?& M THE OREflOH 8EHTHIEL. JACKSONVILLE. SATURDAY. April 30, 1801. Aflkirt tfi tk Xaat. Nothing later tlian tho Vony lalclllgfncc ncclvcd on Monday night, torn St. Itu'a to April lit, which we publish eltewhcrc, hat etmrc, to the Lour of our going to prcM. V e hate il.ilci from Red IHuff t the 16lli,unJ as the hultptndtnl alway give the Utnt tele Krnpfilc new, we nrc assured that tho I'ony linn ilue lint) not arrived, tip to the cttnlng nl the 1Mb. Attain In tilt Kat remain in 1fa.11 quo, in fr it the Nutlonal difficulties are con c.rncd. The ccvss!on rcntlnient appcart to be Rninbjr rattier ttiao losing strength, how sver, In omc of the Uorder Stale. It If yet doubtful what will be the action of Virginia. The angry reelings occtiioncd by Illalr'f tip polntminl of two or thre postmttlcri lor (iffi'cc in thai Stale, bode no Rood to the pence fuljMllimcnt looked Inr. ltat it If Dated that the President remured tho I'ottinastcr Ornerel lor hlf conduct, which, If true, may niter the npcet ol affiin. It if clur that the p op'onf Virginia will not allow perrons nr innnul to them to take pottcttloti of any Fed eral uffic within the commonwealth. niiniort cnnttmic that II Cabinet If fur from bcinjr n unit upon leading rpscMlons of Stale policy, nnd predictions aw jet made In high quarlcrt tlmt Scwatd will hot retain the FrrniVrshtp vixly dayt. With him will be pretty Hire to go the last hope fur preferring ll.o remaining rlavthohlingStat'i In the Union. 'I he horde of disappointed applicant lor office are quite certain to Join with the (srrclcy school if ultralh, flnec the AdmlnlMrallon luwdis ri'jardtd their claim tothure the Federal pip. and with thl fresh rabid element of discord, the coercion icntlment of the North will mill Into threatening proportion and perhaps otcr pnwi r the roit.crvallve of that section. The rionlh w.ll In turn laconic more fearful of her right nnd Interest, and Stale now opposed to trci-Mlon will (aror It ni tho only and last rrsrairrc njulnit the injmtlce and opprctslon. of the North. VI10 filling created In England aud France l-y the Tariff adopted at the late tcslnn I nlioelher unlavorable to the Northern or Free State, nnd In Inreno ratio, favorable to the Southern Conrrderary. The ttate men of both time powerful nation are radically opposed lo the new Tariff, and declare that It will hare tl.etfliet tocencall expe.-tt to the United States from Europe. II great change Is not wiune.Lt In iluIrfntlininliipoiithiiquit!fn. tie remit may be that the Influence nnd trnd of tie chief I.tiropcan power will be thrrrri In the scale of the .Southern Cetifulcraey. If the d'spatih il (rue that F.ngland nnd France -hate agrcrd to lend ficeli of wat steamers to the Allniil'c coait, it li itMcnl thwc powers late Interested Ihcnisclti much mere In regard to our national difficulllct IU11 lai Uen Imagined, nnd rhaps, In a maimer by no ineniif to our advantage. In there thy of srn.iation rumor, it if d.ffieult for ui at lli! distance from the scene of rxeiirinrnl, to Jjij ihe Irco from the false, but we are not tll.pixil In delicto the rumor in point, fur it Mould )e an unwarrantable lnttfennrc in the uflalr of the c nniry for any furelgn power In li'piildi vcsnlf of war to Lottr atmnt our mast, nr In any other way. to observe or tttBliHrli.ni It were, an ofilcioui watchfulness over the Republic. rjrinolellfrwrltcrssny that the President I Klvirg way In hrollh under the Immense pressure of greedy opplirnnt for Fttlirnt nppnlr.tnicnti. They report him ni mneh ainhrn In pi yj'cat vigor nnd cinililinn, nnd predict that he nill nircmnh at kit na Ikr rliondidif hi Cuhlmt nnd friend do not lntrrwc 10 l,eep (ff Ihe cormorant tlmm,. InuUlli. Lireoln fii.dt llmt tho I'rmMtnry is nut n Ud nf rirer, but hii greal phy.Ieiil endurance mar Te him from a fate which tlie ienl finmt vt the hero of Tippceanee could not avert. A Itrrur.B.--I.ate wirier give Intelligence f a diMgrvcment belwirn the Onvn Sena tor over the Ftdrral appoinlnient. That, before the election of either of them, there wa a bargain mado In relullon to tho (JinfrniiK-iil patromige, was ulligcd at the time, and U now prrtly coi.tlulrly -tabllhtd. Ilrforc they would consent to volo for linker, the FaVni DeihneMtic-IUpnlilieuns wanted lo be nunil a compensation for Ilia ktMViil of p.irly. mid fi.r the forfeiture of lionnr conirrenl upon llitf vote. A few tobk ra.h In hand for Imme diate want, with a proiiilx of ofl'icu in due time; nthfrs wire content nith the poiltr plulgu glun by Ihe cundlilatri or their man nglng fririid and gn-bttatrn tliat an lliei sliould be brMowrd under the new Admluiv Iradnn. Hut nlTiIri at WVhiigton liaie ihun;rd lately. .Senator llakur lui nmtrrlulK impniml hU influenco uilhlho IWdcnt nnd ('ublnet, nnd hi Itrpublicanliin li not ilwiniil k!nidn-purc by hi parly colleague. AiMul to llurc eausi'f for n droeplnjj of hi tiny. K-igle plume, If the bold, ilinet demand of n Irnop of ginuine Oregon lb publican nt WW . Ir.ten, tl.ut none but tlie itouiicli and tried incnilnrs of llio parly lmll be npointid to Ftihral piolllon. Tlic.e men aro riglit in their demand, und Senator Duker feel li Therefore, ta save himself from utler ruin in hi forty, he If obliged to repudiate hi pledge to Ihe t'atem Muuageri, and hi promltca of (dice to the venal oppositionist who voted for him. aud advocate only the appointment ol ihoc lio;c Uep.iblican record it of olUr date than his own election, nnd whose Republican renliincnta are not entirely allied with spoil. nf cfliee. It it an old laying that whin "roms fall out, honest nifo get their duet," und it lecnit quite applicable in this instance ul though, we wish It distinctly understood, ne do not call Sinator liukrr n rogue, hoiu-ter much he may hate been, or it utsociuted with one, or many of that clan. Suiator liaker ran best pleaie Ihe whole people of Oregon by teeing that none but Republicans ure appointed lo Federal office for tho Slate. Ilemnerutf have no claim, no right to hold 1 fllcc under a Republican Administration, aod should not expect to rctaio or receive appoint incuts to office. ' Or-''. laNB. I-tlern correpondeti ol Califro.' ppef stale that thu Utu Senator JWl ,V t nk mi th SliI !t . fr Orison ""TheTXBifTant Aid Appropriation. At thv late netslon of Congee, 3-0,000 was apprnpriaUd, to be eipsndul In aid r1d nlief'ortmlgtanUon thtlr way lo Qajgon. When the newt of Ibc npproptlatloti flrtt reached herc,we Iniitljcd tlie hope that Seilh rn Oregoo would be favored In having at leatt there of the turn placed at her dlpnul.i but we are disappointed. Tho whole appro priation ie for tho extremo North. W'a nrc by no means envious of the good fortune of our Northern brethren, nor do we grudgo litem the appropriation. It will be tpent for the relief of the needy emigrant! dlrectlt, nnd fur Ihe benefit of our whole people In a general sciih'. Dul we do complain, on behalf of thl communlly and for them, we have great rea ion to complain of Ihe uppnrent Imsiffvrcnce nnd grot neglect with which thlt division If treated by tho Federal Ooverninent. The North hn a Inrgt military force scattered over It from Vancouver to Fort Bohc ; rond have beet) tnrt eyed ami opened by Uomnnicnt through Ihe Indian country for the emigrant large um of money have been appropriated and expemUil to ensure prnteethm and give saecor to lite trains, throng the country of l. 1. .tut. is... 1-1.1. u ll .Inl.i i!.ir. Ihe hostile Indutn.. 1 II U all r.g t,-l.ov. cmnwnl bul performed It duty In ull we have m -ntlnned. Hut Southern Oregon wns nnd l cerlulnty cnlllleil to tome conddrriitlnn nt Ihe htinls of the Onvernment, a. well nt Nurtliirn Oregon. The rttj brt and Miorteit route from tlie We-tern Her of Hlnte to the IM clfie cnat leads Into Rou Ririr A ull.y. It furnMie better nnd mure abundint pastnr nt'iienl peril, rjinee the wars 01 o.i-o, lew .. . j m . ni 0l. isvru. 7..i it". - " "' -t rmlirrant have enteriil Origon or California rni.grant. naTL eiiun . w k . ., he this roulr. isovcmiiKni nas .seen i si-. . . ..... ,t n .. .. rr.ltr....1.. llonetl. tiKiiiorlollttd. beinwht, nrgtd, o!mot ..... .. . i , imporliincd, for mllllary prelection of the ....i.ii ii.a kb il i.nsr tin) rniusi nn 1 arnt. 1 . it.. it..- r.il. ni.il -iitr 11 nle I ." ." '"" ma" "ii- . s ist.i- , ,. . 1, .1.-. s . " " ( 11 isi-iiiiiviiii, in- itrjii. 111.11,111 - -i -- - - ... . - - Vn . niter iiiljiillnif u'ainir eimral on rriun " gmrni niiiresi" in mi" iii-iiiiii.oii, iiin i., bulU an I eadil is. hT :ik' 1V oil along It at all feainnsnf the year. IVrsoui lc. (Slmf,,j (rtlfhl , bc Hlmii.il to hael T he el.ite i'lrver nf inm nu.l miller, ?"trn ('K l's."ptrlnUi,d.d nnd iniiiag.d by lln.i.l nfi C ' who hnre made Kvrral journ')! Iu nnd from Mmi.thing tnnay In the uuller. lli etillraaue1 the ."thral lapllal will vainly rtrivo In rhl ,... .,.. f v,.w v'ik In the L'lnl'.d'. Trustees. ron.lsn,j t.r Hie I'utMnit -Vdi i.sne ROROAIJ A T!T Ihe older Stale ncroi the I'laii... be varh.u (Haker) look pa-l.y gooil rare llmt Xumllir..Miiwl "' II !mpres;!(.n tl,,.l n growing diffi. -JPJJ n '"?, y.,-m ,,', d not I.m jhan or mm than p, tABSl, llOKiAIM til. GV. ineoiniraiHinui v .,,. irieniN should not ik-t untlhiii If lie tnuld helii Irncf In the ihws ill hty of a rtsturntlt n nf tin- , ,, V .1 1 ..n. - 1 , i'ni provlil'd. howetir. Ihal not tn exci-il ni.'.M: : in r.M.Khavcn.suriJus that the road leading- S'S'Xa 2 Union l It rorn.'r ln'.Vrlty.''l th.mw.,. d.clln.d totl.i.nur l,i;r.flw were .,t..rnl ,,l r ,, , ,,.,,., ,)f ,,irftiw I:mi.ihi from the Humboldt to Ron'ue River Valley I. X; ,1 i twaV . I , dr.. hi ig en.-y or Ihe .b.l.m nl iheVuviho'ding part, . " 1"y. " ' '''Wjte ", ll""l'W "" ,-j' l'a" ':' ,"r '""! '!"' 2?TOtiOO. by far the M, If It were not for .he hostile ,0 Iry'l. eh'ai him ".'of hi Intent In L ' .till MM lu II. pretall. ,.mog ihe .ill, - P" f J P !' 'tX ZZ"1 vt'tM' ur aM" U"" ''' U,r:" , .. , , ,' "- 7,, , , , . Indian, Hint Infest It. Ie trn!M nri-In no -!-, jn, rpne m,,,l bate t,,en n rk-h on ,,..,,,, ''''''' ,h...-er or tn-ilrtlntlon from lhto tribe., bul "J li1' Vl H mlrt of the a. naie do , W Wn " ''''" fXJ Hmei.t ol Urrel.y, .. I that 'li prefer, the i by Ihe d.,.,. r- lo il ,-lliut ...1. nt th.-Ir llr.i ' "ur fl,,l,a iniii,cru iininmi in 1 mot admit nfii nil repoitof t. 'Ilia fact , upon tim Hutu or n mrirt iniision or tne two ,n .if... is:rili.iiIn ...ril luminal im-nl'ic. Slmulil Hni imtnlsn-nf Tin- . -n . - srrml turtle '.raveling It, ure lu constant In-. ,1,,., ,iu.r 1. r.n . v!.l..!.H. lo-s.a.ln,. ni.!...-. BUliiirnu.Hlc h.bur Hy.l.uu of the i-nnnlry, I L,.'I" !" ' "J ." r.V." 'f"!.'""'',.. ... ... ... ... 1 . I "1. ...J.,' 1... .1 ' . .' .V. ...... .. ' 1! L Sni'lllff Shimnoilt of CrOQrlH. nv in-... i-j m.... .--.-, . -- , rf t .1 n. 1. ..;... ...... .............. 1... ....1 u .1 :rm,i..,,,.r,,.(.S..,,,.,nfflr,;.'&;'iS'ffi AW.efflifti..KJ,KNT. California, where scarcely n while mm wntto u-rsoptnly. but some of his d.-lud.d IrUnd. U jeparulloti, am! a di.lre v, make il a jaeis j ' "fi l'1', suM Iw mIUsI stl m. l-yljwsi si. :umh..i.i!.,-. 1 nn.t 1. quire. j CAIII'h.ri.Mi. be found 1 on the eostern boumlar . near the have im seritpV nn the subj.-cl, und curi '"'! one. ,'rarlv iiar. ' -.. . miii.s. iv. W.M.I. I'AI'CR, I.TC. r7, t. il... I. tb. -tlLt iiorllons of .. Ihihernlii tirrlllc nK: Tlitio I a storm . -Mr- Cha-e ..chirr, to n frlil.dlu.it Ifhehrdi rn,.' ' f ,. ..M.I1,V(. .,.;.n r ,,r . Tl.enniilsirsnrysh.il ..Id nn tin I. day a-, Ulah Nun In the wl!o-t prllons of the , , cvMe,,ri kn.wn as mael. n whlleagons lis. know, jww.l '" ' ' ,4 ..X. wotc. hall - .1,-ltf.ml.d by II, r..e..l.,. (lull,!. It Nour .1 Itrml.nt:...-. 1,. k.-t,. np a well- moanlnln rangiti no matter where-ns soon ' 1 lie WuuM .. rrnr.-.titl r.-t In ll.i; C.ls .VnrVl" V iii.. 7, V,o . 1 1 , l.4- J ?L" 1'7. ''';" l"''.l!c eMtei.i. of He, tad mii, .lull n.,..ri..l stock, u,.d to .ill 1.1 pi ci-Mlul will .11 known, nway were potted f. S Irnop. In' ,. ' r'.n,n ,,a J,""" ''""''" .-? ?'JV ."Mwl. It Is ev,.hnl Ihei I h.ii.n....y hi ll,.-1 " V J tfwhi.i wiicf.nl In bt the 1 tes-. k, ,.,,,... r.i.s.f. ... V. 1 1 .1 .1 si- . .iLinltnl MiitiCiiiiinil!1rir r.sr tlua.ssiiivlcli.0lt,...ii -t)M.MrK on .-ir i,-rtilicr nl 1 ,,'t"t on ,,,e u!1 ,IJf ,. strut.'; x. wuir miiihmv (- rn quell the diuW.ly. chatlU the Indmu und ,,jn,N ,m, ,wn , ,, ,,,. C(m,mc, ,Ve i. W Secntary Cha.rl.at nlTre.1 IheFir.l fn..' Tin Colllnilou Lull I- stiljl tis.li.ia ' .,..-, .. 1. ,' ' NU ,U ''A..V. ,'S stf?. lir"!. Cl ltIC illllllii ivnt) " r'w tmlgrni.t.. or assist the vohuitwrt In their 1 brave ond generous wrt'e. Ncl lu nny way , t... 1 ,:,....,., ,!x.,l tb ,,t ........ ...-. ....,,-. nniltliiiianilsoi eiireitlwn'. it 1. lor uic rsntons we ea'l allenlion to the nc to wl.lrl.lt., th recent nppropriutlon of eon.00 Is ... be nis'lnl. u.M cry out agala.t Ihe fn.li neglect . to wlileh this sscllon N.iilsjprlnl. The Norlh cla'ly ulludo to, trains have b.Mi ntlarked. cliurgr lh.tt tho niii'ii:e I. Inirutpernto In Ills cllizinvo.untctrriteuir.fp.rl.sfdiivu UcJ- ( T!ih r; V.i.ni'.Ioa :lia 'htf r.o.Vni'Ien ha., and ull mir.ncr of Injuries and ntro:!tIci ti 1 . b.-turbc ttlthdrnnn. Mr. S.ward tent for talnetl.d.tnllitl aeenunl.ef wh'ch hnte boi'Col. llakcr. who hud c.trn-tlly prrfsvJ Mr. forwards to the proper D.p.r.ment of .hi , .X $ rsWUS li'overnment. yet not a dollar hns iter '"'' 10 It, nnd liwlv.t iijm.ii uetlun by the Smalt voted to give n'd or warrant proteello'i to the i Col. Drjir was luiiilimed oil ihe '.'Glh lilt. J t . ASi Sl.llt 1 I I. .. I i.ppo.ed tho metsure, quotes the New York lltuiUI at an Instance! Do be a little n.ort careful, Mr. Slamhul. in jour tiatimeni Uen. Iaine had the bill passed in the Sinali nt Ihe first session nl the lato Congress, und oblulned the appointment of n Couf. reuc-1 Committee to secure its paistge Into a law 111 the recent union. Mr. Sleut prncuntl lh iasago of the bill in the Uuiisc, aid ll.c mov ucllvcund Irllueatlnl oppoers of the bill ii. both llniiw-twcrc Republican. 'Hie It. pub lieaii pre', hradid by thu N. Y. Tnliuut, pub lislu-d moro foul tltiiuVrt ealtulnteil nnd lo temlnl to dtftiit ll.u payment limn nil the list rniens man an in ii. , of tho papers III the country. Seraii.r llikei 1 lid ftvor and labor for the pa ment, but hi. share In it. pa.sngc it us small in comparison aitli thai of Ijiuuftud Stout. Uo Ju-t, evil' In your enemies. Hut i.eter nr-aln call III N. Y, IhraM n Demneratle papir. Mil.lTAnv Pit i-iox. laist tear the Military l).-p:irtmrnt of Oregon und Washington nnd of C.ilift'rnU were merged Into on. 'Il.e Willamette papen fay thut liilelligenr from Washington has been reef It fd which ns-nres a rc-e.tabli.hinfnt of the Oregon nnd Wash or Interests of thlt part of the Slate are a!to . 1 l 1 i n v... ii-..,ii,.pni jelher oterluoked by the War Department. mou-ii nave namiw -..u.n...i. aim ..1 .. '"inuilil.ithi.ei.inc.ifar npluieln-Abruh. but o!o should siowiicrii urrgon nutc u.m nr tmm)l irrrs.s.lriislly. nt all event : I Hen m.,1 'Imy. . 1 .. nl II..! Lite iiiuniei 11 , . " ,... M,..,,.. ... ,. i.lV . w- Ir 1 1 will tin. ti.iiu nr WIIIIhh.Ohm - cpml. or, ln,!,i,U larger anionnt voted to ll tUllshcrra., kivp mret If hcdeslre. ;,,fc.HW- TU MU '"' "' , !,,i "Ultftu .1!. will U-n U , " '" " U '" """"" I for the relief nnd protection of cmUranl. A-' h.ileer else Here U to ! sa'dnbuit li ill 1 ''"" . . . . . , .-mnrirui wli nml lll iiiifoll 11 a'my nil '"VI '"5 ":,"'.;l.0'rl' t ft,"H'"" " ' rui"! ,.,. .. .1 i...,.li.... 1.1.1111,.!. iruii.i.lrtil mill- wltl.ln n .1,. ..e t.... I '"Uf n'd-? ' .l'lion I11H Jsivls ihctit, :,,..,.. i- ,.1-in.j, ..i.i, .1,,. i UJ, , . ud llolluni. L.tliuld ;.llwii. ( .11.- a . 1 WW . . , ir It I. t ,,ml l,rior ,u " r"rl,"',l"" "r " t-'''bi'1"' '" ! m ' " '.' 1 1 "l , 'J T ' n I b ..'.,? " M'7 rm.vlHlon or lit truth I.. .-.,-. v .. . It 'Iw.eu .he hour, of li .,Vlk Jl. and si .1 ' iulUtIbylhel.oern.ne.lwhoK'd,.ty 1 1 l,ia,op', rwrgrCll7 t0 m.Ilru ,,,, U i.ly .-ecu . ');'''; J' ' 'f r '.' '' l.a.si-,1 m'n I. Mv lnf..r.a'.l i.u So,k1 la'y.r set or said tiny. f.ter lit Intereslt. guard its rights, nnd assur. ,, ..rS.Trelary of War.iin.hr Mr. llinchi. ' ,'.1'" 'r8,1,,1, """ 'v ''"''"" r;sr.lIU.- a Ut,tl ,, . ,, iV.VVV.KMK IIOWKI.I,. I to It equal Immunillrt nnd equal li'esdi.gs with lhesir.1 hit Ihiii ndinlrab'y will ksnt mill. I , ,?V'. 'if i .S v'!'. v .1 ', I -- ':"? ' "''"' ' V- .1 'ii.ivu itliiniiilie or I,.:l,tit I ham ilurVoi rum, loihrnl lo the command ol Ilia .y ardat Da id I Ms t he Ul hUis t,f Apil IMH. ever oilier communlly within the t nion. witniuiiii ay o ri w 1; nut 1 nam int. lait iium ' m, ,lltllj RufiiNin.-.lion. I. I. .Stiveus, D.legab uii'ii- -w ... ,".,;i.-"'m'7ieM.i,. 1 soiree llmt is iu..p.iial.i'. I ' h, t,, Rriilsh IVImii.t. Mr. (Inporyhad r.o-n Wnshlnglon 'IVtrMory. rtlurned by lt, " ' ' .'" . ' . ."K.?.T, , VM"M. .1 11". Vu Cnr..a.NT Cltv.-The ruad Is a I ' iif cv ll.ul I." wmt'd nl nn early d,v , c,m,r. Uelsa candUite for re.nomlnallon Shonlf'fl .Salo. ol April I.I1I1, ghetto .tenalor llakir nil tin ,' . . . . " .... '. ' " '' "" "' "" " " nralie for the navase of ll.o War Debt ItiH. "?." "''' """,. Ir,,'11 '? , ,.pei!mcy of prompt nw211llk.11 t.r ihe new ..'. .':..".,.Ti.".J...,V3 ' 1JV tlrlus-of an eviut na.lulv Isnml bv tin . ...j ...1 ii' . .1.. i......i r... s ul!i-r, umi :i irnin passed ovtr it lait wuk. IS.iulluni Confid.racy. ,i'" 1"' i.t t int...it... to. , i ) t'l.il. i.r ll. Clieult C.uil la ni.d lorJo.e inglon Diparlmeiit. For He got-d of the ,. . , , ' r, ' w ' . .1 1 1 .tt .1. .... 1. .... i nt the folieiiallou of numerous citizens of this. Yt country Wl- .linn rej.mu 11 u. ii-o.m. 1. i..i--.i , ., .,,.,, , ., ,. 1 Liltl... ""'"' , ., 1, . j 'county, bv Uuv. I.lteakir. I he writer wyt, , '", but 10 far as Son hern Ongon is interested 1 ,, , :., , , , ,,, . 'I lleror .. . . 1 n.. 1 in- .. 1 ... . 1 ....." If He el Irento Jatkscn wish to oiler i re- ,, ,...,, drecty, it m.iket tledifUrtiiccliotT Ihey nr-. .... . ... m ionrr .1 1.1 t . 1, ..., ii .1 ii,Al.tm ard for the capture of llowcn.tou can put .,0,0 lo ranjc the llltislotit. Il ieimsth.it ll.o il4im I , , ', . . , . ; ., . ',. L. ...... while every other nook, corner, or dislriet ol "' -" ""' , " "" "- ""' "vv ' .lil... 1. I,iw. i.tr-nil nn rpttunt for in. Hi- ihe coast I umnly protected and cand lor. II .1 . -t.A 4t.. u ...sstlinitn olsu tvlntrr. ft IriVill iTMUll sentmee of death originally upon our border., they can attack, plunder I ll'ipon Mm. When Howe, wa. ,ake.. and masiere wllh mpunl.y, to far u. the Wur '' l;rl- hc to remarkably plow. Department Is concerned. ''", ' f lu"' ttJ'Ucr " (m T 1 vlneed lhat he was .inecre in hit religious be- TlIK FiiomiKD Mail Roitkk. We hate..,., , ...formation. closely teanned the IntelUguicc lately brougl t K. l..n.. i,,.i ,n..v i 1 1 in mnsaor nrorm.it I. II ' - - - . w ... i ...ir.-..!.. I southern urcgon ami .-torimrn t-aii but all lo no purpote. The brlel paragraph we published hist week I. tho ouly intelligence we have in the premise. At tho new route are Haled lo be (Ivcn by order of the I'ost Officii Department, aud uot by action of Cou 'rets, the Congressional report contain no mention of tbem. It . la honed the corrc- pondent who cave th ilciri was not mistaken J We tkull give the earliest Intelligence we can ..htnlp in rejard tmh itMt. CUlllrlUllUll U IHU liulllHI t,nnr("""Hi" ..--rf-.. ,-- . . -t. ' ''"WlJi llllll lI'MUgiM Hilt V " llic C4iliforii,ie paiHTC, In lU lnjo of fimlinif Unc on to Waal.Iiijlon lo cnnUst Col. HhcU's hv.iitf lif n rcinfiirco. by iioopa from Trxun. ipomclhliur furiher pcrlalnlnir la the i.romUl ! lilit to a mil, was In San J'riu.iicoaait.i.ff ';rt rickuii will ulo U? rcinfurnM nithoul SS n JLnuAm cJt.be lu wn tot. tl itoM rf tlmt city .uit,l ! "S"?! ii.... i i... i. i1..!..!-!. ftnppstttiiiiitii firi i iuvit. iiu; i.ioiiir iihiii s.ui uitis nun tit. v Tho Oregon Senator, Etc. J. V. Simontou, editor of Ihe 8. V. (iulltlin. In hit letter from Washington, March !Md. give the following Item of Interest to thv people ol Oregon, In regard to Senator Hukcr and Ncfmltb, ami Ihe Federal nppolntmetitt 1 During the debate nn Croiby's notntnatluti. Mr. Ddolltile, f Wlrcmwln, spoke highly of nomlnee,cndursed lilt ItepublicnnUm, kv. Mr. Uuker still nanleil testimony at lo hi Repub licanism, and Mr. Doulitlhi antwered thai It wa certified by letlir from the " l'rxaliK'iil nf the Republican Central Committee of Cal ifornia." Mr. Mfr.-Who N tho teller from." Mr. I)oolilllt.-Tn I'rwldent of the Cali fornia State Cinlral Committee Ur. Rube." Pinion Amir (from hi teat). "The Secre-. turv. nut the I'rifidtnt." Mr. IMtr (with tin air .of Intense listening, which Mr. Dunlin! evidently thought affect-' uij. "M'io dul you nay, ir r M'. Iholtttlt (irrltal.il and t iirtly). " At good a ltept)blivnn ni iou ure." Mr. lhikrr..-" Who ) What 1 the nam !" .We. Djol.uk (rncllemtiiJy . " lr. Rubr." Tho nominal Inn of Mr. Croiby was linn confirmed wltliout the lu'-lnjc nf the yens mid tiita A .t.ir..... i:l.. il.i 1. M-.til a..!,...! I.. ,...,,,r .i,,n..,,,, tt u,,,,..-. inii,,,,,,,. ,,, mt.'. It Is 11 cir.it pliy that Mr. linker Ulhw M HMrnwr thus to gel the bettirol "i jiiiiKneni, nir i ini men cunicst, wim J w uInwl mM hh , lMnty , nc.pi;,!, Bliy B00j pttf,)0se iu be- half f hit ronttitneutt . Wlillo Cro.by'a ikiiiio was before the Suute. .Vesmltli tools iseeaslon to refer to the treat' ment he had rttclviil from hit colleague. Speaking cl Fidiral patronage, ho raid t He didn't expect Iu git mneh of n show hltnsilf, in lhl connection, bul when "DM 1. . . . v .... , 1 v. ...... .n .rfv.i.i.-.ii- .1,111. xsi..'i m 1 - i" doubt llmt tlurr wnsnn imderslnmllng bc - ' iwivn ll.em llmt NeMnlih'f friends win-, some ..,.., , . ........ .... .... . . ... ueiween ihe fjiiuilor from Oregon. Tlnre l lin ibiiilil lli.il ibi r un. 1111 ,i.i,l..rali.i.lliii. I.... "i iut 111. 1.1 ut- iiihi 11 tare 01 uy DUKcr 111." ,i. li:.tr:i.nit..ii fjf ihe snoll unit thai ihe' an frli nils for CVIon.-j Is io prmsul by his nw mi 1 t'int,ii s.itt)tiit-.t in V'ril'KHIVIItV VI in i.s 1. .tn.irssii ir.iuti..i.u 1.1 m .,. .. .VceouKns lo Simontou, Senator IU un.,n., .1 1 r,iiri) n tho L'ibliwi not. ,.V .' .?r . J. .. " ? . . ' . mlI.,mHII?llm.clur.llnn llmllle -, I t i...t I. .1 1.... a.. I I -. ... ,,,,t niluq-iMi hU Mill In the. Simile for np'aiv.jtttr, mil ititormiil Mr. Chnr tt.iil heiiiuely 11. ,. IVihuin ll.eSi-nalor iiiif.rriiH llw (:Mln, t ,,.,, ,,,. ...ough, I ,,., tfr,.,c,, ,IIUC, M.ir (or ,1C (, r ll.i... r,)r ,,.. .,..,. 1, .,nr,rn .1.... 1... 1 UJ ,. ,., I ..... ' ' bringing good to kvibyvll!. Ily Wiilue. . lay's null, we ri itiv.il Ihu iru.f of last 1 Th Si. Imi' .r.iiV.r.ni nf tl.U iiiornV.r Snturilay. From ll we Itnrn llmt the new lev'vid 11 l.llir from ln Iby.. New Mexli-, . .1 ,i . 1 in r. . .. .1 litttl thu Uth of Maun, whkh aiiniuineeil lead over the mounmlii I.I.I fair In ecllp-o Ih. lll0 )lrrru) r ,,., tmn ,.,. ,.-,, milvrov one ut prenent tmtelid, being mtcrul mlltjti,e Cominan.lt r at Fort Union, nrilcrlne hnrltr, wilh.fiwir hills und un i-as'er grade; I that oflietr In pnpire imm ilintcly fr def. n. lH.ldtS.il is not obstrmled by snow ilurii'f 1 ' "I'l" ',"' ""! "' '!"' "'"''.' ( the I lib .1 .i-.... - 1 ...... 1 1 1 . I slit iwoi.li' ill Siiit.i I- .meriniiinn-l Mx i.iv t. inter, nu, i.u w truti.n, i.ury muni.. 111 inc joir. A sold k r named Patrick 1'iiulergr.nt. pin- tinned nt Fori Ter-Wuii, nrlshul from roM and turvullcii while on a hui.tiig lour. His Innly wn loiiml I.y his conirml.. The ktiunurs JWJit and tulumbut top.l , , ,. , ...,. -, .. - , ' their way Jon. A the.ilrienl corps were delighting the play goer, of the Inwn. HstMi'i: or IIiiwsn. Ily prliate 'etltr from it rcidcut of .luckson county, .topping leuqo r.irily nt Salem, we learn lhat llio " Jamil' llottri', nporlrd nt nn iiraped cnntletfroin the Statu I'li.ilmtlary, 11 kr wctki tlnei'. U. 110 other than (,'iorge M. Ilotten, who wn- sentence! to death for the murder of 11 l.lilna man In this eniinly, in kS.itl, nnd wha.e son- ' " "' -- " '" "' '"" "" IVnlenlary lree have given no nolle ',.',. ... ,,, . ,,., 1 r... ant .1 I. 1. .: .1.... .1.. I condition of lii. commutation If he is taken he 7 - " , , . - - - IHK I iiiik s.tij,is.s.r.u.- -n iiuv jii. ...u. .1.... I.I. l.il.nlii.i ns lit. limn. wa. lint lo cr.llll i". -r- ...... tho Feat for hlimclf, but only to hate CM. Sheil hept from the wut. Thl statement was evidently made upon Thajcr'a own coufetslon. At all cvenir, uo eoutrauiciion in in conn-i-nest was given, although Thayer continued in tho city several day after the publication. The peop'e of Oregon nill appreciate lit tone- llude In tliclr bvhall, and Ihe House ot.Rtprc- sentativet can tcareely rail to reward nit maiuy, hennrtb'e eondnet. I .. ...... ..... a..i. .. .1 In 111l1rl.nnln.t1. .... llT.. ....... i I 'it i .1... !.... Im.tt i,,,.i nllij iali lnial. Otnotal Intelllance. M'stntitnTox March 20. Mr. Dotig!as' resolution in regard to fori and arrenat. being undi r consideration, Mr. ltnekinridM nplie.lto Mr. Dmiglut' rw, ikllvired nu the ItBth. He denied thai the ltepnbll:nn had yielded ntiy of their cssinlial princlplri, nliil II nl unjust to the people nf the South to niiimnnec that they nnsner whether they had mud nny suih abandonment, Mr. Cullauivr replied "Not ns c are nwnrc nf." Mr. Hrrcklnridge then nllii.Tiil In Ihe nrgu nrli iier'iii nil tne ioMliiis lie liail ustumeili lit nlijiit wot In tli monstrute that there wa no enuse for sueh ncl inn. und that Kinliiekv lm. in-iVihetai ZJi kS till AN.wY,.rkdi.patel. rny a Furl. Ielirrl.l p.r-oterlng .innlal rl.ii.n.i l.,.uo,.u.v de ins to the test prese-ntul by the Siualor hlm-n () Tmn ln( jC yu u)) Kri.eur ,,H,,r le-lUonlnl .,f disiluetioi ini.y he Tlie Senator would not deny that he did lit uk the Sniiitor from Kentucky to say Hint tho Republicans hate nliMiiilnuod nil their ewntliil prliielplei. lie did not ask him lo do nmiliiiiL' to I'liii'i'tii their Inttret. lle(Uiiiiylns) did lt U'llere llmt Ihe brsl , liytherxerclet.r their Hiwir. Still hoprir- ml the. Uiilnn. under a Republican Admin! - . . tralimi, iniioienl ail. A ilistmlr 1 In llm I'ncnim f.rmmfrti.il . ...1.. . .... ...i . . 1. . r..uin I,. 1 1.. .ha . li.tirr.1 s,f I, coimtrv wiful.l bf Momoli.rPri,fl"f'0 V'"1 .? f-rmhl.ls'o fmev lo Ih I IlianV Ol til W'l'ISl COIISlilir IM rtnllallOlliW I , . ,, 'uianyoi th wl-tst cr.iisl.hr im-slhni of tin.-. vmlnre i..,,u .i..,.ri .n: 11..1 li t. ...it ... 1 I "V1 ' has erilil hitn ! ritli ill.ll f .--... . "i 1 pi lulu Hie tabinel. nnd has two, 11 not tiinr. rtprr-,' Hidnllvw. wlina cilil't-! weigh iunl wilh will It- paeilli'i nut tiny 11.11c In Km Ihrii t aiil, rli.l w II milnlnln It nt nil hn.ar-' . I'l.e stnil.s of burth lime Ijsat'uii nnd mjiu- nr i'1-.-it iieiion nru uuiriif. ....... ... . . 11. A nhln.ii.n letter says : .S.-ert(.ry ( lint 1 M"01 '"' ' 'tesi.hiil to Usk b-r ev.n l!.!nl.li.siil ' Ht-- .tarnation ..I Furl .Suin-.r. whtnii,...; i,.,0BvMin7entidn li.Ini! innll hi 1:11 neiled li'm In n f In the Cub mt for tin ' Ctluu'Z'ul XU. . . . " ' ivlll i. ,! J . ., Y.il. I J I 1. 1 .Li ,., 1,,.. ,i..,.. .,i .1... .!,-.!.... f niiriiuf. ' " Sr. lit'l. April I ,,.,; J(( ,, , ,, .,,, ,, My. wlileh II IT now ho'.l. I .si, l-inmHitot ..'tliiutl losurrend.-r Ihr fori. a was ctKTlnl. While In Ihe ncl ol nmonsiratinu with lit p .pnlaiv. the i-lll'-n snl.lier ru-l.td ii'm He work', und In III in'mHes ha.) iiisiT!ou. (;ot (,,v HJ, . prima innrer. und now bu elnrgc of nil Ih military equipment and ,..,., ..,,..... orprV i,i, ,'ll The iiiirr siatt lhat He roneoi Inl, New Mnlen I. Thus and Il.e .nielli ally ufllliutcd with S 11H1. The same htler salt that Ailona nt.o -cried lur lii,)iinknix' ou the 1 & tit 0! March. l.i.Vj lino. 1. S. Jmlge at Alabam, will hold Court nt l-'nrt Atkins. The Mi-ss.ipoi Coiiveiition hat rallfi.d the Cinstitution of the Coufcdiut Stutcs by u lame muioriiv ApolntimnU for Ihe I'.ie'fls coast art-men oiii-d, Thu Yir.'iuln I'niivtntlon is nliil engngtsl in I, lute. Mr. Rive made a tlrong Culm h. inter Davis is spokin of nt Minister to III ..ir,.. . ,.., .it,,.,;. Ml ..iw .,... In fiiiiln. ll wiu said In Is hi puM ... . , ... . v- x. .1. I urge ll.u uequisitiou 01 .iicicu uy Siniill. Mln'ster t.'nrwin leaves on tho next stcamir front New Orleiuis for Metlco. The Mt'tli.Uiil (,'nuftr nr at I'hiladclphln adopted s) report repmlini; the new chapter on .SUicry,"anif riqucliiig ii liiniral Confer i nc. Chief JiiallceSluiwrif Massachusetts! it dead. The N. Y. Vnliwt' Washington corrv pondenl say Hint the hl.-a of reinforcing Fort Sumter is rntcrlulncd In quarter in which heretofore il wat regarded at Imprac ticable, niul that naval ofticcrs rxiiress their jlKlieflhat Hie Fort could bo reinlurccd with oritiunry Hk uy titumer ui iiigni, I'ho niliinglrn eorrcsnondent o th N ll 7l... ! -...I !.--.. ll'...i Fort und Ihe 'I'arilT. A Hispaleli from Ilurtford, Conn., of to-day, salt thai theStato election iKi.tuil iffnuWlir. '''1','r ns H u' u Uepubllcuti triumph Mule. Tlie Virginia llouso was In setsloa on twt urduy nluhl. luuih Murt-hl and iasetl aa a amendid resolution from the Senate to provide for the remnvul of cannon from Ihe llellunu I iron worts, nod autnuriimg tne uovtruor to t rail nut u mililatv force, if mccstarv. ' 1 ... . . r. . .- Th 'IVi.s' roBvenlion bat ratified tlie I , Csnistli'i'lei of tU Cnnfiderate f'atn, w't'u urcwm" p..n-mm inni mmwr .. mvi. .",. ,,. ... wi...l ,.p .l.b.i,. n.i,...ii 1). 1 . . Is a 1 11... IFn .l.nl 1h llial luklts tt III .i.l IHtMlii.t. ...s ... --. .-...- .... ...-,..,-. ..... 111 si h list mi iff ' 1 11 l II .III' liliT nun .1 mill attic..! ..j.. ..r ii... 1 1. irnti'rtiiin in imp i rfiittiri' in 1.1 t ri 11 11 111 iimtiirHiiii.iiii.iiiiiittiss.rkiiiuiiiii... tiintiiMi. --1 .-,-. ....... i- I . i..ll ii.ini.i..i . . ...j. "...-... ........ . i.-n .-. ..iii'iiiiiiiiiii in .in. HIHII..I us' aniiit'ftsii . .. . ' i ...at.... ..I ,1j. , ,,, ..,,,,11 KV. Rll hard Olt, nf Ohio, Imdileelliieil. A z ilii 1 if f. nun ins rifihlij iiMnn I ' -.m,, .....ii,,. .' i. ,. ., ..-ii ,. """ nT. ng :t o muei r.q.iettui nniai: r -, ... ... ., r, ,., , ...,.,, ext.t.:.: .M.qi.lllly.co.il.n'r, nl u.l hap,!- ''r,'', -"1 A r,",S m....r lb, e,'.,.ry rer.pl,.. The !,..:..,. 'r"KlJ?.tZ.lm ..f .1.. S.n-A ....11 -b.K...i 11 1 . . lid ..- !.. .... m rr. .. .'ti m ii-i . 11 i . .- . .. '' ! ..!" " :rrrt- rn.l !,,!., in-,, I.str rrl.. : .V, ",V' ." ..-I."' I ; V.11V M'n , : One. Home nutl hut shu,i-.l I,, 1 n. ii uv i.iuv.1 i.i i...i..urr IIIU .UUJll. " .WW but Iwn dlsnelitlnir tutt". nnd ndlnuitied tint rfi, wllhoitl relerrluK the Constliulion to Ihe .-.,i. Tlic'flwimr Gtiwal ttml Inn.hd tronw rrnm Ti-saa at Fori .Mletson nml Tut lor. Tri llil fhctJ Tm. w oolintf with Ihi ttth a id Hn lliim 011 n wur Tooting, wllh tin.' tup- pint rurn year. , I ho t irgniiu lohvchlinlti on Hit UMiili ndnpteila rifoliillon In terminate tlebnto In Cmnntlttee of thv Whole on Thursday next. It 11 gcrer..l!y cohcIm tliat llie ontl - uo Mibliean t'eket. nilh Tnjlor.hns been success- rut in tne St. l)ti;t eliarier en turn ifter lour d.iv liring. tlvcliunuridptitoiKr! were laurn The Duchiti of Kuil Queen Victoria' iilliirl If ili-ad. laulhir French govirnniiiiti nrv filling mil n powerfnl ' l.i flit I of wur sliiitmr for the United Slntes. Thu sugt'tTtlon onmc from l-'nultnd. I- nmif will fiirtuih thrr flrt c'nss Iriuiile, nnd Ihe l-'nglish lore will iierlmp ln largir. Tin- h lore will ni-rlinpa lie largir. I In- c,..nt Mciirlly gltiu lor Ihe siiiue. with Hie imy ill sail with ten led order. Hiilililrfnlsol,m.,,i .inil-iiiiuiiallv nl Hil Inlir.-.t tin nm,. ,n II.-vl wi '"" 'A"."!1 tio. Iliougli nut working wills , '' r""w "'i. i R I ' ,-r .-.. .. I I It Iillibllal I atnr rtMiio tit iim nl , .. ' , .... ,. .,. ,,.,..... I .i , 'i " ' - ' " s ' ss i. iw.-'iiiiii-'ntinx'pii '..,. .. , . , . '. 1.1'OtlllUIIOII II III. 'SI IHIIIOIIIII.il J, till II- ,.i..-. 1 1U........1..... ..;....: .!( .1 . ,"""" ,uv ....-..v 'S"""S ineoniinnuceiiie viiienusqniieiin.il- "" . . . 1'ii-i.deot D-vi has mad n rrriu sltlon nn ... u.. r 1 -!..- m r... ....a.L t. lie r.ic . n ""i ...r iii-.T. ... ".-' hat retired from lint position. tl.. . t. ....... (lit. - ... .tit.. .. I IHI.I.T .niM.niisN.- iiiih irriirs-itr riii l!.sjirtli rti" llirt fnilif' II fii'istll ft trvt lllrit . ..... ... .. M .-. .. .. . .. - .-. r ., , , ,. ... . . , , ... ',''.,". ' ".. . ' . inontb. und ... out oil U.,1 In n.r.i.t ,. new tr n . .r.Un bv the huprcnw (-irt of .Nov Yml; r.i r.,.m.-.ilo.i tib b!. r-b....... lb inrri.i...-. ... j ,,....,.......,. An l.nlma.o'frl.irl .-I il,.. 1 8n..or' lli.lirlrk inf-rm me that Ihere U lilt!,' do.,1,1 thnl tin- will aser.bitl In h'm is.t forutiy i und CONSTI'L'l'TIOX -o- THE WWM UMI1RSITV. I'RKAMIII.K. Fr th.t niirin of roiiiulliiL'. In Itojti Illvii ( Vall.y, lu lli-Slat? nr OriL'"". nil Imtllutlo, ..r 1 . '....in . u 1.1.1. i.:n ..,,".. .... 1. c,r lt ,. vcloi,iiK-iit or tin. i. lit. leal laciiitir. lowers ttllli tint of thu liit.'lleetunl nml Hie moral raeult of nun, nu. of s.-ciirlinr Hi p ipvliill.t nr III.. blr.sliiK' i.r.Vd III lilutlnii lo ull fill ill', ji-iii rulloii.. Hie Irkiid. or idue.illoudoiotr in nt lu.Hiir. in an u-soelalluii, lo Im gntiruu' ' y in luiiuwiug tiriieies 01 CONSTITUTION. Aunt i.k 1. The name of till. Instlliil'i.n shall bo calltd "Tin: Wk.iskn I'Mii.ii.irt.'' tiiTi.it: 11. Hiaiov I. The , Ian i,r this Inslllulton shall couq.n liru.l four il.,irlmenl. lo wit: I. Thv lulioductory Deparlm-ut ; '1. Tim (,'olic-Iat,. IK-p'trlmenl j :t. The .Sclenlin,: .S,.,.,l ; mid i. Thv Department or thv I.- arncd I'rofis slon.. hi r. 3. The Intro ii.clory Diparlmrnt shall iniludi- nil thv Lrniiclira of mi KuclUh itlitcn Hon. with llio aiMillu.ial requisite rnrndmlii'iuii to the i'lwest col lego cla. ri f. 3. 'Mm Colli-Klalu Department shall com pr!o it regular ami lliormijib com- or niudy Im'Ur lu tint i'iriiul In Hie princliialeolli'Ke. ni 1. iv 1 11.W-.1 C3t.iv.. 1111. i-ij.irsv i. iiiicnuvu ,0 0l.c1, ft .HrIlJ1, I-,,,,,. ..,,, ii... ..,,,1,.,,,. ,.,,..(.,..,1 l, .imtlfii of ibo lint ytnr shiill Isa.styiid Ihv rrribmeu Class 1 1 Iht.Heoii.l year, thv Sophomore Class ; ihv thlitl y i a Ihu Junior Cla.s ; uud I lie loutiu yitr, iu nenior uiass. 8c. i. Th Scientific School It dcilgmd lo teach thvsp clal applicaliou of selcuc. lo Agri eulmru aid thu .Methiule AH Aurleiiliiu.il t'loiul.lry aud llutauy, Mieha . til 1'hiloaophy M'uiii KiiKiueeiint;. etc. Kir. A. Ihe Denailment of the l.nnrne.l Pro resslou. shall ewuraev l.ntv, UiUtcluo aud The-olofc-y. The Instruments or lu.lruoiioit shall Include. (a. soon n pr.ctle.tMu) a l.ll.rury, Chemical Apparatus. I'lillosophlcal A.p.iralu, a CnU'iu I o sptc'men lu llio sett rul kludom. ir uulurt, ahtrii: III .pieman iiiuiliatlve 01 tne Ati, lie, AI11111.1: IV, Land shall b luriiUhtd, ami n wnik--thoo 1MII1 toot, illtct limy . in. HHirur 11. uiihiik'hiiiii. i" i."', v Lu tiKidii). Hint o-iv .linkiit. sodeslr-l . .1 -.1.-. .: .1.. llie. mav avail him.. II id IbeM lueaii. lor pre- i Mrtluu 11 sound mlud Iu ft sound budy,"and. ror dirayin8 hi. e.pcnne.. Aitnti.v: v, I Srermv 1, Tho work uf Instruction shall ba perrorimd Ly u I'acully, consistluK or it I'nsl-1 ikiit, I lo'cssurs, Tutuia or Instruelois, as sliul', from I 1111 to time, ho round tu bu necessary. Kir. t. SXA faculty shall nrcscrll-- the dlvl- .I..., ,.r llm v...p Inli. Ii.s. 1... hl..illi.u nr push .,.... ,i. rCfCniiMC ucnulrements necevary for ,iiiil'.i,liiii Into iieti iicnarimeut nml cIh.s. ll.o .-..".-.. .---- -"... ". -. -.- - . ,, tcxt-liook. 10 bu used, llio lessons, limes lor talliui. lecture, tie. reel- 1 ;nal. ote Hi d 3. Th faculty ibill exerclso a utrental and t!gi!nt rnp rlilon an1 guarlli..filp lie I... H..M1M1 M.. 11... If.... H.J Af I.;. I ..... II. .it the ihirarini'iil and habit of the ulu'iii tits, and ' endeaior to Incitlcale Hie ptih-M niuntlity. ana Id lireclllilL' evirv It'lltK-liev 10 Mllmiriie. Iito- Uiilly, w nny otliir tpeele of rice 1 rhall fiidd "mi-nnme nny inai may uo sirargiu mm hiii- Hnn "r Inlriuwinent of the law or regnhttlona nf ,h tll.tiloni nr tt,, BIIy ,!), mi-amir, ami Mmll Investigate and diclde In nil mcli rirs ; shall coiiduet religion worship dill., and ri - quire ull Hie rlml -tils to nttend II, unleM ollur- ( specially dluvtcd by Hie i-nrcttl or gitai illjin. - si.e. I. I Ui racuny 'iiaiitKn nn neciiraio Irry r citation of each student In the coll'-ninto juiiriiui, si'ciii;hir me jine.su i-iiwnviii v,v, - .Su-. V. A pir-on wli'tsimll liavo nclv.dn th-ure from Millie oilier liislilnljiii.iii.it hull ! foind in ! wrihy, may he udm lint .s vmliim. I .Sit'. X For Ilia ineiiiiragiiiieht of sjguriitu eourernilou nny tierstvi uinv.u i.y tlie lacully In j Uiil t.r.i il 111 l.nh.ii ns nil. lo be well ersid I .ilkir.... jtunci.t: i. Thep.it mi lit Into the Irinsury of llil. Iii.ll- 1 11 tluii ol the sum or--- dollar.. nr,i ni- H,-rale or - Inr Celiluin p-r milium, .hall minsiiiulpn ml d lulu Iu u p.rp tu.il .clitiUr- , i-lnp III llil Lliiret ly. HIT III tin. Skition I. Tim lln.iMcliit eoiiei rn. rsal "ie min'miim i 1 in lids miviMli tnllil.ty . .. . . nr IliU I'lCl.ll ill Imtl ni.l I .1 ri-hv l. In. , ... , . , . ,, M . t 1. ,. . . . , . ,, .alrnl: bit Hie rcmilulng iminUM of Ho- i:.nr.l slrll till 1 1 ell teeaney Ihal may incur ).,,,.,, .n II,. 1. -In. 1 :... a. Tin. Tm.i.. .t..ll ...... it.. 1 ...... i. - . (l iii-iii Him ITolesMT-I lll-ll llh eoiieilleiiee of 1 nua.lvr nl Tru-lii. WBTTTI. 1. ntw Kw Sherlff'o Sr.!o. I)V virtu, 'if mi ercuHoii ilul I'siml '. . I I J C'l.lk 1 1 Hut t'livtiil Conn In ti.it 'o, llir it' iiy of JoMj.'ilii.- .laliir (iregi.n. und I..' iiHil!ntftl I tint m s'ltal ll? I1lti UMtt fi..... I I .....1. 1 1 ..ir V r. iii.tliiiil. nr lli i In !. . 111 litlnr 1 'l .Mii'loil .V l.iitntiiaiis I ik ri"ii.iuvi-ii in nil : .-."i 11.11.11 .nun r.uii. n i- ..... ...... .. ... -.'.-. .. ... . .!........ ..., .. .lf-. .. f MUSI SI lll'MIISl' l 1 ,,. r,.r it,.. .Um or i-luki ti.in.tr, .1 m..l wmi.n hdlirsiimt iluhii H snii'. :: vj will, li! mAlhrTnM ,-,, f ,,.,.,( ,.,..li ti-rceiil i.r inoilli. c-ImiuI. tiiiM.,r suit ' hut l-tle.1 011 mil will i.tfir lor '.it Inr ei. to Ilia lii;,lii'st l ill r, at lu' pr. m..-, 0,i VTiiiMni.tr ICr'i ;).ii. .Viiy. In'i , lb foil wiy teal im-i u'y. In l t i.lilue euiiuly. Iln-unu. ami to luv iliiieii.l. In ntorot ..imuel K. Miller and ugnlii-l Will mi I VeMulllu, lor Il.e sum or lour bundled in..l itti-uty-tttii m.d inmly.uliiv ii.ii--!iui.didlb ' loll ir. (3 1'.' J .!i.lni. i-o,ls nml a, i-iiilug i ns. I lute .t,.I un and ttillnller Tor ai-. lorti..!-, lo the bight l Is ilJ.r, eu the pn inker, on t'rhlii.l'ii lif'i D.iijcl'Mnj, A, D. I Mil, the r.illowlu docrlitd r-al propirly, lowll . Ih? hair i.r Ihe soulh-'a.i o'l irti r of nctloi I .lilliiMT lilui-lpvii (.iijuild Hie lull of Ihu iioilli ite.t i.iarlerot'.tcimu iiiimUr Ihlily i,",il,ai,r in limu.hlii thirty eight, south mugi-, itui i7, west, an I kiionu as McMUI.l.lNS I) 0 N A T 1 0 N I. AND CLAIM, with tho nppurtcnuncti tluri-unln belonging. Hale iMltti'iu Ih hoiira or Iwo o'clock r. u, and .mint of .ad day. llatul thl. Ho' Ii.lli dty or April. 1801. .ii:i'Fi;soN iiowKi.i,. U:lw Slit rift id Ji'Mplilueeoiiiiiy tirei;on. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue or nn ei.eiitlon duly Is.nnl l..v ll i Cltlh or Ihe Circuit I'oiirl In and rr Jo. .lillift eouuty, Hale i.r Orrjsnii, and In ln. i! rcclul. lu Tainr ol Malllicw .d iuh fuel ii;.cii I lolill V. i'.illhk. lor Ih in.i nf six huiiili'il illldlllletll and 'iMy-eiiilit iiui'-huiidiellniili I liM tun i:f-llM, wllh co. mid aeiruin cts, I tint o levifd upon und will oll'.r formic thelullowliig dcieriUd lent pionerly, tn-ult : l0 .cren of J.niiil and i.mi'rovi:.mi:nt.s tiii:ri:on. In lown.hlp forty (10), ranpo dtM (R). wcM ot I inllliimllniiirr..lnii. ImIiik Ihu rn-t liulfo. ll.u null lu.'st ...inrtt r uliil tin. ue.t h.ill nl 11.. J ihe hichi-st L.ihlir, lor e.nh, Sttuithw, ihe Ulh Ihnj U 111-t.uni ...ini .i.... it. i '.iiioinriorsnie. lu "" .Vj. .. . 1 SCI . 1 1.... .i.i ,K.i,i.-tn me i,iirui ttiiivo oelocu m. Aiitiioui ,..0!''.,'.'!..'!',fT'... ...... .'it.i rfii.. .1 - iiu, iri.i. ,1'..'I,'I'1KI iV IIiMW-i 1 ....... ... V.' : l..,!U!,l', ,,u" W-I """ """ " "e1,i,un- iiiuiuy, t ueg.v,. lA.l.u II....I... .. 1 ., ..V.J" . . .... " ", " Administrator's xvotico, fPIIII uiul'i-'lfrncd having been nnpc.Iulrd by X the I'mlkitu Court fur Jicp!iW coiinlr, Ktnte or Oregon, AdiuliiUtiutor ol tlie istati- of James Ti-rrill, iei-eitetl, i.oll.u Is. heivliv glicn to ull person liuvtiitf claim iwuln.t said isla u to lirOUIll tlienl til Inc. nn l.v.nlro.1 l.v Inn wlililn onu tear frori tin. dilo s aud nil m-rromi ou dial tu) inc.il to hid, ul my re.idcueu ntur Van- uoy'i Vcrry. THOMAS f'llOXTON. Adtu'r. April fib, I it'll, nii'Oill-.lw nip sn;ti t'.iiiip ure leii. ure.i 1,1 nmbu iniiui- April ftl 1 .1 '. ' ' I' "to i-it.-iioiMit. , ioi. ...t.v.ii ittiiu .nullii.r '.on he.tiiiaiuror steiion nurniH r nlmteei' o the sislem nd cr.idu.illy but aunlyeuli (111) in said township, whit h propel ly Is ),., pate llio .list a. mmu.Iu.' ty I uiisUblly exert .ceupted I.y Jalleii.ir-holt.lK'i.iiiiu ,,,,! , 0 -ne. lo Ul-npp m. ni.a Ituilus thu thin ir hntr miles ttt ..r Ualdo. lu J..-. .hlu 10 ilv, , .tclly smonlli iiuu Hi-lUu. Tea. j,mi,p TftsdlU Lilurlaliy from tlilit-n ,,,.! In Uhlnii. I.. ue (w'lli Ilia a'll rihTfa Iispctleii HoiJrTnf l.nml.m) hiru rnund II llfCeary locieniemw u.isuraiiimm-w lrl r W In-ifi. In wder l.uneil the morl.d j.t 0r Inul.-iiile lu.i tlrlnkiln, nnd not city In n,u nritilr. II lis.' lliu m'xliirc nf in my "ira- . rin.u nillckiwilli Hie linsorciiinmtrce. Many ,nur nn-i specially uMn'urd for Hint pirpo e, ' some for their ihllenev of II nor. ami nthiM for iiii-irnniiugeiitqiiaiiiv. 'lb iiniurai tvrMear , lacx" inuiuninv 01 cooir. inn i n-ni'ii 'u uy t,r nv of I'm 'Inn blue, li.dluo, n-iil icm llm tlie'it ilnmlll'.-n of Hn If vii-tl il'i It,.iin1 thl liiqiruif ll Tn nr. Ihe lusl I' as nrt',l.uin-srr i i'er d 11 1 1. eh In-lng drawn in cr.cli eitp. Jiip.i' e le. w II, sMin-r or later, iu-i.it.e t fittnrili' w.lh IH In I'm- rnlliil.'tiilei. it islios from lliiMiliJieilii'i-tMeiiiiittlly nriJIiliif.' Ii t ,v. nl -tilil. il all'icl Itif till 1 1 : nid ilnn tsrparcil tlllllll-l Hug unttr, is it d.dlc ou b:tia;-. A Supi Ker ui lle!e of tli;-uboJ with sine other itry i.'inVr IniiUt of DLACK AND GREEN, OHIIIM'MI, DRY (JOOIl.'i. CIA) I II I Mi. IIAIIDWAIIF.. Il'XotJjist-sX'. I IIAVIS nullii.r' .1 1'.. I. Kris ami I J.C.i. ' . 1 tr to net u my ii;..i,is li. all I iii,.,. ii t. r il ir 11 in, i.bii-ui'.. 13I.ACKMTI!rN(. The bUik'ni ll..nt bu.'u'i. will ronllmi- In lr lite siiiHrv;s..ii 01 a;r. t. nr n. FfliGHT AGON3 ulnnyti n I i'J. I'. lK.M:i April Clth. IM.I. ep.'iMTj To ConciiuicrB o: WINES &, LIQUORS, ami iriiiiiiv TO INVALIDS. J.I'.WINli nsVv.l trn- i.i.lllon of l.'.Vlsil V.L fnw .,,i.i-.r lor ih tli-irel i.r S.i.i .ni !, Hn il.illi.i, l. ill III ol , l.ill, .If.. I un. rili t'lli.i ui r.t.nii ol I'l-sil.-uis r.nvi ..ui i .ciu.i.t i. i.i.i rnei.d- sii In-it lit n-pil-..It; uiviiii l ili-ii 1 iMtei-it.i'.l.sln.l lot si 11 it a it. i.n is WINKS AND L1QUOU.S. n, W. I'm iii rai,.t.iiie noil Jm l'.'Sii Ml... .-AN I' I l.N CI ft' CO. Tnil-nlend'-liliitrwr iirl'tles, ll ! iKvinul run r In slat lli.tt. lo.- I la- last u;Al tsirs, rill Vim s and l.qi.,r uirlvlii).' nl ri.i.i I'laucl en ri.t.i any I'l.ielsiii I'nri a- nl n Hm- is ikimi i m any poll iu Hi t'mt.d Stnl--. lent-ln-e,i timlind ni..r nit-si.p. it l.loii, and thai, i.rr-on- In ni) mr'vil n i .-tl'ri.i i a 'ii tl'.'. I hi'd ten '! ,;ax d !' r Miuy tivi. !:i I". nisC". l'urlu .nl, aii.l i lor 'ii. ii. i.i i. ..i. is. ii.oi,itn a .'in Itr ku.ialtilAil l.tj.t .1'. an'jax:io i3vsojR.r..' 1MIIMI' A. ilOACII. Sail I'r.ir.i.-''.o. MukIi il, lal. np'.'U:ll Uai SAND'S SAflSAPARILLA. tin: uui.u A'li.niitN i:i:m:nv For Ilii' Cure of all Dlscutca Ar'!ns fiori VN IMI'L'RII.VI'ATKUF TUT. IH.OOI, Will be found u Ctitalu fufj for 3CR0FULA & SCROFULOUS DISEASES h nn A!ltrallr und liniuinllii? .15ml It it TJiaociT.xalJ.ocl. AI'IXXTII VI. nijidt nl pur I.I00.I I cuen. Hal In niiiiiiul I le. ' Whui Hie proper e.r- ualio'i ol llm ilal l!u d l lnii il.il. .itk'i.- Hie juevllal.le coiiunuciHc-llio seeretlont h.'eomi iinhttilthy. tho liter Im conic. clOrtntd a Ilii iuipiir l.lle. til.lcli.fi re d Into Ihesy.ttin, vitl lies nud tiitl.tiitiM the Mood, ciurial.-riug scrofula uud i-u'.uicoii-t m.d hllluiy ill-t ider. SAND'S SARSAPAalLLX ill p-n'ly sthuulniu tho function, of Ihe sleiiK sell 111.1' b wel' hi a icpilar mid healthy notion, ".I. Willi 11 iiiiiisiii uud pumiir .''.i I ull .!' 1 .. W ulculallnii, lirmuulo wrsii'iiillon. Im i.vo c iiiuiiniiioii, I'liniy iiu oioo.i,iqtin; I .. ...... ,.i :. i i.i n..... .v... 11..11 -..1 i ..i. i,.ni... r... Kim Dollars. I AraU. 3Cox- ' wisjj s.t ik t n 1 tins t ----" ..... ....... I ANl TAKi: NO UTIIKU. IVepirul by A. II. .V r,Pti.s' lnurpMj, lOd Fulton .licet, i-oinorol WlllUm. N. V I'er sule by RF.IUNHTON .V CO., Sun Fruncitco. R. .t II. M.DONAI.I) .V CO., JUSTIN UATKjj ii IlltO., Huei'unicnto. TIIOMl'SON & 11RKKH. 14 Im Jueltsouvijle. PHOENIX LODQENoT 3," A. P.'&XlT, Hold iheir rrulur c,iiiiiiiuiili.alioii the lA S i 1 full 1 f. 111 AV l.t s Mini on or pticeibh J tliel moon, lu 1'iicuiv. im-i,o,i. S. ). W'UT.W. l. R ft : h, w e'y. Jm 0(1..' m