Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 24, 1861, Image 1

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ltAl i irw,a..i I Mn
c . xi-3faiarsrrjx-zL- - -2T -.
"jifTt(i JvKtBcnrv j.v tincr
. . v i gush
. r ' -V2HC
kjllill llllJjJJJ.
NAMl'KI. i:. MAY,
.tl.rk.nlit lllr, Ortgnn.
TOt'liI rcsne-cl fully nnumim'e In tin
t sens or .iiic-ksnntiti.' nnu
vicinity (but lie Is lion prepared
to ilo
vri.c.x.Ti: cm iit'iniu
, , ,, 1
......11.... 1 1 1.. 1.. ,
mi nllcniKtl to in
fur nrllllci.il Ici'ili In tin' l.-t
cei In mil I In- time.
aii kiini'iiriii'iiiiii iii'i-.iii
n skillful milliner.
Jnck.om-lllc. June 2d. Im'.I. JiMf
Will practice In nil lb" Ourl of tin- TIiIhI
.Imll.-lal lllstrlcl, the Supreme l.'uiirt ul Ore
(jim. mill In Yrckn,( 'nl.
Ii Into UK agent l Washington, mill expccls
In iMl Ihntclly ninl ltn Atlantic Ihl-i Siiiiiiiit
mill Knit. mul urn biilni- will nitlvo irmipi
nll.-nll ii) Willi
"11:11,!. itiii'inl t ini'iiiP" in iiii1 i'
f Court In llu l-'lrsl .linllcliil l'1-lrlel nl
Oregon, mid In Ilii'Siiiirniii' Cnurl. dllli-cnu
Ciillfornlii M., u.silf " e'rntllirl " I'.ffirr.
.ttrkMiNtii.i.i:. Orniii.x.
.MnvV.MIi. ii, llifi'iii
(rVll'IC, AT TIIK llll'.VTV lll'IMMNdx.
Jn li.iin.llli, Ulliiill.
A I.I, liii-liiv rlnlnlii.' In l.iiml or Land
. I.aw pnuiiplly iittiiuliil to.
.laekMiuvllle. May lllli, Im'.I. ITlT
A t ( o r it y nl 1h w,
jackmiwilm:, mix.,
"Will altind Imiiiv liii.twn" niiililnl in llii'in In
li.pcriiH.'iiiriKirili.-l Irt .linbclal ni.irlci
-cirnrwn, iiml lu llic Supniin.' Cmil. If.
f -
Tl S l.l)CATi:i .V J.U'KSIiSVII.I.i:. nml
IJ-olfcri-lil iin.tVfliiiiiil M-rvtrm in mi. ruin
jnuiillv lu Hie iineclltfc ol' MMmr, Vwm ,iml
twice mi (.alirnrnla Miwl, lu l iliwir in .mmi
l...rrf J.A, In klnri.
("nils itttcniltil lo nl nil Imurs of day nr niylit.
SUVCIPlAy A M il' OlinnrnM
rillOlulfAri HrHI' OUnUCUPtt
l-l'V.i .'..".. Jr.,.. , .'1 i 11.. 1.
ASoprneil 11 stinii npiMitli Aiiii'ron A
i'liTiniitVilriiirsliiri'' Inr ninlilua
.'.r.ui'c i'iii'i'l.-j ll'WI'l II V ITC
A I ( III.-, I Mil M, .ii.m 1.1.111 . 1.1 x..
Allwnrk wiirniiit.dloi.;li' fiitl'liielioii.
.liirlcinilllo, PiT.S-.il. IM.11. .
it, i'i. ...
Jni'k.iiMl lllr, Oit K"0'
s iirepaml lo Ink"' I'lcliim In Miry sljb'il
She Art, with all Iho Intel ImprnM nu-nl. II
- mrmr m. t -MV&ut
ilo mil clee nillfni'llnii. im clinr);i' will U-inaib'.
!all ul I'unk's Clanr Sim e.nr ul Iliu (ialh-ry on
th" Mill d hi-ld I'ietiiri". lUf
C3.ttOTl.ey SlUCl UOUIlSClOr
?Aoli.ioxivillo, Oronon,
KorJitrkMiii (iiiint).
c i. siaji'i:,
Kwiuvx 11 1.1:, Jo-i:i win: (i xn', 1 siiv..
"Will liiiucllially attcjid lo li1nesi-iiti'iilid In
1,1. care. April III, ImU.-IHU-
N Ihe l-'lr-l of Jauuiiri-, 'iil, Hie prices ol
it f. it'.. .... L
11 nr p 1 r 11 11 h.ia n
lotTtlUK 3VIoliiiaosM
sv.-ru reduced tirfuhi ifr tail llic I'actlU' const,
A few nj" liu'si.' llm It-si ami cht-aitl 111.1
:hlnes made, ut San l-'rauobe 1 rati s.
11. C, SI.!J.SIUXi. Agent.
Jark'ont llle, Jan. 18. MtT
Barber snop,
Opposite the Post Office.
SIIAVIN'fi. Iliilr-rultlii';, rliaiiinioIni; Cur
llnKuud Hair IhiliiK'.
Abo. 11 -.'cuiilim urtlcle nl I'l'h's II 1111 It)'
liilllTll):,nlid L'rlsliulnril' Kmlwr Uur Virlnr
.ale. J.uk.niil IIIp. June '.'.'il. .Mlf
California nl., opposite Sentinel Ollicc,
Tnols.sMoxa.7-lllof 6rojo,
rM) those ulm ami uppreolato truth. Such
X. will not tail In call upon Pr. G, U', lliuiin.
u also Inelles Iliu ntlintlriu of nil who arc
tullulnj: Mills illsean-s or Iho llyc In call ul Id.
,o C'lirp, No INiy,
Xif Onii-n hoilis II lllli ti I. M. to I I'
June I 'ill 211:11" ,,lu"' Kini's llltl" ""i '"i iniiuuri, niiuiii niu
' '' "' -' I idled Stiile-s or ehi-wlieie, nnd shall bo thei-e-
lelll ritlNTlNll of all iliM'ilplli'ii'Wiil'yifoip i-oiiIetril on coufcMiloii In ojii-n Court r
tl ex ciltxi.ll lln, l' IIM lil'l I M I nil Ull leflllD' ll "t i ' "
iikmiv iwm.ixiii.ii, w m, m. it imi,
nuTniw .imi l'liontii.Toiis.
Offlco over Clttfrngo & Drum' Stables.
fiw.viinm.v in aiiv.vm'i:.)
One Cop.v.One Ymr S I 00
I (lire Cpy. SK M1111II11 WO
OiifSnare.of Twilvp I.Iiipi nr Ii , FlrHl lir
nTllnn.!?:i 00 I and Inrciiih oiilM'iiiviil lncr
.,lllu(l '
I'lorcflnnal or lliiliTe Curd'. Kncti &inare,
..,. Illllmllli ci;U, 0 j ,r sh .unu ui,-, nu .
Inr Tlini' MiimIIi", lillii).
A IHn nil ill'connt will be made In permm ho
mhirtbe to Hip extent ol four Minim.
I'lieliuinlicror luxrltnii. clia.iil.t In; mat kid on
llic iiinrfjlii of mil crlbi mint.
ClmrRo of Judgo Catron to tho Ornnd
Jurv in tho IT. S. Circuit Court nt St.
Louis, July 10th.
.liiiljpCnllonprcH'iili'il the fnl!ciIiiurili:iigi'
in wrllln" which was rind to the Jurv bv """''"u '"e crime n commiiieii niicncxrr
., . ."" .... J . ,wir n;,nlti4t tho L'nllnl .State by lliiw owlnjr
1 ommifflotifr lllcKnian : 1 allci;Iaiicu theictn. U inlnil, cionlnl. mmlc or
(r.Ml.mn.v: The oath Jul tiikcll by )ouiiiirteil nu t or nhcii. ilurlii!; n war. they ml-1
iiiHiiincii wnn iniuieicin t'liiiiiiim iiiehpiiii m
J111I vlnl lAiiintlliillly, imiliiiiii mid hidilKiid
rliei' bv winch xour ilelibeliilhilii should be
lioviiuiil. Il I 011r duty to dlicover mid
brh.). In trijil nil who lute bevn tfiillly of
"lUii'iN tiiuhr tin' l'nllnl .Sintis inliilm cuiii
mlttiil willilii llil .Slalc, mid to piotect lie
IliliiiMil Iinui Ulifiiilliilid or mulicinui iiccli.il'
lion.. 1'opiil.ir I'laiiinr, uiijiist ni.plelntl. liar
ll'uli favor or inallei'. pirsnnnl prijiidxef, llle
mi I xIpwh ol r!tlili ni.'l ihilliT in short, "nil
fear.r.ivor r nil t'linti ' iuiit lie M'lmleil lint
mill ml fur 11 mi'inini to inter the Jmy loom
nr iutiiide iiniii niir ciiiiueli. Von should
Ibid or l;:ti"ii'lii(l.cliiii'liU JiiMy ny the l.iwund
I'vldelnv mux 1I1 maud, mid without uxet lo
Von sliinild lenr nil rvKlerrc which ran
llimw nny lljiht upmi ti it uccii'iitlou. wlullni
lilidiliK t'uslmw tin' ItmiMi iie-e or (iillll of the
accural, nod ifcniivlniitl thcieby ol tliC'.'Ulll
of the ncrti'id. lli.il nu iiil!etiuei't : ntherwiM'.
'Kuore ihe bill. .Merc suple!i'n, vnj'iic nml
nuime proiiaiiilllics', luu.nriir lliipil iisumo
nv, i imt u li.i-ii lor iictlmi lu other wiinN.
v,hi rliouM, Kfuni liidlctlu.' iiivt one, btf mil
, u ml i,o miiio liinluiiinvii pnienled to
I v Hlt jry ', flii! 11 verdict i.fi'iilllv.
iVhe w.u pmliib'tloii nr lln- United Slnlw
Ciutliii luu ii'.-uiut ImMii nny wo to
'"er lor n capital or olhnwl' iiruiiiain
)" " ,,"""' "r l"
vt 11 unind .liny, wniiM In; prncllcnlly 1
lisrc -
gntihil, Ihiiiiiic 11 mire nullity. If liidicliui'iils'stituilon it law.
wciu loiind 011 iiutuop r or li.iiillleicnt rxl-1 A It I Ic III Iho rWit ninl dalv of oven
il'iiev. or ttllhout iMixt'itl il!si'i(iuii:nth'ii mil
M'lutihy, or npi'ii 11 liusiy
xii'Wnt llic laets nml e'liiiim
lle nllur t'lid, ira' l.'niisillilili.n
Mu""1 K'limmiini lor pioiicuiin nr i-ooii, 11
,lHi,diisiiL'iilul wii'.m iiyiinie-Iiiit cine I ei'
1 ...,'.. r ... , . -
liiblMiiil. were Hot lirmiulil to trail.
The Jul bdicllnii of llil.i ('nurl cxlrinls over
llio wln.'p Slme. nml cmers cxery i.lli-n.c il' -
rlanil to be such by nny i.xUtinj. net of (W
' i " v'iiiMiiiev in iiiui'T li
"'II'IimsiiI rniiuuiiii law. bill merely if llm-e
' ""imi'I fieli by I nllul Slate slalntr.
"' ll'ili-l-imail "I Cnngri'Ni upon a Mib'icl,
j, ,. Uj.1M, u,r juri,,!,!,,,,,
Ar.'iir loiiiiimiliioniii niiii r to inlmlulsli r
I.ialhs all wllm-.e Ufme vim will lie llift
swoin lu oik n I unit.
1 A biiiTiilirelie'e tnsnme ol the nhnsr or
which you li.no coniuiiiiv. iiml n sue-lncl wllh Ihe lawOil fniictlitn of llu (iuvernm nt.
laliiue-nt of Ihe law ctuici" n!nr ll.cni, may or Its i-nn-tltnliil nutlioiitli-, nr orprcxcntliig
nlil jour liiuttljj'illmn nml sine for jour' the rxiciitlon of nny law, or of r.iorlln; its
uid.iniv: . nlli rail.in or rcpi-al. or of oieriliroivlng the
" Tin I'ldKlllulloii nnd hews of iho Poind lawlul siipicmaey of llio I'lilted rjtales in nny
nialo" "1110 the Supniiie law of Iho liind,"!. State ov Tcirilnry. Ili-nec. 11 cnuplraey To
mijihlng in the Ci.ii.liliilli.il nml Lew ol , Ik lvaoiiab!e limit be lor 11 'niWic or gtiitral.
iinySiiiie to the loiitrmy iiuiwiihi.iniiiliug."imid not 11 mere prlviilc nljeil il must eon
Their siipriwiey Is Ihu iliclaieil In opies 1 tuiiplnlc force hi (he puiiiiit of Itncndi; It
'li'.iii. W li.-rtiMTi-otllii'lii ll.ni'wiili In' im
o'riiilunr oliliciitory Imcp. Alkiilaniv In
. ,- ,M,,.. r --..-..,..,,,,, t.t.i. ,,1 ,.',
lie 1 iniiu miiii- i I'li'iiiiiin 11 ninl ia'i, iireus ihu iKsi'iiiiiiiiiL nl 1111-11 in iiontarv nirnv.
llupaium kiiI iluty f.r.viv cIHaii. NVIiIiIh
ilnir ijilliiiule spin re. Iliy v inniiitd ll.e
b 1II1 me nf 11IU 111.1I im Slate I'mut lutioii nrj
.tat up mil nliMilei'iiiij oiic theriTrom, '
Tlcrel niii'-criiuei'l xicnt inaxultiule hi IU.
..IV. ..j I.... .1 ,....- ... II. I,,.. I
1 111 vi iijniii nn u ivi. iiiv- n,i,ii 11, ..ii,ir,, ,11,
whli-h Is hi liabV In iilm'e that thu I'tin-tltii-
I Imt Im. i-arlullj ih liniil nml llinlled It to Iwn1
il slliicl s sc;cs, si urvnivis itie licacc, saieix
ii'id happiiiixi or nil, by stiiklii-. ut the te-iy
I'.. iiinl.ilii.il nl' pulilij nnli r. The p.iuir In ic-(
piisMiml punish it, hisriiitial lii fti-rv i Hiv.
1111111111I, wliatete, lis Toiri In citil and polltl-'
cal oipiiil.ilion liul a. 1111 utilise ol thnt
Hiir mny iie-iniiriiiiiieoi i.ntii.v 11 is ikwii inr me express purposo 01 omaning or ililllll
lial that it slniikl be so ililcimluate in Its! Matins' tho public, mid In nttcmiil to e'.irrv
i-haiiielir that mi s'ileiiiiiii, passion nr pnpii
.iicmeui, pasmou nr pnpn;
I II to 1 mis of ijiauuy.
Propel ly ei'ii!ilinil, It l 1
cllou, ImItiI in tliclinv
1.1 r in'p can nne-u 11 to
Ine lln n or Ire 1.7 y.
a power of scll-pinti
iliiuii'lit locn.ili'e il to proetve It ht-'iliinuti
liiiiitiini. n-'ubi.t sill lawle-s tlnluiev 01 foice',
dueclnl lo Iheii t-ulivcrslon or overthrow,
l'L'illin.iti-lv ud, it I'nu nctcr Ikj an lutru.
on lit nl iiuildlinn, malie-o or faction; imr e-aii
il strip 11 cilien nr e-niuiniiully iifuny privile
''iinrinliliiil lit-
the liiiiilamciital law of the
ml. Il i.n.'lil tint to nli-nili or otiilhiow
i'(lil diilaii'il Iiivl.ilul.U-; nor iimiln dor
maul win 11 llni.-e lights', as into'te'd 111 Ihv i.-isle-nee
nl tho (iovermnuit.me'lhie'iili'iiiil with
oteitlirow- by ihe subversion of tl.e I'omn
1111 ul, itself.
The prov'sloiu of the I'nllcil Slate Consti
tution nu thks siibjut nre us fnllons :
'Trianon npiiost the Cnittsl Stales shall
consist only In lowing war ntraln.U them; or
lu nilhorin1 lo their iiiuulc, jiitiui; tl.em aid
ami e-uinfoi I, No ktshii rliiiil be couvli teil
or ir is 11 iii.I.-.-s on iho Icilliunuy of iwn wit
ne'stc in thu sumo otcrl nut, or 011 confis.ion
In iim 11 C ur.
'The Cinijjre. shall lint a power lo ihckue
the pun'shnient or Ircasoii, Iml no attainder of
I unison shall wink e-nirtiplton ofbloml, or fur
fell nre. except iluriiiir ihu lil'u ol' tho person at
iinleil." To Ihote jirovMons tho following is appli
c.ib'e :
" Tho trial of all crime, except hi cases ol
Impe'ttehinei.l, shall liu liyjiiry.iindsiiclilrl.il
shall Im he'd in thu Slate 'where the tald
criiiits shall liave been committed."
I'limiinit in the power (litis prantrd, Con-
ftresi at 1111 rally day passed Iho follow iuj
Act. which Is still in lone s '
" If nuv person or nersnni. nwinz allesinnco
to the United Htatis of America, shall lety
war liaiiln.l llii'in, or shall udherc to Iheir rnc-
lilies, irlvluj,' them aid mid comforl, within Ihe
I. Ill I'll htn i-s or eirew heie. mul shiill ha there-
our I 'if
otcrt net nf the trrn'on whereof hp or llnv
shall slaud Indicted, such person or 'n-nons
s 1 uu niijiio;eii gamy 01 treason ngnuii enc
nuitei Mlule mul shall snller ilcalli.' The
Utiii allegiance" ns used In this aliilntc, Is not
absolute, lint iiuilifli(. It Is not solely de
pendent ujioii nr conlliinl lo citizenship.
Ktcry croii rrsl.lcnt In llio United Stale
living under nnd nijnjlng the protection nf
tlieir law, owes such n (iiialilled allcgimica lu
llio rinvcrnmciit m to be nmtverable. thereto
lor nny loin I Inn of that tntnle.
i.very iniiieimenl imil rharpc one or more
rirl acli eummltled wllhln Ihls .Slate, mid
the testimony of two wiimw to the Mine)
nviri act, or n ronUMioit in 0cn I ourl, fniiniiiiiirpiu imiitiiiiiai." It H cciinrj, lion
cjM'iillal to con Icllon. The viry nntiiro of'ccr, that lie tliuuhl have lieen lengntil In the
1111 ovu t net letulera It probiblu that morp ' irt iirinl conplriipy mid liuvd iilw performed
"," f,vi" n!1
' Ihaii one will
,clli.w bnn
llhc Coiistllul
1 pociely, n w
iitTH enn lie lotinil whenever mch
commlttiil : nml hence, lustlcu to
titutlnn mid lnu.,to (inmiiimnt nml
ell n to Hie. nccu.'dl, li belli r
iui'eriii oy cnn.itigno one to lie mil upon
trial uiiIcm the (Jrnn'd .liny ni-o rnllrlihl, Irnm
Mimic lel!mnny liifyro thiin. that conviction
will follow. Two wIiiicms In the miiio overt
net must nlway be iiroduccd, or no Indict
innii can nu intitul,
It would h rvc to confiiip rather than nM
1 1 mi, If mi cluborutcnimlmjli wrrenlMiiof Iheiposhn: force nml of their iilnn of rntnii itati or:
idee ilijilliiclloin upon which the rliiMilicatlnn
of tho illUVrctit lriaon. under d nerrtit
cum.tatcu. mny dipend. It will milliec to
ncrc in the iiiimy, ijiviuj! h.ni tiki nml colli'
"I lie Icrmi 'Ii'yui war embrace lint
mcicly the! net of linnial or tleclnreil war. but
nny enintili nllou, In military iirruy, fmcllily to
privent or oppose, teiienilly. the ixi-entlon ur
11 pnivl'lnti I'ltlier iirilK't'iiilcil Platen ('niitl
tiithiu.or of n l'nllnl SlnliKiiluliiie : nr forci
bly to sulivi'tt the Pnlii, ritati'J (iiivcrnment
or nny deparlmetil theiiolj or by fnieo In
procure the npKiil of iiltirntlnn ol tin Cull'
tilutlon or laws' ; il such combination be nr
compaiilid or followed by nn act of forcible
oppuriilon In purmiaiicc ol I lie treasonable
deslk'ii." Tlicnirense U tint to bejudireil ntone
by il.i iminbir nin nibleil, or cen by the law
llle npieiirni.cc of the nsse inlil.ie J il.eic must
be coiisplincy to ri'slst by fnrev, nnd nn nclual
imlsiiiuex' by lorce eifiirms, or intlui'datioii by
in. lulu w. 'I he I'litiiplrncy m.il the huurrr tl' .".1
connected with It limit hi to ifRct ..inilhln?
id 11 public natitro Ciit.e.'r..,ns the L'nllexl
.Stalin to ovcithro'.v the (imcimuenl, or
some ilriMilinciil tlicree r. nr " to iiullifv ninl
Intnlly hlud.r Ihe imciiIIoii of some I'nltul
.State law or ll-e l.'iiltnll Slain I'oiisiliiitlou,"
or wine part thcieof. or to cotiiivl I's i.brojiii
1 ion, rcini, meiiii',i'aiinii nr iiiuuuc, iy 11
nut to ilo'imv. luiiMiiiteh us the ('niislltii'iirei'sliiilly Iho s.nii' in nil cacs mid nl ull
lion providm 11 iHiii-enli'i' nnd rcnul.ir inmle
whciiby II or tin' t'nltnl Slates l.iws nuv be
!iilni'l.i!nl. llu-rp ran !k 1.0 nllur rifl.lfiil modi-
.nl 1 fl'i-iiitiL- that end kiiowu cither to the Coil -
,uilta.u to lv..mo fiilly'iiifiiiiii'il upi-ii nil (inx
or liicoi..iihriiti',iriinienlaliill'ilrs sun's Id il.seluniie hi man)
Mniievii. So, on iHililli-.il nbligalloiis Intilllsiiitly nl llic tnllut
lllli. 11 11 id lnws.finx. and lu other tc'llluiate wavs. mid the
1 - . -: --- ----,-,
: rriiilmn nl ihepiiiiiiil of sivi'di nm tiitaraii'
.tied In Mm fur thai us will as other nsi'iitlal
1 iiiiiiiom : nml 111 Iho nulil i.f llu invm'i
ieiiiiiibly lo iiiuible and jKiltlon fur Ihe ie
!ilriTs of'tilpvam-e. nnd to keep nml Uur
j nnu. rniii.s t lo law fully iibrlde-il or Intiiuuiil.
,n 1 cviii ii- 11111 tin nssviiiiiaio inr 111c mere
imriMiM' nf nroeiirlng ncatvalilo uilre of mi
p.),e, i;r!eauei. e-anuol be licaionable; nor
1 111 11 11 fiee 11l.il rull ilhiiisslon of Ihu act nl"
, m,k. . r .MU, nwnmc,t niaUT MIL.,
l.li.ni'.i.iu Ik lu prlvntu cimxciiMtloin. puldle
" iiiix-iIiiuh nr Ihe pre: linr in 11 t-iililnrv
im 1 he lln;". wlmi nf-eiiiMtd for im imri"e nr
IiIi.I.jii nl Inn rr.rlin. In- fiitn. ir liiilinlitntliiti.
tiiii'i. in nrder to itprn Into tmii'ii.benrc'oui.
panhil or follownl by sofiie warlike int. mch
laml III the i'tnn al'Hiir. nr In forcible mid
,n ,,iu It-- 1111,111. I'I llll II III IH'I.I.,1 II, ,....,.. wr, lliui.l,n ,,, , i,,,, .,,.,.,,'. ... ,.v ."-
thrcaliti'u-. nttlMde, or the fuilheinnce of the
treaxiuable ilulcn. r
"Ticotistllule minrl'iM levy of evnr Ihire
iinui he mi asemblv of iierson met for 11 Ire 11-'
II ..',..' .. . 1
i inn 1,11- ihu imi-, 1.1111 sniue men nee inioi-, in
,111110 11 1 11 111 lit in.iib bv lln 111. with foiex' to
e-.i cute', or Itiwuiil c.vculinu llat iuiioe.
1 here tmul ben nres.iit Int. ir on to 1
TlitivimutlhMiprej.nl lubirlnn to pi 01 col
In the iMvntlon of the treaniinble putpoin with tho intuit lo furllur llu-ir tnauii:.ililf iU
Ii; r.mv. The nciuli!y mint now be lua!.lii, tional bv trea.un iijrnlnst the I'nited
condition to mp it. If iie-cciikiry.
rv.or to nh I. or
to ne'comp!is!i their tiiaioialile il..ln. If
the assembly is nrmynl In u nillltsrj-lnaiiuer
Into elKct the lre-iionnblc ilel-:ii, licit will of
into eihcl llio Ire-iisonnuic ilei-.'ti, that win 01
Itself uiunuirt to 11 levy ol wur, allhoiih no
actual blow has beets tstrucfj, or tiifa-je'incnt
has lakin p'aee."
llowLt'er lli-'llloiis 111.1v b? tl.o crime of
conspiracy to suhvert by forco llm liotcrn
mint id oiirceiinlry, rucli couplrucy I imt
lieuicn. To conpiie to lety wur.und uctiially
to levy war. uie ibsthiel 1 IVusr."
"The travclliitr nrindlvlduils In the place
of rrndeiivous would, perhaps not bo snfliclciil.
ThU would be nn (ipiivocal net, and hai no
warlike nppeaiunce. The mectlti'.' of purlieu
Inr bodies of men, and Ihelr maie'litner from
places of partial to 11 place of (icncral rcndiz
vniis, wiiii'd bciinntrrt act,"
A secret niettiii!.', iillhtfte'l) lint ineelhi'.' be
nf conspirators', and nllhoiuli It nut wiili 11
trraiuiiablc Intent, U nut an nclual levying of
Tlie distinctions thus diawn mny b) more
brh lly slated in lhc.o words ; A trninab!c
ili-siii, iiiiaeeoainauleil or not followed by 11
treasonable net, 1 not lri'non. A con.jiir.iry
to lety war Is not niiaitual let y in;: of war.
Tlie iim milling of men, or nn assemblage not
hi mllitaiy nriay or nn nttltude of war, will
not be :-ii overt net. The iis.-oinlil.io must
bo a wai like assemblage' aunt bu '11 siillicicnt
force to have the ;ippearani-e or loiliirc of
war, cr mn.t haio icsoited to fnrciblu opposl.
tlnii, or inii't hato uiarclnd in bislie' or tie
liiclinichts towards some p'aee of lendc.tou,
nr done soma other open ti.iblu net of war,
before Ihe oterl net hag been committed.
Un this point It l apprehended j on will
hato tery little difficulty, lor when war actu
ally exists, lii(iilriis into the pircisc step, sue
ce'riivelv taken, from the Inecntlon of tho ticu-
son-able elesltin to the llr.t overt uct, may bo of
les Imrorluiieo than an Investigation of tlie
.mils. done towmds carryhi' it on.or In ttlvlng!
aid and coinfiirl to tliu tnemv. In ndlieianca to
It's cans. When war exists, ull who nie.
us eeeus', n lieu war c.vsis, nil who nie.
leasucl in llio general conspiracy and perform
av ol the turiotii mid nisenthd nillllarT parts
.l'n n1' j I t . ' . I I
l.i?iii'.l In llio "enei-rit pniinirnpi' nml iHrinnii
any ol the turioiiiRlidiiisenthil iidlllarT pait
Im n1' 1 l. ' 1 I 1
n commissary who Is nt i distance frnin llic
scene of nethc inillliiry opctnllons, nml who
limy never Imic been prerrnt nt nny linsllle
tiMiinldasp, nr even sun llic riliels tii'tiiiiip or
In inllllnry nrrny, may, Ijy fnriiMiIng mppliiii
In llic IrnilnrotH force. Iil1 n pullly m If tnken
In battle with nrm. In Ills liamK So tiny It
lie with mi olllcer cninnilMlnnril to recruit,
who cntlt ntul fonvnrdi men to (ill I tic rebel
rntihn! or with nny oilier in.r.on who viiIiiii-
itnrllv furiiMnn tlioin with iiinni'V. urnH.niniiui
Inllloii, piovMotH or npplle., nr wlioolhcrule
piriorni', 11 lie i! UiikuiiI 111 llio Keniral
vclieme, "any of t lie Mirlom or cential pnrli,i
which In carrying on 11 war mint be nimicil
mnincturi iohiuih its procention : lor iioin
the intent nml oil imul c.lsi, nr the cilmc hat
not bnn pcrpctrate.1 Is not couiplote.
If the ticniouablo Intent i!oesilt. however.
the overt act mar foiiidt not onlv In furr.Wi-
Injr men, money, nAis or provWnii, Irit nli
lu (lvln Intilllirerco whereby Ihu enemy nny
hitler conduct hl lirvitllo movi iiipiiU, lie Mtvnl
from rererc or nldul In hU idaim. It It nli-
vloiily of crent nionuiit to ln accurately In
, forinid nf the lannbir mid lindllon of 1111 on-
' liitiinhd liiovimeiil'. At lime no inoro Im-Jdletion, the folloniu may ba named without
eir-iPirlnut old can be itiveti. Actual prm-iirc in, I'ftx'clal coiiimrnt :
llic hollle runk may lie of far ( ii'ltinit.i
n me 10c iinui 11 umeiycoiumiinicaiinii iroinii iiiiiniiiniraiiou 111 jinnee in nny in i iniiu
liliiitanec cone-Triiliu; the iuuciiKiitii or the op. .Sintis I'o'iiU, II undo ri.rruplly or by lliniit
p!inr fmce, whither iictual nr voiilciiipl.itiil.;iir force', or if attempted by imicIi meaii. or
Allirwur Inn been rale-d. then tha plain nny null cmleavnr to liilluenev, Inllmld ite or
iluty 01 every one H to riiuiin Ironi wiinicu-r
iicid can coniiiiiiiic in me cii.'iuy ! nuvaniap'
nr nMi.tniiiv. In foreign wars, nil private com.
miiiileiiliiiii5. lull icntime nml Innle lielwiitilheloliiccr lit ivrumj or ulleuiplln? lo Kie run
eiuilcinliii!,' iiathun Is iutcidieted; but in In-
surrivtliiiiary innvcniiiit, lhnu not leagued In
Hie ;cuiriil fiiipiiacy or niilin Iheriin, are
not necessarily fiirlildileii nil ptlrnte inter
evurso nnd I rude with K'.t refill nnd pntrintiv
citixiiK, rcsiiieul within llic lusiiruciiouary
What Iho policy of war may demand b
semoorlliisliif.Ts.it Is not for the .lu.'iiclal
Department todctrrmliic, for It .n only ic
cn,juic.xlstlui;'iictir'rowln;; mil ol thcietloti
ol Ihe political dcpnilsn'iiis, nnd npply the es
lablishcd toll's v., law to tho? mcli us they
ail' prrm .cil. Whether the (inurnment shall
as"',iic n I'oiiditlon rf Hncn or war, foreiiiiior
dnmislle', it l nut within the province nf the
liidlelnty In decide, fur the wnr-iuiiMu; mwii
li not vi-sliil In tho .liidiciul Hipailmriit,
When n fiiiclaii war e'.xlt. there) enn lo very
l.tlli'ililikiiltyliinHMliiliiiiiu wliatiiclmimoiinl
lonieli 1111 iiilh'ieni'C In ihe iliimv, (jlvintrhiiii
aid mid coiiil'urt, os falls within t I1.1t thlliiillou
of treason: but in ibiiii'-sllc cniillicls, nr 11 1 I
lint. mid in-'irri'iUiait. Ihe Iccal Mile
Il iml
iitiiiri-s orlm-tllc mnvetnoiit,
, Il 11 eillr.iii of the 1'iilleil Slab, ilurlii'' 11
fiiU'L'ti w,ir. tidli.-n's In Ihe iiiemv. irlvin ' him
! aid and cmnr.'il. he xin'atu hi. iilh-'iaiiiv mul
'iiutralUr; nnd exiryucl ilniK' towurdicar-
: r Iutt on 11 ibnniMlc war, ir 1111 liuiirreellnli
jialml by At.iillinii ciliretu njfalnst their own
(iiiviriiimiil.il il'ini' by one owitii; ulleul.uiiT
to the I 'lilted Stiitc uud wllh Intent to fin lln r
the Iri'iisoiiabk' object, nny fall within I lie ih II
nilloii of "Icxyhy wnr,'' nml ll.infnrd Ihe
lallir sHeipj n tiniull may be broad eii'Mi.'li
to oivir iiry such net ihirlu 11 iibclllon or
liiiirri'elii.ii." Wlialcvcr durin;; 11 forelsn war
wniilil iimotiiit In ndhcrln.; In n li.rclj.'ii me
in)', clvlii;; hint aid nnd comfort," would (.'en
1 rally tv lirj-nu during nil liiuiti'elliu, if
ihiiie," In uld of I lie liisiirnclioulsts. Iliiii'oit
U it 1 llle of Liu, that " the j iluiic with ribelx
in net of relit Iilnn, or with encuiio in 1111 art
nf l.ortlliiy, will make 11 nun k triillnr."
" I'liriiidiin' icliil or iiu-iiiKm wllh money,
arm, iiiiiuiiiiilihni m ntlu-r iKi-csEiie. will
piiiwiftittt make 11 man 11 Irailnr."
"Siiinsklerlii'; 11 ensile to n be-!, Iieln-f In
coiirixlcrne-y Willi (hem. Is tini..u umli-r the
clniKtiof ievyhiii wart' nnd so wonlil bo the
holding ne;jtnl the lioii-iiimeul of uuy nf lu
lorls, niKiials or ihlpsorwar.nruttitckiiii; the
same, or tii-achcrenisly ih-liverln them n) to
Ihcribel. In llic c.Xeiei'0 cf constitutional
ni.llorlly nmi f ipruq.uy. ihe L'nilnl Ktatis
(iiii'imu.iil Im a h irnl rli;lil lo send it lrn. pi
into uny .Stale or Ti-nllory (r Iho Unilul
Slate's, nnd to keep them there ; ni.d nny at-
it 111 lit hv 11 iioMliu loriv, ihioiiii xioience, or
1... 4..f,,iil.l!ii., l,t ..lilil.iri iii-iiii' .ir tl. i 1 ... ,.. I..
lure nl war, In keep such troop out ol such
Siatcnr 'lirritoiy, or to drive out llmo thus
a're-ady ih-.-ii', or In oppne their maicliin. so.
J.iiirniii? or ii'iiiaiulus in niieli Slate or Terrbi
loiv ; ithi.v iim inbliii-' rifurmeil liii'ii In mil I
1. ' .......... l.l. Kl .. ...
j 11111 ) uinii, it . .i. n muiiu.' u'"iii.iu. ,m
In loree. lor such ie tii-usontible iiiuiiusi : or
uld nr ii:sIiiikv eiven in llinso insiuiil In
such 11 Ircmonablc nttempt, l.iinw'u.ly mid
It is unnecessary to ipoclfy in ditail (neh
and excry 1st or combination ol acl. which
may lall" within ilipirs-ucrnl iiilesnlicidy stntul,
bicame acl which nt one lime ni.d under
some cluuui'tmiecs do not amount to tit-iisou,
may, ut nllur times nml uinhr oilier circuin
stuiice. be the mii.t llaiaiil tre'iison.s, liiihcd,
the many iiiipioteiiiiutii in the ordinary in Is
of ieaci-, ns well as the iuiprnvciucnU 111 Ihe
nil of tvur, may cniifO many limits to be now
considered iiiilitury yupplics m.il neees'iiiiis
wldih were wholly uiikuor.ii asuichfl'iyycnii
nso. The luusua'.'C ol' Chief Justice Maohall
oil lids branch of the subject la is elnwu ileal
letiul rules : "If war be nelu illy levied,
all those who jicifi.rui any parl.hnweter mill,
ute.or howctri iciuoieliom llic sceim of iictiun.
nnd who ihu actually Is.-.i;ii-il in the (,'iiiernl
consiiliue-y, are to bo considered ns trillion."
" This oninton does not touch Ihu enso of a
pet son wlio ihUIm-s or iirncmes an nonillii'i.,
mid docs nothing farllier. Tho ndvljin cer.
I. duly, mid K'rhaps the proem In;,', is mure in
llic uatiiiu nl it consphucy to levy war than
of llio actual levying of war. It is not cnouli
in bo leaeiurd in Ihu conspiracy mid that war
bo levied, but it nlso necessary lo pcrfonn 11
pait ; that ;ii Is Iho net of levying war."
That part, il hs true, may be minute I it may
not be the nclual oppemmie-o in arms mid it
may not bo icmolc from the scene of action
Ihat is, Ironi Iho place where the army is 11s
semblid ; but it liiu.t bo u part. mid that pail
111119I be perluuned by a person who islc.ij-ueil
in the conspliitej-. This part, however minute
or leiuote, cinistilutia the oveit act, of whiih
alone tlie ieron who pci forms It can be con
victed, The opinion doe not declate thai tlic
per. son who has pciloimeil this lemotcmid ml
unto part may be indicted fur 11 part which
was in liutli pel IY11 incd by others, nnd con
victed on their overt net. It amounts to this,
and iiolhlnj more, that when war is uctiially
levied, not only llio.-o who bear arms, but tl.oo
nlso who nre leagued in tl.o conspiracy, tine
who peifoim llie vailoes distinct paits which
arc necessary fur the pioscciltlon of tho war.
" To udifso or procure it tieuson is in the
lumnnvui in'
not trcuion lu il.r
In u.'.'e ti H
oaluiii ol con.lili In ' or lilultlnu- tieusun. wh eh
' not Irciiion in ll-.rU '
'In u.'.'i ti .11 ill tllab'i rim lo r iV'h
n noiinil coticlifluii conernlng every cap
bnuiht before joit liivolWnj: the crime of
trcnon, If yon Kwp rnnilnntly In mind tli.il
tlirrc nre two wuilial clenienls or the ulTvnc
the Irw'oaable Intcntlnii nml Ilia otert net.
Yon flimiM nl'n remember that mere expres
sion nl opinion, or nillcisins upon inbllc
men niiilnioiriiienl!'. however severe or niijnl,
or free dimijoin roneeriihiff pnblitf liieaiip
mid pulley, or the peaceful advocacy of erro
ny other
ileu'i" ol
lawful riulit ncrlnlnliiL' to Ilia iri
ritizcmliiii, ilnc not coiMtilnlc trenon hi uin
jiienc of the term; nml It Nwith lreanj'11
in 11 lecui FCii'C only mat t. utirtu can ial.
lu lhl coimcclloii, your attention U called
to the evotiil iecllon of the fame net of ('on
.'rep', the Irnm n which are mllielintly ex
plicit to ncvtl no cunmuiit :
"If any jierson i,r p ron, linxlntr knowl
edge of the coinmliloii of nn, of llic IteaMui.
nlurcjald, clmllcnncciil.nud tint in n.in 1n111.1v
. u . . ...'...
Im ilirc uo nml malo) knnun the Mine In the
' I'nfMciit of the t'nllfd Stntc.nr mme one of
the. fudges thereof, nrlo the rrwMetit or (Jnv
I i-rnor of n particular .Slate, nr fom one ol the
.rndges or .lustlces tlKtcof. mieh htww or ier
loi'i slinll 00 wljU'Ucil ciillly of in.priiiuu of
Anion? the othor olT. ne wllhln voiir iurl-
Any ob.'rncllon or Itiip'ilinuiit lo the due
impum nny juror, witucn or otiierr, in the ill
ciuiro 01 111s 1
duly, or nny willful rislnatn'C,
oiKlruction or oppo.ition ton 1 11II11I Mate
lml cinl writ. primrM, rn! or onKr. All pet
Jiirlcsi mid nilioruatlons ol p-.'arv rnliiiltleil
in any nut, cniitrnvrrp,, wt'.X.i rr euntMli'
H'inliiis in nuv '. oiled 'JtnteM l.'otirt.or lu nnv
inaltcr or proeccJin; when' Ihe Tinted Stall's
Uvit hijulre nn oath or ufilniialliiii.
Tliu ciiibix.lemeut by personi hi clnrpe
ilirrcof, ur Ihe imihilnln; nr conviviiis uwny
by Iinui fur i.i!ii, nr ulllluxly, tidvlnlly. ami
nl' plltpeiM III liilldiT Of llllKih' tin) I ltilt.nl
.Slates ncrvici', of any nrins, orduaii v, i-'iiit or
inmder. habiliment of war or vletuils lielniiv-in-X
to the I 'lilted State mid piovid.il lor tln
oMicrii. The hue hi; or leivivin of nny meli
uitielei, knowing thiui to be feluiilnu.lv'takeii
or stolen.
I'lie 1111 aw Inl ih'lrtitlou, 1M.1v or npnitn; nf
any leliir in llio mail, emivi'Vul nr luieinli'il 10
Ik- eniiveyiil by bmi ; or Ihesicr.'tiiii, t iii1h-x
xllng or itesliorliur liny such letter or lis ron
tents, or nny newspipiV or package' of news
p'iH'rrt, or iliu openliijr of any Iclier ur paikii
which shall liavu Ihiii In 11 I'twit UIll'V.
1 lief..rc il ill ill have I1M1 ilt'lieentl to lln
crrou In whom It ! dircctitl, v.lili a i
slcn to obitriicl Ihe conipniidiiiee or pry
lull) uMithcrV bit.lne'SS or se-neli1, or lln' ihwr-
lion ol the mail by 11 in ill carrier, or nuv r l
I cry of the limit, or willful 0I1.I1111-Ii.11 nt the
passage of the mall, or ihe irliing of pi 1 fir-
eneo In the lei lew or miiiiIi!iIs, or t. i.-knir. r
or newspaper. 01 one per'nii over inive 111 an
oilier, or 11, iitiuiiis 11.00 ni nny tiersou. iininw
fully, with the slew nf ilidaxina llic suiae, or
eiHiiilerlvllhi I "us I llflleu sliiiul'S, or mliitf
or uslii i such counterfeit stmiip.kuowiue;ih m
to be counlcrfcit, or sti-alla or lur'n,,' mad
lock nr key.
Cotiiileiluilln the coin of the 1'liiliil Slate,
or passing or niliMiiplliiL' lo pus lln- same
knowing it to Ik1 foutilvl H.-II .
Tlin.o or nny other criminal i-loUllons ol
l'nllnl Siuti'ii'law, if cnmmltlril within this
.Stale, me proper Mildxt for uur invu.lla
(irand iluricn ron.Mlliile nn li:ivitniil part
of llic lud ninl sjstcm : mid ihu li.itnie ol t Ik
ihilh'ili'olveil iijniii them lu ike their illiev
al nil llui'ii delicate nnd 1 1 sponsible', liul
diirlnjr I'uIihIi nf p'li.'ral ci.uiiii.il Inn and 1
citimctit.the tuiiuuir lu which they fiilllll their
snliinti Inist Is nfipeeinl niouiiut loivilj
per.ou nml Intcrot in society.
t'nitl'clcd bv pivjudlee or pa!nn.niid pro
eicdini;iu their Iiiee-slluullotis wllh iink-iii.
ikine and imparl lulltj', they becouie I lie shli'ld
oMho iniiPCiiit nml the te'nor o the cuiltv.
While Ihe'iii.isuitiiileof fonitt cilmi' ih m-imf.
lur the public i;ool, thai the nlhlidirs slmuM
not be permitted to escape punlshim-nt. like
coiuhleiiillou reijnlrc that liid'itnieiiK lln re.
lor should not be fniimi 011 iiiMiilieii nt (.'rounds
Inn a sullk'lciit i-auu is m.i.lo mil, lln re
U only one iniirsc which duly in units, Thp
(iininl .liny should llnd Uie iuilleliiu-iil 1. trii'
bill, so that llm ne-c eMl" may W bioiijjl I t.i
Irial. IT ll.e tistliunuy fall sin rt of null n
n.-n ,l.nl..l.,, .1. .,..'. 1 I.. t..i ............ .il.
...'v. n.v 1, n . i..iu.i vnvu.11 injui. 11 I'lvmj.iy
1 l''imrnl.
Willi full conlM.'nte In vour ililerinlnuliuii
In il.schnrire, laitlifiilly iiiui ildlsi-nllv. nil lln
ilulle-s rpullnj; upon joii.lt euily iiiiiuim ha
Ihe Court to mid, that jnn should npini'ii'
your hours or luieling iiml !.ilj..iiriiini nt limi.
whilst consiillln your own coiin-nli-iiee, you
may proeeul wilhout untie ccssary ih-lay in the
dispalch of tho business to eomc'befoic xou.
. .
O.x Tuesday pteeedlii!: tho bitlle er Hull
ltuu, (titicrnl .Scott, nt l.l. own table, in prif
enco (rhis uldi nml 11 sliulo kil-sI, ilieusstil
Iho whole mbjecl of this war, in nil lu juirl.
and will the utmost cleanics nnd aecnacy
Ho had u distinct and well tlelini-d opluioii
upon every point cmin'clid with It ; nnd
stated what his plan would be fur brlnirlu; il
to n clo-olf the miniii'ement of il had been
left in his hands The 111 1I11 object of the war,
licia-d. was tohrlns the peop'c nf llio Mil
lions .Stales to feel the privsurc of the llotiru
inenl j to compel llit-iu to uliiru to their obe
ihcnex' nnd loyalty. Ami this mil.t be done
with ll.e Icail'p .S'lhle expenditure of life cm
lullble with llic nttatlimeut of the object
Xo Chritlan nation can b - jastllltil. he siid,
In wnahig war in such a way ns shall d'slmy
.101 liu-3 when the object of llm war ran In
attalneil nt a cost or 300. l.vcrv man killed
beyond the nunibcr icijiilicd, is luiltih-icd.
Hence, ho louke-d upon all shooting of plrkeU,
nil f coulln; fornjs not reepilrcd in oul. r lo
iidtance the general object nf the wnr, all de
slructloii of life, on either side'.wliich did not
eoiilrUiiitcliitliepner.il result, 113 to mmy
aels or unjiutillablu homicide'.
TiikAiimvin ViuoiMt. This Is the re
pert.il tlicnptli or thu lour j-nind divi.loiix il
the Union nrrny in Virginia 1 (ii-n. 1'alteisiut,
central, 'iiftUO i (len. McDowell, iinrtlnii.t,
15,0(1(1 j (len, .McClelliiii. iintthwesl. 1.1.1100;
(len. Duller, southeast, 20.000. Total. 1:13.0110.
Hosides these nie the I'oiccfs under Col, Stone,
who Is noting uuxilllary to Gen, I'atlerfcon,
and Iho fleet In the Che'speakn II iy, ready lo
render uld to (len. Ilutler. Xot included In
tho ubove uro fmly lhouaud men hi Washing
ton City under (len. Mausfl.ld, and nine
thousand hi llallimoro under Uen. Hanks
making u groinl total or otcr 0110 hundred nnd
eighty lour thousand well armed nnd discip
llucd troops in and near tho lino ol YiigltiU.
r in-
e 01. Iil In Ih
i r
'I he
The War Fovor In Baldinsvlllc.
ssoom ns I'd rccoopcrnlcd my phjiMI
syntcrn, I Mint over Into the villain. The
pcwnlry was glad to see me. The schnnlmas
tcrfcd Itwasihrerln Ioko that pljranliu liilel
Icck iitnniiir 'cm once more. That' what they
cailnl me. 1 liue ilia Fcliuieinntrr, 11ml mar
"end him Inb.ichcr when I'm nil' on n Irnxelili
catiipane. Iliiie-, he is n very sensible man.
Such men until be ciicournptt!.
They don't get new very fail In IlaMIns
vil!e,ns nothing but a plank mad runs In there
twice ii week, nnd Ih-U'ss very much out of re
pair. So my nab'rs wnn't much po.tcd up
in rrinrilln thew.ir. '."'(piiie Iti.xterstil he'd
vottil the illiiim-i.it !c tli-l.i 1 for unlntr on fully
M-nr', nml the war wa 11 dam black 11 tniblicau
..."!:. ,H1': J I'. .Mp."'' r.'.
Ids arm. cd he'd bet ?'t he could lick the Ci
'I""1 '".. ."'. " .1."' "". ' "."V " .
si in n fair Imiil-nn linlit, ir he wnuMn't draw
11 knife on him. So It went nnie was fur
...... n 1 ............. r .uJ.Zi 'i-i - ! 1 i
rr ' 1 T L 1 il Mm 1? ' ,'J'"I",,W';
n .we , I . 'l M ,.r I.. V , I, .1, I L" ' .
it ...-.! l... .,.,3. . 1 1 1 1 . .
Il.oveil oy, or pass oer lii il-ml cnrlit'.
..I'.,. ,..,ii,,i'i 1.. ..11 1 .. 1..1 ..
itii!ucs on rn l,e x iiirer. "&.' ot 1.
pace; nil the scliuh master, I'ou Iroo, too
tri-o." 1 niinretl, "if a K-aii.lcilom fart !'
... . . . f. - - ---. .--..- ... . ,
The newspajrs tot hlona nt list, i hock fall
of war ttiai 1I13 pntilollc liter fairly bust ih t
. Ililill;iv!lle. '.So'iire lla.Mer m'd he dldii'l
ii df vc hi Coercion, not o'ie nf 'nn, nnd could
proiii oy 1 me 01 . i...r c 1 i.nr.rv is j-nr
... . f. I ....,..
ri. nine ie 111 11 11 wins i.e. pm up .11 ini-v
Iho tirlie of whisky mul ilestrnv niirolher lib
crtle. liul ihe old '.Sipilie nut j.eiiiy rlly
when he heanl how- the iibeU wcr 11 citlliu
up, nml he Mil he rckoued he should slo.ur 1 p
hlmiM mmkil nnd do 11 little fillu for the (lid
I-"! ur. xx Ills Ii Iiml idlers Ins 11 on Ihe ticket ''
toiiil.mnl he war too old In Unit now. Tic
.-,, 1 lie is 1111 nil 1 in iieatl. nut 11 uiki ..tifzrr
null his tencinblc I liter will. ( steam than I
iissil In whuihii win. youiisr mul llrmky. As I
liri-l liiiikli iiifmtiii'il tuti I nut I iiiitulii r.l llui
. . .1 I . . . . . ..... .
1. ..11 ,:..fi. " .;;.i: :;.'z .:,
miij.tlvlely frou. ilriiuiiuir Sictelnry in mt
1 111 r 'i " -;. '"'.
ptt-relil piiliuit. liul I loilinl llic ranks r.11,1. .
fill by no tiicmi, mul I'liminvu.l Inr 11 tmoot
I latin ii'itisl a nliieinl ih-siie nu tin part ol
j-'iiin? 111I11 t. ho nre Into the Crisis to wenr
eppjlit. I dill iililnnl to bate my cnmiiniii
I. . , f .. 1 .-
. cxeloiKa-ly ,( ,.niKri. evert U j
o innk ns lli;.d,r..l.,-n..V. 1 1..' l-Jh-r 11
was uiiiuii-; the vmis ijui-itlon. which I tNil to
"'''',".' !' 1 . . . ii,.. ,. . ,
I1.1 yon knotv it masked bnllrv f 011 a litml.
ol irln;-,eiliriil.
I '.1 ton know nn rppylit fnini ti p'wv nl
il nlk :
irl Irustyoti with n pnn, Iimv irmny 111111
of j-our nun i-ooiwiiy do you ijkiI: Joel 11111
111 iiiuLrs- to kill ilurln'the war?
Hate jnii etir lund vt lieiunl IVIpi nf
MiftHiitri, nu I enn ton uvnSd slmilnr uccltkiits
in t-tt r n biltlv?
Ilnv jim ctcr hml the meails, and if no
ho-.v many J
I low are ytin now?
Show itic your Untrue Ao., .Ve. .Sum ol
lln- ipu .tins, xtiii mretivtlrli
Tl' c.iiiiiMiiy lllksl up iuii.1 nml lost sun
tlV Ull 1. Ill full... H1.1II1, L..II... II. I. ill mitr,,,..
11" ,. ,, ... 1 , ,. . ,
I nail n spri.1 lllmivitt.il lulu 1111 iiillitnrt l.nr.
J " " .... .-..-v ...
.Uu. .J i, . . .. in. 1 '
ir-, 1.. i. ...1. uin im inr i.rai.i il-ni-i n-cu,
I..., 1 it. ..1 ., t...7.i. ..r 1. .i..'i. ..i ....
hill I lllaillv irnt li!de nr il. Iho' it tiled nn
pully clnst. Ilowix-er. onct Into il. I tookl
line In fact, nw-iinplrin. Do j-on know inc.
Mrs. Wuid,?" Mil I, iviilklit Into lln.' kitchen.!
' Know j on, jnn old f.wd ! (ireoorse I do."
I sow- nl 011111 thai slit; did.. I
I st'irinl to the uieelln limisp. mid I'm afraid
I (mil to walk too si rule, f..r I cum vcrv ihiii
1 .ii-..-. . ... 1 1 . 1, .11 ., .. '.
Inllui oxer baekgaids; and ill ntlciutil.t.) re-
covir invlf, inv sw-oiil irnt tuixeil tin wllh mt
!;'. m.il I fell hi nmnng 11 eliolee cnllti-tioii nl
lining Imlic. who wn slamliti near tlieelinrili
il-ue 11 selii the soj.-r Imjs iiuiie up. My i-neLi
hat Ml iir. nml rmue'linxv my coat-tail pit
tw bin! tnuml my ne-k. The young hidli put
Ilnir haiikiTchers to their muiitli and n
matkeil: "Te he,'' while my nncirnt runalc
slusle Irii'iiil, Snry l-iis'ey, but nut in n loud
lutf. Slieexirele-il her mwilli so vllrtitly that
hi r in w false ti III fell nut onto Ihu i;r.iii'iid.
"Ml.s IViisl. v." sed l.cellln 11n111.il dii.tln
( myself, "jim must Iij more iiirful with tin in
Hiie leiin 01 jour 11 cr joii luite to "iini It
nc in'1
Meil.Ink. I had Ur.
I'd lien In work bind nil up. k. nnd I fel'
mtlnr snonry. I'm (inl.l I dd lot isiitli
lasltsp for nu hem In lle niinl.l.r n.k whywus
I man iiiitdi' to liioiirnt" 1 ml, "I '.'ite It' up.'
' hut ing n vayiic idee thut it was 11 minimi
ilium. It win n oiifiTluiiit rcinnrk. for tin
; ulinleiiK-etlii house Iim,, nt mei Willi inlnlid
.uipilsp iilKl Imliiriiatioit. I was alioeil iimh
I'i 11 pint nr nrder, when it sudcnly iH-riiriil In
me where 1 mi. ni.d I kept my suit, b'u.hiug
like the red, lid ihm so to.p.iik.
'Ihe next mnrtiln I ri. with llio iaik (X. II
I il'iu'l n'vi'ii with the link llm'. ( unak)
My Utile iMtitir, tin rxeiimtln lialnls, in
cniiiiaiixlu Inr M-lr with the hand urjin. uiul
she wbht me lo Ih g. 1 nnd hear her sing :
" lf.uk I hear r.n angel sligln, n niigil Is now
onto the wing.'1
" l.et hlm lly my ehi'd 1" scd 1. n Inn Mill en
my itrinir, "I inu.i nirih tuny Hz.''
We me piogitsln puriy weU'witli our drill.
As ull nie cnmniandin 1 ilis'ers, there u'n't in.
Jeluy ; and us we are iiilcxceeiliu smart, it
iiiii'I wotlh while lo try to rut ship rncli diIht.
'I he tike nf a company eoinioiud exelorlvelj
of Coiiunamlir In-chief oilggeinaled, I si4
I tkiirccly nrcd say, In ihifo llrane, Ciuistd
owl at n Idee I Hatter niju-ll it I. putty heflv
We've got all the liietles'at our tongue's eiuk,
bat win twe part lely excel hi I. iistln inn-,
kits. We can re. I iiinkiU with nny boily.
Our cnrp.e nil1 do ils dootj-. We go lo the
nlil of Coliimby we llht lor llic s 111 s !
We'll be chnpt lu'o sas.age meut before
we'll exhibit our coal-laiU to tin- Inc.
Wnll light till ere's iMtliin lell of us lint
our lit llo toes, and etui lln-v shall dellaiitlv
wiggle !
' liver or thee. '
A. Wtnii.
rifiiiTt.x.i I tin: l)u. The pubj.ilned
extract will i-liiMn- that bluudivs in Iho elark
ure not contlre.1 to Yankio soldiers ;
" lu n night battle, fought daring Honn.
pnile'n Itussinn cniupuign, one ol' Davonsfi.
legtmcnis sought to take rank In the lint line :
owing to tl.o daikiirw, it pund beyuinl it,
and got Into the midst of the ItusIon culms,
slcr, who ntiueticd II, threw it into ilb-onlcr.
look from It three pieces of ninnou, and killed
or took aoil men. Iiho rest immediately fell
ii.to platemin. forming a shavlc maas, but
mailing so lurmiilnlile 11 rcaislunce. that I .e
i-iiemv could nut bical. it und lb iv-lni-ut
r' M " I" ll'i'i I- 1 i 1
p'u s 0 ii q. I., t,
Tho Sixty-Ninth Regiment.
One mure plendul cijciipc nf the heroliou,
in l.t.iry spirit ami iiidniultabV brarry nl llu-ir
rac, Ii.'h lii'i'ii civeii to tin' woild by lln' filltli
hl'li ltei;iiiii'iit hi the dailroiH ln'tllo b"forj
Mana", In otic Itri. f li'ar IhU imlitc corni
ha earned 1111 Imp rl'tiaVe faup. ninl iMlnb
lidied its claim to r.mU lu lil'lory b.-.dda that
Irish Ililynde that lent ndditionaf plory lu by.
gutieeliii) lo the piiiniiicrhi! armi nf I'rance.
Two ui It f tclcRraplru pir.ijrupli, lecclved
ihilhi.T the past uei k, eplluini'i the niiirit and
p 1'lllnn, In thU iiiilmppy war, of tlic bravo
.Slly-Ninth. The lii-.V akln of the order
of lulvnnif of the Keilenil nrrny mi llic thy
that the lir.t cuiillict Iiml.' tdnccnt llilll'ii ltuu,
nyn! " No cIiuiiro toM( p'uie In the nidei of
lie iinln ci'lunm lo-diy. cxcppl that the Mill
N'ew York !! titrtir-nt tivl i'if pen." The
cik-oimI uiinoutiPiil the cenernl Inllle, mid it"
di'iiiliniK teuli. In the Inief ihliiill we f.nd
the fulluw Ins tin ntinn : "The O'Jilt liivmient
wire en I to piici; I Ih-v cmcinl 1I11' relrirtl,
on.irom.lill.1w IIp-w.-' Tln-rncro the tint
In Ihe I - 1 . and the I i-t ont ol It.
1 It 14 Irit n sihort yesr inee IIip rlty nf Xm
I Y tic ran in.nl ovi'Mhc adiclit of nu l.iiilili
princo otiil ill mile. On tins or. a mi In- 031
t"i'rl'' 'lcrirvi.rn.ml to rwclate then
".'IV'S l.h the (Hpular ll.tuk.-ylsm. nr to Ink
irlnce and hli suite. On lliis oc. al"ii Ihe 03lli
"mi in nu iii-.-iimn rami is i.hw is umiur
I. .1., .,-,- ,, , , r .- . - 1. i .
ov Hie c.l x 11 tuliturvor rxcw tok. lor
;."'".'..'..""" ,"" ."J".-. "'."
nrj (ii'iu mis, (thai lu llrrn-. of uciiuti like tint
pmn'iil tire n curse, to Ilia public sen Ice. 1
court-in irthileil the Cnlonel. mid eiiiL-nvoriil
lo bri'uk up Ihe nirinkiit. Miij.ir (iunrul
.-'atidreiiil' proccfdltiu were hnweu'r. iptn.hul
by lite (intenior on the brenkiii)r out of tint
..... ii. nr .. ....it...... i.....l: .,..!..
. ""I, Ml II III.I1..I I'l I..II"! Ill ... , llllll. , llll. .1.
,,, , ., 0VC.wj,iw lrtt. nju.liei-i.u.l slur
,,,, ,) , H.riH, ,K1. ttrr(. ,K.
iniit.il to Inpist 011 IlKtit. were Hie tlr.l In
vuliuititr Horn theSiute id New V'ik hir Iho
ih-re'ii' nflhe Ainerii'iiii Iliy. Il.ov wi-ll nnd
faithfully tln-y linte ilone so. is wultcti with
ilieir blmsl 011 the plaiiri of Virginia.
MnsliTnl lulu Ihe K'rtliv. Ihpy gnvo tin e.x
iiniili' to the whole nrnir if iliwiiiliiK. eoial
I .l.HI', I, HI., II' IU 1 . .' tV.'l .'111. ,'l, ,111, .'
1,.., .....1 I.:. .1.1 u.,.l. .... ......
lMiro wl-u wuc ;,,.,,,. l)r lIlim ;,!, ,,..
,(.Iolw ,n . nl ',,i ,,, u:i
m u-ll 0t l.ilV . n-ltiml IkmIhIIv ir bxvuii.l
.. ... .. ....
"" rst" ".v-'.v " .imm " riy.
1t.1t im purl of tin ir nction is 1
1 nine disrrviii
nf nenul and imilullau limn Ik' 1111.1 stent and
ciiiisluiit ubHrtntiis', iimiil ill.' I.ibiirn ni.d ex
i-ilimi.t nf llC e'ainp, nf thon1 relitfiiai dalle's
lluil llllid tin m alike to live or iIIp Will.
At kvl lln thin for nt'nckiii)' ihe rn
trenched p.iiious nf llm Conrixlenitc nimy
ill ill. iv, .-riii"i. ,,1 lln, 1 .'iii.iiriiiii; iiiiiiv
!,,,, Blfl ,, , e ,a r ( i, ,, ,f
1f ,U Kl,I(rilI ,IA ,ve Im, ,0 c.)Ul llmR.,
,,. eI)Wv , netiuii, lngli B it bittlcson-,'
f iWr nuiite laml. The iimi'iidr of tho
la'e i. brief, d'udilruu', but nu far as ill it
I1W1 letiiii'iil was eiHit'crmil, most tilorimii.
An I.iiKli'hiiiuii was pri-ent nt lli.' bitlle
it ho lud wrved lliriHijili tin' Cillncm v. nr. lln
ntets ll.ut l) never wltne.,1 siii-'n brilliant
iMiraif as (hi i!i vol id e'orp made dining tho
aetii'iii they ila.li.d furwiinl it) iiiitiatirlu
line In llio lai-e nf 11 withe-rid-.' lire finm iho
in n.v, ami tlmir wild ilncr roe il.llaiiily In
1 1 tlilclivit of tlic liefht over the din of tho
.iiimiiiHlin-.- buttle. Then conn the wild nml
iimi'iiiniitable in!c In llw uiuiy ihey went
itluelii-il to, thu lliilisrriiutiiale Ihefht. the mi-
rable snirn mm prut ua illsprirmi.nl ictrcat :
and limi llio ln-role Sl.xly-Xinth sitlpp.sl nfl'
icitlliliiir but their Hither pirinttrs, t-loinl
1 u-ir inii-i-tiii-n uiiiii run is, iiisnuicil who il'-
' . . . . I. . .
1 'r.Uf tutiirilH-'iiiltuiiewni llic tletori.'iH 1 '
I ML'f I. Intitul II' I
leimmts, niHiiiiiiij 1
iHiilidly iiiriiliijr iil,.- lions nu thu
inrsuiii'.' rm", 11ml ftitvrliu; lln lelicul nf Ih"
JMuii'slrieki'ii butlali'iiil fur the whole nf that
iIisiiihI liiiiily-lwti mils-; nl i.ad. wh.iliiia.
strewn wllh the mini that llm lm.ititi- l.n.l
east aw-ay to din iinuiUr lln-il Ibyht. Win 11
Iho army, ih momlissl ton mull, at l.vt renehiil
llu-ir IIihm nn the I'ntniinie, iheMunint nf tho
,'nil. . 1. 1. .1...!.. ,n . .!....
iiiiii imiN.- 111 nun iin-ir i-uinrs, uivir riiii"ii.,
1 ,.,, ..... ,,.. ,, ,. ..,. u ,. '....
1 . . . ---.- ---.- ....
of Im- mini 01 that Ptiitiiuit an Ijm on llio
rmid between M annum nnd the 1'iileral linen ;
but Ihe iih'ii whu carrieil ure lying dead Kilda
l.oi.l.his pmiidli- In ll'-nven from 11 d -ath U-tl
nf fame!" .. '. .'A-wtor, .liy. In.
Xotv .t.xn Tiik.v. In .7, .Iciribivis was
In-grnvl or ll.e illy or I'm (land. Me. Hi
I'ltniug henllli mul ll.e adviii) or phjs'cl.ius
ihiii' hlm M.vk 11 Xonlicrn ntm.Mphtn. 'Ihe
e'ril i-.lv of the " Ihi.fu ' Stale tens the phiey
n lii I Inr lus way was wiimIiiI. Tho brneing
itino-pliitf of uv l.nglun.1 nstmisl bull to
Icabli. 1'mlhiii.l wilcmiMxl hbn cordially, cn-ilii.si.islli-ully.
All Ihe honor it was poMiblg
for the gu'.liiiit sous ol Maine to heap nn llm
-ii-ud nl nu honond innub-'r i.l llic lie 11 ixi-.
eg I'abiiH't wire) his. 'Ihe ixli-iiil.il uilm
on'y linl.xiil Ihe npen be-iirt "f u.ry cilum
vt lib wIh.iii he eunie in cniiinel. Adilr. - nl
(. iw, ill thijMime, ussiilid h.ni. 111 he Ha
ul, d nt.r jiiiikiiiliiiii.ll.iit he v.us In tho
n,i bt.ilimu!ui,. Minn i-itin-1 ; wlnl.-sHivi
inii.-ie Irnm ligulur iiiidiM-iiiurix.ii " baml. '
sooiIkiI him tustirput liigliili.lt. il 11 utnwtsl
tie wns tiiuiiklul lur tin so kind uimmUrune.
lie wns bvllMiil. Hi etui wltlnd lo luipre-s
11 uu the minds of the tlli.-iw nl Ma 11 . 1h.1t
his only sou would eueiiili their kuidii. m
his lieull ns 11 legmy n precious liiirlooin 1 I
ihe house m" IiavIs, nml such iuipr. .- hcni! .
ore-il to make as lullow. when nddiiui tl"
en! ns nf iHirilir.i.'.asrvnreseotiu:,' tl.e c!t n.
if Maine i
' If. i.t seme fulure tlnte, whui I nm ''
-jleil with the11 , u1 lie arm ol my ii.l'aui
Mill htu lii'in mini! fur tie d of manhood. II
tot 111 nf war should Lui.t upon j.mr e-nj I
e-cl that, it-ljing upon Ids uihcriniig the I
thiols of his nuceslois uud mine I imiy pli-d.-.
him in that pel lion, hour lostuudl.v t'oiir.! I
in iK fence nl your hrnrthstones. nml in 1n.11
Inkling the honor of 11 ll,ig whosi- e.-n-teli in
Ihonpli lorn uud smoked in man- a batik- bv
ea oud land, lias never been .tu'ined wnh ih
honor, and will, I tiu.l, liireur lli u bu n
ilia bru-se which iinlidd. it."
Where wi may iisk, is .liO' I tail, now
Diicctiiig tie moiiim-iiUol 11 hoid .I'l.lii .
against the Cnpll.il. and the citiu.. id tl
terj kinic whith .Showed lum so inueli bono
in con in ui with the other lovnl States of ino
Union ! Ami fir what? Mirilj 10 haMsry
his own Insatiate lu.i for posiiinu' nnd power,
and il Untune ..houM smile upon Ins ell'u's,
p'uiv upon his brow Ihe cmb'uii nf rojalty.
A las I what n chaiigi'! The c.iiiirnst be-iw.xii
Davis in In.'id mil Datls in iMil is great,
tery great. Mny we not Iioh-, howcicr thai
his belter reus.. 11' will tetiiiii In him. beroi.'
lie limli himself 1111 emtca.t from tlie land nf
his birth, and ic marked througuut iluislui.
doni us being,
' I'rom ihu cxlriniesl upward of hi. IhmiI,
To the liciit and du.t Iwaenlli hm Kit,
A most loud snolliil liullnr!''
I.iKfii bell thai is rung fi
lire Id c
nil lines 1
tiiitlers gi
I 1
ceaseless auctioneer 1 ici- l.ke,
ciaeeli.'S liar in heh kf nukuiL
I'lpp'o; jcu with qua1 - ! ..r
.1 tun ' 11 1 ., 1 11 .r
It n 1 s. ,i !ul