M?i r,-"ffnTTi sji2 T1 M 4ftmrtm UwMwamMMiiH HOM.W12VZrJ'M& T i Iffvk " t t . 1 I 4 1 IT r,i' :v-x I $ 0. s" .WUJLJU1 I ; HE OREGON SENTINEL. SATUUDAV, " JAN. ii 1802. Baker Gnardi. -ril. t. ttM ,.- oIvpii to tho first crnnnnnv a ...D . .... ..-. - 9 i rf ni uavairy nxcony urguniKu in mis uiuiiii. mt - ..!.. A..f .-1 Im il.I. M......1.. Tho fallowing Is a list or tho onierrf, Non - Commissioned OITlccrs mid Privates. Thomas S. Harris Captain, Jcssa llolilnson. ) Irst l.li'iitenanl, J, W. Hopkins, Second Lieutenant, Sirecants. R. J. Moore. 1). ll.Tsilnr, "William In lug, James 0. Maier, Johu Hurley, Silas l' puou Jr, Corporal. J. 3. Klltntt. Frank Wymnn, llnoert llriln, D.T.Cole. Itolmrt llrueo. J. M. M. Wind, Charles Uulllrd, Joeph Willi!,' HuRlcrs. Warren Vernoy, Myron It. l'Uld. 1'ilvales. fkorflo I llutlcr, -James Ca'slda, nrtccuiarK, lVl.r McDonald, C. J. Kcniiey. JVIIIIatn llrrmcr. 'slcorue W. Clapp, W.T. LVcr, -, II. Collins, J). II. Collins, John II. lUlns, Klllm Moriian, Marlon Taylor, O. Illrshcr, John McI.aitKlilln. Jackson Million, John K. Illll, Milton 1'rlckell, OrsjvnT. Malhews, 1 "HWIkstiH IsM-onlurg, Jnint A. Heed," I.uki) Htumlluy, John Robinson. William A. Tull, J. K. Vail, J. W. Kimball, Sluieou I'cabndy, Aden C. Spencer, James Inii(in1re, ft-J. Ilraiironl, (1. W. Ashley, tl.iylord lVimy, J. Vuiiipiitder, Lj-H J.M. Iloxlo.. Warren Wood, -4).0. Haley. Daniel Mctio-J, Joseph II. I't'piion, J. II. Ileltiuan, Charles Tlioiu-ini. Charles ll.Humner, Fcidluaml Wachlcr, OenrtfU (Initio. Samuel Solitherland, Chancy I'. Martin, -Wiry. It. Karnes, Ucorjro W, Dallon, Antonio Sandobalc, Wllllum Mi.ll.jr. Mahh.n It. Haskell, MIT.II0011,. William A. Jones, J. II. IVrow, John Xapper, John V. H perry, Jolin It. Iloml, Daniel l.anbiry, James lllckey, John Wnuly. Willlatu It. WedJta. It ACSray, II. I-. t-Yuur-oii, J. Ilaininlll, U. DiHlge, , Dallon, Cnvri.MNTS. Durrng ihopail wnk m-lmve ircclrd wvenil lellen from tubicribus on the line of I he Crescent City mad; Hating that for Kvirul wctki tliey liuvc fulM to get the iir.s tinki. at I he pr.ijH r lluie, tiotillislanditig the mall runs rejjularly, and Intimate that lhe,rc Is sonKlhlng wrong In certain ritmrtrri. Our mer I prnniptly malleil on lu iliy of Issue, nod ttlalnly addriiwil, und we can see no cause why it tlmuttl not reach It dcr.lluntlnn, the saiiw ns other publications. We Iiojhs nothing of tlil kind will occur lu future Hyamikd. -A row tm pWcc In lown last evening, lielwwu Colored .Sum the Hoot. Muck, mid an Indian, whcivmm the Indian dicw n revolver mid fireil onu sluil, but fulled In ht tilijeel, and then drew n knife, but Hum's long rm ciinln; In play ut th mom.'tit, ho lu Ibeteil a blow with c knife In tho side of the Judimtaiil nUnn severe wound in the nbdo )m'n. lie Is snpioil to le murtally woundo.l. Ixsyai.hyiox. On Fiid.iy night lat W. V. Fowler l.puly grand Mailer of UicOmihI Lmlge of (r'gon A. F. and A. M. Installed I ho Oulei'ss nf Oregon Chapter No. 4, nml Warren llifc N"o. 10. Alter tlse exrrc'scs 1l craft udj'Mirmil for refrestimenl to the Oiliol .Stales Hotel, when' It M said "Mine lliit"xeeilitl liluiH'll lu llio CXiniitli wlilel lie iacii It lore tin in. Novm. Phiiiimis, Alewdnjsslncenpnrlyj-pi,;,, privilege lira contractors, or rutlur the of men who were ground sluicing ut Walk- ,1,,ctrctnrs,dd exerclsu ,'rifpienlly. Oi well.wiislmlspit two (laliins. On Ihc linger ,anM wllUufnee: The mute ylewnl entered sifnncwii louiidnpildrliig, aiidiininngllii;mi, Vullvy mur Koiittli & Hemly Creik. Ioom- Iruisurcs u u silver lldndiV mi I un n.ng iinx tiiiki lees mmiulalii rmid, nml les- lipn pot conlalnlng iipwanl of 8:ill(i,lii mlii. It Is rupphsiil tube tt. a'liuitii of un Indian burial ground. fionxv lor Isccvmlicr Is recvivcil and con t nln a very attractive lubleol content. The CisTiion plates ute doublliu tho most pracllcut, ns well mji the most elegant to lo found. We cinnnt commend too highly tho manner hi which' this Mnguxliio l cumluctul. It com bines utility and elegance. TiikJIikyriiicyiox. On New Ycur's even Vmr the beouliful gifts of wutches and jewelry, Jwerc dlstributitl to ihoratiiT.ictloii of nil eon cirned. Mr. Frank Drown, very grao -fully sieeiplcl of the Wro bundled dollar wutcli. which, by the way, l a lrauty. Hyim. HiriiKit. Last wk wc referred to 'tile quart Imle of Mesrrs. .Tcwctt, tircen .t SehlelTellii, loeatci) on the south side of Rogue Itlvvr near IVrklu's ferry. Kinee tlien Ihcy lavc lukin out 8210 from OOn.poiinds of rock. Rwrrn. .A few days since Mr. Ciitccl sllscnvereil a Chlnnmuii in the stream whUh runs through Ids fa run making fruitless tiTurts In get oat. Deing cloc at hand he succeeded In saving Ids life. John .grunted a note of Ibauks, . Tumi. Several Ihifts have Iwn .commit- W Is) town during the past week. Among othir tjilngs, cash drancrs Imvc liecn ritlol of their contents Ml buIne4 house while the jiroprletors were temporarily ubent. - i 'Ay Imst. The Northern mall with dats from l'ortland to the fitb undKalein to thoOlh ofDeecmlKr rruehed us oil Weilncsilay Ihc flirt lust, I'urllculurs ol the HkxI iu that sec Ikti will be loiiixl in our column. , Jacksoxviij.k InaK No 10, 1. O. or 0. F. Tho oflkvrs elect for ihc ensuing term ure, Jl.nry Dcnliuger, N. U. ; H. F. Itussel V.O.; John M. Drake, Treasurer j J, M". tjultou, K.S. Mktkouoi.ooioai.. Iii our next issue we shall publish tho meteorological observations of Nulhaulvl Myer, V.., of this county, from 1853 to Jununry 1st IHG'2, Inclusive. J.sjrrKi(s. fJuve yon bliers In the Put OflleeT rxuinlue the advertisement of the 1'ustmaster. . Cni'NYV Couiir. The January term of tho County Court will eommcuco its fm.'iou on Monday next. Aitoixtuknt. K. S. (lowlw of Douglas County, has been appoinlcd lo a Cuplalncy In the First Regiment ol Onjfou Cuvalry. Thanks. To S. Multeso for a lu-eious bunch of giuH-s. They weru two iiiouIIm ma king the trip from San Frauvi.-co. -. U.,JH-I.IJ JH.I jwiijlj'B Tho Orescent City Rond. Rockland, Drt, Ndrtk Co.. 0.u, ) Diccmberlst.lSGl. f Himtorh OnuooN Skntinsx, .SYri I Permit mc through your valuable paper to ' titnttnttf inntn funis In rt In it Art ttx tliri Inin t inn ' ' . c"mv ."".. . .. . . ftiiil rnntlrtirlinn nr Ihn Crescent Cily nn) iitt. V..IL... U'.nn Itoml. As many of I i ,hc ciwnf r JuckMn nlld J(WPpllln0 ctmritiw ,,,,. ,,, MtM1, .,. . ,, r!rriinn. (In which your paper has ft largo circulation) have contributed liberally to that enterprise, It t.i due them, 1 think, that they should be made acquainted with tho facts. It becomes doubly so from the many misrepresentation through the press and otherwise, endeavoring to Instil into the public mind that "the present toad Is a humbug," and conseipiently tho contributors have been badly humbugged ( that the route upon which tho rond Is built was selected by n stupid or corrupt surveyor, who hud more regard for kiudltlng ccrtnin tavern elands upon the road than placing the rood In the right place. The merits ol certain trails are. exaggerated and an Invidious dtslluc- f ! .Iuliu l.l,u.H .mI saiiIa n,1 lliA mail lion i9 ,.ru uvi.. .. . uu . ".. .... , In order to substantiate tho charge of stupid- Ily or corruption on tho locators of the road. The motives that prompt souto of tho authors of these misrepresentations Is probably best known to themselves 1 to others It is apparent, as will be shown. It is evident from the miserly proportion tf truth contained In them, that the object Is not to enlighten the public. Thi) simple history of the wholo matter is Ills. In the early settlement of Crescent City, every body snw Hint a wagon communication to Jacksonville was a public necessity. As early ns 18.") I, 0 thorough survey was made (by a practical engineer) on the route In the ticlnityof the present trails; but capitalists could not be Induced to Invest their money to build that roud until othir routes should be examined, und lire fact demonstrated to them, that there existed no superior route. This was not attempted until 1857, when a new company was formed to bulld.n road, If possi ble. Missrs Crnndall, (5 onion and myself, were 0 pointed Commissioners, not to lanle n todtl, for that was prudently reserved fur tic Hoard of Directors; but In view the several popular routes and report all the material fuels of each and all of them. We proceeded wills our work, making n partial preliminary survey of two of tho most popular unnrveycil routes, and collected all the Information respecting all other supposed routes that was lu our reach. The remit of our observations were duly laid before the Hoard. This ended the duties of the Commt sloncrs. Tho Hoard now had leforo them not only ourrepoil of llicsnrvryi and observation made, but the accurate mid careful survey ol 18.11 rimdooii lha route of the present trulls. Without n dlssviillng voice, the Hoard of Di rectors adopted llio one upon whUh the roid was built. T. S. I'limcrny of Jacksonville w 1 n member nf Ihnt Hoard. For reosms never explained (to my knowledge) the mi Jorllyoftlut Hoard, T. S. Fumeroy helping form, and toting with the majority, rcfucd to have any other survey than the rough nod partial rate made by Ihc Commtnloticrs lu viewing the route, but gave the contractors n iliHTtflloniiry jMnvcr t tlcvtuto fioin llio line '.I..... b1 M'l.Trf !,. jtntiAji-.! Iir lli.i mtnnrttiv I unless gnardol by the cure and direction of 11 rfiinerlnteiid.nt, which was not acceded to. ,wlg U,c dldanccto Jjeksonvllle nbnuteighl miles; it also avoided the extreme high points on the mountain, the only phirc materially ob structed by snow. Now, If the Hue vlened by the Cnuimtfslon. crs had "IoiIkcui ininJtniigi" lu It In bcncllt eirlabi localities for bouses, this majurily, ha v Ing rsumrtlutiro ronlrol, couldKat.d ought to Imvo (wl, the contractors to have cxcrcUd their privilege nd straightened It, avoiding those localities. It would have been to the contractors' Interest, their contract being to build the entire road for n ttipulutcd sum, and nnt per mile. Tho truth Is, not 0110 of the Commissioners who viewed the route had a dollar's Interest along tho line until after the road wus built, and then, only by purchase. If tho road does run over high peaks which Is ohstrucUd by snow four or five months In the jcar, (a Ihc charge avers), and is badly constructed generally, and tho contributors' money InJudlciou!y exploded, tho fault is cer tainly not with thu tSimcyor ; the idea would bo prepoxtcrous, for he was powerless. No sirs I tho respoimlbillty muit rest where it properly belongs, on those who constituted tlu majority of tho board ofdircetors. Tho rceoul llxcs It there, and tho attempt of u member of It, to tlmClo the responsibility on to others, III be a vain one. Iu conclusion, permit mo to say for our pM pie, including myself (for I have Interests in tho advance of Crescent Cily, which depends upon tho growth and prosperity of (ho Interior, fur ahead of any Interest I hare on the road) wo will all hail with drlight the opening of a better and easier communication with Jack sonville WhctLcr tho recently discovered route upon which tho new trail is buUl Is su perior lo tlic one over which the road passes, is a question requiring lime to determine; from tho most rellablo information concerning ll. llil ilLtnlim TrAlll W11M1I In (!rrKp.nt ftltv .i ' n ' .1 11 1 . . .. One of the considerations In placing the1 roan wncre 11 is, was to avoiu tne innumcrao c inounlalii streams that swell and rush with such rapidity during tho rainy season,stlmt it Is utmost imposslbla to keen bridges over them. Asevidence of the suiieriorily In this resiwrt of the wagon road, I will hero state that Iho mall carrier bus only made one trip up to this date on that trail. 0. D. Johnson, with a pawn - ger train, was four dayi reaching Wuldu from Crescent Cily I lie ri-lurneil the wagon road, which has nolba-n oluln.Mr.1 l. . ,, . .- T.. ...... ... k ,.., unlniuls (Ids ensou, und only impuesublo by reason of snow for wagons two or three days. cry respectfully, yours, D. C. LEWIS. Al II.Milwnml. IW. 'JHtli. nnniliitps dm nn. rnrre.1. ron.n.e.ii.lnu' in tl,n B r Mr. M.'fV ''X."".'?. "r. '"'"'" .!'??. P'jW '." ; , " .; Rosenberg, entirely ileslrnylux bis properly, nud Hint of Messrs. Ale.v. Owe-in. 1'. llalev - M. Sphan, and otherc. 'Jlietotal M is about ei.sjuvv. . j M.'1araann.i. SKttiota Dimrui.Tr. From llio Yrcfcn Journal wo learn Hint on Moml.iy Inst a ililll cu'ly occurred between Frank Wctilworlh and John I.lntnn nt llio SlinMn River Firry, re- 'siting In Linton slabbing Wcntwortli. L'n- ' . . t n l 1 ,on WM ",c" nnu T" " 8""" ' idf defence. TemotriI'II. Wc nre Informed by the ope rator nt Yrckn, that tho line will not be at work again before the first of April. Jacksonville Prices Current. IttimrfrilftirllieHriitliiclCorrrrtriltrrrlil)' jArKsoxvir.t.K, Saturday, Jan. 4th. 18C1. Wheat, per bushel, . 40 n fit) 2,-. n .'HI . 110 n 40 . 1 A0 to 2 (10 ,$:ioo a . no . a 4 00 U:U, no Ilartcy, do Hour, In iir. sacks, per 100 Hit. Chickens, per dor. Com Meal, per 100 lb Hay, per Ion. llaeon, rides, clear, per lb tin do with bone tin hams 1I0 sliouhlcrrf ,. 20 1H 20 121 do hog loiind. into Im rc(,r neU ,b 8 pori,( j0 do a 12 II I 2A Mutton. do hard, leaf. In lln, per lb no in ki'gs no id a nutter, frch dairy, do CO do III kens, do ........ !I7 Cheese, per lb 2A i;ggs, lre!n, pernor. ;i) 10 on Potatoes. tcr Hi H Onions, do .In 4 Turnips, do .In Cabbage, ilo 9 m neans,winieuo na 111 Orecn Acides, perlb 10 a 12 Dried Apples, per lb 2.1 Dried l'euchc XI Cohee 33 ft -In Crushed Sugar , fit) llroun do 2.1 ctk saaBi'. i. ii j O PPICI A L Dili ECTOIl Y. JACKS0.N COfXTV. Circuit Judge V.V, Trim County Judge I. C. Tntmun County Clerk Win. II"loimn IVosccntiug Attorney Itiifus Mallnry Sherlir W. U.S. Hyde Deputy Sberlir, I. M. .Sutton Trcnturcr David l.lnn As'OfPor. Wm. Knhler I'ubllc Administrator 0. 1). Iloxli- County rfurvcyor .Scwnll Trunx Coroner fcnmnel K. May Commissioners I). N. HiMor, F. II-bcr Kuieriutctideut Cum. .Schools... . Humphrey Tcmnnf Cwirlt Circuit Conrl, first Mon days In February, Junu nud October. County Court, First Monday of each month. Frubutu Court, lint Monday of each mouth. J U-KSONVII.I.K I'llKrlXCT. Jnsltceof the IWe U.S. Ilnydrn Constable M. W. Davis Head Supervisor 0. C. ll.ihiniin towm nr j(-Ksnvn.i.R. Trmtces.....". Wm. lloll'iii.in, A. J, Hrunner .1. S. Ijvc, Jo. H. Ilurpee, ll.T. Dal Recorder U. .S. Haulm Truiiirer lames T. Iitenn Mundiid I. M. Hanks Street Commissioner I. D. Haines ,i iiimniwji n. u.smuttTtwiMMgmi uiij -ANO- TIICuudi'rsIguel wmiM n-rieetrully Inform the rlllnn. of Jm-kMiii mid nitjclninj eiiiiuiii-s tints no has un liuinl ami will muiuluc liiro In nidiT AM Klinls of Mmlilltryf. Hnrticas MVII A1 Heavy Draught llunuss (long mid short 1 11) Concord Harness, Duggy lluiners fdouble nud rlugle) Sjuintpli .Saddles, tries und rigging complete; Indies' Saddles, Jnekey Saddles, Saddlebags, I Iridic, Surcingles, Hulters, Spurs, Currycombs Whips, Wldp-lmhw. And nil other articles usually found tn a flrst-clast stock of ISVX3Z3Xj33XIV. ALL tVOUK WAItllAXTKJ), Store in " Sentinel " Hulldlng, California stmt. iir.Mtv Jirnci:. jTiukstmvllle. Dec. 'Jl.jMiil. -IDif Tn hereby given that Ihc copsrtuorfhli here lon.ro exbllnir Iwtm-en M. II. MOItltlS ami AL'CUaTUri TAYI.OU.umUr llio immu 111.1l style or MUIIIIIS A TAYI.OI1, Is this day til., suited by lilnlil.il consent. Thu busliii'M will hereafter bfl conducted by Augustus Taylor, who propose lo S33XjXj Jm OXZBAX For Gctmlx A ny oilier IIoiim Id the I'unnl)-. Tho debts ol Iho firm will be settled liy ellhi r, and thoso knowing IhcmM-lves ludelited lo ns nru heri'liy iintlllid la vomu forward and settle with either of us Inimcdt.itcly, or their account, will bo uUen to un attorney for collatlou, M. II. MOKUIS, AUUUSTUS TAYLOR. Kkruvvii.i.k, Dee. 17lli, I8G1. 4Uni:i CAVALRY CAVALRY! Rally ! Volunteers ! To tho U. S. Service, for Frontior Vrotoction. TKIIM of service, thnw years, iiiiIcm sooner discharged. Huch man will Ik) ruiulnd to furiiWi hl own horse nud horso niuliimeutr. Tlia total amount of pay per mouth, lor man ami horse will bo First Sergeant,, oiurr Sergeants ,,,S:t!) on , . . :tii on ... :i:i mi i.orjMiru l'unliu and lllavkMiillhs Ill 00 HuKlcr ,,.,.,,.,,,...,. Hi I'D I'lUates ,,,..,,,., Ill Oil Clothing nud arms furnished tin) men the "u '" Iho regular army, and 100 bounty I ul ,uu '""' m ".V1"; ftffl I ,, " PB WflCO, 1 ' or cnu"c'" o'"'""'''". ' V ' At ncktoimile, And oilier onices wlllbu estAlilUbcil at points . m ui-. jowimmo aumiougias Couuues,u!..oon as practicable. !(. J'. 1MUKY, Lieutenant Ci LWmel 0. C. U. Jacksonville. Nov. 21.1, 1801. VMt Notice Pay up, A LL MONi;'rf duo tho undersigned, cllhcr iwiiiruiiioi'mni ha u jkiikuahv, mcz, will lm pluCed lu tho hands of . JACUIKS, .' - 'l? ' bislinctloiw to tun nud euforco im- , ",l"""u ' " !"dLICII .v UOLDSMlTtl. j'liieoiv, Dieou, Dec. 0, 1601. jjii A C E II S II Manemc:K3 s Saclis Bros9 HAVING ItKMdYKD TO TIIKIIt NEW BRICK Opposlto their old stand, wonld respeclfully lu tor m the public that Ihey have JUST RKCKIVKD TUB I.AKGEST, IMOST FAMIIIONAHLK, AND DKCIDKDI.Y S" s - T "V- . .. J Tii ou.ct:E3Ei; STOCK OF DRY ADD FAHOY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SilGKS Kvcr Iiraiight (oltila iiinrlici. tT All are Invited lo favor us wllli "G,a Iftf a call. Wo w III show our "'5a VST Oooils with pleasure "ifoU 1ST mid sell litem nt "a Cnproccdpittcd Low Friers. SACJHBS BKOS. Jacksonville, Oct. 19, I8C1. M isar. 3BS -I N I) IT C K M K K T S oi'i'r.nr.i) to )i:ali:ku in nn: Aiiovn-cwm: M. A. ISKSTAIO, Orocou atroot, Is now rvcclvlng 11 regular wrvkly supply of Jp37GtBtX. IP'UJ.t; s iipplcs, Tears and Teaches, And all uthcrs in rruou. In n.l.llltoii to tits large nud wirlid stuck of Candies and Nuts, Whleh will ls sold on llls'ral linn', lo suit Ihr tlini-K. lie us oilers lo llio puldle Ids Well knuuuusMirlmuil ol thu FINI1ST DRANDS OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO Several hundred LADIKS' JIASKirr.S, Pipes, Porfamory, Toys, And many other FANCY AUTICLES. JuckMoivlllr. August M, Ihlil, -J!l:lf sJjU-?-; deduction in Prices ROAliD & LODOIKO U. S. HOTEL! Board and Lodging, per week lioiti'tl, per weel: . , , 1 trf 00 , 7 01) 1 a no Hon nl, per Uayj-llng'o itoom' Lodging ir Mu'lit, single room 7. l.odglug ill' Night, double room Single Illeul m 50 MEALS AT ALL HOURS. LOUIS IlDRN'i:, Proprietor. Jacksonville, Nov. 'IX 1801. J0n'l'll,LE DlllJfi STORE. UK. o. w. aimsst T keep constantly on hand Iho best assort. j. meui 01 33nira, XUtXlDXOXXffZJJSI, PEKFUMlUHIES, ktc-., mv., I have now In flora the mfir3? 1 I4nrp:1' AK'h iipbt cImTpii ,)u0 ta,a llrm h-iVe Ucii as.lKned to him l.v .Mnl QHAVIXO. Halrculllnsi Shampooing fur l.AHliLisl AM) JlhSj ShLt.Cjt.Dlwyy.r.r.s. J. II. lilllfl). . O Hns and Hair D)elii(r, STOCK OF DttUGS liver olTered In Ibis maiket, nud I mean In' maintain, l.y ri'Kiilar liiiorlatlous. and liy sell- lull Iho In'st urllelesnt tl.o .OIIVAST O.WI i'fC'AW. that limllncmisltlonwhlili thu Juek- sonvllluDlUB Store has heatofore held. 11 v i..iii.i.-is i i T..i.,iii.. n.. 'o..ni -id .an ' ' ' ' "' ' 3Mi4.JL5s 1 A NV wron liavliju-. cliilm or claims npalnst fL tins iimiei'sliiii'd if 111 present lliein lo An- ' fo rson.V(ilvun.utiltIlcJr.ul IboCblnilnlslulil., ft?" , IIAml.TlNK Sc tlAILKY. i Jayiiuvilb, AAt 3, Ittil. y:tt 4i-M? 1Ja.o Wnrthprn Mines fHAINES&BRO. SELLING OFF BELOW COST! $47,000 worth of GENERAL MERCHANDISE! -AT- BltUNiVER & BltO.'s. Tttnnnderstgnid, with the tew of commen cing liil-lness at W'nlla YVnlla. have deter- mlmd.anil will positively, close mil our entire stuck of Mcichaudlsi-, mm- lu store ut .laeksuii illle, by thu e'lrsl Day of IV'liruary ueM, UIUIARDLKSS OF COST. Our stock conslt ts of GrocerioH and Provisions, Qneem, Hard, Tin and Wooden Ware, OliOTtlINO, BootM, mixoom tfa XZntsj, Staple and Fancy Goods, Jewelry, Cutlery, SuiMleiy, TOHACCOnndSKOARS. Also, 1,000 gallon nworttd LKJL'Ult.S, .'IU0.Q00 lbs. of new FLOUR, And 2,000 bushels of OATS. All of the above coods will bcc!ocd out at. sVIIou:sai.i: and ui:taii.. And the goods arc warranted ns represented. We will also sell or roit our Fire-Proof Brick Store, Willi fixtures and Wiirehmw. Also, the COITAti'l-; lately occupied by J. A. HltU.N'. NMR, with a complete sett of household fur niture and eotkiiitf utensils. Also, mljolnlnj.' HulMlm, with stable, etc. Also, 11 two-scatul Faintly Carriage, Willi a settof Harness, in (tcrfect order. Also, A PAIR OF Olt.VY IIORSIvS, Well matchcil, American stock, und will wotk slnylu or double. Also, (,'onlnlnlnif .'120 acres of COOII LANl).h ratidut I'liusaut (J rove, iidjolnliy Ilibir's Farm. The Greatest Opening Yet! TO COMMIINCi: IICHINKSSI OUR BRANCH STORE, -AT-ASHL.AN.n ISIILT.S! thy For further particulars, apply at the Store of .1. A. imUNNKH llllOTIIKlt. .Iiichsonvlllo. Nov.,Sn, lfifil. .Mention, Everybody You arc hereby uoliflnl that 1Mj&JLm'3?jEm Can Isc foiiiid ut I tl-t ptiin' on Ciilifornla street, ulnays ri-udy to furubli ;oii witli Of every Description, such ni Apples, Fears, Fcnchcs, Luscious Grnpci, 'And, In short, everything usually found lu u Fruit Siimtn together with n large nud well ' i.rtnrl.,1 ufiu.t tif CANDIES AND NUTS. Icrs of Choleo TOIIACCO AM) SF.CAItS Will find the best ipiulltles at Ids counter. All of which will be sold nt price to suit J thu times. October '.'C, 18(11. II REDLICII .&liOL!)SMlTII, I'liocnix, Orcgou, OfTcr their large and wcll-sclcctcd slock of DRYt.'OODS. CLOTIIINO, IIARDWARK, OIIOCKRIKS, HOOTS and SIIOKS, CIOARS AND TOIIACCO, Al Nnu riiiiuLri, C',,.t, mlillui; l.'itltil, Having purchase,! our (lomls cheap, und being deslnuu of f'LOSINli OCT, sujKrior iudueemenls nre ollercd lounybody who wlrhis. to purchase. RKDLtril.VUOLDSMITII, Oct. C :i6m:i Drill; Slore, Phunlx. 3I9jibAmI ' DR. J. HERDOLD 70UI.D rcsiKclfiilly nnnoiineo In thcclll- M xens of JnckMiuilllQ und , ilclnlty lodo that he U uuw pieparcdj VCLCANITK OR RUIHIKR WORK for nrtlllclal teeth lu Ihe best t)lc, and ut prb ces to suit tho Unas, All kinds of Dental operations attended lo lu a skillful manner, Jacksonville, June id, IftCL COIf WHEELER & WILSONS Sewing Machines ! Willi nil tho Lnto Improvements, .4 SMALL assortment orihoalvenlachlnes l Jut received and for sale at .Sun l'rau- cb'CO pi Ices, adding Irelisbl. l.i 1 urvjinvy 4 1 1, v. ao.iniu.in, .11111. Jacksonville. Juno 2U, IHil. 21 Dissolution of Copartnership. , v j.. ..riL. .1 .1 r I 1. 1.- i;ui.eiiieueo 111 nn ilfi.iruiro 01 .l.'.nils.N , for ll.o Uw-t. Iho copailuirshtli herctoloie ' lsllnir iK'twein llio uudcislumd l this d.iv 'dlvulied liy mutual consent. J, II. lis.sn will I'liiiLImin In iHMPlte.1, n li.ii.ll. Alt Itip iiee.itiiilu A. Ill-IKGIIN. Jacksonillle, A112. 22d. ISfil. SlfiiT , , , Take NotlCO. ......... TsHI;imdirli:ncil Imilnjj sold outlo.ule, 1 . .Mori-ail a Co.. aio M-tlllnir 1111 our ImikIiii'mi. 1 1'ersiius Indelitod lv note or neeouut mil. I imi-1- ' 1 tliely selllo tlio hiuo immedlablr, 01 Meshall I tic cuiupellid lo collect the miiiu by law, ANDIJRSON ft tJI.HNN. Olllce, nel door lo.laekmivlllo Diug Hloie, Jacbxmiille, Die. 7th. Ibiil. -1 7 tit . , ,, I jAWi-n.iiu,r.s foiKiuiiiiy on naiui ut I my llurpws uud SaddVry iliiblishu,eiit, 01 JIKNItY JUDUK. I I. t). IIAINK.S.. , .It. It. MAt.F..H I Cornci- Culiroriila fe Oitgon H(h j TO THE PUBLIC. WTV. have reduced our prices lo suit the v limes. For sale, a turgc nua varieu n rullmeiit of c; jCiiarjist:M: mj x -AM)- Furnisliing Goods, At cry low rates. 1011 uahii. For rale, 100 cases nml cartoons of Hoots, Shoos and Ctaitors, fur I.mlles, (JimiI.'si nml Children. For mlc, nn eleiislo stock of .Men's, Hoys' nml Children's Hits. For sale, 11 full slock of (tiUKYllttM. 1'or sale, a larKO n.sultment of U-st In ami of LKiUORS, WINKS', CORDIALS, HIT- TKRS ANDSVRUI'S, Tor sate, Tobacco, Clears, Matches, I'lotir, llutlcr, IIjjrs, and Coi.stiiv l'mitu m Kcm-mlly. CJAITj and examink. SAND'S SAFISAPARILLA. NATURK'S TRUK RIlSTORATl VK. FLKASANT TO Till: TASTR, Composed of PUEELY VEQETADLE EXTRACTS, And may Ins taken nt all season with perfect safely. The rame of SAND'S SAItSAPAlMLLA I Is nut routined In th" limits of our own country. I lull It I. nine used In ntmot uverv liirt of the world. 1 ho following Is fiom Mr. I'ay, thu well known ripresciitulhc of our (i'oerniuvul to rrus-ia: Lkoatiox F. R, IlKttr.tv. I'mi. Miwrs. A. II. U I). Siiiids-tieullt'iiieu 1 I lav. In; seen jour Karsnparllla umiI lu this city with crent elfict Iii a secro cae or Scrofula. I hao lieen reiiicsled to order thru) down bot tle, which pleaso K')id wllh Ilia siUs l,l,n. I am Iusilrn1 only ly n lielliii; ol pint ant ironliv n Ih'JCIiii Mm to plllll Milium tills un- a. Knl lestlmnuy to tho vulini of n medicine whleh, whKly ns II Is known, Is not known u II oulit to be. I am, getillemeu, Itesn.ctfully yours, etc., TllKtllsilIlK S. 1'iv. Price, 81 per Ixillle, or slv liuttles for ."i. Ask For SANDS' SAHSAI'ARILL.V And take uo other. Prepared by A. II. .t D.Saxks' Druislts, 10(1 Fulton street, corner ol Wllllum. N. V. For wile by RKDINllTON .t CO., San FnineUeo. II. .fc ILMi'DONALD CO., JUSTIN (IATKS .V- I Hit)., Hiirmmenlo. THOMPSON .t IIRKKR. ,D )m ilucksouville. ixj::as! IfJYKRY AM) SALK ST.VI1LKS. (111 111 nil Cn'.lfonilii nmt fulillli silrirts. ijy cmjcaTIT: K Dltf.M. .. THISi: STAIII.iy nre cen S5a vvvl 'rally locuttil, nud eonvriili M i lo the riilmi Unlet. Horse and iiiul-s will In kept by Ihud.iy or week,iu luiMKrutech.irgis, The proprietors hac a mimlKrof due BUGGIES & CARRIAGES, l-'or one or two horses, to lei on mod mile lerui'. Also,. Good Ssddlo 2orsoc &. Idulos Ahlch they will let tn go to any purlof Ihc coun try, 011 rinsoimblu In ins. Aninnls Sought and Sold, and Imrsrs liroku to thu saddle or harness. The proprietors pbili- tlicm-eheslnhesat-Isf.icllou tn all who lu.iy favor them with n call. .laeksonillle. tijjij. Aug. .11. IMI' GREAT RJEDUCTION ! ON' llio l'Irt of January, 'til, llio prices (if U'lir.iXKii .t U'iion s So-s7iriii(i; IVXriolxlxxons were reduced Wvwr '.. on the 1'aelllc coast. A fie or IIii-n., tlm In'st and cheapest ma chines luade, nt Sun I'mnd'ei rates. i:. 0. SKSSIONS, Agrnl. Jacksnnillle, Jan. U. .'''.' 1 1' lTH. DEWEY " HAS opened n shop oiihiUu Amkiwu ,V tileun's, mi Cullt'ornla slivet, lu Dr. L. (! lining' drug store, for repairing WATCIIP.S, CLOCKS, JKWlll.RY, KTC. All work ar ranted to glvn snllsluctlou. Jacksnnillle, Dec. tM, IM'.i). 4'J:Iy Dr. . Caldwell Iloalimui TTS tiermanenllv InrtlUd III Jaeksonillh', I.L mid nllCrii Ids professional Krilces lu the praulleu of Jliillrlnr, Niiikii)' noil (Unit ll Irs. I Oniconlhls resldenCo, on California street, . lu the hou-o formerlv oeciipUd by A. M. lleiry, I next door to Judge I'rliu's. I Charges very reasonillile. Calls attended lo at all hours ot thu day or night. I SII2NTIST11Y. DR. F. (J. IIKARN ulll ba in JucUuivillu THURS DAY next, uud remain for a few weeks. All filling warranted. MSr- Office ne.t door tn llio United Stales Hotel. D.ccmbcr'JS, 18G1.- -nn SA.MCKI. 11. MAY," KTOTAriV XTJ33XjXO, OFFICE IN "GSNTINCU" UUILOINO, .tin Ksom llir, Oliuoo. PETElt 11 11 ITT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST jMl.s.iiitlllr,OiiKlii Is prepared to lako I'lcliires In every style of the Alt, with nil tho latest Improiemeuts, .-"cr-jr1 KJja.mi3 do not elvo s.ttll'uctlnn, uncharges will In' mailo Call at 1'unkV Cltmr Store, or nt llio (,'ulliry on thiiHlll. and wsi Ids Plclun-s. J."f 3sUsVjmjm:9asj i " .J- -- X3st.J7 P-JO Jr liop, Opposlto tho Post Offloo. Abo.a tseniilno uttlclo ol Fbh's lluu l!t- TnuiTiVK,autl CrMadoraV Krtcln, .rVlor Isai - , srs;u IIIDIOS lneksioil, Juno '.'.'d. '.':ilf and Vostamonts !L rluu. s li K. letVutly r-ccllrd uud lor sule a 01. iru 1 01 inum 10111 nn iiiiio l. rl ut cost and charKcs, nt Iho ileimslloiy of Ihcl Jackson County lilMo Society In Jacksonville.'" Wm. HOFFMAN, Denoiltary. Juno loth. sj(il. TOD I'UINTINtl nl nil di-M-rlpllmis walk' fj cMcutclul ihuHKNTINKI. OFFICl-f ----- - - - - JUS1ICKS 1ILANKS lor s.ilo nl 17' IS OFKICK BXPRE88.8ALOON BY P. IdLLYNCH. Opioiitc tin Unital Slnltt off, nc.r tloot lit Uttkmnrit Kipitu Ojlttc, Cnrncr of Cnltfornln unit Tlilttl Nlrrrts. IWOI.'LI) rcsprclfnlly Inform my old friends nml llio public Kcuernlly that I hate just returned lioiadau l'l-.inelno with one or thu Hi-si Selected Stocks or hoth FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Fine Wines, Conlinls, Syrups, ;:ri:. Arts, That has eer lieen n(Ti nil foriale In this part of the country, which I will sell, -vi inT.i2.3AT..rc, Or In nny dosliTil quantity, at a inoderslu ad inneunn cot. Thankful lor Hie Mlronae I have rrcclTid for(hep.il year, I hosi:ll will ciinlliine.n' I ulll spare nn palu lu walllns npou my custom. ers. I will till orders from the town or country, so send them along and keep cool. THE BAR Wilt positively lie sitipllil with nmo bill Ihn rrr.iiV'f itiiilllli-or lipiors mid the nl riu bnituls of Sejjars. Itememlier Ihc EXPRESS SALOON, I'. II. LYNCH, I'rop'r. Jnck'om llle.Sept.il. :Bif HOLIDAY" GIFTS! I'ur.iMUK ron .. - CHRISTMA3 AND NEW YEAR81 AT Till: 1 - VARIETY STORE In Union III".. Uriel. Ilnllillhg, can Iw round Iho choicest and most complete collection cur ottered In Jucksuuillle, of X3osvu.tirn.lly 23otaa.cl ANO XXn.udrsosta.023r IIIvibs- tx-n-tocl CsVlft 3300U.SJI, otlonl WorlHJ. -A I. SHI - OHILDnEN'3 TOYS, JEWELRY FANOY ARTIOLC8. BHELL CAOINET9.ni"' DOXES. All llir l.nlr.l r.null.li ami Aiufrkmi ric- loi lnl, JIn(B tliioni.il .'cwinci ron. (null)-011 lino.l.iil llir Ifltf VARIKTY STORK. Oregon War Scrip. T RAVI! mule nmngemeut" with n resinslliln Iluoking llon-e lu attend lo llioeoll.-etlon of War Scrip lu Waddiiaton Cily, ll.tilug oceif pteil the position or CI1I1 X Cleik' In one of llio liep.utiiient' during Iho wnr, strip holib rs will llml me prepared lo give nil necessary Informa tion ivl.illio n tkelr ilnlm. I will al'iiplvc my attention In posting uinl urrangtiitf Ismks und ui-coiinl'. T.i- Ulllce III the Srtilu.rf luilldlim. SAMUKI. IS. MAY. .l.iek.onillKJuui. .'!). Is-r.l. J 1 1 r L.P.FISHER'S sk . A Advertising Agency Mil. II'JU VVk.IiIiikIioi Mm I, Nearly iipMisliMagulrc"s 0-ni House, SAN FRANCISCO. Adicrllseiuenl" uud sub-erlptlon" sollcllnl lur lliu Oiiiiiov Siatim I. and lor the prlncliMl i:its on Iho IVcltiu const. .dirrllstinrnl liiruaiihil lo pnHrpiillliliid lu any poitlou of the Atlantic 8tatcs. Fann Fcr Salo SITUATKD ON HKAU CRKKU.uIh.uI sl miles from Jacksoni llle. will ! sold nt private Mle. Also. A FARM '10 Ll.T. Part Iculani can In' had of the subset IU r. 11I bis Turin on Hoar Cm!;. 0. I). IIO.NII-Oi-lidcrfi,lSM. I'fiH WK have this day sold our slock of merchnif illso In Mi i Mi l.l. 1:11 A llwr.N. who will couliuiiu Iho business nt Iho old stand. Thank. na the communltv for their iialrnnaci1. emi. lldenlly ricominciid Messrs. Jlin.i.ii A Owls In ' their I'linr. MAlltV A HAVlj. Jacksonillle, July 2, is.l()..,.'3tr. COPARTNERSHIP. Till', undersigned Inn c this day entered lulu n Co.iurlnerslilii for the lnn.sact!iu of n j (ienrrnt Mercliatidl"' llii'lm-. under the sli lo I nud linn of Mill 1 11 A' i:x. uud ban' taken ll.o ptoru lately nccupleil by .Mrs.rs.MirnvA Dili-1. 1 They nru now recelilug u lull slm-k ol gnud..iif I eicry assortment. The putroiiagv of the puldlo sresiHtiliui) sonciieu, ' A. II. MII.I.KII. Wm. A. OWKN. Jacksonillle. July 2. lMtW.Mr. FONR'S VARIETY STORE! Mrs! Side ofCulirurnln St., Juckwuiillr, t7"lir.lli: can be found the U-st of IIAVAIVA CIGAI.8, TOBACCO, PIPES, OF ALL KIND! , BOOKS ANDJPONEMI HOME MANUFACTURE.! Kncoiirattu Domestic IhiH-i itrist ! rpili; iindcrslcni'd has commenced Ihe u-.nn 1 1 LichuuoflliolliCST OI'At.n V CICAlt.-i at hU shop In Iho rear of bis. lore on Culifornbi 'street, nml will till orders tn nny extent, for I.). tll.irL.'l Hl.llUB I.V,-1..hI till. , 118 ,.r ll.i. vcryllnestnvanaTlmcco,lroinwhlch jbtk Clears ure mule. (Mmoaml try IIiellnmo.Manulactureiltlgars. 11 1 They are Iho bt lu the market. gi:o. l-uxii. Jacksonville, May litis, 1801, U;tf THIS WIY EYPODY ! j M. W. DAVIS. City Auctioneer. .PEACH DEOLAJUDD ! AND NO ONK HUNCH! AND I will 0IT1 r uny nro'pirfly, or any other nun, at public unction, for more innurv than nny other man, ol nil limes, and wo will not charge nny more than the property hrinjjs, if wo do, you tuu borrow some, (live u u chance, HI. II. I Ml IM. .1t!:ir. Sept. 17. lPfil " 3Totloe. A '" P rw n inn-nieil to mo are re.piesie.1 lu f- 'ua.K ' Imniedlate iiaymei.t. Tho.o holding ....l.l...uu.fll..L. ..I... deuuiids aalust 1110 will present tin m. ALIIKIir HAHNIIART JiCkjomille, us. 31. IMI. Sill 1 jUgtrii KM W U I - K t .jr EraB