Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 15, 1862, Image 1

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nzr i !.. , , gnrrtn
tsgjjljPr "i" i
tttiinMiru( jffistlAs-jJMt.j.sa
IIKNRV DKitMNUKil, I'nb'r mid PropV.
Vffict our Clugagt It Vrum't Slalta.
Prrwcntrriox One year. In advance, Four
Dollars j otbirwlso. Five I)ollnr. Six month,
Two Dollars and Fifty ccnt. Nu pawr dls
cunllimcil until arrearages nro paid, unless at
tlio option of Hie proprietor.
AiiTKiiTinixa Oue square (12 lines or less),
first Insertion, Tbrco Dollar ) each siib-iqucnt
Insertion, Ono Dollar. A dbcuunt of llfly p,r
cent IU to made to tboto who ndurtl.-e by ike
By application to Postmasters nud Mat) Car
riers, jreu can learn that the Oiikuux Si-mim-i.
Iim by far a larger circulation In the cuuiitlia
df Jackson, Josephine and Douglas, Oregon,
anil Del Norte, Cullfonilrt, limn nny oilier pn
per. Tlila fuel should commend tlio Sf.ntinu.
to you as a superior medium for advertising.
Lilt of Agenta for the Oregon Sentinel,
who arc authorised to tronracl ony business
concerning tlila paper, In tlio name of I lie pub
lisher i
t. I VIiIiit Kiin I'l-unrlim.
Wadsworth llavne. Vti-ku
J. II. McCall shluinl.
J. C. Davenport Jiv-l.tirK
W. W. Fowler Applcgate
11. 8. Duntap Williamsburg
J..l.n It. I'rln.lli. Kirljvllllc
A. II. Mcllwaln Waldo
W. V. Illinliart Kirhyvllle
It. J. Foibes... Waldo
H'ov. M. UvarusV Atlhonsi
T. Hmllcy HnrrW.' KtcrlhiB
Jusl ll.ntn Liitiionvli:i-
Iliifus Mallnry Hum burg
l.anrt II. Initriri Sub III
F. M. Kllsworll Lugi ne City.
F. Clmrmnn Oregon City.
II ll- W..1..II. M llt.-lliv.
llciijaiiiln Cook Con ullis
J.H.rimltb Cn-tonl City
j. w. (uti:i:it,
Physician and Surgaon,
offici:, city imni stoiii:,
Jacksonville, llirumi.
1ll. It. IIIIOoK, II. P I. t. IIIUVUWIX, U. Ik
jTAolLaouvlUo, Orocou.
XnnniUr .'!. IM'.I. U
Jaiksontlllr, tlir.,on,
flTIM. ullrnd l tniiIm- In I ho Ourls ul
TT the First .imliul.il lilrlii.nud in the
hupmnc Court. Oct. 20:41
iyle K .mam.oky,
ItMtlillrK, llangU. C'oHiily, li;n.,
irHl attend '" nnJ' buslncs coiiflilnl in
T T III I", in the MVelul Court of the I'likt
Judicial District of Oregon, uud In tin- hu
iirrmc Court. Oilolier 2ii:ll
Will practice In nil tlio Court of tin Third
Judicial District, the Supreme Coin I oroie
run. and In Ynku. Cnl.
He ban an utent at WaOiliiclon.nud r"Cl
U llt that city ami tlio Atlnnllo IhU Siiiiiiikt
ami rail, aim any iiuiuc4 win none pr pi
allenimn. ii'y.'.T:i:i
C. 1. S I'll A (SUE,
KciumiM.K, JiMi.rmst; Cuintv, Ouv.,
Will punctually attend to IniMnMnenlrii'ted In
blicnrf. April III. IM'.l.-IMtf
IXTU.Tj attend to lni.lnen In the nerer.il
YY Court In Hie Flrl Judlchil DWilel of
Oregon, and la tbo .Supreme Court. Ollleo on
mitfurula M, oppoMlc " Srnlltirl " Offirr.
Jiri;so.vii.u:, Oni.mi.v.
May 2.Mli. '!. .'"L'iL
JarkaoitTlllr, tin unit.
Jar iMoiit tile, OrrKon
la prepared to lake l'lctiireii In every r-lyluof
ins An, wiiu nil ine mui iiuprueiueiiis. it
1 CJM.3aQ3l
dn not gUeimtirncllon.nocliiirgift will lioiimde
Call at Funk'. Ciar Store, or ut tlio (iuIIi ry ou
tbtillllLandi-eehUI'leliireH. lllj
iBriDor snop,
Rmrof"Stw Shite SjIooh," on IVitA Si,
SIIAVIXO, Halr-eiilllng, Shampooing Cur
ling and llulr Dyeing.
Alro, a geuuluo article ol FMi' Ihiu l!n
TiuuTlVK,uud Crlrlndiini'a Eiedifar Itiir ll'it loi
nlf, JiieliKimllle. Jim, '.'.'i. 2q
Jaekumi lllr, OriK""
AIJj bulncm peiluliiliig In Land or Land
J.hwh promptly attemled In.
Jacktuinllle.Miiy Ulb.UOt. litf
A Decided Bore,
tiv John ii. haxk.
Heet itrrum Crirpimtl I
Again I hear that creaking .Icpl
llc' rapping at the door I
Too well I know tbat boding round
That u.bcri In a bore.
I do not tremble hcn I meet
Tbo itoulctt or my foe.,
Dut Heaven defend im from Ibe friend
Wbo cornea but ucrcr guef.
110 drops Into my caty chair,
And luka about tbo new. J
He peer. Into my manuscript,
And glvei bli candid vlcwi
He tell me bere be like the, line,
And where beV forcid to grlcc
Hit lak'-a thu r-lrntigwt liber Ilea
Butnuir take hl lease I
He read my dully paper llirougli
Ilifore l'o aeeno wold
He wniii the lyric (tlial I wrote),
And llitnk ll quite nliMiril )
lli calmly mokii my l.il clgnr,
And coolly nk for more
Hi' npeiif everything be fees
Cwtpl tbviutry door!
He talk about bl fragile health,
And t(ll mo (if the pallia
Ho uir rx fioin a Mote of lilt
Of which be nu'r complaliH (
And bow he ftrugiilid once nllli Death
Tu ke'-p tlio Hi ml lit buy j
On tin mi' Ilk"' tlio'e nwny be goci
Hut iicur goeanwnyl
He lelli me of the earplug word
Some Mmllow critic wrote,
And rtery prccloim parugmpli
Fiiiiilllarly can ijuule.
lie Ihlnkii the wrltirdld me wrong;
He'd like to run him through t
He fay ii Ihoii'nnd plenant things
Hut nvtir mi)i,.I'iim''
Wlien'ir he rnmiM- that dreadful man
IHrgul'i'jt a' I m iv,
I know itiut, like nn iiiitiimn rnln,
He'll lii't throiigl t Iheilay ;
111 Willi I Hpcilk of urgi lit tllrk ',
111 v.iln I rcowl and pout
A rrowu I. no ritlugiilrlur
Jt doi. not put liliu out I
I iiienn to lake the knocker nlT
I'ul cinpe upon the door
Or hint tu John that I mil gone
To tay a month or more.
1 do not trend 1u when I mcit
'I lie loiitet of my foe ;
Hut Ik.m-u defeul mc from the frluid
Wl.oni'MT, nctir goml
A Scrnp of History.
Soon nfler tliiierul Jnekrou nrrivul In New
Orliuini, In tin) liitlcr luit ol the year 181 1,
l.e plurcil llmt city, uud whole il!tr!cl wllhiu
lilii llurr, uiiiKr nuillul law. Thi wmiconi'Iil.
end u wU: uud even mct-mury pru'uutloii,
uud wu z.-u!oiijily tubmlttiil to by tlep.ilrl
otic portion of the poiuilutluii. Aflir the
gruil battle on the bill of .lunuury, ldl.1, in
which the HrllMi wire o totally round, the
iiiileontiiitatn llio city logun tu iiuiriuur nt
the maintenance of murllul law, dularlug
lliul, in thu llritiili hud ll.d un.l tlarc wul no
danger from uny foe, tbo coiitinuunix' u( the
luililiiry itgimt wun dunnrlght tyranny. Old
Hickory paid nn otlintlon tu thfno murmurr,
but wiut on lit iron way, with nn r;e to the
rifely of hi country. Hut food licwi riime,
rugiic mid iinnuthenlle, hal Hncu had ix in
ilicluml. nnd then the niiitiiiura of inalcon
liiila Ucume friqiient nnd loud. Tin, French
portion of the population were ripccliilly
clumoroiiii, uud finally I lay Ugun lo get cer
tificate of French citizcuthli from the French
comul, hoping theriby lo bo ublo to ret Old
Hickory nl lUfiiituv. Hut they niUtook llulr
limn. As foon n h the old hiro leuruiil what
tlicv were about, he nrdaeil tlicui nnd their
tJniiMil lo liavo Xiw Orleuni within tliree
ilaja not lo como nearer than 12(1 mile of
tlio city until Ihmco hnu!d tic olllcmlly nn
nounciil. IIo nt thu unnic lima look Judicious
notice of the minora of pence, hinting they
might luiH' been circulutul by the enemy foi
the purpore of throw lug him ('If hi guard ;
he ufeiircd hi urmy nnd the inliuuituuta that
the fruit of their glorloui victory thoiild not
be tuutched from Iheni by rrntoo of any lack
of vigilance on hi part, am) that, until he re
reived ofliciul notllleutlou from hi Uoiem
incut that H'uce had been declurul, he bhouM
maintain within hi liuea thu mojt iullexible
The proclaninllon produced prwligioui ex
cltimenl. A Frenchman named l.oiulllir,
whowan member of the UgUlnture, pub.
lUhed In one of the city pH'r u dillant com
military upon It, nnd dicliireil, in Bultanee
that the French cillzina would not olioytm.li
a tyrannical order. The General nt cuiev hail
the editor brought belore him, and demanded
the name ol the author of thu " mufnoiu arti
cle." Tho ulltor gue the uulhor'a name;
nud hi a few minute afterward 1nialllcr wa
lappeil on the bhouldcr, a ho wa pinnitiudiug
the elifet, by a sergeant at the head of a llle
of eoldlcri', und iuformed that ho was " my
prisoner." He proicsUd ngalnit the urrct,
engugiu n tunjer on we fpoi, iiameu .iinrriu,
to tuko chargu of his case, uud wa iiiunhed
nlT to prison. Morrill at once applied to the
United Slute Judge, named Pomlulck Hall,
lor a writ of Imbtat coijhm. The Judge granted
the writ ; but when the official went to serve
it ou the (jcneral, ho scl&d it, kept posseslou
of it as " cvldenco against tho Judge," guve the
uniccr a certified copy, and ut once Is-sued an
order fur the "ancst of Poinluivli Hall, ou a
charge otniiUug totxtltt wiimy in Ihtcamp."
" He careful to permit no creapcf," wrolo the
(Jcneral to the officer detailed to nrrct the
Judge, "m fAf tmiimritt if tht tntmymt
mot iiumrou Man vt iiytctcil." llalher a
hard hit, that, for tho Uulted States Judgis.
Old lllekory'a pen wa something iharpe'r than
his sword. Judge Hall was tpevdily arrwtul,
and ImprUoncd alone; wild bis friend, Uulllar,
when tbey could talk over the matter at their
leUmre. Vat In a short time the (Jcneral bad
the Judge escorted beyond bis lines, and set at
liberty, with command not to come within
the lines again until pence should bt officially
ikelared. Not long ortcrwar pence ico on
daily declared i and then the tienernl, In an
eKiteiit ami hcarttlrr!ng proclamation, dl
banded his heroic army, pifinlttcd the civil
power to resume it legitimate swoy, nnd re
leased nil prlfouers cotiliuiU lor Uijouanuice
(a military otilcri".
Judge Hull ntiirncil to the city nnd deter
mined lo Imvc hi revenge. He soon had the
(Jcncriil aervcil with nn order to show cnii'e
why l.e should not lie iittnihid for contempt of
Court, etc. On tho day of the return, the
(lemral, In a citizen's dress, nnd accompanied
by the rcnownul IMwnrd l.ivlngtton ns his
counsel, went lo the courtroom, whiih wus
packed with nn eager multitude, nnxloiu lo
get a glimpse of the " old hi to." Airmi n
hi lull nud iiiiijeti: foini wan sein, lie nudl
nice burst Into such it tcmtKit of iutliiistaui
thai the .ludgc, not knowing what the I'.M'ilcd
throng might do, gave order tu Adjourn tlV
Court. Hut tho (Iinernl entertaii.iil thUVrctit
lew. Springing upon u suit, he wutiil hU
.inn, and ut once it silence ni of the gtue ier
vinled the liuslinl multitude. Thin, in a few
Aords, he rcmludiil tl.u nudienco wluro they
wcre, and liesought every tnnn who was u
ftitnJ lu liint lo Uliaw with the ilicoriim due
to the plucc and the occasion. Thtu turning
to the scarul .ludirc, he ruld : " Tht mt ri
llmt inor M tilijjiohi the inmkr vdl ulm
ptvttd thu Cvuil in Mc oVxiigf of ill ilnly
or fttith in Mc utlimit." Ho iniirr Mf jnu
tedinn i. the dentin!, the Court went on.
The Judge n furid, on tuhnlrnl gruuuds, lo
hear Livingston' argument In favor of the
( lent rul' course, nud milercd the ultiiihmeut
tu Imiiii'. On the return day ol thentlailimeul,
llieJiidgi'propouuiledntiictien lntrrrogitorli,
that the (lenerul ihilimd to take uny imliiv
ofbceuuu l.hiiigstnu had k-cn refused u hrar
Ing in hi difuiso, niiil stalid llmt ho wa
ready lo hmr nnd uAcfr l'j the decision of the
Court. The Judge thm jinfl '"' one thou
. Mian, tot width the (iinernl nt once
drew hl iluik on a city bui.k nnd thu the
iii.illir win for n lime einud. Hut twmty.
cviii ve.ir iiflerwnrdii, A. II. f'i, the (.'oil'
grcuol the I'liitul Slute votid In refund to
Cuieral Juiksoii that 81.HU0. with lutiiot to
date, tiliiouiitiiig tu hoiiio 8J.7IIU, nud the
money was paid our lu the old iiiuii.uiiild the
plaudit of the milloii. And theuby (.'mi'
re uud the n.iiple ret their reul of appro-
ImImui upon the old hero conduct, und gue
Judge notice tu buwnro how, lu ctilhul
uiurgeiicli, lliey lutirfiru with (oiiiuuiiidei
culled Into the Ik Id lu defend the honor ui.d
thcsafily of the country.
A Forward Movement.
Our advice from the Kust lend to the Infer
ence that the ft cling in favor of a forward
movuueiit I on the Inirui-e. The Unionist
have contributed largily in nun mid mean In
eruh out thli n billion. and they do not u'
pear In be rutMlitl with the progress that ha
been maile. I'reldeut Lincoln recms to sjni
palhle with Ihl iuoimeut, for he has ir
mittiil (Jcneral Jim Ijiic, the mot rudieul of
the military leader ou the Federal side, lu
lake command of thirty ll.ouaiid men, fur nn
expedition In the outh'ct. The pressure
broiighl to liiur by the radical nud piogre'
ivcHill doubllo uceoinpllsh ill purpose.
N'otwiliutanding the opinion of our Guuruls,
tin re an- political icasoiu which cannot be Ig
mired for the mtily teimluuttou of the con
llel In w Licit we find ourfehes involved. Our
relation with the Kuropcan pown are In u
critical condition, Kuglaud is on tlio wulih
for it picte.M tu briak the blockade, uud the
fidelity of 1-ranee is by no mean reliable
ThoSicrelary of tlio Treasury has ulo given
an exhibit of the national finance which is
not ciicituruglng, und the spicily termination
of the wur is our only hopo of rutoring pro,
pcrity tu thu nation.
It ccvin that tho present demand for a for
ward movement has nothing in common with
the former lnane cry of " On to ltkhuiond i"
I'rcvlou tu the btttlu of Hull Hun we were
not prepand for action. Since that epoch ol
pause, wo huve placed more than six hundred
ihouiuud mill in the Held and multiplied the
munitions of war with a rapidity whkli bat
uttirllcd the world. Our forces ure more than
ciiual to those of the ciuiny, nnd our people
uru confident of victory. There I scuucly ii
particular in which we ure not superior tu the
rebel. Wo have nmru men. Nu liuve u
greuter number of the most cllieieut iiigiiics of
warfare. We huve the udvnntuge of naval
forces to cooperate with the troop we menu
In employ upon laud, v u occiiiy all tho im
portuiit slruteglu positions. The teusou I fa
voiublu for elective operation iu the South j
ut till period XortUin tinnpi can operate
without peril of the miasma which prevail iu
llioeo regious during tho Huuuutr aud Full.
Why not, then, sound thu en avantJ We
sympathize with the people of the Last and
tho I'reoidcnt in urging tho fpeedy aud general
luoviment ol our troopa in the work of ciuih
ins out iiUlliou, Satrcmtnto Union,
The Tale he Told to tho Marine!.
Now, mind, I will not guarantee the truth
of this. I can only tell it you as he told it us.
It sounds Improbable, certainly, bill no one
can say It is Impossible. What Is Ihero to
prevent a lady, if sho is so Inclined, rrom
f Hut that would spoil the story. And
there I no law ol nnture, I suppose, to restrain
u man who is so devoid of gentlemanly feeling
H be is . Hut that would tell yon what
Is coming. It is no good saying he was In
toxicated, because I defy you to get drunk on
sherry and soda water I and lo lay it to tbc
heat of the season is absurd, Tor it was a re
markably cool evening for August. No!
Juiikyiis it a man who had sorye ttrungo ex
periences, nnd tlila was not the-fcast strange
nmoiig them. Still, mind, I will not guaran
tee the truth of this though, by tie way,
you don't often find n man tell tlio same tule
twice In exactly the nime way if It is not true,
and I have lieaul him tell thiv twice. The
first lime was nt n dinner nt Iml . Well,
It does nut mailer where. It I some tlmm
iidvlsiiblo not lo mention proticr nnmis. 1
don't think mentioning tliW would do any
harm, though at n dinner nt Lord' cricket
ground, and thu second time was nn tho occa
sion of which I am speaking, when I found
him dilnkliig sherry und soda water, nnd smok
ing cheroot with three officer ol marine, one
of whom, with fivcglove(l.idy'slxnnda half)
und u withered roc before hint, was telling
htnv " tiftir lending incon in thl way, nfler
gaining my young ufiictlmn in tht trtiieh
orou iiianmr. by Jove ! sir, sbe throws me
over nnd marries Itlubbir."
" It's like the sex," said the second Murine.
" It' the woman llmtsijuee all uuiiMud,''
" ll reminds me of what once happened to
in self," mid Jciihym j " you know tho story,"
he continued, turning lu inc. "So JuU or
der yourself some sherry uud soda wutirj ah I
and while ou ure about it, older somo for inc.
Ion, nnd you can puy for lliem both whin they
conic ; thm I ilnui'l lie pit out. Fiiying for
an) tiling nlwiij put tue mil. Thank you,
111 try one sfynur cigars. Well, gentlemen,"
turning In the Murines, "sometime ugn 1 wa
staying withSir (iiorgc I , l' House,
I slilie. (Iieul number of jiiople th re
all kinds of mninciiK'Ut going nn. Piking,
ridhu. fishing, shooting everything, in fact,
Sir Hi urge' daughter, Fanny, was often my
companion en these expeditions, nud 1 was
coddcruhly strut k with her. For she nm
girl lo whom the eplll.it stunning' applies
better limn nny other that I an acquainted
with. Flc could ride Km" Mmroil, she could
drive like .Mill, she could row like Charon
ho could dance llku TvrplAl.nre.she could
run like Plana, sl.o walked like Juno, nnd the
looked like Venn. I've recti her smoke."
"Ouflpvul Hdnt in tier character, at ony
rate,"sutd the Ihiid Murine.
"Just like the wx," said llicsemml Marine.
"Ah! she wn s tunnrr," continual Jink-
jus," you should have heard that girl whistle
and laugh -vnu should luvu heard her laugli.
She nt truly u delightful coinpiiiloii. We
rudeUvcllur, drove together, fMied together,
wiill,ol logilher, danced together, nng lu
'.'i tLcr ; I called her Funny, und the called me
Turn. All Ihl could have but one tcrmlua.
III. n, you know. 1 fell In love with her, und
determined lo tuku the first opportunity of
proposing. So one day, when wo wire out to
gether fishing on the lake, I went down on
my knees among llio gudgeon, seissed her
hand, pressed it to my waistcoat, and In burn
ing accent, ci.t rented her to become iny wife.
" Pon't be a foul !' she said. Now drop
It, do! uud put me u ficli worm on.'
"Oh! Fanny,' 1 mluluud i ' dont lull,
about worm when marriage Is in question.
Only say '
"1 tell you whnt it is now,' she replied, un
grlly, ' ifyou don't drop ii I'll pilch you oul
of il.c boat.'
"Qi nth nun," mid Jciikyiu, with strong
emotion,'-1 did not drop it ; and I givo you
my word of lonnr, with a sudden shove she
sent mo flying Into the water; then wiring
the sculls, with a stroke or two the put sev
eral yards bctwtcn us. and burst into u fit ol
laughter that fortuiiutily prvventtd htr going
any further. 1 swam up and climbed intu the
bout. Jeiikyns,' said I to myself, ' Itevenge!
revenge 1' 1 disguised my feelings. 1 laiiglud,
hideous mockery of mirth I laughed. 1'ullid
lu the bank, went to the hou-e, and changed
my clothe. When 1 opjieuriil ut tho dinner
tuble, I perceived that every one had been In
formed of my ducking universal laughter
greeted ine. Purlin; dinner. Funny reeatidly
whispered to Iter mlghlor. und glanced ut me.
Sinnlhei cd laughter Invariably followed. 'Jeiik
yns!' raid I, 'Itevmge! The opportunity
soon oiTeretl, There w as balloon iiscciislou
from tho lawn, and Funny had tormeutid her
father Into letting her ascend with the aero
naut. 1 Instantly took my plans bribed the
aeronaut tu plead Illness nt the moment when
tho iiiaililue thould have risen; kaincd from
him tlio management of tho balloon, though I
uuikn.lood that piclly well before, mid calmly
uwnittdtheriMilt, Thcdayciimc. The weather
was fine. The balloon wus Inflated. Funny
was in tho car. Kvcrj thing woh ready, when
the aeronaut euddciily fainted, He was car
ried Into the houe, and Sir (leorgo accompa
nied htm to see that he wus properly attended
to. Fanny was in dupalr.
" ' Am I to lose my nlr expedition?1 the ex
claimed, looking over the eido of the car.
' Some ono umUrstaud the management of
Ihlsthlngsurily? Nobody! Tom I'shc called
out to me, ' you undirstaud it, iloa't you ?
" ' I'wfutly !' I uu.wered.
Come along, tbeot' she cried; 'be
quick before papa come back.'
" The company In general enuenvorcu to
. i , . i !... r ......
ilissuauc ncr iroin ncr project ( uui, u, vuunu
in rain. After a decent show of hesitation, 1
climbed Into the car. Tbo balloon was cast
off, and rapidly sailed heavenward. There
was acarcly a brcalh of wind, and we row al
most straight up. We rose above the house,
and she laughed and said t
'" How Jolly 1'
" We were higher than the highest trees,
and she smiled, and said It won very kind of
mo lo como with her. We were to high that
tho people below looked nicro sjiccks, nud she
honed that I thoroughly otulemooii tno man
urcment of tho balloon. Now was my time.
'"I undcrslnnd Ihe 7iilrg up part,' I un
stirred ; ' to como down i not so easy,' and 1
" What do you mean ?' she crinl.
" Why, when you wont to go up falcr,
von Ihrow some sand overheard,' 1 replied,
suiting the action tu the word.
"Pon'lbo foolish. Tom,' she said, Irying
lo appear quite culm and ItiiLfTcntit, but trim
bllnz uncommonly.
"Foolish!' I said. 'Oh, dear no! but
whether I go along the ground or up In
the nlr, I like lo go the pace ; and so do
you Funny, I know, (lo it you cripples !' and
over went another sandduig.
"' Why, you're mad, surely!' she whispered.
In niter (error, and trlul to reach the bags ;
but I kept her back.
"Only with love, my dear,' I an.wcrcd,
smiling plcnunlly ; 'only with love for you
(Hi, Funny, I odorc yuu ! Say you will be
my wife"
" ' I gave you nn nntwer the other day,' she
replied J 'one which I should have thought
you would have remembered,' she nihhd,
laughing u little notwithstanding her terror.
"'1 renumber It perfectly,' I answered;
' hut I liileml tu have n dlllcmit answer tu
that. You we those five sandbag; I hall
aide you live times to become my wife. Lvery
time you rifii'C I shall throw over u samMiag ;
n, lady fair, ns the cab men would sny, n con
sider your decision, uud conscut to bicomc
Mrs. Jciihym.'
" ' I won't I' oho raid ; ' I never will ! And
let me tell you thai you nre uctlng in iv very
uugeiitleumtily wuy to press me thus.'
You nctcil In a very ladylike way the
other day, did you not,' I rejoined. ' whin you
knocked ine out of tho bout V She laughed
again, for she was a plucky girl, mid no mis
take u very plucky girl. ' Huucvir.' I went
on, ' it's nu good iirguln,,' about it. Will ion
promise In give me your hand ?'
" 'Never !'henniwered. 'I'll go In Ursa
Major first ; though I've got a big cnoiuh
bear here, in nil conscience. Stay! you'd pre
fer Aquarius, vvcuMu't yout'
' She lookul so pretty that 1 was nlinn.l
Inclined to fr'ghteu her of enuri I knew
how high we could go safely well niough, nnd
how valuable the life of Jinkyii wus tu hi
country ; but resolution I one of tho strong
point uf my character, uud when I've begun
a thing I like lo curry it through, so I threw
over unntlier sand bag, uud whltthd the Peud
Murih in Saul.
"' (,'onie, Mr. Jcnkyn,'iho said suddenly,
'come, Tom, let us iloeeinl now, uud I'llpinm
he to suy nothing wlutuvir ubout nil this.'
" 1 continued thu execution of the Pcud
"' Hut If you do not begin the difcent at
once, I'll tell pupa the moment I set foot on
the K round.'
" 1 laughed, seized another bag, and look
lug itcnddy ut her, raid ;
" ' Will you promUc to give mcynur hand ?'
" I've answered you already,' wus the reply.
" Over went the sand bag, und tho solium
notes or the Dead Murch resounded through
the car.
'"I thought you were a geuthiiian,' raid
Funny, rising up In a terrible rage from the
bottom of thu cur, where she had been kitting,
and looking pcificily beautiful In her wrath;
1 thought you were n gentleman, but I find 1
was mUtul.cn ; why, a clilium-y-sneiper would
not treut a lady in such u way. Puyoiikuow
that you ure risking jour own life us well u
mine by your niuduem V
"I explained that 1 adored her so much
that tu die iu her company would bo pcrfict
bliss, so that I begged shu would not cousiiUr
my feelings ut nil. She dashed her beautiful
hair from her face, nud standing perfectly
euct, looking like thu (JchWini of Angir, or
Hoadicea If you can fancy that perionuge in
u balloon shu said l
"I command you to begin tho descent thl
instant !'
"The Dead March whl.lltd In iv manner es
sentially guy and livily, was the only response.
After a few minutes klleuic I look up uiiulher
bag, and fuld t
"'W'enregitllng rather high; if joii do
not decide soon we khall have Mircury com
ing to tell u we nre trifp.isjlng will you
promlkC mo your ImiulJ'
"Shu tut in sulky silence, in the bottom
of the cur. 1 threw ovir thu Fund. Then
the trial another plan. Throwing hcifclf on
her kiiie and bursting intu tears, the wild :
" Oh, forgive inu w hut I did thu other day !
It was very wrong, uud I um very suriy.
Tukc mo home und I will be a sister to yuu.'
" ' Not a wife,' said I.
" I can't ? I can't !' she answered.
" Over went the fourth bug, and I began to
think she would beat me, after all ; for I did
not like tho idea of going much higher. I
nuuM uot give in jutt yet, however. 1 vvbis-
m w jgwww
tlul for a few moments, to give her lime for
reflection, and then said !
" 'Fanny, they say that marriages are made
In Heaven if yon do not tukc care, ours will
bo solemnized tlu-rr.'
" 1 look up the fifth bug.
" ' Come,' I said, ' my wife in life or my
companion in death ! which I It (o be ?, and
I patted the sand bag In a chicrful manner.
" She held her face In her hand, but did
not answer. I nursed the bag in my arms, as
if it had been a baby.
" 'Come, Fanny, give mc your promise.'
" I could hear her sobs. I'm the mol soft
hearted creaturo breathing, nnd would not
pnln nny living Ihtng, and, I confess, she had
bcutcn mc. I forgave Iw-r the ducking I for
gave her for rejecting inc. 1 wus on ihe point
of Hinging the bag back Into the car, ond say
Ing: 'Penrist Fanny, forgive mo for fright
ening you. Marry whomsoever you will.
(Jive your lovely hand lo the lowest groom In
your stables endow with your priceh
bciiuty the Chlcrorilic miiKI-'H aunt inwuiis.
Whatever happens, Jink) ns I your sluvo
your dog your footstool. His duly hence
foilh is to go whithersoever you shall order-
in ,l,i whatever vnu shall command.' 1 was
lust on Ihe point of saying this, I repeat
when Funny suddenly looked up, and saiu,
with ii qiiccrish expression upon her face :
"You iiceil not throw that last bag over,
I rnm1o to give you my hand.'
" With ull your hi art ?' I nsked diilckly.
"'With all my heart,' she unswind, with
the same strange look.
" 1 toscd the bag into Ihe bottom of the
car. and oncucil the valve. The balloon d.
Gentlemen, said Jenkjm, rising from
his sent In the most solemn manner, ami stretch
ing out his hand, ns If he were going In take
un oath ; ' Gcnl'cmen, will you believe!
When we had reached the ground, and the
balloon had been given ovir lu Its recovered
master when I had IicIjkiI Funny tenderly tn
the carlh, und turned toward her lo reeelvo
anew the promise of her uRccllou nnd her
hand will you believe it! she gave mc n
box on Ihe car that upset me against the
cur, und, running to her f.itlur, who at Unit
moment came up, she related to him nud the
uiscmlilcd company what she cullul my d!
gruciful conduct In the balloon, nud enlul by
liifoi mlng me that nil of her hand thai I wus
likely tu git hud been hestmved upon my ear,
whieli the assured mc hud been given with ull
her heart.'
' You vllllan!, raid Sir George, advanc
ing toward me with u horsewhip In hi hand
You vllllan !
over your hack.'
UUU I, V,,J ,.-m-v - - .-
I've a good mind tubrioklhliimtiill(l.y fortified, the Putmerslnn Cabinet
"Sir George,' mid I, vllllan ni.d Jcnk)ti
until never be cuup'cil iu Ihe nine si utei.ee;
uud til for the breaking of the whip, I'll re
lieve you of the trouble,' und snatching ll from
hi hand, I broke it In two, nud threw the
plice on the ground. ' And now I slull have
the honor of wlrhlug you n good morning.
Mirs P , I forgive you, and I retired.
Nun, I ask you whether any scimcn of
female treachery iqual In that has ever come
wllhiu your experience, nnd win tin r uny ex
ciic can be made for such conduct !"
' A I said before it's like the sex," said thu
mco il Marine.
" Yes, all mankind I njiilccd by women,"
said the third Marine.
" IiV jusl my eu-ie over again,,' said the first
Murine. " After drawing me ou In that way,
aller gaining my iifTecllons In thai trenchcrnu
manner, by Jove ! she goc and marries Illub
her !"
' Will, it does sound improbali'e, certainly,
vtry improbable. Hut I said, before 1 Ugun,
that I would not guarantee Ihe truth uf it.
Indeed, il you uik my candid opinion, I don't
think it is true, but yet the Mm met did!"
I.iTiitu'iillii.M'or. Sti:.vm Naviuvtiox to
China ami Jae.vx. The bill recently Intro
iluced by Senator Trillium for the establish
ment of n steam mall lino between Hau Fnui
cisco und Shanghae nu the Sandwich Island
and Jupan, propositi that u Government sub
sidy ol only 8100,000 per annum be given for
five year to n rcpi.inib!e company who will
carry the mall ovir the route named In steam
er of 2,000 ton burden, each, to bo con
truclid under tho iiiicrintcndcncti of navul
officii, and to bo suitable (or war purposes If
they slmll be required Hit refor. The New York
Chamber of Commerce having taken hold of
this subject, I prcnlng it earnestly upon the
uttentlon of Congress, uud n strong company
of New York merchants, with Wm.T. Colo
iiiiiii nl its head, stands ready lo undertake
lhe service under the 1111 the moment it be
comes a law, Thu mutter has ban referral to
Ihe Committc on Nuvul Affairs, and the pro
pored subsidy la so very small In view of the
great udvantuge to be obtained, that there is a
decided hopo of the succiss of lhe measure.
Miuiitv l)nv. A witty rascal, passing on
eastern town, wanted some whiskey, und know
ing il could only be obtained by a physlclun,
wrotu himself nn order, signing it with his
own name, to which the learned M. 1). was
ut laches!, llcprcs-cnted it nt tho drug store
of a gentleman who, though unrecognized by
him, proved lo be nn old aequ ilutunce.
" Hullo, Frank," said he, " when did you get
to bo a doctor!" "I'm not a doctor."
" Why, what i thl M. I), to your name for
llien !" Frank saw ho wa caught ; but de
termined to make the best of it, put ou a very
Innocent look, and merely answered: "Oh,
il,,.,'., lim I hli.wlilti f)r f" AT -AMr.,- l,n f-nt
lhe whttkey.
VOL. VII NO. fl.
Canadians in a Fright-A General Cry
for Fortification Ridiculed.
The CntMillaM arc doubtless very fearful
that troubles may arise this wlnlir from a
visit of some of our legions. For 1 1 Ileal ion
ore being ended on the lake for the protec
tion of the frontier, and troops are otlnt;
movid from niece lo place as it may be deemed
advantageous by the Commander-in-Chief.
(leu. Williams, whose fame was made at Ksrs,
and who is a skillful officer, has charge of the
regualar and volunteer forces, and active
movements have been recently made smong
them, and especially to reorganise the volun
teers, technically known as the uniform active
militia of Canada. Yery recently a number
nfoluccrs were coniinVslunoi! to this vidua
tccr body, ond as a ceitatn number of men
must be accepted before the officer obtains his
commission, it may be presumed comssnies
ure composed of privates ns well as officers.
Oen. Willlumt has recently been moving
ubout the premises Inspecting the defenses and
troops, and members ol hi staff have also
been employed Inspecting the militia.
The Hamilton (0. W.) Timet ridicules tht
bluster about defences and fortifications In the
(.'ntud'an provinces as follows :
Lvery place must lie fortified, and that In.
medlntcly, unit where there Is no place to fur.
tlfy, ono must lie made. Chatham wsnl lo
know if It is not to have a wall built around
the clearing. Caledonia Insist on bvlng put
lu a complete state of defence, least tlio Yau
lice should run up Grand Hiver nn skates du.
ring the winter, or como dnwn like grasshop
per on rail. Slmcoe goes In for as msny arm.
strong guns as can be spared In all olhcr parts
of the (Juccn'i dominions. Fort Dover will
tint lc satisfied with an) thing short of a belt
of fort ull atone; Long Point while Pundss
Is altout to ask for thu erection of heavy bat
tcrici nt no less than fifty diflircnt placet, tht
ehtifof wlitili, however, I to be on l'ic-nla
Point, to commund the puss of 8poky Mot
low, Aucastcr llilghts.atid " the George" lie
low. The other fifty butteries nre to bo so
placed that no hostile gunbeat dare show her
prow In Cool' Paradise, nor attempt to reach
Ihe harbor nl the " head of navigation." All
the work ure to bu eoiutruclcd by resident
engineer, mounted by cannon of home manu
facture, manim! by the local fire companies,
uud i.nicircd by military genii " lo the manor
born." Time, however, arc only a few of tht
thing demanded by the mania of today.
" To arms ! to arms !" " Form, tolunteers,
form !" " No surrender !" and " Kwy man lo
hi post! "are the watchword of the hour;
.....I Ii ...-. . I,ii... t iim I'rotlucn be not Im-
had belter look out for a vote of want ol con
Ikkncu from Canada.
Wii.i. Titi'.iiK Kvrn UK I's-ack! A great
many people think that even If wc conquer the
.South, (as wc now bid fair to do,) we shall
never be able lo live In peace with her cltisen.
lt u look to history for a precedent. Dur
ing the wars of P.nglatid against the Scots,
thu lain r haled the Kuglish with a fiendish
malignity such us Is now carccly known ex
cept among the vilest of men. Ytt the bat
lie of Ciilloden settled tho question forever.
And If Luglund had cause to be thankful for
thai victory, .Scotland afterward had much
stronger reason to be thankful for the defeat.
Precisely the same may be said of Ireland
nearly half a century later. Two contlguooa
countries, really parts of one country, have
infinitely more hope of living hspplly under
onu government than as rival ; and cxptrlcuco
does not prove that the resentments conse
quent on civil discord arc near so enduring
whin reUHIon it put down, as when it sets
two hostile nations tide by side. After we
have put down these Southern traitor and
demagogue, the people at large down there
will nu doubt treat u better than they ever
did. The Government may have to suppress
a few hundred of tho richest un.l proudest by
allowing them to leave the country minu their
pronriyuml nlggtri, hut we do not doubt
that u majority of the people will be tnlhusl.
u.tle In their support of the Unioa. S, V,
llivther Johmthiih,
A Powtnm. UniMNQ Gi.ak. The burn
Ing Ions constructed by Mr. Parker, in Lug
land, many years ago, at Ihe expense of up
ward ol 7.000, wus flint-glass, two feet in
diameter, aud weighed 212 pounds, the focul
length being six feet eight laches. To con.
ceutrulc tho rays still further, a second len
wus used, which reduced the diameter of thu
focus to half an Inch. Under ihl lew every
kind of Wood took fire in an instant, whether
dry or gn en, or even soaked In water. Thin
iron plates grew hot in ail instant uud then
nulled. Tiles, slates, and all kinds of earth
were vitrified. Sulphur, pitch, and ull resi
nous bodies melted under wuter. Fir wood,
exposed to the focus under water. did not seem
to changed, but when broken the Inside wa
found burned lo a coal. Any mettle what
ever, Inclosed iu charcoal, melted in a moment,
the flro sparkling like that of a forge. When
eopper was melted and thrown quickly Intu
cold water, it produced so violent a skock a
to break the strongest earthen vessel, uud tho
copper wa entirely dissipated.
The leading journal of California are ad
vocating tho re establishment of the pony ex
press, on account of the uncertainty of the tel
Girls and otiifh Skwinq Maciiinfs
The new kind may be the best to' htm, but the
o'.d fashioned orc arc the b:t to ej' with .