MMOiim.f . iufl THE OREGON SENTIN .. iI-svslz - Uaifc . 3w rK'rj.xrM - k -" t fc - i .-fi nKimrii4UtMt--w.li4U.Jwhrv.. . T. Alu M ILATiUlM fcaSM" kUrtwit Jsinws imjjtj nr.aj9W4ia f isW v yf .'i fHf! '4f 'M T1'IW,J1. " r' ?-t ,it7iWiniw jnAiisjmw 4 IN ADYANCE. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1S62, VOL. VII NO, 11, FT THi: OMJUON SKNT1NKL. 111'M'V DI'.NMMiHU, I'lih'r nml IVoli'r. Ojjlec over Ciijruge If Drum's SluUtt. Si iivntiiTiox One year. In advance, Four llollars i otherwise, Klvo llulluri. Six moiillii. Two Dollars nml Kiriy cents. Nn Mht dl continued until arrearages are paid, unless nl the oillon of tliv proprietor. AiumitssimiUisc Kitmrc (12 Unci nrlcM), flrst liiM'rtlon. Three Dollars i each Mihrquciit Insertion, One Dollar. A ilUcuiint or liriy per irnt "ill be made to those who advertise by the Tcsr. ADVERTISERS. lly npi1lc:itloii to IVtiim'tiT!' nml Mull Cur rlcrx. ton ran learn Hint (lie Oiikiiii.n Skvunki, In, by n larger clsctilultou In tlic couiitlcr f JnokMin. Josephine and Douglas, Oregon, Ami llrl Norte, California, than any oilier pa per. Thl Incl should commend the 8kxtim:i. to ton ik a superior nii'ilhini for advertising. Lilt of Agents for tho Oregon Sentinel, who sre authorized to transact nny bisstnc concerning tld paper, In the name of the pul IMirrs i I. V I'ltlicr Pan Kranctseo. V'm.orth A Urtjrtici" Yrrkn J. M. McC'all AMdaiid. j o. l).ivrnport dumnrg W W. Kuwler.... It. S. DunUp John IM'rlnilli'. . A. II. MclNaln .. W V Itlnrhart... li.J. Kot hi' M'i M. Vlvaint. ... Ji.,1 Thorn Kufiiii Mullory ... June It. Mow r... V M Kll'wortls.. Y Cliariimu It. W Wakclleld.. jlcniamln (Took, . . .J. II. .smith Applcgillc . .Williuiii'hurg Kvrbyvlllc Wnliln . ...Kerlivllli' WnMii ... .Alllioilfi' ,.Cnnynnll!i' ltii'clniri: IIIHIIIMI Sali in , . l-.ugcnoUiy. , .Oregon City. lli my. CumiHI .('ri'fcent CU IH'SINKSS CAIIDK. (i.v. (:ui:i:i(, Physician and Surgeon, oitick, city intfis stouk, .InrU.onvlUr, tlii(m. (II K. II. tUlnoKI, U, II I- I". THOMPSON. M. II. HltOOKS X THOMPSON, PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS Aocorcinsus, iTnoUMonvlUo, Orogon, NiivimNr'.M. iMil. - OHANCi: .IACOHS, AT'J'C ) II N FA' AT LAW, Inrli'uiivlllr, llirKn, lrII.I, ntliliil to liiinlnrrii III llic CoiirUol M Hi.' 1'irM Judicial DImiIi'I.iiihI in iIm' haprimi I'ourt. Ort. 'Jfl'.II imm v, pvi.r. id vn mii.ijikv. 1'Vl.i: fc. MAIM)KV ATTOllIYS AT LAW, tlorlur. 1iihkI ' '. (.. "lTII.Iatlriul to nny 'iiulnci rnndiliil In 1 1 tin in. in lli' m'VituI ('ourU of tin.- 'irl Judicial lliflricl of Orison, nml in iIh'S'ii jprime (Vnrl. Oclnlirr '-'l:ll WAR SCRIP, WAR SCRIP. D. F. DO WELL, ATTOHN33Y AT LAW, KM iiracllcr- In nil lli (.ourlH of llio Tlilnl JmlJ.'UI DUtrlet, tlio Hupniiii' Court of Oio gon.aml In Yrekn, Cal. lie In. an nrnt nt Yitliliii;nn. nml i'p"Cli ( city iiinl tlm All.uilIulliW Shiiiiiht mul Kill, ami nny burluciu will ncilvr protnpl attrnllnn. li', Willi C. I. KIMIACSUH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, K'runrvii.i.i:, Jiwkiiii.nk Cui.stv, ()un., Will punctually ntlcml In lniliipcnlriilMl to U.firr. Apill IX IM!I.-I:tlf W. G. T'VAULT, ATTOllNEY AT LAW, "W'llJ. ixttcml to lniliii'n In tli foviml i Cimrlx In tin' KlrM .liiilluiiil DMrict of tlrrKn. ami In tlii Huprfini' Court. Olllce on liliforiiiit SI., apiHulle " Srntiiifl " llffirr. JickMisviil.:, Oiu.iiiis. r M.iy 2.Mli. iil. l!l:ljw SA.Ml'KL IJ, ilAY, NOTAttY 3PTJ33XjIO, OFPICEIN "3ENTINEL" HUILDINO, InrkHiHTlllr, OrrKou, PETKll IIBITT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST Jif liMtm lllr, OrrK"11' l" preparwl to tako I'ioluri'n In i-very ulylcof the Art with nil tlio l.itet liuproviiiu'iiti'. If ill not rIvo catlfacllon.uocliargfi' nlll l mnilo Call nl Kunk'x CIkbi" Slow, or nt tlio (itilliry on iii" inn. mul ! hi riciorrn. i nr ' ' Hear of " Ktxe Stnlt Siloon," on Witd St. SHAVING. Ilalr-cullliiK, Shampooing Cur liiig nml Hair Dyi'lni,'. Alw. a nenulno nrtlclo ot KMi'n Him Hkh "'iuivt:,auil Crintinlora'H Kttihivr llmr J'(or le. JucknouvlllQ, Jun. M.. .'ii L H. DEWEY HAH openiil u'kIioii oppoMto Allilwon A (ilenn'n, on Calllwrnfa tret, lu IJr. I. CMimiR'n flniK (lore, for repairing ATUIIIW, UI.00K8, JBWKI.HV, KTC. All work warranted In give Mtltlactlon. Jaekwnylllo, Dee. TiA, 1800, llily J Oil I'lllNTINd nralldeMrlptloinniMlly Mtcululal tbc HKNTlNIJIi Ol'lMUH How thoy Did It. They were filling Mile, by Mile. Ami liu Mglieil.nml then Miu Mglinl. 8iililhe-"MyilarlliigMol!" Ami ho lilleil, nml t licit flic Idled. " Von nrecrrnltoii'n belli'." Ami flu' bellowcil, nml then ha bultnwnl. " On my nml theru'11 mch n wcIrIiI,'' Ami he iMilleil, nml llieu he wullul. " Your Imml I nk, co ImM I've grown j" Ami he groaii(il,nmt then the groaned. " You Mntll Imvi-your prhnte gig," Ami Mie glgglul, nml then tic giggled. FnM Mie " .My denrrt t t.nko ," And I c looked, imd lliett ilio looked. " IM have thee. If Ihmi will'," And olic wilted, nml then lie wtllud, Tho Talcing of Fort Doncljon. Fort Donclnoii wn, mrrfiidcml on tho ltllli of Feb., nml Hie following, from the Ht. 1niU carrrrpniuk'iit of tlio -S'- ' Mil, U n full nml micclnct n.irriillvo of Hint glorlou ami invrnor. able victory 1 OI'IMtlTIOSS OP TIIK lllUT. The following nre the ilolnllo nl llic nltnck on the lnli, pnblUliiil in tlio Kt. ftU Ihmu tin, of Feb. I81I1, retclvul from Iti tjK'eial corrMponilenl 1 ' 'Vkfft nilvnnclrjf Mowly nml lrnd'y for nlioill half mi hour, when tlio order wan given to a!.iel cnglnci". fo n Jut to previ nl Hie bout from drifting down tlio curriiil. The firing then Iucrcncil in n terrific mlo on both MdtT. the ci.nny pouring !I"J nml (5I. poiiiider Into our vcwi-l with Rrnit ilhcl. nml our gnnncru irlurnnl their rlghtlneb Miell.i nml 01 pound rllle b.illi mUIi rmt Mill. We hud not bnn long In tlio hit or the nc Hon, wlirn n Mint from the enemy' watir bat teries ciirrinl nwny Iho llagtnir of the .SV. iin, nml 11I1110M the next bot took the elilm- tiey jrny of Hie romo boat. A well-wnt lull from tlie .SV. Imih mon ilruck Ilii'llafflnlVol the enemy, whleli ww luttileil on the lop of H.i- Fort, nt 11 good dlnlmice from nny li.illery. Thin ten idle lite lanbil nbout half mi hour. when 11 ttl-pnuml bull from the tuMdk' Uillcry of the fortftruk liic tiller rnw4ortliij;iiii ImiiI Ismiwillt, leuVrlng l!m ic rliijj iippirnliM of Hint bout umiiiiiiigiilili'. About Iho whip limp n Mint filtered 0110 of the window of Hip pilot liiiun'orilii' Cuioiiittht. npilul'y wimnd' Ing I Iip pilot. William Minimi. Tim IIipcoii- Irol of iwn nf our ImuU wm loM. Hhorlly ... .... . ,1 . ....1 i.A ..iti niter WW u iK-ponm nail R-iiur.uni mi- pmnj Imiw of ihp .SV., mortally wounding one of the pllol, F. A. Hlley, Injuring two oilier plloli, mid liglitly wouuilins Flux Ollievr l-'trttr. There were live men in tlic pllit houw nt the llnK', IIk1 four I Imto menltomd nud u young man, H10 cornpoml. nt nf Hip CinctniMll f.'.i:rr. Oi" Ik' five the latter on'y ifcapiil injury. In mldition to 1 1ll ilaiii.ijjo Hie Mini Mtuik tho wIki-I of the .SV. I. mm, to 111 innli'tinlly tnillcct it working, nml for 11 Miort lime Ihc vell wn iinmaiugublo. The (Joinmodipri'. woundul Ihougli he wa, JihiimM up. und H'lxiiiK llie wheel iillempliil to rg'il her, but found It impoMlble to manage her. The rillevln;; luik'o wan Ihrn Itul, but could not bo Furraefnlly woikiil. .TIiuk Ihnv ol our veeU were dUabhtl by neoiilenls Hut do not happen twice in n liundrul llmw. 7IIKV .nK fOIU'KH TO IIHTIIIK. The men 011 board of all of them were un willing In give up the flghl, n the enemy Imd Intn drivi 11 from tlio loner ba.lery. mul Ilivir Are had Mackemd H'rivptibly. To remain nml fight in fuch n current with ruiMerlM boaU would, the Commodore knew, bo worn- limn folly 1 m lio relucluntly ordered n slow relirucy. Our vectiU then stoppnl all Ilivir engine, nml lloalctl Mowly from their position. They hud been within '200 yard or the fori. The enemy food raw tho condition of our licit, ami redoubled their fire. They ran to the lower battiriif, and ocmi! Iliem on ui with Icrrillu illi'cl. I forgot to mention in the proper place Il1.1l one of the guns of the iVinoiuiVfi' Imrstul In the middle of Iho action, and that Iho Villi bniji reeclveil two balU below her water mark, cauMiig lier to leak rapidly. N'c repliitl well lo our reinvlgoraliil foe, and lirwl tho m Miot. Ol'KIIATIONR IIV laXII. The following details of the frilling by land fon-if, terminatinj,' lu Btoimliij iho rlgln wing of Ilia tneniy'H fortiCralloiu, are from the Culrn Gustlle Kill at On .Saturday morning, Iho l.tth. tho battle was returned with unusual vigor and determi nation. TI108II1, Ifilh mid 20lh Illinois oc cuiilcil n poMllon nbnve the fort, tho 6th hold. ing Iho extreme right, the lfith next, then tho .Hit ami '.'Dili. After unolher severe ii'ght, our men were about lo prepare a little food, when Iho riluU opened upon them a fir.of mus'kctrj, thut was well calculated lo create the wildest confiitlon, If not n panic, but the line of battle wiw nt once formed, and the storm of leaden hail ro turned, perceptibly thin nliij; the rebels' runks as they udvanovd. There nre many rcufons for lieliering Hint the real object ol the rebel was to ovueualo the fori, mid lo cut Ihtir way through Colonel OgliibyV command in doing so.but nllhough they seemed os an overpowering l'f"l. B'"' from advantageous positions showered on our ranks Iho most inmderous volleys ofmunkctry, grii)C and canister, killing mid wounding pur men almost by companies ut every round, yet Iho Stars und Stripes moved not n foot back ward. JJrnvely, determinedly, without flinch ing, Ilu-M four rcclnienU held their ground, dealini! dealli. dying mid lluhliriff against ap palling odd und iu the face of every disad-1 vanlnge. The I8H1 rtglmiul seems to lime resisted tho soverest storm, ns against their ranks the rebels directed their heaviest fire, but Instead of falling back they advanced In the very face of the enemy, aid ll.cro stood, ns It were in the very jaws of dmlh, fighting bravely and determined')', wills scarcely 11 propect that n single one would escape sure mid B.vlft destruction. IIKROIC IHIAVKIiy OF TIIK KOVI'TIANS. For three hours thritc four regiments num bering scarcely three thousand men, held their ground ngniuit Iho whole rebel gnrrUou. At one lime tho lHth, being partially flanked, wat expo cd to u cross lire of both musketry und urllllery, but our right wing securing the re- 11V left, ut once nlievcd them, During this critical moment Col. Mlcliscl K. laiwler fell, plerceil with Iwo musket baits, dipt. Ilrash, Acting Lieutenant Colonel, assumed command, but was soon wounded, dipt. Crit.'c was shot (Und, dipt, uiwlcr wm mortally womideil, Lieutenants Miuuford nml 'I'liomp son were killed, Lieutenants It. Kelly und S'canliin wero wounded, Captains I Hilton und Wilson were wounded,!) that the daring Kgyp fun regiment stood before mi ovcrwlielmlng foo ulinivt without tho olllccrs actually re inilrcil to direct Its operations Mow ik-spcr- alely Ihey fought, how terribly they sufferrd, cm never be fully kunwn. They fell in hrup dead and wounded ; companies were In. reft nl Ihelr CuplaiiK mid LlcUnauts, nud ('aplnlni were u'most bereft of cnmpaule. The lHth. '.'Dili mid .'list did llieir duty nobly. CoIouciV Og'iHiliy, Marsh mid Ijigmi dashed along their mule, waving their hats mal elucring tin ir men 011 (o the conflict. " HnflVr diiilli, men," erieil UHinn. inn disgrace, never. Miami linn ; yeild, never," und well Ihoy heedid him. .Many fell kilted und woundul ; uuiuug Hie burner we nre pained to name Llcutcnant'Cob White, nml nmnng Iho latter, Lilian. OgliMiyV. the lHth. nud MarMi's, tho 'Jlllh. fought doiipi'mlely niidaulUreil severely, iosing. like the oilier ipgiments. mi unduu proportion ofofilivni. t'lilmiel Oglwliy diiiplayul 11 cool- ni and immgo thut has clieilid the highest pruliM'i which K'rvi-tl in stimulating hi men to deed of valor. Nivcr. iierhap', on Hip Auifrli-an ('oiilineut has a mure liluody liallle ban fought, TIIK .V.UIIIANVI! (IP A I'AUTIOIIMST. Aii ('flleer wlio partleipatul nnd was wonndi it in the light, iuforiiu 111 that Iho scene iHgguni Ipseription, nml must ever bo Ixyoud I lie cnu oppllnii of iIiosq who wero not present. Mo snvs he scarcely Hilnks he exaggerates when he stiys that so thickly was I lie buttle field strewn with I lie dead nml wounded, that 1 10 could have tmvcnkd acres of it, taking nl most every step upon n prostrate body. The rein In fought with dcspi ration, rccmiiig to hi In'pired with what will prove mensurably (rue. Hint Htclr Impe for nicer.! in thU uIhIIIoii wem intimately cniimclul with the results of the Initio then raging. Their nrtillerists weie skillful, serving their pieces udroilly und witli fi-urful iflect. On cilher sido could bo lipurd the voices of llioo In ciimmnud, cheering llieir iii'-u, luing every menui to li Ihem In purpose in die rutin r than to yield the contest in such 11 light. The four Illinois regiments we have iiumcd held Ihelr ground for full three hours. Xiurly otia third nf Iho wholo number had liecn killed nud wounded, yet Iho balance stood ready mid willing to fall facrillcis In lluir country. Over live hundred of the ifllh were still in death or suin-rliig from wounds. The other commands hud suflcrcd less, but still greatly, nud thus far, all without relief, and it iippparcd that nothing short of annihil ation could be expected, .VnillVAI. 0' IIKI.NI'OlllT.MK.NTH. At this juncture reinforcements arrived, nud the balllo was waged with renewed vigor on our side, but '.villi scarcely less determination on the part of the rebels. Fur un hour it was cnnHuucd, the slaughter on both sides being frigid Oil, but on of the rebels immeasur ably the greutest. About -I o'clock, r. i. our right wing turned their left, giving 11 turn to Iho tide of battle thut soon operated greatly in our favor. Tho rebels fell hack into tho Fort, und the Slurs nud Stripes were plunted upon tho position occupied by their lift wing, and for tho time, nt least, carnage und slaughter ceased. The number ol regi ments that composed Iho reinforcements have not all been ntccrlulnul ; but iu this einu:c Hon tho 7th, Mill, -IBlh Illinois und 11th In diana, nro spoken of, but others were engaged, two or three of Ihcm flinching for n mmuiut, but rullylng speedily mul fighting like heroes. I.icuUiiunt Colonel TI103. II. Smith, of tho 18th regiment, fearlessly leading his regiment in Iho thickest of Iho light, fell, pierced by u ball, and died upon Hie battle field. 1)iis-ih mid Schwartz's batteries were brought into uction, but were soon taken by tho enemy. The 18th Illinois Heglment, with clubbed muskeis, recovered Drrssus' while the 31st re- eovued Schwurte's. The ribels had run the horses off before litis, however, compiling our men lo bring ny ho guns, etc., by hand. .More daring deeds than Ihcso did uot charac terize the battle. ri'HTUKR raiiTiri'i.Ans o' tiik south:. Full particulars of tlio fighting of tho day before tho surrender of Fort Douelson, arc ex. tremcly interesting. The sortie preceding tlio storming of tho enemy's battery was leceivcd by our troops iu Iho following order 1 18lh Illinois 011 the extreme right, und tho 8th Il linois next. aOth next, then tho 29th support- Ing tho right of Cupt. Schwarlx's battery, tho ill st deft-nding the left nud McAllisters guns. Ilaok towards tho ndouht our troops drove Ihc cucissy, Ihc firing on bolh sides being terri ble. .Men fell by dozens on every s'de, yet not n pause or falter from Iho Union troops. Suddenly reinforcements pouted out from their redoubt, ond slowly every foot was disputed 1 each remnant of tho regiments fell buck, nml their leaders lay dead or wounded j whole companies seemed minlhilatcd every buMi by their sidu blared with fire directed nt them ; but there was no conluMnn not n man lied. From their thinned ranks they llrcd their last volley ; their ammunition was exlmuilul ; the foe perceived it, nnd 11 rebel cavalry leader shouted to his men, " Charge i" l wns n moment of suspense. The reinforcements were hundreds of yards nwny,llio last bullet hud been fired, nml the cavalry enmo thundering 011. Puddeuly there wns nn Instantaneous flash of steel 11 forest or bayouels rose up! Tho fnc hesitated ns Ihc sharp pohils braced by resoluto hands barred their way. They faltered 11 moment as If undecided, and walled fur n wavering iu Ihc lines of gleaming steel, then relmitid. The infantry renewed their fire more fiercely nnd some co'ifuslon been 1110 visible iu the Union ranks. Just then u couple of Ircsh regiments tin I veil, nml again tho enemy were iblven back. They too, spcullly received re inforcements, nml the Union troops retreated. The 'J.Mh nml l'lh Kentucky were ordered up by (leu. .McClermird, but for some cuuc hilling into 11 panic, they find n terrible volley into the ranks of the 'JOIh. .'lOlh, nud .'list, which wero retreating toward them. A lain ilrtd were kllliii or maiiiuil In this lire liy tlieii friends. ANOTIIKU KAIIIIATIVS:. The sicelai correspondent of the Hi. IuiIs Dimiifuil gives the following nccouul of the lust day's light : Saturday, which wns destlnl to wllnrw ll.e grnnd denoonment of the tragedies wh'eh lain sceno nhnut Fort IloiiiNtin, was cold, damp and ehecrlisi. Our troojis, however, hud hill little lluio to rngllnlc upon tho wenllier, or any oilier suiije:l,ere they wire cuiiui upon tn uttciid lomoif rcrloiHiiiattrrJ, The enemy during the night Imd liuiMfcrrvd several nl their li.illrrlM lo inrtionof their works wills in a lew huiidnil feet of which our right wing was reeling, I'pon tho first coming dawn these hattcrlcM suddenly nn'iicd on tho Dili. I Kill. 29ih, ! 11(1 nnd Hist regiments, composing Ogiesby's llrig.ulp, mul who had lliu ndvauee. .Slmulluneously with tho opening of tho bat teries, 11 force nf about ll'.OOO Infantry and n regiment of cavalry wns hurled ngniiist Ihc llrigudc,wlth n vigor which, made against less steady mid disciplined Ireops, must surely have resullid in their entire demolition. Sud d 11 nud une.Kctctl us was this sally on the part of the enemy, It did not find the gallnut llliuoiaiii unprepared lu meet them. TIIK ATTACK. Thcnllnek wns made iu column ol regi ments, which poured in upon the little baud from un Icm than three dillirent direcllons. Hvery regiment found itself opposed lo lluw, nnd, in many can's, to no Lsm than four ililfer cut ri-ghnenls. Undiiiimyiil, however, by the greatly siinrtor forco of tho enemy, nnd nil supported by mkquute nrlillery, Iho lirigmle not only held their own, but upon two occa sion actually drove the rebels fairly Into their Intrenchnienis, but only to bo pressed back again into their former pn.llloii, until nt last, having expound every round of umunitton, they wero obliged to retire, nnd givo way to Iho advancing regiments of Col. W. M. L. Wallace's brigade of tho llth.'.'Oth, 17lh. -1.5th und -ISlh Illinois mid -IDth Indiana regi ments. Tilt! IIAIIINII TIDK (If IIATTI.K. Hero again was the battle continued with redoubled vigor, now one side, nnd now another giving way. Our troops fought with Iho coolness of veterans, nnd tho desperation nf devils. I would not diminish the gallantry of our own troops, by saying that tho enemy did not fight bravely und well they did both. An exact statement of the varying fortunes of iho field for the three or four hours (allowing Iho first nttnek, It Is Impossible Just now to piesent.1" Suffice it to say, our troops fought, and not only fought well, fought courageous')', but fought coolly and scientifically. In the thickest of Iho fight, when tho officers had to remove the dead bodies of the men, nt every one of Hie backward wheels, regiments coolly performed manauvrw which Scott in Ids tactics pronounces impossible to be snado on I ho battle field. The battle, for tho most part, was fought In n forest, with n thick under, growth beneath, nnd tho regiments acted mostly on tho principle of hitting a head wherever it could be found. Snarmlug on nil sides of tlicsn, they wero not ut a loss to find thesis. TIIK SI.ACUIITKIt. One regiment was only driven from before Ihem. whl'o another sprung up to tuko Its place, and there Is hardly a regiment of our (orco engaged but was apposed to Iriplo Its numbers. Thus went tlio tide of battle for livo hours now gaining n little, but, upon the whole, Ihey were obliged to retire. Officers nud nun dropped upon all sides. Field offi cers were borne, killed and wounded, from the field, and their next in command coolly look (heir place, nud commenced tho light. Lieut. Colonel White, of tho Hist; Lliut. Colonel Smith, of the -18th s Lieut. Colonel Irwin, of the 'JOIh ; und Major I'ost.ol the 8th Illinois, mid scores of company officers, wero oil killed gallantly leading on their men ; nnd still with unyielding courage Ihc gallant llllnoislnns nud Indianluus will not ocknowhlgo themselves vanquished. When tho last cartridge had been expended, und orders werogiveu to ictiic for oilier regiments to take their place, sold'crs, p tm with smoke mul powder, would angrily Inquire for what, nnd bog to be nllowul to uo tho bayonet. Hut It was not In tho power of mortal men occupying the position ours did nnd oxposed lo such raking fire as tho enemy subjected Ihem to. lo maintain their ground against the ovcrTvhchnuing force which Hie rebels continued to push ngnlnst them. TIIK nRTnEAT AND TUB MUSH AllVANIT. Oglcsby's, "Wallace's nml McArtlmr's Hrlg. ades wero necessarily obliged to retire. A portion nf Schwnrt.'s nnd McAllister's but teries hud been lost and gniuid.nud lost agn'n. mid It was not until the mlvmiclug cm my had reached Craft's Ilrlpaile, nnd Taylor's nnd Wltlurd's batteries could b" brought Into uc tion, Hint wo were ttbtc to stem the tide. These two butteries outdid Hi msclvc, (J rap?, cnuulslcr nud sclirnpncll, nml nn unin terrupted musketry fire from the First No brnskn, -IBtls nud fi8th Ohio, proved too much for Hid so far victorious foe, nnd Ihey we c nl last obllgul to retire, lly tills time It wns tionn. (Icn. (Irnnt had just returned from the lauding, where he hud n conference with Com modore Foole. That officer had Informed the iH'iicnil Hint It was impossible for him to put his gun boats In condition to make mintl cr attack fur several days at Icnst, Notwith standing Hits, nn being informed of the seven repuLc our trnnps had met with hi the morn. lug, 1 10 enw Hint some humcilmtc notion 011 our part wiu nccnwiry 'n retrieve the day. lie imnieillnlcly gnvo orders to his Ocneruls of Division tn prepare fur nn immediate nnd gen ernl ntluelc nloug tho entire line, ltrglmenis that had suHcrcd most in the morning were withdrawn, (leu. lew Wnlluce wns given n division composed of two rrtjiincnU of ids own Ilrigade, the ith Missouri mid II Hi ludi una, nnd several other regiments whose lossos in the net Ion iu tho morning hud been but slight, wero given the Job ol clearing the ground we hud lost lu the tunrnliig, while den. Smith, cniniiiaiidliig the left, reoched orders In ktorm the works under which his di visloss was lying. (IKS'. SMITH'S AK.U't.T, ('en, Fmlih is emphatically n fighting man, nud, us maybe Imaglmd, tlic events ol the morning had tended to decrease In no measure his pugnacity, When ho receivid the long desired outers for nu nssnssll of the inemyV works ids eyes glistcntd wills fire. Ills tir. rnngements were completed by tlnee o'clock, mid his column was tn motion soon aflcr. The force under his command wns 1.8 fullows : Col. Cook's Ilrlgade, "lis nud fiOth Illinois, 12th, and lllth Mistourl, nud 'J'.'d Indiana, Col. Lin man's Ilrlgade, 2d, 7lh, nnd 1-llIt Imvn, 'Jnth nnd flCtli Indiana. Under cover of Capluiu Stone's .Missouri buttcy, their Torcc begun the usoiill. It was n formidable undcrlkking. which, iiud-r n less bravo nnd skillful com innmlcr than (Sen. Smith, might have proud a disastrous failure, The hills at this point nre among the most precipitous of nil tluse on which tho enemy vvcri' pos'ed. Selecting the '.M und "lb Iuwu nnd.TJ Indiana (or the storm ing parly, (tin. Smith tit fleeted the main por tion of his division to tho right, und having siicecdcd in engrgiug the attention of the en emy nt this point, himself heuded the storming parly nnd advanced upon tlio works from his extreme Icn, It was u most magnificent sight. Unnppalled by tho perfect storm of bullets which mined ulioul, t'.'o General on horseback, und with Ids lint on tho point of his swoid, preceded his troops nud inspired them with n furore there was no standing against, TIIK KNOIV'S WnSSKii TAKK.N. Steadily, with isnbrokcsuliisc, the gallant Ilnwkeycs and Iudianiaiss advanced j Ihc en emy's grnpo nnd canister eaino plowing: through their ranks, but not n shot wus fired in return. Closing up their ranks ns one uf tcr another of Iho bruvo fellows droptied lo the enrlli, and animated by the feurless example of their leader, they pressed steadily on. 1 he works gained, 0110 tremendous volley was poured Into the oslouished enemy, und with fixed bayonets a charge wus iniide on their ruisl.3 which tl.?a was no withstanding, und they lied lis confusion over Iho hills. At lust we had pmctrulcd tho icbcl Sebastnpol, oud the misfortunes of tho morning were iclricuil. Cupt. Stone's battery which, iu Hie meantime, hud been doing truuendous execution in the rebel ranks, promptly udinnced lo Iho posi tion gained, nml Instantly mpporlid by ll.e remainder of his division, the point wns se cured ugninst nny forco the enemy could bring to bear against It. (SK.V. I.KW WAI.I..H!KS ATr.lPK OX TIIK SHOUT. In tho meantime Ccu. Lew Wullacc had comp'eled his preparations for nn ntlnek on tho enemy, occupying u position they hud wrested fiom ns in tho morning, some two miles and a half to the right. Just as Ids columns wero being put in motion, a mesen gcr arrived with Joyful tidings that Smith was inside of tho cntrinchmciits. With a cheer that resounded far and nenr, the Irrepress iblo 8 tli Missouri and 11 lb Indiana, who occu pied tlio (rout, advanced 011 n double quick into tho encounter they bad long been seeking. These two regiments, from their suju'rioriiy In drill and lighting capacities, hnvo ban con sidered crack c.tjh, and most nobly did they uphold to the letter Ihelr enviable reputation. They did not tarry long to bother with pow der nnd ball, but with a shout, of itself ter rifle enough to appal Ihelr foes, gave them the cold steel with n will thut will be remembered. Shell and round shot, grape nml canister, were wero hurled at them in vain. Still onward they passed, and regiment aftor regiment lied before them. Valiantly supported by ihc 1st Nebraska, l.llh Missouri, mid other regi ncnls of Col. Thayer's nnd Croft's brigade, a steady advance was made, until by dusk, the ground which hud been so holly contested Is the morn Ing, wns ours. Agitin nml once more the reb els were forced to seek the protecting slmdow of Ihelr earthworks, TIIK KffKOT Ot' TIIK HTCKSS. The cfTcct of these successes on tho nrmy was electrical. Six hours before, wills gun boats disabled nnd the enemy lu possession of 11 portion of our ground, the position of ullairs was gloomy indeed, but now nil was changed. With victory, nnd the knowledge thut nt last they hud obtained n foothold In the en emy's fortifications, and savage nl the thought of tho many privations they had encountered, nnd nt being so long bulkid in the poseulnu or their prey, officcis und men ulikc olamorcd for on Immcdiato ussuult that night. Ocn, Grant, however, mindful of tho risk nttendimr. such nn operation, even with tnops exhibit. Ing such Veteran characteristics ns those un der his command had displayed, wisely pos, pnned the final twi tie i.min lilt the coming of tlic morrow's light. What thut morrow brought forth, nnd how the rebels, worts out und dispirited by the protracted beleaguer incut, concluded to give up their stronghold und lay down their nrius, is nlrendy known. Tho following Is a pnrllnl list of rebil reg iments surrendered ; they are given mo by rebel officers, nnd may bo depended on ns not exnggerated : Col. Omul's Cnvnlry llatlnllon, 100 men ; Forests Ilrlgade or Cavalry, from various Slates, 1.200 men s Forty-ninth Ten nessee, Col. llalliyt Thirteenth Tiimesscc. C.d. J. II. I tend 1 Finyflrst Tennessee, Col. Vonrhlcs 1 l'llllotls Tenncwcc, Col. Abcrnethyi Tenth Tennessee, Col. Mirman j FKty.thlrd Tennessee, Col. Suggs; First Haltnllon Ten ueswee liifunlry, Col. Churns; Third Missis sippi, Col. ; Fourth MissiMdppi, Colonel Drnke; Fourteenth MisslsMppl, Colonel s Twentieth Mississippi, Colonel . The Flfiy-flrst mid Flfiy-sevciilh Virginia, and aev ernl Arkansas, Alabama and Texas regiments were ninong the force which left with 1'lllow and Floyd. TIIK I'ISIROXr.RM AMI TIIKItl lUSI'OSITIOV. The following disposition will be tmiile ol prltoncrs tukeii at Furl Donoison 1 3000 will be sent to C11 in 1 1 Morton, Indianapolis ; .1000 Camp lluttlcr, Springfield j and the balance 700(1. Cuiiip Douglas, Chicago. All tlic i-ffi-ccrs will be cent lo, Of the sick ami wounded SOO go to Cincinnati, tho balance to St. Imls. 'lie regiments that were most cut up will bo detailed to fjuard prisoners ut Camps herein designated. About 2000 prisoners from Fort Donelson, nrrivid hero by tlio steamers .lcxiiiuffr Scvtl und Tuiipa! to-day, They nrc sill Tenncs scuiis, und Imvo generally Ignorant Ideas ol passing events, (Irmly believing that Price ha possesion of two thirds of Missouri, nnd de claring with emphus's that Hie lluriwide expe dition is ut the bottom ol Iho sea. Ten bonis brought up lO.GBft, In addition lo which about 2000 Imvo been sent to Chi cago by the Illinois Central Itallroad. As fast as they arc landed here llieyme forwarded by railroad lo Springfield, Cliieogo, Indium upollsnud Detroit, where cliorls will be made lu provide Tor their proper accommodation. HOW TIIK .NEWS WASIIKCKIVKI) IXTIIK ATLANTIC ITATKS. The news of the capture of Fort Doneison entiled tho wildest exeltiment of Joy through out tho loyal Atlantic Slides. Thousands of dollars were subscribed in a short time for the relief of tho wounded. In Hie cities, business of ull kinds wus temporarily siispendid; gin erul llliuulnutloiis were had, wills bonfires nud fireworks; national solutes were fired; bells were rung, nnd flags displayed on steamboats, and from public and privalo buildings ; cui us and uiilitury turmd out in grnnd proces sions, wllli baiiucis, torches and rockets ; and, hi fuel, in every manner, there was manifested a neifict furoie o( patriotic Jubilation. The " Seeesh " In llultlmoro arc overwhelmed wills lids Waterloo defeat, John IIli.i.V Ls-nwKX'i'.-0ur Kngli.h cous ins have a lively appreciation of tho merits or treason nnd rebellion, when their own govern 1111 sit Is ntlucked. They even carry their ran cor against their own rebels beyond tho con fines of lids mortal life. The body of Terence II. McMunus could uot obtain Christian buiial lis Ireland, becauso he hud beeis gullly nf the great crime of rebellion ngutiist Ihc lirtlish government. Not content wills excluding his body from iho church yard, wo notice that the Loudon AVi exults In the prospect that " the remains of Ihc martyr will be consigns d to the unhonored grnvo or the dogs." The Mac eltsllcld Cauittr is gratifinl that they have failed to elicit the "sympathy for treason and dissntisfacttou lor established rule" which had been calculated on by tho friends of McMunus. Jlciuld mid Mirror, Yi t there nre n few Irishmen in Oregon who would like to get under the protection of John Hull, to save them from what they sle- nominate American tyranny. .. . . An amusing lit tic Incident occurred nt a city hotel. A verdant looking chop sat down to luke "somo filliu',1' ns the iminoriul Joe Juekson would 6iy, nnd in n short time a wai ter presented himself at tho back of our hero's chair, and politely Inquired : " Ten or collee, sir? ' ' Tea," he answered. " Wlint kind of lea, sir?'1 Orecny looked up in the waller's face, anil, with considerable emphasis said 1 ' Why, sfoie Ita, of coarse 1 I dou't waut any ol your susiufias stulf! ' Wortiii.fss Uootv. The following is nn article from the London 7'i'hics, of Jnn, I lib. ' A turn of Ihc wheel, whlch.thc American Cabinet lias managed to make ns sudden m possible, brings us a new question. The four American gentlemen who have rjot us into our late trouble, nnd cost us probably 11 m.L lion nplcee, will soon be In one of our ports, " Mow, then, nre we lo receive these Illus trious vis tors. Of course they will be stnred at, ami followed and ogru plied, and mado tho subject of paragraphs. There is no help for Hint. Mr. Thomas Sayers cannot walk, the street with a friend, or ask tho Mayor for permission to put up a booth In a market place, but the erowd immediately conclude tho rough, Imrd-visnged, ill-favored pair ore tho Confederate Commissioners, Messrs. Mii'ou and Slldell, with their two secretaries, though not so handsome mid graceful as their conn, trymnn, lllondln, would certainty fill Iho Crystal Fnlacp, If ihey proposed to address the visitors there on Ihc merits or their cause, Hut for tlic benefit of Iho discriminating for the giitilanre of tho tnlnority that prefer nt least n respectable idol, and that does not wish lo throw away lis confidence nnd urv. plause, we may ns well observe that Mttirt, ,Viiti)ii and Slitltll art itliout the mat ttvitltttti liaoty it vouhllt imnUc to rilivtl fiom the jawt n iht Amtruan lion, llity Imvt long Wit known nt Iht Hind and hiibilual halcrt and tevilert of tint wuntry, They have done more than any other men to get up t he insnno prejudice ugalust Lngluud which disgraces the morality and disorders the policy of tho Union. The hatrid ol this country has been their stock In trade, On this they have earned their political livelihood and won their post. Hon, Just as there nrc others who pander to the lowest passions of humanity, A diligent use of this bad capital lias mode them whnt they ure. and raised Ihcm to the rank of Com, missloucrs, It is through their life-long hatrid nnd ubuso of Knglnnd that Ihry oomo here In their present conspicuous capacity. The tm. tion under whose ll-ig they sought safe passage across the Attain lo the nation that lias now rescued them with ull her might I mm ihc rer. tnlnty nfu dungeon and the chances nf retails, lory murder, it lluil itgttnnt vluth limj havr nhraiji dour ihtir bcl lo fxaitiatt their cot-ii Irymtn, Mad Ihey perished In the cell or on tho soutTuld, nttiM the triumphant yell of the multitude, tiiiiuoiy would liuvc supgulcd (but llieir own bitter tirades had rubed the storm, and that llieir death was only the statural pud logical conclusion of their otMi raluuiulcs nnd sophistries," Tsik 1'asiis JocnxAia, ox tiik Si'nnKxurn or Mason and Si.wr.i.i, Several of Ha I'uris Journals express their sulltlacllon at tl.o settlement of the Trent difficulty, and ccngrol. uluto Ihc United .Slates on having acted with so much moderation mid self command, The y'rw;u expresses itself In these terms 1 Honor to the Government of the United Slates us well ns tho public opinion in America! To admit the necessity of a situa tion, nnd to conform lo it with a manly reslg. nation, is a proof of wisdom which Is not very common utiiong nations and (jovernments, The American Government, In releasing Iho prisoners, lms doubtless done nothing snore than apply tho doctrines which it has con stuntly professed, und nt tho same ttmo it words oil" a greut danger. To do so lms not tho less required gieat strength of mind, great modcrnllou, nnd creut command over itself. We have fa! Ill iu thut strength, In thut mode ration, ami in that self command. If, more over, ('resident Llueoln wishes to crown his work, and restore to iho Incident of the Trent its true nud general signification, he Lns only to solemnly consider tho remonstrances e f Ftiglnnd as an abandonment of the old snarl tinio .policy of Ktigland. Tho satisfaction of the moiiHfUl is for Kiiglnud ; tho reul Is In every way lor the United States, and fur the cause of the freedom of tho seas. This precedent is bound to be deeply engraved In the memory of nations. It has bet 11 suid lb t Ktigland mul tho h'nglith Government hold In reserve other motives und other pretexts lor wur. That may be possible, but the cun nuw be defied to snake uso of them, as public oplu inn would now forbid it. Already divided, before the victory which the Cubluct of Wash, lugton has Just guimd over itw-lf, public fell ing will become unanimous, if wo are not mlstuken, n greut change In favor of Ihc United States is about to take place, not only lu Knglaud but in every country. This Incident was perhaps necessary to moke the Old r!d fiel by what bonds the United States were connected with it, The South had cotldcred the oupturo of the 1'lcnlpotcntlurlcs as equivo lent ton victory; it will not be mlstukeo in regiiuliiig tl.cir release as an omcu of ilsdefe', lima -(lux. )KKCKlNnll)QCI)ol'al.AS, I'sik iuutis'n. On his memorable journey homo fiom Washington, shortly before his death, Si nator Douglas remarked to a distinguished Kintuckluu whom he chanced to meet at In dianapolis, i 1 know your man Iirecklnridge better lliun you do yourselves, Mork my words, sir : vilhin out $tiir Jrcm tin timt John C. Hictkinrtdgt xeitl be a litnnal in Iht Held mmijt" The result shows how thor. oughly M r, Douglas did know his former friend, Tho year had but half passed from the time tho prediction was made, nnd John C. Ilrrck Inrldge held a commission as Urlgadicr Gen eral in the rebel army, under Uuikner. Fkah, The timid man trembles before danger tho coward during It toe bruvs) suau, when it is over. I!