rs THE OREGON SENTINEL. sim jg 1 1 ar-r-i 11T - " EtAlaffAlLSlAtki a itj.irlVjywiCj: ii- j j i,.iun .V utbi j f.nv vri-' a.trrtrM.rwJi-r,,TJtwrfr-cjKaisrwii-C'Ta vtuiKuAr iafrwtJia:jfc9i'45ita vvri: '-j . -Wt-KwJW $4 IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBERS, 1801. VOL. VI. NO. 38. BUSINESS OAltDS. CITY BREWERY! (On tl.c 1IIII) TAolK.oi3.t7'lllo OroBon. riMIK Proprietors having lolicn possession A of the Ulty Hrcwcry, lately controlled by Mr. rile, nro prepared lo fiirnlli Lager Iteer to people or this vicinity by the keg, buttle or m draught. An experience of many years In brewing XLiEieox Boer fllves them on nihnlitnge ocr all competitors nnd wnrnints Ihrm In promising A HKTTF.H AUTIULK THAN CAN 111! FOUND KL9KWIIKHF, in Southern Oregon. t& He mre In rend your orden to the CITY IMKWKKY. if von wish the HF.3T 1IKKK. KHKUZF.H.& MATTKS. Jacksonville, Sept. 10, 18C1. Mil SAMUEL K. MAY, XsTOTPAXW XTT33XiXO, OFFICE IN "SENTINEL" DUILDINO, Jarksrfnrlllr, Oregon. 3DB . JLArt .--QR. J. HERBOLD "V70UI,I ri'fpict fully announce to llie eltl- 7 T r.ens of JacKmuvllle mm Tlelnlty that he I uovv (iroitrvl u ilo VULOAN1TF. OH UUHHI'U WOHK for arllllclal teeth In the bent style, and at pri ce! In stilt thi) llmi. All kind or Dental operation attended to In a skillful manner. Jacksonville, June M. Uiil. S0ir WAfTsORIPjWAR SCR.P. D. F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Will practice In nil tl.o Court or the Third Jndlilal I'Mrlcl, the Supreinu Court of Ore gon, and In Yrekn, Cnl. He ha an agent nt lVahlnglnn. nnd expect' to vbll tlml city nnd the Allsulh' this Sumimr nd Fall, ami any lmtnen will ncelve prompt attention. n-yWil'J W. G. T'VAULT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL attend In liu-luc.. In the sevtrnl Cmirls In the Flint Judicial IK-trlcl or Oregon, and In Hie Supreme Court. Onlce on California M oire..le "Stnllntl" Office. JACKHIINVIIJ.K, OlIMIoN. May JSth, 'til. '" """ SEWALL T RU A X , SURVEYOR & CIVIL ENGINEER, OKKK'K, AT TIIK iOl'.NTY Ul,!I.Il.U, lllr, Oregon. AM. Imslm-is pertaining lo Land or Land Laws pmniplly attended to. Jacksonville. May lllli.lHfll. I CHAS. B. BriOOKS. M. D., HAS l.()(JATi:i IS JACKriONVILl.t". and hl prufenloiuil service tn thl" coin, imiulty In the practice or MiJifmt, Suryrj ami Olttrtiir). Onief on Ciilirornla street, next door lo Nvu- irr' Jrurlry .lore. . , ... Call, iiltcndcd to at all hour of day r night. G. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OKKKK. JAtKKOWII.I.K DIll'M HTOllK, tliroM L. H. DEWEY HAS opened a flmii oppnullo Andi-r'tin A lilenn'a, on California Mrcvl, In lr. I.. Cianuns'a drug Mure, fur irjulrliiK,Kf:..ii:vi:i.uY.r.Tc. All work uarrnnlnl In give Kitblaclton. Jack.niivllle.J'ec il'W. IM10. JU:ly PETEi pit ITT, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTST JmIwiii lllr, On n. Is prepared to take I'lctuira In every slyleof je aYi.wIIIi all the l.'lot Ihipmvcniinl. II .C3TT -J DL3USW do not give sattractlou. uncharge will L'ln.i'te. Call at Funk'" Cigar Ston. or lit Ihu (lallery mi he Hill. nnd we hl l'lctiire. Ilir Pi p. spiiau uiaft ATTORNEY AT LAW, KKMITVIM.K, JlUKIlllM! Clll-NT v, Oux., Will punctually attend to 1iu1nerntruitrd t uu care. aiih ii. iri.-i)ii GREAT RJEDUCTION! N the Flr.t of January, 'CI, tho prices of Movtrlns nxaobluoM yero reilueed (riy wrn..nn thufaclllcroad, A fvw or tluw, tho Iml and chi-npe.t uu chines made, at San Franclfoi rale. " ! I! MI."5SlnVJ A JnckKMivllle, Jan. I'.'. ... W. W..WW.W.( ..t.l. a-jtr 3BrT3or Sliop, Opposito the Post Otllco, SHAVING, Hair-culling, Shampooing Cur ling and HalrlV'Ing. Alro, a gcniilno article ol Fh-h's IIaiii Hr.s ToiiATIVK,aud CrMadoru' lucrliior lliir l)ie fur raic. jacKaouvllly, Juuu -ill, .z;ii PR. G, W. BROWN'S MEDICAL AND SURGICAL OFFICE, pullfornla si., opposite gentlpcl Ofilec,'lOf Orogon, flO Iho.o who can uppn-clato truth. Such ,. will not lul to pall upon Ur. O. U. Drown. Ho a1o luiltes tho nttentlon of nil who uro mdlrliM with diseases or the l'ye to call at hit pfflco. THE BYES ! THE EYES ! ' No Cure, No Pay. j0 Oftlco hours from 8 a. m. to I r. m. June I. 'i. ' THE OREGON SENTINEL PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY DENL1NGER & HAND, IIKMlV, WM. M. IIAMi, KII1TOI1S AND I'ROl'nlKTnm. Office over Clugago & Drum's Stables. ""TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION i ftWAIlMIII.Y IX AllVAXCK.) One Copy, One Ymr $1 00 One Culy. Six Mouths 'i' ADVERTISINQ RATE8: OncPiiiinre. of Twelve Lines or Km. l'lrnl In' nTllun, f .1 00 1 nud furuicli stiUeiiuent liner -.Inn, l uu. I'tolVnliiunl or llu-lncM Card", Each Foimre, per annum, $30 OH t Tor Six Month, ill 00 fur Three Month.. 10 00. A liberal dlKouut will o made to perrons lu nd(rtl(;c to the extent or lour Minnie'. The numlx r of lu'erttous rlioutd bo luaiUed oil the tnnrgtii or ndvcttlfcine nt. From the I.outstllto Jviitnnl. Speech of Hon, Joseph Holt to the Ken tucky Troops at Vamp "Joo Holt," Indiana. In necfliihmca with nn Invitation or Ihe troops nl Uniiip "Joe Holt," irnucstlmr the ilisllngulnheil ex Secretary r War tn vlll tin in. Hon. Joseph Holt went over In thcrn ciiupnient on dni-rd.iy nllerunon. The ciinip is benutirully located nt the Falls of ihe Ohio, in the liildit or the remains or n Touncr fun-nt. An liiitui use concourse or ladli uml gentlrnirii, both or li.ilmn.i nml Imtvllle,wi re premiit on llils lnterellng occasion. The troi, unirurinrd nnd tn arm, were drawn up in finiil (T (lie stand ntcupuil by Mr. Holt uml Din, ltuwuii, nml liny preented n line niipriirniicc. They Imik as II ICiutnr!y mar lliil iinowu will not be lllii-ly lo rclrngruilo In I heir ginitillaiifhlp. About -1 o'clock l-. M. (Jen. ltorrcnu very gMcvlully Introductil Mr. Holt to ilia tronpi, iirepurutory tn Ihu ilolUe ry or (he sik-ccIi nhlih no publMi below. The rciidii or this (lc('H'iit eiiiitributlon of genius will ndiultu Its many nnd lis nrlid bcniitiis, but in the miilst or their ailuilrutlou no ran truly say wlmt K-dilnm in Id or the great spi-eeh or Deninstlieiirn fur the Cronn, .Il'clilius was the rival orator In this print contert, uml the triumph or Di-niiMtliinis wn'il with the bmiMimcnl ol .1'ihlu(. lie Hint tn Winde, nml bec.itnc u teacher in Mini I'luiiil. On one (iceiisliin l.o nsd the two orations In hl iupil,ntul In of their expressii'iis of ndiiilrntlon for the mutton ol Driuoslheiii'S, lleshlm-s exelaluuil If jini admire It in my renillug, what ni.iiM you lime dime bail ou heurd leiniif.thein-.s deliver It ?" Yu linil the iinp(iilub!o pleiisuro of lirarlng Mr. Hull dellvir the rpcu-h nt tho cnuiji. u p!c.i-mv that mi one run rcncli from rntillny or Inuring It from nny other noiiict. It was In wltli profmiiid itttuitioii by the Im im-i'fo nudiloty, nnd It rrnpieiilly c.illul forth, In lis prngrrf, the most r.ipmrom app'aus'. Mr. Holt turn here tomorrow. and eiirrh with liiin thu piori-uuil gr.itilihL' of tlosiuiN of the L'liloninin and woimn T Kiiituel.y. ivl.o.-o linrts Iijih-Imu IoiicIhiI by Ihu ilerlrie litis of his putriolIegiiiliK mid ihrpn-ico: rn.i .v l itih:sii .isn eri,wtw : 1 rny ell a-ik, ou nre still such, nud It is onlj bicaure you Ii.ivo n-solvnl no earthly power shall rob you ol Hits proud title, or In uuy manner euriuil Ihe privileges nml ti.Hvlainl with it that, ll.nt nu h:uelC"mo snldkrs. Your suldlrrrhlii is but the htately urmor vnu !mve donuitl for Ihu purpose of lining Little in dehiice of cltixushlp which Is nt once the iwwt lull me nnd the iim-l truthful cxpw-ton of your polilieul life. No pour wonN of rnlnu i-ou'd nihquitel.v convey to you the grutiful (motions In plutl hy the kiiHinnu uiii wnriuiii 01 11ns w-iici'ine. I rhoiild Ii.ivo I inn nlolciil In uuvt jou uny vvhere. Iou- full, Iherelure, Ihe misrure ot my h.ipp' niii't ba In n.eil )ou hero In rut li 11 pretence, uml niuid the thrilling nici itlloni iiii-iirub'e fmm sin h n ret m-. you 11111 will tinderjlaud. I rhould have felt lirniid li hmu myniino couiM-tiil with the iiumbhsl iriimiluL' of your eurutuiimeiit. but to hu lluliill it with Ihe iiiMiupmctit llnlf. nml thus lurrlbul as it wire upon 01 vol ll.c mile stout marl; your progress towanu tiioso Iieiii ofihingcr uml of f uno that uwall you. Is tit once nn liounr nnd a toliin f I your conuil.-nee npil goul will fur which I cannot be too pio fiHindly ihniiKlul. It Is not niv purpose In occupy you wltli anv ifireutsiou. Tho gli-.iuilug ban. nir, I lie g I -tilling b.ivonetF, and the murtlul liimle, nud iudetd nil llint meets tho t-yo or the car upon this tcntul lleM, ndmnnMi 1110 I lull with you nl h-ust the argument l rxluixttil. and that you Imie nn lunger iloiihts to solve or hrsllatiug cnnvietioni to cnnllrm. Your resolution li, and you onculy prod.ilm that, let otlurs tin in they will, its for our- nlves, unchllliil by the Arctic nlrsof uculrulity, you are ilelcrmliiid tn love your ounlry, uml iiii.iuid by tialtnrs, to light its luttles, uml, If iiuil ne, 10 lay now 11 your lives lur lis iiner vutiiin. It I ludi-nl transporliug In llm pa Irlots heart In look upon the faces of men that uro thus sublimely resolved, nml (here Is In me a pnsIlIuMiicliaulunul in tho very atmosphere who;c puh.itioiis Ii.ivo Ih-cii stirred by ll.e brealh'ngs of their heroic t.p1rlls. Now thai tho booming or tho camion of treason uml tho cry of mm stritken iiutn ilenth for fldelity lo our Hag arc borno tn us on almost every bretze, it is huriowiug to the soul to be ding. gld into compunlnnshlp with thnsu who Mill vacillate, who nre Mill timidly bil.uiclng chances nud cn'dly rulcuUtlng lorses nml gains, whn still persist hi treating tlil-t ugoulxlng struggle for national rxUttuee ih u petty (pies lion of commerce, nnd deliberately lake mil their scutes am) weigh In our presenco tho beg garly Jewels ol tr.ido ng.ilnst the life of our country. Soldiers, next lo tho wouhlp of the Father of us all, llietleepe.t and grandest or human emotions Is tho love or tho luud that gave us hlrlli. It is an rnlargi-nu lit uml rxallatlou of nil Ihe tcuderrst and Mmugcut sympathies 111 hiiitiitti unit tn uuiiit. 411 mi et'iiiuiies nun climes ir has lived, nud lias ill fined chuh-.s and dungeons, and racks to crush it. It has strewed Iho larth with its innnuments, and lias shttl iindving liKlre on a thousand fields nn which it whs ImIIIiiI. Through the night or uges, Tiiermnny'ai glows like somo mountain iiciu; 011 which mo morning sun lias rieu, iw ruie twenty-thrro huiidretl vrtu ugo, the hal lowing Passion touched il muiul pr(cli!cfp and ll? li inviting crags. It U easy, howevtr. to bo patriotlo In piping limes of iicace, and In thasunuy lioiir of iiie rl I v. It is national sorrow it Is war, with its attendant pe-ills and horrors, that tests this passion, and win nows from Iho masses thoto who, with nil their Invo of life still lovo their country more. While your present position Is a mnt vivid and Impresslvo illustration ofpntilntlsni. it has a glory peculiar and nltngeihcr its own. The oicrccuary armies which wepi viciorlom over the world, nnd hnvc gnthcrctl rn many or tho laurels that history lias embalmed, were but machines ilniflcd lulo tho service of ambitious rplrlts nnd lltllo umlcrstonil or ntiprccliitcd the problems their blood was poured out to solve. Hut while you have nil the dauntless physi cal courage, which they displayed you odd to It n thorough Knowicugo or the nrgumcht on which this mighty movement proctitis, nml n moral hcrolMii, which brtnkitig nwny frnm the entanglements or kindred uml friends nnd Hlnte policy, enables you lo follow your con vict Ions of duty, even though tlicy should lend mt uu tn tho cannon's mouth, It niut ever be adiUil, that with this elevation of pnItloti, come corresponding responsibilities, .Soldiers that you are, by conviction, Ihe rnuntry looks not tiiymirtriicir,chlvalrlc and skillful ns Ihry may be, but to you, nnd inch of you, for the safety of those xust national interests commit. lit! to tie fortunes of war. Your camp life win expose ott in many temptation s yuit should resist tlicui ns you would resist the ml- enticing of the cut my. In every hour of peril or or Inclltnu-iit to r.cifs you will my Id yourtcivcs, " uur country sics us," nnd sn net as lo stum) fiirlh (oldiers. not onlr wllhnut feur, but also without reproach ; each niomiut not nbsnibed by the tolls uml duties nl jour military life, should as ns practicable, be ticvnicii 111 mni menial nml moral training, without which the noblest of volunteers must sink In n level with an nrmy of mcrctimriis. Alike In Iho Inaction or the camp, nmid the laiigues 01 1110 in.iren nmi ihe charge mm shouts or battle, yon will remember that you hove In your kirplng. not only vour own per sonal reputation, but the honor or our native .Stale, mid, what Is liiflullcly Inspiring, the honor or that blood bought uml benllleeiit He public whoso children you nre. Any Irrrgu. Inrlly on your put won't! rndilcn Ihe land that loven you ; nny r.iltiilng In the pr.fCiiM or the fou would cocer it with luimi-nsutable humilia tion. You will soon mlrglc In the rank whh the gallant xolunterrs from the North nnd W'esl.nnd wllh me you will ndmlru their mod trillion, llelr ndmlrubtc disctpllne. and inrp iieKiminnllon whOM! cnrniftness with thciii has no lungu.igo of menace, bluster or imsslon. Winn the men from Hunker Hill mid tin? nun frnm the -'tilth' nml blood c groiiml," uuestiatigeil from each oilier by the low- arts of politician.. hnll slnnd sMc bv side on llm mine 11ntlon.1l battle field, the hunt of ITCilom will lioglml. Curry villi you tho complete assurance that you will ere long have not oulr the moral but the matt rial support or Keniueky. .Nut many wet ks can clapc litfiiro this powerful ('urn monwrnllh will make nil rxullniit nvnwul of n r loyally, nud will stand errrt.btfnrc tin- country, Maliilr.' mid true, ns the truest of her sisters ol ihe Union. In He scales of Ihe mu mttit'iiis tvuits now occurring, lur weight should be nnd Will bo fill. Already rlie Is Im pat'int, nnd will not much longer, under tin' in-sMire or nny policy, mlunll to shrink awny ntn Ihe mrieiliit of the lulniiic'. Have no ft-nrs ns tu ihe vigorous nnd ulti mately niccnt.ful prnticulioii of lids wart .11.1I fill nn nl.irni i-llhtr a. In the rxpuulitiire it must' Involve, or as Ir, llioie slarlluig sti-tn. cin'ngly sin it king of the iwi-irtsonf nliso-uli-niillinrlly, whitli (ho Atlmliilstiutlon may lu foretd fiolil time In llmu Intake. While hiiibtltssnllimssililft'cniiiimv wlllheolKeivtil. It Is npi.itiut tlml nn i-oii, ih rations of llial Mud ran b.' pernullid, Tor 11 iiimiicnl, In mml- IP.. .1... ..!.... .1. .. I. . . I . ..,.. I m. itiw M,m- iii.ik 11., mu, resnivt'ii iijhiii When the lifuof ihu pitleut I eiiiifesedly nl Hiake, it Mould be ns univNo ns It would b Inliiiiii'in to discuss Ihu rpiestlnii of ihe phjsi' clan's fee befute lummvnlng I1I111 to the bed sal,.. Ilotilc, nil inw rcallr.i that thesvstrni nf arill. untie lm yd tn he liiitnlul which t-oiild i-stlmalt! in dol'iirs nnd e-'iits the worth of our Instltnttoiu. This liriibleciin-rgehi-y, with u!l llkilangtrs mid duties, was unforMvn by the fi.unders of our (iiivernmenl, nud by llioie who KiibMiiiicullyndinlnhlertil It. ami It mini iniike laws (or Iih-11. 'I lie (invciniucut ha Ikvii lil.o n strong iwlmmer riiddmly pneipllated Into the sen, nud, like that swimmer, it lias un hesitatingly uml niiHt jiMill.tlily selziil upon any and evciy iusununiitallty with which It could subdue the Inuehcrous eurrenls nud waves by which It has loiiml il.nir Mirioiunlxt. All that was irregular or in Iheuetlon of the I'resldiut that has Ikvii approbated by the coiiiitry, nnd will nn doiilit Ik- npprnhilcl by Conuress, on tl.o blond and liu-ontolllilo principle that law nml ii-ngrs i,f ndmlnlslrn tlon ililgmt 10 prtservo u f.lttneo or the nation shall not he siiflticd to become the In strument of its death. So, for the future, I do not bollnlo lo say that any nnd every im'iisiire rerpiiiid In s.-.vo tl.o Heiuibtlc (nun the ierils that let ll, hot onlv may, but ought tn be tal.ui by ihe Administration, pnuujilly nml renrlessly. Within so In ief n ierlo. no such eleantle power has ev ci Ihcii ptaeeil nt of uny liovei nmi III ns wnicli has rallied tn ihe support or lids within tin- last few- months, through those volunteer who have pound alike from hill nml valley, cliy and village, throughout Ih) loyal Stale. All eludes uml all purMilU hiivu been rpieneli bv Iho mine lolly uml While, linn. ever, I would nuke 110 Invidious tlNtluctions. whtroall have so nolily done llielr ilulv, 1 eaniiot refrain Iroui remarking how coinplcu nus the hard handed tllhrsof the noil ol Ihe .Nurlli uml West have nude them-elvts In swelling Iho lunks of our army We honor coinmtico with ll Ini.y marls, uml tho work shop with its patient toil nud cihaiutlc. In genuity, but still we would be unfaithful lathe iriitti 01 history tlul we not confess, that the uiot heroic champion nf liiim.ini frcci urn and Iho most llluitrloiis npiMles nf it principles down upon you from I. have comorrom the broad lldd of ugrlcullute.i10 f c'viiilan I'yi Tlw.prt c. n.,,3 n l. D 1.1...- I.. .!. I - I .'.. . . . of nature, In her wild nnd beautiful landscapes, hi her cascades and cataracts and woodlands, nnd exhilarating airs of her hills ami mountains, iinivnum vj kiv .".111. lllllli; III IHU kLLIIIV that embraces the fetters which man would rivet upon llm spirit of Ids hllowmin. It mi. ui ii.u ii.iiiiiiis in mu piiiiv ami niiiung me breatlilug otlors of Iho newly oKned Inrrows thut tlio character of Cincinnatus was formed, expandid, nud matured. It was not in the cliy full, but in the deep gorges uml upon the snuw-clud tuimmtU or the Alps, timid the eagles mid Ihu thunders, that William 'IV 1 1 hiid the foundation of llmse alter tn human liberty, iigulnst which the surging tides of Kiirnpnm despothm have beaten lur centuries, but thank tjuti, have btatcn iu vnln. It wus nmid the primevul forests and mountains, the hikts and 1 leaping Mi etuns of our nun hind i nmid livlds .. .. .... ... mid waving grain ; nmid Iho songs of the reaper uml the tinkling of the shepherd's bell that weie nurtured llio-o virtues which elm. tered Marble iu the character or W'lishimrou. mulliflol lii tit in mnrul rlaluie 11 lieud and shoulders ubove even the demigods of undent story. 'I here is 0110 most ftrlliing and dlstlugnhJi ing feature of our 111UI011 thai should never bo lot sight of. You nre not nboul to invade tho territory or n fotelgu enemy, ntloii. ShC'lId voi mcupy tn Pouth, yo-i J I nut ,. iiiu iiiiiuju 111111 ui i-(iiiiiu'0i or hiioi will do so ns friends nnd protectors, jind your aim will tint be lo subjugate that bclrnyed and tlistrnclcil country, but to deliver it fitint tho remorseless military ih-spolism by which It Is trodden down. Union men, who ore your brcthern, throng In those States nnd will listen for the coming footsteps or your nimy, ns the Scnthdi mnhlcu or l.ucknnw listened Tor tlienirs ofliir unlive land. It Is true, that nmtd the terrors mid darkness which prevail icre, they nre silenced nml now riferfju, but 0 niircd that by the light or llie Stnrs you carry upon jour banner you will find tllcm all it nns iiecii conianuy nscrteii uy ihe con.pi rnlors throughout the South, tlml this Is n war of subjugation on the pait of the Oovcrn ment or the United States, waged for the i.v termination of Southern Institutions, and by vnndals nud tu1icrciits, who, In the fury ol of their pa;slons. sparo neither nga nor sc.x nor properly. F.vcti one of the Cnnfulcrnte (Icucrals has so far steeped himself in Infamy as tn publish, In choice billingsgate, this h.isc calumny through an official proclamation. In view' ol what t'ongrtsi has recently so sott nmly resolved, nnd In view of the contin uous mid consistent action of the Administra tion upon the subject, thc whn, through the press or In pub'le 1p.11 Irs, p.-rslst in rcpculin, ihu wretched slander, nru giving utterance to everybody, themselves Included, knows fo be absolutely and lufamoiidy false. It will be the first mul llni highest duly of the American nrmv, as it advances South, by Ms moderation and liutnaiiity, by Its exemption from every excess ami Irregularity, nud by Its rcrupiiloui olnnrvniieii of the rights or all, to show how foully both It and the Government It rrpreicnts hnvo been Irnducctl. When, therefore, 011 enter the .South, press lightly upon her gardens nud fields ; guard sai-mlly lie r homos j protect, If need be, nt Iho point nf your bayonet, her institutions nml lur con stitutional righls, Tor you will then by, not only respond fully In the spirit nud eildcdi of this war, but you will ext-rt nvt-r, nliko the oppressed nnd the Infatunlcd portion or her lieople, n power tn which the most brllliaut or your military snecrsx might not attain. Hut when ynu meet In bailie nrrny (hose atrocious rnnplrators, who, at Ihe head or armies, nnd through woes uuutlerable, ore seeking the ruin or our commnii country, re number that since Ihe si'iiid ft until over the portals of parndlM! until now, it hns Urn thaw 11 in no holier cause than that In which ynu nre engaged. ( iiioiiiIkt Ion. the nillllnus wIiik- hearts me brnikin under the niigulsh of this terillile crime, ami Hun strike linMly. stlke In the iiontrortrulh and duly, silke wih .1 bound nml n shout, well tis-iinil thut your mow win tall upon lugrulc, ami traitor. uml parilrlde. whioe hirl lor poutr would in ike litis blight laud oho vust Oolgiitlu, rather than be bilkul of their guilty ului. uml m li the HikI ofjinir ratlins glvu yuu the victory. I should liavertj.ilcfd tn meet you vvlihlu the llinlls of yomltr proud Oiimmoinvrnllh. rroni whence you eanii-. and whose name ynu bear, but wise nnd pitrii.tlc mn. whne inn livtn I ri-.K-rl whl'o ilbst-htiug from llitlr mu. ehiflon., have vvlllnl It rhuld Ik- olherwlr, lleri'.linwtvrr, vou nre in the in'dil of filunlt. nud have tluuliilis ruihiil 11 brotlur's wt. iiiini. on the soil nf n .-'inte which is not only pioud of her loyally n Slate which, by Ihe inatchinr "f volunteer, minouncc every hour what n porlliinul her people have tri-ienllv proclalnml bv inriuil icsnlutinn, tint 1. . .... .... ' tl.o Mll't'iwloo ol this iiIh-IIIoii is worth more tu the world llun nil our llvts nml nil our ini.niy."nr.d that she "cares noihirg fur life or worldly goods, when they can nn'y le cnjoyttl oinld the ruins of our country." Nn Sp.11 Ian hero und-r the gramhst Iiupiralioni ol p.ililolhni evir iillerul nobler siiilimiuls llian llio-i. Iialluiia nud Ivenlueky, it Is true, are Kcrntcd by a broad river, but lu the r history ll lias provctl only n thread nf light uml b nuly, ncross whleli Ihrir hinds mn llielr liearl have ever b.x-u clarj-rd iu friend ship nud faith. In llio-e Mlrrlng cnnfllcls far principle which have arisen in th"pit, Ihey have stood logellirr, imd on more than one blotly IK'ld, khiiuldcr liisluiiiMir, they have borne I'lmiinl thriiiigh the thickest of the llht. that glorious banner, whose, start-, I trust, will never grnw iliui i and now. ymr presence here to d ly Is 11 glinldiiilng nssiiriiiieo in the iioinintou con !cl, on whose lhn!i"M we rlaiul, there Slates, so long iiIIIhI, will not hi divldisl. Fur niv-M-lf, I must Im Mnloiinl for sijlng. dial next tn our own hi loved lenlueliy, my boMini iiio-l oviill'iivs Inward the imhlo .Stale, uiiihr wlio-e liospitnlile slieltcr uu haic met tiMl.iy. it was my liiriuuu in pas my chll.l. Iiii.hI ami yoiiili on my father's farm upon Ihe hanks of v ndir river, nud lu the light of Ihe morning nml of the evening sun myt-jt-s rested upon die (ne homes nnd fur-M of Indiana, I played upon lur lulls, nud li-liut lu lur streams, and inlnghtl wllh her lieople, whin I was tn jnung lu know, what 1 trust I shall nevt r be-n'd citoagli tn learn that this great country of ours has cither North or .Smith, Iviit or Wot. iu the ull'.-cthms and faith or true lovul citizens. Sohfiers, when Napoleon wiis nbont tn spur on his hglons to, on the sands of nn All lean doer I, pointing thim to the Kgvptlau I'yrauilde that loonud up against tho lar-olf liorizen, he cxe'almtd, " I'rnin yonder I'yra in'ds twenty ttnturies liehold your nrllons," 'I'hu thought was mldlino uml cleetrlc: but you have more than t'ds. When you shall confront these ii'tritriated hosts, vvhoo bittle cry Is," How 11 with Ihe (Jovcrnnient nf the t'nitcil States," let vour uusnrring t-lionl be. " The liovernment us our fathers made It;'1 mid when jnu strike, rcip inber that not onlv tin the goiMi nml tl.c great 01 iho pint look tight lultultely nbove rnmids, but that un counted gcncititlons jet tu como are looking up to ou, nud elaluilog nt your hands the iininipairid lruiimiinu tn them of dial price less heritage which has been committed In our eeplng. I say its ijnimp.iircd Irunsmlsslon tin all the amplitude r.f Its outlines. In nil die stiunieiry 01 ns maicniefs pronoriious, in nil the palpitating liillnc.-s ol Its bli'sslugs ; not n mtserniiiy ihrivclt-d ami chatternl tiling, char ml by the lire nud torn by Iho tempest or icvoltillnu, and nil ovtr pollutul nnd tear led by Ihe bloody poignant of traitors. Soldieis, you hayo conic up tn vour present exalted portion over many obstacles nud through many chilling discouragement. You mm-proclaim to the woihl that the billies which uie uboul tn be fought In thfeiiseof our common countiy. lis iMitutlons, mul homes. uteyour li.iltles, anil that you ate determined meyi In bin . .-.. . t,hure with jour !tllow-eiliZ',in of oilier .Slates, ulikc tlu-ir dangris nnd llielr laurels: uml sine I mn tli.t Ihlsdetcriuinatioi) lms betn in uotliing shaken by die rteent sad reverie of arms vvhae shadow Is still resting upon our spirits. Tho countiy has Indeed lost n battle, but it I1.13 not loot lis honor, nor its courage, nor its linpis, nor Its resolution In conquer. Onu of chances lo which Iho fortunes ol wur me ever tnhjict, and ngalnst which iho ino.-t eoiijiimale gcncruUlIp cannot nt uli limes provide, has given u moiicntary nil van ie tn Ihe foien nf llie rein llhm tlrouehv did not pursue the column or llu'o.v, nnd thu. Wuterloo was won Tor Wt Illusion nt the mo im nt that victory with her laureled wieulli, seemed stooping over the head of Napoleon. So Patterson did not persue Johnson, nnd the ovcrw helling concentration of rtbil troops that in coneqitence isueii vvus proi.niiiy ihe true cuiise why the Unlled Stntes was driven liack. excellent ns vvus lis dlslplltie nnd self sacrificing ns lias been lis feats of valor. Panics fi 0111 slight mul sicinitigly Inslgn'll cant rnuses. have occurred In the best drilled nnd bravest or nrrnles, and they prove neither the want of tllsslplluc nor nl courage on the part of thetohliers. This cheek hns taught us Invaluable, lessons, which we could not have learned from victory, while die tl.innthss dar ing displayed by our volunteers Is full nf prom ise for the future. Not tu mention the Intrepid bearing of other regiments, who can doubt our rnture when ho recalls the brilliant charges ol the New York Sixty-Ninth nnd ol the Minne sota First nnd of the Fire Zouave? Is-onidas hinseir. while surveying Ihu Persian bust that, like 11 trimb'fd sea, swept onward lo die pa's where he stood, would have been proud ol the leadership or such men. Wu shall rnpldly recovcr from this illreomflture, whlili.nflir nil, will servo only to nerve to yet more extraordi nary exertions the nineteen millions of people who have sworn that this republic shall not perish ; mul perish it will not, perish ll can not, white this oath remains. When we look nwny to that sccr.c of car nage, nil strewed wltli the bndirti of patriotic im-ti who coiutnl death fur thumclvcs, that their rnuntry might live, nml then look upon I heir homes which their full ha rendered des olate forever, wu realizewhat I think Ihu pop ular heart iu its forbearance has never com iilittly comprehended tha uiisKiikuble mul hellish atrocity of this rebellion. It Is pcrlect attmiiliu of di-monlao pi$!nn. From die rt-ddriicd waters of Hull Hun mul finin the gory Held of Jfennssa. there is now going up an nmx'ul lo Hot! and to million, of cxhsh-. rated men ngnlmt thou fiends In human shiiv, who, drunken with the orgies of an ambition, nre filling to the btlui the cup of 11 nation's sorrow. Woe, woo. I say. to Ihese Imllnrs when this shall be nnswrml ! 1 must off.r vnu 111 v slueeiu coiiL-rntulalliins on die ItudiTshlp nl that true patriot nnd sol dier, nrtiiiuil wlo'e stnudard you have guth cntl. Wlieii iilhers heslaltil he vvus declihil ( whin oilier, fiillm-il he was bnld. Tho tStiv. ernmeiit laid lis hum I on his loyal bosom ntul fiiiilllit burning with the lueMiiigulsh-ilili-llres of pjlilotlsui ul n lima when sn many others from Ilia best motive in the world, weu can fully palling lluiu'ehes uway In hup iu die lees nl neutrality. I honor him. ICiu lucky will honor lilm, the nation will honor Ii'iii. When you move, ns soon ns you mny. In the scut ol vvar, Kiiitucky. despite the vlits)crcil cautious of p'.llllcluii", will chor you on, nml will hang with prayerful Mlicitattun our you, alike upon your march nnd uiiild Ihe heady current of batlle. lyul men rvcrvwhero nre exclaiming " I Jivl s;kt,1 jiih," nnd - All hall to ynur courage nnd patriotism," tltory hcckmis you onwartl and upward, nnd could the Illustrious dead hear lu the grow where they slcvp. your evi ry fimifiill, a ynu ndvanee In your c iiiutiy's battle Ihthls would be music tn their ears. I urn grateful In ynu nil, lint ep chilly tn our uir e-iiunirywoinin, lor ih's iiisiingiiisiiisi reception, ll enn iicvtr bo (urgotltn that ll wiisfrouin Sinrliiii mother that came tluw words of hemic patriotbm whlih have ncvir been npi i'cd bv uny thai have fallen from the lip. of man. I'or mare than twenty icnluric the diVien!ng sliudows hive falleti upon the rlveisniiil the sens, upon the iii'iuiilalns nml the iilntn of die past, and yet, from the 111I1M of nil this gloom tluo words still gleam nut upon us like lightning from u Summer's cloud. For more than two lliou-aud year the earth i ha turn convulsed nnd shaken In ItJ unrali foundations ; tiitlons and gimrallons r.f 11.1 lion have risen and nerhdictl by s'ow decay or nui'il Iho Shock of b title i nnd wail Of our stritken race his gone up over the H-pule-hre-n niihii 01 nun nnii 01 empire id nnnvenii. iiich- wonis have llaiiniiioau In ns, nod still lloitiiliroi Inpon Ihonirsof die world like some klndlin; si ruin or music, ever cuuglit mi nnd ever renenttil withlltshltigiTis nnd It anl with wildly puhatlng hrnrU. .Such ! isiliepowcrofpilrliiilMii.niidsiKliiliesiH - lllisi It Itlllllll ..(tPJ.Iii.. nii.O.t.MN ll.n.rHil ... r.l ",", , !"" ...i... .., -,.v ..... rr..i. morning, mil nemv. ol huuiauiiv. 1 1. women, ever tlmhl iu the J l.Kvits.iiiTii. "Hept. 20th. A cltV.'n of sumhlne. but ever brave In the jlof.n.weoli.r,, ,, !,!.,,, vl,,, as nt Islington nt Iho time our Ihaiiksrorlhl, nnd r.vl that we must shut nr tl0 Kiirrnnler nf the Foleral.'slaliii that our ear to the voices or our love, nnd veil our ,1(, ,r0(,. , bwii tlfi Imurs wiihnnl water, souls from the Illuminations or her presence. t".T, surrender was The reikis oru vvc can cen-e in lie wilting 10 live ami ihe .i,,!,,, t have .'IT.OitO men. tint were badlv In tlefiiise of ino lnlllulloin. vvliieli. more llirmrt) ,) ihout orgai.Uitloii, n nnny lull Ihan nil others Hint I. ive rxtMcd. have Rivs-H , j.,i but it day or Inn liefure. Our Infiiriii tn her that position of dignity nud moral power mlt rnnCil in this town nfler Iho surreuiler. hlch the shining Impress shu bear from Ciculnr's liuiidi o fully iiitilli-s tier lu occupy. J'nAMiFor.T. Sept. l.'l. The loue pvied n hid tuhstiiullally the niniu us lloii.lon's, which in.iktis felony of the waging ol war ngalnut the L'nllid .Stale. tnliMlng troops fur the Coufetleratt or indacing uuy onu to dn so. or Joining or parading wllh iinyYnmpiny wllh Ihe intent tn join Ihu Confi derates. The 1 11 vti.luu of Ktnliieky by nny t'oufuli rate sot. diers I punishable by tUutli, ihe Act tn gn lulu ilhrl in It 11 iliys, mul will not Ih nppllen ble In those who letnili tu their ulhglatice in sixty day. den. UiniKT has been nslgnei a command In Ihe nrmy or the Potnnite. He haves (or til romm uid to morrow. Iho Siilicnnl tilting, n (termini paper In New Yoik, has been cut oil' from mail facili ties. Av exchange relalis the followiu luciiieni . 1 f'' 'he. ns hiving menrrul ut Ihe hut tirin lluliviir l.inmly Court I A liMii was eon vleted of ling Mealing, nnd nnenreil n the penitentiary. u leal 11 that 011 nelng nl,eil what he had In rav why sentence should not he p.iul upon him, lids worthy vtry rnnly told tho court that he killed the hag lu fccll defence ami lite lilm out of (pile. As tlio Maine Iroop wcro leaving the field nf battle, a soldiir slepiud up to one of the officer, am iceiucMcd him to lend htm 11 knlle. The ollicer tool; out 11 common puekel knife and handed it tn iho soldier, who sat down ul die side of the road, nud pulled un the leg of his Irqwrs, uml tlellbuate dug u inu-ket lull nut of Id leg.Junped up, and re-.umed hi march. A Lipv nsketl n gentleman tho time nfdiy. lie said he kept no wulch, uml dial, In the morning, Chautii leer vrns hi lime piece. " I did not know," iijoiniil die-luilv, wllh n seri ous uir, " till now, that the lowl wus fq accu rate n (iciniometer. No mm em go down Into the dungeon of his experience and huld Iho torch of truth lo all lis chambers, ainj hidden cavities, and filmy accesses, mid not como up wllli a shudder uml a chill, and nr, carucet ciy to heat en fur mercy ind 1 le.mdn-. BY TELEGRAPH. r.xpifssl rentliL-OrcgiuiSfiitlnel . s . - Arrival of the Pony. Ykkka, fcpl. 2S-8 V. M. Svn I'uixe-iseo, Sept. 'JTtli. I'ony arrived nt lluhy Valley nt T o'cloc'c this inoriilnj;, with dates to the 'J.'ld. Advices from Hlchmond to Sept. loth state that It is generally conceded that Sliikll goes to France soon. (Icn. Floyd had an engagement with the l'uler ills on the lUth, and routed them, killing COO nnd wounding 100. Things arc unusually quid on the Virglnlu side nf tl;c l'otomac. There is no rMngn'tlon of the rebel fbg In Spain. The reported proclamation of the Captain Uciicru! occupies the attention or the State Department. Subscriptions to the Federal Loan exceed SMOO.OOQ. Thu Spanish MlnMer assured Secretary of Slate that die report's from Charleston, that ('apt. (icn or Cuba had issued a proclamation rtcngnWng the Southern Confederacy, were false. Owing In Information receive, nl the I. O. Ih-pailmeiit, that the Hun. was unprotected from rttu'lr:. that St. Jo. was lu their hands, California malls will be curried by way of Davenport In Council llluirs. Wasiiinutiiv, Sept. IC On the 1'Jlli the nrmy inidenn ndvnnccon Hkwnter, Ya.,wilh n force of 1.1,(100. driving bad: adelaihmcnl nf fi.OOO under Floyd. Il was rcpnrlcil.jin Ulh, Hint Trice, wllh 17.000. surrounded I'xInglon, Mn., and sum moned Col. Mulligan In surrender. He re fused. I'rlce gnvo to Monday morning, Tour o'clock, lo surrender t tr ho did not, lie would march on him under the black Dig. Il l confldenlly thought In military circle lint (Jcncnil Rlurgm (Fttlernl). has rrnelml lAxhiglon from SI. Joseph, nud that Price will Ih cut, or forced In relrrnt. Thestcnmtr .Viins'tiiic was rebvd by rebels nt (Jl.ngnw Mo. The sleainer ."Jour was utlarhcd nt Olasgnw. hut rsrnpcl. All the bnnks nt New Orleans lave ids pritdid ft'icclc pa) ment. On ll.e ISth Intl., Ticnsury nolcs were nl par. The gun boat CVursfagii, raptured Ihe rebel stenmer Sttplitmon and Gmtlle In the Cum- Iwlund river on the lClh Inst one contained 100 Inns of iron. Reliable Inn from Ixlnglnn up tn .-'aturil.iv evening, sliows that there had liecn in n-.-ht up In that time, though the I'tilernl troops had lietn iuninini.ei In surrender by li Ire, whose nrmy was 17,000 ktrong. thu I'ojie wn tn reinforce Ix-xlugton on Ihe lSlli. with 11,000 men. 'Ihe Union men In both Hones of the J-egli-'nlurc rcfuieil to meet en the mnrtiltig of the 1 Oils. The latest ndvlct-s rroni T;xlngtnn .Mn on Mniid.iy .v. t., say that l'rlee ftnt word In Mulligan, demanding hi surrcmhr; Mull), gnu replied " (bi to liell." An 11 II a el; wn t,r,,wl1fiiilt- mn,l..nnontn ulil, nriili-n-mul i,,n,ir lis euver mnLlii-m tmhrmt llm'limo They were rrpulsnl wltli heavy lnj, liy Mul. ngiii urccs, wiiii uu; nine loss 01 v. s. force. Later Pilcc coinm-nceil nn ntlick on our Intrenchim-nts at I.lugton on Monday. The n.t.i .. .. .-... n,,A nil .1... 'n.u iiiiin.i ,? ,.nri , i,.,, ,.-. r.,lm,l ultl, .kiv,,, !,. - pi.ffit ,H r,.n,.nci by fico en Tuescbe . . .... - " The V. S. Mar.lial seized Iho nfllee of die Louisville (nutitr, ("rrslnn.) mid n'sn nr. reslcil ex (lovernnr Mnn-lirai mid Heuben Diinean, one or Iho proprietor'. Later ndelre from l'xlnglon say. that the Fiitfra' nflcr fl.ditlng two days "wen coin-pi-lled to surrrnder, being rut oil" from walrr. The rebels were niceessfullv repulsed three times on the 19ih by Ihe IrUi brtgmU nt the point nf llu bivonel, and had iml water given out they won'd huvo ihiublles held llio reliel nt Iny" until reinfortvd. llvrry volley from Ihe Fttlernl cutis mid with fearful ihstr'iicttnn on tl c t nemy's ranks. No statement of the I oh is given. -T The following items of news nre taken fiom the tlelnlled telegraphic news of the Sacra nu'1,10 Union i A K'c!al to iho New yoik llerahl, datid W'nsliln lnii. Rt.nt lllli Lnxi flu. Ilnvi rinni ,il hci'ivuI a dii.ilili from ( ltuencranlz that Ihe lallir was driven to his uirihivorh Ho-eneiuniz will give battle to Floyd again to-moirow. A large party, under Col. Slephcns, of die New Villi llighluuth-is, leturuing IVom 11 ie eouuoUiuee seven mile beyond Chain Ibldge, weiuiiltiicl.ed by 11 large lurce ol iiIk-I, con sisting of Inn reginieiil ol iiifantiv nnd Col. Sliwart's Virginia Cavalry, iind u billiry nl four nieces. Tho battery opened wiih shell, which was replied in I10111 (jrilliuV lulltre, Allir M'Vi'iul rounds, nur tionn ctasnl firing in give lln-11 In I an uppiirluniiy of meeting tin in on llie nien II Id, Ihe n bels being iu I lie woods. Our lories icsumid nclion with 11 ihiily.twn poamler, 11 shell bom which soon ilencid tlio nbel bitteiy, mid the eavalry wire soon Mitt flying, with 11 number ruling fiom llieii sadillesi Thrte hill-d fiorn Nine, tieiilh I'u'n 111a uml two fium Tlind Viiinont Itegiiticul, nud four wiuiuitul. Lieut, lian- .-oek is fnppOMil In bo liipid. Uu Ihe l.lli lirltig was again resumed In theilliectloii of Chain HriiLjc. The ujcaiop not known. (ie.i, McClillan, In his report, rays Ihe men behnvtil most udnilrnlily under fire, mul con clude, by rcnuiikliig, we eIuII have no mote Hull Hun iiiribs. In view ol I liu increasing importance of 1Vhii-, ,M 11 1 a a li.t 1 1 ' t) 1 ' .11. . tlons ngtlnst rebel. 11 large lncrcnt' of npll'u ry nud naval force will be placed there. Sept. 1 1 heavy firing nt Hew-all' Point. Conlederalts were trying lo range their guns. The rtbe's there numb r '-'.000. Pi.KHtNr IIim. (Mil). Sept. 12 -Firing was li'ard on .Sunday in llie direction of Con rad's Ferry. Pickets saw rebej cuvdrj- cti r.iniKil two ml) s from llie river, dipt.. 'I'l'iiipkuis, of the It. I. Hittery, threw twenty shells Inln the camp. The rebels will meet n warm leeeptlon. shouM Ihey nliiempt lo cros betwee-n Oiiat Hills and Polnl of Ilock. wltli n view id marching on Hdlltnora slnviltniir oudy 1,1(1) their ihrcalcKcd uttack on 'ush ington. ll Ureporlctl that the nrlvntrcr Sumter Iind gone usiiorc on '1'riuidad Island, port or Spain, about Aug, 'JUlh, und was a total wreck. I'dRTLAxn Me.. Sept. 12-Ninelccn lpwp. casting two-llilid of Ihe ngereg.ito ynlp nf llie Slate, gave Wahliiirrie (Hep) .10.008 ( Jameson (Union), lfi.17? : Dana (I'tnce Dm.), 12,1 II) majority Tor Washburn. 11.347, Bgalint 1 2,0 "il In lists smne towns last ytar. Ct.viiKsiieiui, (Vn..) Stotcnilter I2ih. A' Inltle tnnk place about eight o'clock Tuesday iiflcrnoiiu, neur uuiincrviHi. (Jencrnl Hn-n-erantz. nltir milking n rcconnoisa nee, round Floyd's nrmy fi.llOO strciig, wills sixteen field jilte'es, lutrtnchcil'lti 11 powrrfuj ppitlrtn c the ton of a mountain nl Curnlx Ferry. on the west stile nr (laiili-y river. The n-nr and rx; Ircmc or both tl ink wire Innrccssible. a,nd Ihe front vvus mashed by lunvv rurest nml otoi Jungle. Colonel Lyl.leV Yenlh Oho Heel incut or ll.tihnm's brigade was on thcndviiiieo. mid itrove it detachment ol th" enemy out of llm camp Hit. side at- the portion, tl e right nf which was unknown. Sjfrtfy tifterv, nrt! hit scoul, cnnjlsling of fiuir coniiitii!e, suddenly tliscovirtii Iheiii-t-Lea lu the fare of n (pitRtn-t balliryand along line nf palisades for rifi't men, wlu-n die li it lie ncned fiercely: The re in iludcr of the Teulli nnd Tirrlecnth Ohhi weje liroiigltt Inln nclion siicits-fiilly by (Jen-, end lh iihaiii, nnd tlcTwelrli OMn nfliriinrds, by Cupluln llarlsulT, wh'i'C nbj rt was on nfimil it-connolskiinie. 'I In cm my p'nycil upon our forces teirlle.vliy wllli miskc'rr, nil', eaolsier mid shell, causing some en-tuli-lie. Coloutl l.yllle leil MV.-ral eomialil(-S f tils Iil-li in ctmrgis tl,,. )ilf,ry, wh tl he wis brought dim n by n shot ill Ihe hg. Colonel Smith ol iho Tlililiinlli Ohln Migngeil thq I nemy on Iho Itfi, mul (.Voie-I Olive's Ttvi-llili Ohio ihri-rlly in front. Cnhmtl L-twu Ml dead nt ll.e head of Ids regiment, inrly In the. holli-st fin1, by a ball In ihe On-lii-nd. Me Miilhu's linwitir bnlltry nml Snider' I wo field p!i it", In the ninintliue. wire k"l into th; bei-t jinsiiion pnuib'e, under Ihu ciicutr.-tunc.ej, uml sunn slli nail Inn of the nbel gipi. The lire s'.icld-neil ul Interval, lull greiy m-m fu- rlou it night iippnueliiil. wlt-n tl.c (lertn.vri Itrigade wit lol gallantry Into action by Cob 01 ll Alet.'iM.i;, ipider the d'ret timi nf Adiitiiut (jiiicral llarlstuti'; nftir n furious light nf lliree hours, night cuuiH.-lleil ihe remit of the troops, nm the iiimi lay- on llelr arms within ushnit disiituceuf the i-tu-iny, t-neli rt-ndy In moinie Ihe cnulml on the nexl'uinmliig. Floyd II d ilurinj- the nteht. mid sunk die b'nit In ihe river uud ili-i-troynl lie temiminry lirhlgo whith he hud miiih-when he firM ociiljilnl Ihu li" t on. Tlio lurb ilcme of the river nnd s-x iiau-tion of Ihe troops made It Impnssib'e In In'.'ow him. He lift hi tvuip npnpagi-. via.' on. Inure', n large ipiantiiy id iimiiiutiilinii, and fitly head ol cattle, liar In i till)-. i 1. libit, uml about sevuity wound -tl, ginernlly lh-.Ii wound. The r Ih I loss is not urcr tatm il. 11 they cirrhd I heir dead nnd wuunded wllh diem, but it was certainly serlnus. Cap tain McUriiily of Cinvllinnli, mid Cnplaiii McMiilhu, ub'ti L'culiiiaut Snyihr or ()hh, nre miiong the wuiimlnl, but iml it.iugcroiily. 'I'tviniy.tlvi men of ('ul. I.yllleV, wlm wcro iiiken by Fh-ydul Cm l.-uics, were icmp liirid. Floyd nrMiml biggnge, with that of !d (illUvr, was inheii. (bu. Hiiihnm'tt In Igude, which suir-riil tho nnVl. was coin, maudeil by Is I lit In 'x-rron, nnd .Me Cook led Id hi Igr.ih. litneral Hoseuormil; nnd "n ham, Colnnvls McCnolf Ivllle nml Iae, Captain llarlsulT. Snyder ,0111 McMutlen, Major Unike of tho '1 1 nth 'Ohio, nml otlur olliccrs, displaycAl e-onsplcuous pergonal pal lanlry. The lronp wcru (xelu-lvcly frvm. UiiiD. mm Showoii great iiravirv. Iil'lvn.i.:, I'lsvn.i.i:, fcepi. 12. A W'lislili'g'nu ills, loflllh, tn the 'Journal, says (Jen Me. patch 1 Clellan has r.irriul Hall' Mil', lox'ng tillivn killetl. Itjuks' tomniiud I clo.e by, und a general fight lr.Hctcil Ininorifiw, Floyd, ut l.iM urenuiit, veil, ubiuit a mlhs and n hair lityiuul the (iuu'ty liver 'I'li-in e-uiy, lu full lar.v, was at liau'ey nr.ii.v, w ini wu strongly posted iu Ihe yiciliilv n( Itiuilev rnud. Tho enemy bad In-fit ou'll.iiiked by Ynrr.ll Chapman, vvhq held h! position wltli '.'(Mill militia. Tin lllcliiiinnl siys .LIT. Divls has so lur n coven d fiom Id recent illni.' as. to till.: nn titling on Salon) ty iu hi einringt-. Wasiiimui. i-Upi. 12. I'l Is tho opiiion lure lliut n gtiierul engagement ranool mueli longer Ih ilcl.iMil. (iiiotl inilitaiy crilie., ho eve,-, ihcl.iro tlicy uKivt'nii'eriuii Ijjhj-" lug fir two or llmv wek. Hept. l.'l 11. P. Catitr, a f',-.ter of Xi-i York, was do. inoinlng (irdtitd lo bo M-nt to Fort Lifjiette, fur printing far the 11 Ix-ls, Wasminoiuv. fieiit. 12. I Correspondence of the New Yi rk YVmrsj Tl.e (iovcrnimnl is iu rcceiptof 'atuabtc information, relating lo Ihe prei-ml st. el; of cotton iu die Hog l-h, wmnliou-es, nnd ttit'proptcl ol 11 riipply lioni oilier llian the nUI slabs. 'I'hu Man. flu Mir mil' will In -ilile to run on lull lium far one entire year, cv'tn willuail louehing 11 pound of die 1 ew crop. Inloiui.illon reiviviil Irtuii die Spuinei'. Ai-oci-iion hi gn-nlly mid iigieiiibly surprU'd ll.. iiuuur.ieiiirir, nnd hit Iheni' tu sofieu down vuy much In llielr tltliiaiid fer a speedy ttriiiiuatuai of thu war. Caico. pi. Ounboats did raore rxrcutlen Tiienliy l.i.'t u; (jiippo-id, Hy 11 rl" p.ipii iiienpil lioiu Ihe-il e-iuiip. tiny siy (lev hud 03 l.illnl mul' 11 lar0-e nuiiiber woiiiiihil, 'e lim two uoniukil. Hvt.riMonK, lltib, Puininnl or.leisiil. ttct lii'lll die Wur De'iaMinm'. the Pinvn-t M11r1.l1.1i, at iliybri-iik, ainMid Major Htiinu, I'l. S. Win ins. Cli.iilos uiijl' I-'ii. Linri'iiee SangMon, T,,Wiliuro uml T. J'. Senll. in in. hers nf llm .Stale L'gl-l.ilnie, und iMueiiil tin in at Fi rt Melliuiy. liipml rays lltmy .Mny, im mini ol ioiign, iiniiy ,v .Morpn linil W. (i tuinilieiH m the -gipl.i Hue I10111 tin illy, nud l. njaiolii (' Hou.inl, ku',-a e-audidat; fur tlpyeriior, iavcuhn Ikmi uriited. K'glil iiildilionnl un'i;s li.ue bein niiide scvin iii'inber of lie tspisatuie utnl, Ihe editor ot the llalllrmiri .S"aii. The ,laiylai)d Is'gW.ilmv w,i tn lirvc met on Tuiiday, when it wus stippos tl luilher Ipgis'alioii booiitc 10 tl.e ( tveriiiiieiil vas in, tciidid, Tlo Picldent lia urcl-rrd den Firmnni (q inodily the cl.iu-e of hi. pioi'iani.ition ittllv;u tn the eiiiiti-calloii of proity nml die libera,. lion nl l.ive, hi I 1 in fiuiioiui with llie Art I 1 M-'t VB I fcrairaisi