Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 19, 1861, Image 1

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fSaWiTi MaaMrtfrV5jy.JMsTUralsrr III IMI il llfni.l it I j J LI.J.LJ1.
emn uTbumRv i
rriuur r----- MxailiMj
j t. . .
-x- :i . i - wShm
VOL. VI. NO. 40.
T itta now prepared lo receive patients In Iho
X Hospital, on 1110 corner oi tuimoircci, ukk
ot tho Union lintel."
Trmm-ci.sy on auun security.
I JicVotivl1lc.July 2S. lBfiO.-'iRtr.
nlTers liln urorrsslonal services to ltd com
munity In the practice or .Vnlicint, Suiytrt and
Offlce on California stint,, next door to Jsou
Ibcr's Jewelry s tore.
Call nttcndeil to nt Ml hours of day or night.
Will practice In all tlio Court or Hie Third
Jiiill:liil District, the Supremo Court of Ore
Itnn. unit In Yrokn, Cal.
Ilehasitn agent at Washington, and expects
lovl'll that city and the Atlantic this Siiinintr
iiil run. unit any iiii'Iiicm win receive prnnipi
mienllun. irjrz.iiia
W. G. T'VAULT, "
1711.1. attend to hu.lncs In the several
T Courts In llm First Judicial DiMrlct of
Oregon. nd In Ilia .Supreme Court. Ulilcc on
rlifomln SI, optoltt "SriitiiirlH Offfrr,
Jackhumii.i.k, Oiihmx.
Mny Mtli, V.I. la:fim
' C. V. 8PHAOUK,
Will punctually attend to liii'Inessrnlrtnlrd In
til. cure April IX IM'.l.-lllir
JArtioNVii.i.K, Oiuugnv,
Will nltend to nuy lnilnos roitfldcd to Mm In
Hie eteral Cnurl nt Ihu First Judicial HMrtcl
of (Iri'tfim, nml In Use Kupn'ine Court. i::il
HA.MU1X i:. 31 AY,
notahy runuio,
larkMiiislttr. Oi.KiMit
IxrttMiinlllr, lr.Kn"
A M bulne m rlulnliiK I" '"nd or I,nnd
Laws promptly nllcndid to.
JuclM.iulllo.M.y llh.JM;i, If If
Dr. W, Caldwell llonliiiuii
HVS iK-nnanenlly Inyatsil In Jnc).o;illlr,
nud nffcr. Ills profvsjliMl tffUc In tin
practice of
Mcillrtiir, u r;f i- "" litlr(rr(
(mice nt bis f cstdenre. on California slrccl,
fu the home formerly occiiphit by A. 31. Horry,
ncvl dour to Jwlgu I'rliiiV,
Charge t cry rfauinilJ. ('ill alicikled to
At all hour or thn day or nlgtil.
:: Jl m .-,
V70L'I. rcsp'Ctfiilb announce to lliecltl
T T ii'n hi viusvnitiliu aim
vicinity that be U iiwpn pared
to do
for nrtlftclal teeth In b bct i-lylf, nnd ul pri
ce. In lull the time..
All kind, or Dental operations 3Ucivil lo In
kllirul maimer.
Jacksonville, June '.'d. lWf . Wt
Sewing MdfslMneN !
Willi nil tlio Tte Improvrmvnth
A8MAI.Ii iiwortiiieiit or lbolwvo mnelilne.
Jnt reci heil nnd fur ko tt San Trail
cUco price, addlnc In-luht.
1 K. 0. Sl'..S8iO.Vfl, Agent.
Jckon llle. June 29. M!. 1 1
T1ISKS taken iinon
JlotdK. Store.,
IV l)n-eHnu., etc.. on tlio
mod f.Hnrniile
ternm. In lliirirord. I'IklmiIx, (, Irani, (nxxlliiie,
.nnd other well knowu unJ refponlblo coinpa
P J8i2l K. 0. 8IWBIOX8. Agent.
:Burl3ex Sliop,
Oppotlto the Put Office.
SHAVINO. Halrcultlns, Shampooing Cur
ling and Hair Dyeing.
Aim, a genuine arllclo ot FUk'n IIaih IU.n
TOHATiVK,and CrUlndora'ii Kicdtior lliir Pa Tor
Mlc. JuvkKontllle, June 22d., .'.'air
ON the Flntt of January, 'CI, Iho prkei or
WllKICI.liU ii Wiuon
were reduced (uvH,vivrwi(..onthol,ucl(lccoat.
A rvw or tbe.e, thn bent nnd chcapett nia
chlnet made, at Ban k'ranclroo rate.
K. 0. 8K3SION8, Agcnl.
Jacktonvllle, Jan. 12. fi.'ir
Jarb.p) lie, Oregon.
In prepared to tako l'lctiireH In eVefy (tjlocf
the Art, with all Ibp latekt linprqy einenla. V
do not giro .atirnctlf.n.uocha
C Fiink'a'liliiaf Store, or
charge will Imj made.
or ai mo iiiiiery on
T i
Wholesale nnd llctnll Dealer In
Foreign and Domestic
Comer f California and Thtnl Htitrti,
Next door to Ilvckmnn'a Kxprcrn.
T-B-AII order promptly flllcd. 3.1 If
(On (he Hill)
fk.ol.moxiirXllo, Oroiou.
rpilK I'roprlclnrg linvlrp taken pOM.ion
L nr tlic t'lly llrewrry, lately contrnllnl by
.Mr. I'll, nrc prepareil to rurnili Iii;ct lleer
lo iieonlc
jof tdU lcinlly
tlic Ui!. bottle
or on drought
An experience of many yrnri In brewing
Lager Beer
tllvcii lliem nn ndrntilngc over nil competitor,
nnd wnrruiita tlinn In promlnlns A HI.'n'KK
KI.SKWIIKUK In Houll.ern Oregon.
t&r He mre In rend your order lo the
crrv iiitKWKUV. ir m wtii n.o iikst
Jiirkinnvlltr, .Sept. Ill, IHrtl. .'I.Mf
El Dorado Saloon !
Comer nr Calirnrnln anil Oregon HI..,
Tnoluaouvlllo, Oreion.
W.W. IlUIUCr:, I'roprlttor,
The inii'l choice brand of
randy, Whisky, Cordial,
For fate In any (laired ipianllly. XI
City Auctioneer,
AXII I will offer nny prnpcrly.nr any ollirr
limn, nt public niicliiui, rr moro luniny
limn unr nt her in.iti. nt nil tlmm. und uc will
not chuitfc unv ii(iic ll.iin tlii proKity brlnv,
ir wu do, vuii m;i borrow mini1. (ivi u u
tlmiuv. . II. W.JIAVIS.
Si'lil. IT, IPfil. I'lOitf.
iTAOk.ouvlllo, Oregon.
'pili;U't neeninnini1,iiin. ghen to puctc,
.1 tnuoteiit nud iH-riidiieiit,
Tlio Hulel lia Iktii riliiriil'li'tl nnd nnitnl
In eiery department, lllnmv iiiieiiiulUi !;
anv Hotel In Miiitlurn tlreou.
JackMiurllle, Dec. I, Im.ii. IRtr
City Restaurant!
RISI'KCTFUIJV Infcrw. the elllcuii lit
Jackouvlllo tUt lie ba oK-nu
with price, icdiieel fa -u! t Iho llmcn, mi the
Hf)tdy Ott"U &ymtoxx.
Jloard f T v eck, .,..,..,.. S 7.00
Slnijlu Mil , ,,. iiO
Rising fit)
JivckouMHe, June lt, 'Ul, '.'(i.-:im
X band und mndo in order nt short notice.
J lloua' lining and I'upir lian'i;i do.w In
u iiiauner to lntiiro lutUfaction.
rAmzouxAm. notice.
I'nynienta muit bo made In t-nsli nr trade.
) do my work nt iho lowest living rule, und
am moiilvcly (tiro no credit.
OiVforma Strut, atoit Off ion.
Jnck-onvllle, Sept, 21, lKfil. :G;(.
HAVIXO rcmnvid to tlio SHOP formerly
occupied by .1. K. Arklcy, on the corner
of Fourth and U streets, aro prqmiciltq i)o all
kind. of
1 u.tkiiiita.
j;iipli.onvillc,'l5cpt. 1, 1861. flG:tr.
HAS opened a .hop opno.ltp Ander.on .V
nienii'., on Calllornfu treet, In Dr. I..
Ganutig' drug ffprc, lor repairing
watohks, gflOis, jpwi-w- r-TO-
All work warr.inted In giro mtlt faction.
Japksoiivlllo, Dec. 2M, 1PC0. 4ft:ly
ALL pernons lnichtcd to mo qro rrquc.trd to
make Imniedlate payment. Thow holding
demanda ugaliikt mo ull
1 mo will present them.
JacKoutllc, .Vu;;. '.'
r.MTnns a.mi rnorniKTnim.
Office over Clugago & Drum'i Stablei.
flNV.UIIAtll.Y IX AtlVANCi:.)
One Copy, One Year
One Copy, tilx Mon His
$4 no
, 2M
OnvSiiuarc. or Tnclve Lines uric... Flr.1 In'
crllon,:i 00 1 ntid Torcuch .ubucipient liner
.Ion, $1 00.
I'roftwlonnl or DuMneM Card", ICncli Pipiare,
per annum, till) UU for Six Monthn, I lb 01)
lor Three Month., I0 UO.
A lllieral dlKount will bo made lo pcrrana who
nurerilfo lo tlio e.xieiu in lour Miunre..
The number or lux rllon. nhotild bu marked on
the margin or mhcrtUinuiiti'.
Speech of Jotcph Holt in New York,
Tlic following I the fiKccli ikllcrrd by
Joseph Holt, the noblest patriot ol Kentucky,
nt the reception glwn liliu In New York mi
Tiicsdiy eu'iiliig, Htplimber .'Id, under the
uufpicis of the chnmlKr nf Coin in tree :
It Inn been only nt the solicitation nf the
dlnlliiguMiiil geiitltiucn from the Chamber .f
t.'umiurrco that I bate tuiwiiteil inrfelf l fore
you In night, and It win with lliu illMinct nn
ikrflnmlin on my part that I rhould not lu
ll let oil you a studied lioliticnl hnninune. or to
rhtlHiriite mi tluwo Iniiieii which iieiuny In so
great nn extent the mtixU nl the Inyiil men of
.cw tone mny unto id ney uro to the
sierii mny which mn ucen nnpoxii upon in
nn. i nte iiiiucti nrc too e.i uiuiirsioni iv
yiiiufelvcs to iniiku It nuissnry for nny reiter
ation from mo. A few points, hotuur, will
submit somewhat In eoniKctlnn with the
Journey I bate nevntly mmlo tlirnupli literal
of the lovnl Kinds. I have rmntlnrc fiaind
the tneit liealllilnl ami inc.itiriigiiig condition
or imbllc Fiiitlimiit Willi refennee lo the tiros'
eenllon of this war. I hare turn bore lound
any titling nf rAnprrntIo;i n'alnjt the jieniilo
id the Honlli. 1 believe that there l 1101111111:
but, at cviry point, g soli pin ililirinliiiitinii In
upliolil this lioteriiiiiiiil, coni(elol Willi 11
lofty pntrlotlsni nnd inriut fallng whlcb I
plinuld In tain indenvnr In ilcu-rlbc. Komi'
brnvc iirn. In siHtiking In iin-, butc ivcn ttipt
in my presentv, mid I biivc hoiinnd ll.ini lor
it, lor. if n brave mull niavnot wit 11 fur the
ruin or stub u Unviriiinmt iin.l of rutb n
coiiiilry ns Ibis, where li tin re n i-utraitrnphe
nun imii louiii ins niurt r 1 lint 1 tvcrywiieri-
tin.1 nimu levllng that this Is not u ttnr upn
the .Soutliirn iK'opIc but u war for their de
fitueulid fur tlivirikliveraiire. If clnleiulul
n war ugnlunt tin 111 we might lay our fotns
in tin Him mm coiie;s nun our glorious in
Mltuliniis nrc n Milurc. .So It Is 11 war
ugiilurl 11 band of eon.'plralors who laivc oil
IHisid Ihi-liiiveinment nnd would ileslrov I he
country who would nllntv no obitucic lo In
lerrerc ttllb their selll.b nmblllnn. The pub
lic mind nolongir orriiples ilself in In the ills.
ciu.Ioii of iho enn-en ol the n jr. It no longer
urgucs ns In the liglenl inbcoiii-rptIiu.s or the
inoiiMmillli of Iho docliinc of .Sicmlon.
Wo iintv know will wluit Kisttnn s In
ttiidul to iirciimpMi ; we Know Icmi will wlml
It bus avcMiipbh(d, and trc no mere think of
ipiwt Inning lis Iniisoiiuble ihnrueter than we
llilnk of enlisting in the came of.lmlns lira
rh it, or fchowInglli.il It watnneof bate licuili
ory. 'II provlih neu or (Jwl nnd the most
Hit ml compact nf man luito mado us nr.e
Koilo. The iAni!iiKc of iluccipurlirs of u
eenliiry lias diiiiciiMruled that In this unity pf
(iuttrmmiit I lie penph; ncuic ut tun: irn
k rily und bappltnts.
Thudbineiiilionuiut of Haw Slates would
cau-e the niiitrab!efrjgiu;)ls to iHconn'tiWMil
on lliu bloody mu of IcVQlgllon und (Isolation,
to Jncinjc Iho prey of Iho spoiler, nnd utu-rly
destroy Ihu Jj1 liopo that belong to gs.
Kipially is Iho puljllc fillid iiil In regntd In
the imjinrtaiico of this war. Jt to not 11 war
of conquest, or of aggression, or of njln;jllnn,
or ol passion or revengo ; but In ctery light
in w Inch It rati bo riciirdul it Is a wnrnf
duty, The struggle is undoubtedly a slrungV
tor latipnal exitleuee, 11 in I so lioly In ull lis
purHisiii und its spirit Ihut the fl)ck and llie
pu.tor, llioe who vorrhln around iho shrine
or ut the ultr, in.iy cvilribnto of their blood
und treasure, and follow out their duty us
Christians. It Is a war of duty, hccuuio in
1 he light or our Christianity no ;a) rn,) com
mit suicide without Ibeperpilrutlon of u.cow.
urdly und ulroIojjj piiu;ui imd that nation
has i'om;;)llliil mkide uliltli surrenders up its
life I', an tneiiiv, from whom liumaiiily and
eourugo n)l;'!it wye it. This is n war ol iliily
imc.hik! wu imvc no rigi.t to near oyr lathery
names, und insult to u decree their iiienioriis,
by giving up tlio Iii.lllutioiH itou by their
iIo(h to Ik; trodden under font by traitors.
It is n war of duty, because wo buto no right
to bestow our ruiucs upon our children ttnp
nid of Iho grand portion which rightly be
longs to tbemBd fur Iho triiiit-iiiUsI.ui rl
which we ure btmul, in honor nf Iho.-o illiittri
out men. to fight lor, and deleud nilli our
swords and with our lites. It Is a ttnr of
duty, because it defends the prlnplples of pul
io 111;
He law and order, and the iiishcst imtlncls ol
civilization of Iho very race lo which tto bo
long. It Is, llnully, a vat of ijnty, bceuuta wu
Intvo ussuiricil lp onrnlves, as a people, tlio
chnmpiondiln, not oply o( Iho right, but or Iho
cupaeity of the rues fur self-got eminent, nml
Ihut t'iuinp1oiis!i!p has been accepted by the
lovers of freedom every tt here. 't nd nqwtvllli
the patlous of tlio VjorM looking down upon
143 as from thp scats of n vast amphithenter,
no iavc no rhjht to stiller this sacrcij catuo to
lie stricken dou;n up!d tlio teoirf and jcefs ol
kind's and despots. otv anxiously, ho,y con
lidtitly have they preiltcted this day. ow
havo thpy lnpgri for Its coming. n the in
tense hatred whlpl) (hey feel In nnv Untcrn
ment wlilpi gives llio pnutrol to Iho toiiiug
millons, wo pun sec tlielr iotirc. llowgladly
would they look 011 and ceo Iho Government
that wo? established by rp;htngton destroyed
by Toop.ibs, Twiggs, l-'oy, mijl thplr lellow
conspirators I What a rcpord (op bprpuulty
that woul() be 1
I'ellow citizens, I do but litter n truth which
I; painfully present to all mlt!3, lbat the dis
lojulty which is lound in our midt, especially
nt 'Wnslilngtop and in Iho qrdcr Slates, lias
been n fearful source of disaster an di;cnur
agempnt, from the beginning of the struggle.
Thij evil iur jj-siiintil such proportions und,
magnitude that its correction has now hecome
a prominent fluty upon (ho part of those
charged wili tlio administration, Its preva
il nco has been marked by ul thosp treacheries
und ocesscs which have characterized It in
olppr lands and ip other times. Xpxt to the
typrship pf tho Father Pf Wr fpirils, the
grandest and strongest pi which our natiiro Is
busveptibio 13 the loyc o' our country. Wiicu
that sentiment bni been corrunlcd. like nn
arch from which the keystona has been illr-
pmccii, lha wiiolo moral character tumbles iuto
ruins. The public nnd private pirfornunccs
of traitors and spies, both mnlo and fimulc,
have lc:n vouched for by nil blstorlans until
they have crown Into n proverb 1 that man
who will Utrny Ms country will betray Ills
(lod. He will betray his friend. hl kindred,
and, II need bo. tho vi ry wifo or bis bosom
nnd the children or his loins.
IMIow citizen. Minnow that von lived In
one or those cities wliero there Is a steam fire
engine, nnd also a paid company to operate It !
nnd suppose that vour homo was on fire, and
this company nnd this engine, having .been
summoned to tho spot, wcro vigorously en
gnged in cxllniioi-lilnir II t nnd snnnosc that
jou nbscrvul, from lime In time, men creiplng
out from the crowd, and slipping their knives
Into the hoe, fropi which tlio water Is recn to
spout out from nil directions iinon the nave
ment, how long do ynii think the presence of
such mitrrcnnls would bcndur(d T Cries of
' iot long.") Hut nippoe, on looking more
cioseiy ni ine iiieis or tiio men, nunc n n im
her ol tin in were recognized i.s member of
the fire company, rrniting suhirlr.1 from l'ic
treasury to wlilcli you yntiiscir Imd coiitribulr.l;
In the first burst or your Indigintion, would
you not frel that lliclr punishment would not
Ik! loo great If they were thrown into the
flames which they were Imlinclly fecdingf
And yet this has bee n prreiely the conditicii
or the Government or the Uiiltt'd .States. Fel
low citizens. I know tin re nrc thno who look
wild more toleration upon those oflenscs which
prevail nmnng us than I can pniulhlv do.
Perhaps I iiiii too Imrsb. Crlis of Xnl")
Hut I iniit snvlhisi that lha men who. In
our own mldsl.gito nld nnd conifoit In the
runny, ellher by liirnlshliig them srrrrt Infor.
minion, or lit' niit'oen na their eaue. or liv
sl'lvlng In sow ilissi iisloiitj nmong niimlres,
or by linldloiidy dl-ninding nur loyal men
from entering Iho military service, tiro more
fatally the fas of our country, than if they
nrrc in the sort Ice nr Iho (Jonfulerato Ulutcs.
The power ol tho Government can do miu-h
lo cornet the evil j but much more eiin be
done by ihe t rushing power of public opinion,
branding ns an cminy, soeintly and politically.
ilMojalty, tthriictrr nrd tihrrctrr it is found.
These nun nrc, morally nt least, gullly nf the
Truth of those who fall in the iiefcii'c of the
Gotirninriit.Jnst in much ns if thev had met
Hum on Ihe battle Hi Id. In your railroad
cars, upon your strnmbonts. In your thorough
fares, In etrry sivlal rlrcle, dlslotalty should
ho binnded mid b'uslid ns n Irproin ami loath
some lliliy. Ami wherever jon nn-et tlioc
11.1-11, bo it nn rhnngr fir In thn social circle,
nnd Ihcy offer you Ihrlr hands, look well lo
thesn. for ir you hate the rtr which butc.
you will sic thuf they nn ml ttllli tin; IiIihiiI
of fni mi n.ynur klndrid nud frli nils, it may In',
who lineH.rblid niul nrcHrMilng still limn
the btittle llel.l, Turn nwuy from tlicm wills
dlsciist and liidlgnnllon.
IVllow-cillziiis, I know that there nrc some
nun few It Is Imp ho do sincerely IhIIcvc
that this Ib'piiblic (ihe i'irMlon o'f public
honor out of tIew)eou!d ho setcml. that a
x nee could bopatilud up. nud that Ihu twn
Guvirnmriits, llurrnfl-r rouM live on. pros
mromlynnd N'iieefully ns U'fiiri. Xo nmre
fnlse or fnliil Inoutflit iter nipt, sctpciit-like,
lulu the American busom. You might ns
well tell 1110 that Iho boat whlih bus beill
turned ndrlfl above the riitiirmis of Xlairnra
will l.nten Irumiuil tnt'iici'. If vou will 10
und stand. 114 many nf us have done, nmld Iho
1111:1s 01 1 in- criiiniictl nniilris or ihe lliii
otld. and l; Ihem. Ihee will all till vou it
Isndilusion. If you will go Into Ihe frmc
dries rr pnllpns and lay your pur lo Iho teiv
ulihers of thoic vnuiur. L'eniro.n nml lileli.
spirlteil nation uhlili mye erish(il nni'd tin
eniitiilsious of clyil stfife, ihry will not full to
nil you. In biol.cn ucctnls, lhat it is n delu
rlon. Hut If you will not lislm lo the voice
of Ihe pnjt, Ihep go Into Mexico nud Central
America, and nH( the In mill 1111U of I hon
bri.dit lands, who bniilho its balmy nlr nnd
uillivulc its soil of rxhiiuslless fertlli'ly. HviiiL'
iimld rifely, lalus and nioiintaliisof tlio ulmost
rundcur, nnd lliev. lifting 1111 their lioivid
In ml', uiiil.l ile(i)oalUatlon, poverty nnd ills.
Iionor, will till you It is a delusion. Fellow.
rillreni, I njolcc tu bclictr may I not suy,
10 know nun iho spirit 01 lotully, at tills
time, dwells richly und abundantly in Ihu
iinnti'sr licnrl rf Ibo Xorlh and West. Hut
I tin ImuvlIi you you who have n deen slake
In the present upd future of our country you
nun 01 ciinure, iinn 01 inriunc, umi 01 moral
powir I do Implore that you will, by nil
mranj pojulblc, mid yit to tho power nml to
tho fertor of that loyulty.
If that grows rn'dumld the ralrulnllnns or
nvarlce, or rrutcn under Iho dlteouraguiunl
or dere.tt, our country will bu ovirenme.
What wo now nrid Is u patriotism that will
abide Iho ordeal or Are n patriotism tluit is
iiurgul Irom nil sclllrlimss nml ull tear tthitli
U In role and cxluiutlliss which vows wills
cteiv thiols of lifo lli.it II repiiNid wo will
not lie stricken down, uit will rise ngalii. and
under no cireupisliiiiecj cf sorrow or defeat
shall the national (lag be nbaudonrd. or Ihe
hoiiornf tliprfiittry comiirf)inijcil. ly'hat we
need I) 11 patriotism ybtph ries fiilly to thp
cninpri In iv ion or the actual umi an fill ieril in
which pur InMltutlons uro plnt-d, and which is
eager to devote every pwir of body and
mind nnd fortune to their liH'iraip' a pit
ilotlsm wlilcli, obliterating all parly lines
which, obliterating, I say, all parly lines.
and intnpibipg nil parly hucs, says to the
President of tho rnitcd States, " Hero nrc
our lives, hero uro our eslurs use them freely,
use nicin uoiuiy, 11111 iso iu?m s)ieeesmiiy
or, looking upon Iho graves or our fathers or
upon tho prndles pf o)r eliltdrcn, wo have
sworn ifl no on imngs, even to ncrisii, tint
this pnunlry qnd Gntcrmnont slinll live," ll
Is suph a patriotism as this, and such only,
that wli conduct you to victory 1 and 1 re
jolpp p hliive that tlio spirit has been every
where fpililieui'd throughout the loyal State;.
Tho capitalists of our country hayo ponic
nobly fprward. Risking all, Iky have ci
hi hi lei a frranieu'r of ilevolloi) lo (hoppuntry
whlph, wjillp It uflonijlie? tho ncopla of Ivi
rope, lins Ineplrcl lic nnilrfjtlqt) 'r'l (rati
tndo of every true Apieripim bejirt. All
Iionor o thepi. Tbey havo prnveil that f there
Is mupl gold in Null stipct, Ihprp I tnorc
pariotlni thpre. Xpta tinpipicr ptrloini,
which lourishes np)iil the pagans of victory
but a patriot Ism which struggles, npd sacrl
llees, npd suffers, npd Is prepared, to ppt all
tliliiLM at linhurd, even in tho hour of adver
sity and national icfe;)t. ynlcss tho people
can thus bo united, the sun of opr national life,
wlilcli is now ousL'ureil, may yet co cloivn or-
ever, nrpld tnnps pnd darkuiQi. f all our
gna piuteflal interests nro crijilied tp the
cqrth by' ho shallow that Is passing over tho
sup, wfiut would bo our condition it that
shadow should deepen into n night of perma
nent defeat ? s tucrp nothing to live for bpt
the gains of commerce? Nothing but Iho in
creasing of our gains and tho embellishment of
our homes 1 Arc courage, and manhood, and
honor, aud, loyality, ao; uatiopal fame, uud
the respect and honing? of the world, nothing f
Is it nothing to live without n flag, nml with
out a country, at il without n future for our
selves or for our children, nnd to slnpd forth,
the lni'0 descendants of illustrious fathers?
We might lay ourselves In the dust mid bo
stepped upon by trultors, give up all that
sweetens biimnn existence, nud still live on, as
dj tho cattle In nur fields; but our litcs
would be more ignoble than theirs.
If, with nil our boastid material resource
If, with our known nud ncknnwlnlgrd phys'cil
superiority over the rebels ir, wills our clam
orous and profuse avowals or devotion to i ur
institutions, wc suffer the rcliellinii U trample
over in, I do verily believe the Aniirli-mi
name would become n stcnib In the nttrils
of tho world, nnd that on American citizen
would not Im Permitted to walk the streets ol
Kuropcan capitals without having the finger
pf scorn pnlnteJ nt him.
Fcllow-citUeiit. II 1 may be jwrtnittitl to
utter n tionl iinon such n subject, I would
earnestly counsel forbearance nnd patience In
rifircneo to lhop charged wills Ihe udmiiin
Iruliou of our Goviriuuent. Itefoir criticis
ing tlitir conduct, we should rcmenilier lliat
wc may not kc nil the field ol action, nml
may not bo In n condition justly to appreciate
Iho difficulties ttliicli are lo lie overcome. Xo
man can ihmbt the ciyimgc or loynlity ol the
Piesldeiit of tho L'liitnl .State, or his determ
ination to suppnss this rebellion, Tn him,
iiiukr tlio I'liiistiliitinn, the popular voice ha
rommilted nbsulutily the fate of this llepnblie,
Ills haniNnrcriitltlid In bo (trcngthcncd by
uurs. That wlilcli wenl.iin him wrnltiti
y ouiseltes, nnd tti nkens the struggling country
which wc nrc nil sniggling in sute. 110 i ut
this moment ovirwhelmid ttitli mountains of
toll nnd responsibility, Mich n huto teslrd
upon no public man In our history, nnd Is
fully iiilillul In nil the enu'liliiiillnii wlilcli a
gnu rous und uitrm.hiuttul palriotiim can
Fellow citizen, ndmllllng nil the ilbeour
ngements wlilcli sutrouiid in, I hntu still 1111
unlullcripg laith In human progress, 11 11; I ip
tin' capacity of iniiti for serguv'iiiitnc).
bilietc that IIici!imk1 whlih tho lours nf our
rare hate shrd upop ipore than 11 thousand
batllo field, has linrnp fruit, nml lli.it that
fruit Is the lb public nr lha Unllp,) Ulutrs.
It came Inrtb upon the world like the morn
ing tup from his chamber; its pathway Ian
beill p pathway nf' light nnd glory, and it
bus IKiund Its blessings llpoji lid people, with
Iho lirinmilig liillins with tthitli our titers
pour tlnir ttiitir intn the sen. rn mint ad
mit In my bosom the rru.htng thoiyhl that in
the full light of civilization, in tlio nineteenth
century, such it Govcrnmctit in Ibis is fattd to
perish liuieutli the sword or the guilty men
now bniidid trgpilur for llsiivprthriiw.
I raiiuol, I will not belleto that twrnly
million or ptople, cultivated, loyal, courage
oils Itttiily niilllon nr the Anghs-tiaxnn
lace, Im aring the liimiesof the luroes of III"
Itetoliitlon, nnd passing their lives ninid-t the
lii'plratlon ol its luittlc liclds uillf sstUr their
liivliliillons to beotrrthrown by tin millions,
one half of whom are helpless slave', wills fit
lirs on their band. X11 page or bistort' so
dark nud so humiliating as Unit lias yet net 11
wriltui of nny hirtlnii of thu human family,
nml llie American iccp:o luul iniler, lar i. 1
li r, never Ikx-ii born, than that they should
live and huve such 11 hlntnry written or tin in
Kites. Ut us, thin, fillo',v-cili..ii, nerte
pnd roii'ii nurrplvcs fully tn this gnat ttmk
and sluiy. ir it is in in? iionc wen, it siiouii
Im dono niilcklr. H wo wopld rcnnnmlzi
Imtli Iiiootl und treasure, wo wuiiiM inuve
promptly wo should move mightily. IT nt
ihjs vi ry moment. l jyerc o'siblo to precipi
tate Ihu whole pf Ibo loyal Htutes iijmhi the
fields of thn .South, it tumid s n pleasure tint
only of wisdom, but of economy and hum.iii
Ity. I:t us tin 11 have faith and hope cpd
courage, nnd nil will yet be will.
Fi How-citizens, I fell that 1 may have
spnkdi lo you, loptglit, with mere iiiiphniis
and with more rarpes Iness or suggestion limn
I lint privileged n lfflj yopr presenrv. ir 1
hayo iionc 10, you vl rgifC the frrtdom,
I know you will in this ponjiinetiiru of public
nll'alrs in which It has Ikvis my fort 11 no to ad
diessyoii, Ifl had los In teres I that, ynu
IT I bad more Interest limn you -ip lie tragic
events in which wu uro placid, yo,i M'gbt
well mistrust me; but I l.nvu precisely the
same, II Ibis Union is dismiinlM rid, nnd the
Government is nicrturncd, Ihn grave or every
earthly Iiojhj ttill oien ut my fat, uud it will
open ut yours nlso. In thu litis of fanilliis
uud of nations there nrise, from time In time,
emergencies of danger which press nil lliclr
minibus into the same common family.
When tho slorm is shrieking and Ihu Minting
tisxcl groans in ctery Joint, all on board the
liiiinbl.i sailor nud iho most obscure pasx ti
ger hate n right to spcuk upop iho sapie
subject of (clf-irrfcryullop nn,l even so,
nmld thu henvv ciirrc.it or Ibis national crisis.
I. nn bupible elllAii of this dulructnl nnd
blerdiug countrv, have tenliircd to lilt np the
tnlio of counsel In jour mulsl, uud I llintiK
you ror your most MndntUntion.
I .Mr. lloll sat down amid prolonged and en
tliusiatlic npilatise.
Gon H.Ksa 't:;t ! Vo rniinot help firllng
that, liopref the Present war puiy lirmiuate,
it will fccurpcly sail to it raw llie km nearer
logctlicr than ever, by tho power or ihct mu
tual knowlcdgu or tho virtues or each, which
only a trying ordeal liko the present eau give.
As tho strife, ntensilus, nnd IhlIuihH,
brothers, nn.l Inters march nobly to Iho field of
Iionor ami or hlood, that peculiar Siilillity ol
ttomun's love which Intultluly anticipates the
most trilling demand or mun's moie coinpll
eatcd nature, comes out in beautiful relief.
Kven in tho soft, white arms Unit linger fpfil')'
In the parting caress, tl.eru is 0 magnet io
power which luul to tho first cnuragv of tho
young soldier tho invincibility or chivalrous
devotion ; und In the ftirei'll kiss or quiver
ing lips liero Is p current of lover eleptrlpily
that ipinarts lo nativo bmtery tlio pew iuccii-
01 1111 Honorable pride or sen.
And when the reulment bus marched, nnd
tho plan); pf military iootj and o harmless
thunilcr of spldierly paths po'lpngcr vkc the
echoes of the front hall, hnw beautiful Ij the
bruyo dcvollop uilli which Iho daughters pf
the (C'pplip make their ilelieutc, taper lipgeis
the claves of patriot Ib needles I lioiv it en-
dear a (hcpi to p. to pen villi vhat ttondeiful
exaptness their ipuporlul love anticipates the
every wapf pf ho bjept 5pl(jicrs, and sup
plies it I
. .1 .
NpyKi, Tiis:at5ik.t. The 'ougb;ecpsIp
Vttis has the following : " Vcstcrdav inomiiiL'
a (ook-pcdlcr tta; taken with 11 lit while seated
upon tlio railing pt the steamboat pier, nnd
cumo npar railing Into Iho water, A crowd
immetliately surrounded him, using various
methods lo rcstoro bins, when a German ap
proached, nnd seizing the BiiUercr's little fiogci ,
bit It nt the first joint with such force as to
bring lilm to at onco. He remarked that he
hud tried tho experiment in several cases, and
never knew it to fall, ilans left and the book
teller wcot ou bis way rejoicing."
HnblU of t Business man.
A sncreil regard to the principles or Justice
form the bast of every tratemctloti, and regu
lates the conduct or the upright tint is of busi
ness He i strict tn keeping his engagements.
Doe nothing carelessly or in 11 hurry.
Ktnplnyrs nobody to do what bo can easily
do hlnisilf.
Keep every Ihlng In Its projier p'uee,
leaves nntblng undone that ought tn be
done, und which clrciimslanccs permit him to
ICeeps his designs and business from the
view of others.
I prompt nml decisive with hi customers,
and docs not overtrade his capital.
Prefer short credits In iopg pnes nnd
cnli to credit nt nil times, either In buying or
selling ; and small proffit In credit cines with
little risk, to the chance of belter gains with
more hazard.
lie is clear and explicit in nil hi bargain'.
Is'nves nothing ol consequence to memory
which be can and mmht to commit tn writing.
Ifwp copies or ull hi Important letters
wlilcli be send nwny, ami Im etcry litter,
Invoice, ac, belonging to lib business, titled,
chis-id, and put awny.
Xctcr sulli'ts hi ilctk to be confiiscil by
many pnjHTS lying upon It,
lulwaysnt tlio heml or In tnnliieas, well
hiionini: 11 iiv nniei 11, 11 win ieaf liliu.
Holds ll n n niitlm that he whoio credit is
siiquetnl is lint one to be truMid.
I constantly e.tiiniliiin ' his book, nml sirs
through his nll'alrs ns Tar ns care and attention
will enable him.
Iljlance rrgutarty at slalrd times, nnd tlun
makes out nml transmit nil Id ncconnl cur -
nut tn bis customers, botlntt lioiiieiir.d nbroad.
Atoldj ns much ns (Hoslble nil sorts ir np -
rfliumnil.itlou In money in.ittir und lawsuuit
where there U the least ha;,ird.
He Is reonnmtcil in his expenditure, nlwnys
living within hi' Income. '
Uecp n mcmoriiiidiim-bnok In hi porkel.
In v,h1eli ho linles every particular rclallte In
npKiInli,iciili, nsIdn5W nml petty cash irjat-
13 caullou lm;v be becomes sepurily for nny
K'rson 1 nml Is gciicroij when iirgnl by tno-
live oi humanity.
ht n mini net strictly tn these habits, when
once begun they will bo easy to continue In
ever it mi mlH'ring that lie Im tin profits by
hi palm whom Priivlileisre ibH" not iroscr
ami success win nucini 111s iiniris.
Take plcn'iire In tour buslueis, nnd il will
become your recreation.
ilojM- ror the hrst, tliTnk lor the vvors), npd
Iscar whatever happens,
lti.nspts and 1111: l.tux. -Mr. lllondln
wlutleil 11 lion cub over tho ropo nt thu X.io
Ixgietil Gnidm. I.ltcrpool, on tho ullrtnnon
of the '."Jib of .luiic--n boisterous wind tin--
culling ut the time. TI,o lion, which tins IS
motithsold, nnd Is rultid Tim Sii,eit, nfier
the renoiircil pugilist, ttas striipml
hi Iho
narrow-, .itiiii curiosity
was excited lo sve
the unimul. Si-ntcs id glusrcs were raisoil,
und whin Ilia head of young Viwi was oh-
sortid, with lilsitrs ttniiderlug nbout, is II
isiinIoii In know what was lo becotna of htm,
the clapping nnd cheering lieenmo tcry great.
Having iiiljustcd the barrow-, lnndiii l-in
In unit fiipparciitly trembling with tin- weight
,if Ills load. A gje was iittachisl tn the bar
row, uinlR It wu let out by his ii.'I-lnnt it
bysomeiniiiui or pilar gut entangled
liehaiprocuilson,ef.,rlor I'fty fxt. Hloudlii
li.iltid, and thegye roHi fV.Il to Ihe ground.
'I ho heart lieenmc sick to look at hlr,l. eo
p!o kept their breath, expecting every po
ment that the gvninnit, with Von Sii;cr4 nud
Iho barrow t'onnl lie preelpllnlel into " the
City id lkln."or Into tho lako bcloiv. In
stantly lopdln respliillon was taken, lie
evidently pnpld not K'i )! S'"l lie began to
move backward cnntimisly nud slowly. Wo
men were terrified as ir they tiero ivilnwlng
n n I'Xiputirpi, A 'lp silenco prcynlleil,
which via? only broke 11 when lllor.ilm artived
surely op tl.o platform. Again Iho barrow
was uojmteil, ami Hloudin moved on Ibis time
without a gve rope. Gradually bo reached
the center, c,nd idler rivt'ng n short lime, be
gan to puh i)p tho ineline. Tho wind inemeil
lo I,iih ile lilin very niiirh nnd tt wn reatly
frightful In sec the barrow roll back occasion
ally about a (not, as ir ho who guided it had
not siitiieienl strength to pusli it on another
Inch.- -English 1'itptr.
A Fuozi.sf Kuir. . A tthnlln" jctjiI which
Milleil from liii,lnn ip 1B0, foun.l on the Po
lar f-'ea n ship rmljcdid in tho ice, tvilh sails
;ur;(it ami no sign or lire nn lioanl. 1 he I ,i
lain and snmo of iho preiv di-eindiil Into the
cabin, nud found pniliil uppon tie floor a New
fiiindlund i'ojj, iirpsrenlly nsleip, but, when
found the niilin.il was
il m n stone. In thu
C11I1I9 was 11 young lady scattd nt n bible, Ur'nr tiroiigul through her holiit fit'liug, adds
ctesoiKnuslrgiiz'ng nt lliolntrmhrs in that 1 but a darker d.to In your meanness. Ouq
ili-soluie place. .She was 11 coriw! nnd had 1 rule Is nlwnys sale: Treat every woman yoij
lion frezeis in nn appanntly rwignwl nnd re- ieel ' you would wl.h nnolher nu'i to fiut
ligioiu nltitmle. Hesldo her win n tpung 1
man. who, il npp"iiml win Ihe enmui'iiider of
llie nng, uliil lirniliir tn tho l.uly. llo wn
bitting ut llie Inb'e, dead, mid before him wu
u shirt of pnier on which was written ; ' Our
cook has i ndoavored since yesterday morning
tnstrikon light, but in ta'p-a'l is now- our."
n nnollur puit of the cabin sloo the conk
villi the Vut nnd tinder in hnud, frozui, In the
vain riideator to striko the llio that could
nlone save them. The terrors of tho seamen
led Ihe ('aiitnlii from tho spot, who took with
him iho log-book, a the solemn mnmcutn of
Iho Ill-fated ship. It appears that sha f.'.o
was from I)iidn, and had bet 11 frozen in tills
place over fourteen years.
ItKAUTtrn, Tnoi-iiiir, There i) but n
breath of nlr nnd 11 bent of the heart between
Ibis world and tho net,!. And in the brief in
ttrvul or painfullness, und nwful epjpciiFc while
wc feel that death I pulsing upon us, that he
is all powerful and wo nro powerless nm that
Iho lint faint pnlj-qllpp here Is but the irpluic
of endless lifo hereafter; uo fi.pl in Iho pildst
ol stunning calamity nbout tq b)ll upon us,
that earth has no cotiipcnsqtlon iiiflicicnt to
mlttgato the severity or opr M. Hut there
is no grief without somf munificent protision
In sollen Inlenscncsj. When the good und the
lovely vise, (ho piepiory ol their ileitis like the
uincnhcnpi; on tho stormy sea, light up our
darkeped hearts nnd luids to tlio surrounding
glnopi heauly so sud, so sweet, that tto would
not, if wo could, dispel thcdaikncss that en
virons it.
-- -
Chaplain in Iho United Suites Army writes
In regard lo Hie temperance of tlio nrnvy. 1
11111 encouraged by what is lately doing, espe
cially by Ibo course of Gen. Hutlcr, ttlin lias
signed tlic pledge with nil his officers, for tlic
sake ot Iho soldiers. 1 reel litis coin so npist bo
uiloptcq by ail tho ollicers, and then, and pot
till then, can strict prohibitory laiy be adopted
throughout all the Mini's.
Rcmlnlsccnco of Washington Irving.
Washington rvlng If tho New York cir-rrspond-'iit
of the l.iirjdun Telegrnpti may bo,
bolicte.l, did not refi"c himself hc lender pas;
slon. lie says; '
" When vming lie became inlimalelv no.
ipialnteil wftb n ilaughtcr of one or tin- iCuick.
erbockprg or tho lime, sturdy In family nmj
winllh. lib Iho vouno- ladr lie r,reseii hi
spit successfully 1 und In jltno the father might
I have ;ueenmbed, dclto the fact that ha re
gardeil tho resourprs with which Irving pn
poutl to support n wife too slender to main;
tain tlio $tyic ot luxury 10 wipeii ine unuguier
had been ncpintpmeil. In sn evil Ijon'r, nilf
m mid, n Dr. Crcighlnn, n minister nf the lis
tubllshed Church, despite Ida 'Jcfl.tlll picrit.
ssge, fill in with tho gentleman whopi Jrtir.3
wn sn deirotn of making hi father-lti-lnty.
Tho clergyman' eyes wcro slazlnl by ll(
be-auty ol the same young lady who bad won
the heart or the nqslrlng nuthor, nnd the eyei
or llie r.itlicr were liliiulid lo nil nlcr pr)n)ii,
erntion by tho wealth which Dr. ('relghtriij
offered together wllb hi heart. Timo ntnl
persistency pnhrt Irving from the scene ; nnd
ihe girl, (iistdiuil In her father's urgent rntrii).
lies, gave bis prtfinneo to the prvccdcnce of
her own.
lint the Mildest part o' the slorr rcmtp lq
bo told, When the ipHtlnp of the nnrtlnaO
portion wn under Consideration, the fallur
l'liitnl that llie (atniiy luul iktii lainieu wnq
lnnnll,v. nnd lo guard pgnlpjt the evils of harsh
In-utmcut, should bisdaiiu'litcr lie nfljicleil ttitlj
, the saino malmlv. Iii1teil that n certain sum
should Impel inlile, which, in the ct cut of such
a calamity, should bo del ntnl to her milnlnlii;
nnre on In r estate on tho bnnksoMhe Hudson.
1 nnd that In no etcnt should slit lie rrinnvii
' irom Hie mansion Hicre. I hesc tcrnn tlio nr-
, skill suiter. Imping fur the best, complied ttilli.
It may Imvo been Ibo ri'iill of bcmlllnry
Idisean'. or the ilforl tn rrti'h out nud I, ill hep
jonng hopes, but not many years clnpscd liefora
iho wifo win 11 raving maniac. She liccP):;
so violent thai confinement wn. necessary,
I nml tho family m.imion was convcrtcil Into an
asylum. lr. f 'rrtulilmi building nnolher bonsq
pnitillilniit r,ut r,r ll.erslnlp. '('lie nnloflii.
nuic woman is still lit ing, orsii op quiet pigms
her shri ks mny bo heard nlung the bank nf
I he riysT- almost niplible, loo, at the secluded
retreat which rrlng nceuplei). Vo heart bpt
Id own know how
mo n't 1
cvct,t way
hate tinged his own life, or to what exertion
ll may bate urged him in attempting tndrotvt)
all rnufinhruticc of hi own dlsnPtfoinlmcnt.
Dr. Crelghtoii has for titirs ofliclated nt tho
Iniiiiblo cliajK.1 where Irving woishlppol, nnd,
singularly i-nnugb, read the bijilnl luryiccs fur
liis fgnuerrl.nl.''
DiiriPiPi.v PiTiri't. A political speaker
riceutly rclnlitl 1111 nnerihitt! In trldc!i ho mt1i
he had ln-eil ill the Florida unrj phpllng tho
Indians some years beloic, nnd iimong bis com.
p.uiioiis was n reckless ilarc-detil sort of u fel
low, who seemed n carch-ss of hi own lilo us
thniigb be had n dozen mote In his pocket,
lie bad been huckol, cut. stabbed and shut it
cs.ilil( and ImpoMlhlo p'iiees,nnd Ids lire dct;
i.iiriil tiffreiiuenllv. All this be bore with
jiliilosoplilcal liulillercnce. Gno day, however,
he wnt Ircmcudinus'y kicked lie a tremendiouj
jickust; and this lime death was inevitable.
ls companions gutliernl nrnumi iiim, niu
one was selcctci) to give hlpi the painful Intel-
iL-eiico iimt i.o n.tut inc. rn ii,c rttrnriso 01
all, tho reck lei", callous, fcarlcs; ;pMlcp hurst
Into tears. I his was sn iinexpcctp,i,R3 nnono
had cur nssociatstl him with Tear pftlentli;
ami 11 s-irprisu and ill eoncenlitl soldierly con
tempt appeared on the fures of his companions.
Secliu: till; he ilrcw- pp his shattered nrmj
and Idled his head ami said ;
' It's not that boys. It's not the fear nf
denth though that isn't pleasant ; but tq
Ihlpl: nfler Iho high, grand old chance of
dying I have i.t,I and ol, Just tn Ik klckeil to
death by n dod darned ycc-uattliig old cq:s c,f
a jicka-s!"
A Wonts to Yoi'xii M:x. One of tin
rpcancsl things n young man can dn, and it
h not at all of uncommon occurrence, Is to
innunpo1l;c the lime and attention of u young
utrl for 11 rear nr two without any definite ob
ject, am) tn tip; e-eluloii ol other gentlemen.
who. supposing iilpi tn have matrlmoulul in
tent lorn, ubseiit themselves from her society.
This seljlih, i- slog in tho mapger'' way ot pro
ceeding should Ik' discountenanced uliil forbid
dn by nil parents nm) guardiiin. It pre
vents the reception p,f eigib!o offers of mar
riage nnd fi.tens upon the young wqmsn, wheq
the acquaintance 1 finally diioIve, the un
enviable nml iiniperltcd appellation or " lllrl.''
I.1 ull dealings ttitli tTomen. young men. bo
Irani;, honest, nnd noble. That many whoso
education rfr,d position In lire would wnirant
our looking tor Peiter llilnzs,
liHiuing tor tseitcr tilings, are cuipaiiiy
criminal on Ihcso points, is no excuse for your
short ctiuli'g. I hat woman is niton Injunil
yur iniiocuu nun coiuuiiiigstsicr.
Driistny. Hisilntioii is (j sign or Itfnk
lies, fir Insomuch us the coinpur.illtv good
nnd etil of the il.tfrrcnl modi's of netbui nbout
ttbleh wc liesllnle.iire seldom equa'lv balaiutil,
a strong mind should pentite the slightest In
eiinatioii of the lipam with the glance of il
(isgle, parlir.lrly a there nro pa-es wl.crj
tho pn pipideraiice ttill be very minute etui
tbnpgh tlipro should bo life in one rcuk ijpij
death ip ihe other. It is rccnrdeil or lha ltu
I ..ill of IKikelr, that bo was suddenly ptvuk
encd nt night In his carriage by n blgliwuy
man, who, forcing it pl.tol ihropgli Ihe winibiw
nnd pre?eiitlng it rlojo Jolils breast, ilemaiideil
Ids money oxclalrping ut ho same time, that
ho had beard bis lord-hip bad boa.tcd heneter
would be robbed by n slnglo highwayman,
but that he tjlimild now- bo tuught the contra
ry. HI5 loid.hlp, putting Ids land In In
popljct. replied ; Xeither would I now b'
rolicd if it were not lor that fellow who i,
now overlooking your shoulder." The b'-'ll-way-man
turned liis head, when hi Innlihip,
who had drawn u pistol bom his pop.tt in
stead of a purse, shot him dead on Ipo spot.
Hnw to Ci.Kix a Gr.. XoonethoiiM put
awny 11 gun without cleaning, not even il it
has fired but one shot, i,it barrel should lu
clcnned. Fiist lako thp barrels oh" the stock
nnd immerse tbeiq In cold water uboiit foip:
Indus deep. Tlun wrap foino stout ilqlq
(low i-llng tn ihe barrels und leatc iiilicleii
in them r,Uo',l tin- pVuiitpg ri si thick that
you ttill Imto to press rather haul Iq get it iq
Ibo barrel? ; then pump up nnd down, clung,
ing the clolli till the ialer copus opt clear ;
then pour hot water into thepi, stopping up
thp nipp'p', npd turn the muzzles dpwiiwurij.
Then put on dry c'q'h nnd weak till you, cntj
feel ihu beat through tho barrel, nud thechitl
comes opt without a particle of moisture oq
it. Thai put a few drops nf clarified oil (inudii
by putting rusty nulls info some good f.tlii
oil) on (lie cloth nnd rub Iho inside ; rub lliu
outside, all our uud then put the iu away