Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 03, 1861, Image 1

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VOL. VI. NO. 29.
.Indtiniisltlr, Oirfton.
,19e9B n :i.w3L-y
T170UU' respectfully nnnoitnco lo Ihocltl-
roii or Jnckroiivlllo nnd
vicinity that lio U now prepared
(orsrttllclul tcclli In tho lct style, mid nl pri
ces: In suit t lie time.
All kinds or Dental operations attended to In
n skillful manner.
jckonilllc,Juno',M, ISC I. 20IC
Will practice In nil llio Court of lliu Tlilnl
iuJIiliil District, tho Supremo Court of Ore
gon, ami in Vrcku, I'al.
Holm" an agent at Washington, nnd expects
loibll timidly and llio All.inlto Ihl Summer
and Kail, and any business will receive prompt
attention. wyMilU
"WILL attend lo ljiiliten In tf.o several
t Court In llio First Judicial District or
Oregon, ami in llio Supreme Court. Olllco on
filifornln St., oprosllc " Sentinel " Office,
Jacksonviixi:, Oiikcdn.
May Mth, SI. Mrfni
UNPICK, AT Till'. COIWTY lltllt.Iil.VtlH,
.Tnrliannslllr, Orrgoli.
AM. business pertaining lo Land or Land
La nil promptly atleiulid to.
Jacksonville. May 11111.101. 17lf
Attorn i' y b a t 1.. a w ,
jacicso.vvii.i.i:, oj.,
Will attend to any business conlldcd lo Ihrmlu
the Kvurnl CoiirlH or the First Jud'clnl District
of Oregon, and In llio Supremo Court. in.
offer hi professional scr.lci' to this com
munity In I lie practice or Jlalicinc, Sunjtry ami
Office on Ciilirornln itrcel, next door to Neil
Iter's Jettilrv More.
Call attended to nl nil hour or day or nlizht.
ovi'iu:, .i.vlkxiiwii.i..: imi'.a htoiik,
"" l". h. dewIy "
HAS opened n simp nppollo Anderson A
Glenn's, on California street, In Dr. L.
G.inu'ig'sdiug store, for repairing
All ttork tvarrontul In glvo satisfaction.
Jacksonville, Dec. 22d. ln0. I'Jily
JnrJountlllr, litgoii.
I prepnrril to tak Picture In every rlylool
the Arl.Mltli nil llio latest Improvements, ll
DH-JiaCS-JBr1 LJHdl.3ESa3
do not plvo satiriictloii.no charge it 111 bo made.
Call at 1-uukV Cigar Store, or at llio Callery on
Hie Hill, and sou hi Picture, lltf
D. wm. douthitt,
Attorney aud Counselor
T(ol.raoxi.T7-illo, Orogon.
For Jnekion Coiinty.
Mr. K. Caldwell llonlinnn
HAS permanently located In Jacksonville,
mid oiler hi professional services In the
practice or
Mntlrliir, MurK'O' " Wtslrlrlei.
Office nl his residence, on California strccl.
la Hi" house formerly occupiid ly A, M. IK'iry.
next door to Judge 'rim's.
Charge very reasonable. CnlU attend! d to
at all hour of Ihe d.iy or night.
C. P. BPltAOUi:,
KKunrru.M:, JuiKniiNK Cuixtv, Oris,,
Will punctually attend to business entrusted to
lUcare. Aplll 13, 18Ul.-13tr
N Ihe f list of Junuary, 'CI, the prices ol
(SoTTClxxe 3VI.oliixxo
Veto reduced tutnty vtr ttnt.,im Hi" l'uclllo cont.
A few of those, llio best mid c!ieupet uu
cbluea made, ut San Krancii'C i ratca.
K. U. HUSSIOXS, Agent.
Jacksonville, Jan. U. iUt
TT AS locatwl In Jacljeonvlllp for llio practice
XX of hit! profi-aalon, nnd will promptly nt
(cud calU at nil bourn of day und ulUt In the
ftio adjoining locallllc.
Dr.IHrnhard It a graduate or the 1'nrU Mrdl
tl ami Surgical College j 1i.ii nutained lil
Wofckslon In London. nlo, und pucllcid In
Vreku.Cal., for llio pail year, lie Man formerly
e"KKCd In the Hospital at Hnvnim.
'ifi on Ottgon H. vtJil door to Ihtntano't,
pin Or, Ilernhard hai Jut rK frofl
liiropon complete I'rovailona I LIVrmy.o the
nlghcut lqnd.ird n'lvU'iit nml mwWn aulkovl
lle. 1 Al'l'l ' ' ''y
Knnnns and rnopniKTonR.
Ofllco ovor Clugngo & Drum's Stables.
OnoCopy,()no Year $4 00
One Copy, Six .Month 230
One Sipiare, of Ttvelvo Linen or leiw, Flml In-
ferllon, d:i 00 ; nnd Tor each imUeqticnl Inec.-
.Ion, $1 DO.
I'rorwrtonnl or Hiulnern Cnnl, Kach Ennnre,
per niinuni, S30 00 ; for 81.x Mouth. $15 00 t
lor Three Moulin, SI0 00.
A llbcml dlrcotiut Mill lo mado to perron uho
ndvcrtlre to the extent of four ttiunrcr.
The nmnlicr or Insertions rlinuld bemntkedou
the margin of ndvcrtltcmcnta.
For Iht b'mtiml.
An Invocation.
(lod of our fathers I lend tlilno ear,
While prono before Thy throne wo bend
0'ircome nil traitor hcnrU tvlth fear ,
1'roUct the right ; the rigid defend I
Wo ret 1. O I Lord, our catifo In J111I j
Our Country call tve draw the ittord,
And place In Thee implicit trust,
Thai Thou will ua tlilno aid atlbrd!
1'or Irnltor liandi havo rnfhly dareil
To pluck from I'rcedom'a head tho crown ;
To leave her total form nnbarid,
Her rod of cniigu trainplid down.
Our gl(irlu rtnrr, that eril have ilione,
Lmlt but now n feehle light
Their tparkling rudlanco dliu'cd mid gone,
Their luilru palnl In gloomy night
While Ilrolhcr now (0 Ilrothcr laiid
Confronlliig, racli tvllh purpote dlro j
Array id In parricidal band
Standi) blooming joulli nml ngtd tire I
M11M hecatombs iiuiiiimberrd rtro
(IT marlyrn il.iin, our Land lo ravt 1
Kreo be Hie girt I no nMtrpritt
Can gild Ihe l'atrlot Soldicr'a grave I
Tliat licllcr counrrU may prarnll.
(Irani Thou, O I Loid, lo Thco no cry,
l'.'cr wail or orphans load Ihe gale,
Or burning c4tic dim the ky 1 1'.
Fcllotcdtizeits cf the Senate
nnd House pf Ilqiroentatntti
Ilnvlnp l)wii onnwiud on all extraordinary
oceiiriiMi. in uiilliorli'.iil liy tho Contliliitinu.
yiiiir nlldit on In nol culled lo nny oriliuary
rulijectiil'ligUlullon. At Ihobrfrniiiticrof the
priTi-nl l'redilt-iillnl term, fi.ur monilu ngn,
tin' fuueijoni of the J'nlrrul (.inicrnment ttir
fotiml lo lie gene rally fiirpetiilnl tvllliln tic
vinil KliitcA or Kmilli Carolina, Ceorgiu,
Aljbania, .MUUnippI, Ioulilirriii, nml I'olrtilu.
e.xi-ept nily thora ol llio l'ott Ufiicc Deport
on nl Within iIiiyc Smtw Iha forli, orfcnal.
diM'ka, liarbora, C11.I0111 Iloiiticj, nml llio like.
including tin movable nnd rtntionary iiron
erly In nml itbniil llicin, liail btcn (ciznl, nml
tvero livid, in nprn hottllity to tho uovcrn
ni'iil. excepting only I'oris Pirkrns, Tnjrlor
uuil JiITcraiiii, on nml near lliu i-'loriil.t coail.
und Kurt HiiniU-r. in Clmrletlon harbor, South
Carolina. The furls thu. felzvtl liuil Ih-cii put
in n ilepntvul condition, now onm hud been
built, mid annul forces In d been orgnii'ml
nnd tvero organizing, nil avowedly ttltli tin
f.ime iurMe: tin furls rtiiiuliilng in the pox
Hirilou of the Fiileral Unvernmi'iH in nml lieur
lliimj Klntci ivcro either bwcigul or inuianeeil
by tvurliko prr-pnm tinny, nml wiiecially Kort
SmntiT tvn mur!y rtiiroundiil by well tiro
t eel nl hoitilo li.illcriw, tvilli riiih riiu.il In
ipi.illty tn lis own, nml ntilniimbi'itng tim hit
ler n Krlmrw ten to one; n ilirpropnrlionitp
slmro of the 1'ulernl riniLitH and 1 itl hnd
fomehotv fiiind their way into theso Htatea.
und lud lut 11 teizetl, lo lu nml ngn'mt llio
Ooierument : aeeumulaliniH of Ihe public rev-
ciiiio lying tvllliln tlirni lud been seized for
the ratno object ; llio navy was rcaltcrnl in
iliMnnt Kit?, leuving but n very (mull purl
tvilhin llio immediate uto 01 the Unvcrninvi.l :
ilic ifilvtrs f the Federal urniy and navy livd
rif it'iiid in un-.it iiumberf. und of those luiign
in, nluigo proportion limt laketi up orini
uguiml ihed'nvernmeiit. Kimultunenuily.anil
in coumction tvilh all lliese, llio pnrpo.'O in
fuverlliel-'ideial L'nlon ia openly nvutvctl. In
uecorduico with thin piirpow on oidiiunei.'
bud been adopted In cjcIi or incw Hintcc, in1
during llio Hlate rifpeclivdy to be separated
Iroin the National Union, und 11 fortnuln for
riimbliiini; nml iiiMlluling 11 conibiiml (Inv
erinmiil 01 llifH1 rji.u w luu ixvn promuiguiiu.
and IliU Illegal organix.ition in tho character
ol ConreiK'iale Sintw wu iilre.idy Invoking
recognition, aid und inttrvenlion from forego
pomr. l'liidliig lids condition oflhlugr. and
In-Moving it to Ikj iiii iiiiK'rnlire duty upon
the inconiliig Kxicullve lo prevent, if possible,
the c'iniimmilioii of ueli ntttinpt In destroy
tin Federal L'nloii, u ehoico of imniH In thai
end became IndoiK-ntiiblo. Tlw clmlrc waf
mado and dechind in Ilia Iniiugiir.il AiMrefs.
Tlie policy tluuen looked to llio exliiitiitlon of
all pvuri'lui inrauir ueiorcn rcsori 10 sirouger
oner; it fought only to I10M llio public place?
nml pioperly not nlreudy wrested from I In
ii'oveniuient, and to collect llio revenue, rely
ing for (lie rent on time, discussion and tho
ballot-box. it promised a continuance of the
mail? al (lovirnmenl e.xiH'inm to the very peo
ple who were resisting tho (lovernment, and il
gave rcvntwl plidges ugninst any dlslnrbance
lo nny of ihe H-ople or any of their rights ol
nil tlml which n Prw'iKiil might coiuliliillon
und justitlaliiy do in such a enro. Every
thing was fnrborno tvilliout which it wai U--lievul
porsibla lo keep n government on foot.
On the olh or March. I he niewnt ineum
benfa first full day in offlee. u letter of Major
Anderfon.cnmm'iidiitjr nt Fort Bumpier, writ
ten on liie 28lli of l'Vbuary, and received ot
I lie '.Vur Department on the -ltli or Mureli.
was by tliat department placed In Ids hand.
The litter expmwd the professional opinion
or llio writer, that reinforcement could not be
thrown Into that fort within tho timo for his
teller rendeigJ nevwary by tlw limited sup
ply of provfllMU and with u view of holding
possesion of tho iumo with a force of lew titan
?0.()00 good und well diseipllncd men. Thia
opinion wjt concurred In by all tlw ofllcers of
h'a coiuiiTund, and tliclr memoranda 011 the
iwbjeA-t were miulo Inelojuroi of Major Anikr
mi'u t.iipr. 'l'lic whole wua inimedially laid
Uvfore JAuicnaitl (Mitrul ?- 'tliottl oncol
eoncttrrcd with Major Anderson In opinion.
On reflection, however, he look full timo for
consultation wlllt oilier officers, both of tho
army and nnvy, und nt tho end of four ilayr
came reluctantly to the same conclusion as be
rniv. lie also stated nt tho fame time, that
Mich ittiliecnt force wns not nt the control of tho
(Mcrnmcnt. or could be raised nnd brought
lo the ground within tho time, when the pro
visions in the fort would bo exhausted. In a
purely military point of view, this rciluced tho
duty of the Administration In the case to the
mere mntler of taking tho garrlfon safely out
of the fort. It wns believed, however, to
nbitmlnn that position under the circumstances
would bo utterly ruinous j that the necessity
under which It wns to be dono wonld not ba
fully understood ; that by many It would he
construui ns n part 01 n voluntary policy ; Hint
nt home It would discourage the friend of tho
Union, embolden Its odvcrsnrirs, pud go far,p.
Insure the latter n recognition abroad; that
In fact il would bo our national destruction
ennsumntcd. This could not bo allowed.
Starvation wns not yet upon the pnrrlson, nnd
ere II would oe tenched Fort l'lekcns might
bcrolnforcid. This last would be n elenr In
dication of policy, nnd would better enable the
country tn nccept tlie evacuation of Fort Sum
ter ns n military necessity. An order wan
nt once directed to be rent for the landing nf
the lioopj from tho steamship Drooldyn. Into
Fort l'lekcns. This order could not go by
land, but mint take llio longer nnd slower route
by sen. The first return news from tlie order
wns rrceivnl but ono week before tho fall of
I'Vrt Kumtcr. The news llrelf wns Hint Hie
ofTieer commanding the Sulilne. to which ves
sel tlie troops had been trn infer ml from the
llrooklyn, acting upon some quasi nrmlMlcc of
the late Administration, nml of the existence
up to the time the order was dispatched, had
only In vngue nml unci rlniu rumors to fix nt
tuition. had refused tn land tho troops to rein
force Fort Pickens befora n crisis would bo
iculicd nt Fort Kumtcr which wns pofslhly
rendered tn by the nrnr exhnuitlon ol provis
ions In tho latter named fort. In prrcnuttnn
against sucli it conjuncture, llio Oovcrumnil
I, nd n few days bclore commenced preparing
nn expedition, ns well ns might be to relieve
Fort Humlcr, which expedition was iuUndid
lo lie ultimately Ucd cr not according to cir
cumstances. The strongest anticipated case
for using It wni now presented, and it was re
solved to rend it forward as had been intended.
In this contingency it was also resolved to
notify the Governor of South Carolina tlml he
might expect that nn attempt would bo made
to provision the fort, nml that If tho nttempt
shoii'd not be resisted Ihcro would bo no cfTori
lo throw in nun, arms or ammunition without
further notice, or In care nf an attack upon
the fori, notice was ncordlngly to bo g.ven.
Wh'iriipon the fort was nt lucked nml bom
barded lo Its fall, without even ntvnllliig the
arrival of the prnvliloniug expedition. It is
HiiiMcen liiat tlio nrs-iull upon 111.1l reduction
ol Fort Sumter was In no sense a matter of
stdf-dcfcnro on the pirt of the nsfuilunt.
They well Untxf that Ihe garrison In the fort
could by no possibility commit aggression
upon tin in. They knew they were rxprco ly no
tified that the giving of bread to Ihe few brnic
and hungry men of the g.irriron was all which
would on tlml oroi'Ion be ntlcmptcd. unless
thfUiKclvcs by resisting so much should pro
voko more. They knew that Hie (lovernment
ill sired to keen Ihe garrison In the fort, not tn
nnll llicin, but to inertly nuiiiiliiln vsible
porsesiion, ami thus In preserve llio Union
from actual nml iiiiii)fd:nlc d'twoliitlon, trus
ting, n hereinbefore stated, lo lime, discus
sion, nnd llio ballot-box for final niljintmcnl,
and they nifnt'ol and reilncvd the fort for pre
cisely tho reverso obiict to drivo out the
visible authority nf tho Fulcral Union, nml
thus force It to Immediate dissolution. That
lis was their object Hie Kxccullvo well un
derstood, nml having sn'd to llicin in Ids limn
guru I address, you can ii.tvc no conflict with
out being yoiiiseh'cs the nggres'ors, ho took
palm not only to keep lids declaration good,
lint also kept tho irsuu so free from the power
nf Ingenious sophistry as that tho world should
not be able to inliindcrstaiid it. Ily tho nfulr
ut Foil Sumter with lis surrounding circum
stances, thai point wns reached. Then and
I here the nunllunts of tho Government began
the conflict of urms, without a foe in sight or
In expectancy, to return their lire, ive only
a few In fort, who were sent to tl at harbor
years before for their own protection, nnd still
ready to give that protection in whatever was
In this act. dbcnnllng nil cUc, Hmy have
rorced upon llio country tho dcttructlvo In ue,
Immediate involution or blood; nnd lhl Unie
embraces moro than lliu fate of lliete United
Slates, It presents to tho whole family of man
the question, whether n cnnlitii(lonal llepubllc
or Dimoerucy a government of Hie people by
tho timi'i mople can or cannot maintain Its
t-rrltorial Integrity ngaliut Its own doineitlo
foes. It presents llio question whvlhcr dlrcon
lentrd Indii tibials, loo f,;tv In numbers lo con
trol the Adiulniilrntlon nccoullng to organic
lw. In any case. nnd. always upon tlm prcteiifes
mado In t'da cmo or on u'ny oilier prcteiues.
may. arliilinrliy, wllhout nny preleiue, tieak
up tlicir Government, anil thus practically put
,111 end to frco Government upon the earth. It
forces us lo ak. Is Iheio In all republic thin
inherent and fatal wcuknot? Must 11 Govern
ment orncccttlty 11 too strong lor tho likrtlc
or our people, or loo wink lo maintain lis own
oxUteuce. So feeing Hi" tunc, 110 chance tray
i-lt but to call out tho war putter or tho (ur
rnment.nnil to ubt tho foice emplnyid for
lUdsflruclIon by force, fur Its prcKivallou.
The call wai nindo, and tho rcrpouw of the
country was mint grotllylng iiirpiiMlng In
unanlm'ty and tplrit ih most rnnguiue expeo
tatlous 1 yet none of Iho States, commonly
culled idavo Stales, except Delaware, gave n
regiment throiigli regular Stalo oignnlzalion.
A few regiments bao k-en organized ivilhln
somo others of Ioom) States by Individual cuter
prise, and rccolvul into Ihe Govciument tcrvice
()f eoiirso Iho tcccded Slates, so-callul, and to
ivnlch Texas lud been Joined about Iho timo of
the Inauguration, gave no troops to tho caurc
id the Union. Tiio Holder States, 10 called,
were not uniform In their action, some of them
being almost it majority Tor tho Union ; wlille
in others, us Virginia, North Carolina, Tenncs
K'o and Arlenneas, the Union sentiment was
nearly reprci ncil and silenced, Tim cnurto lakvi)
In Virginia was tho inott remarkable, pcrhapt
Iho mot linporlant. A Convention elected by
IhoSenalo In couMdcr this very queitlouof dis
rupting the riduiul Union wiw In ft,i)on nllhc
capital of Virgluln si lien Fort Sumter fell. To
diis body the people had chowi a large major
ity of professed Union men. Alinott I mini ill
n c'j uller the fall ot Sumter many hii'iiiU;ih of
Hat majority tvviU over to (he original ilUmilon
minority, nud with them adopted an oull.iaiico
for w'llhdrnivlng tho State fiom tho Union
Whether this chango was wrought by their ap
proval of Iho assault upon Sumter, or the
great resentment nt lliu Government'a reslttanco
to that itsiault, Is uut definitely known. Al
ttiougli they (ubmltled Iho oidlnanco for ratifi
cation to a voto of tho people, to be taken on n
day then somewhat more than n month dlitaut,
tho Cons viitlon and the legislature, which was
also in H'tilon nt tlw wmo time aail place, with
leading men of tuoSlato not ueinbvrs of either
body.comineiicid acting m If tho State weio
olrcuety out of Iho I'ulojj, They jmihed mill-
larr preparanons vijoiousij inrnani mi uivr
the Slnto. They seized hc United Stales Arm
ory nt Harper's Ferry, nnd tho Navy Ynrd nt
J.ojport, near Norfolk 5 they received, perhaps
Invllrd Into their Statu, large bodies ol armed
tioop, with their warlike appointments, from
Inc so-called seceded Stnlcs; they rurmnlly en
tcrrd Into a treaty or temporary alllauco nnd
eo-openitlon with tho so-called Conridernto
Slates, and seut memhers lo their Congrsss nt
Monlgomcry; and finally, they pnrmltttd the
niirrecllonary Government to bo Iransrerrcd
Vr, FT c.n,)U"1 al Ulclimajml. Tho people or
Virginia liave allowed this giant Insurreelloti
to muko Its nest within her borders, nnd the
Government has no ehoico left but (0 deal with
it whero It has round it, nnd It has the less rc
R,r V M. '!10 loynl citizens have In duo form
claimed Its protection. Tlioso loyal citizens
tills Government Is bound lo rccognlzo and pro
toct, ns being Virginians. In the Ilordcr Slates,
ro-crilcd.butin laot the Middle Stales, there
nro those who favor, n policy which they call
.urnudiirBtinUtyi rtwt.ls.nn nrmlng of Ihpfe
Slates to prevent Iho Union forces pursing one
wny, or tho Disunion forces lliu other, over
incir rou. iiiis woulil bo disunion completed ;
figuratively rptaklng, It would lie the building
up of an ImpAsrablo wnll along tho line or sep
aration, and yet not qullo nif lmpnslhlo pne,
Tor, under Ihe gulro of neulrnllly, It would tie
tlie linmls of Iho Union men nnd rncly pars
riiui7i irum nuiing iiient 10 1110 insurrection'
Ists, Which It COIlld not itn n nil nwn rnnmv
n slroko It would take nil Ihe trouble oh" the
linnds or accession, except only what proceeds
from 1 tho c.xternnl blockade. It would do for
uieiiisiinionists Hint which or all Ihlnga they
most desire reed them well, nnd g'vo Ihem dis
union wllhout n struggle or tliclr own. It
nxogiilnea no fidelity to llio Constitution ; no
obligation to maintain tho Union ; nnd while
very ninny who have favored it are doubtless
loyal, It Is nevertheless Injitriou In efTcd, cm
bat riiMlng tbo action or the Government. It
may bo Staled that at first n enll wu matin Tar
jcventy.flyo lliuiirand mllltln. and, rapidly fol
lowing lids, n proclamation wns mado for clos
ing Ihe ports of the inmrrrcllnnnry districts, by
proceedings In the nature of n blockade. So
tar, nil w.vi believed lo lio strictly legal. At
this point, Iho Insurrectionist, nnnininced llicir
IllirilOJC to I'lltrr llllOll llin limrlli-o nf nrlvnlcrr
lug. Oilier calls were made for rnlunterrs. lo
servo three years union sooner ilbchnrgul, nud
nboforn largo addition lo Hie regular army
ru.il nnvy. Thcto mraitire, whether strictly
li gnl or not, wore entered upon uiuKr whnt np
IhbkiI n popular iltmnnd nml pubKc necessity,
trtmltit? thnu m a 11. ..1 ......... ...... 1.1
ratify them. It Is believed that nothing hns
iKi-n nunr nrjonii iiieconsiiiuiionniconipeteney
id Congrtw. Soon nfter Iho llril call fur mili
tia, It tins considered n ilulv to nnthoriie the
con iiianiliug gei.crnl In proper coses, according
lucrciion. 10 usmiii llio privilege nl
the writ or habeas cormm. or. In oilier wonls.
lo arrest nml detain, without resort lo the ordi
nary lorais nml process or luw, such Individu
als as he might deem dangerous to the public
seirily. Tills authority li.ia mirnotrlv U-en px-
irclsnl but very sparingly ; iiovcrthelcss the
legnllly ami propriety ir wJiat hns liecn done
under It nre qui'stlonul, nnd the alleiilloii or
the country bus been called In the proposition,
that Olio Willi I' morn In lakn pun. Hint Hit.
hiiiTi bo faithfully executed, should not himself
siuiuiu 1111111. ur.course, sqmo conilelcrnlinii
wus given to Iho questions or power nml pro
priety bcroro IIiIn matter wns notul upon. 1 ho
whole of the laws which were required to bo
Inltlifully exo Hli-iL wero Iwlng risirlrd. nnd
railing or execution In nearly one-third or the
Slnliw. iniikt they llimlly bo allotted to fall or
omciiiiuii, oven una 11 iccn pcrrictty ctinr mat,
by Hie iiie or tho 1111 ans necessary lo their exe-
viiiiuu, some single mw mane 111 sucii e.xireme
lenderncw or lliu citizens' Utterly, that uracil-
cnlly It relieved mor or the guilts than or the
Innocent, should a very llmiliil extent bo
..if.i,..i-4 '.. ...... ., .-... i. ,,..
iwti.iix-i in iiuiu iiiu ijiii'iiiuii more inrccn.
nre nil llio law but 0110 to go unexecuted nml
Govcrimimt llnir go lo piece lest Hint one be
vliilaiidT Lveu In inch n case, would not the
ofllclul oath be broken If the (itirrrnmciit should
b nvcrlhronn, when It was belles cd that disre
garding the tingle law would lend to prefers e
't ? Hut It was nut bclloved that tills question
waspresentid; It stns not liellevnl that any
law was violated. Tho pwilsloii or tho Con
rlllullon Hint Iho writ of habeas corpus shall
not be siispeinlul unless whi'ii, in care id ribd
Ihn und iiitadon, the public sidely may require
It, Is equh'alcnt to a provision Hint such prlvl
lego imiy bo suspended when In case or rebel
lion or Invasion the public solely may require
it. ltttM dic'did that we have n cuso of re
bellion. and Hint Ihe nubile safety does rrnulre
Iho qiiallilnl suspension of Ihe writ, which trns
authorized to be made. Now, it Is Insisted Hint
CoiiKivrs. ond not llio Lxecutivo. Is veslid ssltli
this power ; but Ihe Constitution as to which or
Mio is to exciclse Iho power ; nud Ihe provision
was plainly mado Torn dangeiuus emergency,
il cannot be that the fnimois of Iho Instrument
Intciidtd In every caw that Iho danger sl'imhl
run Its course until tho Congresii should lie
called loL'ducr. tho very nsicmbl nc of whlcli
inlfht be prcvcntul, ns was lutemltd in this-
ento ny tue rebellion. ISO more exteiiiirei argu
ment Is nnw olfered, as an opinion of some
icngiu win prouimy oe picteuiiii ny 1110 ,Mior
nny Gcucrnl. Whether there will lie any leclt-
lutlon upon Iho niliiect, nnd If any. svhnl, i
niUnltlid entirely to Ihe In tier Judgment of
uungic'e. 'iucrurbearanceoi thtsuovernmcni
had been to cxlraoidlnarv and so lone contln
uril as to Und seme forclun nations to rhnno
their ftcllon as ir they supposed Hie early ills-
soiiiiiou 01 our Mitloiml union was prouuoic.
While this, on discovery, gavo Iho llxecutiio
some concern, he is now happy In say Ihut the
sovereignly ni.d rights of tlie United Statu arc
now cvirjithero practically icspccted by for
eign potters, and 11 gcucrnl sympathy with Die
country is manlfeslul throughout Iho world.
The Sicielarles or Iho Treasury, War nud the
Nnsy, will gito lliu Intimation In detail ilcunul
luciiKiiy and eonveuicnl for your deliberation
and action, while tho liu-cutlvo nnd nil the lie
pirliiHiitj will stand ready to supidy ouusdoue
or to communicate new fuels conelderid Impor
tant fur ton In know. It U nutv ucommciiiltd
that you give the legal menus for making tills
contest n short and decisive ono ; thut you
place at Iha control of the Government for tho
uoru (il leiut roue hundred thousand men nnu
four liiinUred millions of dollar. That mini
U r of men is nbout one-tenlli of those of proper
aguwitnin the regions where apparently uti
are willing lo engage i nnd Iho turn is less than
a liHiilj-thlidnait ol the money value owned
by the men who feel ready to devote
thnwhulo amount of six hundred millions or
dollars, which In a lets turn per hind than tens
mo ueui or our icutoiiition, twien wo came 0111
or that ttrucidc. nnd Iho money value or tho
country nutv beurs even a greater proportion lo
what t was then than does the population,
Surely each man has tue strong a mot u 11 now lo
premie our internet) as cacti nail tneii 10 esiaes
iish them n right result at lids time will keep
Ihe North more to iho work than ten times the
men and ten times tho money hereafter. Tho
uvldcnco reaching ua from the country leas ea
no doubt that the material for the work U abun
dant, nud that It ueeds only the hand of legis
lation to give It legal Kindlon, nud the hand of
llio i:ixiitlvo to glto It practical sbnpo nnd
illlcleiicy. Quo of (lio greatest perplexities of
ino uut eminent is 10 nvoia receiving irou
faster llian ni-ovielon can bo mado for Hiein. In
a wool, the iK-ople will ftivo their Government
ir the Government Itself will do It part only
IndlUvreiiHy well. U mlylitKcm (it firl thought
or but Utile difference whether the present
uiovement nt the South bo called Secession or
rebellion, The movers, however, well under
stood Iha ditlercuco of the beginning. They
knew Ihev cuulil uuvcr raise tliclr treason to
nny respectable magnitude by any namo which
Implies violation vf luw, They knew their (
people possessed ns much of moml sense, ns
much ol devotion to law and order, and ns much
prido nml reverence Tor the history nnd govern
ment or their common country ns nny oilier
civilized nnd patriotic pi ople. They knew they
could make no advancement directly tti the
teeth or Hieso strong nnd noblo sentiments.
Accordingly, they eommedced by an Insidious
debauching or the public mind. They Invented
nn Ingenious sophism, which, If conccelcd. was
followed by perfectly logical steps through all
tho Incidents to the comntelc destruction of tlm
Unliiii. Tho sophism Itself is, Hint nny State or
iiiu union muy, conriserniiy Willi 1110 mtlennl
Constitution, nnd, therefore, lawfully nnd peace
fully withdraw from the Union, without the con
sent of the Union or of nny other State. The
little d!sgulo, that Ihe supposed right Is to be
exercised only Tor just cause, because they them
selves, nre lo bo the sole Judges of lla Justlso. Is
too II1I11 to mirlt nny notice. Willi rebellion
thus sugar-coaled llicy havo been drugging tho
public mind or Ihelrsecllon Tor more thnn thirty
years, and until they havo bro'uglitmnny good"
men 10 willingness 10 itiKO up arms against llio
Government the day after somo assemblage of
men have enacted the farcical pretense or Inking
their Stnto nut or the Union, who could have
1 ice 11 nrougiil 10 no such tiling tho day before.
This sophism derives much, perlinps the whole
or Us currency, from the assumption that there
Is somo omnipotent and sacred supremacy per
taining to ench Slate of our Fcdcnd Union.
Our Sinter Lnvo neither more nor less power
than Hint reserved to them In Iho Union by Iho
Constitution, no ono or them ever havlug'ltccn
n Stnto out or tho Union. The original ones
passed Into Ihn Union oven before they east on"
1110 iiruiMi colonial ncnciidcnce, ana the new
ones enmo into inc union directly rrom n con
lillon of deiicnilence. excent Texn. and even
Tcxn, In lis temporary Independence, wns ncvir
uerignairu 11 biiuo. iho new ones only took
the dislgnallou of States on coming into Hie
Union, while Hint namo was llrst adopted for tlie
old ouch In, nml by Iho Colonic, svero declared
to be free and ImbDeiident Slates. Hut even
Ihcu the object wns plainly not to declare tliclr
iiiiiepcmiciicc or one another, or or llio Union
but directly lo the contrary as their mutual
pledge nnd Iheir mutual notion before, nt the
timo nud nttcrward. nlunlnlrU- ilinwu. nml Dm
express plighting orfullh byca'ch nnd nil or the
original thirteen tunics, in iho Articles or (Jon
federation, two years later, that the Union shall
lie perpetual, Is most conclusive. Having never
been Slates cither In substance or In namo out
side of the Union, whence Iho magical omnipo
tence of Slate's Ulglils, asserting n claim of
power lawfully to destroy tho Union Itself!
illicit Is said about Iho sovereignly or tho States,
but tho word Is not In Iho National Constitu
tion, nor, ns Is MIcved, In nny or the Stntc
Constitution. Whnt Is sovereignly In the
political senro or the term T Would It lie
fur wrong tn define n political community,
wllhout n political superior? Tested by this,
no ono of our Stales, except Texas, ever
was n sovereignly ; ond even Texas gavo up the
diameter on coming Into Hie Union, by which
act slicnikiiowKilgid tho Constitution of the
United Slates nud tho laws nud treaties or the
Unltiil Stales made lu pursunnco of the Consti
tution, to lie for her Ihe cupremo law or Hie lam1.
The Stales have their status In the Union, and
they have no oilier legal status. If they break
from IIiIh they can only do so ngulnst law nud
by revolution. 'J ha Union, and uut themselves
ripnmlely, prociirul their Independence and
Ihulr lllierly by coiuiueit or purchaso; the
Union gnvu each of Ihem whatever Imlejiend
encc and liberty II had. Tho Union is older
than nny of tho Stales, nud in Tact It crenlid
them us States originally. Some dependent
colonics made tho Union, nnd lu turn the Union
threw oil their depcmlcneo for Ihem, nud made
Ihem Slates such us they are. Not ono of them
ever had n Slate Constitution, Indi-pcmlcut or
the Union. Or cours-e It Is not forgotten Hint
till Ihe new Stutcs framed their Ciinxtllulions
before they cntcrul the Union. Nevcrllielc.
di-iendeiident upon mid preparatory to coming
into Iho Union, unquestionably the Slate hare
the powers nnd rights reserved lo th-in In nnd
by llio national Constitution ; but among llicin
surely are not InclinUd all cuiicelvcnble potters,
however mischievous or destructive, were
known In the world nt the timo em governmen
tal poivvrsi, and certainly a power to destroy the
Government Itieir had never been known as
governmental merely ndmliiistratlvo pottir.
This relative matter of national power nud State
rights, na n principle, is not ntlicr Hum the
principle or generality nnd locality. Whatever
i'niiecrns the tholo should lio confided to the
whole, to thoGtiicral Government; while what
cone in only Iho Slide should bo left exclusive
ly to the Slate. Tlmt Is all Ihero is id original
principle about It. Whether the National Con
stitution, In defining boundaries between the
two, has applied thu principle with exact accu
racy, is nut to bo quoslloiud. Wo nro abo
bound by that definition without question.
What Is now combated Is H19 position that
sccisslon Is consistent with tho Constitution, Is
lawful ami peaceful. It Is not contended that
there Is any express law for it. nnd nothing
should ever bo implied as law which leada lo
unjust or nluutd contiqucticcs. Iho nnllon
purchased with money Iho countries out ot
which several of these States svere formed. Isj
11 jiibi imii iiti-y suuiiiii i uu milium ivitu-.
and without refunding! Tho nation paid very
largo sums lu tho aggregate, I bcllcvo a hun
dred millions to rclcaso Florida of tho abo
riginal tribes. Is It lust tliat die now go nfl
without consent or wllhout making any return!
'1 he nation Is now In debt for money applied to
tho benefit of these so called seceded Stales, lu
common with Iho rest. Is It just either that
creditors (hull go unpaid, or tho remaining
Stnlcs pay, while part or tho present national
debt was contractu! to pny tho old debts of
Texas! Is It just that (ho shall lease and pay
no part or this herself? Again, If 0110 Stale
may secede, so may another, mid when nil shall
lime si ceded 110110 Is left lo pny thu elcbts. Is
this quite Just to creditors? lldt$ notify
them or this sago view or ours when wo bor
row id their money? If wo now rccognlzo the
doclriuo of allowing the seccder to go In
pence, It Is difficult torewhat we can do K
otbus chooso to go to exhort terms upon which
Ihuy will promise to remain. Tho Sictders In
sist that our Constitution admits secession.
They have assumed to make a nutional Consti
tution or tlicir own, in sslilcb or ncctslty they
have either discarded or retained tho right of
secerslon, as they insist It exists In ours. If
they havo discarded It In theirs they thereby
admit that on principle It ought not lo bo
ours; If they havo retained It, by their own
construction of ours they show tlmt te, be con
sistent they must seceelo from ono another
whenever they shall find It tho readiest way of
willing their debts or cttecttng any oilier kiwsu
or unjust object. Tho principle Itself Is one of
disintegration, and upon wuicu no goieriiuicui
imi ..nkill.lv endure. If all Ihe Slates save one
should assert the power to drive that cue out of
Iho Union, It is presumed 1110 tvhoio ciuw ui re
cession politicians would nt once deny tho pow
er oud denounce this act as tho greatest outrage
upon Stato rights. Hut suppose precisely tho
Fume act Instead of being called driving them
out, should lie called the seceding or the others
Irons Hint one, It would bo exactly what the
fcccdein claim lo do, unless indeed, they make
the point that tho 0110 because It Is a minority,
may rightfully do what tho others, because thoy
ure a inajorlly, may not rightfully do. These
politicians ore subtle and profund on the rights
of minorities. They nro not partial to that
power which s In the Constitution and speaks
liom tho jireamblo calling Itself We, the
jieople." It may well bo questioned svh;tjier
thero Is to-diy a majority of tho legally quail
lied voters of buy Stntc. excent. itcrhari. South
Carolina, In favor of disunion. Thero U much
reason to believe tbst tho Union won aiotlio
majority lu msny, If uot lu every other or the
so called seceded Slates, The contrary has not
been denotirlrated In nny one of them. It Is
ventured lo nfllrm this even or Virginia and
Tennessee, Tor Iho result or nn election held In
military camps where the bayonets are all on
one side or the question voted upon, can scarce
ly bo considered ns demonstrating popular sen
timent. At ruch nn election, nil that large
class who nrcnt once for the Union nnd ngnlnM
coercion, would bo coerced to vole ngnlnsl th"
Lnlon. It may bo assumed, without extrnra
gnneo, that, the frco lntltutlons svo enjoy have
developed tho powers nnd In.prored the condi
tion oronr whole people tx'yond nn example in
tho world. Or this wo now hnrc n striking ond
an Imprerslve llluslrntton. So lnrgo nn army
ns tho Government lias now on foot wns never
before known wllhout n soldier In It but who
had token Ids place Ihcro on his own free
choice ; but mnro than lids, there r.ro tunny
single regiments v.hore member", ono nnd
I tho nrls, sciences, profcsMons. und whatever
nnoener, powers mil practical kuowledgo of all
vipu iiFciiii or ciciraii is Known in tiit, woriii
and there Is scarcely ono from which thero could
not bo selected 4 President, a Cabinet, n Con
gress, ami perhaps n Court, nbutiihntlv compe
tent to administer Iho finrrrmnntit tin, If nr
do I any this Is not true nlso In Hie army of our
mm menus, now niiversartes in this contest.
Hut If It Is. so much better tho rcaon why the
Government, which hns conferred such benefits
on both them nnd us. should not bo brokou up
bonvcr. In any eectlon, prnporc to abandon
ruch n Government, would do well lo consider
In dcreiirc m" what prlnclplelt Is that hedo s I: ;
what belter he Is likely to get lu Its steads
whether tho substitute will give, or be Intended
uKne, pomuciiot good lo the people. There
uro somo forshadntvlng doubts on this subject.
Our ndverrnrles have adopted some declaration
or Independence, In which, unlike tho good old
ono penned by JifTerson, they null the words
"All men nro crentnl fqunl." They have
adopted a temporary National Constilutlnn, In
the preamble or which, unlike our pood old one
signed by Washington, thry omit "Wo Ihe
people," nnd substitute " We, liu deputies of
the sovereign and Independent Slnles."' Why
this deliberate pressing nut of vlcr the rights
of men nnd the authority or tho people! This
Is csscnllnlly a people's contest. On Iho ride
of the worlel Hint furm a substance of Oovrru
ment wlioro leading olject Is toelevale the con
dltlon or men. to lift artificial weights from nil
shoulders, to clear the paths of laudable pursuit
for nil, to nfford nil an unrulterrd start nud fair
chance lu the race or lire, yielding to Hie par
tial and temporary departures from nccestilly.
'I Ids Is the lending oljicl or thu Government
Tor whose cxlslcnco wo contend. 1 nm most
happy to believe Hint tho plnlu people under
stand nml nppreclnto this. It Is worthy or note
Hint while lu this, tho Government's hour or
peril, lnrge numbers or thoe In the army nnd
navy who havo been favored with the bfllerr
have resigned nnd provul false to the hand
which linil panqicrcd them, not ono common
soldier or common sailor Is known to have de
serted his P.ag. Great honor Is duo lo there
ofllcers who remained true, despite the example
of their trcuchcrotii noclntos ; but the greatest
honor, and most Important Tact or all, Is the
uifhiilmlly nud firmness ol the common soldiers
and common sailors. To the Inst man, so fur ns
known, they havo successfully reslstul the trai
torous effort or those whnsu commands but an
hour before they olteyed us nbseiluto law. This
Is tho patriotic uctlou or plain people. They
understand without any argument that Iho do
stroylng Hie Goveruinant which wna iimibi by
Washington means no good to Ihiiu. Our pop
ular Government hns ofleu been called nn ex
periment. Tito points In l our people havo nl
ready settled : the tnccesfful establishing and
the successful udinluUlcrlng of It. One still
remains ; Its suceei-srul maintenance nualnst n
formidable Internal attempt to nvcriluow II.
It Is now for them lo demon-Irate lo the world
Hint those that can fairly enrry in election, cau
also suppress a rebellion; that lullots are tin
rightful and peaceful successors of bullet, nud
limt tiheu ballots have fairly and constitution
ally decided, there cun be 110 siii-ciwful appt-ul
buck 10 bullets; that there cau bono sueovssful
appeal except lo ludlots themselves at succeed
ing elections. Such will be a rcat lwsou of
peace, teaching men that what Ihuy cannot lake
by nn election, neither can they take by srar ;
teaching all their folly of being tho beglum r
of the w ur, Lest there be tome uncatu;; in Ihe
minds of candid men as to what Is to hf the
course of the Governmcnftottnrds tho Southern
Stales after (he rebellion shall havo been sur
prcesed, the Incentive deems It proper to say
that ho will bo guided by tho Constitution nnd
the lairs, and tliat he probably will hate no dif
ferent understanding of the potvors and duller
of the Federal Government rJnlivo to tin
right of the States nud Hie people under the
Constitution thau wus cxpremd in Hie Inaugu
ral Address. Ho desires to preserve the Gov
eminent that It may lie administered for all ns
It was administered by Hie men who made it
Loyal citizens every where havo Iho right to
claim this of their Government, and the Gov.
ernmeut lias no right tb withhold or neglect ; Il
is not percvlnd that In giving It that there Is
any coercion, any conquering or any subjuga
tion, In nny just scute of theso terms. The
Constitution provides, nnd nil Iho Stab shave
accepted the provision, that the United Slater
shall giinranleo to oiery Slate In this l'nlon a
republican form of got eminent. Hut if a State
muy lawfully go out of tho Union, hating done
so, It may alto discard the republican form ol
got ernmeut ; so that to prevent Its going out
Is nn ludispcnrable menus lo tho ci.d nf main
taining Hie gni.nin!v mentioned. Where on
end is lawful nud obligatory, the IndbpeiitubU
mean lo It nre also lawful and obligatory. I'
Is with tho deepest regret that tho Cvccutite
found the duty or employing the war pettier lu
defense or the Gou'riiiiieut foctd upon him
IIo could but perform this duty orsurrendir
the exUtetico or the Government. To couipio
mWo tho public set vice would lu this cao be 0
crlmo; uot that compromises aic nut often
proper, but that 110 popular Gove rnuient can
long nil vivo a marked precedent that those
who carry an election can only save Ihe Gotirn
incut tram Immediate destiuulion by gliing up
tho main point upon which tho people gave the
eUctluli. Tho people themselves, und lint their
servants, can softly reserso their own deliberate
decisions. As a pill uto citizen, the Kxicutitc
could not have consented that these Institutions
should perish ; much less could be act lu lie
Intyal or so vast und so sacred ulniM us Ibiec
free people had confided to him. He felt that
he had 110 moral right to ehrluk, nor even to
count the chances of his own lire lu what might
rollow. lu full view of his grt.at icsponslbllity.
he has so far dono what hehasdceiuedhlsdiity.
Von will now, according to your owujudgtueut,
pe rform yours. He sluceiely hop'is that your
villi and uctlons may so accord with hi us lo
assuro all faithful citizens who Iiaic been dis
turbed in their rights of a certain nnd speedy
restoration of tie law. And bating Ibuscnoscu
our course willi pure puipose, let us renew our
trust In God, mid go forward wllhout fear nhd
with wanly hearts. Auiiaium Lixtouv.
Colokki, Sior.i, Tlie following is from Lt
Comrier du Amtnqua, of the 20ih July s
liy tho news brought by tho J'ony to-day,
wo sec that the combatants arc uptiroaching
each other. Tho (irsi engagement or any Inv
nortuiice took nlnco in Missouri. Ihe hero of
.this battle is a brave German, well known by
his couduct In the revolution or mio. utgei
was theu nn officer ol artillery, aud became
couimaiide;r-n-chlef of tho revolutionary trooiw
qf the Grand Duchy of Dud;n, his native
country. lie struggled against llio Prusian
army, out was forceel to ruoko his retreat Into
Switzerland, la tho combat at C'urthage, it
will bo seen that bo Knew how to mo bis ar
tillery admirably.
From tho Scnllucl Extra, Sunday, July 28th.
Into Atlantio News.
The Tony Express arrived nt MiddlcgaU
Station, 75 miles east or Fort Churchill, July
2Cth. The follow Ing is the Sacramento (Vnion's
dispatch i
WAsntxaTox, July 18.
Gen. Tlnckncr, of Kentucky, went home to
day. IIo was here to urge Iho Government
to respect the neutrality of Kentucky, bat
succeeded In exacting no promise from tlm
Administration that It would not protect tho
Union majority or Kentucky nt nil hazards.
Ijoi'isni.t.x, .Tn'y 12th.
The Military Slate Hoard decided today
that no more money bo expended on tho mili
tary encampment. It also demanded that tho
Governor call In nil tho nhn in Hie possession
or the Stntc Guard, nnd make n fair distribu
tion of them between the Homo and Stato
Tho privateers Jeff. Davis sad Sumlcrnro
reported ench to have captured .several vessels
lately, u. 0. scfcis 01 var and revenuo cut
ters ore after them.
On the 11th, Gen. McClcllan drove Col.
Prgraw from entrenchment on Rich Mountain,
capturing nearly nil his tents, puns, provisions,
wagons and other equipments, nnd taking
many prisoners. Somo were killed nnd wounded
on both sides. Tho rebel loss is much tbo
In the House, Colfar proposed to allow sol
diers to stud letters without prepaying post
age, under such rcgulatlonr ns llio Postmaster
may prescribe, postage lo bo paid by recipi
ents. Agreed 10.
In the Senate, July 12th,Trnrobull offered
a resolution ntking tho .Secretory of Wnr to
Inform the Senate whether nny contracts had
been made, except by rvgular officers, conwnli
slomrs or qunrtrrmnsters, end, ir so. to lay
ihem before llio Senate. Sreolsbury olTVrvd n
resolution proposing amendments to tho Con
stitution nnd pcaccnhlo adjustment or tho
present difiktiUks. Ordered printed.
VASttixoTOX, July 12.
The gunboat Freeborn returned from Aqula
Crcik, nnd reports the discovery of two infer
nal machines in the water, ono of which struck
the rudder of tbo Resolute, but sunk. Tho
lure of the other went rut, nud the Freeborn
brought It to tho Navy Yard.
Tulle firm, son in-law to n Senator, was ar
rested by thu Wiuldngton police ns n spy.
Tho latest report from promtneut Secession
ists were found nn him.
At Monroe, Missouri, on the 12th, the Fed
eral troops were reinforced, nnd routed tho
rebels, capturing Captain Owen, who will
probably Ik) hung; also cspturcd 75 other
prisoners, one gun anil a largo number of
horses. Twenty or thirty rcbols klllud and
several federalists wounded.
Gor. Ellis, of North Carolina, is reported
WariiinotiW, July 13th.
Since the delivery of Secenston tprrchtt In
Congress, traitors oro growing bolder, and
treason is uttered in the streets openly.
Gen. Garnctt'a forces crncuateel Laurel IIIU
nud wu pressed by Gen. Morris and over
taken whllo fording Chut river, srhcrclhe
ntlcmptcd lo malio 11 stand, and wero routed
ogoin. They were again overtaken ond
brought to un engagement at derrick's Ford.
Ucu. 1 Jennet wus killed, the rebels fled In
grcrt confusion. Morris's command took
many prisoners, several guns nud a largo
iimouut of baggage, camp ripilpnge. etc. The
rebels left twenty deed on the field nt Carrick
Ford, besides carrying cfT many killed anil
wounded. Federal loss two killed ond two
mortally wounded, and thlrtyflvo to forty
Nrw Yonie, July 131b.
Patent Office receipts arc elown to almost
It is snid recruiting for tho Southern Con
federacy ) going on lu all the counties sur
rouiid ng Frankfort.
A Freueh war steamer, with an Admiral
on board, arrived at Hullfux, July 8th, and
will go South on arrival or Hie five or six
mvn or war, which nre shortly expected.
Wasihnotok, July 13lb.
Culculallooi ol Post Office Department
show u yinrly income or the postage or weed
ed Slates only SilDIl 000. while the expense ex
ceeded this sum 8300,000. This amount is
now saved by Government.
Tho Massachusetts million loan received
bids from pur tostx per cent. None accepted
under one-half per cent, thu total bids was
ubout 61700,000.
Tho rebel cavalry continua to be enptureel
iu small parties, between Alexandria and
A Squadron off Charleston report it II now
Impossible to run the blockade.
F0RTUKSJ1 Mosnon, July 13tb.
Forty five men ot Ulcnker's regiment, went
out without leave and wero fired upon by the
rebels, and one was killed nnd several wound
ed, who wrc taken prisoner.
Eigilit hundred troops led St. Charles Mo.
by the north Missouri rail road, they found
the track torn up, nud 1. COO rrbels find 011
the train, killing (wo soldiers and three pas
sengers. Tho Ftderal troops charged and
routed thero, killing sctcn and wounding
twenty, capturing twenty-seven horses. Outi
rebel particularly hostile with a gun, was
hung, aud another tried to escape, was Drcd
on and completely riddled. The Federal loss
was three killed and eight wounded.
It is reported limt Gov. Is-tchcr, of Va., has
issued a proclamation requiring the counties
of Fairfax. Prince William, Jmdou, Orange,
StQ'ril, Culpepjicr and Ituppnhanock, to fur
nidi 1,000 tncu within two dsjs or men will
be drafted.
Nkw York. July lCth.
A Idler from Martinsburg, Vn., says Gen.
Patlersc-u Is marching on Winchester by two
Tiir. Effect of Shot ox Vrmfm. A
siiot doe's not mako a bole or its own slw right
through wood, but indents It, the fibers spring,
log back after tho shock. Generally, tho
course of the shot only con be traced with u
wire, sometimes by a hole as large os a man's
finger. The damage most often happens in
thu Inside or a vessel, in splintering and break
lug the wood, lifter the main force of tlie (hot
is spent. Forts Hamilton pud Richmond,
which arc about a mi!o apart, with a vessel
lying between thero, could uot. wilh their cue.
tend a shot through two feet of its limber.
There is rarely uu instanco win re a ship was
sunk by solid shot. Hot shot and shells do tho
mischief. The latter will sometimes make ap
ertures of several feet iu extent throughout
the sides of vessels.
A voi'Ko English traveler contracted, In
Valencia, a lovo affair with a prclty gipsy
glr, Tho mother wished that ho should
marry her at onco; but tho Kogilshman de
clared that ho was not rich enough to keep
wife. " Whatl'' said tbo gipsy, laughing,
' not rich rnoncb tn Iwui a. Wife in llio land nf
guineas! Willi so renowned a thief m my
daughter, you w ill be a rich man in a year,"
I f
t 31
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