THE OREGON SENTINEL. SATURDAY, - OCT. 12. 1801. Qu.n Miniso. Mr. Jcivctt ami .Mr. fe'clilcu"clln, two of tlio gentlemen interested In the quart b' ,lltc'' discovered In tlic vlclnl I o( Vnnnoy's Ferry, culled nl our oulco nml gave us n ttvc items respecting It. 'Hie com iiny Imvc bad ten tons of qnnrlr. crushed nt the l'vnnsvlllc mill, wMch paid 832 dollars per ton. The lodo la four feet wide, and tlio quartr. appears to lio 'ncslinnstnlite. 'I he Quart?. Mill ot llic forks of Jackson Creek l now In good shape and will soon commence crushing custom rock again. Having Tccently niado tome changes In their umntga inallnjr apparatus they will be nolo to sure nil the gold. Dolman & Co. nre dally taking out rich reck In quantities Hint will Insure them ample coapcn'iitlon for the Immense amount of labor ttij have expended In opening their claims. The energy owl pcrsoscrnnco they have dls nliirrJ, frequently under unfavorable clrcutii ilsnces, merits the success with which they hare met. (lanung, Iluvcr Sc Co., owning extension rlu'ms on tho samo lode, have tunncllrd the hill some 200 feet, Intersecting the lode upon the opposite side of the gulch, nt least 100 Ictt below the surfuce, obtaining good pros pects. 7 he company working upon the other slope nf the hill nro getting nlong finely. Their tunnel Is the best piece of wnrknun.hlp of Its lind In tho vicinity. They npfnr to bo coaiina to the oil borer In Pcnnylvnntn, who signified his determination to strike either oil, hell or China." That kind of grit will win, sure. Johnson & RMcr arc opening the southerly end of their blue lode, nnd Intend to take out a large amount of ipi.utz. Holmes .v Co., adjoining the Johnson claim on the right hand fork, arc working nwny In ilmtrlon'Iy. They poundrd out 8100 this neck, the proceed ofn little pocket. Crr.a it Cui-nT, This Court commenced IIk Kail term on last Monday inorilnj. linn. I'. 1'. Prim presiding. Tho subjoined Ik nil ntiMnicl cf the proceedings : On motion of II. I., l'roston. lJq., Thco. R. I'omrroj was admitted an Attorney of thin .Court. The following named jcnllcmcn were sworn it Krrc n grand Juror, vl. : Klicr l.'tncry, fore rain, Thomas S. Ingraham, S.H.Todd, Snm'l IVin, Itlce llcuion, W. A. Julinton, IVter Drill. In the case of Ilculicu Short for poisoning n lew: continued ; Jamei l.udlnu-, Indicted for an aisault ulth Intent to commit murder : con tinued. Oa Wednesday morning the Cmnd Jury re turned a Mil against I'. T. Ilrlghl, for gmud Urccny, and Ignored a bill ngnlnst C. C. Kliu wd, for obtaining money undvr lalo pretences, llrlflit was arraigned and given till Thursday tn plead. Wc-omlt the .civil juivst, of which llicro were twenty dbpem-el ol. A Tnt at. Wo mcutiouod, n few net-its s'nee, having received soma f.vars from Mr. Wiitley, of Tuble Rock prockiet. 1'rom ilieir ap)enraucc ut that time, we supposed It would ropilro nt lvnst two montli lime to rsjwi them, nud nocordinglflnUJ tiem nwny In it covered box to mature. Jlut cys esnuiinhig thinni few days since, we lomiJ tlicoi ofn rich golden color, nnd otherwise lad ica ting tlieyncreos delicious as tho tt inflating jiroretl them to be. They lie-Wed our rutattM mtc pleasantly than nny fruit we hnc mien tills season. In mentioning tlico fuels to Mr. J'lnlip Itilz, of Corvnllls, nil cccprrincetl nur seryman, he raid he supposed It was not getter .ally known that cnrs taken from the troc be fere qulto ripe, nnd allowing them to-4Hilurc in the dark, prevents their belujj t triugy nnd greatly ndds to their llarnr. An UraKT, On Tuesday evening lost, as lie t'ullfornlu singe rotne within sight of town, the horses become frightened nt a licgs, broke from the road, down the lillbildc. and brought the wheel of tlio stage nguliut u stump, overturning It mul .throwing tho whvel horses. Tho leaders tore t'lenirclvw nnr-y .and came in nt full spe-ed, scattering a crowd vho riubcd lurlh to catch ithcin, but were linally secured. There secrcftve pJfngcM in the stage nt ihc time, but nono .received other injuries tlian slight bruises and ,01118. The driver, Mr. Mill, was luiim! nnd bruised, but not sufficient to prevent film fiom m-iklng,hls return trip the next day. No bhimo is nt-taclu-d to Mr. I toll. as It was an accident that infill happen with the most careful of drhvir. Tim. Waiki.vo. Trnynor Tatoni, In com pany with two others, Kept. 'Jfllh, on a wager, walked from Scott's liar, Cnlifornla, ocrivs the mnutaius to this place, by Wolver'a Cut IT In thirteen nnd one-half hours distance estimated to be from sixty (oiixty-fivc miles killing n black bear on their way. They were hound for Ness Perec, in a hurry. Fon Wasiiok. -Quite it number of our clll iw have left fr W'uthoo tliU week, with Jjorses and other stock, for which they expect to Cud a market. Mr. Charles Williams, who returned from that .region n few days ago, says ihat money U plenty and times good, which ,iw doubt accounts for the exodm. ItwnvKinxn. Col. John K, Uos.,ho.wae n our by his wagon, while descendiog the moQiitaln near Waldo, on tho Crescent road. J1 iwt reeo,veripg from hid Injurle. ud will be bought home in a ftsw days. The Occident occurred on tho 3d Instant. SiiBnirK'a Sale. Tho Interest of Scott foil and Itoxuna Whltworlh In n donation Jnd claim, on Itogno river, nbovo the bridge, ! bo sold to-day, between ono and five .o'clock. oxk Homk Jlr. (leorgo levers, Inlc Partner of Alexander Martin, in tho black smithing business, left for the Atlantic Stales c Wednesday morning. For Jvknivviu.k Dr. John Herbo'dt, Nrgcon dentist, left town yesterday rnorping Ut Kerbyvillo where ha JpteiuLi rmainlng ht two wttks. TJ'o PQClor is n good dentist. TiiSNK.Mr. J-;, K. Anderson, of Phrcnlx rwiijet Ji-js mtr thinks fflr twp buckets of j-UL'JJLli'ilWEi KEDL1CII vrOLDSMITII, IMiooistx, Orogois, Offer their large nnd well-selected stock of DItY OOOI1S, OLOTJJINQ, HAllDWAKK, GUOOKItlKS, UOOT8 nnd 8II0KS, CIOAnS AND TOHACCO, At H.ui rronctcu Coat, nUilliif; I''rcli(lttt Having purchased our Goods cheap, nnd being desirous or CLOSING OUT, superior Inducements arc offered to unybody who wishes to purchase. UKDLIOIl A- OOLDSMITII, Oct. C.-38m:i Itrlck Slorc, l'htcJiix. fllsBN BDH PA1UH & NlilUBaT Near Corvallis, Oregon, Ofl'crcil Low n( private Sale, A Ml IV of the Steiimbont whistle nnd Church nnd .School bells of Corvallis, comprising fiGO acres, divided Into three convenient pastures, with plenty of wood nnd water on each. A frame Run, f 1x51, with basement. House, U7xC3 nine good rooms, wills Fountain on back porch, which ufTords twenty-four barrels of nine soft water per day In midsummer. Over Ono Thousand I'rult Trees ', tho lie I I 'ear Orchard In Oregnn Five Hundred Trees ol Fifty Choice Varieties ; Ono Thous and Liiwtnn Hlnckbcrry Plants, from which can ba mndu Ono Thousand Onllons of Wine per year for five yearn besides, nearly every variety of Shrub nnd Flower. Any pcrmm wishing a pleasant Hume, and a FlltST CLASS Sjioep and Fruit Farm Would do well to sec this, nc It will posi tively be sold before April, 186'i, For Less than Cost of Improycmonts. PUICi:, SUMH) -$!,()()() Cash, nnd the renulmlor in one, two nnd llnxv year, with ten per cent, interest. ENT TSI3 IXTUHSERY Arc over 150,000 and Trocs Flanta, which will be SOLD LOW, preparatory lo moving the Xuisery. Tiies, etc., will be packed nnd forwarded lo nny part of the country ufler November l.lili. Address. IMHLIP ltlTJC. Connllis, Oregon. Iiawton Ulacltborrv Plants, Sevcrnl vnrletlcd of HTUAWIIKUIIV, 11ASIIKUUV, nnd all kinds of SHHU1I IlKltV, can be li.ul at (Ua Ashland rJursory, At low nrlcw, by nil persons In that vicinity, us I shall Icuve u ipiuultty thvru lor sale. My teams will be out nbout tho Ifilli of December. J. IWV'A. September L'fllh, 1HCI. ;i7wC JOHN BAKER, BOOT & SHOEMAKER, ,cxt I)uoi- In IU D.irn.l,, Hnlouu, fS On California Street. Mil. llAKHIt takes lids melliml of Inform in'' his friends uud the public trenemlli Hint ho Is prepared lo do nil kuid.s of work in ! tlio I. ne or Sootmaking, tfhocmaldng, AM)ni:iAiuiN(;. FINE DRESS BOOTS, - INK niJlllTH' USUI I-'tUinols' JIlllttR, M.inuf.iclurrd in n nnr.ncr to warrant satisfac tion, ut reusonnblc price. ZW Persons lenving orders for work can ri-lv uiKin having it done nt I lie time promised. Jacksonville, Sept. 28, 1801. .Tim3 MARBLE YARD I S"piIK fiilierll)er has establlnlicil ft Marblo J. Yard on Coleman's crcil;, thrcn miles west of I'lia-nlv, nluro ho I prepved to till orders which may conn1 to hirt Xev e-vcy de'Clntlou of work In hia line. MOXU.MKXT8, TOM US, 1IKAD AKI) FOO'i'.STONfiS, made, tottered und set. MANTLKS. TAULIiTOPS, nod every varh-ly ofOKK AM KNTsVi. H.0O8B M Alt- HLM.S on hand and subject to orders. JK&-.CIIA1UJKS LOW. -a letter nddrewcil tolhosul)fcrll)or,ot l'hcenix Post Onicc, will ii-ccho prompt iittcnt'.oa. .IAS. 11. HUSSCLL. Phrcnlx. Dec. 8, 181.0. 47:tr 33iblos and .Tostamoiits. ASUITLY or niMesnnd Texlamcnts, In vn rlous sljles, re-cvnlly rccled and for nle nl cost ami cnariivs, nt Inn iieiiosttury ol lln- Jackson County HiMr Society In Juekonvlllu Win. HOFFMAN, Depository. June 1.111s. 1801. DissolutioH. rpHK firm heretofore existing under the J. 11.1111C and slyla of HLCHIAM .1- LAN UKLL, in tlicblacksmllhlngaud farming busi utas, U tlili dayilisvolved' by mutual consent. The. debts duo tho firm fjay be paid lo either party. JUU1JAM i LANOHLL. Jacksonville, Oct. 1, 16GI. 3813 )h X. Caldwell lioalman HAS perisaneutly located In Jacksonville, nnd otl'c-iri his professional services in tho practk'o of iltcilltlnr, NnrKtrj- nmt Olislrtrlrs. Orece nt hU residence, on California street, In the liouso formerly occupied by A. M. Berry, ucit door to Judge rilm'H. Charges very reasonable. Calls attended to at all hours of the day or night. SAMUEL E. MAY, xcrowjOuTHrsr acerioxjio, OFFICE IN "8ENTINEL" DUILDINO, Jacksonville, UrcRon. 3Nrotioo. A LI, per'ons Indebted to me nre requested to xa. nuKo immentaie pnymeni. tiioo demauds against ma will present the-m. AI.III.'w'l' ha nvn i immediate payment. Thoo holdlnii ALUKRT HARNHART. .Tacksonvllle, Aug. 21, 16(11. 2tf QQ CCf LI'8-LOUIt at S25 per m. nt OO.vvw tho mill. For particulars, en quire of im II. F.DQWULL, Agent. tBi.Tifiilioiu S TOOTH, NttU, Shaving. 1'ulut, Shoe, Sabis and other Iirushcs, at lha Jacksonville Hook und Variety store, corner Cal. nnd Grown sts LtJrS. ilw.lliiriuonTean'sJ eiarp ,L' other Musical Instruments, can bo foun xitw arpi unii found nt tho Jacksonville Dook and Variety stpro. 17 A WJjLOOje&.Ai s GOOD ttssortineut ol Vlfjck ill q Jack sonijllo Hook nud Variety sjorc cnnio nd Oregon slreetii. 17 Jg i.,,iui.imiwjLrmwt nwyjgiUWUT Opening Bispliy ! OJJsT TUESDAY, 24th ipst,, AT Saclis Bros9 NEW BRICK WE AUK JfQW qi'KNINO run IjAughst, J1IOST rASIIIOXAHL, AN'I) DMCIDKDLY Tlio OliojaDpesI; STOCK OF DRY AND FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AiVB SHOISS I'.vor Iii'iiiiglil to flis jtiurleet. idyj- All nro Invited to fnvor us with i(Ba DSr ii call. We will show nnrVj)a ;Q3y Goods with pleasure "Ya ady-und sell them nt iG5a UiiprciHMlcnlcd .Low Prices. Ii. SACHS. .Tacksonvllle, Sept. 21, 18C1. 3(5 SEWINGMACHINE I .MATTllUHSKN, 1IP.I)1)I.(1, TI'.M'SJ, AM) I " FLOURSACKSf ON hand und iniule to orde.- ut start notice House lining uud Puper hanging done in n manner to insure satisfaction. J?A2tTCTraA2l IffOOTCB. Piiyiucits xoust be made l;i cash or trade. I ilii my wor m tjjo lowert living rutcn, oud can positively give no credit. T5" Gilifomxi Strut, aU)x QrMm. Jacksonville, Kept, 21, 1801. r:tf. rpiin proprlctoM, wishing to .close business, X oner lor wu incer P0JITA1)JE STEAM WL PROPEIITY Said mill Is.of flftccn-lwrso power, wnrrnnled of capacity tOttutix Ihnusnnd (cut of lumber tn twelve iiourt1. i, two ami nuo-lourtli mile from Jacksonville. .on tlio Sterling road, with n lino growth of Jl-'lr nnd I'iuuTImk-r k cnrcil, sulUclvnt to kvcp ,tlie mill running three years. For Information, iiv)iilrrAf Messrs. Anderson & (ih'un, Jacksonville, or 1). 1'. llazeltlne, nt the mill. Assorted Soujsonotl Xumbor : 1.1(1,000 feet Tor sale. IIKSa & STONE. Ajrcnls. Juckfonvllle. Juno fitli. 1HH1. 21 fBIS WAY EVERTBODT M M. W. PAV1S. City Aitctioiieor, PEACE DECLARED ! ANDNOONEUUNU11I AND I will ofier any nroperty.or nny other mnn, at public miction, for rflora money than any other man, at ull times, and wo will not charge nny mora than the property brings, if wo do, you can borrow some. Uivo ua a chance. SI. W. DAVIS. Sept. 1", 1801. 3C;lf. P. II. LYNCH, Wholesale nnd Iletnll Dealer In Foreign and Domestic WINES, SYRUPS A. CORDIALS, 4T tub EXPRESS SALOON, Com-ir of CiiIlfurMln nml Tlilnl HtrcvK, Next door to Ile-ekmn's Kxprcsg. )8rAlI orders promptly filled. 3Mf Hrt';JLisL'!i- To all hom it may Concern. A SUIT far fllvorco being now pending between tho unijerslgued and MARY T. LOQAN, Ins wile, nil Krrsous aro forbidden to credit her on my Bccount. OKO. R. LOUAN. Waldo. Josephine County, ) Sep)en)ber,ieqi, f sep28;3T:5l 333-mxIs. X3qq1k.h ; IF you wantlllank IJyoku.eull nt thuJivckson vllle IIooIcnni V;lety store, eqrifer Califor nia and Oregon streets. xwnwm iimMn.,iwiny J. Ii. Wadr, ,....,. K.S. Moiician. & CO., DKALKltS IN GENERAL 1SE, Hiiltnl to Slip VnuU of lha I.ocnllty. TO TIIU PUDLIO yy OFFER 1NDUCEI1IENTS For 0tSl3. ! Jacksonville, Angus 21, V,1. .12:3m LEATHER -ANP- SHOE FINDINGS "TITK shall be In receipt of an assortment of i t Jicatticr mm slino t-inutngs In a reu dnys, comprising In part, viz : Rnntn Crux Sole leather ', Hemlock Solu Titlicr, Lcmolne C.iirSklni, I'rcneh C.ilfSklns, t!nprctl Lining Skins, Hound-heat Tacks, Stinrnliles, Shoe Thrcji, IasIs, 1'egs, Hasps, And other arllclcs Included In this department, to whldh we Invite tjefJiUuu pf hqemakers and otlicrn. um, MORCIN & 110. .Tncksonvlllc, Aug 21, 18(!l. M2:3ui ST AT I ONERYI! BLANK BOOKS, -IXS- Pockot Memoranda, Account Books, Legal and Lottor Papor, Pens, Ink, and AGENEiViW ASSORTMENT USUALLY FOUND 1 THIN lini'AUTJIKM', ll.VII.t.VI) Anil I-'nr Snlc jwy-LOW.-oa WADK, MOUOAN.tCo. fcpl.Jfllli. lBfil. 30:1 mv BACON j J3ACON!! "TTfE have just recelve-tl n splendid lot of bright, nice, Unipmia bac n. Two Ions of shnulders for snlu in IntH to suit, nt 12 'jets per pou nd. W A I ) 1 1, M U UU A N .V Uo. Sept. 18th 1U01. 30:1m. Oroson Sltx-oot, Is now receiving a regular weekly supply or DF'z'e! 3FjTTL3LitSs Apples, Pears andJPpaplios, And ull others In won. In m1lilUuXoliIsJiarge and axiel stock of Candies and Nuts, Which will 1m sold on llbcrnl terms, to suit the limi's. Ile-nlsootrurs In tho putdlc bin well known usiorlmcnt ol tho FINEST 1UUNDS OF OSCARS AND TOBACCO Several hundred T.AD1ES' J1ASKETS, Tipcs, Porfumcry, Toys, And many sillier FANCY AJlTIClsES. Jncktunvllle, August M, ItiUl. HOLIDAY GIFTS! rm.i-.uik: ion CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS i VARIETYSTORE lu llnlim II nn, llrjck IIIiIIiir, can Iw found tho choicest .m ;post romplctc collectlgu eyes' jolfrrud lu Jocikoiii'LUe.Af XXcvvitlXixiay Etoiuicl AND XXcixa-cliatOXXioly IXlxxm- tratocl Oift, -,e;.so- OHIUOREN'S TOYS, JEWELRY FANOY ARTIOLE8, 8HEUL CADINET8, mill BOXES. All tlio Luteal UiirIUIi nml Amcrlruu SMc- lurlnU, Ma;axlit Newjmcia rniiilnull)-on linnil,nt the IBIf VARJK'l'Y STORK. DR. G. W. BROWN'S MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE, California M., opposite Sentinel pflce, tTa.olx.soxt.'vllp, Oregon. rPO thoso who can nppreolata truth. Such .L Mill not fall to call upon Dr. 0. W, Drown. Ho nlso Invites tho Mtention of ull who aro tullerin with diseases of the l.'ye to call at his o(!!cc. THE BYES ! THE EYES ! No Cure, No Pay. jxr- onico huui'rt fioin 8 a, si, tu -l r, . Juno 1. 'UI, 20:tf 1" A I PL I "I" N I I V " IT A I IM I SHOr I GROVJ & CRANE. . HAVING removed to Ihc SHOP formerly oecnpled by J. K. Arkley, on tho co;oer of Fourth nud U streets, nro prepared (9,1)0 all kinds of PAUtTIMO, ar.Azi.vo, A?fD l',UEK 1IAGINU. EXPEDITIOUSLY, IN THE J8EST STYE, AND MOST TREASONABLE Jneksonvllle, Sept. 18. 1861. ff6;tf. IRON ANO STEEL, Of) f)fC WS. of Assorted Irojs (wLjVyv nilStpcl,ci(j)eclallyseleot- tin 1 or lor (nit) innrKei.ior sale iy ANDKIJSON Sc sIy-:NN. Jaelj mli)u May 'b, 14 MERCHAND EXPRESS SALOON BY P. HVNCH. Upnoiite tlit United Statts lloltl ntff ujr p ' ' littkman's Kxprett OJflcf, Pornc pr Cntinirnln nml Thiol fitrcf. IWOUIVD tcspccirully Inform my old friends nnd tlio publlo generally that I linvejust returned from Sjjn Frnnelsco with ono of the Best Sclcctctl Stocks tit bntlt FORBIG-N 8c DOMESTIC DLsICTLTODEtS , Fine YTincs, Conlinls, Srrnps, Thrjt has ever been offered fqr si)e In t()ls part of the country, which I will sell, WHOLESALE) Or In nny desired quantity, nt a moderate ad vance on cost. Thankful for the patronage I have received for Ihc pant year, I ficwo It will continue, ns I will spare no calns In, Wnltlng upon my custom ers. I will lll orders frqm tlc town or country, sq send them nlong and keep poo). THE $AR Wilt posl(tvcly bo supplied with nne but Hip tTr;i( qualities of Liquors nnd tho mott thoirt iirnmis ol tjegars. Itcniembcr Ihc EXPRE6S 5A.LOON. 1. H. LYNCH, I'ropV. Jacksonville, Spt. 1 J. 35lf I. D. lUINEft .n. It. llAIS'CR HAINES &BRO. Corner Cnlirornla & Oregon St TO THE PUBLIC. V7"E bavo reduced our prices to suty the Vt times. For sale, a large and f arle-d as sorlmcntflf tC3C4ttLrJC?3IsC.K5irw- -AXII- Furnishing Goods, At very low rales, l'on cash. Fur tale, 100 cases nnd cartoons of Boots, Shoos and Gaiters, for Ladies, Gent's nnd Children. For sale, nn cxtcnslvo stock or Men's, Toys' and Children's Hats. For sale, a full stock nf Gnncr.nirJi. For sale, n large assortment of lest brands of LIQUORS, WINKS, CORDIALS, HIT. TKRS AND SYRUPS. For sole, Tobacco, Cigars, Hatches, Flour, Hotter, Kggs, nnd Cni'STiir Tuomci: generally, CALL AND EXAMINE. FUR'S VARIETY STORE! Vat Shlc of California SI, Jnckioiivlllf, "Of 7"HIll cf n be foun,J tho best of HAVANA CIGARS, TOT3A.CCO, PIPES, OF ALL KINDS, BOOKS AWDJTAT10NERY! HOME rvlANUFACTURE!! Kucuiirago Doiui'iitfc Kjilcriirlse'! rilHK uiKjcxflgiicd has piinoicnc' the mnnu .1 faclvroorM.;ilT (jlLITV ClGAItS nt hWIipp InJlofiWJurhlssioreonCalifuruIn street, nuu will 1111 orders to nny extent, fur this market. Ha las n-celvrd Invoices of the vcryllnest JtruviiiuiToIjUCL'is.rroAihlch his Uigcrs aro made. Come niU try tlielloujo Manufactured Cigars. They arc tlic iicist Ju le market. Gr.O. FUNK. Jnclooiiville, May litli. t8(!l, 17;tf TCJIW3stMr LlYEItY AMI SALE STABLES. Corner oX JL'ai;n,nila nml Foiirtli Hlrrcii. V CLVGAGI2 & )UVJM, M TJJKSnSTAWKSwefien trolly loc&icd, ami .Convenient to the Union Hotel. Horses nud mujc will ba Let by t,!eo clay orwycku moderutti chwgcs,. The proprietors Jivc .a iiuqbcr at tine BUQGIE & CARRIAGES, For one or tno hores,to let on modarntc terms. Alo, Gooda,f)dlo llorsos 5(, Mulos which they i 111 let to go to any part of tho coun try, on reasonable terms. Animals Bought nnd Sold, nnd horses broko to .lio saddle or harness. Tho proprietors plcdgo thcrasolves to plvo sat isfaction tf all who may favor them ullh u call. Jaehnonvlllo, Ogn. Aug 31. lHlf "TT'E hnvo this day sold onr stock qf nierchan- dlso to Messw Mu.i,;n &. Owtx, who will continue tlio business at tic o d siand. TlmnK Ins the community for their patpnngo, e con fldently reeon)inei)d 2lef9rs. Mu.u:it ,t Owr.s to iiieiriavor, jiiauki Jacksonville, July 2, l630..2itf. AUIIV & DAVIS. COPARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned hayptjils day entered Into n Co-narlnershlp for ibe transaction of a Gencrnl Merchandise Dullness, under the style and firm of M.i,c.n ic Osi-i.n, find have takcu the store lately occupied by JI(wt. il.ei'ny & U.e vii. They arc now receiving a full stock of goods, ol every assortmcnl. Tho patronage of ttje public Is respectfully solicited. A. II. MILIAR, AV. A, foWliX. Jacksonville. July 2, 18C0..23tf. TS hereby clven to M persons Indebted to Drs, JL THOMPSON PUEKK, cither by onto or took account, to coma fornuid and pay up to JOHN S. DUUM (agent for Dr. fc. k. Tboinp- loISJm Uiim ' JBCk,av"l,) I Lmh.iiI. ... linn. .(.all.... . ...x.a I..m n n .1 .a tlenliy, but Nour momy ire miul haut, or.wu will IIVIIV., iUC MV .M14 Ull juu I'liiu uuu Vtk- q compelled (tbouuh reluctantly) lo slaca your potM and. account In tho bauds olllcera for collection. 01 in proper (. W. CRJJKR. Juno Stb, 18(11, 'ii-At. Oregon Ww Scrip t III A VK mado arrangements with a responsible Hanking House to attend to tho collection or War Srlp In Waeblnpton City. Hvug pecu plvd tho position of Chief Olerk In ono pC the UenajrtnienU during tho war, scrip-holdeni v. Ill flnfl me )rpared to give nil ncecttfry Ibforuia. ..ui. v...t.w w .iii wini.o JacksomllU. 1 wih anw g vo my ai.tenlion to BOsJlng uwi -1'Jiy person bavin' filalro or cblss agalnsl conllnuc to Bracllce as usual. All the accnunii arrnnaing cooks an? accounts. ' r- ibe undersigned wj preftcnl fhem to An-' 'duo said flrw bavc been arrncd lo him lv Mr I jj& (JlUce in the ScntmH Lulldlfie. f erion Glenn Tenet they v.lll be c ifhed at sleH ' IiLrgbx. J II HEiV" bA.MUi;i K MAY. HAKKI.TINE A- Kill.EY . -,,r; ,-; Juue29 Jet,). i'ilf - Jaekwrnllle Agu 1 3. JShJ. V!ltf alfcomillr Ms ""d i t ' Viff y?yj ag-"itaaii ags?gg'rT . TRACY So CO' ORKGOIV EXPRESS CONNECTING WITH WELLS, FARQO 8& CO. TO CALIgRJiTA, ATLANTIC. STATES, AND KUHOI'Ki """ Treasure, l'nrcels and 1'ackagcs forwierdcd In charge of Messengers. Goods Purchased and Commissions Oiled with I'romptncss. Kotcs, Drafts, Dills or Accounts Collected. IJ'ells, Fargo .t Co's cheeks on San Francisco nnd their Drafts on London, l'nrls, Dublin or the principal cities In the Atlantic Stntcs, Can be obtained nf any of our Offlces. Officos and Agents. Portland "cll, FnrtfP Co. Cascade Hradfnrd A Co. Pnlk-s Slocking & Co. Walla Walla Uoldnjn .t Whitman. Oregon City K. II. Innlls. Chnmpocg J. 11 prnnferd iiuitcviiic I-. a. .Mntlicws. Dayton Williams .V I.Ipnencott Salem J. Iluclnt. Corvallis -Stock A knufmnu, Albany Shelby X Co. Kiipcne City XT. A. Allec. Oakland Lord, rctcr A Co. Iloscburp 11. A. Marlon. Canyon vllle I'crry, Wade .t Co. Jacksonville .IJecUiiiuii'd i:xp'. K. "V, TRACY & CO. April 27 Cm BnOVER & BAKER'S FIRST PREMIUM NOISELESS FAMILY Sewing Machines, Af Cjrcnlly llt'iluccil Prices J At Greatly Ilvilnccil Prices J IT ss i . , At Great I)- lleeliicca Priccl SIXTY DOLLARS AND UPWARDS I SIXTY DOLLARS AND UPWARDS ! SIXTY DOLLARS AND UPWARDS! C por cent, discount! 25 per cent, discount ! 2s per cent, discount ,1 FROM OUR FORMKR PRICKS. Tim crcal success attcndlncr the inlro'lu,cl!np of our Xw Siilt lii 11y iVin'117 Madaip lr this Stale, as In nil gibers, bk proueple-a t-i-'rlnlu liuprlnclplctj nivj uiu-iUble partle-a to cndi-nvm to lnrc.0 upon L'-.o jwblio certain Inferior aud wncauyi "CHEAP MACHINES," which,. cither by legal Injunction or tti-tr om Inhcreul defect, have lonu since dliJ In the lumteru fclales. W IS OUR DKTI-:i:jlINA'17QN TO M'lTl.T A GOOD MACHINE M n Loir VtUt, Hint tho ptirchnner may not, as In part Inrtiuces, i-.icrlencc lu tho iurclmu! of cue fit tLv mls nameil ' cheap soring machine?,",? 4cr targain and a mi iff monnj, JKi WorlJ-Midf Jltpulitilon -OK yUE- QROVER fi. BAKER SBWJN MACHINES, And the fact that Our 50,000 liaukcii nlrcndy sold, And nre dally nnd hourly clicking In every quarter of the globe, proclaiming In their une-r ring action, perfect opcratlou and wonderful tm lielly, Tlivir Undeniable Superiority, Is the best cildence we can udduce of their merits. Tho highest efforts of Inventive genlu. thf mot rwrfect applicullon of imehaulcul kill. and llio lx-xt jiraclto il rcculls of an undivided aim to I'lUrKMlXEXVt: .liOlW .,. OTU EUS arc combined lu tlio QROVER t DAKER K1MII.T SJ3WITG lAPJIINE, That this pre-eminence has been nttnlutd l uncoulrInrlil'y.cildcpced In Uiclr Rnurtfc dented nnj) Increasing sale, and the JJNQUALIFJJJP SUCCIiSS .ttcndlng Ihcm at All tho jpnjr? pf IHOQ, Where, against tho mont powerful nud uurcnilt tbjg oppojjtlou ofrlial machines, they have, m tyril ,,,'". received the irst 5s?ircraium - OVKU - wjij;i:lkr a, sinokus HOWE'S, and all other Shuttle Mu chines Send for n Circular of our Reduced Prices, Culs, Samples of Sewing, ele.. 11c. H. Xi. HROWN, Agent. 320 Montgomery st., San Francisco j-29:21 "WIJFLDES 3FLODP3E3 S 40 per cent, lighter, less thijn pue-half the diameter nnd six times ns durable n Manilla or Hemp Itoyo .of egual slfvng .... ..'"-I. Y . ..1 '..ll! ... .1 I. 111, ui.d Is unaf- Itlswore partlcnlarfy adapted for Derrick Guy Hopes. Ferry Dopes, nnd lor hoisting from deep i-hans and. InpTlned l'ln'ues. I Mining CpmUnles, FerrV owners and ollurs.; u-linnu mrnff.r IVSiuLua. Iluilma lit Slanitma iccie-a uy cpnng 01 lycatiier, purp'ofc, will effect an immenso'savlng by or-1 dering frlro Kope tbrcugb our Agent?; w Circulars, with n sealu of heights, slier, slrcugllis nnd list of prises annexed, will be l,or wnrded to thow iuterestrtl. who can (lien coin (ur( tfucoifQf HTrs and lltmp Jtojx. ilrcna A.S. HALLipjs?&CO:J ' VAM'rSCTl'JlS.Itil SUSHNSJON VKIJQqE SUILDJtKS, lliae, 12 Clay it., S. V, Jjf.-SH; 2W'?s-.spJS . .ji ..Tar. . 1 niwoiycu av mutual consent, j 11. lei.iu u 11 NOW LANDING, Vjsj Into Arrivnk DROWN DRILLS AND SHEETINGS. gel-inch EJircctirjSJ. UJ,KACII-:p 8EKTINGS, Assort. Widths. jiT-ANicirrs pf till prndc-s nnd colors. PRINTS op,d DKLA1NKS. In grent variety. Dress nml Fo) Pry UooiN. Alexandrc'ii Oenniue lvid OImts. G-ont's Fiiriiishiug Goods. DAVIS AND JONKS'SUjUTS. Flannels, Hosiery, Ktc. IJousc-Fiiinlsliliig Goodn. Ilrusscls nnd 3 I'ly Carpets, new pat term. Kaier-llanglngs, DruggeU, Mattljig, Hollands, Hemp Carp- Is. A gene v I-'r Couioii' Oil .ewt't'j Clotli. Fqr sale fot" cah, or lo first-cln. prnmpl paying trede. nt a discnunl fiom market rales. ' ' ,n PRANK IlAKnit, 110 nml ll'Z Clay si., bun Frnne-lscn. 0':l"l''' ftlh- l,sfil ; 38nii; SAND'S SARSAPARILLA. Till! ORIGINAL AND MhNCINK ARTIOLR. r ' Kndqreci by the Medical Faculty ns bcinp The Rest nnd Purest Evtrppt of Sirsnimrllln Alndv. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA Purifies tho Hlooil. SANDS' SARSAURILLA Cures Scrofula. SANDS' SARSA PARILLA Curej Stubborn Uiccr. SANDS' SARSAPARILLA Cures Cutaneous I-'rupllons. SANIJS SARSAPARILLA May be safely tajren nt nil limes. It will se cure to laiji'o aHr;ntar perioelic habit, nnd is the vrry'bcst medicine tliey pan take when ar rived at the period called " turn of life." Ask For SAND'S SAllSAPAUILI.At And take no other. Prepared by A. 11. k D. Sands' DniMljIi, 100 Fulton street, corner ol William. N. 1 . For salu by jlKDINGTO & CO.. San Frnnelsco. R. .til. MrDQNALD Sc CO., JUSTIN UATUS Ii 11IIU., Ifnenimrnlo. THOMPSON Sc HRKIilt. 37 1m Jacksonville Ini To the Shippers of Southern Ores LQWII. limit rexxzn sonooKTEn 2 MARY l!L)!)'CJ4XD, J. H. I.KKDS, MAtrrx. Is now permanently on the route to nnd from Sun Frnuciftco nnd ScottsJnirp Trrms pf Firiaht (warchou'C dues and nil other charge's Included) From Sun l'rsn?lco. ijcllv crrd in triu nngnns. 812 00. Down rrcght, from Umpqua tu San rrnuclo, 7 50. SUED WRIGHT, Stewart st. Wharf, Sun Fnwlsco, VANDfMUIOCIJ h CO., n 4 gents, Cauyonilllr, Oregon. Aupist IT. Zl. 31:tf $1500 EEWARD! TIIK nliovo reward will be glvr-n ffl any pr Hin or persons who will i).c-i'rlliepioney or apprehend the thief thai IVjMnyJ lucubin of Matnew Graham A Co. )f Ihc amount of KlK-bt Tlimiiinl Dollars, on ll.u erening of Ibe 2.1th May, 1BCI. .TAM1 LITTLK. 1 His Ills Agent, WILLIAM x Sl'THKULAND. ) Mark. Aug. 29, lbCI. 3211 Phoenix "Works I Jonathan SCittrodgo, Prop'p. 70S Ilnllnj- !., jirir l'nclfir, Hn IVnpcKf. MANLTACTUHciToir rirr.-prpnf Doow, Shutters, Hank Vuults, I'rlqjii ces. Mail ings, Gratings, Halconlr. l!fi, JJridjc Work, And ALL KINDS OF RLACKS.MITll WORK A large assortment of wcond-band noons and siin-rKiui couttantly on hand and for salu nt low rnte-K. Ai orders promptly allended to. II ;Cm PAINTER & CO. J fracUail J'rmttri and Dealers In Type, Pre, Pjintlng Mnlprtab, J. Ii. I'AI.NTKII ) i". 1', tnl, lifr. J, X, fAINTKH T.n. rAivrwi) 5IO Cloy St.. obovo Jj'aiwonw, has nuvrisco. j:ir Oltlces tilted out with dlfpitrb. m9: iTlmm hoteII (LATE UNION HOUSE), riolE.Boxx-7-lllof Oregon. BY LOUS HORNE, rpiinbfijt accommoelatlcjns given lo gurs, X trnnsfi-nt and pcrmaue-u. The llktcl (.ex been refurulli1 and rifillid Ineiery ien.irlient, II Is 110,1 miv(juli.d l,y any Hotel In touthern Oregnu. Jacksonillle, j;.' J. HJCil. ' Ctf SLATE CHEEK IZOUSBt llv l!ttMA' qn Vlnliwr .. s Mrp .. f. 1 r m V 1 . rPIL ,Rf0Pfie'?r M'$ l? ,nfl"'m .n.'" fFWtuk , hnd tlib travi-llng publlo generally that ho has purchased llio nl)e Hotel. form.-rly ke-j.t by Q, J. IvVuni'. and llU nCU If flimUlird Ulld thoroughly rclltled the arje In the fiues fy TenmMers and travelers vb-ping Kertiyrll and Credent City ull) Und excellent at;coiii; 1 uniiuu. , (III l;ni. 1 Tlio. HoiibO Is K-o-iti-d nbout iiiIiwst H;(ucew Jneknflllo and Kojityvllfc, I l'ef-ron 4e'iruiii ofmfo'ylug n feie eeks nf , recr'atlon will tlnd uTW place an excclleiit aiiiivni'liinlrtf tt snnls-kilnjvlAiik.iui.t . S pt. 8 18oQ-3 If. DtygplutjoH of Cpaf'Uership. TN pQns,qucnec of (ho depnrlur' of A. Pi-noKN . iur f um, euv sopniincnuip ncriipiure OilnMng rntwcim the undersigned Is IhN dav j