Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, June 29, 1861, Image 2

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    Wm i
Nsirlj r-?TTBST ' i i . .. . . - - ' Z I .
If b.li?
lit fcSfis3fl
FV'r frm
"To the KrriL'Acr ASorKnvuNt.M'voK vofit
PIst'KVS IM.K.'' n'uKinglnn,
. jum: 30, 1801.
Iu the sale of the Skminri. establishment
(he (ubcriber disposed of all his right and in
terest In dibts duo the concern.
.lis. O'Mkara.
Jacksonville, May 21th, 1801.
List of Accnta for tho Oregon Sentinel
who are authorized to trnnract nny business
concerning this paper, In the name of the pub
Ibhcrs :
Thomas Doyco
'adivorlli & Uaynes
M. Ito'enlierg . ....
O. Jacobs
J. C. Davenport
W. W. Fowler
It. S. Dinlap
Juhn 1'. I'rln.lle
A. II. Mcllnntu
V.'. V. Itl.icli.irt
Wii.M. livans
Fan Franciwo.
...... ..(i.Hmrg.
, ..Appli'iratc.
Krtby vllle.
T. Smiley llnrrl,
pacing said ikbls to any but Iho ntilhorlzcl
the imlilbhers. w o es-
T, , Instil. f
Aib....i..v .
In the present nin.ltll.ni of tho country,
'" "Li T1.1. I.U., ..iu.il,,, with mirlolle
many ailopl lius i.ie.i, wnvuur huh piirioui.
., . . .1 I r n l' f .. . r..
motives or with the l.ow of fiud.ng lii the fit-1
turenstcurchatbornnd the nvtmlaiieeof llie.
rxpntilnn of nny positive oplnbii ns to the
existing stale of nllalrs, llmo ni.lv can tell.
Kinieullles to bo overcome must be mtt with
decision. It Is n flim-y pretext tn dilny or
iivo'tl the cmi'tipiciice, os well of Ihelr own
nets ns of the mult of the present conflict,
l'.i..l.1... il.il i1.,i nm..!.i nf 1 1. U nm! mn .
- . ."'
I... ..... .,.,.,,.
. . ... f , . . . I ..,,..! I.. '
ito.su.. ....... u,.,ra ....... .. ...
words nnd nets to tlio current events of the
timi.. Is lo nk llie filemli of ll.e prtciit Con-!
.it.mtn.1 m tlmt il...lr . vi i.n.l ib. il...r lin.nl. I
lor the ncrwnmndallon of thn-o now nlleu.pl.
big to break It tlow n. The people of ll.e Uni
ted States arc now making the subject injtter
for olumes in ll.e hitnry of the world. Can
nny one W Ii difii-mit to III coutttits ? I'.ifes
nl" this I.Mury, In jnnd reisonabV ihi'ibl, will
ilvtuil the inoU (iilci.l.tl iiifnlu.ilinii ever re
corded of u free nnd prosperous jK-ople.
While there may be, end no doubt nr, pel
inns nhncluii.i pnciilcuee In Iho (iniiliiments
nf Ilia norimmiit fur .ut party scrvictn,
in day, finnt tl.i' AlUutie l Iho Pacific, (nrly
fidinjr. us hen t.'.'jro i.I.IIiittd. Is l.t In ll.e
magnitude of the preritit calamity, ninl the
gu.T.il t-Milioii of till not curried nwayl.y
pnks'on or pr.Jiid!.'. or overn)win.l by pul.l c
ilaumr, I lo uiinrc It to its foim.'r rlglitful
nnd proud pmlt'o i.
V cnnui.t siv nl.nl poo,! can rtsull lo nny
bidividiiul or State In llieii(iiiiiplloii of ll.l
ihif..n. lis im'y nppreiiel.iblo i.blwl Is to!
J , . ,...'. . ft.. ., 1. ..iii '
l..,ve a free pvs 1,1 the nHwful si.h , III m. i
ikflng mi) llmig in cniitltirelnllieref nit. Hlille ,
It U il.-.ir.iVo 1I..1I nil sh.iiiM be willing ninl j
maloiis for .1 rcnifliinlfe mllu'lmciil f tl.' I
I resent difiicullies, It is Imjx'ratiie, nU.i. fiom
conI.lerat!ens of duly, as well ns honor, that
lliey.ilioiii.l iprtfs n dvcl.kd preference lor
the " Union, the C'ontlliillon and the eufoi ce
ment of thel.iwsj" it I a duty that ever)
lover of republican iutilutloiu should not hcsl
tale to perform.
Neutrality is Incipient dliloynllyand will lead
O treason. IVopIo will dUagree rcaioiinbl)
us to n reformation or rccomtrucllon of tin
present Coiulitiition: but while they ncknowl
ihelr d.ity to uud receive the protection of th.
prcsuit (j'overuiiient. they should contend f.r
the tiiforecment of the laws. Men who claim
rculrnlily ns the policy of this Slate, do not
rcrlaluly uiUct upon Its attributes. Snrtr
lignly in Its cntlr. ly, with erudition mid ponei
to make It rcspclc"l. Is necessary to priserve
licnliallly. Is it, in honor, duty or ohllgallon.
tho truo po.ltion of Oregon ? 'I ho Ivocary
bf fiieh a position is not ery fl.itlering. 1 1
you accept from n friend the rrotictlnn, the
Uiullti, nt.d nil of the udvantagts Ids portion
may enable him to give you. Is It ikcent f..r
jcii to iis-ume, with mock dignity, a ccutr.il
position when be is in d.inztr?
AVii.i.wkttk Fai.iji. A snrviy of Ihefe
falls is being made, haling in lew the build
ing of lucks to cniinei the upper and Innci
river, (joo.1 judges have piiiu.iuni-c.l ll.e
project practicable, nud if Mich fchnuM proie
the care no amount of humus tlnniM l.ofpeart.l
to acccinpllrli (o ik-sirnblo tin i.l.j.-cl. Tii s
p'uu would cmb'o fUamboais lo run fi.m
Kugrnc Clly to tl.o discid. s on tl.o Co'.imb'a
river, a ilUtuuec of tno l.undud miles without
1 . . . .
Tri.rciiAi'ii Acnoss tub I'mi.vs, In a
short llmo from now, toy three or four ni'iiilh',
wo will Imic one continuous line of telegraph
from the Pacific to the Athintir, The gentle
men composing this company have both I lie
inrans and the enirgy to complete it in Ill's
short 11 time. Nc.U to a Fneifie Unilr.m.l. it
is lbcmo.it important work of the prtscut il.iy.
Fatal Acciukxts NVe learn from Mr.
Cyrus Tliomap, of Yreka, that Jvl. Kelly was
killed on Wctlmsduy last, by railing from the
top of, the poe altachid lo Wiz.u.) Martin's
ruvlllioD-aUo 'i';'jor "'l0 was (ngnged in
lit pole fell killiiif lilro nlmost in'tantly,
V. T , iiVT i 3 ri gnuriiincnt nn. her power lo put down re-1 ' "rJ. i . . T i . HZ. nomliMtwMivciny ucicgnu-s m miu i.onve.i.
Uufui .Malbry lto-eburg. ; , , , f , ,J ,1(.r charge.) right ;.p to the ballcri, but co n , , Instructed to vote f.T Fugme
... 7 ... ',.., ml 111. i. n.,,1 .m.M.II.- rml..I.,.,l , ' not p.VS tllO llllcll. Illlil Wire COIIipcllltl III f.l I , u" , ...
t i;acti.iv.-aii persons in.iei.iciiio..iu cm. . ';,",' " !;" " ; 'n ver hwe ' 1',-,'. After two hours eunlul the nmniiiul- ois-eny lor ...m-m.-r. ,..,...... .....
m:i. Onico for nitcrlil!on, mlvrrliMng. Job Vl Lu... . i ."'....". r.itl.!l:i lion cave out and the Irooni retlrnl in p.-rfeel iioinlnated for Slate Senator. Wr.ilhir iry
...,.,,....... I ., .-. ..... II. I....... .111..... . l.'i.l.. .,fr.. .......III I.n,'.. Irt I.,. !.... I., Hll. HIV
' ' , . ,., j" i . ,,it, l,...,,,, nn ,,r iI.m,. ,.,-, TliU l.n.m. Not iiion' I hail hair ll.o r.irec w.i lirouglil ililo
former proprietor..! the Slvt.m:., I.u now no hu h . , one f the o bi ft 1 1 Is , , ,,.clltcinn, ,MiW Mf him gal-
Inumt whaleur n the dill, . lue ral, ,n,,r , Si",!,",' "J" Ike to pTnn? I. Il ' "J ' Wn ht0" M ,,,e "M "
,v bS nJ.ko.ri.n.r"' 'm' I ). ..? -.'"'.?.! f. 1?S!!! '''"ftXbl sav, ,h I. .rt cv.-i.e
ll... ..u., ( II ,v. llFiinptnlnr 1 I'.SIlll'irS, UII.I UMCII UJ HOW 10 llvMI Willi llll'lll ' , , ,--....-., -.-..
Hkm.inukiuv. IIami, 1 rnpricinrs. . ........... ' , meiil In ro over tho news of Iho c.iiSI.el nt
Europo on tho Crisis.
From tlio St. Louis correspondent fo tl.o
Sacramento Union, we copy tho following,
showing the position of some of the European
nation, In relation to the present difficultly In
tlio United States :
The telegraph lo day Inform in Ihnl England
will ilo nothing to Incur the )lfl nsurc (if our
Onvcrnmrnt. It Is well that she docs lint, fur
I iim confident Uncle Sum will nit tolerate
nbuie from abroad half as long at Lo hiu from
his em mlos nt hmnc.
Franco Inn never minlfcslcd nny disposition
tn hi'iilt our Oiivcrmnint. On tho enntrnry,
It I mill when our troubles llrit lirolso nut,
.. .. .. .... I I ! I.. tl.-,- ,..
ii? i.iiicrnr nmii snierirnns mi i .iris ...
..k.i ,'.. i. l.l l rti ,,. ,! ir i.t. .,.
... .'.'.in ..ii. i ..!.. i
T ccs wuu i MK" occip.iiiru in Mini iff i win
r, billion. Our Onvernment. of cniuV nt -
spcellullv tit clinnl the l'.m;
.vet iiigniy iippwirtiis mo
(Jnvcniinent. V tnnv b(
If Great llritnln l nurrlendly. Frnncc will lie
on the oppnllo nidi.'. It U lo be hoped that
tin' -.ewse will not prove true,
The lust Mrnmir brought Information that
Austria would ma'ntiilii 11 friendly pnitlon In
win dt our Oovcrnincnt, mnl do nothing which
eotild be cnnlrucil ns 1 iicnuraceineiit to the
Southern relict i lint I lie Meamcr before the
lat nlo brouulit Infiirnnllon that the Am
trliin Ooicrtitnint had n fined to receive llitr.
Ilngame, tlio newly appointed Minister, on tho
Ktniuiil that while 11 Mimbcr cif Conirro", he
limi ii'.il hit liillueneo in ruWn.r the Sardinian
rni'iion in n 11111 iinrmnii. 1 ins neciis rxinnn.i.
I linn. How Ati.irla can m.ih.taln n friendly
,.lltlil,1ln-nr,tl II. n,l .1 (!,., e,m,i III,,,.
to the Au.truin. tl.iv would not .lire reject
him, If there were .... Irn.il.les In Ilia UnTlul
State. Now that our Union Is In.ullrd by
traitors nt home, n.i.l U itrusgllng with nil In
might In maintain Itself. Austria thinks she
O.U. ti.4i.ti ..4 will, lM.ni..,lie. 'Il,l nNo it,..
r....... ul.v r.tl.nr fnr.'l.... imn.i .t.,ra lo l,n
oiily n'Hllmir Minister simply to grnllly '"rcrV P, . , iiT ,,,,,.
an 1.1.1 grudKe,d,vs i.n wm plain. ThN N It.-aiinri.t!.. j., hud by ,1,; ae hnvnui
i ,.r. i ... v.!... ii i t1 i.i i' he Four i Mn.ic huell'. Mist Uliio,
nuvi t.iiij uiu ir.enii'y, unn . inn iivisuiniiii ,i,-, .,., v , ,, t ...., ...i.i. I
.i . ir Vi...i! .'. i ' ...i F fill mill Mn Ii New l nrk Hi'ui icnls. Willi
ll'Ufc is fiiiiiiivtiiiiu iiviu (its nulla us I'li.i'.n i
Indolent. "Wlun America fliill have n.llyl'Ix heavy bailer c. inoiiuling six nt,. Iiulve
.i ,. i . ,i i.i i... ,. r ...if. tiiiuiiih-rs nnd heavy rillo.1 camion. Ilutli
, ,il".ivi,.iil , iiiv ,,', iim iiiii.m .'I CKir.i, . . 1 .....I.t.
,t.,i. Irl.t.p. tt Ixi k.i nrrA'.fliil It.
Iciiim Inker now, will ivime crawling nt her
',... ...,.n... ...... r'i M.."n.....j ..v.i'.v
lTt. willing to lake what she may bo p!ei
In (;ivo. Auilr.illa lm lorgotlen Iho Ma
At present l'r..l,. seems In int.,,1 her own
I .....I..... ,.... ........ ....II ... .1 . U...II..1. .l !
I iiii-n.ir I,, I, t.t.iii t, . ii. ri. i.i, o.uiiiiii I in, .,.-
nation' down nearer the .miili pole. Most i f
Hicw ll.mrrnnicni haio eno.ijl. tod) without
, , ..
.nlllli .. . .".I ..ll.l.r. ... l.'.irM. ...V- in-1
i,lini'; S(nM ,- ,. ,M1,( nl ,1(.
vm.ri,.i, Union with lu'idtatlng l.enrls
.They fco on Ibis continent Fritdom nrrnyid
''?'' ijranny. nml they wait, with nwlul
TtK ,.,., Wonll n(. i)ol.,IM,.i.'rom
n tlS !mo i,revl..u lo his tkiilb. Seinilnr
j II m,jli had Is .-n In r semi-cnntelo'is nnidU
ll'Ui. l"iriiB inu iiii.riii.n; i n.s ti.-.iiii ...
, t , ,. , .
". l'11 ..."l l in .U. ...... ...in... r.'n.rn ...... .r
,, ,i,v,.ti,l .ind luvlngwifeMt nib's In.IsM',
.H.thhur nnd rasing him with ilmio ten.l.r
word i.n.l nelloin which only n woman can
fiiildoy. he nkisl iho living staleinan If lie
hat any IIK1".IL'., to send In his I. y, Slephen
, niid lbitori. I le hi mnl nt first not lo hear
ll.e .iniftlon. nn.l (he rcix-ntnl It, Itallilne
ins firen.'iii... is i irsi..ii.i, ii.ip.nii.i.. is wuoie
. : .. , , i. i. . . . . i ,. . -. .
fraui" feenil In d late, us be nnwrnd s
"YiI Tell ll.ein In oIm'V llie Liws nnd ,
kiiptmrl ihei ..nilliiliiii.rilitf I 11II11I Sinter.
A fln.rt lluii' niter, ho d slieil lo lu ralwil,
1111.I Ills wWi was I'ni.iiilkil with, so lh.it la
mluht I.K.k Mil fr.i.u Ids ulml-iiv once more
uti.ill lint clly wlileli bid lovol nnd hniiortil
him so long. One .'f I.I' friend cxptxHil 11
ilnul.t n 1.1 the iii'o of hi' po.ltinn, when In
mply replhil. " He Is ri.n.rirliilil.a." In bis
dylin ni'iiii'iils he faintly iirlleu'.ile.l," 11,-nlli,
.li-ntli. ikath," and his great soul had patsid
Tnr. New Ymk II oi. elves ll,o fiillnwiiiL'
-iiitliititle (try of lieiiernl Il.itl.r's cookies
In .lunger nod promptnos In aellon 1
At 11 political iii'vtlng In liwell, of ll.e
pirly with whom ho iielnl. tho lin.i'O w.ii
..tv frond' .1 j nud while Mr. Choil.'
s'n'i.Mii'.', n l.ir was lelt lin.l n iradi In-nnl
Uv.iy i.m'turne.1 pile, nud 11 lrlul.if.ill panic
'ein.i iiiiin.eiil. tut I.iiht.i llill.r f lining
i( ,, ,,.,, , fnM f , ,,,,,, ,,,
,t. ,i In1111.1ll.1is lv n.u with tin niclilliet
nnd .mimiIiihI the iniiMing. mI.'.Ii prnv.il t
UJ "' .""'" ' '" uy"''r "''"'?
lie r."-
inriicl 11'itikly. uud f.iklng a wnr.l In
("ho lie's ear n hoeroil the pl.il fnrm, ho n
.iriil lu iifii'inhly that there was no nrwenl
d.itr.'er, lull he f.c.'i.'i'i'lr.l, ns the hoiip was
niiii-nliit iivcr-eriiwd.-.l. lint ihe.v ('imild nd
I .urn in the op. n nlr In f.nnl i,f tl.o Mcrrl
una tl.uii.'. I'l.ey .I'd (owllhn.it neeldeul.
It prnviil, nflirnaril, that whit he ipiiilly
nhUperid to Iho orator wn, " Cl.oate, 1 11111M
eV.ir Ibis lioii'o or wediillall bi In b II In
f.vo inlnuliM " .1 lenuik inoft nnlliviible,
whether w.' rtt'anl Its e.vihrss in..), r f.ieh no
iii.prihcinton of dinger, or Its npprrc'-itioii nf
the tliterls of ll.e (peak. rV political nsmclater.
The Sonr.r.i il'parle.1 from S.m Franci-co
on the '.'Dili l.m In Hu'l.ting lrini.in.il ImivIiil'
on luiird 2011 pisi.i;iT.i mil OUI I.V.'17'J in
Irinsiirp. She rarrlcl 11 Itttlie-pounil It.ib.
,'ien L'liu. nnd her utwaler Ii is been (heulhetl
with Ini'f Inch cnpiicr nud imu plates.
Tl.o Intended duel between the Captain nud
I'lnt L'tuttimtit of tl..1 Fiei.ch military cmi.
inuy In San I'raticlfcn has beiii prtventid by
I'reiicli cltlz.'i.s. out .f cnn-l'l.'iutlo.u nrisiim
frorn the fact that both men l.ivo familiis I'l
S.m 1'riineisco. Ilotli I'fliv'crs lined In Al
gin J.
IlrsrnxRii. Francis II. Wool ton, Aclirg
l.iivernor of Utah Territory, being n Sccc
s'i.ii s)inp.ilh!zer, Inn tcndercil his resignation
to l'liddn.t I.'iieo'n, which will, without
doubt, bu promptly ucccptid.
Stui Pi'.wci.ni H.iNMn. This beautiful
National lijnni was written by I'niuels K.y
Ivn,., ui.il not by I'liilip Ilirto.i Key, Sr., us
published on the first pigiii.four p. per today.
Itr.v. lltiitof Hi'niiRs has wurued the Colli-
. . 1
ua.v -n.ji "i inv- .". .ni ..a..i,ii i....u. "..
nnns a.'.iiiiit tho G'overnm'.ut or encouraging
'I ur Portland .UvirUstr learns by a private
letter thai 7.. N. Slnusbury, defaulting Ticas-
urer of that eouniy, is now carrying tho hod
In California,
Ciiari.ks F. Scott, ex-mrmber of Congrefs
from Calirorn o, holJs n cnninViion ns Lieu
tenant Colonel in tl.o C'onful.Tatu Army. So
fays tlio Montgomery .-I heritor.
V.x Govkiinoii S rK K.Nf, of Wushlnglnn Ter
rilory has gono Fast to oiler Ids services l0.
the Federal Government
'appointed i-vret'iryf nhlngtnn Territory,
Atlantlo Intelligence
Frederick, Juno 1 llli. From n gentleman
conversant with the localities In ami around
Harper's Ferry, and who ha Ilagcrstownthhi
morning, no learn that 10,000 United States
troops are. between the towns of Orccncnslle
and Chnmhoniburg, from whence they nre
marching, Tlio troops recently at Point c(
Hot-Id have certainly tieen withdrawn, niiduie
now with ilic main body at I furor's Ferry.
Much tlis.iflVi'llini Is reported t.iexM among
the Kcnttiiklutis on the Marylmid I lights, und
a rumor l current here that In a few dajs
they Intend dii'aylng tho stars and stripes,
mid probably iksert ni a holy.
It is nut Known how in.itiv were killed or
wnnnded In tho unfortunate colli!on of the
,, , ,, . . , . ...... ... .,,,, i!-,,,,
1c.Kt.iI Imonprcvl.iui to marching oi Ureal
M.-lhe . The tuswiis. however. ncnnitli-riiiil.
nnent, of coirre. ro-, .' "rc r ."." """I.! l,,c rT"" i?
iiipiror'K hlnil oulcrs,!',1''' nppnMUly wrVlk'CVn 'i iT. ' j
o' friendliness nl his ir' "-I" wmp.mil or m mil richl .1 eis . id
.osiirni.r n.mtl.!mfunwttj:cr.. ngillllt the tllleil CiintlOtl (11110
losurcni ono iiiinsr . . ...i,,.., .... .,, i,ti ... .,
,, - r . .1 . .1 . I 1 ,.,i..r:..
. .' rc r ,".,r """P.!"" "" '" "M ''"J"! ,5
IrelK'Is. Tlicnltiu'k huled but hail nn hour,
when the retreat was gnumlcil nn.l c.xceute.1 in
gnoil order. The troops throughout 1I1U try
Ingnltilr belmud well. Tlieivtlmilcil num.
ber killed win ubout .10, 11 nd Kill wounded'
Major Wlnthrop. AM to General llutlir. ntul
f.lmtcnanl Colonel Urinnell, of the Xiw York
First Ilcirlrmnt, nre milrg. Among the
killed l h'iMilciiaiit llrebble, of tho Unllid
SlutcH Artllley. lie was struck on the tluht
silo ol tho forehead by 11 hut from n rill m)
cannon, whlili tore iiway tho upper part or
III In ml.
New YonK. .Tune 1 1 III.- Hie llcrnliU no-
' : .. . . .1 ....... .1.1
ST". !np Mlr ."' "r.l ' ". :ll " lnX 1 .
' nilCr IIIO llllllirillll lie IlllMHI.l- Mil- 1. 1... .?.. ,....
' wo ""1 """ Pl,c"' ""'ur. """''"i
t ''": ?T "P".n n" n'lv""7" ,?" "', . "' r." -,'
'tcfttstcil nn.l drove them back. Inking l.lrlj
I V,r,.nl,.cr.', .. ' l!c" xlW '' " """
' M ' " Mi'' "' W "l1
' I iy '1.000 slroiig. and drove right Into
hem. 'I hey were III po'ltlon. proieoliil i.y
, "','!'.;' , , , , . ., ..,., .., .-n i
.1.0 IMCIO.C J n'piHl fiiljl HI. "HI "H ii.im
tf"" '" ""' ,,,l'nV were nivncin. nun iiii.iHiirn
'mi.im's cfi.irscij the em my sr.itteml.
- . u - , "
im ..... . t ..
I -, .1 ,, , ,. ... .!,
nsimciil nt,.l bad hii.leirhlp of tlio : Hilei
' .' I'CNcwslwiUU nro looking tip, i
bu d.'iied l.v the n'tiulse of our troi) ...
IIIMI'tlla SMMSItlll IltllP SIH I V H' ' I"'"'""
..!-..!.. . I...1 I....
. f ..'.., 'f it
A proinfiienl ll,illliii..re.i.i now liiWn
:. .. . i.. n. . '
If -. ... .1 - 11.. L...A...l I 'I'Mcl I
nsalii Hying In llalllnmrr. nnd th it (iemral
II inks Is mvdeil to keep the rebels In ihcik.
The border wnrr.ire betwun Marjland uud
Vlrirliila is becoming trrv bitter.
Wasiiinotox. Jtinu lllh. The IWdcnl
In day called upon the (lowrnor of Indiana
fur six nddilloiitt mrlments.
Tho forect under Colouil Slnno have con-,iii.d
ccntmird four inlh'.s from Wufhitiglon. The
cav.i'ry went leu iiillcs further.
I.KWKWviinili, Juno l.'ltli. Striotis hn.
ll'llli'S ire tl r iilrnlng nt ICmi'-tx City. Tin r.
Is rejinrleil In b'n Kivsi-km f.ircn of twelve
hiin.ia.l irc'i near InhpilitU'iicc, waiting uiu-
lurcenii'iiis inui in low
At Kiunas City Ihtro nre (ivronininVs ol
Infanlry nn.l three ofi-.tvalry. nil regulars com- j
,,... -, ,,..,. ,,,,,1,. .r,,ce..r First Infan'ri',
Tlcy have two field phew. Sevui ropaliies
nt tlio l-irll rnrimonl Imiiims ii;iiiiiei,.. r.-e
enlly inuileml Into feriiiu lure, nro nt V)an--lotie,
two milcjfiuiii Katxas City, to net us 11
reserve eoip.
From the .Sentinel I Mm of Pnn.liy.
Yl!I.Kl..llll.fl22d. 8 l'. M.
Tho Pony Uprtss itrrlie.! nt S,icriinn.nin
nt 10 o'clock t I.t J iiinrnllig. The Winning h
from the Unwii't i.lra :
Sr. jnvi. Julie IO1I1.
A.lriees from F.nglaii.l (how lint piril.illly
Trip .l, t-a Iwl 54liit,4 Ik f.rilili. tile ttt hi, .In...
Apirtoflho Wisconsin troops bad been I
onkied to Wuililngtoii nt foiiy-clislit huurs'
It is sa'd that IliMiiri-gnr.l lultiid. to mike
I ho po'llion nt M.iii.i'ris (' .p liiipngiiit.V,
Tl.oOiiveii.meiil ha' tvi.Iei.cu that Ihireare
in my Irultors in ll.e Ni.tlh.
Maid...) It'iiiif'.rt Kiys IIi.to nre -10,0011
.ceesl..utts in it.illlni'i.e, waiting fur u fiv
or.ibiu opjiui tuuily to rUe.
Sr. Iii'is, June lllh.
(Jove rnor Jueksnn nn.l Mi.J.ir I!, in-rid Price
on I he part of ll.e .Stat. nf MNs.uri. nud
den. I.n nud Colonel F. P. Il'nlr. for the
u. n. t.i.v. in.neni, uie e.mirri:.'.' 111 1 nc 1 ..in
l.r'rt llo.i'o In this clly, lo.l.iv. In refereueu l
Iho nllaiis of Ihts Stale. Muili aiuiety Is
tuaniferlld ii' In the iisull.
It upiKiirs that Arlington ll.-tuhts wrro 011
iho point of In-in;; nttiieke.1 on Mni.il.y ni:l.t.
riieiiieiur. reported in furcc, w.ro wllbln two
milts. The (oviriiment troops wire fnrmid
In inei t tl..' iillnek, but. for hums cause unex
plained, iho iibils withdrew.
An order for nralliu; Minister Him ley
t'lMffiil on WiiliK-sdiiy. Theivi.leiiceugalnst
him is inerwlieliiilni.'.
It Is nporleil that tho Mlehtgnn regiment
wire find on in ll.illimnrc. Army officer..
lulls bcin sent to liivestli.'.ito Iho nll'iir.
Iliery man In Virginia fiouisiMivntosivly
irais of ne, Is oblig.nl to lo In tho Confedtr
ule sc. lice by Thur.d.iT.
Ik J..V M'.rrls of Ptiinsvlinnla, leu been
III. ...... till ..ll.HMlT Ml v.lltMllllll.l IW, UII.I
Henry I-. II. Iiiv. Minister lo
Our relations wllh Peru hrvo bo 11 renewed
Tho fortlfieallnni at Arlington llclglits are
now very formidable.
Cairo, June 10th.
Col. Sehiillzer cnmnnndliig nl Mini's Point.
t.Hit-n .... ii..n nr Sw . imlti ...-ir il.o...
lirnlioniin cin.p of h.iiH.onlst mar 'eo
uud took several prlwmei.
FmiTliRSH Mnvnop, June Dili,
Ii. It it.TIM.uiK. Juno llt'i,
Ii't nb i tii n. Hitler sent a , . ael.nrn .
In didoil.'c n forro nf r. he's incnn.pul nine
mllis fiom Hampton. Iho forces look tuo
routes In fium n Junction at Little llellnl, nl
that point, it bong tl.uk, iho Oermaii regl-1
unit mistook for foes iho other purl v. nnd '
find upon them, killing one nud wounding
niliirs. After iheirror was dlseoveiid tl
font' niirelu'd on the Cunfidcritcoicninpniriit.
and filling lo lake It. relreatcd In goo, order
........................ i.t. 1...1 1 ........ .... 1
liner i.iy.i.z 1.....1 ii.t.vi. u.m itwui.i unu nun.
urcu wuuii.i. 11.
Lkviixwoiitii. Juno 1.1th, P. M.
" ' reported that firlnus hostilities nre
threatened nt Knrnas City, Mlxourl. II. th
,,rl nre collect Inir largo fmces In lint
neli;libo;linod, probably tlure will bo n colli-
lon to morrow.
A VKiii jn.iiiiiui unci was inugui in wen
mnnd n few dajs ugo, Ttio b..)S, ono aged
,,.,, n,i.l lliu nlhrp .uaIi'a l..l n r.nnrpi.1 A I
little negio told them they had better fiiiht u
duel to selllo it. To this Ik buys readily ns-
ii v n-.
finteil. The young darkey measured olT tlio
d stance, nud Iho boys took their positions.
Tl.o elder, who was nrmed wllh n slir.'le
wrrcwi wm, nicst iim no. inis-eti. me
1-miiini.i limi n nen klmnlnp. Hi. .lull.- ninn.
ili'libernto aim, and hit his antagonist in the
dipped, nnd so ended the (ad (.ITair.
Expressly for tho Oregon Sentinel
Ban Francisco, June 2fith.
Tho 7Ymn nud Cull liavo the following
dlpitch :
The l'ony lin.l nrrlvcd nl Fort Churchill
with New York ditca to the l'lli of June.
An Impression prevails bntli Xorth and
South that n National Convention will he
rnllul to nettle the existing dlltlctiitie. Tic
people of tho South are ilissnllsllci! with tl.o
......i-...i...... n, in.t..tlB .tnrol
Confeder.ilo (iorcrntnent, cicelally since
Kentucky lsued n Union Manifesto.
In Virginia, nncdialfnf the counties have
called n Union Convention to organize n pro
vincial Uovcrnineut nnd depose Governor
The news Is more pacific, generally, tinco
the nvoucd sympathy of France with the Ad
ministration. The tenor of Iho Kngllsli debate In Parlia
ment nre very conciliatory and Iho ministry
nro backing down from their menacing posN
A fcriotts riot prevails on New Fouudland,
against Iho l'ngllsli Government.
Foreign exchange rule nt 100 no bills In
nnrketj no demand for money, whlcli Is
n1n.nil.inl nl f. Her cent, on call. Stocks of
nil kinds have ndvanci.l. Imports of cotton,
rice, tobacco and tnvnl stores have entirely
cakiiIi lireadslulls heavy. The Steamer Van
derbilt tia been cliatlcrcil ni a. man-of-war.
Steamer St. Louis arrived nt 0 o'clock thh
Tl.o IloiiL'ias Kcmccrats met to-day and
hot. Yours, etc.,
C. A. Tiiom n.
tin. "Jlnt InM.. belwivn live nud six uVioik,
soiiioiliiring t.icul, irrnculM liter. illlti'ilwcll.
lug or Mr. II. Slule, in the suburbs nt this
cilr, while tho lamlly wiie temporarily ubseiil,
....A all.',. Ml'lll III I..III.. ntin.lt P'JIKI III "O'll
pecinuin,ii lot of rilvir ware, ui.il sundry
urtlcVs of winilng npparvl. Tlw villlans had
uriin'i-i. hi i.'inni r niniitri'i
ovtjlnlly Just nmdo iU-lricfr..l..lll e
. .. " ' . ..I I . H. . I . . . t
Willi 11.0 tuu proper ywi.eii .Mr. ww nn.l
.... . .. ... .
II IA lilll.l.V nun. .1 . I.t 1.1' 1I1IIA ri I.IH.il
HIS lillllliy rilllllici. living linn s.iiiui-.iij n.r-i
l. rls.nl, tl.cy tuuk to their heels ntul mid
Ih.'.r is nip1. They were no ilntibt badly
fr iteint . us u heir meiil iney urn ic.i ll.e
, silierwato iii.il eloll.liig, nil t.r which has since
I hicn iicoerl.-1 ni.l Journal.
SrTi: Tukkt. Tl.o fi.tlnwlng ginlkmaii
were iiuiiiIimIiiI for Slate oniecrs I.y the Cu'-
llornhi Hepiiblieun Cinvei.ll.ui : U.iv.rnnr,
IXund St.n.r..r.l ; 1,'ciit. (l.iuriwr, John V.
j Chillis; Munlnrsul CoususT. i. I'helpi
A. A. S.irginl ? Ju.ho of the .Supreme
Court, I. 'I. wihI .Norlnii; l KrK or lliu ftii
prime (.'.iiirt, Frank F. Fargnj Attorney.
I ..'in riil, Frank M. I'ixl.yi Cnutri.ller, 0. II.
Warren i Tiiiimrcr, I'.ivnl IE. Aliley: S.ir
vv.ir.(!i'iurnl,J.I'. Iluuhtun j hlale l'riiilir,
II.' I. Awiy.
(Ikv. .Iiuinston. The llctnhl, of the 22.1,
..,V4 .i... ..i.v .. .lulnision. Jutilv in mllilaiv
0,111111.1111! mi this ojkI, Id still nt lu Angeles.
V vul.i.iblo (eivk-o nl s.lvr pl.tte l.ui let 11
I nrivcnli'il 10 lilin i.y 1.1s lrin,.l 111 nits nunc.
II I iinnum that ho will (horlly lime fvr
i'IV.m.s by the huiIjiiI unite, uud ni.'l be ui
eompuiiul by some liliy Culiloinlaiis, who
I u'k (iriiee uixLt Jiff. Iiaiis."
Tin: iKlroil Tnbmir stale that C. II. (I.
I ll.-.ii.leii, one of Cirdigmrs region nt. the gal-
I I nit six handled v.l.n i.h,j iI.ii.iiIi that m.nl
pliatuiiv ol Itiifrl.iiisul liilaUliiv.i. ninl (iinreii
I'm iirllller)inen at their gun', bus iiilirltil in
iho Culdauler l.'ht Artillery eui pi tl Mich
igan. In ilnmboMt county. California, .lunelTth,
11 si.irly iif Ihri'e men were utlnekeil by In
d.uii', mid Win. O.ivtr l.illtd. Theotl.ir two
(tieiwU In ni.kieg lln.lnse.ip-.
1 01.. i. 1'. l.iMirn, wi.n wns I'oiurs
see..s..l in Ids eonleiiiplulnl b.iwk-kulfe ihi. I
with Fryer, h.i' ullVietl his ririicvi lo t.'iii.
MvClvll.iiid tiiid Ins been ucccptid.
Tiik Fi.m Fkvkii. Four American Fines
wire mil by C.iilloriilaiis In their favorite
Heglincuts i.f Militia, In the '.i, by the
steumir of Juno 2Ut.
Raisin? tho Flag in Yoncalia.
As wo ntru iiboul putting tlio pur lo
prcs, we received ll.e nppi'ii.lid very wilcon e
eomiiiuulcalloii, The poem referred to will
appear lu our next btiie :
A1.1n.iM. Mii.i.s, Juno '.'Clli, IS'.l,
Oi:i:iin.v i.NriM.i.: I leariu.t by pitvnlo Id
trr, Unit tho gou.1 1 eoj.li) or Voiicalla, l'uinpia
county, are . tell 1 mini. 1 not .. lm Ml UI1I11.I lu
the demonslratloa of paliloti.m. A Union
ni'. ting was lecei.llyheM lit llu Yoncall.i In
litute, whicli w.11 org-mlwl by iippoliitlng
C. Drain, Cln1lrn1.111.u1.1l It. C. UuuVmoml,
S.'cnlary. A IllK-ily p..lu .is nilt-d, nnd
Mr'. Dlel.ens.ni, Iho ol.Wt I...I; pi inn t. nn.l
pi.il.ably lliv ino-t patriotic, by tl.o nri.lance
ui llu ).iung ladles ran up lliu ,mi rleau 1'l.ig.
nh.lu ll.u w. Ililu ring wllfi lint (I.1111U of pilri
..t'o iii.'.i. 'I lueo el.11 r weru llien given fur the
young I idles who preparid Iho tinnier Ml-nt
II 11.10 111. i llllll.ll ..illi'C..!.'. 1110 M.ll
v-,,,,,,,1, .1 II.,,,,,.- ,..,.,:; I , ML, l!..,l,,l
I .v',,,,... ni.lili elleiud i.n.eli nppl.uno.
1 jlK) .ppbralo llien read im ullre.. which
ai ll'lenwl lu wllh gieat liileivt.ni.d It l (aid
tli rnd with much bellugmid piiho. Appro-
jprt.itc remuk' eio 1.1.1.I0 I.y U , lluniuisi-
I " '"''' J- V'".K;.' J)'" .!' A, ""'""if . TX n ',le
pmier Wll' I.U.1.1 I.y tin-lUv. James Ml I r. 1 ho
,m..'tliiK tlu-ii u.lj.niiiit.l.
Wo lMVl. ,hll, Uul) u llow l)0 atuiil..uUts In
lliat hrppy Valley, (eelug lh.it Iho man who
KT(lt.il lungest " In lliu trior of Ids way," 1
now iiioi.a.uroi
f Iho I'uiouWs. TmiiKfA.
111 H'FI-T
J "uun'
Jaekun Cuek Juno sutl, Iho wife ol" John
IIoUtU. or u foil
At Dr. Oiirbtik's llopllal, J. II, Juluuon,
ngi.l IS yeaif, n liatlvo of IKniiuil;.
KAMl'ls i:. MAY, "
JAfStsonilllr, ClrSRo...
Oregon War Scrip.
T llAVninadoarrnngementswIllinresponMblo
rr, .;;"';". :'" " ",V,"A " -' ....... .
nnrM'iu. lu Vt ali nuton Cilv. llav nir oeeu
i.lul Iho pq-lllon of Chief Clerk In ono of tho
Departments during tlio war, Krlp-holders will
llud mo .re..n;ul to give nil niccoaiy laforma
lion reltllvo lo their claims.
I will iil-.i glvo my attention to posting and
iiir.iiiKiiiK IhjuIis and accounts;
plr omco lu Iho SmlM hiillOlng. .
Jiieksomllb', June 29, IPiiJ, -.'itf
...:. .. i.i . . . . '...
or tiir
At Hinrlic, a ralute of tlitrly-four guns.
The procerrinn will Inrui nt 10 a. m Third
itrcct, the ilfilit wing resting on California t.,
Iiitlia follnwlngoriler.
l'lrt UivMoii-Col. John li. Uom.
Asltnnts Jn. T. (lleitn. James Clugnfre,
Fraiik Drown, I-nac llnlnes. V. A. Owens, Jnliu
H. Drum, 0. C. Ileekmaii, Jeuio ltuljlnt-on, Win
Hurhu and 12. S. .Morgan,
Jnckrnnvlllo llrn lln:
I land.
Olllcers of llii Fire Deiiarlnu'iit.
.TiicK'onillh' Hook nnd Ladder Company.
lloaid of Tliil.'e.
Orator of Ilic Day.
It.n.ler of the Declaration of Independence.
KKcnxn titvisoN',
Col. 0. W. Keeler nnd Stair.
Mn'.inlc tioclct't".
O.l.l Fellow Suclutlcs.
Citizens on foot.
Citizens on horseback.
At 10 a. m. n gun will be llred, nt which time
the procchtil will moe n' t.illuns t Up Thiid
street to Main, up Main to Oregon, iloun Ore
(run lo California, nud thence to IlKMIA.M'rf
(IltOVi:, whtio will bo held Iho following
OltDKU OF ..XF.ItaSI.3.
Hall Cotiiuil.ia-lly the Hand.
Song, " Flag of our Union "Glee Club.
I'ru.ur--Itev. H. Ililirr.
Wa-hlngtoii's March I! ind.
lErnillngi.rthu Declarallon S. K. May.
Miii'c -lli.nl.
OrnlIon.l. II. Reed,
Hli.r hip.incli.l H.iuiKr Glee Club.
Yiuiki'ii Doodh. -Hand.
lleiK.liclloti-ltev. A. M. William'.
Siinjcl f-nlnlc of thirty-four cunt,
Flrvwmks In the in-nlng.
"avait "iron '
Tho Only Equostrian Troupo
ICow on This Coast !
rpilW newly organlr.I TrmiiH of STATl
I I. Iiuelr..in .ci..l.allc ui.il (iMiiu.i'.lio l'.r
...ri .. .. iii.i iri.' ii pir I'n ... i.K't
fortuir', will glit'ii (tries of Ihelr uiii.iio nul
lnru .,cl rotlanct. , fuliuHs :
.facsonvillics tuiihay aftci:
noon anii i:vi:ninu,.iui.y 0.
KIjOXDFiVS feat,
liy .Hi. II. Ajiiiir.
This necoiiiplhh.d Inly will iu.ikn OKANI)
AHCLNi-ION upon n (Ingle wlie, lo the
bight of flly feet, prvtiotu
to the commencement
:fSr.M.-- i m.iB'ji
.Vlinllon In rnvnlllan, only Cur Poller.
Childieu half-price.
Will ubo hold Ids luce In Ids mar.jue,
a.lj.daliig Ilia Chen'. Open
.lay nn.l evi i.lug.
W.M. PIMIHIAM, Alliance Asenl.
JaeknouUlle. Juno JH. J.'J:.'l:'it
I T. has thoroughly renovated and nfille.1
, Ids cil... m. m ikliiu It if neat and pn lly a
any thai tan r. Iniii.d In n nirk's tr.ml. Ai.tl
what l r tier, ho Ini' on hand Iho nry U-st ol
Xlvandios, Winos, Cordials,
ele, etc.. wlileli I'nl. well Kuons how to com.
pound Into lliu limit (tilucllio nud eihlllnitlug
nf iliaugl.ls. tiluililn. ii call uud Ih coliilueul
o." lliMacl. JaekM.uillle.Juiiu'.".!. '.'I If
Ot'l. iv..idfully call ll.e nltentlou of
T I the pulllc to bla uvw and vMeno
-sria-K vr-
All of U.o nio-t pojiiilir Patent Medicines of
ll.e tl.iy. a one lot ol Tnllil t'liemlcals, lr.ri.
miry. Hair D)es, Oils, ,S..i..ilc,
.liuk-ouillle, June .'u, thill, '.Mtf.
IS hen l.v glieu In nil .ornm bubbled to Drf.
THOMPSON .VOISlinil, illh.r I.y nolo or
loi.li iiccoiiul. In eoiau loinaul nn.l piv up lo
J'lllNS. DIII'M (agent Tor Dr. L. S.'Tli.'iini
(oii), or to Iho iiinbrslguid. nt lliu Jaik;uuillle
Drug hloiv, CallforuU tiu-t.1, Juiktouville,
l'llemlj, e have waitid on you long nnd pa
tiently, hut Now mot.tu irt tnu.l luut. or uu will
bocoiupellid (Ihougli leluetnully) to plnco your
n in... i.ee..ui in tuo I1JUU1 oi ino pinpil'
olllciTs for (ollicllun,
0. IV, GltF.F.U.
Juno 29th, Iffil. :'.tf
Has reeeiud n lino nstoilineot of
IIAOLUVS OOI.I) PKN'S and holders,
Kx. Is-gal Cup uud Overland lller Paper,
lllank Itecoids uud U.lgtis, .Monte Cards,
lllottirg Hoard, Mueihigc,
Pen Itaeks. Hill Fills,
DraHr's Patent Ink'tuuds,
Arnold's Writing Fluid.
Juno 29 Culkry.ctc. 2l:2t
Sewing Machines !
With nil the Late Improvements.
A SMALL a'sortmeut of thonbovo machines
iu't retell ed lin.l for bale at San Finn.
eUeo prices, uddlng Irelght.
K. O. ai;SHIO.M, Agent.
Jack'onillle, Juno 29, lfeiil, 2
. L
... .!. n...i. ... f il v..,. m nf n,.. t
III ilic mill. I iuiiii ui me .nun vi u. ju.)
fnr tits I'nttnle nf Jnrksnn.
Dill in Chnnttry fnr Distort) y and ore-1
closure vj iMoifgogr.
Allen F. Fnrnluini, Complainant, vs. Michael
Thnmns, Tobias Thomas nnd Henry A.
. llreitbarth, lute liiirtt.crs lining bil'lness nn-
dor the iiiimu ol Thnni.i'. Ilro. k Co. Jo-
set.h Jacob', John ll.irrett. Peter Smith nud
Stephen Thrush j Anton 0'.ert.J. C. Weiss,
W.itlln.T, .i;. Miirgrall, Oeo. liulliug, right
Hdiinul lit. 'p. Frederick (Iruf, Fidel I.im-( jtirne' Chns 0
ley, late partners tloiiiir business unil.r llie,llrnwn Mls Anna
nanio ol " Kaglo Mill Ci.nip.iliv j"' Je.o llrlogsJ.T
Hobiuson, Finnk lliown, Veil Sclmlr, John , t,tlls-v Mrs Kllznbetli
Aiiileisnii.FriUsSehiii-tdir, William Wright; jlirrmvs Win II 2
11. F. Munry nn.l ll.nl. T. Dails, parlmrsj ,mra David II
iloiiijj bii'lness iiu.ltr the un.no of Maury k ,VT Win 0
Hails ; llinry Friedman, Clins. F. Itu't nml . jtrnoks Ciirtln
J. Altilihclmer, parll.eis tinder the inline of1 il)riies Mrs Jenitmit
Friedman. Kust A: Co.; Jalnm U Pelirs; ram,hy Juiues 2
. i.u.n.. i.e...., ... ioer. jienii ui... j.iion
Huitlli, partners lining ii...iihm iin.ier ll.e
name of lleall, Smith k Cn : Lb.d-ey Ap
t.tegate, John Iiog nnd William II) bee,
I Men. hints.
WHFItKAS In the Circuit Court or the
Stale of Oregon, for the County of
Jackson, Altnii F. Fiiriiluim, eonip'ainaul.h.is
lllnl his Hill in eiiuily to fnivcloio n rerlii'u
mortgiigi'fit I'ortli therein upon the folloiilug
leseribed lands nnd linliioveiucnls. In wit:
"Ten ucris ol land. Ingeihir with the Kaitle
Mills, ftoie hou'c, blaehsuillh shop, diflillery,
the right of way for ll.e tall race Irom the
Kiiule Mill In where it tirmlualis lu ll.ur
criik, wllh fillccii Tit t on null side of raid lull
ruco; the right nnd Inteicst otstdIni.nl Iruiu
William Neiihnu'o for comlrneling n dim
and ran' In lurii the wnter from Ikiir creik In.
the haglo Mill with nil the itiiproveiuiiils,
uppurtiiiinccs nnd hercllliim.-nls bvlougln to
ll.e sun c, I) lug In Jackson County In the Stale
of Uregi.u ;" nnd the sa'd Allan F. I'.irnh.im.
slid complainant, having ubo filed his udMavIt,
sitting forth that the fnlliwlng tnmed ilehnl
nuts in said ciinc n-shle nut of the Stale of
Oregon. In wlti.M.ehnil rlinmnj, Anton
Oberl.V. Ii. Mnrerail'. John Anderson. Frit)! I
Silmeider, llinry Friedman, Clmrk' F. Itust, I
J. Atlinhelmer.'James It. Pelirs nnd Slel.hen .
Tliiin.lt. Thin fore In Ihoii.iiuo ol the Peiuile.
of the Slnle of Oregon, yon, Iho fald Mh-hnel
Thnin.i', Anion Olnrl. V. 1). MargrnlT, Joiin
Andersoil. Frllr. Sihliei.ler, ll.i.ry Friidiiiaii,
Charles F. Itu't. J. Alteiiheiiuer, J.iinrs It.
Piters nnd Stephen Thrash, are liotiliecd to bo
uud uppear in said Court
Oi ff I'ntl Mouthy in (Icloltr, A. IK 1801.
nnd nti'wer sa'd bill, or the saui'.' will be In km
ns con fa sul,
W.M. HOFFMAN, Clerk.
June 2l5lli, lfil. 2l:Jt
; in Clitmeery lo foreclose Moilpnpe,
Tlinm.it Chivener, (.'omplahntit, n. J. (.'.
Adams, Samuel lt.Teiuplitoil. Davis P,viiu,
II. nj in. ill llaytiioiiil, K.imuel Smllli, David
llut.es, Jaeub A. Ilruuiiu und 1 I1.r111.111 A.
-yilKlll.AH.Inllie Cireult Court ol the
1 1 Male ol Oregon lor the toiiiiti'i.r.iael.
sou, Tlminss Chavnir, ci.inpta'iiaiit, Ini' fi'td
h's bill in tipiiiy, to forielo.-e n certain mort
gage sit forth, in uhlili bill it Is lut.il thai
ll.e ih feiid.inls, J. C. Adutiis m.d Suuiuil It.
Tempi. ton, thily imciiIiiI m.d iiiki.iinl.il.'iil
ll.e (aid mortgage; thai it was duty wIiik-pmiI
nud riei'iilutj that the thfindaiil, Sumiiel
Smith has u mortgage upon the kiiiio irein's
(iibvipient nn.l n.l.J.et In ll.e loii.p'iib.anlV
moitgage, nn.l unit ll.it .I.Temltiil. iiiviil
llaniy,has:isiih'iqiiiiil lien byjiidgiuiiit upon
mid inorigiig.nl pie.'iilM's.
Thinfore. lu the name of the People of the
htutuor oia'on, inn, tin r.ii.i ,1. 1.. ,.l.,ni
S.iiniiil It. T. inpVlon, Samuel Sni'lli mil
David Haiitr, are reipilrcd to uppi-nr In ml, I
i ..nn
On j.r l-'usl Momhy in ():lder, .1. IK 18C1
uud nnfiter the said bill, or the fame will Le
taken as fonlcrrnl,
Wiliius : lion. P. P. PItlM.
Ji.tlgeiif mil Court.
Allot : Wm. II.ikim.in, I'd i k.
Juiio'.'filh. IKCI. 2l;St
i(oii hue lo lleeovtr Mwity.
Andrew Davbn, John It, Tiee und Jos. A.
(.'nine, pjtluers, kc, is. P. II. Ilonard.
I I' npK'i.rli'g In lliesallsraclioiioftheCii.nl,
I I..- niiiil. t'ii illil in .I1I4 f-.iii.i ii..,. ,.ri,.
"i ..-..- - ....", , ,....,
lue ildlgt nee, the ikfuidunl i-aiiuot bo found
1 1 ill's .State, nnd that 11 cause ol nitioii ixl.t
ngiili.st the ikftiidiiiit ; that tlio ilef. n.l.nl I.
mil iioiv n ri-Mi!iiil nf 1I.I4 flitli. lit. I li.i ,n.i'.
..... ...... .. ......... ... .. .. ... .. , ..... , ,-".
ill v tin rein, nml that the action nri.i nn 1.
eonl mil, nml limi ll.e (,'ourl hasjiiilsilielii.il
01 1110 fiiiijert 01 11.0 iicilou 1
inert lore, 111 u.o name 01 it,t ri-opio 01 11.0
lili.lo nf Ori.iin. inn. .lm stilil t. II. tliiunpil
uri' nn. lin.l to no near in said Omit
Oil lie I'm! Momhy in Otlvlcr, A. IK 1601.
aiid nnivrr tl.o bill of e. inp'niiit fit tl ngalmt
ion by tl.o i.lalut.ir., or the fame will b, taken
as c ...S'-.il.
Wiiiiess: Ilic Hon. V. P. PItlM.
Ju.lgi. of (aid Court.
Allist; Wm, llortMAN, Cluk.
Jui.e '.'(lib, 1SCI. 21:3m
Attachment Itfotico.
Cuv.ntv op Cmi'.ji.i. f " '
In JumIci-s Cuiirl.
Ynii nru hen I.y notlfi.nl that n writ nl
atliHl.mciit has Unn l.'mi iiguiinl y.1.1, and
your pr.iHily nttnchid, to sitis.ly the demau.l
I S. D. Ilj.nil.ile, iiinoiiiitiug 1.1 Ihlrly-eighl
dollars. Now, iiiiI.ts you diall iiiH-ar beiore
I!. II. Iluiiluii.l, n .lusilcv of iho Peace in uud
for ni!d cutiiiiy, ut his offlee,
0.i the I07i An (f Ansuil. A. I). 1SC1 .
judgmint will bo rendered ngalnt you, and
your nrom-rlv sold to 11.1v iho debt.
Dated this 17th day of June. ISlil.
S. I). lll.NDSDAI.i:, PlulnCh.
June 29. 1801. 'Jl:lw
Frobato Notico for Josophino
TyOTICU Is henby given thai Henri- llol.
-', lings, uilmliiNlralor of the elate of lleniy
Coife, dtiv.iM.I, has filed his liuul ncioiint in
(nld islale.nnd ra)s lor a find Ktll.nionl
Ihere.r, ami that said oppllcallou will bo
Oi the Fhst Manthii tf Auaml. A. J. 18(11.
when all persons can nppenr nnd m.iko e.ccp-
limia tr c it.l ii.An...t If si
, , H. H. MOltFOItl). Clerk.
Ily order of Hon. M. C. Hirkwki.i,
June 2!), 'fi 1 :.')i :'.' J County .1 ndge. '
3W ..
IS hereby given to permns linhllng Jnckfon
toiiulv ordtrs in iimnlu-i'iiiul ,1 ,. ., ivi.,,,.,
ilz: No. 37.1. ST.!. .17T r,T AT.l un ii id,
rM,"?BMa.3?.8' I'-'Hidfor i.iyi.'int 'jufy
ulll. Ita3. Il..lt llifrv mnv rnll ,,i .;... ..1,1... 1
I ,,, . ' '"J i.'.tu .11
Jaekhinvlllo nml lecefvo U.o mouev. From
nn.l anev tlio . ilo or thisnollcothe.lutcrcst on
said oidirs will ciase,
1. LINN,
Treasurer for Juekton Couutv. Oiogon.
JKcW.nillle,Junc'.e'tli, 1561. ' ;)(
List of Lotters
1, tit
Jacksonville, June 29tn, ibui :
Affsiitrnngir F K
Anderson J F
Ayer A J
H.mrgoif Amiin 2
llrndbiiry llo'ci"1
Ila'dwiu J nines M
Knox Snrnh K
King Charles
K.itnn John
Uvclaml F I. 2
l.fs.lon David X
I.lvermnre Jamci
liiiidor Henry
L.CIalr ItiKhcr
I-nir W I,
Morse Horace 3
Mlll.r KM 2
Mo'clcy Wheeler
MeCannn John
Mm ire Onnrn S
lackey 'I'liomui
Mnnigoiniry Wm.
Miller Kyri'im 2
McSrader Jokn
Nll'on Mluhaok
Pierce II 8'
Palmer Wm
Popwell Tlinmn
ItitinisJ II I
Ulce Isrl 2
ltl.il John Z
ltnsell John
ltoberlson J.l.llr
. jl'ciins John
i Incl.iltiilll .lotin
Co Soloinon S 2
Outlier Win
Cornwall Mr
Cllne Jo'epli
Ciin.plnll John C
Ciirll.ni lliirlton
Churehlll llyron
Cuntilll D, Is
Carraker Win
Crohy Mark
Culdwell Pnslon
Cio'itr Simnn
Campion Onllford
Dnwnlug Win P '.
Dewey Charhs
lliinii Cleo Wldlfii
Henlos Anron
lt.ithbim Sidney
Id Huberts It.i-I.i-T
Itcid Oeorge Y
Sin'lh John 3
Smith M A
S.ivugi' Jaintr
S11II11 field John R
Sinclair Tlmm.is
D.miiell Henry
D.ihsoii James
llorr Jo'itiIi
DiiiTer.l Clinttes
livnns Jam. s A
Hudersbr William
P.lgin J II
Fox A brum
Fn neb Ceo D
Fowler Henry
Slrppy Simon
Siullli Jo'hiin K
Sin In rl llinry I,
Smllli P II 2
Stiinficld H'.bcrt N
Smllli Wiiro
Sinlth John F
Smith J WO
Sloitt John
Smith John S
Siience Wm
Steel Itobt II K.
S.ilTcll Jiinnthan
Tuikley CVh-slin A 1
Thompson Itobcrt
To) lor Kll
Thoroiig'iinan A
Welch Frank 2
Wlntmi S.nn'l 2
Wullaec Win
Wlntmi Mrs (I A
Wi.leott W A
Warner John It
W.-leli A .1
Williams Oeorgo
Villerleln FlinJ
Wiirren Z-lus
Wnlleii Wii'hlnglftn
Williams Om) W
Willi oil Mrs Jerii'h
riiRKtnM u.TTKns
Oulslme Frani-un
1'ii'cli-n .Miipien
Francois lli.sonnclte
Fuller Frnnels
Foster John G
Oilman AlnnM
(Indium A L
lllllham S II
Oarr John W
ll.irdenbtirg John 3
I InwnrdS N 2
Harrington P II 8
Huron John
lloiiiird JilTnou
I I let Israel
Howard J J
Harney Sit
Hughs UI is
llnxleU W
llmry Jnt-pli
Hem 11 P I,
Holt Fraud 1
lloncll John
llaimi..n.l U W
.lotus D It
Jordon Mrs Mary
Jolinson N F
Jones W A
John'OII J..eph 1)
J.diii'on 'I' P
Persons calling for nny of lliew letters will
idcme lo ay they iirendi.Tlb.il.
J. W. McCLMiLY. V. M.
"(iRO'i"& BIKER'S
Sewing Machines,
At (ircall) Itfiluccil l'rlceal
At Circiitly Ilcdiicrd l'rlcctt
Al (ireally Itcilitrcil Prices I
"." per cent. ilUcoHiit!
US pel' cent. slUcoitntt
51. "5 per cent. tllstoiiHt!
rpilT. grcil (iicee ntlendlug the Introduction
I. of our Xne Slylt Family yrmuj Mtthintt In
.in-n nie. ns in an others, lnpniu.tiil certain
uuprliivlpl.d und uiin-lliililv parlies lo eml. rnor
In foreu 111.011 t'-v nubile cirlalu luf.rlor and
vihlch. either by legal li.J.iuclloii or ll.rlr owri
li.ln rent .1. f. el, Inn 0 lung duce diul out lu this
Ivnitrn States,
At n Low l'rlfr.
Ilial iho purcliAHT m-iy not, as In past Imlances,
eK'il.neo In lh purehao of 0110 of Iho mis
iuiiii -.1 " cheap sew lug m ichtiles,'' a uVir bareila
and u irjif 0 mMt'j,
Tlif Worl(!-lile Kcpiilnlloa
And Iho fait lh.it
Cur 50.CC0 lime brrn already told.
titw tin 1 1 ...ui i.'..iii viivnniri t villi
ipiurter of lliu gloU', pixel Tilling In their tni'T
ring notion, pufict t.(ieiatIoii nud Hond.-rftit
t liil am 1 4 1 Its 11111I l.nnf 1 1 iiVaL ln.s ! mcab
Tlit'lr ruilt'iiluble Huperlorltr,
Is Iho bet! cildcuco c can n.l.biee of thilr
merits. .
The highest cITorls of inventive genius, tho-
inn. I pei del application of meelinnleal (kill.
nml tlio Ik-.I nrarttoil results nf nn umllvlil.tl
Him to nu: Kiii.YK.wt: Alio iv: au om-
l.'ll.S are coiuMue-l lu Iho
'Unit IliU ore eminence has Ih-iii attained Ii
uncoutiiicrlll.ly evldeneiil In Ihelr unpneo
denied and lueitn'.tug (ale, and Iho
Attending Ihein at
au tlio fair ef IM0,
H'heie, ngnlnst tbo mod powerful and uniTmll
tlug nppoMtloii of rival machines, they Inne, nt.
nrry mitunct, received Iho
rirt VreiHW
HOWK'S, and all other Shuttle Macl.iniK
Spi.i1 tnr n flirf-ntnp nf nop TIpilnrM T'rtp.
Cuts, Samples of Sewing, etc., flo.
I K. O. IlllOWN'. Afront.
Hiit Montgomery st., S.111 Francisco.. jo."J;it
13XlXS9lxOS4l t
TOOTH. Null, Shaving, t'aiut, Shoo, Sabia
an.) other liriishcs,at tho JacksonvilicDook
and Yavlcty store, c?ra l Cal. andOnjo,; its,