Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 22, 1862, Image 1

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    PPMHilA ikS
t V' " rt
n - -.-.
LijovkMii -siLt- -n mt AMttWi'. .--j M mmmi uScitri K.iUtiJJ-zil av"-Tnr. AVrirt- 1Jni
A .
IIKIXIIV UKJfMNUKn, Pnti'r mill Prnp'r.
Offitt over Chigngt If Di urn's Siuhlti.
Hi iwcnilTiiiN Onn ycnr. til advance, Knur
Dollars! otherwise. I'll o Dollars. Slxrumillis,
Two Dollar mxl Kiriy COllla, Nil paper dls
cnutlnued imlll arrearages, arc paid, unless at
the option or tliu roirlclor.
AHU.UTIKIMI Otio ttitinrc (12 lines or less),
Ural Insertion, Three Dollars ; ciich subciucnl
liisirllnn, One Dollar. A dbcoiinl or fifty ier
vinl will be made to llsoao who sidmtlsc lijr the
"liy application to Poslmlcrs niul Mall Car
rift , you can Utn Hint llic. OiiKimx 8:tih.
lin by fur n larger clrciilallim In Hit) counties
r Jueksnst, Josrpldiic and Douglas, Oregon,
nnl Del Norte, California, than nny other pa
per. Till Tact should commend the Sotixki.
In you m a auicrlur medium for odrcrlMng.
lilt of AgenU for the Oregon Sentinel,
who ro authorized to transact any budncs
concerning thla paper, lu the uauit or Hie pub
lishers i
I.. P. KMicr Han rranclwii,
Wu.l.vuirlli A. lUyucs.
J. M. MiC.ll
. ...A.lilatnl
J. 0. Davenport.
W. W. Fowler.
II. 8. Iluiihiii . .
. . .Applcgatc
...Kirlir villi-
JiihnP. I'rludle......
1 1
A. II. Mcllwnlii
V. V. Hln-hatl .
II. J. Fin be
H'n. M. 2uii
T.SnUliw Harris
llurHBRtiiry ,
1 miic ft. MoiireH
I-'. M. Illbwnrtb ,
F. Chnrmnil
. ...Allhou'c
Oregon City.
Ilrnjnmln Cimik
J. li.Smlll
....CreMeiit City
. W. iiltKKIt,
Physician and Surgoon,
officii, city itituu htoiii:,
larli.fiiirlllr, Orwoti,
rus. u. rmonK, m. i t. . iihiviwv, m. i.
TAolKiaoiivlXlo, Oroion.
NiircinU-rJfd. W.I.
luikaiuitlllr, Kifjiin.
"TII;I. attend In business In tin (.'nrtii nl
tliu Kir-t .lii.lklul IHli!rt.aii.llntlie
Hmjih iiii Cmirl. Del. '.'Hill
JtMM . rri.i: unw mji.uuiv.
1-vi.i: fc .M.uxoitv,
HuMliurii. DiiiikIk. I'uihiI)', Ouu.,
"1II.I. allrml In nny lui'tncM cotifIi1.il In
lliini, In lie ru ml I'mirU of lite l'iml
Judicial lli'tllvt of Uivynn, uinl In Hie 8ti
iirrnu' ('i.iirl. OilcUr '.'liill
Will ttrjrllri In all Hi Court' of tlir Tlilrd
Jiiill.'l.il llMrltt, lli Siiiri'tuu Cum I ofOic-
Ifnii.niiil in iri'Ka, iiii.
Ili-luMiti uui'iit nl Wu.lilnclnn. and rnil
tu lll Hulclly and Hm All-uillc llil. SniniiuT
mid I'ull.Judaiiy Ihi.Iih'm will riti-hr h
Mltl-ltt I..I1.
c. i. spitACJUi:,
Kkiiuvviu.k, Jihliiiim: Cih'.ntv, Oiin.,
Will ini!ictu.illy allciid In InuIiiOM-iitrmlrd In
.l eltv. April IX li-itl.KJtr
"7"'l' attend to, lni.lnix In llm K'virul
CiMirl In llm I'lul Jinllcl.il Dl.likl f
OrfKn. and la lliu Siintiiio Court. Olllcu on
ralifufiiln SU niosite "Srnliiirl" (Ifflrr,
JaIKi'O.WII.I.K, Olll.UO.
May ttlh. 'O. 1!rfm
HA.urr.i. 1:. itiAV,
JnrkMiitlllr, Orm
"PE t'etTh 311 T T ,
Jurbaoiit lllr, llrHi'.
I liriiiand lu luko Plclun' in ever Mylenr
lie Art, Hli ail Hm UtwHinmovcmeuU. If
do Dot Blvotatiractlon.nocliarKeiiulll liomadc
Call nl I-link'. Clk'ar Mure, oral luuuuni'iy on
tin- mil, nnd mh M riciiirc. 1111
fltay of " Ntxe Slnlt Moon," 011 Third SI.
OIlAVJ'n, llnlr-cutttiiGT, Suauipoolns Cur
Q llugand .air Dyvlni;.
Alfi, a' Reuuluo arllclo ot FUU'a Hun IIkh
riuiiTnH.iii.il trialjri.oru'i firetlwr lluir Jhjt for
.&: AtvWV'll".Jau.W...ii'l
JcliMiiilltr, PrfBon.
A., biiMucw nertalntiiK Iq (.and or Iaud
l.w promptly attcudi'd tp.
' '.icUoaillle.May Ulli, IfcCl. IJIf
Ticking Hopi.
lly licr brlijlilly KleainliiR lake,
Whi'tx' the -iiuiid or horn nnd hunter
Hylvnn eclioolmc lo wake,
Whire the leae of twining vculuro
Clatnljcr lo Hit? mpllntf". lopt,
I tat U'lde tweet Mtunlu Wilder,
In (ho (rent Held picking liopi.
Then lliociii'lvra rkcii and golden
Illudlng In her ninny hair,
llulmrrnld yet my carncM,
1 InnklnK In her fuel' i fair
Speaking low, whtleSnulro Von Lager
Talked or i:it mid coming crop,
Said I, ".Mtuiilc, iliotitd a roMUr
Sdiy at home here picking Imp !
" While the country, lorn n-nnder,
Cull- for men like me to light,
And the oiee ofpttrlota pleading
Atkn for linmla to guard the right
While from heart or heroes "I itighleiul
Hllll Hie lire.l.loo.1 iloly dropt,
Can I fhntl I hluy livide you,
Minnie, darling, picking honi"
Very pile Hip cheek w.i growing,
And the h.ind I held una cold
llul the rie wai hrlght and glowing.
Whlhi my I mulled thought na lold
Vol her olec aa clear and .lend
Without ilgh', or learji, or tnp,
JN'heu ilie nawrriil iM'nktng ipilckly,
" 'CIs women'. oik, Ihla pit king lmp.
" Men hoiihl ho where duly cnlli lliiin,
Women lnyul linmcnnd pray
1'or llm gill.ilit nlHelit Mihller.
Proud lo know he would not lay.''
" llrntidy ipoken, ihrllug Mluuli'l''
Then I klmeil her goldin locka,
ilrcalhid anew n rohtlir'n pronit'C,
Aa we Ml there picking hop.
Now I go awny linnnrrow,
And I'll duo to do or die,
Win a lender'. 1 1 u nnd word, love,
Or 'mid fullin hemea lie.
Then when nil oft-mlli la fading.
And Hie Itiitletlug IKe-puliu ilop,
Kllll 'mid llniiiglil of home mid heal en,
I'll rrmi'mlif'r picking hopa.
Winter TravcllngA Trip from Snlmon
River, n Narrated by x. 3. Jeniioi.
Thr follow lug ikrlch la fiomthepca of tin'
late I. li. Jnjgcr.)
Ixfi Floru.ce l.'lly, Hee. 'Jilili, 18C1 j ur
rlvnlut K'ulc Cievk, lee. IMit-ili-liinru '.'.'.
mile. I-1I1I liy iLm'tliya. Wcrelhirojolmil
ly )r. Cay. I -ft Slute Cruk, ll.c. '.Mth;
.mm' Iwu liielua ilai j iruliul L'auiu.u. Prai
rie nnd urrivul nl ll.e lent, nl llio foika id the
trail, ut mtilnlglit ilUlmice do mllex ; alartnl
on the nionilii'.' of the 'JClli, uiii! got tu Cra(nV
aw mill Hie following iitghlliatunec '.'(linilo.:
llaiieclii I'w!Ioii. iliilunco 'ill mllcii; miiiw
ilx Incl.ca ilup; ttopKil ut l.'nltini two
djya; wore ll,ue JMnul liy Clua. Wllnou mid
It'cli.inl lloltoii.frniii ft'.i'inoii j while time, u
rohliciy, mid pofiiMy n umriKr ncourrol, 11
follow 1 'I'lmv (leini.inii (n.iiaei fotgolliii)
had crectnl 11 rhukc Imiic wlili c.invn iloor
and window a One of the Herman, iinliimw
In the oilier, hud In tit po.Jtutoii ubout S.'Ull
In coin. U11 the night li.iim.il, two men eiuin
in 111.i1I.ul, wlili n candle lit, nvolvira coeUil.
nnd demanded tl.elr money. O110 of I lie mm
JuiiijHil out nl the I111I, when one of the rob
ber coiiiinuuTtl nhiMitli'g, uud ahot the Mcr
muii llirec lime once In the head, mice lu the
alom.ieh mid (uioo In the hip. In the Iikmu
time one of the nllur tleriiuni, feting tlut no
ipiurlem litre In be given, clinched cue of the
robber, nnd threw hint down, w lirrcnxm the
olhcr rublnr fliot ut him, but iu the Kiillle
flint hit uecoiiiplh-o through uiUtuke. The
third li'iriiMii, a lilllo l.illor, Iroin Walla
Walla, (llio 0110 wlili llio money.) crawled out
nnd run uwuy, leaving Ida money In llio bed,
which the robber took and left. 'J'lio ne.t
morning llio robber, were trucked by bloo in
the luhk of Cliniwnler uud fronj theticu nil
Irmv of ll.e in were hut. The clllzeini ol
lcnUtin I'ffVreil 11 reward of S-'UO for llio ap.
prelieiiiKu of the rubberi).
')' continue amr Journey, we left tawlf Ion
0:1 the mnriilng of the 'l'M, in company with
I. )?. .lugger, who brought llicc.prei to Walla
Wallu, Found the ftiry boat 011 .Suako river
gone caimtl by mine drunken Indiana trying
lo go uerofj In the night. They not Knowing
how tu uuiugu ll.e boul, It broke uwuy, and
drifted down Ilia river, leaving un to swim our
lmrc, which wna done without nil nccldcut.
We did not urrrive nt Turner' llll 10 i m,
iliitunce 'i' mill. Huow on the divide one
foot 'in depth. Left on I lie following morning
In a big ("now tloi in, uud arrived at Slubu' 011
thcTouchcl.nl 8 r.., .tilltndnliijr. Started
the following nornlng tnnw one foot deep.
Arrived at Wulla Wulla, Dec. Hist at ft v. it.
BiHiit New Year' inilclgli riding, and loaf.
lug ubout the livdy town. In tliu evening all
haiuli went to ll.u theater In tea Mhu Sue
ltobiuton uud llio ltobln.on family In general,
peiform llio play of " Pcrfecliou."
After wall lug for (he slugc, which wna lie
hind time, owing t) Miller' portion of the lino
being not up to lime, wo managed to get away
on llluckniore'i Plage, on Saturday morning,
Jun, 4lli 18U2. We wiul on our wuy rejoicing.
for we ull wanted to gvt'tlown to the laud of
big red apple some pretended to wiy to wet
our web. 0 were hero joined by J01111
Jamc, Tuicy & Co.' nftw nieiuenger, W.
A. Moody, Mr. Nilcg and K. Wellington.
Arrived utthc Unullllu lloue,ut C o'clock
distanea 40 mile ; fcnow fifteen Inche deep.
teft o) lljo following morning and arrived ut
Well Springs, at ft o'clock. Kxi-cctcd to find
at this station Miller 'a stage, which ahould,'
uccprdtng lo tclndulc, bare beep tbvro nearly
n wcili prcvlouj, uud found that the pmnii
gera who had been brought down on the pre
vious trip of the ttagc had to walk to the next
Mutton, nnd were Ihcro wulllng Mill fur Miller.
Two of the pusicngcrs In the lraiilt froze their
feel, nnd nutliouM not be aurpriteil ir they
mnde Miller amart for II.
Tor the bene lit of the traveling public, wo
will give n ilc.'crlpllim ol Well Spring ilnllnu,
where puiscng'era nro expected lo atop for n
night. It is n building ay 20 by .1(1 feed,
wltout a floor, pave Hie mother earth. Iu the
building wc found two Move", without pipe
connected to llicin. Ilerewc only wero uble
to get n eup nf rolUr. one ol the pirlyhid
ubout 11 pound of cracker', whlth lie diviihd
among nine men, who luul nothing local since
d.iy light In the morning. There was but an
arm fill or wood to be had about the rcinlc,
which wc bought, paying two dollar for it.
Alter It was burned up. agreeable lo Muck
nmro'k ouk-r, " if Miller I nut nl Welti
Hpring', go ,pn till yuu meet Llm," wc left
Weill Spring nt 'i o'clock, . It win ao
daik wc were ttuaUe tu t.'erp tlic road wltlmut
'nine one going ahead with 11 lantern to pilot
the wny. ll wai 13 miles to Willow Creek
Mnttoli, ao wc took turn until the Utile Imwx
of Mllhr'a were unablo to haul in. All fooled
ll, helping the Mage up the hilly, which by the
way, urc not a few. Wc urriud ut Willow
Creik nt daylight, nnd wc found i.wk tigers of
previous trip down, (lutntlptop breakfast.
Ult nt eight o'clock, v. u , nud arriveil ut
.lnhii Day' river at 1! irk din lance, '.'A miles,
hungry uud tired. Here we found 11 house;
wint lu, Impitreil fur fial for nur'clrca nnd
fodder for the horse. We were told that wc
could have nothing, us they had no prnvlilou
And nn Irishman, whom wc supposed was the
hitidloril, by the ntr he put on, said wo hud
better camp down the river, lu a lot of willow
as he could not entertain 111. Wc loM htm
wc wire cold, had m axe, and wcru going to
itnp right wheic arc wire! unJ moic, if there
was anything to cat lu the house we wanted It.
would pay will for everything, Ac. Wlnre-
upon lis brought out Hucc biscuit for nine
hungry men. Wc said wc would tnkc nu In
ventory ol the kitchen, where wc found corn
mini, bacon, Inuua, llipior, Ac., which we
helped durcclvcs lo, and soma went tu work
culling wood, others eooklng.und in thecounc
of un hour had supper for ull. Next morning
wecMCtcd to starlnt daylight, but to our dis
appointment, Mr..Scnlt, the owner of the ferry,
gnrc word In hi man not lu cross the bn.it,
on siccouiit of drift ice, which lu reality, ue'd
not have MnpK.il the f.-rry bout, na on the ar
rival of Miller' Mugo, two day ufler, ll.e bu.it
waa ern-wd, tho lee even worse than when we
arrived. A a tin re was mi food lor tliu hnrsi.
wo rcliicliiutlf hi the stage n tm n. Weeou'd
not hilp tlmiikhy the driver .lohu .Sliphen',
for hi willliigiiess to put m ll. rough lo the
Dalh, ullhoilgh ho had driviu night tlnl day.
Alterwnltliigtwuilay, we wiieM'ttlnu-uround
a poor fire, when onu niila-d In nnd said Mil
ler' stage was coming down the hill, on the
nllur aide of the rivir.
Wc ull gave three cheers. Saw it drive on
tliu limit, and soon wai nu this side, when to
our ili'iipiKiiutmeut wo were told I lint they
wcru bound for Wullu Wulla, with puinngei
bound iliiough. Jniiies, True A Co.' nu--enei
r, sent eight miliHiiplhu rivir lor four
liorM. we having got u wngoti nlreudy bor
rowed, to.tiiku tho exprcsii luauru and paa.
ringer, which forlnuulely euiiic, uud tho day
following we eipecleil to get away early, but a
snow storm came up In tho ciciilng previous
nltir which n big wind drifted the road so full
of snow that we were unublo to go a hundred
yurib. Ho b.iikugulii wciUrtcd fur the home
which h id kept us fur four il.iy already.
To return lit t lo In our .lory, the next d i
aflir our arrival wo found the ulry IrUlunan
win not llio rial landlord, but an old man,
who love w hliki-y-uud hate snakes, was the
man, and u iro- old fellow ho waa, but wu
wcru In many, nud hu naturally weakened
when ho saw us cull n meeting nud lake things
Into our hands. We found provision not in
boiiutllul in tho house 11 so many men would
require, provided we should have to remain
here nny length of time, so 'to took u look iu
tho bam, and found lot of provisions ofiliUVr-
cut kinds, tho properly of V. Jacob;, of Wulla
Wulla, whlili wu wero right glad to llud, uud
when tho landlord raid wo must not tako uue
of them, with one uccord ull f.iid " they knew
.Incobs,' and on that ground look whut thry
wanted, keeping a strict uccount of tho same,
wherein wu might pay for what no used.
Owing to the probability of our remaining
weeks, perhaps, at this place, uud as there win
a dispoiitiou on the part of sonio to grumble
when work waa to bo done, ull wero called lo
order. On motion, I. K. dagger was elected
President, and John Jumci, .Secretary. On
motion, tho following occupation were writ
ten on strip of paper and placed in a hut, and
each drawing his position a follow : W. A,
Moody, Kngeua Oily, commissary j Dr. Jas.
(Jay, Mugeno City, woodman No. 1 j T.J.
Jell'rles, llcthel, Polk county, woodman No '.'
It. llolton, Bailor Diggings, California, cook
No. 1 ; V. M. Allpiu, Umatilla, Oregon, cook
No. '2 John James, Wullu Walla, duhwuslier
No. 1 ; C. Wilson, dUhwukhcr No. L' j II.
Wellington, California, natcr-tcudcr j I. K.
Jaggiv, steward, stoker and slush lamp man.
All agreed to fill their station, and so it was
proved by demonstration. Finding no way lo
get to tho Den Chutes, on Sunday morning,
12lli instant, Messrs. Moody, Uay, Allpiu uud
liavts atarteu on loot turougii tlio snow,
wherein a teum might be sent lo us to lake
the exjr treasure, and our luggage,
Tho War and tho NcjrrocS'vPmldcnt
Lincoln's Position.
A Washington correspondent of the New
York llcrnld tti)i the following statement of
the President' opinion may bo ncceplcd ns
(rue beyond the possibility of contradiction :
'I lie Piwidetil Is resolutely determined to
velo nny scheme whalcver, Involving the em
ancipation of negroes, In such n manner thai
they nro turned loose upon t lie Southern States
on un equality with the while occupiers of the
soil, lie, on Saturday evening httend the
following v.'ordi 1 " Kuianelpallon would bo
eipilinleul lo a Julm Drown raid, on n giguu
lie scale, Our position Is surrounded with 11
ufflclciil liunilicr ol danger already, Aboli
tion would throw ngalnst ut, Iricvocably, thu
four States, of Mlainutl, Kiutueky, Virginia
nud Maryland, which It is coMlng tho nation
such tll'iirl In regain, Wu have our hands
full ut It l, nnd if there la to be nny such sui
cidal legislation, wc might ns well cut loose nt
once, nud begin taking up the arteries to pre
viut our bleeding to death," My Informant
h.ia given 1110 Iheso words that fell H out the
President' lip', ns nenrly ut he could remem
Iter them, and thinks Ihey nro exactly what he
suld. Ho spoke, forcibly and energetically,
deprecating 11 worse than useless, from what.
evir point of view it might be regarded, the
fanatical distuibuncc which tho lilliuj of Con
gress arc I'tidcavorliig lo create.
The mnM farslghtcd statesmen of the Cabi
net, the Senate nnd the Houso urc orsua!cil
that the armies of the lovnl Slates nrc no more
likely to return to their frozen boons, after e.T
pvrlcucing the dellghta of the charming climate
of llio fruitful nnd sutiny South, than the
(lollij nud Vuiid.ils of ecnlurics brgonc were
to wltlidraw from the Italian parndle thry
had occupied, into the wilderness from whence
their hard poured forth tu overran the world.
The government of the United Slate will never
bo strong enough lu Induce tins, six huiidrrd
tlioiM.in.l Iroopi. about ruterlnf tliu rebel
.Slates, to nbaudoii the region llicir anus shall
have conqiiered. Thcri'foro imauelpallug ne
groes would not bo turning Hum loose ngalnst
Hie present rebil population of the .South ; but
ngalnst the Northern Invaders of tho Southern
soil that are lu In) It Inline occupiers, who
will never iiuiK'iit to reside north (if the IV
tonne ngatti, nud who will permit' no competi
tion, by nn inferior race, ttlili tl.uir future
labors. I
According to the best! Information that
1 101-17111111 nt can obtain, the vast majority of the
nPii-ahmlioMi rs of the South nrc either already
loyal or disposed In riturn to tlulr nlhglaucc
lu the United States. ltutVI ilonnigo-iua hud
ptrsuudiil tliriiilh.it the Intention of the north,
If suceessfiil, wut to lilivrutc the slave, whom
ikey flmiiTv cm crate, beeauso tl.eyure their
ituiiatiirni rivalt; Ireateil belter than they nie
theuuilvrs; uud living on tlic fat of llio laud,
ut their i.xiK-iise. " PuoriAWilte trash," Is 11
common r.Npresslnii ninougnw wellcarcd fur
black laborers of plaulalloin.-vrilli rrferemv to
I llul non-slaviholdir who vainly strive In il.u
t nt t the (M1i1co which, for them, is made
cui'pirativily cnmfiit table, lt.illie; than
wliueritho emancipation nl four millions of
b'.iek b.ub.iriaiK, who arc their natural cue
inlci, and whom they hate cipially with their
owners, the iiou-lavihnMci' would 11 lit to the
denlh ; but, as llu'y have begun tu Incoine
aware that ucllher our nriiiles, nor the Admin
titration, have any Intention to ruUs Ihini In
the dignity of etpiuls with Hie while, they nro
beginning to i-ce the folly uud unlet suets of Hie
wur. This I pioved by ihupructlcal suppres
sion of the right of sultrugc by the rebel (Jov.
ernmeiit. Jiirason Davis and his associates
tremble ut the thought of tubmltllug their
fuluredcMiuic lu 11 popular vole. Tiny know
belter Hun other thai the mild nnd judicious
policy (f PirsliUut Lincoln has nearly de
stroyed Ihclr own prestige, uud that the pub
lic heart lu the South je.irn for peace. Our
armies who will occupy the South uud remain
there, sir.it the iiou-l.ivliolilvis uf the Southern
States, nro natural ullie. Tlia common end
both will, hirvullcr, have In view, will be the
uufelteieil po.-chm of tho loll by white men,
and tho emancipation of tho latter fiom the
cruelly of negro inllueuce. This liillueuce, bad
us it may bo while tho black nre Males, would
bo tenfold worse II they wcru lav, and there
for emancipation and 11 reunion ol the State
urc wholly incompatible.
In view of theso cticumilauees, I 'resident
Lincoln lavoi lliu plan of culoni.alloii. lie-
lievlng iu tlio theory of a natural limes of
race for a particular .one ; thoroughly aware
that tho majority of tho inhabitants of
the border States, from thu earliest
days of the career of Henry Clay, up to
tho present hour, have been in favor of the
total occupation of the soil of llrcit: Sjalci by
whites, mid tho removal of blacks; naJUclpIc
of the school of Jitlersou uinl Madison, which
detnd to mako of Central America a riglon
which Inhabited by uigroc, would supply the
whole world with cotton uud sugar the India
of the United Statin ; and convinced that the
country is abundantly ublo to pay the value of
tho slaves colon l.cd out of the confiscated
properly of pertinacious rebels, Mr. I.lucolu
has presented thu colonisation scliemo favora
bly in hi message, and It will be sustulucd by
him to tho fullest extent of his power.
Tiik Cap of Liberty on tho half dollar, means
this: After the death of Julius tVsar, the
conspirators marched out with a cap as lhu
ensign of liberty, carried on 0 spear tho cop
without the head Indicated tho tyraut had lost
hi power. For thai (act and for this reason
it Las tver since beet) un emblem of liberty.
Representative Men.
The American Uuplc may congralnlalo
themselves upon nu Administration coinpoul
of the rcpuwnlntlva men of tho country.
Sprung from 11 hnrdy stock of backwoods yco-
iiuitiry neither rtili nor poor the Pustdout
himself is, in tho strictest sense, one of the
common people. Amongst this class hit whole
life has been spent ; they nro master of hi
sympathies ; their wcllfarc It the object of his
highest ambition; to litui tlic nrlitouullo ele
ments of society appeal in vain for favor or
exclusive privileges, The political and social
ihcoric of Mr. Lincoln uud lliu haughty school
of thu Hammonds, lthilts, and Pickens, nrc
ns widely sepuruteil nt tho poles. Willi the
latter, Democracy It an Idea by which the few
arc tu govern nnd oppress the many j with Hie
I'ri.lilelll nud Ids class, lliu word has lust
tinnoor Its prlmatlvo significance the people
are regarded us the matters of the nrlilocints,
and Ihilr wcllfarc, education and ndrniici) lu
whatever cnobles man, arc the first ohjicltnf
(Invernment. In these views the President Is
iiitluliieil by hit entire Cubinct, which Is nbn
composiO, vvllhonl exception, wo believe, or
men who sprung from the " mudsills" of iu
..tn! ...nl ..lit, nf (..IMrii. ftrtlr mil.,. U'tll, Tt-tatl
V,, J, ,,., nil., v. W....V, ...h. ... ..a..- ,-.v
Soiucthtng over half n century ngo, n youth
of ndrcnturoua, self reliant nature, stepped
ndiori) nt llarrlsburg. Perntyrun1a, from n
lumber raft which had Itoatcdhini south on Hie
Siixpieliannv from New York State, lie
wat destitute of trunk or baggage, ond n lew
shillings lu money wns nil that lined his pock
ets. Mo had 110110 of thine advantages which
education Imparts to the youthful ndvenlurer.
lie had nothing but Indomitable will, and the
enterprise wills which fieo tnititullona Invests
human Ulort, Heuppliol for cuiplnymcnt In 11
printing ofllee, nnd obtained it. From the
lowly position of roller-liny and piper carrier,
he worked himself up by regular gradations to
thu editorial room nnd proprietor' purse,
Ho soon excelled In the highest sphere ul his
biiiiucct, and wary politicians were nutou to
cumuli with our whilom printer boy nn the
gravis! nflalri of parties. From tho c.litorl.il
room ho entered 11 bank nt lis leading finan
cier. Ill thorough buiincii education ob.
t lined lu I lie practical school of experience,
soon made him a lending lluut.clal manager for
many banking instltiilhiui. Ills skill tu 11
crisis saved all these from ruin, un I nl mice
Hie printer liny was nt tho head of tho fiuum
cicr of the state nl Pinusylrnuta. Ho be
came rich " beyond tlia nlldesl ilmimi of mn
rtiv," utmost whliout nn elFrt. lie enrielied
Ids frtendt na will. That ho was always
Mildly scrupulous I not In have been cclnl
of one billlcd nud Jostled In tho hard uneven
road he trod from lowly life tu the goal of hi
ambition. At tlio ngo of sixty our print. r
boy finds hlui.elf not only n millionaire Lu
occupying it seat In tlic Senate of the United
Slates, among tho magnate of the cattli. At
the ngo uf sixty six he I Secadary of Wur,
still difplaylng un energy nnd ndmlnlMratlvH
pomr which no iiutu arUlncmllo theorist,
howovcr neelnmpll'hed, could master. This
Is n brlil akctili of tieiieral Simon Cniinron,
whnstuiids wills Seward uud Cliaie as one id
the foremost men ol the uge.
Forty yeur ngo, William II. Seward earned
hit In ead by leaching school among the plain
t.ilton of Suulli Carolina, and thus e.uly lu
life, no doubt latlMlcd liluiaelf of tho aoct.il
and political evil or negro slavery, and tho no'
bio virtues of Free labor. He I now giving
ari.toerutic coltoudous the benefit id Id ex
erlcncu In u Iciuou it I likely to remember
lor centurion. Forty-fivo years ngo, u youih
of twiiity-oiicnpprouilieil the then small Fieiiih
town ol St. I mis, from tho iiorlhern shore of
lhu Mlssltlppl; his only procriy n horse1,
saiMIo nud bridle, Ids only nccoiiiplUmints
snih nil educutlou ns he could iiciiiiiro in an
" old IK-ld" school, and the rudiment of the
law. Hut luslilo of Ids jacket lieat an honest
heart and firm purpose. Ho labored ul hl
profesilou, grew liels as tho city expanded,
luld slave, but fried ihcns as soon us ho found
by e. peril nee that the labor of Ireeiueii, was
superior to that of slavis. Ho wus houorrtl
wills n seat in Congress ; held a potent voice
among tho commercial and Industrial classes
of tho (treat West; nlid, even kforu ho ffiled
Ids piesent seat lu tho Cabinet, a Attorney
(iciieral of tho Uuitetl States, the name i-r I'M
ward Hate was a power in tho land, at the
mention of which Fiecdom and 1'rco Labor
caught new Inspiration.
These urc llio representative men of this age
and country. Their Ideus arc responded to by
twenty-four millions of freemen. Their an
tipodes aro tho traitor aristocrats tho Yuu
cey, Hammonds, Itlietts, Heaurcgards, Da
vi'i'S, lleiijnmlii, (twins, Slidcll uinl Musous,
who do not feel with or for tho ieopIo; who
billve in arUtocrary as un institution fit to bo
ii.grulteil into our tocicly nnd politics, uinl
who, to nccompll.il Hie detail of their Infa
mous theory, have thrown tho country iuto
civil war. Slodton liMptiulcnt.
Cot.. lliKKit'ii J.'i.ogi'KNCK Tho following
gem I from 0110 of hi speeches :
' ltlght ui.d duty arc always mujestlc Ideas
They march us an Invisible guard In tho van
of all true progress. They animate tho loftiest
spirits in the public nssimblics; they nerve
lhu nrm or llio warrior ; they k India the soul
of tho statesman, and the imagination of Hie
poet ; they sweeten every reward, thev console
every defeat. Tky nro of themselves un India-
kolublc chain which binds feeble, erring hu
inanity to tho throne of Uud."
a pleasant bong a sweet vision of
Porelju Sympathy.
Willi the single solitary exception of Rus
sia, wc luive received little or no sympathy
from nny nation lu Kuropc, so fur during the
prvctit rebellion. The uutlnii from which wc
had n right to expect moral support, nt least,
has Int'ii our worst enemy. To procure tlic
release ot .Muoti and Hlidcll, l.ord I'jlmcrslon
did not hesitate to repudiate the cotnse which
(treat llrlliiln lint for eentuiles punned to
wards neutrals. It whs, however, essentially
a bnrrm triumph. They have Maon nnd Sill-
dill, wc presume, will glyo tliCni ml ovation
ns toon nt they set foot on Ilrltldi soil, but
to get Hum they liavo been forced to sur
render pretentions which, less than n centry
ago, forced Kuropc lulu nrm.
Hut, though thesK'ck of wir whhli grew
oil (if the seizure of the rebel emlsMiles lias
iliappeurci (ruin tho liorlxuii, the ito news
from linropo doc nut look ns primil!iig as
might be desired. We rend lu the Dngtlsli
p.iicrs. thai (treat llrltalu now wnnts guar
antics for lhufuture,ntii)thc,1ii'ri'rdecliiie'
. tint the seating of the port of Charleston liu
c.veilcd tlio Indignation of F.uiue. Tho truth
' Is, it it folly In exjuel sympatliy or support
from any of the iunnarililc.il (tovcrnmentsot
the old world. Our Institution-; urc not only
diametrically opposite, but positively nnlugu.
ni. tic. The United Slates urc nnd have been
a standing inciiance to thu thronct of heredi
tary di spots, t.1 lid way i There It not a na,
Hon In Kurnio which has not 11 targe icprcm
lotion In America, Tiny tamo lure mi the
Invitation ufdiir liberal laws, have been ad
initltd to cllli-cnshlp, uud have done well,
'I'hls Ij tho tmio of emigrant correspondence
lion lug through every channel, nnd limit In
110 small degree In keep nllvc reviilullouary el
ement). It furuMie Ma?IuI, ICnulh nnd
the othct restless spirit wills nrgumeut tint
cannot bo answered. lt.l nn nppeul to D.m
oernls everywhere to shake oil' lhu yoke of
tlulr rulers, nnd enter nt onco upon tho enjoy,
incut of i-cnco and ptosporily tint liuudumld
cut of Republican InMutiotu.
ll Is fur these reaiont that there Is not 11
government In llio Old World, savo that ol
Switxi-rlaisil nud possibly llusla, for she Is
tu is certain extent Isulateil In l'.urnH. nud
liclug ut heart but semi civilised, can have
lilllo lu dread from us width would not re
J. lieu lu the downfall of tliC-nMcroflho Unltnl
Slates. It would do more to strengthen the
thrum h of the present iulorsHtli.iii millions id
cniuptesl, for when their sujhjcclt became
native nnd discontented, their orgaut uud
noulh pieces wou'd Itupitre," W'lial do you
propose to do? llMablMi u ihinoeralio form
of gov eminent? The Amirleaui tried that
e.xKriniClit, nud ufler eighty year il cenllii
11.1I turmoil, burst up, uud eoii.litulo 110 nation
nt ull now. Do you, without experience, e x
pect lu iIj U'ltrr "lliati 11 people which, for
nearly n century, had belli educntiug Hum.
selvi up tu tho form of goviri.inint you now
preposo lueet for yourselves, but wuc lor ad
to KvC it up liecauso It was rblouary, unreal
uud mollis ? Ileal eonlint. Tho tiiitltutiou
under whlili you live urc tlio wUstcicrformeil
liy man. There Is un happiness, collectively,
except lhu "divine rigid," us tho fiAiiidaliciii
of tho national MijHrstructuic.
And lilt nu urguuieul which. It mint In
admitted, would carry with it 11 great ileal of
weight. To engage iu levolutluu, except lu
change one issler fur another, w null beubsurd ;
for, wills the downhill of Hie United Stubs,
lieo governmuit would receive n blow Irom
nldeli it would never recover until tho mil!. il
ium arrived. Under audi circumstances It is
not difileiilt to understand the earplug spiill
which has been exhibited ull around. Aii
tocraey has no Into for Democracy. There I
u pirielu;il warbctwicn the two. If the for
mcr sliniiM triiiiuph iu this Mruggle, l.irgs,
lords nud nobles wou'd rule the roost," lo the
end of the chapter, 110 snatlir how lur dittaut
that interesting perleM may be. There I no
uc Miutllug our eyes tu these fact. Tiny
exist, and mull be icnrronliil, We do not
think tlut nny of limn would dare tu luleifere
directly with our ul.'iirs, for we hao lhu sym
patliy or the masse ; lust even tiling Unit can
be done covertly to Injure us will find leu.ly
iiislruineiits. Attn Califonann
(toon sou Ji.ii:. Tho Cincinnati! papers
tell us of tho following goul one, by Mr. Jes
sie lleutoii Ftcmoui, 011 lur itciut Ult lo
thu Capital lo ferlit out lhu origin of the hos
tility which had manifested itself towards lur
husband. At onu of these Interview wills tlic
I'lesldeut, Mr. Illulr, sen., father of tho PoM
master li'enerul, nud Frank P. Ill.iir, were
prctcnt. After some preliminary conversa
tion, Mr. Ill.iir turned to Mis. Fiemont nnd
comuuucid Hie diuloguo which follow 1
111, 1111 " Mrs, Fiemont, allow 1110 to fay
lo you, that in my judgement, Madame, your
proper place I at lhu head of your husbaudV
household ut St. Louis, uud this iulcrintdhiig
wills tho ull'alr of lhu Sluto U, to say the least
ol il, In very bud taste un your part. And,
lu conclusion, I wl.-li jou to iindcrMiind that
hero is where no make men and unmake Hum."
Jksik " Mr. Illulr, lurnilt mo to say to
) on, that I have seen tonic men of your mak
ing, nnd If Ihey aro tho best you can do, I ud
vise you to (pill llio business."
Poc.Mi ItK.vsoMMi. In n iceenl eusc of us
ault the defendant pleaded guilty, Said he :
" 1 think 1 must bo guilty, because the plain
tiff and I w'cro the only pcrniiis lu the room,
and (he first thing I knew was that I was
standing up, nud ho wus doubled over the
table. You'd better call It guilty."
How (Jen. Hnllcck Conns Down on tlio
Scccsh Resident of St. -LQl'A't
The atvssmcnt ofSllMlOO 011 the .Seceslom
Istt nl St. Imis for tho benefit of Union refil,:
gees from the Interior ol Miatoitrl, Is iw !ei
lug collided. The fujlowlng I the lorm u
tho untlw sci veil nu tho usosscd psrtli.
Office vflht I'i oivd Mill thai Ccntml n fit
Dcjiai Intent of lif Minuml, St. Imuii, .1o.(
, 180-,
1 You nrc lurcby i.nlifie.l
that, purtuaiit lo ttenerul Order lSu.2t,rriiiij
tho head ipt.irters ir the Dep-itl mini of Mis
sourl, directing n lory upon the friend, of lhu
uirmy for charltab'o purpiv-ea, yon have been
uttiEfci! tlio Mini of hundred dollars, aa
your contribution lu aid of tho sullering fami
lies driven by ilia nluli from SoutHwestcru,
Yon, will, lhcrefr.ro, pay tho amount m n.,
i'Sid,nr its eipilvalenl lu clothing, pnivl'lon.,
or ipiarter', to nu; within lieu days cflcr tliu
i-rrvtcc of this notice upon you ; or, In default
thereof, execution will bo isucj uvalnM yo'ir
pnrrly for sulHciint to satl-fy this nsaest
inent, coat, nnd '.'.1 ier cent, K'iially In nddb
Hon. Should you elect to pay your ntjvsa.
inent In clothing, provisions, or rnturter, yoi
will give notice of such Intention to this or
llee, nceouipanjlng the sumo with nn Inven
tory and discriptiou of the articles, or of lhu
"Ituatlon and Value of the ipiurlcr tuidcti'd,
which will bo accented, subjected, tu un. n.
praiiemcnt by me.
Haiimm Is always tiady with n good alory.
Ills latest is the following, which Is told of
of Klias Howe, jr., who hat been very ncllvo
in fitting nut regiments fur tho war. Mr,
I Iowa has ciK'iit tliomnnds of dollars In lid
way nnd taken u great ats Interest in mill,
liny nffilrs tint he hat lad lull lltllu imo lu
attend lo nnyllilug el.e, One day a very
worthy Connecticut d.'-icon eulliil npiin lhu
geiillcinan with 11 aiibserlpllui lut. lu ihi
sireil Mr. Iluwu to give souk thing lownnls
erixlliig a l.cw eluirch. ' A new church'" ie.
pllixl Hiiwi', "nh, 11 new church, I don't think
lean give uny thing Ikcuiim! urn iH'iuliug
.ill my spare money fur tho war. Can think
of nothing ilso." The deacon lookid di spoil
K nl, Mr. Howe secmeil Hun and iletirmlneil
nut In give a red. At hut hu naked Ihcdinieoii
wl.nt tho neir chtitcli wist to be rullid, "Thu
chuicli of St. Pctir.alr," was the reply. ' Ah.
tho Church or St. Piter," replied ouc,-r
"Well, as St. lYtir was the only fighting
apostle In Hie lot, I guess I'll have tuglvoldui
"ini thing. Hut I can't do much even for St.
Piter, us my time and money mu.it be nIoi
entirety slcvutcl to iu;ir(rr."
Lee'niii.Mi ami Si'iu.iiimi, If laughter be.
gels fal, It I no lest truo that seoldliig I. ll.e
p ire nl nf meagerues. Who ever saw n
plump termagant ? Tho virago is seragpy
rcragginesa l lhu badge of her Iribo. ll would
KTin that the ntliittmi.ofu fierce exacting tern
(ur glvi sharpiiea to Hie I1u1n.u1 frame ns lu
vatiubly us u grluddouu put u wiry iilgc 011
is brnad'isxf. Aril. Is uudirstaiid this fait uud
govern tlieinsehesiieeordingly. They Invaria
bly ripresiul ladies Mippoxil tu bo given tu
" the ruuipagu " u iiiisarkuble high in bono,
Sihicw urc thus eleplcted lu enmlo vulen.
lilies, nnd ull lhu illustration! of" Curtain lie
turn " have icpreniited the rib " of Mr.
('audio without a particle ul fat. l.nurl, n
firing lo fiiimle Hi 1 brand., says ll.it I e in their
fiees, that llicir nMe. uie .harp. We have 11
dim Idea that he mention, some cxccplum.il
caw of ladies with siiiiIiuum, who urn givm
lu tuubhiug their Lu. bands ; but tlue form u
mild variety, and only u (mull proportion 11.
tho genius scold.
A Ciickiiimi 'ii;w in1 tiik Flood. 'i i ,.
Pituluiuis Journal of Saturday say ivTIhh
heavy ruins can do 11 no harm, but wIUmiIIiit
proiolhit tlu-y 1110 just what theeniiutry
ll.u iieided for u long lmi. ll i u thiory nf
a seieiitllle writer, who.e nuiiw wc innnnl ut
this llmv recall, that for lhu waul id just sueli
rains n we have lalrly hud, Ihe eurlli each
yi-ar beciiiue lea uud les ino.nl, uud vigitn
II011 nf eourso so much Hie sooiur drii. up,
Itaiiia like Ihe pn'Miil, thai coinjiletily tain,
rate the ground, lulp lo l.i ip ll inn.M and in
good working oriUr for year. Althougli
the surface may hi come dry, yet hlikltii well
like burning springs, send through the larth
the morsturcjor the roots that imlgorutcsund
keeps green Mid growing ihe Icuf huqiv. In
all lids iherels much ol trolls. Full not then
to antlclpalu the dainands which will Le iiuiiIk
on all ofyou wtio are ngrlenllurlsts, lo luki-111
market next fall liberal supplies of the pro
duclloui of your land.
Old Abe i reported us saying Iliat he wus
glad ho had but four year lo slay lu Wua's.
ington. ! When 1 left Snriiiulleld." remuikii)
lhu Prmldint, " I was reputid nn honest mini,
iiul 1 hanlly know liern what my friend call
mi1. I am beset by hundred ol men nnxtoii
for place, nud in tho liurrr of llio moment 1
sometimes give encouragement In peopV, wl
In couscipienco charge sue with want of iraa"
If Ihey do not receive llio nftloe lor which I ..
upply. It I much caMer In nnliilnin 11 fmr
repulutlon In Springfield llimi WiiMdnglon,"
' 1 .1
"la It very sickly here?'' said a sou id" I'e
Ijncruld Islo to unmlier.
"Yes," replied lit companion, "a great
many have died this year who never diul
" How to Pay ihe Itenl.' is u nliussnl fits 10
on Hi; Mage, but a painful drauu iu actual