THE OREGON SENTIHEL. DortMtlo; Manufacture. " 'I'lio Wlllumctto Woo'en Company, Sulcm, liave volcd to Increase their machinery 100 per ont., thus doubling tliclr cnpiiclty for maim liiulnrc. The order for the lie machinery lias trendy untie forward, we believe. The shun of lhl cnmp.tny nrc now selling ut 81 00 nbnv par. All things coiwlilcrtd, the company bus tue util water power in Uregou. Wo clip the nbovu from llio Orrgon Stntts wait of .Tuimnry 27th, nnd Inlcnd In uu it ns n Irxt for n few practical observations. We wire a citircn of Mnrion couniy when the manufacturing enterprise alluded lo in the iiImito paragraph was first Inaugurated. It vus ildittiled by ninny business men of ac knowledged financial abilities as prenmture mid unvulled for; and it only ittcciedid 1 1. rough the liielefatlgnble exertions of a few ii.m, who more clearly apprehended the uctunl Mints of the country, and the prcfllublc nature s.f the Investments. Again, most of the persons who were will lr.i to subscribe liberally towards the enter V'l'i', lived at Halcm or In Its tlcinlty, and m 1 1 c IntcrrstcJ lu having the proposed tnanu f.iclory located there. Hut here the objection presented ttsclf, that there was no perennial water power at that place, and none could be made without a heavy expenditure of money. Still Creek, it considerable sized stream, emptied Into the Willamette at Hulem, but It only afforded water enough for the purpose contemplated during icvcn or cliht months of , 1he jeor. Hut by digging a canal tome five or six miles long, the objection could be re moved and permanent water power obtained. Ill practicability was established, and -the work was commenced and in due time com pleted. The amount of money cxcndcd by 1ucm cnprlilng men lo making a perennial water power, would be all sufficient to put into successful operation on tome of our moun tain streams, a manufactory largo rnough to supply the wants of Southern Orrgon. Is I hero less energy, less public enterprise In Jackson coun'jsjan in Marlon? All that Is needid is for some energetic men tn take hold il this thing and wake up the people to a proper consideration of the subject, and Ihc rattle of the loom and the muitc of the iptndlo will soon be heard In Jncl.son county. IT the people of the Willamette can mako water powers by a heavy expenditure nf money, es tablish mnnufuclnrlcs on them, and make the invoimeni n proutuuic one, IS llierc not llnnn-nnowsi i.ati weeK n genueiuan ny luenanie ,,p IIHpin!ii was beiidnl in u cnulrnry ilirec clal Inct end talent enough In Southern Ore- f lown, who explored Iho country east ot ' lion, under u full In ad tf strain, us If to get iron, to improve for this pitrosd some of the- water privileges that nature has furnished, mid make the Investment a lucrative oucf Say not that the wants of the country do not de mand the Investment, and that the enterprise Is premature. The country is perishing for I tic want of it. We sny again, as to havo said Irtforc, that ynn may sluice out your Kl Do- rmlnV ninl flunil tin rmmtrr wllli itimipv. lull ""--'" - -' ....rf y. ""i,.i rt.. '...i, .i If yon have no manufacturing crevices to catch lo I'oitlainl, laid lu it, the golden Hood will rush out of (ho coun try quicker than II came lu. nnd your last ctbite will be worse Iban your first. Hut rs tublifh a Woolen Muiiufaelnry anil our hills will bo covered wills sheip, wind will In.1 a cah urllclc, and it large amount of mony saved lo tho county every year. Vm Him Akiuxii. Mr. Ilurrlson Oat man, of riiiK'iilv, gives us the following Infor mation : Mr. Sutler, an Industrious, temperutr Kicrhanlc (if that place', went down Itugue Jtiver to hunt a horse, one of the coM dujs of last wetk. He' got text In the hills III the vicinity of Kvaiuvllle', and wandered he knew not where. After nine o'clock at iitght, be ' rumc'ln the houio of one Jehu Swludllii, his iet irute-ii, ii'iiijrj nun 111 a viiriiii.K vui.ui- thin, lie plead for permission to stay nil idghl. lie wttscooly Inlornu-d that they .11.1 lint keep drunken people there, und was luM lluil ll,rn .. n v.m ,.l,nl n .,,11., .Il.lnnl . . 1 .. 1 1.. 1 1.1. .- -....11 Mr. Sutter started for the tavern, but soon found that, In his t-xhauitcd condition, he could not reach It. Ho returned slow ly to the Iioum' mid aguln plead to be- per mitt, d to stay all night. He was again Informed that they did not keep drunken men there. Mr. Sutter then asked if there was any hay In the burn ; was told thut there wus none, but thai there wss soiih1 sheaf oats there. Ilo then asked pcrmUloii lu go to Iho barn and sluy. This was grunted. The next morning, Mr. Sutler's cars were frozen slllf. His feet wire so badly irozcii.iiiai 11 is itiougtiii.y iiis ...... - . .( ninpulatton will be necvitary. Such, in brief, is the melancholy tulo as given to us. If the facts nre correctly stated, wu have no language sufficiently expressive to characterize the lu lievpitalllynf ihc wretch tint drove the frizui nu.' jK-rUhlug man from his door. Wu have known Mr. Sutler fur years. Ho Is a mode's!, diffident, industrious, temperate man, respcctetl by all who know him. We presume he has not tatted it drop of liquor for years. If there a so any palliating circumstances lu tho case, we will publish than. Wiki Woi'Mix'r ns: as Editoii f The ed itor of this paper received a present this week f 'large, line, and gloriously fat turkey! AVhosajs an editor don't lite I.Iglif lu tho latguugeof the Immortal Clayt so far from Lav lug uny objections lo eating turkey, we are plad to do ll, if it can bo done without war, el.aiuion or national dlshonsr. Tins Wkathkb. During tho wak the e'.-ies have been warm, but the nights lave Veen freezing cold. The mow still covers the .round but, it is slowly passing away. The number ol stock that have perished on account of ihe severity of tho winter, Is frightfully great. There are, we aro informed, a hundred dead nulnmls in Mr. Culver' pasture near Fl.eculx, In this county, CincciT CocRT.The Circuit Court Is still in session in Ibis couniy. The Jury cases were nil disponed of on Iho 10th lust. There nrc quite (t number of chancery cases yet lo dispose of, und Ihe Court will probably con tinue in secession during tho week. Favor. Wc are Indebted to J. II. Smllli, Fq., of Crescent Cily, for a file of California papers, received at thut place per steamer Ct lumbU, Jan. 31st. Jacksonville & Fort Bolso Wagon Road, mrouBii "in a Few Days." Mtfri. Stnllnrlt The Wagon Itoad enterprise is now n flu-d fast, fully hunched. Since my lftt letter tn you, the subscription 1UI lias gone up to the respectable flguro of about $S00, and Mill going. Tilings inovoj events happen - sometimes rigidly, sometimes otherwise; emer gent clicumttituccs have lu days past produced great general and statesmen caused Ihc wheel of science lo rcvolvo with greater rapidity caused new openings on Iho cliffs board of po litical economy new wrinkles In domestic econ omy, (Sec " Confucians New Stylo of Roast Dorg.) lu the present Instance, the Wagon (toad enterprise nbovc mentioned has Inppcncd and commenced lo move toward Tort llotse, Just In llnni to keep us from sinking toUrably deep In the troubled wnters of the raging sen of of bankruptcy ica, when navigated by tho adventurous snnge, In his solitary canoe, In search of curlnslllet, tome time or other, over the silo of our present beautiful home, would (Mi up a bundle of chancery bills, a few dilapidated mortgages, and, perhaps, a scrapor two nf a SsivrnKf., which would, lu all probability satisfy his limited thirst fur knowl edge of n oneo happy and well cultivated com munity. Hut, m I raid lieforn, thing hate happened to keep down Iho raging waters; the mad from this time on will hate n chemical action on real estate It will harden It, causa It to blovoui, U'ur ft ult, be (Inn, sociable mid com panionable lo the neighbors especially lu lis lcllov-mnrlgagrs, of whom there Is now a pros pect of declaration of Independence! when farms and houses will numo the pilnt mid culturo of majestic progrc Crescent City Is mining with commendable energy, Just lu the right lime, on Hits same road enterprise miming up, no ili.i.M, a very Mi.i.f..lnl,1.i iil.or!,.lln II. I Inlrr..!,! ...,.,. ":Mr il.H.ij iij lime, inmuwii ill, n, . mr uiuuilki- Interested, and should I grabbing n hold of ihc ropes tonicu here, mid not slay out lu the cold, when an enterprise like this Is helii'j launched, manned and navlgatcel. It Is their ark uf safely as welt at ours. Now that we sec our way clear to Salmon Ittvir. tin Ihc l.uke. ncros the desert, eiver, spur of Iho Illiio moiintnlus, down Malheur - river lo Tort llolse, thence up IJol-e river over M uitiuu hi taiinon, or itiiywiicM eio we,.,,,,. .,. Ilfll,r .f u......... ...r, .ri. i,' ihoofc lo go-lhlngs turn up and turn nut bet - ler lliau we vxptcted, ns they generally do nil- .!.. MT.AI.(..ltrt.1M..J .f.tttl4 e'l...t. tl UVI VAI'IIHk V.l Vlt.l.t.VVO r.,..l.,l. IMIIH rains, ll stor-runi".- (Old provtrb.) When w in tli.) When we along In a very' ,, ,, ". dderaUu a. get ou Iho tight road, we Jog coTiiroitaiioiri)t,maklngcniisl.lerai, nlamatli likes lo soma extent In '.in, In scare! search of gold, showed mo a letter from one ,,r ilie.'i'rl lliul she stemiMl nt the rate of I.M.uots patty thai wn. with him, staling they .11- ' h'-ir-laslcr ll.a-i she- bail wr gone be 1 ' , m . ,i, ,i ,i , ,i fore. Ilicio whs no lie icsslty for this, lor the .overnl gold la.t fa I ou II.. west Kim i.f III.' ,, , ,,,, ww f ; mM) ,, ,,x (i lllne Moinituln., lo Iho south or Illg Sprlug-u ,lf ,(;vy raKf, ille the Sumter hud a crew slut I of water lhrc miles wide, and Is lhe head r l mi men, ui,l live gum nf small enliUr. nf ll.ii mil full: i.f ll. (Mnitrs river. Tlii'V-ntao I stniulln to tho iiorlliivnrd found rich diggings on tli.i head of I'ow.b'r lllver, about seveiily-IIte miles nems the ridge from al.t Sorb.... i...rlt..a.. ll.o narlv .. es.nud went Lack .!.!. .'11 V- I, ,11. I ..I I mere use inn. .wt, u mis r.iuui.i iiirn "" true, and I lullcie II I. our road woulJ lap tliCM- lulnes nlxxit Ino hiindreil miles Ireuu here-, ninl , will, a branch md In sllter'l es.wo would probably Ik contented, and t .1 , . hi. .01 11. ;c the frols and Icicles of Palmon and tar- mini leave nlrtleilhnriesleil by olher. The whole country from IIiiiiiIkiI.U luCarrt- boo will Iki prospe-cled the coming Siiinnier ; ' and with this mad, Itniie Itlter Valley will! turn up lu nlmul the right place, a fan. eapa- tide of piexluelug supplies are scarce uloiig the I ' ii v coa.l. r,p i-lully since the nWd. , ' ,,r' """ I" 1- " v "v nlt. u-.t nu.l sare.l reme.Iy can !. u.,.1. II Old Wli.lerla.Lloekad.d.i.wllhmo.v.aml S-rlyKona IMbiuw..'4wUiI,I.uI Iflwlup. iuw p,Cullarly kncllclal f.,r purging the It will U hard lo break that blockade anywhere' P01"' tlm,rU mUuU' ,0 Kcl 'ira" O"";'1" . hlo'l. evpcllln' (.tntriiclluiif, .Iru.nous and lo Ihc easlwurd until the llrst of Apill. Mean-' lrasrjpli, he from the entire emit. scmruh.iH humors, pu.tules, pimples, nnd all lime, our ndienlurons miners maUsatnge at- ,,l,llll'.v' II he omits nny thing, he is lary. ( dl.llgurlng eruptions upon the surface of Un lock Ihu crliu walls of snow on iho North-. If ko speaks of things as they nre, iwplo nre . 'kin. AH111I rrn ri'Ules, nu.l Hiiro 10 itvalli l.y l.iiu.lieils My leo l-luke lluu', ke'ep eoo (not free-.- lug colJ),nid wait fur Old Sol to break the j blockade. Mr. Downs cautious people In keep I clllir of till) Asl.V lll'M-rt U.t of Kl.ini.llll I lie. . - 1:11 nr Ul IHU .TO I'l'MH IHMU. i 1,1111.1111 I liir. 1 The route north e.r Ihe lakes should bo ' ., ,ii,r., . . 1 i. . I Iho south bank of Ihe eu.t fork of Des Chutes rlter. The oiitl.ein route (euilgrant i.iI ; I ..1 1 I . .... .11.. .11111 I m I linuld make the rhlg, which Is low, Ufme Ixurlng unrthwnr.1. This rhlgu Is one running southwest from the lllue Mountains. Tvut Jinn, Siiiirn. r.H. Place wrllluis llm nbove. I Into re-1 gl-Ii-iiI n luttir from Creseenl L'lle-. stuttiii; I thev bud rase. 30U for Iho road enleri.rl.e. ' " 1 and would do moioso. T, I - Itll liey forwanbtl tlu-ck for J20U, la bo followed by more of Ihu same utrt 1 Kit (t sir Is isimii lit .Im IV'iitl Ij tn jtii ,...,. tutniuA.u ,,, eu,.Itltue. - hi.t.ii, " i . I ---. r. .......... Tnilitit, Saw. . i i Wk have rectlvcd a communication from " IVle I'hiiz." He delalls at some length un j ''hinlcri'Stiiig' conversation ho hud not long since wllli a Seceher. He sutsi "Seceth to.ild lo him If he wur unwcl he Ink Co laities Worm Me-diiin, Kurry'a hullltr, Whltlykcrs llye Wutter k TuminUs Wbkc and uzeil ih.t Oregon DtmiLml fur bliitern crpues ou lli-i stuinaek, then got hiis wif lo ti a Thurmond lur on hlz back and stud him In Ih.t sou til Ilia Thiirmouillur iudiknted Dixie. He scz ll has eoopersevded praro with hlui, I left him jind tu liU Mils and wcut out to sea how meny dill Kutlle 1 had. Yurea wilh rcspccU 16C2 Har ltlvur, Feb wcrary 10 1'ktk IV " Tiik great mass of Ihe people of the North areopjioH'd tiiubolitlunUm." Oiegon Union, It is refreshing to strike a truth now and Ihcu In Ihu Secession organs of this Slate. Yvt, the great mass of the Northern jieoplc aro opposed, not only to ubolitionism, but also its twin sister Kccwilonlsm, And yet you ullect tu believe thut the littlu squad of Abo litionists in ihe Northern States, contemptible in number, wlilnnit official position, and op poH'd, luted und eUplscd by Ihc greut mass nl the Northern people, are governing Ihc coun try wltli u rod of iron, stuping its official ends und moulding its destiny. What terrible fel lows ilicio Abolitiouljia must bo I ArroivniKM. Col, Cornelius has p pointed I). W. 1'orter, Ksi., quartermaster to the Oregon Cavalry Itegliucut, lu placo of 11. F. Harding, Kmj., who icfcigucd ou account of ilMicalih. Ihilij Oregoniun. Uy what Hiiihuiiiy was Ihc above oppoint- UKUt UuJc? Josephine County Union Convention The nimllfiid voters of Jo'ephlno County who endorse the proceedings of the Chairman or the Democratic State Central Committee, of the ltepabltean Slate Central Committee, mill others who have united In a call for n 1 tTtilon Stole Convention j those who are in favor of Ignoring all parly connections, and arc In favor of sustaining the General Govern ment In Its ((Tufts to suppress the present re bellion, nrc rcqustid to meet In mass Oonvcn llonnt Kerbyvlllc, on Saturday, the 22.1 duy of March, 18C2, at 12 o'clock m for the pur pose of electing delegates to the Union State Convention, to be held ut Kugtnc City, on Wednesday, the Olh day of April, 18C2. N. 11. A general attendance of all (rlciuls of the nbovc measures is curncstly solicited. C. 1. SrnAni'K, Chairman Republican Cen tral Committee for Jo'epMna County. M. C. H.tiiKwci.t., Chairman Union Demo crallc Central Committee for Josephluc Co. V I! ('randall I)S llnlton V V Itlnehart It I Kuibci I II Cone U'wls Ivtihn I, It Witk W It I'rlekett fcse Allen A II Mel Ih nln Unite Tlioiiip-on Oust Ollii-ilahi Stephen Onto T II Thorp I'lunk 1 1 r tin .1 II Wells V, V IsToinpt W.I Mntlhewi David Foster W V May Held Norton A 'fuylor Tim MiKira (biiltigby Win Suilih W W Itidgill SS llovy A S Lure V Muloney (IK Iigmi A O Spooner W I Sunders N II Warner (leu Drnehiufcldt Wm Mm lln Wm .""'uva'jc Wm II Joliiisoti W V Monro S.ilnl Sibley ltobt llauiitcr John It I'rliidlo (i v .tlonro '.Mm 0 Klder 1 Win Sutherland f Iiln I tines Unlit I, I'tlMICS ( y VtlltU y J Kvum Tub I'uiVATixti Switiiii. Wo take the- following ttatemeiit from mi exchange : The jirlvutecr Sunite-r was ju Iho ported Miirtlniiinu on the l'lli of Nmcmber lat. Idle she was lakiiu In coal, tlat U. S I . t . . i t . .in sleanier iriHpmu ran nit" me nari.or. I no ' ,"1" ''"''"" ' "' ? . "'I "' ,''!' if . ....i I.I I.I.I .i.l.. I i.. Iiuiinciioriu uiej niuiiu iiimui hit muni- .1... U .. I .f. IM. f... ! ,., ,, l nnclior, but lay wllhuut I lie har. ln,r. (lu Saturday, wind was brought on It.ll.l I t.J. Il.ll.lll.U llltlt tl.ll Sllllltf. Illf.'M.l.xl lliUUMII) IIIV lin,"",' """ ' " ,it ,miii,'i ' l.k lltll 111 ... 11,111 111,1111. , Itltllt 1111.11111,1,1 nil " l"' ' "l,u ,,,i,'u "r"lU",ul ","' "'V!' wn gelling wegli J 0ll,,ir.1. In place I . . . S ." . I llial Hie privateer I lllld CnlilllU out to ,., - ... " ni i(1 ...-, of lhat dlrrtilmi. lout nf the wny ns fast as possible. Tin' erew from Miiillii.ipie.sho passed n s booiiir. und " '," I.itut. susgo ni in u.e' i-.ipmiu in.ii "." """ " 'I""'.4 '" " "'.""I" "'"' "'V " .... .......i... 1,,,,,,-v.r. i.ut him olf suvIiil-. I.... !,. I.. ..mill i.ii.ipniiiiiiiii .! nm .ii.i'ini.'P i i :.. . -"..-- . . . - .. - - - -- , "Tin. lilt 1 .". sir I ll.'ii'l her uway nr HI.' Thnums." Hit then went Mow mid lurmd ' In The ruplutii told Ids nlllnM thai Im was ""' scxilinituorihc eaptulu id the .Vw-, ' " i;mmiiI I" Mark htm. 'I 1 mors mil crew i.f the tViwi epr. s . j.,,,, i,,,),,.,,,,!,,,, nl ,, 'ltnthiy i.f I ll.elr i-.itilalu. nnd s.omo of lhr nnio-rs were nni"in In have the vessel had lieeu so willfully dlsr.ieiil. . l',,,""M,1,;,,r, l'.;'i'jcr. nf Hi-; i 117111111 has !"w ,KUI ""'" ' the sirvlevj I ... ,. in '.'. I. 1. .v.... In 1,1. ii.iiu,!. 1 n t.i 11. all !. 1 - .1 . 1 .1 . ' ni.iil. II lie' glosses ntrr sinnotuea imwii 111c rough points, he Is If he calls things hjtthi'lr right names, ho Is unlit for Ihc pnsl- tl d eilltor. If hedm-s mil liirnlh bis rend CrS W itll JoliCS. 1.0 Is n IIUlllll. If III' ll.HH, he is ' - "J "- - -- - - -' - - '' ratll.hl, wanllnif II he eon. ih inns I hu wrong. I.e is a gniol fellow but laiks ,., ,r ,, ,,u ttr(ll ,. nnA l,;,,,,,. 0 ttm.tli.ii-.l. Iki I rsmarsl. Ifhi'iinhold " ... . . ... .. a putilic mini, no iims sn 10 grutiiy spue is u tool of 11 clliiue, nr U'lmigi lei Ihe " outs." If he indulges lu 'rsouulllies, be Is a lituckguard if ho docs not. his uitr i Insipid. Th.y mil .li,l. llirr,i.,ili n lir.lll l.'tr.l i.nnr.rt lit "fronts, iiiiivrdlnir tn Holy Writ but there Is no record of his Mils obliged lo servo OS ' " ","r.,,, 'V I " 1....- t . ....m. - ri.-i ... I'hnt would W'MtMIWri IIIIIV IAII lil'Siv lllkSit , titi M- ,,,., ,,. .,.. .,i,i,.,..1ui. i ,,r..l,.it.1v tn .1. .tt.l tn.a linl'.k Lm it sufilil tli'tn sttull lit nt. i IM., ntv w01lM (,.. Xnftn ,l0 u,4, of I.f. rf... I ...I ....1 .II...I II..1.. ... 1 ... .. 11 im iriiiiiiit-tL'iirMii. miti 11 n .-ititniiiiuc i ii;irt, . : ... ., Tim Minis. try III tie has lieeu done In. the Mine of late, ou account of tho cold und frevziug weather. Hut we expect soon leihemr .... nf greater activity, rich clenu-ups und gloriou. Utrikes. Jac!;sonvil!o Prices Current, ItrlKii ti il for I lie Si nil. u I tun rrlrit tt i tUI- .I.eikosvii.i.K, i-aiurday, Feb. IS. 18C2. Wheal, per bu.hel SO it 7.. Oats, do :S 4U llarli'y, do HI it .Mi Kinur, In ir. sacks, per 1U0 lbs.. 2 fid to 3 00 Chlckcnx, per doz $:t UO it .1 1)1) Corn Meal, per 100 lb a I ou Hay. lur ton. 33 to 10 20 IK 2U 12i 16 lo Is, 8 it 12 11 HI 23 18 a Itaeou, rides, clear, per lb elu do with bone do hams , , elu shoulder. do hog round , , lleef, licit, per III I'ork, ilo elu Million, do , Lard, leaf lu tins, per lb. ...... . do lu ke'gn (lo Mutter, fresh dairy, du none C21 !lJ, ... . i ei in kegs, uo Cheese, per lit Kggs, liesh, per doz Potatoes, per lb Onions, do Turnips, do ,,, Uabbngii, ilo , ,, llcauswliltu elu fii.'.ui Anpk', per lb Dried App.'s,per lb Drii'd Peaches (JoltVo Criiiled S.ignr Drown do , Klce. ,1, Halt Vinegar 3fj lOAU H I ll It :i a K it 10 It 10 12 '.'.I aal 43 M 30 23 12j 200 10 a 23 a 20 u 10 n l,'0a WARREN LODGE No. 10, A. F, & A. M. A 1101,11 their regular communications 'jPsr Iho WeducNlay Kveulugi eu or jiucedlng Who full moon, in jackso.wim.k, mis'. (I. W. OltKKR, W. M. II. Hi.oou, Sec'y, OFFICIAL DlltXCTOUY. JACKSON COfXTV. Circuit Judge 1 P. I'rlm County Judge. I. C. 'Column County Clerk ,Wm. llnlTinnn Prosecuting Atturney Unfits Mnllory Sheriff W. U.S. Hyde Deputy Sheriff J. M. Sutton Treasurer David I.lnn Assessor. , Wm. K abler l'ublio Administrator O. I), lloxle Couniy Surveyor...... Sewall Tnmx Coroner Sumiicl K. May jO'nnilssloncrs.....D. . J ird-ieje, !. Ilcber DHIII 11111.1111.1.. VU.K. .JV.1UU.6. .U. .Ill.l.J'ttllJ Tcmrt rf Coxitis--Circuit Court, first Mon days in I'ebruary. June nnd October, Counlv Courl. I'lmt Mnnd.iv nf each month. l'robate Court, llrst Monday uf each month. j.rKsoxvit.t.K fiiKcixerr. .Iiitlcc of the I'euee U. S. tlnydeii Coiislnble M. W. Davis Hond Supervisor.. '..... C. C. Heekmnii imBMMNBnMMnnnHminffiuMMnMl S'PISCrALi NOTICES. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore cxNtlng between Henry Den linger mid Wm. M. Hand under the (Inn n line nf Denlinger & Hand, Is this day dis solved by mutual consent, Win. M. Hand withdrawing from the firm. The business will be contlnue-d by the said Henry IKlilln gcr. lie will collect nil Ihc debts duo the late firm, mid is responsible for nil their outstand ing obligations. IIkvuv Dr.xi.txeir.n, Wm. M. Hand. Jan. IS. 18C2. . Dr. Hojtctter's Stomach Hitters uru uni versally nekiuiw bilged to bu n sine preventive and cure for Keter mid Ague. I'latuleuee', Hea viness or the Stomach, or any oilier IlkunUcc lion. Their effect upon thu system Is most ml raculout ; llii'.v give n healthy tone lu the sys tem, relievo nil morbid matter, mid In fact thoroughly cli'anse the system nf nil Impurities. In no cao has It been known to fall, but, on ihu contrary, new virtues have been found lu its use. To those nnilctetl wllh uuy or the abovcjllsof the tKidy, the Hitters ore ulfe'rcd " . ,( a speeily ami certain cure. Try them nnd form yoir own oplnluu .einlil It.'itrn i,!.f ninl j-.. 4 4 "" .,,-.. ,.,,. ,,,r, . I" ' -..-"".... XVXasonic IvJotico. Tho re'gular Ciimuiunleatlnus of W'aiiiikx . ... In I 1. tl .1 .11 ' -" ", I J VI .... .'II...I. ..- ' .'- I-..- .. Ill I.- I. ..I. I -- - .11 - . , ivirt nm iiv imu hi iuiiuiii Tn nun.)- II, I'llniiur)' vt. Ma. eh II, .1 pi II IS, 31nj- 7, ilimr II, Inly i, .tiiuil II, Hi .i in'irr .'I, llili.l.irl, iitt .iitirr .t, Dirrmlirr Ut from October ! noi'it or mi:i:ting, April, nl 7J o'clock r. M. I'rom April lu Oclo- , '"'r l 'i o'elock f. M (. w.f!i!i:i:ii, w.m. II. ItlJ.'lM.PCC M Jackxiiiclll.i, Ogn.. Jan. 1st, XI. I. 0. 0. F.'k.invii.i.i: I.oimii: No. 1(1, holds lis re-gu- ar meetings every S.lTt'!t. )' .'IV.'.W.W, , u.r Hall (Mc'Cully'sT T ,,' irallirr In cnn.1 stnnJIn v" , , ,,7i,!,"t I'henter building), ut g aro cor.IUlly I si- I f r.siiv Dkni.imii:ii. N. (.1. .1. M. StTfox, It. Se-c'y. Satld'n Slinail.irilla l nil evcilleut nllera the anil Ionic. Hellenic females of Irre'gular hiblls, oral I lie lurulug K'rl..,l of life, llnd ll - - - - - - ()Ui:(2(). C'lIAI'Tr.ll .NO. I, OF" HOYAI, ARCH IrZASOrS, JACK H OX IV .. UUKilOX, Will hold Its re'gular commuuleatlous ou the I'll.l Nut. inlu)- Kvinlugul Kvir)' M.ii.lli. All sojourning Comptntous lu gol laudlng are cordially invited lu ulleml, W. U.K. HYDE. II. P. .f.ts.T. (I(,ksn, Sec'y. elicb:l7 deduction in Prices , nPfflt .4 uyTTft Ar Y.rilltrj ITVlTJ mk xa,kM w m-Kr mr vnjki .i I -at Tin: U. S. HOTEL! Board anil Lodging, per week $( 00 . 7 00 . X ro j Himnl, per week Hem ret, per lav Single llooui .. I LnilglllK ill' .N'lKllt, single loom i l.oilglug ir Nltilit, double room Slitglo .Ut'itl A0 MEALS AT ALL HOURS. LOUIS HOItNl-:, I'roprietor. Jaeksnnvlllc, Nov. 'J.'l, 18G1. 10,000 mis. i.iviiuroor. onouNn SALT, lu ttoio und for tulu by II. Y. IIAHTO.V, Hardy Illllf's, south end Dig Canon. lliruury 8. 4d Administrator's SJotico. NOTICE Is hereby glten that thoundcrstgucl will upply to the County Court, nl tho Much 'film tlnriof ensuing, lo re.lgu his let lets of Admlulttiatlou uu Ihu estatu ol Godfrey Kiguer, lalu of said County, ihceavcil. o. c. hi:i:kman, Adm'r l)e Uiii nan. February 1st, 1862. H 1)ACK-SADDI.KS consluutly on hand nt my Harness und Saddlery establishment, fil HKNltY JUDUI5. TOll l'HINTINO ofalldescrlntlonsneatlv 0 cscvulcdatiheSliNTINKL OFFICUl I$Y teli:ok APII : Good News FOR LADIES: WOLLEN Dress Grooao, Silks and Shawls, Jut COBt. llemembcr, Gents, BOOTS, COATS, VESTS, AND PANTS, CAN UK HAD Jjt Cost, -AT- tBlas Bros Cheap Cash Store. .TACICSONVII.I.K, .Tnn. 19. 1 ill. A. IBlSKWTAiXO, Orogou Otroot, Is now receiving a regular weekly supply of TT'fOiltl. tyy 1 1 "fr.&i Applos, Toars and Foachcs, And ull others In season. In addition to Ids large mid varied stock of Candies and Nuts, Which will Im' sold on liWal lemi'. lo suit the times. Ileal If. rs to tl.u public his will- known asMiiiiue'lil ol I nu FINEST HltANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO Several hundred' HASurrs, Pipos, 2?orfuraory, Toya, And many other FANCY AUTlCLsKS. JaeksLtivllle, August S, iMil. '."J.lf Attention, Everybody You are hereby nuliuVd that Can bo found ut his store' ou California street, ulwa)s ready lu furnish vo'i with J3?m?!h'M. JtCjB.aam.l.Crtf9 Of every Description, tucli as Applet, Fears, Fcachcs, Luscious Grapes, And, in short, ever) thing usually found in u ' rruii Hiurv, tpgciucr vviin u urge una win ussorted stock of CANDIES AND NUTS. liver of Choice TOII.U'CO AM) Sr.CAIIS Will lln.l the best epiallties ul his eiiuuter. All of whlili will be sold at prices to suit the limes. October Uf., I SGI. II HTATi:0FOIti:O()N,l Coorv w Jacksox, ( IN Jt'STII'KS CocitT. T OHN I.. SHI'.I.DON. jou nrc hereby no t) tilled that u Writ uf Atlnchmeut has been i.iiidl ngaliit you nnd your iimiwrly At Inched to salKy the ele maud of H.CllANIlY, umoiiutlug lu Tuinty-iuie' Dollars and Sevi'iity cents. Now uiile vuii slijll npiH'nr benue OHO. M. IIAIIlU.S'.a JuttlevorUiu i.ev lu und for said County, ut his Office In Dar .1,. nulls, on llm "8lh day of February A. D, iMi'J, Juilgniint will bo rendered iigulusl vou und vour proH'tly sold to pay ihe debt. Idled Ihis 1 :i 1 1 day of Jnnunry. A. I). 18li'.'. Ill KI.UAII CHANKY, I'laintitl. Oregon War Scrip. rll AVI!' arrangements with a rcsouslhlc llanKiiig Hoiimi luatleinl lo Ibo eolle-clluu uf Wur Scrip In U'adilimton t'lty. Having nccu nleil Ihu poMlioiiof Clilef Clerlt lu one uf Ihe lli'pvrtmeuts .lining tl.u war, scrip holders will Hint mo pre parol to glvo nil nccie.-ury Infurina lion relalivei to tliclr cl.ilnn. 1 will aim glvo my attention to posting and itrrauclnir IhiuKs mid accounts, sis- Olllce lu Iho StHtiiul building. SAMUKL K. MAV. Jacksonville, Juno 2'J. IbUl, 2ltf 3Nrot;loo. fPIirdtr. was left on my ranch lo v 1 pa.turo one OKAY MA UK. of iSfel small size, the property of one II) le, ' l on tho 27 Ih el ty uf lleccmlier, A. I). Ifcwi. Now, a sild II) It' iloe' nut nppeiir nnd pay eharg'' on llm same. I will sell said mart-, nnd n coll foaled sluco said uiaio has U'eu ou Ihe luuili, J On Ifie'M iky of t'llniiinj, le'ii'-'. AT I'IKK.S'lX, Jackson county, Urejon, nt one o'eloek lu Ihu ullernoou, lo pay charges ou luu same lur iiasluriug. Jio SAMUKI, LOW. Assignco'3 Notice AM, persons Indebted lo W. W. UOi-S aro heuby uotillcil lo mako linn ill ute payment to tliu uiiitcrslgued. The creditors of ihu said W. W. UOSS ure notifleel to preseut Ihclr claim. properly uutlieiitlcainl, un or beforo tliu 231U l'Vtruary, lbtiJ, or the tamo may bo Uirreel. A. II. MellAYAIN, 2o Asslgne-o ol W. W. Hosi. Waldo, Josephine Co., Ogn Jan. 20. 16C2. lUal'lUDi ObANTCS lor sale at' TU1S OFFICE FRESH GOODS! TO THEW AMIKADY I.AltUE AND wi:li,seIiKcted stock op MERCHANDISE, TIIK UNDKUSIONKI) AUK NOW iti:ci:iviNu l-'UOM SAN PIIANCISCO. WHICH AltK Ol'l'KltUD AT LOV PRICES FOR CASH To correspond with the hard time. QUICK SALES AT SHALL PROFITS, rem hi'.adv pay, is in:sr l'ou ali Ktrry Arllrlc Wnrriiiiltil ns llrprcstiiltil. I'leasc give us a call. W.IDB, IORG.Ii & CO. Jacksonville, dan. 1 lfifi'.'. filitf text &jsjiiiJimirsr rpili: undersigned would resx-ctf'illy Inform X the ellleiis of J.itk-.m u.ljiiluiiig counties that ho has ou hand and will numifac- turn lo. mil r All Kliiels uf Siisliltvry J- Iliirucsn Mflt AH Heavy Draught Hntnn (Ion? nnd short lujf) 'Concord lliiine'ss, ll.iggy Hurucsi Moub'e nnd finals-) ( Spanish Hnil.ll'-s. Irecs nnd rigulog complete jiiiie' n:i. i. lie1', iii.eiisi .m.hi.iv, Saddle bags. Ilrl.lles, Sureiuvles, Halters, Spurs, CurrtcomlH Whip. Vblplahe. And all other article usuilly found In a llrst clast stoeli of SADDXiDnY. A Ms WOlllv WAKItAXTHIi. Store lu " Sentinel " liuHding, California street. iu:.MtY .n:i)ci:. Jacksonville', D.c. '.'I, I to I. I'Jif J3QUNJ) I'Oll SVL1M). 1CI1IS!! Witliin .Sixty Days! GOODS SELLING AT TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE Joir Ostslx ! Without Rexcrvc ! AT J.LBB1HHEB UBO'S. We are ili'tt'iiiilucil ami Cuii IK'llctl to ilacv all our lltittU Accounts ami ' Notes lis tliu IiuiiiIs of our At- tot uey, for action Al the coiislm; tctsis tf I lie- Dls- ti let Court, if not iHtlel ois or tic fore tliu 35W DAY OV JANUAKV, 1803. J. A. BRUNNER & BRO. JACKSON YII.I.K. Jun. 11. f.2 D12GIDK13 JIEDUCTION lu Ihu 1'ilcis of Board and Lodging ! -AT TIIK - FRANCO-AMERICAN RESTAURANT. Hoard and Lodging, per week $0 00 Iloaul, per week 7 UU Hoard und Lodging, per day, with prl- tatu room, best style 2 25 Lodging per night, lu private room. . , , 75 Lodging, per utgut, in double room. ... 60 Siuglu Meal go THE TABLE. Induction lu price, but no reduction or chaugie lu table. My tublu shall not bu Mir patacd by uay In tliu Statu uf Oieguii, MADA.Mi: DIUtOIIOAM. Jacktouvltle, Jau. 10, 1SC2, Aiml MMmm ' ijimswui una iw. a" LOVE & BILGEtt, I'nllfornla Slrctl, Jiitksontlllf, DEALERS AND WOMKERS IN TIN. SHEET IRON. COPPER. LEAD AND BRASS, E.VVGJist received from the Atlantic sldo and Sau l-'ranolscu. n cnmtilel -tnek of I'tcryihliitf In their Ibw niel will kiiicoiintaiil ly nu hand nu assortment of tl.u best Tin, Hln'i't Iron fc, Cot'' Warn, Ilras' l'lpe, lljdraulie NoMb'i. lulcu Pump', Chains. Lead I'ipi Hose. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, And Nails all Sizes ; Itar J'lat' und twrl-il Iron) l'aluts. Oil-. ?!. mid 0 ns: All'pialillisnl I'nwdur Shot nfitll"; Urusbes of every v uncty . etc., etc Stoves. Aln. nlwnvs on baud, a 1 vrge lot of slot c of aort' d ,.!. IIUl'K'iS PATP.NT COOKINtl STOVK, tiii: nj:w wom.n srovi Tlie two t cry liest aud palleru tu tho wnrhl. Parlor, Olucn nu.l ral.Iu Plnvev rtney ntnl plain. cniMriiclid on lalesl fuel ".ivliiif plans. Ilo' K'.lll". l'.il". 1'aiM. and evi r.vlhiuif eouiii'Cli.l wilh these stuv is warranted durabli and pirf.ct. All nrlleh's snhl bv Ihem or iniinufaclul'd, 'AllllANTt:i. Th'-'lr orl l made of Hit Im-1 material mid ol'ilio'cest imtte rn. iij-"rib'rs alleiidid In Willi quickest ells palcli. nu.l lllb'il iieeordliiir to illn-eilou. In 'V rvllilnir. Ili-ir stock Is the tnrtrc-l nnd ei.mpb'ti'sl i vi r brought to Jacksonville, und llu'y lire ileii rmineii m si u CXXI3AX TPOTH OADSI. Call ami examine their slock purehar- iiigeli'ewlirre. June Sit liU.-ia. KXPKESSSAL00N BY P. ILJ-YNCIl". ()lloute llit lmifl Sintt INrl. mil Joor to JlriLiiuiii't UjpieM OJhe. lornrr or iiml 'llilnl SlriiK. IU'OI'LI) respectfully liiform my old rriendt . und Ih. tuil.lie ciin tulle Dial 1 hate Just uliirned Irouifiau Iranc.Ko with uiiunl llm Ili'sl Si'lt'Ctt'il Slotles of beitli FOREIGN 8s DOMESTIO 3L-XC?TJ03FL 3 , Fine Wines, Cordials. Sjinps, i:ri. i:to, Tluit ha i'ii r I"1''!! off. nil fur -ute In this put or the country, wh'eli I will si II, wimi.rcsAisKi Orln nny .l"ind ipieiillly. nt n inoilcr.itf n.t titiiei' i... iii-t. Tliaiiliful for Ih" ptlroiiai' I hate nci'luil 'or Ihr 1. 1 i.Mir, I (.op. It will .i.i.iliiu... it. I will spin no . ili. tu ii-.llli upon my cu'loin- rs. I will till on l-'i-isfriiiu Un' town or country, o tend Ihviu uloiig ami k'i peH.I, THE BAR U'lll pollvily It- supill'il Willi mi'li' bill Ihn rtrylitt ipialilie's of the nl tlwct iiraiid-nl Si'Ktrs. itiiumKrihuEXPnESS SALOON, I'. II I.Y.N ill, I'r-isr. Jnck-ouvllli'.?.j.i II. llaif Reduction in Prices ! BEST WO .K DONE AT X.GW3ST 21ASZS. BLACKSMITIIIXG I 'Mil iiu.lerstizuid iiiii.ouufi lii pri'ei.l pi lrnii nnd lb.' pul I e that Im Im r i In.itl ih.- pricr lor all l,iid nl wi.rk u SWN ins hue, In ci'uliTiu In tl..' llm. , r in s sisor sin tho liii'Muiu- fori.., rl iKinpl. Iv Mm. Iturk.'. ou tiilfvtui Sail, dually Jiitt u Guy s jr V S .(' .V.iWh. Li cry p, el.' ol work ibme lu (he best ni.iuni r mil withipiick dippttch. I'lougli Iroiii iiiititt'iiiiil iriutlri'it W.iU.A, UIIl.UI .11 .v'l.lll. Ill IK lu the neiilest nuil sirimKesl llise.i rr. .Mining Tools, I'loU, Han, fee, mad.' looiil.r, of lie- v.ry Ul ma'.vrliU u tin' ino-t iipprotvd slybs. I'urllcilar mti'iitlou ultin tn c? ii()itsi:-sii()i:iNn, t-y or which lln-nrieei l vdueiil i l'.l and $11 run hi. i r. I'm Its made und tiltitl vvucliy iu inb r III" Iim I, of Iron and Slivl lnf llrt ipialp;, ind ull work don, ul In. Ihi. miuiewi i. . MAI.I'IN. Jlicksoui'llli' Mmell y. iMl. lllnll.Nir I. ii. maims. .11 II. IIAIMH HAINES 6c BRO. V- W-i to" .t -' ij ,.-ij' Corner Cit I ilo in in .v, Oifgou Sts TO THEPUBLIC. WII havo reibireil e.ur price- to su't t ' Ii ". 1'or stle, a large . Aud varied a xirimeut of c; Au'MrM h. ;2t; s- -aMi- Fui'iiisliiisg Goods, At very loev rules, ion cv-ll. Knr sale, 100 ca-e and cartoons of Soots, Shoos and Gaiters, or l.adiir. tli-iit.'- iiml I'll I, Inn, I'.ir sale, nu i't.-.ilve stock of JJcu's, Uovs' iiii.inill.ii'n'sltr. Knr sale, a lull (.ck of Ocot-hiuta. I'or sale, n larai ii-i.rlinciit nl U l braml of LiqUOHS. WINKS. ('OlMHALS. 111T. TKItS ANIi.SYUL'1'S. For sale, ToUtecit, Cigar". Mulches, I'lour, Uultir. Ilggs. und CucNTiir I'miiut s: u'liiiiully, C.VL.L, AND KXAM1XI3. DR. J.TJERBOLD 7 0UI.D lesii ctfully annoumv In ih.-rll. : i zi'im ul Jnckx.iiv llln nm) , ticiulty that Le U tiuw pit lured; to ilo ' VUI.CANJTK OU HUHIIKH WOUK or artitlcliil teetli In thu best Ilk', nm nl pi ers in suit tin' llnit- All kind nf Derntal operations attend, d lo I . a KIIH'iil manner.' Jackaouville, Juuo 2d, ISnl. ?i( .al