ii i i i n 'in ii i i i i i i ill i mi i ii i ii r ERMyfHHiin T".nt:i iiuapWMUMrtiJijjeyJwiMittja.jwpiJwtMJirirtiffwi itiwiw'Ki Wfs u:iv vr- OREGON ENTINEL. A 4, sriijif -:i," mlim)n. &i ifwiittMyjijijJ iTii rii1 syjsaisi ','" MUNMM IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1861. VOL. VI. NO. 50. T- iT ...,.- - vr :- -, - -J .. -.- ... , (5 fWn IJlIJEj THE OSEGON SENTINEL PUBU8HE0 EVERY SATURDAY, BY DENL1NOER & HAND, IIRMIT DKM.tMIKIt, VV. M. IMMI, Offlco over Clugago & Drum's Btnblcs. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. (INtAllttUI.Y IK AIIVAKCK.) One Copy, Ono Vrnr K 00 One Copy, Six Month 250 ADVERTISING RATES: Ono Snnire. of Twelve Line or It m. 1'lrnl In" tertlon, !l 00 ; mid for milt subsequent hirer Sinn, i mi. Professions! or Huslncss Cards,- latch Fount, . iter annum. Mil on t for hix .moiiiih, w fnrThn-fl Months, SI 0 00, A liberal discount will ) mndo lo persons who Mivirllso to lliu extent or four squares. The iiumlior uf liinrilon etionKt be inaikcd on the margin or uilvcrlli'cim.'M. BUSINESS OAHDS. rust. . nnooKK, m. n t. s. tiiom rxov, ji, . IIKOOKS K THOMPSON, PHYSICIANS.SURGEONS AOCOUCIIE11S, TnolK.woax-v-J.llo, Ovoton. NovcinluT iM. ISrtl. ' G. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, UPPlt'K, J.lCKHONVIt.l.i: DIll'U MTIIltK, (llTgllll. SURGICAL HOSPITAL. T im now prepared In rcciivii pnlUnl. In Hit" j. lioquiai mi Mm- corner of! hlid Street, back ..rilin lliiliin I lull 1 .' TKiijiH-tM.v on coon skcuhity. (WAS. It. ItlcOOKS, M. 1). Jacksonville. July '.'ll. IKH-VH ir. OUANCi: JACOII3, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pliitiils, Jntlt.im Count), Vu' 1ril.rntlnnl In business In lliC Court til ? Ilio Tir.l .Imltcl.il District, and In tl.t Supremo Cihii t. Oct. 2U: 1 1 javiim u, ii 1. 1: hum Miiioitr i'Vij: u .m.vli.ouy, ATTORNEYS AT I,AW, IluarliniKi Kotitllii. Cmml-, gn. "Iiril.L oltcml In nny business mi flil.il to IT. liii-iii. In the m viral I'utirU of lli' l-'ir.t Judicial District of Otegwi, and In the flu prcme Court. ...i'1''1 '"'r '-'"! ' ' WAR SCRIPjMR SCRIP". B. F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT I, AW, Will praollco In nil Urn Court of lliu TMnl Jii'lhlil Dl.lrlcl, lliu Fuprune Court or Ore gun, mid In Yiiku, Ciil. llnhnsaii ngrnl at Washington, and rvpi-clr l.i t Ml lli.it clly iiiul III" Atlantic lid. Suttiiiur niiiirull.tiiiilniiy binbiest uill receive pioinpl lltllMlllllll. Willi VV. G. T' VAULT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "WT-JLIj attend to liiflncx In lln H-viral T Courts In Hie 1'lr.l Jii liclul Dl-iiM of Oregon, uwl U Ihu fiipi-ruie Court. (Mice on i'ulifarnla SI, on'iullc ".Sriitliirl" llffirr. Jll'kMJWII.l.K, UlllUOV. May gatli. 'lil. J9:fw C. I. KlMtAClli:, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ki.nnvt ii.i.k, Jcwi mum: Ch Tr, Ouv., Will lmucliially nllcuil to Lii'IurnTlilnulnl In l.l- euro. Al!L,i,!lJii'i,.,:I?iL j. ii. naas, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will ntlt nil In any liiiKlnri.iirniin.tiil In Mm In Itn'wtcriilCtiurlHortliu I'll 'I Jtnllcl.tl IHtr!cl of Oryyiiii.ninl In lli Niiix-uiiCourl iijll I SAiui:r i:. m ay, UOTAXtY XX7Z331iXOt OFFICE IN "SENTINEL'' DUILOINO, jtv Jmfcwimlllr, Hit con, SEWALL TRUAX, SURVEYORS CIVIL ENGINEER, (Ufficj:, at Tin: tm-.viv iiiildimih, Jiiiluonilllr, Oiipnu AIJ, lmliKJ iierliilnlnij In I.nml or I.uml I.niiiiitiiiUy nltviidul to. ckM)iilllc. Mny I llli. IfCI. 17lf Dr. X. Caldwell lloalman HAS jicnmnoiilly IoimIhI In Jnckxnulllp, nml oilVra li! I'lofnaloual kuIccj In (lie jirncllce of MdlUlnr, HlllKliy nml (llutrlilra. Onicu nt lliu rcalilciico, on Ciilllmnlix tlrrcl, In lliu Imuto furiiKilr occiiiUd l.y A. , Hury, licvt iloor to Jiiiljso I'tliiiV. CliurKi'" tiry ri-toii,ililu. CnlU nllcnilal In ct nil liourn nt lliu il ly or nlglil. DR. J.TlERBOLD VITOUI.D respectfully nnuoiiiico to tlmcltl. T T .i-iin oi JiiCKnnwno nun , Tlclnlly that Uu U iiuw iu'n.irci J to Jo YULOANITi: OR IIUI1IIKU WOltIC for mtinclnl tcclli In Ihu Unt lylo, uml at ul pea to mlt Ilio ttnuK, All kind of Deiit.U oncratlona&tli;nii.d to In t fkllirul in inner. Juck.oimllo. Jnnoy.l. IfirtU 20lf INSURAN, AGENCY, JACKSONVILLE. RISKS Inlen tinpn Mill", lloltl. Stnrca, Duellings, elu on tho ni4 fivin.ililo irm. in H.u trmil, I'IhuiiIv, (iliiml (iuodliue, jiinl other well Known mid icnoiislUo euiiin.i lll'8, Ji'.'l MK. U, SK.-j.-sIO.NH, Aguit. I I II. MIVCII, Wliolctntc nnd Itctnll Dcnlcr In Foroigix and Domestic LIQUORS, WINES, SYRUPS & CORDIALS, AT TIIR EXPRESS SALOON, Corner nrt'nllfciroln nml Tlilnl Mlrrt., Ncl door to Itcckninn'ii KxprttK. O-AII ni iler promptly fllkd. X'Af CITY BREWERY! ' (On ll.e Hill) OVtolcnorLxrlilo, Orogou. 'piIK I'ronriitrM IiuiIiir token pocinn X (r tlic City linwery, lately controlltil by .Mr. I'itz, nro liirriarnl to furnlili liir Itwr to poojile of tills lclnlly by the l.rj, bottle or on ilrauylil. An cxpeili'iice or ninny yean In brcnlii(( (Ivn llietu n n nihantOL'C over oil compel llori nml wornintii them In jironilIiifr A llmTlSIl illliniill IIIA. UA.1 III. l'UU.MI KI.SKWIIl'.ltK In Southern Oregon. lir lie uro to tend your orders to the CITY IIUKWKIIY. If i.ii wWi tin- IIKST IIKKIt. KIICrXIMt k MATTKS. Jnrkunnvllle, Kept. II), lBf.l. n.'itf PAINT SHOP. CROW & CRANE, TTAYINO rrmoviil to the SHOP formrrlj I J oeccpletl by T. K, AtMey, on thceornir of I'nuitli nml 0 sircvUi,aro pripuiultuilu ull klmlii or I'Air.-n.ti. ami i'.i'i;u IIAMIIMI. EXPEDITIOUSLY, IN THE BEST STYE, AND MOiir ur.Aijo.VAiihi: Z"73rx3?i,ca. .TncbonvllV. riii. IH, lhiil. .nfiillT A:CA?3SAS OltL'tlll .SllOl't, .lll(lItUIIVlllt'. 'Fill; unili rnnl hnt Ii:imi1 Ilio nliiU'c lu-ll- k-nonii MuuliMinI ulll npure no ff, ,, iirorU lo iiiirII,nihulioplo net he, XAyX ii Ili'ihC riuiu if piil.lic ptrnnu. J u- IIOI.SI'H III I. ft Of Will', Hy the day or weil,-, nt modcrato prlei. Anttiiiilii lilt ot i;iy Sl'iljlc will be will pro vKKd lur, on fniUfncti.iv Irrnm. ui:oitiii: ii i5.TAYi.on. LirkMiivllk Nov. Ill, IHIII. 1 1 JC5!?J BAKER, BOOT & CHOEWJAKEE, til Duor lu Kl lliu int. MmIouii, On CallAiriiln Street. Mlt. IIAKKIl tnkiH thin nut hod or lororin iiu liU frh-iid iiiul the nubile ueiiiriiUi Hint he U prep.iail to do nil liliiiU of voik In ilio i;uo oi 3oolmnkin, Shoomaldnrj, AM)!(i:iAIIt!i. FINE DRESS BOOTS, -AMI- .Mlncrs' ami luiiicV lluutx, ManiiCieturnl lu u nucuir to warfunt tatlafac linn, at rriunnuhlc priiTj". !' I'iron hiiilnj; ordorJ Tor work can nlv upon linvluk' II 'lone nt the lime pmnitked, Jacli.tiiivlllcrJeH.gfl. 16C1. 37m3 SEW IN GMAC H I N E .MnTJtKM.r.d, iii:i)i)i.(i, ti:.m', ami FLOURSACKS. OK hand mid m ido to order nt fliort notice lluure litiiiiL' mid 1'niH.r liiiiiulni; dune In n uiunuer to lu-uro latLfuctlon. Puymentii must be m.ule In c.iili or trade. I do my wotli ut thi lowist Ihinu rutis, uud can poilttvcly five uo crullt. A. ('. AM1KUT8, GihfvrnUt Strttt,aljt Ort;vn, Jiichnonvlllc, Sept. 'Jl. IHU. :ifi;ir. El Dorado Saloon ! Curmr or I'allrornln ami OirRou HI.., tTrvolcsoxxtrillo, Orogou. WM. ItriUCi:, li-oirU(or. The moil choice binnd. of Brandy, Whisky, Cordial, WINE, CIGARS, ETC., Tor fnh In nny dei.liid qimitlly, !l'l PETRll IJRITT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST JacUtqm llc, til r(;oo. (h prepared In tnLu I'icturtH In every tlylouf uio aii, wiiu mi iio nue.i nuproycinenja. i do not cho saltf;ctlon,noi;lmrj.'i wltl lioninde ('all nt I'mik'n Cigar Klure, orut the CulKiy on Itm Hill, nixl kci. liU I'lctiircx. Iltf XSL7A,r9Aai 33n,iT0O3T JSllOjP, Opjiosite tho Post Oillco. SlIAYINO, llftlrcullliis, Slinwnoolng Cur IIiir nnd Hall-Dyeing Abo. n eennlni) mtlclu ol rbh'n Haiii !!' TiuiiK,mi(l CibtadornV faitlwr lliir Itievr mle. JueUom lliu. JiinuJSJiiVair Eibloa and Testaments. ASl'l'IT.Y of IllldeTainl Telnnicnt. In vn. ilouahlilo. ucuilly V'.celiid nnd for mlo nt cost uml lIi.uki", nt Ilio ihputllory or tho JacUou Count) lliulu iinckty lu Jiiuktonvllle. in. uui'i j.v., iiepMiiury. June JJIIl. lMi. Papa, What ii a Newspaper! Orgnna thnt gentlemen piny, my lioy, To niuwcr Ilio tntto of the day, my boy Whntcter It miy lie, They lilt on the key, And pipe In full concert nwny, my boy. Kent from all country, nnd clinic, my boy, Admtiieincnl", csrnyt nml rhymer, my boy, Mixed up Willi nil kludJ Of (f)lj Inure portt, And published nt regular times, my boy. Articled able nod w lo, my boy, At knt In the editor', eye my boy, And loglo to nrnnd Tint for undcridnnd To Mh.it In the win! J It appllcc, my boy. EtnlMIci, ritkelloii", reitcwt, my boy, Mlllc icrnpi lo instruct nnd nmti'c, my boy, And lengthy d.'b.ilo Upon in illern of lute, Tor w!o hiadtd folic lo piirnw, my boy. The fund, m tliy were, nnd they nie, my boy, The tpilbMis nnd tho tjulrk of tho bar my buy, And cury wcik A clever crllhpio On tome fWng theatrical tlnr, my boy. The n;to of Jupiter', noon, my boy, The tlcnllng of tombody'. npoou't my boy. The .11110 of the crop., ThoMjIe of Ihu fop", And ljo wit of the public bulfoun., my Ixiy. I.M of all phyrlcnl III, my boy, ilanbhrd by tomelnNly. pll., my Uiy, Till you n'l with mrprho Why nny ono die", Or wluit'. the dbonler that kill., my boy. Who bat got married to whom, my boy, Who were cut oft" In Ilio bloom, my buy, Whoha-liiilMrlli On thl. forrow-ilulurd earth, And who totlim fit to tho tomb, my lioy. The prlew of entile ntnljrnln, my my, Dlnctliini to dig nnd In drain, my Im.j-, Hut 'twould take mo too loiitf To till joii In n tr. A ipinrlrr of nil they coulnln, my boy. Th9 Infnmotts Affair nt Otiyambtlo, Va, Tho Cincliin.nl piKT4ofihel.1tli luo lull iiccotuilt tif tho Infamotii conduct of ilio luluil'. IliiiiUnniiiyniiilutti', Yu., ulitl nlml followul. The Comma tiuluyf : Tiicgriip!ilcillinlihc pnlillslicil yrtttnlny nntiQiiueol Ilio iuii'.uto of n iiiiiiiUt of nor Irnnp.nt Cuy.indotle, Yn., by lh.' nbtU, nnd tho burning of nil the lioitM In the pl.ui; l.i nur lroip. Wo Rlinm Iho fulloivtn iK .1U of Iho oll.ilr from the oHiccn of the .' .'in uiui I'rnUl .Vo. '-'. Itupivam th.it the tiia;icii uf n niiinbvr of tlio fdli YiruInU lt'--lm.n', .latlonctl tin re, ivui pa'tmilltatiil mi tin' pari of the reud cavalry Biul cilUcm of Ouynii. lotto. On Suinbiy evening tho majority of om troop., by Invitation, went to hear n 'irimm by n prominent inliil.tcr, v. Mlo oll.ira who Ii iltnl to iciid tho evening nt thohouMiofcli Ittim. While nt wor.lilp, bitivcin tho hour iiftcvrn nml rlfiht the wnni cvuilny, .lilT Fi'iiklnV rt Ik-I rnvnlry, numlK'rli (,' from foui lo flvc htiiidrnl, gullopd) Into town nml tiiie.x lilnlly iiltnckcd our noldlerly, only n for oi whomwiro nrmid, tho nImnit belli,; In u Kittle of formation. Our force only nuinbticd some twu hurulriil men, ninny ol whom, u pre ilou.ljr ttntcil, were wllliout num. Tho re bel eavnlry nnd cillwiu nctnl in conci rl, n t'gnaU wcro ill'plnynl froui Iho holmes In which our boya wire (pmrtcrril. JIvcn tin. women of Ilio place participated in Ihu iuaa ere, by llrlii(r on our men from the window, nml doors of their houu. Our troopj bjn overpowcrtil, lind tolly, Itglitlnglunl o Ihei retieatid. Tho mom conlllct wut on the brldb'o ulikli .pant Kiii'ur Jtlvcr. Wo nrt informed tho Iloor of Iho bridge wan ml with the blood of both our troops mid tho liiemy. A number on boih iMmvcie thrown Into tin river, and feuial druii ned. Nearly ono hun dred of o.ir troop, uro reporled IdlKil, wounded nnd raptured. A number of tho rebel were uhso lilllnl nnd wounded. 'I'honbcli weio In lilghgh-Ottllnlsht Ion?, our tlulr connrdly triumph, Col. ;lglcr arrlvcJ from Cereilo on tho fol lowing morning with a forco of four luiudied Infantry, when the ilastnrdly Mwurdirclreilul n number bclni; cnpturcil, however. The torch was applied lo tho lioua.', and nearly nil burned. The laU four or fivu housrt were bi'lng flreil when the Cndct parsed down Captain Hnnsliell, of tho iOsoii. dejlrca in to ttnte lli.it Col. Xolgler protested nguluit burn. log Ilio pi nperly, but was unnblo to restrain the Infuriated inldlery, Tho lfotoi brought sevi n of our dead to Ccredo, ami ten priiomjra In fronton, Col. Whaley U mlislns mul nip posed to have been talon prisoner. I.leul, Col, llalley, of Porlair.oulh, Ohio wai rhot through the chin. It Is feared hit wound will prove fatal. All w-ns confusion at Ouynndolte, anil It wa tmpo;slblo to correctly uscirlaln Iho minibcr killed. Oueol our tuforiiukiitd U of tho opinion llmt tho lou Is about npiul on both tides, It was rmnnied that n body of Union troop wcro mot log across the country, from WlnfleM, on the ICunawh.i, towards (Jul lipolij, wllli the hope of ovcrluklng Jenkins rebel cavalry. The dUtuuco Is soma tUtein miles, Stranger to a little boy" Well, my ton ain't )on lost?" I(litle boy, stepping back utd cyeinjr the stranger " I.00U lure, mister, ileii't be to fuii)lllur, if yoi please ; I am tint unprotected," laying his hauj upon a revolver! "you must remember I am a goillciuaii," . 1 Miui. I'.iliTlMiToN, lii Illustration of the proverb, " a toft answer (itrnctli awny w rulh," sija lh.(t "It ii better In speak paragnrlcal of a person, than to bo ull tho time dinging cpl tnphi ut him, for no good coires lo nobody lut tiuer peuls uo gooi u no one," Tho Resignation of J. 0. Brcckinridgo. 1'ium the t.oulsvlllo Journal Wo have heard that John 0. Urccklnrhlge bat published a mnnlfetto to tho people of Kentucky, dated nt Howling Urccn, tho rebel hcndipinrtcrs, but wo hare been unable to get a night of It. The St. Iml Itepublienn np penrt to Imvo been more forlutinlc, nnd gives 111 soma Insight Into it content. Mr. Ilrcck Inrldgo fays It I, written nt the first moment since his expulsion from homo that lie could place hi, feet on the soil of Kentucky. This It a most Impudent perversion of the truth, for ho never was expelled from home he left Lex ington Impelled by his guilty fears of nrrcM, and his retreat was lighted with tho burning sclfcoiisclonfr.es of complicity with treason. When ll c mock puko of 'Wii' comedy Is compclliil lo lay niUe the borrowul robes of itttlhoitty, he docs It with a conslrninul grace, " ns n well-bred dojj wnll.s down ttntrs when be sees preparations made, for kicking him down," nnd In tho tamo spirit llrcikluridgc resigns lilt scat nt a member of tho Hi. note of l!:c U11II11I .States, rnylne;, I cxilinngo with proud satisfaction n term of civ yean In the Lulled States Senate for tl.o mutket of 11 soldier.-' This Is tho bliolcr of Alieiiut Pistol, for wo nil Know thnt the unite-or the ex .Senator, If ho serves at nil, will bo In rnmc honorary position, with n sword nml on n charger. Our HI. 1iti'i contimporury tu; lliC oddites would (111 two of lit columns, nml It tnado up of niltrrprftt motion. llrccMn rhlc snyt Ihero Is no longrr n Ptnale of the I'nltrd .Slates within I he nirniiliu; uml spirit of the CgiiMllulli.il" the L'nilid .States no lotigir rxlsl Ihu Uiilim Is illssnlvis." Hut ICinlntky U still ono of tho United States; his ihiThnl nnd bclrnyid coiHtltutiils me till loyal 1 llicy nr-ogiilft! proudly the caIsI. nice of lliu (lovi-rtitiinit of Iht'r fultirn, and ll.oy ili-ny thnt the Union Is ilhwuhcil. y wbiil nrgument can .Mr. Ilreililnride assert ilmt the Union It dlohul now more than ll wat In August last, or that ll.e iaIsIuico of the United Stales hut Ih'cii Iiiiik rltfitl time the Httiim of Ciuigrrs, whtn be occupied hit cat nsn Siimlor of tho Unllnl Slatm from the Slnlo of Ki iituil.y, nnd ilrov bis pay front the lYdcml Triniuiy lor hit tir lees 1 If Mr. Ilrediltirtdge b.'llevtd, when ho look the Cov- riuii.nt's t'i.1,1, ilmt iho Uiiltul HIiiIim no loiigtriNi.titl, mid ll ut I be Union was do. solvul, he nc tul I1I.0 11 Hlly lariuiy ihlifnml 11 tw-iudhr. He l.noi-.t tin. I Ids comx: Is imli fiifible; l.e Is teircoiivlclcil if tho ilet trmilury lo the tilnte nhlih hu iiotiorcl 1,1m j mid. Uln? unwilllu to fcp ll.e IikIIkiihuI Hiip!o of ICintuihy, he but rnfaUd nwny from 1 heir prrvcnri', nml, nirroiiinliil by cut-throats and Ihlucti, lortlidiaikt mid fibns, nj a bod i;iiiiril, bus bstiul bis impudiiit mniilfitto. Wu do not euro pittieuluily about Mein he liMuf this ht tl; ln,f fjiilh litid eoules Ion of John C. Jlnel.lnrMuc. Wul.iiow Mini iK'rutnot Ju.tify Ids i-ouducl, but that holms the til-idiom l.iU-nt to coiirtiil Ids real pnrpo- it bent a lh ghllcrlnr reuleicct nnd lionryed words. The IWnuUittmt cull tin in "frhllou. uud nnjiiil. liable r.rtiAt for n bud net." Hut 1 he Irinl mill crndemnalloii of IlreiMnri.ljce who laid mid pronouucitl Inforo tho Jury o: popular opinion Months mil mouth, ngn While ho wns holding the Keond i.dice In I he 'ift of this H-ojilo uml prcnidliig our Ihu .sen ate of tho L'nllul Statu while he was after- Hiitd. n candidate for the PrcUiney, and uml while he wns rxrrclsin tho dutlis of it l.'nitul. States Hinatnr, ho wns plotting to bo 'my his country nml wns In lenguo with the Inliniout traitors who complied to brink up the liovirnmuit. Of all tho pcr.ons ingognl In this mfarlous noil;, ho uelilocd tho lowot diplh ofilegriilallon, for lie uHoivcd blm-elf tu be iwul us 11 foinlli cuiulldato to distruct mid dildo the oto of Iho country, with the lull eonfiihnco that It would lend to tho tlcciioi. of Lincoln, mul thus present to tho Soullivrn malcoulcnts n pale.Nt for their nets of ttces ion. While tIioc who wcro his Mlows hi 1 his Ircarhiry lift their scat 4 In Congms, he rcmalneil there, mul pnve uiil to tin 111 In op posing every nppropilntlon of n.cn and means '0 resUt Ilio iibellion, nlihough It was mena. elng, within Iho or six mites, tho my 1'iilcral Cupllnl where l,o was titling. Kti man Is mow deeply and terribly ivsponsiblo for the IiIockI uud pllluge and criioo and horror cf the last tlx months. Ho Knows ll, too j he knows that l.o is lis guilty as Culn after Iho first frat ricide, and ho Hid from tho wrigcancc that awaits him. He Is a rcfu-po from bis native Stale with Iho brand upon his brow-and the willuro of remorse nt lib heutt. ills fate will bo that of a traitor : IntlioIot battle, ltorne down l.y Iho lljlng, Where mingles war's rattle Willi ijrouiiii uf th,) djliig, Tin 10 rbutl Iiu U' l)liiir. Mor.sler of perddy, lugruto nnd Rend, his 11.11110 will lie cternall linked wllli those ofJu dis ami of Arnold, mid, when blttnry reeks to iccount the damning deeds of those who lmo 1 iititkd themselves to Iho cxu-ralion of mau klnd, that r.amo will be foremost in tho scroll, which was borno by one, who, in tho viry spirit orihoatihdeiuon, thought It "better to nlgu in hill tlmn sertc in huncn." A liltlo girl, flro years old, who tins n brother In one of tho Troy regiments, and who has been taught by her mother to say her pra) ere on going to bid ot night, was told that (.he ought to remember her brother in In her prayers, hut nothing further was sug gestcd. That night, on nlliing, tho little one. In her prajrr, laid: "Oh, Lord, let brother Jo khoot tho Uhua, but don't e( Iho others shoot Jo." 1 Men aro taken by the military authorities of Ilio Southern Cim ft. di racy us drinkers lake a $,' iss of llijuor nt .1 ilrall, Tho Bohon Upai Trco. It Is rather a singular phenomenon In the economy of nature that tho island of .lava should produce at the snmo limes tho rvwgoi teen, Iho most mellow nml luscious or fruits and the deadly Upas, tho most inallgnnnt of poisons. In the Journal of n botanist, lately deccared, whom Xnpnlion scut to Java, lu 1510, to i.inko colli cllons of plants fur Ilio im perial garden nt Ht. Cloud, wo find tho tub ntniico of the following facts t Tho llohnn Upas Is situated in a valley, watered by a riv ulet, nnd compassed by hills, at the distance of fourteen leagues frrm ll.itniia. The hills ami mountains In Its vleiiuiga ntu entirely bar ren mul denuded, ns 110 Mriluro can vegetate where the breir.e wafls the pcstlliiitml vapors llmt arijc from tho pestiferous gum of the Upas. The Trench bo.itr.ni.it, mixlous, on Ids return lo Trance, lo be nhls to Iny bifore the Ktnperor a correct description of tho Java tree, made, nt tho risk or his life, n lour nil mound this dangerous spot, nt ubotit four leagues dlelmico from lit ilcktciluus Influence; nml In every illrccllon of hi, circuit ho found vegetation literally annihilated, mul Iho ncct of the country the most dismal mid dreary that could bo imagined, Nitir the enslivt a edit of one of Iho hlll, about six miles from the slntlon of tho tree, there resided then an old Muhiyan priest, whoo (.(llec It wns lo prepare for eternity the souls of tlnwe who, for different crimes, were sent to procure the po sou, which It ft commodity that )ields the im tlw (lovcrnmcnl n eorsldernbtc letimie. The polon Is n gum, while, liku rmnphor, Wtius from Iho bark. Malt factors uiulir imitiiice of iluith uro Iho only persons who nru conivlI(i1 In gather this deadly nnd baneful gum. The uitulstirt ol the imtlu' nviilr?ii prov do tl.cm wllli n torlolspihvll box-, in whlih ll.ey are to put tLc pullfirous gum. ThiroiU'ioletUrliii. mils piocicd to tho lioiiso of tho high prlefl, where they remain until tho wlrtl blows In a fivnrabloillncllnu,soni to bear the iffimla hnm ihrm. As toon us tho dulrul bruze nrlsi-s, the print picpuru them for the nv proacbliig fate. At the moment of departure the pilwl puis on thrni 11 levilhcr cap, with two ptnsiHS In Tore their rjit, whlih count down to ll.i Ir breast. Thin upiipil, thiy it out on 11 Journey to llmt fatal " bourn " from uhlih but few trau-hr rilurieil. 'lU old itcletlsi.tle assured rtir tmvihr thnt dur ing n retldcneo of Ihlrly yettrs on this gient il.oroiiithfuro of iluith, ho had witmtmd tin ib Kiitiirc to thy. Upas of more tlmn pljthl bun- ilren tiiilitipj'y iu'ltig. out or nl.mn mil loon than thirty iwr n turned. Those nI(orcail Ihodiiiuhtil li.llui'iiit' d Iho (.'pasiliMviilHil il at a iniddlhig thee! trie, with IiiiiihI.im jf ll.i mort livid vi 1 dure, ll broo.li sullenly out a riiuM, ui a Mud mark of vigrtiallori lu tin lurrm v.tlo of tho wihUriut, ocr wl.IJiit "live, lis poison, d fullnge. While niirlMU'Iir retnalpcil In (he Is'nnd ofJiiii,ho wiliiMseil the followhir horld I-i-.tur.ee of the ilcslrucllio power of the Upas poboii. In I-cbiiary, IBID, he :v.s promt at he execution of twelve of lho.l.iinoe Kink's 1uUl10.es who wire couvieUil ol Liiii' lalth lns lo him 1 Tho fair end Interesting criminals wcro led into Iho great court of tho pilnco of rioura Cl.nrta, where 11 Jiulgo pasted senlcuco of ihnlli on tl.im. Altir goliir lhroti"h mam religious ciriiuonlw, ll.e exiciillonir ttrlpiicil ilnlr breasts, then chaining inch of tho help- list delliMpicnls lo a post, ho prtwdiil to make nu Incision in tho Ihkoiii witli n lancet poiaoiicd wllli tho Upai. The nprrallnu was I'lforined In tl.o sp.ico of two minutes; mul with .mil ivlcrlly d d Iho tihon dotroy tin vital principle, that these unfortunate womiii, tho victims of a sawige, wue till diud hi let; than u tpinrlir uf uu hour. " Some hours after their death," rajs our traviKr, " their Mhs wcro full of lliid spots, their faces swilhd, tl.o colrr of their ikln eluingdl to it kind of blue, their e)C wire coinplclily f potted wllli jellow luns." Wc believe tint medical men rttliente the Upas oi tlo i.iost deadly of ull vegctublo pol sous. In times of war, it Is the practice of the Maiiuiaiuto throw the Up is gum Into tin pi lugs nnd r!u!cU, lu enhr to polon Ihrm The other parts of the islam! of Jni.t are re markably healthy ; prolific and rich lu n roll th it produces an abundance of Ilio lie. est fiults such us tl.o coca, palm, fchad lock, oranges, lemons, citions, Inmurlids, mingoir, plue-np-pics, bananas, sweet sops, grapes, iulurd ap ples, melons, pouigrnnatej, figs, and the dell clous maugnstcco, csilnntcd 113 the best fruit of the l!:iit, A l-'iMiorioi-s lloni.s-X.U'i. Acorrcspcn dint of the Napa lltjotl(r relates the follow ing : Quite a leriom oicidcnl lupcti(il to n little daughter of Dr. J.T. Itronnof Napa Vullry, on Iho 'J5lh of Xovenibir. While the child was playing lu theuud .!io wns seized by the right hand by a largo lV that had been ullowed llbuly of the aid lor two ytars or more. Tho hojf was ery gentle, mil tie cliildreit wero In the habit of feeding her bread and scraps fiom Iho table from their hand. Tho cenmnsof tho child coon brought tie mother lo her rescue. Thelmgwns inahliu oil' with tho child ns fast us she could. The mother niudo batllo on the hog with a club and arier repralid blows let cued tho child from u horrible iliath. The log had tasted human blood and its ferocity Knew no bounds, It now attached Iho mother of the child wllli nil the rancor of Its nature, mid it was not without hard dghllng that the essaped into the house with tho child. Hut tho most curious part Is jitto bo related. Tho hog has not failed to attack every person sho meets. Sho is now confined In a strong pen to await her sentence, which of course is ilealli. Can the animal bo alllcled nllh hydrophobia? Time will show. The wound of the hnnd Is pretty severe and the child may lo.c a finger, Tho Pantcleirraph. Ono of tho most woufcrful Inventions of modirn times Is the Pantclcgrnph, or telegraph for making fac-slmilct of writings or lien draw ings. It has been tried on n small scato odd found to be successful; whether It will bo cheaper and more expeditious than tlic com inon method of telegraphing Is nt yet doubtful, The lltho u Vaufiquc copies an interesting account of tho new wonder from a 1 reucli Journal, and wo translate from the Ktliot Tho invention of tho Abbo Casclll Is now In operation between the laboratory of M. Trc- me nt and the telegraphic office of Amiens. It not only transmits letters, cyphers and music, but drawings ns complicated ns anybody wishes lo make them, The tnccl ani.r.) of the , telegraph Use If Is not very complex. Without entering Into a complete exposition of Its the ory, wo may explain in 0 few words how n fac simile of nny writing Is produced at n great distance. 'I he dispatch Is written with com mon pen and Ink on paper covered with a mc- lahc coating1. The dispatch Is fastened upon it p'atc of copjicr, which passes back mid forth rapidly ocr tho end of the wire, which end Is of platinum. In tills way the point of the wire Is made lo paw over every part of tho dispatch. At tho other end of the wire an Iron point tuns at the same speed, nnd in the same maimer, over a sheet of paper prrparrd to receive impresttons. Whenever Ihu plati num point touches tho Mrltfi.tf a ttrenin of potitlvc electricity flirt over tho wire nml con verts ihu white priuiiule of pnlash on the pre pared paper Into n cynmiretol iron, and makes 11 blue spot. When the platinum point pives where Ihero Is 110 writing, tho v'eettlelly Is negative and tho prepared paper Is not 0 llec led. Whircvir there Is n blaikrpoton tbcdhpatrh Iheru Is n blue spot on thupn pared paper. In thts manner the prepared paper Incomes n fac slmllp of thp original dispitch. It Is abso lutily necessary that the niovciiKiil of the dii p.tteli nnd prepared paper should l.c-cp equal uml exact lime with each other; m,d Ibis Is iiinnngid by maihlucry, gnvernesl on the prlu clple ol the rtpial duration of oscillations, such is lliosc of a Kiidiibm. .Iin. UiTiru i'v or tiik HiorKAiir. Tho New Oilenn. Cititti.l rctuket Iho statement going iho toiinds of the Southern press, llmt tho Miikm!,; Is li.si.flielmt, nml will mid can bo rnltd by Trance nnd Kugland. ll s.tyi : There has been much talk mul n great many eommint.i (11 whnt hat Utn teriiird tunning 1 ho blot bade. Htpnitt and they will pmve in Ikj Mnip'c rrporis ray that ,1Ii5 w-s'tls lune run iIk- bioekade since tho lClh of May la.t. Tldt It n cry wild estimate, rvui If il is supported by returns or statements In the IbpartmrnU nt Iticlunntid. Tho bhuKade tea (iiforcid (d the mouths of tl.o Mississippi rlur on the 'JjIIi of May, ut which time there M-rc forty sail vessels In thlj port outward 'nut.il, which wcro nim!lled In go to se.i Tho bloekudo coiniiK-nceil on" .Mobile and Pin stcola about the tamo lime. Yessels were ullowed lo Leave theso ports till the rth of June. So far ns New Orleans Is to be contid- red, tl.o Inst arrivals, nu the llalize, were 011 il c "dih of May last, Thero have been some arrivals mid departures of schooners from the bayous on the (Julf, There hate been some roasting vroc!. on tl.o coast of California evading the blockade; but all I hef 0 will not count up All!. On tho other hand, tho Hes sian steamer South Vurnlma l.ns captured sev enteen schooners In 'attempting to run the gauntlet In I ween New Orleans and Texas polls. There have been only three or four vessel from Kurope one, the bryiicAi that have Fiiccinfully run tho bloekudo. Some few West India traders hno met with siecc. on the California coast. It Is misleading for ilj;n governments to make aierlloni of this character, that the bluikude Is easily avoided, when not a vessel has entered the port of New Orleans ii.i tho rleer for over dee mouths, and only one via the lakes from a f iieign port, tfrrat Hiitahi and Trance rceognUo tho clo lug of cur ports, whether II iscdiclual orhicf feeluil. Siivm Tiiiiir at a Tuxrixu Uxiiiiutiov. Kneouraged by the war, one Kergcant J, W. Ambler has bevii baching broadsword and bayonet exeiciso to tho young men of HidJe ford, .Me., and on n recent evening gat en pub lie exhibition, at which It was announced there would be n "sham light" between the l'ltlerals uud the rebels, the latter to fall at a proper moment. Hut the "tebels" lad determined not lo die so easy, and instead thereof, lo drive tho "Union men'' from the 6lae,p,nnd they had nearly done it when tho gallant Sergeant grasped bis trusty sword and Iho work became no Joke, Ho slashed right and left, regardless of heads or points, uud turned the scale of bat. lie. Asa result there wcro sovcu mm who needed surgical attendance, The audience were too much interested to havo "our side" win to scruple about bruised. Indeed, Intense excitement prevailed, and the nudiencowcre all on tliclr feet, cheering the Sergeant on Ono man has been In bed ever since, nml the Sergeant was not able to drill for several djv,. A Yai.I'aulk Piioin-Tinx, 'I ho Scientific American describes a breast pluta which, it Is said, Is being extensively worn by ll.e officer and men In tho federal army before Washing ton. It Is composed of thlu spring steel, and is worn between the cloth and lining of a com mon military test. It has Uo leaves, whlih lap nt the cdjes when Ihc vci-t Is bulloucd, so ns to cover tho entire chot. It weighs only three pounds and u half, and ran bo worn with en'obyony odlcer or soldier during the most active excrebe, It Isyeryjtrong in proportion to its weight, n3 It can tesUt tho thrust of a bayonet or sword, mid It will rxpil Ihe builds of muskets and pistols ut ranges which would 0thcnvUbcfal.1l lohfe Tub Dcvir. I An Italian gentleman luylliil me, a few days since, lo meet l),c detll. Yej( truly, to meet his satanlc majesty, whom ho had lately brought from Italy. (In crjtrr'lng tho room my attention wns directed f 0 a hand some caryfc! npd gilt cpnftssionnl, nn, the up per papcl of wlilcli was pnlntod n bend of ntir Havlor j the lower panel showing a painting of the cross.' This piece of church furniture stands about six feet high, and appears to be long to the lClh century. It was lately dis covered at a monastic establishment r.ca? riorence, ono which tho revolutionary event of the last few months has cnuscd to bo Inva ded by the civil authorities. The rcmtrknhjq feature of this confessional consists In fit Inlcr rial tncpliatilcal contrivances. The ptlcst whq may bo interrogating n sinner, and pointing to the panel representing Ihe Savior, has only jq touch a spring, when the spring suddenly rails, and a figure representing the devil, the size of it man, fulls forward. He Is no chief pf tlo fallen angels, such as Milton paints, but such a devil as Luther used to see. A horned, brown head, w llli lurge, round, protruding crcs, roll. Ing fearfully; Iho tongue hanging out of tho mouth, and made to move ; a few tufts of DC-gro-likc hair ; lu fact, a monster. The hands; arc like Iho long-nallct claws of a quadruped. Tho body is boldly carved ; In fact there Is o sort of pronounced nrt treatment la the figure which makes one remember the Michael Anr ge-lo period of Italian art, although this exam pic Is simply rude. When the (i;ure npiw?, a sort of Internal rattling noise comes from tho Internal machinery. "One ran Imagine," said my Italian fqend, "when the confessor wanted In And out some secret which he Imagined Iho penitent nt his feel wis not likely to disclose-, how he would first excite nnd thru tlircatctj, and dually let down the screen and muko the devil extort what 1,0 wanted lo know." Imh; tofi Vnftr. Cot.. lliit.Y Wiuom's Offnu. llrroBv. In Ids oflicial report of the light on Santa lton Island, Hilly Wi'son tells (fen. Arlliur that " lilt new clothes were all destroyed," and that tho "enemy's tar-cry wns'ilmthto Wll- son!'" nnd that "Ave thouanJ dollars re- word" wm olJVrrd for his own head; but he congratulates himself on two facts namely, that his " rnininlssssnn is safe," and that hi "nun have smelt gunpowder and now they mc nil right." Then hu makes lids little statement : "They tire exhibiting in; hair and head In IVnrncola ; the reward Is already c'alncl; ubn on old ll.ig which I nulled to a (I.ifStaff 011 the IthnfJuly, which lint been hanging thcic ever since 1 nothing left, however, but Ihe stars. The Indict have cut It up In plecry, and have it pinned on their bosoms a a tro phy, livery ono in l'ensaco'a has my sword ami unlfotm, I must have a large quantity of hair, olid p'uiily of jwonlt and uniforms. They say If I wns lo lie taken nllve, I would be put In a cage uml exhibited." The report concludes with these jerky .ml suggestive sentences, which sound very odijly In an official paper, but nevertheless till tbo whole story : " c lay upon our arms every night. I have s'ept but very little this wu-k. I don't feel vtcll. I havo got the dlurralupa. Wp will want eight hundred uniforms. 1 our obd't terv't, Wu, Wiijiox, Col. Commanding.'' (iKX. MuCi.rjjaN'a War Poury. Tho Philadelphia linniiitr says that at a recent dinner glten by (Jen. McOlcllan, he is said to have remarked lo a gucsl, that there was no power nn earth, neither that of tho press nor of politicians, that should cause him toswervo n hair's breadth from the policy wldpb, C hail adopted In relation lo the present war. Avail. ing himself of all Ihe military wisdom that It in tl e possession of tho officers around him, to, ccther !lh his own maturo experience, ho has, to tho best of his own ability, adopted it plan of warfare to which he intends lo odliero most rigidly, Knowing, as ho docs, that tho fate of n nation Is In his hands, aid that it single blunder might forever estrange him front Ihc support nnd confidence of the people, ha has resolved to propose nnd dispose of ull tho military power now at his command, and to ven I uro a blow only nt the time when In his own mind ho is convinced that the cxffsnctc of the occasion demand that it shou'd hQ struck, As Kartiujiukk Cow-CtTqjRa. Tio Humboldt Timet, of (ho SitJ ult., has the fob lowing remarkable tale of natural wonders in, Mattolc ; A very sevcro shock of an earthquake oes; currcd on Iho moining of the 2Gth of Oct. hist, A resident ol Mattolo tells us that tho shock must have been more severe in that valley than than any placo about here. Ho rays "tho ground craekrd and opened In p'uees a quart ter of u mile In length with a trc metulous Jar ring sound 1 that In ono place the earth oponcd so much as to let a cow topple oyer and drop In head dr.t ; tho opening immediately shut, mnililng tho w hole body as dat as any pancake, except the loll, which still sticks out as a last ing monument cl her latter end." I Only for tho rainy weather mid heavy roads yq should at once quit our sanctum and start (or Mattolo, (hnt we might, willi our own eyes, bear witness of this wonderful phenomenon,. IIi'miioi.dt Minks. A miner l.i Irom the Humboldt, states that parties aro packing their dirt from n half to a mile, nnd making 820 per day to Ihe hand. I le brings in choice specimens of gold bearing qunrli. Tho Hum boldt country will, Iho coming scumiii, yield many a man n fortune, and become Ihc abid ing plaeo of men, women and ihildrcu, never moic to be deserted, or turned over to w!li casts and wilder men,- Serr I 'e H- p. v- I V. 1 i3