sScWnfcJHt MIHl - y WMWm.ll " I IT s 8rl a s$ SSttSffll mammmmmmmammmmMmmmmmmmmammmmmmmaammmmamammmmmmmmmmml fl .farmers' Dqinttrntnt. Ibvansvillb hotel. NeoI.kct or I'm-xiNU. We noticed recently la a pear orchard one of the consequences, or Imperfect shortening In. A few of the Bartlctts xirro loaded with fruit, nnd the branches were bent to the ground. The wood was iullo Ion lender to bold tip the fruit. We could nee Hint romc oi mv nunuui groiiius unii ueen leu mu ocslur nlluinLittcu nmi cnmiori in eury manner. feet or more In length, nnd no pains had been The lloti-u Is sllunlid hear the soulli bank of taken to bring the limbs out lo nn abliuo nnglo ?; "If. clctyn miles from .Incksoutlllc, . ., . , ., . ... , , ,. nnd about ono mllo from Gold III1I, tiliou the to the trunk of the tree. Had only a loot or 'mu (jreiron road. wood been lett nt vnch annual pruning, In the a flue, spiclou Hall Is kept In readiness for earlier ntnpcs or growth, tho limbs would hate ,l'iirllc, Hull nnd oilier re-llilUe. every nr been luluclcntly large and iTong to hold the jjcBI,t for bkU MB btf "mdu '" hotl present butden of fruit. 1'iult glowers, cspc AUncbr.1 In the premises Is n fine, luxuriant dally the lnc.xpcilcnccd,nreso much In a hurry '(.'nt den and l'rult Orchard, with ample scope of to get large quantities of fruit that they spate plen'tiro ground. . ..... t . i ... n.- ....,.,. i... mi,.,,, I The I.aider and Par Is suppled will nil thu oo much wood upon the young lice, V hen " ulM )f v,nm,.V,,es, Liquors nnil bearing begins, too much fruit i lert upon tlw ( HcipniKcK. xxhtcli rorcln or domestic lunikcts limbs, and they become permanently diooplng. can bullish. This superinduce excessive frultfuluess and A Rood stable l ntlnclicd to the Hotel, nnd i .. n-i r. . ..!.i. .. ,f it . ntlctilltcliosl crs will Kecpcare of horses cu prcniMure dieay. The flrH eight years of the ,,,1!.) their charge. life of i fiult tree nro the mol Iniporlant, nnd . n ,hrt. CU'i vlhlng cnlculaled to conduce to . . . i .t.-i.-it ....... rinulre judicious management. If n good, ton-.- pact head be formed In this period, It will need comparatively little pruning nrter that. The wood Is of the first consequence In thce year", nnd the fruit should bo steadily sacrificed fur the future good of the tree. Apply the knife aborc nnd the compost Mow, nnd keep the heads as much In a pyratnldlcnt shape ns pont ile. In duo time you will have abundant fruit mid limbs strong enough l hold It. Ft. I'flACtl Ctl.TlvxTlov.-l lie land for a peach orchard Is thoroughly tncltoiml and undir draliieil. If ticccsnry, nnd the holes dug by line, u rod apart each way. lie sure and hate the hole hrgi enotijiti, o ns to have n for spnndlng out their roots lo llu full client without crowding. They should lo well set nnd staked, to beep tho wind fiom blowing over them htfurc they gel well rooted. The first mid :coiid reasons the laud may boplnntid with corn, or some hoed crop. I prcfir corn to any other crop, ns It Is not liable to disturb the roots of the trees ns potatoes or other root crops. Still, root crops tiny be put In by tnlj. Itijt enro not lo put Ihcin too cloo to the trees, in., n,-..,.. i ,.,. ii... i.... .i.,.m i.iliy II. J. lIxniiMind hn newly liirnlshid nnd After the second season, the trees should ,,,n ilT.r.til.l- refilled the same In the lliu-st st.xle. Iho whole ground, and It should lw kept workiM ,., nnd Inuebrs xMting Keibyxllle the i every )er, Mto keep It free from weidi, and mxuure should l npplkd. The trees sliouU le trlunncd enough lo kcei them In good sh.ipe, with no scraggy branchts. Many think that trimming ruins pencil tries, but it Is n niM.ikcn notion, for 1 h ive s-imi sew era! pencil orchards lliit luio been git en up ns good fur nothing Liken hold of by u man who went into llicm and trlmmol nn-ay more thin half llit tr tups, nd the trees began lo liear lm mediately, nnd coulliiuis! t Uur fur sonic ears niter. Tlieiiseofllineaiiitiiaaurcsliiitild bjnvotiKd In the p'acli orchard, us I haic known of Kt ct nl orchards that Lsieln-cn ru ined by the u -c of lime. Ilye Is alto Injurious to peach trees. Ax. To IIlt.1. Till: The lUrmtr lofrm u that the only remtdy for the borer yet known is placing I cached attics or lubacco le.iu nroitwl the Inu to dislroy the rggs ; or, rout out the limcts, nt Its enrltest sliges, with a sharp pointed piece of whaKlHiuoorn pIo ol wlir, Uomehaxo used brine nroiiud the tree; this Is dangerous, howci i r, unless npplUd Jml Ufuiu n rain ; but this Is only dune In the mrly Spring to destroy lhorgg; when once the liortrN nt woik follow him with the wiie, ilsc he will de stroy the trie by girding iiudiriicath the lurk nr.d tiling the ul'Jirnuvi. When a tree has been Kxdly raten or girdled, It can bjtavulbycut .ting an ay the eaten wood, nnd Iho nppKctitluu of strips of new bark from any tresh limb, nnd thus rjruft them on, binding nmi covering them wltb cloth and ft wash or clay to keep yt the uu nnd ulr. Ciiismarium on- Hum. The other nficrnoon, rajs an nxclMiigt, a ginlkman wishing to take Iho honey from a hire without killing the lives, nnd hating heard of chloroform being used felt anxious In try the c.Xieriiuc!il. Ilo first closed Iho doorway, then covered Iho hlie wllh n cloth to shut out the light us much ns xi!l.l, When It was dlscoured the Ihc had fallen utlccp, they wero easily remoieil to nnutlur blvo without harm to nuy one, nud next morn Ing wrrc nil nw.iko nnd In a III lug stale, hum nilng nrouud their lilic, no doubt wondering what hap.'ue,. This l.'Ing succeful nnd iisiful In keeping the bees nllvc, wo make It known for the benefit of others. OlbSonihiivIIuiuM. 'Iho Cullfornla Far mtr hxs rccelreil the following reclpo for curing old con. on horses from Mr. (I. II. Ilrousun, ol Martinez, California, a successful Vilirlnar) Surgeon: "One quart of rooi brandy, two ounces of (turn cimphor, nud two ounces o' nsifetldi. This nukes n w.ih, which, npptKd wl.a sponsv, i radicates nil Impure matter, ssnl allows the wound to heal soundly. 'i hope It will lie trKd, nud duvcridlt glicu te Mr. Hronon." To Picm : TinliTol.s.Alwaysuso thow 111 it nro thoioughly rlp The small round ones ar decidedly the beit. Do not prick Hum, as mosi receipt books dlrrct. I.U 1'ieiii lie In n slroni brlno threo or Tour, lle.'ii put Ihtmdown In layers In jour Jars, iiiIxIiik with limn small onloiii and (ileccs ot horetaili!i ; then turn on tbo vinegar (cold) which should be llrst sptctd ns for ptppers ; Kt tin re bun spice b.i tu throw j intocacu poi. uour iiiem carefully, and tit them by In n cillar for a full mouth before using. Tui: icnles of Iron that accumulate round tho anvil of a blacksmith's shop arc more i.ilu. Ue th in manure fur pencil trees. A shovelfi 1 put round a healthy peach tree will Injury likely to keep It lu goo.l condition ; nnd It sa d that trees already dliuued bate iccovcrrdh tho nppllcillou of these scales, Iron In any form will answer n good purpose. Pbkskiivjitio.n or Cit Fijuwhw. It Is stated that cut lion its may be kept licth for any Icnglli of lime by the Introduction of a spoonful ol powdered charcoal Into the water coiilalmd In the vitM.1 In which they are placid. Niltlu r water or charcoal icipilio rcuewal, the latter re nalulng limpid. "Im m . To PnriKniKTIuiiur.u.-Cut tho stalks In'o pieces an Inch or two In leuctli ; strlnsundd y the samo as apple, nnd stow away lu a dry place for Winter and Spilug use. Soiietiiinu Nfcw, A new upright Tomato, viiilflnr. lift kiimw.i I lina 1.1.11 ,.rruli.-..l lit III I France. It grows two feet high, and the slock Is m upright nud stltf ns a tree. Mou?M Cri- CaKK. Two cups or molasrci .wo cupi of batter 4hrc egn t one-third cup .eli tsjf ,aI int tnf-( 5da j then bake. BY BEN. HAYMOND. Tlirc undersigned litis purchased this lonp eslnlilbhid, ioiulnr piilillc House, nnd will hereiirtcr cntnliict It under lilt own supervision. Ho has inndu Impoitant lniroicment. In the tlnti 1. tit ti4 tit ni.iiro to etere eucsl the Ven . . .. . ; . r -----., the comfort nr guests nud Hair animals, will bo ihiiuduutlv liirulshid. HKN. HAYMOND. Linnsilllc, l'eb. 1(1, '01. fi:tf UNITED SMB HOTEL! (LATE UNION HOUSE), Tnolcssoxx-svlllo, Oror;oii. BY LOUIS HORNE. 'Plircbcsl Accnmmriihtlons given to gucsls, A.!eut nnd perm went. The Until lias Ih-en refurnished nnd refilled In ciery ilfpirtmcul, It Is now unequalled by ii'iv llntid In southern Oregon. .liickMimi. IKr. I. 1M,0. tr,tf SLATE CREEK HOUSE. By George T. Yiniug. 'Pill! lrnprletnr wishes tu Inform his friends L nnd the timcllng public gtucrully Unit he has piircli.i-id the nlmtu I Intel, foliiurly kept and (.'ir-cout Clly will llnd excellent necuinuiu il.itloiisut this llolil. 'Hi" House l Incatrd nlxiut inhlnny between Jiteksoiiillle mid Ueibyillle. Permits desirous or enhiylns a few weeks of recrntlon will llnd nt this place nu excellent opporliiully nf iujn)lng IheuisiUes. Sept. J. lfafSll-Slir. NE W STOCK! J. UlTuBER 'I'.TAS recently ricihid n large nnd dlvcrsl. .LJ. Ili'il iis.iillliieui in til'KINd AND WUIUHT Cl.tlL'Krf. rX . SUA' Kit WATl'IIKP. sv-ssj. DIAMOND JI.WT.I.Iti. I'KAItr,. i:.Mi:itAI.D,iiml UA.MKO .SKI'S, Together with n splelnlld lot of other llrenl-l'iin, Ilrnoelics, Uar-ltins. I'iuuer Iliiigs, JKkels, llilel.lcs. Clnsps, Druei his. Hxv lluttons, NicMnns. 'uteli.('linln, Chatebltis nmi Scnts. All uf wliUli will be sold at wit niiciaur.J wMrrmitcil. .1. Ni:i;ili:it still cnnlliiiies ItDI'AIlt WATCIIIW. .H.'i:i.ltY uml CI.UCK.S. is luril'iliiic, In llin best m.iuiiermiil with ! p.itili. All iitlic.'iii In his lino iiiiiiiituclunil , prmnplly nnd Willi neiilins. Cull I v bis lock ut the old M.iiul.i'urmr of Tlilnl nnd Culironihi itrivU.diieliouville. -Utr. OITVDItL'GSTOllE Call Torn in St., Jacksonville. DR. A. B. OVERBECK, H.WINrt Just rilurnid from Pan I'ranclsco, would rerpiclfiilly cull lliuiillentlouol tin pulillu to his new mid extensile stock of PURE DRUGS k CHEMICALS! CUXSI8TIMI or xn nssortmeiit orcruib. pulier l2ed,oIi.igInousuud tlncliind All the most popular A MTBST IEDiriiB ;lium iniiiiiiiiiiiDs of the day. A cholco lot of TO I LP. T ciikmiuals, i'i:itri:Mi:itiK.s. hair DYI-W. I'OMODKS.OILS, IIRU.SIIKS, SOAPS, I'OWIir.RS, CltKAMS, .xi'., Vc, .xr. DrK'fly . Ilio mo-1 desirable stock of tho kind ur oruugni io j.k'i.'uiiwiic. Paitlciilar atteiilinn pniil to t'liiiipiiiiiiiliiii; nil Ordered Pre sciiptioiis. All oiders from the co'inlry addressed to im. a. ii. nvi:itm:ri;. 1 S Cttii Drii'i Slurt. Jiel wuillr. Orfi,t New State Saloon. ISy John McLuugliUii, THIS rsliMlslud and popular lloii'fl ha Urn by Jims Mcliii'iiin.ix iiul will bu ciiiuliiLtiil l.v him In tin) salmi mil uu in and t'xc llciit in iiiiu r that dlslIuguUhid the lliMi-o lu p.iiulo-t dis. lie will kivp on hiuid nono but llrst class l.r it.,1 i.r . !.XbSj Za. WIISTES, CORDI.-t.S, liquors aad MALT BKVEliAGES, which aro regulaily forwaided fiom noted Im polling houis lu Han 1'iauchco. Ills stoik ol will llkcwlto bo or the butt iiualllles. The , DILLIARD TABLES iro of 1'helaii's litest Improved pattern, with M.illde llids nud c imMiialioii euhtoiis, Ii uddlllon to the lel.iil buduess. Iho pinprl elor lutoims his Inendt nud thu publlo that he ispi-'p.irid to fuiiibh eU'louu'rs wllh Wluir and Lhpiorsof berlfpialltyliibulkor pichagis, I nt such pi Ices us will make it nil Inducement lor puulusers to ucilie their mpplles liom I llilll. I I. ll.n ..1.1 clnn.1 ....nn. nf 'n It r..niln ' '."..,.', H"L ''.i't ' ,i,f, i.,.A nnicn and HuhiimuV Kxpiess, nnyl8 1 dlnnlf ki f GOOD assoiiiuuiii oi blocks nt tho Jack sonville Hook a lid Variety store, comer ' California and Oregon streets, 17 w JUllS AXDErWOX, ... .TAMEST. olkmk. Anderson & Glenn, OALITOlUtfXA t., BETWEENOREOON AND THIftD 8TREET8. Wiiolksam: AM) . ... HirrAlL. DKALEUS IN J STAPLE &FM m GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, WINES, LIQUOIIS, Clotliing, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, FURNISHING GOODS, Prcsorvod Fruits, Flo Fruit, Frosorvod Moats, Oysters, Frosh Spicos, Sauces, Jollios andPicklos, MINING TOOLS, Mcclmnlcs' Iniplriui'iits, l'ar- iiilug Iniplcnicnts; Daints, Oils, Iron nmi Slct'lt NA1I.S, LOCKS, HAEDWAB'E, (ofnll Muds) n.OU,nit.lN,SACKS, UANDI.CS, UAMIMII.Ni:, I.A.Ml' OI?., TIN WAItK, WOODKN WAiti:, imooM.s, i'aii.s, INDIA RUBBER OODS, to which we respectfully Invlle persons wMilng piirrhnsi1 us wo nre ib-ieruiliiisl t'i SKLjI. OllKAP FOll CASH. "Ijiiora" & "Mm 1'IIIST I'llKMIUM NOISELESS FAMILY Sewing Machines. At Circntl)- IUmIiicciI Prices! At Greatly Itiiluciil I'riccst At (iri-iitly ltcdtircd Prices t .SIXTY DOI.I.A lt.S AND UI'WAItDS! SIXTY DOLLARS AND UI'WAItDS ! SIXTY DOLLARS AND UPWARDS! S5 per cent, discount! U!i per cent, illscnmit! iter cent, discounts FROM OUR I'ORMKR l'RIUKS. rpiII! crcnt success nllendliitr llioliilrniliicllnn I. id our .tie .vift tumilij .Sinn? Mirhmti In his .Slate, ns In ul( ullu is. bus iirnmn'o 1 ri i lulu iiuprliic'plnl nud nun llabl" pirlles inuidinior in lorce iim)ii i" e puul.c ciil.ilu tnritlor m.u -.Ol'lt.l.tll "CHEAP MACHINES." which, ellhrr by li-gil Injiiuclloii nr tlndrotn iereiit il'hcl'. I.aie long since d;id out In Ihi lU'tern Slates. IT IS OUR DIVIRRMINATION to nt m.r A GOOD MACHINE Q I.OW l'fiff. III. ii inu i'iiii IIH-I I III IJ II" 'I, llilll .l"l lll-l.llll.IP I'kiHrl'iiee lu the puih.ti of uuu of llwuil .. .. i .i . i i i.i ii. , i. ll.n .... c.l... ...M ... I n-t.. ..n.l f...l...n. m ii.iiuiii "iu-iii si ii iii in ii-mui-v, a ueur bargain and a irJUY of w,ntj. Tlic Worhl-wlilr Hrrulnlloa -or tiii: QROVER ft DAKER SEWING MACHINES, And the rid lint Ctrr SOXfO Imtr lirrii ulrrntly tsull, ml nro dally nnd houilv d'ckhiu lu rieri quarlir of Ihe jslnln". piihIi'iiiIuIu their hum tin;: iiellou, pellut nud wouUlful din lleliy, Tlieir lndeiiliible Supi-rlorlty, Is the best ci.'dcnec wo can adduce or merits. The highest (ffurls nf inventive pinlu, th" inn-t pirl'iet nppllcnlloii of skill Hid the Is'sl iirailln I re-nils iifnn umllililnl iiin t vinir.msr.wi: .xuovr. .tu urn A'.'i'uio combine I In thu QROVER &. DAKER iMMii.y SKWTXC! MACIIINR. That IhlvpriumliU'iicu bus Ihhi nltitnid l 'incoutilicrliUy tiMi'iicd In tlnlr unpuc'- deutid nnd lucnifliiK ali', aid tin) UNQL'ALIl'IKD SUCCESS Attendliint Ihem nt All tlw l'uliH uf 1SUO, Where. iit;alust the most puwirful mid liuremlt thu oipultloii of rival machines, they haiv, in txtnj miUvKt. iicelud the First Premium -miu- WIIKKLKIt .t WILSON'S. SINNER'S HOWE'S, uml ail oilier Shuttle Mail.l.iu Send for n Cirrnhir of our Reduced I'llccs, Cuts, Samples of Sew in,:, etc.. i in. IJ. (J. RROWN.AbciiI. .'129 Montgomery t., S.MI I'miicIscii Je'J9:JI THE STJ3AMSIIIP grg COLU3IBIA, 11103. HUNTINGDON CotyiASDnn, Ilailnj; resumed her trips from ov.txt itianoisoo TO ORESCENT CITY, I1Y.WAY OP EUREKA and TRINIDAD Will until further notice, UaioSau 1'iMiielsco uu the 1st, 11th and 21st of Each Month, And CRESCENT CITY on Hie Otla, XfJtla. nxxel OQtla. jtir 1'irsons from Iho lulirlor ulshliif' to mail tlnin-ehis o ciiiiicyudcu to fe'.iu liaucltco may uiy on nils selinlulo ot lime. HOLLADAY .x- PI.INT, Piop'is. J)UtJA & WALL, AKt'iit, Cie-cciit (Jlly. May 1st, isr.1, m:IO:ir XSx'iisalxoiit I TOOTM. Nmi, .iliaiiiiK'. I'uiiit. Shoo, Sal is and other 111 ns'ics, nl the JiirkKoiixlltollank mil Variety stoic, eniuei C'al. inidHivgoi: sis 'I.. IL. I' rii.t nt Ilia ClnU nf rivi-illl 111 IIIC llllllll VUIIII VI nil. Ullill ui v..e"'l for the County of Jackson. B'.H in Chnmcry for Diseoitry and Foie tlowrtcf Moitgngt. Allen P. Fnrnhnm, Complainant, w. Michael Thninns, Toblus Thomas nnd Henry A. Ilreitbarlli. Into pnrtnera (Initio; buslncM un der thu nnnio ol Thonius, Ilio. & Co.) Jo wpli .Incnbs.ilolin Iljrrell, IMcr Smith nnd Sn pben Thrush t Anton Obert. J. C. Wclsa, .W. IllliuT, V. K. Mitrjiriiir. Geo. (sitltlnj;, I'Mtinrd Horn, l-'rulerlck Oruf. I-'lilel l-ain- ley, lute pnrtnera iloinu' business undir Iho mine nf " Kiiulo Mill Compniivj'' Jeso. Robinson. Krnttk Diown. Veil Sthiilr.ilolin Aiiilersnii.l'riiz.Sehneldir. WllllnmWrlglitt It. V, Mu u ry nud Ibiil. T. Davis, iinrlnirs (lotiir budm'ss iniitir the inline of Maury k Dails; Jliii r y rrieilmnn, C'lins. V. Itii'tund i). Altiiihilnicr. p'irli.rrs under the name or l'VIiilliin'i, llii't it Co. J James 11 l'elersl Thnniiis Ili-nll, Robert lb nil nnd Invson Snillli. piirtlieis lining bnslmss under the name of Iluill, Sinllh & Cut Lbiiley Ap iiVenlr, dohii Laii; mid William ll)bcv, IbfllllllllltS. WHEREAS In the Circuit Court or the Hliilc of Onx'on. for the County of iliiil.sotii Allnu P. t'lirnhiitn, coinplaliiatil.has mid his Hill In ninny to iiueciifU n cerintti uiiirtj.'iiucstl lerlli Ihereiti upon the rollowliuf himli mid linpiovi infills, to witt "Ten iierii" ol laud. In;cilicr xvllh the Ei'le Mills, luiti'C, bluikstuitli shop, ili.'lllliry, the t Ifilsi of iiny lor tiie mil rucu iroin tiioi KiiutvMIII In win re It ttrinlnnlis In Hear rnsk, witlt lillien fii t on eiuli side nf rn'tl lull nieo; tho tight uml Interest ubtnliiul rrnm William New hnue for coiulruciliitr n dun. nnd rnie in turn the water from llcur creik to the Emtio Mill wllh nil the imprint niciils,' iippiirlt'ti.inees nnd lurnlilniueiils belonltu; to, the snu c, lying In JailisonCiiutilyliilheSlaUi (r Oii-u'iiii;" mill the Mid Allan !'. Puriilmm.! a ltd ciuiipliiliiaiil. Imvln.' nbo fik'il his uflVl.ivil, sitlliiK lorlli Ihut the roll living inmisl ilehiid mils In said cuti'c iitIiIi- out nf the Slide nf On-LMHI. In wit ! Muliiul I liomas, .Mdoll OIkiI. V. E. Miirirruir.Jiilin Amkrwiii. I'rllz Silnictili-r. Ililiry rrhihiiaii, Charles P. Rul,l .1 .l.itlli.4 II t'.ill M llilll Mil libell ' Thriiii. 'I Innfnie III llnMiatno ill the Piopte of the Sink' of Orison, von. the said Mlehuid Thomas, Anton Olx it, . I.. .Alariirnll, ilulni Ahdeison. l'rllr. Selmelder, llinry I'llnluiiiii. Charles P. Rust, J. Atteiihelinir, Jmiies It. IMers iiiul StiheiiTliriiili,utu tiolilleeil to be nnd upmir in said Court 0,i Ihc Fnt .liWuy in Utlobfr, .1. I. 1601. uml niiswer tald bill, or the same will K' luken m coiifciiid. W.M. IIOI'I'MAN, Cl.rk. .ItineSfilli, 1801. '.Mint IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OIIEUON, POR THE COUNTV OP JACKSON. Jlill in Cliaiueru lo fomkie Mot leant. Tlionns Chitener, ('ouipluln.itit, t-t. .1. ('. . . I. . . 1 1, ii. i . . ... ... Annus, n.iuiuei ii. iimp'eioii, nivis nuns, lli'iijiiinln lliijiuoiid, Samuel Sinllh. D.uld lluiiiy, Jacob A. Iliuninr mid Hinii.ui A. ItriiniK r. lirm.-ItT AH In !! ('Irrntl IVnsI nf llm It Hluti) ill Onyon for llm ('iiiinlynf Juek. ii.'riiiiiiias I'liiiviur. roiiitit.ilnuiil. h.isflail h's bl'l III irpiliv. In fnrrrlnsc n ivrlnln ni'irl. .I'-eSit foilb. In whlili bill It Is stall il Ibal ike ii. ('. Ail.inn nnd Samuel It, I. Inn. iluti ..vifiiliil mill in 1.'iiiiu fill i it thi'S.ild nu'rlfiijo i Ihut It mis duly wiliessnj I . .1. .1 If.... I. I inn nioiiiin; nun me iiiieiiuaiii. .-.iinuei Smllli bus ii inoilpise upon lln: sitae irinrsis kllllnl fllll lit mid Slllllltt III 1 tit s-ntiniLitiiiilil V Hi'iit-jtiL'i. nud thai llm ilefinil.ini, D.ivhl ll.iiiesjmsn sntwipiiiit lien by Jiidjintiit upon I murium,...! liri.iiil.i-tf Theiefnri', In lie' imuii'of the Piopk'fif the Sliilunf OrtL'OH. inn. the sild .1, ('. AdaiiH. Samuel It. TiiiiiVion, K.iuiuil Stnltli mil p.iviii Ji.tiiis, arc uiii:reii to in tin ' Court 0,i l',t 1'ihl, Monthly i'.i O.lultr, A. f). ISCI atnl nnsnrr the Mid bill, or the lame will be tal.eii us i-oiid-ssiil. Wiiiie: Hon. P. P. PRIM. JiiiIjSc nr suid Court. Allot: W. Ilnri'ji.iN, Clctk. June Jlllli. Iet.1. I'hSt IN TIIE CIRCCIT COURT OP TIIE STATE OP ORECON. POR TIIE COUNTV OP JACKSON. Ailion at .nit? lo littoxtr Monty. Andrew Div!mii, John R. Tiro nnd Jos. A Ciaiiv, p.irlmrs, iXc, is. P. II. Howurd. II' iiniirliin l tlii'sallsfiicllonoriheCouil, it llksl In I his ciii'i', Ihal.u'lil Im iIiIIl'i uci'i tin' ihfindiilit i-iiuuot be fuiinil i I th .State, uml that u imiisi' nl'neliiii e.xtsls luulist tliu sl.-n tnl.iiit ; tint the ilciilnl.ini l not now n rm'ilctil or Ibis Stiilis but Ims prn' riy tin rem, nnd Ihut tho iiellou nrbm nu u eiii'lrael, nnd Ihut the Court bus Juiisilictluii if llesul'j'it of thu iiellou i Thin loti', In iho n inii' nr iho Vnph nf tin .Stale nl Ori'j.'on, Jim, the said P. II. Howurd tic mpilriil In iipH-ar In said Comt 0,1 lit I'ml MomUiy in Odoltr, A. J). 1 801 mil ur.twcr llv bill nf ei mp'.iliit Iiiul nnlinl mu by li.o i!.iint;ll'i, or the same will b.a lalnii IS C.illli'ssiii, Witness: the linn. P. P. PRIM. Juil.'onf said Court. Atlist: Wm HctrMAN, Cliili. Jui c ', tPUI. '.'Itnui ittacbtnent Wotico. STATE. OP OREGON, ) s Cuf.TV or L'urijiM. J ss. In Justices Court. I'O JAMES MACKIK- You mu lunby imliflisl lint n wilt ol illl.ilhiuuit hns Ihsii Iskueil us.ilnt Jim. nnd your priiily utliicheil, tu silisly the ilemuiid d S. D. II n-ilile, miiiiiiutliii; to llilriy-iihi ihi'lars. Nnw, iiii'its joii shall npar U-Inn E. II. Iluiili ml, ii .Instill- id the IVaiu In uml lor mid voiiuly, ut bis nllkv, 0,i Iht lO't Uiy cf AunMt, A. 1). 1SC1, Judiini nt will Im rendenil n'ilnst j on, and )nur irnu'rly sold In pay lint ihbl. Dated this l'lli day nf June. 1801. S. D. IIINDSDALE, PlalnflT. June 2!). 1801. 'l:lw Frobato Notico for Joscphino County. jVrOTIC'i: Is hereby plvin that Henry IIol " linirs, iidniliiLliiilor of llu1 estate ol llinry Corse, iKceiiPid, has tiled Ills nciouiit in said isluli'i uml pnijs for n liuul seltlemetil ihereof, uud said npplicutlon will bu In aid (hi Iht Fmt Mamlay of August, A. P. I8C1, when all persons can uppenr nud mako e.xcep lions to Mid mciiitut, if nny tin v hair. It. It. MOItPORD. Clerk. Ily order of linn. M, C. DuiKivn.t., Jutie!), 'Olt.'lli'.'l County Jud);e. Executor's Notice. rPlli: iindeislil'd baling lievil appointed by ! X the 1'iiih.ilu Coin I tor Jo'cphluu county, .St lie of Oii'uou, nt Iho Juno Tain, IMIil, ol 'sulit Court, llxicutur ol thu islulu of Win. M. Sliukuul ilicinsul i Notice Ii lieicby glien to lull peisous hailnjr claims n.ilust said estnto lo piisent them to me, ns required by law. w llh i In one , ; nnd nil persons owln said estate inu ii(ueiiul m maku immeilialo paimeiii io in i. nt my residence on Louse Creik, Josephine ojuuly, aforesaid. P.O. DRAM LET, Executor. Kcbille, Jijn litis, c(i. '.'Otlw. BBBKMAN'S JE2 3K JL C. C. BEEKIMAN Havimi ttr.stiMr.DTm: M32 3fc: Mm JisTC. 3U2 ffrf BANKING BUSINESS, nt his old stand, Ii Jacksonville, continued dur InRhlsnbsencent the East, by Wm. llornux, Ii.. will conduct the tuiluesi a beroic. The Express leaves Jucksonillle by the Call. Iforulti Slngo Co.'s coaches for TcmcasarsSium. Kvtry 7uci'(ty, Viiimliy nni Siilimlaij, Rcturiwigon Momliiy. ll'tiliitnlnynml 'iiiti, nud conncctltifr wllh WELLS, FARGO & CO.'S Express to all puts of Caliror.ila, the Atlantic State" and t.'uiope. GOLD DUST BOUGHT!! iirncured, payable la nuyorihc Allutillcclllis, L'uiiadiis, or (hit ope. Sight Bills of Exchaugo Mi-M32-X"M?M32 B-IS.SHS procured Trotu any Express or Post OMce lu Ciilll'orul.i. Collections in.iile, nnd ercrjlhln nppertnln !t lo the Exprcs business iironipllvalleiideil In. l'arllcitl.ii'ntleiitloii paid to lllllin; (Irileisur every description, at t.n, nud miy point be low. The jialronaje or the public Is respectfully so Helled. Jacksotnlllc. lli-cember At, 1S.!I.-.'H. J.XO. I'. AllUllll WM. ,. AllTIIlll. J. I). AHTIUH & SOX, iMronTrtit anu Joi trr.i nr AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL. KINDS. 18 81! IVIACIlirjES. Wc tior ofTir for sale the CMibrntcil NEW YORK REAPER And NEW YORK REAPER AND MOWER, .Mii.h' expressly fur the P.iclllc coast, by W'mdir A Ohlld,.-'prlnjtlUhl Uhlo. l! have sold tlienlmva m.ik) of Mnehliies t t lli'i lusl lliiliurii. Willi lueriMMil s.ib s i'Ury)iiir. (luu hmidieil nud K'lvuly.slv n' llnse Hi nxrs were sold si ii-oii. nil ol whleh i-uto the iini-l pirfict siCsl.u'llon, ns belli, the .iiiii iMinioii-i iiif-us HiiiiniiiK iiiui iiniiiieii Iti-iincr nud Moitir In n-e. Ilitm n.irts ulirais oil I mid. Also. Kiri'CIIL'M'S MOWER. Imprnvisl Tor Iblil. Said to lie the best Sin 'lo Muwei vvtr mail'. Also. TUP. VERMONT MOWER AND 1IKAIT.!!. L'uU Hi-.. Suilnblo IW siniill farms. ALU. HALL'S. PIITri'.V RUSSELL'S THRESHERS. POWERS. ck'. It It A D L E V S PATENT DORSE l(Alxl'.s. SPRING STEEL TEEIII WHEEL HORSE RAKES. REVOLVING HORSE RAKES or till sixes. Ifm. tt .1 t-iilsfC li-tt-litt ril. tin i.'Y sisii n st .1 ft lunir, I'lir,! si it- V liii Lu l?id tilul ku nllid ts!l I tn.t. I'liitis ,( i"in- ri hi- nii'i wisissis- si ii (!- ii in x.n lies, miiI sowirs, riillliulors, farm nr pl.iula t.... ...H n... ...!...!!.... r.u .1 l . !.. ..... ii'i.i iiiiii jii Kii'i'ii'iM inu ir i in ii-i'j llriiuii'u Iturr Sal.iiui Xllll. I.nn.1 i.tttt. I...... ... ...... ."..v .... . -, carts. wu;nu, plows, hartuws, nails, Inue slim I', uiliul-touo nil si, s, lu c nits ur single lurx" mud plows, box sernH'is. elc, etc. -All of w hleli are olfited Tor sale ut the lowest illy pi Ices. JOHN D. ARTHUR & SON.. Cor. U'lidiluloti .V Mails -Ira I'. tnh:tQ:ll::im i-'nn I'liiuelsco, TilOMASDOYCK,' ADVERTISING AGENCY VORTIII.A.ST Cormrnf Moiukiiiiii ry mu ll Wiishlnloii Slnvts, San l-'nuiclnii, l .intliorlzixl Aeiit lor the folloulu iiewsia IK'Wt Ournns- Sr.NTtxi t., Jiieksomlllo, Onnii. P.iellle Join mil, Eueiit' City, " Oiih'oii Tiling, Poiil.uid, " Orison A wis, Onn'on City, ' Mi nury, Sneniiueiito, Cal. Expns, .Mm x-rtxilte. Ilutk' Ruoiil. Oroillle. lteliublli-.iu. Slustn. Sierra Citizen. Dniinleilllc. I'liiivr I litulil, Auburn. 1'l.uvr CniirhT, Yitnkiv Jim's. Moiint.iln Mcsk'Uxit, Li Porte. Plnivr I'ft'iu, Auburn. SMilyoii t'liionlek'. Yrek.i. Pi'umis Ar"iis. Oiiinei-. Solano llenild, lletilel.l. Al.umil.i GuMU', Suit Ir.uulro., Sloelttoit, Amador Si'tiilml, .lueksoti, llir.iM. Civsivnt Cllv. Puiillc Sinlliiel. S.iiitu Cnw. Tiiolmiiiiu Ccurii r. Coluiubln. Union Di; Smior.i, liiih iK'iideut. S.iu Andix'us. Tilbuui', Smi Jiim'. Southern Vineyard. Im AiicIcj. El ('tumor Publico, njtf Phwnix Works ! Jonathan Ilittrodgo, rrop'r. 101 llalltry !., ncni- I'liclDe, Man l'innliro, ,r.Nl'PAOTPIli:it or rire-pmor Door., LM t-liullus, ll.inK Vaults. l'i Ism ci lis. Hall Iiijjs, Giailugs, ll.ilcoulis. Holts, llrldjje Woik And ALL KINDS OP IILACKSM1TII WORK A l.irue nssortini-iitof seeond-h nul imoiis and iiiilTllus constantly ou hand uud fur sale m low rati s. All oiders promptly nltembd lo. U;Cm PAINTER & CO. ) VriKtiail Vnn'ert nud Dealers lu Type, Prt'(8, Prlnllns Muleilals, I J. 11. I'tlXTMl ) 'ol'i I'.uifl, Cauls, I'.le. J.M. r.USTHI , T.n. fiisTi.ii J .110 Cl.iy St.. nbnie Saiuome, iSlV HUM MM. 7.W O.llcesllllcd out with illspitch. ml.8 .DUG AN & 'WALL, I FORWARDING AND COMMISSION ' iMiici i:a.3stts, ! XSx'lols. XlxxllcUxifV, jCOUNKH rilONT AM) P STS.,1 CnESCENT CITY. I 17'M.L nltend to the UEOEIVINO mid POK-! V WAIIDLNO of ull U001U i:n It tun it lu their Cure, si llh I'roiiiilut mill III. palt It. 'VSj.Consljjnmenls S'llicllid, .Meiehaiidlo I'ecelud oi slor.tgv, Oct, I'vl'df tifo .t7Kn TRACY & GO'S OltEGOft i:PRESsS. CONNECTING WITH WELLS, FARGO 8c CO. TO CALIFORNIA, ATLANTIC STATES, AND EUROPE! Treasure, l'nrcils nnd Packages foi warded lu charge of Messencus. Goods Purchased nnd Couimlsslotis Illicit wltti Piomplliess. Notes, Drults, Hills or Accounts Collected. Wills, forgo .X Co's checks ou Sun t'rnnclsco, nud Ihelr Mralls on I.omloii, Paris, Mubllti or the pituclpil cities In the Allinltc Slilles, Can be obtulned nl nny of our Ofilccs. Offices and Agents. Portland Cu'iutU'S Millies Wall I Wall i Ou'kh.i Clly , Clrllli i , lliiltevllle M.ivlon Sileui ('nriiillls Albiuy Iliiiene Clly...... iliklitul Itosibiiiir I'aii.ioinllii' Itii'lisuiivlllc W lis. Purjn .V Co. liiuitroiii iV Co. Slni'Mltt iX Co. , Iiiildnlu ,V Whllmau. N. lUllJMlls. I. M Oi.uiloiit. , P. X. Mathews. ,... Williams A. I.lppi-tieott I.Miielal -Mock .V Kiiiilmnii. Miilliv.x'Cn. W. A. Atletf. I.nlil. IMeis ,V Co. II. A. llm lou, Pury. Wilde A Co. Ik'L'Kltltlll'H lAp'ti, E. W. TRACY .V CO. A rll 27 Cm MRS. W1NSLQW, AN IXpi'i ti'iMiil iS'iitxc nmi V'c inilll' IMl-lflnilj,plcsiiiUtolheiit tciitioii of liiotliels, lur SOU T II T N Ci S Y 11 IT p For Chlliltcit TccthlutT, . Whlih ltimIIv riiellllalesllii'irocessiiriii.,ni ..v.. .!.... b.ui....f.. . ..ii i. .11 .i 'IV Slill"IUII UU' 11111'-. iniii-in mi liill.illlilllllll 'will nllay iilli'im nnd spismiHlle iictlou, nnd j ....... I.. .,., lh llttlrtll. Ill IK' Mil Himli tl r ...ii- iv ,,, .... - -, .,.. .., it.. t-d ti ti ill l'Ivl' rest lo votiri.dies. n In f itihl btillth l Vr litnil'. r iiiui nii,ii zr".. ".' We lino put iiji mid sold Ill's nrlleli' for our ii years, nud mm iy, 1 1-f",'l"iit ninl truth, of ...'.... ivy.w.i "" ' V nil' nili' nun iisiu ii, nu nie eiiiiinirv an nre b llnlili d wllh Its ni'Tittloti, uml sp'iil. III terms d hliilu-st comineiiditlon uf ll m.ijjlcil elleets t'n iniilli'iil ilrlues. Wo spenk III this malti'i WM if ifntiiw,'1 nrter ten jniis ixti-'rleiiee .. f . I I .1 .. I-.. .I ...f M .. ... . . .-,... Iltti i',' l"lr rs'iii.M".""r ,i. mi in it in " iri", re l.trr il.d.irt. Ill nlniii-l i uty lll-l.nieo ulitn il... Ii liiil 1 kiill. itiu. Iri.m lulu unit i.vliiiii.lliiii n lb r will Im fiiiiud ill lllkell nr tucllly lllllltltis alter tiie sirup is nniiiiiii'iiiiu. Tills valuable preiirillo:i Is Hi's prescription if mil' nf Iho most r'jtri'nrtl nii'i tt.lfi'iil niirro III S'lw Midland, uud bus b.'cn uml i.ltliufitr-ui(- iyf.v. In Tlicitistiiitts of Cases. II not only ril.eie llccli'lil from p-ilu. but iiivlcnrat 's the stum ich uud Imwil'. corrects ic'dily, nud stIm- Iii' nud i-i.eru-y In the nlioh ystem. It will rillcie uIiiki-I liulautly Orlplnr; In tlio 3Jowl!j nnil VimJcoh', lint on rcoiiii'eiuiliiMous, whleh. If not siieidlly rciiiiilliil, Mid --v.v I" deulli. Ui s-ti i It the I'ssi' li-st nud nu i i WmkIi In Iho M'illlllt'rili world. Ill nil isvinrMisfii ('Pi'i'tliltii: lery mid Mint hr.i lu .MM ' ' ren, wlulhir It rM'slrom le thins or fi'oiu nllnr eaine. Wi iniihl say lo etiry iiioIIut who Ii is u i ( 1 1 I siif tibu fiom unv ol Ilio IniecoluiKoniplalnts, do ml let your piijudlees, nor llm prejudice nt ilhers. stand Im'Iwivii your mlTi rlnir child mid be n Hi filial will U'suic - jes, alW)i unt il fid'nw' tluMlM'iif Ihlsiiiid.ell.c, ll'llliuly iimiI 'nil illr will twi-oiiipany nich IhiMIiv iiiui' ueiiiiliio nubs- tho luc-s mile of L't'llTi'S t VIUiKISS, Niw Yuri., I nu the uutsh'c ir.ippt'r EO-.s'"ld by drii.-ilsts ilirniisliiuit the world. 'iliictp-iKifiii.'. I.I ful ir inxliN. V. Pi lit- Only '.'l Ctuls im- llnllli. PARK .t WHITE, Sow Aseilts lor tin- riicu;c Coast. 1.1 J W.i-'ilnt n st July II, '(.(l.-SU-lj. Km I'rauclseii. SAND'S SARSAPAFULLA. NATURES TRl'E RESTORATIVE! The best, safest nud purest lONIO AND ALTERNATIVE EVER EVER PREPARED. IT Is rrroiiimi'ndiil by the lindlns in il'rilnu thiii'llli's. nud blldy iippiiiiid by all who inu Iiiul It, Mi'llcaln ladlm llnd it u lieiTiel vslur.iliie. mid in rsons iiiui lenil n sul 'iitaij life will Hud their nn inns nud ml Hilary sys '.uu slitnyllieiiul mid liiiproud by Its ue. The utrut tilject of Ibis in tlVlue Is To purify ilio systeiii or nil iii'iibM mil first. It r. Imparl lo Iho Mood such pioli- 1 1 tits a-, lo id ilit It line, pmo uud t lets. Toch'iinso the sIiiiiihIi mid bowils o' Second, ncrid liumois, iiuMily mid nil muenif mittir. whlili c.iii.e so miuy and latal illia-cs. Tosiiflin nud relievo tlrlcliiro of the Third, skin, uud thus eslaldMi n lialuial henllhy liow of lhu"lnseiulblepiirp. I.illoii.'1 To linpiil tono mid slrenjlli to the ill Com Hi. (,'esluu nivans, nud ulio Knatilur mid illulily to nil the oi'gius of the body. To tradlcato nil tllsenxd, Impure nnd polsii unit piltlel's limn llu Mood, llesh ami iHints, mid illiet llie!i eon. phle expulsion 1 1 om Ilio body. To coiiiiiuacl the III ilficlspinducid by tho ii. i) ot mncury, uud t tiiuuic nil seuibullc eiiipllous. I'iflli. alMh. I Prlee, Ono Dollar pir boltle, or six" boltlcs for t'lxo Mullau. Vsssls. For SAXD'S SAIIS A P A It 1 1. 1. A , AND TAKEtiO OTHER. Prepared by A. D. & D.Sixns' Druyplsls, 11)11 Pillion niiut. cm hi nl William. N. V. Por tale by MERINO TON & CO., San Pruneisco, U.S.- II. Mi'DONALD .x- CO., JUSTIN l SATES k 11110., S.iermnento. THOMPSON .t OREER. 20 1m ilaiksonville. IRON AND STEEL. OH fffl lHS' r Assoilt'tl Iron wV7jVU- mill St Ct)l, ispeclallj select, id lor lorlhUmaikel.liii'salu by ANDERSON (1LENX. J.ichsouillle, Mnt IS 'H. 18 In It, wlial no Hill' "en r m-eii nun-iiisny 111 unv meillrliip. .Vie- XiXT' """"''' w.wlien tlm VW J? " " ely...i.l Ne. HiiKditi' kit Y l5V,,I.i J "w "" l",, -listen nl dlssnl V""A Isfnclloti I.i At J. A . Tucker's Snu aysxsfixToisaoo, MAY QE F UND 300,000 WOZtTl OX8 THE rx3sTi.sT cvooDSir Ei cr displayed In nny country. Such ns 'B K uM VBC ?BLr 3U 9H s In ltlugs, Pins, liar Mings, llrncclcls, clc. aw m. ".." C3 . .. ma sm 9, 100 t'lnefiold Watches, fiom nil Iho cele- brateil tnakeis, Includlnir Ihu cclebra- ltd Plallim .Movement, nt prices nViBliii? fiom WHO to $ iOO. W fk. .B. -si- ' m" a a nt" o S Such ns Ten Sets. Dinner Sck Pitchers, Goblets, Napkin Uliip, Cups, .ti Kiilus, Pie Knlies, Ladles. Salt (:elliiis,Ciikelliiskels,Calors, Sailers. Cnnillesllck, Supni' lla-kets, Coffc nnd Tea Urns, ltiillerKnlies.SiiKiirSpoous, Ice Spoon'. Miaiy Spoons, l.hpior Slatuls, 70(1 do r-poous nud Pot ks. Such ns t.nin Sit'. Cmifo Sets, Jit rids, Coral Sets. Ilinei bis. Ilucktes.oreury deserlpllon. Cloe',.let .mil Cold, Wiitch Chains, In 1 admit ljles,Thlliibles.i;iiilmid sllur, i-leoiu Hut- tons uml .Slud, every vnrle. y, luO .Nick Chuliis. Qnni'ta ffowolryt S'tcti ns Eir ItltiKS, Urenst Plus, C11110 Meads, Sleeve lluttons mid .Studs, bracelets. ar3.k.'Ee?s With Cold, ( limy I trails. 111(1 IIiIIiIiiiis' Hi Is ttnlle, I'uilt nnil koii. IVIxxitlo Olooltssst Two dozen lino frill nud ttatuctli .Maulle Chcks. OUTIsianYl A laracusMirttncnt of Superior Tnblo and Poiket Culliry. jT-O-AII nftlin nlmio Ooods nil! lio sold nt the lowest Udi rates, ns the uuderi-lueil Is desirous nl 1 loslnit out his liiilnelise slock In-fore Ilio lli-t i.r.Mm-cti. ;hl2'.- FOUNDRY ii MACHINE SHOP Plrst St., Suit rraiiclsco. A All rntitlnuc to liinnnr.cliire nt tliealoro y UMfitimii i.Muimniun'm, STEAM ENGINES, ?uarts, riour, Saw Mill and other Xyiachinory, nf every description. Abo, luo.v nnd Iliussj UAiriMiV. ... Piouilhelon oxp-rlcnce ivo ham had, nnd llm siijs'i'lor tools ntul nnelilnery, mid the very lnr?e eullecllon of pallirns nt oiireiinini.niil, wn fi-el conlldeiit that our fnclllllos Tor turning nut Iho U'sl stile uf work, will dispatch, mid nt' the lnwcst'rntes, tiro not siirpamdun the I'aelllc cont. Itiissin Iron Sticxv forQuiirtjr. .11 ills, mule nt short notice. D.ders Tor nil Mud of work will rccclio prompl ntleiitbui. I.ODDAUD. HANSCOM .'; RANKIN .lulv". m;o.-:.'i1 l.nliitiihliliriHtC'i. niLXxTt?OSlD'S ' ;;i;vi:it Hr.iriMrATr.M. ITlirnniraHtHlMlritllrflrrroiiiiiini,nt ll4lK Is' 4slsrf4Mtnt)ll.Mt,sf.n-lArll4UU.kssO)l hit .mii. I lynl iii li;iiiMiUtolUiii.r hid. UUiriVWsilu J iu sjCfcrtiK ur isUUU wlsil.ttl.rsti.p'itiltnf Onirtf a it i.-uwivu U istntV'tti JcruiHAt ltl Mj itnsM'hsiilhm sttAni'iMXsviuiitsi, ; i' ii." is-mjsrniirrri i im !n'ns.(MiuKit t i.rifl wo tl 11j vu-imi u A t it rt'yp i.i. 1. Ml Ui Urn il v mrl fi fsstfiticiiivr.tirv.lC! pH' IflSTll (,lNP J l H tl Vllillll.XTOII.salll vltlsijs l.lvt'i-C'oni.s. lilulniv, Itlltmis '.l- I ni In, lO'sptpsta, l liiuiili.Ul.iiilira. M inn msr uoiu-'i tr. Ilroiny. Naniil ntitiils- lljsentr- MoiAiit ligllul.tlimt ull,riii.i, Chill, (.,'lr, ttiiilrin, lllnlc- in.-iiiriiiis'iinirruiM inmniiuii. 1 intu it me, .luiiiiillrr,Ml'iinilr XX'inKnr- n,iilinr t ut I tu .cMlssisOsillim ry I'n.iilly .sittll- ffiljIiir.JinUliiwsSIC'IC nr.A ii.xcti 1:, m i'j;iiiimojss)iiitiiri in tu uiy minutes, II KJJlis in- llirrsi Tia tjiimnfills nro aU-jR ill t SMaoitoMiw.l ir " a'i'i rlio 1110 II tirr' W 'fct vtutf tiilr tt.:i!iiior laiufsivr. I . JilIX U'ATI'.H IM TlltS NOI'TII WITH Till'. INVKIOIIAIOlt, AM) hW.UiUlW uurii 'j(Mii:-iiii:it. l'lliu Ulio Dollar psr tiolltc, Aln. OATHARWg P.91LS, I'nVIIML' I'lioil I'nrr VrRrlnlilv Its.iiit.s. nnil iml up In til, XiH C.XSJI..S, Air 'HblU, "nil IH lP ... .. . n....... in ,iii. ........ . . . f nn rllr ' m. -1 H-j V roljf rtt. I t!si.tilkj ftflli '' w SIa I.i aalllrt iStl .nn TH l'i lull' S'lt'l.J linn r,ii i-n. ux I l li i-rrtkn nt'sfi- 1 Ii rtil mtlr sfs mill.; tattli.ti ii4uwj I I lsl it 0iiir In rvustnl i 'ii' tltoiii m I1I1I11 rcnrli f nil 1I. I'rolrvtJuii wrtl I'M Ou ttnltfrsful n it'n it ff lt. It. lA.-lll,V CT.I- lfu ci npaiutslxtl fiiun t KviMct. wUfU bit uluitntiiiry C4iiil. ant nn r whtr st fstlUirUa U ii". lln ! I'm i'siih',' r ilir wliulo uoly fitfiiissiair If C'lcu4, 'Kfk it I tU rij.a wLkU A. I'aat dlrCDtCftliittCtbUs. '1IIAIITIO Vft,U f riely k4 Hi iurr.We. T'I lihum fr) 1 rl of lt 11 iioml ntul nfr lnU Cj I'uVrJ, si(st) t i)r -i Kli tun ! Ii . Mr nl-s- llm U mil ltlttt mill Hoiritr titt tHHU utjru rtsij, beh I.U4V sl.r. Aljl - ., ll mint !, -f 11 tin in in n lull' 7j vital u Ut murk i-f I W lllf.M t'Milnwei. M MiRliililirhrnil, J IllsHIIHfs. UuintH i fsQ'H J mtil llftliy tliMSHfIO HhUr) LJ luuit:i.lkjuiUlLliiiJTCrUMI Mil ull liillnitiMinlsii) f'lillilit-ll Aliillsi iilt l-trtlK llfniul (ilt w lilr, liMiitmuvruut turut. ilur.1ln1 M .-- Tli Ivrr liitUiMiilnr nmi I'miiiIIV Cn tlimtlt IMlU sr tnlM ly Pnifilssit crocrl, l4 mU Mtwlmh) ly tit 1rJ In all lU Unm lowui. ( ti, T. W. HAKKU1I . l . .1.15 llromlwny, Svw lvrli. BoUly I l.o PntKlMrrcnh',r)'Mby frr Hie ractflo Cwn, 133 Yathiagton Btrecti tt Franclico. . , - To Consumers of WINES & LIQUORS, AMI DiN.rilll.V TO INVALIDS. H AVISO resigned tlw position of 1'nlled riliilcs Aiuulscr Tor Ilio lllslr'ct of .Svi l''iuiiclsco, tbu duties of wlilili I bud ilbclmrced iniilir llm ndmlulslrntloiis of rrestdetilh I'lcico nnd jtiicliaunu, my fi lends nui lietiby respict rutty liilormcd Hint 1 liuiu established myself ns X lUtll.KIt IN WINES AND LIQUORS, , Cdinrr Hntmnmr nnd Jniltou Sis., SAN FRANCISCO. To dealers deslilnjr ni tides. It U dccnied ninjier tostulu Hint, lor litis List tljhl i;c.irt. nil U'iiien nnd I.tfiiiors uuli'ln? nt S.ui I'l-.iucbco H om nny 1'orclKH l'oit. ns nlso tltoso i' iiosii riom nny init in tin) Unltid Slntes, linio been eviniliutl under my siiiieiilslon, nnd that, ore ilous lo my uirlriil lu California lu 1819, 1 bad been niKajiul lor many years In l-'ianco, I'oitu. pnl. und ollur idaccs, In buslncus iirjulilng a similar kuowUdo of I.Iqulds. KJ. SEJ Pill UP A. HOACir. fan rrnnclrco, Match B, UUI, ,ii.'i);ll:3tii wzm