Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 19, 1861, Image 2

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"To Te trriCAcr and w.iimanuvct ov ictr.
Union. Govrr.suiAT rcitTiic wnotit ti imus
PRMIDLC.' -- WtuMngton.
List of AgcnU for the Oregon Sentinel,
who nro authorltcd to transact any business
concerning Hits paper, iu ttic name of the pub
I If her t
!.. l'.rislier ...
Wo J. n of til & ltn no. .
M. Rosenberg . , ,
J. M.McCnll
San Francisco.
.... Ahhiud.
. . (tnsburg
. . . Giburg
. .Applcgnlc
. Williamsburg
.. Kcrhytlllu
.... . Waldo
.... AllllOIIH'
.... Sterling
. . Conjoin Ilk'
. . . Ito-cloirft
, .. Portland
, ... Hili m
Lugine City.
Oreum Cll.
0. Jacobs.
J. C. Davenport....
tV. TV. Fuwlir . . .
11. 8. Danlip
.tolm P. I'rlndle.
W. V. Hlm-hart....
U.J. Forlscs
'Vji. M. Kian
T.Smlley Harris..
Jntne It. Wade . . .
Itufos Miillnry ....
J. P. .McCoy
Isaac. K. Moorcs ...
V. M. Lllsworlti
F. Chariinn ....
IUV. Wakefield .
... Albany.
KATUItDAV, OCT. 10. 1801.
Capt. James Llngcnfeltcr.
On Thursday cunlng lat, uur citizens were
starllnl liv the sad Intelligence, brought by
Pony I.prc, of the dMlh of our former towns
man, frlind nnd chcrlthcd companion, C.iptuln
Jsmcs Mngrnfiltcr, Company II, Col. Ilakcr's
California Kcglmcnl.
iicieiiiiiiipi-iccioraiii.it to Hie home o
hi natU ir, after the ikclleu last
t rait, in which
i. r n ...in
to or In publl-
he did gecd service as nn mhoca
m nrbii-li.t,--rvtvsltn In rslnsn iimiii nn,l'.. - . . ..
' -i'- i- "
miiki - hlpirniiicnlics!doncolnSoulhirnOre -
con, Upon Mi urrltnl In the Atlantic Sluice,
he found the country In confus'on, resulting
from the then threatened secession of Soull,
Carolina and other Southern Slates. He look
a lour through the Wist and Southwest, nnd
wns In SU Louis, Ml-iourl, at tho time of the
rapture of Poll Jackson, Ills noble mid patri
otic spirit uas stirred wllhln him when the
news of II u capture of Port Pumplir rrncheil
him, and he could not stand Idly by anil see the
acred imblun of his country's glory tr.ilkd In
t'ie dust and dl'honorrd ly a Irnttoroiu and rie
rlllglrus land. He Immediately ofltnd his ser
vices to Coloni I linker, lie ten id In the ca
pacity of Pirgcnnt for it Itnglb of time, but
l,y cloe application ni d rup'd advancement In
Lnowlidgv of his prufcrslou, ho was promotid
rtrst LUutcnnnt, and thin to the position of
Captain, In that he wan ' faithful uur u fav. he
nai made nnitcr our many." lllsdetiruilnrd
end incrsi tie,) it Mud unit emtio nnniur, won
Icr him the Into cf nil with whom he wis asso
ciated. Ills men nil loud him asn luolhtr
A strict dliclpllnarlan, he expected and required ,0.itlnii Hints It would In- to e.bluln Mr. lloltV
perfict oUdlrneeln nil; yit Ids iictrrfillinglronieiit tonecipl It. Wheretir he may lit.
sympathy In ull Ihilrsoirimsiuid troubles liicl-1 1" public or In prltnte, nut' Ids llfo Ini ns
ilcntlolifc In camp, made thim fid tint he , bllttful ns his tirtues am e v.iliiil and nob'e."
trns their b'it frlind. its will as lln-Ir com i " ., .. 7"V ,,
mander. 11.. cnurago be.,, greater thin hi. I tt cr ,Cm- iu ? ' b'"1?-'
cutlon, led him to se.k dangerous peIHns. Norl u" ll3ll-' '" that (.upluln
and whlltf on p'lkct duty on the Dab) roid.hr ""I''1 'or '" tivamr P'fit, vm thai by
ventured K,mo illilirco In-tond the lines, ac- ""'' I'u-lfrsnn, In Port'nnd, on Thursdiy.
coinpanlrd by eiilj (lie of his men. when Ilievj'-'O 1 Otis Inst., from the iff els of ttUilt he
were fuircnr.dnl by n lore of rcUI, Ling.
enfilltr's rroudipirlt would not allow him to !
surreoilcr to nUls, and ba died, lighting to the I frneos. In some of whlih he Ins lieen severely
' Iwoundid. Wc bellete, howrter, lint Ciipt
He died Ihe death of a brave nnd galhinl ( Staples Is the only person who has died from
inoiiandioldIr,nBlillngf..rhlscnunlry,.h..norwlllli, l(T(hnI ul his hands. The Stnttvnn,,
ami mo m iintcnniice or that liberty lint was
secured by tl.c fucrlfio ol the best U d r( our
Fatherr. Ills !on will Iki keenly fill, as n min
a soldier and n friend. Our country can Illy
Lenr the loss of luch a mm at this time, when
lOcIint nltlcirsnioio muchncidid. Ilclsun
other tlctlm saerifce J nn Iheidlar of his coun
try, and has gone to Join the brute and gallant
Ellsworth nnd I.) on, In the laud win rutin;
"(hull linru war mi more." He Ml covmd
vx lib gloty,-looking proudly to Ileateu fiom
adiuth-Ud of lame."
List In piuee, brato soldier! Though no
marble may maik the spot where thou rfiiii, '" T r' Va . .T i ,,,,mw,,7 " '. wo ,rf'
ii.. .i ,!.. i.r .. i .i . 'ivnlters.hi-went to Iho Pioneer Ilo i nearby,
thou shalt not In forgo ten bythy country- Cupl ,, fnt ,hfrc nni, wnnls rlun(ll nl
ny name will lc clrclia with it hulo of grateful '
The Writ of Habeas Corpus.
Ihc Constitution, by iinpliiatlon, grants to
the Oottrnmmt power to suspend Ihe writ ol ,
aUns corpus, when "m wer ubtion or'" r"':: "'" '"--" ' - '""
' ., ' J """""' " ward. He walked to 1 1nungei and Inv iloitn,
inieinoii I'-e fullu njtl,j may ircmie it ; but fy owri. tint the wound was fatal. 'Patter
It decs not declare by whom the power may ' son rrnulnrd on the ilifensito until Sheriff
lie exenlsed. It is mi extraordinary power, tn -Slllfr tresled him. ('apt. Staples was about
be used only In extreme cases, of which some ' ''im' '"'" " MU
. ffl.tr or cljlteri must Judge in lutestlga-l' Tl'm() ,c ,,,, pf (.nplfSlll.
tlon and full knowledge or the faels. Is ll not ,, t0nU p'aeo on Sunday lust. 'I he fum-rul
in Its nature properly nn executlto power, gi sen lees were conducted by the Masonic Prn
much so as granting a ditorce under n general i u'ui' n' rorlland, together with reprefnita
JW h .i Judicial power? Wcthlnlc Ills n j " r Ihe Order from Oregon Cily. an
' ' . . . .. . couver nnd the Dalles. J lie irnce h.Ion, liemleJ
its nature uu cxicutltc power, included In the
gi nt ml grants of power to Ihe Pruldint :
1st. Dii.nise it iuii Iw properly excrelted i
only when the tlrcamilnnm and condition ol j
some particular city or eli.trlct of counlry ..re,
suih, llmt the publia kafily requites it and i
onto eifliier or oDieers must Intesllgite the!
uiicers muse iiitisiiguo ini'i i iri i-nininnics a ii, u, h nnui,, oi me
io the necessity nnd propr!-1?.0"!' M',!'1i,!Val"J 'Uc. "uupanles or the
ii... i .i i ilourlh (JudaliV.) Ileglment California uluti-
Ihe power; or In other word. Ufr ,(;.., njcr cnl)lnand of Major Jamct
fuels and dele ruilno
s ly of evercWng tl
i. ,i. .,... ,.... .i. i.. ... . . i
. .
neiieic unon ii.J invi'i unu siiiiny uic laws io . I
2d. Ilicauso the Picsideiit Is nlways read
to diiJinree such duties but Coin-ress h not
io eiijuiargc men amies , out ton ren is not
ulwajs in scMion j It requires ecvcrul weeks tn
summon tho numbers ur.d conreno tbem lit
.i. lAt.lAn o.,i !, ..,.:.. i.i.i. i.. i Stcond liich of tho following post will be
extra ws,lon. and tho exlgmcie wl.leb jus Bar,.oniil by ono company of the Third Itegl
tify nnd rcejulro Iho cxereiso of that extruor- mint of California Vnlunleur Infantry (Con
elinnry power, alwats urlto suddenly, nnd the 0,' Torts llnigg. fiastnn.TcrwaQ, aad the
, ,, . . i ii.! ,- . , new poe t-sbib bh'd on Dl liter. ,
publlo sufjy dimands Its immediate exrrcis , -j , Cclulul SlnlUl lSlComi California Vol-
3J. For thu reason that the condition of oritur Civtalrx) wilt immediately mount and
naltlmoroontho27lbor April last was such, 'q'ilpto companies ol his regiment, nnd have
., , .. ... ,, , ', , , . ' Ihuii In readiness to proceed tn lort Chuichlll,
that the pubbo safety Imperiously dennnded t,0 nib lust. Tho commauder of this force
the immediate exercise of llmt eUrunrdiuart ' vvlll bo designate il hereafter,
power by the IV.Iden, of the United Stales.. in? 'cS
W e therefore think It properly nn executlto uutko ariangement to furnlsli tho necessary
power, incluiied In the general grunts of pow transporlatlnu hinl supplies for lhe trnop-i.
. i ii i. .t u. i . r ,i . i . ii, i ii, i, i i I'.v oid'.r of llibndiei Oeneiul 9UMNl.tl,
ir to the President of Iho l nltnl .Statu, but B.C. Hum
i tli.e ' Is ri-tu'et d bv ( iv r- be tlr'ui , Hnt Ailjutunl ti.ntrtt.
of ttie lBlls clause ol the 8 ill section of Ar
ticle!., of the Constitution which declares
thnt Congress, ihall have power to make nil
law which shall Ira necessary hnd proper for
currying Into edict all jiower xsstcd by the
Constitution in the Government nt the United
States, or nny department or officer Ihcrof.
Senator Lillians, of California, In a speech
delivered In the United Slates Senate, Ju'y
I9lh, admitted that Ihe exigencies ol the caso
were stub ns to justify and require the Presi
dent to c.vcrc!o tho power and to suspend
the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus In
Florida, but not In Maryland. lie thus ad
mitted It to be an executive power, but denied
that the fuels and condition nf things In Mary
hind were such as to Justify Its exercise In thut
Slate. We think the facts Justified the exer
cise of the power. If the condition of Haiti
more on the 27th of April last, did not justify
tho exercise of 1 lie power, such n slate can
net cr nrie as will Justify It. On Mr. Latham's
construction of the Constitution, it Is proper
ly nn executive power, and It was. the duty of
the President to Judge of I he fuels, apply the
law nnd the Constitution to them, nnd to ex
crci'c his own discretion In the matter : nnd If
he aclid In good faith, his acts arc valid nnd
legal, ccn if he erred in Judgment, as Mr.
Lnthtim contended he did. llis acts were not
usurpations, secession organs to the contrary
Hon. Joseph Holt..
The Detroit 'ire 'irnsojs thlsgenttcmin,
who now occupies so l.irge n share of the pub
lic ntlcnttou, In consequence of his energetic,
bold, statesman like nnd patriotic action, while
it member of Mr. Uuchatian's Cablnit, and
I the thrilling eloquence of his speeches, on be
half of the litilon, Is personally known, com-
parnllttly to but fo persons bcyoud the
bound of his own Stale. Tor the Informa
tion of his many ndmlrcrs. we copy the follow
ing article In regard to his personal character
from the Louis. Illc Journal. Mr. Priutlee,
we litllcte. has never before the lirescnt diffi
culties nclrd politically with Mr. Mull. 'I here
fore the tribute which he pits to Mr. Unit's
personal Intigrlly and worth arc all the more
valuable :
"'I hl gentleman left hereon Saturday
! tn.r,lhi VM rf Wo' vrffl,! '',' 'V"-;1
l 'f the many elcvntt-d friends he Imsln lids cllv.
,.. ,.... .. ,, .,. .,, .,..,-
i nis genius nnu eloquence, tor tiie-y ore n por-
(ilotiorthc - nnllpmil wenllhi nor J.i we rnty
the condition ol any who cli not know him.
"' bnve known hint Intimately for Ihe spice
'"f Ivvcnh.iitiie xrn".ani hao nlwnys known
i ''. ",!.". lT,??,Lofl ,1 . T.1 T1 m"' nm
i -..uiii'k; Fi inru. in vii Hiii'iir is us pure n
I lint f n Intely milden nf sixteen, nnd tin one.
wiiii any Kiinw'iii.'C oi tne man, woulil eter
think of ntKiiiptlng In corrupt him or tviakrn
Ihcsiciirc anchorage nf Ids intecrlly. Hols
ton, une of the most unselfish of mortals. He
Ins largely nirlrlbuled In Ihc L'nton cause In
lintuc-.y by his innlcliliT-" services, nnd Ids
icciinliiry mrnns wire nil" ml within mtr
kn'.w'eiL-c, in nn extent that Ids friends refuse I
Inreeiltc. Wnlh-he freely cat e his servlei'S
In the cause In Kentmhv, lie refuseil tempi.
Ing i ITus of llberiil pay flir his ilonuent labors
ilsenhire. Ills churnelir Is ns staiiili'ss In nil
things n his genius nnd eloquence are pre em
liienl, nnd, by common eou-ent, lt Is placed
nmoni; the Immnrtuls nf It's roiuitiy's history
liy his ctnliis nnd orulnry. What u xnsl di
areo of ennfiih nee the tn'tlon would fed If It
h.id In some rf the dilrf places nf cnumd the
ink nu nnd Integrity nf Joseph. Unit. Yet,
wcln line lint It would le much more easy
In Induce Ihe President to itTr him such n
,d iil en the following Saturday. I erd. Put
Irrsnn has been rnzngeil In nnny n diSernte
glies tl.c following uecnunt of the sad nfiYr:
Ciipt. Staphs hating received nn appoint
iiieut ns roinumiiilir In Ihc U. S. N'my. wn
taking hate (T his frlrnds at Portland, lids
In li'ff Ms last trip In Oregon. Ilerilnrniilnn
slion-. nnd was with 1 1 em nt two n'llnek nl
lie Hunk P.-jilmngo Sul'ion. A man nnmi-d
Pirg. P.illirson.sald In be n gambler, nml re
iinily from Yrikn. nnd Capt Itud.-i-. of Purl
hind. Ml Into a quarrel us In the Union least
nropofid by llm latter. Patterson ttturk
Ibulg.- tilth n riillnn, nnd win! bthlnd tho bnr
liilbrnwlngliiuilrirs, I linsc present iitleinpteil
tiifi-lze P.ittirsnn, but he israpiil by n buck
once. Pullersnn went up stairs nnd ordered
those with Ibnlge not In follow Idm. After
some pnr'ey, ho went still farther nnd up an
nthir llight of slnlrs. where ho was fullntiiil by
Dodge, Staphs, and siteral olhrrr. Sevtru'l
shots were flwl. It Is said, by both sides. At
Vlstls ono, by Patterson, struck C.ipt. Staples
l.sst lij-il.Sitto t lift. l.v.i.isS Ilixiiis Ali.l fennnn.1 .Inn vs.
by tho Cornel Hand, wn the largest wo iter
wiintsiCd in lids country."
,,,, ,Tow VMlmui of ,r0op, x III be
nudo nt Ihe time spiclllnl :
I'!rt Ciuiipinlci A II, 0, D nnd IJ, of the
ili i iiii.iiii, . iiniii.1 ll minium ul .iii.iui tf.tiiihb:
,. ;.- : '. . i . ... . . .. .
. iuriis. oi ino niconn. nmi s.icuieuaiu tviiio-
nelllariey Lie, of Ihe Poiiilh, ies elite ly.
will bo In iiaillnc.s to tmbnrk on tho (Till Inst.
for Tort Vancouver. 1 lies distribution of these
eomptntc" lo Ihu scverul posts in Iho District of
0iioi w jfl mmKl , ho lMtkl Comml,.
,jor. who will recelto special instructions on the
m' J1 cs,
Kxpresslj- far (lie Oregon Sentinel
' '
Arrival of the Pony.
From our Extra of Thursday Ilia 18th.
SCRtMfNTO, Oct. 10. Tho Pony Express
nrrltcd nt Ituby Valley yesterday afternoon
at -1 o'clock.
FonTMtss Moxnoi!, Oct. 9. The frlgalc
Vii'ititiaiinn has arrived from Ilatteras Inlet,
bringing most Interesting Intelligence.
The day after the capture of tho propeller
Fanny by the rebel tugs, Ihc steamers Coies
Putnam having one. of the launches of Ihc
.VnsiyueiaiiiK. In tow, went up the Chlcoquecoco
and landed set en day' provisions, returning
the same evening, without hating seen any
thing of Ihc rclxls.
On Sunday, news came from Ilatloras In
let by tho steamer Slari ami Slrijia, that
2.100 relicts consisting of Georgia, South Ca
rolina, and Virginia regiments, had como over
front the malu-tntid In six snmll steamers,
schooners and flat boats, and attacked the
13th Indiana regiment, who were obliged to
The Siijauriumir. slenmcd up outside, while
Col. Hawkins marched up with six companies
nnd reached Itattcras light by night-fall.
During the night Col. Hawkins was found by
the 13lli Indiana regiment who bad passed
In darkness, a large body of rebels who had
landed for the purpose of cutting them off.
Col. Drown reported n loss of Sd of his men,
comprising his sick and tt minded am HOptik
cts who could not be called In.
On Saturday morning tho Montiullo steam
ed around the Cnpc and a few miles up met
rebels marching down n narrow neck of laud
to attack our troops j the rebels steamers were
nbra landing troops to coopcrnto tilth them.
They were within easy range and the .1oi.fr
alio opened on them with skill, firing 18 shots
and lining great damage.
A shi II pasted through the wheel homo of
the fminu, (rebil.) It Is thought their loss
must bato reached between 'JOO and .100
killed nnd wnumlid during the engagement,
A member nf the Indiani regiment, who
was taken prisoner, managed to escape1, he
losle to the surf and was plikid up by a boat
from Ihe Monlittlh. He reports that the first
shell killed Col. Darton of tho Ocorghi regi
ments, nnd the havoc was Itrrib'e,
Lieut, Hroadlirad front whom the above In
rorm litem Is obtained, thinks nodaungccan
b j done In the Inlet without Ihc aid of n licet
of light draught vessels. He thinks our forces
nt the Inlet should lie largely lucremcd. The
St) willing itrt.t at the Inlet on tho 7lh
with Ucn. Mansfield and landed his men nnd
stores. Too much prnlrt cannot bo nccnrelcd
to Ihc cnnun toiler for his brilliant nehlctcmeni
which has en it icd gieat i-xii'latlnn at O'd
Point. Col. Hreiwn narrowly cscaiMil with
the Indiana reglniKtit, from Cnulcelernte ves
sels und troops, which ttcra landed both above
nnd below htm, ho managed to retrial wllu
small loss-
iV.tine.TOV, Oct. Tib. The Tribune dis
patch says the main body of the rebels at
Piiltfiix Court House, whence u broad b-.lt of
eamps, altnnit tiiihrcheii, urn seen fromeur
balloons, stretching northward toward Iscs
burg, where there are nearly 30,000 men. On
the lower Potomac there arc about I, 'JOO, and
I.'i.OflO near Manasscj.
Death of Cant. Jas. Llngenfclter.
Wushlngloii. Oct. bib. Yrstud.'y Cnpl.
.lame Linge-nfeller, of Maker's California
ltglmcnt, while on picket duly nn Iho IKrby
mid. Imprudently tcnturcd some distance be
ynnd our lines into the n nod, accompanied by
five of his men. 'I hey were suddenly surrounded
by n force of relief, who eontmerce-il filing nt
nnce. I.lngenfilliT and his companion fired
upon the rebels with their plitn's, but a ribel
bullet killed hi in Instantly. Capt. Llngcn
filter was a member of Iho bar in this
place, nnd slumped Southern Oregon In the
Preskkiitlul (lection, In adtoeaey of the He
publicun cause. .'i. Stntind.
Prom Sentinel (Minor OcloVr IClh.
Ynrsct, Oct.. 13th,
Sacrams-nto.OcI. l.'ith. 'Ihe Pony arrived
at Huhy Viilhy, yeslereliy, I o'clock r. .
W.thin.NOTOv, Oct. 7lli. Highly Important
advices ha vo bato been received from Cuba,
by ihe steamer Kuwaiti,
The .Spanish war steamer Lrois was waiting
at Cadiz, for tho result of the Cabinet confer
ence rclatlto to the Kuropeau coalition against
Mexico, that ndttcts of tho ultimatum of
Spain might be Immediately dispatched to the
(Jotcrnor (j'cneral of Cuba,
In (lie meantlmo nn expedition Is filled out
for Mexico at Havana, under the prilcxt of
going tn Sun Domingo.
The expedition consists of six bit terlcs of
howitzers and 10,000 men will be reaely tn
start nbout the latter part of next month.
It Is given out that Spuln ii tuking these
measures ngulnst Mexico on her own responsi
bility, but the advice to which I have access,
stale definitely that tho English and Preuch
uro to tend their qnotn nf nun as well as to
co operate ttilh their Heels In the gulf.
(Juv. Spraguc of lthode Island, will be, it
Is understood, promoted to a Major Ocnernl.
(i'en. Stelumin, chief of cavalry in McCltl
bin's itufr, will order all Colonel of catalry
to report to Ihc examining board for examin
ation as to qualifications, to be followed by
Imltiir orelirs to Lieut. Colonels.
Thero will be to morrow, one of lire grandest
artillery end cavalry reviews eter tvltuesscd on
this Continent II will Include six regiments
or cava rv auei iweuiy coiuoieic uaiicr cs tin
. , . .1 . !...,. .. -
r f s -
'Ihe Suaulitmt; sailed for Hullera Inlet
vvllb .100 troops. Oen. Wool returned lo Old
Point Ibis morning, and will probably remain.
Gen. Manstle Id goes to Ilatteru lulct to a
sume chief command
Jrrrifnsov CtTX.Oet. fllh A special (o
tho Missouri Democrat says, little doubt Is en
tertained that Price is on his way south
when last heard from bis advance tiuard was
at Clinton, Henry County, It I supposed
Price will puib on to tho Arkansas line.
Oen. Ficmont will follow him closely nud give
him battlo wherever be can.
A force of between three and four thousand
was seen near Upton, whose object Is presumed
to get between our advance, und tlits place,
and fall upon some stray reglnunt or trans.-
portntiVo Irnhi going wist
A special to tho St. Louis Rrpublicaii says,
it seems tn be the belief In military circles
here that Prlco wilt avoid a battlo with Fre
mont If possible, but others) eutertaln the
opinion thut lie Intends to make a surprise
attack on some point least protected, nnd that
wc shall hate a light In n few days. Krcmonl
designs following the rebels Into Kansas and
force them to fight.
Clnlb Johnson is reported to be en toule
for Texas
Tho furmers of Pettis county recently ofllrctl
to furnish I'rcmont with 8200,000 worth of
grain for his army.
Nmv Yoiik, Oct. Ttb. This morning Capl.
Mayhall Horry, Into commander of Ihc steamer
Columbia, was arresleil and sent to Port lat
fujetlo on chargo of being employed In the
service of tho ribels.
The sece-sionisls Imto full possession of
Arizona in New Mexico.
Tho result of the recent war In Western
Virginia, Is supposed to render that entire
section secure to the Union cause.
Our Hues now cMcml In-low Hunter's Creek
In Ihc direction of Mount Vernon.
Win. II. Hndding, who was first officer of
the bark lilen, ol Portland, captured by the
privateer Dixie, on the '-'.Id of July last, ar
rived In this clly today, on his way to Port
hind. He slates that he suw Congressman
Lly, two or three wed- before leaving lllch
moud.nnd tli-.l Kly dislrcd htm to say that lie
would, stand firm to the last.
Wasiiinutov, Oct. 7lli. The steamer Phil
ndilphla, ('apt. Ueynolds, arrived this morn
ing at the Xavy Yard from l'orlreis Monroe.
All was quiet on the rlter.
Tho llitllimoiegoci In Portress Monroe to
day wills a large iptantlly of navy shot aid
shell. '
Copt. Dove, late of the Pocahonlus, lm
been ordered to the Western waters for eluly.
I ha Peiciihnntns is nt the Nnvy Ynrd tn
exchange hi r present armament for a lenvlcr
I'trn Itxrs-, Oct "ills. The steamship Hi
varla, from Hamburg x la. Southampton '.Villi
Sept., was boarded otT the Cape.nt ten o'clock
Ibis evening.
Wjtsnixorov," Oct. Ttli. Hlalr' ihurges
against Premonl had not been received nt tin
War Depirtmciit tip to noon to-diy.
The Ilurper's Peny miehlnery Is now run
ning day and night at Itlclimoml manufuitur
Ing Improved muskets and biyoncts.
Jiff. Datls was nt Munas.si- last Sunday.
Axnriiiii CtTimi.lu Vnti-K 'll.o Pills
burg Catholic, published under the nine rtlslmi
ofihcHoiinu Cuthollc HMirp of Pittsburg,
und edited by his Se.cre.lnry, Dr. Kcngh, thus
closes an nrllelo on the pence movement :
tic are In futor of Hence. nnd n snredv
peace, tun, and llnnfore wc elesirc In uu Ihc
ntiiiostiietiillfln thciirostculloiii.flhe war.lrn" "r " score nf l.illlis. Aduiiidutr, the
Poucu can be leiunil i.nlv bv the sunnrrrshin I
" r " V . V " " ..' ' .".. " KU ,"'1'
.i .,., . ,- -. . . ..-. ..
... . ... . ....... r, . .......i. ...... v.. v. .iw im.ii-
uri iiite inosii miiiiiiiii ny ijuirial Iriinnnl,
will do innrc In bilng luck peueo than nil Ihe
lieacc imvllngs that might be In Id eter could
A nrineinie nf si-cession w-hlcli has iriti-n '
rio Io thu prient unholy fiutrlcldal nbillloi
It ttou'il sieure perm nn nt trnueiuililv. nml
homijisly of Ihc Contlllnllon IkIiij vludi-
c.itul, the eoiiutrv would enter nn it new- era
of proijR-rlly nml greiilnes. Thew reinntks
liniilih nlso tho niiswrr In thu very shallow
loiiseu mild term) objicllon thai has been
urgnl iig.ilnsl us, that lucausu we nro clirgy
tiU'n ucsheiuld condiiun tho war- tvliU-b oli.
Jictlnu being interpreted inln plain lunguage.
innins, that becauso wo nre elergtmen we
should iill'iird old nnd comlnit to a ilelesllb'c
nbelliun ; nr, hi either words, bo Inillnr tn
our country. 'I he absurdity nl tho principle
Is so apparent Ih it no lurll er rcfulalloti. So
far from being Inllui neeil by ll, wo hold ns
eirtttln the trulh prnelalmed by the venerable
It ,hop nf lliill'ilo, that tl c North xtusedillge-d
In mtintiihi the (uttrumeul ngalust tho at
inclt iif the .South, nml t tint it Is u mercy in
proseeute Ihe war xlgorou.ly, nod to strike de
cisixo blnvrs, Ihtu to ihorlin thu content nnd
haxltti Ihe relurn of K-uee.
Tut! CnrtT lttiuinxu AretnsNT l.v ln
l.txD.-Thc Lngbsli pars use lllleil ttilh ile-
lints of the terrible, railrnad aicidiiit on Ihe
' lindou and llrtghtnu Itillway. Itseems that
two lraln, n llrtghtnu excursion and the
lvndoii Purllumeniury, eamo Inlo collision In
Clayton tunnel, near Hrigliton. One was bulk
ing out, Ihe other entering, tl.c signalmen nt
lilliej end having confounded tlidr signals
Wllhln a very short distance of the mouth nf
mo iininii n learnu irusn ensurii, ine sernmi
train hueklng having come In xiolmt collision
iii. ,i... a.i..
powernns tontel the ttnuiuieel, 'llio engine nl
the Parliamentary train had smashed the last
carriage In the excursion train, width hud
mixed compartments lor lusgaga at one end.
passengir Hatsin Iho middle, and a guard's
nreah nt tne oiner cnii. the locomotlto Iml
been pitched over the last carriage In the
baik of (lie Inst carriage but one, and shivered
It In tn fragments. This carriage comprised
four cnmnarlnunls, cneh containing ten per
sons. The passengers wero scattered and inn
timlcd In all direction', several wero scalded
with the boiling water from the engine, ami
their xells of agony wero pllublo in tho e-
i rune. jiiiiiiuiiuim-nesiKeuiii'u xinsasspccsili
ns possible proe urcd from Hrlghtou, and upon
the fragments of the carriages being remoxed,
twenty-two tiersnns were found In lm dead.
The engine hud literally sunk upon the second
carriage, and Iho bodii of several of the suf
ferers were iindernrnlh. 'I hey had either been
iV.1 ts, .. Ii.Vl l. . i i,i . . ; . .K 1 1 And Ihu. ihciild butlli-scarrcd teler in whlbd
war.1. Hie khrl.ks and cries lire ilicrii.l nn liy lH1 , pirasenl hours- houi. fniuglst with
alining most fearful and heartrending, the-1 prtsiitl and ten.lir recullecllons In Unit Prince
dirkniss lending to beigliten the terror of, sohller ) nnd when Ihu xiliran nnues In en.
Ihnse trim w etc iiiiliijuriil, nnd leutlng theai'hii I lrisl the miinlllee nee of the Prince which
smashed or senldid to dinth. One woman nfaciure ol guns at the Sprlmtlkld Armory, is
hud her legs culnirjust nbovo Iho knees, nud j pushed forward txllb Increased lupldily every
blie was quite black In tho fuce. Another May, and thero nro now nno thnuanl hanels
womnn had her scalp taken off, nnd both her, employed on the premises In this business,
urms broken. One man had his face crushed During tho few weeks past there have been
In such a murner ns to force his eteballs from I nny quantity of application for work, In some
his hind. As soon ns possible, the wounileil,1 insluuces running un us high as two hundred
the ill ing nnd de.nl were conxeved to Ilrighlon,
i ne luiese miieiat aecnuni isiiinmies ine Killed
nt twenty lite and l ho wpundeJ nt one hun
dredsome of Ihe latter arc not cxnceled lo
CotoNKr. Mn mow Colonel Mulligan of
i whom so much is now being tuld, in councc
ttost with his gallant defense of Iz-xlngtonjiho Stockton Independent i "A cotnpuny is
Missouri, at Ihe head of Iho Irish Hrigade,
nnd lit iim surrcn.ier to overwhelm nB nuni-
. 1IVIS til HIILI,, UlitlVI Vlll- 141 s nil IS nut us
' I..., !... .....A.l .. II. II l..llt M r M..l!t...
, hub uitii siuii-ii - limy .iiuniaii, i suiiiii
nla and New York notoriety, nor Is be of that
family. Colonel James Mulligan xvas, at tho
time of the breaking out of the rebellion, a
pruoltshig lawyer In the oity of Chicago, Jill-
, ouis, woitu lias nvvii in rrsiueiiL'i- iiiiu uujr-
uooei, iiiougu oorn in ireiaues. J so was ruuea
led at the Ilrother' Ccllege In tho samo city
and is now about 32 )curg of age, and fully
"six l.'et two in his stockings," and muscular
in proportion. lie xtas fur many years con
nected with tho "Shields, Uuards," of Chi
cago, He always took a consplclous part In tne
politics of tho oity of bis residence, and was a
warm admirer of Stephen A. Douglas S. f.,
Atlantlo Intelligence
Nftv iiik, H.-pt. 21sl.
The ce-nfidrnce In thu War and Navy Depart
ments Is Anally restored. 1 hi recruiting and
Ihe enlistments are greater than at nny period
since tho war Isi-gnn, Tho farm' rs or New
York mid New Knglnnd nrc now giving tho lie
public the verr best stun armies were crermnde
of. nnd from the canals nnd lakes wn know that
brigades nnd divisions of the choicest troops
will soon bo recruited.
There will lie no buttle near Washington tin
less nt the Instance of Den. McL'hllnn. .tnlni.
son nnd lleniiregnrd do not dure nsult the
works on Arlington lllithts. They would etc
slroy their nnny were they to do so. Should
the rebel aimy cross the Potomac, II would nev
er return ns nn army. Of that you may rest
asMtrid. Their object seems now tn be Io com-pi-1
us to keep a, largo army for tho ih fense of
ttashlnglnii until tho tliirinl.i rn.uls brcotna
Impassable, or accept the ullernnllve of ntlnck
Ing them. This, McClcllun will do whin lie Is
Ihe 1 Irsl ItYglincnl of Sickles' Ililgnde has
necn sene on special sertlco lirteen Inilea below"
tVnshlngtnn. on the t'olotnnc.
(icnrral Scott Is xiry feeble nnd spends much
nfhlstlmo In sleep. Ho will utter bo In the
sadillc again. Ills mind, however. I as tlmr.
ous ns eter, and ho twitches Iho progress of
events with as eager nil Interest as the youngest
, , Wasiimitov,SiiI. 2-t.
Dr. Vll-on. surcronti In tho IT. S. Armv. nml
taken prisoner at Hull Finn by Iho relnls, was
released on parole, and arrlted from litchtnmid
tn day. Hu sat there Is grrat distress and ills
satisfaction In the ttl I Capital, All Ihe holds
nrc fit linl unns hospitals, nnd nro flllid with
sick nnd tvemnlrd. Tlicro nro four hutidrrd
men of one of the 1 lorlda regiments In Ihc hos.
pi I is. Medicines of nil kinds nrc costly. Qui
nine sells nt SS nn ounce, nnd xery scare,
Cnnfiilernln enrrency depreciating, Ihe lest
cnmnnndlng fifteen per cent, premium. All Iho
physicians oi ineeiiy agree mai mere am ai
least Iwn tlinnsnnil Inllnenllnl clllrnis of Itlih-
mond oiiiioscil tn Ihe relielllnit. Knowing ones
nt Ulchiiiiinil ilu not Inlletcnti attack will lie
made on Wiislilnaliin. Ilenuregard's hendiiiinr-
lers nrn at Pitlrfnx Court House. Jnhiislon k
lieadiitiirlers arc near Winchester. Thero are
nbout four tlmii'iind troops nt Norfolk. At II e
llnltir place urn icih-is are coin e rung the steam
er Mirrlnne Into n lloallng Imlle-ry.
Fplrs, In Ihe pubo r Ix-ggars. are qullu
numerous In Washlnglon. Pour b'ggr spies
were arrested to day.
The rclitrndcd mrgoons speak In blller lerms
ngnlnst the rels-ls for Ibclr Ire-atmelil of Pulnn
prisoner nt Ittchmoml. 'I hey sav Ihal len of
the in were killed by a mob uttlslde shoollng
thintiuli Ilia windows.
A ballerv tnnunltng eight guns has been
rreclrel behind AqutaCretk wharf, hi ns to Ik
Intlstblc fiom the rlter. Theru Is n large en
eanipmenl of llm ribels nenr ll, nnd tn-dny two
shots Hen-drrd nt our llotlll i, but they fill rhutl,
mill no dannge tins ilnne.
(iniral linker Is aulhorlid to raise it regi
ment of uititlry for Ori'goti.
I'nixrK N iroi 1 1 iv ami tub Oils Snitnin
Lnn-m- Unite, n icllooftlietirniid Armyoflhi
I'irst Nnpnli on, now uu fiimitu of the t'onk
enmity poor-house. Ii.nl nil Inti-rrlcw- with
rriuce.Mipiiienii. i.iiiiniy.xgeui Hansen, n nrn
big Ihu wMi of the old soldier, kindly e-enrted
him tn thu Tremoul. Ills cird xtas sent Io lti-
I'riucns ntnrltueiits. nnd llonld innn. IkiwhI
ibivtu tilth llm wtlglit of luhly years, was uth-
inn inns inn nugiisi preseuee,
'Ihel'rluca nroso to receive Ids remirkable
sruei-t. lliTe Iln-y stood for a tnoni-itl. looking
i-ich other In tho fiicc--the sicntid Inlr In tin-I-s
t sis.lt rrown mid Ihescarrul and hrnnriil vet-
'"'.'f1' V?ln ""' '.',,, '"."" " l,.l,.,"V. "".' .l'"-
iii ueiiiitr nun in n si-ni. siioiiu so liihiiv Hi 11 nm
n mn. biai t ot uuWed, and ho burst lu'o
Tn Ihnse al nil nequitnleil with Ihe history nf
i no .,ipnno'iic urn i;y, in iim r liie Kliutuess oi
ine I'nneo nor I no iiihuiiiii or the om soliiu-r
will be wunib-riil nl. All such well know lb
rrnmrU:tl.. imwir that Ihu first Naiiotenii held
upon Ihu ntficihiusof Ids snldler. ns well its
ih wild und uncontrollable Idnl ilry lumirestiil
bv Ihe I it ts r toward Ihe fnnm r iquui all occa-sin-is,
whither III victory nrdifiut.
In that Inlirtlew, tho xitermi ''fought Ids
Inltlni n'rr nga'ti." Ih'- Prliiceqiii-sllnnid b'sis
nud IMa ei wit's glt-i.-iiliig evi-s in Ids ri-eltul
of thiKD thrilling lueldeiils wli'ili eter had rs
llii-lr hern a Nupolenn
1 lei null k ejo of the Prince nnllrnl the nli-
seueeoi three lingers fiuuionoof thu soldier's
Where illit too tou.io ximr flnTi-rsV
" lii Ihe ntnat Irom M ireou, I was nllnrheil
In Iheeiitalry, nml In i.ne of the chirgr or
ll.o-o tlllalnoits Coisncks, it slroki- from a lance
liprlt d me of my Huge rs. Hut." nmllhaoM
teli rail's eye shinies with the old Jntlle-llidil,
"my siKr IIiiMuiI lilm. sire. Ah, Unite Cos
rncl.swere llu ino-i ijilendM hnrH-iiiin that I
etir saw, but Ibe-y wrru nfinld of MitralV e it
airy, ntlir nil." And the nhl sohllir'a mind
wiiiidiretl luck In tint terrible relreitlinm the
burning eapllal nf Ihe ltuslas, siiirniimleil by
the Inllextblu rigors of a Itussslau winter, ami
tharrits - iildiiy nnd Slight by lliosu fuilotis onseli.
f:r.V."";tt.Vi ,'r' oro vtiwamiuaniigiiiii.
Ireu of the id.ilus,
"lids, sire, vuisilnuont l.odl." exhibiting n
ttrribloreir upon his Ml shoulder, made by n
gmpj shot,
"Ami this," luring the etlf of his left leg.
showing llietn.nl; nf n bullet Ihrnugli nml
through It. "wiisiloncnt Arcnlt."
" '1 Ids sillier rut on my linul wasreecltnl nl
Austitlllz. mid so tvns lids, sire," tenderly hh
ilU nn the Clnssol thu Legleui nf Honor he
sluwid upon lil in by Nupoliuii, fur special sir-
hail pres.eil a will tlllnl puise, Into III. Imml
ami given him nuuinucn lint hi IMtt Prance
h ul not forgotten U r xeli runs, und that n lib 'n 1
pension shuuld bo provided Iw- him. (Tony.
tion-i ns- War. Notwithstanding tho im
mense ipiantltlts of munitions of war prepared
for (inurnment ut tho various nrs.cn iN, Ihu
iltmiiud is still nrtlte, and tho w oik is con
tinued both elay and night. At Iho Water
town Arnetml ono huudsjB thousand ear-
trhlge nre made per day,
, Geshle many oilier
articles. Including gnu carriages, etc., etc.
Here, also, under ihu supervision of an Aus
trian Captain, a new kind of rocket Is maim
factored, which like Hie famous "(Jrrek lire"
nf o'd, is unquenchable with water, nml which,
It Is thought, will be of considerable benefit In
the lilliire opcralloin or the urmy. I lio man'
per day : but iceently the rush his somewhat
nbitid, as no cuplojees arc desired nt present,
Ous is now being Introduced in tho water
shops, tthieh nrrangiment will bo a much
needed Improvement on the old plan of light
ing up.
Drtn Shot Wo find tho following In
being oignnueil nt han l-runcl.eo, lo bo coin-
posed of one bundled and one men, none leas
ihau six rect litgu, perteot in heaiiii.signi ami
hearing, ucllon, and willing to fight, with
money tn piy their own passage to Wushlng.
Ion, The Sacramento Bee says, nf them I " It
is to be called Iho " California Dead Shots,"
and so soon ns organised vvlll leave at once
fnr Washington und oiler ill service) to Ihe
UoYcrmneiit, making but ouo condition, that
Ihey' shall bo put into active service, and
whenever convenient, trauslerred to Ihe placo
of greatest danger. Already uro eighty-one
names enrolled, und pinny aro anxious to Join
txho, because of want of sljo in person or in
purso, These eighty-one are, nl course, nicked
men, ns the entire company will be, ami they
take their lives In their bauds. They will
carve a name for themselves or find a grave.' "
Torriblo Scone in a Philadelphia Theatre,
Ten Live Lost.
The past week has been fruitful of accidents
throughout the country, nnd some have been
of a most distressing character. One of thee
occurred nt the Continental Theatre on Wal
nut street, Philadelphia. William Whtatley,
uu old nclor, recently rclnmlshcd nnd rtopeneel
I lie bulling, ntxl produced HiiaKspcrca ici
pcsl, in spectacular style. A London machi
nist was brought otcr to furnish gorgeous
scenic nnd mechanical fittings for the piece,
nnd n numerous ballet corps trns engaged.
Sats Iho Philadelphia Pic M :
During the wale the bouses nerc excellent,
nnd on Saturday tilght nbout 1.100 persons
itnro nasini1)iiil In rntov tins entertainment.
The play had proceeded ns fir ns the llrst net.
Prn.spvrn bad related bis misfortunes, nnd Ihc
prctiy Ariel had been instructed ns to bis
master's behest had stirred up the elcminls,
nnd the lightning exhibited to the delighted
people Ihc tattered shrouds und lorn spurs of
a (loomeel ship. The waxes rolling, nnd lire
vescl began In sway. All eyes wnlchcd the
assumed terror of thoo on board the Jester
Trlnculo (Chapman) who fonnil lime lor joking
between tne pauses oi enc aiorm, nmi oicpu
nno, the drunken Hullcr, who sworu nnd rol
licked with death In his face.
All ut nnro. those nceuslomed to wltnffs'ng
show pieces saw nn tinncccssrfry light glaring
oxer ihc ton nf tho rear scene. Heforc they
had llmo to siiccohitc upon it, a number of
men In shirt slues (singe carpenters) ran upon
the stage, nnd while tho confusion gritv mo
mentarily, n sharp scrcnni, that stemcel to
nlercc the heart, rang unoit the ears of tho
people, und a woman In ballet costume with
dress all on lire, rnirrgcel from Iho side scenes
wnt Ing her arms nboto her head. In a mo
ment sho fill Into the abyss nhcro the ship
was riding. At the same iltnu n succession of
screams insued. Trlnculo sudenly cen'ed In
Joke and dropped Inlo the wntcs, while Slctili
nno forgot to be drunk, and became as sober
as n Judge.
Tlicjnung woman who hid fallen Inlo the
wave reapn-ariil, and the waves all at once
assumed the guise of a bit of green ctotb thnt
was folded nround tho young women, and
w Idle the icre-ams went on faster nnd faster,
the curtains had dropped upon the stage and
hid the scene fiom the nmbence. Some sym
loins nf nhtrm bad ttppntrinl by this time, and
one lad In the gallery cried " lire," tx hereupon
ho tvns choked by u big fisted man beside
lilm. Two nr three women said" O I.nrd!"
but these slight minlfi-stntlons wero quelled
by Manager Wheutlcy, who nppeand In front
of ilia curtains nnd said :
"I.idie'S nnd gentlemen, bo kind enough to
rclnlu jour seats, und nutkei nn until cesstvry
disturb nice. If any thing has gone wrong I
will return In n s.iommt nnd state tho oeiur
renees."' The screams were prolonged nnd thrilling In
ihe Interim, but dimity Mr. Wheutley nap
pearl el and said :
"lollies nnd prntlrnnn, Ihe performers nro
some" li.it excited, md we cannot go on with
the pluy until wo discover the extent nf Hie
neeldcnt. Yon will Jlawfisre go out nulelly."
A toice-.'- us he ywi ng lady whnm we
IW Just now, llllllb burnetii '
Mr. Wheatley-" I eunnot I, I. There . a
great ileal nf confusion behind thu curtain.
Please go nut ! .
The iK-nidn elisbniiiled quietly. Sumo one
drscrilKil I lie Ir orderly dismissal ns resembling
u (tiuernl. Hut n scene far otherwise went on
upon the stage.
The girls wire dressing for Iho billet. The
dressing-rooms adjoin Suusom street, nnd In n
dn sslng-rnntii nt Ihc northwest corner nf the
building thu .Mises (lute. ilinsritsn, were nd
justbig ihrmelve for Ihe ballet for Act II.
Mb .lla Wide, ono nf Ihe sisters, sinod upon
n settee to reach n dress, mid when In the uet
nl bunding It down ihc Himu nf gis from nn
iidjiieent lube set It on lire: Ihe llimes cent
iis'ihlcitcd to lur 11ikler1.lutl1e.-4, uiiel she was
all nbluze In nn In'tnnt. I It r sisters rushed
up In extinguish Ihu lire. n:ul Ihe-y Inn were
Igulleil. 'I ho lire moiiuliil In tin ir nrms nnd
list nsts, Indicting lirriblo burns, nud pmlc
stricken' they tun from the renin, through u
narrow pisagei way Into Iho next dressing
room, lilted with lutlli t ladies. Tho gauze
dresses ol lhoo blazeel up directly, screauilng,
struggling, wrrslllng. Iho pour en alusi'S either
lurmil and !mr il fr'un Iho wli.ihiws Into Sun
pom stieel, or tun hither and thither culling
for uNtnnco.
Miss a-II.i Wale, with her clothing on fire
nnd uttering loud scream, ran down stairs
and n .nil iho stage, lulling Ik low Iho singe
'evil, where she txui caught In Ihe nrnn nl
Mr. 'Ihnmix t.iy nni, the curps tster of the
,.t ,
I In aire. ,tlr. limini, In ivtiempllng to extin
gulsli the lire wltb a " sei cloth," ttus h!mcll
btirneil about the hands nud arms.
Miss Chun Clifton tins, caught in the nrm
of the bystanders, having hajsil elnvtu nnd
e-seiiicd unhurt, her clothing not hating taken
Miss Hannah Wale did tint Jump from Ihe
window until sho tins Unlly burned, nnd when
lie leaped sho fell to the ground upon her
Inek, nnd sustained mere injuries Irnm the
fullns well ns from her nurns. Bhe was car.
rlcd Into tireer' tavern, near by, whero she
win In an nhni't hopeless inmlllloii at a lots
hour. On Suudiy ut 10 o'i loci;,, she expired
at Ilia Unipalnl. in great agony.
.Mist A nni Nicholas in lur irigm jumpeii
from a platform lo the stage, a distance of
ubntit ID feet. She will not reenter.
Six of these burned women had died op In
midnight lust night, nnd fair more .ire not c
pccltel to survive tho next twenty-four hours.
All of tlietn suiTcrcd terribly, culling for tinier
most pltemisly, nnd iiutululnlug their sense
unimpaired tn the last.
Pittxe-st Xaihii.ioxt, Our distlngislibed
tlsltnr returni frntn Id extendul Western
trip In robust hetillli.ninl lllleil wills nilmlru
lion nt lha evhlencts of national power and
pros)erity be bits ctery whero met, 111 pro
pcvuveiilons were much in our fuxor prior tn
leaving France, but ruhe hlmsell expresses it,
the nnlity has far exceeded Ids exudations,
Ho has paid particular attention to our ma
ehlno shops and inanufaetorles, being ofun in
veutlxo turn nf mind lilmxelf, and he has been
surirlcd and gratified ut seeing the ncrlect
Kvstem which every where ore v alii, ns well ns
tne ingenious appliances in use iur tunpiiiy
Iiil' meehanieal lubnr.
Pilueo. Napoleon visited tho Ilronklyn
.uty Yam jestcrday qullo unexpecteuiy,
Ile was contend there in a xery small pro.
peller, tho Moucli, not inucli larger than a
first culler, which is attached to tho tachl
Jiromo Knpoleon. As the authorities txerc
not aw aro nf his intended xisit there was nn
one In readiness to receive him, but ns toon ns
it was known that lib Imneriul Highness had
united, Commodore Ilrccsto and Captain
Almev nulled unon him and ennduoted him
about the Yard, pointing out ctery thing of
interest. 'Ihe Prince fpent an nour ami a
half inspecting the wr.il,. now in pi ogress, nnd
ani-u'und much gratified with the result of his
visit, On his departure ull the marines in the
barracks turned out, and Iho bund of the
N'orlh Carolina ployed French and American
ah. The Prince was accompanied by his
aid de-eunip and the Captain of the Jerome
Nunolcon, Among other x Nils, he ulsn called
on Collector Harney, and xvilb him examined
with a crtleal eye tho manner of transacting
the publlo business in nil the departments of
the Custom House. In tho ufternoon, bis
beautiful jnclit, Jeroruo Nupoleon, was to
weigh anchor und proceed with the illustrious
party to Hostou, where Ihey ure to partake of
the hospitalities of Governor Andrew, cp
route for Iluliluv and France,
'1 he Princes visit may or may not bavp
political significance, but it tho former, ne
huto lltllo to fear Imm the Impression which
hi report of personal experience and liispcc-
lion may huc on the Hup-rur.
In the town of Droghed t, county of Louth,
Ireland, July !!0lb, by the ltev. Father Me
Qnlgnn, Nr. I'.vtiiick Domoin, of Jackson
vllle, nnd Miss M. M. Lt.ncii, of the former
Mr, Donegan, after an absence of six month,
returned on Thursday crcnlng, in tho meantlmo
having vtsled all Iho principal places of nolo
In Ireland, nnd broirght I omc quite n number
of curiosities, Wc were happy to meet our old
friend after so long nn absence, nnd congratu
late him on his safe return. In conclusion, we
wMi Mr. Donegan and Ids bride a long Ufa and
a happy one.
On Thursday, Oct. 17lb at the residence nf
the brides fattier, by Iho ltev. Mr. Woodward,
Mil. LtiWAnn S. Momi in erf .tnck-ontllle. to Mis
LtnntK I'l.lVT, daughter of A. It. Flint Lq., ol
Itosebttrg, Douglas county Og'n.
We ncknowledgo Ihe receipt of nn nbundant
3-ipplj or " compliments." Set nlloat upon tho
stream of life, may their bark steer clear of
breakers, and never n wnvc rlpplo Ihc current
of their happiness.
Jacksonville Price Current.
IUlortel for (lie Srntlnrl Corrsslsrt wcskljr
3 icksontim.s:, Saturday, Oct. 19, ISGL
Wheat, per bushel fio
Oats, do 30
llarley, do a J is
I'loiir. In qr. sacks, per 100 lbs.. 2 00 to 2 SO
Corn Jlenl. per 100 lb 4 00
Hay, per ton 1
llaeon, shies, clenr, per lb 20.
du do with, bone IB.
ilo bnnis. . . flW. "20.
dn sliuulders 12
do hog round 10 to Ise-
lleef, nctt, per lb 8 It
I'ork, do dn ...'. i... U
Mutton, do 10
Chickens, per do 4U0 a 6 00.
Lard, lenr In tins, per lb 2o.
do In kegs dn 18 a
nutter, fidi dairy, do Aft
do in kegs, Jo IH
Cheese, per lb , 23,
Hggs. U esh, per do .1 to Su
Potatoes, per lb 1) 1
Onions, do 4 a a
Turnips," do 3 n
Cabbage, du 3 a '
llcuu,whllcili 8 a It)
firei n Aoples, per lb
Dried Apples, per Hi 25
Dried Piuche 33J
jirKsnv torxTV.
Circuit Judge P. P. Prtm
County Judge t. C. Tnlman
(.nuiily Clirk Wm. Hoffmaii
Prosecuting Attorney Hufus Mallory
Shrrlir W. II. 8. Hjibs
Diputy Sherlir I. M. Sutton
Treasurer .David Linn
. J, u, Adlnluis'traio'rV.'.V.V.V. .0. D. Iloxlcs
,. , dllrlrJlir Sewnll Tr.iax
t'nroiii'r MnmuM Uuv
ICXionVr;::::.'!,: N.' illSe" P. IMnr
iscrseir it m. Kntiler
Sujictiutendent Com. .Schools... S. HumrJiKcy
.l.,s ,'J uuriit, v, ,.,. vuiwi, ins. rtvm
diy In February, June nnd October.
Cnnuly Chum, First Mnndty of cacb month.
Probate Ceiiirl, (list Monduy of each uionlli.
Jtew'o.stit.i.K i-nsTivrr.
Justice of thu Piuee. U. 8. Hnydets
Constable M. W. Davis
Itoud Siqicrxlsur C. C. ILvkinuii
tovx.v ns- JArKsowii.t.s:.
Ti inter Wm. Holfmnu, A. J. Ilrnnner
J. S. Love, Jen. 8. Iluriee, II. T. Davis
lleenriUr U. 8. 1 1 at den
Tre usurer f ami s T. ( lemi
Marshal ' W. M. Hank
Street Cnuunlssloner. 1. 1. Haloes
I. 0. 0. F.
JarHMosxiMK l.onnu No. 10, holds Its regu
lar meetings ctery SM'llltM V KVKXI.W,
ul their Hall (Mo'Cully' Theater building).
Ilrother In good standing aro cudlally In
tlttd to attend.
It. V. MAUItY.X.a.
11. F. Hi sums- II. Sec'y. I.'f.'.iini,
WAR11EN LODGE No. 10, A. ?. ft A,lt
A HOLD their regular communication
vflhu Weilne'Hlay Li filings on or HesiUUj
Vlhu full ninon, In
jACi.sostit.iK, nnv,
W. W. UHKKIlt M.
II. Di.oov, Stc'u-
q fr
j.iojcsoy villi:, aitnaax,
Will bold It regular cnnvausiliatlMvi ca toe
First Nl unlay IIvtutHK or Kvsry MtsSk,
All sojourning Companion In good standing
nro curdiully laxiteel to atleinl.
W. W. l'OWLKR. II. I
Jas. T. Hi.B.f, Sec'y. dei8s-,T
Dr. 0. W. Brown's Medlcl l-Xabllshuvnl,
fur Ihe permanent cure of nil ifltatoandclitonln
diseases and llso nipi-eslon 91" quackery, Tho
Doctor warns all those who aro suffering wllu,
d'sctuesof n prltato luluro to guard against
Impudent quacks. Tho Poctoi wants net pr(soi)
but Ihoso who can apyreciatu the skill of s
sclenttllc phjtlclan tnvttlrcvilsehlm,; that such,
la Doctor (', V. Ilruvvti, bis practice abundantly
prut is. If bo doe nut eQccl a cure, ho ask net
pay. auttf
Sanei'a 8araaparlll. The popularity acs
quired by till truly Intuluablo medicine I a
extended as It I richly merited. If tho ten of
thousniids of scrofulous ulcers which have been
clcatrUed and permanently bealed by this ex
traordinary anllscpllo bad each a tongue, i
chorus of testimony would attest it efficacy,
not only In scrofula and all external manifesto,
lions of disease, but In dysiiepsU, bilious conv
plaint, general debility, and iho virion Inter-.
mil disorder In which It afford speedy ane
lasting relief. ?7t
IS hereby given that I will otTcr at the Court
House in Jacksonville, on the 23d of Dd
cember, 1801. ot PUULIO AUCTION, tbe
following described tract of land, to wit : Ike
N. W. h of Iho 8. W. 4' qf See. It), T. 38.
S. It. .1 Kast. Also, the West fracttopal half
nf Section 10 T 3T, 8. It. 2 W i contairtiai;
109 11-100 acre. One H to be paid on tho
day of sale, Ihe balance to be paid in three,
annual installments, secured by note.
Jaeltonvllle, Oct 19, 1861. 40:lf
JL WKttMW y&tM9&
1 INO operation on UALlOr (JUKKK,,
Having tho principal Yfater Pritleges of that
place, and nlso thp two prlncipuleltlchea
.ly, the " Ilagle Ditcli " ane the " O'Ncil
Illicit "and wishjpg; (o extend s,nd. enlarge
Ihrm, oger an inlerest in them to a partner
who 1 nossessed or a sinun cusn cuiiitai. i-or
fuilhcr narliaulars, apply tq Ihe uuderslgneil,
ut the Sluto Uietk House,
Cilice Cieeb, Oct. 13, 1B6. 403,