Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 17, 1861, Image 2

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Jflfft fjS&9
"To tiii: trnaiv ami miuiNKM-v or votu
for On Stntitul.
Rough Sketchei of a Few Days in the
MVtns.lt TIIUKK.
Ji i.y IFIh. 1'lcAsnnt morning lo yon C'ntmir
I'rytis. my compliments to cwnpngneros Winkle
null llolli") villi supplication to cmo that snor.
lug, as tie arc In Ihe game district, and tlio ptcn
sttrc of their company nt breakfast, out on the
iMuuh iimlrr the pines, li sollclltd Inslanlcr.
Ti'iiipcriitiircfi'M nl tuu-ilsc.
llnroutc early, heading norlli, up n tributary
glade lo (irub's l'ralrle, In the direction or
Mount Pitt mako Tour milts without teeing
nny game ; turn cat llirougli n belt or giant
pines and thick Jungle, n distance of nbo.tl five
I'mo.v, A Civ'iiimiknt ton Tin: w 1101.1: m im.h. m'lcs.vihcn wo emerge Into Dead Wood Prairie,
i-km int..:.'' ll iiiAi'njfofi.
Hit of'AgenU for the Oregon Sentinel,
n tho t.clghbothood of which we confidently
expect lo coiniiilt mil havoc among the hihnbi
t.mls or the forest wild". How nil this llmlicr de
parted life nt the fame time Is a qiicetlon. 1'ro
Imlity 1'ltt, In n former age, when eruptions were
fu-liiuiinljlo In this latitude, grew sea-sick nnd
turiud nut his stomach to cool, and hence IMi
mart. The vol.ey Is unnll, lint nnd marshy,
who nre mrthih-lred to transact nny business!.,,,.,.!!,,,, i,,.,,i phi . i,nu. r. r... nr .......
, ' . ... ' . .1 " .......... . .... ....urn ... ...in ..b rMii
concerning mi paper, in me mime or l he pun
llabcrn :
I.. 1 FM.er ... .
V,lworth V Jhiyucs
M. KoscDhcrg., ' ....
O. Jacolis . ...
J. C. Davenport
,.. S'nn 1'runclsco.
. ... irekn.
. . .Ashhimt.
. , .Cnsliurg.
W. W. Fowler .Applegnle,
It. 8. Ditnlap WllUutifl.ii
John T. I'rlnilltr
A. II. Mclliwlii:.
V. V. Itlnchnrt.
U.J, Forties,.,,
W.. M. I'vaJK.
T. Smiley Harris
Jmncs It. U'mle
. Merlins.
, .('nnyonviUc.
from bne lo cap ten miles away, north by west.
There nrc some pretty mimics putting In from
the Ninth with good grass, so we travel down
some lml f mile nnd heave to at n beautiful
spring brniicli, nltnnt pnddeil ocr wllh rich
Kni's nml clover, which, ll (swollen pleasure
to sec Iho ipimK pitch Into. Wo formally take
poctlon of Iho Dead District nnd celebrate
Hie event with Iho Held piece. That dona we
spread the tricks h riiiW ami lunch the Inner
liDinmt. It lulng noon, or thereabout, the bucks
are uippo'cd to bo on tho rocky points nenr
1'llt, hardening Ihi'Ir hnrn. We tpitnd our
selves promiscuously on the clover pad. nnd
glto up command nl the cxpcdlsh to our es
teemed friend (!en. Swimiil, w ho Is officer of Iho I
day principally, and by the way, It may lie said,
discharge his duty ndmlinbly on nil such occa
sions. In this cool, delicious, mountain breeze,
united fresh from the snow capped peak of
I'llt, whose Til im head, by some menus or oilier,
has courageously worked lis wnyictcrnl thou
llilf.l MsllnrV.V ltoehiir.
J. F. McCoy., Portland.
Isaac It. More Salem.
J. M. Ilacon.'. ,. ., Uiegon City.
Publishers' Notlco-Extras.
To meet tho lncreneil dematiil for the cry
latest Intelligent; from the Atlantic Slates, the
publishers of' lh Pr.XTiM.l. hae determined to
l-iie Ultra" Immediate! v on rccelnt of the I'onv
dispatches, mid'forwarii llicm lo sub.-crltius by snnd feci up Into space amid the lleccy llei Hug
tlr-l conveyance, In nduuee of tho regular eloint'.
weekly lwiii. Tho Pony imw nrrltc twice n "What the deuce lsth.it!" shouts Winkle,
week, the news from whkli usually resell us on Which ipierry restirreels the lihl cxicilM. m
Sunday nnd, Wednesday ctcnltig', by lilegi.iph mtsw fioiu the gru.s nnd deep slimier, ntnl In a
from Sacramento to Vreka, and thetiee by st.ige Irico the nrmnment Is lu poslsh pipes fired up
to this place.' 'Til'! Nnith'rii fijij n3 nUr nnd ponder dry, ready for Ihc cm my or any
for tneho hours gives ample time fur printing other nun. " Don't see anything," says IloIu,
nnd milling tho extras uoilh, while wo will whoe exes sweep Iho horizon In n sclenllfic
lie uiually forliinulc lu hitting Moml.ij's mall way, with the mieemlng inj nlJvt nn ohl
for Crescent City. Hanger, wllh n firm grip on Ihc death deiillug
To nieit ullejul.int ctKiinii, we shall Issue lo double barrelled stub nnd twist. " Hist!" sa;s
Milwcrlwrs of Iho .Vrv-rlMX Imnlij-jUt immUrr' Inkle, ndtnnclng finm Iho brush, i.i ;ir, wllh
lying In ils tollliiry plnca since tho Advent,
ntTord the best npptoacli to the game, but In
Mopping otr to get on tlio next log. crush you
go up to the nrmplts through n past generation
of brush, making noise enough lo scare tho
Antlers to the other side of Jordan.
The cxpcdlsh Is slightly disgusted with the
dead wood district, nnd resolve to spread the
calico enroled lo to the breer.o nnd head South
up a feeder glnda of dendwood. Half-past
eight nnd the bold Mollis still sleeps, sand ns the
fight Is nbOut over, judging from his last re
marks, which was nn nppcal to Winkle "to belt
Into him," nod n further ejaculation of " I've
got him," which led to tho conclusion that he
had captured a Slirnsli or cleaned out a grlr.xlcy.
We roll him gently Into the rill, some two feet
from the couch of conflict and there left him lo
drjss his wound and ablate for it'jtitnr.
Aboard once lucre! wo square away the
transports to the Southard, nUd dip Into a dense
licit of aged pines steering by ceminss nnd
find It dlfllcult navigation touch and go, nd
charts, not even an ilk trail, nnd shoals of logs
lo work round or oxer,;orf wwVii, we get
through In about three hours, having traveled
nbout live miles, emerging suddenly on the
bonier of a youthful Paradise It jolli rtaritrr,
tntrt ret arbrt In pleasant contrast to tho siot'r
W mint near Pitt. Whoop de doodendoo I and
othir exclamations exuberantly cxtatlc were
starling .tip among Iho pines, when n low
whistle from Iho lofty Pryus warn us to simmer
down ns there Is game around, ltodc down the
border of Iho glade some three hundred yards,
when luslnntcrulf went Lnfly mid bang went
Winkle t off went the buck nnd oft went the
calico cavalcade, unrolling Itself wllh the spcul
of the Irrepressible conflict, down the glade
scattering the valuable commissary stores nnd
haggngo for about half n mile. 1'ortunntcty
Dolus did not dismount when the broad-slduwus
fired Into tho buck. So Hcrlptlihonrds his trans
Kirt nnd sails nflir the ll'il, run ulong sldo the
donkey, throw- the grapnels Into rlgxlug nnd
brought htm to. Field piece all safe. .Moor
him In n tree, mid gave chase to Iho ollur
ipiads which arc btotight lu after an c.xclllug
Hough hole m.iss,,,,', that the commlstarial
Is amply riiial tiWvii'f run rgeucy, mid It mat
ters llllle whether no slay Ihc Antler today
or to morrow, so we hnto c.xircto mid ndvrn
ture, like Ihc above slainwdo for InMnnce,
smill Iho pure air nnd gtt the range of the
guns, rspcclaty the larfo one. We nre content
to wait until fortune sends nur shot Into n xllnl
spiil. Hunting Is hard work mid the cadaverous
lut nllds could soon run down mid defeat the
end sought In the muuulnliis, lr.: health; rn
we will take It easy If you please ami create an
Impression on the pl.tltmt, among the game
(From Sentinel lMra, of Sunday, Aug. 11th. dernl Oliver, Secretary or Hlnlp, by fit voles. In the Hnutc, on motion ol Mr. Orx, It was
Atlantio Intelligence. I N votes, were rust ngnlnst the candidates. ' resolved by the Semite nnd House as (allows :
The Tony Kxnrcss. with dutcs from St. The (Inventor, l.tetit. (lovcrnnr nnd Seen- Wonclnowlcdgo the faithful services nml loyal
i,ouls to Aug. 1st, via. Ft. Kearney lo Aug. '"')' of Stale will bo Inaugurated by the Con- devotion or nil soldier who Intro fought nnd
2d, arrived at llccsc river, 115 mllcsj cast or'vcnllon at .1 o'clock. fallen, defending our Mag iml rlndlrntluB; the
Fort Churchill': I wasiiixhtox, July 31st. Ucneral Orders ' majtsly and sit iremney ol the Itepitblte. te
Washington, July 27th. The t'otomnc "- 12 Ju,y 30' proclaim i Hnirtlien of i commend to tlm people the ormy which Is
below Washington cannot be crossed by Hid , houses Tor orm.s, traitors or aplcs, nnd arrests ol armed for the contest with unrcaldlng courage,
rebels. It Is guarded bv n large Naval force. , offender In such matters, shall only be made, They look up the Tariff bill ns amended by
The rlrcr above is equally secure. , In nny department, by the special authority the I louse and also the Hired Tax bill.
There will be tin entire change In tlio organ- of the commander thereof, mid In estrcme Wariiinoton. Aug. 3d. A special enrres
Izatlon of the army, by placing each brigade WW. admitting of no delay, by command . pondent ol the Commtrtinl says rrlnro Nnpo
und dlrlsloti on n more mtlsnictorv basis ioI Meitl. (Jen. Scntl. Icon wos formally pitsenled to the President
A rccotinolsanco was mude hirt night by n " " noi tine, ns nas necn reporicii, tnni me Mils morning i,y Becieinry Ecwnru.
large body or caralry nnd Inruitlry, In the til- Ohio troops objected, on Ihc night previous to I San l'liANnscn, August 13. Gov. Dow
recilon of Knlifax Court House. I mt rmiud nu ' the battle, to marching tinder Schenek. ncv !sucd it nrnclnmiitlon tills mornlnir. call-
signs of an cminy, except a tnounled picket ' I" thebwtowal of bonnntble title?, Ihc vnl- 'Ing for troops lo do srrrlcc on the overland
guard. liable services of Cot. Stone have not been '.Mull lloulc between this city an 1 the Missouri
The rebels have withdrawn front before our over-looked. Thtru is little dnnbl, If nny, but , border, one rcnlnnnt of Inlnnlry and five com-
line ( their whereabouts nre not known. be will lw promoteil to the rank of llrlgadicr panics of Cavalry nre called for in nccordonce
It is supposed Hint i;ol. Lnmerons lsoily ' 'Jfnrrni. in iiic instructions reccireii irotninc secretary
lies unlmrltd on Ihc field or In the trenches. I Informnllon lias been rrceiteil here, that of War. Thu troops will Ik mnstrreil Into nc-
Tl.c rebel chills had nnreetl not to exclianuc ' since the nffilr nl Ibill'n Hun, Iiic rebels have , live service Inimciliidely. Hy order of (Jen.
prisoners t railed for nn Increase of the nrmy, and Vlr- Sumner cxnefisvs for transportation from the
Col. lender will be nnliioilitetl to sitmtnon B""; rrsponus oy oiiermg ii,tnm. interior Will lie paid lor by tlio uovcrnmcni
tho men of the mountains nnd plnln, wllh I North Onrollnln, Tennessee, Mississippi nnd ns follows i For each foot soldier fit) cents
whoci he was associated when on the Ovtrlnr.d Alabama at nucc ngrccd to duttblo their ipiolo for each 20 miles for cur.Ii dragoon 7.1 cents.
Mull rmiifl. I nlrendy levldl on them. i Dracnnns nrc In rurnlsh their own horses.
Fortress Moxrok, July 2fllh. Tho (Mil ' " upi" t'"t "'0 rebel troops ihi not In- Alfred llorcl has orgnnlwd his company or
Fellows Jlnll, Jail,-fetid other build ngs tit tend m mane nn niincn on nii'iiingion. j envniry. lur serviro on me plains mnciy-ono
Hnntton, were biirnal lo artllclnntlon or nn nt-1 A I.leulcn.mt or the regular nrmy, who persons Imvlng slgrr.1 tl.c roll.
. a - . . i ft ' . ! ..a Htitn.l HH.l MAitHml ri-tilt ln usi.ms 1.4 a t I V..... . !.... I.l.l a ...llnri I.. Im1.I In
nun i;uitiiivi iiiih ir,inii nvui .miuui-mii iihi i il'nr i until s iK'ni n iiitwiinx ' ;" i
Momlny. iifntcjt It li tiut their fulcntlon lo ml rnlsc funili for the wltlons nnd orplmm or vnl
. ... 4-..t.t . MM... ... !... I.. !. ' ....t.t- r...u J..4 Cs..i.. 1.11 1 1.. !.,.... 1
viiuruuii ii iiimuiimi j hi: iiiiviiiii nun tjwn iiuiixtp iiurii i Mil i oiniu nint'ii in nit; nur
List of Letter
ill Jacksonville, August loth, 18G1 l
Allebnnslt Santuel 2 Miller John 2
AtTuntrauger F K 2 -Murray J 1) 2
lack, l'urt of lUrhton brlihns IS deal rot p,l.
AsinxiiTON.July 28. Federal tulsoncrs
nave just nrrtvni. I ncy were prisoners nt
siiuiiss v iiurctt. inc enemy nexnovrietigi
Lnouioss. 'I hey liuve GOO or our prisonn
'I'lirt n 1iM rl.itnl In tinvn birlt..1irn t.Vtlfti
ollierrs nwl twelve mtilleal into, prisoners. I f.s- It was Ihotuht they would make n stand $2,(1110 was rubrribeil on the spol. New
!0 heavy :i in lux Will pass, UU'UUSO Ol Ihc i " n- i-') " ine prisuuers were sent . l orders ill me. interior are ueieimeu on iu in
t. discussed, and (Jen. lleunregard was opposed T. Colemnn, K. Kelley, (lov. I.uiher llrndish
H. I to such policy. Large Inlrciicluncnt and fur- nnd Dr. Fellows, were appointed n dllribu
ml ' lilicatlon implements had been sent to Fair- ling committee for the stale nl New York.
, lo Itlchinnml.
cicnsc the fund.
nminRiiinii ni 11 itirrii 1111 n. ,
'.'. ... ... I in.- V ..k1. tA....A..f I .1..t it
I nu wnoicrniei loree which was nl .ilnttas iiiuoi-'v nnn uongu-MnMim ,nti"n""
sas nniouiitril In froni riO,()00 to C0,Q0ll. mn tmctlng yrslenhiy. Mr. Corning, nf
Abilllwsid the Setiute nulhnrb'.lmj tlir t AII.ii ptoposeil the following resolution.
the I'stienrS.! (8.11)!) Tintstiry notes. ""f'i was immetliniciy niinpteii : nerval, I In Jiicksnnilllo on .Sunday evening. August
The bill to Incrciiso the medical corps of the I llmlln the npliihm (iflho ;w ntk iMccn-1 nn,, ,v g, Hindctt. Iltioidir, Mr. l'elir
navy wos ngreed to. "n. en. ooi siiouiu uo fallen into ncuvc llrilt mid Mrs. Amelia (Imb.
Cairo. July Clh. The rcb.ds have now nn- srrvln." ... ' Ti.,..-.
prnaehed nearer than New Madrid, Mo. I lesltriwjr Ilinurrgnril was rcconnnllc-Ing
Jtlf. Thoninsnn. with 700 Arkansas lrnon. within Ihnv or four mihs of Chain llrldite.
nrnvcti at ni. J.iihe, aiii. lie nn occu iitv
that wc arc well forllllnl wilh smoktd hog, nnd
I placid l'rjus sagely said " go slow,'1
..t !. L.l. T..M ll... l.I.lt.... f II I. 1t. tl.M nntll,.- ft. 1. 1 v..ll..n..AA .T ll.H 1..lln.. IV. ..!!..
, " i.. ....iIm- ...i.-. i i .i ".don I care much nbout roasted r In; In fart, a
, ntiMinr. . ' as n rratlni? m in, mmp Itanium mi tlm rtni.
Orders, wltlt lhecah, lc(t with any one (.f Ing air from tho marshy ll.it, reverlscrallng lu
Iho agents nn'ntctl above will receive prompt at- "o desohila dead llmlicr nUite us. Candor
fAt.lt.tM I ..inu 1. Unrti.lt lit .... .lt..n II. h, I... ...... .1 1
.....lull. I v..,ii. ip -wi ,ii,i ... in.iiii.il. in. it iiv ,111V Kiniui i , i i .. ll.f. .1
I ,i , ,,. i , ,, i , ,i i I ""' iliitei ifinin inu uiiiiiu iii ill em hli'llct'
' t ds II no litiekl nif on rrinhrr nml n iiiut.il .... r
Into him, but llrtd at him. Hire we camp on a
spring brunch mid' r the margin of Ihc regula
tion Mil of IIiiiUt, mid while the ramp Is a
liming regulation shape, we will nuke it shell-
I mis r
this Impression hating gather id up the traps
and Iho fearless Unit aimnlJt we mount Ihetleel
and travel down thu glade In lis conlhieiict
1.. III. - ll ...ll.... ..r i ..!.... i..- r .
C..4. n. . -rr. .1! c...- I ....ll n.. i.n .. ..p l'.,r.lU,. nn.t li.l .....1.1. . .1 -- i " I"' " "'H .""(
oiiue uuvctuiiicuu oi Dcccttinir amies, -.... r-.ru, ... . . . . . , .i. ...... -.,.,. ,,,. .....
The IrTgislutures nnd Male MTictrs or Iiic Mcli critical J.inelure Iho fair fealnrc, of .he j Jj ,'',, ,l'll . ,.' S.-Hrii
........ H ... ... ...... ... . .'i...i.i I,..,. o.ti.iii... ... . 'mllesniHlilmscltlnlollielmversfl.mlrci-lell,
Feeding caie-.uy concurring in ti.e nru 01 ,.- '":" '," ,? " ' ,"" , "T VV out of which weihase.nl the same lime, an lu.
recession, have,, pudiuUd.heConsllli.il,,,, of " " ' ' ' ' ""; r "' hl..l H. Mtmo AlllUr,wlll,w,lliril. ,1Hlk ,;k(1 ,-,,,
the Ui.llt.1 .State.! and their lubjecll.,.. lo.'"7f V' , . t . ' 7 7 rrlvl ..I proper pelrifac.lon. Ihecatnlcd..
and concurrence In, Illegal net. to. .1,1 in waging , '"'" ' '"T .. ' . r i ! T ' '"' "''" "'- "" lnehnerl.sklrllug
,. . ,., . , f cr.tnlum, that Ihreo of Iho dar ng c.x- .... , .. . .,. V-
war uiion the 1 edcrul (iovtrnment, have been , ,, ., ,,, ..,,. ,, , ,, wiod. .Strange to say. Ihc fenr ess dd not tire
n. . ii ..,..,,.,. ipidlsh exldlilltil a remote rcsemhlnuce lo the , , ,, , ,?, , , ,, ,,
gin,., o, mason, n.u. ...tio tor.u.ei, ni. .,g...-1 ,,,.,.,, to u. , ,ir,wUl ,. Im.
matepowirp.sjegl.latois nnd .Slate i,IIK-crs. j ,,,, l!tll n,ct u ntuy renll. bv
and may projurly be depoxd. as libels nnd n.,.r,idd.-ii Illghl i.r two ,nc sand l.tll eraues.
Irullors. bv tl.c n.illli.tv nower of tho OViural ., in. n...t. ,P-a nn.i ....t... .u..n..i...i ,..
CoViTlimiiltljfii'lli-g niider tlio I'mMeut, who rcho ,.r which r.,,.,1 Iho solitary dead wood, or "., !" ! ', " , "' r"C , :
may li-gltimifl.Oy er.cour.tge the loyal cliizens , ihN dreary place, reniludlng us of the sublime . ' '"""j 1, ,U'n," ". '? "'
nf lending Suites to fot tit provlslo.ii.l (Invtru- tireel of llnalr.cal sherl-tron tlniiidir, on Hie
nienls, or ncvy Slate (lovcrituienti therein, ami orgnnbm r the unlnlllaleil. The funny ti mil-
protect litem In o doing. nation of this nllirrum, like Imshen in (lie
tlcncrallv spthklng. tl.c innjorlly of tl(. d.eary ,b. it, nm-hcd Ihetnonolony mid spread
iicoplc ofu'stnlc must rule, and the nc! or the I ,''1 '' x'"m'! "; -r Iho bold cxpe-
majorlly, ll.rnt.Sl. the cfiWrs rlcelt.l by Ih, m. '' ''' wMcl' " tt'"; ."'' an "' r!,r""T RM
so ar ni lUael ixltl.ln Ihc powers prescribed '.' "f . ,,r,c"c WfB.J '""'!" v V , V.'ttW
' .. ' i rr.ililo In conn in. of Ihc ludicrous cuulnUwio.
n ll,e I-iiletttl a.i.l fclalc Comlitutlens, .,. wnMtf , , mm n)t ,,.,, , , P w..r,n.i.iM iw-rcouuHicc, i eo,.
be regarded ns Ihc act. of the whole Iplc- , M,tor tin n. among the dead dues wl 'b ,,cl "''Vr?'' m '. i. ' 'm " ,1 'flS"M
nnd lie minority oro bound bv them: but ' ....,. ...... ..... .im... n..S ., n . Irashtr oflMwanl. 'fcleh l life .,u the phv
' smut riMiii wii 'tsiii iiih im in tw tunv.ii
xvncneicr n tiu.jor'iy ni inc oiuccrs ciceieil ny nn evening hum lowaid the bate of I'itt. H.ilh
thrm usurp power and set the CVnililullon route l-tck llghl-no Llood-hld! welcome.
worthy Winkle ; limit h.tt ngroii'O, and deserve
lo smile wllh u. .Mc.intliuo, llolu Is colled im
Itil to n (Jcncrnlslilii in place of Wutkin.
Hen Folk has rclucd picses to nny person
wishing In lenvu .Mciniilifs fur the North.
Wamiimiton, July '.'U. The uport of
llniiks' retreat is titilrue.
The Asslsimit Si-t-relarv or the Treasury
hits jtono to New York to Invito the Prince
.i.polentt mill rriuei ss inp-iyu iit in vvu-h-
ami inuKu mo x line Jiuu-
nt ,1 left ten or twttily lien as scouts, bat they Ilt jnc,H,M,,., lt, .,, llllUle, ,e nfc
? r : . i"iiB j un. .huh, in i , i.aiigi-n, or a iiitugiiier.
ftv imk. I
The whole iiiMiicMllul nnd wounded or
iho Flip ainv, s Is 'j.'l.i. They are to lie sent
lo New Yotk, In'lng ll.rntighlv drmornrx'xl.
Tin re Is roi.lirmntlon or Wise's defeat at
llulltiiwn, at hinihiuarlers.
Caiiiii. Atiir. 1st. Seouls rrpnrt J, IT
Thniiilsiiii, with ."i.llUO r.biN, twettly miles
H out IlirdV t'lilnt; .'1(1110 mint li 'tween there
In Jacksonville, nit Ihc 1 lib In-lant, the wife
of John l.ncy, of n son.
arrliigtott Joseph
Advices received here todnv.sav the rvln-N "nd Ni'' M-tdrld : ll,ti(lU nt Nevj; Madrid. ,,, ,l ,,
e not contemplating un ntlaek ou Washing. n" rm-l and drilled bate live b.tlicrles of nr,.., ,0
n. but on I larier Ferrv. I poind Held pieces, (.Uiecr.il nnd ni.tniie.1 bv Klmtr. In ir.
Jaeksonvlllo Prices Current.
Jackhonvii.i.k, f-'alunliiy, Aug. 17,
Wheal, per bushel
1ST. I.
a ;,n
. ,, ,. ..,., ....... , ,,.., t., ... niiiir iii tiir. riiL'HP iivr vr iip.
Nolhlnr: has turn rnviuxl nt the War h- ' forelcteis, nml two regiments of cttn'ry. wt-ll i;,,rn Meal, tier 100 lb
p.trlniciit in justify the report that II inks bud ripilppisl. rillow, lit cttiiiid. has Ih.- prom-' Hay, per tot
evacuated Hurler's Firry, lie Is fiislruettsl ,1'eof Jiicksoii topluev lU.OUO ii.cn in Missouri llae sides, clear, per lb
In iiHI i iini. I nn. u i -i ii Irnn-s i.nn. latoiirr. i n on nun irunc-,.
Johnsons army whin last heard from, wus Wahiinothx. August 1st. (Jnvernnmit has
on lis way lo Winchester. , tn.nlo nrrnnginteiits lor Iho rontruell"ii of
llaiihs has Iktii much weakened by lheillltM-' liunditil lllleil rann-vn. which will be
wllhdruvvnl of the thteo mouth's 1m.11, but IuiiiMkiI nl the rale nrslxly p"fwnk.
tioveinnirnt Is prepared for Ibis. lVn. t'l'X rrpnrls Ihnt the Kun.iwhn rnu
iini iiisnerseij nu me ni.'i ipioim. .si
The Fire Xnitates, since the tctrcat, Intvi- nlrvJind d
vn In a slate ol lii-ubordlnnlloi. which i01"' "' I""1
ibi bam.
do should, r.,
1 do hog round.,
Ilnr, lull, ht Hi,
Cork, do do ,,
Miillo'l, do ..
Chh'kens, Mrdo..
nihl hiws of the General and Slate (Invtrnmciit
ot defiance, their nets become, void, nnd not
binding on loyul citizens of tl.c Slate, whoso ' In the eomuib-ary ikp.irlment on it lied Impro
rights under tlm Contliutlnii,not only or llieir ' 'l'l from the Itapplngsor the eat alcnde, sleep
own Slate, but of the United .Slates, cannot be big nt the ntlo or Iwcnly knots per hour,
forrelttdbyllictrciiioiiundnbclllonorolhcrf,' About Hd time Iho fry.it could Ikj seen
and for whojc pels or uktirpatlon they uro not , ''"kins luudry nrlbllo retolutlons In tho skill
responsible. 'Hi nee, when the nbels in the f" "'I'1-t r crlptl. In Iho manipulation r
Kcnltnff Stales slut! have been subdued, ibo ! " ",,"JlcK'' n.r ,,,c,, '"'" T ' VU" V "W'
State, camtol be trca.cl nnd governed as con-' .tT ? ' ." 'Vt". n' "??
, , ... , ,1 1 V i.i .1 . ImHih of "Id ncd, Vihleh preparn on, 11 he
qurml provinces. and tho loyal citizens thereof alw BC r , AnlT. , 'nJM u. '
Uprlvtd or iDer rights. Longrc... then fore, ! ,ire ,Hft ,-oiivciilciil slhks. , ,.,., .. ,..,.
will have no powtr, neither will it ullimnt, to ,. ,., i..i,.rUli 1. ,0 ...,,,.1.. ,i1(, r
abolish or laterfiro with slavery or any oilier , r,..,tWs Four, while fortune frowns on tl,e
or the Intltiitlons In those .Slates ; but, on the limit. Hid wo attack the nWe fottlllc.itloii:
other liaml, will lie obliged to ttid and protect li. IV,, elc. .Supported by Iho Columlilad
the loyal citizens thereof In rcccmtrttctlng litea-y range, wo storm the f.ont nnd II.ii.Kh
tin Ir State (j'pVcrnnieuls. nod soon lMwmd was non tt ami not a ll.ip J,
Assuming this position, a Stale ('nmtnt.nn ' Mt r"" ,"l!cl1, 1,,'r"r'" having this itiiject lion.
xvnrectlillyheldiil.Mlfioiirl,nnillliei.nieesof',rnl,1,'mc"'Iim m""t lw m','1,, "f " K-"t ,
Covcrnor, I.liulcmiiit (Jovcrnor and Sectctotv c""l'"ct "r m,,, mMe n,",- " ,r""1' "'"
were declared vnranUml others elcelnl to oc- 'V' fw' ''' "1,0 M'blltd ucllon j ,
cupy there poiViem a. provisional oftlecrs, who i?,m",""7,lx"" "V'01 " K: ' ,cru
..ti ...li. '. .1V..1.. '.,.. ........ N any mptlcbm coneendiig Iho inanufucluro
mil, iiiiiu'ui iiuutn, iwvvi.u uny ruppiiri inu,
may be net did from the Ocncrul (luvcrnineut
for the enforcement of the laws.
7T - - -
Sri'.xMiio.iT'Kxi'i.oaiox. The Steamer Cix
riboo, ,uy a luto number of the llritlrlt Colo
nist, had just Etortcil on lur tccond trip when
it that it would
puzzle the liipiKr.ipher to hi-ad the gl.nbs mid
llml dit hi'- In thu summer tlm". Spring hi cak
out. run ten vnid and sink j olher springs
dow.i the alley sit inbigly -Imldu furlh, run n
few ynnts low nrds Ihe same ceiiltT, nml sink,
The glades nrc till alike, and crosscil by 1st lis. if
pines like 11 chess IkmiiI, hi that when out ol
sight of Fill. II Is no haul matter lo get mlnl
up In the lalirv nlli mid p-r couxiUi'iicc, Ire eom
lean among Ihc notices. There nre 11 few Itrg
jiraii Ivh that liavo features Wi',ymr, ilz.:
(iiubV, out of one end of which water Hows
c.vl to Kliun.ilh ! like and flout the ollur Into
llitllu Cretk, llndlng ihc ocran tin. of l.'oguc
and Klamath lllteri ncfiily one hti'idrid miles
nparl. Then llitre nre (!rlly's, I laid Did
uud llynt's prairies, large enoii;h. pretty, falllo
and healthy enough, lo In-ureu eery resHU
ble settlement, and at 110 distant day, Iho Indi
cations nre, that the platiau will U'lormcd luto
' it high old cow county, Ihc inttun ttxnt of Ihe
West, where the cream is half an Inch Ihlik.uiid
bitlttr of rlihness, rarely m en Mow, and Lut
trrtltmk that In time will rltul Iho i-'wllzcr.
I To-morrow murnlug lite inllro force turns
out for n hunt, meantime we turn In, mid on
the wujrldo to thu laud or dreams where llulus
may retu.iiu Iho conflict wllh Iho ciumy--wc
smoke, smile, slug llixtemid Holly come fake
away, Hall Coliimtita and Hopde lloodtinhii.
Winkle rolls Into tha realms or nod,ihaullng
There Is nnlhlng so good
For Hie wuilhful Idoud
As cool spaikllug wnlir.
And hopln llieso few (lues may find you lit-
joyln Iho samo blessen,
An mc'r qjwtdui.
'Urt Aut, FtuilTl.
iriv were rniiinieiciv rotileil. I here 1 ...i t.i.r d. in.. .... 11.
11 itehe.1 lis climax I.tt night. Aeling llrl. Is not-haiicc fornny mori ti.-tlii'.'. j , In kegs ibi ,
I Jin. McC.'uun ordenil out one of hs icji- H I" riinior.il that (l-n. WimiI will bike liuiler. fnsh dairy, do
nii-iilsnnd siintirmcd the rilii-IIIon nml .lis.! Willi nnd of Forties Mnnrrtrj lin'ti".l,,lili-, do in keus. do ,
nritiiil tin' livoncnt. .Vino nlli.ii.itiil tn iln. nnd (it II llllllir will C.l-oiir.lt, Will. dei... Me. t.lieee. IHT Hi
s tt bill were itrresleil nnd liHlgcl In j.ill. . Co Inn.
1 nun- .ajiiiuiiii wit. ue Hie gncsi o. i.e
French Miuisi.r while lure.
Ciihmiiii. July ."0. All the Irnoi s but twu
H'glmitils r itil'unlry nnd rue I'li.npa.iv nl
envniry h.ttv btvn w.thilrnwii rroui the Haul
1 1.1 1 nml St. Joseph Itail111.nl.
New Yniik', July III). The 7Vi7,n,ir's ills
ptleh says Col. Coieornii livid 11 few davs 11 f
ttr 1 no .mine.
I'rnm IIidHk.xtiM'I. Ilxtr.t oflhunday, Alt'.
Ilggs, freh, per dor.
rniiiioes, p 1- in
Union, ,bi ..,
I Turnips, il
1 Ualiliage, do
, llea.,wl.ll,-do
1 1 iircn Atiples, per Hi
'Dried Apples, pi r li
Urn d I'eucho
; ,',n
00 a 0 00
I on 11
8 n
:t it
-1 IV
H a
llemlersoii I) K.
Ilouo (Ksirgu
Hand James
llitgglus Jissc It
Unwind S I)
Hammond F, Y
Henley Win
Hiiho rhoni.ts
lliiwiird l.yile
lliiiisnn Mrs I'iilla .
Hill John
Jones Kit
Johuoiti llitfi'is
Johnson Mil 11
KUvll W
Knukiilli J
K iti-oii lluiry A
KlnueyO I
Ijivv .In mis W .li
biur J A
Uitv W I.
liuther W W
ligai. I '.1 ni, I
L.rzeler Charles 2
Limcrlik J I,
Mus.mm. F I,'.'
m:v a i)Vi:iiTisr..Mi:NT.s.
isrilitiixl Assbtaiil r-eervlury nflliv Navy, under
11 i.-eent law crttitlug llinloillcv. I Sti'itwiiiNTii, Auitit't llllh. If1l. Th1 fnl- " " '
The VViAmif's stHciul ilisnuleh fnvs : Cols. 1 1'i.vlnir s'linniarv ofnciis nei-tviil bv the I'otiv Ttitanlntlnn nf Cnnnrtttrtofiln.
I'm nli.itii nml Sloeuin nre iiiiir,ivin j. i tnken f.nm the S.icrmuitilo t'mim lUluul
lot .1 eonlllimd as nf Ihe 1 . Ill i
Sr. I'l'is. Am;. -I. I'lu' I'.innnm Slrr. 11
1 'Pill copartnership herrlnfuri rxMlne tin I, r
I tin. linn nf A.Lti..-.l .irl. r I. ltil..lilt .11..
, Ivnl b.v Ihe .YuiMcrii l.igit. n purls Ihtt n , iti-i hy miilualrnioent. Allihiiitn.Uiig'iiliisl
llri Is't ves.i-1 was iiierliiiuliil and bo.ir.l.il on , ,U nM m I, prewulul 1,1 J.jj. jJartir lur
ihe Mil. tilt., by a Snutheri. stiMtuer. Tin sitlli.iai.iit.
Ilrillsli llrlg tlnxlil. wh cl. was cnptuml .lull J. IC. ACICI.KY.
Ifllh. lor i.ll.uiptbiu' to 11111 the bl.H-kiiili, I J. S. SAlti'l'lt
eh and .In v 'J'.i. IikIiiiiIIv lor Turks Ishind
wleru she was chartered by inrlles in New
Yotk. with Intent to try Ihe tiled of lumt'iu
tint hl.ii-k.idi. ll Is well I mi. it. Ibis city
mil in New Yolk, thai othtr HrllMt veels
bate ten these pull within the hit thlrl.V
il.ixv, for WVhlngton, and ollur North Cure
ASIIIMITil.V, Alt, '.'d Ollll'lul lli'tl
Jniksouillle, Aug. 1.1. I m:u. ntw I
Administrator's Iffotioo.
'Plllliiuili'rslgmil having '"'en niiolul,il by
x ine rroiMtu (.nun mr ao-iiiiiiuo cniittiy
Names of Persons Eutitled to Patents.
I.vmi Omick, lio.1t.1u 1:0, Aug. 9. D-r.i,
The following named persons are entllbd lo
rrc-cniptlons, entcrid by cash, which I'.ilcnls
are now- In this ofllec, suljcct to their order,
upon (ho presentation of thilr certificates of
-. aHtn.-'.. ....... ....n...... , , ...., kvH.lll ,11 1,11 I.VVI.-IUII..I .ll"! I HI Ull IHll Vllllll- f -y-
Allen. Chief J'tiginevr ; John Sjurs, Mute; 011s Anlbr on Iho hunt of water, they seem lu, Co'J''
)lan Foley, FJninati j J'. (larro, I'asiengcri ttpprerlalo tha .putters, (inns and pistols 1 Cnar
any iceptlclitii concerning
ol mi appetite, come up on ihe plateau and fill
up with pure air, cha-e Ihc cranes or something '
1.I.11 lliiiiii'.li I IiIm fcnlltiiri ili-iii1nliif-..is. n I
- '---n - ........rf . n .( ...
the wild -t looking place U'tvvcen the two great
oceans, and you will no longer doubt Iho strict
vo-e-i aclly of Iho appetite (luetllon. Tho pipes
. 1.. 1..II ..In.. ...... It.... ..n ..M.i.1,.1 .. .A. II... r.f
cli tv-.i. I.lnvvn nn. Sim wiUvlli, n,.. '" '"" ""' "' """" "-'"" "
, . 1 1 11 . smoke lo sooth Iho fearless : snatches of the
, " .Yb ' "", , : "'" ," ! I,,M ,r ' -SViU, front Iho .trllsllo mug or " ' m " .
from Scotland. CMircsilv for her life, and were' ...... ... .. ....1. . . ., . purcnaso .
..'. .. lllllhlO l OUUreil lur.ll UIIIUIIK IIIU eUUIl,l. . . n ,,, U-Illl.tt ,,lm, f!..nrrn
rk-..tiLr.1 nf tho Ih-sI nnilliv 'l'li intc.tn.r ... .... .. .. . , Jackxnx Lvumu VHllianill.Mcrrtm.tn.licorgo
cewslileml Of ihc lust f l-tl ll. I lie mUiIng nIilit air and dead pines. Thucallco e.ivalcudo Q, William Thomas Constant, Hunch U. I'el-
nn,l liliiut artjs.api. .ireiiin.im uunucsoni Ufoldnl up mi Iho clover pad nml with tho en- ton, Samuel M.ltobltison.Slarllng 11. Jell, Win.
Jamlesnii, Assistant Kngimeri William cepllou or mi oeciilonal snort at an ndveultir-1 C'oiitnir.
......-''.. -.,... ....iX.... ..i.i.j .liitili . ll ftrlf . 1 rniit.-llti .1.
iini, William' Hyde, IMer Weaver, Nicholas
oar.cr, Kma reake, iiM'ar 11. uauvuru, joiiu
n deck lutul 1141110 unknown. I1I1I11 four , alieudy Tor cnie-gency, tupi ilnditcl liy a eon- H.l'atrleK.
year! r,H,r or iW'llrplter. Ja.nle.on have lost n-wtlon alut the llaneherlo ITa.rlo tragedy IH(
tldl lives through Ucamboat ilisaeters. The '''''el" bappontd some time ago.sonto liriecn jilllcr, David It. Ilojles. Win. K. Myuelt, Win.
flrttwcot dowTl tho falls or tho Willamcte, mllt"""1'-ol"110 other sldo or I'itt. In lime of A IJtisli, Olltw KSIlton. J1.I111 Woodwoiili,
the Kcoml by-Vl.0 ex plosion of the s.ean.tr I W war, say wo, Slwasl, ury Ihoma, Cowr, Horatio llosklns, ll.oma.
Fort Vale, lu April last, and finally the other . ' ' "'"" " ".1ne..nil " ,. ftwHl..J(lht, S. Churchill. I-rael
i.n 1.1-1. .Imrr'n'n slmlbr f ,te iim n0 lnx ,,, N'i'111 ' IhUdesolatlnii.ilrcain. XlrUIIii. James Cole. John Allen, t-'am'l Adams,
tmo uac iiiareu n auniiar late. of Ju)l(n, Wlll(,r . nnon-nrouo will, Sniniicl I'. Dunham, (larrelt 11. Vuitltipcr, l.ctl
A NlT loit'VlVvrK Mkx am. Comno a llrm grlpon Iho Itonsj but find no c-my ; 'S'''!;A,;
m.Kiu- lion. John J. Crittenden and every ""Tvce-ite a pine Imrt-lbc Mf,,Wo of which I. Jpfflrllh WHoT
olher Itenrcscntatlvc Irom Ket.tuckv. c.Nccnt , llot "P cr 'onielWniJ else llmt nix there, l,.u , itnls Kwj.r, ItegUter.
llurnett, voted for army nnd navy supplies, '.m.M PPor '
thus fuioring a" protccutlon of Iho war. 1 'a, '"',. ,
J-urincr: crntcnucn lutroaucen a resolution, ,.,,,,.,,, ,.t. MaukcU rtlsbtly TslnscO seirnnd company at Suu Francisco on the
declaring that the war was forced upon tl.c wt!iriost. Winkle and l'rjus, Ihe Indomitable,! U10 14th inst.
(lovcrnincnt by Southern iII&udIouUU, nml it ( take a morning bunt, ecour (he tklrls of Iho - -- --- ---
passed with but' two dissentient votes. . ,,rntr (0Mm,i tlio mountain, through, over und ' A (.fAiin of twcnly-llvc Uulttil Stales In-
T,-,. . " ,... , , ,., under, tho nudo pities, ft circle of about Ipn fantry went out on the mall steamer of tho
J,nm,i.lKn Gr-Nrn.iis.-1 ho following vvel 'J' 0 . u game ; khut at a buck, JOlh to protect the treasure as fjr as Aspln
known gentlemen have recently been confirmed , M fflo J of( an(J 0 (ho , . n fBe( wa
by ConiTCss 1 lw l. Jlaker,!-. . lender, J. , , ittCo o still hunt, ns the dead tlinlwr , . , ., . f,, ,,,,,,
Hooker nnd C. I. Stone. Col. llakcr, nt latt i p.tl. mixed and woven together by Juvenile 1" two Indians who murdered Iho inhab
iieennnh. was at Forlrws Monroe with his Jungle, In lb mo.t approved weird, xilrard lants of Cooper's Mill. llumboMt couuly, Cu
icnmvul, ' ''' The ti-ec Iritnks that have prn'Mbly lx;ea iforiiki, haic b're'n killed.
- ' 1 '
Fun tiik Wah. Captain (Irccn, Company
. Tolirably cool j too near II, of Nevada, received orders to report him
John I'ltderwiHiil has
I'ifili Audilur nf ll.eTniis.inri
The ll.iltiiuore Ciiiifr stivs: Nearly
t.esriies i..Miinxl nl l-'nrlress Monroe. on Frl
day night, mid c-hiiuieil protect Ion. 'i'hi-y said
llainlon wits tu honlluikiilhv tl.c n lis-U titul
that they had Ii vn ndvisnl In llee tu Iho Fort,
(jell lluller orilereil lhi.it to i.'luril.
A shcI.iI dispatch In the l'n't says that 11
parly 11' itb.ds were nh'crtcd la. I night sound
log the I'litotitae, nt biuli Ford, ntiove (Jrent
. .. II. nt (I... I .. I 1 l r..l Hi
..11....11, .t-i.1,1 i..isiss..r,i nriiers lorna.ii.g . avc ie.t ..icse 1 wh 1111 .... . 1 ""y suite r Oiegoti. nl Iho Mav I. nil. A. D. Dull
ll 1 ih ptitiug loldiirs from luklug their units 1I.1.W, for iiJilngton, and olhtr Ninth Cure' AilnilnUtratur i.f the e.uiu of John Casmdv,
wills llit 111. Una jiorls to lake ctrgisit lor Kiiu'land. ; ,,-vcnnd. notice Is kertby sUu to nil pino's
1 nn (-i'.iii.i,ia- 11e.11 imi jesicriiuj oil .no 11 Asiii.-Mirii.. .nix. !.-i.iiciu. i.i.paiiins ( laiiag ciausis snaisj.i ntiu , -statu 10 prix-ni
l-iilrla. ro.nl, .1 ili'tanee l ten milts l.om At- nil Sieiil( llml tin1 tiiilri) lilatnu lor llie ililntl Uivn lo u.e, will, tlio nices-ary iimcl.vrs,
cxanlihi. lull found nu Iraee nf the vlicinv, Jii.'o.tr lours nt IiubV Hun. is due In I 'alt i Willi uioj car from itiisdilei mid nil pirsuus
Caii:,i, July '.'pi. An 1'iigllrhm.ui revetillv 'son's neglect of wlllve order: hud he i.Ih) id "w Ing s.tl.1 , -stale nn niiilreU Wi luulu Imtii'-
froni Ihe nbel camp. says till tint lump! nt .onhrs. we should Imvo irn'md n vleloiy.ilo. dlato iMiiueul lo me.iil ty resJiletieo iiewTu,.
11 .111 -i v im. Mi.niiili . r.u... .....1 ... ...ii. 11.. ; l.iitnl IkIii.II 1111 1111. 1 ..iiiii.t-ril llir .1 .il if 111 ll-'. 1 1 . .1, n.iv funili .
. ...un ,... ...... .-." i"."" !'"''":" r ""."".." - 'I'lioxi 1 j fiimvi'itv t.i...
mil.-rs. llieir licslluallon is llirils t'oiiil. lieymui lite conllnes or Irgitni. " v; ...... ''...':
I'.Trsiirn.i. July Iior The lluidiumedci-ol St. ins. Ainr.MCol. So onion nnd mil ",n""' " '"' ,"i- ,p"'' '""
of the I'tiiusylvnuin llillroitl Couuiauy ueel- of SigelV i.-glmettt nniinl from lie Sunt'.
ikuta'lv took lire todjv. It was intliclv vvtsl iR.leril.iv. nnd Iho balatiee of the SIl-cI
,;",;""i''rd' riiA '1 . n. ..t ,!'!,,u,.?,r:,,Ioin:lr,nirMWr
iinV!l.i.r,iIttlynO. Judge Pal rnn. n the In day. 'll.injttoop! will bo (liselmrgid here ''
riiiprcnw Court, has rctiirneil In Nushvllle. , their lime luivlng e.xplreil. Neatly all lhe UlTOllt
ll.o llicliuiflnu Ji-itiK uotivenitou tiiijiiurneii - ino lortner legimenis win rc-niiii tor ti.ri
ufler i.dvl.lnif Ihe Confalenttc Slates to Unit , nor. Kllorts nre lielug mnde tn coitlinu the
SIIHMiniMlOll In treasury iioim. 'iirgniiUilloii of the llescrve Corp, or Home
Mr TimiiiiIi! has reilgued the .SvCrelarydtlpiliUiirds, b-yond the time of tlio regular rills',
of 1 he (,Vnfedei.ile Stales, llmiter, or Vir-! mriit.
ginlu, hihtkiIc him. I 11 ASin.viiTo.v, Aug. 1st. It Is rumnrnlll, t
Tho (iiiv.rnmcnt gunbo.ils have erned ihc niiny or the I'otomae will not be kept Idle
1'orll.ind liar lo New Albany yesterday, so long ns lifore. It Is rrporlnl lis organlza-,
win re I bey will lie niuipped. lieu is going on vvitn great r.ipi-ni.v. At lai. , c..,,
The brigade of I'ldcml troops under eftut lluit, but n few recruits, will bu reftuireil. , '
Hiatal of Col. Howard Ubu.lly ingagtd Kuliy It Isirpnrlul In progress lo nuke iv foiward' 7Vi-ur i,,f.V'.(war,houodnesiind all other
throwing up liilrilivhiileiits live miles Iruui, inoveim lit more sueeesriil tli.til the hut. .(harp-" lueludid) I'rnm San l-'niucbeo. dt-lli.
Ale-xamliiii. I Jiilim llrlg. it I'.ii'.Imi, lml a liaiiirulUeilVrcl lo the wngont. sjUij OO. Down frebhl,
(nn. McClillan expresses (he opinion that ' llrili.lt ulih'ct, wl.n was luken prisoner nl lium I ihixiii.i lo.-.ut iraiiebco, KT .1(1,
.till -.Ill 1 .. I . I..- ... 1I..M. !.. .......... .1 I. ...... .....I. .1.1 11.. .a.w.l ' .
j. ii. i.ckds. .M.ihTsii.
Is now piriuancnlly on Iho route to and front
I'l'imtlfccii nml Scullstiiirg.
siii:h.v wiiiciit.
Slrwnrl si. Wharf. San Frunelico,
VANur.uiiost'ii it co.,
iVu'intsi t.iuyuuville, llreuon.
August IT. IPi'l.
i.::sa.sft-i l; 'AM
- tiik -
lids will bo un iirlllle.v war. n.al u.l.s lor us Hull's Hun. ii-turnid here to nlelit. He went
many lullerieti us it is possible-tn provide. 011 tho Held will. A. II. I'ly. nial wus l.ikni
A regiment l.ni be, 11 nut I.y MeClelluu In prl.tuier near the Witrrentoii brld.'t. He was
e.xtdid the line of pick's along tho I'otomae. recoguUil Immediately by Col. I-iy, fuinitrly '
uud f.oui thtru to llariivr'a Ferry. This will ..hi to lien. Scot I, now an officer in Iho nU-l ,
Insure Ihe notice of any movements ol rebels ' nrmy. On Monday be was sent to Munntsasi.
thcie, nnd will put nn end to their roires- mid p'aced under guard with olher t'lilon
pondenee through Maryland. , irIoncis. Ho ohlalned no Interview will.
Additional regiments have gone up lo the lleaurcguard mid was ilismlid nnd obtuiueil
Chain llrldgo this moiulng, wh.ru tlicio are 'n pass Ihrougl. the lines, lleieporls Colomli
now lime or four more- poiled. . Cnrcor.111 as not wounded, but In 111 health,
There are fresh Indications of the iuaugur.i- Mr. Illy is cnnfliicil in jail. 1IU conduct on
tlon o a more vigorous policy. the lk':d, ciicourat'Ing Ihe soldiers from Ids I
The country feels 11101 0 confidence, nnw thai ' native Slate, elicited admiration even from Ihc,
thcie Is i-uriiotness and energy in every do- rebels, (
na r I men t of iho War Olliee. . Tho relscls admit a loss rriu-il lo ours.
MeClelluu Inspects uud supervises every-, Large nuniliers or Iriwips me nniv Ing coulin
thinr. ' uully nt Itichmnnd from the South,
Wo learn from a source entitled lo credit. The Confederate Coiiiniisiiouers of the two
that Fort Tillmuti has biT.i iciuforccd by ten Houses have been in sesdon nearly twenty. 1 A Nl) has had the honor ofannoiinclii
companies j ulso, that Col. Coaly has titled four bonis on Iho House lariliaud lux Hills, Xi. I.a
out sueli an t'Xicililioi against. Fort llbssiaml l.nally ugreeil upon n geneiul hill which 1
(now gutrlsoned by Tcxuiis) as to make it, will bo reported upon to-morrow. They luke!
capture certain. ' Iho Houa-Turill' bill, changing tho duty 011 J
Ni.w Yoiik, July .11. Col. Fnrnliani. oli linnors and silks, Ihe latter ait Increasa in ten-
iho Fire .ouaves, is rapidly it-covering. 1 kt cent. 011 tho Moirlll bill, llrnndy an in-1 kT ,IM .
The Fire ouaves received orJers of pay to- crease of twenty-live per cent., and others as '
day. 1 a present. WanllinM ! fsteksnntril1a
(Jen. llenttregaid. in his onicial ncen.it or Wasihmitov. July 2'.'.-In Iho Senate, Mr. "V1IMM, isl l HCHBOHVllie,
thooirairnt Hull Hun, says ho had I0U killed Wilson moved lo tuko up the resolution op-, ,,V
and I .SOU wounded. proving ull the nets or the I'rcstdcnt, Senate,
Cincinnati, July .'II. (Jen. Cox reached ugictd. Johnsnu, of JenncsMe, said bo would
(Jnrnev HridL'o 011 tho '29th. und cultured one . xote for tho bill to carry on the wur. Mr.
theifuiid Hint lock muskets mid seier.il kegs of Simmons, by consent, made n lepnrt or the.
powder, left behind by Wke in his retreat. Committee or Conference, on thoTnrilTll.il.
Tho bridge wus totally burned. it is substantially tho House bill. Tho trnj
ll was lliiiuslil 11 iso wouiu tnauo n stanu per can. on rtumem is Mriei.en 0111. ie
to the
miles and (icnllcmcn ol Ihls pUc; and
y that bo will glvo two of Ids
Amusing Entertainments
Frliluy nml Saliinliiv J'.veiiiugs,
- eivnTiMi or-
at Jmlsburgh, where ho expected reinforce, duty Is raised on spices, wines, llipiors and MWnWAsltHAT. PTttT'rmTm
lui'lits irom IliO I..ISI. lie lost ono iiiousiiuu siiks. 1110 iiieomu iux i piacei. ui .nreu per.
men by desertion sinco leaving Charleston, in cent, on over SSOO. Tho duly on imgar is two
his retreat up Ihe Kanawha. 1 Ic Ims burned cents, coitce two nml n Half cctiis, mm un tea ten
n number o vuluablo bridges, and curried off cents. S2.000.000 discount tax.
most ol the wagons and teams In tho valley, I It nppcnrs that Iho New York Fifth Ilegi-
S1... T..I.. ill !!..- .s.-...Au. 1....1 ( Jii rnt Fi lVrnctitll(-lMI ltlCQllil I llf(Allili
V M.il.I.f .in..i... i,.l.i ...1,1. I, Hm Kini.li Wnul . Kililmnrc wire lireil Inln' '1 " e'"?. ! CUrlnlli i will inbc at 8 n'eltKlc,
Dombcn of ribertVoo psfborscs, guns, amntu- will, stones, by a crowd who cheered lor Jeff. or itrllcuUv. see bills of (ho
nltion, elc. Davis. Iho Uro wus rclittniU with bullets.
iieoei lorcesni icw .xiaiirw nre rcnorieu . Anotuer report sav ,nu toiuier ciiargeu uny-imoll, mav ro,, ,.r-.i ,i., ,i, 1.i-,rf.,.,
about 13,000. oncti on men lining tho side-walk. Several order ami decorum will lw thoioiiKhly main-
JmKitsox Citv. Mo. July .11. Convcn- Mints were lireu.uul none Hurt linicrmity, mil inlmd. tho llx dlillli.it Imlnc of it cluUlp. etc
(Ion this morning elcclcil lliiniil'"!! t;,(i'imlile, an olllcer who was ciiileavorins toorrcjt icbel- gmt an.) rbf chat acler, and tree Irom nil
of S. i)ubr, (Juvcriior.liy W voles, nnd .Mor- Joplits, r,ovusstabKd. inilgirllyi "Hilw
jr.if Admltlunee, One Dollar ; doors open at
NOTICK. Ladles who ibll this cntcrlain-
Abraham Hro 'i Mttrpliy Uernnf
Hascotiitiiimcs .xiiison Arthur
llotihiim John N Morse II
1 turns lVcston Mason Albert
llureh Thomas Metcalf Thomas
llostwlck Mrs S A M filler II
llrower K C Murphy Miurli
Heck Mrs Nancy A Nicholson ll W
llithlwi.tJM Nck comb Martin
lleek Wm II Nnplcr John
lloyntoti Win O'llarra Monro
Henwnrc James Osborne Thomas J 2
Itnscom Anion 1'icklu Thomas 11
Chaplinc J W C Powell John I,
Clark T J Fitlgo Jeletlttb
Cross Miss Fanny I'uckclt Ceo M
Cline Is-'vl I'oplenell Thoinal
Cisco Aaron F Dlust 11 F
Dickinson Itarles 2 1'owers N II
Dunhiy John l'endloton Henry
Diishlcl Iknj F (juiiin A
Diistln Malcolm Kilcl.le Sam'l 2
Haken II I. Huberts John F 2
Dot.nel Unity Huberts Itachcl
Hdiiegmi I'.tlrlck Itlngold Jiitnes
Drnliiner J.ih.i C Hosct.slnck C (i
Hlmmlek 1. 1. Held 1. 1
Fo'tiot I' II 2 Ilinlng (Jcnrge
Fish Henry Diehard-John
Freeman Jwph Sprowls Andrew 2
Fo.xwell U W Swords John 2
Fart M. 11 F Selby Charks
IJrillitli Joseph 2 Slclchcle Joseph
(Jllberl Oisoii Stiller Charles
(larr Jol.K W Smith Thompson,
ti recti Nelson F Smith J I,
UiitesllM Selbey Clinrlc.
(loldsby John Silsby J II
(Ireir (Jci W Stover Isaac
Hardy Win II 2 SleppyS I'
ll, Ilin C 2 Sheldon Uisrosi
Hubert Amos M 2 Sloeton Ssial
I lendershot John Snrirent John
Shouknian John
Hivati Miss Mury
omit n .loi.n
Sprlggs T II
Suillli Adam
Short John or Iteubcs
Smith Joshua K.
Tripp (lideon 7 ,
Trti.tx Atidcrio
Turner Hugh
Tnylur (Sen W 2
Truer W M
Tyler A W
IS.tirden W (I
Tiirin.in Samuel
Tone-iil Win J
Walls Alexander 2
Welch Frank
Widlue-u Win
Wlbon Charles
Williams John
Ward Alexander
Walker Win
ii)ni:iux m'ttrm.
Monsieur lmlt I,
Si-fior IbiriilcalJIorgl
I-'inncols Illssoutiettt'J
Persons cnlllnr; for nny of Iheso letters will
please tu say Ihey nrrndv.-rlbid.
J. W. M.CCI.I.Y, I. M.
For I'urlfylug Iho lllood,
Will be found a Certain Cure for
Scrorulii k ScrufnlouK I)ltrtlrf
A un Alterative uud Iteuoi'ntlng Agent,
Ills Cuopinlliill
AI't.lINTinri. supply or pure blood lie.
senllal lo anlm'.l lit". Win'., the nroprr
ellvirialloil or Iho lltal Hold Is lu.sislii, sick
i.e. I the liievllulilc eonsisptetice, Ilia sevrf.,
lions Ir, -01111) .tuheiillliv. tint liver becomes.
ebigisol with Impure lnl". which, forcil Into,
11,0 system, iiitates mm itiuames lite niiMsa. en-L-eiidirliiL'
scrofula und eulnui-oiisaud blllsry.
I sold rs.
Will g, .illy stlmulale Iho funcllons nf lit.
slom tell nnd liowcls lo u icxulai and liOAllby
action, nml wllhnut luiM-an or pursing expl Alb
itiuii-rious neriimuiaiious, pi. rue ine uioooj
ip,all'i Ihe circulation, promolo iersplrtlon,
Improti' the npict!lc, Imparl lone and ilgor to,
l Im system, a. id gnidi.alty Imt surely exilrptt
lli 1.i-ii-h, ciiiidug nil iindghtly vxen'scene.
to ,llipv-r. ...id baling Iho skin H-rfrcllr
sii.ihiiI. und lle.xllile.
I'r'eo, One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for
rite Hollars.
A'k lor Sand's Par.nparlll.v and lake no other..
rnpand by A. H. .v H..axiis' Druggists,,
Kill Fulioii sirevt. evirner nl William. N. Y.
For sale by KI'DINII TON k CO.,
San Francisco.
H..v II.McDON'Al.ll k CO.,
.1(1 Im Jacksonville.
Administrator's Sal.
NOTICK I hereby given Ihat I will offer.
for sale, to highest bidder, for cash, on
Momhij.tht'ld lltijtj Srplcilr,8C,
,.t IrOg'.ivvn n'oreslvillej. in .luck.on county(
by onler of Iho llonnrab'o County Court for'
Jackson county, ihe following di-scrilnil prop
erly, belonging to ihe estate of Mrs. MAItV" .
IIINKI.K. ih reared:
1-1 head nf Cows and Calves,
ID head nf Iwo years old Steers ami llclfsrt.
!) htud or yenrlmg S leers and Heifers.
I six yen i old Steer.
I Spanish Mare.
C, head of Hogs.
'.'Ill .1 cn Oats.
II Ions or Hay. 1 Cool, Ins Stove.
1 Side Saddle. 1 lot or lied Clothing.
1 Seylhcnnd Cradle, iv
A lot of Ibil Clothing, elc
A lot rif Tools, augers, saws, etc.
A Im nf (j'unk'ii Yegetubles, growing.
J.iy- Sale lo luke place between the hor,
of one nnd live o'clock. I. M, of sftid day.
(il'.OIKiK IHNKTtK. Admlnh.tro.tiv.
JacUoi. county, Ogn., Aug. 15, 1801.-.1HJ.
Petition for Divorce.
1,'oonwiN Adams, Complainant, j
M.mv Jam: Ahavs, Defeudnnt. )'
"() MAUY JANK ADAMS :-Yoa art.
herebv notified that, in the Circuit Court
ol the Siuio of Oregon, for the county of Jack..
son, Uoodwi.i Adams has brnusht suit for a
divorce Irom you from tho bonds of malrimonyv
nnd alio for die crc and custody of lieniamm
urccn, die issue or too marriage oi sata uooa
win Adams and Mary June Adams, and thai
unless voti appear hi said Court, ut the nest
term u.ercoi,
Moiuhuj, the "lit Djij of Octobn, A. D. 1861,
und answer the complainants bill, the sains.
will be taken for confessed, and tho said causa,
will be heard in your absence, and (he praytr,
of (he petitioner bo grunted by Ihe Court.
J.J. J'USIT.U, Attorney lor nuinun.
Jacksonville, Aug. 1G, 1801. 3014,
AM, persons Indebted lo tbo undersigned1, or
lo the lato linn of WAIT A McMANUH.
cither hy nolo or bouk pecount, will plcae eat)
and make Imniedlato navment to A. II. STOKK.
nt tl.o roldeneu of sab Wall, bo being my au
Ihorled ugent to collect ull moneys due ny.
U (l tt". Pf
n. .ii. iv.ill.
Jacksonx'lle, Oicgmi, Aug. lEtil. il,nt