MnmneiRnMTra THE OREGON SENTINEL.', pathway, march m, iBg. l ill IMI II ---'" - llrAt.Tius -4f any orouruumcious readers v,,!,lol.iiowwliC!t'tomrelincj; cliciip, l tl.u city, we relcr them to our advertising f 'ami . Mm who udicrtlso llberully ulwiijs jo a heavier business than tlioso uhodouot , .jntli'tf ut nil. As Ihoyscll more goods in u , ciun leiiglli u! Hmo than llic merchant who i .i i ui ndiortlsc, they can nlTord to tell tlicni rlnfilr ' ' n I'J lwr " pu'llt. Our ox iweiiei'in purchasing convinces in that mob Ijd'ivjj-i i he cne. Ixt ui IlluJtrute. Here i a in nhant who advertise librrully, mill lie wlh glOOiu) dollars worlli of uiWih per mouth, hire l another who does not ndverllse ,i u" Iim sale In the Mine plucc do not pniciunt l over hulf sum per tnrmlli. uw. It "iut be evident to every ll.inkliur liwu the (list could flourish nml grow rich una If" per cciil. th.iu the second. Why Is It runic inirchnuls wither mid die on the I urv pot where others flourish and ynw rich ? Iju lud the papers pubUlHil in the vicinity the tw. nud the mystery is exptaltud ,laioi vi'le is no exception to the rule. 'Hume who udvirlifc, lit the iK-opks liuow what iln-y me iIoIiir nml nlmt tln-y Iwvc pot. rr njalii, if jou wiili In Know wluro i, nut n -i' goods, cheap, consult our udvertis in; columns. 1'tu. An-HAY. On HuihIhv morninj; lait, tin ai 'i I. .. at illow bpriiig.n niiii liy date or IVbrunry U-lth. mj : ' We have liad k if (Ji-uroi IUvr ilHit 1111 Imlivldiml-lane of tl.u Winter, 10 lar, nnd ore JiMt com-liril- 01 ie of IVrry KHiK! I've times. Tho ' hiciicIiik to Imvc iiMithcr, but of a dillerout t -'-I i:iu-. ICliiieiii iIwimcI;, tlw komhI hind. It I ruining a you Know it only can In Hie ku e. uniiip up iiu.1 braking the rain In tlntw jwru. I tiex-vr knew Orf;nnliiia tluli. the oiher tlirw thotMmik ilIVol In Ihf tn nie uver ruin licfnre in tlic winter tiirc. i!iri K'lncilliMnboiit Hw o'clock wiTnw- I-'or near two tnoiilli-i tho gtuuml Iim 1iii dijinri iij. kicuppiwd, hm jHe ,ierl with mow Irom iix inchef to two fict t., .11 river. The iiMtruiiHtit ud ill tlwldeip. Thr pinirU ur 1.1m begiiinlii to hxik 'm Mvyc work, wm n revdTr. The Intro. All ll ftriiie in tlw rwinlry Imn Iikii t,i r.i! rit4iiMMMUMl.rtMMtliciiinrv tin : f, , mil, 'V of nil kimUof lm-k 1 .I'uk wj4 inuili'by II WTuii Kluwfiom'liun Uii rvnt, but 1 thliil; tlw wort U tn I,', i nud no uuklixl winli were mki1 ctmie jet. CM mliH no ftl i whim I 111 11 ne p.iriht ImIiin ll.vvr liui KIiin- than mow wlih pleniy of Imy. Kvtryllilnir 1, 1 1 ul. Tl.u lHt rfiol hit Kline In tl.o ikit Iho country ullunli it in jjmtd iUiimimI. If I.k'. u i,:.-t In' wm retiviillti;. nml Inldul ilu- furiiiPtu of liofrue ltivir have nny cwlllelo . i,..; 1 1... :in m-nr tlw pit uf lite Hitmaeli. nrv. they will tlitd $ imuki't Tor iIkiii Acivimr'-iiiiitt wm liehl im Titel.i.. up Nurtlt. f',itlk' urn IwM Uihvr here, now, in!.i, ' ii.tifH examination Iwd, himI Hh' I ikoi llicy lmc bvti for the hut lour ywr." r. 1 ' . . ih.- j'lry wm in aecmikine wilk tke VHi.h;iilon Territory n.iitMm nu ura of .1 Mr. .1. X. Durham notwl I 1 .n.i ... W... It.... IK Ilu. lM.llltrfftr. ' I I ' II V" II III! ' I I. Dowel, Int., w lwv Imni I I.(1WM , , , , ., ... 1.. f lit Imiiiiw wunl liy Uk' liiivi'm- ..,,,. mi 1 iiv if I he iklil, iHfH-rllv incnrnil : I I, ih ncidiMir Ormi, in the IimIImii Wi . i. ......I iw.-. !!.. ash miiui t ui 11 irtii 4i & viiwi villi! 1 uJjJ'.i.olMMid. Tlwy nn wyl4tf on iWhuimJ 1.rl1.,-umi- 1K4I.iihiI iliuiv lutiriMt u( IIm r.i.i .x per crnl. per umm. Tlw Hilt fr tliv U no kro exwpt wlmt ll Hinge ,, 'r l,..i .1- an- uuttiomiUd will, the vlSm.-lle , ("-Hy wni. Do not tturt kforu lite flr.t ui-.. 111.11. I '. C'Iiomi , 'I U' mt hnlrnl .lollui . A I,fH" in i. , uli the vif..etiv of WibftYM riuuit nt Mr. G. W. Vaughn Ihu e nimciien) n mil 1 1 'i mle ; tlwCanoUmtUnnMiirmoua'.iJ '"! tlw viiy of I'mlfciwl fw iktmugw In 1.1.1 . iii-i ie of I'uckj AUi.WflMi'lf. Ali'iltewMttf 0iTM)ll. which be iiUftfM Iw ttu ' ' 1 t'.f'y dollar rc jw!J in drafti 01. , liind by tU' immiul nl a frHuw biiiblaiK 1 li . ::r. 1 'Vn hi wlmrf, in ifb9, by lix Ittiu ritr nti- J.-i miixk ('"t'NTT t'.writjmiMf It will - 1 1. ' .ml by uli ul uur iwii living in 1 J - . ll I I. I 11' toiiiiii, llutt nue wtk friMil tiidji t .uf fur tin' HH'Ctliitf uf lh l'km C"o ' -i. v lii'i.' to Ihut of n laigo uHuhI' 1 a .1 all lllli.Uilic Mltfl lioic li.lK- , l I. I lli.,11 IHMl ItHV Ul In OKI wlltl lh i in' ' iitwr.U of l;i cmnilrv aie at tluko U .t.HM.'UiIull,uUWIi'0Mrwl n' .1 iv in 11.0 ,u mnlmi ,,f iklit kind . .. 1 .k.i 11 likl Uml )im will lx re. I to , i"n hi at lite OHiuinif Wuctkn. Wo urnlcr mi l I'm Mr. Drwl-'ii, V.i., U l.iIIn-i the ("ui.iiuti. .Miy Ik; Ik fillnl with puirioUf I' 11- CoiwTY. Ww ll. if wk publUI. 1 14 I by lhlrty-lx imhk. hir u IThUhi I -'.urn, nu, in bo held nt ItiMclmrg, in mM itniy. on tin' JIM h iky of IhU nimilli. 'IV 1 M.uut no i to lw u dtkuttd wt, nml lite 1'it.iuu MiitiuM arc to U Inhl on Iho "'id. 'I 11 nn'lit, xeiitkiiifM ; kwp tlw lull rolling Yuur ciM lui the rlnrf of tbugciiuiiiu nwt.'l in ''.i 1 1- 1' uml I'lUiiuoil- in III" tluteliiiiit o! li-n i.pii.itwiinl I, ilk) mow ltiUnon. .N'ic , W 1 -inii tymiMthcvr can refuw to u - n 11 l.eket imniiiwlid on u!i u plalfurm. ,.' . . 1 .1 .11 1 , ,.,i 1 IlieLinoi, miut nud t4all In pram!. aii. ii only lwoidi to ... .1. IT..!... I O. ... ... . . - . . iiui i.ui iiv tur nil- uuiipi 4111m ui wfiHiiwi ! 'i Ure can Lo n iivulnli in th'u wur J'lJ.ufi nud Tiwlan. onlv , ,, ,, , . 1 ... ,1, liir'UUKTTK.-OrdirtiworeivivIiod by '" f rinniit r or IliU pwco mi .iionouiy eiiiug n-tumiim,-. nguni'il coercion, l.ivorlnj; n con-li-' ', .x.!uil.! tU- Cmelte Imm tlw mails, u.ition of iillwrn Hlnlet to demand theii j-1.,,,, i,Wt of voVr tfwi- Hie matter on n very funny nlluir, but e Imte been unable to ruu juit where tl.o ! li'i'!i njiuin in. 1 il funny to bo pkicul 1 r II 0 wither!! ban of Hip .most . . , . t . 1 .1 1 iii.i.Kut in the worklto lw tHit-Iatrtl , fti'ii the rihU ami privitepH frwly aocordwl to U10 I0v.1l ? U tlio position of Iho culprit ' Hau.l.n -'before Ihe Juiko. to rvx-cive the kd- ' : , v t 1 w i. . iii'dflU Law, a funny onu T o " , MITfCiate Hie Joke, I'aii'amtv On Wiilneidiiy. n llttlo ill I Vt three ycar3 old, fell into 0110 of Ilia un ir'ip.l tnbiiii; ig lilt in Ihis lown nml como very i. lUlifo wm.dqpuire.lforn ''ir lUuwmog ' but it In rccovcriott. It in wonder oia, oww c1.11are.1uo ,;m go ,pn iw ..,, ,,uun iimi miuMiHi " "- """lofthoaovcrnmont more than this eonlunia We wih our Cuy Falhera would look into I'm mailer, und close up ronic of llicso watery rojjj to Ike inincrul region. lnwui with tiik SriuiTorTiiKTiMM. Wo inilhat Dr, John lUrbuhJ, who Is now at Ksihyvllle, Jorephlno county, Is n lelalho or Oca, iHe ana that ho is nil nccumplltlivd "rdnuu, ami an adept nt light lunuitry drill " l pulling Iho inciiilwi or Oapt- Matthew's couipany liiiougli Ihoso ctrclM, Success to tteloctor, wo my. ArroivTUKNT Mr. A. H- Il.'gUM, of Ibis lw'.' has reevivwl an iipjioiulinsnt as Indian rtginl I"1 q. Where ll.c livid of hi IqLiors trill be, ! hot Luow. WpNWWMBC Cavox llotsF. It will bo seen by rcfercnco to our nilrcrtislnir columns, Hint this well ' IfMMIlSll IirtltA.t IlrtM !.. tt.a.1 "f- It...., ,, & Io 110w Im0 cl ; of lt Th0 . ,, "... ... . " i traveling public will nlwnra Ami " our Hoit" 0, imlMi, nttcntlve to tliolr wants, nnd ever rCily , rmj,, .. Mtllilre mM,p. llt tl0 t,ortwl ,.. 0lve tliim n cull. . Tiik Stmibs now mnko dully trips from Cnnyouvlllc to tills places nlso from Yrchn. Tld Stajrc Coinimuy Inn been of lucutcuublo benefit to Southern Oregon. It has plncrd us in regular coininuntcutlon wltli Cullfnrnln uml Nnrllierou Oregon! nud mnliw 114 feel, not only Hint we live in nil ngo of light mid knowledge, but nlo tlmt we live In u laud of enterprise mid energy. Man v. Pro u. Mr. John N. Durham, on TncHliiy last, Iniiliil in to n Hue enko of maple sugar, made on hl farm neur Willow Springs. D Inn piilfttiibli' an any we ever tutted In the Stales. If any iitoro or our friend should man ufaetiirc any, why, we wih It dlMlnlly under stood llmt we are n gom Judge of the article, Aliein ! Mr. Diiilmiu BiyK there arc ntlfHl 1.10 m 11 nt Willow Sprints, lllaekwell, Aliininnee. Iviiic erft-l( nud i'ttildyV illnriiiu, nud tlmt they ntc tuakiiiK from .'I to '2D dollars r dtiy to the 111.1U. Who itty there U not 11 good time coming? 111 m m.'jns l'roiu tho North. A friend writing to ih from Hnletn, under jiMi.OiKJMpwrviiillw.ini.KlO.OOOuerii. TIhio are !tl emntkii In tho Twrltory, two of whlcli . (IiIhIhi ftml Ni IVrfr) rc rrrnlul by the I... 1 U1A.I..M i.f lint T .tfltflaliin, lid luliuitn. , ,.,,,. . , , 1 . i iIihi l M.-tlfi ft.IWi of wlmm nru K'l doiMi .. ., iu,.i. L.i 1 10 Ni 1 eiot.nml,7l2 to lholKiie eoiinly. ' " Rnutrnwn 1 n... wm v, .. friend in thin ullvy, un : llruw jmir '"w', ''' '"' 1mx " Willi Wll V.H- at lar m m ciin, tlw NiM-llurn mint, iUrt Hitihorlilii. A UtiT wilier frmi RalitKin rirw, In tlw AUry'vllU' .Vmym, wy : I will fy n you. urn! l uli of my frWU, enmo on, fur tirc i a rimnI tl.ii ir fur u nil. Ik wtiu uml owe wrll iiiHic.1. lor w will ImveulMuit 120(1 8uuk- lw)iIM to Whip IH-KI MiiniHKT." 'lt I'ortfoml 'J'imm w. Ihtm ore not ! "'", m 'blfu'tlntlwteiiy.iiroMii' r - " " Kwik''" ' lw owwph. "nU "KW " " "k wl ltolrt tlum uf likll. 'Ilw Khk for iHthlhue liwlKA't rtokn ol the On'giKi C.'iikn uvo M. li. (Jhnfuli, U fixed fur tin' filh nl Aiutuit liv.t. liov. ltiihop Simp M. U to prMbk. HmnlttHix UuM to prevul! 8'llillyat Port hind. Memplils. Wo clip tin, following from tlio S. 1 Awn Hf llitllttin: Miinphls a year ago wm (lie .ceoinl cotton oi.m ut llw butnh. In thujenr ending b'cpl. 1. 1H80. it shiniMnl -tHO.CIIJU luhe.. Time nnul bvatfriiiuiil rm I mni U iihn il li ti (Li! jj.-mpliM uih! New Uik-uii, tlw Mnupliw nml Cbir.niiiHi, (wluvh Imh l.iu-ly .ill.iul roiim - wlwi in iu bri.Uw iiillio ImimU of lla. Union ll.vll ol Northviu Ainbanw), ulid Ihe .MiMilplim lllM, 0liOi ,,,, U no longer ol mad. uk l ,!, IIWKM j.,ry tho onurwt of thv 1 II l ...'... I". .....1. .. .. I til. ,1... I.. riliii- ...-.-----r- .......... ,. ,. r .- rv.iviio'.. j.riiiiiii tuuu u iiuiiii niui ihu 11 urgviit. 1 Iki viliA'iM uelil 11 11 enlliii'laKtio miiliii.' I" M.eo over tlio tectiwion 01 houui C.noiiii.i on Iki "(lib of Dc. Niuy d.i Jfivrw4il "-y v" " union niicliog, Uiel wm teorrtly le treusomil.k paH.nji s:!M-s;tt-rruara f Aj xheyu ft tlinjf Mlt ui ,,,,,1,, tltwir iiaineoerinccmnkly ofTtntlvL' to every lovul unite. In thu city U oncolilarTiuaii' 'l ''.' wt iq-mrc iland. hUiIuo of Jueb..... on whieh U iiitciiU'il tho liiimortal l.gvn.1. ..--ie jjiiioii iuu uml fhnll bo preterv.d." y n,e v or t,w statue 11 pit lud Ucn dug. Five bundled men iipiironclied Iho iiiitue, lli '''"'' l''.''y'l H'ew' ..jti. and behind limn eaiim duin iKiii-Disireru neiiriiig me union .t. With mock so'uumly the ritars and rjlrlpcA were loncre.1 Into ihu pit ami mirricn, Intul llm lli'ii litinilriil iiilnriitil. nfiiinri'llllv tlimii'litli-. tho iniull liiev had oll'ered m the mule sialno ol tho Hero of Nuw Or ... 0...- - leans uml to llio Hag of our country iniist bo f1 urre u IwlvemQulU Imd come Newt to Charleston, liiero is no city Iu the .,,, Soi1Il lhal lkllinndj wnvclip,j, 8lroko cious city, When eho burkd Ihe noble ciiklgn of tho ltepublic, tlio build with it her coin merce, lur iraiH'rity nnd her future glory. Thu i!rit shall liavo u speedy resurrection, tho latter may bo compelled In woit for tho Judg. incut Trump. What a world of infamy and flnmo was in the net of bur iug tho American Flag beneutlntho ttutuo of Ihu immortal Jack son I And Hill tho meu who did tho traitor ous net. mid those who sympathize with Ihein, claim to bo IbinocruU I 'May Heaven savo us from sucli Democracy. Some inch Demo. cruU uro furiously growling just now, bcniiwo tlio anvomnienl does not wo lit lo patronize jsueli 0 lovely Mud of Democracy. wwacigiJMi wmjmMmm&v9MimvmHWjmmQHMV$nwiUMMam9nm ffAOissoM aouJKr'rsr mass union oasmnoN! I Tho qualified voters of Jneksin County who nro In favor of tlio suppression of Iho pres ent wicked rebellion of n vigorous proceu- tlon of war to long as tieccMary to frustrate Ihe mad iclicines of nrmed traitors who nrc oppo.H'd to imy pence other than tlio honorn- blc one turc lo conio when rebeld nnd their sympathizer? submit to tho conitlliitlountly i-lceleil nnd ipialilled nuthnrltles nnd legally enacted laws of tho (lovernmeiit who think more ol country than ol party prejudice and preference who nrc in favor of mipportlng tho (leneml Uovermncnt in it en ilfuvoH to deftml llm Constitution, execute tho law, nnd prrjcrvu tlio Union, nnd who are willing lo unite for the election of n ticket upon en el 1 n hauls nt the coming general elec tion, without reference lo former poll Ileal us- oehitiona, nro rwpcctfully requested to meet in Maw Convenllnii ul JAOICHONVII.I.K, 011 SATL'ItUAV, Mareli, 21llli, ut 1 o'clock i. M , for the purpoMi of nominating u ticket for Comity Officer, for the purpmo uf ieleet iug deiogatoi. Iu 11 Slate Convention to he held at Kugeuo City, Initio county, on Wednesday, tl Olli day uf April, IKf)'.', for tlio pitrxwo ol nominating u Union ticket for .State olliecrt ami Member of CongrcM. S D Vandyke 0 tlaroliM J A l'lunny 1 I' Amlerioii S (' Diiuenn A Hull U W llenoficl I W.l.hVll A (! Itoctmfellow A Ixe (Inn M !Ilf.1,op K I'. Clmpiii 11 I'I StenriM Mnttliow LiiUlio 11 K lloiwr 11 llohl.mllh 'I' Anpluuutl Wm Tnlley I'i IC Aiidirnii 1,T V. night li II Mefluro 1lllfU..l.4llMMn (l.m M llniuii da 11111. Illif.ini W W I'nwlrr l.inilxi.y Apkgnlo IJIht Kmry i'i I'i duo ,iiiik li. Itivcra 0 II S Iliult M I. A itiea It V Maury .1 CTolmnn .I0I111 II Wrlstoy A S Matt.Mii .1 K limy Hoi lliuuphrey l II I.Mich .IiKiph II D.ivfo .Iirili KaiteilM.I .liilni 'Ihiirltcr s Unlhcli .1 M Me(ill .1 (' !.VW.inrt I A Wwgiwr W T Uvvr .1 I'TnyhH A .MuUul JOSErillHE COUNTY MASS IJ-NIOX C0WVUNT10N, Tliri.inllllcl volersof J.Mepl.Inc County whu emlnnv the pr.wpeilliig of Hip Chairman of Ih" l)Mocmlk Mint.. Ovnlrul Com mlt leu, of IIh lt"piitdlcu Smli' Ci'iilml Comi.ilttiM, kmiI nlluir who liai.'iinilt.l Iu . cull Torn t'liloiifllaleCim vi'iillim 1 lhu who 11111 Iu favor of IfiiorhiK all Mrty e4)iiutliHHi. and are Iu lavoi or i l.ilul.ii! I ! (iiui'n.l (i.twrnnienl In Its ell'urH 10 nipirv Ihe pri'M'iit relMlllou, nro rviuvslil I', iii'tl li. Mum Coiivciitlon ut KarbyvlHo, naturdny, Mnrch 851, 1802, at W o'uliiok (.. fur tho purpoM) of ilMliug ili'h'jrnlm It. I If I'iiIoii Slate Coiivunllon, In Iki l.l.l at l!lli. un UV'iliiHfil.iv. tUt Dili : of ApttJ. 1 jm. I .... 1 1 ,1 t r 1. 1 1 I .V IU A gcmrul ullemlaiioe of uli fricnl. 0, tt above iiwuiiires w iMrnotliy Miiclle.l. C. I'. Si'HA.HK, ClmiriiMii lirnubllcuti Cii- iml Ciiixmittee lor .IiMH-pbiiw County M. C. ILiRKwui., Clmlrumn Union Demo crutie tV.tteul CiMiiiiiittie fr .l.wphiueCo. W C CrMiMkll W V Hmdwrt It I I'orUi 1 II due lWui ICuhii I.K Wick W K i'r-ufcett .!. Alkii A II M.dlwiiin Ismi-'nimiifwon tliut Ollit.dito rin ih.. C.ilo TUTImhp li auk llrrlm .1 II Wi'.U K 1' Icampt li W M.mro .1.4m C Klder Wm S11llH.rla1.1I IlllHM Kubi I, I'nrliea .1 I' Thorw Wiill.r Kiiumoiu C W Whitu W M Kvaiu D.S ll.dt.Hi W .1 MuiiIh-ws David Toiler W !' May IhIiJ Nurlou A 'foyhrt 'llnw lHrn (in. Itigbv Win Hmlih W W lUk SK I lory A Uiio 1-' Mahiiwy II I'i IKUII A (' iipuoiMtr W I Sunders 1' II Warner lie. Diavhviifehlt Wm Martin Win Snviign Wm II ,loluiioii AS' F Monro Kami Sllik-y liobt Il.tiiUler .luhii U I'rludlo DOUGLAS COUNTY UHIOM C0MVE: TION. The ipinllflvil voters of Douglas, cniinly, who nrc Iu fin or of the prvtcrvatlou of tho Union of Ihu .Status iihiii Ihe baU of the Conilllu linn as our furufal'iiTti maiK' it ; who Ullmo It to 1 Ihu duty or every loal cltUen to milaiii the conitlliitl.inally eliUd oDWers Iu the ltd lulnMwtlon of tho legally onnateil laws', who 11 in vo Iho rebellion unw Iu iu the ttotilhurii rlliitis to be without Jmt onuo, nud ought lo U put down by Iho united cuiirlkof 1' power J who are in fuor of Ihu prow ,.r tint itf.kcinil uur imlll trullfirrf blmll , ..,.. eeas 10 war ag. m ... uowrnuit m, . - .. rui.irn 10 uieir ueii.iii;v i ui mum,, ubaudon all former (sirly nllianoos und p-rom.l ,---., . iimhwieni, and 1111II0 ut tho coining election Ln n platform, .he crdlnal object of w Idol. Is lii piHwrio Inlniit tlio Uourinueut or tlio L' idled Slntus of Ameriea from tho nuaults of foi.iiiiltlioiit.or traitors within, nro rrniiwliil to meet at Ihe nmol lilaco of voting In their ig in ineir 10 22(1 dnv i7. in .. 10 u sovernl Precincts, on Saturday, tho of March, 1802, to choow .lob-gat C'uiiuly Coincntlou, to be held ut Iloeeburf?. In s.ild county, on Stttltrilay, tho 20th day Of March, l'r ho purpo.o of nomluatliiB County Clllccrs, and electing Delegates to the Stale Convention, to bo held nt Eugono City, on Wednesday, tho Oth day of April next, for the piii'o,o of nominating a Union Ticket for Statu onioersnnd Meuibsr of Congress. James 1'' dzloy H C rJmiili Juiiios Watson 11 Mullory Ceo K Driggs Joseph 11 Ui'Kfrs A lid Iimi H Flint Jolin Kelly 8 Abralmui Juiiios Walton S V Chadwlck C liiiddiA B Hamilton It 11 Dearborn Jucob Junes Thomas Usui U C Cuivlon T 11 While li 1' lliowu 1', 11 Fisko T II King Joel Thorn John CuJto J I try nut J MiKny TIkh Livingston 11 Conn Ne.lom Iinbler "Willlum I? Uukcr N Iuraut Win Cithcart Iot.iiil Huwo John l-'ullcrlou- Col. Cornelius liniApnolntul Dr. W. II. Wiill.'lns, of Dortiuiirff ilrgcon of the Oregon Cavalry llejiuivut. Tiik Corvnllis finoii jay llml thin Govern ment will lie destroyed, nnd the Union men will be glad to escape to Canada. As tho Secessionists claim lo bo the only genuine Union men in existence on this coast, juit now, we presume the above is on enuncia tion of their coming fate. Wc always thought they had a rort of predilection for n monarchy. A Hint to Faiimkiw. The Oirgon Kmiirr truthfully remarks : True policy in n family li to supply lis own wnnls its nearly un iotible, from the form, nnd lids Is the true policy of nny 'community, small or great, 11 town, 11 city, or n nation, to live, 113 rurt.i it can be done, on their own home industry. A letter from Olynipta soys tlmt " cattle nrc dying every where 1 liny retailing nl live cents, nud none lo be had in largo qtiaiitltlt-s ; oats one dollar per bushel, nud Hour nine dollars per barrel. Dr. H. While hns been appointed Special Indian Agent for this coast. I'olnloes nro worlli lour dollars a bushel nl Portland Hour ten dollars per barrel. Horses ore dying In Murlon county from n dhtcnio cnllcd slomneh stnguers. Jacksonville. 1'rlcos Curront. ttrltill. (ll Tin llii'Mriitliii'lCiitairU'.lm'cm)' J.ntsoNvn.i.t:, gntiirilny.Mureh 13. 1802. U'ln'iit, pr Inulii'l fa) n 71 Oals, do 10 a fill Hurley, do In n An lloiir, In or. sacks, per 100 llw. . 'J All Ion uo UhioHeus, imr.lor. 5.1 UU it f Oil Com .Meal, Hr lUUlli a 'I nu $:ij lo $10 '.'li 18 lit) '-'J ir. to ir, 8 11 li! II lfi nay, pr ion Iliieon, fhlw, olwir, pur lb. . do do with Lone.... do hi.mi , tin ihouhlsrri.,.,, do box round Itcvf, mlt, per lb I'oilc, do do II11II1MI, do ,,, Iinl leaf. In tins, per Ih... .In In now do ... ItutUr, fii"h dairy, do . . IH 11 IIOIIU "J 3T1 !) f. un in i.i'Kf, no (,'liftt-0, wr lli Hlllrt, perdu. 34l l'lllHt.HMHtl III ,.,.. Ij linii.iM, .10 ,..,,., 4 n Turiiltf, do Mu (tliUign, do .In IIuhii,w hlli .In hi ficwi) Annlei.; ir III. ,,,,,,.,. . 10 a l)rlel Aptii.'S, per Hi ,..,,.,,,,. Hi IS '.'ft "li .in :io itt ISJ 'illO urwi reneuM. dm.,, (Iruihtd PiiKr. Ilniwn do III. i.ilt Vlui-gur 10 n .' n SO u 111 n lfltln Thvrv Is not h largo Mipply uf CrpoorlM on hui.d, and iiHirchnuts are not ill'pincil to m'II nuy ohvHpr than the prieen Itidlcntotl above, althouxl. n largf tpinullty l Hiught lo bpin uIihmhI. Hay nud all kinds of (iruln have tin upwind leiiilvncy In thu market, ntiil farmors fuel .lUpotei) lo liohl qii o thi'lr proluuti,wull lug for" tln-rlw." 3"33CIA1 NOT J OES. YAIIREN LODGE Ko. 10, A. F. & A. II, A 1101,1) llmlr ruKiilar ci)iiimuulealhiiii -V..,.,, vInliv IStwiliiuiuuurnrvcnlluir ViU full moon, iu Jl ,.wV.U.K. IHIV. U. W. UUKKU, W. M. Ill.OOM. Stf'lJ. II. I. 0. 0. 1 Jaonimimviu.i) I.oihih No. 10, li..!. tl reu lar (Muting uvwy SATVHDA Y JlYl.WLW. si thi'lr I lull iMc'Cully's Theater htillUlutf), at TJ n'tilook. Ilmlhsrs In good stnndliig mo ooidislly In vIImI lo utUiii.l. IIun'hv Dmni.inohii, X. fl. .I..M. 8' It. Sei-'y. oni:tio. ciiAPTiiit No..i, O P JACK&O.V Yii.1.1:, v 1:1:1; ox, Wilt hold IU li'iiuiar ooiiimuuloall.uis on the l'l.l H.i.iuiIh) KmiiIiik nt' Km i' Mimtli. All Hijiiiiriilnu Coiiiwii1iiis In good ktamliui. are cordially luvltnl lo uttoud. W. U.S. 1IVDK. II. 1'. .Tifc.T. (' .nx, Scc'y. dectnl" Sand'B Savbaparilln. umUr tho uiliululstm tliiiinrilliliiiHiiWieil phytiukus, vx bevii tsali.l for tueuly years iu the public lnMpltali,i.swell in. iu tliulr private practlco, wllh tuel. I'liiiipU'lf HiceeH. ns to Imvo aeiilreil tho iiuiualllU'il an proxal or Iho imilliHil faculty, nnd is now held Iu thuhlghwt iwleem, nnd U uiiUirmlly null. OrcfJOIllans "houhl tot the Merits of Dr. Ilitfti'ller's Slomsch llittetti. Whilu It Is lilghlj palatable as .1 buveragc, it Is umipialcd its n tonic uml liivliion.lor. In tho punult of for tune at thu minus, uuiiiy priui are oxprnvd lo Ihe atlaoks of compUiuU of thu ditfwllvo or gniw, nud of various kinds of fever. It Is the very nrllulu that has o long been in demand nl thumliiws. Its dally uu will restore thu lone of n deranged stomach, Impart frh vitality lo ! iliodlgestUofunelloui, uml cheer Iho tptriW, I y.'MIiu IlllUm Is tho wfost or nil stimulants. , - - Uo u ,u ,,ol al, lIrVi wt nud colli, be cerlalu 10 oi.iain n supply 01 . ,u genuine Hostuttvr Hitlers, uml lio will llnd It .... -;'-- : -: .- .. -: , n criain suiiku"i w"" L"S UIU MJT UlllK- 6 . .. j. r.-..ipiwww:t-rjinitii imninnwol j & a JJ.0545. , 1 SORIlHh MAUH COLT, ubout clh ' JY teen months old, with 11 bald face, nud n ' J . teen inoniiis nm, wiiu 1. uain iuei-, .nu. .. I litl while on lis lt'ijs (no other mark or brand) enmoln with my hor.i to Overbeok Itaneh, 1 ftljmit ,io m(1j0r Ucci'inbsr lait. Tho owner ! u rumuktiil to come iriud, nroio iiriuivrly nnd Uhu the iniluul away, or it will bo ili.a.d of uceoi.llng to law. liiriiiio ut tuo uvcroecK ltanch, near Jacluonvlllu. ,,,.. 1 . 1'I.llLU 1 March 1. 1802. 7d WEW BOARDING HOUSE, AMOS K. ROGKHS has taken Mrs. J. W. McCully'd new dwelling, on California slieut. for tlio above puiponu. Ills tnblo will bo fiirnlihi-d wltli Tin: ntxr Iho iiiurkut uilords, and pollen up In "nmilo plo older." If auy onu Uili'pose.l to doubt thucoriuotness of I lie nlmvo stalniiH'Uls, plcaso do him Ihu honor of cilling, nml tho wludu thin;; can nt onco bo lusted. It will only cost $7 to try it a week, 01 lifiycuuts for n elngto call, JackHimille, l'eb. '42. Ci Administrator's IMotico. Notloo U hereby given that tho iimlerslgi.l lias bcen.ippuiuti'd A.liulnUlrator of tl.uc-s-tnlu of Jims l'oiiri.Ni:,.lece.iK'd,htto of Doui; las Coiiuly Uu'iini). All persons li.ivlnj,' claims aualutt'sulil ettalo nro reipiired to nroteut llieiu, wltli Iho iiecosptry voucheis, within onu year, fursellleiiisnt ; nud IIiohi ludebtvd uro icriuested to make luiiiii'illatu n.iyiueul. AI'ilMIEUri IUIir.ANl). Adm'r. Rosebiirg, Duug'as Co., Feb. -1, 102. Oc BY TEJT.EGKAFEI. ! Good News FOR LADIES: WOOLEN IDi-esss CS-oOcS-SS, Silks and Shawls, JSL-t Cost. Hcmcmbcr, Gents, BOOTS. COATS, VESTS, AND PANTS, CAN IIH HAD -AT- o m mw U Che.ip Cash Store. .TACKS0NV1LI.K, Jan. 18. KB. A. BEtEXTAWO, Orogiou Sti'oot, Is now iiui'lvlng n irgular ueekly supply of Applos, ZPoars and 7cncho3, And nil otheis In tiinn. In nddltlou to hl large nud luriid slocl. or Candies and Nuts, Which will Is' sold on llbcrnl term, to suit the 1 1 nu-. lie iiln iill'i'rs to Ihe pi.hlls his well known irrtu'.cul ol tho I'lNI'-ST IlltANDS 01' CEGARS AMD TOSACCO Heverul hundred j,aih:s Ji.vsiciyrs, 3?ipoc, Pcrfumory, Toys, And iiuiiy oilier FANCY ARTICLES. JuakM.uvlllo. 1RCI. 2D:tf 1. n. n.usr.s .11. II. IIAI.NKS HAINES &BRO. Corner California & Oregon Sis TO THEJPUBLEC. TV. have reilueed our prices lo suit tlni'-i'. lor eule. u largo uud varied ns iortmunt of c; -sziQ&'Jzrjs.n.jziie: ens- -AMI- Furnisliing Goods, At very low rules, ton cash. I'nr tale, 1UU cumm uml csrluous of Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, for l.iiilii's, Ueut.'s und Clilhlreu. l'or will', 1111 1'xtniinlvo btocli of JleuV, lloyt' and CIiIIiIi.'.i'h Hats. I'm- tale, .1 full stock of GiiocmiuiH. I'nr sole, a l.irire nsortmeut of IhmI brand of LIQUOltS, WINKS, COltDlAIiS, HIT TKltS ANDSVUCI'rf. .. I- m..l.. 01 tf...l...,. 1-1..... 1-orraii-, 1 iiuhli'ii, uiku., .iiuivuve, riuuii llulter, Kggs, nnd Coi.ntiiv I'lionicK gen.-rull. CALL ANJ3 33XA1MINE. Reduction in Prices -or- BOARD & IjODGING -AT TIIK- U. S. HOTEL! Board anil Loilglnr;. per week -80 OO llouril, iior week 7 00 Iloiutl, iev day, Single Hoom . . il SO Lodging iir iVluht, i-luglu room 75 Lodirlnu' ill' IS'iU'Ut, double loom CO .Single Meal fiO MEALS AT ALL HOURS. LOUIS IIOHNE, Proprietor. Jacksonville, Nov, 23, 18C1. jttention Everybody You nrc hereby notified tlmt Can bo found ut his store on California street, ulwaya ready to furnish you with iWjKysifeiXa. DBToL'BDLS."tf !W, Of every Description, such as Apples, Poara, Peaches, Laaoious Grapes, And, in short, everything usually found in a Fruit Store, together with a largo uud well assortid stock pf CANDIES AND NUTS. Iivcrs of Choleo TOIIACCO AND SKGARS Will llnd tho best qualities at Ids counter. All of which will bo suld ut prices lo suit tho times. October 20, lbGl. -11 "Wanted in 3E3schangol - AT TUB - - AND - BOOT & SU0I5 illANUFACTOUV ..- 3EH.OOXXl3Z, OATS, WII3 AT &. BACOSaT - rim - Harness, Bridles and Saddles, Of nil kinds, nnd nil kinds of Sndillo rigging. 0- Hoot nnd Shoes made nnd re paired lo order In n neat uml workmaullke uiuuuer, 1 mill I re of ... 1 13. K. CI1AIMN. I'liiwilv, I'cb. 1 1. f"l SALMON RIVER MINES ! TIIK COAC1IKS 01' Califoniia Stage Company Aro now running regularly between Jacksonville and Portland, The placo of .lepnrt.irc fur Salmon river nnd Nib l'erces Mines. LEAVK UN1TKI) STATES HOTEL 337-01'3T 3VX03T3JL, L. o'oloolt C. 0. IIKKKMAN, Agent. .Tnek'onvlllo. l'eb. 22. fin Reduction in Prices ! BEST WORK DONE AT LOWEST RATES. BLACKSMITIIING rpiIIJ underslaned aniiomioes to prrscni iw- 1 Irons nud tli.1 public llml he h rt" J diiciil ihe price for nil kind' of woik lu&rt bis lino, to conform to the limes. S ?cxx.o snor l In the Isitliling formerly oceuplfl by Win. tlurke. on tWAofn-i Stmt, dirtctlp lt of Clr jiiyt V ltrum'4 iHul'If. Dver.v rpit'li-sol mirk done In the bust innnnei nnd with .pitch dlsN(ch, I'loitcli lions uiiiile nnd rennlietl M i.iiiinui: ah st.m;i; WIIIIK I'secuted lit ihu iiealift nud stroiiK.t manner. Mlnlni; Tools, Picks, Hats, Kv., mude tn onlcr. of tho very best materials, hi the most approved slylss. I'arllcuiur nllenllou given to csri iiousi:-.sii()i:inc, w- for whlrh tl.o (irlco l reduced lo 8H nnd SI Tin: I'lajbh nmde nud lltlid eAoclly to onicr. Ills rloclt of Iron nml Steel Is of llrst ijuullty. nud all work .lone ut his lum waiuunti n. ALKXA.NDKU .MAItTIN. Jacksonville. Murrh !l. 18M. iiiha;H:tr Admxnisitratoi,,fi IVotico. A I.l pemniK having claim ngnlut Ihe ittati or Jii-.sK iiuiiiiins. iKoaeu, iui u Duiil.i eouiily, Urt'Kou, nrc loTt-by nutlllid lo pr-ei)l ll.e hHiue. uccuuipamiu win. mi' it r-1- 'Hry viiticlu'ru. lo ll.e nod lolguid, admlni'lrs lor, nt his oilloe nt Itoxeburg, Douglu county Ori'pim, wlihln one jwir Iroui the dut hemii or they will 1m U.rrnl i uml ..II iertoim ludsnti d lo Hilil i-stnte will inula' IniiiiHliali' pAymsut 01 such ludubloduttJs, uml thircby huv e4s. I,.J. ilO.SUKIt. Adiu'r of theeluU)ofJese Uuberls, iInM l'l'linmry 13. su.. td Assignoo's EJotico. Al.Ti persons Indabted lo W, IIOUS sr. hereby uotllbsl luiimki'lmiudiiti' payinunl In the iiuil(irii;ui'I. Tim cri'.lilurs of lit-' mill Y. V. ItOtSSuii'iiotlllidloprufinttlielrclaliii'. iirni''rly iiiillii'iilliMieil, on or iM-foru tl.o '.'511. t'vbruufv, lt02, or the suiui' mnv bo lurred. A. U. Mell.WAIN. 21 Assiirnw ol V. W. Uss. Widilo. Joseplilno Co.. Ojnj Jn. 211 1602 Dissolution of Copartnership. rpilU ctpai'tui'rihln hi'ui.ilioe ixi-tini; Ih I iwi'i-n Ji-fi' anil Lewis lllalt, In the stork tt'.tl dinning binlue, Is lids day dls.olvi-d by mutual ooneeiit. JKSAV. MATT. LKWIS 1I1ATT. Aldnn.l Mnrch 1. 1RP2. Be Adininibtr trior's Uotico. VTOTIC1J is hereby uiven tlmt ll.i-uudvrli;nei l has becu appuintid AlmluI-li..tor of tin-e-tnti' of Daviu A1.1UN ib-cruted, late uf Jack Mou cnuuty, Ori'iiou. All ix-mm having clum.s ugali.ot fuid i't.itc are ritpnud lo pr'K'i.t ll.vui wilh Iheiiici'wury ouoh'rs. wiiluu one yt'ur, fi r MttU'ini'iit ; nnd iIiomj iniU'liUd are repiualed to maue liuiuiibatu a uient. O JACOBS Administrator. Jacksonville, Maieh 8, lh(i'.. Ho Shoriff's Salo. T)Y virtue of nil i'.moIuIuii duly Usued by the JJ Clerk of the Circuit Court ol the State or Uri'iioii. lor JiicWkiii county, and to ins tin euifl. iu luvor of J. II. Whilu unit apitikt Juunu- Ho',, land, fur Iho sum or Tuulvc llumlrvd nud cv-euty-threo and ll.lrty-llvu ouo-huiidridi' lars ($1,273 U3 1UU) with interest ul to rate or Iwopurci'Ut. per moutu; ulaoTwt-n'.r.uicht ami lilly onuhuudreillhs dollars $Va fiu-lUU) uml nit- ret nt ten per cent, per annum, touil. r witli Thiny-oiie nu . sixty nve ouii-liuniliulilu ilollars(SUl Ii5 1U0) co isiu,daociuiii;c'uts I have Uviwl upon r.mi n mur lor ule, I'nr c.uli, to the l.l;he ., bidder. 011 the premiK-s, on I On Saturday, the 5th day of April, lbBSi, The follni'.inu di'crilnd u-al wlali', to-H.I: I South I .all ul tiiiilliuoit oui-fourtli of kcIIuii finlii.-cu (I8),uiul river lots uumher fuur (4) j l rcIioii suicuieiii (17), numli-r .'.gin Iu kc- tiou iiliiuU'i'ii (iu), aim uuiniicr uireo (H) 111 kc tiou twenty (JO), Tunukhip Thiriy-.ix (C). ialij;i) thlLU (11) west ; tu;ethir Willi nil and biuvular tho tenements, lurrJiUiiiunlh uud -purleuaiicos tliiicuutu belougiui;, except Ine acruH, muru or let.s. 011 which J. II. Yliiiu' IhiiIiIiiik" are loealul, commencing ut iholiui tli vmst oormi' of MCtiuu tueuty liU) nud riiuiib.k 20U leet due west ; tbenco due uuili to lluguu I Hirer I tiience up atu rher 10 iuu ul lino 01 section 20 ; lliencu nlnug said line lo placo ol beginning. Salo UvlHieii ibe liuuru ol ouu uud four o'clock ). m. of said day. Dulul, Jueksouville. Maich filh. 1602. 8d V. U.S. HYDE, Sheriff. L. H. DEWEY HAS opened u shop opposite Anderson k Glenn's, on California sticet, Iu Dr. j,, Ciiuug's dtug tore, for repairing W'ATOIIKS, CLOCKS, JEWKUtY.KTC. All work warranted to give ntUftollpn. Jacksonville, Dec. 22d, J.'oCO. -lU:ly pAUK-'SADOhKo eon.ii.iiUy on baud at j. niy (ii.i.iVMI UIUI .l.l( e.v . ty utablislimeiit. 61 HftNHY JUDUIJ. J OH PRINTING of an il.-scrlpti.uui neatly executed m iiC SKN I'lNKI, OFFICE. FKES1I G0UDl TO THKIR ALREADY LARGE AND WKLlrSKLECTW?. STOCK, 01? MERCHANDISE, TIIK UJfDMUSIUNKl) ARK NOW RliCKIYlN'G Presli 0oods Y ROM SAN FRANCISCO. WHICH ARU OFFHRED AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH To correspond wltli the hard, times. QUICK SALES AT SMALL PllOflTS. l-'Olt HIS.IDY l'AV, IS BK3T FOR ALU Every Article Warranted at UermcntcJ, 1'lcaiC give ns n call. wm, nonius & co. Jacksonville, Jan. 1 18fi2. fihtf naja: jxxrnc 2. asy-ajsas S-JDZOXlISTFLSr T'llKiimlersluncd Mould rwprclfully liifarni .1 Ihe rltlxHis of Jiichsm. nml mljoiiiiu eouiillrs Hint he has on hui.d and ulll uiuiililae mr' in imli-r All Kinds of Saddlery & Ilituicu MCII Art Heavy Dranehl Ilnrnrss (lonir nnd short tug) Coiieord llaf.'-ss, UnirKy llurnvss (ilotlbte Hnl SilwV) Spnnlfl. Smldhi.. tnr and rl(,'tflmr complete 5 Lud lis' Saddles, Jorliey Saddles, SadilU' Imirs. llnjles, SiircintiT. Huliers, Hpurs, Curruiiinhi Vbip". U'lnp-hishes, And alt pthir urileles usually found in a P.rgl clnH slock of .A.:o:pxj:n:rvv. ALI WOHIC W A It It A NT IH). Store u " Sculinc) " UulMlnp, Califurula strei't. Hi;.H OUUKHi. Jacksonville. Dec '-'I. Itn.l. -I'Jif BOUND FOle, "Withhi Sixty Days! GOODS SELLING AT TBEDEHD0D8 SACRIFICE 37027 Oijsii ! Without Reserve ! AT jjjiiuranio's. Wo nre dotrrmliicd nnd Coiti- Iicllcd to idacu all our Hook Accounts und Notes In (lie hands of our At torney, for action At the coming term esr (he J)is- trict Court, If not paid on or Ijefore tho 2d DAY Ol' JANUARY, I80. J. A. BRUNNER & BRO, JAClvSONVILLK. Jun. 11, f'i DECIDED ItEDUcJTION lu the 1'rioi's of Board and Lodging J - ST TU ' - PRANCO-AMBRICAIT RESTAURANT, tloard nnd Louring, per eik $3 00 Hoard, per wei'lj .,,, 7 00 lioard and Iodf!ing. peray. "lib t: ttf ropU), beri Style S 20 Lodging )K.r night. In prlvultfroom 75 Lodging, per ulght. Iu double room . . 6Q Single Jieal ..-. 60 THE "TABLE. Reduction lu price, but uo reduction or chaiiKv In table, .My lalile sliall not bo sur I tttoyd by any In llm Suit- of l)rug'. AIAIA3IJi: UKROIIOAJr. Jacksonville Jaa 10. IStL', 5im3 u i U m M 11