nmmnmummmrmiemmKmnMmuwu0mmmMQMmMm 'i tjjMjwy vydwm wunuumnmemnBBemmeniimmm IUI II.IIHIimiUMifaBWI Hw s THE OREGON SENTINEL. m j'ti'nymtrgJ-i ' UUHMNrauaMMaUMifl1! mmmAii ttlSMl UV4i ijwaudlggErranrififcs:aait.&. t.,'.iriVSTra..' T.MdjfiTViiH ml 4 IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1S61. VOL. VI. NO. 3f). t AWfl OF THE UNITED BTATE8 I'aiitJ ' Jr,t Sf"" Thitlymvnth Ooiynti. nr autiioiiitv. v(), .(() An Act to provide lncrcned vcnuo from imports, to pity Interest on the mUIc debt, ami for other purposes. lie it enacted by the Senate nnd Home of n.nmtrn Al Vfi 01 wic umictiaiuirs 01 emer ies In Congress assembled, That from nnd sftrr the date of the passage of this net. in lieu of the duties heretofore Imposcel by low on the articles hereinafter mentioned, nnd on uch ai may now be exempt from duty, there thill be levied, collected nnd paid, on the gx1, wares, nnd merchandise herein enumer ated and prov tiled for, imported from foreign eountrio. the following duties nnd rutrs of duty, that Is to fny : l-'lrst, On row sugar, commonly called muscovado or brown sugar, nnd oo wrs not ndvnnccil nbovo numiicr livclie, JMch standard, by claying, boiling, rsri'rinoi or other process, nnd on sirup of iifir or of stignr cano nnd concentrated jnolusscs, or conccntrntnl mel.ido, two cents nor pound; nnd on white and clayed sugar, jihcn advanced beyond the rnw state, above number twelve, Dutch stand ml, by clnrHy Inj or other process, nnd tint yet refined, tuo and a half cents per pound ; on re fold sugars, whether loaf, lump, crushed or pulverized, four cents per pound ; on sugars Mr being refined, when they nre tinctured, Cviloreil, or In any way adulterated, nml on pgir candy, six cent per pound i on molasses, live cents per gallon j Piovidal, That nil sirups of sugar or of sugar cane, concentrated jiiotacj or melado, cntcretl under the name of inolasscs, or any other name than sirup of ipgar or of sugar tunc, coneentrnted molasses ,eir concentrated tnelando. ihnll be liable to Weilurc to the rnltetl Slate. On nil tens, f liceti coin per pound ; on almond.', four cents prr pound ; shelled nlmnniN. six rents per Wind ! on brimstone, crude, three dollnrs per ton i on brimstone, In mils, six dollars jnr inn on cnfleo, of nil kind, four cents jier jimuul j on coeoj, three mils per pound on cocoa leave nnd cocoa shtlls, two cents per round ; on cocoa, prepared or manufactured, tht cents per pound; on chicory root, one nut per iound ; imtl on chicory ground, two cints per pound ; on chocolate, klx cents per round : on cnsiia, ten cents per pound ; cusslu buds, flftccn cents per pound: on cinnamon. Urcniy cinls per pound; on i loves, ciglil crntf per pound -, oti cnyt one k pn r. sl o nts per pound ; on cayisino cppcr, irruiiiul, eight rtnts er pound; on currants, five cults cr pound ; on srgoi, uirec cents per poiinn ; on ereaiu tnrtur, sis. cent) per pound ; on tartaric icitl, turlnr unetlc, and mclielle suits, ten eriit per pound; on elites, two cents per pound; on llgi, five cents per pound ; on gin pr wot, three cints (wr pound ; on ginger primml. livecenl ier pound ; n llipinrlccpnstr nd juice, five cent cr pouiKt; Ihpioriee loit. one vent per pound; on nnicc nnd nutmegs. Unity five cents er pound; on mm of till Linds, not otherwise prorldid for. Inn cents cr pound; on pepper, six cents per pound; 11 pimento, six cents per jmuml ; on plums. Hie ants xr pound; mi prunes1, tie cents, (erpmiud; on nitsln. fivu cents: per pound; on iinmamif.iclurid Itussln hrmp, forty dollars tr ton: on Manilla und ulher In miw of ludlu. tsenty Ihc doikirit tier ton ; on leuil In pig or bars, one dollar need fifty ciiit tier one hundred xxnli ; in sheets, two dollars nnd twenty five tints per one hundud pounds; on while lead dry or ground In nil, and rid lead. two dollars nd twtiitx llvo Mills nr one hundreil pnind; u nit, in sucks, lightisn cents per ono I.-uii Irrd pounds, .tod in bulk. twelve cents cr uih bundled poinds; on siU ish. nnchulf cent ?r pound; on bicarbonate of 'lit, one cuit per pound; ti sal soda, nnc-lulf cent nr poyndj on caustic soda, one ctiit per pound ; mi chloride of lime, thirty tint per oiu huu llrid pound; on fiiIIm-iv, crude, one cult nr piund, refinul, or partially n Until, two cents f r pound ; spirit of lur?nl ne, ten cents per gallon; on oil of cIoms, Keenly cents per HMi)d ; on brandy, one dollar and Ivcnty live trnU ptr gallon; on spirits did lllol from gram, or otiitTtu lit rials, lifty cents per gallon; en gum copal. ail nllur giinn or rcvlpous mli timers und fur the same or similar piirposw s gum copal, I hi cints p-r (Hium. .See.'.' And bo It furtlicr umelnl. That, from and after the day and yeur nforcniid, litre tlull be Iwivd.collcctiil, ,unl paid, on the importation of the urtielp liereinalleri mentioned, Ihe following duties, th.it Is loi.ij : (In arrow toot, tvvtuty per centum ml viilorcin; on glpger, pit.tfitd or ptik'cd, thirty per (Miluiuuil vulort'di on li;ies, Iriunns, oranges. Ijn.inuj, anil nlanlui"'. Uinly nr centum ad alorm ; on rvrmiuu bark. lilUvn per centum ailiatorun; on tpiiiilne, thirty Hr rtutuin ml Nalurcm; on rags, of vtluleur materiul, tui prr centum ud vslnrem ; on gun ponder, thirij jr ciiitum od tuloremi on fotiu-rs nuil iliiHii., thirty Kt ten I u in ad ralnrem ; on hides, tin er centum ml xulonm i on m!o and land leather, thirty per ccnluui ad vnloruu ; on India rubber, ruv or uiiii'mmfaetured, ten ht cintum ml alorrm ; on India ruliU'r shoes and boots, thirty Kr centum ud valorem; on iory, unmanufaclurtd.niul on vegetable hory. mi K.r centum ud ulorem ; on wines of ull kiixls, fifty pr eiutuin ud salortni; on s Ik in the gum, not more udvanced in the niuim fjdure than tingle Irnm nnd thrnnn or organ Izc twenty flto KTcinluni ad wiloeciu ; on ull silks ulued l not over ono ilollnr per sepiure )aul, thirty per centum nd valorem on nil silks valued utr one dollar per sriuaro yard, lorty icr centum ud valorem ! on ull silk Nil (tj or velvets of which silk h the component putvrial of chief xalue, valued nt three dolhm per rniurc jurd. or under, thirty per cenlum tl valorem ; valued at ova three dollars per wwc )ard. forty per cenlum od valorem j on Ws silks, Ihiity iK'r centum ud vuloremt on ilk ribbons, j.illoons, braids, fringes, laces, lmU, butloni, button cloths, trimmings, and Pn fill twist, twift composed ol molmir and , sewing silk in gum or purified, and all olber mnni)falurcii of silk, or ol which silk f mM be the component material of chief value, pot otherwise provided (or, forty per cuitum fl valorem. Sec. 3. pij foe it furtlwr enacted, That nil articles, gooo, wores, niu merchandise, im ported frorp be)0nd the C'spn of (lood Jfojio in foreign vessels, not entitled by reciprexnl treaties to e exempt from discriminating Millies, tonago.and other chargts.nnd all other articles, goods, wrcs and mercliandiso not Ifliporlcd direct from Ihe place of their growth Pr production, or In foreign vessels, entitled by reciprocal treaties to be exempt from discrimi nating duties, tonnage, and other charges, ''all be subject to pay, in addition to the du ties impofpd y this uct, ten per centum nd a!orein: Vnviilfd, That (bis rule shall not spply to goods, wares and. merchandise im ported from beyttnd tho Cape of flood Hone I" American vejwls. Sec. 4. Apil "o It further onacled. That, Vil an' "'r "lJ PaMlUKe0,' ",Ia uc'i tliffe fnil be allowed, on all articles wholly mmu Htlurrd of malerinls Imporled, on whlf.li duties RTcd palj wbu e.xportid,a e ubacl( equal In amount to tho duty paid on such ma terials nnd no more, to be ascertained under well rrjrulnlloiu ns shall be prescribed by the Sccrelnry of tho Treasury s 1'iovhM, That ten per centum on tho nmount of nil draw backs, so nllnwed, shall be retained for the use of the United States by the collectors paying such drawbacks, respectively. Sec. fi. And bolt further enacted, Tlmt nil goods, wares, nnd merchandise, nclually on shipboard nnd bound to tho United States, nml all goods wares, nnd merchandise, on de posit In warehouses or public stores nt the date or the passngo of this net, shall bo sub ject to pay such duties ns provided by law bclorc nnd at the time of the pnsngc of thl net ; Provnlctl, That nil goods deposited In publlo storo or bonded warehouse nftcr tills net takes (fleet nnd goes into operation, If de signed for consumption lu tho United Stntcs, mint be withdrawn therefrom, or tho duties thereon paid In three months after the same nre deposited, nml goods designed for exporta tion nnd consumption in foreign countries mnv bo withdrawn by the owner at nny time be fore tho expiration of three ycurs nfter the Mime arc deposited, such goods, If not vvllli drawn in three years, to be regarded ns aban doned to the Government, mid sold uudcrtuch regulation ns thu Secretary ol tho Treasury may prescribe, nnd thu proceeds paid Into the Treasury : J'rovulttl, That merchandise upon which the owner may have neglected to pay duties within three months from the time of its deposit may be withdrawn nnd entered for consumption nt nny time within two years of iiiu unie ni us ncposii, upon mo payment ol the legnl duties, with nn nddlllon of twrnlj llvejier centum thereto: VitvnM,nUn, Tint mcrchnndiiu upon which duties hnvo been piid, if exported to n foreign country, within three years, shall be entitled to return dulits. proper evidence of such merelmiidlno having been landed abroad In be (uinishtd lo llie col lector by tin Importer, one per centum or said duties to bo retained by Ihe Government. hVe.fi. Audit ttjuillitr tmittvl, Tlmt the act eullt'ed " An net to provide lor tho pnv mint of nuuiiintllng Treasury notes, to nulli onre a loan, to regulate mid fix the duties on Imports, nr.d for other purposes," npprtmil .Mnrt.li two, eighteen hundred nnd sixty-one, lie nnd tho same Is hereby amended, ns follows that Is to say. Klrst, in section slx.nrtlcle first after the- words " In cordials nnd," strike out liquors." mid insert liqueurs :" .Second. In Iho same section, nfter (lie word ' represent," liicrt, " I'roiultil aim, Tli it no lower ratu or amount of duly hall bo levied, collected, nnd paid on brandy, spirits, ami nil oilier spirituous licee-ragcs, than Hut now fixed bv luw for the- description of first proof, but shall be In creui'til in prnKrttou for any greater strength limn the streuulh of first proof;" 'Ihlnl, In ccllon sovtnlh, clnuso fiflli, the words "on screws, Wdslutl or plated, nnd all other screws. o iron nr any other metal than iron," shall lie striektu out, nnd the vvouN "on screws or any other mrlnl than iron," shall In inscrlid; l'ourlh. section Iwilve.nrticlu first after Ihe words" eighteen cents." where they first ncriir. Insert "or less;" l-'ifili, section thirt-t n. nrticle second, after the vvord " 11111111 facloier," in-trl "e'.rept liosicry ;" Hixh, in the same section, urliele third, striku out wool," wherever it occurs, nnd Insert In each phirv" worsted;" Seventh. In section lourleen rlielc first, after the word" ten per centum.' uiiert "ad valorem;" lUghlh, in se-ctlou II f livn. Ufote il.e wonl "yarns," Insert hemp;" In the s.i mo sett Imi. nfter theword "slieetlnt:s,' nisi rt " or II i. or lienip j" nml strike out "jub sxl," nnd In licit lliercof insert 'jutevariwi;' Nmlli, in S(.ction twenty-two, strike out the wonl "iinwrnught clay, lliree dollars ier Ion;" Ti nth, Ii section nineteen, strike out " composition nf glns or paste, not set, in t 111U.1l for ue by jewi Hers ;" lllevcnth, In sec lio;t twenty. two, strike out " compoiition of al4K or pasle, when set 5" Twelllh, scellcn twenlv-lliree, article ilidillilng metal, irikc out ")nrdi" and Insert' foot ;" (ire. 7. An I be It further enacted, That all acts mid juris ofucls repugnant to the pro vision of this uct Imj nnd the sam- nre hereby repealed; FiovhM, That the cxiiting laws shall en 1 end to, and Ik in force for, the colleo I 011 orduthvii imposed by this act, for the pros edition und punishment ol ull ofivuecs, nnd for the recovery, colkxtlon, dutribution, and re mission of nil lines, penalties, and forlelturcs, as fully and efiVclually ui if every regulation, puuliy, forfeiture, provision, clause, matter, und tiling to that (fleet in tho cuistiug laws cuniulued, had been iusx-rtctl iu and re enacted by this net. Sec. 8. And bo it further enacted, 'fliiet a direct tux of twenty millions or dollars bo nml is hereby onually laid on tho United Mutes, mid the same shall bo and is hereby appor tioned to tho States, reflectively, in maimer lollowiug: To the Hlnto of Maine, four hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and twenty-six dollars. To iho Slalo of Xew IIiitrtplilro, two hun dred mid eighleu) lhmuuw four hundred mid six ami two-lhirJ di)ll,ire. To Ihe Stule of Vermont. Inn hundred nnd eleven tlioumnd and sixty-eight dollars. To tho Stale of Massncliu.2tts. eight hun dred und twenty four thousaud live hundred and cighty-oiie.iud one-third dollars. To the Slute of IJIiodu Island, one humlret und sixteen thousand nlno hundred and tlxty tlireo and two-third dollars. To the Statu of Connecticut, three huudrexl and eight thousaud two hundred und fourteen dolLirs. To the Slnto of ew Votk. two million il.x hundred and three thousand nine hundred and eighteen and two-third dollars. 'J'o the Stale of Xew Jerwy. foip- hundred and fifty thousand onu hundrvi) and thirty-four dollars. To tho SlltC of renn'ylvonl, opo million nine hundred uud forty six thousand so veil hundred nineteen mid one-third dollurs. To the Slntoof Delaware, seventy-four thou sand six hundred and eighty-three pud one third dollars. To the Stale of Maryland, four hundred und thirty-six thousand ci0'lit liuulred oqd tHCnlydhrec nnd ono third dollars, To the State of Virginia, nine hundred and thirty-seven thousand live hundred and fifty and Uo-lhlrd dollars. To the Slate of North Carolina, five hun dred and scventy-sl thousand one hundrcel and ninety- four and two-third dollars. To tho State of South Carolina, three hun dred and sixty-threo thousaud live hundred and suveuty and two-third dollurs. To the State of Georgia, (Wo hundred and eighty-four thousand lliree hundred and sixty seven und oie-third dollurs. To the Slnlp of Alabama, five humlred and tweuty-nluo tlmsund lliieo hundred and thir teen und qnc-hlr(l dollurs. Tn the Sliftfi pi Mississippi, four hundred am) thirteen thoutuud eighty-four and two thin dollurs. To. the Stale of iOoulilana, thrfP hundreel and eighty-five thousand eiglt huudrce) op,d tljly-six and two-third l,ol,ps. To the Slatp of Ohio, one 1IIIIoh fjye ni drcd and sixty-seven thousand clghty-nlnc nod one-third dollars. To tho Slnto of Kentucky, seven hundred nnd thirteen thonniid six hundred and ninety five nnd one-third dollars. To the State of Tennessee, sl.x hundred nnd sixty-nine thousand four hundred nnd ninety eight dollars. To the Slate of Indiana, nine hundred nnd four thouand eight hundred and seventy-five nnd one-third dollars. To tho Slnto of Illinois, one million one hundred and forty-six thousand five hundred nnd fifty-one nnd one-third dollars. To tho State of Missouri, seven hundred nnd sixty-one tho'unnd one hundred nnd twenty-seven nnd one-third dollars. 'J'o the State of Knnsns, tcventy-ono thou sand seven hundred nod forty-three nnd one third dollars. To the State of Arknnsas, two hundred nnd sixty-one thousand clghr'liuiidrenvnifltHglity six dollars. To Ihe Stale of Michigan, five hundred nnd one thousand seven humlred and sixty-three nml one-thiid dollars. To the Statu of Florida, seventy-seven thounud five hundred nnd twenty-two uud two-third dollars. To the Stnte of Texas, three hundred und fifty-five thousand ono hundred nntl six uud two-third dollars. To the State of lown, four hundred mid fifty two thousand und eight v -eight dollars. To the Slate or Wisconsin, live hundred nnd nineteen thouand six hundred und eighty eight nnd two-third dollurs. To Iho Stnloof Callfornln.two hundred nnd fifty-four thousand live hundud uud thirty eight nnd two-third dollars. To the Slate of Minnesota, one hundred nnd eight thousund five hundred and twenty-four dollars. To the Slate of Oregon, thirty-live thou soul one hundred and forty mid two-thirds dollars. To the Territory of New Mexico, sixty-two thousand six hundred nnd forty-eight dollars. Tn the Territory of Utah, twenty-six thou sand nine hundred mid eight-two dollars. J'o the Territory of Washington, seven thouiand seven hundred und lifiy-llve nnd one third dollars. 'I'o the Territory of Nebraska, nineteen thousand three hundred ami twelve dollars. To the Territory ol Nevada, four thousand llvu hundred mid iilndv-two uud two-third dollars. To the Territory of Colorado, twenty-two thoutiud nine hundred mid live und one-third dollurs. 'I'o tho Territory of Dakota, three thou'ntid two hundred und fori) -ono mid one-third dollars. 'I'o the District or Columbia, forty nine lhouiiud four hundred und Ihlrtj-scven nnd mit'-thiid dollars. Sec. 0. And be it further enacted, That for the purpose of mncrning thu nbovo lu. nml colli cling the same, thu 1'rcslihnt of the Uni ted States be uud he is hereby iiuthnrir. d to di vide. re.Micctlu'ly, Ihe Stolen mid Territories or the United .Stales und the District of Co liimbla inlneonvuiieiit colhctinn districts, nnd lo nominate uud, by mid with the ml vice of the Senile, to appoint mi assessor mid a col color for each inch district, who shall bo free holders utd resident within the same: Pro vitlal, That any of raid Slates an I Territo ries, ni wtll as the District of Columbia, may. If tho J'reTidcnt shall dam it proper, lie crecte-d into one district : And y.cvnltil further, Tint tho nppointment of said asiessors nml collec tors, or any ol them, shall not bu made until on or niter Ihc second Tuesday in February, one thousand eluht hundred mid sixty-two. See. 10. And lie it further enueled, Tlmt bclorc any sued collector shall enter upon the dune's ol his office lie shall execute u bond for such nmount a shall be prescribed by the Sec retary ol the Treasury, with sureties o be ap proved us sufficient by the Solicitor of Ihc Tietuury, containing the condition that said collector shall justly apd faithfully account for to tho United States, nnd pay over, in compli ance willi the order or regulations uf tho Sec retary of the Treasury, all public moneys which may come lito his hands or posi-sicdon ; which bond shall bo filed in tho office of tho First Comptroller of tho Treasury, to lw by h m directed to bo put In still upon uny breach of Iho condition thereof. And such collectors shall, fiopi tiiiio tn time, renew, strengthen, uud incrt'iixo their official bonds, ns the Secre tary of Ihe 'I rcairy ipay direct. Sec. 11. And be it further pnnqlcil, Tlmt each of tho assessors shall divide Ids dl.trlct into n convenient nmn,lier 'iT qricssqicnt dis tricts, within euph pi whiph he shall appoint one retectuhlo freeholder o boess'stunt asses sor; nnd each assessor nnd ussistnnt assessor so appointed, and nccepling tho appointment, shall, before he enters on Iho duties of his ap pointment, takennd subscribe, before some com petent magistrate, nr some collector, to bo ap pointed by this uct, (who Is hereby cut'iowcred to administer Iho same.) the following outh or affirmation, to wit : ' 1. A. 11., do swrnr or affirm, us the case may be, lh.it I will, to tho best of my Know ledge, skill, and Judgment diligently and faithfully execute the office and duties of assessor for, naming tho assesmenl district, without favor or partiality, and that I will elo equal right und justice in tver.v case In which I shall uct ns ucssor," .Ami a certificate of such onth or affirmation shall be delivered to tho collector ol tho district for which such ussessor or ussistnnt assessor shall bo appointed. And every assessor or assis tant assessor acting in said office without having taken tho said oath or affirmation shall forfeit and pay one hundred dollurs, one moiety thereof to tho use of Iho United Slates, null tho other moiety thereof to him who shall first sue for the same ; to be re-covered, with post of suit, In any court having competent juris diction. Se-c. 12 And be it further enacted, Tlmt tho Secretary of tho Treasury sh ill establish regulations tutuhle und necessary for carrying this act into clftst ; which regulations shall bo binding on e-uch assessor and his assistants jq the performance of tho duties enjoined by or under this net, und shall olo frumo instruc tions for the said ns-'ffeors and their nsslstnnlsj pursuant to which instiuctlons tho said usses ors shall, ou the first day of March next, ill rep I and cau,w the several assistant assessors in the district to inquiio after und concerning all lauds, lots of ground, with their Improve ir)cpts, buildings, and dwelling-houses, muda liable to luxation under this net, by reference as well to any lists of usscsment or collection token under tho laws ol tho respective Slates, as o any other records pr dopumcnls, and by all pther lawful wnys uud nieans, nnd to value and euumeruto the raid objects of luxation in the manner prescribed by this act, am in con formity with llw regulations nnd inslruplions above mentioned, Sec. 13. And bo It further cnnclei.Tbnt the said direct tux (aid by (hs net shall bo asses sed and laid on the value of all lands and lots of ground, with their improvements und dwelling-house's, which several article's subject to (allou jball bo cpiB)uut?i W)! valued, by the respective assessors, ai tho rate each of them is worth In moony on the first day or April, cigotccn hundred nnd sl.x(y-two : Pro vidtil, hoictvtr, Tlmt nil property, or whatever kind, coming within nny of the foregoing de scriptions, nml belonging to tho United Stntcs or nny Slnte, or permanently or specially ex empted from taxation by the laws of the Slate wherein the same maybe tltunlpd lit tho time of the passage of (his act, together with such property licloriglng to any Individual, who actually resides thereon, ns shall be worth the sum of live hundred dollars, shall be ex empted from the aforesaid enumeration nnd vuluntion, and from Iho direct tnx nforcsuld : And provided further, That in making such assessment duo regard ihnll be hod lo uny valuation that mav have been made under the authority of iho Slnto or Territory nt nny period nearest to said first day of April. Sec. 14. And bo it.jfurljiu' cimcted, Thnl tho respective nsH!laiiiSsl!&sorii"!mtlli Imme diately tiller being required us aforesaid by the usscssors, proceed through every purt of their respective districts, una shall require nil per sons owning, possessing, or having tho care or management uf nny lands, lots of ground, build ings, or dwelling houes, lying nnd being within the collection district where they reside, nnd llublo lo n direct tnx ns aforesaid, to deliver written lists of the same; which hsls shall bo Hindu In csk.Ii manner ns may be directed by Ihc nscssnr, und, us far ns prac ticable, eonformnbly lo Ihoso which may be required for thu runic purpose under the au thority of tho resieellvc Slates. Sec. lfi. And bo it further enacted, That If nny person owiilnrr, possissing, or having the care, or luumigcmciit nf property liable to n direct tux, us nforcsuld, sJiull not bo prepared ! in exinnii n wriiien nsi vviieu rcquircei. ns I afortsaid, nml limit consent to disclose the par ticulars 01 uny nml nit iiiu minis nml mis 01 r mid, w llh their Improvements, buildings nnd dwelling houses, tuxufi'r ns aforesaid, then, nnd in tlmt case, It shall be the duty of tho officer to make such list, which, being distinitlv read nml consented lo, shall be received ns ll.u list of such iersou. Sec. III. And bo it further ennctcd, Tlmt ir uny such crsmi shall deliver or disclose to uny us'essor ornsslslnnt nssessor appointed In pur suance of this net, nml requiring 11 list or lists, us nforesald, uny falsa or Irnudulciit list, with intent to defeat or cvadu tho vuluntion or enu meration hereby lutemlid to bu made, such person, so offending, mid being thereof con victed before nny oilier court having conic tent jurisdiction, shall Itc lined In the sum not exceeding five hundred dollurs, nt tho discre tion of tiie coin t, nml shall pay ull costs uud charges of proiHCiilii 11 ; mid the valuation nnd enumeration required by this uct shall, In all such cases, bo made, as nforcsuld, upon lists, according to thu form above described, to be made out by the nssissors nod nssistunt usscs snr, respectively ; which lists thu suld u.es sors nre hereby inillioriml nml required to make according lo the best information they can nblaiii, nnd for the purpose of making which they uru hereby 1111tl10rl7.nl In enter into and upon all mid singular tho premises, re sectivily; nnd from the vnluutiou and enu meration so nude there ihnll bo no tipptal Sex 17. And be it further cimcted, Tlmt In cuse nny h.tsoii shall be uhcnt (rum his place or residence' nt Ihe lime un nmesjor iiill pell to receive the lint of such person, It shall bo Ihc duly of such nsessor or assistant assessor to leave at the house or place oj residence of such 1 c.-son, with some person nf vallublp age und d scret on, n written note or rncmnratiduui requiring hltn to picsenl to inch ussetsnr the list or lull r quired hv this net within luidov, from the dale of such note or memorandum. Sip. li, A, lid bo It further euuclcil, That if any person, qn lining notified or required as aforesaid, shall rt'fip or negltpt to five inch lilt or lists 119 aforesaid within tho tluio re quired by this net, it shall bo Iho duly of the iKsessor Tor tnc assessment district wltliiu which inch crson shall reside, mid he is here by nulhoriml und required, to enter Into nnd upon tho hinds, buildings, dwelling houses, and premised, if it 1)0 necessary, of inch persons to refusing or neglecting, uid lo muke, qcpordlng to the host information which ho enn obtain, nml on his own view nnd information, such lists of thq hinds, npd lots of crouud,wth their improvements, iillduw, nml dwelling-houses, owned or possessed, or jinder the pare or man agement of suph person, ns nre required by this uct; which lists so made nnd subscribed by such ofecsor shall bo taken nnd reputed as tffWl M)t luljjaicut lists or tliu persons ami properly lor wmen men person is 10 w taxcei for the purposes ol this act. See. 19. And be it further enacted, That whenevever there shall bo In nny nssesiment district nny property, lands, uud lots of ground, buildings, or dwelling houses, not owned or possessed by, or midir tho euro nnd management of, any person or ersoiis within such ilislriut, and liable tu be taxed ns afore said, nnd no list of which shall bo transmitted lo the assessor In Ihc manner provided by this act, it shall bu (lib duty of the asegor for such district, and ho is hereby authorised nnd rctiuirctl, to cuter into and iqion the real Cotute, if it be necessary, and luko such view thereof und maho lists of the name, according to the form proi-crlbcd, which lists, being subscribed by tho sa.d assessor, shall bo taken and re puted us good and sufficient lists of such prop erly, under nnd for the purposes of this act. Sec. 20. And bo it further cunclcd, That tho owners, possessors, or persons having the care or management of lands, lots of ground, hiildings, and dvvclling-houscs, not lying or being within the assessment district in which tiey reside, slmll bo permitted lo inako out and deliver tho lists thereof required by this uct, (provldul the assessment district in which lio suui objects of luxation lie or bo is therein distinctly stutcd,) ut tho time and in the man ner prescribed, to tho assessor of the asses; ment district wherein such persona reside. And it shall bo tho duty of tho assessors, in ull such cases, to transmit such lists, nt the lime ami pi tho manner prescribed Tor tho transmission of Ihc lists of tho objects of taxa tion lying nnd being within their respective nsncsyment districts, 10 the aucssor of the col lection district wherein tho said objects of tax ation shall lio or bo Immediately after tho re ceipt tin rof; nnd the said lists shall bo valid and sufficient for the purposes ol this act and on tho delivery of ovcry sueli list, the person making and delivering tho same shall pay to the assessor ono dollar, which ho shall retain to his own nsp. Sec. 21. And be it further ennctcd, That the lists aforesaid ih-dl betnken with refercnte to tho day fixed for that purpose by this net, as aforesaid ; and tho assistant assessors, re spectively, after colleclimr tho said lists, shall proceed to arrungo the saiqc. and to Riako two general lists the first of vvfiieh shall exhibit, in alphabetical order, the names of oil persons liable to pay a tax under this act residing within the assessment district, together with the value and assessment of the objects liable to laxatiou within such district for which each such puon is liable, nod, whenever so re quired by the assessor, 1h amount of direat ux navuljlc breach peiton op w'.tn fl'f'? under tho Stnlo laws Imposing direct luxes: nnd the second list shall exh.blt, in alphabetical order, the names ol all persons milling out of tho collection dislrict, owners bf projnjrly within tho district, together with the value nod assessment thereof, with tho nmount of direct tnx pa) able thereon ns niorcsoid. The forms of the suld general list shall bo devised nnd prescribed by tho assessor, nnd lists tnken according to inch form shnll be irmda out by the assistant assessors nnd delivered to the nssessor within sixty dues alter tho elny fixed by this uct, ns nforesald, requiring lists from Individuals. And If nny iisilstntit ns'cssor shnll fail lo perform nny duty assigned by this act within tho tlmo prescribed by Ids precept, wtirrant, or other legal Instructions, not being prevented therefrom by sickness or other una voidable accident, every such nsslstntit assessor shull be discharged from office, mid shall, more over, forfeit und nay two hundred dollurs, to be "recovered1 for llie use of the. United States in nny court having competent jurisdiction, with costs of suit. .Sec. 22. And bo it further enacted, That Im mediately nflcr the v nluatlons mat enumerations shnll liav'c been completed ns iifore.-iild, Ihe as sessor In each collection district shall, by adver tisement In some jiutille newspaper, If any there lie In such district, nml by written uutincntluux lo bu puldlcly postul In ut le-ist lour of the most puldie places In cuch collection district, advertise nil persons concerned or thu phco where Ihe said lists, valuations and enumera tions may be seen nml examined ; mid that dur ing twenty-live days nfter the publication of thu notifications, oh urbrcimld, appeals will he received nml determined by him relative lo nny erroneous or excessive valuations orcmiimrn t'ons ly the assessor. And It shnll lie the duly of the assessor In each collection district during tvtciity-llvcduvs after Ihu data or publication to lie made ns nforesald, lo submit the proceed lugs or the usrMnnt nscsors nnd the list by tin 111 received or taken as nlurvsuid to Ihe Ir spiclluu ofmiy nnd ull persons, who shall npply ror Hint purpose; nnd the said nsessors are hereby niilliorlr.d lo receive, lunr and deter mine, In n summary vvuy, according lo law nml right, upon nny nnd nil nppcr-ls which mny liecx hltilled ugnlnst the p-ocetdlugs of Ihe said as sessors : ProniM nlinvji, That It shnll Iks the duly of said assessor lo ndvertlsu nnd attend, not less limn Iwu successive days or tho laid twenty-live, nt the court-hoii'o of iticli county within hiscnlUctluu district, there to 1 t-ciivcutid determine upon Iho uppenls aforesaid : And prtitidal otto, That Ihc question lo be1 determined by the nccssor, on nu nppal respecting the vuluntion or properly, ihall lie, wlntlar the valuation complalmU of bo or bu not lu n just relnt.on orpioporllou loothervaluutlons lu the same collection do-trlcl. And nil appeals to Ihc asc?iors, as aroresald. shall lie made lu writing, and shall specify Ihe particular enusc, iimttu or llilnc leMii cling vvhleh n diclslou is liiin:lid. uud thuli, moreover, stale the ground nr princlplu of Imqunllly or error lomjilatucd of. And the nsers(,r shall have Iho puwir lo re-rxnmliie nnd equullre tho valuation ns shall uppeur Jii't nnd cimltuhtu J but no valuation shall ! Increased without a previous notice of ut leant lite day k, lu Ihu Jiaily luliieslid.tn up pear nml object tn the same', ft ho Judge proper; which notice shall lie Hi Veil bv it nolo in writ Ing. to liu left ut Ihu dwelling house uf the party by nicli assessor, or un nssUtnnt nssesor. See. '.'It. Ami bo It further enacted, That whenever 11 State, Territory or (he IIslr!rt l Columbia shall contain inure than uiiucnlltp lion dltrlct, the usrcssurs shall lave power, on examination of the Hats rendered by jho iissltl nut nwcrrors, nccoiillnx to the provisions of this net, lo revise, adjust nml rqimllr.e Ihevnlu nllou of lands mid lots of ground, with their Improv- incuts, buildings nm dwelling houses, between such collation dUtrlcls. by lb ducting from or nddlug lo either such n rate per centum as shall appear Jut and equitable. Kip. 'l. And bo It further enacted, That the iifMirolnill, Immediately afl'r Iho expiration uf Iho lime fur hearing and deciding upiieuls, make out corre-pt lists of Ihu valuation nml enu meration lu cuch cullccllou district, nml deliver Ihu sumo to tho board of aswors hereinafter comitlliilie lu ami for tho Slates respectively And It shall bo the duly of nscor in eacli .Stule to ton vent- in ewieiul meeting ut sm.Ii limn nml place ns shall bo appointed and di rected by ihe Secretary of tho In-usury, And Ihu suld asseksors, or a majority of them, so com uud, shull constitute, and aru hereby con atttlitid, u boanl of iisxh on for tho purposes ot lids act. and shall make mid establish such rules and regulations ns to Ihem shnll appear iKcei-mry fur carrying such purposes Into ef fect, not being liicnuidsicut with this net or Ihe laws of Ihe t'ulltd States. Sec. '.'5. Ami bo It further enacted, That the mid bunid of n-'Nors, com cm eland organised us nforesald, shall and may poliit a suituhlc person or persons to bo their cleik or clerks, hut out more than onu Tor each collection dis lrict, who shull hold Ids 0: Ihe f olllce or pfil-c" nt the pteaMiiu nf su!d board of assessors, and whoso duty It shall bo to receive, recoid and preserve all lax lists, return, nml other docu ment delivered and made to the snld lioard of assessors, und who shull take 1111 oath (orulilrm ntlon If consctcnteiiiidv scrupulous uf taking un oath) faithfully to dirchurge his or their trn.t ; and In default of taking mcli oath or nfllrmn Hon, previous to entering 011 the duties of such appointment, or on failure to perfuun nny part ot the duties enjoined un him or theiu respec tively by this uct, ho or they shall respectively rorfclt and pay the sum or two hundred ilollnr tor Iho use ol Hie United States, to bo recov ered in nny court having competent Jurisdic tion, nnd shall nUo be icpiovcd from oflleo. Sep 211. And bo It tortlier enacted. That It shall be Ihe (Inly or said clerks to record the iuococdln uf Ihc said board of nsscMors. and lo enter on tlio recnrels U10 names of such of me i,sessors as shall nltend nuy gcneinl meet Ing of tho lioard r assessors for tho puipoc or this uot. And If nny nsessor shall fall to attend such general meeting, his nWnce shall bo noted on tho suld record, r.nu" he shall, for ovory day ho may bo ubscnt Iherefiom. forfeit nnd pay iho sum of ten dollars fop flic uso of 111a I'Hiiieioiaic. And ir nny assessor shall full or neglect tn furnish tho said board of as sessors with tho lists of valuation and enumera tion of each nMCMinent dh-tiict within hi col lection district, within tlueo days after the tlmo appointed as aforesaid for such general meli (if the wld bonid of ai-scssor. ho shull forfeit and pty Iho sum of live hundred dollars, tor Iho use of ibo United States, nnd moreover, shall forfeit his compensation as ussestor. It shall bo Jc (July of tho clerks of suld board of assessors p certify to Ibo Secretary ot the Treasury an extract of tho minutes of the board, showing suph failures pr ueslect. which shall bo tufllcicnt evidence nr thu forfeiture of such compensation to al Intents and purposes: Proiuffd alimii, 1'liat It shall bo iu thu power of the Secretary of ttio Treasury to exonerate suph ustesor or assessor fiom the forfeiture of the said compensation, In whole or In part, as to him ihnll appear Just nnd equitable. Sec. 27. Ami bo It iiirlhcr enacted, Tlmt if tho suld boaiij of assessors elmll not, within three days after tho first reeling thereof as uforesalej, bo furnished with all Ihe lists of vl nation of t)o several counties nnd Stnto ills trlcts of rjny State, they shall neveilhclees pio ceed to rpako out tho equalization nnd appor tionment by this net directed, and they fclmll nudgn to such counties und State ilstrlut tho valuation lists of which shull not hnro been furnished such valuation as ther shnll deem Just ntit) rgt; niul thu valuation thus made tn eiiuu uuuuiers nun oeiuu uiierioiB uy 1110 uoartl of assessors shall be final, ami Iho proper quota or direct tix shall bo and Is hereby dipped tu bo Imposed Ibireon accordingly, fjvv .'S. Ajm be t lurtb,e,r cpactid Th-tt ( shall Itc tho duty of tho raid board of ncisors diligently nnd carefully to consider nnd exam ine Ihn said lists of valuation, and they shall linvcthc power to revise, Adjust nnd equalize Ihc valuation of property la nny poitnly or State district, by adding thereto, pr deducting therefrom such n rule ier centum ns shall, un der the vnluutiou of the several counties nnd Rlalp dlnlrlcU, bojust and ciulttble: I'nmM, The rc,illir vnlustlon or properly In the same county shall not tie changed, unless manifest .......... r , .r..,1.... .,...11 1. ...... -r.l... iiiu, ,,f ,iii,Liii-vtiuii Minn nivui ,i, hhj ui nu lls! of valuation, lu which case the snld asses sors shall iinvc power to correct Ihc same, ns In them shall npx.nr Just nnd right. And If, In coiiHioui-nce of any rcvlsnl. change and altera tion nl Ihc snld vuluntion, nny Inequality shall lie produced in Ihc apportionment of the sntd direct lax lo the several Stales ns nforesald. tl shall lie the duly of the Secretary of Ihe Trcjv, sury lo report the same to Congres, to the In tuit that provision mnr bo made by law for reclining-such Imqunllly. Sec. m And I) lruUiiw4eiil-JEMjOJ. soon ns the said lioard of nnscseors fluillhiev c completed thu adjustment nnd equalization of Ihe valuation nfon sntd, they shall proceed to nppottlon lo each county nnd Stnlo district piopcr quota of direct tax. And the satd boanl of nsscsors shall, wllhln twenty dtysAricr the time appointed liy the Seen lary or the Tiensmy lor their dtti meitlng, complete (he said nppoitlunmciit, mid 'hall record the snmc; they shnll thereupon rurther deliver lo each aseiwiir n certificate of such nppolntim.nl, togilliir vllh tho several lists by the niirwor rifpecllvely presented lo tho lioard asnfoio said, ami transmit lo Ihc Sccrrtnry of Ihc Trta surv n certificate or the nppnrtlomncnt by tin in made ns nroresald ; nnd tho ns-essors lesiiec tivil shall thereupon proceed to rev Ise their icsjiictlve lints, nml alter nml moke Iho same In nil resiH-cts conformable lo tho apportionment nrmesnlit by the said board of nsi-ors ; mid the said iimi-p.-ois respectively shall muke mil lists containing tie sums payable according lo the provisions of lids net tqin every object or taxation lu mid lor each tolleptlpn illvtrlpt ; which lists shall contain Iho nnme of cndi per son refilling within IhcHuld dlstrlLt iniulng or Imv lug the care or superintendence of proprfly Ivlng within Ihe snld district which Is liable to the said tax, when such person or per 011s are know 11, together w .t Is the sums pay able by each; and w hero there Is nuy properly vvilldnnny collection district liable to Ihe payment of the suld lux, not owned or occupied by or under Ihc superintendence of nuy person resident therein, mere siiuii lie u srpmnie nl ol men preqwriy ieiL-biiuii in.-u n puiuiL- ,it ui fintii uo" i ij. in, rire inn liu- uiiin iiuiiiiii. nml ii.n iiflinp ni the resiiictlve iiremrlctors. where known. And the snld nssesori shnll furnish to the collectors 01 1110 several collection nisincip, respectively, within thlily-llve days niter tiu nppottinmuciit Is completed, ns aforesaid, a cerlllltd copy of .11e.l1 lift ot Ibts for their proper collection dis trict', mid lu default ol erforinnnce of the du ties enjoined 011 thu board pf tissossors nml usslttmit ussifsuts, respectively, by this section, they shall severally and Individually forfeit nml pay Ihn sum or live hundred dullais to the use of the I'nltrd States, lo lw re-covered lu nnv court having comiietint Jurisdiction. And It Is hereby 1 imctid and deebind that the vnlu ntuin, ii'sesMiient, tipinllratlou mid apportion mi ut innde by the snld board of asinvror, as nforcsuld, shall Iki nml remain In full forpu and operation tor laying, levying and collecting, ye inly uud every year, Ihu annual direct tax by this net laid ami linpotcd, until altered, modi fied or nbolbhtd by lavr. See. 3D. Ami It it ftnlhtr matted, That there ihnll bu ullnwed and paid to the several nssit'sors and assistant assessors, for their ser v Ices under tide act to each assessor tw o dol lars per day Tor every eluy employ cd In nullrg the nee ssary arrmigemtuls und giving Ihe necessary Instructions Id the nsslstntit assessors for 'the valuation, nod three dollurs per day for every tiny mptoyed In hearing npenls, revis ing valuations, and making out lisis agreeably to the provisions of this net, ami one dollar fur every hundred taxable persons contained in the tax list, ni delivered by him to said board of assessors ; to each assistant pfjcwor two dollars lor tvery day nclually employed In collecting lists nnd nuking valuations, the number of days necessary for that purpose to be certified by tlieoRse-ssorand approved by the commissioner of taxes, nnd one ilollnr for every hundred lnnbto persons coptnlned In lio tax lists, as completed and delhcicd by him to the assessor; lo ciich of the nssescors constituting the bom d or assessors, as nforesald, for every day's net mil attendance nt raid board, the sii or three dollars, und for travelling to and rrom lie plapc designated by tho Secretary of the Tirusnry, ten cents for each mile, by the most direct and usual route ; and to rucli of the clerks of suld board two dollars lor every day's actual attendance thereon. And the said board of assessors, and said assessors, resK-c-lively, pliull bo allowed their necessary and reasonable charges for stationery and blank books used in tho execution of their duties: atiel the compensation herein siK-cificd shall be in full for ull expenses not otherwise author ized und shull bo paid at thu Triusury, und such amount os shall bo required for such pay ment Is hereby upprcprlntid. Sec. 31. And bo it further rnactod. That each collector on receiving n list, os aforesaid, from the raid assessois, respectively, shall sub scribe three receipts! one ol vvhleh shall be 'given on a roll und correct copy or such list. I which litt shull lie ele live reel by him to, nnd shall remain with, the assessor of hi collec tion district, and shall bo open to the inunc tion or nny person who nijjy apply to inspect the in uc; und the pther Two receipts shall be given on aggregate statements of tho lists nfore-suid, exhibiting the gros amount of luxes to be collected iu eaci pounty or State dis trict contained in Ihc polltptlop district, one of which aggregute statements, and receipts shull bo transmlttcel to Iho Secretary, and the other to the first Comptroller ofthe Trcusury Sec. 'i'l. And bo it fui titer cnaptpd. 'I hat each collector bcfoio receiving any list, as nforesald, for collection, shall give bom, with ppc or more good and sufficient sureties to be approved by the Solicitor of the Treasury, in thp amount of the taxes assessed iu the collec tion district for win th ho hus been or may be appointed, which bond shnll be payable to the Uniteel Slate;, with couditou for tho true und faithful discharge pf tho duties or his or-' flee according lo luw, apd particularly lor the due collection and payment ol all moneys ai sestcd upon fcueh district, and the said' bond shall be trnnsmlttid to thu Solicitor of the Treasury, and after approved by iilm. shall be deposited lu the office of tho First Comp troller of Iho Treasury : Piovulcd alumi). pat poiiunz herein coutaincu suaii ue eieeuui to appiil or In any wise impair tho obligation ' 01 inn uoiki ucrcioiure given uy any collector ; but Ihe same shall be and remain in full force and virtue, any thliifr In tins uct to Ihe con trnry thereof in uny w iso notwithstanding, Sec. 33. 4 "d lie it furlhor enacted, 'J hat the npiiuul amount of the taxis so assessed shall tie and remain u lien upon all lands and other real estate of the individuals who may be as- sesscd (or tho same, during two years after Ihc I line it shall annually become due and payable ; und Iho said lien shall extend to roeli and every part of all truels or lots pf land or dwelling-houses, notirlihstanding the same may Imvo peep divided or nlitnateil In part. hec ill, Amlbeitlurthrrenactid, lliatraeii pollector shull be nutlionzil to uppoipt. by an pistrumipt pf u rituiir ijijjjef iU iuld mid, MAHtfVW g-nt, nsmany elrputiesns ho nny think pro per, lo lie by him compenated Tor their Mr vice, nnd also to revoke the povvcrs of nov eleputy, giving public notice thereof In i"v portion of the ditrict OMlpneet to supli elep tity ; nnd each such deputy shall Imvo (he like, authority, In every rcpoct. to collect Ihe di; rect tax so nscsscd within the portitm of tho . district u1gnrd to him width Is by this w vested in the colleilor hlmcif 5 but rub oU lector shall, In every respect, be responsible both to the United State ami to Individuals, ns the case mny be, for nil moneys collectei, und fer every net done as deputy collector by uny or his dcpulli whilst acting ns such : FiofM,'niat nothing herein contained shull prevent any collector Irom collecting himself the whole or any part of ihc laij ro ntsej-cd und pnvnblo lu his district. Pep 'Xi. And bed fi.rihcrctinrlrd.Thatrerh of the said collectors shnll. within ten days nfter receiving lilacollccSiou list Irani tho n-se-WrrtTfeTyrVV ally, within ten days nfter ho jhnll V' ? re tpiirrd by the Sccrelnry of the 'I rensnry, nd vertlse in one newspaper printed In Ida p'ill(. lion dislrict, If nny there Ik-, nnd by imliltct lion, to be posted up in ut leat four public places in Ids collection district, that the said lax hns become due nnd payable, and Matp. the limes and places nt which he or they wil attend to receive Ihe fame', which sliil if within twenty days nftcr sueh notification; nnd willi respect to pernors who shall not at tend, according to such notification, It shall bo the duly of each collector, in person nr by deputy, to apply onceut their rcspcelivcdwelf. lugs within nuh district, and there ilimnud, tho tnxt-s payable by sueh persons, wlilcli application shall bo made within sixty dij. niter the receipt of the ndlicilim litis, nt nfortsaid,.or alter the receipt of the reinl'si tion of the Stcictnry of Ihe Treasury, ns afore. said, by Ihe collectors ; nnd if tho said taxt-H be not then paid, or within twenty days tliero alter, U sliill be lawful for inch collector, or his deputies, lo prorecd to collect the fslij tn.es by dJilrqipt pud Iho sn'e or the goods, chatllcs, or elticls or Ihe perfons dellnqurnt os nroresald. And In case of ineli dislrnlnt, It shall be the duly of the officer charged wltl Ihe collection to make, or cunsp Jo be mnilo, un account or the goods or e.h.illlni whlili j -" -r. ...-,--, -r.- - ,,,,,'? uny be distrnineel, n copy or wliiai, signeni ujs I with the owner or possessor of such goods, 1 llie 01 cer nuik nrr me 11 isiruuii. siiuii 11c mis chatties, or effects, or nt his or her dwelling, with some person of sultulde ago nnd discre tion, Willi n nolo 01 llie rum uimaooeei, itiiei Ihe time and place of the sale ; and the snld officer shall forthwith riinson 11 illficntlon to bo publicly posted up ul two of tho tavt pit neatest to the reskUpcc of U p jK-rson whoso projicrl shall be distrained, or ot ihepourt-hou'cuf tho same county; If not more tlmn'ten mile, ell? luut, which notice shull siieeify the articles dis-trnliie-el, and the time und pluec for the sale liieicor, which lime ilmll not be Irs than ten days from tho duto ")t such notification, am Ihe place propojev Tor rule not more than fiver iidleK tl'itunt from Iho plucu pf maklpg nidi distraint : Piovidcd, Tlmt lp nny paw ol Jb Irolutfor tho puyiucnt ofthe tux nfiiresald, the gooels, tlmtlles, or rlUxis so illstralneil shull mid mny be restored lo ihe owmr or possessor ir, jirlor to tho wle wrvtf. payment or Under Ihcreor shall bo made to tho pruKT oilicerihurged vHh the collection, of the full nmount demanded, together w.th such Tec tor Icvylpg. uiu siph gm,v lor tho pepewary am reasonable ex peine prnmojlpj r,n, keeptig the goods, chntllcs. ore Bl-cti 10 distrained, (tf mny leRlloncd In like races by Iho law or prurtlpc e.hprcln the distraint shhll havo boon made j but in psc nl the poti )ayment or tender, a; qrpipjalil, jhc said rfllcers hall pro ceed to tf II the raid goods, (haftles, or ilTetls, ut public auction, nnd shall and may retain from the proceeds or iue.Ii side the nmount ele nmndable for the use of the United State n. with the necessary and reasonable rxKtises of distraint and sule, and a commission of fivq ht centum thereon for his own use, rendering, the oveipius, If ony there be, to Ihe person, whose gooels, chatties, or cllecla shall havo been distrained : Pi ondtd, Tlmt it shall no lie lawful to make distraint of llie tools pr im plements of 11 trade or profession, Uasti of the plough necessary for the cultivation nf Improved lands, arm, or household furniture, or apparel necessary for 4 family. Sec. 30. And ho It fu,rthrr ennpbd. Tht whenever gooes, pbaltleK. or cm pi sm'jeljint tt Kitli-fy any tax upon building', duelltug-lioun, or tuudsuitd their Improvements uwneel, occu pied, or suierlutendcel by 100111 kuoviu or ir siding within Iho saioo colli cllou dbtrlel can not lw found, the collector having first mlv Br ibed llie tiiine for thirty days, ina iiewsputxi; print. d within tho collation district. If sueh there be mid having jio.tid up, In at let leu publlo place within llie same, h notlfle,atli ) f Ihc Intended sule, thirty days prcvlim Uq-rfUe. shull proceed to nil at publlo snle so uiiali of Iho said property may be- nepefmry to rutb-fy the (uxoa elnp thereon, together with an nddiluui of t unity per cenlum lt tho s.ud lae. Jlut lnolr,vtH where the properly VnMv ' adl rei-t tax glider this net 11 ay not be iliri.lple, so us to enable Iho eedleetor by aide-of u ) lhiresf to in! the whole anion. t of tho tux. with ull costs, t (urges, and coimiitous, thq w hob- or such property shall be sol,l. an; thq Miiptus of llie pi occiil uf Ihe rale iifur salij Tying llie (ax, cu t. (.barges, uud commission" .liullbe iull to the owner or ll,; rn ty, or, h. legal repn-M ntutlrcs, or If he- or Ihey cat -not I: tojiul, or rifure lurnelve Ihu same, then such surplus shall Im de-)ieuitid lu Ibe Trtusury uf the t'ulteel Slults. to lie Jure hiljlfor bt uso of the QJtocr or his legal lpri-seutvlli(ts until ho or lpy shall muUu uppl tallon tiitrefi ( to ihc Secretary of H'e Tipauiy. vh?, ujum such nptdltitlpn, shull by vvuirant 011 Iho Tn o-ury, cause iho same tu Ijo paid to Iho up plieunl. And if the properly udvtrtlwd for snlu ns 11 foil said Cjunnot lw sold for II c amount of tho lax duo thereon, with the suld udditoiml twenty per ctnliun thereto, Ibo collector shall purehtuc the same In behalf ot the I lilted Slalij lor t,o i,iil aforesaid : J'roruM, 1 hat the owmr or suite rliilendeiit of the properly afore suld after llie same shall hut eU-eii aniloiimid Iho sale of the propuly shall not luko place i J'rvnJeJ 11U0, 1 Jut thu owners, their In irs, rxe cutors ur udinliilstrutors, or any rsou 011 lb ,.. Uhulf. shull luve HUrlt to ruin 111 llie luls nnd Otlie r proierly sold, us ttfuitsuld, VJfld ,tt0 CUM j-lol lh'e Uine of tat., ,wll p Vmni to n,c collector for the use of thu purehru-t r his heirs or ssrlgu. or the iiniouiil paid by s.i d mirtlinrcr. with Ink-rest lor the same, ut Ihu rate of twenty pef ceiilinii per annum 1 and ,q eked shull bo given In ,ruancc of such salq until thu tune of ndi'niptiouveiul bore i'.p, red And the colUptor shall render adbllnclscciajut of tho ibargat inpiirrcd in offering and Uur tlshlg for sales i,t.h projrly, auilVjiall )ay Into Ihu Treasury the surplus. If any lieie Cut of tho aforesaid dd turn of twenty kt centiiin, or ttu'psr pent 11 )i as fhv case may be, afltr de Iraylng the pharge'1. And In every eo of Iho mto of reid estate) wIcb (-liall lie made uiiibr the authority Of hU act by lie rneclors ie specllyely.oi tbylr lawful dipnliei i'eiMclit.y me aeio lortuu esinie ipsoin sum ih- pi pared made, executed, aud.,u-ojd sir avk '"-. I' 1 isJk ioulhi I l M tu