Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 21, 1861, Image 3

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TMP IIHklvllN Mr.NIINr.l.
TT.- . .?. T .
f-HiTITH DAY. - - - JM'C. '2l', WOI.
rilVIIIlllJVIt JJ ' ?
".7".T . mr,,nn a
ijx uvr.fiiiAwi' j"k.
Oi-tvrv mil N'JToiii Tlio New York
tti -l I Med u Wosbtaon. Xui
n I.. ...v. 'Hut folters fiom i.rl-oners bcl-intr-
1..- . II.- I',,!',!,,,,,!,, 1!i frttnrnl Iwiw nt lH.-ti.
n.fL .u ...v w . )"" - "-
mutitl. show tlinl ntnjt of those guppojol 16
Imvc been kllkd at Hall's! llluir, nrc pr!.om rJ.
The outccrs mo confident Unit llfty incluilca
tlio whole number (r lliQ dead.
" I'litr.uim-ni t, No vci ul cr 2.1lh . Tlio ltich
noiid Jiuinuiti't Fort Slnnrce litter states
llmt the rebels n port tli.tt IViiiacoln Is cvncit
iilnl nml that the Navy Yard wax entirely
licxtroyed. Oeneral llrugg was nut for rein
forcements. Pivo vessels I United Stnt.a as
sisting Culow.1 Jlruwn wcru ltltltlktl with
fcliut I?)
A special to llio Tribune, dnlcd Nov. 20th.
nt Washington, Btntig Unit Adjutant Ociicrnl
n,n.,,n. I, ... t l.utrnctlnii. Kllwier.il Hl.or.
uiiwr crop., imu ra noi n,,. .. ,ur ...
.,m7..c..tn Uk.1 ... New Yck and J'ZMA
for Um-.nmK.it me. Tlio .!.v nero to tc.f.. " CrLffl
Clira me crmn. .
euro tlie crop't.
Tlio It lb
rVi&ivie'j dijpatc i al.-O Blnlcs (lull I i0
wra bllliiK lack from tlio l'otnmue
bo W Iml retain advunco of the
rebel we
liifon) tha
Union lurccii, Aim lm
iiinllv olTereilai.y reltaiuc
1 1,0 Potomac Tor the hist
tn our vcuel on ll
r. 1....-
"" "V" ...
-iiter iitun run itnyn maio iiutt uie ex -
imlitlonlnUt. lhlinn nlet, north d Port
lloyal, wlibnut Mrlklnit a blniv. lnU tho en -
.,.. 'work,. TheKbel guni had Uvu ear-
..I tut I
ii ..... -. ...!.. 1 ilmi 1 1 nnn .r.1...t vrrn nt
..r.1..villn.S.inil. I'nrnliim lubleh U on thn
!.-' IIJIHI lll ! I 1)111111 HU HI IHIV
iinnailiniidChnrhHlon Aallroad, and H.., "'''""" ' ?'"' '"' "" . ' '';
Wile, frnm lllllon Head, kluw Port lloyal), n ' ' ' l"'' '"'k mt ill
uiiitirUui llnivton .l"', cohcernlri; the Mzure of Majon mid
iimiiruiu.jir.ij ion. s,liK ,I(J W,M .M ,, Coptaln Wllku
Wasiiixctov, Xnv. .Uihi-lllipalehM to- 'IM rlgl.l, but tlut lie rliotiM have seized the
4lny In tho Xavy D.parlnient. from Mllccr Du- 'Iciimcr nlsn.
,mut, .laid nl Port l.uja!, X..v. 2.'lh. give ' l-.lv. Member of Congw, now n prionrr
ihc grallfyliig li.telUgeiice that tho llajr d the ,n IXIclimoiii!, has t. nt word llmt he will tuke
Pnltiil State Is Hying i.v.t the territory ol ll1' f' '" 'onprrss this Kwlon.
iho Hlale of (lei.rgl.i. Tjb.o l-laiul, ivhlcl. Is , ',p"rly from Itiehtiiond fay ll.nt the rek'lfl
in iimrlar .1 manre i.r Port Piili.rl.1, was luken ' ", "f'1' i' fxclttii eonccriilng b.ileial ojra
iios.iw.lnn of. mill Iho npproaches lo Summ- ' "" """'U C(,!,"t Roiitlrcui Ironi.s i il.-ctnre
iiah compktely tli.ip.d. '''O' will go homo mid Icaio A Irglnln to her
A Port Mnnrno curicpniulont of the Phil.l- J'',,J'; ,. , ,. .. , ,.
.lelphlaidutirtrminouniiH Unit n man call ' Ul?' U w npphcal.on of (I. I),
lug hlumll llrinn t'hnrr.1 of Port It en. came Pientli-e..Ser.li.iy hewurd on hulur.h.y rr
In , Norfolk, mid win delulmil by Oiminl Icml . rrlcnirc ill (..ill.ouii Iletihani mi I 1a
Uwd and h:a trunk exniiilmd. It imiHhIiiciI hmalor uviIii fiom vouniicmciil utlortU
va'.tablo kihii, cen'ol ui.d ulnmiKil by the 'ni1l!.,c, , .... , ,,
ii.1i,.i. i'. .,.!,, i ii,.ri...i,.i. .ii.i .ii,r.nn.l in I lit wrclnry of the Navy, In bis report.
1ird l.vons. They nere fcnt tu Sicrelury
; tu Sicrelury
ils ucen-e.1
d tlio riii'-nl
ill fur a
Reward for liiMvclinn. Clu.ira
Jniilnir Ikiii an nlllcer on board
..I. I.. I. l..n. I ...I I.WM llll,,1 ..III
4..wurnt Churhsioii. He had miii the t.rlvu-.
lixr SuinU'r oltui.
Ortxcv. Dec. 2.1.
(Jen. Price Ims Issued n proclamation nl '
Xc..ho. calling fur lllty lhouiiiid men fioin,
Mlf ntiri tn support ll.o b'onilcrii (auo. lie i
ii only llio ihuii-u.id imu have us yet ohms
i Mb
iom SlWouri l.iui.l him. Liilirs his cull Is
reipondiil lu l.o ihllik that nil will bo loit,
in,. il. I.I,,,.,,!,! ll..I,iu will line., timlriil nl
Hie Slate. Tlie inlv.iiiei ftu.iiil or 1'riruf
tureen ate wniklnx their way up towards So-,
diiiiiw Lii.ii.1 of PrlcuV""i " '.u'VI'',i :MV
ah.liii, cimimiltliu drpr. ihitlon us lly gn.
Il Is letm ted lh.it lawlnlou lus ugult. ful
lilt lulu tin- lii.iuls nflhu libels.
SIcC.iIIik'I.'s I. u-.tait fuld lo be on tin.
way to Alknnias.
The troops until r the rebel O'eiirrul Jutm
oeeiinv Si niullekl.
ll Is said PricuV Inl.iillnu Is, if Ln cannot
m1h more Irontts. tn tlnlde bis army
P iuto
uuerrillii binds mid harrus I'ui.iu men.
The great gunboat cxiolilhiu, iiudir (Jin.
llntli ik, Is exiHtied tn start down the .Missis
Ip'd in ab uu In. i links,
A tliu liiv.il Knp'e In the several couiitid
In K.islcrn Vlriiltilii declaro Iheuiklics loyal,
their ports will be iipeiail fur Irade.
Xoilliniiiptiiu i-iiiiuty Is oeeupicil by Pid
cral Inhips uiid.'r lieu. I"eboi-il.
A Parish Iter in the New Y.nk U'uiU
,i)a iiuu.U'r nf v.viiels wi nt from lluvru two
jnoiilhi sli.e.' w lth supplies for the ribeli. lull
ritniind without iliiosliig of their cargots.
Ills ruiiiiiied llmt tin ti.uiiiaiid vi.liiute.rs
will be culled for lu Cuuiud i, lo ilefiiid the
ber tilth.
Capl. (I'lMHlwin. or ll.o slaver J ne, Iu Uxn '"; '" '" '" ' -"' ": 'l"r" ,"' "' i '",, ' .. ' v
spot.iV.sl In U. bun" in Prim ire next national lolum ate Ujlng fnuu Iho IuIiIIhuiim.
i i . u ,t n. l . r Vl . If, tn.i m,iN Unuli.lt uas to lie oecupKil on ll.o Snlli No-
Sl..j'.r Suihcrlaii.1. 1 the U.Iiitl S ales uU.,. , !j(mMli, ...riU ,
Army, dial In Niwlotk, r-aturduy, Nuiun- ,..i n... fc.,.,.1,,,,1... ,,.1.1,,,, .' '
. ... . . i r i ....i i.. ...,... .... i-.i i .. n i ..
The New York Urtnmg IW lias Informa
tion that a Cuu1nli1.11 rlutmer, with n lurge
4i.rgu nt ui.i.s nnd stores for tibcU, had bwn
A-ujiturcd iitr ll.o cuj1 of Stalue.
W.isiii.iroi:, Die. I'd.
This mnriilng Iho pickets uf Oeneral Ulii.ck
?r'n brlcudi tieiuultuckuiiil Avondalo by 11
parly ol Secissloa civuliy. v.bn iuno ner's.
our nun very uncupeclully. Bli.irp lirinu
took place, uu.l I lie r.nilt mis, one rebel killed,
iiud two wounded mid taken prisnncrs.
Iiiformuliini has ban nii'lii'.l lu-ru that one
iclnuro In the liealy with the Slexiuiu limiin.
incut prrvldu for u luan of leu million by
ini r liovrrniixiil, tn Iw fuiuk-hcJ lu tivu ivi
iiuuUumiof tun mllliow euili, In return for
(he mcrcHiilik kdvuul.iv'es uih ir.iiirll of tliu
; U.illcd Stuku tron tliroug!. .Mexican tcrrl
(lejicnil McCkltjii la iindirtlooil to have
made Iho iniirt iirg.nl riprieutatlnti to the
IViIdenl lu favor uf 11 nsruhir and i-ysli malic
4'xrhunge nfprisi'iuis. Ho will probably inc
svccd in baling I.U Wow tipprorcd ud uctiil
General SIcCull la moving Inward tn
Imrg, andlieiiir.il .'iiilli nnd ti'enenil Potter
sire exlcndiii'.' their lines forward, wbl'o Mc.
Dowell mid J'nmkliu are watching llw ninny's
4-cnter. mlilcli U growing urukcr uikI wn.I;ir
every dy.
t'aincroii nul Seward were serenaded to
night, but only the latter appeared. Ho slm
iplv compliuui.teil the miute, and statist that
within ten duy tlie country would rejoice ut
greal news.
A lii'l important order will soon bels-urd,
to the elk ct that no mnru recruiting of regl
;uuil3or hidepniikiit eiiiiip.iiilu will(bo nl
(uwrd, eicepl up.i.i rupilstoii ol the War Do
lartiimil. Itcciuitingofilcorsuro lo bo up
jointed for Iho several Slates, oud recruit for
itl.o reguiarKrilvc.
The reported icmoyul of tho Southern Cap
itul from ltiehninud U lucoriect.
The Souibiiii paper uie iidiocatlng the
ubnlitlon of the (.halve fiaiieldse.
The nkiuter throughout tlm Southern fro-
imarUiirorrpiemniclio i o Ue.trojlng ti'ilr .
emps.lciisl tlicythoukl full Into the b.and cfj
board nro rrpieiiitcd 10 lio dcolrojlng their
lliu YuiiLai.
A toijiflriicy of L'nlcm two lud bcu sit
pnvcred pu New Orleaiw, causlvir gieat excite.
., pieut Ibae. Jinny arrest hud been wade.
,',, Wamiimiion. Deo. 4th.
t" John ). Dtccklnrldgo was uiunumously cx
nclled to day.
.. ' Kfai- Yprk, Dec, -III..
Advices fiom ,-Jt.Thiiuias, via Puaimu.ic-
iiorl Unit lip Cuplalii ; ol ll.o prlyaliir Jcir.
... .. .. .. ' . i ,u
llaels ii'us on boaiil tliu Ireul uueii Jliuon I
ri'--ir'- ' !-- - - ' -T 1
wliJIUill nne luktii. I
Tim llgipliMurirnnieRiaiiQivuiillixiiiipivii.ilauu ut Ilalttiu. lu iiiUU that i'.Ur
vesMela uf u'ur to it'iu.i in lu tlu-ir norls forlv-
i . ... ,....,.,.. ... r. .....,... ....,... ........ .'
....!.. 1................ ' I
' " Tho West India Sleain-hlp Company. In
coim-qucuef of llio Tinit allalr.tr Ivied all
n(.o.i.d'ln rrt,tclt nil mnril i.nitl (O ltlitlPil
......- .w ..- , v
oia e iiwh, ,,,., . ,
oi-.i i "rl"l,'rl l,ir, i " 1YI"nBnl n,r; fieguf ol Acconmo county, Ya., claimed his . thl Stale. '"'loro the I'llbST DAY OK I'KllliPAII Y, UC'.',
Sliili, busmrlie.. J lie Uaplnln iiporl thai m. 'will l. placed lu llio bands of I). .I.VCOIlt-,
itiformi-lioimas rrccived ut AmiIiiotII llmt J illplai,l-oi uf Illinois moved thai hobufwoni loioi; at Such Jlio.'s a.tvcill-einci.l. They i:u.. witf. b.liu, l.uns to mo uud entuice im
bu Sumter was ut Mutllulipiu Nov Oils, nnd . u, as Hie pepplu In Kw VliIiila, uhciq S.-' , ' , . , " .' , ,' ? tuedlalv pajmeiit.
bo UulKd Slates gunboat ioiuio'3wu3viib-u'H- was clitUd, had vd;cd to Wlr alio. . avo ,,IJU) " cSi- buI uhTuI aitlvlvJtuItablo, Itl-.DI.ICII A t.'OI.DSSHTH.
u four sjotrjtj of licr, gkiucc. "for pretciils, , pincilx, Uicgou, D.v 3. IsUl. litf
iM.jML-M.urmmntmjui,.j.m , y jj. I'-mrtrwroiCTPtat"- ' "
Niiw YonK, Diccmber ild.
M, ttM,ll, 1,1 ulm luia Linn n tirltnnpr nt
Cliitrlrtti'ii, has mriii.l, and rciiorls Hint llic
Turn on Otter mid Phitiix Island wen- vnealed
1 l.l, V..-.....I 1'Hli. 'I'l.n i...Mi.
' c.xcitrmciit prevailed nt Chiillcston, and n
i ,mn,tK ,nng , , l0 t)l0 propriety or burn,-
im-' or '"rrcntUrliiB ll.o eily, Tlio Mur
! rrrre!).l.:rlntf,..(l w were t o pcoplo
F"?' uul UIU uo""'ur " """"
I LPlirtlCU
Tlie votes for Mnvor of New York fool
up in follows t Opdtke. 'J6.2.19 1 Uunthcr, 2J,
flUH Wood, 24,083. Opdyke was elected.
Special dispatches ttntu that a resolution
will Ik tilTurtU In tlio Honra punishing niiy
officer of Ilia nrmy for returning fugitive tlaviw
to mimtew,
R 1'. Stnnlcn rtlll claims tlio ecat occupied
by illin Lnno In llic Hcimto.
lu tlio Hhiiso, Dee. lid, Mnyimnl of Tcnnra.
fcc preeiited the eriilcntluls of Wkmfn'
rcscntatlve elected Iroin the .Southern dOTcl
of TcnneMce. ltifcrrul to Committee on
. .. .. .. --. t . H f.I
. ' rrV! ?' 8 mewnK reiermi in nminiu
. . . . .
,,..,.. ',. .....i..i..!-,i... ,. ,,r n,,,.
"''i i1 ? . r Zi?.: ii ,T.l VCh
j11'11 ' 0l',c( , f..fnV " ,11 Tn
H '"S "'"tby J ' 1 eecmbc no
be found on tlio toil of
"ul K"TlT"mw"1 "
lvl ,",,'(;kJ'11 .,
In Siiiate, the Pi
rcMiictift MesMga n-as or-
, ',, ; " ,,.. ... i,IK .. i .i,it,.
M i' 'f r In rr-olitt Inn, e mlerl p .nnki
, (,',n 0,'":0, "J l K"' ' v"i vi
fj '"1 'J ; ' - "TffL V'.i
t " Mitmitm in .jiiiiuioviiiu.. niiw.
i ."e.cw i oru ir.umic nFiii.ipi.m Fpeei.ii,
at cr i.ui.iion i,g no eupiuio in .jinion nn.i, ,,.,,, jc rnt,i .,
MliliD. tliat tl.u prompt mid decisive uc- f0len.lf bonds of c
Hon of ( iiplalu Uilkes merits, mid bis ieeelvi.1
uran-'ll'ecmphatlo nppimal of tho Xavy Depart- The followliy ll
nrtcr.mei.llonliig Iho ei.ptuio of Mnioii mid
"V "".' Ifn lii pmr.nn fmburunoc wn
cxliiblleil by biiu in not ciiilitrini; tlm vcmcI
I which iiiiii uic rein', t iMiiMiiriiiii ere uu ini.uii.
'it limy, tu view of ipecl..l clrumi.tuiicN unit
i may. in view tu npcci.ii cirt urn taiiecs un.i
jl pairfcille inntivcs, bccxcuMiI; Int It imisl
' menm bo perniltltil lo conlilule a ore.
f""l hcnaflir for llic trcatweiit or any niii.l
, l.ireae.
.live D. Ilr'itht cf rtxllutin Is ut Wmli'iig
I '"f, nml ll.liMiJ In Uko Ills fl.lt. N-nalor
a'rivul on S'liturduy,
mid it Is raid will take l.li feat. A cumuiiltic
will bo ihmeii tn r.VilliiIno luln the coiulucl of
siul.men,...,) If do ...oof ofcain.t ll.em Is
l.'a'ii. they will be cximJIo!.
a i, uu iii me ,mii i tin. iiihii'i. irom uur.1-
n. Va.ih... Itili tn.... i.l I.. . IT, .11.. I UI..I...
...-. .... t . ... .
vv, ,."..n,M,i vim, ri.j i. ini .in... .j.....rT
liamir liorptnls arrlieil nir I'nrt l.iuii.iyra '
wild lul.iitlnn tul mil. but was tiiroriuisl l,y Hum
(in e uiiri I autli.irltUri.lh'it ll.o vwm. enuld
nut ,.il..f.tr.lil ton rits.. fir.lt.lifiss Tin. ni i
m iiiibr would not ri.ti rou tuiti coiar.Hgns Lu',
bore away iviitwaul.'1
Aiinllier rich priit.' was l.rnuj;!it In llrooMyn
(X. Y.) Naiy Yurd. Katunl.ty. wlileli wiucep
tilted ly ll.i i ..ini r I'.uuulu, DeloUr ;'.',lli.
The St. Louis iKmientl li.is news tint tin
reUd'. 1','mii Irnug. nre u.nili.g uu,,r Price.
Italns m d MellrMi'. I'l'i e f.tys lu (hull tuuki'
Kanal.lsrturo Held of niKi-albm'. Mi (Jul-
!uV.mln,innrUl,Vl'I'l','Cl'''imlE'mUOl'iT''i''lf'l Hli Hluif. end Uow Hat ho has
Mm Wu.l'iIi.Klnii dl-palil. (f the N.w York 'very vlnknlly cxprmul Ids ryi.ipau'iy for
HW.f M.vsCol. IC riliMiinfll.O Tvwlllll Itcul I, Is iiMten Shite. Kniilli Ciirollu... ...id (,1'IhuI.
: 1 ...i .... 1... .. ....:...,
n..rii..i ,.,! ,1P.i.i.i I.. 1... I,.. Ti.'.. ..r.i.r 1.
...I...I Tl... ..r.l.r t.
"IkiiiiI by liiel'nilik'iit.
JCcuIuau LsiwtuiUr
or i oiili . rs.
Adilce frou Port Itnyal fay Hint Tilifo
The cMi.dtllou muiIIi Is fur I'trnniidlus.riur
Wu. Pivctliou-aiiil (roups wiruK'ut,
The liti'liiito.id Uniuuittr or JViiveinlier 2flth
contains .l,;:n Is from Clint It Hou. which fay
n iklriuM. I.mk place nmtr Dueklulinm UUveiii
.1 l.l. III, -I. .,!. J'll.VV .,.,.. IKIL.lUIIUItlin tltlll, .
Iho Confidi rules mid CiilouMs. Iho l.ill. r at-
leriplrd In I uul. but wire drlua ull. We had
olio nun fllsl.lly wuuudtd,jys luo rvUil d,s
patch, by n fbell.
ll is niriii mat luo 1 1 iieruIlstH liml i.imleil
aUleimeU' Polut, nl the moult, of Afo noo j
Pour Piilon ftcAiucri slirlliil Olio l.lin.1,
i.uiiii or fl. lltlvua. on .ilomliy, ..ml then
Undid. Tiny now bold entiiv 1hj.oIuii of it.
A dli.paleb d.ilei .Nor.2.atli,from I.ynehburg,
a., .i;s I'lny.l's coiiiinaud e-.pi els lu en lulu
niuiiriiuiiriirs.il I'ettr-t.iwn, Mom
Tint ro.i.lt nro impais-ablc, ami It is lluuilil
ut'lllier llio Yankees iu.r niirhe can occuui
pllih ii-yll.Iug until next s-prlng.
Wiii:i t.tMi. DeAcmlicr 'ii.
Conveiil'oii nut l)i ei mlit r '.'d. i
Sir. Iloliiinn iillVi.il u lerobilfon dielirliigi
cmarit, nation in ilion-WMatu ol ruslcrii Vir
ginia or luiimv.1,.i.
Tlm ijiielttou U unfler -1l-enlrin.
Xi.w YniiK. Nov. .lOlh.
i.in.. r. r ....i.... v- t ... .it. t
vvl'l'tt"i"1vtfM ! " ' !
.viiaii, iiiini i.i'iniuii i-iiii;iiii-L-i .irt, riiv',. , ,, ..., - . .. ..
II... .Na-J.illle. Hying llio nUI (lag, had ariliid I,u"0n l,r(,I'0ls " XM of !'' "wk or
nt Houtliamiilou. I fit.c wntthc mid Jewelry by ineaii of n 01ft
Cuptitlii Nelson repoils Ihal heUtt Dure,
V..t 4..,llu,M 171. I.... ....I I.. Vn-,l..1lr ll. I.1l.t4. .
On llio lath fbu w.n liouulit lu by ib Nn.li- to bo ko.il will be -1U0, at fc.l a nare number K'i en hundred nnd s, i.ii dollirs.bidguruts ami
illle, cnminauder Pegiuin, lato ol llic L'nltulif gifts, CO, n Mill arc '.ntuul nt 81,'.'00. A1005"' JOHN I'L'U.K'i'SO.fifoillf,
Stal.s Naiy,
Pi-gram ennimuulcitid will. Yancey.
Tho Naihilllo was tn tvflt at Southamptou.
QII.XCY, Die. fit l'. M,
Coai-riFS i,ii.t tn d.iynt noon,
In llio Senate, tho ico l'riVdciit called thai
body tooidcraluooii 111 membci wcro pre
feat. .
Twetvo o'clock was n.xid upon ns the hour for
Hni commence meiit of ll.o dally fesdoiis,
Trumbull, Hale and I ill. uu wire nppuloted
A Cnnuulllio In wait on Iho 1'riMdent.
Tmniball kmv notice Hmt l.o will lulniduoo
a bill tu'inortuw lo toull.e.ilu lliu i.oi,.'ily of
icbels, aud give (rcedom to pcrtonalu Iho flave
WIIMiumh rnvo nolleo of a bill In abolish
,10 .lunncilou bctxx t-cu tho regular iimlxulun-l
luce forcia.
Ju tlio 1m.UO .11 member answered Iho roll
SsrzcntunJ I'licliis. of California. Homier.
"rnfiWs"' V,1'w.1r '"; lbiuheil,
of Utah, and CradUliajji'li, or Ncuda, wero
Mi.yuai.l.orTcmics.ce.jritrsoiaodbcuidon'ehiMrin may uho bo found utLUstmo.
was mi 01 1. lu. i
ACoinniltteewi- anpolnlcd to lnfriii Iho
i iirsjiw i i ui i hi jiviuri-n ii.iti u iiiiuiiiui uiiu '
who leudv lo luiieeiito bii-luirs.
1 1 tt. ... . . . ..; i..,i .. ., .., ,i ,.i.. r. ... ..
4, lb It 111 111 1-1 ICklllt,!! U LLM L.llll.l.U I S 14 lit UIIU
I'.oiblonal Uoieruuenl or North Cmllua, i
s iiiij;ui ou ciiusniiieii,
I'm. , r'i l itln n irtpml. . .,,, Va.II. P.i.rt- I
'lliiawiisrefeir.d lu in mini I tec.
I Walls, a dilogato fiom New SIcxIco, was
. ., r of V re ll a. fucccuor lu Senator Car.."""""'"" " """ "IT" J1"" "
lllv. was siinin In. '
' After foinu tlbcus-l.m 8ej-iir' cue w.hi
fi'trill ll) lu tllU Cullltllltluo (HI Kliullull
WW, Die. d.
Knlliliii; w iloiu tu the tienalu yesterday,
11.7. - f. ..... ..,..nlm..1 I,. unll
ion (ho l'lepldcnt.
'llin L'otiiinlLli'o nnortiil tlmt the inCfMBO
would bo pyul lu nt uuou tdiiii.riow, Dec 2i.
In Iho luue, eileidny alleniouii, Mr. Crtl
vert presiMiled niii(iiiorliilof)lo.ioliof Vlrytuki,
n.-lilii'f to tin nilmltlid.
bevcrnt new member were nvnm In, Inclti
illnKlleiinctt.ii tlclepnlo Horn Colorado, am
wnii.icc or iviiMiiiigimi Territory,
A ttttti.iArtnt ttm iifnaniilntl Hill f.rm rtff?flH,
foriila lio iKlintitfil'nn nn niMHIotial incralnT. .
LoViJoy ollered a wi.liillon that lliu Ih.ink!
orUimjiKt bo .iiMiiUd loLiiiitaii. I ku. , ,
lljeilon tnoveil, ns n tuiilllilie, inni a gom
mul.il lietireFentid. Accvntnl.
l.nnJoy leidiillon Hni pifed.
llliilroI'Mli-soiiilollerid a remlutlon lo ts
pel Jiilm W. Ileid fumi tin) rillti DMlict In .Mis
4url ai lio li.nl Joined the rebels l'iied.
Collar olTorril a rci-oliillnii, Hi it nlirmi'Pol.
Corcoran had licen cnnlliied In a felonVcell nl
Itlcliiiiiind, Mann orVlrnlnla lio coullncil hi a
flmlliircell at Kurt Wat mi. l'a&itl ut.tuil
moiifly. Ulllutt nlTered a rcfolullon to tho effect that
n tlie Hulled Hlatntm cmaged In a war In
put doiwirebulllun. and Unit an It ia n mill
lary iicccmIIv, lliu rni-ldiiitt has the lljdit, in
CoiiimaiidiTln-clder, lo Iiui' an older fur the
cmaiiclpjtlou of all rhivi of rebel iiinili'lc.
Tlio tUcllon iva potponed one wrclt.
Cnirtiiliell jjavo nnttca Ih it ho would will up
llic rolIowliiR rcrnintlun nel TiiMiiay :
Tluit In rcUtntliiir trt meet Iho elcentle
of the rebdll.-ii. Uonno rtoul.1 co-.t!-eito all
iL-nnfrlv of n lieln. rl.nunr olltcriflfc."
Other rcolittlond, nil alining nt eminclpatlon
mid conlltcnlloii, wero ouenii nml lain over.
CnnlJIna nireiil n rctolullun liupdrlng Into
tlio Hall llluirilbn-ter.
0,1.11 niovid llmt nl Colonel Alfiul SI. Wood
..r .1... V- -...l. I I. .-..II. II.... Ii.if.nl l.rt.t
oi iu n luiu i .iiiiivl-,1,11 n.iun...
been ennl'mil In n felon's cell nl Illihiuoud, John
SIMcll liu IroiluJ Imll.trlir. I'asied.
lltriihet'il ofUlrfl. preH'iitnln eoiuliti.llnn,
fratiicd b) a Ciii.iiiillou nl Salt I.nko. and nki
ll.at I'lal. be admitted as a Slatu Into the L't.Iou.
Qi-ixtv. (III.). Dee. Bill.
Tho Xcw York Timo' ipiclnl dispatch,
.btid Washington, Diceinbir -lth, fijs Infer
uiatloti uus ii'cciviil this cvitii.ig tli.il iho reb
els weio In po'sut.ioii (if Au.iiid.i!c, I'alrfax
eoutily, mid linvun largo force of cavalry.
ii.eronrc twine rorij croun.l ( cnircviuc
tlefiiidul by Held plrriv, l'.mr regliiicnl prnys: Saci
Iho i nemy lately k It Centrevillo for i,ccsbnr. sniu ring nt
There an- li'.HL'O men there now. . ilesliuewvi'
, deserter Iroin the rebels, n frrvtint of
It. iiiiiwinl. ilm-iid III.K n Ww Ynil: i,M!ir.
i .nl: su.diir,
camo inl.i camp ht uli;ht, uud my n iil.o'c eiuj;ni tho leiee, the whole city was uinl.r
regliiunl wjs Mipplltil u llli iiih uiiifuims nluuler. 'i'hu llnod precipitated H'cK I'uHi in
uciU Mine. Il.i'.v wire lieeivml lu lliu hoiiiii
fiom Itiiitnn. lie flute, there nro nil nbuml-
i.nw of good sliMS lur those iihn cull pay fur
ilicm. lie rniii fix.iiiiti.rs rur till. I Hi con-.
from the Han l'ruiiclteo
Hr. Iitis, D.-c. Bill.
Oriml cxeil. incnl nnd cniulvrnutloii c.xlrts
int iVi.ulixtou nml other towns S
Charleston the nbels are bumiiiif n
, I0 ,, tCCi , .)rmnl it fl,,ia
ml,i r, if'mu.
nt t'l.aileston mid oilier towns hmilh. At
II their col-
g into (lie
At (Iricnville, Teiince. iwn Unionists
luiiv bun hung by tho ubiU 'llelr olUti.v
I was bridge limning.
I I 'ul son llrowiiliitv Is making hlimrlf fill.
In Kii'l 'IViiiicoc. nt the bead of 2.IUIII men.
I he i.ll.uk.il n large nliel foriv, mid tlefii.t.d i .
,, ,(illl ', ;,,,,;,; ,; ,,;;,
.of llienbtl timiiltirs. Willi their teams and
r, ,i .
: : :. -
The l'id'.'ral fli I have cnnlurnhi shin. liar '
lug on board a largo curgn i.rMiar i.nd mo. ,
his'esj ll.evwsclwn Irving In itcul out of.
.New U(l(uiil when taken.
n . .
.InilN L Sims, forineilyof .laeksoiii
utresttil In .S'.iu I'miicbcn cu the Kth ludaul
for an r.Hault on lEucknill, ctlitor ol the
.1jniMg Cull. It Ii raid the tiiliiir grew rut
of remarks publM.cd by KiK'kwill, ipieIIi'ii.
ini: Hie loyally or im. mo are will ne
... , .1 . J I ...........I. 1...I
- ' ' 11
jut we Ullevcll.il
, , ,
i war luno ilmt..i,
'I"" i" me iiiitui limn i ""
1 "on io inc i uu crrmi III
Mi view In relation lo ll.o
or hu would not halo taken the obligation re-
Hulrcil of 11 J.leiitiuant In the IT. S. sirvkv.
Col. Coluiubiij Situs, brother of John, has
bvcu held to iiciwcr beforo tho Coin I of
Ses.Ions of San l'ranclmi, In tliesum of 8J00,
for KStuult on D. D, (follon.
i SlKTi:or.oi.(iiiirAi.. Sir. Xalhanlcl Slyer,
has kindly (uriiiihcd us Iho figure fhnwln;
ll.o number ol Incl.CJ of waler thut have fallen
Ill the recent lukit florins. It cciuiuciicid
raking the Dili day of November, mid during
lliu month the amount of water tlut fill wus
7 ;7 t.,ol. froll, ,t , icilt December, 5 &7 J
'"l' w'" "t"1 '' j eow. Saturday urd j
iilglUi December Ctli, .'1 luchi-a of wutcr fell.
O... -1 .. .1 , ... 1 ... . . ..
ouurioe, i.iermu.i.vur -ttooti i .u-,
SI if-OMC Wi .tern Star I.odgo No,
V. P. and A. Sl.,nt a slated Communication,
held In Kubyvillo on Ihc Mill Instaul, ckclul
.1 r ll l nt r .1 t' it l
the following r.nicer for tho ensuing .Masonic
0. T. Ylnlng, W. .M.i Aug. Taylor,
S. W
iif.iu ,i.i..m.j .r v . i..,'i i,n n..
......,..,,......, .,.... i,.,,,P
Treasurer; W. Y. Ultiihart, Secretary John
It. PrliiJIc, Tyltr.
Ciinii-Tsaa (Jirt DisTuiuVTiiiN, Sir. C
l)Itr.utit!on. Tito whole
mi.nl.tr nl im
uuuiotr oi marc
, K00 nutilt . the Mghm prke.nud r?:i leckvt
Ik lonc.t. ThcOifii will bo dlttribntul in
a fair and proper manner, t.t lbs U. S. Hotel,!
ou Christina; etc. I hey can be teen ut Sir.
Julin Ncubcrs Jewelry, wi.cro fctmrcs can uc :
tubrrib;d for.
Dioi.vkp. The well-known llrm of Slonls j
it Taylor, of Kerbiville, hm been disjolicd
liv mntnil rnntent ll..liiirieiit4 nru iinllfieil i " lll;-;!; ' - "" fo'fottlng ueerlld IJ.al
by inuiiwuomcnt,JMiii( tents nro iiowieii uMo flme u Vmim Couuly. Oicgon, to
lo "pony up." Sir. 'luilor eoutluuc tholxxUi All Unit culalu ulecoor l.nd known ns
I busluvr, and will d.ipoio of hi. good at very
' i. . .i.,, r i.
low prlvl. lur tasli,
i ,, ., ir 1 1 .
CiiniHsusi PtifaKM. Sir. II. Purkcr, nt
! II... Vi.rWv K.n.. Int. m. l,.l l.,.olirllv
bound and handsomely IlluilratcdOin-llooks.
expressly designed for Chrii.1
' ' ,
v.irlu! assortment pf 'J ois bi
mas pnscnls. A
ami iitek.nack fur
" .
Clr.m to Hkaii It. tlcorpe D. Picnih
- .
ror fonio nmo u
resident of Jacksonville, Is
ant and Acting Comu.lMary i
,...u l.'..i T I r.i,i
SIX 1 41 V "b tt S t. tl 1 1 Mill! lll.lll y ' t IS. SCSTMS I
; 8ub.Uicii. or d Cuvnlrv Criiror-iU Vol
-...... I
j SliUTAitir Aitoim-jknts. Clius, S. Drew,
formerly of lids place, onJ J. S. Icyiicarron, of
In...f..tu 11... l,.i,'n l..ii ,i,,n,.tnln.l M.tlit.u i.f'
tlio Ca airy Itegiinciit uow being mised in
t'np. Tunis' Company of Cavalry lift
town o.'i Tlmrfihiy l.it for Camp lt.iker, lie
U ftlll nidotfed In ncrullng, and prposc8 to
li.nr.m.n l,li rnnini .mil In tliu I.ircpst lllllllllLT 111-
ll.lfc..f.iiw'i". - - fj-
lowed, vi. : niiicty-tvi A men.
' ConiiKciiox. Hy error or the vrltcr, In the
communication piiWMml laH wci k, from ltom
IJ.Iudiay Applegato, the dlslanco from thw
'.' ' place thonld have rend, 270 miles, liiMcud or
(iiU nnic?.
CoMrnnTAitM:. A few days slnco Mr.
A , ,. f , llls t,jaM Juc(Jtm cieik,
' . . , ..... . , nmt , .... )..
, a miHti " K"" ""-'ti """ ' . ,
Ircd dollar, nml Mr. Ord a
nlco lilllo lump
woitliuuo hundred di'.l.irf,
Divijcn Sr.nMci:. P.vv. M. A. Wtlllnrnj
will preaeh nl Iho Methodist Church tomor
row inoriilnif, and Hev. C. C. St.iilton In the
cu-iilng. Dolli at the usual hours.
Wo lake p!cauro In culling attention to the
nilvirtlscmciit of Henry Judge, than whom a
bctfe'r workman In Ids lino of business can not
be foitnJ In Illin felale.
Dit iw.nku. Tdcr. tJodfrcy wai drowned on
ti4.liir.lnv l.nl. In nltpilllillll III lll'llll Alltl
mi A pliI
Ills body
' ... ',. i ,.., .:. .M.i.. in. i.,
K"10 ""'"' - "
has not bet u found.
MulU'So hai lucrcaral his Block, mid now
oderi the niO't varied nwortment Imaginable.
, After this .Ulo l.o propoci to sell at very low
i .
i tiriceJ
: '
CitiiisTviAS Di.i..Th(i!C who nro fund of
dancing, nml who desiro In lime n good time
generally, v. II! rnneinber the Hall to be ghen
on Clirlstiaajcie.nt the United Slates Hotil.
A SlKr.nv Ciir.HTius. To our Irlend and
palroni one and all.
I'lie fi'iicnnui.li) (.i.ic.M'f Iho 10th Inl.
.icrnmenlo wa yesterday lulijutul In
nml il.iiii.ifciroin tiioiuvicsi nun iuoi
ell'iriluf tlicse tiiwlilelishe lnisiniii
expos. .1.
ll came, too, ivllb tlie rapidity or a
I,inrl..i,in. Iii it few h.iiirit after the wat.r
wiiliout iinriillig, uu.l luun.l ieopie lounr uu-
- ,.........
i . . t .
In Watdn. nt ll.o P. H. II, del, uu Mondiy,
I.ct.ilr Ulh, by A. II. Mcllwnln, .1. P.. Mr
ll. K. 11 inna to jibs Ttiiw A. lioiu:.v, alt of
Waldo, Orcguii.
kkw aivi:ut!si:.iii:.t.s.
MIIMOTll.? .1 V!i '!W VKIll'V
vIlsltMl.llil.J H.liV llli 11 1 li.lil H
,3-1 v iTl"ll
I S l.rn by kIvimi Hint Iho copsilni'rtiIiluie
1 tofore CkUlliu- bvtwevii SI. II. SIOIIKM mid
1 liL'STt's TAM.uit. iimii-r lli. iiauu- and
iloof .MOltKH.V TAYI.Olt, Is llil day -
'mlvul by iniilii.il cniwi.t.
.,,, ,,i,lfw H;u riit, r v coinltwUil by ,
Aug.ilui Tailor, wl.u prnpons tu
s.sarAX. -42.Q ozz3nxx
As nn ullur Hume In llm I'.i'inly.
Tho debts of tho frin will bcffltb.1 bycllher,
and Ilium knowing Ibeni-clies belil.tiil In us
are Uirby uolllinl lu ei.iiu forwaid mid rfltlo
m lilt I'itlirr or ii iiniutsllulely. or lLt.li uceu.iuti
will Lo i-lun lo nn uttorni'V for cnllictlun.
SI. II. ilOlHtlS,
Kriuiviiii.r, Da1. 17ib, D-tll. .:ni3
ShcriSl's Salo.
BY ilrlucnf nu executfon to mo directed,
I miii out of llio Circuit Court fur lliu
couuly uriluubis iiml Male of Oregon, I Imie
li-ilul iitmn tuid will proceed to till to the
18,.lilt,b(it bldibr furca.li, on
Saturday, thcJIJthday of January, 1002,
! Ulwc. u io liour of t n'efoel. A. Jl. in;il 2
,n Clock P. M. Ilu fllllowlllg lloMrlUtl tea
,-,uui tUmWli , 01.IiVs unty. Otcgun. tn
wit: bojjlnii.nij Clclu.lus and MO links i-'outli
'(f tho Norlh-lii! corner of fiction 21. In low n-
,, 9-Ji..ilhi,f7 1V...I- ll.i.,.ninl.. K,,ll. i.
III i hams ; ii.enco we't t"i enilu ; lln-iic" north
111 eliailif J Ibeiico C.lt FO ebalns tn llio j,.n-o ol '
li'irlniiliigi coi.labdng 32i) neies, more or bs, t
w 1 1 Ii all the i.ppm trn.it ces tl.ireut.to belonging.
ir'.il to bo on tho rreml-c". i
the s.Ia iirn.icrlrts lal-cn tn satUFv I
'"..". '"". n ..........
an frcul!ou I.nd mil or f.dd Court In r.ivur
JU"U I . oouiu.riuilil ami nj-iiiun .toi.i. lie...
.,,-.., i ....t, ii,,.,imi. i.,r n, i,,,, ,r.
IllVltlf l.l-l-l tMl'lll"i - -upv. !( v-l .
I '"'S' '-"'""''"""
Sheriff's Salo.
BY lrluci of an execution to mo direct.. 1,
Inutd out of tbu Circuit Court lr lliu
c'uuuly of Douglas and: Stalo of Oregon, I have
levhd upon nml will procml lo sill to the
ldght.! bidder for C!!fli,iiul!0
26Ui day of January, A. D 18C2,
U'lwwii tho hour cf to o'clock A. SI. ami 2
, the Danatiou I.nnd Claim of l.-i-kinu Wilgl.t
I"1"1 Itibicc.i Ids iillo, nud iluriilUdas follows:
Higlnulna a (W chains Uul or tbo.piaitcr fee
ii"n l'i ".tivvn psviii'tt .1 uiui .r., I iionrillli ,
.,,, Jul ..-. .,..n,r., .-. u-.,. . .... Iica So..,. . , . , .
rhln. , l'.t 1 17.111. o! ..Ins - Voril, ...70
Uss, ofwldcli tho We.t liafi' Is iU-IbuiiI. d In the
wife, and U not liielud.d heu-ln, tog. il.er with
'"" "u, I'!1.1 '. '.'"!'. ",' ,1 "rw ll,lu aW'ul
iiai.i Hii-iriniiu uiiuiiiji.ii,, .
'll.o raid lut'iicrty is taken lo fatbfv uu r.xe
1 , eiillon Ik-iko nut of tald Clieuil CVui t In favor i
of Huloiuun At, minim el, ul., and agaln-t ll.ol
W l.-nta... Wright and wile lor ll.o iiiiu ,ol ll
. .. . . . . ......!
.V.1!:1: V1'?... '!"'! !.V . ,"J...?i:'vt',,,i'-i4!U'!' 71 luul
.' " b ,,',n V '.. . r
JOHN l-'UI,.KItTOS. f-liL-rin.
Dottglai County, Ogu., IKv. lit, IHIil. 411 I
Notice Pay up,
AM. SIONI1YS duo tlio iindertlgiieil, clher
bv noteorliiiiik uecount. If not paid ou cr
.... ... IIMI CMA 1 J XX
i-UH 1Mb HULIJMrb,
Jtiuli In and secure t'rc$crj(s fpr llie clijldrcp,
at tlio
.T.itKsosvtu.t:, Dec. lllh, 18C1.
Thcfo Mill bo n Grand Halt at tho
,T.tV A ccncrul Invitation Is extended to all.
Tlirri" will Iw mi Ilckeln of Invllnllon liuil.
Trt-Aguud HAND Ul' MUSIC Mill bo In
?.W Price of Tickets, SO.
1.0 IMS ItOl.NM:, Proprietor.
Jaek'onillle, Dec. II, Ibtil. -IS
fnKf.ine ron
at Tin:
J V A TSITiYrV J'i1!?."!
I -fc.m.J'. m, j. r - .v .w
lit llnliirs llr.is. Ill Id. llnllilln-;,
cm In1 fiiiind the chnlcot nml li;nt tnttiplcte
cullectloil cirr urtcred lu Jacko.ulltc, of
23on.xxtirvxll3r DouncX AND
ZKvxxctnoixxol-y Illxxn."
t.rTtocl CJ-ift Z3oob.rj,
u3L.11oxuo3.ni, v-ta.cX ro-
otlcnl -Wox'lnr.
-A I. 0 -
All liir t.nlist i:ii;1lli nml Ali.rrli.i I'll
tint its. 3Uu.nlin ni.it i l in tu I
oiikliilil!' on liiinil.iil llic
i8if VAimcry stodi:.
ShoriiF's Salo.
T)V vlrluo of an xcctilIon In mo dlrccleil.
j iVsmd cut tf Iho I'lrcull Cuurl fur Hie
.'oaniy o. iioiiRi.t i"i st.""" "' urognn, i naie
mud upon u.:d will proceed to till tu Hie
i "'K''m """'" ,or "" u" . , ,...
Mpiidsy, tho 27th day o January, 1802,
... . . , , ... ..... .. ... ...
bftiieen Iho hours of 10 o'clock A. SI. nnd 2
.o'vfock P. SI. tlm fulhiwlng il.-rerlhcil mil
'.tut,-, rltii.ilul In Douglas c.iitiily, Oregon, mid
known ns Hie Iliiuatloii t.nud Claim of James
I,. CllnkeiilKArd, dc-crlhed us follow to wit :
Commei.cliig at n plul 2 chains and .7 links
i it fnuu tliu ijtiarler rectloti rtuku mi tho line
I between lections 18 mid It) of loitjil,lh '.'C
Sirilli, range Wi"t ! Ihelico West ill rl.nliis
and Jl link", lownihlp Vfi.rloulb tango ll Wen
. lo a point .1 cIiiIiih and .".U lli.ki lit "f the
iiiijriirttclliii.ituke.ini ll.o lino between .ec-l
Hunt i:t ninl II or r.Hil range m.il towmiiip;
. ' "
leuev .nun .ii Lioiiii. tin.i u iiio. . ,.,v., i-
....,. ... ..i.iiia .....i n ll. .. .. .1......... T
Utt A chains and .'HI links', tlirnco Nnttli IA
chains and Ul links j tlicnru I jut 77 cluilni nnd
:i:ll.liL thence h'oulli t-0 eli.ilns tu tliu ,licc
of l.e.fl.iiiln''. euutalnhi -IA pens, nmro nr
H, nlib tho nppiirtci.auavi Ikereuulu Ulung
Ini;. Halo on the pret.ibis. I
JM pniivrly Is lakcu l wtlsfi-aii cxcciitln
'"frvor nt1 Join. P. South. rlan.f mid iirhIii.
ittKi.ii in sjiiiiy an exrcuiion
Jmji'S I,. cntiK'Mimiul mm Hire, inr um miii.
.ruireo llmu'iiul miii Inuilnil mid llflecu dol-
lals mid '.'.'i cciit.Juiluiii"iil mid en-l-.
JOHN .n.U'ino.V.SIie.lir I
Di.tlas County, iigu.. I i.e. l:i, Im.I. Ill I
I US" .tftiBB- C Bic
$47,000 worth of
ulEd IRCIMluloE
'"PHI! iindfrstgiKd, will, llio view of comiucn
.1. clngl'ii-lnestnt Wnll.i Wall.., haio dilir
mliudiund will pusllluly, cIom' out our entire
slock of Slereb uidli-i-, now 111 slure at J.uU-oll-Wile,
l,y llio 1 irst Day of IMiruuy next,
Our ttovk cotiiUl of
Groceries and ProvisioMB,
Queens, Hard, Tin aud Wooden Ware,
"Ooot-fs, aiiooa ctj ZZntsii,
Staple ami Fancy Goods,
Jewelry, (.'tit lory, Stiil'llcr)',
Vlso, 1,000 gallons uiaorlul MUCOUS,
300,000 lbs. of new PJ.OLMt,
And 'J.OOO busl.cli of OATS.
All of the above goods will be closed out all
wholi'sam: anij iu:tail.
And the goods nro warranted m represented.
Yo will also sell or rent our
Tire-Proof Brick Store,
With fixtures, mid Warehouse. Also, the
CO'ITAUK lately occupiwl by; J. A. Ultl'N.
NKH. wllh n coiupleto felt of l.oiuJiold fur
nltiire nml cocking utiiisll. Also, ndjolulng
Ilulldiiig, with tlablo, etc. AIo,ii two'calcd
raiully Out! age,
With a sctl of Harness, In perfect order. Alo,
A I'Vllt (!!.' niiiv lintim.'?!
- v. .... ..w..w..,
, , ........... , .......
"CII 111 l.l UlHI., XllieriC.111 StOllf, mill Will WOrh
aisi. js.ijuji. ,
Cnnlnliiliiz .T.'O acres of (JOOD liAND, lo.
?;'l I'leoxiul Urote, uiijoining lUber
TIl( Jil'I'llllil l)llilill' oif
uiUUiai "111111,, HI,
nii-r-i am--u CTnnr
ff-y- Por furlher parllculuis, apply at the
Siuro of
,1, A. lir.l'iVNKU s ItllOTIllHt.
Juekfonvlllo. Nov, 211,1 bill. '
J Oil PltlNTlNU ofulldescilptlonsniiitly
CMtJlulut the PKNTUMili Ol'I'lCl,
mrw:4p-Mx-jn s
Sachs Bros9
Oppo.Ho Iholr old slnnd, would respectfully
Itifurm Ihc public that I hey have.
Kvcr iM'otiglit to this. iiiiuUcl.
i7y All nro Invited to favor tn tvllli "XDa
t3r n call. Wo will how our vXrj
t-jS" Ooods with pleasure "XIA
Bflrnnd fell them at VD3
titliroccilciilcd vv Prices.
Jackionyllle, Oct. 10, 1601, ?C,
.-mr. eb.-i . i) i' c i: .m i: nt s
oriM'.ur.i) to Diui.r.its in
tiii: ahovi: cooos.
i. isin:.TAXo,
Oro-vou Oti'oot,
' no,v rcct,4'" " tT3",i,r eikly supply of
ilpplos, Tczvu nnd Poaches,
And ull others In i"-nnn. In aiMlllou lo his Uige
anil varied .look cf
Candies and Nuts,
Wlih.li will Iw fold on lllnr.il lern.f. tn full the
limes. Ilo also oll'rs In tho jmbll: bis will
knuwn iis.-eirll.uul ul tl.v
Several hundred
I.ADII'.S' llASlvr.TS,
ripos, rcrfumory, Toys,
And many oilier
Jnckfouvlllo, Auguit 'M, IbCl. 2U:tf
C-4 :'.-;';
Ked notion in Prices
-AT tiii:-
Hoard and Lodging, per week
$ 00
. 7 Ol)
Hon nl, per xxetk-
Hoiud, iier ilny, Single llooni
. A ,0 ,
Lodging pi- Mglit, flngle mom
l.oilgiiig ju- Nlglit, double room
Single sMcul...
1.0 IMS IIOHNK, Proprietor.
Jacksonville, Nov. V!:i, 1801.
n. a. w. aniGEit.
r keep eonitnnlly ou hand Iho bet asuoil-
incut of
:a t:w.,
1 haio now lu ftorc the
i.Aitai:sr .i.'n nt:si ski.kvtkd
stock of imuas
I'.ver olferoil in lids mniket, and I mean to
maintain, by reirujar linliorlatlniis. and by sell-
lug tlw u-a mtlclv n tlie.0llVi.TC.i.s7
j HUMS, tliat leading potttnn wlileli Iho Jack-
isoiullloDii.irSloiobasliiietorurn lield.
U, II . UUI.l.H, M, U
JacUoni llle, Ogu., Sept. ii.-W.
A NY perron hailuK ulnlm or claims against
wl n
deuou i I'leuu.und they will l,e c
J.uU ouilc Au0.i I ll, Dol,
New Goods
For Cash. !
::. Jl.-r4ts M.19!3r.
TOOKTHIllt WITH Tin; jit
At Very Low Prices,
JACKSON Vll.I.K, Oct. 2C, 1SC1. dj
.r. it. Wauk,.
.Pi. y. Jllllll.iN.
Hnlltil In I hi' Wnnls of I lie I.orntll)'.
For 05tJtL!
Jncki-onillli-, Angus 21, 'fil. -I'l!)
WI' limit Ik) In receipt of an aMorlmcpt p.r
l,i-atliir and ."-lino l'lndlngx l) ft lew
dais, comprising In part, vit t
Santa Cruz Solo Leather
Hemlock Sola leather,
I'moluo Culf Skins,
Prench CairSklin.
Colored Lining Skins,
Itouud'hcad Tuik,
Shoo Thread, I.-ils,
Pegs, ltusp.
And nll.er articles Included In lids ib'p.i.rligeui,
tu which wo Invite tl.oulleullouuf Shoemakirs
nud others.
ran, HORUiY & co.
Jacksonville, Aug 21, ISO), Ww
Attention, Everybody
'ou arc Ixrcby potifled that
Cai bo found ut Id store on California street,
wa" " t0 furubU J0U w""
:p:jirt?suJl. ni,,s.'aia.Jl.fliMv
Of cicry Description, inch as
Apples, Fears, Peaches, Luscious Grapes,
And. In ehorl. cvervlliluL' usuuliv found lu u
Pruit Store, together with u largo ui.d k
assork'd stock of
levers of Cholco
Will find tho best qualities ut Ids round r.
i - Aiiofwhid.
will bo fold nt prices In nil,
I iho times. OctoU-r '.'C, lijlil. 11
Take Notice.
iiiiileifti:nct foiling fold iiiillo Wad.-.
oiL-i.n .VLu.. nro tctttiii!! nn our im-inos.
rersous luikiilcu ny liylo or uccouui musi po.
Iliely fetllo tho fio luuucititidy, or wv.'jliall
. no couiliciwu io eoi.ict ii.o Kan.u or .an.
' AXOEnrfON" Ill.HXN.
Olll"e, exl imr lo Jaek-ouvlllo Drug f-lore.
Ji.ikonillle. Die. Till. ImII. 47IU
lMioctiix, Oregon,
I nttis tlmts- lie-, nn.1 tvs.fl.si ?,isIi1 alrW'L if
wiivi tisvti iuigv miivj iiiiiivi.i'.Mvii r.t
DIIYCOODS, (m.qtiii:;o,
Al hn.t 1.'uiiiIms4 Cost, uilillnj- Ki-lfclil,
Having p.irchacd our (Joodi dieup, nnd
being desirous or C(,US'U OUT, superint
! IiidueyiueiiU arc oncicd to anybody who wished
Iq purch.o-'e.
. Pet, ;.-u3iu;i Drick Stoic, I'liuulx.
star Mlo.
irlud at rlibt. OQ frf I.nS. Fl.OPlt at $2.5 per in. at
DA1I.KY. OO.yJKJXJ ll.o mill, t-or particular. en
Sll.tr T'i'e'Jf l U.P.DOWU.Is.Ayul,