Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 31, 1861, Image 3

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Tho Emigrations '
.Tacksom Cou.NTr, August 'JOlli, 1801.
jins. Sk.xtixkii t At your rctnat I will
give you n brief narration o( my expedition
nernel the plains the present season. Willi
reference to (lie early part of the expedition, I
will merely state that, In company with Air.
Abram Tiiibrook nnd family, of this county,
nnd some of I1I1 friend', t crowed the Mluourl
river on Ilia lOlli or May, and reached Fort
Jflrnmlcon the ll'.h of June. K.ipcrlcnccd
no difficulty from foes or from want of subsist
eneo for stock not even encountering any
where tho famous (lovcrnmcnt escort that wc
tecrc promised, to protect us from the toma
hawk nnd scnlplng-knlfo of the merciless dcnl
tens of that waste of wilds. We fell In with
Dr. Wells and Commodore Row, of the Ump
pia Valley, nt Klkhorn river, nnd Journeyed
-with them to Chimney Hock, some four luin
idred miles. At to the exlcut or thccmlgin
lion from, our own observation mid from
what we could learn from other, It Is equal
in numbers cattle nlone excepted to the
famous emigration of Vi2. The greater por
1lon went to California, mid had with them n
"copious cfluston " of fine flock (horses) fur
that fast country. For the benefit of future
emigrant', I would say, take the celebrated
Lander's Cul-olf, ns we did, from the last crow
ing of Sweetwater, and find fur yourselves nnd
stock nn nbundanca of the Ih-U water nnd
grass, Inslend of the barren wastes of the old
route t also n raving of sixty miles of travel
Another great advantage of this route Is Ihnt
It lends you through the (Irceii Itlver Moun
tains above the forks of that rapid stream, nl
lowing you to ford It with safety, lixteiid of
having to ferry Ilia dangerous strinm Mow.
This route John the old rnnd nt the City of
J locks, lite junction of the .Salt hike road nnd
HubM'i Uul-nir. Wo hit Mr. Tcnbrnok nnd
friends at this place the City of Jtwks. lie
waited ut this plarc for a computy of Cullfor
tiia emigrants imi ne cnleutatliur logo by
way or Honey hike, ns he pre fared that route
to hc one by way of Unnc Like. At l.iw
son's Meadows, Ihe Junettnu of llu Old Cull
fiirnla, Northern California und Snuihrrii Ore-J
gon rn.ui wo were joined uv it. mciis niu
Ifeaisioduro llosi', who wne designing, ns we
Iso were, to come through on the looc Iniki
route but before gelling lo the Junction ol
I he Honey hike nnd (loose I-0K0 muds, nt the
AntcIoie Springs. tnyscll nnd friends, finding
that otir horses would not be able In mike
the trip over -the t!ioo hike route, ihry be
Wig barclootcd mid the route n very roiky one
concluded lo go by way of Honey hike,
where we could get our nnlnt.i'-c shod. This
Jcft of the company to conw by Ihe Jonc
iko rrwtCiCflivn iwn o;i-J several wi i,rn and
children. They expected to get Into the
valley seven days nhend of us which win how
ever too great 11 dltlVruice hi favor of that
route. We have been In six days and Ihry
Jiave not yet urrlvnl. The Indium on tli.il
route are known nlwnys to linvc bern more or
less hostile. They havo lutily hilled ll.iihy
und one of Ids comr.ulo', nud until further I'
licaul from them you tirnt draw your own
Inferences us to their fate. 1 fiiir the worst,
but sincerely Iioh' they nny haw been do
titlncil by n letter fate than Hint which In fell
hillcy and his parly. Imucl Hiker, of A I
tila, Iowa, whou father lives In Portland, was
in this company when wo hit Ihem. There
cse of our rompmy, nlnit-ly nrrlved, nlioui
jclghlcen men. nine women, ij'jitc u number ol
ihlMreii, nlno wugoiH, twenty how und
iwenly-flvo head of jruUle. Three of llufe
teams wllh their rgne of hunuully wen
lnundfor l.lmi Couijly, Qfn.', twor iLcui
fur J'ltget Sound one was " scattering," that
l, didn't know whore It would filth , und
the others jrould stop In this County,
.1. I-'ihman Amibiuox.
As.w.M M11.M. AugiKt.lOth. isaj.
Kiiitoiis .Skminci. : Mr. Wallace Hald
win, one of Ihe vol Wilms of Capt. A pplcgute-V
A'ompany has Just retu,'n'l und from him J
Jearn tie lollowlng Inforuiailon 5
The eOinpany tui lust h'umhij-. In Ihe vicin
ity of Cle-ur JUtke, nut 11 jwrif of emigrants,
.consisting of nine uujfons otul some forty per
ons. They were entirely destitute of pro.
fjiluns, having Just klllril a poor cow, upon
which they Intcwhil making supper.
'J'he volunteer, heru diviihd Into three com
pavlcs, J going m to Homy lake yalley, 1(1
tfco,rtliijjliiuu)'grunt lthi In, nnd 'J?, with
"Capt. Applegute, started North on an explor
ing lour; intending to coma around Klamath
Juke, and In Imnia through lie id Indian vid
fry. They will bo gone some 10 days, that be
ing as Jung M their provisions will hut. ,Mr.
Ilaldwin left Ilia emigrant Arujn 1.1 miles U;is
kle of Klamath river Ih's morulnj;, There
ie a ibrotkr nf -'r. J,tosa iJ llotbvig.In the
train. , .1. M. MiCau..
Awwiikmiko Imu-in Ii'nai.Tis.--l-,ifiy
prnjore Itoguo Hivcr Indians have relumed
to their old hunting ground! on bams tret If.
about fifteen miles from this place, nnd usscit
jlhat It U their couulry nnd Unit they propo3o
lo occupy it and to make their sock ly still
noro interciUng. they l.cll tho settlers there
fhat three qr (our ,hv,inb;cd iiioro wjl.l JoJ;; them
n a few days. JLt an u'Idcnce of what they
intend' to do, the have turned onjc of their
fiorsct into a pasturo and told the owner, at his
peril, not to take them out. Unless tho nil-
L. ... . . It...... .,.. 1 .1.1 ...
iliorilles give immetuaiv iiueuiiuii iu ioi nun
er, trouble may' bo expected.
PrrARTi'nrs. A. lergen, former law part;
ncr of J. II. Heed, left town Sunday lust for
jiian Franclsc'9. JIu will probable go to the
'Atlantic Stales, but may locate Jfi Culiforula.
Ills lienarlure ib a serious loa to the jcoimnu-
S... ' lV.il ...I. '..... I.I... ...Ill ...., l',. .....rr.1
IIIV, UOU Ull Y" KK I B'l"'V
lis absence. 1'rospcriiy ur.d liujipinos attend
Jiim'. "
Mr. James Turner baije I1I1 friends pooby
on Monday lait, and started for his old Penn
sylvania home and tho jrirl Lc left behiijd him.
le expects to return In about ten months.
A pleasant trip In you, Jim.
I'ARnnxKo. Prancis Vulordo, eenienced to
hc Pcnltentlury for ten years from Wasco
county, has been pardoned by Uov. Wblteakcr,
and Thomas Ilolcrt3, whose thus expires Sep
fcinber Olii, has Ucu ritoud to citl:ibhip.
" Mrntint Wn.l. Oct." Suspicions had
been entertained for some time that the burn
ing of Mrs. Illnckle'shousr, InLogtown (For
cstvllle), on the night of tho lHth of June
Inst, was not purely occidental. Wc have
been shown n Idler from tho parly who had
the fight with the Indians on Pitt river, which
slates that their party had nrrcsled a man
whom they found in possession of n number of
stolen horses, olid that, by Insetting his head
In a stipnooio nnd elevating him to the limb
of n tree, they coerced n confcrslon from him
that he had, In company with I'.r.rn llullock
nnd Springer, stolen two horses from H,
II. (Irllnn, or this county, and some rrom Hill
& lluyley, of Hound Prnlrie and nlso tlint
they had set fire to Mrs. Illtickle's house, In
which herself nnd two daughters perished.
It seems tlint this vllllan was permitted to en
capo, purposely or otherwise, Is not stated.
lie Is described m being a low, licnvy-Ml man,
with large and full while eyes, light brown
hair, and very wide between Ihe cyci. V.r.tn
llullock Is about five feet nnd nlno Inches high,
has broad shoulders, fair skin, gray eyes, light"
brown hair, n scolnpcd nnse Willi tnc cnu
turned up fn benuly I, and known by title of
At., the dancing master." No description
of Springer is glvcut Wc trust wc may soon
have the pleasure of publishing tlic upprclien
slon of Ihe villinii".
Sri'.Knt op Skxator I.uiiam. On our first
page will bo found the speech of Milton S.
Lilliani. l)emo:rnlle representative In Ihe U.
S. Smnle from California. It will be rcmcni
bercil that this gentleman nbty mlvocabd tho
election of llrceklnrhlgo lo the Presidency.
In, (lip Utc rnnvnss. White he d.rUrs from the
Presldnit on minor points ho ditduim raising
Issues on narrow plunks In political plalfornn
while traitors are undermining the main pillar
upon which not only the parllx in platform,
but the whole snjiorstriicluru of the Umern-
nient Itself, rests. On Ike contrary, w
an American rltlxon nnd representative of n
Union loving Stitc, ho unbly lutttcs with his
bright Inte'lect niralixt the enemies of the
llovernmcnl, nnd In defeno of " the 1'nliun,
now and forever, ono nnd Inseparable.''
'I'uxiis. Wc ore igaln imtihlcd to Mr.
Wm. Hurst for "uld mid conifurl ' In Ihe
iduipo of n twenty-pound enbbagc, n Invl 1 S
iuches long nnd 8 Inches around, nnd a lot nl
Ilia very kind of potatoes.
Win. M. Unmlxame to town jesterd.iy with
a lot of mclous, ovd gavo n a Mty choice on-,
While discussing ltd merit, one of the bny 1
ixuhilmcd : "The generosity f jIic.Skmimh.V
friends can't be buit." That's a.
Nmv AjivuiTisKwr.yfs. Herman Illooinl
nnnounces his determination In chxo mil his
sttc'f ol Summer good nt lcc4 tlint wll.
e iiniuand sale, nu purpura to make room foi
nn cxUulvc il(vl of i'all and U'intpr tioods.
Undo Hilly Jluike," of ):i Doradn Saloon
notin.s Ihe public that he U well supplied with
clioleu Ihpiors, ciu-ars, etc. llunnn V. John
ion has filed a bill fur divorce fiuui Joseph I).
Skkii Wiikvt. A sample of While Velvet
Wheal has Iwn soul to IhU (.nice by Mr. S
M. Walt. Tho grain Is large, full nnd very
heavy; was glow 11 on corn ground nud ! cu
llrely free from smut. It suld to make the
Ih-sI quality or Hour.
Dkaii. Wu r.'gret lo loimi that J. W.
A'.Vnd. formerly chtor of the Itoscburg He
inci, nnd nt one lime cmploydl In IhU oflicr
us 11 Journeyman printer, b dead Wo were
well neualnted with Mr. A'. Veil I nnd know
hlm lo have Ltvn n good, honi st fellow.
ArviiiKMT. On last Monday, Mr. Jl. P.
Mjer nnd wife, nud Mr, Nttti. Myer mid
wife, weiu thrown from their carrlugr, und
pretty badly Injured, though none of lliuu
A Pisi: I'iiksknt. We were presenleil by
our fellov towns in ui, Mr. John Anderson,
with hiyd's Aimrleiin Hail Ho.u Map, iliuw
(ng the who'c teat of thu war.
Mi'itiiKUKti. A man by Ihu name of Henry
Whllo wfH ic'irdercil on llio i!.'illi inst., nl
llnoperville, 8W.Iyou county, Cat, by J. P.
Jones, who hus miuhi his (?oaM
Pihk Jisuixi:. Wo would remind the
rlllxi'iis (f our little burg, that n I'iro JJngiue
would be ipiltu nnuu'CMlou to our exmaoin
I'iru Peparlmeiit.
IIrti'rmv. Mr. John Anderson, of Ihe
firm of Anderson k Clemi. with his holy, re
mined to llil plan-, on Wcdncnlay last, from
his trip to Scotland aud the AtbutieSlales.
Tiik j)loimtninter says that settlers In Uma
tilla Valley .try hastily removing their wives
und ehlldien to p'uecs ol safely, appnlicudiug
an Indian outbreuk.
J. M. Mi-Cam., of Athland, wns llirnnn
from his bona on Sunday last und seriously,
but not dangerously Injured.
TnMfn To Mr. Kber Mmery, of Ashland,
for n delicious mess of roasting cars appro
priately called sugar corn.
I)i('ontini'ki I'o.t Ofilco at Williams
burg, Josephine County, has lecndlscoutlnuol.
Wiirr, Stanp t;;k Mas,1)! The follow
ing esU'net from nn address by J, S. Kinney,
tK'foro lluiJrand Ixlge of V. and A. Magnus,
I'latttinulli, Nebraska, on tie fith of June,
pretty conclusively bhnwg how Jlio Masons
stand on thu national crisis :
" Jn IhU liAur ol oyr tvjun;y's jwril, What
Is the duty of Jlio entire Maoulc fuiternily of
Ihu country ? Kvery true Masqu has no ililll
eulty in unswerlug this ciiestion. On entering
Ihe very threshold of Masonry, you promise
to be a quiet, iearclul subject, tnje to your
Coyernmeut nnd Jml tij your country. You
promise not 10 countenance disloyalty nnd re
hellion, but patiently submit' to 'legal author
ity und conform wltli eliecrfulnces lo'lhu tiov
eminent qf Ilia couulry in uhidi you live.
This obligation you cannot throw oil loyally
to your (government is next in importance. 0a
fidelity lo yqnr .Ijot). Doth uru taught and
shoulil be rigidly enforced by our order. No
Musou can conscientiously lake up arms against
his (Jnvcrnment ; if hu dots, he forfeits thu
frlemUlilp and protection nfall good Masons.
I do not heslinlu to hazard llw rciuark the
largo conservative clement of Ihe Southern
Slates Is cnmnofcd chleflv of Masons, anil of
the three hundred und fifty thousand brclbern '
In the northern Slules, far more tliao their pro
portion, according to their papulation, have
rubhed to Ihu defence of our glorious
Itepublle." " I
Hpkri'H nv (IrxftnAt. Pattrrson. (ler,
Pultcrsnn made Iho following speech lo Col.
Halller's Twenty-First Hoglmcnt of Pennsvl
vnnln Volunteers In l'liilndclphla, recently,
speaking In front of his own residence s
CW. Iliillitr, Offtremmtl men of the Tircnty
Pifl 1 You ore welcome home I I think I
can extend to yon, on behalf ol your fellow
citizens of Philadelphia, an honest, heartfelt
welcome. You inve dona your duty nnd
done It nobly. Indeed, ynnr discipline, us di
rected by your excellent Colonel, has exctted
my ndmlrnllon, nud proved beyond doubt
that American troops ore the most efficient in
the world.
Some snrcri Imvo been thrown upon the
nrmy of the Shenandoah, but wcdal our duly
Ihete. Wc wcrescoiillnually threatened with
what (icticrnl Scott dislikes so much n fire
In fie rear Trout the rebels In Mnryliiiid. The
arch-traitor king ntHlehtnondJiierf(inIuvi.
beflited that nil the .Southern army wipitvd
wns nn open Held nnd n htlr light. Well, my
commie. Voti know there were plenty of
open fields 'before us when wo crossed Ihe Po
lomnc, nnd the enemy ran before us then. He
mnden stand nt Hulncsvillc, where he had
pknty nf open Il-ld4, lint ha could not stand
our charge. Wc met hint again n( Fulling
Waters, but he would not show strong bailie.
When we arrived nl Marthisburgh, we found
n strong place, with p'enly of stone wul'j, bill
the enemy hnd deserted It. No itind wni
mni'p cither nt llig Spring and nt Hunker
Hill, where ths enemy was certainly golug In,
ulvc battle, we could not f n I him nt all.
Applaucj People may sneer nl the lrih
und iiirmnii soldiers as much us they choose,
but thev nrc not nlrnld to light Tlirce cheirs
were given for lie Sixty-Ninth. I had nt
Martlnburg!i about 11.000 mm nnd six pint.
Having rccontiollercd tip enemy. I found his
force to be nbout -tO.OnO men nnd 08 jinns.
I telegraphed fur reinforcement", which were
sent me, nnd I moved from Murlnlmburph
with nbout 17,1)01) men nud 'JO gun. At
Winchester, the rebels were strongly Intren
ched, ylth iinicrom earthworks nnd rillu-plts,
anil some C3 pieces of heavy ordlnnneo moun
ted In vurloiH commandite positions, and
Ihey had felled trees over nil the roads. lf
had attacked him there wltli my force I would
probably hnc lieen ninureessful In dislodg
ing him from his clrniisliu'd. ni) many of the
brave men whom I now fen? U'lore me would
have been umhr the sod to-night. 1 then
marcheil iiikui (.'luirlcstnn. Under theclicum
stances I did the best I could, und ou, men,
did ynnr whole duly, nnd merit ir.y npnroba
lion. Airain pi mill n to bid you welcome.
Three cheers for Om. Puller-oti, and llir c
more for Cot. Itallieri ihu 'Slur Spinghd
Manner" by the bund.
(Icnernl llcuuregnrd bus I'sueil n pr c'ama
linn. One paragraili will be snllleleiit tu
show the mentis made sc pi In lull-ime the
li'isslons or Virginians, ntut ludiire' them to
tight r.galnst tin' (!overiiin-iit. Here U the
be-glning of tills high toned trulhlul doeuiuent !
Hr.AiHii'AUTKUs, Di.ct'mt or At.ixixnniA, )
Cami- Ph'kkm, June fi, lPfil. f
To Ihe Oood IVrple of Ihe Counties ol Iui
don, 1'ulrfux nnd I'llnee William: A nek
lci nnd unprlnclplt' lyninl has Invaded your
soil. Abruhnm l.tueolu, regardless or nil
mornl. 'egul nnj eun:tllut!o.;id riTlraliits, has
thrown his Abolition h'nls mining you, who
are murdering nnd Imprisoning your cltlsens,
eimlUi-nllng und destroying your proicrly,
mid couuulltLig oJher wis of violeiKX' nnd nut.
ngo too shocking nnd rcnllhig In huininlty
tu Ik1 i-iiumeniliil. AllruIesofcivllir.il war.
fare are abandoned, nnd Ihey proclaim i
I heir nets, if not on their banners, lh.it their
wur cry Is ' Utility nnd booty." All that I
dear lo man your honor, and 1h.1t of your
wives and ilauabters, your fortunes nud your
lives, nrc Involvnl In tills moim-nlnns contest.
California Itemi.
A late flrntul Jury of Sononn rounly, h.vp
round lour true bllU of luilictments ugulnst
Mormon cillxeus Tor bigitmy.
Coal oil, In paying quauiltle:, lias been d!s
covered in llumlioldl county.
A corriSuidenl of ihe ,.irraiiento CmViu,
writing from Mi'iidoeiuu euuuiy, says:
There I quite n brisk trade being currh-il on
In some paili" if IhU e-ountry, Inuiqiorilng
Indian children to the lower markets lor sale.
I saw n wiigmi load or eleven, last wee!;, on
their way In the cltlir.''
A Cm ul ShuwV Pint, Tuolumne county,
destioytil proK-rly In ihu nmniiiit of 8IH.OIHI.
Siippiweil to have bce.11 the woik nf nu Inccu
P'reil F. I,nw has Utii nomlnnteil ns the
third (.'oi1gression.1l cuudhUle 0;) the ltepub
llean Ticket,
The olnjqules of T. It. M'Manm were role
brateel In 1111 luitioslng manner ut Sun l'run-ei.-eo,
.tug. 'Jllili.
Thu Ijl 'publican w-l Union democratic
Slate tVutrul Coinijjillivs havo issye-el n circu
lar addressed to Lolli panic, snggi-slln;: tlint
at ctich pulls daring the coi;;Jn;;.e-le.vlh.n loses
Ik! providol lo receive .coulribulliu.) for Hie
sick und w0111nl.1l of the volunteer uriiiy, und
1 ho widows nud orphuus of iho klllul. A
Cnmuv! tec to rrreho and make jmir dis
posal of the funds Is named, .consisting ol
members of ull ni riles. The A'm:iity Clerk iu
each county lc luUi,';4ej with Iho lurwvrdiug
of thn subseripllon In the Ciuuruitircy
IIii,sckixiiii).ik UiMiiiecKi). J. C. Ilreck
I'iriilgii and Viillaudlgham, were cnlertiiineil
bv Ihe Secessionists In Halltmorc. Augiiit 8th,
11ml tho former utli'iupud to flunk, li.ll was
coiHlantly Interrupteil by the cheers for Crit-
tendeii, deiieral Seotl. the Wintuelfy citction,
uud for Ihe Union. Call wercubo made for
Iho StarSpiugled Haulier" from Ihu baud.
Vul'iiiidlgham did not s-ltempt to j peak.
ArrKii thu battle, ha the Richmond ll'ig,
ihere' were lflli Conreilerute troops ihtid on
tin-field. Down to Suturduy last 'Jill inoic
died, nnd there remained 1.0(10 wounded.
The Ynnkew iktul on the Held, 4. nciu couor
irttcu thtij tcrif liufml, numbeiiii l,-'i(JU.
Hour. Cavalry Comi-anv. Somo of oir
prominent uud intluenllal cltlscnj arc rrgani
zliig a cavalry company to net S3 ( Home
(iu.ird. 'I'helr uutlil will l;c furnished by thefii
H-lves. They arc lo be provided with haudsoniu
; irses, uuiloruif, equipments, etc, to be of the
uiojt se-rvieeublu material. The company is
to erect a largu stable for their uniiials, nud
assuioo the cxjiensec ol the movement. Capa
ble nud exiH-rieucitl ifficers will be selected,
uud no fjoijbt lljc Chasseurs. for sijeb Ihey style
themselves, will prove an clljclcnl nrni of our
home protection, iu cast.- of llielr services be
ing rcqulrcel. Alia.
Tne llti'litnn ul hunttlrh Insists llml n fsrn
tjoaian who had been oyer Ihe fcattlollehl ul
Manassas state that one of Iho captured Fid-'
cral wagniw'cnhtained boxes holding SOU pair
ol hand ciUfS, the ruses cnntuljiiug Ihem Uirg
laUlleel "For ()irieer?," Tins and many
more sucli stories who set afloat after ihe but
Ilo us u means of" firing thu Southern heart."
When such as Jell'. Ilavis, Heuurcgurd nnd
Pillow Indulge In Iho charlatanry of circulating
these foolish stories, Secession news-papers
ehiujo tu with Ihem with double .energy.
TitQues Fr.AN'e-ts .Mn.eniii.u. V'U noted
orator fought bravely ut Muiicssus. Ilaev&s
a Captain in the lil.-h Hlly.uiiilh. A Phila
delphia paper, eleseiibluK thu return uf the
regiment to New York, by way ol that city,
says :
All parljcs sieal of lilmni n true soldier,
nud beinjr pointed out yesterejay', a great
crowi)' followed h'im'frnm pluco o place. Jlc
was rcnortcej dead,'but c'aiieil vvtfli a 'sllejht
wound upon hjs uikt lip, a bullet having
grazed his uosc, uud cut oil' a pari of his mous
tache. ' ' ' ' '"
u FiQi'iim won't Ilo ""Ik an old and homely
eNinvKslon, but' few men can look on a fa.lilon
ublc woiu'au'avV'adayand ray uniuueh. '
Jacksonville Prices Curront.
Itrimrtrri tor Ihr Ut iillof I CnrrccHit ttkiy
Jacksonvim.k, Saturday, Aug. nt, 18CI. I
Wheal, per buhel. . , a "id '
Oats, do :ii)
Hurley, do n 41)
t-i ...- I ..- ...t.u ..... Inn II.. .. r, ..I,
rieilir. 10 il. piiiRi-. iii;i iiiuihih h . i)
Corn Meal, per lull Its I 00 n .V DO
Hay, per ton 15
Uncon, sides, clear, er lb t
do do wllh bone IU
do hams,.,,. ,.. 'ft
ilo shoulders ,,,. .'. :i
do hogroiitid.. ..,.,,, ..!.!! If
flcef, noil, per lb, , , 8 11 U
fork, do ilo . , ,' II
Million, do ,,,', HI
Chickens, per iloz 0 Oil n 9 00
Lard, lear In tins, t.t It) r,
to In kem elo 1H a
llutlcr, fresh dairy, ill nn
do in kegs, eo If
Circuit Judge V.V. Prim
County Judge '. C. Tolman
touiilj" Clerk,'. Wm. IfntTinnn
Proscdutlng Attorney. , Hnfus Mnllory
Sherlir.., ,..,,...... V. H. S. Hyde
Deputy Whcrlll', ... , , '. . . J. . uttcn
Treasurer ,.,,,,,.,,,... . ItavIO l.lnn
Assessor , m. Kiililer
Public Admlni.trator O. I). tloxle-
1 County durvcyor , . ,Suwntl Tritux
Coroner .' Samuel K. May
Commissioners I). N. Ibrdseye. I'. Ieber
.Siipcrlntendi'iit Com. .cielif)ols.,(H. Humphrey
yrmis of Ciimli Circuit Court, first Mon
day in February, June and OcIoUt.
County Court", First Mom! iv of each mnnth.
Probate Court, first Monday of each munlh.
JArKsoNVH.i.K PRKrisrr.
Justice of the Pence U.. Ilnvdi 11
Coiul.ilile, ....,,.,,, M. W. I la vis
Itoad SiiH'rvisor ,.,,., C. C. H.ikmati
town of J erKsoxvii.t.K.
Trustees, ,,.., Wm. Ilollman, A.J. Hrunnrr
I. S. Love, Jos. ,S. llurKV, II. T. D.ivl.
Itecorder ,,....,. II. S. I lavde 11
Trensurer lujncs T. (Ileiiu
.Marsiiil.,,. , ,(J. H- Hanks
Street Coijiuilssioncr I. jj. Ilalnes
J. It. WaI)K , , . . , P,. S. IfoRIIAN.
wiiii;, noiii;i & iu.
Mllllr.1 o !(. ""(' n.r ,Ut loll)'.
h'b offi:ii imm;ci:mi:nts
For OasH!
Jaelxintilli', Angus 21, Ml. ni:3m
r'" 'l!lll I I'l fetelpl of an assortment of
? v I,-aliiiy nitil Miou l-'lmjings Iu u few
days, con,,r-Uliig In pait, U :
Simla f'rur. Sole Itither;
Hemlock Solo lnllier.
hmolne Calf .Skint,
I-Vneh Calf. Skins.
Cnliireel Lining Skins,
Houui.ntid Ta(Ks;
Spa rubles.
Kline Threw), fjislii,
Pitv, ' HaspA
.Vial otliir articn? bv:leiyi In lhl ib.irliiii'iit.
In which wu lu,V.c Itejlteutioli uf Shoemakers
and other,.
Willi', i,10R(ili k (I
Jacksonville, Aug 21. lPi'.l. ft'tllm
K(iltAYl(iS Al I'lCVPiKS !
Ve hcie Jut received &6Ulguiucnt of
Fur Sale Clirais.
WAI)K, .nOKU.V-N ft. CO.
Aug. 21. IHU. :KM
QCTI I llVlsa tE7CT
lOQLiLalll WI H T7
Sachs Bio$
Cheap Cash Store,
Jucksnmilh) Aug. 21.
$1609 REWARD!
TUIJ bqrP rear.J jljl bo given to ai
J- W ?r iW1Vii0..w' ,'l'r1;''.r.fh''
any per
il" money
or appicbeu.il )lio thief Hint rotaVil t(o c.ililn of
Matlivw (irulmm & Co. of thu nnjount nl' Fight
Tlioin-nud Uoljjrs, 11 Ihu pvculng f)f IJie Wlh
May, M.
jamks i,m7,p.
1 Ilia
His Agent
, j wihhm n7f KU1.4V1.
mtaoliiin V lAviaSAiMltis
fMHistrl mtBtri
i. conseipieuco 01 inn iicpuriura 01 A.iiiiiot.N
. f.ijr thu Kiehl, iliu copartnership lieretotoru
existing ln'tvee-n Ihu )iudei'slgni,d I." l('ils day
illrrolied I1yn1ul11.il consent. J. II. ItKKo will
continue Iu practice us usual. All Iho accounts
duo said lino bueu beeu assigned to him liy .Mr.
Ibi(c;i-:.'. " T J. h. It Kill).
a ni.-iini.'v
A. ntlllGI-'V.
jcitw ty -m.mu
-Al,llltl. II
Jackniljle, Aug. '.'I, lUI
A 11. nersflris Indebted to mo ore reo,ueitfd to
ipiiku burned lute, payment. Toomi hejleliiig I
demands' ugaiu'.t mu will p'roent Ih'cin. '
e 1 iii.ii n 11 t'nii s i.-ii '
i.wv. 11. 1 111
3lf '
Ol'otou Stl'oot,
Is now receiving n regular weekly supply of
Apples, Foars and Foas,
And all pthf s Ip scusfin. n nddillon to his large
aiifl arleil slock of
Candies nnd Nuts,
Which 'I'll I10 '".hi 0,1 1'lfill I'TII'i ''J suit the
limes, lie nisi) nller lo the 'public Ills well
kiuinn ns'orli')eit'rtf IU
Several hundred
Fipos, Forfuraory, Toys,
And minv other
Jacksonellle, Augu-t VA, lt-CI. VJ:lt
riiEi-Ain: nut
In llolnrs Ihu.. Uriels lliillillnir.
can be found the choicest and uio't eouitikte
... 11..-. 1 ........i ,.. l..l ..til.. ..r
eiillixiliui eM r uiiviiii in tfuti"iii no:, .,
Uorij.tir.xlly nouucl AND
IlnuclHomoly Illixai-
tx'Atoci Ctlft X3oolE.su,
.lt3a.xu.sisf n.xxd xrtc
otlonl Work.
-A I.Hll-
All Hip l.nlr.l I1iihII.Ii null Aim l l an I'll-
Inrlnla, .ln(nlliir ni il n; l'nir
rniislnnll' nn linmt.nl llir
IS heri'bv glyrn In all p"rons but. bliil to Drs.
TIII).Ml'SOX.V'l!ll,l:il. clllnr by notu or
Imnk iieeoiinl. j come forwatd unit imv 1111 to
I'HIXS. IMIl'M (nsciit rir Dr. I.. S. rhotnii
on), or li ll.e iiiidi-rslitueil. ut Ihcliiek-imvllli-llrug
.Store, (,'alllornla rlre-et, Jacl;-oiillle,
Friends, we havo walled on you lousnnd p.i'
llently, bill Now mnhtif irf mini lunt, or we will
ln;coniielliil (llnoi);h'reliK'laiill)lo ilneuCour
nVM and nccoii nt sbi Ihu hamls of Ihu Uonr
ullloers for collection.
(J. W. (IHKF.H.
JunoStilh, lr-fll. 'Jl:tf
PR. (f, W. BROWN I
7(lt'l.l rcpfclfully call thu nlleiillou of
tue puiitie in in- new' mm evieii-uo
tlm'K or
All ol tin1 iim-t xipiilar Patent Meillclnes of
lie- day. 11 linn n or Toilet Chemicals, IN rlu-un-ry.
Hair I lyes. Oils, Soaps, etc,
.1,11-.111. lle,.liinu '.'!). in'.;. sitr.
W lwc 'hi ejny 'old our slock ofmiychan-
disc to Mes-rs .Mii.i.i.ii ,V Owny. iehn will
uuiitlnuc lLo V.iluess ul Ihu old stand. Thank
ln' Iho cuiumunlly lor their pilrniiajsc. we con.
Ildeiitly recoinuieiid Mws. Jin 1 kii .V 0 1 v to
llnlrliuor. IAIi;V k DAVI.S.
Jackwu.vl,i;c,;u,'y 2, iw6..-.'i.ir.'
nili: iiuiliirslfiiiil have this day entered Into
J. 11 Co-iiartnershlp for the transaction of a
fie'iierul .e4Cliuuilsi llusluess, uiub r Ihe st le
and Drill of Mll.u:u .V 0 K,v. uud have taken I lie
slorii lately ihtiijiIhI by .Messrs. M el uv X Imvh.
Yhey ivre now rirelelu a full stock of kihks.oI
uvery assorluu-ut. The pitruiiagv of Ihe puMIc
Is rerpe'Cllully toiiclted.
Wm. A. OWKN.
Jacksonville. July 2, lSiai.-.Viif.
ISIIAI.I, olTir for puhlle sale, n
HoiiM-, in Jacksonville, Jucl;
nl Ihe Court
.on county,
(hi Mifmiii;, ihe'lUh Datjof ,lu.;mt,C,,
Iu thu highest bhhier, Iho follnalug deKrllKil
Tfl.VCT or ux,
to-wll; Jim norlhent ipurterof Ihe southeast
'pinrliy flf six-tlou uuiuts'r nine (H), tow'ii.hlp
iiuiulK-r llilrly-eiglit (,'!), soijth of ruugu lluev
ill) cast.
,S(Jf.- lir.MPIIIIKV.
Seliool lll'irllltcll'li'lll.
Hiirmnny Point, July I'.'lh, M,I, J)-.'0r.'7
n p. iiiA'xcir.
1).T. lias llrQUul,! renoulnl and rcfltlnl
. his slijijii. lyijbitf It r.s m-ul iimj pretty u
any that can Iki fnunil Iu a wnk's travel. And
what Is iK.-tler, he has on hand thu eery Is'tt ol
Brapdios, Wiaos, Cordialg,
i.Ia aI. . I.l.tl. I'a. ....II t...i.d I..... ,.. (...t.
I IU IKl 1.M.V.I ..... 1.V,, I..IUII. ,.l ,....'...-
Hiund Into thu most swindle o ami thlllratlug
of iliuuxl.ts. (Jim htm a call and Iki eoiieluenl
of tills tact. Jacksonville, June '.'U '.'llf
Oregon Vay rScip.
I1IAVK made nrmugeuu-utk wllh a responslhle
Hanking llwi-u loatleiel to lh,ei'ollecllon ol
War Scilp in ) ushlnslon jljy. Having pe-eii-nied
Ihu pqsllloiuil' phleT CJeik in oneortlie
IrcnuilnU'iit urlng hu war, sctln-holder will
Dad mo i,iej,uiej lo give ujl neeiary lufui ma
lion leltleun llielr jclalms.
I wi)l u.o give my attention to wiling und
amnnlnir bonis nud accounts.
Sir (lljce in thu S,nuu,l liuildlns;.
Jueksonyjlfe, Jtyno p, f BUI. '.'llf
Spying Vf achine3 !
With nil tho IjiIo Improvements.
A 8.VAIJ. assortment of the nliovo machines
C Jut rcei'len.
1 nud for sale ut iSau Fiau-
cltco in Ices, uddlni; Irelcht.
:. c. Skss
'- .('.. !...,w....n .
ft. v. &i;(jiu.a, Agent
Jacksonville, June 29, USUI,
Itar Sale,
QQ fiCifi i".lfer FI.Ol'H at $2.1 per m. al
OOAJXJXJ Iho mill. For particular, ay
ijulie ul ,'S II. F. llOWIXb, Ageut.
txjxixi If
"" SiT? r- ' 'T"i'V
Reduotion in Prioes!
1"lin nnderslsned announces (n present pi
irons and the public Ihnt lie has re- i
diicril Ihe prle'e lor'nll kinds of u oik luffjht
ills line, to conform to the Utiles, j"
xzxs snon
Is In the building fnrinerly occiijilfl ly Wm.
jturke, on OiUfurimi Stint, ihrnllij (' of Clmj
ynl If llritm't .SVrfWr .
livery snrles ol wmk donu Iu the lest manner
and with ipilek dispatch.
('lough lions tnailc uml iriniiicit.
w.iiiiiN, nmiitiii: .in sri';;: uihik
llxeculed In Ihe ncalct and stronxel manner.
Alining Tools, lMckH, liars, Kc,
made to onler, qf lh,p very best materials, In
the ini)t nppruvcil styles.
Particular attention then In
for which Ihe price Is reduced In fill and I? t
TiiKsi.TT. Platm made nnd lilted exactly lo
His slock of Iron and Steel Is of nrst qiinltly.
and nil woik doni' at his shop wciuitvmi.
.tncksonillle, .Mulch !t, 1H.I.' inb::f:ir
Coriirrnl Caltrurliln noil roniill Hlirils.
1., Tlliai: STAIIMS nre ecu-
HKI trnlly lueatiil. and cnmetiti nt "aTTl
TT to the I'nl.iii Hotel. Ilorsi- JiJt
find mill" will In kept by thcd.iy or wee-k, It
uiiHler.ito charges.
The proprietors h.nc a liuiiiberof lluo
I'or one or two horses, to let on motl irate terms.
Oood gaddlo liorsoH Si, Mulos
which Ihey will lei logo to any part or the couu
lry, 011 reasonable terms.
Animals Bought and Sold,
md horses lirnku lo the saddle or harness.
Tin' proprietors pledge theinu'li es lo li e sal
Isfaclloii to ull who may 1'iiinr Ihem with n call
Jacksonville, Oku. Aug :il. iMf
JKhMIMIIJj; ItliKt VlOHi;.
rilkeen constantly on hand Ihclicst nssoil
v v men 1 i)
.'7W, .'7U,
Wu hne now Iu sloru the
unor.sr jsi) nnsi si!i.i:cn:n
stuck or paws
V.ycr ntTeml In this market, nnd wu mean lo
iiiaiutalu, Uy irguhir ilUftir.allims, iini ley m-II
bii Ihu lie.t nrllel-s nl Ihu .III7' CASH
I'lllolX. thai Ifinlliii! I'li-lllon which Ihe Jack
souellle Urug .lori' hut hi-n-iiilnre. held.
Jacl.Minillle, Ogu.. Sept. 'J'.'. ::ii.
l-JIStM'CTI'fl.t.V Inform tin, rlltsens ol
l 1 ...t ..,., Ill 1 . 1..I..1,.. ,1.., ii..... 1,,.... I
nK'liei 11
Oppodli' tin' .Mi'lhixlt.t Chiireh, Fourlli slrevl,
whetx- ihey nre preptred miilly uml
i.xjmliliuu.ly In execute
Oriiainciilal Painting
Cmliiliu, .Miirlilhii:, PapiT-
llnngliiu', Kir.,
Al such prices as will wariaut salNfactlon.
JiickMinelllu .May V.I. lll::iit
Dissolution of Ooprfaorship.
'Pill', copartnership hertoloru e.xl.tln uudi'l
L thullrm of lless.V.Stoue, ('iirKuleis uml
Ituilders, Is this daydloliid I1v1nul11.il con
miiI. T. P. HUSS.
Jack'onellle. Aus. IR. Iiil. ."unl
Vhccnix School.
Tin: pai.i. Ti:it.M vii.i,C()M.mi:n'('i:on
tiii: Fiitsr .Monday i' si:i'ti:miii:i:,
WM. M. lirilllANS, Teacher.
I'liiriilv. AukuI . Im:o. :iutd
pibos and Tostamonts.
ASUl'l'I.Y or Illblwand Testaments. In vn
rlous styles, re eetilly r-celenl and I'or sale
at cot and charges, ut tho i' l,"ll,i(ry of Ihe
JucktOll County llllilu Society III Jacl.nnlle.
Wm. ll)FF.MAN, lfepo,itury.
Junu 1.1lh, IMII.
T am now-preiired In le-celeo pathnts In lloi
I Jio-pitat, oiiinu corner 01 ititriiiMreci, iiick
11, thu " unit
111 Hotel."
Tmims-c..sv on noon sr.criiirv
CIIAS. 11. IIIIOOK.S, m. 11.
Jncksniirtlle.July 2S. IM.il.-2h II.
Hi', X. Caldwell ftyntniiiii
HVS periii.inently located In Jucksomllle1,
nnd oll'eis bis piofesIunal service. Iu thu
practice' of
Mt.llrliir. Siiuuriy nnil Oli.trlrlts,
Olllco nt 1,I residence, nu California street,
In tho hejU'U formeilv oecnpUd dy A, M. Ileiiy, ,
next door o Jiidgo I'rlniV. I
Chui ges eery re-iison.ilile. Calls attended to
at ull hours ol thv day or night. 1
A l.li persons Indebted to Iho undersliiiHd. or
X. to tho late Hun of WAIT .V .McMANUS.
either hy note or hook account, will nle.iMi eall
nnd nuke Immediate payment lo A. II.SYONK,
nt ll.e re.ldenco ol Mild'tYalt, he liclug my uu
IhurUed ugeiil to collect ull mone.vs due mo.
Jacksonville, Oregon, Aug. ISiil, Ulwt
Dissoinf jon of Oopartncship.
rrillKcnparlncri-hlp heretofore cabling under
X the Hi in of AcklcyA- Sarler.W this day dis
solved hy mutual consent. All demand ngalntl
tho llrui will bo presented to J. S. garter lor
;tllcmcnt, ' f
J. K. ACK1.KY.
). k. SAUTKH.
Jackumylile. Ait.J.!. IbOO J ,iwl
J" USl'Tclis "lJLAi'pS ;r salo" at
I. I). II.MNF.S , n. II..IIAIX1H
(PI ?R-- PKffiCP OTSRE,)
Coriivi' L'aliroriilu K Oregon Stic
Vlfl! have reiluceil e.ur prices to suit lliq
Vt tlini". 1-i.r sale, h Uri'o ami varied as
sortment nP W " " '" "
Fuiiisliing Goods
At very low roles, niu msii,
For sale, Ion cae and cartoons of
Boots, Chfjos and Oaitors,
for l.iulle, tienl.'s nnd Cl,lirfii.
I'nrsiile. nn etenlvo slock of Men's, Hoys!
nud Children's II cts.
For sale, a Hill stock of (iIuk'i:i;;k;.
For sale, n largo aortineut i.f lieil" brnnd nj
I.HIL'OIIS, WINKS, :o,iti.i.s, lilT:
For sale, Tolmeco, Clgnr, Matches," Fnur,
llutter, Hggs, nnd Cm ntiiv I'iioiu iK generally.
t Shir nf Ciilifiirnla SMnthsontillr,
-11 n":itn can be found. Iho best of
Kiirnniiinc Dmiicstlc Knti-rprlsi' I
riilllJuniler-lcniMl bis coinmenrid the manu
, I r.icluri' or tho III-.ST Ul'.M.lTY CKSAKij
I at Ids shop In the rear of his stole.1 on California
.trevt. nud will till onltis In uuy eselil. fni
lids market. He has nreluil buoleesor tin
eery lines t llaviiiiti TliU''i.l'iomwhlcl
I his Clears urn inailc. '
Ctitnn nnd try the Home Maiufacliireil Cigars.
The-v nre thu best Iu the m irket. '
, fiCO.l't'NIC.
JaekouIII,..lay litis. W,. IMf
0"noli.s9Oij.-vlllo, Oroion.
by Louis horne.
'pilllliosl accommodations gljcn lo gucstf,
I Iran-lent und p-rinaiienj.
Tin- Hotel has Is-eu ri'liitul-hnjnnd riUlleil
In reery ili'inrtuii'iit, II Is now uueipiulleil by
it'iv Hotel Iu southern On-iton.
Jneksoiullle. Iti-c. I, Ifi-ii. tlllf
Ily ilvwv T. ViuIiiK.
'pill', propilelor wishes to Infnrni his friend,.
L mill Ihu Itaeelliitf puMIc ueiiernlly Dial lie!
has uire,haC) thu iilmve Ifoti'l. fiirnn-rly kept
by II. J. Fearjs. and !, 111-wty fiirnlrhrd ami
thoroughly relltted thu same In the llnrst style.
Ti-aiii.ters and Ir.iiebvs llpjllll Ketliyvlllo
and Cie-eent l.'lly will llml e.;e)leiit uccoininej
itatlous t this lintel.
The lltni'v I' bieiiteil about titiwny between
Jaeksoiie lllu and Kei by Hie.
P ron di-Iroiis of e-iiloybitf a tvjr fek r,f
rermitiou e.llltlii.1 ut this pU.u uu eycellen;
iipiHirluulty nl' enjoying tleniseluv,
Sept. p, Wiio-nitr.
.MA'l-lltl'.ss.l'.Si, llj:llJ)IV(l .JJ) TKTM(.
ON HAN'I) and 111.101' In older. House Lin
ing 3U.J paper llauglug. I'.V
J Qilifvrii) Sti nt, ulwi t Ortj-n,
Prices Reducgd!
'pilllunibrslKiieil flies notice Ihnt from ninl
1. niter lids dale nil work "-rfotiici hy libil
must ln paid lor, (W ilvirn, Ile;,.inii,it tillnpl
to kIi'ii enillt nny lonu-ir. The new sy.lem
will ennlilu him lofuriil-linlliilllclesln hl line,
ami to do woilc ul greatly re.uce-i prkc.
Jacksomllle.Mny IMMII. jjf:ff
Pop Sale.
rpill". propiletors, ybl.lnc Iu clso Juslnei
.L otter lor siijulliefr
Said mill Is of llfteeuidiorsu power, warranliil
of eap.Ki;y lo.nl i thousiiid leet or luinln r
III twelie' lioiirs. I iH-atesI tui) nud one-fuVirlli
miles from J.iek.olieiHe. on fin' t'lerllne; rtod,
with a line fiiiwlli i,l''l'l? 6"4 I'lno Tiujlier se
cunil, nilljeieiil y ke-e-p jhu mill running lhjx-o
For luformallou, ini.ulre or Messrs. Anderson
.vlileiiu, JaeksouMllr, or II. P. lla.elllue, at
thu mill.
Assorted Seasoned lumber :
l.vi.ouo Tei t lor sale-.
IIK.SS & 8TONI:. Agents.
Jiicksnnellb'. Juiiu flh. Ictil. 21
To 4lic iSliipiiiTS ifr S(MllHTir
I II IIIV 1 1 J;i 111. ll,
J. II. I.I'.KDS, Mi.Tiit.
Is iV)w permanenlly on the route to ami from
sJmi Fruueikco ami ScuttburK
Ttruuif t'tjl,l (ware!iouo dues md all other
charges lucbldid) -From Sin Francisco, deliv
ered to Ihu wnuons, 8 lit OO. Jlown Irelght,
from Fiiisiu tu Sail I'lancUco, jj aO,
Sleunrl st. Wharf. ?an Frnnrisco.
AkviiU, Ciinyone lite, Oiepm.
City Restaurant!
RKSPF.CTFIH.I.Y InfcMjs tho cllljcens cf
Jacksgnvi)Io that ho has opcue-d n
with prices rcduce-d to fejlt tho times, on lb?
Xloftdy Oasfb IStymtoxxx.
Hoard per week , . , $ 7.00
Slnslu Meals All
I.ixlglng ., . 5(1
Jaektuueillc, Juuc lit, 'VI. 20.3m