THE OREGON SENTINEL, jjATl'HDAY, rjni. 1, B02. Tho Weather. The weather Ibis winter bouts the memory ul bnu ks the judgment of" iheohhst lulinhl tint." It '"" eniphutlcdlly been n winter iI.hhI niid desolations by flood, Tho rjtmrfJ of this Vullvjr will long remember t,,, winter, ni tho winter in which their fur ma w,rcdinui!nl of till It. It ling been remarka ble so Air for aeuro und conltouid cold vtcatlirr., 2(!tli. Firming cold nil day with crraiiptiiil fulls of light snow. Mn.MM. Tire iky Is clear and beautiful tml.iy. but It Is cold, chilly nnd freezing. The frcxUtl mountain gleam and spniklo In llie clear tunshinc, but there is a chill in that lortlincM Mid it frigid pang In that beauty. IVrsDAV .Moiinino. Tlicrntomclcr nine Jrprres above zero this morning. This Is pretty cool considering tliu reputation of Ore gnu for a temperate, mild and genial climate. 'Ilicrcsre Indications of more mow. About llrre o'clock In the nttcrnooii commenced itii(r, ami mowed by Ills and turns all (ifi. We heard I lie Jingle of merry sleigh M tnt tiljclit. Wfdnmkat MomtiNa. Still inowlcg. flirt aln at seven Inches deep. Intelligence fiwt the ronnlry Informs us that cattle arc tying by the hundreds. Sleighs of ul uV irtipttoii! arc' In demand to-dny. One passed oar nlndow about noon that excited In us the Irongttt religious, emotions. It was. unlike snyllilng In Ilrarcn oron Kurlh. it wnsilic lilut born of the storm mid had for lis motive pgwer a Donkey. It bus been snowing .all Jjr. TilCMiiAr Mnnxixn. 'Cold nnd clfnr bt o Unit of mow In the Vulley, niuj qny (jjir.iKy you may desire on the surrounding nimintiiliri. I'tuiur .Moaxixii. Thermnn)cr two de jrrrs above zero; and freezing. No piccl of mow ipeiillly golog off. The Jingle of merry sleigh Mis are hajrJ In our ilirttf, forcibly reminding us or cllitr lands ml other do)-, A California I'oerk ha expressed the com btjHisugc In the billowing (hulling lines : Time bills nre nil big tumps at mow Fur Itnguc Hirer' IniiiiJnlloiij given ; Wtcn rprlug tide com en It's got to go Itumplty, thumplty .louii lielow There's nothing rafu this Idu at UNION, IUaii Tn in. The population of this county will not fill mncli short nf two llious.inil. As s biiii for tho calculations c arc about to ir.iVe we will arsumo it to Lc two thouat:d ,4A moderate estimate, wo will s.iy that it wti ten dollars per head to furnish each one it tbee two thouMnd persons with boots and, making tho nleo little sum of twenty Itoutaml dollars per year sluiced out of tliu comity for these two articles. The real aoiiiit U probably much greater. Hut let u titrnd this calculation M 1 lo CKjbrnrjB tie fthulc Hutu. Tlu W(jlatloii of tl.c Slate Is probably sixty thwjttJid, making for ll Slate the nice little sum (A six hundred iWmih dollar for boots and tlwn alow Hire arc lew boots unit shoe manufncluiul .i u. . hi i.i . . in thebaic. Hides ore permit Id to rot nil nr Ike country und no good reason cun be rirtn why tlicn1 hldis should not bo oumutac Urel Into leather m.d tho leulher into t.x)l trdilioei. Sluice out your Northern gold rVVUand deluge tlwouiitrj with money, uud ilrre will It bo in tliri-e jrcflri", the country mtnufacturhig nothing. Vim may postpone, lmt you cannot owrt the necessity of home iiuimfMtiire. Hard times lll return uga!n. The balance of trade Is nuuftut us, and uo coealry can stand the drainage that Oregon Uiiuu"vreit without hastening to bankrupiry l ruin. The uoolen jiumufuclura at BuWtii li J)!ng the country-tiwre rcul.good, ond ts of rrritrr real benefit than ull the lil Doraducs North or Sonlh, "TlS DUTANCK I.K.NUH K.SCIIANTMf.XT TO tine Yiiu." tin! Foiitiik Noutiikkn Mlikm. Kviry day wu sco persons wending their iy to the celebrated HI nrudo of the Vcxtb. Hnnie nre afoot, rmc horreback, and nUtt working their passage by stage. A hrje iwmbcr of perrous will go from this and Jifrplitnc oxiiitr hi the Hpriuir.AH with the CA(.fuhnt eM'etatlon of making a rahw next rinmmer aod of returning In the Full with tWIr pockets full of roeki. Succcm to them Mm will risk thtlr all io mining adventure en erldenee and data, upon which Ihcy would not rik a dollar lc the common trauwctloos Ulifc. l-'or one. wc hrnrtllv wish that tlicre distant Ih.ra.Iocs were nil sluidil out, Nothing Is raorc dl.lrou. to tho nro.perlty of the Slate Hun thrse periodic mining convulsions. They Midcr all kinds of bushier uncertain nud eflocjjvtly hold In check every manufacturing eUfpfUc, " mueli needed In the country. Wk puidi today thu proceedings of a ntttlugof thocltkcaijf Crescent City, held Jinutry lfith, lo lake into consideration the practicability of opeubjif a road from Jack mk to the Northern mines. It will be n by tl tublo of diMoi published lu tbU lime, that It Is near a thouiand miles from UtU place via Portland to tho rijlmon Hirer nine. From Jacksonville across by lie contemplated route, it certainly cannot bo ver400 miles to lliese mines. Then there re rich aud extensive mines on I'owder river, "ot over 300 mllea from here, The practica bility of the route U almost a certainly. Will the farmers, miliars und merchants of w mis Vulley suiter Ibeir uour ami uacou io lot on tbdr bauds for the want of n little wrpy? Will the ersons who contcmplulu luring this county lu tho Spring for the gold Mj of Iho north, persist in traveling a thou- . m ues, wueu t.iey pa., reuc, .. uh- Po'nt by going four hundred pilltf. or'ws? It more desirable to wado through fields of the uoslnu ijudrthan to trovel over grassy plains f The Singe arrived on Thursday morning, snuary Uoih, from Iho South, bringing no !rs fro;p the Slates later than that published Ii our Uu jHuc, We Isiivp scales from Sacra- o.Q, to January J-Hli. uie uuiiiorina lPrs rc Ollwl with sorrowful ocoounis or " duaiUri of the recent llooils. An lin-' !w amount of damngu lm b' en done In "l filato by the unprccedeulcd high wulcrt. tr Uiis wlutcr, SIlllACt't.Ol'i V.WM'K WtuM ST.OtVATIOtf.-- Friend Nixon, or tho YrcU Journal, uti'c date January U8lli, rends us the following : From Juku Crum wo leatn particulars of mo narrow escape of Henry Grcal house, Sum Aston, Rube Johnson, and llvo other Persons who lift hero three witksngu. Jlr. Crum was on his way North, when he met tho parly coming back. Sir. urcnthoiuo and party had lu company n large train of mules, destined fur the Dalles, under guide of Mr. Johnson. They traveled seventeen days through snow, with snow storms most of tho lime, rendering It scarcely possible to see three feet ithcnd. An Indian guided them four days, when ho run nlTitnd left ihcm to find their own wny. The men were on rations lor several days, eating but two spoonfuls of Hour nnd uboiit ono square Inch of meat per day, until the lost four days, when they eat nothing. The men were nearly fumUhcil on lliclr arri val at Kvcns' ranch In Uuttc Valley, where they were met with provhlon and kindly cared for. Their clothing was considerably worn, aspcuiuiiy tneir nods, uube Jolmson was only kept ullvo by tho boy accompanying the train picking tilm up whenever ha laid down in the snow. Tho mules managed to get a little feed by pawing down through the snow, where Ihu gross was good j but tl.ey have becomo so poor that It will re quire Ihice or four months llmo to render them fit for icrvlce. They think thoy went as far as IttinU river ; but It 1 more than probabla they had no knowlcdgo or their whereabouts, nnd wandered about un til they saw cuttle when they knew they niuit bo near fccttlcments, which brought them lulu Ilutto Creek Valley. Tlio calculation of the party wm to (rat through In n short lime, and but n limited quantity of provisions was taken along. None of tho mulcn wcru lost, although one had n narrow escape from tho do they had lu company. Washington Correspondence. From lliu livening Jlullcllii. Oencrnl Hubert Wilson, President of MIs- iouri (loyal) Statu Convention, Is here. lle declares that the loyal men of that Htate have Clares that the loyi rfect coiillileucu ill perfect coiillileucu In (Jen. Hullcck, nnd I If tils policy be carried out, tiieru can bo no luubt of the sale i y ot the Htate to the Union lieu. Wilson is uu original und unswerving Unionist, nud one nf the most popular und in fluential men in Mismuri. Ills emphatic In doriicmrnt of (icn. Malleoli's iiolley is very gratifying to tire frcuiU of the latter. At the same time it must be confessed that the Gen eral's iiMlgucd rciuou for driving tho "contra bands " out ufliU camp is n iomctvh;t slngu lar ono. If bo reully lielleves tho negrous were likely to convey Information to tho enemy, lul fumWhi'S n good reason for refusing to allow the fugillvM to come within his Hues hcn-ultcr; but wlan he drove out timid who li.ul already been in camp long enough to thoroughly un derstand his uumbcM, noiltion and condition, he certainly tonijulltil ll.eni to go lu the enemy, where llH-y III turn will be comicl!cd to tell ull they know, It should be remembered thai in his orders rt'SPtOtlug fugitive sluvert (leu. llulleek follontti his own judgment, nnd nol any rpeclllo instructions of the Government. Not nly IKn. iliillick, but other generals In cimnuM of Departments, are left to their own discretion as to the manner ol dispoiiug of this d.nteult and troublesome question. When our givat army south of thu Potomac iidviinccis It will need tueb uti iimouul of triihs portntlon as uo urmy ever required wfore, be- Irimuli mini .,. mil .......i i..r-, uuin.u.m.oii, cic. wwwi nnciuc number of unamals requind to hiiul th. . . ., t0.M,tvr wm, nrlillcry horses for the jod field batlcruv organized for the exiied lion, and n huge Innly ol cavalry horfcs. Thin is rendered ntisolutely neceary, becuuie the rebels have already consumed the lornge In Virginia ; or, II they have not, will be sure In bum It in they rclrenl. It follows, then, Ihat Ihu Pulnmnu river must bonpemd, and largely liirreasid supplies of forage must be brought lilt her by way rd that stream, before a general advuneo of our Potomac line can be ordered ; und it is not Impmbablo that one oliji-et the retiels lioil in view in creeling iiuueriw on ine river nnd Interrupting or threatening its nav. Igulion, was that of preventing the accumula tion or Iica indiipeiidble supplies. Dot the Potomac b'oikude is soon to be raised; and tiy the lime ihls readies you tho work will probably hnvo been done. (Jen. K. V. Sum. niT Is to have 30.001) men for u movement down the west bank of the Potomac within n fuw days, and It is very cviuVnl tlmt prepsra tlons lor shelling out llie rebel river butteries nre uctlvely going on at the Wellington Navy Vurd. (leu. Buinner and u naval force, co-op-erntlng judiciously, can hardly fall to bring both banks of tho PotmiMO speedily within llie Federal lines. Thnt done, und tho road hardened by a few day of severe cold wenlhcr, we may look to " see the fur lly " In old Virgi nia. It will bo teen by an extract ftom the lltcb-m-ud A'rt'mrer tlmt the rebels are anticipat ing some melt movement as that expected un der Om. Buinner's command. The Enquirtr favs: 'The signs Indicate, we think, that tho next battle on the lino nfthoJ'oloniuo will iKMuugin in tho vicinity ol Occoquan nnd Dumfries. It f r i.i .rnfamtpiiiA In iIia enpinv that tlit i,Aiicrti4 of Kvunnnorl should be silenced, and they seem, accordingly, to bo directing their force-s toward tlmt P n t. 1 ho (,dan seems to bo a movement by lain! from tlio ilirection oi Alexandria, to bo mpporteu ny n ueci on me river, nud besides these, Slcklea'a Urlgade, on tho opiiosllc side of thu river, and tho batter, lea which lie. bus erected on tho Maryland shore, ore to havo n part In the comblied at tack. Our Information from that qoarter leads us to expect on Important buttle ut an early day. ... (en. Wool Is exceeding nnxloin to make a demonstration agulnst Hichmond from For tress .Monroe, and has asked authority arid ,,.,! rrniil.lln to that end. Whut the decls Ion of tho authorities lu relation thereto Is, we are not yet permitted to know. Kx-Senator Owln. Culhoun Henham and J Tj. Ilreut lave all U'cn catecliU'd at tho Slate Department shico tliclr arrival here rrom tori rLitii. niul all nrntcst their lovullr. The two former say that they bad no Idea of taking lonnivr frnm Aulllliwull for ICllU'llUI J. bill were coming direct to Now York. tlwt It i truo they only purchased tickets to Tanama, but such was their custom, us the; ulways purcluifvri thetr tickets on board the steamers. Mr, Urtnt, It seems, had a through ticket. They admit the throwing overbourd of corres. pondencc after Ihelr nrrest on the Taciflc, bul declare tho puer wcro of n prlvulo na ture, having uo reference to political mattus, and which they did not, want expos! cither ,;," )(J nnlUcJ t0 p0 lart. 'o,,hdr parole not lo'leavo the country, or in linv wuv lo bo iuinllcated lu tho rebel In- (n nrlvato in vli uais or uio unveromeiu. i . - - lerests J'utiiid Sobk Tiiiioat. We uro Informed llmt there ore a good many eases of thl dread ful disease at I'htonlx und vicinity, In this county, lucre nave uecn severe ucuh mwi r . v , ; ..... ., .. .,..,,i i,,,,,. nmi lliis cauw in um. ... .-- more, It Is feared, will die. ; . f A negro preacher down Sou li pray u r Jtf while Ucrujeut ob our Mij)crlutioD.'' "Ill I Our Witvv. From the Sacramento Unlpn. An the maritime power ol Ureal Ilrltnln U the chief prldo of her people, their jealousy o ii luniiiuiiuiu i ii iii ureus no explanation. i iiviv ia um uiiu uu nun on lilt; clone Illot Cllll dispute tho linUgllly vaunt ' Drlldmllii rules Iho'wuvcs," uitd Ititit nation Is best known Within the sound of How Hells ns Hut Yunttn.. The French und the ltuishms 'limy multiply their vessels of war ns rnnldlv m ifipv i!t.i.n. or ns their menus will permit. Knglund knows, as we know, that iliirw do not constltuton, navy. Superior Frvneh Heels hnvo nlways sunk before llritlsh Siitmunshln, and Itiissia Scuttled n powci'ful squadron In the harbor of ijebastopol, becnuse sha d.ind nol abide (he Issuo ofu contest with Knglund on thu sea. A nntlon must hae it fur-reuclilng coiumerec or extensive fisheries' to breed thut elus of men who, after nil, cntiuitute the triicslrchgtli ofu navy. We have tho men trhd. hnrdy, uarmg ami skiiiiui men ol incciais Hint long ago elicited thu eulogy of Ilurkc ; nnd we have a much greater number of them thnn F.nglnnd can coiuinaml without Impressment. Wo may double Iho number of vessels lu our nnvv within tho present year, ns we have doubled the force within the past nix motilhi. nnd thcru will be no lack of the proper mate rial to man them. Fully nnare of this fact F.ngland wntcbes, with mi unslccplnj eye, the growth of thnt nnval force which Is olonc ca pable of questioning her right 'to rule the main. Thu Imdou Tima ll is staled in n ills natch from thu Fait, " r dicules the report of Secretary Welles" Tho particular point which tickle tho ribs of tho "Thunderer" are not mentioned, but as the reiort of the Secre tary Is mululy occupied with tho history ol the operations or thu department during tlio war, nnd nn exposition of the present status of the navy matters not at ull provoeatlvo of mirth wo nre nt a toss to discover whoro llo narepthctlcnl (laughter) shall bo loc.itul. When President I,iucoln Issued his porteutnns proclamation, calling for scicnty-five thousm.d volunteers to suppress thu rebellion in the South, n diipatch from .Montgomery announced Hint the proclamation had beau greeted by the rebel Cabinet with "shouts of laughter." Thut gufl'tw has been changed to q glintly grin, The mirth excited In Ilia soul of the writer In the 7mfi by tho statistics showing that tho Uollci) Slates nre bcgiulng to put forth their pnvul slrcnglh and will soon have three hundred vends of war nlloat, manned tiy twenty llvo thotiiujid of the best seamen lu llie world, may undergo the same mnurnful likta- niorpnosis. uur people liuyc ilemamleil u navy pronnrlionate to the inlglily development ol lliclr commerce, nnd they uru nrocurinir such u force with a runldlty iiuarcely ihomed iiom ble previous to this war. We doubt not that, lu llie eyes ol JirltUli statesmen and commer cial men, this la one of the ni'Ht momentous occurrences of the contest, ll signifies a more vigorous struggle for mprcinnry on the mu than nny In whieh Ingluiu has been called In angitirc, not excepting tho great conflict with tho Hutch, when Admiral Von Tromp nnllcd the broom to the mailhead, uud llm-utciicd London itself with di-structioii. It means a guarantee to American comnmrco lu seas which have hitherto seem to bo ignored by the Government, and a connqucnt Increase of our trade nud Influence with countries hcrctnlorc conceded to HritUli oris, urnn und iilplomicy. ii porieuiis u mure iicricci usscrtion or Aujei can supremacy lu ull our contlncnlid,,);-, ,' ore matting llie aliniroo d.ictrlnoiorrllllrIll',ur i... snlmnn.lul than lj J-fc- G ny S'lllS of Hair i on nrj. j ., - . .,,, mirth In this ( shall So glad that they "' U with so much ,d nature; butwuaro dlmosed lo liellevi llmt the ridicule of tho lmti U only the sun shine of the humor which precedes the scorch. r.. . i.rulpru 01 " nil 0 iinnuuiu, v ' log glare of Jrulouny nnd Imtc. ll wour grow lug iiavy Untlnn reully ilmtdi. WUMAUI'llH UWHIM.wJ... U..M.W.I l Ilupont, the coimuauder of Ihu Nuvul force of llie great exKilitlon, Is u native of llie Stale of New Jersey, but reeelvid bin up pointmint into thu navy from the Statu ul Delaware, of which he is n citizen. His origi nal entry Into the service or his country win on the 19th or December, 1815; he has been, therefore, nearly -17 J ears in tho service, und his forty-sixth brings him more glory aud raises him higher in the estimation of the iicoplc, both ul homo mid ubroad, limn ull the previous O'jis. Up to thu pnseut llmo Com modore Dupont has nitciil nearly twenty-two yeurs ou cu, eight nud a half years in uctivc duty on shore, und the balance of his lime bus been ummphiyed. His pn-mnt commission bears dale September 14, lbT)5. He was last ut keu in Muy, 1851), and up to taking com inuiid of Iho late expedition he bus Iteeu com uiuiidant or Iho Nuvy Vurd at t'hlludelphia, whero his kindness of manner, together with his strict discipline, won him many friends. (Jommouoru uupoui is man iiiuu pasi what is usually termed tho prirno of life, ul Ihouuli iiOffCMed of all thu vigor, bodily sln-iiL'tb and umblllun that usually charucter- Uo younger men, uml uioso quuiities, joincu io ---"CT " - . . . lus exiM-rieiiev, iiiuku nun just uio man we need. In his iersooal upiH'iirancu tho Com uiodoru is n pernio who would ul once attract attention, having all thu ciuy grace of a tin- t.l. .1 I. ........ t..,.tl.a .illl. .. nnriitiiiti,lisits laimi miHiriiiiJf iiviuvi nun m i look, tlmt betokens H.-rfcveruiH-o uml u &"' mtitiitnn in uiu-i-t-4liillv cjirrv nut unv under-1 lukinc llmt ho may enauire lu. He is Just Hie man to deervu rcecl and command it. His brilliant uud malchlcitt victory ut Ileuuforl shows him to bo the right man lu the right place. EntTou Sic.nti.nki. : 1 havo noticed In the S!att$manot the 13th nil., uu advertisement of tho recruiting officer ut Sulem, calling for flirty six men lo complete company " A." It may bo that they nre entitled lo Ihe rlrfht uf Iho Iteglmcnt by location, but I supposed lhat tho company thut first reported for duly would be designated by that letter ( If so, the linker Guards, commanded by Cupt. Hurrls, claim and expect to get it, as they wcro mus tered on the 28th of November, 18G1, Yolvmreii. Rauuim and Fhuit Tjikes, We hear t good deal of complaint about rabbits destroy inff voom: fruit trees. Tho following Is said to be a certain preventative : Kill a rabbit cut it opeu uud then thoroughly rub the fleshy part on tho tree, from the foot of the same up us high as these mischievous annuals can reach. This Is n simple, but wo believe on effectual preventative. We have tried it ond wc have known others to try It with entire success. Try It. DnowuKD. W. W. Fowler, of Applegatc, informs us that a (Jernion by the name of Oeorgo Harris was drowned ou Thursday, the 23d ull,, while) attempting. to cross Applegule nenr the rich Quartz Lode, owned by Mr. Eowler and others. Scram Jeff. Davis to Old Abo after tin foil of Sumptcr: With I'uljilian, Mortar nnd retard, We tender Old Abe our Ueauregaid. Old Abo to Jeff. Davis ufter tho capture of Port lloyal t Your tender lacked ponder, perhaps you'ro In want, I therefore have sent you tho belt ofUnpont. Vithliurg Vi$patc, U",1 OU ritlNTIN 0 of ull descriptions neatly e BBNT1NKI. OPPIOB executed ut the I ILMIIlUlll ! H IJUII III II Ml JM"SU . Z'2 Oiikoon Waii 1)oNDs.TIio latest quota tion of Oregon War bonds In tho New York ipttrkct, wm SJj'ij' nnd 8!) cents on the decline. No rule for, brfhili under WO.0.00. Let them Comet Kft will take them nt llmt. I'iik Canndlan press delight In (n1V9j: CD,VJe lor ularm nt pome lp;agl&p(l lUpci tijf, nr with the United (States. W-licu,' llie home Govcnttflcnt U Iwl".?1''! to send over a few regiments P,J ti(pppj n'.nA cngngc In constructing costly world of defence. It elves no little Im pulse nnd nctlvltv to business In Canadian cities. This may ttrrc often ns 'n key to (he lone of the Canadian newspapers J they want larger expenditure In Cunnua utfi of the royal treasury. Witoi.iAr.K DKSKnTiox or lONOl.tfUt Sor DIKns. Tllf lltllTiilo Commirtial mvs that n ffcnllemiin whn nrrlvril frnm 'IVirnnln. where ho hud rrJIdiiPsInco Mut.slnW that out of inree inoumnii fcngli3h siulir rrrcntly sta tloned ijt tlmt place, nearly six hundred have UrtCrled. He relates Ir.stnnces a the men left In squads. Many wcro rc-tukcbut the majority managed to escape. BIRTHS. . TEST In Jacksonville, on (lie 27tU ull., tho wife of Mr. Vincent Junes, df n toil. DIED. At I'hirnlx, Jnnunry Ifith, Mrs. Maiit Ann DiltSh'iixitii. Aged 31 years.' At l'lueidx, Jnnunry 23th, Mrs. Emzaiiktii II ui.kv. Aged 47 years. At I'luculx, Jununry 27th, John BitiKKiuinii.' Ageil HO years. All, In the full enjoyment of Iho Christian's bope,'pased Inlo roil. Jackionvillo Frleei Curront. ItfiltorteiinirllieSciitliiclxtJorrrrtrtlwecM)- Jacksovvilu, Saturday, Feb. 1, 1KC2. U'hoat.pcr bushel, ,,,,, i, in a ml Oats, do flu a i( Hurley, do ,,, 4() n f,o Flour, In qr. sacks, pur 100 lbs.. 1 fiU to 2 Utl Chickens, per do ..,..,. $.' 00 u A 011 Com Meal, per 100 lb, ni 4 Oil .$2.V.U" :io 211 IK liny, pur ton ....,. Ilncmi, shies, clear, per lb do io with bono,,,..,,,. no nam,, do FhoulduftJ.... do hog round., Ilecr, licit, por ll. ..,,,...'.,... . I'ork, do do Mutton, do , I.ard. leaf, lu tins, per lb.,,,,,,. 211 121 i 16 HO to 8 n 10 no in Keg no Huttcr, froth dairy, do ..-..,. ..!., 18 IIOUO n All .17 2.'i no in KVg, uu Cheeto, per lb KtfK, Troll, purduz I'otutoiM, per lb, Onions, do ,,, ,,,, 37 to ou 11 Nia .a n " A. 10 a Turnips, iio Cabbage, do ................ in 12 2A a:il 40 :io 2A llcnu,wliilodo .......... . . . . . niwn Aiiiles, per Hi urleil Apples.,; liricujiT.... OS a I7tiT1ied Suuur Drown do 3Umjr3?HsJ llttir of " New State &tloon," on ThUd St. SH.VVISO, Ilalr-culllng, Shampooing Cur ling and Hair Dyeing. Alo. n geuuluo article ol Fish's IUm Hkh- 1'd V.irttilnr ll.tir HuitoT rale!" '' J(9ktgnvllle,Jau.25...2q NoticoPay up. AM, MONEYS due the undersigned, cither tiy note or book account. If mil paid ou or Ijcloro llw FIUST 1AV OF FKIIItUAKV, luiii. will lie plaeetl lu Ihu hsiuls of O. JACOI1S, Kmi., wllli liiatructluns to sue uud euforco 1m mcdlalu payment. llHDLlCII & OOLUSMITII. I'limnlx. Oregon, Dec. A, Ifltfl. -t7lf HSTotioo. A Mi persons Indebted to mo arc requested to . maxu Imiiiedlate pavment. Tliou ilemamls uimlust mo will iirvx-nt tlu-m inalcu jmiuedlate payment. Thoau holding ii mo win iiri'X'ui iiii-m. ALIlHItr 1IAUN1IAUT. JaekonvIlle. Ann. 2t. I8iil. 32tf Oregon War Scrip. T II AVK mado nrranitciiients with rt reipoinllile X Hanking llouno to attend to tho collection of War Scrip In Wuihlnjttnu Oily. Having occu pied Ihu position of Chief Clerk la one of Iho Departments during the war, Krlp-holders will llmt mo prepared In give nil necessary Informs lion rulatlve to their claims. 1 will ulto gtvo my attention to posting nud nrraiiKlug books uud uccounU. & OlUco In the Soitmtl liullding, BAMUIiL K. MAT. Jacksonville. Juno 29. 18C1. 24tf . Jffl CM 1011 HjVQTllbOtill ' v.. You nre hereby notified that Can bo found ut Ids store on California street, always reuUy to ruruuli you wilu asTjt-cs. 3C,3t--msvJL-ast Of every 'Description, ucb as Apples, Poars, Peachw, lusoious Grapes, And, In short, everything usually found In n Emit Hlore, togctlicr with u lurge and well assorted stock of CANDIES AND NUTS. lawn of Choice TOHACCO AND SEGAltS Will find the best qualities at bis counter. All of which will be sold ut prices to suit the times. Octuber 26, 1801. 41 GFLE A T RED U CTTON F 0Nthel'r4 of January W, the prices of WllKKLKIt & WlUOXrri jSo-wdLrxs 3VXn.olxlxi.oai wero reduced tKnttjvrtmta the Paolflo const. A fuw of these, tin best und cheapest mu cblues made, at Ran Kranclsoo rntt-s. E. 0. SESSIONS, Agent. Jacksonville, Jan. 12. 02tf SAMUJEL E. MAY, 3Sroa,A.XX."V 3?XT23XiIO, OFFICE IN "SENTINEL" UUILDINO, Jaeksaiivtllc, Oregon. I TJT..H. JLB, ATTORNEY AT: IAV, Jacksonviu.g, Ojikqox, Will uttend to any business confided to him In thu suverul Courts of tho l'irst Judlolal Distrlot or Oregon, nml lu the buprome vojrt. o;Ul Biblos and Testaments. A SUPPLY of Illbleannd Testaments. In va- x. rloiu styles, recently rvcclved mid for n!o i .-. .-. . .. -... , nt cosumil cuarge. ul Hie iieuoillory of tlio iiitpoiitory or t lu Jackeonvlll N, Uepo3ilury, . dacKsouuouiiiy iiiuic nocieiy in jacKonvlie. . . r. .... lit. ....... .'. . " ... Win. II0F1- I Jl.V. June lolh.lKul. tjniyHrjHW 1$Y TELEGRAPH! Good News FOR LADIES: WQLLEN Silks and Slwls, 3-t Cost. Jlcmcmbcr, Gents, BOOTS, COATS, VESTS, ATP PANTS, CAN UK HAD -AT-- Saclis Bros5 Cheap Cash Storo. J AOKSONV1LI.K. Jnn, lfl. i EXPRESSSAL00N BY P. I-ILYNCI-I. Uppoiitt the United Statu llottl, tf-' llttkman't Kxiuui'Mni Mtrtcu. ,,i rcvpixtfully inform my old frlemli r- ami tlio tiiilille L'cncrnllv that 1 Imvejunt returned from San Francisco with one of tho licst Selected Stocks of both FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Fine Wines, Cordials, Syrups, F.TC, etc, Thnt has ever len ofTerrd for sale In lids part of the country, wlilch I will tell, WHOLESALE, Qr In nny desired quantity, rj,( n modcrale od yanco nn cont. Tlinnkful for the patronngn I havo rcoelvcd for (lie pan yrnr, I hopu It will cnntluue, ns J will span1 no pains In walling upon my custom er, I will till orders from the town or country, so send them nlong nud keep cool. THE BAR Will positively lie supplied wllh none but the try but qualities of Liquors nud tbe,moi( chotet brands of Begar. ItcmcmUr Hi" EXPRESS SALOON, 1'. JI. LYNCH, l'rop'r. Jacksonville, Spt. 14. 35f 3STo.l.suo IS hereby given that the copartnership hero torore uxlitlng bulwccn M. It, MOIUtIS and AUGUSTUS TAYI.OK. under the iinmo and stylo of MOItUIS A TAYLOlt, Is this dr. dl solvvd by mutual consent. Thu business will bcrt-aftcr bo coaducted by Augustus Taylor, who proposes to At miy other IIouo It. tUc The debts ol Iho firm will be settled by cither, nnd those knowing themselves Imlcbted to us uru liereliv notified to corne forward uud settle with either of us Immediately, or their nccouuU will be given to nn attorney ror coiieouon. M. U. MOItUIS, AUOUSTUS TAYLOR. KKnnrviM.w. Dec. 17th. 18C1. J9ma M, A. BKENTANO, Orosoxi. istxroot, Is now receiving a regular weekly supply of Applos, roars and Poaches, And all others In season. In addition to bis large and varied stock of Candies and Nuts, Which will be sold on liberal tcrim, to suit tin times. Ho nlso offers to tho public bis well known nsKortmcut of the FINEST BRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO Several hundred LADIES' UASIvJQTS, Pipes, Forfumory, Toys, And many other FANCY ARTICLES. Jacksonville, August 3d, 1861. 20:tf 33WJLi Vpersou having olalpi or claims ngnlmt ii too uoucrsigneu win iwesei denou & Glenn. nnd they will bo cubcd nt ricbt. HAJ5KLTINK & J1A1LKY. Jacksonville. Auiruit a, IUB1. 2'J:tr Take Notice. 'piIE underslKncd having sold out to Wade, J, JHoruun & Co,, are settling up our bunlnew. l't-rsons ludebted by note or uccuuut must posi tively settle the surao immediately, or' wo shall uo coinneiiea to coutct tuo same ny taw. ANDKIiaON & ULKNN. OOlcc, next door to Jacksonville JJrug Store. Jacksonville, Deo. 7tb. 1HS1. 47(ti WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines ! 'With all the Late Improvctncuts. A SMALT, mwortinunt of tbonbovo maobliibi l. Iut uculvril and ror s.itu ut Saul-inu. ii . ' - . . . . ,-..-., I . . ' . ., . . . .' ' ' i ' Cisco prices, auuiiiglriilglil, reiMlit. K. C. Sl8IOXS, Aueiit. Ja;loulllc1 Juuc TJ, IStl, ;t tstJMp3i PHUCTIOJi OF PRICED -I.V Stoves & Tinware O. 15. Doimis, Has now oK'ned a StovQ and Tinware ShoR On Third Street, near the Post Office, Jacksonville, Oregon' Where bo will keep on bund, the best patterns -or-C00K1NO STOVES. 1'AKLOK STOVES, SALOON STOVES, And every kind of Tin, Ivor and Conpcrwarc, De-sides n great variety of Culinary articles loo numerous to mention. l'onions wishing anything In my line nre re spectfully Invited tn call nnd examine tbe qual ity um prices or my wares. Ic-y kind or JUD WOKK done to order. My own IVure Ilrpnlrnt Without C'lmrK' GKORGK D. DORUIS. Jacksonville. Nov. 0. Iftiil. 43 Reduction in Prices -or- BOARD & JUDGING -AT TI1K- U. S. HOTEL! Board and Lodging', por week... $0 OO Hunrjjer V'ccJi " ' HoiuJ-(Ti'filcIit, single room 75 Lodging ir Klglit, double room RO Single Meal fit) MEAtS AT At, U HOURS. LOUIS HOIINK, l'roprietor. Jacksonville, Nov. 23. 1BCI. jmsonvTlli! drdq store, DR. G. W, GIUBIJH, T keep constantly on bnd the tPft nsforl- L mentor 33IXTJCK3, 2aCI3X3IOX3nElJS, peiifum"bies, LTV., ETC., I havo now In store the LARGEST ASD 1IHS1 SELECTED STUCK OF DRUGS Uvcr offered In Ihls market, and I mean to maliilulu, by regular Importation nnd by wil ing thu b.-Jt article n the 1.0 H'fiST CASH PRIORS' Ihu' lending pusltlon which tbe Jack sonville 1'rug Bloro has ln-retufurr held. b 0. W. UHKKH.M.U. Jacksonville. Ogn., Sept. 22. 30. Dr. X. Gulchrcll lioaiinnn HS pcrmnnenlly located In Jucksunvllle, and offers his profefirlounl sen Ices lathe prnctlcu of MkIUIiic, HurKTJ' " lrlrlcs. Oftlcu it bis residence, on Cnllfornln ttrecl. in the Iiouk formerlv occupbd liy A. M. llerry. next door to Jndgo Prim's. Charge very reasonable. Calls attended lo at nil hours oi the day or ulglit. L. H. DEWEY HASoponcd a hop opiwulte Andersou A Glenn's, on California street. In l)r. L. Ganuog's drug store, for ropalrlng WATCIIKS, CLOCKS,'C. All work warranted to ijlvo satlslnetlpn. Jacksonville, Uue. 22d. 18C0. 4a:ly KEDL1CH &10LDSHITH, Phoenix, Oregon, OCfer thotr large and well-eelecU-d stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTH INO, UARDWARK, OROCERIKS, HOOTS nnd SI10K8, CIOARS AND TOUACCO, At S 1' Cot, nUUIng l'rtlght, HavliiR purchasi-d our OiMids cheap, uml being desirous of CLOSING OUT. su.'winr inducements are offered to uny body who uiijiu to purchuse. ltKDLICII OOLDSMITH, Oct. C 38m3 lirick Store, I'hcenlz. El 'Dorado Saloon ! Comer of Calirornla anil Orfgoii HU., ifAOlusiou.vUle, Oreson. WM. BUJIKK, Proiirlctor. Tbe most cboloo brands of Brandy, Whisky, Cordial, WINE, CIGARS, ETC., ,For Nth lu any desired quantity. 33 L. P. FISHER'S Advertising Agency No. WM VIUitglon Utrett, Nearly opposite Magulro's Opera House, SAN FRANCISCO. Advertisements and suU-crlpttons sollel(cd (or tbe Outuox Skvtikkl, und lor the principal pnrHfn on tbe I'aeltio coast. AdvertlnemeuU forwardi'd to papers published io any portion ol the Atlantic flatus. Agricnltnral Implements, AX.AU0K and varied assortment of Agri cultural Implements, of ull kinds, on band and constantly arriving, for sale ou the inot favorable term ami at tbe lowest cily prices. J. D. ARTHUR & SON, XxxxjtOJct?3tr Xeslx, Corner oi Wushlugton and Davis Streets, SAN l'RANCISCO. 11 HftiniilMa California Street, Jacksonville, I DEALERS AND WORKERS IN.' TIN. SHEET IRON, COPPER, LEAD AND BRAS, HWEJuM received rrom the Atlantic sirln nnd San l-'mnclco. completu rltsuk ot cterylblng In their Hue. nnd will kivp.coiulniiK ly on band an nvrorttnent or the bcul Ttn, Sliccl Iron Copper UHrcx Ura-M. l'iesf tljdraullc Nozikn. t-'urcv rump'.Cliitlns, I.eail ripe Hose. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, And Wails, all Stize; II nr, I'lnte nud nortrd Iron ; l'alntx. Oils, Sires nud (tln: All qunllties of Powder ( Shot or nil munlier: f rashes of every nrlety. etc., eta A. Jo, nlways on baud, a large lot of stores of fcMortefl sli-s, BUCK'S V'T?NT COOKING STOVE, fill". VI.Mt' tnit 1 O'frWtf . ... -i 'uuii ijivin, Tho two very best nod npprovetl pstlerns In tha world. Parlor, Ofllcc and Chtn Slnvr. fancy nlid plain, constructed, on. I,itft fuel Mvlng plans. Hollers. Ki'tll.-, l'i, lVy, nnd everything connected witlj, t,Vi?,oc warranted tlumbbi nnd perfect- AU nxtlcles sold by Ihcm c Binmifnclurc6 MAfv'S.V' i c-i'- tueir work i maue oi o lnt toAletlu nnd, of choicest patV,'nis, S.nVrs nllendt-u to with qiu nnicn. ana wioct nccortne v (Un-ciions, In everything. tW.dc stock l the laracst ul completert ever brrMgbt lo Jacksonville, nnd they nre ib'tcrmlncd to k Cnll nnd examine tliclr stock liefnn javelins, Ingjdscwliere. June 23. lHi.Q,a NE W STOCK TTAS refcnllr relvid a large nud dlvcrsN x J.M101 luwiruiifiu nj X'flol luwirtibfiil rj si'itiKu anu vyuuurr CLOCrCS, SILYKR WATCIIKS. n vii iv i vei mien r rJ diamonh ibTothrT KARL, V.Wt a . - "i o '"" Ua-ust-I'ins. roochM, Kar-Rines, Vinser Itlrtg, Lockt-lt, Uucklen. Clasps, llraa-. Sleeve Uuttons, Nvcklaeea, Wateh-Cholns, Chatelnlus and Hrsls, All of wlilch will be told at ton .-iCK,. uud wnrruntiil. J. NKUHKR still continue!. UKFAIU WATCIIKS. JKWKLRY nnd H.OCK.S, us herttolnre, In tin best manner mid with di patch. All urticles in Ills line inauuiaclunM nrnmnlly nud with neutiiers. Cull uud n bis stuck n.t the old stmid, corner of Third uud Culilorpln s.lrcr.18. tiiieknviiif. -n. t. o. HAINM . . nn HAINES &BRO. (POIIBDS'PKOO!?' 8W0BEB) Compr Pfilirornlii k Ofi-rMu fi(n TQ THE PUBLIC. 7; lure mrtinorit of rrdqenl our price to Mill the J'ur sale, a large uud varied as. c;acsacaM:jc2ibrc -AMI- Furnishing Goods, At very low rutin. a CAf". For sale, 100 cni nnd carJ(jo,n of Boots, Shoos ani Gaiters, for Ladles, (Jiut.V nud Children. For Kate, nn exti'ii'Ivo stock of Meu's, I!ov' Ullil lllimiri p ii. o Fur suit, n full Mi-ck of Okockiiiw For full-, n birue amir tin vol (if l--t brand UUUUtls, ni,M, cuiuijai.-, Mitt , TKRS AN)iSVlH'S. For rale, TijUacfo.. (Jlgnrf. -Ma'ches, mx, UilUer. Eggs, nnd Coutuy I'hoihck gejprjtlljr. CALL AND EXAMINE., Reduction in Prions f BEST WORK XOWEJBT PONE AT RATE?, BLACKSMITIIING 'PUB undersigned auiiuunoi1 lo present ji 1 irons and the imMtc that In- ha rv- V lucetl tbe price for all kind of work b'W.r UIs Hue, to coiiiiirm io uio iimv. MS HIS XCOX Is in tho building formerly ocriipb: I ly Ww. Uiirke. on IWvmhi Jilrtd, Jirectly Hut U Uuf joyt t( Urum-t aiaw$. r.vervfpi-ciesoi wurKuuuuiuiuuuiii uiiuurr and wlfU iptlck dUpatcb. I'IoiikU Iron siiudfButl rrpalred SC lAIIHIAliK ill MACL UUIIK Kxecuted la tlm peatest and strougcut nmuuer, Mining Tools, Plclts, liars, &.C., ms4o to order, of thu ery but materials. In, thu mokt approved styles. rartlculnr attenlbui ulen to c! HOItSE-SIIOKIjNO, s for which the price Is ruluci-d lo $: and 8 TiiKHi-n. 1'utm made aud lllUd eiu.cll)' m order. Ill stock of Iron and Steel I of tlrf t rpialltr, aud all work dom- at bis hii wamuitmi. ALK,NANJIKR MARTIN, Jackwnvllle. March y. JSiU. wb:tf MARBLE YARD I TJIR subscriber bi elablfbid a VftrlP Yard ou Cueiian' creek, llm-e miles wcet of I'liiFiilJt, where he I prepared tu (ill orders which may come to him fuf eefy description of uorkin blsli)e, MONUMKNTS. TOM US, HEAD AND FOOT-HTONKS, made, lettered uud n't. MANTLKS, TAHI.K-TOI'ri. ami iv.-ry variety orORNAMKNTALUOUSF,MAU, DLKS on hand and tuihjtcl to orders, -ClIARUK LOW,t Letters addrvsl to tho f-ubscrlbcr, jl Jack, souvillu". where I it'n lemporurlly epployt Villi receive prompt alti-utioii r JUS. II. RUSSKI.U JacLHiovIlle. Nor. 2, 18CL iliWl! Farm Ier Jlalo OITIJATKl) ON IJKAR CHKE.K. pb.ut l' yix miles from JuckwuviHi-, will lie "M nt private sale. A'". A FARM TO LKT. I'rtrilcnbirK.'un be had of Ihi-sulrrllit-r, al his farm on D.ur Cni-k. 0. 1), J10X1K. Oiju 'si. azx