Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 09, 1861, Image 1

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immfMi rWi Fuji infi in'r i"-yWiJAgracjyJji jAj iyt ?L3tJft r--rg !'; - .iVL'2i-,,V l.Vr -tgAl iJUje-ITii ?wwJtt-.yrj
.ti.-Sif.yij' 45ayrTt'.-jriiIwy"p miuJ -.kTx a jrtKiirimttywju.jaxt?MSCi'
At J s . WW .TTflT
tjjtunypf y y
VOL. VI. NO. 8.
t - p M
t gSkt
1 L-i1 8k
wi,.n-v, "-.--t.it -r- --ax
OJBce orer ClnffgAge & Drum's Btablet.
Ont Copr, One Year J." 00
Or Copy, Six Montis 3 00
tOnt Copy, Three Mouths 2 00
Ont Bqunrc, of Twelve Linen or leas, Flnt III'
rtlou,j 00 I and forcucb subsequent Inser
lion. 41 00.
tafrlonal or Ituslncst Cards, Knch Sqiinrc,
per Annum. SAO 00 ( fur Six Moulin, Ij oo j
for Three Months, $10 00.
A Marat discount will Im made to persons who
advcrtlm lo lliu extent of fnur sutinrc.
The number of Insertions should bo marked en
Ilia margin or advertisement.
Attorney and Counselor
-sTAolKtBoxiL-sirlllo, Orofon.
HAS for the present established n uliop nl
the public limine of Mr. Mlchail llmmnn.
-on California street, Jacksonville, win re Itu l
prepared lo execute every description of woik
III bin line. Hull", warranttd to HI, limit) nl
short notice, In nny sit In tire cu-toimr may
ahoosc. He has on lianii the l.ttert faction pat
Unit. Repairing done litatly, with tlbpalcli.
Charge low.
Jacksonville. Dee. 8, I8C0. 47lf
Dr. X. Caldwell nonlmnii
HAS pcrmtncnlly Incatul In Jacksonville,
ami olfer Mi profctrtomil services lu Hie
practice of
Mrttfrlnr, Nnrg.ry anil Obstetrics.
Office at lil rr.tdciice, im California lrcel,
In the house formerly occupied ty A. M. Ilcrry,
next ilanr to JuiIko Prim's.
Charsre wry reasonable. Calls nltcudcd In
set all hour of the day or night.
Dec. ll, IHCO. drc!lslti:Cin
l7 h.dewe y
HAS opened a Imp oppolto Anderson ,,
Olenii'., ou Callrornla street, In Dr. I..
tfanung's drug store, for rrptlrlng
All work warrantid In Ito nllilucllon.
Jaeksouv llle, Dec. 22,1, If CO. -tatty
b7 w7 GREER, "
orncK. jaikovim.i: onto htoiii:,
Tuolxaonvlllo, Ovoajou.
Alt my work will I executed iVrgfTh
at greatly reduced price. ioii'iift$SsEbia
nTy; (Ocl.20lli.IU JJJlIXT
Attorney nnil CouiiKulor at Luw,
WILL jirnctlco In nlltliet'oiirUliiMIn Jnck
ton and Jnwplilim coiintio, and In tin
Supreme Court of tliu State. 2IIF.
Attorney at I. iiw,
J.11KMIXVIL1.K, M1.,
Will attend to nny ImMm-f confldt d In them In
Hie Krral Court, of 111') Flr.t Jud'cl.d DMrlct
of OrrRon, and In the Supreme Court. M.
Attorn ky ami CnfNuxum at f.Ar,
ril.Ti nracllco 'n the eernl Court (it llir
r l' hwi..i ...... .v.... .... ..-....-
ttnd promptly to luiliieii culriMed to hi. care.
CoIIkIIoii. ultcuded to "Uli dUpAteli. 27
olfern Id. iiroforloiinl ntiIiiii to till. com.
I Fllt Judicial DMiIct of
rlrAr.tui nn.l nt.
muully In the practlcu of Maheint, Surpry uwrf
Ofllce on Callrornla -trc.t, next door to Ntn
fcer'. Jewilry lure.
Call ntlrmUil lo nt nil hour, of day or nlht,
.Marcn i, iMo..ii.ir
1 K T K It JJ It 1 T T ,
, Jackwui Mr, Oregon.
I prepared to tuko l'lcliirca In eery fl)loof
lb Art, illi ull Iho luki-t liuprou'ineul.. D
do not plrowtiractloii.noclmrtH will htMimde,
Call at KunU'x Clear Store, or ut the Gallery on
the Hill, and eeo hi. I'icturcy. 1 lir
S E wTn"gm AC HI N E
S HANI) and nmdo to order. Hoiim l.ln-
lug aud paper HiiukIiii;. hy
A. v. Aiiiir.uin,
I GiUorniii Sluti.alortOifjon,
Law and Collection Office.
UtO. II, Wll.l 1AM.
. I. ...... Mtwrn ..
(lulu Chief Jilktlce.)
Portland, Oregon.
Will practice lu the Courts or Oregon and
Waatitnylnii 'IVrrito-lw.
" bTF .D O W eT L ,
latk.nnt llir, Ullgoiit
Will practice In nil Iho Courts of the ad Judi
cial lllnti'lcl, Iho Supremo Court of Oicou, uud
In Yitkn, Cul. " , , ,
I'url'culnr ftltentlon paid to procurlim Ur.d
Warnint and colUcrlnf cUInw ngalnHthufiov
eminent. . "'y
I am now prcp.iiedlo receUo pit i-nt. In the
ip:tal, on iho eoriiir or 1 hlid SirLtt, hick
r tho " Union Hotel."
riu-rCASIl Oil (HMD MCUiaTY.
' t'll.VS. II. IIIUJOKM, M. n.
Jnckso it.lle, Jul; , le'.o.vstr.
Letter from John 0. Brccknridgo
Wasiiinoton, Jnnunry fi. 1801.
Mv Dkaii Sin : I think nil lliMifilitful mn
will nppri)u j'uur lonJuct In coiimiiIiij; the
Within n few wccki I linvc received many
letter, tlililly from Kentucky. nkln my
dplnloii n tu llio prospect urn hlrniljuslimM
I'l'oiir pnlltlcitl truulA, wlilih I lime nut tin
scrid for nnsom iillfiivlory In my tmn
m'nd, nmonj; which li:n bun n llnpcrlnu Imnc
that nmc mci ili.li!c pliiu (if (etlKtiienl milit
bo prnposul bv Ciingiwi, iciiilu the rljjht.
ui il honor ol ull. I ilo nil ra'l ill lilici ly louder
lu rimnln silent, nud and wllhout lnlciiilliiif lo
bunkn jou with nn ixtinJal letter, 1 willolTir
a few thoughts upon I tic condition of public
nil ilr.
I nm cnitrtnciil that nn lhnrnit;ih mid falls
factory plmi lll Ik' prnpnwl tu the Slulm by
Cimiu'erj. All ifTorM Tor thin tumino lune
('Itc'oKtl (I (lamas loo radical tu uJmlt of
At nil en
ily iluy luttierctilon.oti tlicmnlton
T 1'rntn Kinlin.ky, (Mr. I'ouell.) a
of n .Senator
commlltiv of llilrtct.ii .Senator ncrenpimluteil
tu (.ousuier 1 lie mule ui I lie rummy, mm ra;iri
a runuly. It n cimipyyul of itprexntulUe
nun fiuin diflcrenl p.irli of iho t'lilnu. Alter
lon cmilcrcncK, fT many ihij, the Clmltni.iii
rciMirlul to tlio Senile thnt they hud bet n
wholly uiinble In neriv, and n rclircncc tu the
joiifu.il of the cotnmlttro will recnl lhrrndlc.il
ililf. n nni lielwitu the lb publicum nnd (ithet.
I'tupinilliiiu, i-imcelMtl lu nrplril or pitrl
olio coiicif.lon, were I'lr-ml by S naior I'rll
li nihil. I rcltr In t lit nt. Iktihlo 1 1 icy cnnmle
muili tn the p!ilt of I'onclllulloii. Ilicycm-lirui-c
the rolluuiny ntiKiuliiiciitt to the Con
ntltutlon :
That Congress iliull have nn pntrtr to nbol
islt tlaviry in the rurtf. dotk junN, nnd nllur
p'liM under ii j.ninliclluii In the .Southern
Nor lo iircwnt Ihc trnMporlnllon of hlaxr
from one rl.iilnililint Stale In uuothcr, nr In
nny Tt rrllorx here hi ly may i .ihl, w liclln r
the traiifpoiiiithill be iiutniv or liilund.
Nor In ulmlili laery lu Ihc Itistrlel n!
I'olumb u while II cxbts in Mii.jhiml nr Vlr
Kluhi, nor wlllmut the cuu'eiit nl the Inhabit
imu nnd (iuiiMiiruiliin tn the iiunrr.
And In repaid tu IheTiriltorle :
Thai lu nil the Irrrllnry now held nr here
ufler to be mrjuintl unrlli oT latitude .'Id uNtf.
lit) mill, nhivery or lutoluulnry n-riltmli1. e.
ii pi in punhdiniftil fur ciiiue. .hull Ik prohlli
Hid, while lu nil lurilury imt lii'lilorheriufut
tr. beiiii'ilntl xi'illt nl ruhl lm, nlmrry nl
lliu Air inm tuiv hull lie ninn'rnl mul pro
It vleil ; lu both iii'ik, the pinhibitlon on line
ride nl the lii.e. and the proli clloii ru the oll.t r,
civirinn the i-iIm1 of '1'irrili'iial r.xbtime.
'I'liCfC prncniiii", the rinoiutlnnt irnpiw.
flmll be muilii u purl ol the Cutistllulli'ii, m.d
iiiilhtr wild the leature now lu the (,'i.inti
rut Ion relutie tu the nprcHuiiithiti or lluet.
Illlh or I tie hit, unit the relnrii of fulllte
laiii,jhall lint be hi I 'Jul to (mure nlhrutli'li.
A ubtpuiitly inixhheil, Iluy (onlaiii.iii'.iiini;
ollu r tiling, nry pri'inr ihclumtiou thai
e'.t z.nlili m.d tutliit. rliall nut be innferiiil
in pcrvii. in whole or In pa it of Afiican ilc
A luiirc at tlirira ru'iiuttimt will liotv the
IniiiKiife coiieeiiiii ihcy ilfa for kccurlty nnd
IK'itce, 1 living nut n hw fur n mi.nuul ll.(
I'lriilnriiil iii(l!on, the oilier prninfnlniiinnl
nciti ure but ihvltirulory of the prcruit C' u
itiliiliou. CniijiiiM Ii." Hi pnavr now In
uboh.h .'miry wiihtn lu jurUdidlon lu tie
.-'milium riluiei", nor lu promt the lruupir.
lu t it'll nl 'ui Ironi uiii'.titvihoMui); Sluleur
'l'iiiii'iy in iiiidll.cr. Nor are nri"in ( Al
ili.iuiteriilit til in ii il the LnlKtl fc't tCA ;
and the li.f.snf 1'ohinl replix'iibilhil uud the
riliiin tr liiillM' h'um- orri.lipu'iitril lor in
i.xprt-M icrum in the pntcul insliuin nt. If II
he laid llmt C'l'iijjrcM may iullliilhuull)
ubolih ilatety in litis ll.tlrltl, 1 will urn
pui'O lu ii iy ue lie (piiitlon, but only mltr u
piuteat ujiMUitt the iiriuuiliou.
K ugivu! lo, they houM be tinnrndiilub't
pin II of the Courtlliilhiu, ilnco the North
nnuM loon haeu niflU-Uiit nuuibir of StiiHv
tu iIiuuku the lutiuinvnl in the mauiiir pie
.cr.bul iiy i'e!f.
It mutt becon.'trt that It IT. r but n faint
hi'jie nr teiurliy uud khm1 f-i-ih whin ixnuif
nut grunted tu Couli by the Coutlliulliiu
uiu.t ujjitln be rrily ih nh d, nnd Ihe pro
tMiin. iiuiile unallirublt', to guanl a.'uintt np
ir.lniiiiji,s of a fictional uial yrowinj; ma
Jorliy. Upon the'e po'nti, then, OS I mpprip. llien
I no cuicw'"ii in illu r upon the one Ide nor
I he oilitr. 'I lie Irtu rilnteK ure only iilul li
ngnv that they will neir uo lln'ir pruwlnj.'
pomr In ihptue ll.e Soulh of i.!j1h0' rlht.
whilh art' CKiiitlal to ill rarely.
1 come, inr.v. tu the val col eokimi to tin
North. The Soullu rn Suit at rt. with ;,'ical,
unuiiliiilly, the liht or ull the citizens or nil
tlieSliiu'sloiiitii tl.cciiiuiiionTirilinihswIth
their inncrit.or whaivur html, Includiu.'
lntt, uud to liau II prnliUul by Iheiominuu
ijiiiiriiimiii. inu ngiu ii tuainiiit.il ny n
highly ri'K'vlab'u cIuf. of cpinloii In the Nur.
limn Hlultt. uud has been ulliinif-il by the
hiuhcst jiidieiul liibuiiul known to the C'oii.tl-
liilluu. It ilms not lull rt it hill the n.iie til
this kilt r tu argue the (pietton. 1 litiil II as
il sailed light, upon wliiili the uryumvnt li.u
uieu t Miiuisiiii.
Mr, Crilimihir. Territorial umendmeut of
fir. o lar us the Southern Slutts and their
kIiiio proiKtly me concerned, tu leld ihU
rilil in liireu luiirllis oi lliu c.ilin;; iciritor;
tu rave it in the nnialnlnj; fourili. 'iho clti
l ns uf the Northern Stuttfjfiid (lair pnH'rt
aro to be protectiil in ti Iho ttriitory Ihe
eiil.ciK or the Southern Stntes with their pro
perly lu ontfvuilh o it.
rrohiblllon of .late properly north of OG
degree 'M m'liults ricoguillon uml priitic
lion of II rmith ol that line and the rule In
npp'y lo ull tcrillory hcrearter oiiiitieil thl
is l he priiie pie of the piopoml amendment.
And Ihe lu.t iwmcd feuluio Is vital. 1 1' I In
Ttrrllorlul quuliuii (an be sellled at nil, il
should lie willed lor all time, nud loclud up lu
I hu Constitution, OlhervvHc, there cuu be no
hope of exemption Irom lucufant sluvery ugl
latum, and Ihe country vvou'd be thrown again
into Ihe ui'il.-t of polineul and finunclul couvul
sinus. The Southern Stale cannot ulJ'urd to
bu shut I'lf from nil porsibilhy of i xpuiitinn
tuwaid the tropics by the hostile action of the
t'tthral (jiirerunient,
1 inn Ftiro llmt this n'nn nf ndjuttment has
b Cn i IK i ill, lint as the lull ihcumiio ol imu
1 1 ji l.ln, but usit patriot!? uinwion, with Ihe
hopo ol obtaining pioiniitly sieunly and tnce.
Iu view of the kuovvltilu we luive ol the pro
gress ol putit.cul tint i-tu try opinion, mil ol
the muiiuer iu whiih Ihe I'uhrul tjuwrniuciit
may betinplovid by hosti'e iiifhiiiicit. it fall
lar fhort id wlmt would bo rttpiiutl iu loriu'iij;
nn original n'licme ol IJoverinneiiti'or evin in
T cointri etiiu fieo'il on.'. Altir the i'XHii
enve we have hud uf the practical woikiu or
the ststruii I (lid il llidieull tu clieriih it well.
loiiudetl hoKi of periuumiit ururiiy ixcept by
Ihe Introduction of stnietltmeul wlilih wou'd
give the South the power of ra-lf-prntrrtlnn.
I cannot ruppov Unit Kenltichy would con
s'tler lit r ilghti, liilcrvftli nnd honor care under
nny s.'tlltmi nl list thorough limn thi proposctl
by Sir. ('rilieinleii. Any nt tempi lo cinncu
late it by excluding fiom Its cope nflcr nc
tptlrul territory, or by falling lo recognize nnd
prime! slave property iniilli of Ihc line hy lan
guage nt clear uml explicit ns that employed
tu prohibit It north of Ihc Hue. or by veiling
Its provisions lu iimhtauuus pliruc, could only
result lu new ngltntious and convulsions. '1
believe thai Kuitucliy want u tliorouuli ret
I lenient or none, nnd one that any plain nnd
honest mind run understand.
I havo not red mil In the Personal tVbjrly
Hills of the Not lh rn Slults. I cuius they nre
tie subj.els of Slate action, nor tn various
pmpoMllons concerning the Fugitive .Slave
Irfiw, b.'intiMi they relate only in ItgWullve
uititm; nor to ll.e ipicstloe rnnciruiug the
r'ghl ofrnjourn nnd trmiil with stave pruKTl y,
n ir lu sevirul sehi'inrs of Couilil ui loual umeiiil
meiit which ilim.itnt mine lor the Soulh than
the plan or Mr. Critleiulm. I have snld that,
lu my opinion, no thorough nud sulbfactory
iitmiidiuiiil will be propmttl tn the .Stale bv
Consres, nnd I luive lahin the p'ou vrlilili
eoiicults the most tu the Norllurn .Slates, nnd
wlilih presents the haft llmt 1 suppose nny
portion of the .South would accept.
And now, sir, 1 Ull von thai the llep'lbll
eaiu In Cuiurer. and I Tear In the country,
never will udopl II. They will nut neogn'ire
lu nny form, tl. ret Ily or Indirectly, proptrly In
flave. 'I luy will uutl.itr Irian the protection
of the cnmuioii (imcrnntrut properly to the
value or four tlmmnnd millhuis ol dollar, and
which I liiliiwuvin with the very structure rf
ne!ily In Hourly half the Stale of Ihe L'tilmi.
'I luy lull nd that tl.c .South shall nevir have
nny portion In Ihe territory of the Union.
Their Ihtil policy Is to wield the federal lluv
triimrnt fur untl-nlaviry piirputes, uud tn crush
nil (ipp'iitluii by nrms. 1 nm not m'sta'teu n
In Ihe puipow or the resolute mid conlMlling
spirits or that organization ut this eupltal.
At nn rally day lu the kkIoii, n nuiiilur nr
gdillemeii, luirlni: that no sultab'e gu.iruutir
could be pri'piwd by Cougnis, It'g.iu tu look
tn the Slates mid Ihe tiip!o. The Itiiiuhli
cans liavlng control or the Northern I Stale,
our fiii inlt 'here v.tre. of course, unub'e lo
iiiovo. An earnest tIToil was in ule litre lo re
cure n Coiivitillou or ll.e Southern State.
'Ihep'un tould not cumin ind Ilia rei'itlle
uppurl, ami was lost tu mc rapm progrer in
events. Next, n luote I.oikIiiI uiovtmnit was
m t ou foot. louMug tn nn Inure Imtc eonViei co
ol Ihe boidir sliivi'hnhliug Stnles rmbnielng
Ttiiuerrc uud Noith Curotlui wlih n vlev
In unite lliiir eoiiiiil nud nvirt Ihe tinnier of
civil nnr. Hut Imt'.nUo.ll.vob'.laehspiotiit
lusuruiouulub't'. nnd llu time for null iitllon
litis pitviil. l.'uch or then' .Stutis mutt, llieie
riisr, ill elite lor liK'irthu altltuJo it wilt oceu
py in this emergency.
The Ininicdmle ipiesttwi ncv presenlul Is
pence or wnr. Whither the r.ght T u Slate
or .Stalls tn illrsnltc Coliluttiou with the lil
mil system beurtstrvid rlght.oronegrowlus
ut or the Cousttiuilou, or the right nl rcvolu
lion, the pi cat rael His UTore us that the net
has been done j nnd tie oie not p-riiitllnl tu
iloi.bl tl.ut intifirt wit Krsivt iitr eight Sii.te
KMitainiiig u lurgtr population than IheTlur
Urn Colonies nt thcith ol Ihe Itevolutlou,
will have wllhdinwn liom the Union nud do
illicit thtlr Iu It pewit nt e. Umhr whatevtr
name dV;n!iul, u vollitloti of utms with thim
a. II be war.
Tl e th in'n.int patty lure, rejicllng everv
hhi'.'. pioiiostiig noihlicund putfiilng a liolley
wlilih, iii.ihr lliemuiH'nl "eulorelng theiiwii,'
uud " puuMiliig triiiloi," thriuliui tu plunge
Ihc country into nil the e.ilaiaillm of civil war.
The I'ttlcrul Union caiuiut be prfsirml by
urni'. The utlimpt uou'd unite ihe Soutlurii
Stall Iu risUiuiiet'i while in ihe North u emit
multitude of Hue nnd lovul nun litvtr wou'd
c iiml in lad the Ii'ihiI ol our KipV in '.he
nuiueuiid uinlir the uuth(iity of u vloltteil
cimp.it I. A H.li useiilll.lini upon e.villiu is
ui vvoiiM dtttrny r.h.itrvtr hope nny jit re
iiialu o prucrvlni Ihe l.'iilon. An ulleinpt lu
hold it loj;clltr by lliu bnviiiil would txcrtt!
mv ih ng vt l tecoiihil in the mumls or human
mi'ilnesi nnd fully. 1 1 wou'd bring ou a wur
of iiuexiiuipltil krodty, in width (.very lint
principle ol the Union would il!npK-.ir fur-
vtr. If the South fhon'd suecivd In iimIo
liilning her liideH-inloiire, Iho rend mid mil
muiities tliget thru) by lie eonlest betuetli
the fiction wouhl bu IrniiMiultnl lu lucimt ng
.'i in nil Ions, while, II fhe lioiild Ik) subjugated,
ihe tiovernmtnl would In come In rutin mul In
net connilulalttl, mul wou'd soon niich Ihe
n.ual historical Iciinin illon iu u military ihs
potlnn. Hut lur subjugation is linotsib!e
witliout cMiriiilnatlon uud thai Is lmposible.
And it tlic'tlungtr of e'.vil war Is Imminent,
iin'ej It shall be limited by prointil and ctur
,'ille ucllen. If, iH'.'oro the panhmj o( nun
Ih t-oinc mound nud n st rles of iiut'jwnnl t-vt nls
drills us into flrile, Ktnlutky uml the other
bonier States shall rj'm'y nud llrmly prrsuit u
iinlliil boat ngalutl it, I bvtlev'o it may boar
itrttd. 1'iltun Stales nre pottul lo nrcveul
war. Tlits, loo, vvou'd Mrenglliin nil lliu true
nun in the Norlhtm States wtioielt Ihe
atrocious policy. I'pon tins (pietlloti let u
iinnllii'ale parly. Tim force p iriy believe thnt
ICintiiil.e ami oilier Southern States are seri
uly divided on this subject. Unless this can
be ipiitkty khuwn lu bo u dilution, it limy be
come Ihe'piieut of a hi nod of wine.
The vvImIuiii of ihe Legislature will doubtle
provide whatevtr is utcdlul : vet nt u time like
ih!) It bi comes the duty, us it is lie right, of
every niun to express his otuVoni j and as one
c. nm n oi i no ciMiiinonwiauii, i give my voice
fir u Statu Convention. It Is only by Ihc di
rect ttttlon of thesevcrul States, in their sow
iclgn capacity that anything t IK eltlal can now
bo done ; and, for one, I desire that Kenlucky
m ly have nn opportunity tn determtiii', hi Ihe
most solemn manner, her judgment or her
ri'-tils. nud her iitlltmlu iu Ihc nrutnt condi-
liou or ull.ilis. She has not bun nn Inactive
or Inglorious intlubir ol the Confederacy j she
'a Iu the nrcM'iice of treat unit s'nrtliu cvtnts.
mid it is not iurnalurclositinlisihssnpatl.y.
borne illon.; by rapid corn nls, without the
puvvir to tlirtct her c uirso. iwi lur nave tnu
oiiporlunliy. Ihrough her cliosui representa
tive, ordecidui'.' uiion Iho nriurvct of rt unit
ing ull Iho .Statu in a CoiKtitiitl.in.il Union,
or, ll uial i.iin i'C iiupn-s oo, icl ner oo in u
poslllon lo deti rnilne lur own tlest'n,"i
This letter Ims crown longer th iu 1 Inlc.ul.
id, a'lhough 1 have udhcirtl prtlly closily tn
my original puipore, ruiuer to pieMiit mci.
and my imprifslohs of tin in, Irom tli's stand
point, than In eniii' upon elubnrule thsciission.
I need liol say lo sou, dear lie, that I have ut
lend nothing lu ull uhliusivcsplrit, but rulher
rtliictaully uud sorinwlully. My suggivtious
In regard tu thuuctionol Kentucky ureolKrcil
In n spirit ol loyally In the Stule 1 lore und
win evtr oney. I my nre. rieuuy riKin, or very
wrong. If light, the pVusure will tin mine tn
Imiu said n timely wind) ( wrong, I will
know hoW to bear wllhout u Iniirmur'ull the
eoiisc'picliees.of un hours t'but terrible mistake.
Very sincerely, your friend,
John C. HnrcKiNnincir.
Service of Oar Statesmen.
None of our great mer. have lio'tl to many
timer, nrenjoved surh a long and iinlnlerrtipt
nl rureer as Juhn Qulncy Adams. He wns
Minister to the Netherlands under Wushlng
ton, 1701-00 1 Minister to Portugal, 1700
97 t Minlttrr tn Prii'sln during Ihn adminis
tration of his father. 1707-1803 1 Senator,
IfcO.I-Ht Minister to Hindu, under .Mud son,
IRtl!)-l:i Commissioner to Client, 1813-14 ;
Mhil.tcr n Unir'and, 1 81 fi-l 7 t Secretary or
Slntj under Monroe, IR17-'J1 l'retldent,
Itl'J.VJO. nnd member or Congress from lrJ'21
(u 1817 Ihn due or Ills dralli. Thus lu a
period or fifty-three years, the Intervals be
iwern the hiving down or one office nud the
u"UtnptlQii of nnother amount, when uddetl
logetiicr. lo less than two year.
The (ifllelul carirr ol (Jin. ImyIs Cass lin
been iv t u longer than thnt of Mr. Adam.
Commencing n n mrintKr or the first Slate
t'gUliiturc of Ohio, 16112, lC hat been in high
public portion ever since n porhl uf fiftr.
I'lghl vear. Within that time Im has been
liovernor of u lirrllory, Indlitn Supcrintmd-
nl, Srcntary of War, Minister In l'mnce.
Uniliil Sliiles Sen.ilot lor twelve years. en ndi
title lor Prtsldiiit nnd Secnbiry nl Slate,
having compltlitl a service of nbnnt sixty
yenr. iu the high offices or the (lovernment.
He Is, Indetil, the patrlirrh or our ttattimcn,
in Tar us lengih or official service Is eonceriiiil
.Martin Vun Jlurcn, while he his not been lu
office ns long n some ef our Statesmiu, is the
only one whn has llllul tlie four lilslmt. mott
diguillitl nnd puwerrul potitlons under the
Ainenrnii Ltmtuiullon. lie has lieen .Minis
ter in lliutuiid, Secrelury or Stale, I'risldcnl
nud Vite'Pnsiihnt. His public lire com
menciil In IBllH, ns Suirognlu or L'oluinbla
county, Yew York, which he lift rorlheSlalo
Sennit', nnd then n Attorney llenenil or the
Slalf, I'ulteil Stales Stnator.Oovirunr.Mlnls.
ttr toKugliitiil.Seeiclnryor Sinlc, VlcePrctl
dent nud President.
I le whs ei'ii'tatitly Ih fore the people ni nn
iini'ortaul iK'rioniiL'eduwn In his n tin-men!
Irom the Preideiirv In IHI1. a iicrinit of
Ihirly.ihiet' Jear. I'ethip we oiighl not tn
suy that hi public ciirnr then chwil. Tor he
wus n prominent ciimliihttc for Pn-ldcnt lie
fore the Haltimore Convrnllon In IStl.nnil lie
ran ns the free-soil candidate (or Prenideiit lu
Iltnry Clay's public career cpmmcnrcil In
1807 .is ii member tn ihe Senate of the Uniliil
Sluli. and concluded ns n immlrr or the
s-inie body in lH.'i'J, on Interval of forty-five
yeur. lie wus t'uiliil Mules . Si u.ilor, nrni'
lar of Ihe lloue. SiKid.tr of thai body fur
twelve jtnrs n longtr Krlod than nny nthr
m iu ever rved In that capaeily Mlnlter lo
lihinl ns one i. f ihecoinmiMloinrstiMonrlud.'
ihe (K-niv wllh (in'.it lliiliiin lu 181 1, and
Sirnlary or Slnte from lb'J.1 lo Ib'JO.
Tliomas II. II. nton vrvnl ii longir prrlotl
in CoigriTi- thun nny other of our public nun.
Ilet'iitirid the Uultnl Stalls Stu.tlo when
Mltsouii was admitted In iB'Jl, and continued
time until 18.1 1, n grinder thirty vcais. lie
uevtr he'd nny t'llar ufllee, fnvc u rlnglctnu
ya' trim In the lloii'e of Itepreseutiillvei.
ilolin U. Callioun (ulcml the Home of
Heproentnllees lu 1B1I ; scrvnl there until
1817. when he became Siereiuiy of Wur
undir Mr. MouriK'. lit 171 he tins eltcitil
VitvPrestdiiil, nud rc-ilcclcd In le'JS. In
I fill herenlvmiltheslntlmiof VhPresldenl
in btei'inen United Sl.itis Senator frtini South
Camilla, 'lie riusmi for this extraordinary
slip wus that he m'ght rlnniflon the rnitic ol
uiibilli'atlon hi the Sen i to uud nply tn the
nrguini'tits or Mr. Wibter on lint iillycl.
whiih wire prixlurlug un ixtruordiu.iry tlfivl
mi thr eouutry. Hu ronlluii'tl hi the Smite
until loll, when lie iKeaineS-crctary of Stale
iiiuler John Ty i r. In Ifil.'i he re-rulcrcd tin
riinaie, uml wus n member or It when he died.
1 1. mill Wilxtireiimvlnihe lloueol lb-prc
rnliillve lu 161 1, from New I lump-hire, lu
Ir-'.'U Im was iliclnl from llo-lon, Mirnrhii
H'tls, In whli h illy he had n moved, lu 1 8-8.
he wn I'lectid tn the Uultnl Slulfs Snialf.
In llt he was Seeict.iry of Slate, lu IHl.'i
he was uulii ii Senator. In 18.VI, he again
look charge of lliu llep.utment ol State, and
llllul that pndlhm ill the Hum of his death.
Ills political career laited ubuct thirty six
South Carolina Citizenship.
The ipiallflentioin to cltU-nrhlp in South
Caroltni, togithcr with the oath nilmlulslcreil
to person becoming citl:ns, nre ns follows :
llvtry pernii n citizen of I lie Slates now
couff-.lirulrd under the name of the Uultnl
Slate, of America, who, williln Ittt'lvo nun tt s
ultir thetlite ol Ihe Old nance of SlCitsiou,
-hull comi) to refldc in this Slate with Iho in
tention or riiii.iiulnz. mum taking the oath ol
ulltgiuuccto this Slato as IkIuw pros hint ;
u!o, cury free white man whn shall been
iiigrd In utiunl sen lee, military or n.ivil, of
ihe bt.ite, or stiuti iuku un o.iiu or his linen
Inm to enntlmu' In such si rv lev at leust tliree
mouths, Unliti sooner dlehurgtil honorably.
and ii!o the oatli or n leglnuco he! iw pro-
scriiHii ; nun u:o every mv wnue, not n citi
zen or nny of iheStutesabovo mentioned, who,
nt the d He of the Act of Sicixlou, was resid
ing In this Slate, or who, within it jear from
llmt d itt shnll come tn reside In the Stule
with the luHnllon of rem lining upon such
K'rfons appearing beloru the Con it of Com
mou Pleas und eslublUhlng by his or her oath
the fuel or rrsideuvt) wills the intention here
rriinlrtd, ami laklng the nitti ol allegiance
und abjuration prc-crilici) b.'low ; n'so every
p.'rsou not a citizen of the Slates uhoic men
tloutsl ut the d ite aforesaid, whn in i)- come to
reside iu ihe Slate with the intention ol re
maining, and nny bo iiatimraliznl according
to the raturahzitiun laws of the State.
Until ulbrid or rcpculcd, the luliirnll.allnn
laws o the Uultetl Stales, ns ucimmnodatrd
tu the speelul condillnn or the S'ute, ure hen by
made luws of tlio Stale, except th it, Instead
ol Ihe nullu there reipilrcd, those of allegiaiicf
In Ihi. Slnto and abjuration below provided
sluili be tukiii. Iu nil caves Iho litlzmshlp o'
a nun mull exitmi to nu wile, picsenl or in
lure, win never she shall havo resldenco in
South Curnliiml and shall rxtemt also tn each
or Ida children llmt, undir tlio tiirct of eighteen
vcurs, may havo resideiicr in South Carolina,
lu like manner the clt'zenship or a woman
sliull extend tn her childnn under eighteen
years, etc., providid that in no cfle citizenship
shall extend lo any pcron who Is not a free
Oul.'i o AUtglnnct. do swear, or affirm,
llmt I will be faithful mid true allegiance beur
In the .Slate ol Soulh Carolina to long as 1
niuv cnntiuup u citizen then or.
Ou of Cyilrririon. 1 do swear, or affirnii
llmt I do renouiieo uml forever ahjure all ullc
(i.tnee and fidelity lo any prince, pnteniute,
ritiiiu or sov creicuiy vv liatever, except tue Stule
or South Carol In i.
The sttlihntt of Shelby Mnllrul College, at
NVhville, Tcnn., Imve prrsenlnl Senator Jjine
n h.ii'.dionio cine, inade of hlekory cut at Ihe
llermilaci, with masfive gold head, Tor his
noble dt fence of the people "t r'f-tits.
tl'iom the ProrluVnca (It. I.) Post.
The North the Ag;crreor,
Il may bu true that the South Ims some
times ovcrttcpnctl Ihc bound iries of instlce in
her local legislation but II Is true, nlsn, that
rhe has never made war upon Northern State
or Northern Institution. She has never adopted
m.- I . ...- r tj.. '.,,
ior ner muiiu io rnoro ireu ointc, nne
has never interfered In nny way with the man
agement of nur local nft.ilr. She li.i" nlwnjs
said, " Do u tint you please) have such laws
us) on plea'ot bj what you pleno ( only let
us nlone." The South subtnitletl fur upwards
of thirty j ears to a law excluding slavery from
the territory west of Ihe Missouri. Tlio law
wni then found tn be unrouttlutioiial jet
llu Houtti never complained. In the Con-ti-lullon,
the Norlli agreed to return fugitive
slave ntid In '03 a law was p.i'scd by Con
gress, nnd signed by Wnshliigton, malilnir It
the duty of Slate officers tn return them. The
North no sooner neertulmil that It could es
cape the work of executing llils law limn It
prohibited its officers from liuvlng nnjthliii
in ilu wllh It. The South then ilemiiiul.il
thnt the law should besoumrnded as tn been
Corecd by Ihe Pcili-rul (government. This was
dune, nnd InOnntly the Norlli began to throw
dbttriivtions In ihe way of its execution, for
ten or liftein year the Norlli petitioned Con
ercss for Ihe nbolMituetil of slavery In the
District of Columbia, nnd only turned from Its
work when the Wllnuil Pruvi'it promised tu
be more succi-sfiil us nn Irritant, l'or the
lirtlin jears Norlhirii mm nnd wnuiui. by
Ihons 1111 Mictiloneil Consiess for n itfsntullo 1 !
or the Union, because slavery was to'eruled I .r, )., lutrnluefil tv bill prntilmtr 7.
Ihcrelti. In tbl-l Miimiu hiisetu llircolintil ' U0II n0( cr, r ,.d tu ruhfortii.i, lor r.ul
In go nut of Ihe Liiluii 11 It'xas was utlniilltil r,M,i ,,urinoK. 'Ihissetint Inm it with ninth
us n s'uve Stale. I inm 1810 In I8.1II uhunit r.,w,r ttl,, ,; dominant inrlv in Ciiiie,..
everv Noilheni Iz-glslalure nr.mi illy p.i'ntil A bill Ins ubo Ii.xmi Iul101lue.1l uiitlinrl.lusr
Insulting or lirilallng uiill-slavi ry nsulullotis, ' ,10 ,,., ,t,ni.i r rt Ciiti,v to lake Ii sti
ve lib un sinter for conies of them to be suit to
the liovernor of tviry shivvhoal nj: Stale.
Win niter, since 1830, a Su'ithtriier lint vis
Iteil the North with his servants, elTorts luive
h.ive Imu Iruitnl ns hv puerile and Inli.lcts by
marly nil iMiomuiatloiii In the Irceht.itts
I'nr sIxKrn tears Ihrro bus been hardly a
State Com i n 1 Ion he'd by Ihenntl-Deuincratle
pariv In nny ftic Slnte whleli has not puml
resuluthins n-juhiit slavery, uud lu unkind nnd
limitllrg laiuu.iu'c. The North hasevvr foil in I
fault wllh Ihe elaii'e In the (.'onMitiitinn whleh
iflves tin Soulh 11 representation in Congress
and In the ll'ictortil College, buieil up 111 her
s'uvc population. And nil this while what
has the South done? When has il eouiite
minced or i-stnblish'il iiiidersrounil rallnniN
by whleh lo rob us of nur pmp.-rty? When
has II legislated nentnst the iiiforcviii-nt of tin
I'lileial laws? When has Its l.itt In be suit
North nnd provoke our wrath? When Ims
lis pu'plt nnd religious associations th ii'iuncvd
us? I lie, rael is, lltat In litis wailiiie ll.e
North has In en the neeressor, and has sIikhI
uhiiii'. All ttr; Sautli has djtn', iho I1.1t dom
In self-tlef'iHe.
From the Nt wtnryport (Ma-.) llernhl.
What Cu jht tho Republican Party to Do T
Smne things vvc can th, uud niitj ihlnss we
.iti.i.it miiil.t ut,., I ivtl lr II ,'f t 1,11 t.
Untleiitl'ii- coiiiproinlno rts .lutious weie pn
aiitnl.Ml.llio would be willing In look t.vir'
the who'e in itttr.un I hls.SiulewouMI10rt11.lv
tn render what was Jutland right. Thtt w-n
.1 ci ol spirit : bviltr than Mr. Wade't ns,-i.
lh.11 llmt the dav of L'liiiinriinil wus ,,,.1.
lors'i'iriy is louuti.ii on compromtsts, milt
milvirsalnunrchy nmi war mutt prevail while
nobotly vrltl eoncviL' nr roniornmlse. Wu s.iv,
tin nfiiro. that the It 'piibliean party shou'd
Ik ready In go into uu c. iniliiation ( the
who'e itiitler; nud us 11 party has un heud or
...... ........ , ........... 1 -, ....- ..-......'. -.
imp're. the Senatnrg urn! Keprcs'iitntircs in
s'ougrcst shou'd be willing tu intuitu llir
respouilbllilr, nml wherein we have b.111
wroti'.', nt In ii'ir Personal I.iUrly laws, tve
should tint it fend our wrong by recrtmlni
lion, but 0t1.1i) Ion thun nl mice. This we
ihuiitd ilu fin 11 principle. Thru there are
nllur points that may be yielded from e.ip
d.iney, even If wu huvo tho eoinlilution.it
rlglil on our side. Suppose we have fie rljht
In prohibit h'uvrry lu tho Territories; if mo
aro ariuiidiil thut it cannot pot .11 ily l.avi
iiioiu limit 11 nominal existence in nnvoi ti.etn.
nuid.'.v? Can we J.nllfy niinelrrs lo Ihe
ittl.e r nations and tu posterity, lu n war for
words? ie want In ne
the North tlnnd upon e round lint Is no, oulv
tinab'oln Itself, but whtru wo can be uiiileti,
nud s'amliug Iherv niilntaln tlio liberties of
the Koplu mul Ilu Union of the Slates, or lei
union mm ninny jx.-riii in n comiiiui grave
We g) or concession In everything lint nny
be conciil.il ; we go lor the tlcfmso nr every
thing wo should ihfeit.l. eome vvlul nuy:
unit nu think II is time lo stale chnrly uud
litt'nclly what wo 'till do, nud what wo will
not, Tor it is time for nrtion, c stmultl not
d'-luileoilrselve. : Iho Union must Ii? nnwrvetl,
or wnr must follow. It Is ik-ucc In the Union,
or rapine and blent out of il.
Deferred News Items.
Tho despatch sent by Secretary Dlt (o
Hemphill Jones, Special Agent of the Treasury
Denarlinent now nt New Orlenn, was slop
peii on fie 'JOlli nt Montgomery, Alabama,
by order of the (jovernnr of tint State, who
look Iho mcssavo nud forwarded It to the
tiuvcrnor of li"iltsluua, thus prevriitin the
airest of C.ipt. Hrusliwnod. Tlie follow jug Is
a copy of ticn. Dix's desputch :
WAktiixoTov. January 20.
To Hemphill Jnne-Tell Went. Culdwcll
In arrest ('apt. Itriisliwood ; us.uine enmmiud
nr Ihe cutter MrCMhuil, and obey Ihe onhrs
I guve you. It C.ipt. RrushwotHl, nfler arrest,
attempt In Intern re with Ihe command of tin
cutter, Went. Caldwell will cnmddcr him a
mllllneer nlld treat him accordingly. If he
atlempt In haul down Iho Aniirh'.tn IU;;,
shoot him on the spot, Jnns A. Dix.
Secretary of the Trcusury.
Tlo Waynesboro ((tfi ircin) AVirs aittrgesls
Iho follow in ticket for Picuhlit, Vice Prrsl
thnt nnd Ciib'net nrflcir,of thcfrtut rfo'iiti
em ltepublio that is tn be j
President. T. W. Piekem.. of South Curn.
Una: Vice Prmlileiit. A. 0. Drown, or Mi-
s'sslppl 1 Secretary ur Htate, Howell CWi,nf
Oeorghi i Fccrclury or Treasury. Jnhn Slhlill,
of I.oniiilai a ) Sccrclu'yor War. Jeff. Davis,
of Mississippi s Seeretary or Navy. (iov.
Perry, or riori1I.1t Seorelary or Interios. J,
1,. .11. i.urry, 01 Atnuamui i'osi-in:iter vu-n
eral. John K. Ward, of (Jeorjla : Attorney-
Oeiprnl, Jplm (V, Preston, of South Carolina.
Ik-cm miith! In In. nee thescrvunts to eave 1 in. ,"''", lir,, il ,1 , ,.t . I "",""-' "' '" sn.'siui.- 1 run nm reil l
nnil mnny time Ihey havo bin. rrneunl by . "" "f. "'", ,f , . "1 M, U ' t, ' '.i i ' ' " ' 1 l co t.r new lapa In the drawer, and
mobs. Vhiu Southern m, ii huvo visited Ihe!""' f W "V' ,,, 'l" ,'"' J' Hit I ",0,?,""m'" fml ",.") ,,,l.,l f ,,, ?'
Norlli In search ..r lltelr lualllves. Ihey have 1 '""? , K,' ' -MjUliew. r D.1II11. nnniy. cf)l!, n,.iii.l hi neck and then I stopped 1 x1
iKin hansXnob
In ehurehes n constant war has bit'., kept up. '." w "' ft J '", 1. , r l ' I n l ' ht ,("" ' ,'",'""4"
until luarlvevtrychurclilia, .,,,, llviiUo'u '' - ', ' Mif?Kt A" '-'""" ' Haerammto ran n long
Mason ,t Dixon a lliu. Southern Christians T .'. ' . ' l?'.?1 ,1 ' .. .1 '.i! ."' ,1l,imv .ln.i- k .i..i f..f ii.M ., .r.
anil In tro-l nf tht m nut even tin', Ihn proplei ,,,....., . v..,0111i r0,nri,,t.
.I.'cld.ng the niuition anil tho .Soutb'nL'ree,1" " "V .0'ul Cuiiipn imv.
th it fueh Is the fact), is there any reason lu Vryt'w, ?r ,l' ). ''''", n, '' K," c,!l'1'',
lie world that we shou'd fight about 1I1.1I f the uliliilnii C.uiyinth.iiuri'Hibnlss.on
..i. ....ti.... w'.ii ....1..4-.1... iI.a ir.it.-i.i r...'lls. Iluy inttiid tn e.hau-t eviry honorult'c
Jacob Thompson Irstllied before Iho SpcsV
(itininiltlcc that varlou iiluus of the Seeetsioi .
Ists had bet n ilicilseti lu his presence, n id
sometimes ut his Im ho. by leading men mid
otheis of Ids proniiiienni, wlilih eoit'cuplattil.
Ilrst, Ihc seizure of the Capital ; second, in -utis
to prevent Ihc counting ol tin Pris.djntiul
voles.) and third, resituncc of Mr. 1,1'iculu's
Inauguration. He slnte that he reganhd
lliesii propoilllous ns fooll-ili nud erlm'inl, and
Uclli'vcil liilety lliey luul ueeii iiuainlintil mul
nil limits rniicciilraliil Inward sep irate Sliilt
action, which hcjuitifi.il nnd npprnvid, lis
policy would hud lu the' s.iiiie nsults by
dilferilit means. The facts show that Ihe
(iiivernmcnt Is nnnbli lugit nny of Its orders
South uti'ess sent by a piclul mestenger.
'I here Is still n cood deal of feeling regird
lug the rumored Invasion nf WnOilngloii,
"I ho reaction or coiifiilcnrc Is ji t lo eome.
(en. Scott Is tpi'itly gatheilng n few more
soldiers, but the rccrvc force nt ncwih!e
points Is cxrctdinsly sm ill, nnd the who.e
tiilinber nt Washington but n hunilful, should
trouble take plan. Four com)iinie Uniliil
Slnte Light Arlllltiy have nrriveil In u
..:..i ..... 'ri.... !..:.. .. t . i. ,t 1..11
speciu iruiii. Iliiylirine wllh them ivvn 1 lull
iiillerle. numiieriug iweite I'ltees. 1 wn i,;,iMiiv she wouhl eat It nlitr her ilevnllon.
compiu.t's nre .iu.irlere.1 near the I Hvl-lciit s 1 jjlt. ks.t-lt ut thu loot of the bed for ll.e pur
lions.'. 'I he other inn on Capitol 11,11. .,,,., ;ey IMir,nl ,,e riMIf ,, iff
The Wiishin.'lon enrrespoiid.-nt r tit 3 Ma her dcvplv iib-orUil, Ihoiuht tu luiprmc the
gives the lollow 111 Id ins or Interest : 'opportunity by appropriating the p'eMe tu
Tin re is but little doubt that the California lur own u-t. Shu hid bitten ofTn pice, nnd
.i. Il..l.t I, III ulll I, ,1J tin. .Si It tin mill itml lit ..n.Iti.. It tn nl.. 14 iint.n t. I.I..I. Lam ht.iA-
,, uppniitrliilloit will bu mule to piy oir the.
,, the o'd tie lit.
e npti ti
.. In 1
ninny in rivum to the luiliaiispoiiatiun claims
lu Ciilifitrnlu.
Oil. tieursn N". fiUmer cf Tul'iipoosi, Ala-
I, is tendered the services of IbO th cro rJllows .
to the Slate.
Tic Suwhiij Mritmij piiblldir Iho rnnver
snt.oii liitil with Mr. I.iiieolnby ilieCiiiunniiee
nl Ctutrul ltiprtstiitiillves, ut SptinglleM. III..
Tor the purpo-e ol falnln.' Ihe iimi iitment
r.Mr. Ciimirou In ihe Cnb'tiet. Mr. I.uii-.ilti
stnlnl n grr.it ihs'ro In nppilut him, bt.t
elurgi's vveru mide Imm Oliluiiinl the Wisliin
States, o his corruption In nbtuiuii'g n con
tract, whleli. IrproViii, inul rM-liid.' htm, It'll.
irv In Heated, he expressed strongest ilipoition
to appoint htm.
In the New York D'micr.ilte Stale Con.
vtntiim mi thu 1st nil.. 11 iritr resolutions
were udoplul, urlnx the s.'lttt'ment of the
nation i diflKultiei by ii'iimnim".-, th-i.ne.it
lug fiKTclt'ii ol the ecetluu Slates, uml up
ti tinting Mdlurd I'illmore, Atldion llnnlmer,
liriviie C. Iboiisoti. llrastiu Ciiriiiii'. II-miIio
Sermmir. Ahum J. Parktr. ('l.ailesO t'oimr.
uud Saaiuel Svldi n ns ( 'iiinm't'Iuiii'r, tu attend
the Cuiivtntion nt Washlnglon.
Tin llaton Itiue (l.i 1.1i'rn'f Is miirst.
etl by Cul. .1. M. It'ev of Illinois, tn teu.f r tn
oirii"r Moore. lor Hibum-oI the .iintelorics,
- V"" btiduls orioni ut .1. cxnls n r bis'..l,
payab.e In suit the cniiwrileiicn .rtl 1
or u.-t n nil iri..vni.-nt vvoud tml.ir. ..
r'tte. A rv.I.I.111 or Cohmib .. ft .ut 1 ..1
,"'.""" Kill e.iUllniiov. nekein.io uc Uml
for the Iuterrst or Ihe Stale.
A CVmibiu (fliorgln) paper sty tliat .Ta
(!ljr!r.it iie-'ri) lutlk-r uf llmt ell v. Ims written
11 letter In liuverimr Hrown, olllring tn raise I
a coiupiny 111 ireu cotnrtil men in lie tmiitii
.... .... ... . .... ....... .. ....... ... ....
I present c-il- due t'rved hi the Indian war
Iff If It!, und still limps oteariiiiially beniu
tu ilu' service ui Hie niaieti tienr,'..t in tiie
wuiiii'l reeMicil in Hull campaign
Tic North Cnmlinn House of Uprrntn'
lives Ims p.isstil bytinauiiii'ius voteaivsotutinii
it. el.irlng thai In ni-c ncotiehiatloii l.uls North
C.iroliiii giK's wllh the oilier s'uve S'ut s
I'hc l'tfl.'aluru will udjuurn, p-tli.tps, and
iiwull ic.ults.
Tim Diinneratt of IlalTtln havo sollcltnl
i'.Piisttlent I'lllmnrti lu rvpris'iit them in a
D.moer.itiu Slate Convention, culled to meet
m '.ins, but w ill gn for cco.!on uiiliss nouthei 11
rights are lully guarantinl.
Man land is lur Ihe Union) but Insists tint
full ku miotics mutt bu tjlviii to the South, In
ull lur riuhls.
Mr. Yancey d.'iiles In n publMied letter tint
ho oriiinaltil,' or cv.r be'lougnl tu Ihe leuighl.
t.r thu tiuld 11 Circle.
('apt. John Willis, or VieUh'irg.hns d ma
led S.VOIMI tn buy powd.r uud muiiitlviis ut
wnr for the diffusa of that cliy.
OiVft'vTioN or I'vimnvxT Of the !20.s
43'.' tm'j.'rui.ls wli'i hit (iiiat llrltiitu uiul In
I ind It.t jcar, SU10 or the in. 11 were if.'rieiil
tiir.il lab ims. trarileiiers and cirtera. I7(i bak
ers, 10 ! blacksmith, nml r.in crs, '-'87 b mt und
Iuk linker., -ii bouklKiiders und rtationer. 1:1
braziers, llnsinlths and whitesmith. "'.' potter,
brick and lite linkers. OUG briik!iivtr. nuv.it-
uml p'aslerris, 31 buililers, II t hulchtr und
!. -1 ....1 1 t .......a..,.. j.
i...i.iiieir, ti eiiuini 1 1111 tin. 11 tin ufiiiunii-ii-i.
mci 1 haul. 1 7 jewt lei s uud llv ersuilt h. '.'.'I "Sf!
i.rei eral luimn is, u lochriulllis ami g iii'iinili'.
OU imlliis uud u.ulisvis, H tuillwug'ils, 171
miners uud ipiirrvmen, 'Jti'2 piiuttrs, piper
lunjxirs mid ptumlieis, 111 pui.loners. 30rop,'
milkers, 70 priiitt r., l' ruhltu nnd harness
muktrs.-l .nil mukir'.-leisawvtrs.VnOsenmeu.
'.'I .lilpwrlcliis, Klin shop ktiK'rs, 331 smiths,
."Jit pintieis mill wiaver. .11 sugar uiit.ersnnii
bolts rs, in surveyor, -4 17 tailors, 1 lallovr
ilini'ller. lit tanners nud cuniers, 25 tinners,
OU wtin-lwuglils, a wool eomlit'M nud sor'eri'i
und C&CS nf tiade not puiirulaily specified.
Of thu nllu r sex, 7107 weie domestic und farm
servunts, 110 gcntlunomin and gnvirnesjes,
'J .11 inllliners. ilressiuaker nml mville tviimi 11
1 J.ftli'.' married vvonun. and 18 032 of undis
tiugu.sliul necnpatlon, (11 I.itl'C total, whleh
seems la Indiuio thai Iho odliial enmhialIon
Into tho iniMiiU of thu fema'e w Is not uf 11
veiy rlLjid luunri.) Tin reinabder.or Iho i-ni.
Igiuiils wire children, and nf llnscBtlH-boys,
mitt 9130 gbls, were under 12 years nl ni;e,
3MG vvoro Infants, and M,ol7 wem unl'stiii
gtiMicd as to age or HX.lluai'i Merchant'
lit tn 1 liti .U ihmI tt II 1 1 Id (iitr(HiJ fit tit ikttt' . t ' . t . a 1 1 .. t
111111 itir rsiuie- tii-ieiis". tin. .viexaiuier 7 ". v . rv.vv-; - r-.i--'-- " kv.-
llii td it Ut lii 1st t nl. ii ha I lull lin t r.la ri s.,iti
i: s.l earpen cr ami loinirs, -7 earvirs aim .,,,., . .,, -. ,, , ,
tiil.kra.i183 e'erks.'.'!) clock .....I .. lei. tinkers. L ' ' " o liorriblt' nff.lr-thc mnnler nf
it coach makers and trimmer. 18 coal mini r. n:"V'' J 'T m,f. '. '''VT'1 "! '''.'"iJ1 !
Meoopeis. 17 cutlers, dlfl .h-ufslteicrvanu. '2, ." " "l w ? c a ?'1 '' Z
I0d,e!s.ll em-ruves. Ill tu.dneers. 1130 " )&. s" .t co uft'
r....,T.. I 111 ... ml...,,,,.. ...J.,.lmii..n,il V.I HlO ptlll.'l lit H pV,
1 11 1 1 111 1 r. & a kt Mill IIIVUl I'lIIIVr't"!' II MIW, !..-
Julin Is evidently ncrpi ilntnl with the ding
nt sis of his own ilh c.ic. His e.tp'uimllon is
its clear as mud, nnd must bu satisracloiy to
" Julius. Is you better dls morning ?''
"Nn, I was betlir jesterday, bill I's got
ober il.it."
"Am dcre no hopsi den, ob your diseov
" Discovery olive lint f
" Your discovery Irmn de eonbclcseencc wat
,um fntchiii' you on ver back."
Dal tlciends. Sir. Snow, ul'nsether on dj
prognostication which nmpllfy tie ilnense.
Should d 7 rotitlnitnle r.iliilly, ite Diclor soys
I's n gone lilggir ) thouM dey int continuate
r.ilnlly. he hon-s ths cullu I Imtivridual won't
die till niimler lime. As I said b-rore, il ik
pends on tie progmi-lles. und till d'c coins lei
11 head, ih'rc am no cri tilths w lint l.-r il,s lilk'
ger will come tu n diminution or not 1"
I'xcl'srii Miss Molly nnd Miss IVgsy
nre two .tcis. Miss Mo'ly 1 the e'der.
She Is not n uftmber uf nny ihurcli, lull like
ull will binl vimn; hiilus, pnv h'l nr.ilcrs
liefore reilruij. O'ii night she curritii tn her
rm ,,,UU; uml laid it upon the bunnii.
hiiril.whn w-Miing tn know Ihe entiM. .kei!
up, un I behoMing IVj-gy dt vourin.' the p'cli'e.
Inn 1 hilly an', exehil'iihn.' !'(). Ird. excuse
inu n moment, Pcgiry' c.illng my pickle! '
The luwbind of n buxnii wife 11-nr Kseler,
Kitglaiiil, IijiI Imu bevii dying, und, nt liiiztli.
mi' of ih c'trgvm 11 nl the pirlsh miking
one his d illy visits found him d -ail. The ills
coii.tiluti wul iw In giving nn nceoil'll or her
spou'e's I it nnm nt. loM him her " poor dear
mill Kipi eroauiug nmi crnanltiL'. nut nm tl
ting "ii nninl tin h.in I ranciscn boat. As
''' n.rI,,l "l. ll'O.landin.' Ihc, slemnb at evus
I leitvln . nil I htifli.tnrit Turn trbi tvniil.-.trA.A.I
A lio-itiiiiii whn bad observed ilu hurrying
mill crltil out, Ah I olo Idler, yo didn't
cuit'''ilel( inotigh, did ye?" " Arruh un
swe.Ml thcilisapp'ilu'til, " ft was ijuiili enough
I com. but toj late I started !''
Put was liflplii Mr II. get nn Iron safu
into his ollleo one day. nml not being ncquilnt
eil wllh ihe article',' Inoiiml it tiu? "Tn
lireveiit iuikts uml vutuiblr nlucnl In It from
I U'lu dertroyiil In me of lire-," tald Mr. It.
' .insure, will nolhl.u ivcr ii'irn lliut is put
hi that thing?' -No." ' WVtl, thin, ver
honor, veil b.'tlcr be after crawling Into that
same when vuilie.''
Tho It')el.etcr f'nou nflcr nllu ling to nuf
filo p?eu!iurily oi tn kllchrn etltinelte, says 1
" ll'Ti in Ituctiester. Il I iv rnuditlnii of cm
plnynifiit that ihe ittlsln-s hill In up early,
uml ready In attend In Ihe calls of Iho mill;
nun, tin hutchtr, und the baker, 111 tho girl
cinnot be fu't'ibly dressed tu uppnr ut llie
tin ir hi pre, mo uf these Important purvey-on
to the lard.-r."
A D ilcl.mn tints d.-scriliM nn nccid:nl i
Voiic. 11 long vile nsn, I tent Intus mtno
ubVi oichinl, tn climb n bear tree to pet
uiu IhmcIic In in ike m'no vrntv a bluin bud
ding mil : nnd ven I git on tie tubberiuost
branch. I vail dmvn from Ilu Inttcrmoit limb,
m'l von leg on both thl.'s nr tho fence, and
like to stove mine outiMj in.
Doctor to Putlcnfs Son Well, my litllo
man. ntii't uu glad jour mother' gcltioff
IJlt'c Man Oh ! ye, but pa ain't.
Doctor -Why mytl-ir?
Little Man 'Cos, whrn thc'i well tho flgtili
A lady miking Inq-itrlrs of n boy nboiit Ida
father, nu intcm'erato nnn. who Im-l IxinslcVc
for oin.' Ihn-o. nst.nl whelher lit bid rnrniniil
hisnpp'llle? -S. iiu'um,"rrplle.llheliorc.
fnl, "not exactly 1 his npjK llle Is very poor,
bat his drliikulite is a pood as ever."
Mr. Partington Invln? heard her sr.n nay
ih it there was u yreal tinny nuecdutct In Iho
new nlumnac. t) -erst 1) him In cut them nil out,
lie heal il llmt w lien iinjb.Kly vvns pn'snncd.
nnilitm; was nrctfsnry but to give him an
niiecdote, uul it would cine him.
An Iri.'nnnn whn Ind Jumpil Into the wnter
tn sivo n mill from ilrmuilu.', nn reevivlng a
sixpence from thu pir.on ns a reward for his
services, I0.1l.nl flr.i ut the sixrenee iind then
at htm. mid nt hut cxelauueJ, Well I'm
ovcrpa.il fjr the job,"
An nlit sna'cer in Iloston. belnj found In
the gutter cn.' rulny iilehl, the water making
.1 clear bvaeti over hhn finm head to Inclt,
win 11sl.nl hy a p.iis.r-l.y what hu was doing
I tluro. ' Oh," said he, '' I agiced to melt u
m .n here."
Si :11c qeoir fillniv who has tried 'em says s
Tl ere nre two sons nfw'no in Stilttjsird
tn drink one Is like sw.t'low'n; on in.'.'ry rnt ;
tl a other like pulling the unlnml back 'again
by ihc lull.
S nW-.'urm Thnnn, what dors Ii e-n c h
spell? Itwiwy Don t knuvv. ma'am. .SVAoo
.Vurm Wlnil Jim little numbskull, wlmt nro
von .tiling nn? Tommy (looking sheep'ili)
1 nun 1 ui.e 10 11 1,
NollsKnow hows Is ntntitl In thw rnnl.
dors, my nnn nre wonvn It I ten tharo knws
rim the imle wot trlts Inter my milder nfon
sd shel hav his tale lut orf by me, Obadi.h
Crrrnn. when omioail to Iir.l Clare, said
that hi reminded Ii m of n ehimmy.sweep whn
had rul'Ol hinnclf by dark and dusky vivts,
Slid then ealkil uloud lo tha neighborhood to
wiiiici-s in dirty eievntlon !
Howard I'atit.in liIsuntiHoii'1 Patchwork,"
lolls or a uVUi'itta jntirg mill who Mweil i
hid' ' mow y brow," und wn J laM up vvltli
iiiihifiizA a weik, In ennseipierire.
" Dhk, why don't sou linn the bufTiln rob
t'nthir side mil 1 the l.alrsidjh. the warmest ?"
"Jlilil Tom, dop't you f uppostt ihe stunt I
knew how to wear his own hide',"
" (Jooil morning, Mr, Henpeck j havo yon
got any iluujhvrs that.w,Qi'i)mikogord tx
. tltr?" " Not "cvit ly I bull luvve t;ot
wife llmt wou'd mikcnllrst-rnte Jeul.
An Ir's'tnian I el Is of a fiehl iu which thcrn
wnvou'ynne who'o 1103s I -ft in Iho wholu
crowd, " and that belou;eJ to the tny-kcttlu;"
or "