Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 22, 1862, Image 2

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O. JAt'tlHSj, Kttltor.
"To TitR miiMtT .Kto iTiuiAMwcr or ntn
INion, a Qovctiwikxt rmrnr. whom: m mug
ruMum..' Wiulimjton.
SATIIKDAV, - FKU. att, 1808.
A Political Novelty.
Wc have soil before, If tlic political doctors
succeeded In gsltnnlzing Into lir it certain de
funct carcass, which tho mourners persist In
railing lltmocracy, tliat It would be tinl'kc
un; thing heretofore known In the political
lill..rv of thin country. It In not up to the
straight nnd manly resolutions adopted by the
MeCnnnel convtntion In Cutilnrnlu, nnd It
lull Itiflniuljr rhort ol tlic patriotic resolves
nnd noble utterances of tlic Utmocratlc party
In Hit! Slutcs of New Yolk, Ohio and IVnu
rylranlu. This wc prnpoo to prote. And
lint ut tu Culirnrnlti. Tin." followlny rcsolu
tlun was uilopled In ihe Dixie Convention ol
llint State t
Htwliet!, Thai wo ore oppocd to the cm
plot mint of Into- by the gniinil Uotiriuutiit
u,iujul the s reded Slutcs, for the purpose or
eonipilllng oIhiIiiiiw and submlrtlon to the
Fiileiul authority.'
And In another resolution wo find the fol
lowing language:
tUvilml, Tlun. we ore In fin or of the re
c gnitinu ol the Coiiful. rat .Stalls."
'I here is no luVuXlnf the Import of this
lunguage. Irs meaning It clear, plain mid
pnlpub'r. "It Ii Ireusou puronn.l simple
tunson, foul nml damnable-" Compare this
puny 1 1, t mid honorable diclaraitoti of prlnoi
I leu with the milk and water gibberish of the
socullcd Dimoerallc Cintrnl C'onitnlttcc of the
titulc of Oregon, and we find that Ilia two
urtlis ure, 10 fur in tl ilr ileilarutbn of jrin
clplcsU concirtied. a unlike us lliuicu uud
lli.II t but lists objects are no doubt Iheiume.
'I he Orrjsn party talk about ' the iiolltlinl
pulliy of the prima udiiilnUtrutloii," but nru
us illi nt us tie grate ubout tl.c war policy ol
the Untcrmnent. 'liny mk to Ignore lin
gual and paramount Istuc tthlcli is ogltatlng
mid coin uli.ii;; tl.c nation. While the sum
s'oiiUm or tLe liuder It us b'nek us the dam
ning drops Ihut lull fimn the duiuuiiclng
At gel's hii,m lln object of this rcclietnco is
I'vnliiit : It Is to i-utili the whole race o( anil
trrltbiutnl liipuls. who have lid moral slum
Ina riiniili to ntiiiniincv their principles nml
uclncurdlngto H'O (iUlutM or mir Ulier
jiideim nt.
Ilul lt us pas from our tit w this bmluid
Uiuiinlty.niiil tuke Inlo coni-MaulIon the
ni. cm hi mil guminc kind, inibodyltig the
I ulriollc tcutmuiiM of Andrew .fucksoii.i re-
reduced in the noble ritolutluus if the lute
JKinwratlc Cointi.iiuu ol the Fmplie Slute.
I It ur them :
I'ricmf. 'I hat In this crisis the watchword
wbiih fliuiiM p.ii ihroii.h the iltiuoiritiiu
funks lulling tin in iiioiiegicut iiuddilirmiuiil
muss in iltliiifunfnur lmjriliil connlii U .(
KMiiiaUl ol A lain w Jut (.Mill llmt (', Union
Hi Hit leuomci.
iV.nfV.if, 'I l.ut the c'uliu of any .Statu or
iiuinUrul Slnliv Df u tight in rilmmilili ut
will their obligation nml iilltgl.iueo in the
Liilou bus nu Hurruiit In the ('oiililution, Is
ut ar with its le.ttr uud piril, Is iiicomputb
blcnilb C'xxl (rottriiineiit and the prcrcrtu
lion of public filth, und llieturorciiiitul of ihe
treutie.uiil h inter this irt li-tilon IiusIhv.i
udtdiiettl by kiii-ktiouiiits North or .South ll
Ims htn rcsialul uud iMiulid by ihed.iuiKrii
ey, who hute cicr inuliilaiiuil, us tiny still dj,
that strii-sion is retoluiioii,
llotJiiil, Tlmt the seizure of Iho furls and
pri-vity Uloiylnj,' to ihe I'nleral Uottrn
nitiil, Mliiutd by Ihe uulhorizitioiiof iirit a
let r agjliikt tlieciuiiuitrienf Ihe l)ul SlHlt,
pnciiitutel Ihe country inlo u stale of war;
lb it it Is the duty or the Cott runs nt to pros
n ute the wur tlun forctd iiih.ii It tilli nil its
!iwirsund rti.i'ntfl mil llmt it Is Ihe duly
of the ptiiple In rally with urms mid tneiins in
thessjiMirt of the voterniniiit until Ihu itru
clelsftidtd by tlic triumph of I ho Couslilu
tin und luus, aid the rvslorutlou ol the
ApuliiM null Ibmocrney as this we xtugv
no war, wo hute no rnulhili. And Jit wo
olltn btur the Hctxlnn nbortloii in Oifgon,
mpur ronliil wltli tlictlutctt tmine of IMuoc
nuy. clkluiln ulliliiilloii wllb the men who
suloptt-d the store noble and patriotic iwolu.
linn II
In Ihe Slate of Ohio, Jiwct, llio lUfcutrd
ih nilnw of Ihe Id motrutle purly for (Jot rnor,
ImMly iidwcaltd the flgorous prictlutiiai ol
the war, and Ihe iru.hin ' out ul this unholy,
(-aueh und nuiilou nklli.m b) force of
arms. Had he In aid one of Oregon's L'tuio
i ruts talk, he wouM hate rtcoinuitud the
tiiitliontUst tu kIvu In in a comlortubte ItKlyc
imtit within ihu Mulls of Fort latlujttte. And
jtt sre htur Ihe Oregon purlj talliing nboul
tie triumphs of the Detnocrutiu purly iu the
ritalcof Oliioi:
Ju the gitut Stule of I'tiinrjltuuia the same
alriotic state of llnngii citi, as will upKui
Iroiu the lolluwitig, liiun the llurriabury
i't'tiHl, Ihe Ituding dnuutlatie orgm of llmt
l:i ll e border .States it must not be talen.as
Intliiutite or I lie opposition to llio wur lor res
lorutiou ol the Union, or that the inutile ol
this Sluleuic ItM tnriitfl uml dUirinlmd iu
Ihilr supiiort ol the 1 rderul uotirnnnnl.
The dimocrulic purly of I'tnnsjIvaiiU
stiiuds now whtroshe ul'tutsslombou lhuide
ol the Uottriiimut und llm luus. Ntillur
tuloiv or diliul tun mute it Irom this pot
lion. Should it hule louttol of Ihu IIoiim ol
llipliMiilultus.it will be jukt as ready lo
udopl llifimufuu-s incik.iiy lo Ihu vigoiout
I roM'cutiou ot the wur us if Ihe National Ad
ministration was cuulruki! by its politicul
The I'eace Union humbug Iu Oirgmi would
lc ikvpUd, huttd und loudiliiiitil by the dun
Krat oritnntfnttoDS In theso Rrrat States.
They seek no olHliutionj with the npolcgtsl
of treason nnd ditunlon. They still remember
the ticro'c words of the Immortal Jackson:
" The Union must be presetted at nil kntitrls."
Tin Oregon parly Is without statesmen o"
national reputation! Whcwf wo take ll
back. It his a glorious toasrcllstlon of them I
rhcre aro Curry, UsUy, Sfalone and Sinter 1 1
and at least corporals guard of smaller lights
who lt' nest nominee for President will be.
wheller Brot It, wh bus sloped, or Slater the
faithful,. ha not yet transpired. Its great
parly I its most sanguine friends llilnk It wil
poll the enormous number of 2,000 votes nt
the Jmc election.
The Negative.
There Is a ctuss of men in every community,
Slate nnd nation, whose peculiar province it is
to growl nt Ihe actions ol others nnd the gen
eral movement of the civilized world. They
are the bulldogs that riizc hold of the ear of
progress, and labor wild might and main to
retard Its onward movement. With them
patriotism is a sham, tlrtuo a cheat, ribgion
ihe merest htpocrlcy, uretl to cotcr some ulte
rior design, and progress the most transparent
humbug. Yon inaugurate some plan for the
umillornllon of the suflWlng condition ol the
poor nml destitute, and you are seeking notori
ety or office. You sctk to clcinto the same
clas lit the scuta of morul and Intillcctual ex
igence, ami you arc certain to hate some sinis
ter inotlic to serve. The Chrhniau's tloto
llnns nrc for lucre and power. 'I lw patriot's
fire Is for political advancement. And tic
rflillnnthrnilt's tote Is for notoriety and n
name. No one nets from noble Initlncls or
pure motives. The not Id Is n thaos of the
most (utilise and mallgn&nl silfidincss, desti
tute of noble nction, generous love or pi.-hlng-
Ih tiev tlenee. Thin lbo illcourr, ntnl some
peop'e wnnder ac the di-plll of their wlrdnm
and Ih" lifnne of their wonderful sagacity.
I'hey are hnmsn vulltircs, falnlug on Ihe cor
ruptions of civil soclily j priests of d -p-avity,
etrr m'nlstcrlng nt Ihe altnr.
They nrc confined to no oecnpitlo'i or pro-
fesslon In lifr..bul nrc scatlirol throngli nil.
'here nrf n flw In Ortgon orcupiinj the. po
sition of political ditchers of tlio p.'nph', und
Iheir gloomy lucubrationi nrc tveikly seattunl
ihroiijtlt the Slate. Thev ore pence men be-
eatijc war is ruglng; they nru peucc nun with
out any olive branch without nny feasible
plan to edict It, Jen without ctcn the proposal
of humbug propositions ; In short they are
ptaccgrowUrs llio najatltet that the patrio
tism of the country mutt carry. I hey were
Tories in the Itevnlution, lYdcrull.ls In the
war of lPI'J, took to thumcltis the dulcet
name of I'eace men In the war wllli Mexico,
nnd have ntalucd that delightsome npptllutlvi..
ever since. TVy nrc fur wur when the nttlon
is at arc, nnd always fn jieaco when the
nitlnn Is ut war, Winn the tuition is nt wur,
taxutlnn and ru'n ll there dull fill theme, nnd
cliKiinlly di tiny ring the diriful changes.
WIk ii Ihe nation U at peace. Insult and na
tional ilMionor Is their fruitful text, over
whlih tiny frit uud foam with fearful diatribes
and woful lucubrations, until some nalLiral
onvulslon breaks llio tMo of kw, whtu, con
tinent innrluls! jou l.iur tlicm gi'oHling on
the nthir side.
Notw Ithslund'ng (he t (Torts of lliev grow Ii rs.
the world, tnuihu) with Ihe mnglc of inlellicl
and inrmoitcd nllhlhcenirgy of morul power.
will mote rnnnrd and upward, tlio tiuij -sly ol
law will be tludicatttl, and constitutional ftcc-
doni will lie succotirully itulililntl on the
Itniuorlal bails of Ik In. role fithcrs ; nnd the
L'nUn, the hoic of the world, u glory ol
America, will be restored, amid Ihe Joyim"
shouts of millions of freemen, proud of tlnir
rights and Jmloiis of their liberties.
""Will You' Heed It I
The lotal cllibiit of Kintniky, Missouri,
Tetinrssee, North Curoltnu nnd Virginia, nnd
linl'til of the whole .South, claim tlmt tlcy
arc still citizens of Iho United .Stall's, nml de
mand that IbeCot cininttit txttnd to them Ihe
protection duo them as suih citizens. Their
property Is conlUcatul by Ihe nUI authorities,
uml they, Ihtiiuelirs ure liuble to lo forced
Into the HrUI army, 'Iho name nnd the
acrid righlsof mi American citizen ate dis
regarded, and Ihut too, on Amtrlcan soil.
Can Ihe Adinlnltrallnnnbolteilielf from the
obligations imoiil upon it by Ihe Coixtitu-
lion, lo protect uud diftnd lis loya1 citizens.
esieeiully whin tuih citizens osmtI Ihtir o;ul
ly ant! ak fur tlic rottcting power of the
Iu linns past llio liovcrnineiit has main-
talnetl its pnstlge nml dignity In uei ling uud
maintaining the rights of mloptcd iHI&ns.uud
hall tLe prajers mid ctilreutiis of its native
bora ritlnus go unlietikd? Was Ihu (iov-
rnmentof Ihe Unllnl Slates irMtetl for the
protictlou of lhoe born in n foreign lund und
not for its natitu born ctllvn nbo 7 bjiall the
first nsk nnd recclte, while ihe other, ninid Ihe
desolation ol Ids home, cntreul und be d inVIt
Ytt suih Is the meluii' lioly lenglh lo wlilih
Ihe secession lendirs In Oregon nro liinltning.
I'hey would surrcndir without nn (ITort the
luyul citizens of tl.c .South, w1io..q ullVctions
still i ling around llio Union purchased with
the precious blood ol their revolutionary sires.
Can ingratitude bo biuikcr, cun treaihery be
greater T 'I lure was a sublime nvijety in the
enirgitic nition of Ihe tJovernmuil, when she
wnsted from thegrapol ilespotisni ono of
her ndoptid cilizin. And wo honor her for
the uobleuit. I'.tcry Atnirleun feels pruul,
fit. It evplodcd the monarchical doctrine
ofnrpituul ullegiunce.nnd inaugurated n new
tra In Iho history of Iho world. Human
nature kickcus at iho thought, that many of
the men, who applauded the noble conduct of
Cupt. Ingrahatn, iu the case alluded to ubovo,
would now surrender the native born citizens
of the Souih to the military despotism precip
itated uprn them, without u sigh, und In total
dimgurd of Iheir Cuutlltutloual obligations.
Union intnof Origoul There is a silent
til ptrbuuslte tloquinu: coming up from the
ilisotitled homeiot your brilhnn in Ihe South,
adjuring jou by Ihu suercd and holy memories
of Ihe past, mid by the dim )it hopeful future,
lo n main faithful In vour ulk'k'lulico to the
(Jnternmtnt, imichased with the blood and
ituuiiiiiiii ny nn- uiioiu
martyrs of Itic lUu',utiou
julli rings ol Iho
Union Convention.
We publish this weik a rail for a Union
LSfas Convention, to be held at the Court
House In Jacksonville, on tle S9th day of
March next, to selict di legates to attend the
State Con veal Ion to be held at Kngeno City
nn the 9th- day of April, 18G2, and to noml
nate county oulccrs. Wc prefer a mass meet
Ing to delegated contention, beenmo the
Union canse is crtcntlully nnd emphatically
tlio cause of the people, notl tlicy should be
ullowed to colrol IU movements and direct Its
The people ore moving In this matter nit
orcr the State, nmr there is a mnjely in their
movements that evinces-a determination to re
deem the sullied donor of our youthful State
for the honor and loyally of Oregon stands
Impeached and snllki before the grand In
quest of the nation. Onr great Governor
Issued tils official proclamation some time ago,
lo tstmt Ihe rcon't fiom pliiylng Ynnlcc Donllc,
for ftir tomtMijmigltl mhtatui about till
True to the doubtful patriotism cxprrsscd In
llmt feeble, )it official tnifsltc, he has a p.
pointed a malt to fi I the place ol the lamented
taker, win) stands i barged beforo the fjenate
of the United States with disloyally. What'
the consequence! Ihe loyalty of the people
of Oregon Is do (bled, r.ml wo nrc dented ap
propriation, wli'ich, In case of war with nny
marltlmQ power, would be necessary for the
afityof our remmcrec nnd the protection of
our homes. I.1 ever) Union mm do his-duly
und the scccslon sypithiers will be wiKtl
out with n m ij'Tlty ihut rhill end the race in
Oregon. Wo nrc not nmbiilous just to beet
them, nc want a triumphant nnd ovcrwhe'tn
utng major I ry. Union men, remember the 29ili
of .March next.
Summary of News.
The news from the l!at Is truly cheering.
The vrc.it rebellion Is toppling to Its full. Tue
in'lltary nimcondt Is drawing Its lo'ds lighter
mid tlghtir nrounj tlio m cession monster.
The " live to ono heroes " llnd It difficult tu
sjttntn Ihem'ilvcs against Inferior numbers
Tort llinryls taken mid Itonnokc Wand Is
ours. The I'eih nils nro moving In solid col
umns to loynl old Teunorir, wluro Ihey will
seize nnd destroy the Itallnuid Hint ficll the
Itcbil Army of the I'olomac. 1'ricc Is In u
tight place, nml rebellion, under Iho tlgorom
mar.ngimeiit of (iiinrul llullcck, Is about
played out In Mluntirt.
lleport has It tlmt the Spaniard have !ccii
diTi-atetl by the .Mexicans nt the Nntb.ml
llrldgit near Vera Cruz. 'Il.c battle luUl
llio hours.
It Is rcpnrttsl tlmt .1.000 riMs nro march
lug to ultack l'orl Yuma. The Itlernls ure
ready to meet tin in.
Tlio I'gblaturc of Washington Territory
Is engaged In the dellghttomo occupation' ol
granting dliprcc'. 'Ihe matrimonial yoke
rials with un ray grace on the restless shou'd
ers of those who lack " iifTinily."
Kverjbo-ly gidng to Ihu Northern mines
ure atlt Isetl to go prrparul lo puik in llulr
own grub. Mott of Ihe animals iimiI for Ihut
purpose luit summer have rxrUlcd this winter.
'Ihe cold wcallur Is killing Ihe Ihti In Ore
gon, lion is ll In this t alley f
The Slugts me nmking daily trip from
Yrilto lo this p'ate, ml Irom Ihe Canon to
our Cily, Sucau will attend cn.Tgy nnd
It is estimated that 1,300 bend of rattle
hate died Utweiu the Citeadesiind the Halle
this winter. On the Uuittllli, 1 .f.OO. One
mm Ins hut .100 nu .lohn Hay i her. Near
Wullu Walla, Iu Ortgon, thru inin li.no lot
1,000 head. This Is only a small portion or
the losses cast ol the ('acudts.
OnrnoN .SkmikiTIiI ICt publican Jour.
nut is iililiil by O. JiicoIm. Mr. Jaeobi In
forms his reaihrs that he Is rt Union mail,'
thai Is, In favor of u union In twivn the lllaek
lllucks nnd Ihe llm llanliiu lllacks. ThU
new etlitor we uudersliiinl lo Ik' nu o'd polill
cut hack, who bus Ikvii but little, heard of
since he figured cniuplcuoitsly Is rslublbhtng
Know Nothing Wigwams. Oitgvn Ihmo
tial. Wo puhlMicd the nbote as a tUllcious
pttce of information to those who hate known
us since wo have bvtu a citizen of Oregon.
An old political luck!" Yes, little Haley,
you know ull about us j that's ctiditil t
" Who bus been but Utile heard of since he
figured conspicuously in ctublih!ng Know
Nothing Wigwams." Your sources or infor
mation must be us unreliable ns your baselers
liiiluuatlniis are contemptible and untruthful.
We never rstubllhhttl u Know Nothing Wig
wam In our life, mid ncur was Inside of one.
W'c more than susHCt, that ubout as muih
reliance cun be placed in the stuteiumts found
iu your Kper, its Iu the above brkf extract.
OttrO'if Any of the ubote Is a buld untruth,
nnd ubout out half of your piper Is luktn up
with admthxiucuU. Sweet llltlo Haley, try
Sr. IiriK. Pee. W, 1801. tlin Halleck
took the bull by the horns when he heard ihe
news or the burning of Ihe railroad bridgts on
the North Mirsuori railroad, und huuctl the
lollovting comprtliinSitc ordir !
I, Jiisu'jint riUIs rrutttreil through the
iiorlhein counties of this Slate, itliirii ITV' oc
cuplid by out trooH,umhr Ihcgulsool ieacc
ful ellliiiu liavt riMimtd their occupation of
burning bridgts und tl driving railroads and
teli graph wires. Theo mm arc guilty of the
highest erlino known lo the emlo of wur, and
Ihu puulshmuil isdtulh. Any ono caught iu
Iho uct will be iiuiucdiati ly shot ; and nny one
uecustdof ibis crima will be arrested and
placid In cliMi confinement until his caui can
be cvumluid by u m.litury eiunmlnlon, und, ll
found guilty, he also will sulKr ihath.
II, Whin iujuriu me thine lo railroads or
telegraph lints, the commanding officer of the
neurest piwt will Immediate impress into ser
ticu for repairing tlamuges, Iho s'uves of all
8ecess'onUis In llmt vicinity, and, If ucce.'sary,
the Sicrs!ouUls thcmstltes nnd their proi
crly. Any pretindetl Union man, having in
foitimtloii of lulei.ded ultimpts todistroy mill
roads and lines, or of llio guilty parlies, who
docs not communicate nu h intention to the
prop r authoritits. uud give aid mid uhsisiance
In urresting m d punishing them, will bo re
garded us ihu Inept tnminii, and Ircuted ac
cordingly. III, Hereafter tlio towns and counties In
which suih lUtruUlon of publio property
inkpa nt.uo utll tu. miiila In tinv ihn finiMiaea
of ull repairs, unless it be shown that Ihe peo-
pie of suih towns or couutiu could not have,
pretentiHl ii, on account of the superior forcel
ofthcioimy, i
WASIItNOTOy, lb. Gtll.
The President lias approved a bill authoriz
ing the Secretary of the Interior to strike from
the pension rolls the name of persons who
have In any way given encouragement to the
The Louisville Dtmotrnl publishes Southern
nccounts of the battle of Somcrsit. The low
est -estimate nny of the rebel soldiers put their
loss at was one thomnnd, some say fii'tein
hundred, a majority of whom were drowned
In crossing the river.
Nkw YonK, Fil. Gils.
A respite has been granted iu the cac ol
Oordon, tho slaver, nnd execution postponed
until February 2tst.
(leneral Thomas Francis Meagher assume
command of the Iilsh Hrlgadu nt Washington
) cstcrday. Urcat enthusiasm prevailed among
tho troops.
St. T.n'jts, Feb. fith.
Advices f'om Itolla represent llmt all. tho
troops Lad ten I hero excepting those Intended
to hold the post.
Ucncral llullcck has been petitioned by sev
eral professed Union men for a commutation
of sentence ngalnsl Northern Missouri bridge
burners. The petitioners Late not met with
nny success thus fur.
Cmiunn, Feb. "lb.
itot.t.A, (Mo.) Feb. Ctlt. A messenger who
lift la'luinon jesltrthiy forcunnn, reports Ihe
enemy's pickets within three miles of thai
placo nnd tho Federal plikrts in hailing dis
tance. Firing had tal.en place between them.
'i'he ripnrt was current ut Libinon that 1'ricc
bad made nn IikIIicIuuI attempt by three dilT
erent routes to move oil his baggage. He
finally assured his nun tlmt the only altcrna
llvu lilt wns lo fight or surrender. The mes
sengtr pnMrd (Itnirul Slgcl'H body guard near
the (!aC'in.uli', ulso (Jintral Abbott, who wos
crossing that titer thirteen miles this side of
Sr. Iiiis. Ftlt. filli.
It Is currently reported llmt Mineral llcln
txt'lmin or Ucuerul Mcllowell will take com
mand of the new expedition South now fitting
nut nt New York, nnd which will comprise a
lit itloti of the army.
Nt.vv YtitiK, Fib. 7th.
.Special dispatches stale that the libels hate
utacuatcd ltomuey, 'u.
For.T Movnor, Feb. Ctli.
The ITitltcil States steamer Suwancc of the
llurnslde cxed!lloit, lilt Capo llutlrrai tes
tcrday nnd arrival here this morning nt two
n.ctock. The llect wns lusldu lluttirus Inlet.
Most, If not nil the vrrelr, had gone over
Iho bir ntnl six thousand troops were
htidfd. The guilio.it lltliir was lost,
In addition In tlio'e ntrca ly repurlul loM. A
forward muumtul was t-lioi lly i.xK.cted.
There wns n rumor that Ihu rebels hud offered
llirotigb n I! ig of truce to gltc up Itnauoko Is
land, on condition llmt Kllzahrth Cily shoti'd
not lie utluckcd. Tho stcumir Ixnilitjua had
been got ofT.
Wasiikotom, Fib. 7th.
'Ilirro U the highest uuthorily for fluting
that there Is no Irulli In Ihe report Ihut Ihe
rcbtl Hag of Irucc brought a communication
to lieadqiuirlirs Ihretiliiiing Ihu lites of Col.
Corcoran nnd others, in the rirnt of the rxc
eution of the Missouri lirldgu burners. There
Is In the communication no nllutlou whatever
lo lliesnIJiHl, nnd the contents will not be
made offiilully public.
Drafting will enmincneo In the rebel States
on llie Hot of Marih.
llcuuregunl Uul Nailitllle.
Font Mii.xnor, Fib. 7lh.
Tho Norfolk 7ii lUk iidmlis Unit Ihe
Mcrrimac Is n fitlurv, and gite ns u full state
mi'iit uf Ihe difficulties iu regard to her.
WajniMiTox, Fib. 8th
Drier son's gunboat Is In great favor I ere
mid will be thoroughly U-itcd by tho Natal
'I he legal It nder clati'o of the Treasury note
bill is before tho Sen ito Finance Committee
to-day. It Is thought there Is n majority
ugaiiut it.
CittCAuo, Fib. Gtb.
The Tennessee rlterevpedltloti from Carlo
lauded 8,000 troops four miles from Fort
IKnry on thoivmiug of Fibruury It Is. Seven
thousand more ure expected soon. The gun
boats, In making Iho recconnotssanee, were
fired on from the fort. The rebels arc using
llt'e guns. The report Is that Iho nbiU hate
beui strongly reinforced, and that llcauregurd
is iu command.
Ciiicmo, Feb. 7th.
Fort Henry on the Tcnnessi-o rlter lurren
iKmiiI yrstirday nfltrnoon, nfler a dilennlned
resistance on the part ortlie riUIs. Tho fight,
which lattcil nn hour nnd twenty mimitis, wus
coiiducttd on our sldetntlnly by the gunboats,
the land forces not urritlng ou tins scene ofac
lion for two hours after the nU-l II ig was
Imulev down. The rtU.1 Infantry, to tltunum
bcr ol four or five thousand, encumied on the
outside of Ihu fortifications, lied early in the
fight, Icuving the urtilliry lo defmd the fort.
The Tort mounted siieutecn guns, mostly
thirty-two and twenty-four pounders, all ol
vvhkh, togtlhir wltli largo number of ipu:
kets, nml H largo amount of ammunition, tints,
camp equipage, etc, fell iuto Ihe linudi of our
During Ihe action 31 shots struck Ihe Cin
cinnati, 7 the St. lju!, 1 1 the LUscx. The
other boats that luok part wire within three
hundred yards ol ttiu fortifications ut tho tlroo
of the surrender. 'I he Itaex wus disabled by
round shot pawing through her forward part
into the boiler. Sho reports Iwcnly.slx killed
wounded and missing. Our prisoners arc
Ilrlgudiir Ucnirals IJojd and Tilghnian, Cap
talu Jones, Captain McLaughlin, (Juarlermas
lerj Cuplulu llntdtn, Chief Knglnreri Mnj.
MeCointcn, Assistant Adjutant (Jcucral j
Captain Tnlur, coinm inding tho garrison,
three Lieutenants, and sixty prltates. In the
evening our forces found Ihreo slx-pounders
nnd file rilled pieces in the woods, llmt In es
caping the nbtls attempted to carry off will
Ihtm. Tho rebel loss is not known. Only
six of their dead hate been found. General
Smith, ou Ihe wist bank or Iho rlter, captured
the whole camp of two regiments, aud, it wus
belieted.a number of prisoners. The gun
boat Ciaciunatl had only ooc man killed aud
tight wounded. Our totul loss cuiinot ex
ceed forty killed and wounded.
The land forces have taken possession of the
Memphis nnd Ohio Railroad, fifirtn miles
above Ihe fort.
Font IIkxbv, (Tcnn.), Feb. 8th
Troops sent In pursuit of the nbolalmte
lalun lourtccn guns and thirty-three prisoners.
Two Dayi Later.
Cairo, Feb. 1 1th.
Federal officers from Fort 1ft nry report
that (Un. Grant had surrounded Foil Dunel-
son with seven batteries or nrtillery, and that
the fort will ho tdielled' or surrendered to-day
or to-morrow. Then are 8,000 troops there.
8t. Louis, Feb. 11th.
Special dispatches this evening report Fort
Donclmn. being rupldly reinforced. Pillow
says confidently Ihey enn hold their position.
Tke trees are being fclltd for two miles around
the fort with gangs of negroes,
Uen. Pillow Is In command. There are two
smalt forts and three camps several hundred
yards from the main fortifications, l'rifiiil
appearances Indicate that the coming battle
will be much more desperate than at Fort
CixcmATt, Fib. Illh.
TUInforccments huvo been forwaiditl from
Daticstitlu and Somerset to suppoit Urn.
Thomas' movement on ICtiotvillc.
1.01'ISVIt.l.K, Fib. 11th.
The prisoners Just urrlvnl report the ribcls
etnctintlug Howling Omit, with Indications of
going towards Nashville.
Wasm(itox, Fib. lllli.
The members of the nUI cabinet profess to
huvo Indulgence from l!uwpo which rendirs
recognition rirtaln. Jiff. Davis, It Is mid will
furishaJuw It lu his Inaugural on (he 21M.
Nkw Yok. Fib. 12i Ii.
The victory nt Itoauoke is complite. 'I he
rebel fleet Is ull enptund except one gunboat.
2.500 rebel troops nru ttikt.it prisoners. Ucn.
Wise was silk whin tho battle begun, he re
quctul to be removed to Itlchmond. It was
stated In Itlchmond pnjnrs that 300 levels
were killed nnd 1,000 won tided Yankees
wounded, same number killed not stated.
Kllzubcth City was occupied on Sunday. The
iiiliiilltants having burned It nnd (let), the
Yutilcics nro pushing forward to Denton.
Ni:vv York, Fib. 11th.
1 jtlrr dispatches from It'chmond papers soy
lint the rt this lost 300 killed mid woundul,
and that the Yankees hud 1,000 killid.
O. .turnings Wise, son of Uov. Wise, la re
ported killed.
Cnicjinn, Fib. I2lh.
The gunboat expedition up the Tinncsstc
rhir, wlilch rtturnttl tn Fort Henry tester
day, reports tln Union fttllng tiry strong
ull ulong the river. At rviry landing oflirs
of services wire inude, lilhir for the gunboats
or tlic army.
N.wYiuiB,Fiu'. I2lli.
Itibil dlsp-itihes say tli.it Fori I'iikens, to
gt liter wllli the frlgnles Niagara nnd Colo
rud, nK'iiiHl fire on Ihe Oils on Fort Meltae
and llarrmks, mid the Nuty Yard. Allir
somo hours boinbiirditiiut the Yunhcc frigates
huuleil off, damaged.
CiliiMon, Fib. 12th.
Dlpalclies rcrclud Irom Ihe Tttinessiviivir
gunboat expedition bus thu following; The
(icople ulong the rlvir camo out with white
dags, nnd when ussnrcd no harm was Intended
l hem, they turo vociferous lu llulr choiring
ut etiry landing. Families came to Ihu boats
-limiting with Joy, us If Ihey vvnc sure thiir
diliiiranee was ut band,
Mo.t sliintidous robbing had lein pirc
Irattil on the people by the uhcl leuihrs, pro
perly sciil by Conleilinilu oflieers, nil uble
bodied men forced Into the sirtlir, mid the
reattst cruilty vWttil on thore who dared to
protest ugalust Ihu lyrauy.
Al I'lonnce whin- Ihu itatci of Alabama,
I'liincifce uud Mbsissippl lueil, lime wus but
one mntlmenl of bilUr hoitilily to Ihu Confed
erate officers.
'Ihu gunboats which went up short handed,
cumo back with full crews and hud lo refuse
many who applied for Ihe privilege of eul Idl
ing. The distance tratclctl by the boats wns
2.10 miles.
One ribel gunboat wns rnplnnd, nml six
struiiKrs wire found burned to prevent their
fulling Into the bunds of Ihe Federals.
At Savannah, Tinn., and Lutlport Mbs.,
large quantities of provisions wire taken Irani
rebels depots, und divided among the suturing
St. Lorn, Fib. 12th.
Ii. A. llltihcotk bus ban uppoiultd MJ.
Gin. cf Yolunliers.
It is reportitl on good uuthorily that he wll
usiuino coinm-md of llcadquurlcrs iu this city.
(Jin. Ilulltik lakis the field lu Ttnncuee.
St. Loim, Fib. 1, 1802. Oen. ltmnregard,
with 15,000 rebels troops from Muuftssttf,
has gone to Kentucky, to tuku roinntatid of
thu rclwl forces In that Kction, He will or
unio i-omiiuiiJ of the division at Ilowliog
Jeff. Davis, in person, Is to take command
of llio rebel forces nt Manassas.
The iuhabllunls of Itlchmoud and Norfolk
aro in it state of Interne rxc lemcut regarding
ilw movemeuts of IlurmldeV expedition. It
is possible for Durnslile to land his troops
within thirty or forly miles south of Norfolk,
from thence u land attack lu the rear, on that
plnce, will be comparatively an easy matter.
A large Federal military forco from Cairo
Is moving up the Tmueuco river,
In Missouri the Federal I r oops, In large bod
ies and well equipped, nro moving southward.
fillers front abroad hate been received ut
Wushtngton which contain intimations that
the (Jot eminent of France, Kuglund and Spain
meditate tho recognition of tlio Confederate
Slates as un lndccndint power.
! ! -
Tint Ootcrnnr of Florid i has refused to lei
nny more of his subjects enlist in tho ' Con.
ftderato " scrvlvt. hu lurlher says tl at ull per
son going nut of thu Stale to enlist shall be
nrresietl. 'Ihe Uovenor I evidently gelling
" skeered " for tho safely of bis own" sover
eignly." m
Tub muster roll of the Tur Hlver Rangers,
taken ul llatlerras Inlet, contains the nsmes
of Sixty-lour men, only five of whom were able
in write their own names t lbs rest all nndo
Iheir marks. These are the cataliers who
sneer nt tho Northern " nwuills.' -H. x
The Gold Regions of the North,
The gold region exlemts, wllhoot cctratlon,
from tho Northern frontier to within a fe'w
miles of the Ulub line, or all that spaco in
cluded between the 42d and 40th dir. of lati
tude, and rrom cast to west, nil that section or
land lying bclwccc the 112th nnd 118 ilea:., of
longltuJe. lltro then Is an Empire In Itself,
txToro wliicli, Cnltrorntas sun win paio, unu
Columbia's star must go down In obscurity,
bordering upon the Drltlsli Columbia,
nnd southward from tho famous Cariboo
mints, nro tho Kootonay.Oklnagonand Black
root nations. That tho Coolnnny will one day
tie with Wnshno for the palm, In sliver, we
billeve. In 1B.1D, fvclmcni of silver ore,
round in that country, were exhibited ut Ihe
Dalles. The ore was equal to nny tukm from
Washoe. Nothing wns done, however, lo ex
plore the country, although nubile utlenllon
was cnllid to Ihu fact, through the columns ol
the Dulles Journal.
Okltilgun Is rich In nlluvlal deposits, but of
the lllnckfoot rrclon, nothing Is known. To
tl e South and West of these nations, uro Ihe
Colvillc, Spokan, Coner d'Ahnc nnd lower
Fend d Orilllo tribes, whose country hu been
partially prospected nnd fotiudtobvimimmely
rich. The Colvillc connlry, too, bus, for sev
eral years, been n favorite enmplng ground for
the miner, nnd wc bnrard tho sajlng, that
men have luken out for tutus in that locality !
even now, miners in that tlcinlly nrc making
from ten In twenty dollars it day to Ihe hand.
Ihe tower Fend d'OrclUc nnd Spokan Indians
have always opposed any Invasion of llulr
country by'the whiles, 'lit, nt nnd near the
mouth ol Spuknn river, Judge Yuncey, of Del
llnghnm liar, nnd some twenty mlncis have
been at work fur Iho Inst sit months, nnd we
arc lulnrmcd, making Irom tin to fifty dollars
ptr tiny lu the hiind. As we disttid, wc enter
the upicr Find d'Orcillcs, Flathead, or Ililttr
Knot nnd Nrz Ferct countries. On the up
per IVnd d'Orcillcs men hare done ns will ns
ut Iho Nix l'ci ccs. Miners made ns high us
5120 u day with n rocker, nnd Mr. Siephan
Sinter, nn old miner, (now nt Salmon.) took
out ns high as 6200 u day with a rcckcr, and
worked thuc until ordered away by the In
dians. Of the It. Iter It'iot rtglnn, wc only
know, that at Fort Ovvets und tut the branches
of Clarke's fork, of Ihe Columbia rlvir, go'd
has been discovered ns fur back ns 'A3. Lliut.
Donelsnn's command discovered go'd nn the
St. Mary's rlter, a tributary ol Hill's Onte
rlter, hi that yrar, nud ninny years ngu Major
Owtns found gold on the little Prlcl.ty Fear
cntk,cloIu the Illuckroot rlter. This sec
Hon mav lie said not In have bctn ptosiHctcd.
tlthougb lltllo doubt exists In the minds of
those, to whom the country Is known, cf Its
great rlchnrrs.
Of Ihe Nix Perres, we will rny nothing
curjbody is lumllliar with tin in, from J ilk
City lo Oro Finn, n distance nf nearly 1U0
nilles. As wo proceed roulhwurd, nu pn
into the Snnkc nation, through nhlcli Snake
rlvir nnd nil Is Iributarht fliw. Fifty ml Its
-Sou Ih of Clearwater, atid running piralltl, Is
Salmon river. From Its Junction with Mor
mon river tn lis mouth, n distance of 7.1 miles,
it Hows northwest, till It rinjiilts Into Snake
rivir, nbnut -II) tulles South or (.vvlnlnn. The
prcn'iil Salmon rlvir diggings oro on a low
chain ol thu Hitter Hoot mountains, some 20
milts North of Salmon rlvtr. To the South
of Salmon river and cast of Snake river Is Tor
Id Men ground. All tli" branches nud tribu
taries o? bulb Sunlit- innl Sa'M'Ui in that dine
lion, rintuiu uulroddin by the Tool of llio nil
vtntiirous nilntr. Svirnly tulles tu Ihu South
of Salmon river uru thu Salmon mountains,
whi re rise theihtif bmiiilin or forks or Sal
uitui ritir, nub as Mormon. Puihiiinuruh ami
numerous ollnr Hrnims, lliwtug North nnd
Wist Into Salmon mid Snake rlter. lu llmt
diiecllon we utitlenpulu linirlnnl illsoittr
tes, next Suuimir. On tho Wist or Snnkc
ritir und ai the listiru llmk of the Hue
Mountain', mv Ihe Nt wlv discount! mines ol
tho 1'owihr.lliiriiluud.Nlull.iiirrivirs. Forty
mi'es Nnrlliwet of the mouth or Salmon, and
:itl m'hs Southeast or (Irani llomb vulliy Is
I'owdtr rlvtr. having lis source In tho nine
.Mountains, ills u nuill slicum, und tuns
Noriln ust Into Su ikt rlvt r.
Duriit, Mulhtiir. Otvylue nnd nthir. slrrnms
having their rise in the II lie MoiiiiIuIih. ll iw
in Ihu same d ncllnti. I'us wards uud North
tatds, Into Knaku rinr. Faiiit-. DuU',
It'Hhtr mid iiinumeruble trlbuturits, liming
llulr soiirte in tin' Salmon niountn'ix. How In
un opposite din etion, Snulliwan's nml Wist
wauls, Into Snuku ritir, nil of uhlih nru sup
pwtl In I hi rleh lu luii-lnus rut litis. Still
luit'iir South nre tin- llamioek, Slmrhonc and
Utah IiIIk-s or nations. Nothing is d. Iliiilt ly
known as lo Ihu uurifiious complexion of that
rig Ion.
At Ihe base cf the Hitler Root .Mountains,
uml Fast of Salmon mountain', i Mends a
range of tu ignillo nt graz'ng nud forming
lands, Tn settlers this nghui iff-rs Induce
ments iqual tomiy ou Ihe coast. These Kl
ileiuetitH will not be itioru than 100 inllis from
Fori Ileiiton, nud but n few miles from lh
head vvuttrs of the Yellow Stoue und Missouri
rlvtr. From Salmon diggings tiny will bt
but soinu 80 miles, nu the proposed route lo
Fort l.irumle. We prulict that ouo jeur
hence, nil that seiliou of country, nmv n our
ren waste, will resound with Ihe lulmrs of the
liustiautliuuu, nnd riv long Ihe sercuni of the
iron hurM) will follow. Tin) Iravtltr.ea.itvvuril
iioimd, will no longer hate tu brave tho perils
of thu ocean, but every night put up at the
way side inn. Tlmt emigration will come
westward, by Fl. Uentnti, the coming spring,
there can lie no (luislioii. The ta.i'jlc inllu-
ence ol the new mints, uon Iho tlestlny of
Uregon uml vvuslilngluu territory, can Imriity
be ntinreclatetl, 'Unit thev aro destined lo
t lev.ile Ihesc countries lo the proud position
o llrt eluss btittes, no coutldeuliy believe
Portland AJttilittr.
Wk clip the following from un exchange,
mid glvo It to oar readers, not only as o fine
mid classic specimen or secession literature and
enlightened journalism, but to show the close
observations und Iho comprehensive taste of
lis author. We supposo niter this when a
Jnekuss brajs wc shall hate a telegraphic dis
patch announcing the fact. I'he subject is an
interesting one, nud the subsequent association
of tlmt Jackass and donkey, a matter of vital
Importance i
Ui' With tur Tmrs. For some months
pait, two doneji one u dirty while nud Ihe
other a dingy brown huvo separately vtuti
dered nbout town, appanutly dtslruus yet
somewhat d ftldiut ofuoeiatlon. A wctk or
two ago however Ihey fell in with inch other,
mid hate since bctn insepurublc companions.
The latter would bo hardly vtorth mentioning
were, it not that so many oilier dirty white nnd
dingy brown Jackasses ull oter thu Stale had
IlkewUe recently Joined company. And with
them at with our town donkeys, no obwrvc
that while they prcttyevmly dtvido their pick
ings and stealings, It is thu dirty white Jackass
llmt does nearly ull the braying,
Permit us In the most polilo manner possible,
to request (and we know every gentleman will
obey tho request) tlmt when the observing
uuthor of thu above, levels bis glass to Isko a
philosophic view of thu froliisome gyrations of
said amiable donkey and said musical Jackass,
to stand out of tho suu-ltgbt of our pbiloso
tdiir, Who knows but what the wouders of
tho learned pig may bo reproduced in these
J V litigation, gCUllllUD,
siuuuur.i iiwuruivi3. uiiw mv wi-v v im
At the residence of tho brhk' fnlher, nn An
ptegale Crock, Jackson county, Fib. 20th, by
U. 8. Harden, Esqnlre, Mr, Jamu IIcDamkiji
to MIsSKiaxitiKtii Coontn.
At Itonburir. Douslaa county. Feb. 11. 1882.
or r r - - v ,
the Infant son of R. II. and II. A. Psinoott.v
In Hancock, Illllsboro county, New Hamp
shire, on the Otis day of December, 1801, passed
" Into tho land of the great departed
Into the silent land I"
Tho spirit of ftiinntM Wkrtox, a Captain In the
N. II. 2d Itcglmcnt or Volunteers.
lie was ono or Ihe first lo respond lo the call
nnd take up arns In Ihe dt fence of bis country
during the present war. Ills regiment reached
the field In season to participate In tho battle or
Unit Hun, rrom which he returned unharmed In
body, but tho fatigue, excitement, nnd, above
all, the mortification of having been obliged to
retreat, although bis regiment did not leave Iho
(kid until ordtred to do so, though Ihey were lm
an exposed position nnd suffered severely, wa.
loo much for his proud spirit. In n letter writ
ten some lime after that disastrous day, ho says i
' When the retreat becsn to be a rout. I nisheit
with tears In tny eyes among Iho flying col linn
bent chlng Ihe men to form, and looking In
valu fur some blah officer to command thorn to
do so" but, alas I It wns not so tbe.
Ho returned to tinner it brief nerlotl In tho
bnnm or bis family, nnd now lien beneath ihu
turf In tlic orchnltl nt the old homestead.
I'eacotohlsn'besl J.C.W.
Wil.no, Fib. Cth,l?02.
nkw adveuti.skiii:nts.
California Stage Company
Are now running regularly between
Jaclr.sc nvillo end Itartlaad.
- .
Ufrox'y jVCox'si, 4 o'olooU.
C. C. DKF.KMAN.Agrnt.
.Tarknntlllc, Feb. 22. Cq
VMOS F.. ItOrJKUS has lakeu Mrs. J. W.
Mrt'iilly's ikw dwilllng, nn Californln
slrt'tl. Tor the hInivu purpoie. Ills Inble will
be ruruMitil wllli tiik nru the niarktt atlbtds,
tin gotten up iu ' spoil! plo urtk-r." If any
mm is dbpos tl tu doubt Iho correctness tr thu
ithnvu statcuti tits, pit use do bltil tin- honor of
callliu, nnd llm tvlmlu lliluir can at once bo,
bated, It will tiulr co-t t" ttslry ll a tvoik,
ot liny cents torn luulocall.
.laii-Min lb. 'i Ii. 22.
Tilt. Ill; wus It rt on my rnneb In J.,
iii-lura one (iltAY MAUC, of JiMKl
-ui.tll sir", Iho proKtly or ouo II) b-, i "
nn tin) 2lb d iv t f DrceinlH r. A. I. IM.ll. Now.
n sild llyle does not npin-.tr ami piychargr
ui tint sami'. I will sill tn'tl mare, and n cott
foaletl sliicu Mild mate has Utn on tliu ranili,
On llit'Stlh ini of Miliary, 1FC2.
AT I'lHK.VIX. JackHiu ciamty, Orison, nt oro
u'cliKk lu Ihu atlt moon, tu pay chargisuu Ihu
minu for initurliig.
Admlniutrntor's Notice
ALL pt-rHius hiitliigililius agiilu.l Ihuirlalo
or jix-k ii(iiii:iiic. ii.cta.tit, into or
Dougbtscouiily, Ongoti, are hirtby iinlllltd to
present tho lanuvnccoiiip nihil wllli Ihniiicis
ary touelitrs. In Iho iiuiKrrlgntd, administra
tor, nt hi oMco ul KoHburg, Douglas county,
Or'i:u, trllhlti one yiar from lliutlato lien of.
or Ihey will be lurrnf t and ull ik-imiiis linkl.ttil
lo sal I irtale will tnakn Imuitdlute pauii-iit of
such ludibtedims, un4 lh t by sate cutis.
L.J. MO.SIIIill,
Ad n'r of ll.ee'fittoorJswt Ioberts,UcoM.
Februnry lit, ltki. C4
Wanted in Exchange)
JbJt 3rP3tLOXH3C,
- un -
Harness, Bridles and Saddles,
Of nil kinds, ami nil kind of Saddle rigging.
JUT Hoots mill Slices made nud re
palrul to order III a ueat and ttorkuiuuUko
muuutr. Inoulreor
PliienW. Fib. II. &
t Znblic sfalo.
NOTICI'.ls hereby given that there will bo
oiriml at public sule to thu highest blttdir,
ibu rullowlng personal pruerly to wll i
(Ivo bead or young liorsisaml coils j two cows j
Iwo bead or young cslllc a lot or Hock hogs j
a fiuaiitlly of lunnliig ulilo-lls ) a Tow carpeu
lertoolst bousihold lurnilure, cuiisUliug of a
cooking stove, bids aud bedding i ouo wagon
two eels ol huruces ; olc saddle, nud other urtl
elisaoo numerous to mention,
On Tuesday, the 4th Day of March, 1809,
at ten o'clock lu Iho rortuoon, on the rr of
John Fortune, lale or Puuglu County ush
ceased, said rarra Is sllntei ftboat half-waT
bclw ecn Myrtle Cteeli nua Canyoutllls, ls
Douglas County, 'fcrws uutdu kuow ou tuts
ditv of Sitla.
Hosebuig. Fob. lib, 18C2. 4o
AdsHinUtrater'a WoUca,
NotlcoUlcreby glvenllwt Ihe undersigned
has bet ii uppoiuti it AduilnUtra lor of Ihe es
tate of John Fuim.K.diccnd,lalu or Poug
las Comity Oregon. All persons bay lug claims
agaliist said estate r retpilred to present them,
with Ihe necessary vouchers, tvilbln ouo )er,
lor setitemcttt i aud those ludebted are rceted
to make liuiuciliato iiayiuenl.
Ttniu-biirir. Duutr'as Co.. Feb. 4, 1662. 00
Vnsllan Mesterva OlaiasM.
Pei sons holding any ol the above claims, can
dispose or them by making Immediate apt
plicuilou to tho unilerslgued. at his oWc lu the
Bt-NTiNKi. BeiuiiNO. SAVtUEL E. MAV.
JaeLomllle, Feb. ?, I6J,
' r-