Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 28, 1861, Image 4

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, A Catholic Bishop on tho Wnr- j
We comncnd lo our Cittholc filendj (he
olloitlng remarks of the Itlglit Reverend Calli
olio lllshop Tinion, of Now Voile, nt lliu Hag
raising at his resllcncc. It will bo seen (hat
the lllshop urges tlie support of the Govern
ment. The Reverend HMinp says :
Moil Ittyecteit and llchrtil Mtote-Citiitni .
Horn under our country 'a honorid ll.ig, which
you now so kindly raise over my dwelling ;
having, wllli cnthuilanlc lore, looked up to,
that II tg from eurtlctt youth, warmly do 1
thank you for the honor you do me, In placing
It upon my liouo i greatly, too, do I rejoice nt
this patriotic display. Vet the occalon Is one
In which Joy and sorrow strangely mingle. Wo
nil grlerc at the disruption of our glorioui
Union i we mount over the drop of blood al
ready shed, and In fear of tho torrents that yet
may llow during thl unwclcomo struggle. For
you, as for me, all the yean lh.it have rawed
ilncc birth or adoption made America our
country, have been years during which man of
tho South have lcn loved and cherished m
brother. At first, our souls recoiled" from tho
thought of waging war against them. Alml
there seem, lo bo now no alternative. Tho Is
fuo has been forced upon us. Our country
calls . with patrlullc zeal, with devoted hearts,
wo should obey the cull j yet illll It Is sad, for
wo fight ajralnt brothcis, misguided Mothers!
Vet, with tho raducM which inch thoughts
must bring, there Is much to console.
And lint, lion noble Is the outbursts of n nn
(Ion's cnlhuslasllc patriots! As I tool; nruund
I scomy country' ll.ig wave fiom utmost ctcry
house, consecrated by It ns a fortress for ji.it rl
otlsm, honor and duly, llaeh man and woman i
Mcms a tiddler. Sublimely gruud U tho simii-
tftticoiH outburst of patrlullc, generous icull
incnt. It was thought by somo that patriotism
bad long died awry lu tho American heart, sup
planted by tho love of money, and by tho love
or unbridled license. Wo havo had a long
peace; In the Inaction or prosperity and pence,
tho more generous Impulses or our nature
recmed to sleep ; whilst base weeds choking up
tho nobler plants, stilled more and more each
generous, demonstration. Tho ilrlfeor laecs.
tho cumlty ol" creeds, Iwgnn to dishonor our
land. Not long since, n party denounced thtlr
Catholic brethren. not long since a party at
tacked thtlr adopted Mlow clll7.cn; It wni
vlteii raid that tho u;e of utrlotltmhad pawid
away. Hut Ihe storm reached us ; the sicken
Ingulr of Inaction waspurllled ; mid now we see.
on every tide, paliloti, generous palrluts, ui'li-
inr. in t.iir pa rrpn in... 11 rtrriiMnrr. ifir mcir
........ ..,,.,. --
country' sake : we co noWc. generous painois, i
who make the greatest Kicrlllecs In order to I
ho make the greatest Kicrlllecs In order to I
avc, or aid a beloved, Imperllul country.
We alto sec Cathollo and rmtrttauis unltrd
ns brothers, In the mmo military bind, lo battle
together, aud mlnglu their blood In defense of
their country. We rco American, Irish and
Germans, tiling wllh each other for the pnt or
danger lu deftuiee of n common nndjnuch loteil
country. Hence long year of peace had only
lullid to sleep thu dttermlued palrlolUni, Un
generous spirit of our furtrallivrs. The blast
of war has awakened to energy the noble ami
sacriX Impulse of our nature; the t rum pel
wan Ji of n coming storm has made those gen
erous sentiments sink their roots deeper In the
American heart; whilst it also uprooted the
loul wndi of dlsscniton, of party sttlfe, and or
religious Intolerance.
Our country oall, ; It Is our duly, not to
question, but obey. So mueli the mora holy
will be the war, a It I not one or mIoii, but
of duty. Those gallant soldiers do not ruth to
battle through cuniliy, lmlrul or revenge. Ah.
nol they lovolholr brethren or llie Soulh; they
mourn over thu necessity ol nr raying Hum
tclvct lu iirms against their late beloved fellor.-
citizen. A very few, Ihe guilty authors of
disunion, arc blamed ; other are pitied, as de
ceived, are illll loved a brother. "Hut Hie
South began tho war, the North oinnnt back
out without forfeiting Its manhood, It honor
aud Its glorolus future." So wys our lawful
Government ; ro say Iho wim and goad through
the length and breadth of our untainted land
This war, then, ii not a war of hatred or per
sonal enmity, it U n war of duty, of lofty pa
triotism, of obtdtcneo to our country' coll. V
U n war to preserve the high standing of our
Moved country among Iho nations of the earth.
It is a war which, IT successful, (as who can
doubt), will bo one or beiieOlt lo patriotic lit
stein lu tho Soulh nt well as lu the North
Hence, with oursoirnw, there Is ml.xed consoln
lutton, In evidence or w hlch are tho jKitrlollc
virtues or our gallant volunteers, rome of tt hum
grace by their piwuoe the raiting of tho ttarx
mid ttrlpea over thU dwelling.
In earlier t earn, when I loved lo seek wisdom
from the pagi of hlilory, llwrned one thing
which I can never forget. Lately I have Imd
no lime to revise what I (hen lenrnid. lama
soldier, nn oflleer, hating other under my di
rection, I am n c-oimclllor-at-law, often, too,
mi nttorney-at-luw, but lu u law or wonderous
extent, that rnterlnlno ilsvir with Ihu mott
mysterious fibre of Iho human heart. I am a
physician, having under me n largo Kill' or
physicians ull skilled In thu euro or ul
diseased, and also seeking niy directions. Such
duties leave mo no time to read history, or to
follow closely tho politics of tho day. Hut
from tho studies of earlier tlmos, I remember
thxt tho wisdom of past ngcudtclartd tills ns tin
nxlun ; ' If war muetbuwagul,letlt buwagid
with vigor, thus alone, can It bo let bloody;
thus, alono can It cud speedily In peace." May
tho uprising of tho nation ovcrawo nil discoid
nnd mako rash and daring men recoil heforo the
conscrpicnv . May GoJ giro us ptacfl before
war. or maku that wijr short.
fialhi.t soldiers, who go to batllo for your
country, liutt in the mcioy of Hlm who Is not
only Iho " God of Peace," but also " Iho Lord
God of Armlcf." You go lo gratify no nation
al hatred, no private resentment ; you go lo do
your duty to God nnd lo your country, If, ns
I trust, you march ui.d you light as Chrltt'an
soldiers. God' mercy will lie with you. Vvn
erabta doctors, great theologians havo taught
that (ho soldier' death on Iho battle fldd in do
cum ofhlscountiy'a tight, has spcoial rights,
his special privileges of mercy ; prepaudby
the J.ord Gol of Hosl", who U also Ged of
Mercy, la aid, at Ihu moment when mercy is
wott needed, the dying patriot soldier.
Uutmy prayo-a to God will Ik that this up
rising of it great nation may Induce misguided
men t& pauko and retrace their step. Or, If
war must tome, that It, evil time may bo short,
andbesoiFit foHoitidbya peace that will bo
Thk GnBATKST Iluuura op tiik Dav.--That
trt08')ii In petticoats U cnlilliil to any
moro consideration than Ircaoon In brecthte.
It is IiojhiI the Administration will coon get
over its extreme delicacy on IliU nolnt. niul
insist on a Right of Hearch in every case, with
II legal results uud ri'PonimlllKft x ai)Hy I '" uu" rcuucuig me eoinpensauou or mu va
t'atr ' , rlou ofllevn or the Guteiiuueut, a Hoard of
TAiua nt. fimt? TtMrnrTt crnAiTtj I
i. f i . e r m . .1 i ..,...'
Va,ted atjiret Session gf Ttirtritmlk (,Uijre. ,
nv .trriioiitTV.
No. 22 An Act lo piovldo for the suppres
sion of tebelllou against and resistance to tho
laws of the United .States, and to amend the
act entitled " An net to provide for calling
fnrlh lliu mllllla to execute tho taws of Ihu
Union, Ac., p.isd February twenty-eight,
seventeen hundred and ninety lire,
lit it tnactfllh the Senate and Jfouie cf lltprfen
tatiittqf the Umhl State) of Ainirmt in (Jiiijrett
nJvwitW, That whenever by reason of unlaw
lul obstructions, combinations, or assemblages
of person, or rcliclliou against tho authority
or tho Government of thu Unltrd Slates, It
shall become Impracticable, In tho Judgment
of the l'resldcnt of tho Unllid Slates, to cu-
n rco, uy t o ordinary couro ni iiiiucini nro-
ceullng ll,o law, lu the Unl'o 1 S.ntes wlihln
any Slate or Territory
oryor tlie Ulllltd States.lt
bIhiII bo lawful for tho l'resldcnt or tho Uultid
Slates to call forth the mllllla or any or nil tho
States of tho Union, and to employ Mich pills
of I ho land and naval forces ol tho Until
Slates as ho may deem necessary lo enforce the
(Willful execution ol' tho laws nr Ihu Unitid
Shite, or to suppress puii rebellion In whatever
Statu or Trnltory thereof tho laws or tho
Untied Stales may bo forcibly opposed, or tho
execution lliercol forcibly obstructed.
Sec. 2. Amllert fuithtr enactnl, That when
ever, III the Judgment of tho 1'iesldcnl, It may
bo i eccM.iry to uo the military Toico heieby
direclid to I o employid and cnllid forth by
hlm, the l'lcsldeut Miall furllntlth, by nrocln
uialion. command such Insurgents lo disperse
and re tin; peaceably to their rcpicllvc ubudes,
itlihlu n limited time.
Sec. :i. 1 U it urtltr enactol. That the
mllllla mj culled into thu service of tho Unllid
State shall bo subject to the samo rules and
articles or war as the hoops of tho Unllid
State, and be continued In the servlco or Ihe
United Slates unlit dltchnrgfil by proclamation
or Ihu l'lesldent : I'mnltJ, That tuch contin
uance In service shall not extend be) ond sixty
lays niter tlie commencement oi mo ne.xi regit
' tvtlon ol- Congress. unl.nw CougreM shall
expressly provide liy law therefor : Ami 'ro
ntlcl fuithrr. That the mllllla roralltd Into the
service of the L'nltid Slates shall, dining their
tinu' or service, lie o-itltltd to the litnu pay,
rations, mid allowances lor clothing asaiour
may be rstabllshid by law for the army of the
Unit d Stale-.
Sec. -I. Ihi U it further ennct! That every
ndlcer. lion cnmml,Moned oRlctr, or private of
the mllllla, wlio sliall Tall In ottey lliu tinier ol
the President of thu Uiiltt.it Stnteo lu any or the
rase in lore recltul, Miall loriett a sum uoi ex
centime one vtitr' nav. nnd not less than urn
hiioi.th's jmy, to Ik- iMirminid nndiidiiulgid by
a court martini : and such oitievr shall lie liabl
In Ije c.i'liUud 'y a svuleiice of com t marlial,
and bo liicapntllated from holding it commli
shin In Ihu lullitln for a term not executing
twelve mouths, nt the disci utioii of llm court ;
and such non-cninmtS'loiHil ofllcernml prltnte
hall In' liable to Imprisonment, by n liko sen-
I luuec, mi lallure nf p.iyini'iit of lliu Hues ali
Judgul ngaiutl them
tor one cuicimar muiiiii
lor every tuenty-lltn dollars ol such line.
Src. (i. Ami U t faithtr tt.aUl, That II. u
icotiris - iii.irimi inr Hie iriai oi miiiiia tnsii nv
conipond of mlltin odleers only.
sec. (j. Am Uxl further twxM. Tliat all lines
'" '
i n'resH'd as alorwuld sliall Ik ocrlllied liy
ihe prvtldliiK ofllctrof the cutirl-mirllul, nud
shall lie colltcted and iKihl over ac-Mrdlug to
the pint binii nud In the manner prescribed by
Ihe feveiilh and eighth K-ctloiis of the net ol
l-'ibruary tenly-elnlit, sevtiileen hundrifl and
uliiety-ltve, to which Ihislsanainvndmenl.
Sec. 7. Aitd U l fuithrr enitel, That the mar
shal or tho setvnil dUtilct or ihu Unllid
Slates, nnd llielr deputies, shall have the Mine
pmiers lu executing the hits or Iho Uultid
State as thcrlll uud llielr deputie III the rev
euil State have, by law, In e.ucutlug Ihe l.uis
oi lueir res)eciit siuic.
Sec. 8. Ami It it further enactol, That section
two, Ihree, uud lour or thu net enlillul An
act lo provide Tor culling foilh thu mllllla In
execute the lawj of Iho Union, suppre Insur
rccllonsnnd tepel lntnloii, nnd lu repeal the
act univ In foroe for those purposes, opprovul
IVbruaiy twenty-eight, suvmitevu huuilrtd and
nluely-llve, and hi iiiiicIi or Ihu it-liliu or mid
et nnd or all oilier net us conflict with this
act are hereby niMHibd.
No. 2 A 1Ii:oiuiio.n lulatlve In the r.xhl
bill ni or Ihu ludus'.iy of ull nations to lie hold
eu In Louden In Ihe year elghWcu hundred and
AWmlf lU i-'emtt ami llwte nf Hti(nnUi
lim the lnttel Stole of Amencit m 6Uitr
iintmlM, That the PrWd"ut be uud he hirebt
I it therized to lako tiichmuiMiritm th II to
huu ssi-iii lie-t In faellllule it proper repieMtulii
lieu of Iho luilutlrlat Inter.: or the Untied
Slates at ihu exhii lllou or the ludutlry or all
nation to lie hidden at London In Iho vein
tUhtfeu hundresl nnd slxlytun ; and the sum
or lo thousand dulhiht 1 hcu liy appropri
ate for the Incidental expense thvleof.
Approved, July 27. IM1.
No- 23-Au Act nulhorly.Ing Hie npnolnt
ineiit ol an Assistant Secretary of Ihu Navy,
and thing the salary of the tame, uud for other
l!t tt tuaeJfil l-v th' Setmle ami Ai llepre
Hkilmtt e the l'nll IMetrf AmirHtt in ttxi
yr avmUetl, That Ihe I'rwldeuttliull npnolnt
h IheDeiurlmenlof llieStcrtlitrynf HiuNnvy
by ai d with Ihe ndilc and coniit of the Sen
ate, a coiiipeleut person, whnthall lie called Ihe
Assistant .tcrrtary or the Navy, whose salary
stiull be Tour thousand dollar, paynhlo In tin
same manner ns Ihe wlary or iho Seertlury ol
llm Navy, who shall perform all such duties lu
the oflleo of the Secretary ol the Navy, belong
ing to that Drpxrlment, ns shall be prercrlUd
by tho Secretary or tho Nitvv. or as may be re
quired by law, and who shall act as Sicretary
of Ihe Navy In l!u ntHK-nw ol" that onleer,
S.C '.'. AmtU it fnf.her ttvHJtl, That there Ik
iddiil to the cltriral force of the Navy Depart
ment eight additional clerks, with n salary of
twilve huiidred dollars i noli per annum.
Approvid, July 31, 1FGI.
No. 24 An Act making an appropriation
lopiy the expense of transporting and du
llterlug arms and munlllousol war to Ihu loyal
citizens of Iho Slate or which the Inhabitants
now are or hen-alter may lo in rebellion
against the Government or Iho Uultid Slates,
and lo provide for Iho expense or organising
them Into companies, battalions, regiments, or
otherwise, for their own protection nguliiildo
moMic violence, jnturriciion, invasion, or re
bellion. fle it eihielul lu the Senate ami llvute of Urnrt'tn
Mimcf Vie tW.W Suites of Amerie-i in iinyitsi
uttMlJtJ, Thai tho turn or tuo iiiIIIIdih of dol
lar be nnd Iho same Is hereby nppropilaled, out
of any money In tho Treasury not otherwise
appiopiiuted. to bo expended, under Ihe direc
tion of Ihu 1'rcUdent or the Unllid Stale, in
supplying nnd defraying tho expense or Irans
poillig and dulitciliig such niiiH. and muni
tions or wur as In bin Judgmunt may be expe
dient and proper lo placu lu thu baud or any
of the loyal citizens rei-ldiiig In any or Ihe
Slate or which Iho Inhabitant,1) mo In niielllon
against Ihu Government or Iho United State,
or in which rebellion Is or may lie threatened,
and IIUcwio for defraying such eviiensm it
may bo properly Incurn.d In organising nnd
tuit.ViiIng, wiillu so orgunlzd. any of eafd citi
zen into compinlu., battalions, regiments, or
otherwise, for their own protection agalmit do
mustlo violence, Insuncctiou, luvaslun, or re
billion. Approved, July 31. 1801.
No 20 An Act miking appropriation for
thu puichato ot aims lor thu volunteer uud
tegular Iroojn of Iho United Slates.
lie it enuclal l the Semle uud llviist of Renreien
tjtuet of the Unileil Statu of Amerie't in (.vnjreu
miHwUed, That thu cum of (en million of dol
lar be uud Iho same U hereby uppiopdatcd, out
of any luunoy lu Ihu Treasury not otherwise
appioprlated, to bo expended under the d'reo
lion of thu President of thu United Suites, for
the puichnio of aunt for thu use of tho volun
teer, and regular troop, of tho Unllid Statca.
Al'pluved.July 31. 1801.
No, 20 An Ad providing a commlllco to
examine nud report a to tho compensation of
all otlleeuof thu Government, aud for other
lie U tnactal hi) the Senate ami IImu of Jtepre
unlatun of the United Statet tif Auieri&i in Clnjiett
autinttal, Tliat for the purpose or sealing, cijual-
f,imt..tmiri - U hereby iirmtnl.cd. to bo com-
nosed as follows s Or two uii-nibers of tho Sen-
Pw ' fS,ca , Uio rtrcrtillng officer of
M.V d...i. .il,. ........ I,., r. nr llm Ilnii.n nr,
Iteprcfcutatlves, to bo appoints! by tho Speaker naval officers to lnvctlgnlc the plain and spect
or tholIoucj onooniceror thu navy and one 1 llcntlous that may bo submitted for the con
ofllccr or the nrmv, lo be appointed by tho 1'rci- struollon or completing of Iron or stecl-ciau
Idcnt. That said' board 'hall examine and re-' steiiinthlps or sleam lmltcrles, nnd on i.:tr re
port, as soon ns practicable ! First, it Talr and . port, should It bo favorable, tho Secretary or
Just compensation for each olllccr of tho Gov- tho Navy will cause onu or more armored or
eminent! second, such provisions of law ns Iron or slccl-clnd steamships or llontlng steam
..-in ...,,, ui,. it,,. i.vi,nn,lliiirn nf nil Indcnnlte ! batteries to 1m lmllt mid there H hereby np-
and contingent appropriations. Including those '
ror the courts or tho United Stales ) third, rcg-1
illation for the mora rconomlcnl collection of l
tte rovenuo , fourth, what olllccrsor employ!
moots. II" nnv. mav lie dl'ncnscd with without
detriment lo the public wrvlce.
Sic 2. Anille it further tnacai, I nai wuh cum
mission hat a leave to report by
bill or bills, or
otherwise, lo each House nt the next session of
7. '...::..:.. i . i...i. .i
";' V , ' l " ,V ' , u Z
day Tor Ihe time actually necdid.
""i"-; "-" """- ":.:..
Approved, Jiny ai, ihui.
No, 27 An Act to Incrcaso the Medical
Corps or tho Navy.
Lo It enacted by the Senate nna House or
Representative or the Uultid States or America
In Congrcs nscmblul, That tho Medical Corps
or tho Navy shall consist or eighty surgeons,
and one huiidrid uud twenty passu! and oilier
assistant surgeon,
Approvid, July III, 1801.
No. 20 An Act In addition loan net cnltllcd
"An act ruilhcr lo protldo for Ihu collection of
duties on Import, and for other purposes,"
approved July thirteenth, A. I), eighteen huu
drfd and si.xty-ni:c.
Ho It cnacfid by the Senate and Uniio or
Kcpresenlntltcsor (ho United Statesor America
in Congress nmblid, That thu power or tho
rrcsliluill lo dcciaro ino iiiiinimuinn ui wiy
Slate, or any put thereof, In n state or lnur-,
rccllim, mpiutidcd In the tilth section of thn
act lu which this Is nn addition, shall extend to
nnd Include the inhabitants nr any State, or
pari thereof, where such Insurrection ngalinl
..... tr. .!....! Ullk. .I...II I... l'.... .. I I... II. M lt...t.
dent at nut lime to exist.
lliu Ulllliu ouiiun rii.ui uv ivuhu v ...w . ..-
Approtul, July 31, 1801.
No. 20 -An Act to dcllno certain conspi
racies. " ..
He It enacted by the Si'nate nnd House or
ttenrespiitailviM of the Uultid Slates or America
in Congrtiw assembled. That ir two or mm e j
persons wlihln ntiy Stale or Territory or the i
United 'tlales shall conspire logclhrr lo orer-
!hi.iiv.irlnniililmvii. or lo destroy by force,
thu Government of the Undid Stale, or to levy r.ir the revenu - service : w; mi no a
war ugnlns. tlie Unit. d.S.a.es. or ... oppose by - Mj I. e urml tot H n irr here
fiin'e tint nulhorllt- ol Iho Gut
lurnmcnioi mo
Unllid Slates); or by roice lo prcvrni, iiimtir.
or delay the execution o( imy law of tho Uultid
Stale ; or by force In seize, lake, or possess
nnv property or Iho Unllid Slates) against the
will or contrary to tho uulhurltv or the Uultid
Slates ; or by lurcc, or Intimidation, or threat
to preienluiiy person fiom accepting or hold
ing ntiy olllco. or trust, or place of coiilldeuce,
under the United Slates, each aud every person
so unending shall be guilty or u hluh crime, mid
upon conviction thereof In any district nr cir
cuit court of thu Untied Slated hatinir Jurls
diction thereof, urdlslilct or supreme court nf j
any Territory or ino uuiicilMuie having ju
risdiction lienor, shall bo iinithul by n line
not lo I1i3ii live buiulri d dollar and not more
Ihaii live thousand dolhus; or by Impr mo
ment, with or without haul labor, nslhucotltt
sliall determine, for n period not less limn six
months nor greater than six yiars, or by both
such llm. and Imprisonment.
Approvid, July 31, 1801.
No. 30 -An Act authorizing the Secretary
or War tu iiimbnrsu volunteer lor expanses in
aurrul lu employing regimental uud other
bands, mid Tor other puriiose.
He Itrnactiil iy lliu Keimlo ami l louse ol
Itiprcsenlallio, of the Unlttd Slates or America
In emigres asscmblul, That tho Secretary ol
War be nud hols hereby niillimizvd nnd dliected
to refund, out of uny money lu Iho Trcasutt
not olherttlse iiiuironrinlul. lu thu volunteer-
oallid out by thu President's proclamatlaii ol
ino iiiiiTUin .piii. ouit immsnnii eigni minureii
iitid lty one, such turns of money as mat hvi
been exp iideil by the mid volunlutr In llu
'Uiployment or r.'gimcntal or company baud
during I lie p. rlod or llielr service under Mild
proclamation : I'nuJid, The amount In b at
ioiti d shall not exceul that lo be t kx I I to volun
teer baud rcgulatly mustm-d lulu Iho sertic
under the Prisident's proclamalioii of May Ihlid
one Ihoiiftiid eight huu Irul and sixty-one.
Hie. :'. Ami Ix it further emtHid. That llu
President. In iiccepllug nud organizing volun
teer under Ihe act entitled ' An act luautliur
ize Iho eiiiploymeiil of tolunteer to uid In en
furoelng Ihu law and protecting publlo prop
trty." uipriivul July twvnty-tito. olglilvu'ii
Ii indrrd and lxiy-om-, may eeept Ihe Mrvloe
or hiieh toluuleer without pretivu proehimn
lion, and lu such iitimljvrH iroui uny Slate or
State ii, In hi dlKretion, thu public vrvloi
may ixipilp'.
Approvid July 31, 18GI.
No, 31 An Act to Inersiit tho consular
n presentation or the Uultid Stale during the
picitent Insurrection.
He lleiiuclcd by Ihe Senato nud IIouso ol
Hi presvnl'utivea ol the Uultid Statesor America
in Congres assembled, That the Prurldeut ol
the Unitid State may, by and with thu advice
and coiiKiit, or the Senate, appoint consuls nl
any foreign port where ho shall deem It ndt'U
able ror Ihe purpose of preventing piracy, with
such cotuiH'iisutinn, not exceeding llltecn hun
drtd dollani per annum, us he sliall Ihiuk proper,
to hold llielr olllco respectively dur.ug the
pleasure or Ihu Piortdcut, uud In every case
such compensation lu coatc with the restoration
r Inteiiial peace within Iho Unllid Slates.
And Iho President iiuy.flurlng the present In
wirreollon, increase, Iho compnuMtlon or nut
ooiisuU in foreign port, If he shall deem ft
uecesnry, ro its not however, tu exceed thu sum
of flfltHii hundred dollar In nuy case. Hut
lid power shall ccaco with Iho ro-otublUhmcut
of Internal pence a aforesaid.
Apptovid, Auguit '.', 1801.
No, 32 -An Act to amend an act entitled
" An act tuppli-muntiiry to Ihe net entitled " An
act providing for ft naval peace etabllshineut
ami lor timer purpose,-' na-nu .Milieu uteuiy
ecvenlli, clvideen hiiiidrrd uud four.
Ho it cuueted by the Senato nud House or
U piesenlallvvsol the United State of America
In Uongiess assemiileii, 'I mil tlie niiavo cntitlul
act bu and tlie same 1 liercliy nuiended liy In
erling nflcr tho tvcrJ "captain." wliere the
same lirst occur In said act, tho woids, "or
commander, so that tho President shall v
nulhorizul to select tho kiincrlutcndcnt or the
several navy yard nud head or bureaus from
Ihe captains or vommanderii of tho naty of tho
Uiiited states. (.Appruviu, Aiiguii z, laui
. i
No. 33 An Act concerning tho Attorney
General and thu attorney, aud marshals of the
Mjveinl districts.
Ho It enacted liy the Seuato and IIouso of
Kcprcscniuiivcti ol iiiuiiuiiui state or America
In Congret assembled, That tho Attorney Gen
eral ol the Unllid State be and ho I lierchv
charged with tho general superintendence aud
dliectlon or Ihu attorney nnd marshals of nil
liio tiuirict lu mu uniiui btaica ami tuo Teiri
lories ii9 to tho manner of discharging their ro-
tpecllve duties ; and tho said district attorney
aud marshal nro hereby rt quired to report to
mo Attorney uencrai an account or tneir oin
clul proceeding, aud tho etutc and condition of
invir re, pec uvo onices. iu men nine aim man.
inr as tho Attorney General ni ly direct.
Sec. '.'. AnJ It it further enacted. That tho At
torncy General bo und ho I heieby empowered
whenever in hi opinion the public interest may
rtHjiiiro 1, to employ and lo re'aln (In Iho name
or ino uniiui riiuius) men attorneys iiuit conn-Kcllom-at-Iaw
as ho may think monetary to as
sist tho dUtilct attorneys iu tho diKliargo or
llielr Uullv, nnd tliall stipulate wllli tuoli abslit
ant counsel the amount or compensation.
Sco 3. And Uit furtlter enaetetl. That the At
(oruey General shall have power to Increase the
clerical force of hi oflleo lo dltcharito tho In-
mated duties of tho same, occasioned by thl
aot, by nppoiting auiittionai cierK. not u-oceu-lug
tuo. nud may llx their compensation nt an
annual wlary not exceeding fourteen hundred
uoiiancacu per annum.
Approved) August 'i, 1801.
No. 34 An Aot (o provide for the conslrno
ttnu ttt fimi nr mnrA nrninroit .hitii, niul lln.iliiifr i
batteries, nud for other (impose.
He l euacted by the Senate and Houte of
neiirescnlnllvciof the PnllcdSlnlciiof America
In t'uiigrc. neinblcd, Thnl the Sccrelniy on
(he Mvy bo and he thereby authored and
il.riPtfil til nlitwilnt n linulil 01 1 rco uiiim
proprhilcd, out of niy money In the Treasury .
not othcrwlso appropriated, tho mm or one
million five hundred thousand dollar,
Sec. a. And be It furllur enacted. That lu
cno of n vacancy In tho olllco or englucer-ln-
elder or tho navy, the appointment thereto sliall
uc uiauo ironi ine ni oi eiuei iinjiuvim.
Approvcil, Angut 3, 1801.
No. fj5 An Act lo amend nn act to prohibit
tho salu or spirituous liquors and Intoxicating
drinks In tho District or Columbia, In certain
Ho 11 enacted by the Sennto nnd House or
ItenrcsentntlTcsur the Unit d St ttcs or America
In Congrew a'semhled, That whenever any pr
sou shall be eonvlotcd or Hit olftuee descrils-d
la (ho act entitled " An net to prohibit the sale
or spirituous Honors and Intoxicating drlnVs In
the District of Columbia, In certain envs." he
sliall lie punl'ked by a lino of twenty dollars or
Imprisonment lu tho Jail or Washington enmity.
In tho District or Columbia, ror Ihu period or
thirty days. Approved, August 3, loCl.
No. 36 An Act to provide fir Ihe purchase
or arms, ordnnnce, nnd ordnance stores.
Ho It enacted by tho Senate nud IInuc or
IteprcenlallTn or the Unltrd Stales or America
In Congress nvrinhled. That the sum or ten
millions or dollars be nnd thu samo Is hereby
appropriated, out of any money In tho Treasury
not otherwise appropriated, ror tho purchase
nnd manufacture or arm, ordnance, and ord
nanco stores.
Approvid, August 3. 1801.
No. 37 An Act lo suspend lu part Iho ope
ration or nn net entitled " An act relating to
revenue cutlers nnd steamers."
He It enacted by Hie Scnntn and Hnne or
Itepreseiilnllves oflho United Slates or America
In Congress) nsemblrd, That the act of third
March, eighteen hundred and rorty-llve, entitled
" An act relating to revenue riillcrs utul steam
ers," Ih- and thu same Is hereby so fiir suspended
as lo allow tho Secretary or Iho Trcaniry to
as to allow tin
appb muc
ooiUclon or t
cli or the appropriation ror tlie
tho revenue as lie may deem ex-
pcilUMH to mo courier r iniie.m-. ,. ." .
l,:"; ..i..", w...-. ;--,;-.
collecting the revenue, shall cxceid Iho appro
priation uircauy mnui' lor inc laiicr onjeci.
Approvid. August 3, 1 10 1 .
iwiiwm nil III ii in t
Tut: I'atr or tiik Avtiior ok " God Havk
tiii: Kikii "The following Is nn extract frnm
n work by Mr. ClmrN Rcmle. cntltlcil "The
Klghtli Uomniaiiilnicnt :" " Henry Clmrey
wan ii man of (renins, lie wrolo for tho thea
tre wllli immediate nr.d lintlng iiccr.u. Next
he bundled ftitiro inn Pope look Id verse
lor Swim nml Hnift ror I'upe. lastly, tie
setllcil down to lyrical nrt ; wllli rare combi
nation or two rare Inlenl, no invcnicii iininor
lul melodic, nml the Immurlul word to tbfin.
lie wrote Iho words nml the melody of the
natimml nnlliem. For thl Ut lm ili-rvnl
ii peti'iuti niul n nlihc In Westminster Abbey.
Ill it iniis-? itgo lie wrniu ruusiiy. jiu never
tiiileil lo lilt the nubile. He was of his use
yillmmnrtni. jso nrtitt can tin more. iui
there was no rnppyrlglil in siiiign. .Marn uu
cnnseipienec of lluit gai iu the law. While
the theatre uud the unit rang with hi linw
and his. tuiira while ll.ldlers IMdled him mid were
paid, llie genius that tot ull I hew empty music
pine u Mowing, nun n minion runt listening
wllli rupture, wan fleeced lo lliu bone. All
reaped the corn except thu rower, l'ur why 7
Tlii sower ivuitiiii author nn inventor. Ami
n In the mliUt ol succe'S that encircled others
and loll hlm bare in Ihu midU of thu poor tin.
elflli soul'- to found u charily f ilwliw.fil
per orm t, i n ure sud leiiiy iirou no -n nmur
the iloublo njrency ol' n lienrt full or wrung
mil an emty belly, nml the man luingul him
elf J They funiiil Idm cold, with skm on his
bomii, nnd n luilI'Denuy In hi pocket. Think
of thl, when yon next hour 'Goil iuxo tin
Hdswt Ltiiou Uilmr, lumetil luliar. Is
right niul beautiful. Activity is tLu ruling
element nf life, uud lis highest relish. Luxti
rim mid cnnuet nro the result nf lubor we
iiin imagine nnlhing tviiliout It. The uoblent
man of tttrtli I he who puis Id hand cheer
'ully nud irniiiul'y to luuu-st labor. Ijibir is
Ii isineM nnd ordinance nf (tod. Muskiii labor.
tin) wheie i the glory nnd pomp nf earth
the fruits ol the field, nml palace mid Ciilon
lugs of matter for which men strive uud why 7
lt the labor-scoffer look mound hlm, look ul
himiclf. ami learn what nru tho trophies or
lull. Fiom (he crnwu of tho head to the soli
of (lie foot, miles he i n carip, made ns the
tH'ust, lie Is the debtor nml slave of toll. Tlie
'ubur which he (corns has tricked lilm Into
the mature und nppearuncc of man. When
,'its lie bin gurmeiils nml njulpngc ? Ia1 the
labnr arsivcr. Iibor makes niii'lo In (he
mine, in (ho furrow, nnd ut the forge.
" AtiRyou lliejidgoo' Riprcbnlrs?" a.ked
Mr. Purlliiglon, nsshc walked into llic ofiiei
of a fudge ol Probate.
' I nni n Judge of Probate," wax the reply
" AVell Hint's it, I expeel," (U- tied the ol 1
lady. " Von see my fulhcr il.td ilclwlcil.inml
left s vernl little inl.ntw.and I wait 'to bv
tlieir executioner."
Pin. your account lias stood for tn'o years,
mid I must luive it settled immediately."
To which tlie customer replied : Sir, tilings
usually do settle by standing ; 1 regret that
my account is no exception. It has been per
il ip?, stunding too lung. Suppose you let It
run utvlilie."
Ax old DooTon fnld Hint people who were
prompt in their payments ulwuys recovered
fiom llielr sickness, ns thev were good ens
(outers, und physicians cuuld nut uffiiid to lose
them. A good hint aud a sensible doctor.
A Polite young lady, a lineal deccndjiit of
llic .ticnycopiianl lainliy. recently asserted that
'shu lived neiir a barnyard, nnd that it was
iuiOKil)!o for her to sleep in tho morning, on
account oi tnu craning ot a gentleman lien."
-' " ,. .
A Shout man became attached to a Inll
woman, nnd somebody said that ho had fallen
in love with her. " Do you call it lulling in
iuiv i va ii mi; Diinui , ii a iiiuiu imu wiiijiu'
ing up to ll !"
Dionv eat n, long time, very attentively
considering n cano botlumed chair. At
length he said : "J wonder what fvlldiv look
Iho troublu to find them lioks, aud put straw
arouad them."
IIbspotism or SUjoiiiTtBa. An inmate of
it mad-houto being usked what brought hlm
there, replied : ' A mero quibble of words,
sir. I said everybody was mad, and every
body said I was, nnd the majority carried ll."
piii.h mum .i iipwwmn im
AHuLi.RdfHsp't difiVrso very much from
a bell ; both having their clappers in their
This bight of politeness is, passing around
on the opposite side of u lady to avoid step
ping on her shadow.
B in ii i KPtwtj'r - ' m M
Tub invention of billiards Is ascribed to a
Frenchman, named Henrique Devigue, in (lie
ycur ;57l, during (ho tolgn of Charles IX.
'''up '- ' " - '
Tiik misforlitnca we bear with (ho greatest
Christaiu resignation, arc thoso of other people.
IjcTKonuv. however rougli, I far Iwtwr (Inn
smooth iiMmulation.
a ,.,- ,.r t'T sO.Y titvat
W,IO,i!iliU'.,ia..F.,.s ,N.
nnnnrntPP nnniIOIfiMO
unubcnicoj rnuvioiunoj
Clothing, Boots, Shoos,
Hats and Caps,
yroservod Fruits, Tio Fruit,
Prasorvtsd Moats, Oystors,
yrosh flpicos, Sauces,
Tollies and Pickles,
McclmiiicH' ImplciiioiitR, For
ming Implement); I'alnts,
OHa, Iron nml Steel,
(of nil kind) FLOUR, GRAIN, SACKS,
'O''JA'Si? AMID ilARSp
to which we rc'nectfnlly Invito peronn w-Wilng
i)iirchno uu wo ore determined to S13LL
Jiicli'ouvlllp. Mayl 8. I6lf
Kudorscd by the Midlcal Faculty as bdnp
The Hot and Purwt
Hxtrnct of .SitiHiipuiillit IMnilc.
Puriliis the lllond.
Cures Scrofula.
Cure. Stubborn Ulcer.
Cures Cutaneous Hi options.
Mny bo wifely Ulan ut nil llnu.it. It will se
cure to Indie u rrgulnr ierlndiu luiblt, und in
the viry bi-Mt medicine they can tuke when ar
rived at the K.riod citlltil turn of life."
Ask For
Ami tuko uo other.
Prepared by A. II. & D. Sandk' Druggists.
Il)0 Fulton street, comer nl William. Y.
For halo by RKDING TON .t CO.,
-Kun Fruncisco.
It. IL Mi-DON.D k CO.,
.1" I III lllCliMIIIVillc.
Pliwnix Works !
Jonathan Kittrodgo, Prop'r.
TUN Ilnllrrj- nt., Iifiir 1'iictlle, holt l'miiclico.
MANUFACTPUKU nf I'lre-proor Doors.
Slmllei, lhmk Vuults. PiImiii cell, ltatl
lux, fimtlnj;, llatconlc. Holt", llridge Uork.
A large aortmintuf teeoud-hiiiid iiomui ami
-iiiirrM)iK coiiktautly on hand and fur sale at
low rates.
All onlcr promptly ntteudvd to. ll:Cmj
tetietil I'nntert and Dcalira In
Type, PrctiK, Printing Mnlcrials.
i. II. 1'AI.STKII j " ''"IH"-! -!, -.;.
r. n. r.ttXTEu J SIO Clay St.. above faui)3onie,
jjr-vr OniceR tilled out with illspatcli. m9;8
To the Shippers ul' Southern
J. 11. LKKDS. Mastkb.
Is now permanently on the routo to nnd from
Sun Francisco ami Scottalmrc;
Ttrmtof FitltflU (warclioimo dues and all other
charges Inoluded) Prom San l'rauoltco. dellv.
ircil lo thu wagons, Ijil2 OO, Down freight,
from Umpmia to Sail Kiuucbco, 7 CO.
Stewart ft. Wharf, Son Francisco.
AgeutH-, Cnnvonvllle, Oregon.
August IT, 1801. Slilf
$1500 REWAED!
THE nbovo reward will bo given to any per
ton or persons it ho will discover the money
or niiprehcnd the thief thnt robbed the cabin of
Mnthew Graham & Co. of tho amount of night
Thoutnnd Dollars, on tho evening of thu 23th
.May, 1801.
) Ills
) Mark.
Aug. 20, 1SCI. 32U
Cou.ntv of Jacksox,
hi the matter of the httate of
Jacob Ifina Dee'd.
ALL persons interesteil in the final settle
ment of tho said Kitote. nro notified that
Widnesdny the Cilidny of November ensuing,
has been set apart for said final settlement,
with David Rcdpatb, tho Adniluistrator
Uy order of lloo. J. O. TOLMAN,
County Judgo.
Wm. llorrM.tF, Clerk,
VTOTICK Is hereby given that the Wife of
(lie undersigned mis wiiiiuiiytiecricu uim,
nud all persons ure ootiflcil not lo credit her
on his account. W. H. THORP.
Illinois Valley, Aug. LJ8CI. 31U
JOR J'RINTING of nil descriptions neatly
cxccutcl t the PNTIN W OFI- U K
Rgfi v.
Anion at huo to Rctavtr Monty.
Andrew Davison, John R. Ticc and Jos. A.
Crune, partners, kc, vs. P. II. Howard.
IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court,
by affidavit filed In this cause, that, aHcrj
due diligence, the defendant cannot uc lounu
' t 111. Ul.lx h.1 I.m. .... nf nnlliilt fllTiatl
agnlnst the dcfcmlant ; that the defendant is
not now a resident of this Slate, but bus prop
erly therein, nnd thnt tho action arises on n
contract, nnd that tho Court has jurisdiction
of Ihe subject of tho ncllon :
Therefore, in the name of the People of the
State or Oregon, you, the said P. 11. Howard,
nro required to nppcor In said Court
On the Fmt Monday in October, A. D. 1801,
nnd nnswer the bill of complaint filed against
you by Ihu plaintiffs, or the same will be taken
as confessed.
Witness : the Hon. V, V. PRIM,
Judgo of said Court.
Attest : AVm. Hoffman, Clerk.
June Smb. 18GI. 2(:.Tm
7n the Circuit Court of tin Slate of Oregon,
for the County of Doughs.
William R. Willis,
RonKm M. McKf.k.
Sir : You nro hereby notified that unless
you appear In the Circuit Court, of the Slate
nf Oregon, for the County of Dimulaston the
18th day of November, A. I).. I8CI. the first
day of the next rcpular term of said Court, to
bo holdcn nt Knscbnrg, In said County and
Stale, and nnswer the comphilnt atzntnsl you.
on file in said Court, or the same will be taken
for coiifescd, nnd the prnycr thereof will be
ranted by the Court.
Attorneys for Plalntiir.
Roscliiirp, Dnuchis County, Oregon,
Augnt. Bill 1861. .10:.1m
2raE)'c.ia.cr: aszm
,37X,0't Of Xjt33LC3L
Will bo offered for I'l'IU.lO SALK. nt the
Court Ilnue, Jackson county, Stale nf Oregon
On &ituiday,the28tlidnycf Sty.,! Ml,
To-wlt : ihe cant half of the soulhwent quarter
of fiction llfleen (lf). lu iotvnslilt Ihlrty-elglit
(US), nuiii or range ihree it) cam.
Terms of Sale- One-funrlh or Iho purchase
mnnev lo bu nald In Cuih on the day of wile.
and tlie rcmnlnder In three npinl annual pay
ments, wllli liilere! nl ten per cent, per aiiuuiu,
liy notes, wllh npiiroved m-ciirlly.
Superintendent of School.
Jacksonville, Aug. 21. SUf.
ShcriiT'o Salo.
T)Y virtue of nn F.xcctilion duly Issued by
) ihu Clerk of the Cuunlv Court. In und fur
lucksoii county, State of Oregon, ami lo me
directed, lu lavor ul hamuli niniiu, nun
nguliiit Fiott (lull, TIioiiuih Whitwurlh nnd
Roxunna Whilwnrtli, for llic sum of one hun
drill and sixly-slx dollars and sixty-nine cents,
with Interest ut three per cent per iimnlli, to
gether Willi twcnly-lhice dollurs nnd ninety
eents costs ami accruing cons, j mm- icvuti
iiiwii, nnd will offer for sule for cash, to tin
litgliest bidder, on tin: preniNos, on Saturday
the 12lh day of October, IBM. all tlie right,
title mid interest of Ihe suid Scott (lull und
Romiiiiui Whitwortli, in n certain Dnnatlon
l.'lulm. situ Hod bisections 20. !!1, ami 23, iu
Township JO South Range, II West, i n R gm
itvr. nbove tlie R guu river brhl.'C. in Jack
mi Cuui'ty Oregon, und known nt- llu Cull
Hunch. Sale between the hours of ona and
live o'clock i'. ., of suhl day.
W. II. IIVDK, Sherlir.
iliicksonvillee, Sept. 12 1H0I. :in:lt.
Ooustv or Jackmix, f
Coi'stv Couiit. Septriubir Term, 18C1.
lit the matter vf the V.tate of
Maiiv IIinki.k, Dec'd.
T npp firing lo'the Court by the exhibit
.11 led, lluit there Is not sufficient prrsnnal
,prnierly to pay the debts against said Kstnte.
und charges nf udiniulslrallon, and thu Ad
miiiistrutnr having filed his petition fur the
ule of the interest of the dectiiM'd iu u land
elaini and IniprnvemcntR thereon, situated at
Iigtowu, notice is hereby given to ull lu-rwuis
interest! d, to be, and appear liefoiesuld Court
on Widnesd.iy, Ihu Cth day of November 18111 .
ami 6hnw cuiio why nn order shall not be
L'rnnlul In said Administrator, toscllsaid laud
claim and improvements, for the purpose of
payiiur the debts, charges and nilowuiiccs.
Ily order of lion. J. CTOLMAN.
County Judge,
Wm. Hokfman Clerk.
September. 1-ltli 1BC1. 3:tw
David Kvanh, AJm'r of the llnte oj )
Jnu.v K. Jo.tKs and K.kkiki, Jo.nks.
Petition for final settlement und division of
the land.
T I'lipix-nring to (he satisfaction of the Cnuit
Xthat J'.7.eiicl Joni-sis not a resilient or tic
State of Oregon, nnd that he bus an Intern t
in the tract of land belonging to suhl Ktutc,
nollco is hereby given to said Kzckicl Jones,
to be. nnd onnenr beforo tho Connly Court ol
Jackson county, Oregon, on the first Monday,
being Iho second day of December 1801 . nml
answer the petition filed in this cause or the
same will be taken for confessed, and the
prayer thereof granted by tlie Court.
Hy order of Hon. J. C. TOLM AN.
County Judge.
Wm. Hoffman. Clerk.
Cou.ntv of Jackson,
Cou.ntv Couiit. September Term, 18C1.
In the matter of the Lslate of
John IInnr.t., Dec'd.
ALL persons Interested in (he llnalsetllemcnl
of sold Fstate, nre nollGid that Wednes
day tho Clli day of November ensuing, has
been set opart fur said dual settlement, with
Henry lluber, Ihe Administrator thereof
Ry order of Hou. J. O. TOLMAN,
County Judge.
Wm. IIoffjian, Clerk.
Countv Coi'RT, September Tcnu, 18C1.
In the matter of the Etlate of
Thomas K. Joiinbox, Dec'd.
ALL persons Intercoted iu tho final settle
ment of said us i ate, are notiGcd, that
Wednesday tho Gthday of November ensuing,
1ms been tet apart lor said final settlement
with Joined I. Hums, the Administrator
thereof, Hy order of,
Hon. J. O. TOLMAN, Couuty Judge.
Wm. HomuN, Clerk.
Uisselution of Copartnorghip.
IN coriscquoncc of tho departure of A, IlKRaeN
for tho East, the copartnership heretofore
existing between the undersigned is this day
dissolved by iuutu;tl ooasent. J. II. JIkku will
continue to nraatloe as usual. AH tho account
duo snld firm have been uudgncd to him by Mr.
' lluiuo, J. II. HEED.
Jacktonrllle. Aug 22,1, BG 50tf
.j. i.-rmonp i
Treasure, Parcels and Packages forwarded U
charge of Messengers.
Goods Purchased and Commissions fitted i
Notes, Dratts, HUU or Accounts CollttUj,
Well, FnrRO it Co's checks on San Franc!
and their Drafts on London, Paris,
Dublin or Jho principal cities
Can be obtained at any of our Oillcci.
Officos and Agonts.
Portland Well. Tarco .1 ft I
Cascades Ilradfiinl A r.
Dalles Sloekine, AC.
Walla Walla Ilnldwln .1 Wlillaia,
Oregon City N II. Injri,
Champoeg J. D C ran fori
; llnltcvlllc
. . .Williams A Miiprnwn
-Slock .V Ksolmw.
Slu-lliy A IX
Lord. IVlcrs X c.
It. A. Ilirtm.
IVrry, Waileic
Hcckinaii' lhpV
riiifem .
Eugene City
April 2" Cm
(iiiiJVEif & wm '
Sewing Machines,
At ( real !) Ilcdiiccil Prices!
At (reutlf Itctlnccd Prices!
At (! ready Ilctluccil Prices!
So per cent, discount!
ilo per cunt. tliNConnt!
iili per cent, discount!
rpilK grcalnifceM attending the Introduces 1
X of our AW Style l'un.lu S-trign. Vvlna I '
this .Slntr. a In nil other lias pnunotedri nils
unprliiciplid and unrelhiblu pnrtle to vniliiitr J
to inrce upun r-u puiji.e cerium inlirlvr a.o
ho o .u J:n
wlduh. either by legat Injunction or llirtr n
luhereul dTict, have lung tluce dird uul is lit
Eutcru Stale.
to M.m.r a
At n Low I'riff,
that the purclut'cr inaynul.ailu patt Intlinc
uxpirhnce In the piirchaMt of ouo of thrti'i
iiaiaed chenu sewing muchllici',"a ifoir larju
uud a icaite of inouty.
The World-wide Ilrpulnllun
And the fuct that
Our 50,000 liuu bent ulrtaily told,
nd nro tl.tlly nud hourly clicking In etttr
riii.rlur nf III,, ulfilu. tllfM-tntlnlfll. Ill llirlf UVT
rlnc; action, pirfect ojieratlou and woriilrfl
lin llclty,
Their I'lideiiiuble Supcrlorllfi
Is thu bett ct idcucc wo caa adduce of tUir
The lilc'int effort of Inventive gcnlu. ti
mot pcrlt'Cl application or imchaulcul rt
and the beet pmetlcl results of nu iiiuIItIM
aim to Vf;-;;j;AY;.vtv; auo vk au on
EltS we combined In the
That Ibis pre-eminence has been attslard Ii
uncontrlterllbly etldenced lu thtlr uojirtct-
deutcd and lucreaklng sale, and I no
AltendlnR them at
All the Fairs of 180O,
Where, again! the inot powerful and unrm
ttug opoltloii of rival macUiucr, they hart,
every inttance. received tho
First Premium
- OVKIl -
JIOWK'S, nod oil other Shuttle MscblrA
Send for n Circular of our Induced Jrit
Cuts, Samples of Sewing, etc, etc.
U. (J. DROWN, AcenL
320 Montgomery St., San Fruncisco JfWJ
IS 40 per cent, lighter, less than one-hlf
diameter nnd six times as durable a.MM
orHcmpIlopo of equal strength, aud uy' I
It Is more particularly udaptcd for ')e'nl
Guy Itopi', Feiry Hope, and lor bolelloism)!
deep statu ami luciinoi riunci,
Xlliilnir rVmninli.. Ci-rrv rmnpri nnd Clt""'
who use rope for Winding, Jluutinj or "
purpose, will effect au immense saving Jr
tiering Wire Hope tbrcugii our Ageni.
strengths and list of prtecs annexed, will t'
wardid to those Interested, who cau Ibeuw"-
pare tin cut V II ire aud Hemp Hope, aow"-
3P,tox.t XrVijco Bop
Otlipe,4IJClay6t6.F, J)-3
AT M '.s"
A NV person hatinK claim or clalroisl
IX. tue uuuersigneu will present mew
LM .. ' . . ."ii . t in
derbon tx Uleun. una ttiey win im ciMieti
II I 'l.-l ll'IV U I. II A I
JacVwnvIlU August 3, 1SCI i