h THE OREGON SENTINEL. II. .1 AtOlls, Kttltnr. "To nin i'itk'ict ami rtituvM..cr or rotri IWiov, Govkiiwiknt urn Tin: witoi : id tsnts I' :mni.K." n'luktiigton. JACKSONV1LLK. SATl'UDAV, MAItCII Bill, 1S2. Eccetnoa and the Constitution. livery American citizen 1 uppocd to Ik; nrtii linlcil wilh the ConMitutloii of lit coun try. Hut wc fcar Unit this iuppoltion I not well founded In many Instance. It hus Wen ' snid of tlic speeches of Denwlltcncv iht they I were ndntlml much, rend hut a little, unit nn dcrstood lc-. Nay not this be tlic cnc In re-, gard to the t'onstiiiition of our mice hnppy mill priperoiw but now distracted ronnlry. Ho tlmt in It may we wih to e-.tll tlic nltcn-1 turn of our renders to n few riati'e In that mcinnnililc Insl.umuit, In order to show Hint tin nwnitrons iloctrinc of Sircloti lias no wurniiit In Its tnngnngc, nr.il stni.de opposed to lis plainest prori"irm. Hy section eight of I 'nrliclc one, among other ntlrllmtrs of sovv- rciiMily, power Is conferred on Congress" To levy und collect taxes, tin ties, ItupiMt nnd racix J to regulate commerce vlili foreign nations, and nmoiig tlic evernl Slates; to coin money nnd regulate the value thereof." Now we nk, If every one of these Constitu tional provUInm Ins not Itccti defied, drniul nnd violated liy 1 1 iv SeccMiouIt ? Congress, In tlic excreta of cletirly grunted power, ba made heavy appropriations of money, mnU of which lus come from tlic pockets of Northern men, for the errction of Custom House and In fotinJing Mints In the Southern Stale. )i. the former, the "duties nmltm posts" levied by law on foreign lniMirintlons were collci-trd by tlie duly nulhorinnl ngmts of I lie Mineral fi'ovi-rumcnt ; in the hitter, ninwy was coined iiihI its value lumd upon Its face Seer. sion not only put n stop to the cxercbe of tlnw ColMtnutliHiul urttnt of p"wer, hm it unit blither: it bild its unhallowtd IhiwI upon the proeriy of the (itncnil (loveriimmt ninl made it contribute in the bloody nnrk ol relnllhin awl rco!nlion. The twnefucllonf of the Government hac Iiceu tiuiMfornwd by traitor Imtids into fearful engine ofdhln'c griition and death. Hut lit us look n litlk farther into the Con. stitutiun nnd sec If there nre any olhir chimes vCliicli lime been violated by the military des potism of .UfT Ilnvn A- Co. In nrliclu one. strtion ten, It is provided union.' other restrir lious upon tl rights of the .Stulw, that ' No rituletlmli i'lifr into iwv liciitv.olhaiicr, or (oiiIkIohIimi i (runt letter of inanpie or re prlinl; coin money or emit bills of credit, Ac." Can any intelligent limn read this nnd wiy that sn-ewion is not n clenr and pal.hlc vliJalinii of the Constitution? Are not the onlhern cnit'pirntnr guilty of u mubunuul violation of iMryelmifo in the i.Ihiu-article sove the first? Atd ure they not making herculean tfTorts to viokite that ? Their cmuiburlni ure found in ery foreign nutloii, beioljsliiK the courts ol mynlty, and, poor fellows, refusing to be hap py, unlfM they can ucolvu one U'lilgtiuut tintlc of royal recognition. Think of uti American, born In the land or I liu five, amid the sacred monuments of the Kevolution, Lt gjilnj.', ctJtmillnjf, supplicating uod praying to be tuLen uudir the protection of the Itoyal Crinoline of the Queen of Kngl I ! ! Uue more (piotatlon from the Constitution nnd wc- are done. In the stcoud section ol article six, arc found thcfe words : " 'I his Con stitution and the luMt of tlo Unltu) Slates winch lull U nude in pursuance thereof, nnd nil treulits nuilc.or which si nil bemadoundir the authority of the United SluteJ. ibull be the stipnmc laws of the hind." 'I he snprema ry of the Constitution hus been temporarily oerlhrown, the laws of Congress, mad in piiriuaneu theu-of, hac bem abrogated by orgamjutl military mob, oml the treaties of the United Slutts ro only npheM by the Ininl orlloii of the Union. How Irathfully diil ihc I'lilhcr ol I. a Country, looking down the pathway of time, portray the fearful mad new of seet'&slon and disunion. In u lettir written In Wurren ho ues the folloniug graphic language : " Hy such u policy as thU the whirls of Uiiurnment nreelogu'ed.nud our brightest pro-eel, nnd that high ctpecla lion whu.li was enterluiiK-d of us by the won tiering world,nretnrnl into oslonUhniriil: and from tlic liigli ground oj whlih wu stood, we arc diecodiug into the u!e o( confusion mid ilarkueti." Hut, say ytiu, I hue never held that a State had the right to withdraw ftom the Uuion, coiMideruig it as an abstract ipicstion. J uekuuwlvtlgu that M.-eesIon U a violation ol the Constitution, I urn only opposed to cotr (..on, that's all. That Is, In the abitract, steal ing u wrong, but if force is employed tonp piihnid Hie thief, and Ihenby secure his piiuisl'ineut, are you opHuil to coercion? Murder U wrong, it is u violation of law, mid abstract!) cons.dtretl, one null should not kill another. Hau conclusion! but if the murikar ruuts llw nlHcer, und threaten his llfu with psluliu hand, why. the ofllter shouM back down und let him alone, for eturcion U u ter rible thing! u u rullian slioulil Knock you down in the street, ghc the subjiU a caiiful, e-andid und ilipuionalc considirulion, and if you come to lha wondirfully wire conclusion tlut the action of I he man, weihul nieily ux nn " ubslract fjuestlon," is undoubtedly wrong und If o redeeming sense of the owfulnew of coercion comes upon you, wlic tlic mud from jour brow und walk on, for jeu um3t not lilotton to Strike Out. Vfe move to strike out "ns sham ni.J trrcl ciinlf"ull that portion nf the platform of t'ie Oregon fence- Union IKmocrntlc Stessln Party, that rclalca to tho political poller ol the prccnt Admlnlilrnliim. It Is sham, be came the President has not, as jet, Inaugura ted nny political policy ..jepnralc nnd tl stinct from tho military policy mane ne-nry by the exigencies of the Government. When Lincoln took the Inaugural roth, he found himself in tlic midst or it fturliil rebellion I n ri bullion that threntenri) the subverslnn of the Consti tution he hid Jut sworn to protect, uphold and. dofond ; n rebellion that, with force or nrm, menaced Ihc last clicrl'ctl hope of Con Mltnltonnl liberty In the world. Mis entire attention wn ntccsnrily Inkcn up. In dcvWng ways nnd menns fur the suppression of the rebellion nnd the rctornllon of tho l"nrn. The cnti'plrators had long cxp!eiicrd the the clemency ol the Oovcrnmeiti y It wnj now necessary lo make them fxtl Ita power. That ilisngreriible duty, In the nrilcr of Protldence, was devolved on Unrolu. Nearly ever measure of his administration, strictly tpenk log. bus beer nf a military chnracter. Then, h not the reftrtnee In the nlorsnld platform to IieptlhirI policy of tho present Admlnlslra. lion "sham nnd Irrrlevntit ?" "What docsjt men? Clrnrly this: the fools nre notlfoH rX-nd yet. nnd mc mean tocalili n few of them The thing Ik n. little too triinparent to cnlch suckers, even. Gentlemen, that tntcrprlslng rare of daring adventurers known as snipe hunlers, have nbnut all disappeared from the stage of action In Oregon. There may be a few verdant enough lo stny out In tho cold nnd hold the basket, while these worthies are cojiivitig themselves on their way homeward, In talking about the political policy A Lincoln' Administration, but not many. How proud, how lofty, how pure must be the n'plrntlons of that party, that dure not make n plain, cnndld and honwt stnltnvent of Its principles 1 It naglit to be ealiru tiic Iul leyrnnd jnirty; lor that cool, calculating nnd blood thirsty tyrant, lUfinttl language lobe "n mcthiHl lr coimul our ideas." He livid nt n time when Truucc wns the theatre of meets sire rtvnlulinns ; but it in.iltcrul nut who was King, Tulleyrnnd was always Prime Minister. Tht little Tullcv rands In Oregon nre trying tn play the same game, bill, gentlemen, that guiiii Is nbout playtil out. There are, n we remarked above, two sys tems of policies, one of n civil or polltlcol na ture. Now, It is a souml priueiile In con siruetlim both in law nnd logic, tlmt the re jfctiun of 1 1 one Is the adoption of the nthtr. Ul ns Illustrate. If two principles, measure or p. I ci. nre pluccil before von lor your uetion, you con do one of three things: Vou cuu nj'ct them both, adopt lU'in both, or udopt the one and njet the othir, or rtject Ihc one mid adopt the other. If you njvet the one, specifically nnd expressly, and so) nothing about the other, dun't you adopt It ? I ;.t us apply this principle to the construction of the language of the call or platlorm uudir cotiiidi ration. Thy expressly stutc that they are opposed tn the jiolitical pulley of UucoUT Administration, but tiny ere ns silent as the grave about the mllltury Kliry of the tame Administration. Then nhut does ll.c lun Ktiage main ? It means th s nml nothing eke : so far ns the military policy of the Admlnls trillion Is concernid, we approve ol everything lliut Lint till) bos done, it receives our nipporl and approvul ; IhiI it fur us the civil or (Hiliti cut Kiheyof Mr. Lincoln's Ailiuiiiktrution h.iv lietndiveloil, t-are nppmitl to It. Sudi is the true construction of the langungcof this enll ; but do the lenders menu It? nay, verily Kviry lreaionrciI.log page of tliilr organs nnsmrs nu. AN 1 1 v then pursue this dishonora ble course? lltcuiuc they know that they would not have a ghost of a chuncc for success should they boldly, distinctly and clearly un nounce their prludplis and rely upon them fur success. They have the same contempt for " mud sills," as have their lordly southern pro totyies, and think It the easiest matter In the world to make ihc people ocn their mouths, shut their ejes, and gulp without grumbling anything that may be labeled democratic. Ik hold a wonder In Ihc world, a great po litical novelty, mounted astride an ambiguity, sex king the toad that leads to public pap and power ! Wc shall renew our motion frrriv time to time us the cunvoss progrme.v nm? shall firal ly submit It to that sovvsc gn tribsiut tnat hold its session an the first of June, next. Tho Department of lira Interior has forbid dn the issue or preemption or doualion hind patents to disloyul men in Oregon nnd W'ujIi Ington Territory. Is anybody thereby hurt hereabouts. TU Portland lunti, 24th ult., soys : " Wc arc credibly Informed that nearly a hair too or gold dust Is now ut the Dalle aud Wullu Wullu, wultiiig a sure trunsll lo this place." Wc suppose it is packed away iu gum boots. Seven men are known to have lost their lives during recent cold weather, between the Dalle- and Walla Walla Riddle, Mulkcy, Juggcr, Alphln, Davis nnd Drown. The Stulumnn eslhnalc Hut, by the firs', of April, full ono hair or tht atocls In Willamette will have died. Capt. Richard Iloyt.or tho lenmcr Mull nomah, on the Columbia and Willamette riv ers, Is de-ud. Ik ony of our reader should notice nny. thing particularly bilwiu or thaly In the edi torial matter of this 'Kiper, we beg them to re member that wc have had tho ogue nearly every day or Ibis week, if the eje of n critic should discover something a little loo bitter, let him cunsidir we have been taking quinine; il he hould notice anything disgusting, let him i riincinuiT iimi we nuvo "" hiii, " r,M" .. . . i I. ...... I.. I.. ., ..Ilia . anything rouyh. escuno us we luvo luUiug any quantity of Iron. inlo It may uc n w. riutu matter lo jou, It I nuy tiling but u joke to u. Too Soox. The parly raided at Vreka for thu purpttaeof going to Salmon, via tho Luke and Ponder River, proposed starting on aiou day ne.t The weather at jnmut lud.eatcs 0 priipoixiiHIlt Tho Freedom of tho Press. AVc prophesied last wtck tlmt the secession organs In Oregon would set up n lic-lcini noni over the denial of mall facilities to the Oregon nemnernl. Thev couldn't help II, they Have grovvlrdsolong'that Ilia deposition lmi be come chronic, l'oor fellows, we feel hkc com miserating their rale, nnd hence we have pul lishcd en the outside of our paper an article under the bend of "A fjuestlon of I.nw, giving some democratic authority on tne sno- J"1' lit. lUllimiii" - ,, r.,i i commend It t their cnmni consul- erntlon r we nre jure It will operate nsnn ami- dote, for It has iceelved the sanction or that great dsruofralic doclor, Jen. Davk Tray, Rcntlemen, pltne lo Inform in ir Suh-Post- masters hav co right lo tny wlint papers nre proper for circulation In ll.c communities In which thev live; has not the Postmaster General .. iltllc more discretionary power than bis subs ? Or does the power Increase ns it noes downwnr.l. until It culminate In the sub nitcrns e-f tlmt Department or the Government ? You nre now dreading the personal implica tion or the principles you have ndvoeutcd ond thcrlshed nil your life. This power has been repeatedly exercised hy Ihc iiibultcrns or the Post Office Department, and you liavo ap plauded tho net. l'.vcry one nt nil acquainted with the past history or the Government, knows what we affirm, to be true. Don't you believe today, that the Postmaster General has the right to suppress " Incendiary docu ments," and to deny to their author the mall facilities nllordid by the Government ? Tlien II the officers of the Government, have a right to suppress document and papers, whi'-h In their opinion, have a tendency to excite n ser vile Insurrection, width shall Invedve the lives and properly of only r few croi, how much mate dearly they have llw right to deny mall uicilltics to paptrs, whose editors are laboring to light op tl fire or cMI war nil over our fuir land. Ltt these secession sympathiser howl on. Wc hope our Union fi lends will rend with attention nml care, I lie nrilcle to which wcj refer. TrenMire up Us Tacit nnd arguments so ni to have them forth-coming on every propel occasion. Tlie forgetrnlticM ur these seces-' sionisU Is nniulerfiil. Jogging ever nn.l niion. 'Iliclr memory needs Secession Literature. Tho Oregon weekly Unmn r.r the lTlh is n comnkle dtvtloiMirv of billlncirale. We to! lute a fen phnire for the bene lit or our rtudsrs. ProlMibly we ought to olTir nn npology Tor polluting our tlrtut with suth stuiT, but we are anxloo lliut our tetidur nwy know what kirn! of literary food our seeewiou syiwjMthlsers rtliVh. Wc take the follniving from u sl.ori editorial upon the dally 7iif : " There is a dirty little seuvrnger shvvt publislitd at Port land culled tlw Tim " " lutrfable mnililK"," "Algirlnc Alonwi," "hatchet foceil ilu. gogue," mlscrubrc Algerlneicuvenger,'' "tllrlj, desptcub'c trid; of tho quondam, abolition Itlnxlu hlaud Svhoolmnstcr." In nu nrtlcle ou the SltittMHwn wu find the following: Harvey' lljbrid mid the leprous wrelchis that do Its bidding." Tho word ' hvbrld" occurs four time in this article, and the article has only twenty one linos in it. The Siult I'tptMwM I called a "spittooon." Mr. i::kli, of Linn County, it calhd " Mold Wel kins," "a liprou old wretch, the mercenary tool or the Swlem lat&ironl," " miserable nio late," " the hyHicrltleul old traitor," nn In famous hviocrile hi religion ns well as in politic." In order to npprccmte the above, it mint be remembered that Mr. Klkln Is an old gvtitleuwn possessing many personal vlr tuer, nml highly etetined by nil who have tl e honor of hi acquaintance. He Is a respect d and axcmplury member of ll.c chmch, and I a man of honor, probity am) achiiowtufgcd in tegrity. Why then Is he the victim of this frothy expectoration of nltoytd billingsgate? Heaiuic, as a Senator from LInu county, I c saw fit, In the ilf.iliargc of his duly to hi constituents, hi country and his God, lo vote for Col. I'akcr ns United Stole Senator u man whote nutlmely death a nation mourns Thl editor saj lliut Mr. Kll.ins Is uu nged man. Pirhuh Is from the fact that he knows that the might which slumbers In man hood' arm Is gone, nnd that advancing J cart have cooled tile passions nnd given supremacy tn reason mid the morn! ullectious, tlmt he make sueh uttntl.s upon Mr. l.lklus. ITsiieli bs the cusc.he Is a wretch whom It were gro (Littery to call a coward. , No clrcuiiistaucc or combination of circum stance can ever justify thu use ol such Ian guagc. Iu fuel such phrure arc bai.Iahud from the lips of gentlemen a words of wuuloii nm nnd rear. Surea-tm, biting, burning, scathing sarcasm can reach It ubjict aud uc- cumpluh its purpose without the uac of such laii'-uaye. it, that brllliuiit poulard, novcr cos begging afttr billlngrgatc. Reason, cool eulculatiiiv, tinlutcd, chaste. Reason refaree to be dollied in sueh bungling habiliments. Morality and religion thunder their unntkemas uguiust tho foul politician, aud common decen cy Iramshc it from the social eirclc. What a delightsome family companion the Oregon weekly lnion must be! What purifying, what elevating literature for the plastic mind of youth! Hut wc drop the sickening tin me. Wcugalu ad; our readers to parduu u for the above quotation. Interest Allowed on War Bond:. TiiEARi-ny DrPAiiTMHJiT, Dec. 30, '(il. Sin: 1 invite your utlentiou to the follow ing instructions relative to the bsuc or bond in payment or Ongon und Washington war claims under act of 21 March back. Fur all claims reported by tho Third Audi tor, a having U-en tiled in hi office prior to (he 1st day of January, prox., intert-st coupons w ill be utlac-hed to thu bund cucimcuclug on the 1st of July lust. For claims reported to have been filed uficr the lit of Juiiuury, prox., and prior to tlic 1I of July, inhrerfl coupons will be ultuclud, commencing on the 1st of Juiiuury, and no on tlieicufter, until ull paid, tho iiitciol liculninj,' to run ut Ihc semi ur.uuiil ienod iniiiKdiutul.v preceding the filing of Ihc claims. The Third Auditor will eudurto lliod.itu of the tiling of the clultiis on ihc requisitions us they pa through hi oflicc. I am very rcspcclfully vour ob't servant, S P. CI I ASK, llox I F. CiiinrNni..x, Bee of Treasury R gi Ur ol the Ireasury .-.j BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. WjumsnTov, lb. 10th. ticn Shields wo ItMiiy conflrmcil Hriga dier General, lr the Senate, hy a vote of twenty five to ten. It is rumored tlmt A. 11. Steplms hru rt signed the rebel Vice Presldmcy. Oenernl HWiop Polk Is said to have re cently written n letler ndvlslng emancipation nj the last resort or the South. The Nnvy Depart mont will !jiio proposal to-morrow for hiilldlng n number of steam .. ,r.,.. r, ,..., ..Ill VLtlU.nl.l men oi-wnr. io0 j,l-,....,.,i... ..... for the present proposals for constructing Iron- clad steamers. In well Informed circles It Is positively ns- sencu mat inner... n v...., . vindicated himeir from all chnrges brought against his conduct or the vvnr In MUiourl. A highly important command Is Indicated for mm in me i ur v cse, St. Lock, Feb. lOlh. About 5,000 tnrantry, two or three bnttnlllon or artillery, n large number or mnlo wagons and an Immcne quantity or baggage, stores, etc., left toduy for the Cumberland river. The Inlcst relluble returns from Tort Don- 1 nl.!on state that the whole number of Fed 1 cruls killed Is 200 : wounded nnd missing, "00. Nrw Vor.K Feb. 19th. The gunboat Connecticut, arrived from Key West and Port ltnynl, has advices that there were rumor that .Savannah was certainly cap tured. In a few day the Federal forces had Inkcn possession ol He de Florcn, In Savun nah river, and creeled a battery, by which communication was cut oft" between Savannah nnd Fort I'utu'LI. Our troopt hud also cap tured n rebel steamer of Tutnall's (bet. Wamhmitm, Feb. 20lh. A dispilch boat from IJuriisIde' expedition luujutt arrived at Uiltlmoro, with an onicial tlitpateh from Gtneral Ilurnslde. Tho I'd end low at tho hitllo or Itoanoko was SI) killed and 222 wound."J. lljlwl lorf, 1.1 killed nnd 33 wounded, Fuircuitw Mosnon, Fib. 19th. The ling of truce brings no new of Impor. tnnce. Hurnthle' expedition utlll iKXiipltil FA'iilon, nnd had thro.rn out pleke-t for sl.x or eight ralleit. No mention I made or any fnrtlicr ndvancc. The liistem Slate brings the bodies or offi cer kllleil nt ltoanoke Maud. All the cup Hired Mk-I offieer s were on the slomner fcpauhl lllg. I lie rWl in I'lv iri"..via "nu " " ltonmlie Iskind. (Jeiieral 15iirikIo is weo tiatlng with the rebel aulhtrltlw ut Norfolk for their release. No InrlW ndvnncc had lieen nmdt by HiiriHklf, nor wim any ImmedUilely i.xjiecUil. The gunWU Iwd returned from niiaabeth City. All the fleet were at otHrlior off Roa noke Inland. An Immense number or Irophle had Ijeen oupliind, Including u spk-mlll State' Hug ol North Carolina und a large (inutility or null- iiuated arms, old sword, Unit-lock muslcets. shotguns, p'wtols, etc. , Col. tjoreoruii.uud seven himdrfil Fcilornl prisoner nru e.xievteil hourly ut Old Point. The Prueldelit lm nplirovcd the bill to pro hibit the Coolie trude by Aiimrican cltiMiis iu Ameriran vwI. Ntvr Vok. Feb. 20th. At. St. Thomas, February 2d, It wus stnlnl that n Hrllhdi Comnwnder hud atliinptnl to take a irenman rroiu an American vessel, but was prevented by u Fcdtrul guubout. Tin Hritish Admirul subsiqnently an Ivod, npri mutided the Commander, utid apologized lo the Amerle-un Consul. Ship Island date or February "lh have been received. l'iveshliof Porter' expedi tion had arrived, nnd two inure were spoken off Havana February Uth. 1'oiiTUVMi, Feb. 20th. Lord Derby thought tnul the Fedcrul Gov- crnnicnt had usicnlul with a very bad grace- to the dunuiids of the llritish Government. Ird 1'ulmerston said the distress In the nianuracturltig dltlrcts of Ktigluud from the bloc-kude of the Southern port, would not jutslfy the Intcrfcreneo of the Government, und that they would continue their neutral course Clticvdo, Feb. 21tt. Special dispatches from Fort DcnuhUon say tbut only Bixlitu rinialn of Company G. Eleventh lllluul Rilimnl, who are not killed, wounded or ulsulng. 'Jliero nre but one hun dred nnd forty ilHitivc mcu left iu the regi ment. A Rebel officer slates that exaggerations of our force were made by Major Post of the Klght Illinois Regiment, who wus tul.cn pris oner by tho rebels, nnd materially aided in preventing any further resUtntiee on their pari. Three thousand rebel prisoners ut Fort Don ahhon huve usked to bo allowed their arm und be enrolled In the army of the Union. A report Is current ond uncontradicted thai Clarktvilte between Fort Donaldsou aud Xiuhvllle was evacuated, sndlbat Gee. Grant had been invited to occupy the place. It is further n ported that Governor Harris, of Tcnmsicc, has convened the Legislature of the Stutc to repeal ull law po&cd by tho Con federate Legislature Inconsistent with the Fed crul Constitution. While flag arc fljlng at Nashville. General Pillow and Floyd committed many acts of vandalism a they pushed up the river. It is believed that Columbus, Keutucky, had been evueuuted. Hrlg. Cm. Williams has been released from duly iu the Dcpurttncut or North Curoliua, and ordered to report to Gen. liutkr. Geo. llalluU lm telegraphed Gen. McClel Ian lliut Clurksvlllu had been taken, with sup plies enoogh lor tho army for tweuly dajg. The place Is now occnpled by Gen. Smith' divlsiou. Gen. Price, having been reinforced by Mc-Culloe-h' command, made a stand nt Sugar Creek, Arkuusus, oil the lBib, but was de fculcd uflcr n short engagement, nnd again lied. Many prUmcr wcru taken, and a quantity of urms which higincu had thrown nwuy lu their flight. Wasih.slho.s-, Feb. 20th. Col. Rlc-hunLon, fioin the Committee or the Home Military Affair, is preparing n bill to ilkct the Ineuieeratioii of und tho refusal to exchange ull prisoners who huve taken tho ialh tu -ujqiort thu I'jjJitJtwj yf tL. Un.le J crati Z'-vx '" Tl" j,u-i-n-,trtBjua-'J3-mJ-i"-M'- Htulcs ns Sinatnrs, mi whirs of Congress, for Infnrmy'oMi'av or w 1,1 eTecepleM office. I either civil Or military, limit r too foeaimi Southern Confederacy! In short, lo ptmlrh II leader of the n-belllon, nnd under no pre text wlmtcvcr lo allow them lo escape. Nkvy York, Feb. 2?st. Gordon, Ihc slaver, wn exeeuteil today. The New York Evening l'ol says reinforce ments hnvo been, sent to General Dttrnside, nldeh will iucrcasc his force lo forly thousand men. ItrKTOV, Feb. 21st. Gen. Duller led lt night, via Forlres Monroe, lo assume command at Ship Island, Mississippi. FonT MoxnoK Feb. 2Ut. Rlehmnnd papers or j-csterdi.y contain the following: AunrcTA, Georgia, Feb. 18lh. Profetsor Paul arrived to night from Nnsli ville, nnd says Fort Donaldson Tell on Sunday morning; that Gen. Johnson had telegraphed the enemy nml offirc.l to surrender Nushvillc on condition that private properly would be respected. No answer was received, but n majority of the citizens seemed willing to give up on these conditions. A large number ol persons had left the city. Thirteen lhouatul IVlernl troops were sin tinned nt Fort Donaldson nnd a,00U nt Clinks ville. The river was rising so lliut the gun boats of the enemy could reach Nnshvlllo. A large amount or Government stores will foil tutu the hands or the enemy. Most of the roll. Ing stock of the railroads will probub'y be savul. At-m-STA, (AIu) Teh. 18lh. The Savannah Morning .Wtw sajs that the Ynnkces would capture and destroy Savannah this week nnd ChurhMon soon nfler. Thclait Intelligence from Suviinnah Is that the Federal vessels were gaining ground In their efforts to reach the main clmum 1 of the river, and nn uttack would not much longer be delayed. Srni.Ntirii.u, Feb. l'Jih. It Is not probable our nrmy will follow Price iry Tar Into Arkansas. There Is cuu nlderubie talk or fomrylng Neotho mid plac in-' n detachment ol Irooiw at Cushvllic. U-t- ler found nt Price' hendqiiarlor reveal a rtrong Union sentiment In Aikansat. Nrw Yiiiib, Feb. 21st. The President's son died yesterday. 'I'lm I'uaioiii House. Hanks. Iiwmnncc o (ice, nml pirns ol bniiK-s, will be closed to morrow, 'Jil, in ncenrilanec Willi u prociamu ttoti istued hy the Muyor. Hamiuorr. Feb. 21st. One of tlic reltxistd ptkHiiitr arrived lodny, who ha Ik-cii rtmflnwl at Richnuuxl seven tiiiuillii. lie lmi iiumiittnkublc IV il net- nl ii ' long Linon orgMtiwitni ut Kii-I, in. pint . . ..-.(. . . r - ------- ITninii nun llure claim til be llirec lhi.UHtnl strwig, ninl rwy tiny nre wgeily wuiiii.g mil longing for nn i.pHirlimliy lo ibng out the SllirS llllll iriHi UIKl u. ivii iuiiuimin.il. ericliil uroiiud Riihmoiid, only one I urnnd Thecliy can be easily tuken. Deicrulc ef furl were maklnj: to pit recruit lor llieurmy Se-cessioiilslsiidinlllid that un'e lln-y could M cure llio Sen let Ol every iimu in v irjiuou liLtwiwn IB nml f.O vturs of use. they unlit ilc 1,1 uitl.in Ihirtv ihivs. UlilouislB have irl liands rcgiihirly orgunin-il. with sign mid pasiwor.l. .xiuny tiei oi unumeM iiiivl men shown ut eveiy p'iibletipi')ilunlly to prbo- ne.s. lie lurtt.tr suits umi inrtv or mur ri-giiniuts ure daily urnving ut R cIiiihmhI, und llmt the triMip now there ure returning to tu their respective Stulw. It is understood that nti'y om thirty rl- im-iils would remain nt MiwHm. 'llw new i ur tlic surreinh r or Fixt Doiwih1ii had u di heortening t IV-ct on .SceeuicmkHt, but c-Uereil the hopes ur Uu outets. Sr. I. Feb. 21st. Gt-nend Hulleelt todiy tehxruphi-d Gewrul Mc-Clellun lliut (iunirul Curl hi had luliui Hill lonvlik, Atk-iiMws, wilh u ouuilderablc quuu lily of baggage, wagons, tic. Tho Continental Monthly. A new monthly perliKlIe.il, Intended as u rival to the AtUtutic Monthly, which it some whutrtKinbh iu typographical upjiearuinx-, hus just isucd from ihc i.rulilic pres or Hn ton. Thu Uist nuniber begin with the lirt mouth of the new jeur, und coiituins nrliele on a vurle'y of literary gubjetls, among ihem u iMisthumous paper, heretofore unpublished, on Indian fislivitii, (the celebrulloiiofthe Gicen Com Dunee.) from the pen of John Howurd Payne. Among tho contributor uunounccJ are Horace Gicvly. Henry T. Tuekerinan, Rev, F. W. Shelton. Richard II. Kimball, Hazard 1'iiylor, und " Artcma Ward." A a kump't uf it political iucliiiing wc c.xlrnit from the opening nrticle, " The Situation," the follow lug juiragrnph, which seem to place the ques tion of Abolitionism In connection with Ihc wur upon lis proper footing : " MciiiihIiiIc tlic Sonlhtrn conspirator pur ued their labor. Gathering up Ihc report i uf the electing or tho Abolition Socle-lies, und j kC-lccllng tho incut ii.tlaininublu e-xtrucl fiomi the speeches or the mot violent, they circula ted idem far utul wide, n indications ol the hostile spirit or tho North, und m proof or the imiiutiibililv of livni' uudir the amc Guvcinmcnt with people who were determined lo destroy their domestic Institution ond stir up servile insurrections. The Abohtioniils saw tlie ilarm of t'.u South, ond preued their utivoutuse. 'J'hus year after vcar p.i.ed. nn til the memoiable November election or 1600 The connpirutors received the intelligence of the clcel ion of Lincoln withrim satiifuction The AbolitionUt witnesied the prores of w-cetthiu iu the vurlou Stales with a Joy they did uot attempt lo conccul. ' Now wc can pursue our grand scheme of imp re,' exclaimed thu Southern truiloi. ' Now we shall sec the end of fcluviry,' cried thu Aboluionisls Slrnuge that noithcr gave n thought ubout the dehtruction of Iho glorious furbrio which thu wisckl nod bi-t men, North und South, their own rather, hud crce-ttd. Strange not one sigh was bie-ulhed in propped of tlwdi'uth of a n-tiou. Incredible that uo unliving checked the e.xultutlon of cither party, It-et, in dislroying ihc Temple of Liberty and scatter ing its fragments, it ought never ui;aln be re constructed. Tho conspirator, South, baw only tho consummation uf hi mad project or ambition. The Abolitionist. North, regarded only the immediate cmaneipation or u large iiuuuVr or klaus, mat of whom, incapable through long servitude, of sell" control, would be thrown miserably upon tho world. Nilihcr party thought or tand u Jot ubout their com mon country, Neilbir re'urdid Hie slurs and strmt with the least cmotiou. I oonc. it wus hand of I'rovideueo In the victory, so UIU tlie Atiolitlouist ; one, uectiuw n woum bcvuiu iu tho So-alh II ehiiins; tho other. becuue It would rouse tho North to u fiercer prosecution of the war, which had hitherto bcu waged' w!U Lrolhtr'y r'uttaucc secoouury to iiieemoieiu oi u Buvnvij;ii ont- ---, --- - -- i ,""' , To Ihc other, there waa no beauty In its fold wujjular the teucuieiit. hireditariwuUuiid iip- i..!. .ii J,,.l nur a rate iu finudaL'C. puilouauct tlu-auuto Lk.Ioiij!Iiijj, except Uvl- f"i i "nl, imlMtiWuiHltmilliwe . mow or lew, on which 5. II. Vvhll'. , lb" doy "!",,, . Z I v Iltrtb MMox " located, coramenehig at the north- two tslrime were still iu P S- "ol ttwt corner or section twenty (0) aud running wtro n-joiciiig. 'J he rebel recognize I .e 200 r.et duu wet: ibe-ncu duutouil. n. II.K...7, JACZESOHT COUWir $ I j 1 0 COfflXTION I The qualified voters of Jackson County who nro In favor of thcsopprcMion ol Ihc pres ent wicked rebellion ol a vigorom pro'ccu- lion or war so long at necessiry to rntslrale the mad schemes or armed traitors who ntc oppoed lo any peace other than the honora ble one sure to come wiicn rcocis ami tneir sympathizers submit to tho constitutionally Iccted nnd nnalilicd authorities ami legally enacted laws or tho Government who think more of country than ol party prejudlco nnd individual preference who arc In fnvor or supporting the General Government In Us en deavors to tUrend the Constitution, execute the laws, nnd preserve tho Union, nnd who nre willing to nnlto for the election or n ticket upon such n basis nt the coming general elec tion, without !tTcrcncc to former political as sociation', nro rcspecirully requested lo meet In Mom Convention nt JACKSONVILLE, on SATURDAY, March, 20th, nt 1 o'clock r. v , for the purpose or nominating a ticket for County Officers, for the purpose of select ing de'egates to n Slate Convention to be held at Ktigcne City, Iainc county, on Wednesday, the Oth day or April, 1802, for tho purpose of nominating n Union ticket for State officers nnd Member of Congress S D Vandyko O Jacobs K F, Goro A ma R. Itogcrs O D lloxlo S lliait M Llddlc L A Rico R F .Maury J O Tolman John It Wrlslcy A S Mattoon J F Orny Sol Humphrey P II Lvnch .Ioeph II Duvis Jntejih Siitlcrtield John Thurbcr S Itnlltrh J M McCall J O Divenport J A Wiigner WTLeevcr J P Tuvlor A .MtCnnl J A Plnncy J F Anderson S G Duncan A Hall R W Hcncficl J Woolen A G Rockafellow A Ixj I 'has M Hishop I'. Il Chnpin I) H Stearin Matthew- LldJIc II F R.x-scr It Go'dtmllh T Asplnwall Wm Tnlley F. K Anderson L T Voncht R It McCluro Rufos Johnon Geo M llrnwn JnmiKilgorc W WFowlir L'ndav Applcgate Klnr 1'mry JOSEPHINE COUNTY MASS UNION CONVENTION. The qualified voter or JowpliIricCotinly who endnrre the proceedings of the Chairman of the Pfiuncrnlto Stnle Central Committee, or Ihc Urpubltcan Stale Central Committee, nnd ollx rs who haveitullid In n enll fur a I'liton Slate Con-vi-iitlou ; thoMwho are In fnvor of Ignoring ull iwrlv eoniieetlotis. ami nro In lavor of sun- , . I tilnln.. Ilio C, tn ml nmernintint lit Its idol In , n,,,,,, n,c priMiit reUlllon. are rupiesled t , mw , Mhrt Convmllo.. nt Korbyvillo, Saturdny, Mnrch 22, 1802, ut 1.' o'clock m., for the purpose of electing di-lt-gatv lo the Union Slate Convention, to bo lit-M at Kiigeno City, on Weduetdi.y, tho 0th day r Apt II. l$i. N. 11.--A general altcmlanee tl all friend of the above miusures Is enrnetlly sollclled. O. P. SritAovr, Chairman llepubllcau Cen tral Committee for .fost-phine Coiiniy. M. C. H.viikwkij., Chairman Union Demo cratic Central Committee for Josiphlue Co. W G Crmalitll W V Ruwltutt R I Foil I II Cone I .-wis Uoliu L II Wiek W R Prickett Jesc Allen A II Mc-llwuln IsuicThoiiipso.t Gust Ollmthhi St' pin u Gale T It Thorp Frank Hryhn J II Wells Kl-'bcompt G W Moore JnhnCKIiUr Wm Sutherland John Rine Rohi L Forbes J P Thorpe Wulltr Siminons G W While W M Evan 1) S Hidtoii W J Mat I hews livid Foster W F Mi.y R. id Norton A Tuvlor Tho Monro tleei ltlgby Win Smith W W ItMlgvll BS llnvy A S L'no F Mutoney G E Igun A V Spnoncr W I Sunder N I) Warner Geo Druehenfildt Win Martin Wm Savuje Win II Johnson W F Moore HamlSibky st Robt Hauister John R Prindlo rw- r ' """ Dissolution of Copartnership. 'lllU evpartnerkhlp biretolore i-xhtlug be X lwrii Jimk) and Lewis lllult, In tho clock mid farming builnc, Is IhU day dUrolttd by mutual cemteut. JIHi: UI.YTT. i.iAvis iiLvrr. Athland March 1. 16A2. 8o KTotico Sons of Temperance. 'piIEiiext Kwlouof tho Grand Dhhlon of X the 8 of T., of Oregon, will be l Id Iu DALLAS, l'ulk county, coinmenclnj; THUItS. DAY, Ihe'Jtlh day or April next. All " Sous " tntiikd to nni u tla-ti 1). oro riueitid to cpicteut. V. U DCXIIAIt. GiandSerllie. Administrator's BToticc. "VfOTJCK I hereby Klven that llicitndertisne.1 IN has Uc-u appolnlid Admlni.lrator of thu wtato of Davju A i on. v. decented, Into of Jack su county, Oregon. All i rxuis having clalnu ii"aln.t atd tttulc uro rttjuircd lopnunt them Willi thu neceury vouohi-r, within one )cur furfeillh-iiii-iit; uudlhooli.K'btedurcreiuevted to make iiumwliati-1 iv ineiit. O. JACOHs Adnitnlstrulor. Jftekionv III". March H 1K0. fo ShorilF's Sale. BY vlrluo ol uu (Mctulou duly Issued by thu Clurk or thu Cucult Court of the Statu of Uicgun, fur juc-k.ou county, and to me illtiLtuI in favor ol J, II. Wliltu und uulnit Juiucn Hot laud, for lha hum of Twelve Hundred und tfev inly three and thlrty-flio one- liuiiUudlbsifol lar (l,273 sa luu) wilh intcred at tbu rute of two percent, per moutli; uUo Iwenty-oljjlit and filly onc-huiidredths dullur ($28 60-100) and lati rot at leu per cent. wr aunuiu, loxtiliir wilh Thirty-one un I sKlyllvo oue-hundrrdths dullar t$Ul 03 100) cuts und accruing cods I havu levied uou ami wilt oiler for tale, tor casu, to tuo nigneii u.naer, on tue preiuines, ou On Saturday, tho 5th day of April, 1802, Tho following dti-crlbcd real tttulc, to-wil: bouth half ol toutlicatt onc-fourlh of Hftlon ilglittcu (18), and river lot number four (4) in KCtiou feivc-iiiciti (17), numlxr eight lu tec tum iiluetc-t-u (l'J), aud number three (i) lu teo tioj twenty (0), Towiuliip 'Ihirly-six (Sb), j(V(,,. - tUi.,lC0 ,,,, wt,j rlur ,0 wt e of htciiou w ; luenco ulong talil lluu to place ol lieginuing. Salu botwee-n the hour of ouo nud four o'clock p. iu. of taid day, Dalnl, Jaih.orivillc, ilarch 5th. 1602. cJ W II S HYDL, tJhcriLT n...... ,.,.... Ut.!. irillltFM Ilirstl IJX.1 IVftbE f IIViSll1it U.ll. (ill an, FiiESII GOODS I TO THKIR ALREADY LARGE AND wi:LLsi:Li:cti:i) stock or MERCHANDISE, THE UNDKItSIGNF.D ARE NOW RF.CE1V1NU Fresli C3rOoc3L3 FItOM SAN FRANCISCO, WHICH ARK OFFF.RED AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH To correspond with the hard timet. QUICK SALES AT SMALL PROFITS. PWIt Iir.AOV 1AV, IS HIST FOR ALU Ilttry .Ulirlf Warrantril'as Hfjirrsfiiltil. PIcasoglvc usn call. WADE, MORGAN & CO, ') Jacksonville, Jan. 1 18f.2. Shif di.-m; jxjbvjb tcsj la: j VS S jSiuIxOXXjESDEfS" rpilEniiileplpnetl would rcspoelfully Infom X the elllxeii or Jncl.son and mljiilnln; ctniiith that he has on hand and will manufac ture lo oi.Kr All Kinds of Sndillci-)-& Ilnruesi urn .es Heavy Draught Hornet (long nnd short lot) Concord Harness, Hnggy Harucss (double and rough-) Spanl.h Saddle, trie and rigulng cnnipltte; Ijidies Saddles, Jockey Saddle, Saddle hairs, llridlcs, Surcingles, llultirr, Spurs, Cuirvromln Whips, Whlp-ln-liM, And nil other nrliele utuilly found la first cl.nl stock iif J3-s.-rD3DX322Jn.-V-. AM WOKIC WAKUANTEI). Store la u Scutltuil "" RuUJIng, CuliforoU '"rWt' HUSKY JU DC C. Jacksonville, iOic. 21, lbol. tf BOUMI FOlt SAOIOIV K1VJL3KI! Within Sixty Days! GOODS SELLING AT- TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE Without Reserve ! AT J A & We arts rictci mined nud Coat Itellcd to nlncc nil our Hook s Account mid Note 1 tho hunt! uf our At torney, fur action At tho (joining term of the !)! tiict Court, If nut imld on ur licfuto tho 3tl DAY OP JAXL'AIIY, I8W' J. A. BHUNNER 8c BH0. JACirSONVII.LU, Jan. 11. M DECIDED KEI)ITCTJON In the I'rict of Board and Lodging' Jj -1TTIIK- PRANOO-AMBRIOAN RESTAURANT. Hoard and Lodging, per week S JJj Hoard, per week .. . . ' " Joard and Lodging, per day, wilh prl , utu rikiitn. In.t ftvlii , 75 Lodging per ulght. lu private roon Lodging, per night, in double room oiuglu Meal 00 00 THE TABLE. Hcducllon In prlco, but no reduction " change in table. Wy tabic thai! no! wul pasied by any in lha JSIute of Oregon. fllADAJIi: DIJHOHOAWj Jack ou Ilc 4au 10,1s .'. mi 1