Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 26, 1861, Image 2

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" To Tun trriCAcr and rcnumxcr or rocr.
rsxiiBLB." KaiSington.
List of Agents for the Oregon Sontinol,
who nre authorized to transact any business
concerning this paper, la the name of the pub
lishers :
L. P. Fisher San Francisco.
Wadworth fc Raync. Yrckie
M. Rosenberg A'lilnnd
J. M. McCnll Ahtaittl.
0. Jacob Onshurg
J. C. Davenport Gnsluirg
W. V,'. Fowler Applrgate
It. S. Dunlap Villl.tiubiirp
John 1'. I'rlmlle Kerbvvllle
A. B. Mcllwaln rt'nlJo
VT. V. ttlnchart Kcrbrvlllo
R. J. Forbei Waldo
U'ji. M. Evans Althouic
T. Smiley Harris Sterling
James R. Wade Canyonvllle
Itufus Mnllory Jtoichurg
J.F. McCoy I'orllnnd
Isaac It. Moorcs Salem
F. M. Ellsworth Eugene City.
F. Charman Oregon Clly.
U.W.Wakelleld .Albany.
SATURDAY, - - OCT. 20, 1801.
standing lie was planning to blow up a fort or
to surrender nu army ; but If a hostile army
of traitors lay n wide section of country In
ruin), Imprison, scourge and murder men,
whose only crime was tin attachment for the
Constitution and Government of (heir fathers;
these patriots'lmvo no'trora to slice, no sigEs
to henvc nod no groans to utter. Their patri
otism Is of such an extraordinary 'kind, Hint'
It docs not reach their en so. Or perhaps they
never had nn introduction to the latter class of
sufferers, and hence they are without the pale
of their rxpamtv sympathy. Let these popin
jays howl on, their Tate Is filed, ttictr doom
is scaled.
Dkatii or Cai-tats LtNOEsrsxTKJi. The
following letter was received by n gentleman
of this place, which he permit as to publish t
IlKApqrARTERi, Raker's Drioidk,
Cinr Advance, Cruts Unicoi!, Sep. 2Id, 'CI.
JDar Sir:
It Is with great pain that I nnnounea to you
(ho death of Captain James Ijingcnfcltcr, of
Company It., my regiment, which snd cntaslro
phy occurred yesterday afternoon. He was
killed In advance of the pickets, and between
our lines and those of the enemy. At the time
of hts death, Capt. Llngcnfellcr was In com
maud of a scouting party, when finding hlmclf
surrounded by n body of rebuts, and scorning to
retreat, he was shot In the head and Immediate
ly killed.
During his short military career, ho evinced
superior capacity, and has left behind him no
man of more promise, and Indeed the only fault
to be found with him, win that his boiling cour
ngc scorned the caution Inseparable from a per
fect soldier. While I regret thnt tho Slate or
Oregon Is called on to deplore the lurs of nn ex
cellent citizen,! rejoice that she has many more
that will offer their best blood In defense of a
Constitution and form of government which arc
the only guarantees
Expressly for the Oreon Sentinel
Arrival of tlie Pony.
-J '
SAcnixKSTO, Oct. 2.1.
By Overland MniWhicbrrivedi at ontcr
Station yrslcrday morning, we have flicTotlow
lug laic news from the Kast.
The New Hampshire qnotn of troops Is full.
The Surveyor has seized the ship Maid of
Of ham Just nrrflvctl from ierpool. The
vessel is partly owned In New Orleans.
Washington-, Oct. ICth. Tins morning n
detachment of 1 ,000 men from the Massachu
setts 13tli mid Uol. Geary's Pennsylvania reg
iments, crossed tho river at Deliver and at
tacked the rebels, 1,600 strong. Aflcrnshnip
cngngrmctit the Fcdernl troops drove the tr
cmy back from the river, caplorin; a 13 pound
er. Our low was six killed.
The U. S. steamer IttUinna, which has
been olT Chlnatoguo Island, litis captured a
dozen schooners, which hud clearance,
I'otom, Oct. 13th. Tha enemy was discov
ered approaching the bridge nbout 7 o'clock,
by a German, who gave (ho alarm, nnd our
men numbering 400 or S00 prepared for ac
tion, although the force against us was G,000,
under lend of JetT. Thompson.
Onr troops stood their ground, nnd from
stone piles nnd other places o( shelter did
good execution. Thry were tlnally, surrounded,
however, nnd obliged to surrender. Onr los
was one killed mid two wounded ; the rebel
los is fivo killed nnd four wounded badly.
Immediately niter the surrender, the Federal
prisoners were sworn by Ji IT Tompson not to
bear arms against the South and were rclenscd
The Tont't dispatch snys : " I think the
Oregon to bo Called on for a Cavalry
.ucjjiment. fmj
from recent advices received from Watlflpsjl.
too, we arc satisfied tb.it within two weeks our
State will be called on for a regiment (ten com
panies) of cavalry, for the protection of our
frontier. Tho Government will furntsh the
arms, amunltlou, etc., but the recruits wilt be
required to furnish their own hones and hors
As the pay for a cavalry troop Is equal In
the ordinary wages of the times, we confidently
anticipate, If tha rrquUltion should come, a
prompt response. The long expected protec
tion to our emigrant nad, from Humboldt to
Southern Oregon and Northern California, will
undoubtedly be furnlihtd, If this requisition
should be made.
What Do They Moan T
"' We occasionally licur men loud monlhed
In thlr denunciation of the present Adminis
tration, in its laudable efforts to put down the
present unholy rebellion, which has for its
blackening object the destruction of the Fed
era! Union, heretofore the wonder and admira
tion of the world, nnd the question forces It
self on tho attention of tho patriot, whut do
thy mean hyihe treasonable denunciations?
"Why, claim to lie patriots and to desire the
peritetuiiy of the American Union j but they
have a poor wny of showing it. Is that man
your friend that knocks yon down every lime
lie meets you T or does he prove hts friendship
by abusing and mutfgninc every thine; rou do?
Is this the way frienddiip manifests itself?
e shnnld say that tl nrii of friendship
were a little too itrding. and that these words
of friendship were a little too tna&y uud tcaly
to uc genuiuc.
What do they mean? The Constitution
nnd the Lows made io pursuance thereof, ere
the supreme laws of the lund, any State laws
or Constitutions to the contrary notwithstund
ing ; to says the memorable lnstrnnvnt Itself.
And every citizen of the United States owe
nlleglaoccto the Government of the Units d
Slates, for the protection it lms afforded him
nt home nnd abroad, ond for the political
rights, higher nnd nobler than those enjoyed
by any other people, secured to him by "the
benlflcent Government, established by the
wisdom and patriotism of tho revolutionary
sires. The rebel have thrown off this nllc
glancc, ond let nt defiance the laws of Con
press and tho Constitution of tho United
States. Ami, before ever a soldier was culled
Into service of the United State, the rebels
had plundered the mints and Custom House
belonging to the General Government j stole
the arms from the Government armories, and
taken nearly every fort within the limits of lh
rebellious domain, and above all fired upon o
starving garrison within the walls of Furl
Bumpier, nod compelled that garrison to trail
the sacred ensign of the Republic in dishonor.
Yea, more, the rebels threw an immense army
into Virginia, planted powerful batteries with
in reaching distance of Washington, and an
nouneed their determination to tako the Fed
eral City. Lincoln called out seventy-five
ttiousond volunteers to defend the Capitol and
to presere the National archives. And because
he done this, these popinjay politicians cry
out, behold 1 tho usurpations of the Presi
dent 1" We ask again, in the name of the
patriots of the Revolution, in the names of the
martyrs who fell in that eventful nnd fearful
struggle, what do they mcon ? Do they mci.n
that tho President, who had recorded an oath
in Heaven, to protect and prejerve the Ameri
can Union, should have sat still, nr.d siflind
the National Capitol to bo plundered, the
National archives destroyed and the Union
overthrown, without making o single 8Vrt to
defend the Temple of Constitutional Freedom ?
If tub is their meaning, what can bo more
palpble than tbelr treason ; what more roani
fat thm their hypocrisy, and what mow
shallow than their pretentious patriotism and
hollow love for the Union ? If they do not
mean this, what can tbey mean by their Interm
inable ImwHeysf Then, U something vtry
stgnifJMDtUn'lswiVUent praise of the conduct
of tho rebels. They have no words or con
sideration for the traitors, in arms against the
UowMWflt and the 'fast ikveloping civiliza
tion of the world. Ob, no, tbete pure patriot
re too much occupied with the assumed usur
pation of Lincoln, to spend any lime npon
Jeff. Davis aud bit baud of fellow eonsjttru
tors. They can howl and moan over the im
prisonment of one man, and the denial of I lie
writ of haltai (orjiut for "his release, notwitb
Salmox River Mines. A correspondent
of the Adrtrtittr, after giving a glowing dis
criptlon of the richness of tho Salmon Rtvcr
mines1, concludes ns follow1 :
I wtuld advise persons In keep cool until
April neat ; nothing cud be made by nulling
wildly to n place where there is now fourteen
incites of snow nnd ere long there may be
fourteen feet. Provisions cannot be taken in
there before next Spring, and should half the
number now on the route rcmniu there this
winter, starvntlou will not be unknown among
Cr.r.wiuKixs-In a letter from Orn Pino
to Tracy 4 Co., published in the Portland
Trmn, wc find the following parngmph :
Uncle lien gave me the result of four days'
work wm n wjii in iiuiuc.'utm: 1st ioy, ua9
SO cents ; 2d dat.8137 fiO ; 3d day. S176 20,
uno -nn nay, too uu. I lie diggings arc round
to rorrvstioud with this nnr where thrnucl out
the vulley. One man went up the valley up
wards of 30 miles aud found It to pay all the
Does any miner believe that a person would
prospect thirty milns of ground, nftcr having
fonnd diggings that would pay him eighty
dol.'urs per day with a pan ?
GttAtx in IiJ.t.Nois. It has Uxn stated In
n number of newsorK.rs that corn was selling
In Illinois at 10 cents per bushel. This is evi
dently a misfnkc. as We find in the market re
port of the Mount Vernon (JtOVrton county)
(Jumdian, dated Sept. 18lh,.eoru quoted itt
30 vents per bushel and whrot at SO cents.
The Portland Timei, of Oct. 2I, devotes
fiiur ond one-half columns to editorial corres
pondence, nnd communications in reference to
the Salmon River mines, nnd a map Illustra
ting the same.
Coxurrrro. Ferdinand Patterson, who
killed Co'pt. Staples, has been committed, in
dcfuull of 815,000 bail, to answer at the next
term of the Circuit Court of Multuomnh
county, for murder in the first degree.
Goxe to Dixie. John C. Ilrccklnrldgc, the
peace-prating chl'f of the While Tcether De
mocracy, whon last seen In Kentucky, was mak
ing his way from Frankfort to a rebel cuinp In
Virginia. May bis ;kv go with him.
The MnunUtiiutf sura no ouc has enlisted
nl the Dalles on account of the suspicion ol
dislnyafly resting ogatn.it A. P. Dcnnison, the
r entiling officer appointed by (Journor
TiXKoturn. A note received from the op-
ritor nl Yre-kn, last evening, in which Le rays :
rVy are lulldlng the Overland Telegraph rap
idly, and we expect to be worklug through to
St. Louis In a few days.
Dr. Elijah White This gentleman is
mentioned as n special Indian Agent for Ore-
goo, Washington nn.l California.
Tur. rebel commander taken prisoner with
his command at Fort llulteros. is said to
have nl one time commanded the Minnesota.
Hie llig snip at llie attacking squadron. JIU
introduction to Commodore curingham, on
the nuartir deck of the Minnesota, is thus dc
scribed ; " General Hiitier presented Uarron
to the gnllant old Commodore, savin? Com.
mndoru Uarron, Commodore Slrim-ham.'
The latter, raising himself to his full height
looked the traitor full in the eye, and ban-lv
inclining his head replied, ' I have seeu Mr.
Uarron before. Uarron, who has alws
prided himself on tlie mifrur mondt fairly
winced before the whole volume of honest sar
casm contained in that look aud (cnteucc. It
was a. touching tight,"
torn width has been Issued from tho OfKcc of
Aiuuuuui lAiucaiiuo states iiiui inesnms vo til
by Purhinent for the purposes of national
education in Ireland, from tlie commencement
of the system to Die end of the year 18'iQ,
nmounv in me wnoie io jtJ,ai7,3W, 'lh:
l-Kftl contributions in aid of teacher salaries
were 13,061, In 18C0, and llicre aie also
local contributions otherwise in sustaiomeut
o.' tho system. 4.073 schools have been built
without uny aid from j'arliament.
Oub FlA'J The JuUvillo Journal says s
"The Star Soanele-d lUnner was the l roam
ing wie-or of freedom to pur fathers ; we nre
rrsniveii iiiul it shall lw the same to their.chll
drrn. The white npon iti.fuld Is an emblem
ui peace ; iio reel proclaims to the nations
that we shrink not frpw war j nnd the blue,
tne coipr oi me sfjy, tells mat. wUeiNr in
peace or In war, our appeal is to heaven."
PiiaADKijrHiAi'OclQber Hih-The oHkiI
vole of Chester county shows a majority of
mi mre mm .inuiiiei ugaiBsi inej'eace party,
not including votef two thonsaml soldie-ni.
Qtfrt couuty eeew the whole Democratio
ticket by over four lhound wiyorily.
It is reported that ex-GuvtviKx Wise has
hNO attsokad by ah IUmms of so severe a
oatare tbet his life Is despaired of.
of civil and religious rebel army has lallen back entirely from the
H. D. UiKtit. line of Munans nnd estublished a new line
on the west side ot the Itappahnnock. Their
right wing Is resting on Aquia Creek nnd
their left on the foot of liluc Mountains.
It is stated Hint the rebels have Interpre
ted our preparations for a naval expedition,
really covering n contemplated attack on them.
Iai.tihk, Oct. 17. Yetcrd.iy morning
the rebels showed themselves on Ilolivnr
Heights, nt Harper's Ferry, nnd commenced
nn uttack from artillery with three rompaulcs,
under Mujnr J. P. Gould, stntloned on north
side of Potomac. A constant firing was krpt
up fur some hours, when three companies nf
the Thinl Wisconsin regiment cioswd the
river, mid forming Into line, dmvo tho enemy
back nnd succeeded in capturing one of their
heavy guns. They were, however, compelled
to retreat, which they did in good order. Do
ing reinforced, they then, with Colonel Geary
nt their head, marched upon the enemy, and,
nricr Lard lighting, drove them from their po
sition, and captured the 32-pouudcr. Our
forces hnd three pieces df artllKry. in I
these were fired from this side of the
rvcr until the enemy retreated, The enemy
had seven pieces of artillery nod SOU cavalry,
together wills their Infantry, and were com
pletely routed nnd driven back somo three
miles. Our low, killed nnd wounded, was
even, while that of the enemy was at least
fifteen. Col. Ashley, who was ot the head of
enemy, is nmong the killed.
Holla, Mn. Oct. IClIs. A sharp skltmlsh
took place on Monday morning, twenty miles
this aide of Ixbannn, between two companies
of mounted men belonging to Mnj. Wright's
battalion attached to Gen. Wcy man's com
mand niij 130 rebel cavalry. Wright sur
prised then! by attack on their renr nnd com
pletely routed them, killing thirty nnd Inking
the same number prisoners. Mnj. Wright's
loss was one killed and one wounded.
JnrrcruoK Oitt, Oct. ICth. A scout who
nrrived here to-night, reported Price's army
on Sunday nt Cllntonvillc. The whole army
has effected the paisago of the Osage aud still
Nkw York. 17th.-The fleet which fulled
from this port on Sunday, orrivcel at Old
Point on Monday, causing great excitement
by its extcusive character. A flag of triirc
came down from Norfolk tame doy, but Gen.
Wool refused to receive It.
Stracusk. Mo., Oct. 17th. Loiters rcecive-d
here from Price's army.state that Clalb Jack
son is, nt present, cry dissipated, and boiler-
ing on delirium tremens. Ho often raven
about camp like a maniac.
Another Villain Lynched at Ellcnsburg.
Mr. Archibald Stevenson, cf Kllcnsburg,
Curry county, Oregquj nnder dole of October
4th, communicated to the Aha California the
following :
Your readers will perhaps rememtier the
account of the iwwrder nnd ravishing of
young girl by the On mo of L'aslc Graham, lit
this ii luce, nnd tho subsequent hanging by the
people of George Sullivan, one of her mnrdcr
ers. On Friday last a mnn by the name ol
George llrown was arrested for attempting to
violate the person of Mrs. Glynn. It nppears
that Kdward Smith hnd a lingering suspicion
of tho complicity of Drown In the mrTreW br
Lizzie Graham, which the Combination of cir
cumstances, nil concentrating on Sullivnn as
the gnilty party, had almost (as with others)
effaced from his mind. Dut this Inst occur,
rence hnd revived tho suspicion, nnd previous
to Drowu's Arrest, ho called him from the sa
loon where he wns nt the tune, for the pnrpocc
of eliciting from him a statement in rrgnrd to
his knowledge of the crime. He took him to
tho house of Mr. Conniff, nnd there Drown
confessed that he had sworn lulje'y before the
coroner's jury. The next day n committee of
citizens were uppdintcd to tuKc the. confession,
which lie nromucil to state truly. His state
ments before the committee wore, hotrevcr, u
pcvnricating os those lie had previously made.
He finally confessed that Sullivan had told
him (while they lay concealed near the scene
of the murder) that he (Sullivan) haled Lizzie
Gralmtn for having slighted him, and tliat ho
Intended to raflsh or mnrdcr her, nnd that,
whatever hannened. ho (Ilrovvnl mnA never
divulge it, nrd ho would give liioi one-half of
his mining rlnims. tint ir he ilul eiiruigo ii no
would kill him. llronn olso stated that Sul
livan had n bundle oi clothes with him Tar the
purpose or" making a change," after the com
mission of the crime. The whole story wns
doubtless n ll.yuc of falsehood, fabricated for
the purpose of hiding his own guilty compli
city in I lie actual pvrpclrallon of the crime,
Ilronsroiifisloii nnd nit the circumstance
connected with the rose, when carefully
wcighe-d, showed him to be ns deeply, m dark
lr culllr of the hetiiul pcrix'trulioti of the iiifie
iiuius crime, ns Sullivan. The person or the
murdered girl, the situation, the circumstances
oi tlie crime, nil went to snow iiiul mere iiau
been more Ihuti one gnilty party,
llronn was taken from the Court Honsc
and hung upon tlie same gallows on which the
partner or his guilt hud suffered the Vanm pen
ully.ovcr the place where the violated and
murdered girl Intel been found. The spot is in
a grove bl scrubby bushes, bat n few rods fiom
tlie Uiinks or tlie ocean ; irom mence me eye
may wander far out on the blue billowy sur
face to the wrsti nt horizon, where ocean se-cm
commliigli-d with sky. Off to the left nnd
right in the distance, the bald hills nod moun
mum, thr nn tier, in imtjratlc grandeur rise;
wiihiii tills scene, nmid these surroundings,
with the monstrous roar of oM ocean's sur,
inr billowi soiiiidlnir with suit and mournful
solemnity upon the car, the pure young life
or one mm new no guile was inane a saeriiii-v
to man's depravity- nnd Inst. In the humble
graveyard near by she stee-rn, and the memory
of that young girl will live In many n kiud'y
heart In" niter ye-urs. And here, without the
pale of the common K-pu'chre. side by side,
nre the graves of iter inurdeirrs. nn the very
scene eif their crime uihI their execution.
They have paid the earthly lialty nf thnt
crime, nnd beyond the veil ol mortality they
kai'c gone to answer before an i-ffi-ndeel Hicty.
It Is hard to fell nnd know that two such
beings was hi our midst. In the Torm of man.
Rut they nre gone, and although thrv hnvi
cast o cloud of sorrow over more than one
lienrthktonc, society Is no lunger cumd It;
their prwetice.
1. 0. 0. F. Tho Grand Lodgo of tho Uni
ted States.
I. O. O. P. )
L.S.1 OrriCB br thr .Most Worthv J
Grahd Sirk.UI. L-.U.S. I
t Wi.NRBono,VS. C, .Tly lBlh, 18S1.
Upon n isit home, after an absence of
several months, I 'Rod, awaiting mi nttswer,
numerous 'connntHlctlon7Te(IiclD and "pri
vate. It ie'iwprietlcabraJer moTto reply1 to
them separately, within a reasonable time.
If for no other cause, mail communication be
tween the different bodies whit-h compose the
Grand I,odgc of tho United Slates is nl an
end, nnd prrsonal intercourse ampnj.the mem
bers Imjractirable.. ' M
' "While ' the" flrnnd Lodge of Urn In1led
Slates, I. O- 0. V , ewer wns a politicel body,
as UltittratedTty the fact thnt ils jurisdiction
extended over uritlsh Amerjea rend the Sand
wich Islnnd', and Australia was on the point
of being admitted into full membership, and
while all its members, as such, appeared to
recognize the principle that, to for ns this or
ganization was concrrnrd, no political 6r sec
tarian dobate is admissible! while recogniz
ing nil this, I mnn practically see thnt union
Is physically and intellectually impossible.
No provision is made for such a contingency
in our Constitution.
While I nm inrrsted with the Insicnlt of
office, I have no authority, In this relation, to
speak as a politician.
Nor have I power, under the Constitution,
to make any authoritative order Under the
present circumstances.
I recommrnd to the mpmhcwhtn that nil
mcctlnzs of the supreme legislative head or the
order be sjnspciidcel Ihrmigh the present ou
turn, ns impracticable, unnt-nynary, nnd Inex
pedient. As to disruption. 1 have no author
ity, in this paper, to expre nn oplnlno.
My own decided opinions, which furnish tlie
highest incentive to individual action, unl
have directed my conduct, arc individual nnd
personal, not official, nnd I do not feci at lib
erty to express them here.
!(. ji, Hovi.tos,
M. W. Grand Sire."
I 0. 0. F. GnAXti Lodor or thr United
Statks. This grand liody convened in the
City of Daltlmoro on the ICth of Inst month,
omnnjf other things the Grand Secretary says :
'llie Most Worthy Grand Sire of the Order,
Ilobe-rt II. lloylstoti, of bout It Carolina, whom
it was your pkajurc by your suffrage at the
last Session to honor for his long, valuable nnd
eminent scrvicr, not less than for h's dis-tinjtilshe-d
ability nnd privntc virtues, is nol
here to grace his high chair of office that
se-nt, honored by a long list of his prnleetwnrs
whrvo ndnilnistrnllou has consecrated their
names mid mrmnry In our best affections has
Iteen oecuplcil by n few rnnnl to him. and bv
none nierlnr in nbllity it is to day. under
the Constitution, bv reason nf his absence,
Ner, j&oods
For Caslii
held by the worthy Depnty Grand Sire,
'Hie 1(. W. ejranel .Marslial. ilro. K. I).
National Fi.vancks. Kvery lo)-n! citizen
has reason to congratulate himself uiton the
favorable condition Of the national 8 nances,
nolwiiiistandiug the enormous domamts of r rmm i A "N a
or the present war to supprcssnbcllioo. The'pC C. V1 J V A L t
ateiidy absorption of the natfeflal loan! by ln- y i
mviuoai snnscripiion, arsares inouovcrr;
went that all the money It may nccdfiwill'jM
Ritnlshcd by lis own toeopleMrho reHef, tee'
which those subscriptions rdrttlsh to the bank
In the lovnt Stntrs. rtlacesthem in n cnndllton
to make nny temporary advances which may !
lie require-ti ov tiio uovernmcnt wiiile the
loan is being tnKcn. The security ofhrcd by
the nation is the very best that can be made,
and those who hae money to inve-st arc act
ing n wise pnrt when they subscribe to the
nnl'onal loan. Money is nbuudnnt in the
loynl States, and business ' of nearly every
kind was active.- The war Ims crushed eer
tiin'Jetmfc ofindaMrr. but it hus'nne ned other
channels, Into which tho energy nnd industry
oi tno people is rapidly utrcciing llscll. llial
portion of commerce and manufacturer which
depended em tlie cii'tom of the youth lias, of
course, sutu-rcd annihilation, but the oth. r
materialintcrests orthoeountry appcarlto be
In about ns flourishing n condition as thrv
wcreibcroro the war jvas Inanguratedi &ir.
ramrn?o Union.
Usino Pomoskd Minik Daliji. Tliere is
tlie most positive evidence that poisoned
Minic bails are tjcd In the rebel army, and
evidence is afforded ilmt they are manntac
tnred In the North. Last week five members
of the Indian regiment, northwest oUthc
Chain Bridge, were out scouting, and disco v.
ered a party of about seventy-five rebel troop.
Onr men conce-alcel tlicmlves in the bushes,
Isy down and fired together. 'Ilicy killed
one of the enemy j the others fled, leaving one,
who hung over his dying comrade, probably
a relative, until he was rontnreil. In h nos-
seslon were discovered n number of Mmie
balls, each of sihich hnd n deposit of arsenic
In it, covered with tallow. He wns asked
what the object was io using those bulls.
He cxplaine-d thai the contents were a noison :
that thev had not many of them yet, and
were only used by those sent ont on picket
or scouting duly. Ho wild thry came from
the North that they had not rvevlvej. many
yet, but were promised n larger supply.'
In connection with this, my informant, n
very reliable brigade surgeon, says thai a man
was shot in the Fourteenth MaxsacliU4t-its
regiment, by a rein I picket, whose body, Im
mediately nfter the ball entered his flesh,
sivelled up, and the patient died, llie ease
was mlnntelv described to him bv Captain
Itrad'ey, ofMellineti. who is in the Fourteenth
Reg'm.nt. 'lite Mirgron considers this a
e-lcnr e-nsc eif poison, In the ball.
Tun Masomic Sknthirnt. A very inlelli-
gent correspondent or the lribunc iu a letter
of recent dale from North Carolina r-ne-nks
highly of the Mason io fraternity of that blutc.
He says :
There are many Masons In North Carolina
who have not furgotten the indissoluble ties
nf llteir fraternity nnd lis solemn obligations.
I Hud in some iinslances, whole loelges, every
member of which is a firm adherent to llie
Union. The next anniversary of tho Meek,
ienburgh Declaration of Independence, stained
os ft was this year by (he passage of a Sccvst-
sion ordinance, will witness the institution of
a new Slate Governnteint. and tlie return of
North In roll me to her allegiance to the Re
public, with a lull representation in both
Houses of the National Congress. The ser
vices of such n regiment of lovol North Caro
linians will shortly be tendered to the Gov
ernment, a majority of whom, despito the in
sulting language of the late Governor Ellis to
lite President's Proclamation, were anxious .to
proceed to the defence of the Capital io April
last. Thus will the recuperative energy of
tlie Union overcome the evil force of tlie dis
integration, ami ultimately restore lite ascend
ency or Its bcninccfit paternal Uorcrrmciit
over every btaie.
Rkvikw bt Gknkra!.8i.'nner On Thurs
day cveninK.iOctobef 17lh, the Montgomery
Guard and the MoMahon Grenadiers marched
to llie corner of Sanson) aud .California street,
San Francisco, where tltey were reviewed by
General T. V. Sumner. The General ap
peared in full miliaria and was saluted, when
Lie sum :
hi j gallant friends t It gives me pleasure
to receive this compliment from yon to-night.
I have becnjso long aMOciatcd with JrUhmen
hi the army that I Assl m if I almoet belong
to you.- I want no better soldiers than Irish
men; and I ought .to toy, aloud, thai iu all
my long service, and in some very tight pkaes,
too, (ktughter and cheers., I have rmeryet
seeu an Irishman who reltwd to foHow where
be wua led. JCheen for lrldhmco and the
"Sixlynlnlb.'7 And further than this, I
have soeltflet.efl them iu rivalry .ehrjf
when, it took .devilish sharp siding to .ksep
ahead ef them. (Lausfhkr and apwkiwe.l
Farewell I If 1 should .null throueli the
eampalSH-rif the war should ba rndsJ, J liopo
to cemo lre agelu. J like I love Ualifor.
nia. I M grateful .V the kindustt ,1 have
wet with on tfck.bMutituI tSMst. Bojs.'I go
te bbt for the ILt ivbieh vou. lrtsiunea. ltavo
so nobly upheld. Grt blew you J Farewell!
lUcArc or 7risvu.Lc rima Cai'titr n
Tin: llr.iir.lje-Il is ulh-geel that the re-uxm
why Gen. Duckner did nut take the eily of
Louisville instead of stnpiiing ut prieti river,
wheie he iuvadiil Kenliul.) on tlie hue of the
lAiuisville nnd Nushville ILiilroud. is due. uol
to uny foresight or force of the U. S. nu
thorium, or oi the Union men of Kentucky
but to the loyulity.couracc u:id tact of one oh
score individual. Tl c Si ce-ssiouists liad I tid
t'leir plum to upx-ur suddenly in Iiuisvi'.lt
wilh n powcrlul force. 'Iliey hud proviih-tl
Tor transportation Puir hundred ears und fif
tre'll locoinntitis, and had t-ight lliuuniud tm-ii-w
itli artillery und camp equipage ou board
They hnd sicurrtl the se-nicvr of the le-Ifcranli
oix-Tutont, one of whom lorwurded to Louis
ville a dispatch explaining the detention of
trains on tlie road, uuJ were moving forte urd
ut a grand rote.
Everything was going well with them, and
Louisville, wilh te-rhiiM the exception of a few
Seceaeiouists, wns unsuspecting aud unguarded.
Geiieml Auderitun being innocent of any
knowledge of tho movement, James Guthrie.
President of tlie road, to'ully in the dark, and
General Roseau lingering in cump on tho In
diai.a shore. Dot nt a station just beyond
Green rieer, lltere was a young man iu the
tcrvicc of the rood who was a warm friend of
the Union, and who, comprehending (he mean
ing ol the monster train, when it eume up,
seized a crowbar used fur inking up rails to
make rrpuirs, and nhtic the locomotives were
Icing wooded and watered, ran across a curve
und hi a ihep narrow cut, wrenched Ihcrpikis
from four rails. The train came ulongnt good
sneul, the locomotive plunged into tlie ground,
the rnrs crashed on top of it, and it wus twen
ty -fuur hours before the truiu could go ahead.
In the meantime Louisville was saved- The
hero of the occasion had nut hud lime to get
out of the cut IrTotc the crunli came, and wus
litken, but in the confusion and excitement
got away and is safe.
Tlie N. 1'. TaUtt. o Komm Catliolic jour
nal, utters these patriotic sentiments :
In common with, perhaps, o large majority
of tlie people o( hc North, we wUdi to Jive iii
peace und harmooy with the South, and we
Pelicvcd that the best wpy Io promote and
maintain that peace wus to let our Southern
neighbors manage their own business, provided
that they did nut Interfere with our. If tlits
course had .bceojtidesn, jr all probability af
fairs had never come to tills crisis ; but now
that the harm is one and the Southerner
have seen fit to have" recourse tp war for a
settlement of differences which might have been
orrunged on more amicable terms, wc deem it
Ihc duly of ceery good citizen. U hit ctetd or
politic wfal ihty mau, fo sfond by llie Gavtrn
meol of llu reuuiry iu defense ol tlie Union.
It mailers not to us what political purly hold
the reins, the TuLlet h committed to no party
in the State, and speaks for none, but it will
ever support the Government of the United
States without regard fp tlie name ol the
chief magistrate or the peculiar dhade of his
Gi!.vt RoiEscRANZ.-Gen, Rosencranr. w
born in Ohio and educated At Went Point.
He graduated fifth ip the remarkable class of
1842, aud was commissioned in Ihc corps pf
Engineers. Frow Seplendjer. 18J3. to Au-
gnst,1847, lie was coatiu-'ously on Juty ot
tlie Military Actidemr. Jn the Denartmcut of
ttoffiucerw: aiwi iiwiiy.
.He h) a Jioeuan .Catholic by coiifcssioa, end
built a oLAia-hl NewsiorL where, he was sta
tioned m eorwtruMig fwlne,; (or severid
nun ,stooe jlieu he tbaa Xe-e-n -employed iu
Wahinton njj Okiojaf, Pivji JJ-igjiwer ,nd
Pient.Aet .Oue.whu lies Ima two'yoar
associated with h'it iuthnateby,
I hue-vjike writ. JV,nt, .sisustllcHy of
ciiarauter, WjKt t hif,dfvot(o) to jjreat hjcas.
tils iutclfsct ,i -rtruutrly itLiphjI, ,lt fiv
iU)im p4(ial. ,'iwro uevnr wms a taore
hfwest wi4d .(dm ,thuji JtofHomm.', Hi
saiud U well jtftbueid yri4h 'MUvtaryMweltika
and kuewleehje, end iu tk st)'"! .oourse of
military eng ueeriwc, which we siiMlled to.
gether, heoeiieywfef eiwyloot eif greuutd lif
wt-seovcf, jn umjprfsm peMima be .win
do bis whole duty. ...
Fnrnsivnrth, of lenncssoe. Is tint found In his
place, nnd the voice nf Virginia, Smith Caro
lina, North Carolina. f7r02ln. Alabama. Mis
sissippi, Liuislana, Texas. Florida, Arkansas
and I ennrssee, which we Imve Iteen for s
many years accustomed to hear wiihiii time
walls, pnrllt-lp.-itliit; in our ennnscls, eulightet
ing instructing and animating us by their e.-pcrie-nct',
is not note heard and will opt I
fienrd during our th-liberations. 'lite sentu
which llie reprovnintives of thrse Jiirlsdiclions
in our brnlbcrbitod were wont to occupy aie
not now occupied, and when the rrt-nrdii'C
secretary shall call the roll from to tlm", Ills
f miliar voice will not be heard by tur hrctl
r n Irom tlie bonin, nor will lltere o-nr up
nny response finni liteir vacant places.
r-tinll not grasp their Imnds In fiH-nd'htp, nnr
read their iuwurd jy, n it sparkhs from ii
rjT, when frit-ud-i nnd In-ntlicrs meet. Wc
shall not niiitjrlo with them in commit lev latin-,
nor nitiiur" laneen willi ihem In tlie nri-na nt
drli.ite an lii-relofiirp. Why tit's sp-olnclet
I elare not triiKt mywlf to niistver, however
prudent nnd clmice may b? the language cm
p'oyitl, or liowrvi-r pure llie niotlvr. 1,-s llu-
a iwer shnn'd iJI -nd that cmiecrateil law nf
nnr nlnrnl. which lennriiir with vestal honor.
" ll't d pitiAiis nnd titHjtiont of luimiui
tie ety. 'Iiilmxi-lij nvoult all njfi-nly tr lh i-
At Ashland MUU. OctoW 30th. Iiv iho Iter.
C. U. blratlon, Mie. W. W. Kkxtnoii to .Misj
.Seiuil MiuJci.v, both of that place.
t of fiulli or , tr'irtArr rthgiotn or jxJi
I. The nnstter lenn. neverlhelesn. srwin
toneonsly from our saddened lu-nrts, and in
vokes u to meiiniri up in this crisis to the full
stutidard of Odd Fellowship.
Tiif. Anari-Tor LI D. Rcrrli. ion Dis
Ti'ninxu Divine Woiuiiii- in Illinois. Rus
ell will have another jicrsonal ndve-niure in
reluie in his correiipondence not quite so im
portant ns his visit, the mine day, to llie bat
teries and forts of two hostile parties, but
rather amviutr. His nrrest in Illinois Is re
garded n n small buwine, nnd will probab'y
be regretted. As a matter of Interest thr fol
lowing Is the account of the nfTtir, published
In the local puper nt Wilmington, Illinois,
tvhere thenrn-nt look place:
4,Mr. Kus-ll nplng Iho recreation of his
Illustrious countrymen, cam? down Inst week
n a special train from Chicago, with a re
t'nue ol sjiortsinen. io enjoy the pleasures of
the chase j but unlike the Prince, Ic was not
satisfied with the legitimate exercise thereof.
Either In contempt of our democratic tuns, ir
from a rcckle.es disregard of Christian ohm
nnccs, lie saw fit to desecrate the Sabbath,
nnd pursue his sports Irrespective of both,
lusteud of trending in Iho rootsb-eps of his
Prince, nnd attending religious services on Jhe
ou the Sabbath, like a Christian reutl, mr,
he teas found shooting game nod making the
wetkm rims' with llie discharge of his gun, to
the great disturbance ofsolter citizens, on evil
example io nil kooi people, of the vicinage.
and to tlie scandal of au orderly uud luw-abic
loir cnmmiiuilv
" For this fligrant breach of Christian df-
eorum, lor litis open violation of tlie law ofthe
lapd. Jlr. Itnwell was proinpllr arrested on
the complaint pf R. P. .Morguu, Jr.. und If.
0, Aldcn Jr., and brnnslit before D. U. Cobb,
rwr, or tins lown. I lie gout or tlie prisoner
Itelng fully established; he was convlctrel nnd
sentcnceel Io pay the penalty of his orT.nce."
J lie fine was paid, and Mr. Ilussdl Ihc next
day started for Woshingtoo.
FKioiiTrri. AcciOEST.-Aboul three o'clock
yesterday lnqrning, m (he Culifornitt Stage
I .l.llt.MI ..1. .An.ll Fm... I 1....I Iitni 11a , a !....
city, wus ajcending the Goodyear JIil, nbout
u mile nud u half the oilier tid of the Moun
taiu House, io making a very short tu;rn in
the narrow ett portion of the rpad, the ground
underneath the; hind wltetl gave way, and the
wheel commenprd settling down the embank
pient, 'J'hp driver, .Miles Jfomllh, iuimtdi.
ately whipied.p his team, and for a few tuo
meuts (he ttugo was poised on the briuk of
Iho precipice. The ground crumbling rapidly
however, ihe stage und contents, together with
ihejioricst were precipitated down Ihc fright,
ful abyw. 'Jlterej were on Ihe ouUide Iwo
poMcugers (whites) nud Ihe driver ; on Ihe In
side six Uiluumcn, Unc ot lie ttattsenecrs
(uurjufonnaiil) found himself lodged in some
uiuues, nuoui, miy ynreH aow;i the- Hill, and
unhurt, Thekivcr lodged considerably furr
down, wid w bad1 Injured, Tbtf other
I. 0. 0. F.
Jackmnvilu: liixer No. 10, holds I U regu
lar -mretlmrt every SATUUlKir ATAVAW,
nt tht-lr HalUMoTully' Theater ladlrTliig).
Ilritlhcrs In good standing are csirdlally'ln
vlteu to attend. ' !
R. F. MAURY. N. O.
K. I". R asr.i.u It. Sec'v .T.'iCml
DE2xk.-'JLhro fSoI
TOGirrnnu with thkiu
At Very Low Pric
3F"03E?L CASH.
JACKSOi VILLB Oct. 2C, 18CI. 41
WA11REN LODGE No. 10. A. F.-& A. M.
1IOI.I) their reeular enininunlcatloni
the Wednexlny Cvcalugs on or preceding
the full moon, in
JAeteiMtN'riLLR. miv.
G. W. GREKR, W. M.
II. Rwtoei. &c'y.
om:;o. cil.vitj:uaVo. i,
jaoksox villi:, ukluux.
Will hold its regular communications on the
Flrt MatuttU)' I2t eiilnB orivt-ryMuulli.
All ixijournlug Companion" In good standing
are cordially Invited Iu attend.
Ja.T. Gi.kxn, Sec'y. de-e8:-J7
PHOENIX LODGE No. 237aTf. & A. M.
Hold their regular coinmunie'utinit' Ihe A
ATViiitAr Kvkxixus on or precwllng the xjr
full moon, iu Tha-ulx, Oregon.
" ' S. M. WAIT, W. M.
S. Rkulicii. Sec'y. jau2C:2
rfttterilion, Everybody
You arc hereby notified that
Can be fun d ut his store on California slntl,
uittuys ready to lurulsli you nllo
JSrjtrCMSslisA. Sr.n.- M.t My
Of every Description, such ns
Applerr Fears, Peaches, Luscloss Craots,
And, In short, everything iimil'y found in
I'ruil Store; togi tlie-r with a- large and vrl
atsurtetl sloe-k of
Liver of Cho'ee
Will find II c best rjitaKtics nt his countir.
All of which will be sold at prices ton'!
the limes. October 20,1601. 41
Dr. Hostetter's Stomach Bitten. -The
operation of this palutable remedy iijKm (lie
tetmach, liver aud t-xcrtlory organs, Is khigti
larly eoolhlug and couK-rvattvp. It irgtiiates,
recruits and purifies lliein. Dyspepsia In all
its forms yields to Its control aud invigorating
properties; and Jtjs recommended to mothers,
enfeebled by the cares and dulled of maternity.
as the f-afet,euid best tonlo they can probably
use. Iu all the eiUis of female lifts it will be
found eminently useful, aud elderly eronS
telll derive much more benefit from if thnu
from ordinary ttlmulauts. Sold by all druggists
and dealers everywhere. -llmt
Sand's Sarsanarilla.-Tbo popuhtrily ac
quired by this truly littaluaMe meiliclne Is a
extended tu It is richly merited. If the tens ol
Ihouunds of Kiofuloeu ulcer which have been
cieutrlr.td and periuane-utly licalit by ihU ex
Iraordiuary autlu-plic had euch a tongue, a
chorus of testimony would attei-t its cfllcaey
not only In HTVfeila and all external manifesta
tions of dUvafcc. but iu dyrpe-pi-Ia. bllioiu coin
plainU, general debility, and Ihe various Inter
nal disorders iu whieU It ruToids speedy and
lading relief. 3711
wkiv Advkktiskmknts,
To the Public.
VfOTICK Is hereby given that I am pre.
J.1 pared loMcliange STAMPS OF THE
NEW STYLE for tin remlvulent amount o(
the old isrtie, during e period of SIX DAYS
from the date of this notice, The eld ime oj
ICovelopes aiid'Stamps .wiH ro ie .received
tlicreufter iu payment of pos'ogc on Utters
sent frosn this oftce.
S. E. HAINKS, Asslsiant Postmaster. '
Jacksonville Post Oikr. October 20,184)1. '
uushes, about, fifty yards down the lull, and
outside pawengcr, altcrspUntf to jump from
,to llie reins, rH
the cqtch. become entangled
amxuur .the, horses, and rolled wllb them nbout
thra hundrad yards, nearly .to the bottom of
the hill. He was bad' .brewed, jend received
iiUrpal (ojuri wjiich will "vcrv Jikely prove
Jatftl, y.'yp of the Ulilnamcfl were killed out
rhihtj a third, waUlbjojure)d.jtnd. tlie oth
f pete mote or fessj .bruUied'ond roapgled.
?Tte of lite horsew were dead when, thev
stftcltfd the .hoilo, .TftesW0 Ft . .innu
merable freeitmenLi. Gseeo ic Co.'s stsire came
alotif a ft jniwetes far Jlie woideut, a"nd
tteoiwht the wovwekd to Jhe Mountain House,.
Our informant jsuwe Jltwgh to MvysyUIe,
Marymllc Democrat Od 2Qth.
Jttraysd r sVilen.
A BRIGHT HAY HORSE, from the forts)
of Bobbins & Damon. ix-ur-TuWc
llock, on Friday nieht, 16th loslant. 'sssstsTi
Tlstheirvela about 15Ji hands high, T 7i
has a wart ou tlie unefer jjjw, near the lip t
also a smalt wart on the breast rims no bnej
nor no while hairs ; Iteavy HUih. ifood haaai
and draught Lore ; a fair rottr 7 years old
next Spring." A liberal reward will be pnlij
by llie undersigned for Ihe return of the Ijorsei
or for information that will lend in hU recov.
trh .. . .QUAtLE? CJIUIIIOK.
'J able Reck. Jackeee co.OcU23, 1861,
Agrioultsir! Xmplment,
AJsA WK ms4 yarksd fWfrtmtfl o Awl
f ullural Ifuplemeubj. U alj kinds, o Jiand
aJid sonstaully ar;f vis, ( ,h,U id Ike most
favorable terms aud at the lowest oily prioei.
J. D. ARTRWifc Spf;
In.jpovtris M 3Or0ce.lx-w,
Ow of WuMtalMMd Davis Streets,
Sheriff's Sale.
errv, rna'le at the October Irrin, A.p.
lSCl.ol the Circuil Court iu nud for JsrU
county, Slate ol Oregon, and nn rireuin
dulv issurtl thereon Itv the Ch-rk of said Owl
ami Io in ilirectcil. hi fisvor nf IIK.NMAMIV
IIAMO.VI) andngulnst DAVIS KVAV-t.
for the sum of Tlirvo Hundred and Xinri;
one nn.l stxty-threo onc-huiulrnllhs !)&
(S.191 03 100). with Inrnl Interest : sis) ik
further stun or Fitly Dollars (8.10 00) U
Connsel fees, nnd the further sum of Two ($7)
Dollars fur ltrnrder's fees, lo-.-elher 'ti
'I'hirty-Seveii und leii onv-hiiiHlrrdilti (WI
10-100) dollars costs and accruing cwls s
I have levie'd npon and will olf-r forsaV.fcr
cash, to lh highest bidder, on the prcmV,
following described HEAL ESTATK.
longing fo the said Davis Evans, loif
The southwest fractional quarter of J-tt'"'
twenty-two (22). In township thirty-six pt).
outh of rwngu three (.7) west Wflhtni'lt me
ridian, containing Ufl acre, more or less, I
;'elwr with all and slnsnlar, the trtnrs1',
liendilamenla and nitii(ti-Baiies-s theitueu
he-longing or in any mImi oppertsinlng.
Bute betwtrn Ihe hours of one and for
o'ploek v m. of sit id dav.
Dnteil, Jue-ksonvilli-.'Oelolier 20. IfiCl.
4M W. II. S. H.YDE. Slwtil
Fotitioa for Divorce.
Gooowjm Aim, Complaluant,
Marv Jasp Aijams, Defendant, I
JL Iterehy notiUrd that, in ie Cirvnit t I
nf IhO'Siute ef-Oretrofl. for Ihe eoanlf
Jackson, Goodwin Adems has brouxht suit S
ii divorce from you from lite bonds of mu
mony, ond slo for the custody of Uny
Green, Ihe toe of llie marriage of said fiw
win Adams end alary Jane Alams, suJ ts
uu'essyejti oppe-ar in Iho Maid Court all"
next term thereof, on MONDAY. the'l'IMBi"
DAY OF KEHimA-nv. A. I). ISM. V
- - r-.-.--..v.v. .. , - - -
answer llie'eomplainant's bill, tlie a'5
be taken for- (Vniriu,l mul ll.u ulil paoKSrai
be heard in vnur aliwnn. nml ilia DrsrtrP
the petitioner e era n ted by iho (jonrt.
J1.J-; J)OWj:iJ,f Attornry for Plaint
Jaeksinyjlje, Qyt. 20. Ipgf. 4H4
riwKfz, jHtktun Couiil; Ogn.,
W;iLL(lfid o Usinew jn Iht QfH
the First Judicial District, sod h
beprewe Court, Oft. Vv"1
ii ,i j in ! ii 1 1 n i ...i,i.
Jixtm m. ntui.i...,......,,.ivrvi vaix'-
Wlf.l, aitend'to any bwIneM cooSAd J
llutn. Its ltu uitfABal Itiurlft n( the XW
Judiekl District of Orefw, and iu ll-;Sl"
prpweL'oirL y Ocloiier Mi41
prewe iCoarL
IHsselutioii of Geii artHersbty
MI Ji, jHSMNsal on4rtnfstil) msioiQtrt";
m a1K 9ssrvi istw iimistv sbstq i i v v- - -
ne-ss on Allhaiue Orh and Jotf nhlne ""'''
IwvethUehivllssolri'd'by mutual cowff-
i .. ' t' L '-..':. I. I . uu
W'm. II. IiVi-PLumi. unit nil ureounts SX"
- m --- r' w m t- -vria '' - ---- w
tiie firm will be fettled by him. ' .
w.m. u. vvmmv
Althoute Oiu-k, Oet5, 1661, W