CT5jJ k if t ?4 TIE OREGOH SEHTWEL, "To m iimcscr akd ntMUKUKcr or Tocn Vmox, a GovraitmixT run tui wnout is t.D! next tat." IliisAfiijfai. Iiit of Aienti for the Oregon Sentinel, who ro aulhorlicd to transact any btnlncss eoncerulng thlt paper, In tbo name if the pub- Hubert ( L. P. Fisher Wadwnrlh & Uayuc. San Franetreo. ircla Arhlaud. Marburg Oasburg Apple-gate Wllllam'burg Kerbyvllle , Waldo Kcrtitrvllle Waldo . Althnusc Sterling Cuivvunvllle Ilorcburg IIII.II.IIM ! .IMM Salem KugcneCtty. Oregon Clly. Albany. J. M. McUIII O. Jacobs. i t.C. Davenport... W. V. Fowler It. . Dunhvp John I'. I'rlndle A. II. Mcllwaln W. V. Rlnctinrt II. J. Forties 'Vol. M. Kvan T. Smiley Harris James It. Wade KuRti Mietlory J. 1''. McCoy Isaac IL Moore. , V. U. Elltworlh P.Cbarman D.W. Wakefield JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY, - - - NOV. 0, 1801. Keen brer it In mine tlint It I Die iTuty of every American cllltcn, whether native or foreign-born, without ri-gard lo part political associations, lo give tbe Fctlrral Uovcrnmctit loyal support during tlio rebellion. It l not the Administration ai an Admlnlilratlon, bnt tic embodiment of our Institution, which it latltlcil lo obedience. Who U or who it net President or Secretary of a Depart ment I of but little eonieepicncc in the present altitude of evcnti. lie lias no more at (lake In llic present coutctt than bai the humllcl cilltcn, for the pence, prosperity and Impplnets of all would be wrecked by the overthrow of our Government. In the tratid nclicnic of American nationality, Mr. Lincoln's rtgimt will be a m re point, of Inilgnlficrnec as lo time, but ol Inconceivable Importance as test' lug the patflotltm of the people nm! thr strength of rrpnblirnn Inilitntluns. It It not Ms policy wc arc nrpilnd lo pursue, nor the intertill of Ire party by whlili he was nomi nated we oru to lubrrrvc. lie neither leads iiur originate public .cutlnicnt. He It not the author of popular duty. Loyally lo the (,'nvcrnnKiit Is loyally to ourMlvet ; and In the Constitution, which it over all, and belongs In 'I, do wu find the measure of our duly. TliU war mutt be fought to n victorious eoncltulon. If Mr. Lincoln does not do It, Un people will. If Ihti generation Iran it uii iloiic, the next "III tly to arms and ueeomptiih iX,V7.v W W Anttrkvr thmHifct r.V Union mid, r the Constitution It cttabllshrd forcrvr. Abandon It In-day, and to morrow u GurilmMi will lend the popular licit t to reitoic it. Such ideui never die. They become the niothu poi r of tuition i and, until the mem ory of tlio lit volution, and the glory and pros perlly of the country under the Constitution, shall hae bun forgotten by mankind, I lie American hi art will cling lo the large destiny which bounds the Union by the ocean and rnudr the Miubslppi ours frim its source to tbe Gulf. It matters not, then, who Is the lender In Ibli war, fjii Ion;; M hu holds his cfli 0 liv. virtue of the Constitution, ,c must he suitnlnid in nil vigorous iff nl to mulutivln the Union optiosrd only when he fallen or hrsitatet in pursuing that end. What we Want. Wu clip the fillovvliu; from I lie Ilinghamton Dtmoerat, a known Democratic journal, which speaks the sent imrntt of Union men iu New York, at well at Union Democrats in every oilier Slutc : San Frandico lloaUh Here are llw coneeuiooi wc arc in favor of it riot im i I, We wanl the Southern Sklc lo conced-' that ours is a Government Indeed, uud not u inrre compact Ixlwecn Slates. 'I. We wunt them to concede that a State roiinot dltMilvc lis connection with this Union I lis own pleasure. 3. We wunt them to concede that this Gov rr.imcni hut a riiihl to eulurce its law and protect its properly. 4. We vvunl ibem In concede that it is the duly of lids Government In retake from south em trillion its stolen Torts uud urscnuls. 5. We want tin in In concede (hut o'd Abo wnt constitutionally elected, sod had a right to his seal. 6. We want Ihcm lo concede that the re nihil Slolts have violultd the Connliliilion, ni.il, while ihey are in nrmiil r hellion agalnt its authority, it is the duly ol tliu Guunumnt lo put that rebellion down, 7. We want tin in to concede that the luk ing of the Federal forts and firing upon our flip are nronvt that khould be utomd for. 8. We wunl them to concede that northern creditors have s rlfht to sue for and collect their ilematwls in southern courts. 9. We wnut limn to concede Hint they have no riflit In lur and feather every northern cil lui that goe among them, 10. We want them to concede that It la the duty of this Government to hang or shoot eviry traitor scoundrel In It, And in demanding all these Ihlnjs do we ask the South lo make a sinsrlo concession which ibr Constitution of the Uuittd Slate d's no! r quire of them ? Pkckaskp Soi.Dian'a AcrnuxTs, A circu lar but been iMiied from the Treatury Depart n nt in relution lo the accounis ol decerned soldiio. The widow of an officer or private it entitled lo recclvo the money due. If there be no widow, the pay goe In tin Ir children or llieir puardiuti j If Ihe soldier dies nnmJr rled, I l.o father, mother, brother and sitters, or I e'rs In general rro'ivo the same smonnt due, at tlio esse nviy be, Written applica tions mnt be mnde under oath, addressed lo Vmh B, French, Record Auditor of tlie'J'rcas u:y Deairlnienl, Wsslilni;ton. Jols J. Crittenden, the Union Warlione rf Kenlnrky, now almost many yean I'e iry Clay in Ihe publie service, in spile of ndvaneed a;e, I Ihe first private in the Frank lb t I Ionic Guard, and has decluicd bll luleo- lion to bo inlet Camp and remain In service until every rebel to dilrcn from the toll of, KCUtUlXy. Liixm or tuk 1'km doc not mean ex emption from all legal rettraiat, with perfect ess mrntnelnet liberty to pervert I lie train, and to publish false and icnrrllloui mailer of any kind, With mallcloui or corrupl motives, to defame private character, corrupt the publio moral, or encourage sedition or re bellion wills Impunity. The freedom of Ihe pre mcini exemption from censorship not exemption from responsibility fur doing; nsiithltf, bf tbe proportion of fslwhood, scurrility, or doctrines and principle tend ing to produce or entourage vice, sedition or crime. Legal freedom mean freedom (o do right not liberty to do wrong with Im parity r it Hcatw liberty to publish what I Just and true, at' woper time and in a proper manner, and not llbcriy to publish even the truth, to the Injury of the pntllt, or to the In Jury of private, unoffending eillxcns. There i a wide distinction between freedom of the press end its licentiousness. Tbe power to re strain ttic latter It recognized In many of the Slate Constitution In about the following wonts: "Every clllr.cn may freely speak, write and publish lilt tcntlmcnt on all sub jects, being responsible for tbe abuso of that right." This I In accordance with tbe com mon law, and i the law of all the Slate. To criticise the policy nnd mtimtres of the Government, and point out their mors and evil tendencies, or supposed evil tendencies, in a proper tone and patriotic spirit, It proper ot all lime l bn U thi mtdft of trar, wlicq tl; .'.a'.lcn 1 In a critical condition, Iu denounce the leading measures and policy of the Ad ministration at unconstitutional, tyrannical nnd wicked and to do to lo gain a parlizan advantage, in a mode which tends to weaken and dcttroy the Government, shows a disloyal and corrupt partisan spirit, which it inconsist ent with the welfure of the country. Snch If cent iousncM may be foteralcdin time of peace, without very great danger : but in times like the present, it tends to sow Ihc seed of de tention, treason and rebellion, among jicoplc who would othcrwhe be loyal, to discourage rultstmenli and loans to Ihc Government, to encourage and aid the rebels, nnd lo paral;xc the efforts of the Government to prosecute tlio war successfully. Snc.1i was tho case with Ihe New York Day Hook, the I)iiisville Conner, nnd other lvaitcrn journals, and the publie safely Imperiously rcipilrcd the adop tion of extraordinary ineamrcs to prevent their tranrmi'slon through Ihe mulls, and It was, therefore, promptly done by the Ad ministration. KO Thk WriTisn! Aniv. There li every In dication at present that Ihe Government will provide nn army for thlt Department sufficient to meet Ihc foe upproaclilng from the South, or to be pursued South. Krcry dny a new regiment marchei into this city nnd quarters ut H'.'iitoii barracks. The l'lilUlclphlu lluU lil In of the II III ay! Tie destination nf most of Ihc noiv colon. 1'iT regiments of Iiinvlvjii'atn will proba bly be the Wett. It is already stilted In I'llttliurir tlint n new brigade, under Geneia' N'egley, Is onlcreil to join General Fremont. This brigade consists of the regiment of Colo nels lliimbrliiht, Sliimbuu;h nnd Sim ill. n battery of fix piece of artillery from Krh. Mini n cavalry company from I'lilluilelih'a oillul fie, No.-liv GiunU. The Forty 111 Is re-glmrnl, uneler Colntii-I Webb. Is eirdend lo ihe Xt'esl m'sh, nnd ntbrr rrtfiui'-nts will jiro ewl us rnp'dly us piwt'.b'o In thet mini diree tton. I'roluibly n many IVmoylvauIuu will be sent to Kentneky ns to M ifsouri. Heretofore mnni of the I'eniinylvnn'a reel nietils Inivr txi'ii emptoje'd on the lino of Iho I'litnmac, from Willl.iii)oil down Id A lev andria. The forco Ihe re bi'log suflleiiul, e are very glad to Irani that the new regiment' arc lo be sent we-stwartl. Tl.erc is ns gmit it work to ! done In Kentucky,ln MIssmiri and ulotiL' the Mlsriwlnpl, as Ihero it In Virginia, and the galUnt so'diert of lVnn)lvanla will rejoice to fiiihl alongside of their Western Ilrcllm n In ih fense of the Union. It'is evi ihnltliat llic Govirnmnit it eleUrnilned to have Ihc army of Ihe We-st put on at flue a footing at that of the l'otouuc. and will cn deavnr lo have iticli reformi Inlroluiid a have been introduced by General McCIellan since bis arrival In Washington, Thu vi.ll of Secretary Cameron lo St, lmli probably lnul reference lo lhh, nnd thu ordering of I'liiusylvanla troop u the Witt show that it It determined to haec a very large army Iu Kentucky and Miffourl. Wa Scntr. Wc clip the following litter from the Uitgoiiittn : WAtlllSHTON, Sepl, '.'.1, 1PM. " The bondi are finally e ngraved und ofllcers are nt work upon them. They or.' In three de nomination! of 30, $100, S.'iOO, the first Imv In; nineteen cnuxin attached fur annual liv lerest, and the second and third have thirty I ic counoni nttuelied for umi annual luleresl Inlerett being alloweil only from July 1 ,1HC1. The couMini, you will perceive', Im-Iii mi' nnul nn Ihc 630 bonds, and Mini annual nn ihe 8100 and 8300, arc of lhc nature or thtn planters on the Government, of 83 and 81.1, lo be ihtuelied from lime lo time, at the Inter est fulls due, vi s 1st of Juimarr and 1st of July, of each jenr. from 1802 to 1881. These coupons are eacli about 1 '. or 2 indies wide, by 3 or 3J long, and call for 33 or 815, as tin, rni m.iv lu. n( nor Treuiiirv nAlii nf tin Unltetl Slates, and will pass in Ilank Hills of thews de nominations, I lie body ol lite imiiuI Is engnired und prlntci) in blnn ink, like a fjind Warrant ; nnd is about 20 by 12 Inches in size. The bonds will not iuuo in Ihe name of Ihe assignee unless properly transferred. Wiikrrabovti or Ilnr-rKiNBinoit. The Louisville Dtnwcral, of the 14!b Oct., ha the following interesting newt i Wo hum from unquestionable authority, that John 0. Hrecklnridge, Col. Win. Fret ton, Geo. W. Johnson, Lucius Desliu, Colonels John S. William. Ilttwet, Judge Mooie, and other nolublet In the Secession ranks, are at Frcstonsbnrg. Floyd County, Kentucky, or gan'zlng a large rebel ramp. They have euthcrcd around them a force of six or seven thousand men, and are drilling Ihcm eight hour a day, They arc rciortcd to hare tome cannon, and are provieliil with other arms. Mr. Ilrcckinridgc and Col. John S. Wil liam made a trip to Hlchmond recently, und returne-d In their rriuUzvous at Preston last Tuesday, Tlicy arc engaged In Ihe work if alarming tne p op; ui mu iuwiiiwi j m iiil,ilor incredible stories a to tho intention of the Government, a'd are using every means, fair and foul, to win follower 10 meir camp. It ! lime tbeto men were looked after. Tbe-y aro tho chief traitors, because of tbelr Influence for evil. Ut tho Government teo that a re quisite force I promptly p'aced In Ihe mouu- luins, wnere ine union wn man in driving thew traitors from Kentucky oil." A rsi.iw advertised in Boston tl at for four ihilling remitted he would send leant!- fill annmrt'd norlrallt of Gecree Wull'nilton n,t n.i.t until l'raiiklin. and bud the Impel- dene-' to forward lo hi victim three and cue- teem j-'jiuj,'. in.-. BYTEXEQrRAPH. Exasrcitlr fr the Oregon 8Mtiiiel From Sentinel Extra of Monday, Nor, 4th.) Qutxcr, Illinol, Xor. lit. The St. Leal tttpnMUan of yetterelty ha the following dispatch, dated, Fremont's Head quarters, SprlngBeld, Mo., Oct. 38 1 Fremont and itaff arrived bereyeilerday t ahw Denton' Cadet, Col. Crr' cavalry, Major nolau.'e narpMeoteri and Blgera command. The Joe of Frretoetl Body Guard, la their elesperate cbargo ol Frldsv lait. mu 10 killed, S3 wounded and 68 Dilating 3 of the wounded bare ilnce died t doubtlest many of tho mil ing will report themselves. The rebel lo I Hated at 10 killed 400 wounded. They were commanded by Col. A, 8. Johnson (of Call' fornln), Fraxer, l'rleu and Turner tbe latter two reported killed. The St. foul Democrat say Col. Allen, Quartermaster Western Department, I toem harassed for want of money that be hai threat ened to resign. Wasiii.ioto.i, Oct. 29. Ocn. Stone ha pabllslicd hi rrport of the battle of Diell'a IllurTs. lie aya that linker acted wilb Indis cretion and exceeded hi commands, but per formed hit duly with unexampled bravery. The report of the Intended resignation of Scott and McCIcHsn Is contradicted. Washington, Oct. 30tli,-.t li understood tfcM MvC'hltau but limed order for shooting four soldiers who have been found guilty of ilcrplng on their picket posli. Nkvv York, Oct. 31 it. The Jury on tho Savannali plrato ease could not agree eight for conviction, four for acquittal and were discharged. A merchant of Brooklyn named llrownell visited Ueanregard nt kit headquarters, one mile from Fortress Monroe, on Wcdnciilay last, nnd converted with Mm. Beauregard said lie preferred acting entirety on the defen sive, tatlsfkil of n repulse of the Fcflcral army whenever it made an advance of Importance. lie warmly denies that alien wire prevented from leaving Virginia. In regard to Kentneky, It It tinted at Washington that Gen. .Sherman ilecm 200,- 000 men neecsrary, though hu It willing lo fight the enemy with what ho has. No targe bodies of Iroope ran be raised In that Slate, and its defense mutt devolve on the free States. DISPATCH OF TUESDAY. From Sentinel Extra of Tuctday, Nov. Slb. Yhkka, Nov. hi. Washington, Nov. 1st. Tbo following let tcr was received from Gen. Scott by the 1'ica ident, Thursday, V. M.s IlKAiiqtMnnns, Nov. 1st. 7b oil. Simon Ctimtroii i Sir ! Fur more than three year I have been nnablo to mount n horse, or to walk more than few paces at n time, nnd that with pain. Other new Infirmities (dropy at.d vertigo) ad monish me that repose of mind and body, with the appliances ut surgery and medicine, are necessary lo add a little more lo a life al ready protracted much beyond the uuial span ol man. It Is umler inch clrcunitiineei',made ibuli'y painful by Ihc uiiuattirul and unjinl rr lisln ijjvv raging tn'Soulhern States of oui so lately protjveroui ond happy Union, that I nm coinpelletl lo rnpirst that my name In placcd on the list of army officers retlreil from active service. At the request is fuunded on an abtolutc right, giantcd by a reran! act ol Congrr, I uni entirely ut liberty lo say il is with deep regret that I withdraw myself in these momentous lime from Ihe order of n ('resident who has treated me with much dis tlngulrhed kiudncii and courtesy, whom 1 know, upon much personal Intercourse, to be a patiiot, without sectional partiality uud pre judices, to be highly conscious of the perform mice of every duly, and of unexcelled activity and perseverance. And to you, Mr. Secretary, whom I now bfflclally address, for the last time, I beg to acknowledge my many obliga tions for the uniform high consideration I have recelvei) at your hands ; and have tbo honor to remain, tlr, with high ropcel, Signed Wixrin.n Scott. A spcelsl Cabinet council wa convened to tuko the subjsct into consideration. It was decided that Ihe request, umler ceinsleleratlun eif ihc General's ndvuuceil age and Infirmities. could not bo declined. Gen. .tlcuclluti was thereupon, by unanimous agreement, notified lliut Ihe command of the army would be dc volveel upon him. At t oMuck, Friday after uoon the Cabinet waited on tbe I'resideutianil attended blm to the resldviice of Gen. Scull. Ik'Ing seated, the I'reshhot read to the Gen eral the follow Ing order : "Upon Ihe lit of November, 18(11, and npjn his own applica tion to tho 1'rrsldcnt of Ihe United States, llrcvct Lieutenant General WlnBeld Scott is ordered to be placed, and ! hereby placid, on Ihe list of retired officer of the army of the United State, without reduction In lit curicnt pay, tubiistrncc or allowance. The American people will hear with tadncst and deep emo tion that General Scott ha withdrawn from the active control of the army, while the Pre Ident and unanimous Cublnet cxpicst Ihelr own and the Nation's sympathy in bit person al afflictions, and their profouud tense of the imnorlunt publio services rendered by him In lit long eud brilliant career, among which will ever gratefully bo distinguished his faithful devotion to tho Constitution and Union and the flag, when aisallcd by parricidal rebellion. Signnd A BKAiiAM Lincoln. Gen. Scott then arose and addressed tho I'resldcnt and Cublnel, who bad also arisen, a follows i " Mr. l'rcsldeot, Ibis honcr over whelm me f It overpay all service 1 have at tempted to render my country. If I had any claims before, they are all obliterated by an expression of approrul by Ihe President and Ihe unanimous support ol in uauinci. r en I know that the country hu placed It Inter est! in thi crlili In safe keeping. Their cob- c'ls are wise 1 their labor are a enuring at Ihey are loyal, and Ihelr course tbe right one. Mr. President you muit excuse me j I am uoablu to Hand longer to give utterance to Ihe feeling of gratitude which oppres me. In my retirement I (hall offer my prayer to God for thi Admloiitration and for my country. I (ball pray for It, with cooSdenee for IU sue cett over all enemlr. and Meat speedily." Ih. Prnldi-ut I bin look leaf Of Ut. ieolt, glvlnif blm hi hand, itvlnv i He hoped M"" ' to wr te blm a private Irllrr exprartlvc of Die1 gratitude ami apprtciaiiou. QvixcT, HI-. Nor. 3d. 'lite Louisville Journal of Oct. 30th k the detail of a tklr- mlali between. Federal and Kebel troop at Saratoga, Man conaly, on Oct. 24th, between a company of rebel cavalry, under Oept.W. D. Wilcox aad a company of rebel mhnlry under Capt. Wake, and 200 Federato, omWr Maj. Phillip, of tk;Klnttt llllessk Major Phillip took the trailer by erprie, kllllag from ten te twcnty.'loeludln; both Wilcox aetl Wake, aad taking 40 prisoner, 68 gain, 2 wagon, a large amount of provisions, a negro driver, and 80 bone. Tbe victor wa complete. The London rimes tayi Ihe blockage of Southern porti li now rBeettd, and Ibat lor clgn nations are bound to reeognln the block ade. It also thowi .that the cutting off of Ihe cotton supplies I tbe work of the South at much a tho North, and It also teem quite truo that all cotton exportation ha ban forbidden by tlio Confederate Government, in order that foreign nation, especially England, may bo forced to take tides In the American quarrel. THUKSDAY'S DISPATCH Nxw YonK, Nor. 4, The New Jersey brig ade marched Saturday morning. They will doubtlcta complete preparations for tlnppii"- tticpatinge of rebel Into .Maryland Ui.dcr lo'rr.c Mtltrln. A schooner from Savannah reported that on the Slit October she raw a fleet of thirty iteamcrs, but r.o sailing vessels, bound South. All the regiment of the army of Ihe Poto mac have their camp equipments, wagons, mil mats, and other appurtenances, ready for luk ing the field at nn hour, notice. Cimi'Innati, Nor. 4. Advice from Gen. Itoscncranx are up to the evening of the 2d On Friday the enemy openeel Are with two guns from a point opposite (Janley terry and Camp Tompkins, and a fire of musketry, they iiiccccdcd in linking Ihe ferry boat, and threw about forty shells In Ihc camp of the 11 th Ohm ; but titled none and wounded only a half dozen. Tic boat was raised that n'ght and commmttealltii owned, The posidon cf forcet Saturday evening wai ns folluvvt j The rebels wero In posies slon of the west bmk of New Itlver. Gin. Sclienek's brrgmle wa a few mile above the Junction and New Itoek, on the coil tide ol New Itlver. Gen. Cox' brigade, nnd Gen. Iturcncranx't quarters near the Junction ol the rivers nod between them. Gen. Buiiham's quarters were below the Junction, on the rlght bank of Ihe river. Floyd' force Is believed to be ",."00 men. It wai thought In camp that Scliciick't and lloiiham' brigade would be thrown ncrom the river, and below Floyd, and e-ateh him. The ou of Ihe- ti-n'rnpli communication wai oeeailoneel by the alarm of the operator, who when he heunl the filing opened, sent a hasty dispatch to Clarksburg, announcing n battle, nnd then commenced to move his eiffice up Ihe Gauley. He was two or llirce mile's up the river when overtaken by onler from Hoteiicrnnlx In return, nnd while returning his wagon w a driven over a precipice, nul Ihe apparatus elolnrywJ. .'l.vivvil.l.K. Ky., Nov. -ttli. A pentVman of that city from Gauley bridge on Saturday morning, rrporlt that Floyd had cut a rood around tho hill where Uscncranlx wai en eampteil, and shelling hl camp, llojcncruntx was rclurnlux lhc fire and had silenced l ballet Ics. He nln sent a detachment up the new road lo attack him In the nnr. He rays Floyd is completely unrounded. No 1 era's kllleil when the' gentleman left. Al.nxv. N. Y., Nov. 1. Thurlow Wenl and Archbishop Itughet are about starting fur P.ngland, to endeavor to counteract the operation of Southern Commtstlnncrs, nnd to prevent recognition of the Southern Coined eraey. It It understood Ucucral beott goes nut on tho steamer Government hat contracted with parties In Philadelphia for the cnnttruclion nf an Iron clad steiimdilp, 210 feel long, 78 feet beam, and 30 felt In depth nf hold, lo be armed with sixteen of the largest rilled cannon. The keel has been laid, Coiwivtiox is Mkxii'ii. -Thu following Is frnui the Muutluu cuinrpundeul of the' Wu.lll ! Gen. James Shield, recently of your city, It lure on a prospecting lour asorl or colo nl&Ulon and miiilns i-nlertirlse. Thu General is now in the interior, .nrur Durungo, wlierc are locnteel tome run surer mines, in vuncn la- bus Imvii nleresteil. It is hi inlentloii lo se cure lumb) ihi the Fuerle river, ami etnblih a colony, which Is lo be supported by the lolnl Interest of minim: and airrirullurc. This it all very well Ihe scheme It well cunceived, ami llioluneU rich in everything neeeHil iy a new iHnnle. Hut there is one grand and great obtlucla to overcome before llw enlerprlKi can hn for a moiety of succtss. und that is, dii'P, keartfell uud natural haired of this o success, unit mat It, the race to all foreigners, particularly American. To ovircomc thlt there it but one way. There can be placed no reliance on the nromUe or iirofefcsloui of frlcndthlp from till pe-nple-. The cutcrpriio muit have within Itself all the element of sell defense, ond from Ihe very be itlnintr. exhibit Ihe dUernilnatlon and the power to hare II rlvlils rcpcclcil. Tho teal ouslv and incessant ntttv aniioranec which come, mil from Iho ixior clurses, but from those clothed with any power, aro enough In lliemsclve'a to break up the uet anil most com pletely organized selu me that m tve-r tried since the uov when the old Greek and Koman colonial system wai In its glory. General Shiv'eli Is u Good man, with treat uilnilnln- tratlve abilities, and immense influenco with just that data of men (principally Irish) moil raluablo In such an undertaking. A man, or a nation, who found a colony in a country like lisle, occupied only by semlwvaues, ex tends, by so doing, the empire ol civilization to an IndtfixJl oVwrce. itd deterve tbe sun- port of enry Christian people ou tbe face of me carlo. Tux I'i.ax or tiik IIxukiji. We cannol believe Ihe plan at ltichniond 1 for tho lin nene Southern army lull ly on or neur the Polumao rillier to attack Washington or winter in Virginia. They know that they cannot attack Washington with success, ami lliey know loo that the whole subsistence of Virginia is eaten out. Such an army thai of toe Pototnae could not subsist through tbe winter in Virginia, Notoriously the Impres sion In Ihe minds of the officer and men I that they are to find their ntuttr quarter in Ktntutkv. The sumo impression pervade the mind of the people o Virginia i and what to more, it pervaeki Hie mlod of Ihe leading Hecettloaistt of thie Stale. Tbo 8ecrlonlt( ofparowBRelehborbeod. end wa doubt not all of the nelgbberbanito of Kentucky, fiilly brlkv Ibat Ike CmiHiWrate amy in Virginia Intends pecunrlivfr (Mir. Klalr t''miah the ap proaching Winter, leu'iv'V.t Jvunml, The r.O.C.U Ohio. tFrom.IlK Columbus JoHrntl, Oct. 8lh. Il lit long been kaowti that a gang of " Confederate' calllod H Knight of (be Golden Circle," bare beta Meeting tbe whole country. That they were working secretly in Ohloirslntt the war and the Government hai alee been known. We have been In poece- Ion of thew bathe, tbelr grip, their peas-word, and cipher fur secret enrrefpoudenee, for more linn a month put. But knowing that the officer of the Government were upon their track, we refrained by reqnctl, from any pub lication of the document that bad come Into our pcerMlon rrom Rncrreeti "rcliatjlo" source, 'llic Mnrihal of the Nortbern District ha made a " desetnl" upon them he assaulted one of their rwetles" In Marlon yesterday, and bore off a "commnnder " a a prisoner to tbo Clcnvcland jail. Their record was also telard. The excitement in Marion I Intense. Publie Indignnlion I aroused. But remem ber, fellow-citicens, that the rente vicious nod treasonable organisation I everywhere nmong ut. The man Court, who wai arretted, Hated that there are nine hnmlreel of them in Colum bus I Arouse, friends, and crush thi villain ous conspiracy ngatnst our counlryl Below arc found th sworn statement upon which tbe Marshal made Ihe arrest. I, Sutnual Cheney, of Marlon county, Ohio, of lawful age, being first duly iworn, depose nnd sy that on the evening of October 3, 1861, 1 wa at Carter's Mhoof'iiome', In Green Camp Towns':'-,, in sold county, and wlthoth rr? present, being deslrout of ferreting out and exposing a secret association knonti ns " Knight of Ihc Golden Circle," called one Peter Hopklni, who wot present, out of laid tcliool bouse, nnd after some preliminary talk, It wa arranged that I thuuld be Initiated iu regular form, said Hopklni informing me that tic wai a regular member ( whereupon we proceeded to a wagon some little distance Irom the school house, and in raid wagon 1 wot eluly Initialed at a member of said asso ciation by laid Peter Hopliln, he administering Iho oath and giving past-words, slgni, grips, Ice, which ore, to the best of my knowledge, embodied below, and arc a nearly correct ns I can recall them from memory. 1 em particu larly positive lhal the part In Dailies rclallrc lu snniViig In blood up lo my knees to serve Jefferson Davis, a contnliieil in Ihe oa'li below, wa in lhc oath, and my memory I par lletur und tlirtinct nn tills purl nf the tubject, ntso a to tho algni, grips, posi-word. etc. The oath at given it true in substance, if nut in form, at I have lo elcpcud entirely r my memory fur Ihe same1, and further salth not. rtnsT OATH. " I do trust nnd solemnly nm!c nnd swear Ihwt I will not refcal any word.either directly or Indirectly, of vthut 1 nm about to neele', exei'pl II be lo some true and faithful brother nf Ibis Older, nnd nut unto him or them until, after strict examination, I shall bavu found blm or llicm ns justly entitled In Ihe tame ns I myself nm ntmeit lo be, umler the mi Irtr penally nf having my body tcrctcd iu four purls the first part cast out at the north gate', Ihc second part nl the south, the third part at tho cast, uud the fourth part ut the west gate. 1 further more promise lhal I will ulwrnvi hull nnd uneuer all tlgtis and signal. lliut lire given lue by n brother nf llils order, if In my power In do so; and I fiiillicrmnrv prnmbe und swear that I will protect am) de fend all Ceiiutltuliouul Democrats, their prop erly and personal liberty from molt violcuci ilurlng Ibis southern tnsiirreetlnn, so long as Ihey obey the laws of the C. S. A lei It come from whuterer seairce It may llil ulilU'ulIor to be binding ou me a lung at tbe war shall lust." IKCOXP OATH. ' And I further prnml und swear. In the prerenre e f Almighty God and Ihe mcmticrr nf Iho Gulden Circle, that I will no! shin or rrsfiinti'f Afi.MJ.vffr-MMfc. nvir Pm!J.:r shall bo rcinovid from the I 'residential cliiilr. nnd I will wade lu blood up In my knee, m soon nt Je llersnii Davis Kit proper lo msreb with bis army lo luKe I lie city ol W alilnylon nnd Ilia While Hoime, to ill the same S help me God, and keep lue steadfast to do the' um" The undersigned, nnde-r oath, slule that we have reud the nVive stall nicut, and say thai we were rriu-ii! and heard lliooullis nduilnls lend as tlulcd in the above- affidavit, and that llic itaUmcnt therein are true. T. ILDICKHItSON, J. W. HOOD. HANIKL SNYIUIIt C. MAHTIN. Sworn In and iihciM before mc this 7th day of October, A. D. 18CI. J. II. GAnnxnnx Mayor of ihe Incorporated village of Marion. Maxai.v mi G hic at Ciinw. Mr.Ilnsscll, In his first letter relative to the bat lie. left bin readers lo Imagine Ihe exultation in Ihe South over their victory. Iu a recent letter to the Tmiti, he says however l The more close-ly Ihe concqucrier of Man ursas arc luvesllguleil, Ihe more serious lliey itiiii to be. Il must bo granted Ibat Ihe Con fiih rates fn'l Ihe Ir losse-s moro than Ihe North does. Their colonels and eiflleers are men of mark, and even nf private kil'cil or vvmindeil one seft notice' Implying that Ihey belong In cond fuinilln'. and are well known people 'I lie) O's und Macs nnd Vons (few ofthe latter), the Corcoran. Cameron', anil Ilruagers, prls oners, wounded, or killed, are of less rouse--(lucnce In Ihe social system of Ihc North limn lhc Hamptons, Prcslous and Mannings aro to lhc South. If Mr. Davis and a few of lh leaders e-c lo fall in battle t'icrc would be less cbunei) nf the South continuing its strug gles with the tnniche'nrt and confidence! but if all ihe Cublnel were to go from Washing ton Ihe spirit of thu northern Slate would not bo eliinliiliheil onu Iota. From the South, as yet, we have only a few scattered details of Ihe fight and of it results, but it can be seen that liicre was no very great exultation over the victory. Horisr.s 0.x Tiie Potomac Small at I Ihe price paid by Government, (8120) it tome time bring in a. horse (through contractor who have bargained by Ihe lot) which I fully wnrlh two, and even three hundred dollar. Altogether, In tbl department ol hit purchase, rough a the lot may look, after a few weeks service, Uncle Sum does not cet much Ihe woisl of it licit lur doe he suficr iu ihe rates he pay for feeding. Hay I furnished lo Ihe ceirernmeni, ny me contractor, at e-:u me thousand, while the price to oilier purchasers In the same market I 825 ; and oat are luh itnu'n In litin ml rnrli-.llir.-n i-niila llin Kiwi,,.'. wjien you or I euiinot obtain them at hf man liny or uuyiiwo crnit. u i ine saw with beef and poik, and all other unifies lor'ire enough lo attract tho rivalry ol dealer. At Ihe sumo time, Uncle Sum is a pretty ijiarp bsrgulner, and with all (ho popular eatery against " conlraclors," those who ileal lrranny inpplle1 are a vastly useful claw of people, und Uncle Sam profit more by I hen than Ihey do by him, Tho clamor about frund In thu subsistence and qiurlermasterVi depart ments of ihe armv of Ihe Polemic, li the merest humbug In the world. l'Wet, Cor, lo Sat, Union, Tliomts Musulrr.of Sun FradscoJiat com menced lull alut l!ie etlalo of 'David ('. Broderlck for 812.o55.Mld lobe do for board and money expcndeil at request deceased. 'Iho claim 1 disputed. The erlxxlle In the Coast Ilange of Cali fornia have been making d havu among the cattle. At the Tin Kuucb,fuureo bead were dcttroyea la one week. A rorri.K of irenllemer wrla to ns Innnlr In i where Ihey can Und John. Breckinridge. If Ihe traitor be alive thcr hal better look for him In Vtrg'nle. If .leadAe fmr wo mitt bl I them so lo - vtn-fi'l't Ji mo" j Man Mimixu. Ji-ph 1111 left Hit pleo imo four or five week ilnee, In company wilh ii man named Rice,. 10 go to Cresccit Uily by lam). He had ndt arrived at I'm- cent Oily on tlte 1 llh Intl., ai we are Informed oy a noie rrom a irictM, tsetiher lie no keen heard from along the route. About Arc sley after tho two left here, a man itahJ at tic Klamath lteirrvntlon over night, who fe'il hi name wa Itlce, and that he woe going to Crescent City lo ace Ihc copper mine. Sot t ten mile further on he said be wu bound fe r Sailor Diggings. He was not teen In Cm cent City. Atoncoflhe plice t which Itlce stoppeel lie stated that be had a brother at .-vinrytriiie, iai., wno Krpi a eirug sinre. Hall wa a steady, reliable man, and he had business which rcuuircd hi presence at Cres cent Oily no reason can be nsslgned by hi friend for any voluntary delay In making lie trip. When ho left here he hud several hun elred dollar, In coin. It it feared he ha been foully dealt by. Any person knowing any circumstance which will explain the disap- oenrnnce of Mr. Hall will confer a favor up n il friends by tending the information to thts office. Ilwnbofilt Timn, Lor.Vt.TY In NonTIt CAIWUXA. A SiCC 'on paper Id North Carolina recently Intl- matM that a scene occiircd in tbo Ugiilatuie of that Stale on receiving the new of tl c capture of ihe Haltcra fort which wa nol creditable, bnt did not mention the character of It. The New York TYmM clear np the mystery by giving some lutclligenc.! fjtnilied by two gentlemen recently from that State, who found many evidences of loyallly nmong the people. The Timet say I These gentle men confirm Ihc rrport we have already puli llshed concerning Iho idcctofllio receipt at Itulelgh of Ihe new of Iho taking of Haiti ml by the Union troops. Before Ihey left lion e letter had been re re I nil from Itulelgh ttutlig that Ihe Leglilaturc wa in session when tie capture wai announced, and that Ihe Unhn men roso up In their places, ond ebeir.il ml swung their halt, nnd were set noisy in thr't rejoicings that nil bostnet was for Ike t'me ufpended. The tamo feeling, to a conflile ru ble extent, pervaded I lie people of that city. A rrw day since, Gen fame telegraphed In the i.'pnrimi'ni ut Wellington, requcntiug that Giuson' battery, which recently came in from Utah, and I now on Its way In Washing ton, be attached to hit brigade. He received n reply to-day from llic.ilup.irtmriil, In which hi request was granted anil Ihe buttery or dered In bo allacheil to hit command. This battery coik'ih of six pieces, twonf which an' twelve pound howitzers, nnd the remalnek-r six pounders, lhc mnvrmenl made In occur Ing t'lls battery for Knun it a goesl nnr. it win dq ot iinmeii'o iK-nctit lo us, as Juki now the brigade Is without sufficient artillery for iffectlvc tervlcr. Lexvcuxeorlh C'oiisrs ti. fir. The Si, Iiuls Corn-spondi-nl of Ihe Sacra menlo lite think slavery It doi.e for in that Slutr. Hcsnvs : " Wlmti ver other result may lie the Issue of llic war iu this State, It Is now pretty well settled thut sluvery will be nn Institution nf no particular linHirlnuce If the present exodus b kept up. A gentleman, well Informed nl Ihesr mnlters, gives II ns his opinion, lliut Missouri ha lost by emigration, kldiiapplntr, and tun ning awuy, full 10,000 sluves lu the pint two inuuins. Tux Katm er TKLKoiuruixn. We learn from Ihe Muryrville Appeal llmt Ihe rate of telegraphing from llmt eily are ut follows : To New Ynik city, for lhc firsl ten word-, $8 7.1 1 Phtla-k-l-ditn. 88 75) lo Boston, 89; to Washington, 88 73 ( lo Ihe above must br iddeil (10 cent for every iiib'cqncnt word i 81. Iilt.87 !.UinclnnatL$77A i Chleugo, 80 fill. To Ihe lust numeil, neldCiTcenfr fvt uchsubiuqiieiit word. "Coir or War." Now that the booming f iho eanuoii of lrraon and Ihe cry of men stricken unto di alb for fidelity lu our flag an In r ic lo u on nlmot every brrixei, II Is har rowing In Ihe oul lo bo dragged lulu cumpan Inmhlp ul.h IboMSwbo Hill vacillate, who an till balancing chance ami coldly calculating luiK'saud gains who still perrbl In treating this ogont.Ing strugglo for national rzteuc ai n clty quc-llou of commerce, ai d d liber ttrly lake out their scales and veelgb In our presence Ihe beggarly jewels of trade agaluM (be life of our country. JrjJt lUt, Tiik Natiuxai. Army n Ihe Potomac la well tupplleil with bread. A person who tatrly ri lled Ihe army baking esUblUbmeiit saya thai the troopi nro lupplled dally ' with abuut one hundred llwutand loaves of soft, sweet bread all of b niillful quality, Uildct cracker oi hard bread In considerable amount. Tho en lire cnumnptlon of Hour each diy, In brvael and crackers, Is abuut nine huudred barrrcls. ' Cot D, Vli.i.ir.k.1. lately returned from Hlclimoi.il, wIhtc be u u prisoner , it lu be upoIut(d to u HrigaJie;r Generultblji, A little girl named Josephine Armrt wa severely injured by wild eallle, In the slreeU oTSan Francisco, that her life I ilespairrel of. OFFICIAL DIKKC'TOKV. JAI'KSUX t'Ol'XTr. Circuit Judgt P. P. Prln. County Judre, J. C. Tolinan touniy Cleric Win, HotTnian Prewrcilliui Attorney Kufus Mullory SherilT W. 11.8. Iltdr Depuiy SVerilT J. M. Sulion Treumrcr David I.lnn Assessor.'. Win. Kahler Publlu Administrator 0. D. Hoxle- Count; Surveyor. Sewall Truax Cornier Samuel K. May Comvilssloncr D. N. Uirdseye, F. Heber SuptrlntciMle'iit Com. Schools'.., 8. Humphrry 7rmrs nf Court Circuit Court, first Mon davit In February, June and October. County Court, First Monday of each month, i'robate Court, first Monday of each mouth. JAncsoxviu.K rar.rixrTT. iutttce of the Peace U. 8. Hnydrn Conilnblc M. W. Davis .Uoad Supervlior , 0, 0. Beekman town or Jiraoxriu.it. Truitec Wm. HotTumn, A. J. Brunnri J. 8. Love, Jo. 8. Burpee. II. T. Davis Recorder ,....U, 8. Hoyden Treasurer Janir T. Glenn Marshal , G, M. Bank Street Commissioner I. D, llalue KEDL1CH 4 COLDSlTlTH, Pkacalz, OrMOM, Offer Ihelr large eM welleelected iloek if DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE. GROCERIES, HOOTS and SHOES, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, At Man FranclKu Cm), aiMHnaj Vnlght, Having purchased our Goods cheap, aud king deslrout of CLOSING OUT. tunerior inducement are offeree lo euybody who wiekn to purchase. iir.WMivii uubirsMii , Oct.. C.-38m3 Brick Store, Pliccnix. jWIRHTruJTeaeeit 1' other Mulru luvirunu'iitslean bo found ul tlioJaek uiivlllelluok ind V'iKiytviv, I? SPECIAL NOTICES. I, 0. 0. F. Jacxiion'vii.i.k Loiiuk Nn. 10, hohMts regu lar Rwellngt every SATURDAY KVKS'lKa, at their Hall (Mc'Cully'a Theater building). Brother In good ttandlng are cordially In vited to attend. , n. f. MAunr. x. o. K. V. Ittasmj B. Scc'y. (32;6m1 WASIIM LODOI X. 10, A. I. A. M . A HOLD their regular communication arho Wednctelay Krculuga on or preceding VStbe full moon, lo JAelHONVlU.X. (MIN. li. w. ontiKR, W. M. If. BirOox, Stt'y. OREGON CIIAPTEU ISO. 4. ..Q ft .. MOTAL AMOM MAMOMU. SAOKsoyrn.r.N, okkciox, Will hold Its regular communication on Ihe Vint HMnraay Evening fK very MHlh. All solournlnB Companion In good standing; are cordially Invited lu attend. W. W. FOWLER, II. r. Jas. T. Oi.kxn, Scc'y. dcc8:17 PHOENIX LODGE Mo. S3, A. F. A. M. Hold llieir regular communleutlons the A 8.vTt'ttnvr Kvrxixu on or prcccellng the 'Off mil mouu, in luiciux, uregon. -w a, m, wait, w. m. 8. nxnucti, Scc'y. jau2C:2 .Dr. Hotteiter'e Itameoh Xltten.-The operation of Ibis palatable remedy upon Ihe tomarh, liver and excretory organs, I ulngn tarly roothlngandcoiiKrvattve. It rrgnlaUs, recruit and purifies Ibem. Dyspepsia In all its form yields to It control and Invigorating properties J nnd It ts recommended lo mothers, enfeebled by Ibe cam and dntlrt of maternity, a tbo surest and best tonle lhy can probably ue. In all Ihe crial or female Ufa It will found eminently nteful, nnd elderly person will dertvo much more benefit from It tbau from ordinary tlnmltult. Sold by all dnigglat and de iters evrrywl e.. 41ml Band's Bampirilla t nllke cfBetclout to check Incipient malady, and to counteract ac tual disease. In cotn of scrofula, entanron erupllsns, erysipelas, liver complaint and gen eral debility, It will speedily purify Ihe blood, remove all nnbeallby secretion, and simulta neously prrxn'co a hntlihy action ef the (torn ,ich and bovvvl'i, thereby relieving many com plaints arising frem a derangement of thedl tfesllra rnnetlon. Tho IngredlenU eoaapiKlng this ceiebrntrel remedy bring entirely vegeUblr, no unpleasant symptoms are left behind afti r cure-. 4tm NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 37 - ' ' -f -j? -r; Bi.'STgr -STW RKDICT10X OF PRIOES IX- Stove & Tinware. O. B. DORMS Has now opened a Stov and Tinwar 8kop Oa Third Stmt, near the feet Often, Jacksonville, Oregon, Where lie will keep on hand tbe belt pattern -ir-COOK1NG STOVES. PARIrOR STOVES. SAIAION STOVES, And every kind of Tin, Iron ami Coppcrwurf, Resides a great variety of Culinary article tiio numerous lo mention. I'rrront wbhtiig anylhlng In my linn are re pcclfully Invllid to call aud examine tbeiinsl Ity uud irlceof my gne. Kvu-y kind or JOII WOltK done lo order. Mjr h War Heiwltwl Wltlwwl ratrp, GEORGE B. DORRLS. JabVunnvllle. Nov. tl, gCI. 43 rilEREA8.at the October term, A. 1). 1861, ef llic Clrrult Court of lie Stale f Oregon, for Jarksou cnuniy, a'dn-ri and Jud.-nieut werv obtained by IIKNJAMIN HAV UONDand THOMAS CII.WKNKIt aa1u-l i. U. ADAMS aud riAMUKI, It. TKMri.hTON. for lliu re-cove ry ot ihe lollowlng sums of innney drrl, tn a!d Itenjam'u lUviuotu Ibe urn or Twelve lluntlnd and Thlrly-sewn aud Ixly-fimr one hundredths dollar (tl,23T tl I0U), wllh Interest lliereon at Ihe raloof two and one-half (2)) H-r cent, per month and col of sull und Mi'oudly. lo Thomas Cbavruer th -urn of line Thousand Nine Hundred and Hlslt live and sUty-,lxoma-hundredlbididUr(ll,9u (iO.)iiU), wllh luleretl thereon at tbe rale of two .vuel ono-balf per cent, per month ; and, w berets, iho sa'd several suuia of money bare not been . paid according to Iho terms of Ibe said deoree llierefuro, by virtue nf the decree aforesaid, for Iho recovery or Ike said several sums of moneys, and an executlou duly Iwueil lliereon and to m directed. I will offer fur suto, for each, lo lb niguvti welder, on lue premise, oa Saturday, the 14Ut Say f DetemWr, 1801, Iho following de-crlU-d Real Estate, to. wit t The Iractlenul tiorlhweat quarter, and Ibe northwest ejuartcr of Ihe norlbcat nutrler, of se-ctlon Iweuly-tbrea (its), township Iblrly-tlx (Set) tonl'a. ranso Uireo (Hi went, coalalatur noe hundred and twenly-laree nnd tcu ono-hon-dredih (I'i3 16-100) acre aud Ibe soulb-wcit ipiarter of Ibe soulbwest quarter of section luurteeu(14),nd Ibe south half of tbeaoaKi hair of section flflecu (IS), and Ibe norlb frac tional hair of tbe north half of section twenty two t and Ih fractional river lot number Ua (2)liiM0t'oii Iwenly-lwo (ft), and river lot number three (9) iu, see lion twenty-two (21), and tbo northwest nuarter of Iho norlhwot quarter ex pcciiou iweniy-iare t-rtll In lwa lilp number thlrly-slx (98),' suulh ot range, three (3) west.; coiitalnlng Five HuMrii. ami aixly-nme and fortyono ouu-buadredlbt (4(9 H-IOO) acret-Togell.er wllh all Bad singular Ibe tenemcuts, hereditaments and appurtenance hereunto belonging or In any wis appertain ing. bale betwecu ibe hour of eleveu o'clock A. M. aad i P. M. of meld day. . , W. U.S. HYDE, SbetHt Jacksonville, Nov. 9lh. 1801. 4314 . Mttmyi wr PUkp, , . A BRIGHT BAY HORSE, from Iho farm of Robbina k D.iinon. neur Tublo. H'K-k, on Friday night, lBih instant. Wfevt The borw It about b$ hand hlgb.iEXl hu a wart on the under jaw. near llic lip j ulso a mal wart ou the breast t luit no brand nor no white hair heavy made, good baggy and draught horuu I a fair (roller r 7 year old ne-xt Sprlpg. A liberal reword will be paid by tbe unek-rtlgneil for tho rel'irn of the herte, or for luluriimilon that will lead In" hls.reeov. "?;.. .. . .uiiahlks I'llUIMCK. lub.'e H-tte Juekiou t., Oct, V3, IS1.