaei:..., u, other lml
I """I' lewMHHiiw.! that aseeUag be Wld la
I ..... i..i,. ,u. ci..,.i. ,1.. ana,
day of April, at t o'clock p. m.. to m led del-1
liule to ipioMiut Hhiiii lu the CuuutyCou.,
Thu l'reuinet will Is witlllul to lelegute
ns fnl In wr :
Waldo (5
UrigB 1
..-..-I.. . in.. ,
iwi""iiiiiii hiibm in ririn huh r
Ilnmnlown :i
Orar I'lut 1
Suuktr 1
licit i- Creek 1
State Creel, 1
(iravu Cim-k 1
Wllllam-Mirg '.'
ofiCanjoii. ..!'.'.!!!i!x
Illtll.lll. I
(j,,,,. .
Walker' Mill..
A. II. Mc-I..wa.., Clwlnnnn, )
A. Teriam, t'mlml t.w.
W. 51. t:vN, )
ni:w Ai)Vi:uTisi:iMi:NT.s.
Soaii Expedition!
Attention! Subscribers!
ALL or thoc who HiWrlbed Iktcou, Flour,
etc.. fur Hie Powder ami .Suluinu Itlvcf
ltod KxH'illllon, oi'auiiUiil nt this phtoe, me
her. by imtillisl In bring In I lie hiiuc a mioii a.
' iHiKkllilaut luitliett iMituiu Ihe 1 1 1 1 li of tlio
- , ., . , ,...,. .'
e inning month nud leave ll at tlio rlorcofi
Uermati Illooui. Tin) putty ilwlgu aiiiulng on
Hie 15th of Apill. llv wdr or llm
JndjtonvlUc, Mlt., 2i, 1W.'. lib
5!icrift's fJalc. I
BV virtue of 1111 llvc-uUou lo 1110 dlreclid,
Iiiim1 out or the County Coin t fur the
County or Douglus anil islutu of Oieguu, 1 have
levkd upon anil will pi octal to sell to the
Idghurt lilililer. lor ciir.It, on tlio prcmUes of.
Aiircn J mcr, in Douglas county, urcgon, on '
j Thuradtiy, 24th day of April, A. D. 1662,
iMiTwecu tlio hour of 10 .1. m. and 2 1: m . the
.intll, l.r.l r ... Ilia Tli..inll.. flnl... ..f nK....
Tiller nforemlil. nml tltcilbcd nslollow: He.
..... .11.1. .1, ..iu .7...l.,l,..l. uiuiiii ,., ..iiuii
' K'IK at a point J0.50 chain rouil. ami ex.!
ehnluwot ot conur lotxotlon 10, xl,X3ninl
so, Towndilp so, ronth nuige ft ami C. wcM j
tlmneo south twenty (it)) chains, osrt forty (IU)
ft $1P$
(70) chains, to plnco of boKlnnlng, containing
hi'ee l.iindnd and twenty nous, moio or lew,
Tlio wnilli ball' of salil ul.ilut lwlong to the wife
ot Anion Tiller, mill Will not bo rohl.
UOI , ,,, .- I til ... Ml ir,v u V.VL-K.U.UI
C..I.1 H 1. ,.. ...1 ...... .., r.. .,..
num .mi, ui nun uiiiiiii; vuiiii, 111 imuiul
.Illllira T. riluiii,. AilmlnUlrnlni- f llw. -Inlo nf
William 11. Tinnier. .Kcciih.it, for tho sum of
Two llunilu-il nml Twenty one ami nfiy-niuo
iiiiu-i.iimirciitii imiiar tzi ov-iuui, nun in-
teiort ut two nml uiiu-luyll' per cent, pur mouth,
Sherlll nt Dun An, isomitv. Oro:rnn.
.Match 21th, 1mV. lid
Tt'sncns BLANKS for salo at
r O 1H1S ol-FICE.
vHLL-si:Li:cri:n stock of
TiiK uNni-:nsuixKi auh now
j josDtL
AP.1-: OP1-T.UF.D AT
To correspond with the hard time.
itm ltK.inv iav,
Kirry rllrlr Wnrrniilnl lirirrnilril
l'lcnse give us n call.
Jnelwonvllle, Jan. 1 lPf.2.
rpiirtttmlerslgned would respectfully lnfiirw
-L Hie olllxeiis or .Inckfon nml iiilj'illiin
' c'-ui.tU-s Hmt be has on hand nu.l will uiaimhi.
IlirC 10 OrilOr
All Uhuls f SmlillcryS. Hiinicvs
hl'lll AiS
Iwn v Dn,,,.),! )Iurne (long nnd Mmrt tug)
"Concord lliirncss, Huggy lliiinix
(double ulid hiligle)
Spanish Saddh. trie and rigging enmplclc j
, l-"111' i!V,,!,,1, J,H K'? ,,,,,llw
Biitituc iiHirr, 111.1111?,
Surcluulcs, llaller,
Whip. Whlp-hislic.
And nil othir article iisu.dly found In a
fif'l-chisl xtock of
Store In u Siutlnel " Hulldlng, ('ulir.rn!i
nr.Mtv .irixsi:.
.Tneksoni llle. 1 l.-e. 2 1 , I Kb I . -lUtr
t r
Within Sixty Days!
Willi o u I lienor ve !
J.?i. BRIItJHEn &
Wo tlio clefei iiiliicil and Oim
pel led (u lititee nil out' Hook
Accounts and Notch In
tlio hand 1 of our At
toiney, lc ! action
At tlie coming term of the Dis
trict Court, II' not paid on
or he fore tho
2d J) AY OF JAM'AKV, 1802.
decj J)K1) 310 1 ) lT C T I OM
In tho Price of
Board and Lodging!
flonrd and Lodging, per week $9 00
Ilnnril. neruei-k- . . 7 00
..., ..... , 0111L, 1)er ...... .. . ...I.
---. 1 - v.....,.. .-
...,, . ....... -. -, v,v,.,
nt0 l0UI" b0,,l 'V10
hoUglng per niglit. In private loom
Lodging, per night, lu double room
Single .Meal
lic'iliiclton In price, but no reduction or
chniigu lu table. .My table hall not bctur
patseU by any In the Stale of Oie-gou.
J.iel. ouviile 4m lo I vi, a.tu