Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 26, 1861, Image 1

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--"' i .ii ...i. M .. ..,.,, , , j T. .
J -t'iYiiVim SBTTavTiTiVMBs
--, -- ii ii i i ll ill il l i
Itn now prepared to receive patient In the
tluioIUl. on the corner orThlril Street, bck
,. it -Unln Hotel."
jsessoavllle. July 38. lBSC-iS-lf.
Bialjlalheprcllc of Micini, Surftry and
i. I Im tUlti
Clli attended to at sit hears of day or night.
.it In all IS. nmirli of lh Thlril
Jiiiiisl Dlitriet, the Supreme Court of Ore
iij.sad In Yreka, Cal.
Iltbssan ageat at Washington, and expccU
briuttbit city and the Atlantic IhU Summer
us Fill, and any business will receive prompt
sartti.a. trv.'.Vl
TILL attend to bmlneM la the leTtral
I Ceuru la the Klrat Judicial D!
trlet of
OTffoa.snd In the Supreme Court. OCi-'e ou
Cilifornii SI, opposite " Sentinel Office
Jacxsostiujc, Okicoom.
M17 ttts, '61. 19.Cm
Kiutviiax, JoiEruixs Coontt, Oos,
trfflpaaetsilly attend to business entrusted to
I, art. ' April 13, lK113tf
Jaouosviixk, Omuiok,
T31 attend to any builneae confided to him In
lie Mfcral CoucU or the First Judicial DUtrlet
sTOrexsa. and la the Supreme Court. . iH
J4kMK-TllU, Grgon.
JaakaanvllU, Orrfon.
ALL business pertaining to Land or Land
Uw promptly attended to.
JtckMSTllle. May 1 lib. 18(1. 17 If
Dr. N. Caldwell Boatman
HAS permanently located In Jacksonville,
aed offers hit professional services In the
fttcllcr of
)I4lln, Burger? and Ob.Url.
09e si his residence, on California ilreel,
Ii the oae formerly occupied by A. M. llerry.
seit deor to Judgs Trim'.
Charge tctt reaionable. CalU attended to
at all hourt of the day or night.
VOULD respectfully announce U the cltl
: 1 lent or Jacksonville ana
vitinlty that be U now prepared
ftr artificial teeth la the beat tlyle, and at prl
i to mlt the tine.
All kind of Dental operatloa attended (0 In
a .klllful manner.
JackioavUle.Junszd, 1H1. Otf
Sewing Machines !
With all the Late Improvements.
A EM ALL assortment of the abort machine
Ju.t received and for sale at Saa Fran
eUco price, adding Irelght.
u. 0. Sessions, Agent.
Jacksonville. June 19. 1W1. H
RISKS taken upon Mills, HateU. Store,
Dwelling, etc.. on the moat favorable
.terau. In Hartford, 1'husnLt, Glrard, Goodhue,
aad other well known mm! repBlble compa
aiet. 18:21 K. 0. SESSIONS, ARtat.
S!t2er, SHop,
Opporite the Pert OHe.
SHAVING. HalrUlfle, MaatpMlag Cor.
ling and Hair Djreiog.
Alio, a genuine article of FWi'a IUw Rm
TTivr.nd Crltaora' Stcdnar JUir Vyt for
Mlt. Jacksonville, June 22L .Mlt
ON the Viral f Jaauary, '61, the rrlce of
Wuekux A. Wjum'o
jetesxTtrlsHMK 3WCw 0T1 Inta t
ere redoeeel li(ywr umL.w ite Pacific aat.
A. few of thc, the ba4 4 cheafat an.
wade, at San erMlsi raWa.
K. 0. 8KSSI05I8, Ag.
-JtIH,Jb.1J!. W
' to Uke .I'lotwM ta Try atyleaf
Art,wib all Um UUat fafwevta. If
o Mt tlTe aatlfaaWM.M obwgta will bo made,
iv n,l..FM,,, CI , or at tfce Gallery cm
Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Foreign and Domestic
Conor of California and Third StrMta,
Host door to Deekman't Express.
;MTAll orderi promptly tilled. 33lf
(On tLe Hill)
aAoltLioxxxrlXlo, OroRon.
TIIH Proprictora h:tvlup taken pnKion
or the City Drrwrry, lately controllrd by
.Mr. Fitx, arc prepared to furnith Lairor Hcer
to people of tills vicinity by the keg, bottle
or on draught.
An experience of many ycors In brewing
Lager Beer
Qivra them an adronlagc over all competitor
und warrants them In promiaiitp A IIKTTEH
ELSKWlir.Uli in Southern Orrgon.
fci- !! aurr to tend your ordera lo the
CITY" UIIKU'EKV. ir vou with Hip IIRST
Juekionvlllc, Sept. 10, 18S1. 35tf
EI Dorado Saloon !
Cornar of CatirornU and Ortgon Hi.,
WM. BlJItKJ:, lroprlcter.
The mot choice brand of
Brandy, Whisky, Cordial,
For tale In any desired quantity. 33
City Auctioneer.
I NO I will i.fllT any property, or any other
XX man, ai puuiic auciiwi, i'ir ninro monr;
tlmn any nllirr man. at ull limtv, uud we will
iiui viwir hii uivrv man iuc piuvij tmiipr.
if we do, you wn burruw omc. uive us a
chnnce. 31. Y. IIAVIS.
Sept 17. lent. 30:if.
Ji.ol.sox3LfrlZler tOxog;oacx.
'piIEbeatacaiimmodatlons given to guettt
JL transient and permanent.
The Hotel baa been reramlficd and refitted
In every d'lurtraint, II la now unequalled b)
any Hotel lu foutbern Oregon.
Jacksonville, Dec. 1, 1IC0. -idtf
City Eestaurant !
RESPECTFULLY Inform the citizens of
Jacksonville that be ba opened a
with prlees reduced to suit the times, on the
Hoard per week,., $ 7.00
Biuf-ltt Meal GO
Lodsing.., CO
Jacksonville, June 1st, 'C 1. 20 Jrn
ON hand und made to order at short notice.
Uuute lining and I'aiwr bunging done in
a tnjiiner to insure satiifaction.
Pay men I s must be made in cash or trade.
I do mv woik at the lowest livioc rates, and
can positively give uo credit.
a. u. ALiiir.uia,
Chliforma Sired, abort Orfftn.
Jacksonville, Sept, 21, 1801. 36:tf.
TTAVINO removed to the BIJOP formerly
il oeccpied by J. K. Ackley, on theorner
of Fourth ami O streets, are fttfutd to do all
JaeltsoBviile.r'pt. 18, 1861. 36;tf.
TTAS opened a shop opposite Anderson k.
1JL Glenn's, on Cullferala street, lit Dr. h.
Gaaung's drug store, for repairing
All work warranUd to give satuiacuon.
Jackaanvlll. Dc. Md, IMP. 49:ly
A LL perseM Indobtad to sw are requested to
jCX (WUM immeUiaHi wwem. show numtuf
dassaBda aoalAK ma win prsfli mem.
Jsckseevllle, ABg. 21, 1881. 82tf
nesnr dikunokr, wh. u. uikd,
Office over Clugao & Drum's Stablei .
OneCopy.Onc Year. $4 00
Ono Copy, Six Monthi 130
. f
One Square, of Twelve Ltnea or lea, Pint In-
tertlun, $3 00 ; and Tor each aubscqucnt inter
tlon, $1 00.
t'rofcealoual or lluiluo Cartlt, Eaflh Square,
per annum, (30 00 ; for 8U ilontlu. )13 00 1
Tor Three llontha, $10 00.
A liberal dlicount rrtll be mode to penoni bo
adrcrtl'o to the extent or Tour tqunrcs.
The number of Insertion should bo marked on
the margin of advertisements.
Spcoch of Daniol B. Dickinson, Dolivcrcd
in Cortland County, N. Y., Sept. 12th.
We come here not as democrats, not as re
publicans, not as abolitionists, nut ni Ameri
cans ; but we come here as the people. See
ing tho enemy are at the gates of the citadol,
seeing that armed rebellion is threatening ns,
wc come together lo stay up the hands ot the
Constitution nnd cling to lis pillars, swrnrlnc
in our taith ir lliesc instliiitions lull, as tiiv
people we fall with them. The question is not,
" ho i) nt the hcid of the Administration ?"
and I shall not Inquire Vthelhvr his name be
Abruham I.inroln or Andrew Jucksnn. ile
is the people's rcprvKMilntlve of tho ('nr rn
ment, nnd. fur those who like him and conlldt
in him, il Is their duly to do all they can lo
sustain him; and those alio do not, It Is their
duty to do much more. Those who belicvv
that lip and his udmintstrnlion are adequate,'
can rrjolec in the pride of their slnnglh;
and tliuao who believe he Is not udtqualc
should come forward and whip their horses
and cull upon their Hercules, and put their
shou'der lo the v. heel I shall not adopt your
political principles, If you are an opponent nf
mine ns many of ynu are and I don't ask
you to adopt mine ; but I ask you to go with
me In a gmit and common duty, which coir
crrns us all alike; lo shield the Government
first from relxlliuii and destruction ; and then,
if there Is a nurstlou who shall gotrrn it alter
urds, wc will discuss that on another day.
rniRNDS and roc.
I co fnr the preservation nf this Govern
mtnl, and go tn cleave him down, as Saul did
Apag, who undertakes to destroy It ; nnd II I'
ol little consequence to me whether the enemy
of the Gnurtimciit is in arms, or whether he
is aiding the aimed t whether he is 0 rebel, or
un aid lo rebellion ; whether ho points the
fatal wrupnn at the bosom of his Itllowmjii.
or he iht-r he a'ds nnd encouragta another to
lo it i whether he applies Ilia lorc.li to the
eapitul uf our country, and nltrnipls tn Imru
it 111 nvhes and drstrnv its archives, nr whether
he is an apnlngat.aiid cniui'Vrs and rm-our-uges
it ui.dvr the loicuo of puev. I l;ue
mriK-d what little repulntiuii I rnjoy Ufjrc the
public by atatirting by the Constitution, ppd I
intend lu sland brilas long as hire Is one
single shrrd of the Cuiistltulion left, and
w he 1 her II is sisal'ed by opinion or arms, by
North or by South, by opa class or another,
I care iwt- lie is a loe lo the Government
who assails II and rr,y for. ami I dare him tn
a tiki of the strength of the Constitution and
the Union kefure the people.
The v ry existence of the Iwtllnllons under
which we lire nre threatened, and lliero ore
but two sidis to this qaislinn. One Is In
fiivc r and the other is nuinst it. 'Iliere can
be no doubt of the result of this matter 11
prrperly prosecuted ; and we are cmbarrajjcd
more to-day Jy attempts In lonnlvc at the re
bellion within than we are at the rcMllon
ilstlf. Fur there Is strepzth ciiouch and power
enough of men, and nourr, and m.ileruil, and
determination to crush lists rebellion to the
earth, where it deserves to be crushed. There
s no other way to deal with it. I ha Admin,
islrution has unquestionably put firth its Iwt
1 Hurt. I am not ibo chosen defender of the
Administration. J am Its political opponent
when J art politically but In enierp-nclta ol
Ihla k'Uil I intend to raise above political con
siderations en 1 1 rely.
tii a v.xinie ncronie rocrrios.
I clunue no politico! opinions. I say polill
cal opinions hate nothing to do with the
nitration one srav or the other. Il W not who
aim 1 1 tenant and govern the capital T It Is
not who shall not govern this great Slate and
nation J It is ; " Shall il be prrsmed for any
parly lo guvrrn J" Now none shall escape
from that buue. There uro no slippery and
Qlthy stiratonc by which political office.
sevkera crawl away from that, either up or
down. Il is a Question of existence our ex
istence and he who is liOt (or malnlalnloc
that cxlstancc is for destroying IL 'llie Ad
minlslraiion bos come in svltb a thousand em
barrasseieiils around them corruption and
treason in every department In the very lips :
military fi (Beers betraying their command
navy oQleers stealing their ships officers In
the mint and in the custom houses, and in
ever deportment, stealing Us properly or
twuiog ii to the enemy; and 0 new adminis
tration, with n new cabinet, comin? in as a
party administration, having only the ronfi
dence of a part of the people, had nil kinds ol
embarrassments on its hands. Hut so fur as
they have done what I commend, I command
them for It. If they havo not done nil I would
myself have done under like circumstances
if tbey have been remits, it Is the province of
ine people 10 can mem 10 account, aim aw
them lo sdmlnlster the government so as to
put dona the rebellion at the earliest moment.
Now, the sin that most easily betels the
American people is politics. Everything l
politics in this country. Like tho frogs, and
lice, and locusts of tyiypt, it comes up In the
bed and the kneading-trough. Politic U
what ale was to Uonlfgeo 1 we eat, and drink,
and sleep on poiitips s uBft If I wish to find a
traitor to heaven and earlli, and find a name
to curse the knave, J would call him a mean,
iHanouinar. uroir shop poliiicirn. Bven In the
reatler of Ibis great prisls, Mfliiuh thralsnur
very ponnlry and exlsteM, there la an at
tempt gotnff forward to raise a poJitl&tl party
upon It. " y,'ny don't ynu rally up to sustain
this Governments' Why, these abolition
I'll kiadlvd this ftre," " Well, what diSvrense
dues that mukeT Does It burn any more than
if democrats bad klodM lit" The questien
Is, Ifpir san we arris the Damr T not, Who
kindled It t Your barefe Is on (Sre, and you
re wmmftBsd losave It, Ike lioose is on 0rc
aad barslmr, aed tbfMtefau( the (ktrctiofl
of tw drrellig beside It, M t
" The blackness of ashes stall mark where
stnod. '
And a wild mother scream Ar bcr famishing
urcwu." n v
Dnt the Baptists lay that 'tw Mcthod'ists set
it, and the Presbyterians set the Baptists set
It, and the Methodists say thai both ol the
others set, or might have pferentrd It, nnd no
one will cedcaror to cxtincutsii the flames I
What a spectacle for a Chrktlan people I "Wc
mnr mv cr ui - urc, ana lite engines rai
lling, nnd the cry of alarm arises from all, but
the great majority hang bock and say, " I
oioii 1 sci 11 un lire 4 loio llicm thai building
would get on fire if they dWn't look out, and
I sliaot help put It opt.1' But I bold It Is of
no consequence how lite fire eswc It Is burn
Inc, Il is not Mr, Lincoln's ftrase. bat It be-
longs lo the American peepls not only to
the present generation, but to generations to
cume uirougnoui ine long intc or ruturc time.
But there Is an attempt going on now to
order that scurvy politicians may ride Into
cfllec upon It, or have an organization that
thry can tnanogc. It Is not the Democratic
party. 1 rcpudialc It fur democracy up and
down, and round about, and dingonally, and
in cmy other sense; but it Is a set of self
constituted meddlers ; the Mrs. Cunninghams
of the Democratic party who arc In labor
with their bogus baby that thry may claim
the Democratic inheritance. They expect to
inauBtuatc a parly because the President nf
me L.nii(U blnles Is not conducting this war
according to the Constitution. They have
laid out a constitutional chart, upon which
they ask him to travel, turning his toes to the
true constitutional uncle, and taking crcry
atip according to the Constitution, I expect
those oiiminislcrln'r the Government to en
according to the Constitution, but hare my
own views or what is the Uonstllutlon and
what the rebellion, and what the duly of the
administration In putting down the rebellion ;
and I havo on idea what I would do Is putting
il down, If I had charge of It,
The Constitution Is a great landmark, nnd
not a bill of particulars, livery power given
by the Constitution directing a thing to be
dune, always implies the power to do It. If
the Constitution erects a government, It pre
supposes the maintenance of that government
by all the usual and ordinary means wllhlo the
icnch of that government, nnd In times of war,
and In times of rebellion, there bt n power aris
ing from Iho very necessity of the case that
controls the whole question; and when you
hear the small beer politician prating nn the
idea of unconstitutionality, ailt him lu the
first place whether he thinks It exactly consti
tutional fur men to co lata the United States
Senate, nnd in the ilouseof Representatives,
and in the army nnd nary, and one day swear,
- I do swrar, in the prrs encc of Almighty Cod,
that I will observe the Constitution of the
United Stairs, and I will discharge the (fllcc
or duly of Senator according to the bc.it of my
ability," ask him if. alter having taken that
oath, and while il Is yet warm on hix lips, if
it is unconstitutional for him to try to raise a
rebellion! and when lie bus answered that.
tell him that II there is perjury In hell, it is
Unit kinu 01 peijury, 1 say lual tho Admin
iMrauon any aaminisirsiunn, 1 uont care
whether il is one of my choice or one of my
opposition hits the right to do everything by
imp! cation, according to the laws of war, for
the maintenance ol our Government, and if
they do nut do il, I will be one for dealing
with them ppd calling them traitors thsci
ecUev. jNow, 11 is lupposrcj mat titcre Is no war
power except that which uricrs nut of and is
prescribed by a written constitution, There
is a power upon which the Constitution
slandr, that lies bvneath the Constitution nnd
rises above I lie Constitution, nud Is on und
under the Constitution it Is the great law of
svir-presrrvallon, fur communities, nations and
Stales, as well as individuals. It is older than
this Government. Jl is as old as civilization.
It had no rise in the Constitution. It arises
in the very necessity of the existence of civil
rue wnir or babius court;.
Awuy with all your slutt about the necessi
ty of bavin:; a written guarantee for every
thing the President may do to preserve the
Government. I sav It is a part of bis oath In
sland by and save the country, and employ
suvn means us uc uuicvcs mil aa 11 1 aou 11 tie
does not do It be deserves to be impeached.
This is the law pi all nations, and always has
been. Jwt lucre Is the law of flatten corpus,
und that has been invaded, and the President
has violated it, and has not allowed some trai
tor lo be released, nnd has suspended the writ.
Hu has done exactly right 1 and I did say a
white ago that in some casts, if I could not
hure nrrvsttd the treachery, I would hive sus
pended the individual with it, nod I have not
changed my opinion much since. What an
idea it would liej Here is a rebellion in Bal
timore or in Missouri, nnd a traitor In league
with lhecncmy,and by his conduct be Is about
to cause our uimles to be sacrificed our very
Government In danger, lit existence Is Im
periled the lives of a large, number of persons
sacrificed. Jle Is known tn lies traitor
morally known. lie has been traced out and
ascertained, and yvt bo must ba brought up
before a judge and examined, and if there is
not legal, technical eridenc against him, he
must be dcliarged; otu) if Quverninent don't
like it they must uppeal and get it qp before a
court al some future lime, that may sit and
may not, nnd epter npon a litigation as pro
tracted as the chancery suit in Ulesk Uooe!
The law of war acts right up lo the neces
sities of (he occasioc-r-lt brings men right up
lo time, and treats them practically and ac
cording to the emergencies of the occasion,
lint lo suspend the Liberty of the Press."
Qh 1 how bad that Is to have tho press sus
pended I The liberty of the press 1 You say
anything to them on the subject of the Gov
ernment" Liberty o( the Press" is the first
thine you bear, The press has liberty enough ;
and hern let us shake the wriukleo out of this
U tagged end petifogged question a little.
The liberty of the press is a groat bb sacred
right awl blessing Hut the liberty of the
press is no greater a sight than IndWKrSftl lib
rrty, and ttyw t, tboitsacd other rights. The
liberty of Ur pass is ta be enjoyed so long as
it docs nof aid is the dssUactieo ef the Gov
ernmept x so long as it is aa engiae for good
and pot foe evil j so long tiltli an element
for preservation and not for aWtrscttefl, The
idea Is the Riost idle, foolish, aed misobekr.
cms that ever existed, to allow an infernal ma
chine of treason to exist aad work Its svraad
of mischief because it is a M Press."
The liberty of fire U a great rlg. We?
poald not do without it. Jt (s asewary for
warmth, for preparation f r4i &W fKopcll
lsT HrttTlifw7 ,Bd iteM pwP0'
aad every one Ma rkfct lo eajoy It. Bat
one comes; at the drk aad rVarfalhoar ofmW
night, end, wlUi a tore, passes from dwell.
Ip5 to dtfslllwr, and rlsjttja ap the darkness of
mfdnigbt wltn lite 01 napw
Hew orrttXed, ae! saver
Yo )riTJ
me of the liberty of Are I Whst a tyrannous
and abominable govcrqmcnll Flro Is free,
and 1 am merely using this right guaranteed
lo me in the Constitution ; and now I am de
prived of It I What a tyrannous government,
to deprive a citizen of tho libtrty of lire l"
The right ol Implements of husbandry, ton,
is a great right. Jn our wooden country, the
right of wielding the nxe Is a great right.
But suppose an Individual should tiso the axe,
Instead or for cutting wood or fur splitting
rails for splitting his neighbor's head oper.
He would be deprived of that liberty; nnd
then he would cry out, Wlial tyranny 1 The
right of the ax is sacred 1 Every man must
have the right. The right of individual lib
erty Is one of the most sacred rights under
heaven t far above the right of tho press, nnd
every other right. Yet, when a man converts
himself from the rnjoymenta of trne manhood
to the dcMructlon of his neighbor's property,
put him In prison. And when you hear Ihis
Idle parrot prate -about the " liberty ofthe
press," tell him It it to be enjoyed so long as
It upholds right, and It is not to be nn rnglnc
of destruction, going about on its mcrciicm er
rands. In my opinion Mr. Lincoln ought to
have laid his hand upon a great many treason
able jonrnals which be has not done. A more
abominable abuse never existed. K satan had
been let loose alter his confinement' of a thous
and vents, he could not hare done more mis
chief than these miserable, treasonable jonrn
nls. I am for strong measures. I did not
learn my democracy in the school of manage
ment, or louoy, or trickery. X learned It pi
the bar of Andrew Jackson's court, w hero it
wus patriotic, and where It tautrht that true
dctnocrary was not hnconslstaut with true
duty, by, its first duty was to pphoh the
uonsiuuuon, ami, in ine laucuaee 01 the son
of Man, "render to Cavor the things that are
Cicsar's, and lo God the things thai be God's."
This Is true democracy.
Any democrat llmt attempts to embarrass
the Administration, whether he loves or hates
II, in such a crisis as this, is no democrat and
no good cltizin, nud ought to be put up as a
monument for scorn to point her slow unmor
ing finger at. His genuineness must be
about equal to thai of the old Revolutionary
soldier 1 have heard of in the interior of Penn
sylvania. The iubabhants of the place had
determined on having a Pnurlli-of-July cele
bration, of the old-fashioned spread racle kind.
nnd looked for a man for a Revolutionary sol
dier, to give interest to the occasion, and final
ly succeeded In utiding one, an old German.
lie was brought a great distance, nnd placed
upou the platform near Ibe orator, who waxed
grandly eloquent upon the pntriollo deeds or
the surviving hero, and al the close of the
oration, he was desired to give some of his
personal recollections of the war. "You."
said the president. " must have known Wash
ington r - yes I knew him." ' Where did
you meet IiitnT" "At Trenton." "Were
you lu tho bailie I" " 1 cs. I surrender to
ushinclon." " 1 on surrender to ashins-
ton I How was that T" - I vas von His
stan I"
Now, I think, when vou Ond men praline
uboul the democracy embarrassing the Ad
ministration altuvli a lime as ihis, when you
ignore their history, you v find tbey were
" von ueramn r
'Hire ore distressed for fear I am going to
turn black republican, abolitionist, or some
thing- particularly those gentlemen who were
not nt Ilufiulo in '-18, thry are so much afraid
of black republicans and abolitionists notr.
that thry cannot be with tuctn lu arresting
rebellion, These very rnen, some of them,
had my name published so icsg In black- let
lers for standing by (he Consllution, that 1
am not so much afraid of what is black as
they seen) to Ik-, J th.nk It will be well for
them to review their own history. I have
fought Ihe republicans all my days, and will
again when I please ; but when Ibey will go
with mo to put dowp rebellion iu arms, I will
go with them. J do not repn.-J my political
virtue so weak that I am afraid to test it.
Captain Marryatt tells of n lady at a board
ing sbool that went Into the parlor, and see
ing a gentleman, came ruuuine out, cryinr :
" A man a man J" And s'o I; is with these
politicians ; tbey are afraid tbey will get too
near a black republican to loso their tlemoc-
rary id spite of themselves. But history and
a somewhat enlarged cxperieuce hare taught
me that it is not always the most virtuous
that make the most parade of their virtue.
tux car or pcton
The crent cry now is," Pence." Tltoy say :
" There must be peace,', We are all In favor
or peace. 1 qoo t doubt bat that many lion
est men democrats and others thiok it at-
uiuable by negotiations with rebels, but any
one who will look at it with half an eve cau
see that ll Is Impossible.
Stand up, Mr. Apologist for secession I
and let us see whether you can face an isdig
nam people, in what work are you engaged T
Attempting to destroy the Government of
your fa I tiers. ' I am pot trying to do that.
I am la favor of ncsoe," Rrery widowed
woman, made so by this rebellion, has a right
to look upon you, sir, as the murderer of her
husband. Every orphan rosy look upon yon
as the gullly wretch the destroyer of its
natural protector. The loyal citizen too,
looks npon yoe as one who aids and abels
treason, and furpkbes aid aad comfort to the
enemy. Your bands are red with blood
blood of your murdered citizens Ah, Ip Ihis
brief war, bow many have been tent down
with vie!soee and butchery to the gravel
How many pure and gentle hearts bare been
crushed and broken I And still you cry
peace when you know there is no peace!
Come take arms in your hands, and stand by
their side, and point your bayonet at the
breasts of year brethren here, or else help us
put it down. You will stand as men, and be
no more gullly ip the sight of (Jod to take
arms titan to vppouroge others to do so. The
parly that attempts to do this ought to sink.
Any party oagbt to sink to iahmy that ean
not lay ostdo iia polities In this arisis ; nad
sboald the democratic pa ty with all Us an
cient history, attempt carrying this question
by opposing Itself to this war, there would
not bo enough cf them left to make 'finger
boards to point to the barial-fKOvad where the
whole party will be eagttlptted together.
Now lei ns see. tsuppose there was a riot
la Cortland, aad a hundred men were engaged
in the nistractiAH of property. Yoo call the
Magiatry to4fcr. Tbey all eomo out and
attempt to put down the rebellion, aBd the
faros Is Inadequate, aad tbey eM oat the mili
tary power, Bui the Magwry lastruet tbrm;
Go and pat down the riot II la k arms
against us. It Is rbmtenmg rife aad pfoe
erty, aad gotas; on with sUatraetloB. Put H
down j and at the asme time whoa you are
patliwr down the riot, male It the most lib-
ami .oAVm of psaee." You sewi the oKleer
lo arrest a marttefer, J j is baud are red wiHt
blood : but yea tell the OfSesr, when he eomest
M We are opposed ta muraV.";, but go aad
arrest Mm, ass! sssfce Ua libera) Ket-
lions of peace." That Is tbe argument or ll.
Now, I wonder If tbey suppose they can have
a proposition on such a niche as that!
Yes, liberal offers or peace to any artny in the
field, of htHidrrd of thousands of men, with
their guns pointed In sight of the Capital, des
troying tifeaod properly, and conimtting eTcry
crime, political and moral, that can be summed
up In the catalogue of depravity. I m'shl
possibly consent to drop some or lliclr leaders
a line ; but there would be n, noose at the end
or IL I am for Just such propositions of peace
as have been made to them at Hattrras by
Butler and Strlngbam. Strlngham Is a very
good nsme. lam willing It shnnld be String
Arm. 'Hist Is the only proposition that they
coo understand or appreciate, and the only
proposition that can or ought to be made.
M Why, we mast go Willi a great deal more
leniency, because they urn our brothers."
Are they? But are thry authorized to mur
der, and dcslroy Ihe common" cilsdel of the
family household T No I meet them al once.
Il is much easier to defend the door-sill than
tbe hearthstone.
The old revolutionary soldier that was ac
customed to walk with an tspontoon, which he
had carried In tbe war a long staff with a
sharp Instrument lil,'C a knife at one end xta
assailed by a ferocious dot, ond bitten. Pall
ing to drive the dog away, he turned the sharp
end of the instrumrnt and ran him tbrouch.
The owper of the dog cried out angrily,
" What made you kill my d'g T" Because,"
tali the sildier, " he bit me, and threalrnrd
oey life." Why did you not keep him off with
the other end of your Instrument?" "I
should," raid tho soldier, ' if he bad corse with
Ibe other end at me."
treason on rtDrxTTT MUST TRrcsrrn.
Now, if thry had only come to ui with lil-
eral propositions of peace, wc could have gone
to them In the same way ; but when lliey
come with fire and sword, nnd war nnd threat
ening, there is nn other way lo meet them but
with corresponding weapons, nnd in a manner
to pnt them down. We must cither conqoer
or ihry must. It is a question between gov
ernment 00 one band, nnd treason and rebel
lion on the othtr, and ynu may weigh it out
as many times us you will, you msy pretend
to erect political parties on it, but the nficr
frrnrrntlons and the iud;emrnt or Heaven will
hold him responsible who undertakes to aid
the rebellion in any shne or manner.
Woe be to the politician who undertakes tn
jeopard the existence of the Government by
paltering in o double sen?c with the crest
rtnestlpn I It Is not a question between North
nnd South. It Is a question between govern
ment and rebellion. And In the southern
States there Is nn people more loyal limn a
large majority or the Southern Slates them
selves, whrn you ake tiie revolver from their
rnrs and tiie bowie-knife from their throats.
Has Virginia yitldid? Poor old Slntr! a
portion of her people have been bnllied, dra
gooned, and defrauded into secession, and no
sooner is that done than alio rises, like the
Phoenix from her ashes, and re-organlzcs a
Government faithful lo the Union.
In Missouri, did they yield? No. Ocn
Fremont tins been under tbe necessity of pro
claiming inarlh-l law to protect the citizens
from plllugt and destruction. In Kentucky
dn Ihry jieldf No. Look at tbe nughly
majority there of C0.000. There they met the
question In the fare. Look at the speeches ol
Holt and Crittenden, and Bt the rote there,
and see what you find,
You lei this rebellion succeed, nnd you have
every other kind of rebellion, down to that
kind of rebellion, that if you have a borer and a
vagabond wants it, he will take it in spite of
von, and you will have no law to help yourself.
" For why- the good old plan that he may
take who lias lite power, and let Mm keep who
can." The taxes is going to be formidable?
Certainly. Who is to blame? Those who
Inaugurated the rebellion, or IboM whoarp try
ing tn put it down?
Who objects to taxes? An IniU'Idaal here
and there who, not being we I Informed, thinks
If he can have peace It will raise the price of
bultrr. Jiui no who rebels at lazes Is 00
friend ol bis country , and when you see a
man cry out against tho taxes to support such
a wor, yon may believe that Judas Iscariot is
laughing in his sleeve to think that he was not
living in this day, for he would have been
surely underbid. No! let every man bare
his bosom to the sbaits or this great battle.
Let him comprehend It in all its vsstness. and
see that these men mean destruction, and noth
ing else, and that tlielr aiders and oln-ttors are
no better than tbey who arc engaging in il.
Let this rebellion knqw they have uo aid from
here, and tbey will ground their arms,
Let them think there is a parly here to help
them, and tbey will fight forever, Ynu who
go for (race go for a vigorous prosecutlou of
the war. j urow ten men in wnere there u
one now, and prosecute it with a vigor becom
ing to this great people. None of us need to
change our former sentiments. Wo can go in
this, for It concerns ns all. llioec who are
determined in this matter made up their
minds to oppose their Qoverpment there Ir
no use talking to, J know. 1 Though you
bray n fool In a morlar, yet will he not depart
from his folly' the same of a secosslonist. J
talk to those who wun 10 commune together
In order to exchange Ideas for the i-urpo&e or
determining how lo best act. My theory is
clear nud plain t That yon must put down re
bellion and treat with fidelity. I had a letter.
a few days since, from a gentleman iu Ken
lucky, wtiom ucter ifv, ou. wun iura j
have sometimes corresponded. He said, we
wish to Know what you are going to do in the
North, Jn Kentucky, we are prepared to
fight, out rebellion and put It dowu forever i
but se ro told that you in the North are go
lug to glre way ond put in propositions for
peace. I wrote him back, In my opinion, so
long as there Is a loyal citzru,so lopgas there
is a dollar at tbe North, so long will this war
be prosecatrd, until this Infernal rebellion is
put down. You can't change a man's mind
who won't be changed, but yon may arrest
treason it) its thousand walks and bring it to
the judgment of an Indignant people,
'1 Ids question Is becoming more and more
understood. Men are met'ting together (0
commune ; woman at the allar Is pouring
forth her gentle and availing prayer, and
children are raising their hands against it as a
mons-ter coming to torment item before their
Let as aet together, and see if we can bar
one occasion when we can rise above the parly
questions of tbe day. As for myself, I am en
listed for the war, I will cs,ll upon my fellow
cituKas. for and near, to oe with rm in ibis
great battle of oplpjoa. ami see if this eouatrv
aaa be sustain)! M this jjovyromsni upttawj
if tWeglorloas Stars and Strips can ftoal
oyer the sea and over (be lnd, tarougboat the
knur traeka of future time, to glMbJest tbe
mapy million who are to poata after us. Shall
we permit this uovwwwai to bo ossuevra 1
No, I y, tkw I Letts ttsae of, ta tab
great occasion, and lei him who, fall or fa.ter
be called a traitor.
"These are tbe times that try men's souls.
Tire sunshine patriot and the summer soldier
will ttamk from. Ms cowrtry w eaase lo times
like these ; bat be who stand op bow drserm
and will reeeire the lorn and thank of every
man. acj woman."
Am $eselall en the Feaee Moveaeat,
'ilie Ion. Amos Kendall has addressed a
letter to tbe Bridgeport f Conn.) Farmr, on
the peace movement, In which he says :
Toe Democratic party has. for half a eesr
tary. witnessed the rise and rail or many other
parties, always maintaining tbe honor or Its
name. Its vital principle hns been devotion
to tbe Constitution and the Union. But for
the wanton rebellion of the Cotton Slates, it
would pow be the rnling party in Congress
ond the country. Yon call the Southern coo
splralors our brothers 1 So was Cain and
Abel's brother. Shall we stop and cry" prae
while the club of the fratricide Is aimed at oar
brads, and his bowie-knife at our throats?
Shall our resenting blood cry from the ground
Tor rciigvnctf against murderers worse then
Cain murderers who would kill n nation lo
the persons or their brothers traitors not
only to iheir country, but to the cause or lib
erty it) all lima and throughout tbe world ?
Democrats I No, they am no Democrats.
The shades of Jrfivrson and Jackson disown
them. Thry mistake their proper name and
their true hom.es. Thry arc the white slaves
of King Cotton, and their true home is In his -
prwncc. Let thtm go to the Cotton States
Haunt their peace flags in the presence or
'king. Let them, get tip a peace party
there who are willing to live In peace undec
our benign uonsutmion, ami thry will tticq
be rvrponded to by all trne Drnocrats of the
Some men, in their zeal for party, seem to
forget that they have n country, and that tho
President, to whatever parly be may belong,
is the rrpn-septatire of ihst country. What
If you or I do not like seme or tho principles ,
of Mr. Lincoln, or approve of tho means by
which he was elected t HUH he is our count
try's President, and we, must sustain him,
hat if, lu the dincharge nf tretnendious re
sponsihiliiics vhirh depend upon bint, he some
times exercise doubtful powers, or violates
the letter of the law, shall we abandon Iho i
cause of our country by withdrawing from him
the men and money necessary for Its defense 1
Shall we go further, espouse tho cause of tho
enemy, and throw every obstructluu in the
way or our own Government ? Ifso the trait
tor s doom apd the hattgmsti's halter would
be pur just reward. Let ns rave our couutry
first, and then rati our rulers lo account for
any unnecessary usurpation of niter. It.
were madness in the crew of a sinking ship
to deprive their commander or the power to
save It. t is msdurfa to quarrel about tho
Administration of our Government until via
make sure llmt ire shall have a Government
to administer.
Docs interest Influence any man to " cry
peace, peace, whrn there l no peace? Ifthat
luterest be one or trade, It can only be pro
moted by eupprcwiop or the rebellion. If the
armed reslstapce were put dowu in the South,
trade would ol opce resume Its former chsn
nels, and the North would continue to pn.flt
by selling its msuufsctures to tbe people o
the South. But should tbe rebellion succeed,
Northern men may bid farewell forever to ull
profitable trade with the South. It Is one of
the avowed objects of the rebel leaders to re
lieve ihcmsclrrt front all commercial depen?
dcoce tn Ihe North, and of that end they have
ulrtady commence! to by heavy duties on
Northern product and manufactures. To the
end of reconciling their people to giving ft
preference to Great Britain and France, or
any other foreign power, thry Inculcate upoo
them a deadly hatred of ' Youxcea'' and of
every thing Northern, Is It not passing
strange that men of Northern blood are found
lo sympathize with those who bare thus not
only struck a blow at their business, but aro
daily heaping contumely and insult upon then)
and Ihe land that gave them birth ? Eiuux 1 ,
P. S Since tbe above was written, I bava
met with an extract from a leading rebel
fin per Ip Georgia, which commences as fol
ows, viz ; We claim to be superiors of the
Northern men In every respect j but we bava
got to prove it to their satisfaction fyeforp ws
can expect peace."
Yes, Northern men you must be whipped
into the admission that the Kootberners are
your " superiors In every respect." It Is only
when you make this admission that you car)
hate cace. Who so base as ever to make it
on such terms ? Who so craven as to raise
ihe white flag of peace In response to pretrot
aions so Insulting ? fc'o truo Jackson Demo,
crat, I em sure.
A Patriotic Maryland Ladt In makt
ing the surveys for the entrenchments to be
made on the northern and eastern side of
Washington, the eogiw-er officers came to a,
lovely spot pear Rludensburgh. A pretty
cottage stood with brow or a hid, surrounded
on all sides by shrubberry, grape rim, orcbi
ards, shade trees, a superb lawn, a beautiful
flower garden, etc Jt was, Indeed, a little
paradise, It is the residence of a lady and bee
daughters, whore husband Is now away fight
ing in I he service of his country. The line of
Ihe entrenchments, as surveyed, pas'cd di
rectly ortr this spot. The bill commands lbs
surrounding country for miles, and therefore
Is tbe proper spot for a battery. But tbe or.
fleers saw at a glance llmt if a battery was
erected there II would be Necessary to cut
down ttrj tree In the orchard, to clear away
ihe shrubberry, and lo piake the ditch for tbe
parapet in I lie fiowfr garden. In a word tho
military works would jcowplctt-ly demolish the
place and render it a desert. The ffietrs
made several surveys, in hopes f finding tome
way in which loatpid the necessity of cx-cu.
pyipg ;b's property at all. But Iq rein.
I Lere was 00 other hill In tbe tu-IghboihaOd
that pofemed the necessary military qualifii
cation. Calling rm tbe lady, therefore, lbs
officers explained, in the most delicate mant
ner, tbe objirt of I heir visit, and Ihe military
necessity which doomed her beautiful grounds
to destruction. The lady listened in silence.
Tears rose lo bar eyes. Hhe arose walked to
the open window, looked for a moment upon,
the lovely scene, aed Ihep, turning to tbe p4
cm, said t " Jf It must be so, laVe it freely.
I hoped to live here la peace and quiet, esq
never to leay IhU sweet spot, wWcb my bus.
band has bsuti44 for yeas Met. Bat if
my coMnlry V"d H. tabs' H fra-elr, Yoh
have my aon!," Then, If. r'mg r refresh,
menbj to" Ibe oMees. she said no istiseaa she
subject. Jq the war of the Jieyotaatshin
77, a Udy of South Carolina, firowebt lt 9 ,
eral Marlon Ibe arrows wiib wtych to st. lira
to her own boene. Bat aweJr, tbe devoted
patriotism of this Maryland Mr Is deservhur
of no less psabf .
This My, daubttfw, wW be fully eoaipen.
sated for tbe saJisrv dose Ur property, 'j ffr
MjnsesTeasjIo w-1 - r