fHE OREGON. SENTINEL. a ATUJWAV. - AUGUST IBll Kpcawiox-iy -.'"" -,.,, llx fe.dfhMhMJ i rf aT itlMHJB .hefrlcmls of cd-co lion ... nun nnv nn - , very Hnttcrlng. effort Is being maJo y the resident tenchcrs l ' ,,,-.. . r i,o county and others, to establish n uniform Tiunks. Pclcr Hrltt has our thanks Tor a cries of text books, and suggest other Impor- j beautiful boquct of roses and dahlias. l,ntnKnstoeeomplWltldsdlrab!oobjeet. MAnKKTf,No clmng0 n Malkct IcC3 Ihls Is n move In tho right direction, nnd the f,ncJ IaU wcc.t r,fsllv of nucti ft courso Is ndmlllcd by nil i - imvemmlc Ihc school system tho subject Sohktv.-The following conlrlbn lioimemn(iiv j j (0H mvc ,ccn received by Rev. 1. 1). Driver Pf careful consideration. Our schools must bo Lni, p!,((, to ,10 Treasurer of tho Jackson mstslned, and every facility afforded for tho County Illblc Society : 1). L. Hopkin.8l0i trillion of the youth among us. .Shall these 1 W. 11. Ornvos, S2.f)D; I.. II. Dewey, 82 fill; J cation oi ii e j 6 , n j children wlm now occupy II ero'ito" or pto.)Jflcoh m Prttl,rel. IWfr nccrs, bcpctnsldo bj-ind-Iiy ns tho rough, . 82-fi0, ,Toin Vi1kcr,S5 t J. M. McCill 91.B0; Want herd, fit only for subduing n country Knocli Walker. 8." i Ij. A. Illce, 83 s public .n.i mikliiff It desirable for others T In other collection In Jacksonville, S21.G8, Jackson ilons of the Slate there Is progress In this vlllo Sunday School, 82.18. Total, SC1.3G. matter. True, wo have here and Ihcro n n-l.ool for a portion of the year, but In many J plaeestlils only extends to the consumption of the district school fund. When this Is ex lamlcd the school ts discontinued until nnothcr apportionment Is made. This Is oil very well ,i far ns It goes, but we must not slop hero ; tsomc prominent point In the county n High jidiool should bo established and sustained j If so, young l.ullcsnnd gentlemen would not bo (ompcHcd to go abroad to receive an ediica ilnn. besides It ulves nn opportunity for tMMrrn fcattcrcd throughout tho county, In 1 Ktllemtnts loo small to sustain n school, to be J rinealnl vriniin n reasonauic uisinncc ironi itch-homes, and at the same tlmo be under ihc Immediate supervision of their parents or rtardiitts. May we not hopo to see this sub. jvtvrcclrc tho tittcutloii lis importance de serves? Minimi in JosseniXK. A. correspondent,; writing from Allhouse, under tkito of July I.'lh. says : ' Our mines on this creek arc still luring well. Messrs. Mulvnny & Co. took nt, In one week's work for two men, over ' itnn .mil iMiunL' Mllrlirll .t- llrpwrr Innlc vwv, out over 8800, lor (no men-nno 'little' piece . wishing 8lf" and another 8l(r. These .-Wins, of ciittree. ore on cxccntloii: but thoirPO llwso who can appreciate truth. Such miners gem rally ore nveiaglng from three to' five doll.irs per day. Messrs. MeRongul A Co. are lunnrllng their quartz lode on Jtepub- liean lllll.niul obtain quart)! that will nvciagelmTT-n Tjyrjc 'PTT-n TJYES ' auoui 9iuu n ion." . A. .A . . . .. I XARiton KseMiT. Jennings Smith, who I rngnged with others In tunneling the Hat nt Ik liend of Itieli dutch, found himself In n light place, on Wednesday Idsl, by Ixslng mujilit under the outer edge of n " cuvc.'- toftunaieiy, nc was cinc uy n pns i. which i hrotcc the force of the fall of earth nnd rnvul I.HH from instant death, lie was completely Imtiiil, hut with great exertion succeeded In - itlrlcjllng himself without serious Injury. Hooa Watkii. Mr. Clmrlis Krnjnn, tho rsnsMrralc nnd gentlemanly ngent of the Yuka llrewery, lll idea accept our thnnks dr the kind present of K!a Water. We nre lxtitngiinlleiirt!al to sorue of the drinks f tlu esiablMmKnt ; but still believe that wv tiiakebetlrr linger here than they do In Yreku. Coi.imiiia. Wo nro mlvlswl by Messrs. Itnjnn Walt, agents m Oioi-vul OIij.iImi llie selinlulo time of this sleanier has been ilungnl ns follows: Will Irnvo Son I'r.inclsin hi llie.'ilh and 'JOlh.and Crescent City on Ihc Dili nnd '.Mill, of inch month. Aiimm.Tt-iMi. I'.iin Wohnvc rcec'vi-d n romplimenlary invilnlion to nlliiid Ihc An imal 1'ulrnf tho Sonoma County (Cat,) Apr! cultural and Meelunlr.il Society, to lc held at h'antu Itnsn, from Sept. '.Mill to 27. Ist- Sheriff lliinc.iii Imt n po-kttbook runtiniiig so.nu valuable pucm,for uhtch he iffirs JJsi reward. For iloicriptlon sec adver twiiKut In nnothtr column. IVimovAU S. A. Iluxlrlck, Etq.,of Hose li'irg. paid us 11 visit 00 Tuesday of this wetk. He Is on Ills way tn the Atlunllc Stales. Maiitixkttk. This lulentcd (rotiK will n..,fn,. 1,-. ui L.1.1 t.i. ii... ! ,........ , ,.v , , tuange 01 prigramic. I I.xnun IIkkii.- -To our ft lewis nf llic Eagle j .Mills wcscihI uur thanks for thu keg of lager lent us. ItVifrl or Vtt Stnliml, Educational. Fiiiknix, July .'10th, 1601. KntTonsor Skntinki.i- The School Tench. Its Convention for Jackson county, pursuant la previous announcement, met at the Clerk's ffiec on the 27lh of this month. There was (pile a goodly number of teachers, and a few 'i tho active friends of education present. The Convention was orgnnlz d by tho election d Itcv. Mr. Williams, President, nnd 0. Jseobs, .Secretary. Tho President staled the object of tltc present meeting lo be Ihc recom mendation of proper text books, with a view li uniformity lu Iho kIkmU of llio county. After n spirited nmUutercslInn; discussion, the following recommendations were made s DavKV entire series of Mathematics ; Wur nn'i system of Orography; Webster's E'f aientary Spelling book 5 Wilson's scries of Headers, Including Primer, First, Second. TUrd, Fouith, Fifth, Sixth and Academic P-eailcrs j also, Cutler's Philosophy, HhXarks.- Vourgo upon merchants nml " patrons of Common Schools throughout Ik county, the Importance of purchasing nnd wing no other text books limn those recom mended nbovc. The necessity of uniformity (f text books in our Common Schools is too palpable for argument. Tho evils of tha present system,, or rather want of system, Is sufficiently opparent. Then, why not change HJ Education, it is admitted by nil, Is a matter of the veiy first Importance, yet there tew Uur;ng my nuwuce. is the most astonishing indiflVreuco manifested 1 -.ij- A OKSMT'l'I'IINCr. 'j? U10 great majority of parents on this sub- " tl. Our School Meetings, and our Fluca- , The blncksmlihlng bu.lncM will cntlnuo lo ,, , , .. ,", . ,. ,, ,0 coiulucU-d nt Iho old stand nt low rales, uu- Monsl associations, arc but poorly aUendul. ,K,r Uw m,,87v0 0r Mr. Cozart. Ut us change this, let us make Jackson coun-' FREIGHT WAQON8 always on Imnd y a pattern of energy of system.and of tflivicn-1 l. ION KO AN. cy in her Common Schools, ' jI3i!lJi!U' - -. npaOiUam', hero will bo a incclinz of tho Teaehcrs of I Jackson county uud the friends of education t Casburg, ou tiio last Salnrday in Septem'1 r.at 0. Jacob's Hull. All ore invited to llr.n.l 11.. i ,11.. rt it .., iijt univr 01 inv ;inviinii. 1- . Uv- Mn. Wim.iams, I'rcsidvul X' " J won i, bft-retary. I CosFKnRNrn.- -The Annual Conference of tlic M. E. Church convenes In Eugene Cllyon I he 7th Inst. - M I . A rtrtiTrtV f.mtnfV la linflirr litittf In TTlnti " . 0() , mUm lhcre Tio 33IItTI-IS. On tho !Mst nit., In Jacksonville, the wife of Itcv, 1. 1). Driver or n ton. PHOENIX LODGE No. 23, A.T. & A. M. Mold their regular communications tho A 8iTnm.iv Evkxiniis on or preceding thc'jPV' full moon, In l'hicnl.x. Oregon. Ar S. .M. WAIT, W. SI. H. Ritnt.ini, Scc'y. jan2C:2 Xor Salo. 9Q ()()() I'" Vii iU n 'Tr n'' ftt ,,,. 28 , ,,t uo w'km,, Agent. Wnntod A LITTLE OIIIL of ten or twclvo years of J.X. age, to reside with n family In Jackson vlllc, Mltcru Klia will bo well cnrttl for. None need npply unless arrangements can ho made for her remaining two or three years. Enquire nt tho Sk.vtiski. olllce. Jacksonville, July if.lli. lBfil. 2fl:lw DR. G. W. BROWN'S MEDICAL AND SUROiOAL OFFICE, California st., opposite Sentinel Office, arn.o1x.ntoxx-vXlXo, Oregon. will not fall In call upon Dr. (S. U Drown ltonlHilnvlli's the t.ltriillon of nil who nri' riiiri'rlng with dhcntvit of the l.ye to call at Lis oMic. " - - IS" Cure, Ni Pn'. x1- Oni.'o hourK from 8 a. m. to 1 v, June I. 'Ill, M. :i):lf JXX-trji.&!: TS IutcIiv alven to nil persons Inn'tM,,dli,Jrs. THOMPSON .tdUKKU. ellliir l.y i.: ." iM,k nccmiiil locomu lurwnnl nml nnv tin I" I II1N S. Illtt'il (ugi-i.t for llr. I.. S. Thump. :?" L " 111U ,V ",'. TMPwl nl 'uu juckmuiv ic ... l : ... . .. i.iii'r fiui. i..iiiiiiriii .iri'i. j ii'kuinnit i. .-... .-, w - ,., .-,nrV , wregon. I'rleml'. we havo waited on vnu Ions nnd ha- Itcnlly. lull Mnv moirtji ire tnml Juirt, or wu will 1 1 coiii.'lltit (I In hi ali rrluol.iiilly) lo placa your I iJn mid nctfuiintu mi the liamln of llio proper ' onicvrn fur collection. I G.W.OHF.Klt. - Juno 'jntli. IRill. 'U-M City Restaurant! JOSEPH WILAND Riai'Krri-TU.Y Infunin tho cUImiw or - JnckMiiivlllu th.it hu him opemil u NJ-'.W HKS'J'AUIIANT, with prices rtiluced to suit llio limes, on the Xl.0n.cX3r GeviuTo. Symtom, Iloanl per week 8 J7.00 filuulu MvnU SO l.Mlgliig Hi) JackM)uvlllc. Jumt 1st. 'ill. vn-n- Oregon War Scrip. r IIAYtinadu arrangements with a responsible .1. (tanking Umo iiiutlcnd to lliecolli-cllon of Warix-rip In usiiiuioii uity. luviugoccu iiliil llni Hllli)ii or Clilcf Clvrk In one or the ivp.iriineiiis iiuriug 1110 war, rcnp-uouuTn win II 1 id mo prepared to give nil mceutjry Inrurut.t linn ri'taiive 10 uivircisinis. I will oImi give my iillentlon to posting and arriuialnir ImioLs uihI accountx. Jitr Oillco In Iho .Wurf building. SAMUEL E. M.AY. , . ... ,mio2n,8fl,. -jur Jacksonville. Juuo 2J. 1801 DUG AN & WALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEROPIA.3STTS, XSx'lolc 3GXvs.jLacXi.atXB, COIIN'EU FKONT AND P STS., CBESCENT CITY. WIIJ, attend to tho KlvOKlVlNCi and I'Olt' VAI)IN(J of all U001U r.iilriulnl la llirlr Cnrv, 'Willi Iroiniliir anil lll.polfli. C Consignments solicited. Merchandize rccvlviil on storage. Oct. 13.-3i)tr DR. G. W. BROWN VfTQUM) rcupectrully call tho attention or T the pulliu to Ids new uud cxtenslvo -rrocK oir- All of tho mo't popular Patent Medicines of the day. n lino lot of Toilet Chemicals, Perfu mery. Hair Dyes. Oils. Soaps, etc, Jacksonville, Juuo 20, 18(11. 2(tf. T HAVK authorised P. J. Rvas nnd J, J. Co 1 hit lo act as my ascitis In nllbiulueiwuiat- 0B!tlXXlK. JSooUs t TF you want i.v '"".'S! want 11 Link Hooks, call at lua Jackson and v arlety storo, comer Califor nia ami ureaon sireeis. 3AO:vS.jSlA.l. XxS.SStX"tAXXS.X3.tS pM'TliS. Kircs,.iIrinonicaiis,Jeallarps.-inij ' nilii-r Jliit.Ie.il lnslruiiieiils,can bo round nt ihc Javkfonvlllc Jlnok and aricty store 7 JmedicinesJL k. c. sessions TTAS on hand and lo arrive n wcll-sclcctcd assortment of HATS, CAI'S, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, Stationery, Tobacco, Cigars and Notions, For snlc at the VBIIY LOWEST HATES. INSURANCE AGENCY, JACKSONVILTVE. RISKS taken upon Mills, IIoluls, 8torcs, Dwellings, etc.. on the mot tavornblo terms. In Hartford, 1'liicnK, filnud. Ooodlmo, and other well known nnd responsible compa- " J8:2l K. 0. SESSIONS, Agent. Has received a fine assortment of UAOLEY'S GOU) FENS nnd holders, 1IANKKUS' NOTE OASES, HOOKS OF HliANIC NOTES, Ex. I'gnl Cap and Overland Icltcr Fnpcr, Ulank Uecords and Ilgcrs, Monte Cards, Hlolting Hoard, Mucilage, Fen Hacks. Hill Flics, Draper's lMlent Inkstands, Arnold's Writing Fluid. June 29 Cutlery, etc. 24:2t WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines ! With nil the Lnto Improvements. AfiM.U.T. nsorlmcnt or thenlmvo machines Jut recnlveil and for salo nt San Fran cisco prices, adding freight. E. 0. SESSIONS, Agent. Jacksonville. Juno 29, IHH1. 24 DR. G. W. BROWN'S MEDICAL & SURGICAL OFFICE I'ullfuriiln 8I.1 opposite " Scnllntl" Offiff, Jnckjoiirlllc, (lrr(;oii, DU. C. W. HIIOWnTm. I)., late or tho U. S. Army, and Into lecturer nit diseases or women, will pay particular uttcnllon lo diseases peculiar to women and cliltdrcu, Oflku hours irom 8 a. u. to t r. x. Communications strictly conllileutlal. rcrmanvnt euro guaranteed or no pay. Consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. EufiVr not when n euro Is Rtiaranterd In nil .i'cs or Private Diseases Mastlbatlun, Ner vous rblllly,9yilillln In all Its stages, stric tures', i!"',ti irovel, exhumations, dropsy, dla lcl( iHreiu"s 6f tho kidneys and bladder, ..... . .. .i.A-nmaiinii niiuifia .ii.r-n.na all tho various forms or Vitoiui 0 ' reiualo Irregularities, etc. Sixteen yrtirs pratlco In Memphis, Tennessee, nnd in California, enable Dr. Jlrmvn to contl dcnlly warniut a. cure In all tho nbnve diseases, no mailer from what cause Iho disease may Irnvo originated, llouavvr long atatullnir or obstluntu Ihc case, recovery Is certain, and In a rhorlcr tlmo thnn n permanent euro can be WIVclol I iv nnv other Ircnlmcnt. oven after Ihe disease hns UillKil the skill of tho most eminent physicians and resisted nil their means of cure. Tho mctllclncs imperilled nre nlcnsnnt. without odor, entirely vegetable, causing no sickness nnd arc from mercury or lulsam. in. llemrmlicr. the Doctor asks no pay If he does not aRed n cure. Onieo, Culirornln street, opposite " Sentinel " olllce. JacL'ouvllle. Oregon. Jacksuuvllltf, July 2T, IMil. 2H;tr JACKSONl'ILLB llliUI) STOKIl THOMTSOXf t CREE3EI. tXTIikccp constantly on hand (holiest nssorlj V invniof O XXtTTC3-Sf PERFUMUnilSS, A7ts, inc., VCo havo now In storo the LAllGr.ST AXD 1WS7 SKLKCTED STOCK OF DRUGS Hvcr offered In this market, and wo mean to maintain, fcy regular luiortallons. nnd by sell Itiir tho Ut nrllcles nt Iho WW'KiT CASH I'ltlCKS. that leading position which Iho Juck sonvlllo Drue Store has licretoforo held. THOMPSON &UUEER. Jacksonville, Ogn., Sept. Tl. 30. WC havo this day sold o r slock of mori'inn dieo to Mcsrs Mimjo & wt.s, wuu will rnnttniin Uih huIiieA at the mil staml. Thank ing Iho community for IbclrVitronagc. wo con fidently recommeuu jic&srs. siiu.ku a imvkn 10 their favor. JIAUUV .t DAVIS. Jucksonvlllc, July 2, l0..2otf. COPARTNERSHIP. TIIK undersigned havo this day entered Into n Co-partnership for Iho transaction of a General Merchundlro llusincss, under tho style and Ann of Miixkh .t Owes, audbavo taken the iloru tatalv occunlod by Messrs. Maciiv & Davm. They nro now receiving a roll stock or goods, of every nsforimcai. 1 nu iiairuuuga ui 1110 puuuc Is respectfully solicited. 4 A. II. MILLER, Wu. A. OWEN. Jacksonville, July 2, 18no.-23tr. CROW & CRANE, I"K3PECTKLLLV Inform tho clllstcn of X Jacksonville uud vlcliiity that they have opened ft NEW PAINT SHOP Opposite tho McthodUt Church. Fourth strcot, where Ihcy oro prepared neatly nnd expeditiously to execute HOUSE, SIGN, CARRIAGE, AND Ornamental Painting Gtaiiiiilg, IHnrlsling, Pniicr- HtUlglllg, llttN, At such prices ns will warrant satisfaction. Jacksonville May 2d. 1 0:3m JSATJ'3r,JstC3"s33rt PERSONS nro cautioned' dgalnst ncRotlntlng for two Notes, drawn by tho undersigned In favor of J. P. Parker, for four hundred dol- I. iti .Iraivliif InLprnit nt tho into of two and ouc-hnir per cent, per month, payublo in Clffl n IWCIVO lllUnUIUUUlimVM H.siisvsirvH- ralKc'prcKnces, uud I will not pay lli'. JOHN A.. JUMw. 1 jackionvllle. Juiyi:), iscg. MiIit inn un v'i iMfiii 'inn iimo ivert 11111 uuuit rcruiiiiu, pains 111 " "- " "-1 -...." of tho lung, Ihront, "'J nn'' -7v u'e,"r upon tho tKxIyor limbs.gcne.il weakness, aim iipm of vllnn. u-llli tiiviillnr snniJ U.'ore, ami , SIMM OFF, SELLING OFF ! trMT9 -AT tiis:- Cheap Cash Store -OP- SACHS BROS. BEING desirous to move Into our new brick store with n perfectly new assortment or good, Haciis Duos, are nor,1 c'olng out their stock or Mrrchnndlsc, consisting of Plain, colored nnd black dress silks, figured nnd plain Unrcgcs, poplins, shnlllcs, Mohair trn voting goods; plain, colored and figured wool delaines, plain nnd printed brilliants, French nnd American prints; Marseilles, I.lncn nnd French I.nwns , plain nnd figured Irish Uncus, Glnghnm linen tnblo damnk, lace nnd Cash mcru shawls; towels, French and English Meri nos, plnlds; colored and white flannels, damasks, cmlir ildcrcd window curtains, plain nnd dotted Swiss Muslins; plain nnd plaited Jaconets, minsooks, Victoria nnd Illsbop Lawns, Illusion waidi blond, Parasols, ribbons, linen bobbin nnd l-'nglMi thrend lace, hosiery, Lisle Thread and silk Gloves; an Immonso Vnrioty of Eich Embroldorieti In collars, sleeves, bands, Infants' waists nnd robes; lionncts, Missus nnd children's flats; Mnrscilcs Quilts: bleached and brown muslins of nsrortml wldllin; btuo Drill, hickory npron chrcks; Ih-iI ticking, Kentucky Jeans and sail noils; perrumery, nnd n Inrg stock or Yankco Notions, Cutlery, etc. An cntcnslvo stock of c;jQCsac38M:s:nws- Asn Gents3 Furnishing OOODS 2 consisting or line black dress coats, fine black dncrkh paints, vests, French casslmcre paints, milnrlt. cottoiimle nnd duck pant", flno white Davis' iV Jones' shirts; check and flannel shirts; underclothing nnd socks of ercry description. HOOTS AND SHOES : A large amount of nailed, French, calf and ktp boots and brogans. HATH -black nnd colored caihmcro and straw Hats or latest styles. NOW IS THE TIME TO SECURE Croat Bargains ! As we are determined to sell at cost, nud only Por OnIx. TQ- All nro Invited to glvo us n call ncd convluco themselves that wo mean no humbug. SACHS HltOS. Jacksonville, July 20, IBM. 27:tf $500 REWARD! Wlolcaa. From Unite Creek, twenty miles from Jackson' vlllo, 011 or about May 11th, UFM.-'C Horses OIS'K IIIOX-GUAY FILIA, Dcccrllied as follows: One bright sornd horse, alwut seven yenrs old, in nanus nigii. n siar 111 rorciicmi, iicavy maim and lull. 0110 hind font white I has larire nosv.'1's nuu eyes ; 11 as a wuu iook. Oho Hgfif Barrel horse, eight years old, alwut sixteen hands Ji'ch, cnrrles n high head t has a long, slim nock, hcu"y l'F'i big foot and white tail ; is n 101 ly traveler. Ono brown horse, ten years old, sixteen hands high, heavy lmlli.hlRli-hcaiicti carries ms tail on ono side ; has saddle marks. One deep Imy horse, eight years old. fifteen hands IiIkIi ', black lai, maua nnd lull, big headed 5 IrnvcU very short ; n poor walker. nun rlifMnut rorrcl horse, seven years old. tolitio nirliiu lii face, three white feet, switching tall ; has n blurred brand (thus 1) ou near rump. xT All of Iho above horses are American stock, ootid workers, and havo collar marks. Thoy had been on ranch six months, nnd when stolen were vi..t kj ""u "" '"- STOLEN, nt llio same time, ono Iron-gray Filly, three ycota old, about fourteen hands hlcll and very nenl.'.v built ; brauded 07 on lei I shoulder: dim strii in mco. JO- Wo will give S2.SO for tho delivery of Hie uorscs in Jacksonville. i'ii" " each, and an additional $2 50 for the appre hension nud COnVlCllOn tir lUU ci ur imnn. CLUGAOE & BRUM. Jucksonvlllc, Juno 22, 1801. 2J" FUNK'S VARffin STORE! Wnt SWe of Mtomh SI, JuctooinJIIr, "VrnnitE can bo fouud tho best or IIAVA1VA CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, OF ALL KINDS, BOOKS ANDJTATIONERY i HOWE MANUFACTURE!! Encourage JDomcstld Enterprise! THIS undendened has commcnccI tho manu racturo or Iho WEST QUAHTV CIGAUS at his (hop In tho rear of hlsstoroon California street, and will nil orders tonny exteut, for this market. Ho has received Invoices or tho very llnest Havana Tobacco, from which his Cigiirs nro made. Conlo rind try Iho Home Manufactured Cigars. Thov ate the best In the market. GEO. FUNK. Jacksonville, May lltb, 1801. 17;lf jyjEW STOCK! HAVE Just rccetved a large addition to my inv former stock, which will be sold at the I lowest rates. My slock consists Of a largo as sorluicnt or FINEST URANUS OF TOIUCCO, MEE1130HAUM nnd COMMON PIPES (Cherry and Reed Stems.) Also 50,000 very liilti Cigars. And lila usual assortment of Perfumery, Stationery nnd Fancy Articles, . Silk nnd Grass Lines, for Ikhlng, CANDIES nnd NUTS. All of which uro for salo at tho lowest cosh prICC8' M. A. 1IRENTANO, Oregon street, ndjolnlnjr Tnble Rock Rakery. Jucksonvlllc, XIny litis, 18(51. 17tf xjjm9m& lOfitirTDor mTcK5&, Opposite tho Pwt 0ee. SILWINO. Halr-eutllng, Shampooing Cur ling nnd Hair Dyeing. Also, a genuine. Urtlclo ot Fish's Haw Res toliATtvi:,and Crlstadow's JUtduor Uur Ditfot iue. JakwnvlIc;Jiiuej!;'d. -atf J. It. Wade, E. S. JIop.oan. u 1111;, MOMN & CO., DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, 4 Hnllctl lo the IVanls of tha Loctlt)r. TO TnE PUBLIC AVE OFFER INDUCEMENTS For Ocuerta.! Jacksonville, January 12, T.l. 52:3m New roods WE ARE NOW IN RECEIPT OF A TART OF OUR Spring Purchases, AND SHALL RE RECEIVING ADDI TIONS TO OUR STOCK EVERY FEW DAYS THROUGHOUT TnE SEASON. WADE, MORGAN & CO. Jacksonville, May 22d. 19:1m Iron, Stool, Stovo & Tinwaro WV. nro now receiving an nssnrtmcnt of the nbovc named articles, tn which we Invito the attention of Jllacktmltbs, Housekeepers and others. WADE, MORGAN & CO. Juno li". 22'2m 20,000 lbs. Hams, Xidos and Jihonldors. T7C7T! have mado arrangements lo le con V I stantly supplied wllii n largo and choice lot of Umpijua lJacon, which wo oiler In lots at a low figure. WADE, MORGAN &. CO. June IS. 22:3m Reduction in Prices! BEST WORK DONE AT LOWEST HATES. BLACKSMITHING npiIK undersigned announces to present pa- IW1.IIS M r(V" JK s irons aim 1110 public mat lie lius re- uueeu 1110 price ior nil kiiius or worn ins line, to conronu to luu times. JLXJLJS ISIXXsOX Is In tho bulldlnc formerly occunlrd Irr Wm, Ilurkc, on CU(uriVi Strtd, dirtdly Ku$t y dug- gag tf jrumt atabut. j.vcrv species 111 worie uono in mo oesi manner nnd with quick dispatch. Ploiigli Irons made and rcimlrcd. WACOX, UUBMGG AXD STACE WOnR Executed In tho neatest nnd strongest manner. Mlnliig Tools, Picks, Ham, &c, mado to order, of the very best materials, In tho most approved styles. Particular attention given to cs HOUSE-SHOEING, s for which tho price Is reduced to 83 and 81 tiik 8KTT. 1'kvtw made nud fitted exactly lo order. His stock of Iron and Steel Is or first quality, and all work done nt his shop wAnnANTKn. ALEXANDER MARTIN. Jacksonville, March 9. ISfil. mh3:8:tr BEEHDVLaJNTS O. O. BEEKMAN HAVING RESUMED THE . AXD BANKING) BUSINESS, at his old stand, la Jacksonville, continued dur ing his absence at tho East, by Wm. Homux, Esq., will conduct the business as before. The Express leaves Jacksonville by the Call Ifornla Etago Co.'s coaches for Evtru JuttJaif. Tlturtdai and Saturday, Kdurn i'nff on Monday, Ktdnuday and Friday, and connecting with WELLS. FARGO & CO.'S rrnwai lo all iarts of California, theAtlantIe States and Europe. GOLD DUST BOUGHT l! procured, paynuio la any 01 iuu auuu iiiw, Canadas, or EurotMi Sight Bills of Exchange VLMM32TM?rMCM3ZZ procured irom any impress or rets uie in. California. nllMllnn miuln. ami ArArvlMn9 ftnnf.rlitn. Ing to the Express business promptly attended to. I'articutar aiienuou imiu to nuing uruers or every description, at 1 rcka, aud any point Do low. - Tho Datronatrp of tho public Is rcspccirullr so licited. Jacksonville, December SI, 1859.-30. SEWINGJV1ACHINE MATTKKSHKB, BKOIIIXa A NO TKNTS. OK RAND and made to order. House Lin ing and paper Hanging, by A. O. ALUKHia, 2 Gil ifornla Street, abnv Oregon Prices Reduced! fpiIE noderslened gives notice that from and jl. buw una naio on .min jmriunnm ny aim must bo ild for, Quh jlovn. Jle cannot a8ord to glvo credit any longer, Tho m . sjsVem .ulll And1n 1.1. n Ift A.rnl.Ti nil hvlllaa Irf Kl IIh and to do work nt greatly reduced titltvofc afksonrlllcInf 18, lfl(ili TSilf !! Blooin Again in the Field ! T nEG LEAVE lo announce to the ritlicns of x. Jacksonville and Iloguc ltlvcr Hcy tbat have just recdretl A New nml Well-Selected Stock -or- GEHEMi. MUDISE suitable Tor this market, to which I nm dally receiving additions, and which I olTvr to sell at prices to defy competition. I am thankful to Ihe publto In general for the r pol two years' patronage nnd kindly solicit their custom In future, ns I nm now prepared to keep constantly on hand a full supply or all kinds of CJ3Cs3DJIMnM:JSsT, BOOTS AND SIIOES, Family Groceries, PROVISIONS, MINERS' TOOLS, QUEENS WARE, CUTLERY ; STAPLE DOMESTIC AND FANCY 2jr C3rOO3jSs All of which we will sell Low for Cash. LADIES Arc respectfully Invited to call aud examlno my stock of 33"K" Ci003N before pnrchaslng elsewhere. I am con fident It will be lo their advantage, us I Intend to have ONE PRICE ONLY, AND THAT WILT, BE THE Lowest for Cash. jL REMEMBER. MY OLD STAN 17 At the Corner Store, In McCnl ly's Two-Story Brick. HERMAN UL003T. Jacksonville, May 2.1. 10lf. HOLIDAY GIFTS! niKI'Attl! t-on CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS 1 AT THE VARIETY STORE 111 IIkIik II ro.. Hrlck IlultainR, can bo found tho choicest nnd most complete collection cvrr otTercd lu Jacksonville, or 33o.xxtlfixlly rjourxel AND XXA-xxclosoxxiLOlsr XXlxa.sw trsttod OrXTt 33oo1kjm, AJLlOTS-s-rsm, and Po- oti.OA.1 VCrox3xuss. -A I. S 0 - OHlLDrtEN'8 TOY8, JEWELRY FANOY ARTIOLES, 8HEUL CABINETS, nnrt BOXES. All the latitat KtiglUU mill Aiurrlritii Plc- toilali, ?lagaxlur m.il Norajiajx-it eoiialalitl)' on hand, nt She 18tf VARIETY STORE. I. D. IIAIKKS n. II. HAINES HAINES &BRO. F0RE-POMMF QTOKEp) Corner California Si Oregon Sti. TO THE PUBLIC. tluTE Iiave reduced our prices to suit the Yt times. For sale, a large aud varied as sortment of -AND- Furnishing Goods, At very low rates, run cash. For sale, 100 cases and cartoons of Soots, Shoes and Gaiters, for Ladlc, Gent's and Children. For sule, nu extensive stock of Men's, Boys' ami Children's Hats. For sale, a full stock of Gnorrniw. For salo, a large aaorttncut of best brands of LIQUORS, AVIN'ES, CORDIALS, DlT TER8 AND SYRUT8, For sale, Tobacco, Cigars, Matches, Flonr, Butter, Eggs, ond CoenTiir 1'nonics: generally, CALL AND EXAMINE. VALLEY MILLS, PHCENIX OGN, TO THE PUBLIC 1 THE undersigned, l'roprletor of the above Flouring Mills, Is now prepared to Manufacture er Exchange Flour for Wheat) Purchase Wheat; Grind for Toll or Money fc guar antee a good article ot Flour. FLOOR BRAN I SHORTS for sale at the 10 WfiSTOASUJ'lICK Flour Sacks on hand, and Tor sale, or given Inex change for wheat. , K. D. FOUDRAY. rbcenlXi Ogn., May 18, 18C1. tf-18. EXPRE8SSALGQN TJAti bi tliorpua'nly Irenovntcd acrtl refitted X his saloon, loakjni Ik ,as neat and pretty as aav that cdn bo riilinit In a u-jwl'. trvaJ A .1.1 w)t is iMtttsf , he has oa bttad the very bet ttf rsuUUsM: WiMMs irsilalfl, etc. th.. Which IVt. Wall Inmrl hrm- In rsun. jmiIhU iuto the H'vst seductive and bWratiii 01 arauguts. viva blm a call and twaenvwcel of this fact, Jacksonville. Juno 29 :tlf' SHS KTOTIOE! C. G. BIRDSEYE, Having purchased the entire stock of Coods t oCtbo late firm or Kknnkv k Ukvus, will tontlnue tbo business at tkc old stood, on Iho Cemrr of CMbnU nnd ergn Slrnit. New Winter Stock -OF- Miners' & Farmers7 C5O0T3S 2 now anntviNO, all or wmen will ns sot.n AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST DF"OXX. OA-SXCt LIQUORS. Whisky, Urandy, Jamaica ami St. Croix Rum. Old Tom nnd Swan Oln. Tort Wine, Cbse-LInoors. Catawba and Hos tellers Rittci, ete. the largest and best stock In this port of tbc State, for solo by the gallon, keg or cask, at 1HRDSEYES. FINE BRANDIE and VORT WINE, for Medical purposes, for snlc at fcbD RIRUSEYES. 0 ITRRANT WINE-A pnro nrllcle.mndo In Oregon, for sale at HIRDSEYE'3. V INEQAR A superior nrtlclo for mIc at IIIKPSKVKH. B U'lTEE New and Fresh received every anturdny, for sale at HI HUSKY IYB. OAAA EES- NEW LARD. In tin. for UUUsnlont RIRDSEYE'S. 0 NIONS, POTATOES AND KI.OUR, for sale at JillUlSKYKH. fX f A A EHS. OREGON AND CHILE OUUU JIEANS, for sale ot dec22:49 RIRDSEYE'S. SICKLES, Oysters, I'rcscrved IVnehes, l'sc L Fruit, Jellies aud Honey, far sale at 49 IHRDSEYKT. SAAAI'NS.HACON SIUl- anJ ,UUU HAMS for sale at ' feb9:4 RIRDSinTE-S. MACOARONI nud VERMICELLI for sale at 521 RIRDSEYE'S. CITYDRUGSTORE California 'St., Jacksonville. DR. A. B. OVERBECK. HAV1N0 Just rctnrned from San Francisco, w wild respectfully call the attention of th public tn bis new aud cxteuslve stock of PURE DRUGS & CHEMICALS! cossistino or An assortment or crude, pulver ised, oltaglnousand tinctured 3D3R.TTC3r.iS2 All tho most popular PATENT MEDICINES, of-tho day. A choloe lot of TOILET CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, DTAIR DYES, POMODES, OILS, IIRUSIIES, SOAPS. POWDERS, CBEAMSr .tc, kc, i-c. rtrlcfjy, tho most dunlrable stook of the kind ever brought to Jacksonville. ' Particular iittcsUttm paid to compounding nil Ordered Pre scriptions. All orders from Uie country nddrcftscd to Dn. a. n. ovERnucK:, 18 Ctly Vruj Store, JutksmtdU, Oriyon. We W STOCK! 3. ZfS7BBXsV TTAS recently received a largo and diver!- XX tied asuortmeni or LMinivi' vryu'i'inim Dijiiiiuiiiiu "will lir t ci)fjrcH. If- SILVER WATCHES. DIAMOND JEWELKV. PEARL, EMERALD, nirf CAMEO SIH'S, Together with si splendid lot or otter Drcost'I'ins, Rrooches, Ear-Rings, Finger Rings, Lockets, Ruckles, Clasps, Bracelets, Slccvo lluttons, Kccklaces, Walch-Chatns, Chatclains nnd Seals, All of which will be sold at WW rxK'ts oi.d warranted. J. NEUEER still continues REPAIR WATCHia, JEWELRY ond CLOCEM. as hcreloforp, Ih tho best manner and with dis patch. All ai tides lb Lis Hue manafoctnrcil promptly nnd with neatncri. Call and see his stock at the old stand, corner of Third nnd California streets, Jucksohvllle. 44tf. UNITED STATES HOTEL! (LAtE Union House?, JivolxjasoxixriXlo, OtHagoxi. m BY LOUIS HORNE. 'pitE best BcdomraodatlBris given to guests, X transient and permanent. The Hotel hu Veeu refurnished and rofilt-d tn every department, Jt Is now unequalled by any Hotel In southern Oregon. Jacksonville, Dec. 1, J8C0. fitr mULTX cubjes: soras. By Geerge T. Vluingr. rpilE proprietor wlhcs to Inform his friends JL and tbo traveling public generally thai h has purchased the abose Hotel, formerly kept by 0, J. Evans, and has newly TumMied and thnrrillfrlit wtfittojl II.a inma In II. n An... .!.! Teamsters and travelers visiting Kertyyillo and Crescent, City will find cxoellvut accoautw dnttoas at this Hotel. The Hod&e Is located about midway be twee Jacksonville and Kcrbyvllle. Persons desirous or enjoying a few weeks of rrfvratlnti u'lll Snrl nl Inla ui... .... a-m1Im... opportaaltv of enjoying thesasclves. tsepi. B, (wviu, flEf SA.4 tf-sa &. I F. YOU AKB IN WANT or Fkw While Wae Can. Lbttar. UUI. UrlmT aul Voln Jt'AX-'ilil. k . Itovswecs, Ink, Iukssnj4s7rs. Petse!), MaaHajse, An'ksww. moa and Cbcsa Beard, pkt, I'kiylBg ami Viil lag Cards, or any tfelag clc Jsj'tfte Jitatlopirr lilac, go to, SKSSTOXg' NRW STOJUt; BEsT?5sS Jipf a v ; hi i I 4!