KS3lZ3BK(WilmiM!Kvrir< vww&mmmmzmmmmzwm aEHLgaga 7.t-x eL' f,f , ,.r vi s-zsj.j' i j t' "llV -'' t-v 7 K V v j ssffKSBmtMa 3gf stf v SENTINEL. p.- 'Nifrs'V&'U!'? 'i "'" VW'Ti--gt'fe''rj' tgjiiyew4TW,y-yfri.3jiuiiyji sHsits.aLJ-arfqsss i KWUJtJ nMJL-.9rawrA4,4 . IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1862. VOL, VII. NO. 1. Tf . 37 THlr JL 11 JU fl M III! lflM m ' THE OREGON SENTINEL. , PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY", BY DENLINOER & HAND, iiemiv tirsuN'orn, WM. M. IIANP, Uflloo ovor Clugago & Drum's Stables. C XU'Am: 3- tt: TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIONi IIWtttMM.Y IN ADVANCK.l One Copy, One Year t....St 00 One Copy, Sl. Months 250 ADVERTISING BATES: DnVPouurc. of Tvulvo Linos or lew. First In' st-rllon, :i 00 ) uiul fur eck subscqucut Inscr" llirtl, l 01). Professional or llutlncM Cards, Eacli Square, per nnnum, f-W 00 ! Tor Six Months, $13 00 ) r Tbri-' Mouths, MO 00. A llbcrnl llcouiit will bo made to persons who sdvtrlt'c tu llic extent of four niuarcs. The mimlie-r of liwrtton. should bo marked on llie margin or nilvcrllscmenu. Law of Newspapers. The Cntif ti Imvo settled llic following points In regard to subscriptions to ncwspapcri I I. Hulsscilbcr wlm Jo not give express no- .lev to the enntrury. ore coniielctcii us wtsutng la continue their suh'Crlntlon. 2. ifsutocrlbcis onlir the discontinuance ol their itHTH. tlio publishers may continue tn a.n.1 iI.imii until nil llult I due be tllllcl. X If milifcrilKTS neglect, or refiuo to take their ntrr from tlio Mild.' to winui uny nrc sllrictcil, Ihe-y nre licM rcKnIU1o till they have settled their bills nnd ordered their wpcts dUcnntlmiod. 4. Ifsiihcfibi'rs more to other places, with cut Informing the publisher, uml the paper Is smt tu the fui mcr ilincllon, they ore rcspon- 5. The Cowls lisvo also decided thl rcfu sing to take n pnper front the office, or retnoy. Iti)f nnd U-uvlntr It imcullrd fur, Is prima fatin .Vlllcnrelf INTSWTIOVAI. MACD. fi. A p.lmater lirlicUnjj to Inform the tiubll.hcr whrit Ills paper Is not tolen from the nflicr, makes himself liable fur (bo sub fcrlpilon price. 1JUSINKSS GAUDS. iir . f. ' - - tV . II. HIIIMIkH, . II. I- I. TIIOMfHHX, . I'. mtOOICS s. TIIO.MI'.SON, .PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS ACCOITCHKItS, Jnolnaonvillo, Orocon. Nmi-mbji Vd. 'Hr.1. i G. W. GREER," FHYSICIAM AND SURQEON, Wvii'K, J.u KKii.ii.t.r. uni'u Hioiii:, Oiruiiii. ""surgical hospital I mil mm prvptntl t riccln ni inlr In tin' IU-pll.il. en tin cnriii'rut 'lliiid Mint, Iml. 'riln' "t'lihin lliiti-l.'' 'ivkms-c.is' hi: nnnn sr.cvnm'. I'llAS. II. MllOdlCS, M. 1. Jipluutilli Jul 'Jb. M'0..'.'8 II. oka.nui: .IACOIIS, ATTOUNJ3Y AT LAW, , I'lirrnll, Jarkaun Ciiiliil', Oli.. "lni.l. iitliii'l lo IiiuIiipm tn llie Courts ol ? the I'u. I .ludlclul District, uml In the ftuprrini'Ciiiiit. (M.'Jii:ll JlMI. M. I'Vl.i: IIIH'S VAI.UIIir. lVKi: & MAKI.OUV, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, JtnatlmrK, KmijjUi. Cuunly, Oii., ,ll7'II.Talliii1 tn nny bimlncM cinfuliil lo M tin-in. In the H'Vi-riil Court df the I'irtt .liiillvlol Dilrlct of Oregon, ntul In the 8u jiri-iiii- Court. Ok.liilHr '.'11:11 WAR SCmrWAPfsCRIP. B. F. DOWELL, ATTORN 13 Y AT LAW, Will iirsctliv In till tlio Court of tlio Third Jndlclnl District, iho isupriiuu Cuurt orOro jjoii, uml In Vrchii, Cul. i He lia an nrnl ul Wn.WiiKton. .nA rspeetii t Ult Ih.itclt) mid the Atlantic Ihl. Suiiiiiur MUil I'M, sud any burlueti uUI rccilre piuiiiiit nlMilliui. iryW:ia W. G. T'VAULT, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, ( "1,1711.1. attend to butlneM In Iho scrcrul V Court. In lh l'lrt Jmltolul DNlrlct or Ori'KOU. mill In tlio Hiipriinu Court. Ollloo nu .('ttliforulii SI., t)i'olle "Nruliurl" Uffirr. iACkhU.NVUXK, OiUXiUK. May 8.1lh. 'CI. IQm V. V. SlMlAiSUi:, ATTORNEY AT LAW, T Keu.vvii.ii;, Jaiki-niNK Cointv, Oan., Will punctually attend lo lunlnc. entrusted to bl. cue. April l:i. IStil.-Utf J. XI. 1UBSD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, t , , Jackso.nviu.k, Orkcwv, . Will attend to any l.uliKroii(lili'il to hlin In 1 She nocrul Courtx of tho Kirt Judicial DUtrlct of Oreant,ud in tho Supreme Court, 'itf! SEWALL TRUAX, SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER, . tUVVICB, AT TIIK COVKTV IIVH.UIKUM, Jnclnunvlllr, Orreun. ALT. bii'lnrm pcitulnlnf? to Land or Land Lawn promptly nttiudiil to. JacKtonvlll". May llth.lfifil. 17lf INSURANCE AGENCY, TAOISONVILLE, TJIM3 tuLcn upon Mill. Intel. Sloren, 4-V Dwi'lllii)!, rip., on Iho most fnnrahlc (crm. In llurlfonl, IMmlmW, Cilrnid. (Joodhiio, j)inl other uill knouu t(iid rcfp.on.lulo coinp.i. pleo. jfi:3l K. 0. SKSSIOXK, Aecnt. Irvixaaloin.1 Xu.wtixs.xx),on.tiGi '(.lITIvS. l'ifr,uriiioiilciinii,Ji.'irl il).ni( o'her Miilcul IiiKlrnuieiiti'.cun lo lom.dnt tboJacl(euulllv Uool. uiid Vaility nlotc. 17 P. II. LYNCH, Wholesale nd Retail Dealer In Foreign and Domestic WINES, SYRUPS & CORDIALS - AT TUB - EXPRESS SALOON, Corner of Cnllrbrul.t mill Tlihil Hlrt.la, Next door to llcchtnan's Kxprciw. fB-All onlirs promptly llllcd. Mtf CITY BREWERY! (On the Hill) TiolK.Nio3iTrlllo, Orogon. pilK I'ronrlclrrs liuvln tnhxn pow!nn X in tlio utty l ircwery, lately contruliiil n Mr. I'iix, arc tireparul to furiilili Imt liar lo people of this lcinlty b the Lef, bottle or on druuht, An cxjicrlcnco of many years In browing XjCisxtsa? Boor Gives Ihctn nn ndtnnliigc over nil ciunrictltor. mid warrmiU thrin In prnmi'Inu A IlK'ITKlt AltTICI.i: THAN OAN UK POUND ll l.lii I i...l. l.. u I ri .... i.isr.ii iir.ibj. in Hmiiiii'rn uriKu. iir llo Hire to r-ctid lour ordirs lo Ihr CITV llUUWKItV. If jnu with the ItKST 1IKKII. KIti:L'Xi:it & MATTKS. .l.ieh'QiivlIlL'. Sept. 10. 1861. .'I.Mf PAINT SHOP. CROW & CRANE, TTAVINH remnveil In Iho SHOP formrrlj 1J occciiliil lie. I. K. Ark by, nn theenrmr of Knurtli utid 0 streets, uro prepared to do nil Kimis or iMivrivo, (il.A7.IMI. AM) IMIT.H IIAMIIMJ. EXPEDITIOUSLY, IN THE BEST STYE, AND most iuusoxaum: nnn.3xe. Jncloiivll!c. .Sept. Iji8(il. .1C;lf. 3Ll-rcz9sr JStci'toZo Oii'Kiiu Strt'ot, .tiickHMivMl. 'I'HJJ iii!.ltrlncil h:u lixjucd ll.c nlinvo well- l.niirt n HtiibV. ntul will p ire nn f, tir.rti In tiKril.nihi liii)Hsln realve. JiiS." a Ii ii R nhuii nf iitildii pitiiuvc. . I .71 lIoiK(i to Uvt ur lllro, lly Ihi d .y ur iik, tit mihliTutc price. Ariliti tV lift nt my Stable w ill bj mil pru vldvil (or, on Mitmiiii'liTVtiim. (iitom.i. ii. f.T.vvi.oit. .liil.v. nvllli-. N..V IK. 18U. .11 JOMK QAKER, " SOOT & JMEWAKER, fkjl .Vit D.inr In IITUiiiuilu Nnloun, f'i On Cullforiihi Street. Mil. IIAK'int lakes thU nullioi nf Infnrin Uv' his frlituU mid the imblii! L'l'iur.il'v that In' U prcpdrkJ to Jo ult Lmdii of win I; in tho lino of Ooottnaliinp, Bhoomalcing, ANOHKPAiniNC. FINE DRESS BOOTS, -AMl- illliu'ts' ntul runnci".' 15(iiit, Maiiufaotufed hi u iii.iciiir tu vvurruiit atlfac- lion, nt nunMiuliIo price. Ciy PiTsnns leaving jirdas fur work enn rily uikiii li.nln It dune ut ihotlmoprDinl.cd. iHicKsnnviiic, M'pi.aw. ifni. .ihh.i SEWINGMACHINE MAi'innssi'.s, nr.iiuiAu, tk.nth, ami flour""sacics. ON hnnd "ml mule tn onh'r ut fliort notice House llnln.' uml 1'uiMr liiui"lii done in ii manner toln'iire fatlifnctloii. I'.ijnicnls miit be undo In cash or (ratio I do my wnik nt tho Ituml thin ' ratiy. and can po.-illvily ylve un cmllt. A. V. AI.IIJ'.UIH, (hVfurnlii Strttt, uhrt Orfoii. Taelnnnvlllf. Sept. 'J I. 1H0I. Iltinl. El Dorado Saloon ! Corner or Culirnrnln nml (lircoii t.., iTnolLaoxivillo, Orogon. VM. llUltlvK, Pioiiritlar. Tho mot choice lnnndii of Brandy, WJiisky, Cordial, WINE, CIGARS, ETC., For tah In any di'idicd quantity, IIS ' PETER BRITT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST Jn It.out llli-, llrrcon. (.prepared to liika Picture in every stylo of iuu ri mi un mo iiui-bi improvement', ji M-M.mirm.-'MLTmm.mizmt do not civoFtitll.ictlon.nocharKfii will beninilo Call at I'unU'i Cigar Store, or nt tlip gallery on iuu i it 1 1, mill N't' in. 1'ieiiiieii, i ul P-tWSSNi :ovi'"iooi. eiior, Opposite tlio Post Oillce. SIIAVIXO. Halr-oultlns, Shamr.oalna Cur ling ana Ilalr Dyelni;. ' Also, L't'iiulneoitlalo ot Fish's HiiiiUks- ToiiMIVK.aml Cilt.iVui EtetUwr Ihirjtyfuv rale. jiicK.oiniiie, j iioo m, .vatr l)blos and Tostanous. ASUPPFA'SUlIbles am Tcilanients, In vn. rlom flvls.llitlv r 'ci-tinl uml fur ink. nt cost ami cIKim!V!u tho ii-poltnry of llie Jacknou County HllW Society In JuckonUllo. H in, IIUPI'-MA LN, Depojllury. Juuo IJIh ISCl. Rev. Robert J, Breckinridge on tho Im perative condition of Fence. The following Is one of tho many strong points of the paper, contributed to tho Dan ville tlcvUte of December, by the Itcv. Robert it. Ilrcckenrlilge, and printed In the Louisville Joutnnl, Irom ndranccd sheets. Under the head, " The Restoration of Peace shown to bo Impossible except on the Condition of tho prc rrvnlion of the I'cdcrnl Union mid Constitu tion," ho says I There sre considerations of rntleui kind, nnd of the mot declclvc fnrro, which render It itnpoMlblc fur peace to bo restored to the country, except upon the condition of n sIiirIc National Ouverimifnt, common lo the whole Anirr'can people, nnd embracing cery loynl and eviry rcvnltdl ijlulo. As a qurstluti of tia tlonnl strength tn thu presence of all foro!ii nntlnnj nml, therefore, of national Indepcn deuce t ns n question of permanent national life, struggling mialiut nnnrehy Inlho form of .Secession j as n (ptrstinn of law, nnd Oovcrn ment, nnd constitutional fmdom, measuring it strength n)jnln t r.n Immense nml utterly profligate political conspiracy ns n question of personal freedom, nnd popular lntllutlun, In conflict with thus minority pncwd of viml nrntth, ntul rccklon ol ivcri thing but Its nnn nugraniliAmrnt j ns n ipitstlou of the iiiihir nl domination of this cIiim, not only In the s'utc Stairs, so ninny of which It had tempo rarily subjugated, but over the n ttlon l!.'lf, which it betrnycil, plnndirnl. Insulted, nnd tn which It claimed to dlclitto Ignoble' Icrim of ciimpiHlllou, nt the head of a milltlry force tlircnti'lilng the Capital; asnq'tcntloiinfduty of the imtlmi to Its loyal citlrcn, conttitutlng ut that time the actual mijorlty In tho flflivn slave Stales hut sudi nly nnd by fraud nnd vlolinco rrdiiciil to a state nf helpiers degreil I lion; we nttemptul from tho beginning;, to show tint there wa no cnurse.cllhirnf honor, or duly, or itafely, lift to the nation, except tn meet force by Torre, nm! to maintain Iho luMl lotions of the country and enforce the laws nf the land by the whole powir nnd the A mcr I run people. Nor do we suppmo there l n single loynl perron nn this continent who doe not look with contunpt.or willi execration, upon the conduct of llachniinn nn.1 hU Cab inet during the but jenrof liN AdniliiUtr.itlon; nor n single one who docs not npp'aad tho vigor and dilermlintlon whteli tie Congrrs. of the United .States, under the lend of Lin coln, have tnanlfi'Sltd In maintaining tho in tegrity nf the I'lilou. hut whul we Imwiimw to iirgi (iocs lieyoiid the stale nf 111.' ipieittnu l,(iit..."..i.' iIIm iwi-il and brlifly r-ip'('ilsinl nbivo. Iiifluenetd by sueli rnnsMi rations n iIm', the tiolinn excepted Iho war n nravn'd liY. What wo maintain Is. not turrily lint t'lCsucftiisldiMlli'tis forbid the tutlon tn Icr m'tiiite the v.nr forced upon her, exept It Is n "omi lite ncecss ; but that the very nilitrc nf t' c cjsc, of tin reamfry, cf nil our Institution, mid of the war IMf. pcrmanrt.l peace is lm poi,1blc, (.tvpt on Hi.1 conJillon of a slnyl inlloial Cover mno it, Tlo following la one of the several geo graphical arwnciitcn'huncil tosuitaln this p-o;xvillon i Whoever will loot; nt tho r.tap of the Unllo' f'tatiM will observe that ImM.ui lies on both sldenof tho Mllilppl river, and that the .States of .ikiui;H and Mbstsiiippl lie nn the light nnd lift, banki of lldi grutt stream eight hundred miles of whnw Inwir couiie i thus controlled by theio tLriM Stitif, iiulti-dU inhnbltid by hardly s many white N-op!o ui tiibubll the city of New Vork. OIimtvc, then, the country druincd by this rlnr oik tin nf llu-nls, ciuntnenclug with MIkoiiiIoii its wt-,1 bank and Keulucky nn Kit c.it bank. There are nlno or ten poivirful .States largo portion nf threo or four others sc oral largo Terrltn rlri, In all, a country ni largo, ns nil 'urnp. lit lino as nny und-r the sun, alriad)' lioltllng many mnro people than all the tcvoltitl Sluti. and iK's'lmil to be imo of the most popiihui' nml pnuerful regions of the earth. Does nny one f uppnso that theso powerful States Ihi' gicit ar.d energetic popuhition-wlll cut r.i.ilvi u K.icc that will put Iho Inner cotisoof this Inlo nnd tnlghly n ition il outlet to tl e sen In tho hands of n foreign (Inrrrnincnt far wenkir than themselves? If there I uny null H'rtoii, hu knous little of the pal hUlnry of mankind, and will, pcrhap', exemo un for lesili.dlug him that the pcop'e of ICintuiky. before they wire ennstltutul n Stale, gavu formal imtlco tn the Pidirnl (overiiincnt, when (Jen. Wnthlngtnii wes Prcldent, that if tho Unhid .Statis did not acquire Imlslun.t, they would lhcimilics conquer It. Tlio mouths of the Mlfslwlppl belong, by the gift of (Jed, to Iho inhabituntu or its great valley. Nothing but Irresl.tlblc force can disinherit tlicm. ii. Wiikiik Now is tiik AncnincT?tvDanl( Webster once saldt "Who wl reconstruct thoshitlered fabrio of a ilemnllshcil Oovern ment? Who ihall rear again tho ill prnpor. tloned columnsof eonttlliitlnnal liberty? Who thill framotogetlrcr Ihoskilllul architecture lyhlch unites national sntcrclgnty with Slate rights, IndMilual security nod public prosper ity? No I ir these columns mil, (hey will be rulsct) not again. Like tho CollUium and Iho Partlicimn, they will liu ileitlncd (on mouruful, a rmlancholy inimortallly. Hilterer tears, houoAcr, will floivocr them lli&n were ever khed over the monuments of Roman or Grecian art ; for llvy n ill be the remnants of n more glorlom ediliec than Greece p.- Homo ever saw the cdlflco of constitutional Amcrlcun liberty." 1 i On q winter's night, when the moon drone bright and lha snow was crusted o'er; with a in Id as fair ns fcraphj are, I slid from a hill down loner, lro no reached tho place, (like a horse on n race,) our swift gliding sled ca reened ; nnd with lreses filr, etreunlng baek on the air, tweet Ptllie wcut tend over ceiid.1 Rebel Account of tho Battle of Fott Royal. Tho following Is extracted from the Charles ton Mcicuiy's nccouut of the battle of Porl Royal : Thursday dawned glorlotnly upon our wearied but undaunted gunners, and nil Ml that llie day of trial had nt last arrived. Scarcely had breakfast been dispatched, when tho hostile fleet was observed In commotion. The great war slcamcts formed rapidly In sin gla file, and within supporting distance of cacti oilier, the frlijatc U'uliuh, the flag ship of Coin. Dupont, In tho van. As tho long line of formidable looking umc!-, thirteen In number, most of them powerful propellers, with n few sailing men of-wnr In tow, swept ruptdly nnd majestically In, wil'i pnMsopfn. and b'rlitllug with guns of ll.o' heaviest cali bre, the sight was grand nnd Imposing, This nil nt 8i(i o'clock. Until the Mimitiotti came within the range nnd oppoiito our bnt' tcrrcson Hilton Head, all was (till. Sud denly the fifteen heavy guns nf Port Wnlkcr, which had been nlmed directly nt the huge frigate, belched forth (heir slfliultnncots fire. nnd the netlon nns begun. Alnnut imimdi atcly nflrrwiirdi, the batteries of Port Rcnu re-gnrd, on the other side of Iho entrance, nlso I'pencd Ihtlr fire. The enemy nl first did not reply j but ns the second .(earner came oppo site Port Wnlkcr, Iho hulls of tho Qrst thrre were wrapmil in miotic, nnd the shot nml shell r.f three tremendous broadsides, making In all seventy-live gun,, camo crashing pgulnsi our works, Prom this momont the loinbardmcnl wn Incevtitit nnd terrlfio ; ono by ono the pro pellers bore don n upon our forts ; dilitcrrd their fire us they pned, until nine hnd gained tha Interior ofihc hnrbur, beyond the reach of our guns. The Miminotti, still followed by the others, then Inrnrd round nnd stcnmul slowly nut, ghtng n broadetdc tn Port Itcait. rrgatd as she rrpit'Ctl. Thin the Imlllo wn continued, the enemy's vessels sailing In nn ellptlcnl courrc, pouring ono brnadslde Into Hay Point, nnd then sweeping nround to ele liver the other ngiilusl Hilton J lew!. ThU furious Arc from 100 guns, mnuy of thcui tin-ll-licli Dalilgrcn pattern, and louia even l.'t Inch bnrc (fur a rabot nf that diameter wis found In port Ifoatircgard) was inalntnintil Incvctanlly, and the ro:r ul tlu cuuuouatlt srcinril conllniioiii. .Mennuliltii our garrisons were making u trulliiiit tUft'iuo. 'll.ey kept nl a vigorous and uc'.l dlricteil fire ngnlu.t tbur c.'.i'laut, tind.tiiitwithtnndiiig that their bi'st gun ua dimuniiiifj.) tn tl.e lie, Inning of tlio netlon, they suce-ccdcd in sclllt g fires In several or tin hips. Whrt.iwr this happened, however, the ci nny would haul i fl nnd soon exllnguMi (he Il tint's. ThoefT'ct of rur guns wa In many Instance plainly vl.lblo from the furls. AN ilnugli tli sides of tl"" .lzmifsfAi arc of was Ivc strength, several of l.er potts ueru knoeke-l lufn Alio. Nor was she Iho only c'kI upon lillh this evidence of the pnner of our lire could be seen. .Many nf the other steamers were likewise badly hnllul. After cui.u' time spent In sailing round and dillveilng their hrotdsides In rotation, In the manner wo have discribetl, the enemy's stinm ers ndnpted another and more mtccesful plan of utliie'h. Ono of them took a piwltton Inside tho li.ubnr, so ns tn ttifllndo Iho batteries of Port Wnlkir, e hltosever.il opened u s'limlla, neons enfilading flro fiinii iho outside. Ho sides this terrlfio cnHvllre, two or the largest steamers malutaluiil tho (Ire in frisit of ll.o fort. Thus three cnnverglug streams of shot nml shell were ruined amongst Iho bravo little garrison for hours. Tho vessel rumo up within half a mile of tlw shore, but nearly nil our guns had by this time become dismounted, mid were no longer ulilo to reply with serious effect. Soon nfter 11 o'clock, tho batteries of Hay Point uere silenced. Thn flro of Pent Wulker, as fur as tho gnus lh.it remained, was tint a whit .Ucl.n.ed u.ilil 1 o'clock. Ily that lime the dreadful condition of the fort became ton nppireut to bo disregarded lunger. The guns lay hi every direction, dismantled nnd nicks; tlio defenses wet e terribly (haltered; tho ih .nl and dilng vieto lo bo seen on every side, and still (he iron hail poured pitilessly In In this strait It mil determined lo nb.iudoii tho fort. A long waste', about n mllo In c.t tent, nnd comm indi'd by the enemy's guns, In tirvenoil between the earrlson nnd tin- woods Acros this they were orderrei lo run for their lives, each nun foe iilmself, tho objict being to reader tlicm us much as possible, so as not to nffrrd n target for thu rilled guns ol (In fleet. The preparations fcr running tis ter. riblo gauntlet were sor,n mado. Knapsacks wrro nb iiidoued, but Iho men retained their muskets. P.ich of tho woundul was placet! in a blanket end curried off by four men. The sufety of thu litlug precluded tho idea of re moe lug tho dead. And thus the gallant lit tlo band quilted tho siene of their glory !j and scampered off, each ouo us best he could to il urds tho woods, Tiik M.icm:h.u, IIiikudu Cavalrv. Or pheus 0. Kerr, wirtes from Wus.liinc.ton ; Tho review of seventy thousand troops ut Mur.son's Hill, on Thursday, was one of those Sttrrlnij events, my boy, which wo hayp been upon theove of lor tlio past year. A new cavalry company for Iho Miickerul llrlgndc, ctiltid great attention as it went past, and 1 understand tho President said thut with the exception of thu horses apd the men, it nus oo of tho finest cavalry mobs he ever saw, Thu lioisej nro a new pattern! fluted sides. polishes) kpobs on llie haunches, mid a hand. rail ui die way tliwn (lie back. A rebel caught sight (if one of these animals the other diy and immediately fainted. It was niter wards ascertained that he bad a field of oats lu the neighborhood. Booth Carolina (rotting Desperate. Sitnonton, editorial correspondent of S. F. Ilnllttin at Washington, writes uuder date or Nov. 14th t The Secession organs of South Carolina ore getting frantic, and In their desperation nrc beginning to make the damaging admission of what your correspondent, and other writers, have from ll.o beginning or this struggle con stantly asserted, to wit ! llint the cotlon States were determined to drug thj llorder Slave States Into their conspiracy, solely In llic selfish purposo of muklng the latter Iho batllc-IUId, nnd of shielding those who made the rebellion fiont its niore disastrous consequences. The brilliant exploit of our gallant fleet nnd army nt lli'iiuforl has nt last driven a blow dinctly ,aj the benrt of South Carolina. Tlie,enurge' Ims fallen nt her own homes nnd fireside's. Charleston Is in Imminent danger or destruc tion nl our linnds ; nnd In tliclr despair the Charleston Mtitutu ol Saturday last Impn tltntly avows that it end Its confederates hnve advocated nn nettve ami aggressive campaign nn tho line of tho Potomac solely Tor the pur pose cf piettrfhig ilvutti L'lirolhin fiom ni' vasiim, 'I here Is poetic justice In the blow that has fallen upon South Carolina. If the next hall shdllny Charleston Itself lu ahcs, time will be but ono rcntlnicut In the North, and that nf rejoicing. Indeed, If wo ran credit the re ports ol loyal Southerners nniv banished from their homes by .Mf Hum's tlitpoll'in, there will be found very fe.w, even among the rebels themsclres, outside ol South Carolina, who will not be glad to ice tho latter desperately punished fur her precipitancy, which they all n ill maintain to have been llic cause of failure nf the conspiracy (he moment lis failure Is ac knowledged. I will lint utidcrtakn tniltserilie the joy with which the great 'success of d,u (tovernmint Imvo been hailed by thcSoutbcrn exiles now lu the loynl Stntes. It Is precisely what they have uniformly predicted. When tit feat nnd disaster Tell upon the I'et'cral arms they (old us that the tide niujt kcoii turn, that the first success nf (he nbcls were like those of n mob, who mmj burn n city before the la and Its ir.tntstcrj have Lad time to net effi ciently, bnt whn nre sure to be overtaken in duo time by fearful retribution. Depend tipio II, v,-u nro seeing now the bt ginning ol then d ; and the 1st of May nojl, lu utl probability, ti 111 find tho war substantially ctnlitl. At nil events, iriibsolute peace has not been already ohtnlmit by lint tine, the .(rife alii hnve tie gi'iK'r.itnl into a tntm'ruir.'i gurrllhi .tn.irc iinnojln.' ns (ho assaults or n mosquito tn n tired man, but by no naui.i thicuhiili.g tuu.ii nation il life'. Wikk Hit Nnlitre nevrr did lielray tic soul (hat loved her, nml imlurc (rl! n.ati an I w email to marry. .Inst ns the voting man Is entering upon life nil.i-comes In ludipt tide nee ntul man's estate just ns the crisis of his I ic ing. Is to be seen whether ho decides with the iriMid nnd great and Iho true, or whether he sink lo bo lost forever innlrlmony gives htm ballast and n right Impulse. Wnr 'villi nature and she takes n sure revenge. Tell n young nun not to have on attachment that U virtu ous, nnd ho will liavcona tint Is vicious. Vir tuous love, tlrt honest love of man for tho wo man bo Is aUint tn marry, gives him an nnrhor for his heart ; something pure nnd beautiful for which to labor and live. And the woman, what n pure light it sheds upon her path ; it makes life for her no day dreum, no idle hoar, no painful shadow, no passing show, but some thing real, earnest, worthy of heart ami head. Hut mast of us nro cowards, and dare not think so; we lack grace ; are of little faith; ourli. unrd eye I dim und dark. The inodernjouiig lady must marry In stjlc; tho modern youn gcultaiiai! marries n fortune. Hut lu the mean, limn tha girl grows nn old maid, nml the youth lakes chsmbers oglis (he nursery maids, ni.d In-come u nun ulmut tnwu, a man whom It is 1 nacrous to Invite Into your house, for Ids husluei Is intrigue, Tlio world might have happy couplo ; instead, It gets u worn in fretful, a plague tn nil nrnuid l.er. He In' comes a skiptic In nil virtue; a corrupter ot the youth of both sexes; and a curse In wh.al ever dnmcetlo circle he may pnietrate. liven worse may result. 3he may bo dicelvnl, und die of n broken heart, JIp may rush from en c lolly to auothir, assoclalonnly with the vicious and depraved ; bring di'grtice and soirow upon himself and all ".round hlin, and sink Into uu enrly (,'ruyo. Our cities show what become of men and women who do not marry. Worldly fathers and mothers advise lint to marry till they can iillord lo support n wife ; nnd tic boys vviek filly expend double tho amount in bad com pany. Ileneo It Is nil wise men, like Prunklio, advocate early marriages ; nod that all our great men, w itli ruro exceptions, lave been men who married young, Wortbnortli had only ono hundred pounds n year when ho first Hur ried. Lord KJdou was rn poor that ho hud tn go tq ChtrmarLo, laindon, (o buy sprain fur supper. Coleridge nnd Sotilhry wo can't find had nny Incamo at nil win n they married. We question whether, nt uny time, Luther had more than fifty pounds a lour, Wo blast hunuinit) lu lis very d.iwn. Fathers, you juy jou teneh your sons prudence yo.i do nothing of the kind; your world-wiso nnd plevcr son is al ready ruined for life. You will find him nt faro tub'es and free love circles, Your wrelihcd worldly vvUdeni taught h!ni lo avoid thu snuu r.r marrying young and soon, If he Is not iir volved In embarrassments which will last him a life, ho is a base follow heartless, false, with out q jingle generous sentiment or manly aim -hehas "no God, uo leaven, in ho wide world," Tho Chinese say there is a will of wisdom ot the root of every grey hair. Salmon River Mines. Wo lalw the following from the Wstlla Wulla ftdfrisian, Dec. I.I1I1 : The late news from Salmon river, seems lo hao glren (ho gold fever (0 everybody nnd Iho t'rrat of niaui kind " In this immrdiato neighborhood. A niimbe r or persons from Florence City hnve arrived lo this place during the week, nnd oil bring the mewt extravagant reports as to the richness of the mines. The Carrlboo diggings are thrown entirely Into the shade, and Alad din's lamp never lighted tho way to richer treasures. Wo give the reports as they come to us, stating at the same time that our Inform ants sny the stories nrc 10 'i bl " thnt tin j nrc unwilling to vouch lor them though they have no rensou to doubt them and that they give them (0 us na (hey received ther.i In the mines. A report In relation lo n rich strike made by Mr llrldgrs of Oregon City, serins tn come viell authenticated: Tho first day he worked em his claim (near Haboon Uulch), he look nut fi" ounce ; the second day ho took out 16" ounces; the third day. 21 1 ounces, and tho fourtli day he look out 200 ounces In two hours. One gentleman Informs us that Jigging! have beep (mind on tho bats of Sal mon river which yield from lucnty-flyo pe-nts tn two dollars und fifty cents lo the pan; nnd that on the folks of .S'ulmgn river, diggings have been found where "ounces" won't describe them, ntul where they say " the gulches nre full of gold." This Is mere report; ami nc would here remind readers that the " big strikes " we hear or, do not constitute the rule, but tint ex ception. Yet we hu vc 110 doubt but tho Sal mon river mine, so Tar as projected, equal those or California, In her palmiest diys. One gentleman Informs us tl at t lie. re are hundreds of gulches In the vicinity of Plorcnce City nt.d Miller's Creek that have never been prospecteil, while one of our correspondents writes (lint In prospecting thtro they "found ninny more p'ace-s w here tl.e gold was not than where It was." The d'senrrrer of Itaboon Gulih arrived In this city ycslerduy, bringing with htm sixty pounds of dust, and Mr. Jucoh welter, referred tn in our first number, Is un ids way In with n mute loaded uillidu.t, Mr. Weiicr soM his claim for ten thwi'an dollars, nnd " retires from htishiY!" with a large fortune, accumulated In the short space or two months. (Jr.uiu I1111:. Mr. S. Owens lias blent this tfileo. for exhibition, n piece or gold bear ing quarts', obtained rro) 11 lode lately dlfcnv 1 ml 0:1 the i.'o'ilh folk ef Salmon river. The qu irt.: very much ten mints that nbtulur.1 froin the rich biles near Jacksonville, Oregon, nnd iron) iho epidmcii UArc u, weJudg" Il l v. ml to Iheni In rlthtiU'. Tl.e pieelsc le ent ity where tlds quattr. viu nbtuioci! has not bun made public, the discoverers preferring 1.1 keep tl.e nutter to thunselves until ll.ey 'i.ivc had an oppurluully tu thoroughly ptes itct tho country. I.vts most I'iciiuoMi Ai.vuvi is Tin: South Tho Wuthlngtiui corre-spoihKnt olthe Phi'ndtlp'ihi iijnnrr, Dec. 1st, sajsi To-night n geiitlemau who lift Richmond on Wednesday Inst nrilved In tbt city. lie brings Important Intelligence relnilro tn (he talc of public feeling .South, nul ks Id op portunilico for observation liavcbeancxccllcnt, his Information hi regarded nt trustworthy. Ai will was lie-coiifklul In by tho pende nf lllel.mnnil that over one hundred en I II ty lit ti rs for persons In tho North were given htm in deliver, und theso be very properly turned over In the Government. He statis that the most Intense excitement t cv ills In Richmond nnd throughout the South, owing lo our nayul cxrH-dltliiin. Our ueee-ssnt Hilton JJrad and Hay Point, the dtltii't-siif kbtcli were re-gardul us the most ronulilililo uhteh had been constructid upon t'10 coast, filled the Cotton Slates wlibdbiniy, a id they had nhandnucd their coast dtfe'ises, and tho people vvcro calling upon thn Gover nors of thu Slutes to wlthdruw their troop imv lu Virginia, that they might return South and prevent tho Yankees from mirehlng Into tin- Interior. Tho wilt of thb slalo of public fee lit g which had be coma known In tho troops 11 Virginia, I ml been In cause Insubordination und meeting whoever Iho Southern troop were ; mid to such nil extreme had the muti no rjprnci eele 1! ulmut Richmond, Ycrhtown mid Muiiassus, thai Davis und Htt'jamlu had Ihiii rompelKd to give the most positive assu rances lo the soldiers that, If they would ceust their rebellion, a sufficient number should bo sent South tn drive tho Yankees from tliclr soil. With this insurance they, the men, hud become quiet, llcl'vrcu tho people of Rich mond ami llie rebil Incentive und Congress, the most bitter feeling had been engendered whin tho Congress decided to remove tho fup- itul to Nashville. The troops nnd politicians from tho Cation Males wire loud In their de nunciations of Virginia, and they openly ex pressed themselves willing lo allow (ho Yuu kces to lake tho State (hat it was barren and cold, without transportation, and that (0 re main during tho Witter was utter ruin to them. The people and troops were In contnnl op prehension of an attack along their whole Po tomac lines, nml this ftnr was Increased now that a largo force have left for the Cotton Slates. They were especially apprehensive ol a movement iigstnst thrni below Dccoqunn. The news ftnui Savannah and l'en-ncolu had Increased tho panic, und he expresses tlio npln ion thnt already Virginia is half conquered without the firing of u gun, "You a dentist, Rob? 1 did not kuow you wtro In that trade." " Yes," said Hob, " I follow no other bust- lie's but setting tecth anlsjcbllb,;" -in beef, potatoes, bread, The Romance of War. The Rrookljn (New York) Timet h rct sponsible for the rotlowlng, showing how Captain Wilkes got even with John BIIJs.ll 1 Captain Wilkes, the bold and responsibility assuming commander of the Sun Jacinto, who caused a gun to be flrod serosa the bows 1 f the llrlllsli steamer Trent, brought her to ste relieved her of Ma too and Siidell and their secretaries. Is now about fifty-six years ol age, Consequently, as Jack Munsby would say, ha tvni once younger than ho Is now. Though every lucli a sailor, and not often given ta tho melting mood, the blind goel once sent one of Ids shafts clear through his rough sou'wester, which round a lodgment lu his honest heart. Tho bow from which the shaft wus sped hung In the crcj of a filr girl, nnd straightway the jolty ta'r Ml head oylf cars In love. He prosi ecnted his suit with ylgor, ' he girl was " a his who loved n sallpr " and ja fmlhvd upon htm and consented tq become Ids wife, Put the young sailor had a rlvul in the son or it respectable tallow-chandler, well-to-do, calico Siidell 1 and yqung Clidell, feeling consldcrn. lily cut up by being cut nut, refused to accept " the mitten," but not haying spunk enough tn throw down the glove to Ids sailor rival, contented himself with " pise nlng '" the mind of the " stern pnrtcnt " of tho fair one, unllf I c refused Ids consent to lib daughter's marr rl.agc with (ho bold Charlie Wilkes, am) Ittr sisteil upon her giving her hand to young SI dell, which, after many protestations and customary amount of tears nnd hjstrrics, she did, and became Mrs. John Siidell. Tho bold riinrlio Wl kes did npt peak nnd pine, or lit Ids melanflejly feed on bis weather-beaten checks, but went to sea and smothered his grief in nllcnding to duly and sustaining tbo honor of his Nntton's flag, never seeing bis Indy law " again, nor meeting his successful rival for her hand and heart, until be nw him larding n prisoner on board Ids ship, a traitor to his country and a rebel against I he flag tbo honest lor had spent his life In defending. Bucl is tho romance or srar. Wo congratulate Its bold Charles upon baring at last got more than even." 1 t 1 IxruTSfK or a Ntewsrsrua. A sduul teacher, who has tx-cn engaged a long time la hi profession and witnessed tho Influence of newsp icr nn the mind or a family of children, writes a, follows 1 hnva fiMtnl It to be Iho universal fact, without exception, that lboe schohirs of both sexes nnd till nges who have hnd access to nrivspajicrs at home, when compared to those who lure not, are: 1. Rcttcr leaders, excelling In uinctiintlo,i iml cure pit ntly read more undirstaudlngly. 'J. Tiny are bcltcrsp.-IVrc, ami define words with raso and accuracy. 3. They ohtnln a practical knnwldrgc of geography, In utmost half the lime It requires ithers, oi the ncwspricr has made them faml). 'nr with Iho location or (ho most iinplrtant places, nations, their govcromept: end doings, 011 the globe. 4. They aro better grammarians, for having become so familiar with every variity of styhi in tlio newspaper, Horn the common ptaco ad. verllsement, to tbo finished and classical ora tlcn of the statesman, they more readily cog, iirrhcnd the mennlng iff the text, on;) fopv qiiently analyse lis construction with accuracy. ... IlAnAszTttv's Misnio.x. Col. H.iraszlhy, who visited Ivurope as a Commissioner frem California tn Intestlgule the cultivation of id grupo, collected 'ixntiai humlied ifirillirl of vines while there. He visited (ho pinst 'p hrnttd wine cellars of Germany, Prance and Spain, nnd took notes or tlio processes of cul tlvation nnd wine mukjug. He ultn exerted hiiii'eif to spread iulormatlnn about the re. sources or llx State. Muny French ar.d Gcr. mm ucnsiaMni published urtirlcsou Ibis sub jtct. We have be lore us u copy or llic IVunt l.ahn trifling, published ul WHsludm on thu J3th of August last, containing an urtlcle on Colonel llnriisziby's mission and the ndtnn luges or Cabfornta for the growing or tlo grupo. The favorable character of the soil, the nbscnec of frost, the freedom from thunder storms and Insects, (he dryness of the Summers, the mildness of the Winters, (he clearness of the skies, the certainty or a good crop all these topics nro treated. S. F. Alin, " Really," satd a printer, in conversing with a literary man about the errors of the pre, 'gentlemen should not pluco sneli confidence in tho cjc-slglit or our lianl-worl'i-il, half blinded reader or proofs ; for I am aihamed tu .ay that we utterly ruined one poet through a ludicrous misprint." " Indeed I and what was the ui.li.ippy line." " Why, sir, the poet Intended lo say ; " Seo the palo martyr In n sbect of nrc j' " Instead of which we m ido htm say i "Seo tho palo mart) r 'with his shirt on tire!' ' The critics were down fierce on (ho poet; but wc don't sec why. A man" with his shirt on fire" must be a highly poetical object, ris, his life would bo In imminent danger, Il.uti.Ev roit Pouk Makino At a farmer's club lu Illinois, reportrd In Iho 'm wee's .-If. vma'e. Inquiry was made for cxpciiitico in feeding barley to hogs. One member had fed it, but without comparison with corn ns'ii value ; it makes the best sweet tr.ru I, and firo from Iho oilluess so common tn corn-fed pork. Another thought barlej doub'o the value of corn for fattening purpose. The inquirer said his attention was called to It by llie great sue. cess of nn Railcrn farmer In fattening pigs on ground barley and milk, getting 300 pvuiids dressed weight nt nine months old. A soldier being asked if he met with much hospitality while ho was lu Ireland, rrnUiil, "That ho was in (he bo-pllal ccarlv ul! tha , i.octj was tl.i ." y 13