. tn i THE OEEfiOM SENTINEL. CI, ,IA( (HIS, Jiilllni-. W?& lUaXSHZS ' SNv aft "To tub trmuor AMiprnM.Kcvi,vi)iB,tn( , r,.niiu nml bTiRiliiT lifo morul sin LNios-, 1 (Jovr.iisiKNT run Tin: v?iioi.k rn.Miis- 1-KS Ull.lt."-- lllAw.il. IIJiWIWHMHHaHlimmWM'MM JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY, iMAUCH 32, 1S(!, How Will Your Record Stnml 1 Wc live in 11 (bivcrnmeiit hired on llic theory tlmt lite iooplu tire tin' legitimate iiourivof political power, nml lint etery clli on. in one nice, Is lutotctl with the nltri buies i.r sovereignly. The rulers. In the dis charge of their ulllctiil functions, ixcrcho 11 (leK'.itol porter anil (invrrn. not liyirlue ol any illvlue rlht. Iu-iv.llt.iry p-'roynllu', or iff 1 h-rvaul rnertfy. 'I'lu 11. 111 nil pullllttil power xllM), ;,r ,0 v(),tiioiinil the Coiwtitiillon mi.lT our y,H-nn.r Oiivrrwnviil U ntcfWirllj lH.r,lt.lnj t). ,1,. Conpiuitor.. " liitiennt li the w: it lurome Hirycill. ,t. wi() (h(,, ,,,,, Minj) , ,,,,!jnc ,(. rii. Iiiifiiiji; Mi- wtlfuru tU country nl lirorl. (C(in, ttl) fMt icrfwl iwmwf timi, )0. nn.lnicrfpiriiriirliii own rvpiilullni ihI,wm MCf.Miii nwl iibotlilonMi. Tltoy that of hNpol.rliy. in welah ell tin-lntr.'trL. 1C111(1, Uy lUv Hllll(. ,,,,,, Mu piw faiit N-it.-. nt M.ik.' iK-n.r.' he lrii-.-or,.l.ly pulu ltlll Uy ,u...inieilljlo.Mil iii.iiIvm. The Con hlnvrir on the iccr. lor nil lime In coir?.-. UttttitMi 4 to tlwiu but u wrap of uorllilitu I'.very cKcthvi eurrlen with ll Ha pilrlotlr M,M.r, cniiiuiiiliic no obliaii.in mtcutl i-nntili ilitliw nm) ItJ Imporunl iii..IiIIIIIia 1 , Mw ,Kr lMll( Hm,ii,ii. 'I'l.o wmil TlR-Ki'ihrtiKiin'liiuliiwiiil.niMl Hmm' n-wn- m(,lmicnl, ,,r I In. Ittvoliilinn liy tthiilt they ilblliil. me .himil. wIkii cre.it Itttt nxt ltl. Mttr(llli.,i, ,! i,e pravw nf ftwli-nr are at slake an.l innintiiiuoii' ..ne.iion are to Ililtlu, ,)Wr ,vlU., ,H.V tMMmv rftllj, ,ve W ,1m!.I.iI. 'IV r..M tin rw I..njr thciloi. ,1() ll;lll.)l inwmv Tor tl.iiu.' Tlay l.iiir l.,v.lv..r..-.it..iMof rtVuimiiM UH.11.1 11l.111.1l lMli V(lUv rrm 1L. wlrlol ,,, H1jtlrMK tlKtn cl the iIitiI inirnil,!.. lltv i" ! r Un-v'i.n. 1 (J. i(, ta.lln, of llC (ill llllt ,tl0 II1HI( 0l The wry e.fl.'ii.v of llr. CSo-ri ttuntut nn.l.-r I , r . -,,.,. onl,,,..,!.,,! tl... Comtl. li,t.prot.ftli!UwetrplMirii.ii.lnliili)l(I(( uf it. .-,H. Tl,yiire willing to lm Mir Ihrnwii nrniuil 111 it ptoiirtln Imiwit, it 1'irttilenetl by 11 willful. niipniTnhiil. i.l.ibollral iiiifplr.iry acaint Atv bwl linrrrii mnl ( !h1 rnr i'iu1i'fcl to iikiii.hihI aynlil the lii't rheiWml Impi' ol CnM tullimal liber ly In llie wiuM. Tlirre ii ihii, nml llivre win tmt b-. Nil rwo Mti In Mh qiiHIuMi IiuoImiI. Tin wo who an- lr (! (f.ivi nnii.1.1 nro (Miri rite, ninf iIihim who are ipMi-itl in llie Onrrrn nunt ate trullnM. Tlnre in no iHilfwny flrimnil, win re lniinrlzioa prlilcimHt eon rrl i'il I rim 1 lit ir nib fur liiiure hmmr. They mIII bo coiniM lltil In linw llieir l.iiniN ami tnVf the rfpiiIMIIij. TIh-v mut bo hjmmi tliertronl ami nbiik' the remit. "MnMirly lnnriiTT"Uilirnivil trinMin. Affirinl In- riKfi-na'wlllfunnnipluJuit.nmiiil ofj ithiine nml liiluuir, Thniil: (iml, wo lw n Wivt iwr law in Orivnn. MenV iwnm ah trj.fiV t g-fi.l' iMrth.n -ifTf ilieVTmliitti fi.r whom tiny rule. Tliat i . curd. ncitlMo to all, will tvtr t.tiulii ii iu 1 ....liini liu .H.lrtfil t.f tlutr iKilr.ifr ,!.. .,r .ll.l.rt!. ImI ilih. m.n 1,. no ' that i?3r.l,Kid el.thn a.'ulii't Ii'.-ti itiliHlit i riHir f;ileii!til by ilK'ev.i!.iiec it all-iiili. It l(;Urnmuit .Slw wiinl to do roun llibiji nlfj roniilitiiio lliu boluntv in whleli luliire mote, ami livi.ro che U u'llllii'.' up u ctmid Hitieim will be minimi, I be naw b minl ilniMitKlriilloii. under llw ihiiw of tin ,,!,., ..,rrWi., ta ,und.,.. -liaffiXrf; rt whlrh tl.ry nlll i fml. Many a man ' iK.jr Hlvlei. Fur thU omkiIIIwi ike rliaii with InliT nn'iliMl urnlMlinii'.uiul rt-illfrinc ' ... . .. . . ... rnrrcl-. will Iiirlinuibly buiiktitpt ll.nii , .ll..n.lM?.r man, Id .mIc folly wrick itself on the h"U rtfi-axm ami ili,Ttinn il It will. Iml y)u b.tvo t ilivier intrrwt iiihI n more ulnwintf fuliire, nml we Iwnili y.u, courtier well tlai ctin .leueiM of the ncl, U-lmu your mime iiv npon ll r lmHri.b..lili' rreoril, Itift iimiihI tlmt tiuih will tri1 loii vindltMtu Iium-II'; ulu Kill Urip the foullurn coinpitMiorf nml lleir norllirrn .jKipmlii. t n.tVeil Im lore ll.u wotl.l, nml ll..' ji-optc whot Ihey liaie m ttiiilly n.Ul.il.nill rulo up and mr-thriti. Il.l.ny. ini-artial lnlory, will urraiu nml ruml mu diem In nniTtrrul to.ilin.pl, It will Imld liu in rvoiilble In fuio UikI nml riuii, lor the direful rulHpi!itv alrondy bronchi upon l,r ruuiiiry and for tlio eiU jtl to come for the arrnluliniis of wur.ilsplll.i.e.m.dmp.i.o.m.l Wmsl,m,.li-Jr,s?o,mlcnmo,....dw..l..wlio.-I.;i(1!f otl opimmncursi an im sorrows mm tits Mi-rs, You cannot vole n llr'.ct soppwriod by r very loud mnnlli secessionist in nil llio Sun. K'tlmul l IK finally in. Hitching your .ially. Hiija'ar-ciiittiu!; jtsir il.-ulHlnl loyally with dm- .i-i I...O..NWI.. im. uoi...t , simi pasmuis ntll .1..I rtxkMi. ji.ii. Ywi miHi mal will be j ,'...1. i.i ,...-v,....,Mni jwu mi p. MI...I .. thu exh-ct In vain ty plieim,' jcurn-lf, lo ny the I. ul, iu u iloublliil pioilum, in the liuur f jour i-i.iuilry'ssreaitl w-ril ? ll llie nbil Ik... Is ruicvrrlul, and ihe Kl"r'"ns u.M Un J i illv.inniUrtil uml diinliil on Murou's uml i iIiX-mi's line, you will be hatnl and execrated by ihe North as no uhkr uml aUlior ul Ha l. refill e.il.iuiily. If the lebelltou Is em.-lieil .nil, Mi 11 ruivii -im Ji JV" 11111 w iivi.i 11 r... .1 1.1 1 ,ri.-IVIVI ,.-, .l., IMIIItfh ..l ,1. Ci-l. II , , , .1 , ., 1. , , t-l-.vl ..r llio pnHrv.1ii1.11 ol the Li ., lornitd by liio tvinluni, rJiiclillul by llio ml.'', ru.jf, mid uiilobled by Ihu blovtl of ihe Keluluiiunari ,5., ' Iteinembcr lint thtro U mi litiKriiil.ubV rieord kepi, uml I hut il will ho feaulad will, ilicikqwi iuierei m cuiiiii utr l..r cm rltuce of your loyally, when the khlp of fc'lule rvaa struck with a storm uml Ihe surges uml li.llons wiro m idly iLtlihi uroaiul l.i r. .Muy ihtt record air-ud impirUh.th'u eil.k'iiee nl roar enulno d voiiou to Ike Coiiclitullun uml Union of llie Fnihirs. Tlir. Ork..on Pft-iooiiiT. 'TIih ier, ttfler il V4 oxcludeil Irnin tho nulls utlcinpliil u fjuteiMlioii ii'idcr tlst title of the Cuu-lilti- l'oml Dcuwaai. but it was no go. 'Trcitsou land to b'oulhern Oregon as Irom rsoulliern ii .tlio kumo under whutever gui.e it uui 1 Oiogon to Portland. In un onliiuiy Winler attempt In conceal itself. j Iheic nml not bo, und thuo would iiot bv, uny , . ,. . failures. Wc have full conllikuco in thu cmr. TnR C'ulifurnluns at Porlhiud ute bulldiii? 1 jry uml pern viraueo of Ihu proK-nl company. I1.1if.1ux with which tn niccutl the C'olmnbi.t Alter all they h no done and e.xiiviiikil, (o ub 11 rer, lien tli" Icr Icauj. f0 si ihtir t,wlr ct ' ' l.t'V ' ttyc XJUKCll i3Li I What tlio Abolitionists Say of Him. Oerril Smith, the hading Abolitionist or 1I..1 V.i.lti In 11 I. ill., U't-illwil Iml Innif sltli'ii lilt. .TlllllH Ml ii l.i mill . " "O '"- j 10 Mr. .Hievcns m rcmiylviim.i, mains usu or like following lniiRim-io 1 " 1 .im- not iltptiiil 1 10 underrate llio President. I admit thai lie is iimro intellectual Hum iilno-tintli.i or thr 1 pi.litlciuus, hiiiI more linnest (linn nliicly-iiiue hmitlrcthi or llicin. 1 ml m It too, that lie would lintc made n good Pitslikut hml he only not beiu Irulmil to wwtlitp tlic CbiiWitt lion. Ami I uNo tulnilt Hint lo worship the Constittitioii Is not peculiar to liini. ll has loii: been our nation il roily." S111I1 arc tin; retitlmculs of u titlmilct? mitt iri 111 runs, but diludctl imiii. Piiii.tticijirv Inn sibilltios. lie Is for dingiuihng llio Uuottl tntiniMiiid To n Iota., iiliiicgntii.il or Constitu tional guarantns, Tho Pnsahnt, liu ruts, I1.11 t.ihiu 11 il ITriint toiirse nml tided wllli 11 strict uourd fur the (.Vnxiitntliin.il rights of ullrutlens ol our common Qovcrmmiit. In lids he is supported by ll.c stein logic of lu euiitrotefilblo fuel f. 'l'liu 1 vii I au-tiiioniits. nml Mr. .Smith istmi.l on tin rumo ground. They have rl.nwn iluir contimpt for tlic CoiMtiiution bynmmlliug It provisions mnl iirming for lis ourlluuw. ThcMces'lott synip libbers In Oregon, iillhougli they iifl'u't n punt ri-giitiHitr iho Constitution, 1I0 In Irntli occupy the wine ground, for they tiro In f.ivor of llio recognition ol I lit' nilliluiy (llr.,iir.,cv r ,,ir u,ys . Co.. linn s.inc rxiririHli-r the hlMurle (.loilw of the pail, that lonieHiHiining ilo'iii our milloiml p.itliHny, llnimlii mil in boM telhf the heiow of the lb volution nml tlio xitr!nl itittefincn of '7(1. Tiny ureilr'uinjj to iHhiiciiiIh r. mi.) art.' mix Iijim lo bury the Templv of Fruil.uii uuihl the imilun, ilUiu.nilivrtil KmriiU nfn ouoe (ilorl- .1111 Union. Will they Mimtilr Khali tboi triumph? The piitle of 11 xlclotloiM kiiI( nml llio lienxin rtvIMirul .leleiiiiiimtloii ol 'JO.IW 0,C()(l loyal flit men miu. No ! Tlio Koystouo State. Iiytil t!il I'lim'ylianlu lutK innre Union iiikii In the Held for I tic rottorntlnii of llie L'"1""' ,,,r "' l"""!'1"' ' CWijIii. Mi. nmi inv lo.i.inii.vni ". inv i,ift .."ii any other Htale. SLvJinArtliMil ium'I i tptipKil .Mi'trU.tiKiT. Nov Yuri. Ihu UH1W in the lli'l.l. Nut content nitli llil' tJie U iiii.nIi.im t In more. M.-itr what u nirt"H.iHKiit of tin the llulttliii nrltlnt; frutn Wmhinftcn Mf ,,r "''' l",rl",ic H,n,c' lltljt piirl'.tie Slnle: 1'. n..lviini.i hi not wlbOiil with f.irnlhln(r Iki ih.w in oun.'i iiIih' teKlimiiM of luf.intrv. I - i-'.n ...... ...... ,.-.1- ..ii.... iiiiiiiIhtiih; T.K'il) iiihi.oim-r.-.-inii'iit nud lw.. Ainoiiuiinif In MM) nun. The total of nil iiiiih in Infill. ThU iiiierptU', it U mul. in btln; itclnely f.irw,-vrikd liy (Joitrnor C'uriin. Willi llio iiiii. bill. ini.r llio War li'purlim.ut. Un I. r tin iirrnuudiiinii now on fool, ll c.x Mtliiion cihiM bo fully or?iinii3il tiinl p.l fiitily for imbirkiilioii within tlio iuuro ol thru or four wtik?. Tli"' iuiHlato U eotuilil. rlnjf with f.ivor Ii-inliiu.ilion liom llie War I'.'pirlini'Ut of t dolro to hv n n Mr wil rnrp of lO.DIMI lrix rali'iil wtiltin lu boiderit. (ioeni..r Sprnw'iic of Ilhoile Irland h.n already acini ii . ii hi ii III;.' ti.liiiMtloii rnini I lu l)iiMrlintnt. 'mul f !i.i..riini. A inlfntv nf Mii.m lin.l tj la about lo follow In the Mine dinvlion. Wo Impioiitly hear our loeosuloi) ynii:i-iIiIm-h tfttl(ii ulmni tleinocratic old IVmityl rnni.t, ami they try In cronlu llio IiuproMrnii .... ,,.........,.. ..,1,rtvi.1 u .,.,.... ,M C KWtlm UUurtu) ,n () Imu. mi) ,,f1 m Ml m0fe ftln(,(lli,t.c limn the two pirlkv. The tiling diil.l.id do mocrney in Oregon, Is n coDxIomernte of snlv-tlliii-r, whining poaoe firowk-rs mid lon.l- uioulhtil, rnuiMiit secesiionlils. 'The tknioo rnry tifliiy.il old IVniiyli.iiiln," Ihe K.-.tilom- h. K(l(.n Hrl.. ,, (l ... u,r,0l,e fc 0!l, ,, ( (iry., fiul(ll1J, t,i u uJ rinWj20lltt, ...,...,. , ttuvl,.., I,.,..,.. ilc ll0,u tin,. 111 nt : " 'The Union imiil bo procrviil ut nil Iwuirdii." 'The Ueinoeracy ol I'liiusylimiiit ' is 11I1 nt iml with ll.c Union nartv in Ore-roil. v, M jlRUl by ,,.. . OTRRM.tn M.wi.. Wo find llio following In thcidilnrial rorrerpouditieo of Ihe Kmiutg I llnllitni 1 the lelltr from which we clip it, is , a ... If. 1, I ..I i.4in.iM.iimit,ii.K-lnr.rj lilt I,. ,, . . . .1 II I , It Ii.ivIiik isvn loiiml i-pnlo imimsslblo In Wrry ,,. ()Vl.rm) I1UI i.etwixn .S.ieri.incnto ' nml Orison tliirinc llm winter iaon- Ihe eon-1 ' Iraet has been ubfi.ittil ami the liuils a;e heitallir lofi) by IfulliAiy fc Flint's I'twofi itt.innis. We t-.innol believe lk.it nick Is Ike care. It Inline that the malls hate fulktl a few' litie 1I1I1 winter, but It inu.t U' reineinbtml , lh.itllilsli.it beiu u Winter of misirallekd H-urity fo rids toast. Il is very mtulii that t llierc would haio ban upully ns (jrtat. if not ; (;re.tler, irrij,'nl.nlty uml lullures, had the malt ' Ikxii eonroycil by water, ns Iheiv has been by the Orerl.in.l K-niw. It may not be patent i In the Pmt Mailer Wmcral that tho dslmn- j bia liicr frtxzes up arslslnyj frozen for wtxks, ami that the mud is about as dvcp from Port ItcVrWr. I'cnrne. U'c mo tlint some of our colcmpornrlw In the north, arc ulli'lilnii Into till- KCiitlcninii ipilto irvrcfly. We iimt fny that wo tire irry to c it. We me om or tlioc who be lieve thai a Cluiitimi Is tn rcsponsili'o to Uod lor llie propi r ili tlia rye or h's civil dutiiH as or thoc (hat gum out or the relation- he untnlus to hN Creator J or, In other word, hl repnla lion for coiiltency ami ulncurlly rctpilrta lilm to net the ChrlMl.in in Mi civil nt will ni In lil moral ruliitlmi. It U too true, o fear, or ChrlilKint. th.it while tli.-v nro punctiml In their ik-rnl loot mid funllkn In their iknlln-0', Ihcy oxhiblt n rtiklencM nml IntoinUlency lu polltiei that iwtonWie Hits most thoiieJitleM ilnucr. Time are in my m ble cxei-pllnns, bii i It not true that in my sce.n, nl leaitl, lu liohl one set of opiuIoiH In n iniU and Ihelr contra ry In p. IllleJ. 1.1 thl.t ryhl ? Should a man lay umIo IiU religion when ho approuehes the pi.IU, mul on elielioo tl.iy, nml In pnlillw, be eomo the nlicdieiit cerrant of Hie Uerll 1 Wc freely ctinfM, lli.il c look on the dlspojlllou of nlljflom JouriiiiiV, oxlilbltml of lale, to urge upon the mcmlicra of the church, the linpor In nee of ilici li.trjjitiy tholi paliliittl ilntiiM with ii due rcjrard for the iniioblinjj principles ul ChrlMianlly, n rt favorable onicii. They onglit lo lie cnn)iir((.l, IikUii.1 of Ii. Fine ecu suriil, by llie criitar Jiniritalu, fur the course they l.aie laf.f.iv 'i'l.o ciiplnj ctilirlmn and reektew f.iror witli which the etirpilloiM fteoiioil pympn-llii-crs in Oieiioii uttaek ininlMiM of the Kihh'I, iikx'U with our iiiitptalilliil ilhupproba. lion. II Ihey ini.lcnil.iuil n) well and appre ciate mi kt fitly the duliw of (IhrMianlti, it i a little to be wnmli-ml at. that Ihelr lives are nut it pntloi4 fxeniplilliMlloii nf ltd noble Iniehin-i. Win ll gumhlliu; politlvi.UH lu eomu nwiftiiiioiillail prtaehen of tlii'Kipel, the Mitleuulmn ui'iu be cloo at blind. The llevll will relnnit to lliu fiery rerflont of I'an iKmoiiltiui.ni food in he Isuwnrc that lie mutt eouteml with lliofo valiant warriora, pmioptitil villi fnii mul pnrilij.' Ah! fa'.itau, ou me done for. iTAOICJSOOT aouisiTv: ilLlSS MM rOKVBKTIOX ! 'I'Ihj qimllrlul voti'M of .TnckMii Cotinlj who an' in favor oftlicrupprPMlnn of the priT cut tviektil tvbt'llinu nl it vlyorom prmecu lion of war to l.rnf; im utcc.iry lu fniilnile tliv ni.nl ichcines of armed traitor who mo nppiiHil to any eace other than the honora ble oik.1 sure lu come illicit reheN und their lymiMlliiiecrti mlnnlt lo the iMiMtitiitlonalli I'k'clnl ami ipi.tlllk.il nullnitlties mid kvnlly enacted Inwd of the (biMrnuwiit nlio think uuiroolcountrytli.ui ol Ktrly prejndico nml Individual preference---wlui me lu favor ot "itppftrting llie (lencml liovcrnmcut iu Il.i'tu d.iiv.iri lo iK-fend llm t'omitltutloii, execute I hu law, mid prmiic the Union, mul tilm are willing lo nolle for the election ofn tliki-l iiwi kucli ii bail tit tin.1 comliij; ycncnil elce lion, iiitlinut nfironcu In former political u 'iidulliMH, me rex-otfully n-ipiwteil In iikhI ii Mum CoiiifiilliHi nl .lACICSONVII.I.i:. on KATUIMIAV. Manli. Jtllli.at 1 iiVlocl. i. m.. for Ike Hirpvo of iinuiliMilliy a llcki't tor ('minty tlltUxr. .r IIh- putp"-i; of t-!iwt-Ins ilo'ivati In it b'tale Conitnlioii to lie hold I Iviitfim- City. I.ioo i-iiiinly. r.n Wtdmin'.iy. Ih- !llh il.iy ol' Apt 1 1, iHr.'.', i',.r ll..- .nrpiv o! nomlmiliny a I'nii.n tiikit for .Stale ulliciK an I Moudwr of L'.njrm. S l Vamlyko .1 A I'iiiwy 0 JaeolK .1 1-' Aoil.'twn K I-; (iiiro S C D.niiMii Aiii.m K. Itoecnt A ll.ill 0 I) llo-xio ll iv iieirikl J WmiVn S 1 1 (alt M .I..1I.II0 I. A llico It FMiury J C 'Ti.lm in Jitkn II WrUley A S M.ttlooii .1 F (Jmy Sol lluu'iphiey I' II l.im-Jt .lo'fpli II ll.tvls il..-'ili S.itl.tllel.l .(.In. Tlmrlwr S lt.dliih .1 M .Mi-L'iill I C l)iteniorl I A Wagner W T Iswcr J I 'Taylor A .Mct'onl A ! Uovbafclliiir A Ism CIkk M llWnip 1'! Iv ('ha pin ll I-, Slixttin Matthew- l.ldJ!tf II F Hewer 11 Co'd.uiilli T Asnluwitll Win T.ilk'y II K Auikrsnii I.T IHIllt IE II MeCluro llufusilokosoii (1C11 .M llruwu lauii-s Kllt.-ore W W I-'owkr I.'inlniv Applcijnle l.ber Kinry DOUQLAS COUNTY UNION CONVEN TION. The U.illlU.l inlirs uf Dimjjlm county, who nre In lavor of the pritfuriatiou of tho Union uf Ihe .States upon Ike bails of Ihe CuuMllit tluii as our forcf.il'jers made It ; who bulluio ll lo Is) llie duly of every luynl clll.cn to inslnln Un. ron.tltulloiially eleuled oHIcein In the ml uiiuMrallon of the b'c.tlty uiuutnl btits) who believe the rcbolllou now In rxlttcuoc In Hie a'uiilhi-ru Stales lu lie without Jut cuit-.t, nud iiiirIiI lo bo put down liy tho unlleif efforts of Foileral niwit; who mo in laior of Ihu pio-e-vitllun of Ihu preocut ttitr until traitors rliull oenio to win fij,'.ilut lliu Ooternmeiil, und linll ivltiru lu Ihelr nll.-liinoe j tvhoniu nillin.i; lo nkiudon all fotiuer p-tily alliances mul pergonal pitTireiicvs, and iiiiTo nt Ihu comliiif eleollou upon 11 platform, H.o eoi.liuul object or whleli Is to presirio iul.ivt lliu Ooiciuineitt of the I'nllul ijlales uf America from llio aitault.i ol foes Ubo.it, or traitors within,- -arc retpicrtid lo meet at the utiial place of lollns III Ihelr ouural I'ticlncto. on Saturday, tho SSd dny Of Marchi 18U2, to ohooi-o tklegates to ti Cuiiut) Cuuteulluii, lu lu held at Itosebtirg, lu ist'il county, on Saturday, tho 20th day of March, for Hi" purpoe of iiu.ulimtln,,' County (lillccrs, mid clouting neb-gates to tho, SI tie Con veil llu.'l, lo Iks held nt EufTOIlO City, on Wednesday, tho Oth day of April next, for Ihe irpoe ol uoiuluatini; Union '.'ieUt Utr rll.ito iWilusirs nud Member of Cotisrwi. fames F (J.i..ley F 11 Wl.ilu ri C rimitli Tani.s WalEon It Mallory (Jeu K llrlirT Jtveph II liters Addixni K Flint John Kelly S A bullion James Wiillnn H F Uludwick 0 Caddis S Hamilton II 11 Uourborn Jacob Jones 'Thomai Ilt.tl t I t. L P lIlO'Ml i: K Fi.l.c T II KIiij; Joel Thorn John dsto J Ilryant J Melvuy Tims Livingston II Conn Nedoin Imblcr Wllllmn F Uaker N Uirmit Win Cat heart I."oiiud llowo John Fulrtuii WMlUkWWMyMLnWlMw M.t4MikUMb.:a MU8 How Floyd Supplied the South with, Arms-Hls Conlcssion of Trenton-How ho nml Joll'. Davis, Mason and Huutcr Cheated Buchanan- W iHirrvnrnv. Jan. L'Cth, lffil. . The Rlntrnuiit furulilied by the Win Do-J p.irlnu'iit to the Military Coiniultte ol the lliine Iu rrlut Ion lo the ruuov.il of ptihlie , mini rrnm Nortlicriinrmorii'S mid iimi'iiiiIh mid I their tlliilrlliiillon our the Smith, wns not, deemed F.itKnctiiry ly the commlttie, where upon Si-eielmy Holt ortknd n l.ioroiiKli c.x miiiiintion to tie uiade of the tbtribtition ol ' the urimi Imin the A of January, 18o0. In ' Imiu.iry lil, IHI'.l. Col. Cralif, ol theUrd-. uaiieu 'lleparliueiit, reportiil (tint Flo)d had ordend the transfer ol one hundred and llllccn Ili'iU'i.nil in ms of llie latent mid uhhi appro? il pattern, from the Hprlmjlleld nml Wntervliel ( iiroitiiU to ililivrctvl nreimls at the Souih mi lolloivd : l'rai wim ..Mitf. CTmrle'ton (H C.) nrwmil. 0,2ni Nurll. Carolina nrseinl. . tA.tuo AU(iuMii ((.'a.) iirMMiul I2.:iyil Muiuit Virunii. Ala .... M.2U llntiili l.'uitjte, l.n lfl,20 AIM 'in' .IWK A'iim r..7'iil a.niiu ' 7-v.'ii '.'.mio i T.ii'O 'i.nnii fi 720 '1 0.10 . 11,120 2,0111) i The uriiH thus transrerred, whleli were ut the ('Inn li'Moii ar.H'inil. the Mutint Vermin nr M'lial, thu Union Koiige nr.eiial mid the An inula iirM'tial, hale bien feU.'.l by thu author llies nr IheK'Veral Kiatt-s ul' Soulli (,'aroliua. Alabama, bmii'liiiiii nml (leotula, and aro no loop r lu the poieiuii of llie Uitluace Depart mail. Tltofc Jtort'd ut IheNorlli Cninlln.-i nrrciuil ircie K'txcd, but the (loirnmr hit pronikcd to nutoro tlieiu In llio United Ktatoitdnveriiuifiil. Mul It ii r.M rem. ly doubtful whether thii promt.' will bo lnlllll.il. 'I'lnfo nriiH h.tie all btxii nelxtd by I lie rebel preeiu'ly ns 1'loyd Intindiil they clionld be. lu mldltlnu to th.-n-liiiiil.ird arin. l-'loyd .ld not lar nhort or u tpi.irUr nf a million iifdoiernmeut p.'reut'oii inukel.i tn various Southern Statca for 32.0(1 tuili, worth on mi iivcinol'J. The (loteru meiit ittliinik'S have laxu liteiulll wielfetl and plllutd to provide traitor with 'the meaiiit of ihflroyiiijf the t'lilou. Not only were hum uurabie innlu'K till -m mid pi'lols hi tit .South but la't tpiiutilieii uf eauiiuu, inorlnr. pow ikr, bill in.. I flu II. The utti nipt In lnmfer one hundred nml twenty lour lnrnvv bnllcrliitr fjii'M It nut the I'llltl'iilt)! urinal is yet frtih lu the pill. lie in i ml. It tiaH prili'iidnl lln-y tii'ie wmiteil to upilp certiiiu Koutlitrn frti. lt.it Kiert-tnry Holt wrlttv lo llie I'liionlvnnin tlekatinn tint - on iuiiiitlv'aliou it Mint Hatinr.ietorily a eeitaiiHttl thai the foitilietitiuiM in ipii"tlnu weie not at nil iu u eoii.litlon to reeeivu their iirm.iim-ii', nor will Ihey ptnb.ibly Ik for wv cinl x.ttrs lo coin.'.'' lip miyii, furtlnr mure. 'in illation to iIh-iii, thai they" were not iu.imifactiiit.ll lor llio foil to which Ihey had boon unit rid to bo forwniilnl, nor bad liny boin piitehaHtl by miy rp.-elal appropriation Inr llio trielintf'or nrmliiK of then) fiirti". Thry would hue bitn tntirely iih-Iiw at the poiulii for which, under lite w tier for shipment, they were 111111111111." Therefnie he eoiinlermainkd l-'loyd'it llkfjal or.l.r anil iiniimkil the pm back to thenrR mil, wla-re tliey now are, andilf ever bronchi out, will In: eiiiploud as " Kitci'nulierh. At tlio Iritimiii b.iuipiet nl'ltielunoml, 'lvpu iu honor of his Mri'lii lo destiny llio lioieri.-' incut, l-'loyd mule 11 Kxih, mid anions oiler, InU retting ruvcl.itloiw, he ilivuleil the follow I'W s I 11 As .'.inil ki"l would have II, 1 I111pp111.il lu lie cnllnl lo Ihe (tuliiuet mul 11W1I ut the I11.nl of tlio War li'Mrliniut. I Inb.iruil there I to uiiilertnml the poni-rnf the p..illnn and iti-; responsibilities. I noon loiiml that il iva fill, of ou'iiilictiiiee, tlmt it wan 1111 itriunl pnwtr fur umxl, mid annul nilh iininena' powir lr. I'l'il. Whllily.inrin.il wi-ro ii'piriu.' In the I I'ltftiliney, mid ultlNi I was tliv yubjoet nt 1 iitiih'ral'iiiaiiiliibiin.' nhieli 1 uvveriiiMwcrul iiiiittiliiX o to ili'iiuf ii Iht pnrf in mi , luiiiil tlmt when llat terntio lumr enine. yoti mid nil of) on, an. I oauli of you. Jiuiilil vtij l!m mm Imt iIwk In iliilij." lentil iipplniiM.-. I Ilea lii mi tipfii, unroservwl eonleHlon of lro.t-00 while Seiiril.ity or War." Ani'llwr jtlmrl I'Xlr.iet from the Ktmerp.iek ' will be iiMtruetiiu : I One day the President ald In me, " Mr., Fluid, nre you Kiiliit In wn.l rvvitilu lu Uiiirlislmi in slri-iiuilirii the forts? U list , nbi.ut K-i.ilii." reiiiforeeiui'iils tu Charleston ? ' I was lukin itry inueli by mirpiiie tu lint! the Prcsid. nt makiiiK this impiiry, iudieutin, lo my mind, it cliiiuuo of pflicyou Ins pari. I -nl. I. ".Mr, Prt-sid.-ni, I Imve no iutiuiioii lo 'iiil rieriillslo Cli irktttiai." lloti't you 'i wiil ho,'- intend In striugthcn the forts tit Charkotou?" " I 1I01T1 iuteinl to slrrnj,'tlii 11 the forts at Chnrlfstou." Tri-111. inluus up i.lnine.1 Says ho u Mr. VUiyl, I wuiild rutin r lie in llio bottom or the Potouiau loni.irr.nv, llinu that Hiom.- forts iu Ulnirlooluu should fall , Into the hinds of tli.ioo who intend tu lake them. It will tk-stroy 1110. sir." And said he. I " Mr. Floyd, if that tiling oeeurs. it will coier ' your ii.iiik. with mi iufainy that nil time can ( iiever 1 ll.n-e. U'eau.o It is in vuiu H.til you will ntttmpt tu hotv that yon have not some com I p'teiiy in hun.li.v over Ihoio forts to ttiov who tako Hum." Tl.nl Is what Ihe Prcoldiiit ; said to mo. What li.nl I lu do, mid what had I lo sity ? I said," Mr. President, there Is 110' tl uier, trust me, sir, trust nro, sir, Iheru is no' danger. I will willingly rl'lt my ripulatloii, I wh.itoier that may be I will Iru-t my life that tho furls ut Charleston me nile under the iki'iiralious of the genlleim 11 ul Char'tulou-. Hint tliey iMimot bo touuluxl." I'reiii nd-nn nptilituoo. He said lo mo. ' thai is nil vary wen ; nut p.iui'.n iik' lor iu-iiing you, noes mal s euro the furls 1" I raid, " No. sir ; but il Is ' it plurality thai I mn In eariipl lu Ihe belie) ' lluit I c.-.iiwmiI lo yun, Hint tho lorls ro re-1 euro.' buhl In', I urn not yntlsDixl,' 1 snlil. I am sorry for It. Nvr. sir. it Is fur you to j nrtkr; you nre the Pioii-ut uml can order.. You can my lo Ibis man. 'como, mid he ' cnmclli ! go, mid ho 'wlli i' ynu huio it right lo order thai thtse forts shall ho. strengthened.'' 1 stood tin re, tti-ulkjiis'ii. I cant o.ty how I , won l my Willi wii.ti (KHii)t-i 1 will never tie clam Willi what Riirs nnd with whnt trcpiillly willi what pain mid Willi what siish'nso'l ttoud there. 1 wautul help, nud ( ixillol fur help. 1 culktl for help Irom llio hlcoscil old mother that give mo birth. I ealkil for help fiom tho bright Saladdin of tho Soulli. Jell'. Davis, of Mississippi nppluii'i- mul I said , come to my rc.eui lliu battle is ti little iiuue than my weak heait can Mipimil come tn me, ami he c.iiuc. 'Thin eauio lli.it old. jovial lonliin.', noble hearlul repreoiulativo of Vir ginia .lames M. Mason. Applause Hue IM.IMI lli'lt mmjtl kill Ivl' imiliirt. llmoj 1I.11 i'.m.iIi. - ,.. .... j v. ...-'-... .ii.ivr, un. 1111111- . fal Nislur hero canto Hunter. (Applause , From the North, Ihu Soulli, (lie F.il nml tin Wist, thers came up Ihu patriots ol' tho coun try, (traitors), uml tliey talked with the Pros-iik-nt nl ihe Unitct) States, it-id they ..i . lux Jans, mid assured liim in Ihe line 'or duly. 'They said let there be no force and ihero wits ' 110 lorco j mul llio Pi-vskleiit said to mo, I um tonltnt with ijnur jmtitij ami then it was that wo ilclcrmiuid that tio would rend on more! troops to tho lutbnr Iu Chirleston. Ap-1 pl.une. So it went on, und gentlemen, fori the first lime in three mid Ihreo-ipi.irter years dreaiy years, dreary years I had u rcalbei.-l tlincnt, un ngivcablu thrill of happiness. Hero wo have from the lips of this pcijnred Irnllor, tho moans mid muiuenis empiuyed to oveicomo thu resolutions ul the poor, weak, Old Public Functionary. Unhlushingly he boa-is b. lore his maudlin companions hmv he liUrnaelud tho PriMileiit, and Iifi ihe (J,it iniu al ' 1. . inijir .ti.) I I. iv, li- l'iimmiIiI and comrort to Ihe open cneiiiiw of the I iiioii. Jloes not tins w retch deserve n filnii'ii line? It is hard to belli vo Hint lie will lie nllowtd tu cscapu the pun aliment tine hW elfcoiilo.nl Crimea nalnsl Ids country, nml In piriiiittid to die In his bed. O110 mine i-Nlrurt from these rcwI.ition nny bo cdilylng lo llie people ol Hie Wit : Thi brlnj."mi-ton point that I Tcel uii'pcuk- able pain In tolllnjr. The Seerelary of .Stale. SlViSUd!-; lered lu the polici. ami licrniir this will never tin; (lure foils must be rtreuilicitnl. (li-n ' reeived the coiuiniltin he now liold.s. llur H. men, It is 11 Norlheni r.mimeut. b't me i( pvmont rtmo In MliHt-irl, Curlls iirii.t that you remember then mark i there Is' , . . , .. . , J . , 11 HlKiiillraiicu In It beyond what (Jeneral f.i , tt" "I'!liilii1 lo tl.O oiiniiniiil t fcl. I.'.uk nml it Is 11 Am'ftrni sriirinirif. II is 111c eonvieliim t.foiir bretlicrn nt the North, lie iilrt for nctinn by pliln;; lilm the cnmnniid rani there must be rorcc. Tin- I'rwi.luit said f , () im,tvnt lorei', Inii'iided tn en tn lilm iu replv, iu thu council chamber. "1 , , ,. . , n ,. . 1 Iml-1 l.k.r.,llli!Mii.ll..ii-l ni.i so.rv In IrillU 111 the pilWII.I of 1V.IH'. ( lirlls him direr Willi the Sicrelaiy of Stale I Imve made up my mlml. 'I lie iulcrwt of ihfci.nn - try tin 11.11 dcmiml n rfinf.iru.iiu lit of the r..iwj. In U.nr e-lun. I eanuot do It-1 will not Jo It-iind I itilje the re.i..nibllily of ll upon liiyscl.' I Iml U what he said, and Hi in-xl day ilili clnrliiiiH nlil I'n'.nl.'r sent In Ids resluatliin. I lien, i-ntk-uu-ii. ris my mutts iigiiui, and Knyliiif, "Ood sH'itl yun. tild inaii,""to the Norlli." I.iujhier nml up plniist. Thus stood tin- eoiiiroivrsy. lu the liuiinllmc mtnll.ei had bun enlkil npon the laiiis. Another man had nude Ids mi. IKMl.nt.i-. 'There was 11 prop.Mltion made In tin- liy ihe I'lesiileifl lo m-ihI lorljenetiil Seoll u Ilit. out. rtenry. Whnt rimlil 1 feel, mid iilitil could I sny? 1 wild semi for (tenent' Senlt ; mid tpiiek us lihlnii.t; couM earry it Irom the melropo'is to Ihe pent vnujunTi-inl empi.riuiu oflhe couulryrii t-Htuinoiis was s-nt for ti'eiu'rnl Seoll to i-ninu on. mid in L'oml lime the nkl (lenentl was mi Ihe sMit. 'Tin-' (li-uoral had Ideas upiin-tho t'tt at iini'.li.iil i tt- lolvetl vi ry il iron nt Irom uiim'. Cent ml .-eottwiis .1 soldkr. I had not llio.ijslu oil lluiLi llio tiki Ut-iienil mm ml llio bimiI. Tin- uli.it would bo llie sentiments of 11 soldier who had Ihi'II 11 soldier i limine laurels in tin- fii'lil . ., ., .1.1 " , . , from lliu lime Unit I was mi inliiil iu in switddlillg clothes to this Him. tSt-u. S'eul'l is u oilier, In isu i-itorui. be lias rulit out bullies eicrywhori he Is u treitt iriturul. the iiintiiiu of llio iil'ii bovoinl it doubt. ( Ii'ii .Scott had 11 proxniinine" It was what 1 inijtlil call an .Viimimil.tora ; it propoi.if to allay nl. p-etros or truiibk' mul illxiu'rtvmeut uml Iiriiit pctMfi' lo ihe country. I)e laid It bo foto 1110. us llie Seerelary of War, us bis rn p'tior, 1 did not like il. Applmi.e mul laiijlliler. I told hint 1 did not like il in v. ry iiuurtiikub.V Iiiiik.mj.". lie wont Imm. ilniti-ly U'fiw Ihe I'r.vlil.-iit und subuiitteil it lo him, und he did not very much like it ul that lime. I villi It'll you what it was. nml ..1.. 1 ..1.1 1.1... i. i 1 i.v... o inj 1 inn ii.ji iihv 11. .i'-iii. iiii'ii, rut 1 nii.ii It-r win In be tiikcn imiwIiiii of. uImi tull-' I'liukmy. nml Fort Moulirio tins to be' rlrciif:ll.iuv.l. Tlio Inrls In (ieor'in were In lie iiociipitil nml h. Id ; the furls of Ft.rl.ia ' weie tn be taken iMMSt-ssiuii of nml uutiiuisl : ........ .1.. 11.1...... .. ... 1... .1.1. .. 1.1. 1 c.im un ti .11 .fciiiii.tm.i 111-11- in ov ii.-iiu won in lll.o 111:111111 r ; the Torts iu bniMonu wen lo Ik' occupitil by the troops or Ihe Uoil.d .Sillies ; mal iu addition to this sliipi of-wm and loveuue cutltis wore tu lie nt.tt ionid In lite waters of tlio Soulli. TImto was the pro jiuinni' nml then1 was llw plan. There w-.t liu. luyituili. lllllllll. Illtllttl Id la. .11 !l.ill'j till. ley. (Ill H.o ntlier liu nl. the North, wkn . . ...... .. Cniisri'M ivnK'IiiHIi-iI. lull lieon for iKtoiliealioii. .'.ti HHi.-.i.il.l.. .khI..o. ..t I.S.S. i ,,t- ,.r it..!, i.'.i'i ..i.t . "- "- .i-'.r... .... ...rv.... Wl tn (jdwiu' St-olt Mime ttml revenk-tl his pl.m of iiM-reioil, presto, cimtie iitstjutly Ch iiliolo .S'i'rtli r.ihinl upon another nud 11 , .. .111.1. IIVA.killtllll ,tlt..t. ..'..J .. ..W..l..l1l!..l. v- 1 j-. .rii i-.i. .i..ii, ..i .. ' i-iiitl"ll . ill fur iv. 'I'lie pl.m of i.'.'r.vnii'iit In the Ad J r Pill. uuib-rslKiuil. I'liblic Aduilnl'trator on iiiitiUlmliiMi liail biouiip In.llie po'ut when the I the ii-liil.-of 1'irri ll'n.s, il-oa.nl. h-r.br (onuuis-I..ii.is n-mii Suiitli (.'tinilliiii inii,ail,i'siiiilloi'li.nlliil.iiiii It may cone in. All cum-und fall. Thou we ivouM take txtro of I I'-r-o is hoMInu elauis aalii.t the .sl.tte an tlH-ipi.-siiouorpmiK-rlv. (.-nil. im 11. I n-vor "'I'"-"! ' I '" '"eia. u.lli it... i.r..,i.r .,.... 1 .1 ... t ,' .'i ., , t ,1 . 1 .. , ti'inlnrs 11 tn.-. mi rti-lif iievi.u l.-itr(M .. TO1.. ' " ixiu'l.-.a.t orJ,u'k,n..illl...w,ll,!n.....-i.n. iifii'i Hint i but ostay in ll . 11 ml p-im , fiai iWlh lU. ,. ,, x , ,. rr,.,,.r ,Mt;, . I thouslit wnii.il bo iteil. As mkiii im thU uiUHtliiw- kmmlllj; lheli.elli- IndeMid In K .Mil un uiel.rslixMi lite whole .North eliuiiul ruin, .nr. ti.. n 1,111111., inn. 10 a s Mien imm I 1.1 llie mi l .Xiliiilnlliiilur. . I I .. ...a1 ..'-..a. .....a... ..... ... for tHiiiixiblo secession. S- iniIoih Wade mul Halo, uiMkr Hhi prtssuio or l.omo lullii.-uiv limb urotimls in npHMitiou. 'lliu Now York TrifiHiit. rooit ttfler lliu ttkelioii of l.iiie.itn.ik- vtnrisl mure Ih.iu ono.' iliat wwreluii wns 11 fal laey mid the lt.mbll.tin .arly were nillyli. uiider tins btuittr uiiill this uroiiin-'tii.n ol Scull's It 1111 In jji'l wind, mid Hh-ii instmitli Ihey uhiiui(isl He ir front lo the roar, nml tin 1 ili-ummkil potvor, they il.'inandel military n". itiforeeiui'iits. mid llms ikniatiikxl t-o-rciou ! br.-.tk up llw Southern disannul mouut'iit. Saturday, tho 12th day of April, 1602,1 'Then this inifm Innate nffn ' of Major Aml-r tin . n I half or llio ll tll.ui Clnlm i.r Ih.-i-! sou's pits'inilal.il the livciolon ul ..nee wi:i (.lnp. ". I'lutliu i.fi.r.-i-al.l. ami .! -iiiImiI a fol- the A.liiiiut'tntt..n. Hut Major An lersn 11 fr nil""i 'l'h at half of smibui iiuinl.. r iwenii. 1 mimic cause deicriuliied one nk-lit to swan furls. , ''Igltl .'. In lown-hlp unnilier twouiv ix ('.'i; ami !io ,elil I'orl Sninti r I ilms pitt-lplia toil Ibis intimity of my rt'siirniiig. 'Thu Pres III tlim I" -- - "'J HF'S.MIItJl IISJ I ! If lit . dent Niiicliiilt lu Mistnlii him. which remh nil 1 f',,.',-v nv,u ,"uru "r ,t"'' lu '""l." eom.li, il l-ui"fl'!o r..r mo to siny in Ihe C,,bin, t ";ffnM.r,y U UxUn , ft,., ,.,. rwcl. mid 1 loll It. Hut Ihe pn lure not nt An ..,, ,.', ', ,- Ml (.,. ..f,,,, , flr dernuis Im ikrmigeil Ihu whole au(lioni ' nf I0.1 Klnu ..r Four II Ir il Dollars mini, pnyraniinc, bill nur eaiioo is mil thereby liml. iurSnin'l .Mnrku ( nf Tor Pour lliindiidamlT.n llow nisyiuir frimils In Cliitrloilouoould lam- flnllitrs r$lu, of Jhitmis Walton for One Hun Bono lo Fort Sumter uny bright, siuihlni dr.-d ami 'iliy-four Dollms jPil, uf lllr-.im t-ieiilng uml taken poi-osslou or It; ll wa'o I IHxun for Tluvo ltuiuJr.it mul NIii.-it-Iwo IM omi. the H.rtiiU were wMo-spinid, mid Ihei Ims jj:!!!.'. uml nf Julm J. N'mts lor Two hud nothing In. to but inarch the Irootts If. IIn'i'b'il nn-l Sixty Hollars 2i;ii.Jiiil.'iiituils I.'..,! Kinni. , ..I,.-.. ilu. I u.- .j- fi..;...u nml etuis. In luiuror tlm iiInivo idniutill,. and tvour.l be Imprognabl. In Ihu world, H.e IMi and 1l.1t deill. r.iiighli'r nml uppl.uiM'l ., II.,,, was . bfirrler4.,. tho way. UJu wns tlio marplot uf nil onr plans. Illroan. lor IIIU alllljlllj. . 'There nre few iit.il.incos on recon) of 11 Cab inet .Miulsti-r out of plate rerculiiig .inlo so- ciels.ns llovd Itax done lu Ids I! ehinoud .1:. ...... .....1." ri i.. ., 1 t t. . , " 'i-""- " " "' ""jnuv... lu the liigm-st ilcgnv; lull the rllli.iu wns i pleased willi the part he had pl.tjtil while on ibvulKing Ids iriuio ngulust the I ulini tn his rollow eonsplrttlors. 'The tlifCtifcry or llio plot tlestrvt-s lo be ro earikil n providential. 'Tho loyal American Hiiplo will nevir appreciato iho'in.iL'iiiiiide ol ihe po.il In ivl.ieh thi-ir U-IovhI Union v.n, pi.11111. 11 is itigutiui to conieiili'.iie llie iinitsi (iiiontvs Ihat inlebt have cuoiitd linn 'The gunpowder plot of (iuy I'awkes, tn blow up Ihu llrilUh Parliament nud Iviliir, wns iml more coiiipreheiioive hi iiiui or criminal in intuit. - . cti.imiiiM .nm. .v r.,.v,i 'i'l.o v honriii.iM hinuo i.v Ii.i.i.sois. I ho cu. lieu iwimou, 01 ueioucr 'jiiiii, puiilitliCU ul Yorkvillo, lCeiidall Oouiilv, lll.,cstlumtes that , 0 I. i . in 1 .it 1st .S.illo Oounly will make, this reason. 2 '.'50 barrels of Borghuni sirup, which will iifTiiril . cs 01 Eorguum sirup, wiiicu win miuru it two gallons lo each man. woman nntl , , ., . ,,, ,,, , ., , , I In the county.wlileli will render iheui indu out of New-Orlcnns inolusv8. In Kendall llllOIlt child r-end. Uoiinlvtho cano mills nro nt work crurliinir " , , , , r r cine nnd rebellion nt tlio r.iiue oper.ilion. It is estiniiiti'd that tho sorghum crop in llllnnl this year, without doubt, is wortli 11 million of dollar, mid will havcu tjudeuoy to keep down the priee of both sugar und simp, notwith standing the extra duty It 14 1 rop.'rtk.uab'j ar 1 11 1 1 .. irusteii willi iiiu Mar Jrop.tr men , tint he ' '"", ",", ' ,;"""", ,'," " ' ' ',''' could not i-outaln the seerols. I.il 0 .1 foul , -','. l ,"' " "'A '', ,',' " ,,U ,' r 'T a"f "", lit it ln Is mlllrv In .llrlv l,li ,..,,. i r.r ' ' '"""uml I Ur lllllldlill mill l Hi-nly-lhu mid til lie Is wiling in ihriy I Is n ut 11. si. for TI1I1 ty-iltr.-- one-hui..lti.lihs il.dl.rs l.l2fl U.osiilw of Ihe enjormenl lo bo tU rived from 't .in,i,. it .,. ... n V.-i ioy.i .v ui.. renmineii in ,mw, r a. lew weeks I : , 'W 'i, . " " . " .VV, "'". V" '" . nml .Naiionalureh.ies.mi.l tho cs 11b llshuunl u,.,t. u.0.0 pa.ile.h.irly .l.,e.:i.id ns follow.;, lorn Provioiuiiiil (loveinmcut nt ashinglon. , Coinnieiioliig ut llm norihrmt t ornc r of raid I lie gunpowder plot of (iuy I'awkes, tn blow 1 laud claim, ilioiio.. running wet i.l.'u elinlns : ' rn.iiMWKT'ixnliwCTi (IfSKitvi. CiiiTis This coininamlir, who ms M n wiping out the remahmif Price's nrmy In Arkiincns, u 11 resident ol loiva. Ills full name. t Sainnel F. (Jurli, and he holds the cnmniifsion of Uilgadkr (Jeueral in tlio Union forces, lie strved during the Mexican war. mid won n bljik reputntloii for pallanlry nnd inttlligeneo. Wlien the rebellion broke out. )0 ttU) a rplir lln,i (1iiviitil lleprcsi'llla. ConSri,s. ,,e lender! hl; I services tn the (Joverniiient ininieilinloly. nml tunerai hiiiii-ck siiuntpieniiy yriiii.toi in- ' moveil with urenl celerity., mid worn lu Imie 1 1 completely llnislied the rebel luiu.lers nf Mis-, ,lri IU-,m fouelil nml unln-.l Iwoor llirto ,iri,,. lMtk wih ,). ,m,vthe last wie re-. );, , , IV ,lcoWvc vjct0.- -,-,lwJ 1)rlu . ! entitle (lenenil Cm lis lo the Kmli-ltil ' ,, of ,U ,.., coumryincii Jtic. iiinrHv , i;,n(l I I J... ,t x. .'u 1 j Jacksonvillo Prices Current. ' :i.ioii.ilf..rilii'M nil... lCmi.rii.t m,uij-1 1 j .loi.i.NVlt.l.K, faltirdny, March 22. 18(12. . Slnplw of every dervrlpiloit nre renrcu mid ' firm. I Wheat, pot- btiliel flti a 7. j i),iis, do -in All ' ll.n ley, ii.i Ill n .'ill I lour. In tr. sacks, per iuuh.. 2 .Mitii.Too Ulilel.ii.rilmu Jit till a .1 11(1 I'orn Mi-nl. lar lOU III it s (III ' '" '""' lK'r luu "' JJ"? l"'1' ,""-,' .; Hae-'ii. nl. It-s, ekmr. per lb "" ,,' '' ,UMl ,,mic $n. to sin 211 Ik 211 '-'J in to if lilt r!HMll"M, II" II"K lllllllil. ....... , iwr. itt'lt, piT lb........ Pork, do tin .' till lllltf niuinl. - 4f K 11 in 12 11 Minion. 1V0 ,, . I.ird lettr lit lu, p-r lb., ' do III kwt do ., 2ft 1)5 none ' lltiitr-r, rrrdi dairy, do C21 2A hi lit lu'E'i do .. t'lltt-rt-. pi-r lb-.... Kpi. Ii-ifh, pi'i'ibix...... I'otatous, per II Ouloiif, do Turu'im, 1I.1 2.ilo ",,1 :t a II f It ...... ...... i;itlibiZ'. do ..,....,.. . . . . ll.-lllll-.Vlllll.-ll. (Jroi'ii Atinlos, pur lb.. in 3.11 .Mi :iu :to 12J (Ml 21)11 ..... iiriiit .x ppioa, per lo Urntl IV.iul.im.. rr.iir..! w... rtnlH it tfttjpsr f""" ,lu h f'VJ tmaiw viIMmP' i'ilW"r 10 n .':. n '.'ll 11 111 a .Ml 11 l.'.tl a msn JMunnng.BfiJwi.i.s,-aBTrCTw. m:v a i) vi:htisi:3i ii.nts. Koto Zost. ATlIDMI'StiUY NOTSxJienbj J..I111 Urnr. . lu I'm or or John Cmmulni. Inr I'llTV ' li'H.I.AII.S. ,mjblo on il.iuaii.l. iilthout Inter. ...I . I. .1.1.1 liininiMti Ij lk,k!l l..i. luiitlt l..t ":,' "' "-- " ll"' MifiUiirMiitl note in nut oii.ir iK-rM.u iImii n. iiiooiii irroiu tiiisuay ti..i-"i II. lll.OOM. .laeksnnvllle. .Mmnb 21. INI'.'. lliu Administrator's rJoticc. . u, tte are mpi'ml lo make limmili.ili 0. I). IIOXIK. I'ublio Ailininh-lmtor. M..nh 2vl. A. I). isu-.'. .ml Shoriff's Sale. TiVvhtuo or llio CO veiiUmis In hip ill. I , J) r.-eted. so,e ,t rth.. Cimlt fouttfnrl n... e.,niv .,r l),.,i,,n, ,.,,,1 nu t" rw.,.,1 r ' l.nu' Inl'if ui.i.ii iimiT will pixen! In .!! In ' j 'Ik hblli.'! b'll.h'r. for ra.h. un ihe pr'Utci of ' Hi' "-I'lro W. I'ntlliir, Iu llungl.ii cotiuly, On- , , "ti. on '"iitlio niiiKo 11 ir four () wt-i. Will un 1 ellii in. rlillnii. ennlalning three hninlr. .1 ami ',SI,,,li, ,u'1 VMJv,,VMM,M!,Mivf,rt,l,,l,,, et r 1. 1 . .' M,lrul, gSMJ'" M r" . ShcrifF's Salo. 'pY tlrln.M.f a ll.crio In Cliaiiesry lor fore i clooiuc i.r ttt'irluago. 111.11I0 ul He-l-'elau. '. ni 'l,,n'' A- HW.ir llm Clieult Court ol Hiubtiitit ot OroKiui. for Jueksou i-nuntv, In il.ttorol I). W. Doniltllt. nn.l agitiimt W. f!, T Vault, lEho.la 'T'Yuult, Mlcli.ul lltenuaii ui.il I Imm ts I'havm r. and win rein it wn .Irvrettl ,r eent. ir iitu.iili, fn.iii l'Vbritaiy llllh. Im.2.1 ,nl uh mis ihe mI.1 uinoiiut has nut Ih-oii ..i!.I tti-coitl ng 10 the In ins ol the mid decree, lull ollur lor i-ale, for oah, lo the hiyhvt b.tMir, on ''iu preiultes. oil Wednesdny, Apiil 23d. A. D. 1862. ,,., ,,...,.. . '"' ."'Unulnj: tli-crlUil r-itl ctalc, sil.ialul In 1 laud olalm. 1I10110.. running wet i.l.'u elinlns , thei.ee touth 6.1 'JO chains; thei cu in-t CI 7 clmiu ; thence mirth Hi tin chains to the pine - lof lHi;luiiluir: coiitalubiL' I-'lio Unmlii.l uml I hlglilicil mul iwenly-lltuoiieliiiudridths (.xih -"''""luereo-. muie or lers.incliallng the whole ' ,lf lhu poitaliou l.nn.l Clulm of ike nttl W. (j. , 1 1 null mm lliiiNia T'x-uull, iemrilug nud i.x 0ptlnglhenluely.twoandoii liitlfaer.r.Ietd it tiilli.iiti.isthaHiir.byil.nl I10.11 ii' date the .x., ,i.,,. r Jmmry, lint j MI,l pitmbeo tu be oiii ninjiot to a mortgage cxccuiui in .xiiclt.it. 1,u',m:"i: " '" "Ik day of May. lbC.O, fur ihe 'nut ot hum- llmulnd Uolluis i10ii), mul ihe imiouiit now duo opou Ihe mine being Kite . Huniliul uml Tlurlj-lwo dollars i$Xi) iucliul- sold sulijiot to 11 mortgiige exreutnl to .Mich.n.1 I ll....... ... .... .1... ?.!. .1 1- i .. .... .. .. I1"". "I"'-". IUbwiii. Iwiiic a in.oi iutmmbriiiico on mo soiiiii 11.111 01 tiiu w imie or rai.i Doimtioii j Claim, but .Kel.uetl tu xi lohl by the ilcirce in tills cause tuuik'tcil. n liu- as ll.u uurili It.iir ni 1 11. .ii iv ,- n"i'..i.tt .. .1 111....1. 'c-1-....ii . .1 11 It I. -.Sill MW 111 1IV .llllll III I 11, 1 .. I . . I .. .. a.1 I. .11 tiiiklclalmijooiic.imil.lt Ijeliig the tip.ir.Uei piopcily of iili.i.l.i T'Vaiill. aud llio raid niurt gagu Inning Ikoii i.m-ciiIiiI by V. O.T'V.mU alone Sale butt.ien tin. boms or tlic ailj futti O'clock 1', )l lf,.Ul llj.V. w ii -- nrn ,-ic.,n' P MI '. J I .. 101 FRKSIL GOODS! rOTHKllt AL1IKA1Y 1.A1U5K AND avi:m.si:li:cti:i) .stock of 1 ri7XU fT.T A rVTITJl j Mli,UOH AJ iJlfell,, I tiih uniku.skini:l) auk now lU-X'KtVINd JJ'x'osli. G-ooda rilOM SAN FIUNCISCO. WHICH MIV. OFFKUKI) AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH 'To correspond wllli (he lianl time. QUICK SALES AT SMALL PROFITS. rtm ui:.i imx, Id HINT FOU ALU Kicry Irlirlr Wiirrnntril a Rrirtniffu I'lixiKglxi usn call. V1DB. MUCIN CO. .T,eksonvilk-,.fsn. 1 lPrr. ;l:tf :c ra ,'xxB5c'.xv (2:jjb cnu- SSLlIXxESEf- fpiircu.i47-liiirtl uuwJd rcpeclfulty Itiforis .1. the eitls'-iis nf .lnvki.ui mid n.lji.liiln; ..unties tlmt lie has oil lininl ami wlltuiatmfi Hire In onltr All ICintU r SiMlilli-i). llurncu SSfll A.S Hetiiy frrnn'M tlnmoss (lonu nml short (cj) "Cuuconl Harness, H.itfjry llariins f'h.tible tut 1 sluclt) lis. Irtt-s uml rlptlntf coinp!U; I.vKiV Saddles, .rocket SitiMlct. Saddle luirs. lltlJlcs, Surcingles, llaltm, Spurs. Ctirricnnibs Wldiv. Vliltbkcs. Ami all ollirr twiii-k-s ns.t.Uly founj In a ffrst cturl stock of S3.A.333DXj32r5.-sr. A LL WOK IC W A It R A .VT i: I). Store In - Sentinel " lluIkUtif;, fotifurnf slrtn I. iii'.nuv ji'dci:. .laeksonvlllo. II.-C. S I. Iftil. -IJif 3C)L'XJ.) l-'OJt JsiAHiMOK KAVEK!! "Within Sixty Days! GOODS SELLING AT TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE or OrQlx ! T Villi 0 11 1 llexercc ! AT J. I MUM & BRO'S. V nr-t' tlctt'iiiiliirtl mul t'uiu jti'Ili-d tu place all our Ituuli AccuiiiiIh mul Nod's in (lie liuiiils ot our At ftniii')', for act Inn At (lie vouiluc (01-111 or tlic I) I' ll let Cum t, If not iiulil 011 or In' foil' tho i'.Ul DAY Ol-' .lAM'AUY, IHO. ' -r a - rrnritT-nri n TtTin J . A, BHUNNER & BnU. JACK.S()NVII.LK,Jn.U. j; OlJClUKn ItKDI'C'TlON' iu the Prices of 1 JjOcH'Cl 5111(1 JLiQUClUna O u - st Tin; - FHANCO-A1MEJUCAN RESTAURANT. Hoard nml l,ulglng, per wcik . $9 00 .. 700 Hoard, per week , Ituattl nntl Lodging, Krdsy, will, pi I- vuto room, lict tyle ,, ., Lodging per lilgkt in private 10.11:1 Lodging, ptr night, lit double room Single Meal fiO THE TABLE. Hidiietlou lu pi Ice. but no nducllon t change lu lal.le. My tal.le shall not WW' p.tuiil by any iu llie Mate of Urcgoa. iiAi)A.Mn di: uooH. J.lV .III lib Jll I'l, l 1. J'i