Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 15, 1862, Image 2

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O. .T.tC'OIIH, Killlor.
"Tii tiik erriCAcr Axnt'kitUAlcKxrr of vntii
rm.K.''-- WiifhiiiMiui.
I'KIJ. li, ISO.
Tho Origin of tho Present Rebellion.
Tito scml secession organs In the Northern
Slates, 11vrsi.1t In the tiiifrcprcscutotlon tliat
lliln rebellion was cuUH'il by the ikctlon of
Lincoln. IT events nic closely cdnmclnl wllh
will other In tin: order of lime, these logicians
liiiliintly comj lo Ilia conclusion llmt they
must lo connected together I iy llio relation ol
cause nnil effect. Northing villi bo mure fullu-i-inm
mill deceptive limn Midi it course of
reasoning. Ills I'Vclliin win lint the canto,
mill Imtilly the occasion of ibis rcU'lllou. If
l he contrary was llic ease, h's chcllon having
been nccomplMivil In cmislltutlon.il nituticr.
Ilicn the ntbelllon of ilia Southern Slates was
irtcled,becauc llio mijority n( lliC Amrrlcm.
people, In thu due cxirclso of t1ii.tr iorcrrl,w
right, lial piTfurint.it n conitltnltunnt net In n
ieuciful mill legil manner. Till view of the
t-uhject, then, olf.'ri no palliation for scceitluii
mill rebellion, lint we laM tho election ol
Lincoln was not tho cause of thin monstrous re
Iii'lllon mid we propose tn prove It by lb M
niilhntlly. Wo quote n few extracts from ll e
debates In the South Carolina Secifslou Cm
venltoti : Mr. R'ictt uhl " The secession
of South Carolina Is not the rrent of n day.
It ti not untitling produced by Lincoln, or h)
the noil execution of the 1'uglllvo Slave law
It ll n matter whlili Inn kin gathering heiul
for year." Mr. Pinker "ll Is mi spas-
iiuhIIc ilTurt that has come sudditily upon m, i
but It has been generally culminating for u
Inn. ser'e of jnirs" Mr. Kittt " I have
bitn eiignail In this motrinent ever since 1
entered political life." Mr. Inglis ' Most or
us have hud this matter iiuih r consideration
for the hut In cnty years." Thus wo sco that
the siim"1oii of South Carolliia Is not the
en nl of it day ; not a sjKwmndicdrnrt suddtii'
Iy come upon them, but the prnctlcat nitnp
t tot) of tieasnimble rcluims Ihnt Inttp In in
m.tturtiig fur the last Iwthty years. While
they were enjoying the bemfits and prolic
thai of the Coiirinnfiil, they were fierelly
ti'.inulng its destruction. It Is not the eoi-
tuMvc tipihlii' of a licople smnrtlu-j under
the Iiillielioiis of grrnl wnaijs, Init the liliul.
davelopmcnt of cool, culciilatlng nnd Insidious
traitors ll Is not the act of Ihe prople, but
of politicians, In.t tn etiry sino of honor nnd
reeklms of thilr coiistllullonal nbligntlons,
The Southirn Confulerury Is nillllnry dis
ptitl'in, rxtimporlrtilnutl prrelpitiitnl on the
people with Indcri nt l.nttc, without ever glv- na jmt ns binding us nny nllur clause In llmt
Ing tin in nn opportunity ot expressing tlieirliiKinoriib'o instrument, nnd p'edged IiIium'II
iipprnbiileu. to the vigorous mid impartial execution of Ihe
It h.n lux ii maturing for I wriny years, and, I'li-llite Sl.it e l.'iw. D.ire nny one s.iy Ihnt
nolhltu tlmt Lincoln has done bus pn-tlneid
II. So my lite urarlrs, uihi ttlMikmiusUttirt
so say I IiommiIio litivv Ixxii managers In Hie
plol.ni.d who run deny llulr nuthortly. White
tu- were murehlng triutiipliatitlynnwurd in the
carur of Nutiniial griiitiici uml glory, hi
crraslitg in the ilinifiils of material wuillh
mid national power, progrvwnug hi tliu nils
and reli'iiri's, und buiuntng u great, power
ful nnd happy n'ople, und.r tho bililgu
und liberal pilnclplm of the Constitution
treason was festering In tho hearts of lie
Southern i.Vmagogms, uml ln)tuglu (U-iidUh
plans to turn all this nvne of bliss mid pros
K'rity into iv fearful seeuu of murchy mid
Mr. ntitttsays ll urosc not from the inn
rxicutlon of tlw I'u.'itltii Slave I;is. He
wlio itiurs tlio shoo knows Ik I where it
plnehes, ami Mr. Ithett know whereof he
iillirms. The e-in-e wus ilivper than the urea
slouil iiiiiieMculioii of it liumuii law, , 1
human law nre not only lni-erfiil In I heir
structure, but us tl.iy mutt bo mrriid out bt
i r... ... n..i i.. j. ... ... ...ii.. r..il
to avinmplifli nil the great good luil In ilea
liy their ninetmnit. To rebel becaue u law
is linptrfuily cxteuted, is an net of unjuslili.i
lilo fully ai.d iimdiiiis. On tho ssime prluei
ple cti'ry conimunliy nilylii Justify n nlielllon
ngultMl the h-c'uly coiutituled uulho.lths of
tlie laud.
Then If the ocwklimnl noncvecutlon of the
l-'ugltlte Sluve L-iw was ml tho cmuo of this
rvbellluii, ithcru iliall wu look ftr Iho true
cm1 We Hid It in tl.. grow ing ditaiC-etlou
of Soutlurn duu-igoguis will. Ihe principle oH
self got eminent and Its chief attribute, unleer-
sal mtlrage. DM ll ey consult the peop'o in
the formation or iho military dtiiotI,m, callisl
Ihe .Southern Confi der.iey ! Nuy, the h-adi rs
priclpllntid It upon Ihe people without n.klnjr
their content, und in many cute lu tlie face of,
tho most cmplmtla disapprobation of Iho r,
pie. What means tin. who!o! ilUfruutltUts
mint 01 tne peopie, 1.111 cu.pu.nio noiiegauoi,
of ll.cir rights und Ihnt too no Aiiicrlc.iu soil
mid amid Iho sacied muniimciits of Iho Ketn
lutioii! It can mean nothing else but the
citation of an nilsloeracy or a limited nioii
nuhy. Hinr ti'-ul Mr. Itiiwcl.lhc currespou
dent ol the Loudon Timet, who while travel
ing in Ihe South was treated Willi cti-ryutten-tlou.
fnvs or tho conspirators : ' From all
(piarters have coinu to my ears Ihe echoes of Irom Vrekie lo this place, etcry two days, j Louisiana struck on the bar, where she still Lune ls soinewhcru In North Carolina s alien
tin same, vei'te it may bo feigned, but ihrre, Much credit Is duo In tho wigy und ers remains. The report of her burning Is incur tenant. Iloli Milcjlfe I in Texas. The com
It no discord In Iho note, ami it sounds hi
wemderful strength and iiionoliiny nil over the
country, shadis of Ucorco HI, or .oiin,oi,
luhiiion, of ull who contended ngalnsl the
ureal Rebellion, which luro these colonics
can )ou hear the chorus which'
. ...
Iho Statu of Marion, feumpier t
li out Rogluud,
rings ihrnuuli tl
p 1 I'liicknoy, unJ
uot clash your l.o.'tl)
hands In triumph? Hint voice says r' J ir
could oiilygtt qntofjlie loyal lots n 7jgeini
lo rule titer im tee tfimd if eonltnv. " Miotics
ol thclnarfyrsj of tliu Revolution I, that, such
sentiments should fltid uttcimice Id tho land
onco dyed with ) our. blood, and rendered tin
inorltl ly jlotir heroic suQcrlngs. Americans
longing' fur a Prlncctit to exit ml over them
the til election of her Royal Crinoline I I
On the fact that this rebellion was prcclpl
luted On the Southern jcoplo without their
consent nnd against Iheir will, no rist the hope
of the speedy restoration of the American
The peaceful loyntty of the South has been
silenced nmlJ the ilungor of arms am) the
reln of terror. 11 the Government crush
out the military despotism that overnws ihciu,
mid the great muss of tliu Southern icop1c
will hall the .Stars and Slrlpcs with tears of
joy. God forbid Hint uo should forsake our
lirithrrn In this their hour of trial. They aic
citizens of tho Government, and they detnniid
the protection due them ns such citizens.
Citizens of Oregon It bcromiii jour solenmn
duty to answer this question at our next
Tho Resignation of Cameron Tho Logic
Of EVC1U8.
All of our renders, ere lids reaches them,
will have been lulormcil of tin significant fact,
that Secretary Cameron tins withdrawn from
Lincoln's Cabinet. c ray the fact Is slgnlll-
cant, because It shows tho unalterable ill ter
mination or llic I'nslil.'iit In conduct this war,
for the sole purpose of restoring the Union to
Its fnrnur Inlcgrlly nnd glory, nnd of vindi
cating the majesty of Isiw and (lie supremacy
of tho Constitution. This Is onothcr striking
proof of the ontl-obn1tlon Undincles of the
Administration, this nuother contradiction In
the baseless nnd blatant el in r go of Abolition
I'm, so persistently nnd rec1.les.dy made by the
little secession Hiiud In Oregon. In fact,
there nc vi r was any grounds for this mad-dog
crv ofubollilon. It constitutes the only stock
In trade of banhrupt politicians and scccssdoti
iinpattilscrs. Tal.o this fiom tliim, and
Olhi'llo's tfcnpiitlun Is gone. They nctrr
address themeltcs to the judgment and Intel
ligence or tlklr readers, but always l.rcp In
vh.w llielr long cherUhcd prejudices. Niro,
tin1 scourge of the Woman Umpire, wa occus-
tumid to dress the Ctirlrtl.ini In tho ihiii of
tlhl liiii'ls.iiinl tin n In hiss Ilia dogii ut Ihrm
tie has his lugtcul luillutors ul this respu'tful
ili-taiice of time, nnd rlg,ht mil du they copy
their original.
The wlllidniwiil of Cameron fiom Hie Cub.
Init, was mi doubt the result of a radical dif
ferent of pliilou bitniiu lilin unit the I'rcid.
d lit, on thu texidsubjict ofsliivirycouuieled
with the prereiit ri billion. The I'nstilrut had
previous to his withdrawal, modi l!u! Ids report
ii .Seenlary of War, so at to inil.e It sxul(,
In sin iiiimlstaloilile manner, the conerviitlvo
entlmeul nl the Administration on this per-
ptexlng mihj-'ct. What more cunt liu'Ing net
can beiivt.nl lo satisfy Ihu Intelligent mid ini-
partial mini, that tho Aduiliiitiatoii is not
infuiid with Ihe dangirouj h prosy of Aboil-
lion ? Kver since Linroln lik llio hriugiirut
imiIi, Ids nets have glv.n n fori lido conlrudici
lion to thu basehrs chargu ol Abolitliiidsiii.
In his inaugural iidtlrcrs, he boldly l.itttl llmt
tho Piigitlto Slate chimo In the Cuiislltulloii
he has not ni.lily lulu mid that pkilge? Did j
ho not pr.'inplly iniHliry H,u proelamatlon of i
(i.-neial I'ri'inout, which, in its orlgiiial eon
ception.fipiinted ut theemaueiputioii of the
sl.it i of rebel matters! No man of nny In
telligence can diiiy It. Ihiliitl.sti persistently
has lie odhired tu ll.e policy of rondiietlng
ibis war for the mlc purjioso of maintaining
thu Union ut.tl the Constitution, that it has
crratrd a breai'h hi hie Culiliiil, nnd rctiittid
in Ihe withdrawal of the Secular)' of Wnr.
Vet. liotw'itlntiii.illng all then) convincing
proofs to tho ctiirury, weeH'et to mx- the
little S'piad of ticisslon )mpathlsers, each
mounted on koiiiu i'onpii'iiuii.s pi Mile, ban ling,
raving ai.d hunting, ubuul Liucolu's Ab
A Fimiai' or IIit(iiiv. Wociill llientleu-
lion of our r.umrrous reailim tn tho article
I.imiKiI a scrap of history, pnhlMicd on lie
Hist page nf Hits paier. ll 1inw how " O d
Hickory" dealt with trillion when ho was In
coinmaiid ul .Sew Oilcans. No nun ever had ufn ,,it ait night, and arrived here late
tlie conllih'iice ol thu American propto lo thu ,(j, i,,,,,!,..
iMenteiiJotcl by thu lltrosif New Orleans. The recent storm was unnstrally severo at
Were lie in i inuiul of n Dlvisluiinl tlie tint HmH-ms, nnd considerably delayed nnd crip-1
Union Army isoiv, mid fhoiild lie net ns be'iul iho r.Mtilltlnn. Tlie I'ei't'lefl Hamilton!
Ihrn uclid. how the Secelon organs In Oa-,
gon would howlm.il rate over thu gr.uo of
eon.ltlinionai iiiiiioni: ,tnn )et mese meri
cull theiuscltr Diiiiocrnts.niid Ihnt ton of thu '
rue'ftnn fehool!! 0 Democracy, pure nnd
lovely In ih)vef, Low many iriiiiorons eiix-Us
"fe prrpelraled umhr the mantling sanction of,
')' patriotic iiainel
TJ crul0 ,v.lco
Oitscrn Union.
Union" Parly."
,! t,at gou, tt tli0 0 Andrew .Tack-
fntl ;iwgu Washington Julius Ceusar Tomp-
jln j
.1 'o h ivo heard of words of learned length and
tlmiideilng tmiml,
' wJ7'U ,!"!aarfm,,lc'1 """ "'"
,)t)t l0 doom,!,, iv.,re Union Fbuh bcals
; , ,. . , . . c0ll,,nm(;ra.
Hon of euphony Iho nani'j of Slater or llrock.'
Wo think they deserve It, The Union, Peace,
llrorl.- f.. f.u-r.lt D.Mnnernnv- Kn..,l. u.-ll. 1
distinguishes tho motlern abortion from llmt 'drowned. Tho tlrupo Shot parted her haw
iinelent mitt "eniilne hind llmt had the rln;? of "'"1 went down lit Sea-Clew saved. A
Union nnd Andrew Juikson glory In it.
T,: SrAOKs.-Tl e singes now make n .rip
verunce or tho Company, nnd much is due also,
I o tho daring und energy of Ihe gtiillemen
drivers, llio stages also mahc llielr legumr
trips from Ihu Cufiou lo Ibis place
, ... ..
, and
Adams generally come through, unless.
Itogue River runs over the mmiutulns, or un -
i .is i i i
less un carlhrpittko opens a jtttvnliijj gnlpli be-
tt.L and th: Cailou,
eittro, .ran. atjb.-The Nnvy cmrlM
Mil bas rrulved dlsptttcli.il loin Plug Offl.
r BfeKwn.tI.iltd Sl.lp island, Miss., Jan.
cer McKunti, dated Shli
8th, In which he reports the capture of the
town of illloxl, MK, on the lint Inst., by tho
officer! tiiul crews of the steamers Water
Witch. Xcw London. and Henry Iuvvis. The
male portion had fled and left the women and
children. After destroying the battery and
capturing the guns nnd a schooner loaded with
lumber, our vessels left.
ItUJudj-oSwatn, of Ohio, who has been
appointed to thu Supremo bench, mid not
Swan, M telegraphed.
Tort I'ulaskl has been abandoned by the
rebels nnd will be occupied by tho Federal
tefl. Thompson has appeared on llio Mis
souri border again. Ho visited Commerce day
before yesterday, completely sacking the houses
of Union citizens of that place. An expe
dition of cavalry and infantry will leave Mini's
Point this evtnlng In pursuit of the mnraudirs.
Uen. l'rleo Is to bo appointed MnJorUcn-
ernl of the Confederate army.
Hen. McCullegb Is nstgncd to the command
nl a Division of Cavalry In Virginia.
The killed ami wounded nt Somerset Is set
down as: follows : On the l'riWul side, Tinth
Indiana killed 9, wounded -18 1 Fourth Ken
tucky kllh.il 0, wounded 20; Second MInne-
sota-kllkil 10, wounded 1.1; Ninth Ohio
killed 0, wounded 20.
Dispatches rccoited from Southern papers
say It's nil a lie tlint Zolllcoffir was whipped.
They nsscrl Ihnt reports In Northern papeis
arc n mere rne on the part of all street to
boNtcr up Fuleral securities. The blow will
prove it revcro one tu the .South.
In anticipation of the attack on North
Carolina by lluniside's expedition, n draft has
been made fur onc-thlrd cf the enrolled militia
of eight) tlrec counties. Substitutes will be
in demand, says tho Italelgh A'rgiVrr.
Ueu. Ilulleck has given the St. IiuIj seers
slon sympathizcrii mi Inkling of whit they
may vxK'ct If they decline tn piy the niM
tnents levied no them, llu soizcl tho goml
of one of llio defaulters, nihil twenty-five per
cent, to tho original iisfcssmcut, put him out
of tho Stale, mid then imprisoned his attorney',
win) sought tn r'p'cvln the proporly. .
(Iin. Slgol Is t-i hire nil important com
iinml on tho 1'utomac.
Tliu bodies of nlllcifK.r nnd llayllo IV) Ion
hare been embalmid, nnd will bo sent to ltol
lug (Irven by order ol Oener.tl 'i'huui.it.
Iti ports are rife of llio capture of the guer
rilla chief, dill'. Thompson.
Vc-fels continue to pass up tho
despite of the nbel litmkn.il
Tho Seventh New lliiiiiiishlre, now nt Wn1i.
Inglon, Is ordered lo Torlugas, und will leave .els lor traupirliit!n, tthkli cmisiil the com
foon. m.indir soiiiii cmhnrrnssiiiuii, Tl,c Navy
.Siiuitnr Mule's report e-nstirn Secretary ' Department throws the repimslliliy fur this
Well mid tlnv. Morgan, nnd Insists lh.it the' upon the War Depillmrrit. It seems that the
SDO.ODO In thclatlir's hands be nturned lo reported evacuation of l-'ml Pul.ukl win n ml.,
tho national tremury. I Like ! but ll"1' foil Is eoinpVlely Invi'stiil und
tlvlcvj from Mexico confirm previous nc-
counts of the union of nil parties, nnd mi in-1
trillion to in iko common came against the In :
v.nlers. !
A Washington spii'hd lo tho New Yolk
pipers, mys utters irom iiavmia state tliat
the ulllci are greatly diis.itl-lhtl with llulr
ptmjHets In Mexico, nnd complain that Mir-
. nmon ileiiivid them. Tlcy cxHCl(d aid the Union forces. ' On Ihe nljiht of the second
i from n stroii party, wherciis they find the i-ip.1 lii.t. n powerful exeilitIon Kfl Cairo for the
(illation ngilnsl tin in, nnd txpriiH lie con vie-'southward, the destination beluj unknown,
nhin that llielr frixut forix1 Is lindfii'iatc In I I'riec ha made a Hand nl Sin Inula Id. which
tiring the Mexicans tn ttrms. Much dlsciM-
iCnt prevails nmon;
tin m, nnd several rpi.irrils'
Iint'o nlreaily occurred ', In conseiiienco of I" cum in in.it ipuriir.
which the French will I sent back to Tain-J icr.cr.il Hunter hid prohibited Kamat mi
ptenmid the Kngllih will attack Matamor.n. niuding li.inds from entering Mlsiourl.
Minister Corwln writes tliat Iho lending spirits An ellorl Is being Hindu to ribnlld the burnt
ol the new Administration declare that Mex- district of Charleston. Milwou's Iron bittery
ten will make u succtuful rcslilance to the in-' ns launchul at tlacn Point on the 'JDlh nil.
vaders. J I' Congress it is ntntnl that Iho - Ciusirta-
Col. ItcytioM, finvernment Agent nt Purl lives" have n deeMi'd majority. The Pacific
lloynl, rinrts having secured n million dob Ituilru-vl Hill has lm.ii reporlnl In iho lloii'o
hirs worth of cotton j that some Ihreo thou, j without recomuitn.litlon, nnd Sargent of
sand negroes arc cngagnl gathering ll.e opV, Cilifurnln made a specih In its lavnr. Tho
they arc orderly nnd industrious. Treasury Diunnd Note Dill tins under con-
The report that tho rtbels had cvacuatid "'deration, Ihu chhf point nf dillkulty Mng
Mnna'sa Is untrue. llio prnjiosnl In innku Iho notes legal Undir.
.ludgu Swain took his sent on the Supreme'Tho Tux Hill was nearly reudy.
bench to day. I Wei hato Liverpool advices to Iho 8lh nil.
Troops are n'Mln gathering nt Annapolis,' it Hil' reirted that lird Ituircl luul wrltteii
,! t , U,pvMCl fr another expedition.
t.. (I(J rrr,, r the strtmcr Uistcrn Stale
0 mvc (IC flr9t direct ontcial Intelllgeiice of
Unnntde's expedition. 'I
Tlie Knstrrn Slate left
(., ,, tie n, n,j ittIi. consUttng of nvi r
(lll0 mwnt ,,nd twcnly-llto vessels ol all
t.,,,,,,,, mid nrrlicd ut llattcr.es between the
1.1,1 1Mi 17,1, ,vlna been tireutlv relarilnl
l)V somo tlorml 1UI ndvcr.e winds, which
,,rcvul during that lime. After its nrrlvul
t c.N-,,Crli.-iie'il n scries of uniur.il! led storms,
so severe nt limes llmt It was iniosil, lo
' '"'' communlcallon between any two vessels
I or Ihe licet. After the stern) sululded, it was
discovered that no vcrscl drawing over soten
fret three inches could pass into Ijmlics I ubordltito olliicrs under nrrcl. Thechargo
Sound, norcould uny tes-H'lpiisjoutsldothebir,"5'sll"t l,'l, ls not slated.
drawing over thirteen fict, nii'cse very skill- T.""? .
fullv piloted. Tho steamer City of New York I . "" 0' " ft Mkv ist D.x.n-
Mr.uk oulsldo the bar. and had a cargo of a,,,. J01"' v' ' ek Jaeksonvlllo, one of the
unltlon-value, 8200,000. It was a total loss- U" '",l0" ''alcs to the CharliMon eon-
.... . I VeUtlOll llolll eiriinill. Is f-o,nlntk.irv. f.f n Inn.
crew raved. Steamer rocaiiontus went ashore
near Iho lighthouse, und became n total loss.
Ninety valuable horses, belonging to Iho
I ItllCHIO liami UIHiery nil ooiiru, we'll
Island battery on board, wen ull
Ooveniment schooner, name unknown, loaded
with oats, and another, name not known, with
u crew, were lost on the bench. Thesteumer
' reel she may be got oft". The Kastern (Jaeeu
and Voltigfur wero
also ashorer the atlcrl
will pratuuiy get o:i 'i no water vessels at
tached In tha expedlllon had not reached their
- -
destination when the IvisternSluto left. Had
llt not btcn for Ihe comlenseis on board some
' .i i At a ti i st .
of Iho vessels, tho most tenible sullirliig must
nave oseurreu 3010112 inc. troops. i n iiiougui
the pilots of lliittcraa were traitors, hating in
ly " v,nl ""Kr
JJ" of lL5 l"l,, eW 'tcr8 n,mf ?U
all" nnd l.l rrgln.ehl, ttltl. boat's
whin they found tlmt the troops needed water,
manned the life boats In order to obtain It'
Tho boats were swamped' and the Colonel and
Surgeon drowned Ida crtflr wero saved,
(Jed. Uurnsldc has succeeded In getting one
half of Ids vessels over tho bar, Including his
gunboats and soren thousand troops. Kvcry
thing appears to be in a catlsfuctory condi
tion. When the Kaslirn Slnte left, the targe
transports with troops remained outside until
the arrival of tho steamer Spaudlng from
Port ltoynt on tho 2.1d. Nino jverc brought
in, the Eastern Stale parsing the last of them
as she left. Fair wcuther had set In, mid the
schooners of the expedition were mnklng llielr
appearance with water, coal and provisions.
The only troops that had been landed were the
2 ttli Massachusetts nnd the Ithodo Island
battery. 'I here has been no loss ol lirecxcipt
ns above mentioned.
Reports nro received at ltuttcras from the
surrntimllng population, in relation to the dis
position and intention of the enemy. Some
who came In say that tho rebels were com
pletely frightened. Others say that they will
make a stand, ami their report is that large
masses of Ironps.wlll bo couctiitrntcd in that
vicinity. Sttll nnllivr story, confirmed by
many, Is that their exertions will be dlrictetl
chielly lo the placing of olntructions In the
way of unr troops) Id Norfolk. Tho rebels
kept a good lookout on our inoviiiiculs with
their gunboalf.
The Piiisacota left Fortress Monroe, this nf
ternoou for Key West, lViinco!n nnd Ship
Island. She mIII report to thu Commodore of
tho lleet In the tiulfof Mexico to day.
A lllehmoud dispatch says that it has alia
blc authority for making the statement thai
(IciKral llenurcgard tul.es the command of the
army ut Columbus, Ky., nnd that Uen. (J. W.
Smith succeed him at Miinnai. This chuiuju
goes Into tiled Immediately.
The Sacramento Union of Wednesday l.ns
dates to the -tth, from which we take the' fol
lowing :
Tho most Important Item of the war news
is tnc nnnounn nirnt nf the apprehension ex
cited throughout the Smith by the npprp.ich
ing expiration of the time for which thousands
of tho rrliel iroopi were cnllstnl. A Deserter
says tint any attempt to force the ttnnps nt
Main's is to teenINt will lend to u Moody col
lision. That will bt McClcllnn's hour tn
Potomac . strike. The llurnildo expedition was pro
gressing satisfactorily, but provoking fnind
Irivo been discovered In the t bartering of vis-
Kileral ve.H'Is werarmluivoriiisr, withfiirci'ss,
to get bctnren this tvotk mid the city. Tien'
U nothing of Importance front other points mi
the lilorkiiilnl coast. It is nnnoiincc.) that
licit. Ilcliilxehiiaii Is to. lend nnolher cxikiII.
ttoii to llio .outlurn const ; nml tienernl
llutlerhai lnvn grn'ittd peniiifslon lo lake
'several brigade tu a point noibiforo visited bv
p'dut Slgel was iippronehlng nl the hind if
several dltLinrs. A great luttlu wus e-x
. ......
lo the l.tterpoot Ship Owner's Assncliitlon
stating that he had rchioinlruteil ng.ilnst the
sinking of tho stone Hid In Charleston hurbor,
! lut wilhuut arqil.
'I ho tone or some of the French nnd Ilritl.h
Journals continues to bo dcchlnlly miti-Aiiieri.
can, but It is coiuolalory to hear that our
Suite IKpartnicnt bus nillspaellieontiylngni-
""ranees of Ihoconiplite ii.tornlloii cf goo.1
fifling lownids the Uultexl Slates in Kuglmid,
Franco and other Continental Stales. Tho
privateer hnmtcr luul lieen ordered nwny rrom
1 Cudiz.nud had gone lo Oibraltcr. Four Fid-
' ushIs had Uen charged to follow her
v.hercter sho may go. Thcro Is ouother rc-
l,or"r0111 ''' '1'bomas, that Ihu Sumter was
' crni.tiig in the nclghborhod ol St. Domingo
w,' ' probdily u ml.t.il.i.
Cuptuiii Ritchie, of Iho steam frigate Sara-
' "-' WB "l Aeapmco, lias plaeeil some of h a
. , , o-i----- - v -
isuii.i renei regiineni. 111 juhc Mil lie was In
Washington endeavoring lo get Ids scrip paid,
professing great loyalty, but opposed to" coir,
clou," Wu thought then tho government
ought to have been iiliprl.-ed of Ids proclivities,
uiui ins noniii wiinueni. lie lireli'inliil li
was coming In Oirgon when he got his money.
" " " ' mariermusier 01 n . irg.uia regl-
K ,. ht".! , ' . '.ll!!",,all,!a"
missions i.i nil inesu wonnies noro issued on
V'V.."'." . "' "' "'"' """'"'
Jeir Davis, It is wortliy of unto Hint every
ntuce" inin who has sueuked out of Oregon
has Joints iho rebel army S)kes. Melealfe,
, iiannau, uimericii mm loine. lliat exipnsi
I j !' !,c'jr"V.CU.!IJ sflVs'.rriii' iM.'.'
i 'vtVLi iviiii.il lUO lirt K'" iniliUra Will I Ull III
jnc mi jst flvo ,0jc, i,y t,a sluislu- or
; tncte oeautics.Ursi'o.i stiitwnaA.
Particulars of tho Trip from tho Mines to
tlia Dalle.'. Tlirto Men Frozen,
iiroin 1110 .nuu.iiainoer 1-.ura.0l .inn. zu 1.
I On Momhiy list, nliout uooii, John dunie?,
R'q., In clitrgc of Tracy .c Co'n JJxprcss, or
rlvnIulliic.Dailes, bringing' with him llirec
hundred pouhds in treasure, and n largo num
ber of letters. From Mr. James ttq leurn
many particulars of the llt-sturrcd trip lu
which Jugger, Allphin, nnd Davis lost their
lives, and so many others sufil-rcd untold hor
rors. On Saturday, January -1th, nt 8 A M.,
the slogc left Walla Wulln rorlho Dalles ,hav.
Ing the following passenger list : John h.
James, Tracy .t Co's Express, Walla Wulla
I. K. Jaeger, Portlund j W. A. Moody, James
(lay, II. S. Nile, Kugcno City T .S. JiiT
rles, llelhel, Polk county; dairies Wilson,
Snleni) It. Itoltou, Sailor laggings. Califor
nia nnd 11. Wellington, destination unknown.
Tlie parly started In good health and spirits.
After suffering many tiiconvvuhnces nnd delays
by the way, they (lunlly rraelieil John Day's
River, nil sulb nnd sound. This wus on Wed
nesday, the eighth or January. On Friday
night, Jnnimry 10th, a stranger came to the
house, mid lell curly the next morning, on his
way lo tho D.iIIch. This man has not been
heard of since, nnd the probability is he per
Is! ied in tin snow.
During the slay at tho John Day House,
Iho company wits Increased by the arrival of
F. M. Alltihln, from the Umatilla, nnd Pal
Davis, understood to be from Iho mines.
Tho detention nt Iho John Day was In Ihe
Inst ihgri'O wenrlsume, nnd uccordlngly various
expiillinls weru devlsid nnd ilebntid tilth a
view lo gelling awny. On Sunday morning.
Jan. 12lh, their patience exhausted, Messrs.
.Ins. (iny, W. II. Moody, F. M. Allphin, nnd
Put Dal, minniiiiccd their intention lo start
out nnil teach the Dcs Chutles on foot. Af
ter Incredible surVcrlnir, the first two rticci cilcil
lu reaching their ilisllnntimt. Tlie party had
mil made more than four mill's from the John
Day when Mr. Allphin gave out and laid
down by Ihe ride of the trail. Mr. Davis pro
ceeded probably a mile further, when ho be
came exhaattetl and turned back. Neither of
thee me 11 have k'iicc been heard from, and the
probabilities arc thul they died that night.
Mr. Allphin has n wire nnd two ihlhlrcn liv
ing 011 tlie Umutllla. lie has nlso n brother,
M. J. AVphiu, engaged In business nt the
Dalles, ami, If wu mi-itnl.c not. u fattier und
mother, wlio rishlu In Linn County Oirgon.
'IV pirly riituceil by Iho d'pirturu of the
four mm, remain d nl llu Jnlm Due lloii-e
until Wednetdiiv, the 16th, when Mr. Julius
having procuri-ti n wagon und six lioise-s, ll
was ilctiriiiliiid to 111 ihu 11 dcS'icriitu nl tempi
lo continue their Journey. A I tlie time or
starting the patty iiumlnru! (in Krsons, ns
follows : I. K. .lugger, John II. Jnmrs, II.
Wclllngl1.11. II. S. Nlles, D. .MeDougal. .1.
Mulkey, J. K. (.'lover, T. S Jetlrlis. Charli
Wilson and R. Ilollon. They lift ttto John
Day nt 8 a. m., wills the express wagon.dr.iwir
i.y six norses. 'I tie snow on the side M lite
J0I111 Day Hill, was some four fict ilerp, and
the eoltl wus lii'cn-i. Altir Immeiiso cxirtlon
they niceiithtl lu gelling Iho i.pris matter
nnd thrie ImiM'S tu the ton or lliohlll. It was
now 12 u'ctnek, noon, uiui n consi.tlatlcn uns
liml ns to the practicability of proceeding,
A majority ik-termlned lo pusli lorward. Jag
ger said hu " hid his fare set for It, nnd could
m.iku it." Mr. James wus of opinion dial
Hiey cotiM tint m.il.u Hits slulioii tlmt nlglit,
so lie tKi Hi' il it Instto liiko Iho treusiiri1, ex
press unit tor. elc, mid return, .Mi'-.rs.
Ilidti 11 mid Wi'si 11 ii'sii thought ll best lo li
irace their slips. Ilirorls were made In lu
d'liv Jugger tn return, but lo nil represi 11I11
linns of this kind he replied, tlmt ''wlnre
others Hint, lu could follow." "Farewells"
weie llu 11 exchanged, nnd tho parties sepa
rated some 'f tin 111 never to m.vt 11 ngatu.
Mr Jiiiiii", In ihnrgo of Hit L press, left
Scott's on tin lelh, nei'oiupmiUil by n huge
party, und surily nrrlvul ut Iho Dcs Chutes
Hut night, mid in d Iho Dalles 011 thu 201b
M-'Ssrs. ('. II. Juhtitiin and t'riil. M. Slock
ing li It Ihe Dalles en tu'iirdiy. 16th intt . for
llic I ).'S Chutes, Inking with llu in hhinkcK
plottslous. mid cur) thing iiiiisn.ny In the
eomforl of Ihe t)or itnforlnu lie men who hud
sulf nil so much from lI.eivM, 'I'luy rcaelail
tliirenliuiil li'clok In the 1 veiling, 'tun were
nn.ihlu to cros lltu Dm Sliuli river, Iho leu
hating g'tiii uuy. On Siii.diy inotulug
Ihcy r.gi:id up a l.mul sleigh, mid cross'iig the
(.'iliimbla soii.u d,stanex IhIow tin moiitli of
Iho Des Clniles. siieciili'd with much d llicully
in reaching thu li'iusu of Mr. Pole, where
Ibcy fisui.il e .till of tin stilllreri. Siiuio of tin in
In 11 ih-phirah'o eon III Ion. Mi iiiiin were Im
mul'iili'ly luken for llielr removal, and miking
two trips. Ihey sut-citihil in brlngim: six of
the unfortuu'ili! across thu r-ver. Tho ollur
two pnli rml mn lining where llnry wvre.
I'mir of Ihiin weru brought tu the D dies by
Mr. C. II. Johnson, in one of thu Dallis Por
tage Cii.npiny's sleighs. They ni rived here
ubout six itViCH'k in llio evening, und were
Immediately lata 11 tn tho Umatilla House,
where they will receive every iitliiilioa tlmt
kiudi.cM or huuuiitiyi'.iusiiggist. 'I'liese inui
nre nainiil rcsiMi'tltrli, Win. Rldlly, Dnu.'nl
McDonald, II. Wellington und 'I'. S. Jillrlcs.
About mi hour liter, Mr. F. M. Slocking nr
rlvul, huvtiig wiili him W. A. Mo.tdy und
Jumisllay. Thi-so last two were taken to
the' Wcstirn Hotel," where liny will receive
every l.hidm n mid iitleullon.
Fiom Messrs. Stocking und Johnson wo
h arn the following parllculars relative to
Hicsc unfortunate sulll-icrs : On Sunday morn
ing, Jan. 12ih. nt III a. M., Messrs. W. A
Moody, Jus. (Jay. Marlon Allphin, nnd Pat.
Davis, left llio ctosolmr of John Day's River
for the De Chutes. That night Allphin and
Davis gave out, and wero lelt on tho road.
Moody and (lay walked all that night ami
Monday till midnight, and then built a lire
nnd thawed out their feet, which were badly
frozen. At daylight Ihcy started und reached
Rule's house- about 10 o'clock, having traveled
nbo.it one Hiilo from e-amp. The reel of both
tlicso men uru badly frozen. Allphin and Da
vis have not hcenheierd from,aud uru supposed
In have iierlshetl.
On cdiiifil iy, Jan. 1.1th, Messrs. J. Mauls
key.T. S.J.Ilins, II. Wellington. Wm. Rid
illo. Dougul McDonild, J. K. dlotcr. 0. Nich
ols, II. S, Nilcs. nnd I. K. Jaggrr, left John
Days Tor the Do Chutes, I hey weru out
lwoda)snud two night. Jugger wus the
first 0110 ol his parly that gave out. Hu wus
left on tho road, about llfteeu mllvs from tho
Des Chutes, und Ihou-h not frozen was utterly
e.thaustul. Mr, Wellington, tho last man,
left him nt daybreak, on the lGlh. Of this
party, Mies Is thu only 0110 that cscaiied unlu
Jiirul, Messrs. Riddle and Jell'iles ure frozen
ull over, mid Ihe b.ihinio sutfired greatly In
Iheir fill, bauds nnd cars. Jugger, without
doubt, has perithed.
Meusrs. It. K. Miller nud A.J. Knno started
mil from iho Des Chilli's rm Saturday morn
ing tit search for Jugger'a bixly. Not having
been hen id from up till Sunday noon, ft. im
ure entertained lor their safety, A partv con
sluing of John Irvin, O'ltricn, und I'Vauk
Shellon, wero ubout to start out in search or
Miller and Knne.
The John Irvin mentioned above, Is n noble
fellow. He was one or Iho party Hint went
nud brought In Maulkey, uud lu doing so hu
had nnu of his feet badly frosted, Noluilh
standing his Injury, ho promptly volunteered
to go lu search or Miller and K'uiie, All
honor In tho man who nobly responds to Iho
culls or humanity.
The body or J. K Jneger has been round.
Mi-srji. Allphin aud Davis have uot been
full lid,
Klfiinnth Indian Reservation Destroyed.
A New Reservation Troposcd-Its
Effects on Del Norto County.
CiiKsVKsjr Cm', Feb. id, 1862.
Eil. Stntlml: Sir The late frc-hct has com-
vatlon, nnd now Mr. I Won, Iho Indian Agcnl,
proposes to cstnlllidi a now Reservation In this
county, to embrace all the land nlong the coast
from the Oregon mid California liotit.tl.iry lino
south to within about five or sl.x miles nf
Crescent City, and as fur cast ns the lop of Iho
first ran go of eoatt mountains, mnklng the
ratcrn boundary Iho llumhnhlt meridian,
which wilt contain ubout 40,001) acres of tand,
1 2,000 acres of which arc suitable for agricultu
ral and grazing purposes, COO acres being now
under cultivation.
Negotiations nro now pending lielwccn the
Agent (for tho Goternininl) nud Iho settlers
Tor n portion of these lands, lying In Iho tery
heart of this beautiful Vullcy, the Mnjnr llrnd
ford l'lirm being ubout Ihcceutir. Prices hate
(seen agreed upon Tor near C.OOU acres, 2,009
acres or which are under cultltation, for tho
sum or $o8,000. This sum will not pay for the
Improvements thereon.
Strange as ll mav seem, there Is hardly a dis
senting voice In Ihe whole territory proposed lo
ha purchased against this mstvement on the
contrary, tho settlers nre ready and really anx
ious lo accept or the various prices ottered fi r
llielr lands, Tho Agent,! mn told, has author
ity from tho Indian Department tnprnthla n
new homo for Iho Indians In this till Won of Ids
district. Should Iho Department npprotoor
this purchase, Congress could hardly ufuru to
mike mi appropriation to purchase tho whole
of Iho proposed tract, when they lake Into con
riderntlon that there Is not less than 10,1)00 In
dians In tic provltkd for by this Reservation.
Rtcry one concedes tho fact that tho lucallon
selected Is will adapted In every particular for
the purposes contemplated, nnd that none bet
ter can he found, If the Interests or Ihe Gov
ernment nud the wants of Iho Indians nro only
tu bo consulted. I think II may be looked upon
as n fixed fact that the ltesenallo.i will he es
tahllshid time, although there Is a guud ileal
of opposlilun lo ll outside.
lids will not bo wondered ut after Inking n
peep into the Intt rn.il condition of Del N'orlc,
nnd its tl!ie,ls ii'mii Ihu revenue of that coimlv.
The whole amount of properly, real and ht
sonnl, In tho counly, lu IiSGI, was about J ISO,
000. Thu luict pmposid foru resirvnllon con
tains nboul oue-tinii of Ihu whole amount or
Iho la.xnbh properly lu Iho counly, Tha ngrl
cilltuiul lauds of 11 county Mug nlwii)sllie
iiiusl reliable and pmn incut basis of rcieniu,
thu loss or tho 12,000 acres out of 19,1SC acres,
which Is the whole amount of lands taxed In
Ihe county lu I Mil, cannot lut In seriously fell
In Iho future rovinuo of the county. Tho loss
by Iho late freshet eiiuuot tc less than $10000
along Smith's river nlouo; thu -losses on the
Khim.ilh nnd tributaries, tn lids inunly. nre
upial. If not iiimtir nnd ovir one-half of our
population wilt have In the Ppi Ing for Ihe 111 w
mines, Inking wllh Hum 11 largo amount of
movnl.lc pn. ily. Deprive Ihe counly of nil
nns iiiiitus, itt-iiiir win. i.ie Kimiui in pre -
elation lu the taluu nf Hint remaining, and ll
will udiiri llu niuoiiiit of tuiMf priM.rly of
lid county, lu IM!2, lo probably less than
Then Is nnolhfr source ol revenue of some
liiiMirlancu nboul lo Im rut oir. Ilinii,r,ir,. I
ipillu 11 hirgu muviiul of taxes mid loonl assess
infills have been paid by lion risldeiils. Inde
pendent of Ihesc, tuluiitary subscriptions, In
lariu umoiints, Imtu In en paid by llu 111 for
p'iblla iiupioii mints, with n tlew nreiihiiuelng
iht viiliiu of llulr properly, the Assessor's
list rieter ful It tl to give them eotitluclug prooi
r lis rising tuliie. It had lo them 11 pro-jKc-lltu
Value, nud llity paid llielr muiiey llUrnllv
In cot 1 r nil eipi.ii.es 0:1 ll. Now, strange ns ll
nny appear, thu suicidal nrtls nttimplul to cut
oil' this largo source of roienne, by n little
trick ol legislation n piopo-Itlon that even 11
California legislator outfit to blush nl, and
certainly none oilier would eiilirl.iln for n mo
incut. Like thu goose tlmt laid tho golden
eggs, II, loo, 111 11 't bo klllul, not because ll
fullid tn produce the goldriiegg win 11 rupilrul,
but fiom u mlsgiitilid iiviirlclousness,or lo grat
ify a malignant und wanton spirit lo destroy,
lo Injure somebody or something, without con
ferring a corresponding benefit on any othi r
person or thing. Wu niu.t set this down as the
work of otd litis) body, who nlwnys pnfus mis
chhf lo kiting " well rniiiigh " utune.
These facts, of Iho condition of the county,
Mug thus stripped iT all these sources or rev
enue, naturally e.xcltiH nn alarm mnong the
bond holder, scrip holders, and, I presume, r
lleu-hohUrs, loo (If Ihey nre not made of sterner
stiill'lhau mortal Hosts Is heir In), ami thei-iicr-Hon
mnong them nud others J seriously cousld
erul, "Can Ril Norte, lu this condition, main
tain In r county organization, uud piottdc for
Iho p.i)iuent of lur ikbt, amounting to not less
than $u0,000, after paying her Statu and fed
era) lax, which will probably hu Hot less than
one dollar on Ihu huudridln 16ti2:''
It I will tu consider, In thu event that she
cannot, what Is her falu uud wl.eru Is her di
liny, llorderlng as (ho docs on Ihu Oregon
line, she cannot, of course, seek affiliation with
lur Oregon neighbors. Her only C.illfurnta
nelghW mu Sltklynu nud Klamath couullis
SisMyou Is connected by a narrow strip on tin
cast, but ours would give an lll-shupcd. gotiul
1'ko form, addition to thai counly, uud whclbcr
Siskl)ou would consider Del Noitu a viry talu-
able ncipiUUIon, wllh her enormous debt of
$:io,000, Is a question. Rer next neighbor U
Kl.ini.illi county, or which Del Norto was ouco
a pail
A proposition for an nuTJatluii there
would bo a humlllatliig concession ; fur, after
a separation wilhuut tier consent, and a trial of
live years to maintain a separata existence, lu
return, like the prodigal son, uud ackuowlidgo
our Inability to do so, with a largo additional
debt for lur to assume, would, wo thluk, bo re
ceiveu oy Ki.inuiii wttn soino liesllallon.
Hence, no wonder llmt romo should fill
alarmed at Iho establishment of nn Indian Ilet -
irvatlou on tliu most valuablu nirr Icu tnral
1 Hid In tin. counly, and llic utti-mut to hootl-'
1 , ,1 1 1 1 . 1 . ., . .,
wink the Leg.-lat..ru tutu tho proposed net for,
the confiscation or tho properly of non-residents,
thereby cutting oil', 111 Ihey do, Iho principal
sources or our revenue. It Is t li lually set ci lu
the main arteries or tho county's existence,
A iiieciiiig a cuiicu 111 M'cscciu Ulty re-
cently, to get somu cxpiesston fiom iho people
.-..., 1 ......... ... . .. . . .
upon mis tuojiei ; uui mu iiisc'lisiuu loos an
nuieirlunalo turn. I mean unforluniitc, In not
getting at what was most desirable at that
time-tho views of Iho people or the county In
relation to the prnpilely, or linpioprlcly, of
I ,.... ...,(... ,,. .,
11.U111); 1111 11111..111 iK.en.iiioil C8iaijltlii-i In
ll.ll.l..l 1,.
Smith River Valley, as a uiittcr thrcatcnln;
Kl. Htnlmil: Sir The lute ftc-Iicl lias com-
idctelv dcmolbhed the Klamath Indian UcFcr-4..r
Iho existence of Ihe county hut tcty fortunato
In li';lng the means of calling out sonic truu
niuf loyal tenllmenls from some of our promi
nent citizens. A resolution was Introduced nt
I Im meeting, nnd ndvocnled strenuously, urging
violent resistance by nrmid force lo Iho landing
i.ii.,.,- ,r.,n llr.,i,ni.tt -,t.ivt rtn ,i
ttcmner nt descent Clly.cn ronlc to tho novf
nervation. Tho nullior of Iho resolulton no
doubt thought, fi om the Inrge McCouncl vote
recclted there, nnd Ihe tnud Secession talk (for
talk snkn) In thai locality, that the sentiments '
contained In (hat resolution would not " grata
hartjily upon tliclr cars." In tlmt he was mis
taken! Hicy wanted no ''Star of Ihe West"
nlHitr there. It called out from cren Ihe Mc
Councl men the bitterest denunciations they
pronounced the sentiments of that resolution.
carrlid Into practice, ns being Identical wills
those that binughl our country Into its present
lamentable condition. The resolution wres de
feated by nn overwhelming majority, 80 Icl 11
be recorded lo her credit let her existence be
long or short, prosperous or struggling agnliist
ndverslly, that, notwithstanding bef former
Iilxle-Constllullniial-McConnil Democratic"
proctltitlcs, thu latest public expression of Del
Norto showed Ihnt she was loyal. It.
Ox tiirScikxck or"' Wiooi.k Wjeaai.te.'! .
Tho Sierra Citizen has on Instructive essay on
the economy of" Wiggle-Waggle." ll says :
" 1 ounL'lolks scat themselves nnd one li
chosen to bo "Simon" whoso duty It Is lo
catch thu rest. When hu orders tbcm to
point up or point down, or tovigglt irnggU,"
without nth! fug thereto," .S.'mnn say." and an
one docs so, hu or she Is caught, and hns lo
give a " wnl." Hut II lie snys " Simon says
point mi,' or down or ' wiirulc-wuiretle.' auel
nny otic refuses that one Is likewise caught.
it occurs 10 us that tiirrc 11 a rrmurkablo
analogy between tho toohasly urchins ml
the Ciii:en'i penre-pnriylst. When the war
broke nut. Lx Senator (J win saltl to theim.
" wiggle!'' inui without wnillns lo hear who
Uncle Hum luul In say, llio chivalry ieieglC
forlhwilh. King cot I on said " waggle I. omj
without hesitating Tor the authority nf nss
tlonal onlers, stralghtwny ihcy waggled. In
consequence ol this Indiscreet precipitation,
ihcy have now to pay Ihe pawns orhumiliatlon,
Ignominy and contempt. Having loo liastly
wlggle-wiigglid olf their cauiUI ipiscnilages,
they nre now the slump tail psjsjlkwilhnut Iho
wherewlihiil In eilhtr wlggleTW waggle.
I'lncetvillt iYiirs.
m:v a i) vi:utihi:mcnt8.
List of Lotters
i) i:iaininii in Tin: post orricK
It at Jiicksoiivllle, lib. loth, I61II :
Alexander Chas
2 lliiiderson Jackson
Austin Seth
Hums II J
llellinger Merrlllo
llutler Win
llrico N W
ll'ev.ns Alt!
It'irlh Jonathan
llrowii CiHilidge II
Downs Austin
Rom's R ir R
Charllmi Chas A
Hotmail (Jeti
2 Johnsnii John
Jenkins John
Jump Jo.tpli
Jiini's Kuiolliio
James Thoinus K 2
Juinblo Jus
Jiiiiih Wm S
KiberMrsK A
Moor Marcus
MeCutulH r Mrs II II 2
Marlon Wm
Mohelt (Imis
Miichiiel KU
Neat Jolin
Piiulir Mr.
Pjlug T W
IViirion F
I'ratleS II
Rilherniel l'wls
Rimesdah Sliphen I
Sirgeiit Iiriitia
Siinlh II
S.'iiler Jus
Simpson II M I
Sauborii Richuiil M
Turiier Thiimu
Wilson Win
W'iii.tnw D
Wilkin Wm
Wutls Alexander
I (iiii .liiKitftli
c'tisit ril Stephen
. e.ullliait Ir.l
Conn tnu Juno
D. wson Jus
!'"'' J"1"'
j .!;; ' ,s
I i.vfil'J.i..- w.n.
-'- '
Flinl Win P
Flint Mis ltibi'cca
Pluisly Jolin
i'ohy P..t
l-'ulhrl D
Is'itodill l.tui-m
(iilsou T 11
1 .rumbling Adam
II.11111II011 ( A
Hopkins SupU'ii
llorloii .us
IVrsouscatlliix fornuy or llinso letters will
please lo stir lliey uru mlvi rll-nl.
S. li I IAIN liS Ast. IVM.
Wanted in Exchange!
-XT tiii:-
:h n:uv. jut j-iras m m
j&jt 3EH.oorul2EF
- ion -
Harness, Ihlillcs and Saddles,
Or nil kinds, und nil kinds of Saddle rising.
jnir HiieitH mil) SIiiich mada and re,
iKitreil to outer In n neat uud workiuauliko
in.iuuer. luiiutro of . .
K. li C1IAPIN.
I'turntx, Feb. II. i.
rublic ffalo.
NOTICin hereby given llmt there will lo
ollered ill public talu lo Hie highest Udder,
iho following personal pioperly lo wit ;
lltu head of young horses anil colls; two cows)
two hind or )ouugcalllu; a lut or slock hog ;
11 qiiautlty ol tunning utensils J a few carpeii
lei loots; household lurulture, consisting or
cooking stove, beds and bedding ; one wagon ;
twu sets or harness ; ouu saddle, ami other arti
cles too numerous to mention,
On Tuesday, Uie 4th Day of March, 1862.
ut ten ii'cloek lu thu forenoon, on Iho lurm of
Johu 1'orlune, lalo or Paugla Cumlv de
... .....I t.,l,l faun Is slluatnl uliout hilf-war
j jiuugl.is Counly. Tirms madu kuow on this
lulu ititlt
.Xl)rllO UreiK uutl xanjrMiiv,iiv, in
day or sale,
Itoseburg. Wu, lh. DW. 6o
AdminUtrator's Notise.
vjoltco Is hereby given that the undersigned
1 X ha been aiipoiuted Administrator or llio cs
I ...... .., l.llh- ll.ill.I'VL. .1. ....... kl . I ll.ll. f,r Dl.lllV.
IHIU Ul WI'IIA tllHnrtBlH...".,!.,.". ---
las Counly Oregon,
All persons having claims
1 nguliul said esltilo uro nqulrul lo nreseul tluui,
Willi llio mcessary touoliers, wtllilu
one year,
lorselllemiut ; and Ibuto Indebted are requested
to make iininulIaliMMtmoiit.
Itoseburg, Duug'as Co,, Feb. 4, 1802, So
Indian Hosorvo Claims.
T)eisuus holding any or Iho above cli.mi, can
r .llu.u.u of them I,v luaLIni! Immujiute 01.
ollcutiou lo the uudersigued, ul his oltlii' in tliu
I. ...... 1. LS t lll'l'l If ll IV
os-ii.m.i, in.iun.iu. o.ibiu m. 1
slacktoutillo, Feb. 8, 6ii,
t . ,- ,
' WatCll rOUnd,
AyHICIl ''oown can liavo i.y prov 11a piop-
' ' ' v"' "'" s""-""4 vu" ..".'.."''.V 'I.".'v"
lu W
Applegatc, Fvbrniry 10th, I