BVBVJaBBaaaaaaaaaTMaEBaaHiBMaMBlBVBrajBaK aaaaajaajaaaaaaajaaaaaajajaaaaaaaaa ','Tt-gF---' lg3SSHSi wgsmmmm THE 0RE6MI JOTI1IEL SATURDAY, - NOV. , 1861. MiMTAHr. Tbe enrollment ol lira Cavalry Company al tlw Palk, for wlilcli A. I. Den nlsoo w rccrul'.tnjr officer, hat been impended. AVe an glad to h(r It. Pcnnlion'i Ircaton. able ceprcaalon previous to receiving I lie ap pointment were iucIi u no lnjrl Union man Vrnnld utter. Too often already hare good and trne toldtcri been betrayed Into tho camp ol the enemy by oBcera who gave Icm evidence ol disloyally (ban ha Mr. DennUon. Ho may be a Union man, bat not above anaplelon, and only thoto nlio art aborc iMplclon should bo allowed to recruit or command Federal troopt. For Ibo regiment to be railed In Oregon by order of the War Department, The R. Cor. heliut, of Washington county, hat been ap pointed Colonel 11. V. Maury, of this place, Lleuteuant Colonel U. F. ltnrdinir, of Marlon county, Quartcrmaiter, and J. W. P. Hunt Ingtoo, of Umpqaa, Major. Marmrd. Near Corvalllt, October 201b, by Iter. II. Mustek, Mr. Jnmct Itayct, of Jacksonville, and Mitt Carolina II Inkle. Near Stockton, California, Oct. 17th, by Iter. Mr. Denly, Mr. J. W. Scoflcld, of Jaik- ami county, and MIm S. I,. Jones, formerly of Jacksonville vicinity. Al the residence of the brldv'a father, at Iloikland, Del Norte county, California, by Jtev. Chat. Hlnkley, Mr. P. .T. Mann and Mist Anna Mary K. Lewis, nil of Mid county, At the resilience ol tho brlde'a father, Oct. 24th. by Rev. L. T. Woodward, Mr. Crawford Gadder, of Itotcburg, and Mist Sarah A. Imbler, of Douglaa county. Arot.oor. The Saxvi!ri. hat not received the atitntlon (hit week that we could with. Mr, Hand hat been to troubled with the (td wound received In the Oregon war at to be unable to work. and at consequence, we hac been one hand short the entire week. Wc hope, by next week, all will be right. Ai.xakao ron 1862. We lave received from 8. J. McCormtck, of Portland, hit Al maime for 18C2, It coiitalut my valuable itatlstlct, and, being printed in our Slate, ahould bo purchased In preference to Karlrrn Importations. For tale by Wm. Hoffman, Emi. t ' fT Mr. Ueorge II. Dorris, formerly ol Cri'tcint City, Cat., hat opened a stove and Tinware establishment In this place, next door to the Post Office. We bespeak for him n fair share of public patronage. Ai'N.M. .Since our last Issue, applet have advaiictd considerably In price. Scurnl lead' of winter fruit hive arrived and told rcedly for twelve centi per pound. Retail price for choice, twenty to Iwuity-flre cents. sais"as"ssssssssessiaaassasis.assaaaa Biok or tiir Timm. Wo have unsuccess fully attempted Ihtt weik to tell draft, pay able In Washington City, al par. This indi- catct rather light money market. Ovrm.axu TKMtaRAni. Diptchri from the East hare been very meagre since the con nectlou through. The dutruclion ol the line through Missouri, and the buslmat iiccetsarlly being done over the tingle line if the Hannibal nnd fit. Intuit Railroad Company, has proba bly Utn the cause. A new line, through Iowa, to correct with Chicago, will toon be completid. The California paxrt are complaining ol thfappolninicnt of John C. Ilurch, a kniwn b'cccsslonl.t, as Notary 1'ubllc. Gov. Downey apprart to be conscliutlouily disposed to ful fill his obligations as Governor of California, but hit arts and s)e chat limit pretty ttrongly Indicate hit spuipnlhy for traitors. T.tMCRAt.. The ow'ncrsofthe famed Allison ipiarlx lode, at Ornsa Vallt-y, California, do nated three hundred dollart to the fund for the fund for the benefit of the wldowt and orplwns of tlw New York Sixty-ninth. Messrs, Northrop A Hers propose starling newspaper at Walla Walla, W. T., to be atylrd the WaMiigtoit Sinlivnan. The first Issue will be made about the first of December. Tho Legislature of Eastern Virginia have rhsnged the name of Scott enmity to that ol Davit. We trust that act will toon be of no Kiffecl. jWooi.kx Fai-ronr. A Wnolm Foctory It tt started at Iirownsvlllc, l.lun county. I', R. Ocary, late Superintendent of Indian Af fairs, hat gone Eatl In purchase the machinery. George Wilkes rstlmato the number of Imrtes and mulct connected with the army of the Potomac at about 30,000. Mii.tVAar 1 Oaiuinv. Llenl. Col. Alhe. mar'e ('adv. formerly of lha Hlxlli. now of tlw Krvrnlh Unlteil Ktatrt Infantry, has been nt alirnnl In Iho command of the Portland Mill taty'Irislrld, In place of Col, Ikall,, who it ordirvd Fast, I'oon Whktciik. TheCharlctnn Jbrturii'i correspondent sayt 1 " Wo aru Will . out the friendship of any nation ou tho earth, The only argument by whlcb we can Indu- ei.t IIkhvU their necessities and feart." JaakMBTill PrioM Curreat. lllaHtalMrtlMHNHlarrrt4Tklr Jacoxviijjc, Saturday, Nor. 9, 1861. Wheat, per bushel ........., 40 a ftO M a SO SO a m I mini is 8.00. a a 00 00 14 to 18 ", ao , Rarity, ' . Flour, la ar. sacks, per 1M Iba, . ChlckMs,ar dot.. ;...,.. ...... Corn Meal, per 100 lb. lay,M:r ton tlVMi, tides, clntr, per lb. ,, . t. , du do with Uiae ,. do hams. ...... .,..,,,;,,, do thnuldera. ,,.... ...,..,.. do bog round. Reef, licit, per lb. , f , , , , . SO 121 10 to l j'ora, 00 uu Uultou. du !rd, leaf. In tins, per lb Ml I I I I uu m aega uo , , , putter, froh dairy, do .,..,.,. do ' in kegt, do' ..,,.... Ctiecst, per lb ,.,,.,,,,,. Kgp, freak, perdue, I uiatoot, per lv y ., ., f- Onlout, 4a ..,, ,.., Turnlpa, do ,,,.,.,, .M.1(., a 60 IS H 7jtoe n 3 a la a a Xt 11 b .'1,ft hl A. .,M""1 A Sif-iii if' ' ' '3 fit ' Aopwa, par 11', .,.,.,.. . . Apploa, aw k ,-,,,,.:. ,ff i'lnieu? , sieaawais MU lirtmn Dried AihsI tflVW WIf,1,MV ,( a.:. .1 11.-. i.-..." P:'l I CftUtteH to the Public. JAckaoxVtMje, Nor. 1st, 1801. Whereat n certllloaU) of deposit, dated May If Ik, INI. number .103, for a staled package supposed to contain gold of the value of $1,000 one thousand Mian signed by O. C. Uck man. of Jacksonville, Oregon. In favor of Hcn ry Caitiff or order, baa been lost or destroyed. Now, I hereby caution alt pertont from receiv ing or negotiating tho tame, at Its delivery and payment of said deposit hat been made to me. 42:13 HENRY CALEFF. Diasahattea of Copartaaraaia. IN eonscqiienco of the departure of A. flrmiicN for tho East, the copartnership hcrotofore otlstlmr between the undersigned It this dar dlMolved by mutual consent. J. II. IUko will contlnno to practice at usual. All the accounts duo snld linn hnvu been assigned to hint l,y Mr. It.......... ff tl tlt5,l A. 1IKUUKS. Jacksonville, Aug. 22.1, 1801. 30tf iblea and Tastameats. A SUPPLY of lllbleTand Testaments, In va rious styles, recently received and fur sale at cost nnd charges, nt the depository of the Jackson County FllMe Society In Jacksonville. Win. HOFFMAN, Depositary. June Uth, 1801. FarM Tor Sal SITUATED ON Hi: A It OltEEK, nbonl six inlles from Jacksonville, will tie sold nt private tale. Also, A FARM TO I.K I'. Particulars run bo had or the subscriber, nt his farm on Ikiir Creek. O. D. II OX IK. October. 18.M. 3H:tl .. , i-ii- jsiimiii . - a City Restaurant! JOSEPH WILAND RPJPL'CTFUl.t.Y Informs the citizens ol Jacksoui lllu that he has opened a NEW IIESTAUIIANT, with prices reduced to suit the times, on the Xl.04ad.3r Onaih Mymtotxt., Ilonr.l per week ft 7.00 Slnghi Meat AO Lotting RO Jacksuiiilllo, June 1st, 'ill. 2U:.1m GREAT REDUCTION t ON the First of January, 'til, the prices of WllKKLKII A WiiAox't Mcecrlttag IMCnol&ln.ow were rcduciil ImnttfimnCon the Pacific coast, A f.w of these, tliu Iiesl and cheapest ma chines made, at Kan Pranclsci rates, i:. C. SK-SSIONiJ, Agent. Jacksonville, Jan. W. A2tf WHEELER &, WILSON'S Sewing Machines ! With ull the Titc Improvements. A SMAI.I, awirtment of Ihaabovo niachtnes c Jii-l n-crhej mid for salo at Sail 1'mii clsco prices, addltiK Irelslil. K. O. SESSIONS, Agent. Jacksonville. June 29, 1HGI. 24 STATI ONERY11 BLANK BOOKS, -:,!- Pocket Memoranda, Account Books, Legal and Letter Paper, Pent, Ink, and A GENERAL ASSORTMENT USUALLY FOUND IX Till UUP.tUT.Iir.XT, OX IIAXU A nit Par Nat ar-I.OW.-a WADII.MORUANACo. Pepl.lfiih.18CI. :i;lm. BACON! BACON!! 117K have hit received a sp'cndld lot of f V brlcht, nler. Uinixiim buct n. Two lon of shouldi r fur side In Iota 10 suit, nt r."Jit per pminil. WAUL, JIUUUA. .VLn. Kept. I81I1 1S01. 3G:lm. "PAINTSHOP. CROW & CRANE. H AVISO mnnvrrl to Hie 8IIOP formrrl occKplul by J. K. Arkley, 011 the comer of Fourth and C ttrcctt,arv preparvtltodo all kinds of AXO PAPKII HAXUIXU. EXPEDITIOUSLY, IN THE BEST STYE, AND MOST HKASOXAIILK VBRMa. JjekvonvllW. rii pt. 1H, 1801. .ICMf. JOHN BAKER, BOOT & SHOEMAKER, ftl Xt XI Ooar la F.I Dda IUI00.1, ft On California Street. ylt. ll.VKKU tukia I lilt mithod or inform 111 Ittir hit Iriewls and the imblie uenerullt that ho Is preimrcd to do all kiudt of work In mo 1. no 111 Bootatakiag, tihoemakiag, AM) HKDAIUINti. FINE DRESS BOOTS, -ANn-JIlHer' hhiI i',HrtMera, Ileete, Manufactured in u inurner to warrant tat itfac- tion. at reasonable print. Btir IVrsout Icavintr prdert for work can rely upon having it done al the time promised. Ji Jacktnnille, Sept. 28. 1861, 3"in3 OHANOK JACOBS, ATTORNEY AT LAW FkirHlx, Jutksaii Cauiil', U., WILL atlrnd to hutlnrsa In the Courti ol tint First Judicial District, and in the Supreme Court. Oct. 28:41 1WT9 letirlaex 4 Oppoeit the Fort Oftee. S'liiffliilRW; BlriD CuHAWJ-,'Peari,Peaohei,IuMlouiOrpei, Aim. a eennlna article ol FUh's Hair Haa- ToutTiVKuiid CrinUdora'a Kialtbr liairfiytftt ruiv. 4eKiHiiiriiie, junu ntt...i3m L. H. DEWEY iTJl AS oponed a shop opposite Am M.X Uleinrs, on Calirornia street, Ganung'a drug store, for repairing WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELIt All work warranted lo give satlsfact Jacksouvllle. Dec, tii, 1800. Tf van w ml Dlank Uouks, cull al the J x viufjio k aim arivt) iluve, corner vi "I" IB .0 iou.UvUs. leBJtfM', I.r'ffcaj aBMf"! - mm jP iJ HIM REMOVAL; New Goods CHEAP THK UXDEIISIUSKD HAVING JDOUCIUT TDK -OF- MBSSRS. ANDERSON & (JLEii TOUI'.l'UF.U WITH TIIKItt EXTENSIVE FALL PURCHASED, NOW DAILY ARRIVING, OFFKIt THE SAME TO THE l'UIJLIC At Very Low Prioaa, WIDE, MORGAN & CO. JACKSOI V1LI.E Oct. 2C, 1801. -II J. 11. Wadk, , , ,.E. S. Mono an wm, noit(iii & co., DEAI.EIIS IN GEHERU MERCHANDISE, MttltrU a Hit Wants af Hie Iealll'. TO THE I'L'UI.IO we offku injuci:mi:nts For OfiavH.! Jacksonville, Augus 31. 'CI. 3.':3in LEATHER -AND- SHOE FINDINGS WC shall ho In rrci Ipt of an assortment of Leather and Shoo KludliiK In a fiu Jars, compriMug In wrl, via 1 'Kunta Crux Sole Leather llemloik Solu I'ullicr, I limine Calf i Skins, Frenrh CalfSklns, Colored Lining Skint, Itound-luad Tuikt, Kiramlitcs, Slioo Thread, Ttstt, Fees, Hasps, And other articles Included In this 1-- trtttioiit. lo nhlch u Invite the alleullou of Shoemakers and others. mm, mm & ro. Jaeksnnvllle, Aug 24. 18C1. 32:3m HI. A. IllfENTANO, Orogon flMtsreot, l now riceivlng a regular ueekly supply of ? 'reaua. ? Tiuia Apples, Zeara aad Peaches, And all others In seuon. In addlllon to bis large unit aricd slock of Candies and Nuts, Which "III ho sohl un liberal lcrni, tu suit the limes, lie itlso otrers lu Iho public hit well known nortmcul ol tliu FINEST 1IHAND3 OF CIGARS AND TOBACCO Several hundred LADIES' BASKETS, Visas, VarfkaMry, Toys, And -many other FANCY ARTICLES. JacksMvllkr. August 3d, 1841. 29.lf MtmkoHy Everybody fl$.'y Toe.ero hereby notified that MA CaBbe (vutt ut hit store ou California ttrcel, aiwayt i JaTaMes ( n;r.. aiwss rvuuy w iuiuisu uu vriiu Is. DaT?a.., ;Of every Description, tucb at MimIi In short, ovcrvtlilnar usually found In V afUM Minrn ttmtlltisf urltli Frak Store, toirvlbcr witli u Isrcu and well t. tt. .. -. ataurted slock of iuvi niiH CANDIES AND NUTS. Lovers of Choice TOBACCO AND SEGARS I find the beat qualities at bit counter, II of whlcb will be told at nrlcea to tult timet. October 26, 18C1. 41 lor Malt. ,000 ) 1,1)3. KLOUK at 2S per m. at the mill. For particulars, en W l).F,DOWXL!As'Ut. or i tw l" A C E H N H HXOllIS X Sachs Bros9 HAVING REMOVED TO THKIR NEW BRICK Opposite their old stand, would respectfully inform the public that they hac JUST RECEIVED THK IjAUGEST, MOST FASIIIOXAULE AND DECIDEDLY Tii oiivrot -STOCK OF- DRY AND FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, HOOTS AND SHOES Ever brought tu title lunrket. Ka All arc Invited to favor tie with -tea gvay u call. Wo will show our "Osd CriV (loud ttllh plcnsuru X5a finyinid sell them at -tfta tniircccdciilcil Low Prices. SACHS BltOS. Jackiouvlllc, Oct. 19, 18CI. 30 lM)UCii;.Trf OFFEUEI) TO DEAWiKS IN y THE VIIOVi: GOODS i HOLIDAY GIFTS! i-mnn roe. r CHRISTMAS ND-NEW YEARS i A P TII K VARIETY STORE In Halms Him. Illicit llllllillMg, can bo fnund the cholct-st and mot complete collection eyr o'lered In Juckromlllc, of Xlon-vitlfuJlly- AND XXnuclsio-nioly Xll-uae ti'Atod CJrltt DooUaj, UlLla3ti.xxaef Xo- otlol 'OtToi'lui. 1 -AUtO- OHILDREN',3 TOY8, JEWELRY FANOY RTIOLE8. SHELL CABINKT.aj,l BOXES. til I he l.ntMtVKoaHslk anil Amrrliaii I'lr- loi IsIs, MagMtar Htw uwia cuiisUnllr ast llic Ifilf VAltlETV .STOItE. BLATD OUSEU HOUSE. By George T. Yiiilng. rl,lli; n.-onrleor withes to Inform lil frleinl. 1 and the Irarellns nulilto ceiierullv Hint he Ins purchased I lie alxivu Hotel, fonmrly kept liy O. J. Ktuus. and has uuuly furnUlinl nml tlioiotijtlily relllled the uimu In tliu Unci sljle. r,iiiiial,M nml travelers ilhltnir Knliv title ami Cri'ceat City Mill llud ecclleut aciuiumo dillons at Ibis Hotel. The House Is located nluit mtdnny betnect Jacksonville tnd Keiliylte. 1'vrsoua desirous of enjojlnu n few rik of recreation will Hud ut lhl pUcu uu cxcilU-nt oiiuorlunlly of eajoylng ihcuischcs. rW. . IttGU-Stir. , JMSOWILLi; DRUG ST0K1J. TSOMMON OKBIIR. WEkcepcnnstautly on hand the best nstorif nieut of r XX1.XTCrW. 3VIXlX9ZOXig-XJlf PERFUMERIES, EJV., EW., We have now In store tho LARGEST ASI) II ESI SELECTED STOCK OF DRUGS Kvcr offered In this market, nnd we mean to maintain, by regular Importations, nnd by sell. Ing Iho best arlkles at Iho 1.0 IIV.'.ST CASH I'UICKS, Ilia! leading nosltiou which the Jack touvlllo Drug tiloro has licretoforo held. IIIU.MfOU. X, Jacksonville. Ogii.. Sept. Ti.-M. A Partaor Waatad rno OO INTO DITCIIIMJ and mix. 1 1NU oiH-Mllont on U.V.ICE CltEEK. Having thu principal Water Privileges of that place, und ulsn thu two irlnclil dilthet namely, the ' Eagle Dilcr' und Iho " O'Neil Ditch "nnd wishing u ex lend and enlarge them, I offer an iutcrtst in I hem lo a partner who it potsrued of a mull cusli capllul. For further narllculors. innly lo Iho uudertlcncd. ut the Slate Crcik .Inui. TliUMAS NAIITIN. Oallco Creek, Set. It, D)6 1 . 403 DBeVaJL ANY pcrsot bavlug claim or claims against the uiiiVrslgurd will nretvut them tu An. dcrsou 4- Gnn. nnd Ihry will be cished at slghl. JinCKUl l.lblS ISA 1 1. r. I. Jui With, Auu-t 3, lipl. ;"j,ir HSaei EXPRESS SALOON Y J?, HjtfTNPH. Vpppsiti Ifit Unittit Stales Itoltl, next dwr to Betkman't Eifuu Vfflct, Corntr or Calletrnla an Third Itrtals, IWOVUP respectfully Inform my old friends and the pitUllo (tenerallj tba.t I bare just returned from San Francisco with one of the Beat Selected Steoke mi feetk FOREIGN 8c DOMESTIC Fine Wines, Cordials, Syrups, xra, Era, That hat ever been offered for sale In this part of the country, which I will sell, VWOLESALE, Or In any desired quantity, at a moderate ad vance on coit. Thankful for the patrawtgn I have received for the year, I hope It will continue, as I will rn.tru no rmlu in walling upon my cti'lom er. I lll till orders from, the town or country, so send thoiu, along nnd keep cool. THE BAR Will positively bo supplied with nQ'tc hut the itnj fftf totalities of l.lfiuors and the inotf thoict hrauds or Hegars. lleuKiuhcr the EXPRESS SALOON. V. 11. LYNCH, I'rop'r. Jacksonville, Sept, 1 1, Iliif I. D. IIAINr.S. , ,n. u. lUt.NKt HAINES &BRO. (FOBE-PROOF 8T4508E,) Corner Ciillfornin t Oregon Stt TO THE PUBLIC. Tt' have reduced our prices to suit the TV times. Tor tale, u large aud varied av sortment of CJZKtCMTJMar: JL3M -ANU- Furnisliing Goods. At very low rules, ion ctsil. For sale, 100 catcs and cartoons of Boots, Shoos and (falters, f.r t.ndles, Ont.'s and Children. I'or sale, an extenrlva stock of Men's, Hojt' mid Children's Hats. Koi sale, a full slock of finoo'tiir.. l'or lite, a lure usorlin-iit of Iteit hrands of MQUOKS, WINES, COUDIAliS, HIT. TEUS ANDSYKUI'rf, For rale, Tolmccn, Cigars, Matches, I'loiir, lluttcr, Kggi,nuil Cocntiiv I'mmm: Ker.cmlly. OATiLi AND EXAMINE. FUNKS VABim STORE! Wrl SUr of hllfctulftJ, JatKsomillf, ynnili: can be fouoi tUe I,, of iiaiiva cig aks, TOT5A.CCO, PIPES, OF ALL KINDS, J0QKS ANDJTATIONERY! HOME MANUFACTURE!! l!ni:otirngi! Doiiifsllc Kiitt'iiulM-! 'IIIISitndeHEmd his cnmmenceil the inni. J fAtliiro of the lliaT yL'Al.lTV ClfSAUS at his flints ill the rear uf his store on Cidirornll treet, and ulll Ull orders to nny extent, foi thlsimrkil. Holms nrclml lnolcesi,r lln veryilnest lljiviuiil ToUncco,fronnili!ch his Cigars uro in.itlc. Comii no.) try the Homo Manufaclurid Cigars. The;- iiiu Iho belt in the market. Gi:0. 1'UNK. Jach.omlllf.Mny Uth, ISfil. 17:lf MVKUV AM) SALE ST.VIILES. Curlier ul Cnlltumla noil ruurlli Mrrsls. ltY CI.UG.UJT: &, 1)11 U3I. Ifii TIIISi: STAIIUS arc cen trally locatetl, nml coutenlenl tu tint Union Hotel. Horses ami nml -m will lu Lent by the day or wcck,uii modi rutu charges. The proprietors hno a number of flne BUGGIE & CARRIAGES, l'or one or tno hones, to let omnoiUrato terms. Abo, Good Saddlo liorsos A Mulos which Ihey will let logo to nny part of the coun try, ou rcioiul)Iu krms. Animals Bought and Sold, und horws broku lo tlie mhIiIIu or harness. The lironrletors iiUhI'JO theuiseUe.ln cite tnl Uf.icllou lo all who may favor them wlthac'., Jncktnuvllle, 0;u. Aug. 31. lMf "JWa AeB. .VE Imvo this day sold our Hck nfmerchaii v t duo In Mcs-rt. Mn i.n: .r nun ,. i... .. m continue tho buInes nt iin, nl,i .inn'.i ti,i. mg me communiiy ior Ihelr p-itronage, wo con- iM...-imjr rvcuiu-jienil 3ICSrs. MIIIKII A tlHKV to their faQ,. MAUKY & DAVIS. Ja.KiomlUc, July I, lUU..33tr, COPARTNERSHIP. THK undurslfiied have this day entered Into a Co-partnership for Iho Irar.sactlon or n Genciat .Merch.indlso lliilui,s, undir lhol)lu and firm of Mll.l Kit ,V Owkn. nml hao taken the store lately occupied by Miliiv.V )t is. Tbey are now revelvlng n full stock of goods, ol overy assortment. The putrouage of the public isrespeciiuny roiiciua. a. it. Mii.i.iat, Wm. A. OWEN. Jacksonville. July 2. I860.-2Sir. 'JWsa-jL?j I 6 hercli hereby given lo all persons Indebted to Drs. HOMP3QN A (iltl.'Elt, either by note or T I IIIV till 111 JOHN S. IlltUM (agent for l)r. U. S. Thomp son), or to thu undersigned, at Ibe Jacksonville Drug tiiorv, Cullfornla btreel, Jacksonville, Oregon. 1'ilciids, we have waited on you long and pa llenlly, lint now vwiiry ut viuil hut, or wo will bocomnellcd (Ihouuli rcluctanllv) lo nine., vnnr 110(4 uud nccoiiuls In Iba bauds of thu iirooer oRIccrs for collection. G, W. OREEft. 24:lf Juno ?aib, 1861, Oregon War Scrip. 'iit, I II AVE made arrangements with a rcsponslblo oauiuK siuiimj iu auenu io mo collection Ol .rip iu n ntningion Ully. Having occu- iu puKiuuii oi ivuiei blurt Clurk In nun Ar lha lennrtiucuU during tho war. serin linMnr. uin find mo piearcd to giro all necessary luforma lion relative to their claims. I will also give my attention to potting end rranging books aud accounts. Jr omoe In the Smtinrl liulldlnec. t , HANUM. K. MAY. Jackoo lllc, Junv ;, loi, ;-4f LOVE & BILGEK, Callforule Street, larksotiTillr, DEALER AND WORKER IN TIN. SHEET IRON, COPPER. LEAD AND BRASS, HAVE just received from Iho Atlantic side and San Francisco, a comntctu stock of everything In their line, nnd will keep cputlaut ly ou hand qq aortmcut of the hest Tin. Sheet Iron fc Copper Ware, Brass Plpci, Ilydraulle Noztlo, Korea I'umps, Chains, L,cd I'lpc, loe, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Aad Walls, all Plata ; Dar, Plate nnd assorted Iron ) l'alnts, Oils, a I ses and Glass l Alt qualities of Ponder j bholofall numbers t Ilrushcs of every variety, cte., etc. 3tovosj. Also, always on hand, a large lot of stoves of assarted sites. DUCK'S PATENT COOKINd STOVE, THE NEW WOItr.D STOVE, The two cry best nnd approved patlirui In the orhl. l'arnr, Oflko and Cabin Stove, fancy nnd plain, constructed on latest luel saving plan,. Hollers. Ki'llbs, Pots, puns, nnd crer) thing connected with thefc stoves wm ranted durabh. nnd pirficl. All Articles told by them or iiianiifiirlurcd. V.VIltANTi:i). Their woik Is made or the hot material and of choicest patterns. 4.Urdert attended lo with quickest dis patch, nnd II I led according to directions. In everything, their stuck Is the largest and completes! ever brought to Jacksonville, und they are determined tu sell Cull and examine their stock before purchns Ing elspwlicre. June 23. IH,U..23. GlfYDRUGSfOllE California St.. Jacksonville. DR. A. B. OVERBECK, HAVING just returned frvn Sfan I'rsnclrco, uould respectfully nil the attention ol the public to his new and cxtvuslre strk of PURE DRUGS & CHEMICALS! cu.nsutixh or An assormcut of crude, pulrcr iKu,gragiiioiisniiu iiucturiu TJFLTJGr&l All Ihu most popular :pffivr iii:ih ims oflhudiy. A choice lot of TOILET chemicals, i'i:Hi'u.Mi:itii:.s, iiaiii DVES, l-OMODErf.Oll, HHUSIIErf, SOAPS, l'OWDEUS, t'HEAMS, Ac, Ac, A i'. llrleMy, Hie mot destrnblo stock of the kind ever brought lo Jacksonville. l'lirticiilnr nlti'iilloii pa I it (o compounding till Unleretl l'rt criptloni. All orders from the co'inlrv nddres-cd to Du. a. u. ovi:iiin:cic. IB iW,. Ilrl,q ,SV,,rf ,t..Miiir OrnAn. NJFJ W STOCK! j. nb'ubbi. 'PTAS recently ncelid u large und dlvcrsl J. J. lied nssorltnenl of fS SI-KINU AND WEIGHT pVX? clocics. arm SIU'IIU WATCIIK.S. aSiiilJ8B DIAMOND l,EAItI..VMEI(AI.D,nud CAMEO Sl-Ttf. Together with n splendid lot or other j'lxji: jc.eiti-TPar Drvatt-l'iut. llnxelics, Eur-ltlngs, 1'i-iger IlhiRt, Lutkets, IJiiehleii, Clasps, liruceUts, Slcctc IJuttons, NctUaut, WulchClialnt, L'hatelalnt nnd Heals All of which will be toMM low ricrt und warrunletl. .1. NEUMKIt still enntmv, itEI'Allt WATCHES, JEWEI.UV and CLOCKS, us heretofore, In tho best manner and ii dis patch. All nillclet in hit line Manufactured promptly und witli neutners. Cull mid nv his doe k nt the old stand, comer of Third and California slrccls. Jacksonville. dltf. Reduction in Prices! BEST WORK DONE AT ICWEET HATES. BLACKSaUTUING 'PIIIJ iinderslgncil nnuouncei to present pa 1 troiu und lliv luilillc thai he has le- a. Iroiu und lliv pulillc Ihal he has ie duccd Iho pi Ice for ull kinds ol woik luv?j hit Hue, lo conform tu the linus, XXXSs JBXXtOX Is In the building formerly occuplel ly Wm llillke, on ttiliformii Stntl, iirrty Elite Ciuj- jtiie Sf rum 4 ouwi. l.u'ry Hvies 01 uoi k done lu luc best manner and with quick dispatch. I'lougli Irona in ml c nnd repaired UAGOV, CIRRIAGC .10 STAGE WORK I'xecuti'd In lliv neatest and strongest manner. Mining Toolt, Picks, Hart, Jtc, made to order, of Iho very best materials, In me most npprotcu tiyics. Particular attention gl en to " Il()llSi:.SIIUKI.G, J for which the prlco It reduced lo 63 and (1-1 the m.TT. 1'UkTict uado uud fltU-U exactly to older. Ills slock of Iron and Steel Is of first quality, and ull work dune at his shop wjuuMNmi. AI.EXANDEU MAUTIN. Jacksonville, Match tl, 18(11. rali9.8:tf Dissolution of Copartnership. fpilE general copartnership heretofore exist X. ing under Iho iiamo uud slylo of FEH UUSON .t HOWAUD.iliilnj; general busl nest on Allhouso Creek nnd Josephine county, huvo I hit day dlssolvtd by mutual consent. All accounts duo the Arm must be paid In Wm. It. Ferguson, and all uccouutg uguinst the firm will be willed by him., FKKOUSON. WM.JIOWAltD. Atthouse Creek, Oct. a, 1661. 41 iU BTotloe. ALL persons indebted to me are requested to make Immediate narment. Thou lml.llnt, demands agalnt me will pivsent them. a41 EtJJI ALUEUT IIAUMIART. Jatlsoatllc, Auj. Vt, ISO!, 3,'ir TRACY A COS OREOOIV EXPRESS. CONNECTING WITH WELLS, FARGO & OO. TO CALI70XM1A, ATLANTIC STATES, AND EUKOPEI Treasure, Parcels and Packages forwarded In charge of Mcssiugcrs. Goods Purchased and Commissions Ailed with Promptness. Notes, Prnjts, Dills or Accounts ColKctrd. Wells, Pnrgn A Op's checks on Uan Franelcu nnd their DriifU on Indon, Paris, Dublin or the principal cities In the Atlnnlli) Stales, Can be obtained nt nny of our Offices. Ofllcos and Ageata. Portland ..Welti, Fargo A Co, Ilradford A Co. Slocking A Co. llaldnlnA Wlillmnti. N. II. lugalls. J. I) Crawford. Cascades. Dalles , Walla Walla Oregon City Champocg iiuiicviiio .1'. A. Mathews. Pa v loi. . . . . Williams A Mnnencoll. ..ll.-lll, ,.... . IIUUIIll. Corvnllis -Slock It Kautmau. .J.IIUe.iil. i '. m Mliany .Slulbv A Co. hugeno tily.. llsi W. A. Alter. u.ikinnii .Iord.PelersACo. ! 11. A. Ilnrlon. , Perrv . Wild,- .V (,'o. Ilosclmrg t'unynnvllle Jiickeouvllle , ... , .- . 1 . Ueckinnii, Evp'i, i:. W. TIIACV CO. prll 27 !m SAND'S SARSAPARILLA. Purifies ll.c D.'ood. SANDS' SAKSAIUIUI.A Cures Scrofula. SANDS' SADSAPAI1II.I..V Cures Stubborn Ulcers. BANDS' SAItSAI'AP.ll.I.A Curci Htruumout CompUints, SANDS' SAHSAl'AUII.LA Cunt Mercurial Dl.'cuics. SANDS SAUSAPAIMI.I.A II Never Kulllt. Ask l'or SAND'S SAItSADAIULLAl And lake no other. Prepared by A. II. ic D.Hamm' Drngptslt, Kin Pulton ttrcel. corner id William. N. V. l'or tolo by ltEMNO TON tc CO.. Sun, II. A II. Mi DONALD A CO., JUSTIN GATES ic DUO.. Sarmniento, THOMPSON & UUVA'M. -12 I in .Inidtsoiiylllf. Agricultural 2:'.r,'T!,ir: - omenta. VI.A DOE nnd varied assortment of Agrl cultural Imph incuts, of ull kind', on haul iml constantly nrililu, for rule ou Ihc im-rt favoiublu tenni and ut the lowist city pricia. J. D. ARTHUR &. SON, Xtupovtovs c 33oalorai, Corner ol Washington nnd D.ilt Streets, SAN I'ltANCISCO. 41 To (lie Shippers uf Sunllicrn Orrgon. Txxm lacxxooKnaxx mm m;ii;u.B, J. II LEEDS, Mastciu It now pcraiancully ou the rouiv lo n.l (mm Sun Fraticlkt'e and Hoottabttrn Ttrnu liijU (wan houu dues nnd nil nthtr charges liieliiiKd) I'mm Sin I-'ranc-bco. dellv rid lolliu uugons,tl!l OO. Jln rrelghl, from L'mpqua to San Pnuiclu, $7 SO. Slir.Mi WltKJIIT. Sle-i.rl si. Wlinif, Sun I'runcisco, VANDKKIIOSCll i CO., n Agouts, Can onillle, Oregon. August 17. 1SBI. .tlltf BEEKMAN'S C. G. BISEKMAN H AVISO ltrjJl'MI'.l jas:m:jB I aviso iiksimi:ii Tin: BANKING BUSINESS, at his old stand, In JnchsonWIK continued dur. Ing Ids nbsenco nt Iho East, by Wm. Hnrnuy, K-t.. will conduct the business as before. Tho Express leaves Jacksonville by the Call. ifornla Stage Co.'s coaches for -XTIaWaEsIeHVL and connreltng with WELLS, FARGO & CO.'S Express lo ull parts of California, tho Atlanllu States and Europe, GOLD DUST BOUGHT I! procured, payablo In any of tho Atlantic clltts, Canadus, or Europe. Sight Bills of Exehaagt MmurmrrmrMts ataiaai Erocured from any Express or Post OflSco In allfornia. Collections made, and everything np)rtatn Ing to tho lUprom biuluess prompt ly attended to, Partlaulnrallenllou iiatd to filling Orders of overy dvsorlpllw, nt reka, and any point be- lun. Tho iuxtron?e of tho nubile Is nuncolfulh so. Uclletl. Jacksonville. Peccmber Al, lS'iS.-ol. k1lC'. To all wkoat it stay Oaacara. A 'SUIT for a Divorce twin enir prndin; Mftrivn the undersigned and MAHY T. LOO A Ni hit wife, nil Krsont am forbidden lo credit her on my account, GEO.E.LOUAX. Wuldo, Josephine County, I sepicinnor n, leoi. ( arpanuT rt 'j . 'i ' TUST1UES ULANKS lor taloet J?" 1 wy y 2 V I J4 Vx v .f-v.;-" 'U TUIS OrTlCE