Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 02, 1861, Image 1

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W&Vjh&"r "
imuMUiiaX jAfiyycr.- ,cy KuAwurf tn r-ri m i-i
MMifc. UjmJ-ii j
mrim-njrmma'ti trumt nitiiin
T'1 J1?tt-1'fjf'y-Jfr ,lul'-' " tC-mumyjttV.nk.n .VrjX,,i -. .
VOL. VI. NO. 42
, i-dw
H' i iV H LB i i-
Or. Ron,
I , nm now prepared to rcccltr pnllitits In the
Ht.-iiltiti. on the corner of Third Sin ct, luck
or tlis-Union lliitil."
'YmMcAsn on aoon sf.cumty,
CIIA8. It. 1IK00K8, M. 1.
' Jacksonville. July 28. Ifrm-JML
nlfcrs M prnrerslnunl services to this cum
imiulty In the practice or Mnltflnr, Satyry nil
Office mi Cit1irirnh street, next door to Ni-u-Irt-r's
Jewelry stnrr.
Calls nltciidcd to al nil Inmrs.nrtUy or night.
. .'. DO WELL,
Will pratllcc In' nlL (he Courts of the Third
Judl.-Ul District; the Supreme Court or Ore-
iron, unit In Yreka, Cnb
, Helm nn, agent al Washington, and rxprcls
, to i l.li Hint rlly. amU'the. Atlantic llibfrjumiw-r
mm rati. ami any ,oiii-iuc win rcttivn prompt
attention. . . . . ' .,n.Tfy,!"
11 711.1, attend In business In Hilt several
Tf Court In the first Judicial District or
Oregon, mid In the Suprnnu Court. Office nu
t'allbriia St, WHllt 'XfRtlwl" Offirr,
jAl'k0.II.I.K, OlllllnX.
May .th, tol. iy lt):rm
", C. 1; BPJtAG ii e,
Ktiinrriujc, Joaki-iivmc Cnrxrv, Oun.,
Will punctually altrnd to hiislnrnrntriistid In
lilsCitrr... .- April IS. IWU.-l.llf
, j. jsTjuhbd,
J.t('KMIXVII.I.K, Okkihix,
Will tilleml tunny 1iiirlncsscmilid.il to .lin In
the scvrntl Curls r the t'irJurcInl District
nr Oregon, mul In the. KiiprcnVil'imrt. il::il
Jmlxniiflllr, lirumi.
.Titrloniiilllr, ltit;uM
A 1. 1. Iiii-Iiieri iH-rtiilnln? to l.ninl nr l.illul
l,i riiiiiilly nllniil.il In.
Jmkxmtille. Mil)' 1 1 III. iMil. Iir
Dr. X. Caldwell Donfninn
HS irininrnlly Inenlid In Jurkiimlllr,
ni.il i.lltr lil irnfi.riuiiul htvIcvii hi IN'
Mrtllilnr, Hnrjirry antt (llxlililr..
Onice nt hi' r:M'iice, nu Cullfornl itrirl.
In the liniiM furnierly ocrnuliit hy A. .M. llnry.
lii'.xt ihmr In J mice I'rluiV,
Cli.tiH"'' very reinuiille. ('ut ti'did to
I nil hour or the duy or nltiht.
IVOIIIil) rifP'ftriilly nnaniinre to llietlll-
?1 xeim nr Jackmuivllla 'l fPTK
I'icinlly that be I. now rejMrcd MMUk
for nrtlllclal teeth In the Imj.I lyle, mul al pit
ve. In mil the time.
All klud ir Dental nprrutloniatlcmUd to In
ft killl'nl iiiniiuer.
JaiLnueimiine 2d. IWI. 20lf
Sowing Machines !
With till Ik Lite IniruKmciiti.
A8MAI.I. nenrlmeiit or Ihoalmidmiii'htiie
Ju-I nvelved mid fnr r.ilo ut S.in 11 an
rku r!a-i, oddliiK Ireluht.
f K. (. Hl8IOX8, Aginl.
JekonvIlle.Jiin in. IMil. !fl
TJISKS Inken upon Mill'. Until'. .Slorex,
IV llHelllii;.. etc.. nu the nio.t f.iMnnl.lu
Urui'. In llarirnrd, I'lneiU, tiiriird. CiHllme,
iiiid ut her well knou mul reioiillilo conii.i.
'' J8:8l K. 0. BKH8I0XS. A-.'i nl.
tufmi 7
Opposite the Post Oflce.
HAYNO. Ilatr-cullng, Shanipoolnf Cur
nog mm imir idling.
Alro. a uemilno article At 1'l.hV II tut II
TnUAiivk.niid CrUtadora'ii Mmltiur llmr Dm for
Jackronvlllu, Jimu IW...TM
N Ihe. Vint or January, 'C, (he price, or
Wiikkuiii A Vll0Nra
were retlucetl imHiyvtrttat..on Uio Paclllo coa.t,
A r.w or Ityefv, tun Ix'tt mid cheupvtl urn
ohluci made, al Han Krunclmi rater.
K. 0. HliSSjq.VB, Agent.
Jackrnnrlllv, Jan. 12. fiW
Si'cpared tu "folio rlcturen In rcry rtylo or
eyArt, ),irb l) the late.t luiprpvviavui. If
do no glye imtlfMtlon, no churge will bo mqdo
pall at Kuuk'a Cigar r-tore, or at thu Oullery nn
Wholesale and Itctnll Dealer In
Foreign and Domestic-
express saloon,
t'ariirr or t'atinuiiln ami TI1I11I Nlirrl,
Ncxtjiior to llicknmn'n Kvtircrc.
WAIIonlern roiniy tilled. mtr
(On tl.c Mill)
O'Aolc.aioax-vlllo, Orefon.
pilK I'rnjirletiM li.ivlnir lnl.cn pffjw.lnn
A f the City llnwiry, lately ci'iitrnllcil hy
Mr. rilx, nre tin n.intl tn fni-nUli Lieer H.nr
. . . . I .1 . .. . . V . .
niritifit ijh-it ikrr
liy the keg, hottle
io ieopie oi unit vicinity
or on draught
All c.vjvrlfhco r many years In brewing
Un tin in an mlmnlage over nil ei'WKlllnrc
ami wurruulii them In ptDinWiiir A ItlVtTKU
autii'm: tiiax uax in-: rouxn
KIJiliWIIT.Itl-; iii Southern Oregon.
Kilr It.' mre In rrtxl your nnh n In the
IMTV IIICKWKItY. ir yon wUh ihe IIKrfT
Juikinnvllle, Sept. 10, I8GI. a.Mf
El Dorado Saloon!
Cnrnrr of CnlirurnU and Orrgnn !..,
rolK.Bosx'vlllo, Orogou.
VM. DUltKi:, Proprietor.
' The not choice hroitd ir
Brandy, Whisky, Cordial,
For mU In nny diflnd iiianllly. :i:t
City Auctioneer.
A Nil I will i fTi-r nny nrnperly, rr nny other
iiiiiii, ut iniMie uiietiiui. rr more, inomy
limn nny mlu r nun. nl nil timer. ntl we will
mil ctuit tro nny tuoie limn the iniKily lirini".
II we ill, y.m e.iu borrow mine. Hive u u
ihnnei'. M. W.HAVI8.
iii. it. lfrfii. ricjjtr.
arnols.avoxx'vl'llo, Oi'ogou.
'PIII'II necnmuioililloii" Klven tu Rilelf,
ji iruii'lem n in I iiirin.iiit'iii.
Thu If oti I lm
i every ih'ii ii Inn
iv llnl.1 In roul
Iu'en rel
I'liriiMi'il nnd rellllid
II l now 1111111111111111 l.y
Juckmiitllle, Ihv. I, IIM'.U.
City Eestaurant!
RISITCTKn.I.V Inrnrm. the rltUcna nl
Juckinuvillit Ihul he lm niieiiid it
with nrlccJ reducul In full thu tliucn, nu Hit.
IXortcly OasIi Syototn,
Ilouid )iei'week.
riluitle Meal'.,,
8 1AH)
Juckioulllv, June l.t, 'CI,
OX hand aiul tii.ulo o drdir ut fhoit notice.
Iluu.e lining mid Jiiir hauling tluuu in
ii iiiamier In in, ure tat!sructlnu.
1'iiymrni mut he inmlc In rush nr trade.
I ih. my work nt ihe. lowert llvlntr rutiv. un.l
can (Htoitlvily give no cinllt.
A. U. Al, Ill.lt I ,
Oilifotiiii Hml,atittOrfijuH.
Jmkonvll!e.8eil. 31, Iblil, IKiiir.
HA VIXO removed tn the SIIOl' rurmrrlj
ocvuplnl l.y J, K. AiMcy, nu ihcr"rnc'r
or Kousjh uud U strwU.aro jirviainTlodo ull
kiiula of v
Juckonvlllv, Si-pi, JH. 18CI. 36itr,
HASflpciied a rhon oppaillo Anderron A
(Jlcnii'r. on Cul Ibruiu tlreut. in lir. i.
(anuug'a drug rfpre, ror repairing
All work warraukd to giro ratlnlactlon.
Jncktonvllle. pec. 22d, IHilO. 4Q;y
ALL pcron Indebted to mo ore renuentrd to
make linmidlutv Davmeut. TIiomi huliiin.,
dciiiuiiiln Bi'aliut nm wllfprervnt Ihvui.
Ai.ur.ur iiaui AUT.
Jyh'U'liI,l''iA3.2!.8iL ')-
rillTOII. ASt I'ltni'HIKTIini.
r , - - -
OIHco over Clugaijo & Drum's Stables.
One Copy. Olio Yeiir ,
Onu G'ojiy, Six .Munth.
.Jl no
.. 2AII
One Piinre, nr Twelve Linen nrliM. I'lnl In
;erlluu,;:i Oil mid roreiich ruliriiiiiviit Inwr
tlou, $1 (Ml.
1'iuleMlviinl or ltuluer Curd-, liich .eiiiale,
r miiitim. :i'J Oil ; tor Six Mouth', IS ul)
I'ur Tlueu. Mniilh. Slono.
A llbeinl dlM-ount will In; im.'iU In pinonnwho
mlvvrllra Iii the extent orroiirMiUnrcn.
rhe ntimlicr nr ln rllnii. rlmnlil In! inutked nn
Ihe innrKln or mlvertlfiim ntf.
A Patty Parody.
Mother, dear nioller, Ihe d.iy Inw rcrni'-d long
.Since tliu lark waitdid hit mnlliial mjii.
Siidly the hour h.tve ueil rtnee Ihe morn ;
II irkly Ihv moment thai ne'er can return 1
No bvniiilnit hiK-rnlneM, nojoyoin rny,
Nu eheerrul iuiu.hlii(i In MlMi'ii my way.
Hut, iinther, your kUjt liiriif tlii! ihilkncfn tn
Hhl t
Kiwi mo good uliihl, tnotln r, LIm me good night.
Mother, dear mother, I'm tiiiiglu;; for n t
l.oii((Iii) to fliiinlnrfor aye with thu hlert
Hut when my rail rihll frmii carth-llfc In ritv,
c? till rliull thy iriS';ncuNim uluh unto met
On thy wild klM or itrt!ni; Mi.il! rail on my
Thy rad, tearrul eyer j?a.e timii ri, n now
And nlti'll I'll r.iy, wllh Ihe itliKel hi while !
" Klc. me good night mother, kln iiiu gntnl
ulghl I1'
A Lovlno; Girl In a Pot,
Wi It Ut hdn go, nr Kt him rluy,
I ill lint menu In die ;
1 guerr he'll llnd Hint I can live
AVIHinill him, irilry,
lie thought tu frighten me wllh frnuim
Su krrll.le mid lihirk I
He'll rtuy nwhlle n llioiiand jcarj
lit Tore I ifk h'.m baik.
Herald that I had nclid wiuiig,
Al.d rnnllrhly )ieridt ;
I wuii'l rorghehlni nlur thai
I MOIlhlll'l It I tltt.lt
II I w.tt wrnny. uli.il rlghl h.ul ho
Tnberociii'i-bllh Ji) J
I know I'm not an imp I ijiille
1 ik'ti'l nulti.d In If.
lie Imd nitothi f rwr. Hienrl imce,
Ai-it now whin we rail mil.
He iiluuy mw flie h;h not cihm
And lh.it rhedd iml "Ml,
II I' eiiniiyh In vex a r.i,ul,
Il' mure Hutu I eun Ik in i
I wMi tint rieIou girl nt Ii'm
Wan-will I ihni'l cure win re.
lie Ililuku lint .lie l m lly, too
. Nnutllnl a gonl ;
I wuuiltr ir .he'd gi I him Kick
Again How, lr rhe Could S
1 kutw rhu would, mid there the U
i-he lltcmilino't In Iiht,
And now lt' nftcr nine nVloek -
IVil.ip he' Ihtre In utghl.
I'd ulinn.l wille In h!m In cnmii
Hut I 'icii I'to r.i!d I won't ;
I do not circ ro mueh- bill rhtl
Fhail'l h.ivu hlui ir I don't.
ISertiUr, I ku'nwthal I m.k wrong,
And li wa In the right ;
I goi. I'll lilt him rn, uiul then
I wMi he'd eniiie In nlghl.
A Pai. Siokv. For several il.iv il an
ittl UmIII of broiiTO fin tin IT uud wcuther.li. ntrn
uircet ha' iillrueliil the n.-lU-ti of ihi.iiK-
nn llieilm-K III uio vicinity oi n.e irelghl He.
iintr, by IiIa lingular uctioiK, I In will mmid
.. ..... .... - .. ..!.'.
lor lioiim ut ii lime looking nil' Imvnnl the
Ink, ImMaiu' In hU liainl, high uliove Wi hvud.
a nit iv nr paper nr n fragment nr n broom,
with nh'c'i l.e nppiiir In bo making rlgnuU.
I'ldaxilliiit ll.e rlarea nr piisrcrrdiy, nr Ihe
Jiitk of Ihnii jhlliu l.ovii win. gal hcnil around
him, there he will rtaiul. path ally waving lib
signal unit l'ii. ng inuuiiy lar mil nu t lie lal.e,
uiutliiliig liieohoriiit'y tu hlm.eir meiliwhlle.
A Faihr ului l.iion the old nun tiutu in I hi
mnin'iig nu Inkling us In hi hUtory. He
wu; ii rMiimiaii on l.iko Mlrl.l.-a'n, nnd
I in l nl 111 fhlUien, four mu.. It. the fame rail,
lug. i) u gient ;orm uhUh rwrpt that lul.e
four j uni ugo thlj Full, hU foiw wero all hut,
-llh their boat. 'Ilie f.ittur, with the pr
phitle. vlilnn cifmi old fldu'imin, iw that n
ureal iterm wm cnmlng and his iiojii wtre
nut nn the lake. From n high tmrltlnn nu
horo lieatlcmplcd In signal (hem tn reluiii;
hut the slm in, which Ciimt) on with the rod.
di'mirr and nip'dlly ol'trn remail.td nu Like
Mlchlgtu. oveitnok them btforo they could
reach the harbor, ihe boat niiw'sxl" In the
gale, op.) Ihn frnnllc fallur raw lilt. Tour foil,
the ilay of his old ogcTpcrhh umniig Iho nn-
cry wave?, nnd lit) powerless to aid Ihem.
ins mum never rrcocrru irom me shock.
Ho clings tn the vicinity or the lakes, mid is
almost cnnManlly cmiihiycd in wulchlug tin
naiiTs ai'ti malting inugiiiry sign us in iits
w r " . .'
hh. Ikii them is n storm on Iho luku liM
agitation is very great, bul nt other times la
Is possessed nl n iiulpt arul liarm'ers meluii.
clmly paluml tu Uliold. Vltvtlaua I'lain
thattr. A ryu'eiil Indivlihiiil nn rrudln? a pathetic
tUitr in one of ihe papers, RCtcd in his memo
ru ml ii m honk as foilons :
(Sunicboily nhlittd. Teacher calls up big
boy on fiifpliion.
Ilig bov conies up and liotdt out Ms hand,
sullen and ravage,
Nohlv tit 1 to hoy cnmii manfully fnrwnrd
find says t " I am Iho boy what will. lied," ul
Ihe rauie time held his hand out.
Teat her simmers down, and lets 'em both off'.
Mem Xol.lo litllo boy thought tfachrr
would not lick him if he told Iho truth, but
knew big boy would livk htm if he did'ut.)
lI.vniT in n chili) Is at first n spider's irch t
neuleclul. it becomes a thread of twlna nevt.
a cord or rope flually, t cttjjtf ttjcji, vlin
yau bnul( It
Brilliant Naval Exploit.
U. S. 1'llltltTK CllUlllAIH,
Oil l'cmacoln Ifarhor, Sept. U, Iff.L
The monotony or iho " blockade." ro rjr n
Ihls ship Is couccrmd. wa broken lart night hy
a mol btllllant nchlcvimcut ( and whllo I can
not avoid a reeling or radner. al the rale ol the
poor rilloMs whit lost their liver In llui under
taking, It nlTonl. me mueh plenrure to cumtnti.
nlcnle Injou tlieil'.inllinf an action that re
Ih clr ru mueh cndtl upon nil who were engaged
In It. Some days ago n largo nhooncr wa o'h
serMd In the hailmr, hi I tic vicinity of (lie
Nitty Yard, nnd her appearance and motions
lid In the rii'p!clon Hint rhe had been llllcd Up
for it prltnlur, and had liitcutl'Uii or Hying to
run Ihel.loriidc.
I!y miiiudefrlUrrwIii) weaptd from Ihe. ye-ce-rton
ramp nnd came In 1'ort I'lekeii", there
ni.p'cton- wire cuiillinitd. and fiiilhcr liifurma
Hon ohtijimd Hint, Ike Hhnoiier wu. inovntt
near the Stone Wharf, at Ihe routhenrt cormr
or the Navy Yurd, and ul-u upon the wluirr
near win re the ichountr wni mound it battery
uaibt lug erictrd, and Hint unc large culiiiiihtad
war alundy moiiulid.
I'nr ret mil munlhs part lion I from ItiN ship
hate lieeu kept " mwlng guard '' In the meiilh
nf Ihe hut bor, on the look-out Tor thl rchoonrr,
'hoiihl rhe ntltmpt tu run Ihv blockade.
Yerlenlay Capl. Ihilley went n-hore on Sanln
llom l.liii.d, for the pnrporo of taking nptei In
regard to iho ichoomr ami lie ri''olt lal
liry.wllh llietlnei.f gelling up an cilHilltloii
ngalml Hit in. Arieruhtaluiiig p iu lurnrina.
Iluu ho could fruii) tliu dcivili-rs, ,nd crrubo
rtillug Hielrt'Vldiiico by his futn ob.cn alloiir
wllh llm p'glar, he dtcldid that nu attack
m'ghl I made with rin.ouable chances of rue
vers, mid by the tlnje )ye rinclir,! im frlgnlo In
Ihe iteiilng :n had the plans for nu exptdllloii
malurid. Acting upon there, flag Ofilccr Mir
tliieihc'ihd at nncenn rending n lnt.il exptdl
lloii tn Ihv Nitty Ynld fur the purpose nl spiking
Ihe liioiinttd gun rpokeu nr ahotc and biitiilng
I lie ipibryn prluitrir. Tho expidtllnn wn
ptaettl iindi r Ihe cuimiiaiul or l.hul, Jolin II,
KiiomI, The foKu iiiiptoud win dlttdid u
Hrrl Launch Lh ill. llarrell.Capt. Itcyiiuld',
(Marine Cup.), Ir. Ktnt.ttly. MM. Illggtu.oii,
Thld ,...laiil laiglutcr U'hlte, twriilyluu
i ntitcn ni.d one tin iiinu, with limit rial fur Itrlug
Chnotll r.
I'lr.l Ciitttr-I.titilttmiil Ppro.lon, (.iiiinir
llorlnii, uiul rctililecu rtauii'll.
i'C I Cull, r-Lit uleiiiitil llhike. M'd.htp-
man I'nrreM, Ihlrliin leainiii and one lliimnii.
Third fuller Mlddil man fc'leice and Ihlr
Icni rarmni.
A Torceof twenty mirlnes wa illtldtdbe
iwi i ii lliefr.l uud nioit rultir.
'I he I o.llw, with nu lll.il nnr, hit Hie ride nt
Ihe -htp nl 1 1 M ni.d pullid Into I he hmUir.
hrtptng fur enough hom Hn. nll !U- tu utnld
l.-iltallon. liny eniitlniiiit mi up ihe harbor
inn -i!ul n Utile ul me the iitty jaid. Here
Ihen.iir.e a changtd, and each l-oit wa
hiaduirorlK i.etnl nbjicl. 1'ioin lhl mo
iinnl et.r.v lluugl.t ni.d cwiy i tr.irl or both
.RVi r Mini nn n w. re dtrif ltd t the nicec.fiil
iierimplMiiutiil or Ihls liio-t d mt-. roil' eulii-
pi !. ll.epailtir In the l.iutih nt.dxcend
riillir wire Inl oiiid mil Utrti Hie icliouiiir;
lln.'elu ll.e Cl.l and Ihli.lcullirr wire Im lunge
".cl.illiiyni.il rp.ke the iiioiiultd "big gnu."
l.hul. .upriiloii, hnid'ug Hip en wsnf ihe llr.l
and Ihlidiistliis, laiuhd ul Ihe noi Iho n race
d Iherloue wluiir, ami m.ula dlnetly Tor Hie
ih uly trtctul bntltry. Win tin r lht' lultny
wn not uiinniil at all, or win Ihtr Ihe men al
Ithidbeiii ilninn friuu Ih-lr rliillon by the
nol.e i.f Hie rlrlfe whlfh had iilrcad) roiiiiiieiict.il
al Ihe K'huoiii r. r w hi Hit r It" y had ' Irnt t h-d,
! nut .tiCMii, Howtttr thai may In-, but one
man was round ncur the gun. True courage,
whtretet ft uud, will ci.niiii.iinl lerpccl, but Hie
brave iiinu sometimes o-ts his If win re hi.
Ilglillu'tti d coiimidi r r.it e tin Irr. This miliary
In io rlotMl hi. gmiiiid In thu face of thirty men,
ii i-.d dbchargid Ids imi.kit ut l.ltut. .cpiu4nii,
but rlmiillamnii.ly wllh Ihe dhchargu or hi.
mu. kit wnk Hint tiffiiinnir llorlon' pMol.
'Ihe lone thfcmlir or lli.it biltery iiibsul his
nun aim, but Ml ui.dtr that or it mure furlit.
null' gum. i r.
lu u Tew innmii.ls Ihe " cnlumblad " was
rp'ktil.nud l.hul i-'pin.ton hailugaccemidMitd
the duly n.rtgntd him, aecnidlug In pavloiic
utdirr, reealltd his inm lu their boats.
The nlher tilt Irtmi nf the parly, III Ihe launch
and n coi.it rultir, nu apprnathlng the ichoouer.
found that, liulead nf Intng utnoud In I lie
rlream, ihe hud U'ru haultd lulu the iliy-dock
.tip, anil win llui up In iho wharf. Nothing
Intuitu!, howetrr. nt this iiupleiiMiil rhuiigu In
Iho pingraiiinie, our gallant ftllows dul.ed
ahead lu Hie slip nlougtide Hie fchoonir. A'
lliey wtio nppioiiclilng Hie lernl, Ihry wire
Imllrd from lit r dicks lit cor rlx llimr, nnilwcie
Ihuspripiiid In rHCt u hand lu hnml encoun
ter. Ihe culler, being much Iho lighter Unit,
rhot ahead of the launch lis rhe nppioachrd Ihe
enemy's rcrri-l, and us rhe parsid under her
Ihiws was grteltd by a galling fl.e, but In a mo-iii'-nt
the had grappttd llui rehnnner uboul mid
rlilp., and I.liut. lllal.u and his men were on
the rcliel ihek
In another niopient Iho launch
was under Ihe tclinoncr'n guns, and, like Ihe
cutlir, war iccclvul by a deaijly nilule.
llcfore Ihoemmy hid l.mp Jo reload, Lieut,
Itu-rell was upon hir dicks, fotlowul hy the
hraiofillous or hU boat wip had crcapid Ihe
muulcrou. dl.cliargo nr .inkclry wllh which
they wcro gmtid. 1'oily or more of our offi
cers, h nmcu and marines, precipitated Ihem
ulvcs lu iincercmniinity upon the cnuny's
dick us tn pindiico n ,j)ripode among Ihem, and
nearly nil or Hit in fled from thu thek tu the
rhorc. Ouooulynlttpiplid to .land his ground
against Iho Ic-aiders, m.(J ho was lii.tnully rhot
liy Lieut. Iluisi'll. , epoa ai (he dixk were
clean il or tho rebels, our iien irocceii to scl
Iho rchuonir on lire, and when Hits was clfvptu
ally accomplUiei,tliey loofe Io their boalu mul
succeeded In t'dUn? oft itjlh a kxr straggling
rhots from tho rcpe), ttufli had bcguij tfl fifliy
on the wlmrf,
When Ihe boats got beyond Ui range pf mus
ketry, tho llrsl and second puttera were both or-
lend to uro u purling nilule to Ihe enrmr
hut wcip eolUcted iijkh 11)0 xx barf, which Ibey
ilU In Hjp rhupc of H i of ls rPH" of vunls-
tcr from Ih.'lr twelve-pound howllrers. What
execution was done hy Ihls is noi known, but
having the light or Iho burning rchooner upon
their mark, It Is reasonable In ruppo-o that we
more than hntancid accounts fur the lire re
ceived by our bunts.
Su miibII a force as this, tinder Iho command
nr Lieut. liirrill,nu lhloccnr!uii, entering Into
the tcry slrunghuld of nn emmy, rpiklughls
guns and burning nnnrtmd vcr-tl.lr nn uphill
not uflett ttrpa.retl,ctrn In the history or it
navy whore luilnbcis have been dlttlugut-hiil
"or gallantry.
It was not dnne.however, without Iom three
kitted and hTtccu woiindtd two falally, fix c
scti uly, nnd Ihe ollurs slightly.
The rctiooncr dcrtroyid was about two hull
drid luti", with Tour bromMde guu and one
pit ol gun on Hie fnricatllc, frilly irpilpptd Tor
rcn, and tianutl the Jmhih. O.r. A. I. Timer.
Ihe correrpoiidetit or tho N. Y IliraU, writ
tng from Ft. rickenr, says that while Hie tni.il
clews dlriinhaikcd al Ihe 1'oit, and wire re
cilving Ihe congrnlulatloiis of their crummies,
the whole rky was llltimlunlid hy Iho lalt rplrcs
of llaiiio which rhat upward from the burning
tcrnl. All night loti Ihe fiery ilinicnt rpul
nu lu Its work or derlrucliou.nud when morn
ing thtwntd, a rhnptlers mars or ruins ttoaltug
impn Uio Winer was nil Dial retnaineil ol ll.e
ury uock, ttiiicn com nm uotrrnment hut n
million nnd n hair or doll.tr, hut winch Hie
" mad iLmuii of nUllloii " hud wrerlvd from
Its grurp.
IXTItllCIIA.MIi: nf CiviMriM l!i.TWi:i:. I'knx
rvi.v.t.xu AMI YllullNIt Sol.lUMW. A Wii-hlllg-Ion
correspondent uf thu New York Tn'mnt
I havcjii't lenrurd the inrllculars of two In
tertiews which look plncit on .Sunday l.t.1 Im
Iwitii romo members of Col, llitycsKlh I'eiin
sylvanht llegliin-tit and Ihe Vlriilnla JM,(nll)
rtallomil on the uppiMlu baiik. of Ihe I'otoiiinu
nt flnnt Falls. The river In-ro Is hot more
Ihnn a hiiiulrid ;nrds wide, nnd Ihe plckits on
both rhh-. have occnrhuuilly halletl null other.
(lu Sunday the rill luvlud romo nr our men
acn, rliillug lint ir they Would lento Ihell
rtriu- Ik IiIikI Hum lliey would receive ho'pllahlc
Ireatmeiil, and lw allow nl tn riiiirn.
One of tho IViinijIvnnla boys sIiIiiihiI,
plungid In, nnd rwnmotir. He wu. Iirlpiii up
the rocks by n Virginia caplaln, who ptte hlui
his tiveicont tn wear, mid prio.id Hint he
.houM lake u drlt.k or whhkiy. " ir I drink,"
mid Ihe roldlir, " it inti-t lie In Our Country."
Ytry gotKl'rald ihu ttUI utllcer, " I will
Join ton. Htru'slii our cuuutryt" And tin
men nn Im.Hi rtdeanfiherltirjolnid In it hntlt
cln t r. The min riluiitmd nu hour nr Inn. and
llteii rwnm Kick, nllllle u-huhuis from Ihe
many henllhr he hnd l-vn obllgul Intlrllik.
lu Uu- nflt riii-i:i reteralur Ihe nix Is r.lurniil
llm x Ull. They wire coiirlenu.ly cutiiliiluul
mid rxchangtit billions wllh our men, n route
nlrnr Ihe lutirvhw. "We doi.'l c.iro nny
thing nlioill ihe war," raid they, " ami doii'l
waul In light, but we can't help It, You I'tti:;.
.tltaiilaui nre I'kefrlei.ds and brulherr and w
wMi we had lio.e St.ulh Candliilnii-
agalnt us In.ttad or ton." One or Ihe Yin
gluta cfllot r look nil hl gold rlectu bullou.,
tinting no oltur dhHi-ube gift ul hand, and
neeltttl a uiuirtir uilu In itiiiin. "(inod
l.uid," inhl he, "It's Ik in rt long time tlnce
I'te rccn ruth n pleo of money." They wire
nil uiixloiiii In know- the .u..lnr reullmcnt of
I't un) lvnul.1 mid the otln r border States in re
hithui In Ihe war, mid ret mid it good deal de
pressed ut linihig Ihe truth. The; npHirut In
be lohrably well chillud mid "nl, uud did Hut
I'onipl.iln nf their rnudlHon.
Timid" Ihurnldters i xchnngeil letters from
lln-Ir rwei Ihti.rt.. Y.trlous exch inges nr news-Iijh'i-,
lc,, were nl'" made, nnd In Ihu net our
men ricelvt'd a litter from n rhter uf uue ol the
rtlivl', wlllioiil tliu ownil's kliuwletlge. I had
nil opportunity nf muling It Hits morning, mul
glte o,i nil luteie.tlug extract therefrom:
"Takoearo nf jour clothes, the wrlltrrays,
for I don't iK-llete there h u yard of rlutf fur
.litrl ur (lolhlug In Iho whulu ciainly. Tin re
is not In Ihe whole county it muud nf eoD'ei) ur
n pound iirrugiir. tr. - lies l.oney lu her
lea, fiend romo of t our i..ouev homo w hen ; on
It nppeur. from other pnrls or Ilie letter, that
Ihe fpiintry ias l'en entirely rlrlpptd or rlolh,
li.v, tiolfee nnd sits.tr, lu older Ih.tt the in my
may boruppllid. With Iho priM-nt cnoruion
prices nf nil lliore nrllcle. in Ihe S'eulh. II Is
illniiiill lu see how lliore supplies can be kept up
much longer.
The following nre Iiiu lr.t ill. pnti lies thai
wire rent Irom thu I'acillo Io Iho Atlantic by
telegraph ;
hu.-t niM-Airii iuiim iiotKiivor. mi:.
lIXKHtltr. Ultl'tllTHKXT. I
Caiison Citv, (N. T.) Ocl. 83.1. i
To His Lxcellency, Abrahum Lincoln, 1'ie.I-
dent of Iho Uiittul .Slates; Mounlaln-boiiud
Nevudavalls lirr.elfof Iho iiulle.l opporlunl
ly In rend upon Iho wings of the lightning to
her maternal home, itMiruticcs id her nihil at
tachment In the Vnton, n. frnuiid by our f.illier.
and tier wnnue.t ff,;iii;itliy with Ihorc who are
Irlting to maliitaln l, J. U. .vi:.
nl'IIIMI IUi.l-ATI'11,
Cai-itau Oaijiov Cirv, Oct. !i"d.
Nevada Teirllory Hiruiigli her llr.l I.egl.li
live Axrimhly, to the 1'ierldent and people of
the tullid Slabs, greeting; 'vvai.t fo,' he
Fnlou, ever truo and loyal. The latt h"M .il
the natiun will bo Iho lart tode.irl Iho dig.
Our aid In Hie extent of our ability can be re
lied upon to itilIi rebellion,
(Signed) J. L. Ya Hiikkvi.kv,
J'i-r,citr.r Council,
Mn.w K. Miii'iu.i.i.,
fipiaker or Huuro pf 5t preeeulalltis.
Tilinn iiii-j,tii.
SAt-iiAtiK,xTo, pnifiiriila, Oct. 23d,
To Ills Excellency Abraham Lincoln, Presi
dent of Ibo United Stales : To-day, California
s but a Kconas cllstaiico from Ike Nullonal
Capital. Her patriotism villi) vkclrlocuricnlr
throbs rcrpouslto to that or iter sl.lir States,
aud holds civil l.iciy and Iho Union above all
pii?e, .m.imi SrvMW.u.
Appeal to tho Women.
I'renllco nddrcr'es the fallow lug earnest and
clnuiient nppent In Hie Women or America t
In Iho roh mu hour or our country's danger,
it Is not alone lheliiggedse.xwhtchhailfiiiiik.it
racriltcc. The citizen ruhlltr shows his dot o
Hun to his country by Inking up nrm for Its
defense, hut the women have a high and tiuhle
duly In perform lu rtlmutnlliig nnd mnctlfttug
us, as II wire, for Ihe performance of thai duly.
The lest of palrlotl'in, which rctcrs huhand
from wife nnd rnu frum moe-, is, we know, a
severe one but where Is thu woman who, at
nt n limo when the liberty which hnsclev,ied
her to Iho highest place pf respect, and the bul
wark of Iho law which has prolicltd her pormu
"in in c-cry xlujciipc, nrc alike threnteuid by a
werre than "orclgn tncipy ttltulerllig nl Ihe
tcry portals nf our homrs, would herllato to
hid liuthaud ur fiillur, run or brother, lo go
rorlh Io batllc wllh her blerrlng, nnd armed Tor
Ihe contest wllh her approving and incnuraglng
nnllc? To Iho young wife we would rny, liellcr
Tar is n wldowhobil or honor Ihnn a life long
union with a rratrn who would hot defend his
homo ; glorious the solemn garb which di'tiot s
our bcrinvrment, when you can pay visit in
tho grate of your dead warrlor-huslmtid, nm)
oter It mingle your tears In common v,I Hi tho
mourning fitii'.dn.f cmr coiiil-j
Now, women or Amulc.i, Is Ihe lime for lufl
pitrlull.m nnd geturous rilf-abneallon : liuw
Is the trying reoinii for ) on to exhibit Hint sub
lime rnrllttulo for which you have been dl-lln-gill-hid
In all Ihe part. (live up jour jewels
frtily tn tour country, nnd give lli'.m with the
huly lialni or jour bleirtng. Wlte nml molli
ersnr enlucky, violence Is lhealeulngyoii (
rapine hot irr darkling In the ill. I nice, nnd p
Ihe hiirrnrs or clvl) war are Impending oter
ton. To sate your ILes. pud, dmrir Tar. your
honors, It Is iitcerrnry that your huhiiiiis mid
runs should mm mid go out lu nuet the foe.
Chcir Ihem lu this trying hour; let uu iiuiirr-
rary pang h3 mtilul l,i Hie pirllngs wilc!i the
rlirn nalllles of Iho limes ili'tiiand. (larland
your Invtd ours wllh your farewell kbrcs;
llirmv Ihe ijilelil of xour player arutiud them ;
nine their nrm when they give you their la.t
t mlu ace hy raying to them, "Cln win re duly
call" nnd (led ls with you," and Irurl to the
Almighty Iluler ur the uiilvirrc to re. I ore Hum
rarely when wIiIIc-ioImnI Pence agtitn r reads
lur wings ntcr ll.e land. As the kulglil or old
melt i d his spurs from his lady lute a id w ori
tur colors lu Ids In lui, ruearluglu carry tin m
In tli" Ihltkirl of tho fne, ro hi Hicm- hnpp'ir
days nr (.'liihllaiilIng Inlliiti.cis, hi the inolli.
1 1 V bles.ing Ih.' Iiitnkiil upon Ids head and the
wire's autmalliig I.Im mrie Ids heart "or deed.
of iK.t.lt il thu lug, nnd, by (iulV hlerstug, " con
ipitr he mu. I, for uur rau.u 11 Is Ju.l." lu the
uiiiu'or llinteii, hi no wife's liars umiirti-
ll.e .olilli r' am, ui.d ii-j mother's iilarms rprt o. j
panic lu the lai-om of lur warrior l-oy. Hid
tlirm gn ni.d (!od rperdl Hid Ihnn trntrm1"-r
llnir homes, and rlilke Hie foe boldly but m-i-e'fully.
In the remembrance that they, loo, hate
p- llinps lot ul ones In some dMimt plactiiwa't
I ..... .i....H ........ ... .. rt .. ., . .
.g uiv.i ii'iniii, i.ei ii cm iigiu iiiu wara
I'l.rl.lalu n1d'tr, "rlill as Ihe Inezo" when
mi re) plead, but "dimdfiil as the rloim"
when their nvetiglug blows lull like ha'.l unnii
limine. .Moiiiers nuii wives, in t lie holy ranc
iliyoi .tour linmos, lei )Oiir pra)irs nrci'iia In
Iho Ihroiie iilxito fur the piolicltpn of your
In vi d imes; but, when the hour of pirlin
comes, rt ini inber Ihe liable wnmin who run hi r
inn within Iho boll of p doer to rervo ns n bar
tu aid the etcape t.l her honored lord, atu.
though the pn rniro n haul nnd ngoiits'ng, Ik-iii
il lu Ihe rjilrit of martyrs, and, If rt tenr should
dim Ihe eye, lot II he lllumlmd by it unite of
Tin: Oiiiui.v nr Mttwi.ii.i ih.-.Souij lliout-
niul oryenrs ugn, (Jreik ve.nl, ti niet-lo'sid
liy Iho houlli winds look refuge in Ihu ino-t
beiiullful hitrlHir uf rrotlupo. Tl;u pa;it.hi,
young nil,) nulling - the gils of his own ou'i-
try, cl ilmul Ihe hnrpllullly of Ihe Gallle dilif-
lain who relent d along tho coa-t,
Sup tilth u," nplhd the long-U--li-ii1
mill, ' lO'iimuuw- I mairy my daugliler, .Mar
seille, nnd lo-nlght, iifler Ihe hampiii, tho will
inako her choice oinong Ilie c.ind'datcs for hn
land." The (Itxik nnd Ids marines tvcie pivx
ill ul Ihu fca.t. Thu yuun Hauls dedand Iho
nnlor of llielr Into hy imptliig the Jug., swear
ing lu their own palols, und striking Iho table
wilti their n.ts. Tliu fircik knew- but llltlo of
Ihe language or Ihe country, but his eyes .poke
it language which makes llnir unilcrslpoi
throughout Iho earth. When thu light ur Hie
loiilien began Io pale liefoto thu light of t,ty.
the y uung M.ir.elllo nrme took n cup or qciu r
nu wine, rprinkltil wllh i on-leaves, iiiidwitlkdl
.lowly around Ihu table Io make her chohe
Mio pitMit dhdaliifully by Ihe young chiefs,
who turned Inward Inr, rlrnklug their nil
mmi.luches, and npeulug wide Ihttr gfeat bjiii
eyes, nnd stopped befoic Ihe slniuger, who wn
uu lougir louklng ut her. S'to tuuphed. him on
the shoulder und ti'.'erid him the cup, turning
nwuyher face, roster than summer clouds ut
miiHit. 1 ho (i.tiiU trembled wllhjealuus anger,
but Ihu Orei k lueilid llivui not, lu titok, Hie
rup wllh his left hand, retting Ids right r.:K- un
Iho hilt of hts sword. The same d ty ho matlhd
tho ehliflnln's daughter, und ho iieter riturntd
tn the Ionian rhoies win re hts m-ilher uwutlid
him at her rplnnlng-wliul. Tho nrls or (Irerce
llourirhul gloiloui niniiiid him ; and Ihu spot
nu w tilth he built n home for his brldo Is still
Oitlhd IhclnHiiof Murscllle. iwi the Vtri
nf t'dimwl .VamI,
Ax Anciknt I-'iiktmj-i. Among Iho n lies In
which Kentucky abounds of Hie woik of age.
unliitor Io the pieseuce nf Ihu Anglo Saym pn
ihe Wertern Hemhphi-re, one ol' Hie iiiq fe
Uipikablalshild lu exist In Allen county, on
Ilie Tennerice bonier und seventeen milts Irom
llRVllug(il'teil,whtio it wall or solid lliui-rtoii?,
twohipdnd ymdx lu leugll), lorly leithlgh,
tidily Ret at the bu.e nui fret wIVi)t Ihe
lop,cftitses u neck fonned hy a iKnd In Drake's
creik, and Inoloscs a pcnf.iiu,:) pf two hundrid
ucrts, inclosed by a iibll and a ditch, forming
one or the stronger! roilrerns In Ihe world. Il
I. nut Impiubahlc that Ihe fortunes of war m.iv
causo this old I'oilllicntlon to lw occuplid by a
hostile force, and made tu play a prominent
put in Illicit coiiel. Ivi.tiiltt M4
Dkatu ur Cut. I.inokm..i.tmi. On Satur-
' 'f ncrnoon, Cnpt. I,tngrtreltcr, of Company
It, Col. Hiker's California regiment, wllh six
men, went out un n rcoutlng expedition. Whci
lliey reached n point rdiuiit live miles bvjnud
ho Chain Irldge. on ll,e Vlrtnto, ride, llu-y
encountered a J,nfjy fif tniqe tttentynrt' "
thirty rebel, evidently q:i tltelrwnylu iiltnck
Hie l 'literal p'cki t. I'lrlug Imineitately cuti.
mciicid on loth tides, and lu a feeinJnuiM!
of Ihe rebels were seen lu fall, one or whom, is
rttppoud to hate been ktlltd.
. I Hits stage or the aUatr, a sergeant accom
panying the Ie,lcral parly, who was nt Ihe
lime engaged lu luadtng his imi'kct, observed -.
rcbc gel brhtnd n Irec and take uVIHicritto nl
nt dipt. I,., mul called to Iho Caplaln Ift g''i
behind n tree, hut l.fure he could do so, thu
lull frum the rcbc struck hltn, ii) l(0 cimi1.-,
pa-.lng thruiigli Ids hend, nnd killing hlui 1 1
stautly. The sergrnnt Immidlalely levcllid his
gun nt the rebel, who was much nearer than tho
rcrt or Ids parly, mid killed him.
The Union parly then went back to camp,
obtained an additional force of twelve men, and
went Imck Io recover Iho Captain's body, w tilth
was found Jut ns It had fallen. There were a
number of valpahlo tlplvsun the perrpu pf
the dcciascd, nrmo pf which, l.uvcrcr. had been
taken ,n ctlence (hat ihe rebels hai ri;
The body of Capl. Llngcnfcttcr was brought
tu this city yesterday morning, untjer the escort;
of Ihe mim1crs of (he company coniunndctj
by the ih-ceand, nnd 'taken to the undertaking
crlabllihnient or Hnrvty .t Co., on Scrcnih
street) from which place Iho runrral started
yesterday afternoon. He was hurled In the
Cnngrer.lonal Cemetery, The lH),y will pru
h.ibly bo taken to New Yprk In the catirse p.r it
few das, where Ids mother rerl.of.
Captain I.liigenfcltir was ofCcrmin descent,
and was regarded ns n brave and accomnctl
officer. He had resided (ur lonictluie In (NBmi,
from whlih Stale he cnmesomotlmc previous In
thu bnnkitig out or Ihe war. Ills ieath l,xs
occnrlunrd Iho grcaltrt gloom In Iho Cfrapof
the regiment, w lure he was known only u liu
lotcd. Il'iiu'iji 'u;r.
Out Iiimii Citizknii. As a nation, the Irl-h
arc dl. tlngut. lied for Ihclr i-ntluidatm lu what,
ever Ihcy iinderliir.,e, ixjii-llji.-r In j-lvll or pullll
cat m.iltei and M-iir has this t)i.klly U-cit
dliluycd lu u greater extent than slnee ll.u
lieglnnliig of Ilie preen! war, and more especi
ally rlnue the i Hurts ur the I'atrlot Meagher,
rcli Ih-liup liuglies, ntnl ntlier prominent
lrbhmeu, have been turned tu Iho .uppoft (.(
the (iuvinimeiil. The burning clixitictica ir
rrnncls Meagher, as 'he has depicted li hti)
country nun Iho beauties or free In.tlltillotn,,
nuilhild up tn them Ihu ml.fortunes of their
dear unlive laud, groaning under ll(o yp;e of
ilerpoll-m. has created a furor among the rll
Hipulatlon, nml cause Ibeiu tn ril.h tn mutt in
the re.cueor it (.orirnmetit. under which they
drew their first breath or freedom, and which
fr.l cnabltd Ihem to hold up their heads In th-t
proud conrcliuisni-si that lliey were m-n rjiuj
freemen, culIIUd tu use n,n enjoy ,om bles.r
lugs whlph, ie l.nv Cl' nature guarantees to all
They know and feel Hal If tV'rlrii(.linn oter-
lakes Ihclr adopted land, It will ca-t n pall over
Ilie pri'vcls of Ihclr unlive home, wldch con
Inrlis will rail to remove. The Tall or till)
fiot eminent would Im Ihu dcalh knell or Ihclr
hopes, nnd lliey reel nn iipuil InUrert wllh
Americans, In maintaining and us.erlliig to thu
wnrlllho grand rxpi-rlrcent or n reptlhllpan
form of (loveriiineut Is not u fullnre, and Hoy
enter the cuntert with all their nallonul nrdor
nudeiilliu.tu.nl. Of their hrntcryuud iluiluj
Vehitte ample Jiroof from Ihu Moody field of
Mnnassar, and wu shall expect to ice thim con
tinue In their nublo career.
Thu ilef rate and iiiiluou. rlrugglrs Ireland
ha had for III fiiidnm, hat clteltid Iho sympi
Hiy of eery admirer or civil nnd, nllglpi',.
freidoni, and irl.lii.ien know and fo I that l-,i
Ameilcn they owe a deb! or griillliido frir H,l
rilend.hlp and aid frirnlrhtd Ihe llmcruld Lie. i.
Inr revnns of distress. Mcugher In Ids nee l
aihli-ess In Comux-ltcut, Iruthfiilly telU Ihem lh..(
Ihls Is an Irhh light, and If Iil.hmcn do nt
ru.taln the ony (tOYemuieut uudir which Ihey
hatehad repulallvli. fvituuc and gppd iianu-,
then, nny one who speaks of Irl-h liberty. Is a
dreamer and a tlrlvcler. 1! i Jllf Jlatmt.
Hirnai.TV ur lltsniixu I.ttiui; Doim nr
Ti:ihii-.i. Tho following ixlrnpl from a lale
Lngllr.li It Iter may Ihi Inlerciling lo soiau edi
tors who think Ikcy know more itbniit mllitaiy
.clenco thin do any CJ our Cieneials ;
I frar there will ba tuucJi Igtiorant lmp.lllci.e-t
at tho mlslahu whlih uiil'l liietlluhly takoplam
In handling tcry large bodies of Hoops. Lord
Clyde, afltr tlfiy years's experience, wllh great
ability In handling a dltl.loii will, In front of
Iho enemy, made route terrible mi.takis when
he hnd ("0,000 men lu ccmmaiid mid llu-ru
wire regular Ivpops, ''jil, llu-n, mint bo Hi)
dlniculilc of Fcolt and his officers with ru,ch,
vat bodies of Ii regular, tu uvivet The L.i,u
of Wellluglon, In giving his tertlmony on Iho
probability of a I'lcuch, Invasion, raid there
w.-ru not three old general officers In the lltig
ll.li in my who could hamlle 100,000 men wltb,
nut thruwlng them lulacoiilii'lon. And It new
liirni out ilia! the French officers nt Suinrlmx
niiiilu such n m-es with Ihtlr OQiiO men lha!
my Uuly but the Autlrlam could liavo inubtl
Ihem. I shall nut be surprised, Iherefnie, Iq
here nr some minus inisadteuluies In (ienerul
.ciit'siiilrsncu lulu ll,o Soiltl. imd ftnly Iru.t
that llai North, !ke the liuniaus uflir I "a nm. will
suppoil i,.'lf generals more risolutely .tfler ru
u-)o ll)au liefnie,
Swinnt. inn SiiThiiux..-On ucrnunl of Ilia
condition or nffiilrs In tho South, Ilie colleges,
uud schools uftli.it rxclhm bate nearly all hecii
hrukeii ii,l. lu some place. mo! exlraii,tllu.ry
und disn pulable melius are re.urtid In for ketp
ug Ueary insHlullons nllte. Hut ll.o-no.t
mun.liouf of ull ernes U hul of nn ludlvldim
and his wife, al Hie head of romo iprl of Hint
uaiy al Na'tiy'lh'. trfip, aiiununp.1, In an nppe.i
In Iho public fpf tupiiprt, Ihey hey wlllcJirv
i'ully Indoctrinate (Ijeir pup Is In Ihe principles)
of bi'ce.islon ; h))l tho boys und giiU U
tvad Seccsou tnccchis, receive Seci-r.lon couit-
sets, sing Heo-srion spntjs. niu unite In S.ctwlun,
prayrrsl It Is difficult lo believe that, Ibis In
oilier thai) i piece or Irony, nnd yet it hears ul
Ilie ev.di'nee. or gi-iiuliieiie.s.' Wit pnume
that evei) SecesrlqnUls will renrn stieh pllll'id
nlicvm puuiirinsm lual .x, j, r.-.v,
$ '