MTm nrtriflAW OPIFFTITPT iillj UJM-UUfl WlJllillliiW. ''To'titr. erneicr AsnricnwimcT nv Torn tNioY.1 (foTrnxvKST roil tub witot.i: M imn- I .... w.M.nt ' mmmj - : .". '. 1 for tho Oregon Sentinel, , ed -to transact any business , LUt of Agents who arc authorised -to irantaci any ouiues concerning Ihla lprr, In the name i.f the pub. , llthrri : J 1'. Vibr. . . . WiMt'HTfttb A ituyuet. J. M. McCidl ..San Frn-ictseo. ...Vteka , Atldsmf. J. C. Davenport.. GiisLurK UB. Z'v W. V. Kowler . . Applegnte A. It. Mcllwaln " "ljin ' V. V. Ulneharl Kcr,ff.v!'.,e li: f ' v:: "".' " Alt hnulr W.. It. Kmnt Alllioutc T.Hmlley llarrlt Klerl big JamwU.Wa.le.. Canyontllti- Unfits Mallory UotelKiru J. V. MeCov I'orlian.i ltaell. Moorca RiImh ' V. M. KIIworth . W.irene City. 1 K. Cliarmnn. .Oregon City. . II.W.WakelleM... llenlnmin Cook.,. J. Il.Smlll .. CorvBlli-' .Cretcciil Cllv , JACKSONVILLE. HATntDAY, . DEC. 11. 1801. . - - Eut of tho Caxcadea. I Itit Spring, the attention of our citizen. 1 wat callnl to newly ditcovcml mines located 1 , . ,' ., .... ,.. ,. in Washington territory s und o cnrnestl; nml zrolonjly did the journaU of Portland I mU their lla-y m.cccclcl In I rallying Ihoundi to csplore and pr.pct them. For tcveml months, acwnling to thctc; newtpuper aecountt, I ercoiom. uroi-tnn rdirHv-d in i all the gold fields ever dl poveml even California, in her palmiest ihiyn, fell thort of It ; but, corretpindcntt In that country, writing to their frlcndi, con tradicted many of the piiUlUhctl accounts, am. ll country al large was r. In uouut wn.ei. . to oeiicve. . vr mn. ......v. v., - .- apt to be the ease, looked only on the bright tide of the picture, and a grand ruth com menced for the auriferous regions ol the new l',l Dorado. Kvtry stage from the south and tteamer from the North deposited their car. tror of rxelled gold-icekers into the commer cial metropolis of our State, on their way to the mine. At length, us the seaion became . i .ii A..M MMn. Iiftv.'p na w Inti loo far ailvanccd 1 for gem-ral nvnlog operations Slou, the excitement begun to in that frozen regi wane, ami . .t..i .l.i. ,.u ui ............ Hm , ...-... ....... i while tli IC iCI I KISWI inline "iv . i , iral wmltli, the very short period in Sumnwr nnonvii iur nv... tin; kJiii u.tu ...fc.T.i.v... mm lor u., ul. u .... u..u ..uvok-ii. W intcri. were seriou, draw-baek, to its pnlV , ab.e .levelopment. NumUn ol perto.w had ; house,! provisioned, ami otherwise prepared , themtelve. to weather the rain, sleet, hall. snow nnd ice of the hn IVrces. when, all ol n sndden, came reports of the fabulous rich- tuts or tnc uors on eaimon u.vcr nnu ory , In-ds nfuln-anis found in the surrounding hills. Korll.nilb clalnwi in the N'er. Pcrecs which a few monlh previous were tuid to be or " un siralkleil richness " were deiCTKil iy their ex co pa nts for the newly discovered nnd richer mines of Salmon Hiver. If c are to believe the letters nnd statements of these pioneer gold Mrkerf. a large tract or country Is located there which contulns, In rivers, lilllt, gulchc, him ravines. Ircaturo In large-payis; quanti ties, ami which will reijaiie Ike labor of tbous amis of rmn for stony years to work out The season was so far advanced whet, (hoc diggings were discovered, that the mow and ice has prevented a general stampede to the new iliirgiiifff. Tliero ks uo ue of denying the fact that the Salman Hirer fevt-r Uamoni; ns, and as the fcver is known to be vrry con Isglotit. by Spring it will prolmbly beconie epldi mlcal, ond nothing short or "seeing the clepluint " will suffice them. Such being the condition of things, the ob ject or this urtlcle U to call attention to the fact that, If a number or oar cltisens propose jjoing to these mines when Spring opens, il will not be Decenary to travel three or four hundreds miles out of their way to reach t!.m. Kltewhere wc publish a communication from Mr. Lindsay Applegatc, giving a table if distances from this place to Powder river, whiel. it in llw mining district, and also to the lIu.nMdt mines and Salt I.uko Cily. Here tofore tb.c Indians that iulitibit the Klamath J-uk,c country liaye prevented lis setlleuH't.t by tho vrlilerf, and madu it extremely danger out to utideflaktta Jouiwy across I Ik. country, or tofrareh for its bidden treasurer. Now thai the General Qovernmeut is moving in lie )iteiitca, by authorizing troops to be raited in I Mm Stale for frontier duly, we feel conQ dent in saying that a line of comniuuieui will be opened by which all wlio desiic to go to Salmon river or Walla Walla can do so it. safely, and thus save several hundred nillcs travel. 'lie citizens or Siskiyou county, California, are awake to the Importance or llils enterprise, ami have token itepa to construct a road loin- errvci me one mm win ue iiuui irom nerc in j Kianwin Jikc. vi ln thu shall nave been accomplished, ns il surely will be, that vast 11 H ihonhi f ::;:::::::::::V.WniSm5wlMcli It ha, many evidences, It will create an John l. I'rlndle Kcrbvvllle ' extensive market for Oregon produce. A large and uwxploml country will .n.lckly be per- men ull jmrties so ns to prrscni u mine.. ctitts iu the mlndd or thow who have sinjr htiui tn oM ptsrty tests, have no criminations Knowfedtrc of the country but that boll, gold land recriminations, indulge It. no taunts one udsilvercanU;fooDdinwyiMgpnntiilrtiiingaltwtlhoolherBt to who have been the lUfcUkMdim. luri.;.k. past tea. on. 'tr.hlu'Co kA Govern wo ore lolil by uood authority, that in the vl ,,tMtt lui ,! from Its nerllt. ami seen ilt cinily of Ooqmj Lake a kslge or sllvtr was dis - covered by a parly or men. wlw were com- pelled to abandon It, on account or (Incut enrtl Italian lieatllitlssi. KitHillr. wlwn ull time tuearu are brniuiM to bear, tbeeBlct upon our agricultural lulu- i . . i hi i i ,, apparent. , market will be W that will demand all the surplus product Jut thly Valley con ralre. With a irooil wagon mid to the Klamath nml thence North, o. - to the Humboldt .mines, our . trnnifort to those iiiatrtcis, ami nuoru 10 sen ! lets rates, than from nny other sourer. W c can look forward to a bright nml promising ruturo Knur cltlKtw will exert themrclvro In this matter to the extent or their nbillly. As.tusn Mimjs. J)eccmber 3, 16(il. KUort .W.W In compliance with your rc- iiict. I wnd you tonic of the distance from Jacksonville to different points In this vast ro nton or line valleys, that arc toon to l opened to tcttlemenl by the efforts of the Oencral (Jof 1 eminent. 1 have nattily Jotted then, down, to a. in enable vott more fully to rhow the great nijvnntrtRW tlils route to Salmon rlrer will bare over the ohi way, by Portland and rrj the Co- lumbla river. And you will tee Irmi the dls- unices, nim uie c-uu..r..i m.,..j r" - In the Lake country, ore not all the advantages M h ,,,.,,. ,, frtVur,u. u wm rerrc .,. . . .,,, . ,,pm .. (t n ft(mwt of 0ttgmnni Sbklyou coui.tlei, and tb emigrant road to tlil country. The opening up to .cttrcn en. t this country inuurBi,h0UM,.renlly Interest tho people of Oregon, for If It thould prove to be rich In minerals, or portion of the country it tollable ror rarratng mid graxlng purpose'. Hut this grand cuter- prise cannot bo curried out without force ..m- dent to Imhl In check the numerous trllies of Indians that Infest that country, who ore at readr becoming excited and reillcss from (he encroachments of the whiles on all sides or them. Tjltf ruluvlng illtlaneci arc compllul from 'he military map of the Stale of Oregon, fur IRVJ, and from my own knowledge of tlie country. Tbev are on an air-line, mca.i.rii.g all Hit tinw liv the way of the north cud of (ioo'c I.ukc: .V.f. t t Front Jaekoiivilltf ! Klan nlh I.uke. . TU 2il Kriim Juek.nntillu to l!uou ltkv. by way of Kl.imtb 110 ;t,Kroin Jiiek-onvlllc in Fort llolte :iflr, 4lh From JnckNinvllle to I'owder Itlver. when; the road erodes . ... . . . .tlfill Mb--From Jack.onvlllu to Mty or Uuvkt, , ,,. ,,, of iiumiM,!,)!.. AOO fitb- Front Jacksonville to the llnmltuMt -tl.K,i;l,cV-;.i, , VuViku City.oaJI Tw ,, inUllone e,minile)i for ,1,0 Ut ten ( , 0r ,0 VMllng ttiunU "'N cmulry( Brewi known to the public. I now litive a alrong bo3 that such tilings will cento to j.i with luipuiillyt as they havu heretofore done. Yours, with rcHct, Arri.t.oiT.:. , , rfuc,nn,- hul gan.y thou jnJj w)0 ,mr0 i(U, ,oa vcry lal0 day, lingering hopes that a compromise of our na tional troubles might benirectetl,arcl.e!!nnl..g to be convinced that nothing now remains to tho! loyal to the Hag of the country but to nrotecute the war till nt least an honorable ;comnromlc and tieace can be obtained. Among i "... . ..... tin so which have held out longest Hunting iou compromise U the Albany Irg.u uul j.... it... nriMii nt llm Ww Vork l).m.ifranr. ," ' iwn (o I0UianiU . . ' . . .. ,,., ,, ,,,.,, '" "' """ t"v !" -v u Jiaj 0jroca(Cl, ..poc;,- ,vl,cn It becamo cvi stent there could lie no peace without the most . ...... .iuiiUM.UU iu il.. -.I..I- - " r- . , . y o( Bftii, , u.f w wm. J u of f0 wton M ,u. flnJ , f(jJ ,n R Ue mmm Qf ml ' P"fJrc, day compromUc becomes morcdirficult. irii inis not ulrcuiiy kccoiik! .mixiss.oK'. nue cess lias emboldened the Confiderotc urniie to Ihf i-xlremo ol Insolence. 'Ilieir policy is no longer defensive, but uggresslve. The boun dary of the l'olonuc no lunger catlsGes them, 'liicr demand Missouri and Maryland, and as pire to toc not only the mouth and hair !. ... .!. II..t.. !....! I..., .1. I !..- inr cunriu oi iiw jiiim.'m, uui iuc wm. peak also, nod the national capitul. We tH.-uk or I lie army und the chiefs who command it, and these for the moment control the South. We believe (Icneruls Davis and lloittrrgard would reject any terms of peace wbiel. did not amount to a recognition of the Ind-pendence ol nil thu Confederate Slates, and the surrender of the forts therein now in nor ixiMt-ijiiiii, und half lite western territory It would lie folly to discuss terms or settlement will, an arro-'ant and advancing foe. The (krnor and (lie conceit must bo taken out of our ailvcrtancs ue.orc ius lime lor nsgoimuuu Is in. Kvery ant not entirely blinded by prejudice mutt sec the force of these remarks. They atj true to the letter, to tain nooui compromise is nothing less than to counsel snbmhuion to the rebels. There was o tlruo when compro mise was proper and practicable, ond wo be lieve there will be a time again when we may olTer terms honorable to the uallon. Hut it is not now. We must show the traitors and show the world that the Oovcrnmeut is yet ub!e to vindicate Its majesty. Two men who have nil their lives been good frlends-r.lctidinlmwtliacperable.meetntiome cotivival gathering, have a slight misunder standing a difllcully aggravated by the pres ence of comrades or mutual acquaintance, or whose opinion they nre desperately ofrnid, ol though not afraid pf each oilier. Thchonor" or each is impugned. They look into each other's eyes, exchanging glances which, under other circuimtuna, have year ofier year, o tiny met each other, enkindled every kindly emotion, llatrid U not there now, but only u mirciful kind of defiance as they seek to main tain tho "poiut of honor" in the presence of others. The dilueully Is aggravated uy tins foollili setultiiccis. until nothing but a hostile meeting can absolve cither from a charge or oownrdice.ondtliey who never beforo exchanged an unkind word stand up to. shoot at each other and one to fall, leaving the survivor moro to be piliiii than tho saie scut before his lime u hUg.utl uceoiinl, Hut thu 'point ofhooor" is vindicated, . . - Whoever is not prepared to sacrifice parly oreanlwtions nnd platforms on the oiler of hit j country doc not dctcrvu the support and cun- ,.:. 0r 10IKi people. How nre we to overcome partl&in antipathic? in he minds or ' flag limiting In Irii.innh over every inch or Aiiwrieai. soil, it win tnen no u me ri.u im . i inquire os to who and what has brought these I troubles upon us. When weshall havoa c6.yi try, ami a Uovernwelil ror or eiHtiri 10 hi peace nnd Mpplnw, it wll ' tlo f well of iu to return to w.r .parly nm Wj ' con im to onr own conviction ol irlght ami ,!" ,ZuL?Z ,Ll n uo Uk Ufo I w, m 0 Bb,,ln u such U-ucs In tlutd like this..- Dou-'las at Cl.ieajP. .'l-y . LATEST EASTERN NEWS. My J-ttiU ISlglU's Stage. Frvm iht frtrrtwmtv l'nin, Xvr 29. The Ulchmond 'Ditpalth. reports 3.000 prominent largo numbers. en.Trirr,oribc Kebcl forew In Arkan- sas ami M.snnrrro9rl Ifte tugc river net.r i Seilalia. on iiuturilav. (lie 2.11 i.t.. on ins m.trcb, Nurth. The" Federal trrtopt under the hnmedinte command of Gcu. Ilunter, In l , force, were preparing to meet him u ehort dis tance from iJcdalia. I lie relivls in Columbus, Kentucky ore ...(Inn ma t HuniO.llnna ffm ilArAitut "I lilt . IIHIkUlK HIVHM.K.I.U... .. .. ( Confnkratc forces nt that place arc hourlyei- The steamer Fulton has arrlvetl from T.hrr- nool with 00 000 stand or arms Tor the iromn - pool w ill. urj,ooosianu ol arms """egown " , MiacftleulaUon of tho Bocossion Loadon. . ii ? r . , ' 'u,,wb y '", .or.,"cl, " S!" .??? .o wT I' v Te course o' muU. a , the . r,i.r .in.! lftil.-pnf .lit sfpnuinn liuiirrecs Son Thcv wc re "iS.1 for mrs in nS ri. S Tl lint ini,lio.u move was to engraft Inln SSnpSrlMnV'iriS oraiaictuprcniucj nnu laiionai .""iriorny. I l.eaiatei.eii.g supreme, it ioiiowe.i,u1coure, l.l f.M Ml.l.l .....iff.. .. I...U ..f f!..-A scccId' from lira Union of Stales whenever' In or her sovereign will nnd pleasure she might ilclei mlnellHtiuelia step wat n-raury to her iutercsts or her honor and that no power on 1. !,.! u-l.t... ..(.! n.nwiltiiiLm.tlv In terferc to nruvent the coiiiiiiiutlon or her l.ur- piwes. Coneeile llw right of u Slate In her I lies. This is one of the corner stones upon which is founded the fiuil structure of ticea sion nnd liuurreetio... After having estab lished, to their own satisfaction, the right ofu Unionists It. tlie'inountainswii 'icnnwco - -.r - " ,--, --cvvKuro,Knn publle lllo was Mi!.Ut the chwlc SfcfrllT 'Vm"s,uS1 W 5kV IvAAIl under l'ri. Drownt. and.MaJor tlcnernl J s .XoX KheSof cW Bldl Montlsdlw.Sr20,l0t Deputy Sher.ll. ... - 'SS" 111 ?T WWUU Ham, nnd that they nre do.t more mltchki e. n has Ucn prcemlnvi.tly so oT A Mtct okcmmol . J jirniw tart U reoturcr A . . B;. KflllIS j W than the Yukee..lnrKen..eky. Swhose connncs have IJon, remaim,! d irrl,cmcnthas CHEAP out the Southern cities by the recent action , , ' Vhi. f U Bollticul cxitteuco a a , country iu dnBger, are U Mgb Mfp- t?oroncr.t . . ... " " ., . f o. Federal forces, and thee.ttons of, he most ' fi &? L -A" , , , , . .-..n Ur ,1, ILLmran niiiLrs auilA t hal tl! . oer 10- ,wrnien mw, wuuiu w " .- ,-,..- -- ... ,1Tlit ' JJl.S-C F 1 r noct as an nltacic Irom the Jreucrai iroonn, i i.:nthi h fnn'Ii.n nrms. nnd uns hackled in . fiat t ic wire m.ui.i oc rroiectcu ano, noi .Marslial l.!t. ...l.l- il.lil... Im .i.nn. (nA.. I .i. . ...!. ntln.doiri. bnnwl.1i. m1rpn.iiri nltii.lim1 In trrr. s trees arc more liable 10 I lrwl I 'nnnnissioncr ,1.1). The bombardment nnd capture ol I'ensacolo I and Improvement by domestic bond, whether blow down and rot at the roots.-1 rcko U..m. -! 5 and surrounding points, mulled In the burn-1 laZ$ iS .id ! Tr h n "matter of Interest to the Wends o NEW AD VERTISEJUSSTS Ingofthe village of Warringlon. ' llnritprudonec, und whilo it, retained all the volunteers to know what proof of the death of ' er .- - - - - miii;ii vie manumit iiiiktii i.i .iv.ik .w. v. , .1 it iiijidui. ui iiiuaiii ........, . -.-...-.- ........ -..-,----- -- ... M. -- sovereign cnpaciy 10 sret no, nn.t ti.e piiuon - -.-. ,,-.- - ,.. ........f.i,. i Isadmutd that the clilxni of n Slate owe,1''!1''; " fLL , r Z I,n. v WtTsiK-faritf is ' - sr& liters. Ui.. a .. .. 1 1 1 r m lna.uuul.1 It li.Ukiiitn kt.ti. I --.-. -w lining, ui ....-v.k. .""" "'w KVM by tho .Mayor of Upon, Kar lie Uiey ,ary to show to the pile that u do lars andlb J f , 'mllrtlitfC(, ,;. cents they would Iks ben-Ii .-,1. and ,',. 'reviewing at some length oils and powerful than il connected will, the, , fn-c Slates. To sustain the intercut side or -the arcument, It was osiunuil that " Cotton ",r wat King ;'' tliat without the cotton of the South tho foundation of Ivtroiiean siciely would bo uiiturned, ond that v 1 1 J i cotton the Souil. could bring the world to her feet. The "staples" of the South were to become the fouiniation ol grcaticsj. pro grciJ, nti.i compactness tor uovcrn. .cm purnsw. i nose , i r . . . Z . ! . . i.kwcCMiwivouomieu uy ino no cession leaden.. In order to persuade the South - ernpeoWu ha their .!"";! "Y' 1! 5? csts were b endetl will. .Scmuimi nml u Soul.. , crn Cinredjrucy couiiwieu 01 mo "sunci States." a. Hut It was still necessary lo demonstmtt to tho people that the exis-riment n( S.-cesilou aou ii Uni.ii -'- .! f...uiK-riie would prove u (icaa'fol and Imrmletw operation. To this end the papers nnd cr.odicals of the Soulli teemed will, urgumcuts intended to it tub'ish In the mind or the community the fuel that n tcpcrnlion between Ihu South und the National ( could under no circum stances end in ho'lilitim. It wat nMinx-d Ihul Kngland nnd Franco mud have cotton, ami therefore they would putcrvc ieuce or, if il were broken, nnd un utteu.Pt nude to blockade the Southern porls.llieli.-ctsof lluwe nations would be onlercd lo ok-ii said tnirls by I he nppliention of force if necessary. This calculation has been exnlmhil by experience. The cotlon orU nre blockaded, and Kngland nnd France manifest no intention of iutcifcr. ing to oKu them. To do so would bu An ae of wur against the Government or the United Slate. Initrnd or opcnlug Southern p.)rls, the F.ngJish Oovcmment is cnergclically en gaged hi opening new tourcca 01 coltot. pro duction, will, nrosptci of succeeding lo an extent I bat will render Kngland iudcMidct of the South, if this nur or rebellion continues for two years. This would be a consumation never dreamed or in Secession philosophy. The retribution would Uc a Just and holy one. It was further argued that (Iks Federal Government would never dare attempt coer cion aga'ust rebellion while n Ucpublican ('resident was in power ; that the Democracy of the North would never permit It. Kvcnts havcahown that the Administration did dare to discharge its duty to the nation by engaging with all Its power In the wortc ol suppressing relicllion and executing the laws, and that it has been tuttained in this holy duly by the united power ol the people ol the loyal States without rcrerence to old party divisions. The .Democrats or the North arc, if possible, more energetic and determined in their crforls to crush rebellion thnn the ltcpublicans They rally to the aid or tho National Uovcrn incut, nod do not stop to carp about the pol itics of the man the people have constitution ally elecUd l'rrsidcnt. They ore for mal. tabling' the Constitution nnd enforcing the I.i w8, eve. to inflicting the penalty for treason. In the calculation of aid from the Northern Democracy in their traitorous r chemes the S cession leaders were terribly deceived. They ure met iu their traitorous career by a united North. and by tho power ol n Government which wjll finally triumph over rebellion iu ull the Southern States, it is only a question i f t'ae. It may require ono year, two years, or three years, bnt the work will bcaccomplistieil, and our Union established on a foundation which Seceuion will never assail. Secession, disunion, nnd a dejiro for a Southern Confed eracy, will have run their race. Peaceful Se cession will never again be preached by Stales in the Union ; tho doctrine that Cotton Is King will liavo been exploded ; tho theory that tjjat our Uovcrument poessca no constitution power to cocrco the people or nslase will never more be hcurd. Tho gigantic exertions to put down this rebellion have, however, settled that question. That tho primary allegiance to the Stole will become u doctrine recog nized os necessarily universal In the United Slates, while tho fatal theory of tho Indepen dent sovereignty or the Slates will bo left oinoiii' tho (ubbtib of tho ruut.Siow'neii'o Union. MAnnuoK nv a Notarv. For the first time in California, or indeed any where cleso far as wo know, llio marriage ceremony was rw'rMimod In lids city, yesterday evening; by n Notary Fublie. The parties who were joined in the silken bands were Snmual Laicpbcru; nnu Mis .Matilda Uuuen. 'tho IS ntarv, hov luff perhaps some doubts os to his juridictioii, requested the parlies to wait until to day ; but the brhie objected to uny delay, und the cer emony proceeded. As the Supreme Cou.t of the Elate has deemed that nwrruure la a civil conlracl, ofaomsellje ovremony will, be,vaid,l In many Hlaten it U considered in all nytHNHf a lawful marrlaire If ilpartieaJoln haiwU ami ackimwk?d"cal. oHwfini'liuiband and wire In tho presence or w)tai'ic"A. . Iltralii Nub SOft. The Real Qrentnesa of tho American union. Tho whole history nigrcui nates, unetucr 1 t-.i ... ,.,.;i.i:. in nil nm-a iiinllBi . . 1 ..1 it all climw. baa been one ol alternate inffroMngi n.,,1 nliiiterlti! from the crntral elock. Tef- . 1 . . - t ..4..lI.M 1.rtA ltlWtfl 'I titalliy of ncrra't fetulc consltts not in, the ouual extent of lis acreage, or the Hue ua Ing X-r of III " pcniile. but in the moral vigor , wilch loyally to lis Institutions, and l.onioge- nelly of feeling, naun nn.i purpose give, and I which no nccideuts of lloi or field enn take I uu ( II)C Southern tiarlcd ll.mllf m1 rnrrrpr from the Union, tho Colon would still ii n.A,miMt rnwpniintr. with thepsrrniliin'Wi! do not expect to have any more I v . fc.lVVU lin. -...-.--.- --- 01 oar own. I.IBl too wurm inn ntr kiii. ... .1- it !.........-. 1, would still posscffl elements witliin itseir ol - ,. - ,,.,,.., ,,- f, ,.. ..,.,. a can boast : it woukl still be ' Irishi-css and energy of a national youth, it ill II" IM UUVIIWl Wilis "linv ! .....".-. ---- woudstil ben voluntary combination or sen- cure ins pay unu no c.ouu.i. - , , ifte free. We cordially sympathize In the bold nnd' rolls, -ulildi arc deposited with the Audllor.. 'donncnt langunge or Vice Chancellor Page .Ills minceesMry for Hie appointment of an Woodunonthcsiiliiect ut.d wo scrinuty com-'ndmlulstrutor, except where t hero nro many 'MPnd bTwise n 1 words of political .ho'rs scattered as to crtalo Inconn-uuncc in I reproof to the shallopat orators and wri-. ers Who ll.ll.K II UUC to sneer ai ll.C imscuan- nnd losses or a Tree community, inVolvml rS- l'r y r motives or polilirul i Momwn tt , WlS" fcrWS S- ..,,,', . .. t --; 3 .V",-LV:, ' !,. . .iHui . ' a A fl 1 .... 1 lM- "' ? . V! ''"V J a ":,t,!."!! '" u"" " "" "' ' ; '""' ;,"'' " ."JTi - i.f. W,.7S tto lerr",-l,,7,.l"., tZ ' 1 1'l I L ,h' . in this lamentable quarrel, for theirs is llm rniiiic or law. order and rk'hl. 11 e. loo, ore likely to bu heavy sulTcrvri by rratoif of the Ax KwiMsii IIKC.AUITIOX.- , ... ,v. .1 . I'lic Toreign policy nf the Oovcriimcnt,ni ns that principle 01 1101...1.. lerventlon, by which they bad endeavored to guide their course in all the complications or rurvlgn politiw.nml received the umiulmons j I.) Ml, ,.). WH. -HHIIVW , vctilicl id its r..vor, iti.U tho same might Ik.' ta;d ortklr cll'aiU loslicnglhen the nutioua! defences of the country, whether liyutiiiicrvusi of the rreular nrmv. or that urm uf the mi . " . w , ,uill Urn nM ., , ,.,, wr. f Applaus.-. On the other side r , ', , , , r clv Wllr il Un,ki out amount our kiufolks ; and . ,,.....,, iJllVl.rlllJ.-lt. w,i. ,1L. consul ,'' .,.. , i,. ,i,i. pnooirv. If. Ul. .......I . ........ ....... ... -.-.... ----- , - ..... . . . - m 1.11I iicrtevcrli.!! v tin l.eid the nriuei pies o. strict neutrality, nnd ditrrc In no way in inter lament it. Hut if we Mood nlmil during the cahiu.ilv, ho trusted il would not be ri-gurdul I ns it lack of tyiniKithy Tor our kinrolks, but u , strict m rsunucc or.. jHiliry which we corsid.-r the best Tor the welfare of I his nation, nnd the I nracrvullon nfn friendly feeling with the com I lutiintt. Hut this principle might be put to u sesere tint. Ho regretted to toy llmt wi ourselves might yet have to sutler, and ruffer severely, from tho i lrceU uf the civil war iu America, if it werecoi.tiuuul, and o I iu n manner present nppcnrunptu xeemnl lo In. dicute, it was too inuch to bo dreiuKd. the great branches of our nathniul industry might be brought Inln n slate r gm.t singun lion, which might produce n deplorable amount ifsuUl'ring.nnd the ue.xt Winter might be a great t'iuffor the people ol this country, nnd i-sH-cially for the working class I, such a;liol not Ijeei. Men Tor years. If this, unfit tutulely should be the case, he trusteil nothing would Induce the p.-nple of Kngluud to resort lo nny courso which might nvm likely to them, in II e height of that sulT-rin and mix-ry, lo cut short the evil, by forcing their way by nny Illegitimate or unfair means, to the utlu.nmcui of objects which appear fuvorublo to their onn interests. London Slur. Hr.iiKL Finance. In a document which he culls a nittwage, Jiff. Davis tells his Ciugrcs that his rebel Guvern.neut is getting along swimmingly in mpcr money mailers, Jle claims that tho Confederacy law borrowed money for war purposes without interest. Hy this operutim. he tnesjti that the rebel Con redcracy had issued 100,000,000 in worth iess Treasury notes, and forces people to re ceive them ror property iu many instunccs forcibly taken. He even thinks said notes on u bankrupt Treasury maytiecome n circu lating medium. Hut the lttehmond Wing telU a very different story. It declares umqnivo cully that tltu finincial plans of the rebel Uov eminent have in every instance proied mis erable ubnrtious. Not -one has approached success. Keen tho 81.1,000,(IU0 lirsl called for lust Spring was never taken. Some 810,. 000,000, it says, were subscribed, but odds, in it very innocent manner, that It nas the want of money and not a want or confidence in Im rebel Uuvernmit.t, which prevented the crp italists of tue South from subscribing fur the lain, Under the plan to raise the wind ,by accepting subicrlptipu to n 8100,000,000 1 loan, based on cotloii;'u few thousand bal-sl were tubicribed j but it is impossible to sell ' them, and bcucc the produce loun ks a total failure. The rebel Government is, by Hie con fession of the H'iil', iu a precarious cond.lion l.i,n,n,.,ll.. nml ulllt l tn n ,,,nl, ivAPUtolnrr- M.''y , UUM w, . ,l. v ,i.UVI ,.MV n.Pn or dieose beforo Spring. Iu proiitrlu, the IlVito- claims that the people of the South are the richest in tho world i unluckily, though, that property is mostly of a character which renders il almost totally worthless In a time of war. Aa a security for a war loan, negro property Is nearly valueless, while cotton, to Mcco.'rico and sugar, with Southern ports blockuJed.are equally valueless as security upon which to borrow moeey. Tlie wealth of the South is almost cxelusiwly in land and no grocs. They are the great vcIumircU ol in vestnwnt for capital in Ijni? f peace, and would be to-day, r llw iHyiicrs or negr)cs lnd not set in motion the bail of revolution. Hut In the stern presence of revolution, laud and negroe pnsess no mtnto Vinton. exchange value. &iei- JAuwiyxxi Mrw largely In the nava' expedifon,.in tho wpy of pilots, A .letter J i,.miu,. '. rrom Annopolls aya 1 J One rct i8a(!rtifylftjraa It wm surprls-' ing to a MaikJicinwtts j)n, nameJy; ''Hie. juinortancc of uh Capo (Jod Jo this ,war t"' for ' (n each of the vwaeki' about to take nart, lit this I Krejt eHlerpee, they iveld to draw w that pm-lionof our Statu Joe a- plkjt, irom tuo Bag wp they sallrdiiisHMl gators from tho ,oen wntBo-Kin aequa(ni . votst fits them ler tiiii ii.t 11111 tisH 1 Jim iii a ri-v ii.isi n-ia-iiiii 11 1 11 lir infill Ull) liltviliw nnuuit.t ""'" I A'ttrt. 1 ! ill niii in 1 ii-iinn-i . uv iii: iiiniuni nu ft., il... Oil. il4aflalh.tB AlfeAfe fltlSstttsI 111! Vltl . .r"' : .K 'l" .ft ,n wrltoa'aiHlnUp In tW p dufnt and Too ,.M-h ,. AifmomU ? WJ nrv tfi Uiuw DM HIT rmjl'l ..A..l....l ll. ..,..,,. i 1..1.T..1. laiillsiti tit .ivnln. IUr lilt! tlUUiliW Wis...k . . 1 .. si... nilfMt Ullh I lift 'Nntil lists n " . 'T ' r ' it m' . a .. ...II ll..'...-tl . ..!.. 1 1 ifU Uf.I.-sl i. ..:.. . in. t, lltn w urtnrull.Vt 1 j 'T.. ..... ' 1 . " -' i. . I.a 1,1 ... ,.. r - "' ,.,., j.,.. . .-! .mm mmh ihj! 1 m iiuui ri Iiri. SHIM VY mi Jl HiJsi"" W -irniv v lMmm IMIblirU'il IU tt iisw newwn-iuivjv k vm 'uciiii.'Mcvtrjm.rc. "v iiMm:c.fcu,U', Thomas Jkfi-krwx and His Cor.tTtsv Wo ronuiK'tul the followinc to the tiolice ot '"fT.J1""""" """ r';"' li iImi Slutc: . . . 1... U.iAnilnn t.ktt sun Id tattil I lifll ll f-l I lll'tr A 'Hks Ptntesnwn never lived who .was more of the clthu-ti than leniwr 01 tuo- ..reny 1111: JefTenon ; and nflct bis' llluatrtons llfelf, with life, liberty, property Md wi i w . .. i absurdly sacrificing the end to the means. n no arc e og .,.. ---. Thk Tm.r.nnArit Since the late stornt lias , almost completely demolished the line U'twern I Yn-ka and Shajta, a new line could be ns tas- I'y .at tip the Sacramento river ronlr.on which there seems to be no great damage done, reiui uwm " i'";i -" -...,.-.v ....LUUnnnvi Anrl. nnln llm rnniruinr -- --- . put on Imnus nna ounu ii uirougu oiner wy inl ,, - Winter. mai wnvtu ts.ii.ic rkwinn "nu where severe storms The poles should bo closer r togclliw, a soldier is rcqu to enamc ins ncirs to pro- ". " .... . . . . making several application, a e ,im , is inane uy miner, niuiiu-i, ut " , unnecessary. ! clTO, ,7,; rttot .he lat. ' Siaiiij. x "ln.riS"l S nUin.Ka !1f fnmbiH-ll. cmnimlthl by - hootlmr bin..elfwi ih a nurr. lie had nre. ..( S..I.1 1. 1 1.1 j 1 tut I l.s. uiiJ tf-fttlit? lit v nuilr to 1 1 sir eiiUi llmt no uns conic 10 commit the rah net, and they advitiil hi... to ' Join the army and pel decently klllnl. The cuurc ntsigneii is intappounmciii ... love. Fii'KNKsa tx WAti.nK. A teller duliil Sil ver City, Nov. 17th, received in CratdVulhy, says : The typhoid fever is carrying oft" from 4 In H) persons u week. Four persons died of I he siim.t ilismi! on Friday, ond four on Saturday, nt ti'old Hill, and at ninny us 1G have died In a ilav in Virginia, City. We III k Ihetc mutt be n mltlake in 1I0 riiiT r lU'iirii. bh to ii.c nnniiMT in oemus ii ..... ....... ' iririiuu Vjiir.-uiuu r mirr AMiuvmiit -r .- llt.nv. ll.rt .'.,ff yirtil tt T.n.fll. say. that, by .,, nccident. charcoal has been iliscorcml to be n cure for liurn. lly laying n t.i.-ce of cold charcoal upon a burn, the pain I Hebrides immediately. Ily leuvlng the char- j nn f.. II... wo. I. til is lt.nil.-it. ns lull liromtomiiiistnitid nnt-prnt nrnislnns. Tin. Irrmnly is eheap nnd simple, nnd tlenrvit n s n - . . ,,lft. Jacksonville Prices Current. Ilrrtrit ror Ilie.Si-iilliH'St'on'rr Sell vriLlj JAii.HoNVii.t.K, Saturday, Dec. I lilt. ISO t. Wln-at.iKir buhvl -HI a .Ml Oals, d "i". a Hurley, do :iu a Flour, In or. sneks, per IDOIIm.. I .111 to 2 :i an nil Cl.lckuu, per d.x., :t oi) a .1 tin iJorn Meal. vr 1U0 II u loo Hay, iht ton ., " l.aOou, sulci', clear, per II I'll to do with lionc Hi to hnm 20 Oo slinulilrr I-J1 do hog round. ..t...., 1 C lo I e llceT, licit, per lb 8 u 12 fork, do do i Million, do 11! I.iii.l. tear In Hut, pi-r lb do iu keg d ,. IK tliitli-r, f.V'h dairy, do do lit kegs, do Cheese, iht Hi ... n .Mi n; 2.1 Kggs. Irvrh, per dux. ...... I'utaloiit.per Hi, ,,.,MW. :t7j to ah n unions, no Turnips, do CaliUigi'. do :t .1 H IU .. '!' It . '? 4,i Jin 25 w IkmiK.M tiiti- tin (reiin Auples, p.-r Hi., nr.iii Apples, pur u Dried l'mclies CollW 33 a Ur.i'lieil Sugar. Ilrown do KPKCIAI, NOTICES. I. 0. 0. F. J.icKSowil.l.K I.u.k.k Ko. 10, holds Its regti Inr meetings every SATURDAY KVHyiXG, at their Hall (Mo'Cully's Theater biill.llug). llrothers In good standing aro cordially In vited to attend. H. V. MAUKV.X.O. K. K. Rt'dSKUn It. Sec'jr. n2:Cm WABREN LODGE No. 10, A. F. & A M. A HOI. I) Uit-lr regular XX-'!." Wednesday Kveulugs un or precedlu; Vthe full moon, in JAiiHoNV. i.ioi. mix, . W. UUKKU, W. M. II. J)i.ooii, Stt'y. OllKUON CUAPTJSU NO. 4. .. o ,F r o" the North by a Iqt owned by Thouut Moouey, ssAfPsi-r s-nmr u-ietnsra! ,,n' bound, d on ibe South by a lot owned In HOYAL JLR.CM. JiCAjIOJM, Nuthanl.lWilt i 3hctalddercrlUd lot. will. JACK SO A' YILI.K, OUEUOX, ! the duelling l.mifo thireon. 1 will offer for Will hold Its regular communication, on te&Jl&Xfc& Itrnt HBliml)-Kriili.jorI5vrr)-Noiilli. : Juckoii llli DicemUr Ull., lhCI, iHH All tojouruhig Companions In good standing are cordially luvtted to uttend. w. w. rowLKu. ii. r. Jas.T. Gi.rnn, Scc'y. dec8:4" PHOENIX LODGE No. 28, A. F. & A. M. Hold their regular communications tlie A f!T( umv KvtiNua qu or preceding thi'jtjjr' ran moon, ia,x uu.-uix.,un-goii. j -w S. M. WAIT, V. il. S. Rkdi.kii, Scc'y. jan26r2 Sand! Sarwparilla I M'ho has apt heard Of it; How .many have tbaokful that it ha cured tticjr allmcn,ls, and yajscd thcto J"rom a bed of sickness to ibotnjoyuieiit or health nnd strcugth. )'v wish every one (9 benetlt by It, but camion Is required the very tucci-Mi of the article, U turned against it by thv cupidity or othert, and numerous preparations or so-called " Sarf apnrla " arc In the market. TJ10 original and cuu'"c artlole, prepared by (ajiiK being lu universal use, U sold almost everywhere. Ask forjha,t ond .lakq no other. To Fshyoiu whOM Health is rokrn DOWH. Kiery di'ea inight unuuellouab.v be pwenled if nature wee nwMcd to rally wlft I hai uintf wonderful or all invlsnwlw, U)1( ji;,, anmm ltim:n. Whan the Uaweofjlfe wanes ami quivers from I'Aljftust t,(,n. ndndulttcr thU famous restiiiathe. i WIH onoo more licomo steady und strong. In ho ikiailty wbh'ti rollowa vlotent fcw-r-In . "j8. dyry. ifopUo .(wptalnt aud .' r--r-M (dl ,1lU,.., a- niltl rrllil triU llt'llKf lT tVlr """." ..Miis, ...u lui,H.twthttJiltcw.w.-JV t iMv mw me raciio ciit. Adv, --.,. ,.f II.... 1 VL . HHVi)sVW HIIMWU" '" MWI ftwsrrw' "--" I - - frp -1- rsfVl,',ll V '" orVlCtAL JllUCCTOttV. JAI'KtOX COCSTY. ..P.MVtti riru iTl,(1.-. Oirco.i tinilJV fi ' County .Indue, Oot.niy t'iv.k. . l?iwecnting Altormj . . Hnri..MaiiiKy! . 'Tmrt pf Con.ft-Circnlt Court, first MW ,ia, in feUnu. y. . um ;ma. v ,-- . ProUttc Court, first Monday of each nrolh. JU-KSONVILI.K I'HKnxrT. Justice or the i'mce. V;S"?; .7 r, i.i- M. . Pavls TbmJ Sunervuor J......0. C. TOWS 0 4ArK0SVII.t.K. n....iA. ' in. l.nlliimn. v. ... iiniuuei i iuiiap. ., ............ ... n.,,.t, I ,i. a. ive,.ios. o. "w '.'..-ta iiccoruer.k .... ; ..;,'.' -; 'iVfasnrrr U""1," ' J,"".1 . ,,,.U. .11. ItUOKS Maine lplllinekS Mill 0 lOIlS 10JS, rtllKIIlllKS Hllll atlliuiia ln.uo rnD TUC HOLIDAYSi rUn ' "C u,-,"" , nl( KCUre 1WMli flW llc cUUkb .,i, nt ,1,c M INI) VARIETY STORE MUIl MU lilllllil 1 tjlUIUH J,u !, 14.1.. 1801. ArTCllTIV C1I111KTMAS A 1 t I5AI.I t Am Tlirrc will If a (.'rami Rail at the UNITED STATES HOTEll ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT. tt A general Invitation It cxti-nditl to all. Thin' Mill lw no llcki-lr of Invitation l.tnnl. jii'Aeoo.l llANIt OF itFSlOttlll le In iitlt'iMliuiri. .... . m.r fr, l'rts nr 1 1nkrlsi. K r LOl'IS HOItNi:. Proprietor, . . ..... .. .. ... Jarktonillle,, IM'.I. 18 I J " " ' I , V .V I I , XT J I. U.IVIUJUIIIUI.IU ...VV. M.W..U. i DR. G. V7. G31EER. ' T keep COI.staUlly 01. hand the lot assort men I of nmios, 3Vr3333IOIKr23S , . i.TTU, JXV., I have stow in store the UliGKST JSI) MM Sl'.UXTKl) stock of naves' . . Kvpr oirenil In this ma. kit. and I mi-nil In inaliilalti, Uv ri'guinr luiMirlii "d l.y -II-ii... Ilie l.-'sl iirllelw at tlie.OH'Wrc'.I.V l'i:ll'l.S. thai leaning Hij-itltkii uhleh Hie Jack tuinvllle Drug Store hat hertlrn- brl.l. . W. GtKi:U,.M.I). Jacksonville, Ofii., 5-.t.22.-Uii. rotition for Divorce Jh.itAia Oris, Cotiqihiliiat, i ft. .- llAiint.v INtis, Derendinl. ) TO 1IA1IIHN WHS: Vi.u nre In-rvby notlfcd Hint. In Hie Circut Court of theSlute ut Ori'eou tor'tlie County Vif Jaek.on, Mshala Itls iins lirougljt rult lor a dlioreo from )ou, liomtlie Imii.iI uf matrimony, and also for the care an.) I ciotixly of l.i.gmi Ktl. I'atharlt.e ltls, aii.l I I.'va rills, Hiu Irtuc if tin- luiirrlnse of raid i Hardin ltU nm) M.lisls lUtls; that, un- Jo you npiH-ar In swld Court, at the next term j thcrcor, to Lu holden on the ; First Monday in February, A. D. 18G2, And uuswi-r tbu's bill, tbu same I will k' taken for conleMid. and thu Kild cuum- will lie beard iu your nbst-ncu, and tho prayer oi iiiu Mi.iinuiT lie grau.tu y ineuiM.rt. U. J ALU IIS, Kn'lcitor ror Complainant. Jacksonville, lec. lh A. D. 1KCI. Wi Sheriff's Sale. By virtue or ait execution duly lsnrd by Clerk or Hie Circuit Court uf Hie Slut the Sit j of Ori'Kon for I lie County of Jrkru, nnd to tmt ill ecled, In fai or of THOMAS I. IIIvS M-d ugnlust JOHN COM.hl. ror (liy inr..rc. Iiu-nt olu Mechanic's Men, for the sum ofTao Hun- Ircd and Sevculy-flie Hollars (t.'75 00). uitb 75 UOI. uill, Interest nt ten percent, pir annum, togvtbis with Klfly-one and Jlfly-tlru piuliuiidrcllis dol lars (Sit 85-K.U costs and arc ruing costs-) havu lulled upon ami will oner for sale, fo. casi, lo tbo l.fjfbert biddvr, on ibcpn-mlM-f. on Tuesday, the 14th day of January 16(2 " "- t Sheriff's 8alo. By virtue r nn exctutlon duly tssutil by the Clerk of the Cimult CoariAd" t'w Slate ol Oregon in and for Jaekton eooli.y, und to m dircotcd. In talor of MAIN A- WINClHiSTKIti aadagab.sJOSia'HHCIHXUACHi for Hip i-iiin urThlrti-eu Hundred ami tievi-iiy-i and nrtv-tJijcoiio-hundjclhs dollars ijbl,! 5G-1001. with lulertfttu.wieiwa oiW-Uali pCr emU., pir mouth, together ttltb&ivnteeu and lirtecnouc lmiidrtdtlisdollara$,7 15-loyj Co.ts and he. erMiug costs- I buiy levied upgu ..d will offer for tale, for cash, to ibe highest bldJvti 00 the, Oa Tvtaiday, I4tk day ef Jaauary, 1862, The following described ItKAL WTATK, to wilt: Situated In the town or JackonvJllc Jaekw, roaiMyOrctwi. pVlng,'jrl of M number four (tj lu block number One 1 on-the corner or California and Oregon streets, front ing Hfty (50) feet on California street ard Inenly-iiluo JiUJ feet on Oregon street in raid town of JackmllM, loaetker wl'.k HH-aad singular Ihu teni mints, lieridltauic.tts and ni purtunanews Hhcreitu UHeaglHg. SWj b twecu tho hours f ww and four oYlock.r.y. of mid day, ' JacUymille, December HUi. RC. , L,P. FISHER'S. T- - "- A(vev;tisii?g Agcncv Nearly oppasUe Magtikys Opw House, PAK tAXCiauq, svtWltoil i principal 1'itlsv.uiviits, ' '1 II K 1 1 l-MI llelwjyii IU hours or one and four o'clock f. M I t tvnt'l II rpvir..llv !u certain l)T.titiialed on tbews-sl side iirnM I V.".Vi:" rc'ISc,r",V , go., i-xicudcd In the loan or Jack.o. vllte. j rc..u 7ed fni. 'n KrauX I :,... ,t ...a !.. r....j.i .1.1 i... 1.-....1...1 1 rmurniu I row ban j-raueUeo REMOVAL: r i ii r - - JtlllTM8T?,V': TIIK ,UXDKUS!ONi:n. 1I.VVIS0 1 IllOUOUT TIIK -OF- MKSS11S. ANDERSON & GLENS TOfiirrilKU WITH TIIKIH EXTENSIVE FALL PURCHASES, XOW DAILY ARRlYIXa, OFFKR TIIK SAMB TO TIIK lUlll.ltt At Very Lovtr JTicos 3P03FJ. C3-A.Q3E3C. WADE, l6RSiH"'& CO. JACKSON VlI.Li:, Oct. :Cf JL8CI. it .1. It. Walk,..., ,MS. Mobiia.s. W1DB. MORGAN & CO., HK.VI.KKH IN GEHEB&L MERCHAHDISE, HiiKrit to UK-'YVnuW r tlf Irfwallll-t TOTUKHUIIMO v. on-'Kii iNwrcwicM'S 1703? Octjsla. 2 Jack'oiiillh', Angus 21, tit. 33:3m LEATHER -ANH- SHOE FINDINGS WK shall lie In receipt of nn atwtiucnlnf Ix-nther and (Slum Fiudlugt Iu a few days, comprising Iu putt, via t l-nthcr; llrialiH-k Sole li-allirr, liuoliie Cair Skins, Krencli Calfskins. (-olortd (.tiling Skins, Houud-licud Tucks, Spa rubles, Shoo Thread, IjuJs. I ;. Hasp'. Vuil oilier articles Included In Hits drpsriui'iil, to wblcli mi- litvlle the nlleutlou of Shocuisktrt and olliifs. VIDE, MORGAN & HO. ) Jacktourille.ABK24.1861. 02Jm I? V Tl I) 1? O O OAT T H, I lviiilSkN lA I A ) )l r- ' "- --. r - w - - BY P. ILI.YXCH. OpixuUe'iht Unilfl Statu Halt), nut Jvort Jiftkmmi't t.ipuu lMt, Cortirr of I'ttllfuriiU bm! Thlnl Mlr.t. Inform y old frl4s ' JUai i iiavrjuti wllboMeuf tbt Heat Keleetcit Stoctss ef belt FOREIGN '& DOMESTIC FIho ViHcs, t'wcllHii, SyruiM ' KTC, ' -' 7! TO.. That has pVcr liet-n oir.-rel for) lu this psrt of tbc country, which I will sell, Or In any desired quaatlly, a Biodcrate ti' vauco on cost, TbauVful for Ibe Mtrpttega I baye rferM for Use patt year. I Uopo It'wHrco'Htlnue. as I wHI spartt no pain In waltUg upon my cu.Uia er, ) rill 11 oriJvrs rrom .thu ton or couutr, to teud them along and keep cool. THE BAft Will irHlrA-)y bg tMHUed with ne but tU ury let qualities of luors aud, Hits uwtt th-mi brands 5ejtar. llewewber the EXPftJiJ SALOOfSl ,. 1 .11. I.YXCitritMi'r? t..i--..iii 'i v: I'm v - A,. -W.WI, int., My-ti. it, llif OvjfOn War Serip, bewwtmeuU dtfii tyf war, jtcrlphldert air1 llud ihu prepared to give all uim-ssary iufprti IWWlHllvftallMftWrA , , j J will ako give wy alUntlou Jo pOH2 n arranxiuu looks ui4 accounts Jr 0iw lu IV Seuliml UHdlllK. acssjsuvine.jitHoy W. ' ni 3artai Pap flCstla m ' ' MM l frM -rr IHAYE. tj)aile arrangcuieats, w Itii a r espoptllk ,JBajifrkr Jlouo to attend to bccoilectla W ar Ssprlalu WabliiKton City, llavinir oexa- piea vho aoaii aa ur iiiiiur cuwb in .mm or iw SlTUATHtr ON BHAK UUHKk-.Blxfcj . lx WIN fr.JaejHtoiivUie, wltlbesAW at private sale, Ahw. rA'f)RMTO Jfi Particulars can be had of lliesulwrllK-r. atjH farm on JJi-or fmk, Q, D. JJOXlK- OeloberO, 1B5), . pi;lj l.l